Did you know? Ozarks Healthcare's medical group consists of 56 physicians, and represents nine countries.

Page created by Henry Fischer
Did you know? Ozarks Healthcare's medical group consists of 56 physicians, and represents nine countries.
April 2, 2021

     Did you know? Ozarks Healthcare’s medical group consists of 56
               physicians, and represents nine countries.

                                                                                                    Doctor’s Day

This week, we celebrated National Doctor’s Day! We are especially grateful for the opportunity to celebrate our doctors and
their tireless work to continue providing compassionate care while sacrificing more of their own health and time than ever
over the past year. Doctor’s Day activities at Ozarks Healthcare included a special breakfast prepared by our own Chef Tyler.
Doctors were greeted by a tasty assortment of crepes as they entered our hospital on Doctor’s Day. While we are not able
to bring many people together at this time to celebrate due to COVID-19, we are proud to honor the care and comfort our
doctors provide to our community every day.
Did you know? Ozarks Healthcare's medical group consists of 56 physicians, and represents nine countries.
Missouri’s Vaccine Eligibility
                                   This little vial containing several doses of hope that
                                   Katie Mahan, Ozarks Healthcare Pharmacy Director,
                                   is holding is now available to more Missourians!
                                   Phase 2 of Missouri’s vaccination plan are now eligible
                                   to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. Phase 2 includes
                                   Missourians employed in construction, critical
                                   manufacturing, higher education, and remaining food
                                   and agriculture sectors. All Missourians will be eligible
                                   to receive a vaccine on April 9. Register online through
                                   the Missouri Navigator to sign up for a clinic at: https://
                                   covidvaccine.mo.gov/. Please keep watching Ozarks
                                   Healthcare’s social media channels for announcements
                                   regarding future vaccination clinics.

    Patient pens Letter of Thanks to Dr. Rex
     Goodman, Ozarks Healthcare Podiatry
You know we love hearing from our              it and asked if I had any questions about
patients ... We especially love stories like   what they were doing. They constantly
this one! We received the following letter     asked if anything they were doing made
from Mary, one of our sweet podiatry           me uncomfortable. Nothing did.
patients, about her recent foot surgery        Dr. Goodman did amazing work on my
performed by Dr. Rex Goodman, Ozarks           foot ... I actually have had so little pain
Healthcare Podiatry:                           since surgery that I thought maybe
                                               something went wrong, but I was told on
“I just wanted to drop you a note to let       my one-week follow up that everything
you know what a great experience I             looked great and was healing very well.
had during my last spa visit (actually         This is probably due to not only his
it was foot surgery, but everyone was          skill as a surgeon, but the fact that he
so attentive, it felt like a spa visit). My    and the others gave me clear, concise
nurse, Teri, was so good at walking that       post-surgery care ... I am so grateful for
fine line between making me feel like a        the amazing care I received here and
good friend while still remaining very         will always be an advocate for Ozarks
professional. Her attention to my every        Healthcare’s wonderful services.”
need (and want) made me feel very              We are happy to report Mary stopped in
relaxed about the whole procedure. The         last week to have her stitches removed,
other staff, LaDonna, Megan, and Cathy,        and Dr. Goodman says she is continuing
were just as stupendous. I love the way        to heal well! We know Mary will be back
they explained everything before they did      on her feet in no time!
Did you know? Ozarks Healthcare's medical group consists of 56 physicians, and represents nine countries.
No Changes made to Ozarks Healthcare’s
                                                                 COVID-19 Guidelines
                                                   Being focused on your health means we keep your safety and wellbeing as our top
                                                   priority. While many city and state guidelines regarding COVID-19 precautions are
 When Coworkers turn                               expiring, Ozarks Healthcare will continue to follow CDC guidelines for masking,
                                                   screenings, and other protocols. Please find our current visitor guidelines and
   into Patients …
                                                   restrictions at https://www.ozarkshealthcare.com/coronavirus-updates/.
Occasionally, our coworkers turn into
our patients. Katie Painter, RN at Ozarks
Healthcare, recently experienced this
scenario with the most precious outcome!

“It’s been a week since I delivered my
‘little’ miracle ... I can’t get it off my mind,
and just want give recognition where it’s
due,” Katie said. “When I was in nursing
school, I remember learning how serious
shoulder dystocia is during delivery ...
I never would have thought something
like that would have happened to me. I
can’t thank the nurses who cared for me
enough and will forever be grateful that
they were there to get me through the                             Welcome to Ozarks Healthcare!
scariest moment of my life. There were so
                                                   Welcome to our newest group of coworkers.
many who responded and came to help.
                                                   Listed in no particular order:
Thank you for making it possible that my
                                                   Hollie Pitts, LPN
baby girl is in my arms today!”                    Onna Boze, Clinic LPN, Ozarks Healthcare Neurology
                                                   Kurstin Koch, Clinical Dietitian
We are so thankful for our OB Department           Sabrina Lewis, Benefits Coordinator
and their amazing skills that help bring           Stephanie Parsons, Scheduler, Ozarks Healthcare Cancer Treatment Center
many sweet little miracles like Katie’s into       Angela Osborn, Clinic Medical Assistant, Ozarks Healthcare Orthopedics and Spine
the world. Congratulations, Katie! We are          Rosada Wilson, Environmental Services Aide
so happy to see your little one thriving!          We are proud to have you on our team!
Did you know? Ozarks Healthcare's medical group consists of 56 physicians, and represents nine countries.
HUDDLE UP                                                                        Education
                                                                                  Be sure to check your NetLearning to
                                                                                  make sure you are up-to-date.

                                                                                             Cafeteria Menu
                                                                                The café will now be open from
                  Clothing Donations Needed                                     7 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. with hot meals
                                                                                available until 9:00 a.m. and
Are you starting your spring cleaning early? The Ozarks Healthcare Thrift Store 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. with hot food available
(West Plains location) could use clothing donations! Donations may be dropped until 1 p.m.
off at the store between 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Thank Visitors will also be allowed to carry out
you for your help!                                                              meals. No cash is accepted. Only credit
                                                                                card and payroll deduct is accepted.
                                                                                Beginning January 6, Happy Hour will
            Weekly Prayer                    Low-Cost Laboratory                be held every Wednesday from
                                          Screenings to be offered 2 p.m. - 3 p.m. We will have a specialty
                                                                                snack and drinks available.
                                         Ozarks Healthcare Laboratory Services
                                                                                           Sunday, April 4
                                         will conduct low-cost lab health
                                         screenings from 8 to 11 a.m. on the Cook’s Choice;
                                         following dates:                       Breakfast options: Eggs, bacon, biscuits
                                                                                & gravy, sausage (Offered Daily).
Almighty God, we praise You for your     June 22                                            Monday, April 5
loving kindness and Your very presence   September 21
with us. We ask today that You hear      December 14                              Baked Cod, Chicken Tenders, Fries,
our prayer for comfort and peace, for                                             Carrots, Roasted Zucchini, Potato Soup,
quietness of spirit and mind. Today we   Screenings available for minimal cost    Apple Crisp
are reminded of the prayer spoke long    are CBC, CMP, A1C, Lipid, TSH, and
ago, “Grant me O’Lord the serenity to                                                       Tuesday, April 6
accept the things I cannot change; the                                            Grilled Chicken and Mushrooms,
courage to change things I can; and   No appoinment is necessary. Walk-in         Lasagna, Rice Pilaf, Peas, Broccoli,
the wisdom to know the difference.”                                               Vegetable Soup, Chocolate Lava Cake
                                      at these Ozarks Healthcare locations:
May we echo this prayer daily in the
                                      Lab Services, Alton, Gainesville,
situations of our lives. In Your Holy                                                Wednesday, April 7
                                      Mountain Grove, Mountain View, and
Name we pray, Amen.
                                      Thayer/Mammoth Spring. For more Turkey W/Gravy, Pork Chop, Mashed Po-
                                      information, call 417-257-6736.       tatoes, Green Beans, Cornbread Stuffing,
- Weekly prayer brought to you by the                                       Broccoli Cheese Soup, Peach Cobbler
Ozarks Healthcare Chaplains
                                                                                      Thursday, April 8
                                              #MaskUpOzarks                     Fried Fish, Pizza, Fries, Hushpuppies,
                                                                                Breaded Mushrooms, Clam Chowder,
                                         Don’t forget: ALL coworkers, patients, Black Berry Cobbler
                                         and visitors, MUST wear a mask at
                                                                                           Friday, April 9
                                         ALL times, in ALL patient areas and
                                         common areas across ALL Ozarks All American Grill, Chef ’s Choice Soup,
                                         Healthcare facilities (including non- Bread Pudding
                                         patient areas).
                                                                                         Saturday, April 10
                                                                                  Cook’s Choice
Did you know? Ozarks Healthcare's medical group consists of 56 physicians, and represents nine countries. Did you know? Ozarks Healthcare's medical group consists of 56 physicians, and represents nine countries. Did you know? Ozarks Healthcare's medical group consists of 56 physicians, and represents nine countries. Did you know? Ozarks Healthcare's medical group consists of 56 physicians, and represents nine countries. Did you know? Ozarks Healthcare's medical group consists of 56 physicians, and represents nine countries. Did you know? Ozarks Healthcare's medical group consists of 56 physicians, and represents nine countries.
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