Danger mouse: the opportunities and risks of digital distribution

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Danger mouse: the opportunities and risks of digital distribution
Advancing economics in business

April 2021

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in business:
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Danger mouse: the opportunities and risks of digital distribution
Danger mouse: the opportunities and risks of digital distribution

                                                                                                                                             For example, consumers trust providers
                                                                        are formed through consumer experiences
                                  Contact                                                                                                    to keep their data secure (indeed, one
                                                                        of using digital in financial services and other
                                  Tim Hogg                                                                                                   international survey in 2020 found that
                                  Senior Consultant                                                                                          consumers were more likely to trust banks
                                                                                                                                             and other financial services providers with
                                                                        What’s different about                                               their personal data than other types of
                                                                        digital? A behavioural
                                                                        economics perspective                                                Consumers may also expect providers
                                                                                                                                             to interpret their data and suggest only
                                                                        First, digital channels lack the traditional                         products that are suitable for them. For
 Digital channels create new                                            one-to-one or face-to-face interaction                               example, a consumer may expect their
 commercial opportunities and conduct                                   between consumers and providers. This                                provider to send them sales information
 risks (as well as commercial risks)                                    means that providers cannot address                                  via digital channels about products that
 for providers of financial services.                                   conduct risk through in-branch staff                                 are affordable for them (using data about
 There are important questions about                                    interpreting visual or verbal clues about                            their financial situation). As stated by the
 the extent of provider responsibility                                  consumers’ level of understanding or                                 FCA, ‘consumers expect firms to take into
 and the nature of liability in a digital                               strength of intention. For example, in-branch                        account their preferences when engaging
 environment. But what is different                                     staff may be able to gauge when a consumer                           with them’.4 In addition, a consumer may
 about conduct risk in this context?And                                 does not fully understand the obligations                            expect their provider to flag if they are
 how should digital conduct risks be                                    associated with a mortgage, and can adjust                           making a payment to an account number
 managed? In our experience, providers                                  the sales process accordingly. In some                               that is known to be associated with
 can manage these risks effectively                                     circumstances, staff may be able to exercise                         suspicious activity.
 using a new toolkit of data science and                                their judgement over whether a consumer is
 behavioural economics.                                                 vulnerable.                                                          Third, consumer behaviour is susceptible
                                                                                                                                             to influence via digital channels in different
                                                                        Consumers often have difficulties                                    ways to mediated channels. The choice
 The transition towards digital across                                  understanding retail financial products.                             architecture of digital channels—the way
 the economy is increasingly influencing                                For example, research has shown that                                 in which choices and options are framed—
 retail banking, with greater use of digital                            consumers can struggle to correctly compute                          has been shown to be highly influential in
 channels (online, app) and the growth of                               compound percentages.2 In mediated                                   affecting decisions (for example, in terms
 fintech. Digital channels are important at                             channels, any lack of understanding can be                           of ‘dark patterns’ or ‘sludges’).5
 many stages of the consumer journey and                                addressed immediately by staff. However,
 the whole product lifecycle, including the                             in a digital environment, consumers may                              These differences result in new
 point of sale and ongoing product usage.                               not have such easy access to assistance,                             opportunities and new challenges from
 Moreover, as shown in Figure 1 below,                                  and may take decisions based on                                      a conduct risk perspective (see Figure 2
 COVID-19 has further accelerated the trend                             miscomprehension.                                                    overleaf).
 towards digital channels.
                                                                        This is not to say that traditional face-to-face
 Digital practice is evolving rapidly, and                              channels are without their challenges. For
                                                                                                                                             New opportunities?
 the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)                               example, while sales advisers are trained,
                                                                                                                                             Digital channels present providers with a
 expects providers of financial services                                given appropriate scripts, and monitored,
                                                                                                                                             number of commercial opportunities, as
 to remain at (or near) the forefront of                                the human element will naturally result in
 good practice.1 The FCA’s expectations                                 variation in how they speak and behave.
 cover more than just the point of sale.
                                                                                                                                             •    Reduced distribution costs,
 Providers may be required to assess the                                Second, the provision of digital services
                                                                                                                                                  unlocking greater profitability and
 digital consumer journey and product                                   gives providers access to new, more
                                                                                                                                                  cheaper products for consumers.
 lifecycle at each consumer touchpoint,                                 detailed real-time data on consumers.
                                                                                                                                                  Estimates of cost efficiencies offered
 with a detailed understanding of typical                               Consumers may be unaware of how
                                                                                                                                                  by digital channels (compared with
 customer behaviour and biases. The                                     much big data is collected or used by
                                                                                                                                                  the alternatives) vary according to
 FCA’s expectations also reflect consumer                               their providers, and may have certain
                                                                                                                                                  the level of efficiency of the branch
 expectations over digital channels, which                              expectations about how their data is used.
                                                                                                                                                  network or call centre operations,
                                                                                                                                                  and the level of efficiency of the new
                                                                                                                                                  digital channel. These will depend on
                                                                                                                                                  economies of scale (i.e. on how many
                                                                                                                                                  customers use the digital channel).
                                                                                                                                                  One study estimated that the online
                                                                                                                                                  cost per transaction could be up to
                                                                                                                                                  95% lower than the in-branch cost per
                                                                                                                                                  transaction.6 The methodology behind
                                                                                                                                                  this estimate is unclear, but the cost
                                                                                                                                                  savings from digital channels are
                                                                                                                                                  likely to be significant. The extent of
                                                                                                                                                  pass-on to consumers will depend on
                                                                                                                                                  the nature of the costs (e.g. variable,
                                                                                                                                                  fixed), and the market structure (e.g.
                                                                                                                                                  perfect competition, oligopoly or
Figure 1 The impact of COVID-19 on digital access to retail banking
Source: Financial Conduct Authority (2021), ‘Financial Lives 2020 survey: the impact of coronavirus’, 11 February, https://bit.ly/2Qz77nh.

                                                                                                                                                                         April 2021       1
Danger mouse: the opportunities and risks of digital distribution
Danger mouse: the opportunities and risks of digital distribution

                                                                                                          who overestimate the degree of
                                                                                                          personalisation may interpret
                                                                                                          sales suggestions as personally
                                                                                                          recommended for them, and
                                                                                                          therefore suitable for their needs
                                                                                                          and circumstances (when they
                                                                                                          may not be); and (ii) consumers
                                                                                                          who underestimate the degree of
                                                                                                          personalisation may lose trust in their
                                                                                                          provider when they realise that their
                                                                                                          personal data is being used to target
                                                                                                          communications or tailor product

                                                                                                    •     ‘Sludges’ or ‘dark patterns’.
                                                                                                          Behavioural economics tells us that
Figure 2 New opportunities and risks                                                                      the way in which information and
Source: Oxera.                                                                                            choices are presented can have a
                                                                                                          significant impact on the decisions
•     Increased access to financial                    example, while consumers have to
                                                                                                          taken by consumers—there is no
      services and utility of the products,            click to indicate that they have read a
                                                                                                          such thing as a neutral choice
      through expanding the reach of                   set of terms and conditions, they may
                                                                                                          architecture. Small changes in the
      products (e.g. reaching new customers,           spend very little time on the page.
                                                                                                          choice architecture can have a big
      and reaching existing customers with             Indeed, a particular screen may never
                                                                                                          (intended or unintended) impact
      new products). One such example is               result in a good enough understanding
                                                                                                          on outcomes. A lot of ‘rational’ or
      that of robo-advice increasing access to         of some complex products. This means
                                                                                                          ‘irrational’ consumer behaviour can
      wealth management advice. One study              that it may not be appropriate for some
                                                                                                          be predicted in advance, as shown by
      found that, assuming that offering robo-         products to be sold via digital channels.
                                                                                                          empirical evidence in the behavioural
      advice increases upfront fixed costs
                                                                                                          economics literature. Further, since
      (the cost of programming the robo-         •     Insufficient friction to test consumer
                                                                                                          outcomes can be tested, providers
      adviser), but reduces per-customer               intentions. A frictionless consumer
                                                                                                          would be expected to understand the
      costs (i.e. there are greater returns to         journey may not adequately prompt
                                                                                                          impact of their choice architecture
      scale than in traditional advice), robo-         consumers to consider their purchase
                                                                                                          on behaviour and be able to justify
      advice increases access to advice for            decision—consumers need to consider
                                                                                                          their design of choice architecture.
      lower-income consumers.7 Further,                their rights and obligations under
                                                                                                          For example, using anchors in the
      digital access increases the consumer            any product.8 For example, the FCA
                                                                                                          presentation of choices for credit
      value provided by some products—for              has highlighted these risks regarding
                                                                                                          products can influence consumers
      instance, when someone monitors their            younger retail investors who are using
                                                                                                          (see Figure 3 below).10
      current account balance via an app               digital channels to make high-risk
      rather than through monthly statements           investments (e.g. in cryptocurrencies or
                                                                                                    •     Inconsistency between different
      in the post.                                     foreign exchange).9
                                                                                                          sales channels. Providers are
                                                                                                          required to manage which products
•     Information about customer                 •     Too much, or insufficient,
                                                                                                          are available to which consumers via
      behaviour. The data generated by                 personalisation. If consumers’
                                                                                                          digital channels. Digital distribution
      digital channels gives providers new             expectations over the degree of
                                                                                                          channels may not be appropriate
      insights into the preferences and                personalisation are incorrect,
                                                                                                          for all products, and each product
      choices of consumers, and what drives            there is a potential for conduct
                                                                                                          requires a well-defined target market.11
      these choices. In this respect, ‘know            risks. For example: (i) consumers
                                                                                                          In practice, customers may start the
      your customer’ has never been easier.

There are also opportunities for the
removal of friction in the customer
journey, increasing providers’ ability
to make sales; and the monitoring of
consumer outcomes in real time,
allowing providers to intervene immediately
if certain patterns in behaviour emerge
(e.g. suspicious transactions).

New risks?
However, there are also risks with digital

•     Reduced consumer understanding.
      A frictionless consumer journey may
      not adequately prompt consumers to
      take time to understand the product,
      and providers may be unaware of the        Figure 3 Use of anchors at the point of sale in consumer credit
      level of consumer understanding. For       Source: Oxera.

                                                                                                                                 April 2021       2
Danger mouse: the opportunities and risks of digital distribution

     customer journey on one channel, and              products and sales information on their           Implications going
     complete it on another channel. For               digital channels. Ensuring separation             forward?
     example, a customer might start by                between information and sales could
     using online banking, encounter an                mitigate the risk of consumers not                Digital channels present providers with
     issue and so use an app chat function,            understanding that they are purchasing            a number of commercial opportunities,
     and finally complete the process by               a new product, or being pushed into               including reduced distribution costs,
     telephoning the bank. This raises                 purchasing new products.                          increased access to financial services and
     the possibility that customers do not                                                               utility of the products, and greater learning
     receive all the required information          Setting out clear design principles would             about customer behaviour.
     through one channel or receive                also help to address governance risks
     inconsistent information, and the             through accompanying clear frameworks of              While digital channels come with conduct
     provider may struggle to track the            governance and accountability. It would then          risks for providers—such as reduced
     journey from end to end.                      be clear who holds the duty to consider and           consumer understanding and insufficient
                                                   challenge any potential disconnects that              friction to test consumer intentions—these
Other risks include misuse of personal             could exist between the design principles             can be efficiently managed and monitored
data, financial crime, operational resilience,     and practical design choices, risk appetite,          using behavioural economics and data
data security and cybersecurity issues.            or management capability.                             science. Investing in these two capabilities
Providers need to demonstrate how they                                                                   may be the best step that an organisation
will protect themselves and consumers              Further, existing practices may need to be            can take to balance the management
from these threats. Lastly, as highlighted by      strengthened:                                         of digital conduct risk with the ability
the European Insurance and Occupational                                                                  to capitalise on digital commercial
Pensions Authority (EIOPA) Discussion              •   operating a robust testing procedure              opportunities.
Paper on open insurance,12 there is a risk             and audit trail, such as experimenting
of financial exclusion for customers who do            with changes to digital channels to
not use digital channels.                              understand the impact of the choice               Contact
                                                       architecture on consumer behaviour
Mitigating the risks                                   (e.g. A/B testing). Such testing is part of
                                                       good-practice digital design;
Providers face a vast array of design options                                                            Tim Hogg
over digital channels. In our experience,          •   auditing and monitoring of digital
providers find it helpful to set out their high-       channels from a behavioural
level design principles for these channels.            economics perspective to ensure                   Reinder Van Dijk
These principles would cover what the                  that digital choice architecture does
provider does (and does not) design its                not trigger a conduct risk (e.g. play on
digital channels to achieve, and how the               behavioural biases). The FCA may
provider uses (and does not use) consumer              conduct similar exercises in the future,
data.                                                  and providers may find it useful to have      1
                                                                                                       Financial Conduct Authority (2019), ‘Regulation in a changing
                                                       documentation showing that their digital      world’, speech by Christopher Woolard, Executive Director of
Practical design choices would flow from               channels strike the appropriate balance       Strategy and Competition at the FCA, 21 October, https://bit.
                                                                                                     ly/3eMz6Z5; Financial Conduct Authority (2015), ‘Social media
the digital design principles. These could             between selling products and offering         and customer communications: the FCA’s supervisory approach
                                                                                                     to financial promotions in social media’, FG 15/4, March,
include:                                               clear and fair choices;                       https://bit.ly/2R33YvO.

                                                                                                      See Oxera and the Nuffield Centre for Experimental Social
•    empowering consumers by giving                •   measurement and monitoring of                 Sciences (2017), ‘Annex 5: Identifying metrics to aid consumer
     them choice over the level of                     consumer outcomes on an ongoing               choice in the income drawdown market’, prepared for the FCA,
                                                                                                     March, https://bit.ly/3aDSFRK.
     control. Consumers may wish to opt                basis, so that any variations in
     into (or out of) control over how they            outcomes are detected and understood.         3
                                                                                                      Genesys (2020), ‘Survey Shows Banks, Healthcare Providers,
                                                                                                     and Government Remain Most Trusted by Consumers, Despite
     use products. Some consumers may                  These include both financial and non-         Lack of Transparency and Data Security Breaches’, PR Newswire,
     prefer assistance, while others may find          financial outcomes, which may indicate        11 June, https://prn.to/32OuN9R.

     it overbearing. This might be analogous           that a product is being used as intended      4
                                                                                                      Financial Conduct Authority (2016), ‘Smarter Consumer
     to choices over parental control for              (or otherwise), or whether consumers          Communications’, Feedback Statement FS16/10, October,
                                                                                                     para. 2.33, https://bit.ly/3noFeuj.
     Internet use, which can be changed by             are reading the terms and conditions
     consumers at a later date;                        (which many consumers do not).13              5
                                                                                                      Authority for Consumers and Markets (2019), ‘Protection of the
                                                                                                     online consumer: boundaries of online persuasion’, Guidelines,
                                                       Appropriate consumer segmentation is          Draft consultation document, https://bit.ly/3dRZdyp.
•    monitoring patterns and spotting                  important in the monitoring of consumer       6
                                                                                                      McKinsey & Company (2017), ‘The Winning Formula for
     anomalies. Greater data about                     outcomes, and digital outcomes can            Omnichannel Banking in North America’, Retail Banking Insights
     consumer behaviour may enable                     be benchmarked against outcomes               9, January, https://mck.co/3aFFDU4.

     providers to identify behavioural                 of consumers using other channels             7
                                                                                                      Philippon, T. (2019), ‘On Fintech and Financial Inclusion’,
                                                                                                     National Bureau of Economic Research, Working paper 26330,
     anomalies (compared with a                        (controlling for the fact that consumers      https://bit.ly/3t1LfOV.
     consumer’s fitted profile). This may              self-select into different channels);
                                                                                                       Financial Conduct Authority (2016), ‘Business Plan 2016/17’,
     allow providers to step in and check                                                            p. 19: ‘The growth of mobile and digital channels offered by firms
     that consumers are acting in their own        •   facilitating digital feedback and             has been supported by the creation and take-up of supportive
                                                                                                     technology, from mobile payment and digital wallet services, such
     best interests, or have not been victims          monitoring complaints data. It may            as Apple Pay, to integrated billing. […] [T]he limited information
     of fraud. For example, a provider                 be appropriate for consumers to be able       and the speed of action consumers experience could lead to
                                                                                                     inappropriate decision making’, https://bit.ly/3dOFYWq.
     could check that a consumer has not               to register complaints and feedback
     mistyped when making a payment for                through the digital channels, and such        9
                                                                                                       Financial Conduct Authority (2021), ‘FCA warns that younger
                                                                                                     investors are taking on big financial risks’, Press Release,
     an unusually large amount of money                feedback must be monitored. The use of        23 March, https://bit.ly/3sSmGUu.
     via an app;                                       ‘live chat’ functions is an important way     10
                                                                                                       See Financial Conduct Authority (2017), ‘From advert to action:
                                                       for providers to ensure that consumers        behavioural insights into the advertising of financial products’,
•    differentiating between digital                   can easily reach out if they do not           Occasional Paper 26, April, https://bit.ly/3xjUeyd.

     information and sales. Some                       understand something.                          Financial Conduct Authority (2018), ‘FCA Handbook’, PROD 3.2

     providers combine information about                                                             Manufacture of products, https://bit.ly/2R34M3O.

                                                                                                                                            April 2021             3
Danger mouse: the opportunities and risks of digital distribution

  EIOPA (2021), ‘Open insurance: accessing and sharing insurance-related data’, Discussion Paper, https://bit.ly/3xAF8EG. See also, for example, Financial Conduct Authority (2018), ‘FCA Mission: Approach
to Consumers’, p. 31: ‘Technological innovation and change is transforming the financial services market for consumers. For example, increasing numbers of consumers can access services through mobile and
digital devices which bring convenience and choice but can leave some consumers excluded’, https://bit.ly/3xjUrS1. See also Financial Conduct Authority (2018), ‘Business Plan 2018/19’, p. 27: ‘The increased
use of big data also has the potential to cause harm. There is a risk that if technology and innovation move too quickly, the more vulnerable in society could be at a disadvantage’, https://bit.ly/3xrvJPp.

 Bakos, Y., Marotta-Wurgler, F. and Trossen, D.R. (2013), ‘Does Anyone Read the Fine Print? Consumer Attention to Standard Form Contracts’, New York University Law and Economics Working Papers,


                                                                                                                                                                                   April 2021             4
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