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Rotunda - Vol 98, no. 15 - Feb 10, 2020
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ROTUNDA                     Flooding commuter lots since 1920


OPINIONS           PAGE 5
The power and pain behind
the “forbidden word”

A&E    PAGE 9
DC’s “Birds of Prey”
takes flight

SPORTS        PAGE 11
Baseball looks to climb                       FEBRUARY 10, 2020
back to BSC tourney                              VOL 98. ISSUE 15
                                            SHANNON HENSHAW | THE ROTUNDA
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02         NEWS                                                                            

                                                          In SGA
                                                       R.R. Moton Museum
editor-in-chief                                        visit, inclusivity
managing editor                                        discussion
                                                       by Allison Turner | Assistant News Editor | @allisonkturner
organizational advisers

NEWS                            ROTUNDA STUDIOS
  assistant editor                staff
                                  ADDIE CLARKE
A&E                               SUTTON REEKES
                                  LIAM WELLS
                                  JENN HALL
                                  NICK LIONE
                                  staff                                                                         JESSIC A BOGGS | THE ROTUNDA
                                  AIYSHANTI GREEN
OPINIONS                          DYLAN MCKERCHER      Quincy Goodine leading the conversation about virtues present in
  TAIYA JARRETT                   staff                our identities.
  assistant editor

  DAVINA APPLEWHITE                                           n this week ’s Student                   values of everyone on senate
  staff                           LAUREN QUEZADA
  social media staff              assistant editor
                                                              Government Association                   and SGA as a whole.
                                  MASON VEST                  (SGA) meeting, the                         To do this, the senate
SPORTS                            MELANIE LEWIS
                                                       Senate visited the R.R. Moton                   completed a “values sheet”
                                  staff                Museum and had a discussion                     where they were given a list of
  editor-in-chief pro-tempore                          on the ‘art of inclusion’.                      values and they had to circle all
  PATRICK SANDERSON             PHOTO                    In lieu of an actual Senate                   that were important to them,
  staff                           TAYLOR O’BERRY
  NICK ROBINSON                   editor               meeting, the Senate was able                    then they had to narrow it
  staff                           JACOB PUTERKO
                                                       to go to the museum, which is                   down to ten, then five that they
EVENTS                            CARRIE BAILEY        located at 900 Griffin Boulevard                value the most. After this, they
                                  KC MCALLISTER
                                                       in town. Executive Senator                      discussed their similarities and
                                  staff                for Committee Relations Sky                     differences and how they can
                                  JESSICA PAQUETTE     Sweeney organized the event.                    use them as a senate moving
FEATURES                          staff
  VICTORIA THOMPSON               SHANNON HENSHAW        The Senate started off with a                 forwards.
  staff                           staff                guided tour of the museum from                    Page said to senate, “You all
                                  JESSICA BOGGS
SOCIAL MEDIA                      staff                Leah Brown, assistant director                  are the campus’ voice. You are
  MIRANDA FARLEY                  AMBER SYKES          of education. They were taken                   the voice of often times the
  editor                          staff
  TAYLOR JENNINGS                                      through each room and were                      marginalized voices, as well as
  assistant editor                                     given a brief background on                     the voices of the boisterous and
BUSINESS                                               the history of the museum and                   loud voices.”
  IRIS HAMMOND                                         education in Prince Edward                        Page and Goodine went on
  manager                                              County. They were welcome to                    to hold a discussion on how
                                                       ask questions and fully engage                  to be more inclusive not only
                                                       in the topic.                                   as a senate body, but also as a
                                                         Afterwards, the Senate went                   campus as a whole. The senate
FOLLOW US                          @longwood.rotunda   back into the main area where                   was invited to share opinions in
     ON    SOCIAL                  @longwoodrotunda    they were greeted by Jonathan                   an open, safe space.
            MEDIA                  @rotundaphotos      Page, director of multicultural                   The next SGA meeting will

                                                       affairs at Longwood, and
                                                       Quincy Goodine, assistant
                                                       d i r e c tor of l e a d e r s h ip
                                                       development. They began a
                                                                                                       take place on Tuesday, Feb. 11
                                                                                                       at 3:45 p.m. inside of the Wilson
                                                                                                         at the Upchurch University
                                                       discussion surrounding the                      Center.
Digital Commons @ Longwood University - Longwood University - Feb 10, 2020
FEB. 10, 2020                                                                                                                                          FEATURES                                                               03

                 The Civil War
                 seminar returnsofficials, SGA spirit night
                 to Longwood
                  by Valerie Mitchell | News Staff | @longwoodrotunda

                                ith seminar a variety of this seminar. She
                                interesting speakers to a t t e n d e d t h i s
                                talk about various Civil seminar because
                 War topics, the 21st annual free Civil she enjoys reading
                 War Seminar was held at Longwood a n d i s v e r y
                 University’s Jarman Auditorium.                interested in the                                                                            C O U R T E S Y O F J O N AT H A N W H I T E .O R G
                   One of those speakers was Dr. Jonathan Civil War. Her
                 W. White, a professor of American favorite section was
                 Studies at Christopher Newport White’s, “because                                                                        Appomattox Courthouse Historical
                 University.                                    to me it connects us today, who have the                               Park, Eastern National Bookstore,
                   This was his first time attending this same dreams when we are separated from                                       The Department of History, Political
                 seminar, he spoke about the dreams our loved ones.”                                                                   Science & Philosophy, and the Center
                 that people who fought in the civil war         Each speaker talked about a different                                 for Southside Virginia History were the
                 had while away from their friends and aspect of the Civil War and why this                                            sponsors for this event.
                 family. “Most people don't think about was an important topic to understand                                             The Civil War Seminar is held every year
                 this aspect of the Civil War and I think it and realize. Some other topics spoken                                     the first week in February at Longwood
                 humanizes the people of that generation about were the prisons during the Civil                                       University in the Jarman Auditorium.
                 in a way that other things don’t,” said War, Lincoln’s decision in winning the
                 White.        throughout February on every SGA position
                                                                war, and for the Civil War Records and
                 any interested students to attend.
                   Diane Lanieve was an attendee at Treasures.

ROTUNDA                        Keeping our heads above water since 1920
                                                                                                                                 ROTUNDA                             Expanding our knowledge since 1920

                       A WHIMSICAL

      TS: Jeremy
Jacquier brings national
experience to LU

NEWS: Hurricane
                                                         FIND YOUR VOICE.                                                        PAGE 3
                                                                                                                                  NEWS: White
                                                                                                                                  nationalist postings
                                                                                                                                  resurface on campus
                                                                                                                                 PAGE 5
                                                                                                                                  A&E Review: Snowy
                                                                                                                                  kid’s flick tackles

                                                        TELL THEIR STORIES.
Michael touches                                                                                                                   societal truths & Yetis
                                                                                                                                 PAGE 6
                                                                                                                                  OPINIONS: New
A&E Review: Myer’s                                                                                                                obelisk in right
40 year follow up is a                                                                                                            direction but
                                                        OCTOBER 22, 2018                                                                                                                             OCTOBER 1, 2018
                                                          VOL 97. ISSUE 8                                                         could improve                                                       VOL 97. ISSUE 6


                                                                            Join The Rotunda on Mondays                  atrespecting ROTUN                         Running out of bonus dollars since 1920

                                                                                                  Congress shall make no law
                                                                                                                                an establishment of religion, or pro-
                                                                                 5:30 pm in Upchurchhibiting
                                                                                                        204  the free exercise thereof;
                                                                                                    or abridging   the freedom of
                                                                                                    speech, or of the press; or
                                                                                                                                the right of the people
                                                                                for more information, email
                                                                                                                         peaceably to assemble,
                                                                                                                                and to petition the
                                                                                                                                Government for a
                                                                                                                                redress of
                                                                                                                                grievances.                     FREEDOM
                                                                                                                                                               OF SPEECH
                                                                                                                                                               University’s bias reporting                                                                  LEA
                                                                                                                                                               system suspended due to
                                                                                                                                                               First Amendment concern                                                                      Dr
                                                                                                                                                                                                         NOV. 27, 2017
                                                                                                                                                                                                       VOL 96. ISSUE 12
                                                                                                                                                                                               GR APHIC BY L AUR A GOTTSCHALK
                                                                                                                                                                                      M AT T A L E X A N D E R | T H E R O T U N D A (F I L E)
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04     FEATURES                                                                               

                                                                                                                 K AY L A PI T TM A N | CO N T R I B U T E R

     Women and Gender
     Studies Question
     Feminism Traditions in
    “The Tempest”
       by Victoria Thompson | Features Staff | @longwoodrotunda

Jesse Goldberg gives commentary on Shakespeare’s "The Tempest" focusing on traditions and articulations of feminism.

         owadays, the roles that women                a bibliography with books and articles      on Kimberlé Crenshaw coining
         play have a huge effect on how               about topics related to those discussed     the term "intersectionality", which
         the whole world continues to                 in his speech.                              means thinking of human differences
spin on and on. There are even full-                    While he admitted to not being            simultaneously impacted by positions
fledged groups of activists that choose to            a Shakespeare scholar specifically,         of power in society.
speak out about issues involving gender,              Goldberg’s solid interest in the              He also made the comparison of
race, sexuality and varying combinations              interpretation of the female characters     how teachers are their own versions of
of the three.                                         in “The Tempest” primarily fueled his       Prospero in terms of having a sense of
  On Wednesday, February 5, the                       discussion.                                 control over what their students learn,
Women Gender and Sexuality Studies                      After summarizing the play’s plot,        and he prides himself on teaching
Department hosted a discussion                        Goldberg noticed how Miranda’s speech       people to unlearn things like oppression
regarding the question of feminism in                 has often been taken and given to           and instead encourages for people to
Shakespeare’s “The Tempest” in the                    Prospero by directors. He also noticed      imagine a world without violence and
Upchurch University Center's Wilson                   how students connected empowerment          the colonization of oppression.
Chamber. This talk was the first of the               to Miranda’s speech since there is an         Overall, this presentation offered
Women Gender and Sexuality Studies                    elevation of a female voice that appears    commentary on William Shakespeare's
Speaker Series for the Spring 2020                    to be an empowering moment.                 "The Tempest" in order to introduce
semester.                                               However, Goldberg points out that         attendees to traditions and articulations
  Women Gender and Sexuality Studies                  this moment would make Miranda a            of feminism which do not hold equality
is a Minor at Longwood University that                colonizer like her father Prospero since    as the absolute mindset for thinking
mainly focuses on women’s issues in                   she also bashed Caliban due to race         about gender, but as one of the many
society that are affected by a multitude              and how Sycorax (Caliban’s mother) is       factors that need to be considered for it.
of factors such as race, class, ethnicity,            detested for her race and magical ability     Kravetz further said, “Jesse is clearly
age and sexuality.                                    while Prospero’s character is not, adding   engaged with black abolitionist
  Melissa Kravetz, the co-director of                 diversity only to the oppressors.           feminism; I think the talk was less about
Women Gender and Sexuality Studies                      Goldberg analyzes colonization in         'The Tempest' than it was on black
commented, “We usually do [the                        the play through a black abolitionist       abolitionist feminism. He even calls it a
discussions] five times a year, two talks             feminist lens, meaning it is a form of      radical view, and I don’t see that much
in the fall and three in the spring, but              feminism that thinks beyond equality        on campus at all."
we are doing six this year. They always               between men and women and pushes              She continued, "It’s refreshing to see
happen on the first Wednesday of the                  further conversation about justice for      someone who is a true activist through
month.”                                               race as well as gender.                     his teaching and this discussion, but
  Jesse Goldberg, a visiting assistant                  The subject matter of this discussion     he’s mostly looking at 'The Tempest'
professor of the English & Modern                     was layered with an honest look at the      through the lens of black abolitionist
Languages Department, served as                       often ignored brutality that people from    feminism. I found it as a very refreshing
the event speaker, giving a discussion                different cultures experience. Kravetz      stance that I feel that is kind of lacking;
titled “What about Sycorax? Gender,                   also mentioned, “I think honestly an        race ethnicity is totally lacking on this
Violence, and Justice in Shakespeare's                exposure to discussion of Women             campus. We are activists through our
“The Tempest”.                                        Gender and Sexuality Studies isn’t          teaching.”
  Before the discussion began, Goldberg               something students are getting in their       Melissa Kravetz will be speaking
gave everyone in attendance a handout                 everyday classes. I don’t think students    about Women’s Health in Germany at
with Miranda’s ‘Abhorred Slave’ speech                are exposed unless they’re in a club, or    the second Wednesdays with Women,
from Act 1 Scene 2 of the play. In                    they seek it out.”                          Gender, and Sexuality Studies event on
addition, the back of the handout had                   At one point, Goldberg elaborated         March 11.
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FEB. 10, 2020                                                                                                         OPINIONS         05

           The Forbidden Word
           by Davina Applewhite | Opinions Staff | @longwoodrotunda

Editor's note: The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author.

       lack History Month aims to                     we must first understand it’s historical      a more colloquial “-a.”
       remember and celebrate the                     origin.                                         And because it was once used to belittle
       history of the African Americans                 Linguistically, the n-word can be           them, African-Americans flipped the
who fought to create and maintain the                 traced all the way back to the Latin          script and now use this word to more
rights we have today.                                 word “niger” meaning “black.” Used            commonly refer to each other in a more
  Arguably, we are still creating history             in languages like French, Spanish and         friendly manner––the key phrase here
through actions like #BlackLivesMatter                Portuguese, the word soon made an             is “each other” as a term of endearment.
or Colin Kaepernick kneeling during                   appearance in the United States, in the         What’s important for people to
the National Anthem in protest to                     early nineteenth century, according to        understand is this word still holds a
police brutality. These are forms of civil            The Public Broadcasting Service (PBS).        lot of weight when it leaves the lips of
disobedience, which once played a huge                  During a time in the United States          someone who is not black.
role in the Civil Rights Movement that                where slaves were owned, the n-word             Though African-Americans may use
took place across America.                            was added at the beginning of a slave’s       it in a more positive way, we currently
  Because of this pivotal movement, we                name in order to distinguish between          still see the n-word being used in a
no longer deal with a plethora of issues              them and their white counterpart with         demeaning manner by people of other
that were once a part of America’s racist             the same moniker.                             races.
past. For example, there are no longer                  Once slaves were emancipated and              In the past decade, many celebrities
segregated public areas designed to keep              began seeking their rights as citizens,       have been exposed for using it, whether
colored and white people separate.                    the n-word became a more derogatory           it be socially or maliciously. Camilla
  But while we may have battled                       term, used to insult rather than indicate     Cabello, Charlie Sheen, Jeffree Star and
segregation with integration and                      distinction. More critically, the word        Madonna are among a few of the stars
reforms have been put in place to ensure              was used to enforce and maintain a            who’ve been called out for this.
African Americans are treated equally,                harmful power dynamic that kept white           With the current racial tensions that
other offenses are harder to regulate and             individuals in control. This term evolved     have arisen in America in the last few
completely abolish.                                   even after slaves were given freedom and      years, it’s essential that when we see
  One, in particular, is the use (and                 used to keep African-Americans from           the n-word being used, we address and
misuse) of the n-word.                                having the same opportunities as their        advise the speaker of the power and pain
  This forbidden word has started                     white counterparts.                           the word possesses.
controversies, ruined careers and                       Famed African-American poet,                  The insulting and oppressive racial
continues to be a topic of debate.                    Langston Hughes has even said that            undertones that lay hidden in the word
  A major discussion that has arisen in               the word “sums up for us colored all          are very much brought to light when
the past is whether or not non-black                  the bitter years of insult and struggle in    spoken by a non-black individual.
individuals are permitted to say the                  America.”                                       Bottom line, no matter the context, it
n-word.                                                 In essence, it is a term that encompasses   shouldn’t be said by someone who is not
  Though there is no true consensus,                  the overall institutionalized and             particularly African-American.
according to YouGov, the majority rule                systematic racism of the past and the           Whether it be used lightheartedly, as
that many find the n-word offensive and               discrimination and oppression that            a “joke” or even when singing along to
believe it should not be spoken by other              many still face today.                        a song, the n-word is still very much
races.                                                  So why use it at all, you might ask?        seen as a racial slur when used by non-
  There are a few reasons why people                    Plain and simple, the n-word has            black people and if we don’t hold them
believe that this word should be                      been reclaimed. This word that once           accountable for saying the n-word, the
exclusively used by black individuals,                embodied discrimination and white             dark history of it will continue to live
but in order to truly understand the                  supremacy has evolved to African-             on.
oppressive weight the n-word holds,                   Americans, by replacing the “-er” with
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06      OPINIONS                                                                                        

          dvancing their oral and who work with a student journalist.                                      where the decision for free speech is up
          communicative skills through        While the bills are designed to for debate, so are their words.
          accurate reporting at the override and essentially reverse the                                       “Far too many student journalists
expense of getting their foot into the effects of an outdated Supreme Court have been censored by image-
industry of news and media on college ruling, this has also created a start of a conscious school administrators or
campuses, student journalists are historic moment as amongst Virginia, intimidated to self-censor or not report
having a ten-letter word dictate their 14 other states have enacted bills to on ‘controversial’ topics that matter
protection in the House.                    protect the free speech of student to their peers and communities. It is
  Free Speech.                              journalists.                                                   important that we stand up nationally
  Now you’re probably wondering as to         Yet, as this becomes an ongoing topic to say, “No more!,” said Student Press
why this topic is even being discussed, of conversation for Virginia House Law Center Executive Director Hadar
and quite frankly as am I. Student lawmakers, this is a pivotal point in Harris via
journalists are expected to inform and history for student journalists
even entertain the campus community
through      accurate      and     credible
information, in efforts to fulfill the                                                                                                Y OF LIB
                                                                                                                                               E R T Y. E D
unsolicited position as the backbone
of a university. Yet their objective as
the writer, to chase and report stories,
seemingly have been met with the
censorship and opposition, until now.
  Recently celebrating Student Press
Freedom Day on Jan. 29 on behalf
of the Student Press Law Center to                                      Virginia B
commemorate the 1988 Supreme
Court historic decision of university                                              ill strikes
censorship of student journalists’ case,                               in corresp
Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier.                                                           ondence
  Unequivocally silencing the works
and words of student journalists,                                     with Stud
according to the Foundation for                                                   ent
Individual Rights in Education,
otherwise posed as acronym FIRE,
“The Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier allowed
school administrators to censor school-
                                                             by Taiya Ja         s
                                                                         rrett | Assis
                                                                                       tant Opini
                                                                                                  ons Editor
                                                                                                             | @ohsooo
sponsored publications if they had
“legitimate pedagogical reasons” for
doing so.
  And while Hazelwood was decided
in the K-12 context, the U.S. Court of
Appeals for the Seventh Circuit applied
the same rationale to college campuses,
permitting censorship in that context
as well.”
  Reverting that action, contrary
just this past month Virginia House
lawmakers decided to take a stance
in the right direction by proposing
a bill that would extend free speech
protections to student journalists.
  Under the disguise of the House
Bill 36 and Senate Bill 80, these bills
were initiated by Democrat Virginia
House of Delegate member, Chris
Hurst (HB 36) and Danica Roem (SB
80). With a 5-3 vote, FIRE reported,
“The bills would ensure that school-
sponsored media — defined as “any
material that is prepared, substantially
written, published, or broadcast by a
student journalist” at a public middle
school, high schools, and universities Editor's note:
                                                            The opinion
— do not face school censorship.” In commenta                                   s exp
addition, the bills also protect advisers
                                                      r y a r e solely those ressed in this
                                                                                   of      the author.
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FEB. 10, 2020                                                                                                                        A&E               07

Celebrating Black History Month
by Savanna Makins | A&E Staff | @longwoodrotunda

         hroughout the year, there are             working with newly freed slaves and         natural-born leader and, of course,
         many things we celebrate:                 even began work with the elderly.           he still holds a high influence in our
         President’s Day, Halloween,               Harriet Tubman suffered many injuries       society today as many people still thank
Thanksgiving, the New Year, and many               in her early childhood, but it just shows   him for his work today.
more. However, there are times when                her powerful background and shows her         Now, we are still constantly changing
we celebrate different kinds of events             rightful of being a leader. Tubman was      today, and we still have high influences
such as Black History Month. As                    even buried with military honor due to      in our modern society that help us
many people are aware, Black History               all her bravery in her service with the     with that movement such as Thurgood
Month runs throughout February.                    Underground Railroad and the Union          Marshall. For those who aren’t
Famous people are recognized during                Army. Tubman is still considered one        completely aware, Thurgood Marshall
this month such as Harriet Tubman,                 of the most influential women of all        was the first African-American Justice
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and more               time and is still a major leader in our     to serve in the Supreme Court. Born on
modern people such as Thurgood                     society today.                              July 2nd, 1908, he became a Justice in
Marshall. Today, we recognize many of                Moving forward about one-hundred          1967 and served until 1991. He went
these people as leaders and role models            years to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.         to Harvard University to get a degree
in our society and this article will go            Everyone was taught about him in            in Law. Marshall passed away from
into the three previously listed people            school and he’s known for his famous        Congestive Heart Failure in 1993.
and recognize their great service to               quote and speech, “I have a dream!”         Now being a justice, this makes him
America!                                           Dr. King was a famous activist who          an obvious choice for great leadership
  Our first topic is about Harriet                 also followed the rules of a pacifist,      material, but he also came to be a major
Tubman. Harriet Tubman was born in                 meaning he created no violence but          influence for children, showing them
1820 into slavery in Maryland. Tubman              protested peacefully. Born in 1929          that they can do anything.
escaped to go to the North when she                in Atlanta, Georgia, he led the most          So many great leaders have popped
was only twenty-nine-years-old, and in             powerful movement of his time, The          up in great moments of history. As
return, helped hundreds of families in             Civil Rights Movement from 1955 until       we go through this month, let us not
slavery escape to the North. Tubman                his assassination in 1968. Dr. King was     forget those who have worked hard to
is also known for her work as a spy for            very passionate about creating a world      change our society to make it the way it
the Union Army to gather information               that was equal for all and his wish came    is today. We must try to keep those in
from the Confederate Army. Even after              true. Dr. King was a                        mind, not just at this time of year, but
     the Civil War, Harriet Tubman                                                             all year round.
        didn’t stop

                                                                                    COURTESY OF NEWS

                                                                                                        C O U R T E S Y O F B A LT I M O R E M A G A Z I N E .
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08      A&E                                                                                                              


      Lil Wayne digs
      his own grave
      with "Funeral"
      by LeDaniel Jackson | A&E Staff | @xidjoker500

                                                                                                     P H OTO C O U R T E S Y O F YO U N G M O N E Y E N T E R TA I N M E N T
                                                                                                                                          AND REPUBLIC RECORDS

        il Wayne has been in the rap                   there aren’t a lot of good performances                        The performances are also subpar as the
        game for years under the Young                 here.                                                          chemistry between Wayne and Adam
        Money recording label. His rise                  “Mama Mia” begins with one of the                            Lavine sounds forced.
in fame is a great story as he was once                most annoying beats on the album.                                “Get Outta My Head” features
considered to be one of the greatest                   The beat starts well but the impact of                         deceased rapper XXXTENTACION
rappers of all time. However, for the                  it diminishes over time. Wayne repeats                         and they talk about dealing with
past couple of years, Wayne has released               a similar topic as he discusses his                            negative thoughts in their head. It’s
an abundance of subpar to bad music.                   riches and his lavish activities. Wayne                        not good with X and Wayne screaming
  He eventually began to gain some                     again delivers a nice performance with                         over the lackluster production. While
of his fans back with his features on                  versatile flow, however the beat does                          the topic is interesting the song does
songs with Tyler the Creator and                       make the song hard to get through.                             not do a good job of expressing that.
A$ap Rocky. Then he released "The                        “Bing James” is one of the best songs                        Instead, it’s just a song where Wayne
Carter V” which, despite being highly                  on the album with Wayne and Jay                                seems lost.
anticipated, received mixed reviews.                   Rock comparing their status to Lebron                            “T.O” talks about how Wayne and
  Now he releases “Funeral” which                      James. The production provides a                               O.T Genasis use to sell cocaine. Wayne
if you turn the album cover upside                     decent trap with the two artists flowing                       has a decent performance by providing
down it spells Lil Wayne. The title                    well. Jay Rock is the standout with his                        some funny lyrics while matching the
song “Funeral” starts the album with a                 aggressive delivery and versatile flow.                        energy of the song. O.T Genasis, on
beautiful instrumental which includes                  Wayne delivers a subpar at best chorus                         the other hand, is subpar with a verse
some bass guitar and piano. The beat                   since he sounds uninspired while                               that doesn’t add anything to the song.
switches to a normal trap where Wayne                                       performing it.                            His simple flow brings the song down a
delivers some witty lyrics. His flow is                                         “Trust Nobody”                        couple of notches.
decent at best, however he does match                                          discusses how                            Overall “Funeral” is a disappointing
the energy of the song. “Funeral” is a                                         Adam Levine                            album from Lil Wayne especially with
decent opening track and it sets the                                           and Wayne deal                         some of the features and production
tone for the rest of the album.                                                 with pressure.                        choices. The duration also did not help
  “Mahogany” introduces a mellow                                                 The production                       as it is hard to get through 24 songs.
trap beat with Wayne discussing                                                   is subpar with                      However, Wayne does have some good
his lavish lifestyle by mentioning                                                 a     mixture                      moments lyrically and vocally. He
Louis’ bags and even visiting the                                                  of pop and                         just needs to become a featured artist
Mahogany Bay. Wayne flows                                                          hip-hop, and                       because this album needs to be put in
well with the beat while                                                              neither                         a grave.
delivering some clever                                                                   meshes
lyrics. “Mahogany” is
one best performances
by Wayne on the
album, which isn’t
saying much since
                                                          PH OTO CO URTE S Y O F H Y PE M AG A ZI N E.CO.Z A
Digital Commons @ Longwood University - Longwood University - Feb 10, 2020
FEB. 10, 2020                                                                                                                                                            A&E           09

                                                                           feeling a bit uneven, but the understandable, but it’s the clear
             THE REEL LIFE
            Movie reviews by Jacob DiLandro | A&E Editor | @spongejay1
                                                                           rest of the cast still holds their personality that immediately sets
                                                                           own. Jurnee Smollett-Bell the film apart from those. Often
                                                                           (“Friday Night Lights,” “The times, the audience is cut out of
                                                                           Great Debaters”) as the killer an important conversation because
                                                                           voiced Black Canary has the Harley was cut out of it or just wasn’t
                                                                           most equal arc and screen- paying attention. It works because the
                                                                           time compared to Harley. entire project is so clearly wrapped
                                                                           Her performance is also just around her own psyche and perspective
                                                                           as varied as Robbie’s and the on these events.
                                                                           pair really go there with their           One could argue that the film’s
                                                                           arcs.                                   heavy subjects, such as empowerment,
                                                                             Meanwhi le El la Jay police corruption, the male gaze, toxic
                                                                           Basco, in her film debut, as relationships and more, require a more
                                                                           Cassandra Cain, and Mary respectful hand, but given the kind of
                                                                           Elizabeth Winstead (“Scott film that this is, there’s something to be
                                                                           Pilgrim vs. The World,” said for purposefully going over the top
                                                                           “10 Cloverfield Lane”) as to make a point. While it might not be
                                                                           Huntress end up playing to everyone’s taste, this state of silliness
                                                                more comedic versions of their is consistent throughout the entire film,
                                                            comic counterparts. They’re still plenty never flinching or falling prey to tonal
                                                            fun, but they never seem to be taken shifts or imbalances.
                                                            that seriously. The same goes for Ewan                   The action scenes keep the bizarro
                                                            McGregor (“Moulin Rouge!” “Star absurdity, with the camera f loating
                                                            Wars: Revenge of the Sith”) as Black through car chases and fun houses with
                                                            Mask and Chris Messina (“Argo,” the same ease. Blood spews for every
                                                            “The Mindy Project”) as Victor Zsasz. goon Harley whacks with her over-sized
      he’s definitely got moxxi. That’s one While both are menacing in individual hammer while gracefully gliding around

S     thing nobody will argue against moments, their best bits are their on her roller skates, and as she beams,
      when it comes to Dr. Harlene fantastic comedic chemistry, putting a it becomes clear exactly what kind of
Quinnzel, aka Harley Quinn, the kooky thick layer of homoerotic cheese over film this is.
ex-girlfriend of the Joker and general their crime sprees.                                                           It’s the antithesis of every superhero
hell raiser in her own right. Despite                         If   anyone     gets  the   short   end  of the      film     of the past decade. Part "Deadpool,"
appearing like a lost puppy looking                         stick,     its   Rosie    Perez’s    (“Fearless,”      part        "Pulp Fiction," with enough
for the Joker in the celluloid turd that                    “Pineapple       Express”)    Officer   Montoya.       blood        and foul language spewing from
was “Suicide Squad,” the past decade of                     Not    only   is she  handed    the most  cliched      every        orifice to make both of those
comics, television and animated films                       and    underdeveloped       part   of  the script,     films       proud,          it feels like it should be
have been spent establishing Harley                         she’s   also   playing   this  officer incredibly      derivative.              However,              it’s the strong
as a force all by herself. Thankfully,                      ham-fistedly.       Not   that   she  doesn’t get      chemistry               and       commitment                     to the
“Birds of Prey” continues the streak DC                     some     moments       to shine,   she’s great  in     absurd         point      of   view      of   this     killer      clown
started with “Shazam!” by providing a                       the   first act  playing  straight  to  Gotham’s       queen        that      makes        this     flock      soar      higher
delightfully zany and scatterbrained overblown shenanigans. She’s just the than its so-so character development
anti-hero adventure.                                        weakest link in this flock.                            should have allowed.
                                                              Thankfully,      it almost   doesn’t   matter  if
  Margot Robbie (“The Wolf of Wall
Street,” “I, Tonya”), who’s also a there even is a weakest link,
producer on the film, clearly loves because director Cathy Yan
Harley. Her performance here is leagues (“Dead Pigs”), screenwriter
above “Suicide Squad.” She cracks wise C h r i s t i n a                              Hodson
to the camera, flips the narrative around                   (“Bumblebee          (2018)”)     and
when it suits her and constantly narrates                   cinematographer            Matthew
scribbles and words across the screen. Libatique (“Requiem for
She’s a delight for every moment she’s a Dream,” “Black Swan”)
on screen and her arc is quite impressive. ground the f ilm in a
Themes of “working together” come sense of pure camp
full circle by the time the rest of the and absurdity. The film
team shows up, and Harley has made is constantly f lying back
legitimate changes and it leads into the and forth between Harley’s
film’s most action-packed act yet with narration, fantasy sequences
strong narrative grounding.                                 and the supposed reality of the
  Not everyone gets as much time film. It lends everything a very
devoted to them, however. Despite the surreal feeling.
title being “Birds of Prey,” it’s basically                   Similarities to films
Harley’s story. That does leave the film                    like    “Deadpool” and P H O T O S C O U R T E S Y O F D C F I L M S , L U C K Y C H A P E N T E R T A I N M E N T , K R O L L & C O .
                                                            “Pulp Fiction” are E N T E R T A I N M E N T , C L U B H O U S E P I C T U R E S , A N D W A R N E R B R O S . P I C T U R E S
10     SPORTS                                                                                 

                                                                                                                  KC MC ALLISTER| THE ROTUNDA

  Longwood attacker, Kaitlin Luccarelli, slows down an oncoming offensive run in Sunday's game versus the University of Richmond Spiders.

Women’s Lacrosse has sights set on
Big South Championship in 2020
by Nick Robinson | Sports Staff | @longwoodrotunda

         he women’s lacrosse team is                 attacker Kaitlyn Luccarrelli, senior         goals per game given up, compared to
         coming off of a 2019 season                 defensive player Corri Calandra and          the average of 11.41 goals scored per
         where they dominated in                     sophomore attacker Nicole Fordyce,           game. Jones remains optimistic that
conference play, going 5-1 in the Big                who were all given Preseason All-Big         the team can change those numbers
South and winning their final five                   South honors.                                for the better this season. “I think it’s
regular season games before losing to                  Jones spoke on the impact that these       just another year older and another
Winthrop by a score of 12-9 in the Big               three women make to on the team. “I          year wiser for our team. We have eight
South Tournament semifinals.                         expect big things from them. Kaitlyn         seniors and they’re very well-seasoned.
  Head coach Elaine Jones laid out                   and Corri are both seniors so they’re        We’re looking for them to lead the way.
her expectations for the 2020 season.                very driven on ending on a high note.        Some of them can score goals, some
“We always expect to finish first in                 All three are very capable players. We       of them can hold off goals and hold it
conference. We got a taste of getting                have Kaitlyn and Nikki (Fordyce)             down on defense. I think they’re up for
to the conference tournament last year               bringing it on offense and Corri holding     the challenge.”
and we were a little let down because we             it down on defense so we’re set.”              First up for the Lancers in 2020 is the
were not able to perform better. Getting               Jones also made sure to mention other      Richmond Spiders, a team that won
to the finals is a long-term goal.”                  players that Lancer fans should be on        the Atlantic 10 conference last year en
   Jones added that she wants the team               the lookout for this season. “On the         route to an NCAA tournament bid.
to be better in non-conference play this             defensive end, Olivia Zubillaga helps        Jones broke down what it would take
season because she believes that they                Corri anchor that defense. We’re also        for her team to win. “Starting off the
started off slow and let a few games get             exited for the return of Molly Barkman,      season with a win would be great. They
away from them. The team was 3-7 in                  who was out last year with an injury.        are challenging, but we want to focus on
non-conference play in 2019 and Jones                Dana Joss is always a threat. Our            us and the things that we do well. We
believes that they can improve that in               newcomers are still coming along but         don’t want to ride on what they did last
2020.                                                we’re excited about them.”                   year or what we did last year. It’s a 0-0
  The team returns a majority of its                   A stat that did not work in the team’s     game to start and we just have to put
starters this season, including senior               favor last season was the average of 12.82   our best foot forward.”
FEB. 10, 2020                                                                                                             SPORTS          11

 Baseball looks to overcome doubters,
 return to BSC tourney
  by Kurt Martin | Sports Editor | @IamKurt14
                                                                                                                SHANNON HENSHAW | THE ROTUNDA

Longwood baseball pitcher, Dominick Dercole, warms up his arm to prepare to the season ahead.

            hen head coach Ryan                   many that we have,” said Mau. “So, yeah          going to need to put up some runs.
            Mau first heard his team              absolutely expect to be in the conference          With the youth on the mound, Mau
            was selected 10th in the              tournament and to do much more than              said the team has an “all hands on deck”
Preseason Big South Conference poll               that.”                                           approach and each pitcher is going to have
he briefly spoke to the team about it,              The players, and especially those              to play their role correctly to become the
but knew the squad as a whole would               returning, echo the same sentiment and feel      staff they want to be as a whole.
use the ranking as fuel to prove any and          a chip on their shoulders to make it back.         Now, also in his senior season like Tucker,
all doubters wrong as this season gets            This year’s team returns 20 players, while       pitcher John Gregory said he has taken
off the ground.                                   welcoming 14 newcomers who will all need         more of a leadership role in the clubhouse
  “A lot of excitement. A lot of energy. I        to make an impact when called upon for the       and looked to improve his between-the-ears
think the focus has been really good the          club to be successful.                           game in the offseason.
last couple weeks with some really crisp            One of those returning players is senior         He said, “… last year I didn’t think I was
practices because, as we all know, it will be     second baseman Antwaun Tucker. The               as great a leader as I could be,” and said
here before we know it. It’s right around the     Chase City, Virginia native, and nephew          he has looked to get more of the younger
corner. A lot of excitement in the buildup to     to Longwood baseball legend Michael              players to feel like they fit in and belong in
opening day,” said Mau.                           Tucker, said the energy and excitement of        the program. Gregory said he was highly
  In this point in preparation, as the season     the tournament is one driving forces to          inf luenced by former Lancer standout
will begin on Valentine’s Day for the first of    make it back.                                    Sammy Miller, who graduated in 2018
a four game set with Purdue Fort Wayne,             “I want to be back. I know the team wants      while John was only a sophomore.
Mau said practice is all about solidifying        to be back. All of those that were there, they     “He set the standard of the Longwood
team chemistry and also nailing down the          want to be back. And (for) the freshmen,         way. Like he took all of the young guys
smaller aspects of the game.                      that would be a great experience for them,”      under his wing and was just like, ‘this is
  “This is, in my opinion, our best collective    said Tucker.                                     how we do things here’, and he taught us
group as far as how we are gelling. I’m really      After batting .297 a season ago, the           what to do and what not to do in certain
excited about that” said Mau. “This time of       2019 All-Big South Honorable Mention             situations. He was just an overall great
year you’re just touching some of your small      selection returns as the team’s leading bat,     leader and I think that’s where I developed
game packages, your bunt defenses, your           and will shift from shortstop over to second     some of my leadership skills today, which
first and third, your communication, your         base in the field for this upcoming season,      was from him,” said Gregory.
cuts and relays, just ironing out the things      according to Mau.                                  In using those lessons learned, Gregory
on the running game…”                               The head coach also announced other            said he and his fellow teammates are
  “Everything is in at this point when you        changes to the Lancers’ defensive alignment      looking to create a culture where everyone
are building that closely to the season, it’s     for the campaign, as junior transfer Ricky       is a part of what the team does. He also
just a matter of reviewing them and just          Jimenez will take over Tucker’s previous role    mentioned that this year’s senior class wants
ironing out a couple or wrinkles here-and-        at shortstop and senior Nate Blakeney will       to further instill that it is “unacceptable to
there,” he added.                                 move from second base to third base.             not make the (Big South) tournament and
  This year’s team is looking to make a             Mau feels these moves will place               an overall embarrassment.”
return trip to the Big South Conference           the players in positions they are more             The schedule will open with 10 of 12
tournament, as the Lancers missed out a           comfortable in, which would then produce         games at Buddy Bolding Stadium, which
season ago, finishing at (11-41 5-22 Big          more positive benefits for the team.             gives the Lancers a heightened chance for a
South) and 10th in the conference. Only             Alongside the position changes, Mau            fast start out of the gates.
the top nine seeds clinch a berth into the        expressed confidence that this year’s team         Tucker said teams are simply more
postseason dance.                                 will be “super aggressive” when running          comfortable on their home field because
  Mau said making the tournament is “an           the bases and will also have more offensive      there is a heightened knowledge of each
absolute” for the program and the team has        firepower than in years past.                    thing that makes the diamond different
a “100 percent” belief that it is something         “I expect a lot from our offensive club        from opposing fields, which only sounds like
they are going to do.                             because they are veterans, because they have     a small thing, but could be the difference in
  “It’s just a first-check box, if you will, of   had success and because we’re young on the       the game.
                                                  pitching side of things,” said Mau. “We’re
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