Your April 2020 Horoscope

Page created by Jeremy Fletcher
Your April 2020 Horoscope
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       Mary Silvernail
    Jersey Shore Medium,

                      Your April 2020 Horoscope
                          by Mary Silvernail – Psychic Astrologer
                         For a Personal Reading call 609-242-3900
                                          For entertainment purposes only

ARIES – March 21/April 20
Happy Birthday, Aries! It is your month to shine. Your batteries are recharged and your opportunities are
limitless this month. You get what you wish for.
Your April 2020 Horoscope
TAURUS – April 21/May 21
Re-evaluate your current situation. You have opportunities you have overlooked. Money starts to flow and
no longer is a problem.

GEMINI – May 22/June 21
A friend opens a door to you that had been closed. Now is the time to seize the moment regarding your
finances and allow yourself to propel forward.

CANCER – June 22/July 22
Hold onto those purse strings this month. Don’t fret; by July your finances will be ship shape. Be open to a
possible work related romance.

LEO – July 23/August 23
There is a new you becoming more and more visible to others. Take some time for introspection regarding
education and the career opportunities that are in your stars.

VIRGO – August 24/September 22
Ask and you shall receive regarding your career. Issues regarding another’s finances must be dealt with
swiftly, yet gently. Walk softly, but carry a large stick.

LIBRA – September 23/October 23
The Libra Full Moon will bring what you want to relationships in your life. This is a time for love and
romance. Enjoy!

SCORPIO – October 24/November 22
A shift in your work environment brings about the positive changes you seek. Short trips bring
luck. Button your lip in matters of the heart.

SAGITTARIUS – November 23/December 21
A new love may enter your life at this time. The birds are singing, flowers are blooming and romance is in
the Spring air for you, Sag!

CAPRICORN – December 22/January 20
Get your ducks in a row to prepare for a major, yet positive change coming into your realm. An elder
offers you much wisdom – listen closely.

AQUARIUS – January 21/February 18
Love and fun times are the ticket for you this month, dear Aquarius. Short jaunts bring you love, fun and
luck. Don’t allow others to hold you back.

PISCES - February 19/March 20
New opportunities to make money will come your way through your profound communication skills. Any
matters of confusion will be crystal clear by month’s end.
Your April 2020 Horoscope
"No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one
      may. We ourselves must walk the path."
                            ~ BUDDHA ~

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                View Mary's Monthly TV Show:

          "Astrology, Angels, & More"

                                   ALL ABOUT ANGELS - BY
                                     MARY SILVERNAIL,
                                   PSYCHIC ASTROLOGER:
   Happy Birthday, Aries!
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac with Mars      Since the age of four I have been in daily
     as it’s ruling planet. Red is the color      communication with the Angels. This column is
 associated with Aries. Aries is independent,      here for you in order to help some of you who
    impulsive, pioneering, self-reliant and         have not had the previous understanding of
 direct. They are natural born leaders. Many      Angels to realize that they are just waiting in the
                                                  wings to come to your aid in every area of your
     are entrepreneurs or Chief Executive
                                                     life. All the Angels have different special
Officers. Diamond and pyrite are Aries gems.                 qualities that can help you.
       *************************                           *************************

    On April 7 we will be experiencing the         Do you suffer from insomnia? Have trouble
     brilliant Light of the Libra Full Moon                       sleeping? Try this:
summoning us to find a balance with a push-        When you get in your bed at night, just simply
pull momentum. This can take time because            ask that Guardian Angels be at each of your
  the Full Moon is dealing with a cardinal t-      doors and windows to guard and protect you all
 square aspect of Pluto, Jupiter and Pallas in     night long. Visualize yourself, your loved ones
Capricorn. Since there is a tremendous desire     and your home surrounded with a beautiful white
                                                     light of protection that nothing of harm can
   for the right balance there is reason to be
                                                  enter. Then imagine Archangel Raphael covering
    optimistic because great strides can be        you up with a blanket of emerald green healing
achieved under the right conditions. We just          light and energy and feel your entire body
   need to ride out this storm and know that      completely relax. Soon you will drift off to sleep
    eventually we will reach safe common                  and have the most pleasant dreams.
 ground. Especially with the positive trine of
  Venus in Gemini with Mars and Saturn in                  *************************
   Aquarius bringing us many options to be
found. So there is a balance to be found after    When around negative, complaining people or
                        all.                           a negative situation, call upon Archangel
                                                    Chamuel to come and bring joy and love to the
       *************************                   situation or person that makes you feel negative
                                                    in anyway. Then surround yourself with a pink
                                                  shield of light and love that nothing can permeate
  On April 22 the Taurus New Moon has a             except love. When you do this you can usually
 determination to find fulfillment regarding       notice a shift in the energy almost immediately.
   finances and urges us not to delay doing
  something to fulfill this need. Due to the               *************************
  conjunction of Uranus with this powerful
      New Moon watch for sudden unique                  With these difficult times that are being
     inspiration and wisdom regarding the            experienced by most, you will probably find
   economic structure. There will also be a         yourself listening to others troubles and woes
scream for freedom! This is the time to move          more so than ever before. It is good to be a
past blockages with compassion, imagination         listener and friend to a certain extent, but if it
        and willingness to be inventive.           starts wearing down your own energies, it may
                                                   be time to shorten the periods of time that you
                                                             spend around such negativity.
                                                  However, you can always ask the Angels to go
                                                  and help lighten your friend or loved one’s load
This New Moon will also be squaring Jupiter,     without you having to be on the receiving end of
   Saturn and Pallas. The asteroid Pallas is                 a barrage of negativity.
playing a major role this month astrologically
   due to Pallas’s association with warfare,              *************************
        wisdom and skillful strategy.
                                                 You can also call upon Archangel Chamuel to
                                                        help bring love into your life.
  On April 25 powerful Pluto, the biggest
 player in all this situation goes retrograde          Whether it be that you are in a current
which means that a solution to this mess can     relationship that has lost its sparkle or if you are
                 come about.                      looking for a new love. Just light a pink candle
                                                 and say a prayer to Archangel Chamuel to bring
       *************************                            you the love that you seek.

   To quote Julia Cameron: "Our creative                  *************************
  dreams and yearnings come from a divine
 source. As we move toward our dreams, we         It is my purpose in life to assist others in need
         move toward our divinity.”                  with the knowledge and Divine Blessings
                                                     bestowed upon me through the help of the
                                                  Angels. Allow the Angels to enter through the
       *************************                  pathway of your heart and they will always be
                                                                there to assist you.
       Many Bright Spring Blessings,
        Mary Silvernail, ACI, RMT
                                                   Many Divine Blessings of Love &
  For your personal Psychic / Astrology                        Light,
   call Mary Silvernail at 609-242-3900                   Mary Silvernail, ACI, RMT

           ~ Gifted from birth ~                       © copyright 2020 Mary Silvernail
    So accurate your spine will tingle!!!
       Know what is in your future!                         For Information:
                                                  Mary Silvernail, ACI, RMT – Psychic
    Like Mary Silvernail Astrologer on            Astrologer & Healer may be reached at:
      Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
                                                 Hope Hypnosis & Holistic Center, LLC
               Or visit her at:                               465 Rt. 9                              Waretown, NJ 08758

                                                  Like on facebook: Mary Silvernail
~ LOVE ~
                                         by Kirsten Sciallo
As the weather begins to warm and we come out of our winter slumber it is a beautiful time for all things
new. April can be a wonderful time to keep the momentum going for your intentions. Think about taking
some chances and risks on things you have always wanted to do but haven’t quite yet had the courage to
put forth yet. Often times years can go by and you can look back and say, I wish I would have made that
phone call, I wish I would have went for that job, I wish I would have tried harder. The time is now. Begin
April with the hope of a brighter future. If you have been held back by your circumstances, give yourself
permission to move forward. Learn the lesson of your past and begin full speed ahead at the plethora of
opportunities before you. It is never too late to begin living your best life. You and only you are
responsible for your future. Forgive yourself for your past. Now is your time to shine. Remember during
this month that there are so many beautiful things to celebrate. Celebrate your life, your family, your
differences, and all things of love and light.

                                            Love and light,

                                Hope Hypnosis & Holistic Center LLC
                                       465 Rt. 9, Waretown
                                             NJ 08758
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