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Crow’s Nest staff                                        Take a look inside                                   Art Heals at
                       reacts to new                                            the Big Red Bus                                      new exhibit
                       Mario movie
                                              p. 5                                                   p. 6                                                p. 8

                                              CROW’S NEST

                                               THE STUDENT NEWSPAPER AT THE USF ST. PETERSBURG CAMPUS

Volume 60 | Issue 5 | April 17, 2023 | Online at        @CrowsNestStPete     @USFCrowsNest        @USFCrowsNest         The Crow’s Nest at USFSP

           rays break records

Rays outfielder Harold Ramírez hit a double in an April 13 game against the Boston Red Sox.                                                COURTESY OF TAMPA BAY RAYS

                                                                                                                                          See RAYS on p. 2

           Russian and ukrainian usf students
             reflect on the last year of war
By Elizaveta Clark                   room and showed her what          of February 24, 2022,          suffer because I don’t think    Moscow:
Contributor                          was happening, and we just        the President of Russia,       they’re responsible –– or,         “It was like those

          or Grygoriy                stood there for a little bit,     Vladimir Putin, announced      probably half responsible       ‘before and after’ pictures
          Voloshyn, a                trying to soak it all in.”        what he called a “special      –– but they’re definitely       they use in ads but
          Ukrainian-                     When Volyshyn picked          military operation”            not guilty of what’s going      reversed. Everything
American student at                  up his dad from the airport,      to “demilitarize” and          on.”                            changed. People became
the University of South              he asked if he had heard          “denazify” Ukraine. By            Korostyleva grew up          more depressed, generally
Florida, the night of Feb.           the news yet. He was              that point, Russian troops     in Moscow and that is           confused, and, I don’t
23, 2022, was the second             confused and didn’t hear          had already crossed the        where the rest of her family    know, lost probably. Much
time he had ever seen his            anything due to being on          border of Ukraine, and the     resides. She started her        more drunk people there.
dad cry. That was the night          the plane for the last couple     first explosions began the     journey at USF in August        Billboards everywhere
the news of a “special               of hours. His son told him,       war. This development          2021, and since then, she       saying like, ‘I’m at war;
military operation” in               “It started.”                     came as a shock to most        went back home twice            you should be too!’ You
Ukraine by Russian forces                “And as soon as we            of the world, including the    –– once for the winter          pass those billboards, and
reached those in the United          pulled out of the garage, he      Russian people.                holidays, just mere months      you’re just so angry and
States.                              took out his phone, looked            “I actually want           before the war started,         sad, and … you want to
   “My dad was flying                it up, and that was the           Ukraine to win this war,”      and the second time in the      really just go and break it,
back to Tampa from                   second time I’d ever seen         said Nadia Korostyleva,        summer of 2022, when            take this out, and burn it.
Washington D.C… with                 my dad cry. That was really       who studies biomedical         the war was already in          But then you’re thinking, ‘I
another Ukrainian family             tough for me,” Voloshyn           engineering at USF, “but I     progress. This is how she       can’t…probably something
friend,” Voloshyn said. “I           said.                             don’t want my parents and      describes the difference
                                         In the early morning          my friends back home to        between her two visits to            See WAR on p. 7
called my mom into the
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April 17, 2023                                                                                                                 THE CROW ’S NEST

                                   house bill 999 potentially threatens to
 2 MISC.                          restrict college programs and activities
                                 colleges and universities
By Jeffrey Caicedo               to deliver the courses
Crow’s Nest Staff
                                 that are necessary for a

           he ban on             comprehensive education.
           diversity, equity,    For instance, evolutionary
           and inclusion         biology, which is taught
(DEI) initiatives could have     at the University of South
far-reaching consequences        Florida, is a generally
for the campus community.        acknowledged scientific
   The Florida legislature       theory that is included in
are discussing a potential       several science courses at
bill that would ban state        the college level in Florida.
colleges and universities            It’s uncertain if such
from funding programs            courses could continue to
that promote DEI. The bill       be taught if the measure
has caused major concerns        were to pass without
among students about their       running the danger
                                                                 Students at USF St. Petersburg organized a February walkout in                   COURTESY OF
academic freedom and their       of losing funding or                                                                                            KELAH LEHART
                                 institutional support.          protest of Gov. Ron Desantis’ education policies which attempts to
role of higher education in
                                     Concerns about              ban DEI and LGBTQ+ programs at Florida universities.
promoting social justice.
   With the bill being           the function of higher          diversity and inclusion,        those who depend on these       Truth, Racial Healing and
vague on prohibiting             education in advancing          the Office of Multicultural     initiatives for advocacy        Transformation,” Kima
courses “based on untested,      social justice have also        Affairs (OMA) whose             and support. It might also      Sibayan, a sophomore
speculative, or exploratory      been expressed considering      mission is “to create a safe    be harder for schools and       majoring in Social Studies
content,” many are also          the bill’s prohibition          and inclusive environment       universities to draw in         at USF St. Petersburg said.
worried that it may be           on DEI programs. DEI            for all marginalized            and keep a diverse staff        “It was done through four
used to target a variety of      programs aim to advance         identities that promotes        and student body, which         universities in Pinellas
academic initiatives and         inclusivity and equality on     authenticity and self-          might be detrimental to the     County, two private and
activities, such as those        college campuses, and their     liberation” at USF St.          quality of education and        two public, but next year
that clarify theories of         significance has grown          Petersburg is also at risk if   research conducted at these     the two public universities,
evolution, gravitation and       recently as institutions of     this bill passes.               institutions.                   our school included, have
physics.                         higher learning work to            The proposed                     “I’m in a fellowship        to leave the program since
   There are worries that        confront systemic racism        prohibition on DEI              called the Racial Justice       the funding has been cut.”
this bill would make             and prejudice.                  activities could have           Fellowship which is done
                                     With the importance of      significant ramifications for   through St. Petersburg    
it more difficult for

                     rays start season strong
By Brandi Bottger                season this strong. The         at any given moment,            allowing players Randy          night,” said Cash in a press
Contributor                      Rays hit a total of 30 home     someone can knock one           Arozarena, Wander Franco        conference following the

           he Tampa Bay          runs and scored over 90         out of the ballpark,” said      and Manuel Margot to            game.
           Rays had an           runs total in their first 13    Kevin Cash, manager of the      score, bringing the game to        With 14-2, the Rays
           incredible start      games.                          Tampa Bay Rays, in a post-      3-4.                            remain No. 1 overall in the
to their season, setting a          “When you’re rolling         game interview.                    The team also gives          MLB rankings and No. 1 in
franchise record for most        as a team, you just keep it        In their April 13 game       credit to their pitchers.       the American League.
wins at the start of the         going. You don’t question       against the Boston Red          “It just shows how                 This season, the Rays
season and tying the MLB         anything,” second baseman       Sox, the Rays secured their     unbelievable our pitchers       have given plenty of
record for the best start to a   Brandon Lowe, who has           thirteenth win, although        really are,” said Lowe in an    opportunities for fans to
season, winning their first      scored two home runs            they trailed behind 3-1 in      article published by ESPN.      experience the team in
13 games.                        and one grand slam this         the fifth inning. It wasn’t        On opening day,              action, with a $10 ticket
   It’s the first time in 20     season, said in a post-game     until Harold Ramírez hit        University of South             promo and beverage
years that the Tampa Bay         interview.                      a double off Red Sox’s          Florida alumnus Shane           specials over the weekend.
Rays have begun their               “I kind of felt like,        pitcher Corey Kluber,           McClanahan was named            But college students can
                                                                                                 the starting pitcher for the    also attend the games at a
                                                                                                 game against the Detroit        special price.
                                                                                                 Tigers. McClanahan                 USF students have the
                                                                                                 pitched six sharp innings,      opportunity to purchase
                                                                                                 allowing zero runs for the      tickets for only $10.
                                                                                                 Tigers.                         Students must provide their
                                                                                                    “He was really good. I       USF email and are eligible
                                                                                                 thought he threw a couple       up to four tickets per game,
                                                                                                 of errant fastballs up, but     per account. Tickets are
                                                                                                 you would expect that on        valid for Monday-Thursday
                                                                                                 opening day. But he was         games only.
                                                                                                 able to harness it and get it
                                                                                                                                  Brandi Bottger is a Digital
                                                                                                 back in the zone and made          Communications and
                                                                                                 a lot of really good quality      Multimedia Journalism
                                                                                                 pitches and gave us a start               Junior
                                                                                                 that we will never complain
                                                                                                 about. Six innings, no runs,
The Rays’ latest win left the team tied for best start of          COURTESY OF TAMPA BAY RAYS
                                                                                                 we’ll sign up for it every
season in MLB history.
Digital Commons @ University of South Florida
April 17, 2023                                                                                                                 THE CROW ’S NEST

USF Women’s basketball duo signs to wnba
                                                                                                                                  SPORTS                3
By Vanessa Wenzl                game and was chosen for         this season.                    battle and earn my place.”      Tsineke and Fankam

                                the Washington Mystics.            Earlier in the season on         On March 31, the duo        Mendjiadeu
          lena Tsineke and         “I am so grateful for this   November 25, she recorded       also became the 10th and           Co-Players of the
          Dulcy Fankam          opportunity,” Tsineke said.     a career best with 21           11th players to receive an      year followed by their
          Mendjiadeu,           “[It’s] a dream come true.”     rebounds against Georgia        honorable mention from          unanimous selection
former University of               On March 19, Tsinkeke        Tech.                           the Women’s Basketball          for The American All-
South Florida Women’s           had 20 points in her final         She ended the 2022-23        Coaches Association, the        Conference First team.
Basketball standouts, were      collegiate game in the          season with a conference        first from USF to earn an
both selected in the WNBA       NCAA Tournament Second          best 12.3 rebounds outing       honorable mention since          Vanessa Wenzl is a Digital
                                                                                                                                   Communications and
Draft on April 10.              Round against South             as a career high.               Maria Jespersen and Kitija
                                                                                                                                  Multimedia Journalism
   They are the first players   Carolina.                          Fankam Mendjiadeu            Laksa in 2018.                            Junior
from USF to be selected            “I am so proud and           tops the conference with            The American Athletic
in the draft since 2020,        happy for my teammate,          418 rebounds, third in the      Conference names both
making it the seventh and       Dulcy,” Tsineke said.           nation. Her average per
eighth pick in the women’s         Fankam Mendjiadeu,           game is fifth in the nation
basketball program’s            a senior forward from           and first in the American
history.                        Nkongsambe, Cameroon,           All-Conference and she is
   Tsineke and Fankam           averaged 16.5 points a          also fourth in the nation for
Mendjiadeu were 20th and        game and signed with the        double-doubles, with 24.
21st selected overall picks     Seattle Storm.                     “I am really grateful for
in the draft.                      Fankam Mendjiadeu            the opportunity, but I know
   Tsineke, a Senior guard      scored double points 30         that everything starts now,”
from Thessaloniki, Greece,      out 34 games, making the        Fankam Mendjiadeu said,
averaged 17.9 points a          double-digit board 26 times     “I have to go and fight and                                                  COURTESY OF USF

    USF baseball wins second straight aac
Story and Photo                 Mink to pitch.                     Cantu now leads USF in          “We struggled to put
By Vanessa Wenzl                   “We didn’t capitalize on     home runs with 7 and 30         together series wins early
Contributor                     our offensive opportunities     runs batted in (RBI) this       in the season, but we talked

            fter a loss in      in Thursday’s loss, but         season, matching his last       about the conference slate
            game one, the       did a much better job over      season.                         being a new season,” said
            University of       the final two games of the         To close out the series      Mohl. “We’ve won two
South Florida Baseball          series,” said Head Coach        against Tulane’s Green          straight now and want to
team took not one, but two      Billy Mohl.                     Wave, the bulls closed out      keep that rolling.”
victories after Friday and         In Friday’s game, the        with a 5-3.                        The series win against
Saturday’s games against        Bulls gave an outstanding          Eric Snow, freshman          the Green Wave is the first
Tulane to close out the         run-rule victory 15-3 over      infielder, stood out in         since 2018 for the Bulls.
series.                         Tulane.                         Saturday’s game after two          South Florida now has
   Despite the out hits            Achieving a season high,     RBIs, two walks, 3 runs         won its two-conference
against the Green Wave by       every Bull at bat scored or     scored and a home run.          series leading to a tied
8-6, the score ended 5-0 on     drove a run.                       Boser also drove a           top American Athletic
Thursday April 6, 2023.            Daniel Cantu, Eric           notable run in the fifth to     Conference standing.
   Ethan Brown, pitcher         Snow, and Rafeal                bring the lead 3-0.
                                Betancourt all drove               Tulane finally got on the      Vanessa Wenzl is a Digital
of the week, had a rough
                                three runs while Bobby          score board top of the sixth        Communications and
start allowing three runs
                                Boser, John Montes and          inning with one homer              Multimedia Journalism
and exiting at the seventh                                                                                 Junior
inning to allow Tanner          Betancourt recorded two         and one single score in the
                                hits.                           eighth and ninth inning.

         USF Women’s Tennis defeats Houston
By Brandi Bottger                  The Bulls began by              To round out the double      with a final score of 6-3.      where they will host Tulane
Contributor                     dropping the first doubles      team matches, Marta                The Bulls then secured       at the USF Varsity Tennis

          he University of      match, but then won the         Falceto Font and senior         a victory in the next two       Courts in Tampa.
          South Florida         next two to secure the first    Nadja Bay Christians            matches, with Pellicer              Follow USF Women’s
          Women’s Tennis        win.                            secured a win on the court,     winning her doubles match,      Tennis on all social
team defeated Houston 4-1          On one court, USF            finishing 6-4. Falceto and      bringing the final score to     media (Twitter/Facebook/
in a three-match stretch        sophomore Sierra                Christians have won the         6-3, 7-5 victory.               Instagram) and visit
at the Barbara Wallace          Berry and junior Grace          last four double matches           Falceto Font then   for all
Winston Tennis Facility in      Schumacher were beaten          they’ve played this season.     clinched another win for        up-to-date information
Texas on Monday, April          with a final score of 4-6,         In singles play, Cliona      the Bulls, by winning a         about Bulls athletics.
3. The Bulls won two of         which led to their record       Walsh earned the first point    doubles match, finishing off
                                for doubles this season to      for the Bulls with a 6-4        with a score of 7-5, 6-2.        Brandi Bottger is a Digital
the three matches, losing
                                dropping to 6-4.                win, which led to Walsh            With this win, the Bulls        Communications and
one match to Florida                                                                                                              Multimedia Journalism
International University,          On court three, senior       improving her record for        have won the last eight of
                                Laura Pellicer and              singles to 9-4 this season.     their nine matches, now                   Junior
and winning the other
two matches against             freshman Ireland Simme             Simme played the next        having a record of 12-6.
Rice University and the         won 6-3 to even up the          singles match, losing to        Their next game will be at
University of Houston.          scores.                         Houston’s Gabriela Cortes,      noon on Saturday, April 8,
Digital Commons @ University of South Florida
April 17, 2023                                                                                                                           THE CROW ’S NEST

                                               cross county transit available for students
 4             OPINION                         By Sean Schrader
                                                                            of making it easier for
                                                                            students to travel from
                                                                                                              Hypothetically, if a
                                                                                                           Tampa student wanted to
                                                                                                                                          line that would take them
                                                                                                                                          to the USF St. Petersburg

                                                           s Governor       one campus to another,         visit the St. Petersburg       campus.
                                                           at USF St.       especially for those who       campus, they could travel         Admittedly, mastering
THE                                                        Petersburg,      don’t have access to a car     from the USF Tampa             this system to travel from
CROW’S NEST                                   I’ve attempted to orient      still stands. Thankfully,      campus HART bus stop           campus to campus will
                                              student government            there’s a solution to this     to the Downtown Tampa          likely take some time
                                              initiatives towards           problem already in-place,      Marion Transit Center.         for students who are
Mission Statement                             embracing the OneUSF          with cross-county bus          From there, they could         interested in using the
 The Crow’s Nest is committed to              mission, and the idea that    lines up and running           take the PSTA bus to the       service.
 providing its readers with news
 relevant to the University of South
                                              all three of our University   every day.                     Downtown St. Petersburg           We are fortunate in
 Florida St. Petersburg campus and its        of South Florida                  One is in partnership      bus stop, and then find        Tampa Bay to have
 surrounding community. The Crow’s
 Nest abides by the highest ethical           campuses have something       with the Pinellas              the corresponding bus          access to effective
 standards and focuses on stories that        unique to offer.              Suncoast Transit               line that would take them      mass-transit options
 help readers make informed decisions
 on current issues. We take seriously the        Throughout my time         Authority (PSTA)               to the USF St. Petersburg      in which this type of
 public’s trust in our news reporting and
 strive to uphold the highest standards
                                              at USF, I’ve found that       and the Hillsborough           campus.                        cross-county travel is
 of reporting as defined by the Society       talking about OneUSF          Area Regional Transit             Route 203, also             available, especially with
 of Professional Journalists. Opinions
 in this newspaper do not necessarily         and actually engaging in      Authority (HART) and           known as the Skyway            technology support to
 represent those of the administration,       consolidated activities are   the other is in partnership    ConneXion, established         track active bus routes
 faculty or student body.
                                              two separate things. One      with PSTA and the              between PSTA and               and schedules.
Reach Us                                      of the core challenges        Sarasota County Area           SCAT provides express             The idea of OneUSF is
                                              that exists for students      Transit (SCAT).                service for riders from        so exciting and beneficial
USFSP Peter Rudy Wallace                      wanting to get involved           Before delving too         Downtown Bradenton to          for our entire community,
                                              across campuses is            far into how these routes      Downtown St. Petersburg        but it requires strong
Office 110
                                              transportation.               work, it’s important to        at different intervals         support from students
261 Sixth Ave. S.
St. Petersburg, FL, 33701                        As is stands today,        mention that students          throughout the day,            to truly embrace what’s                              there is no shuttle or bus    can ride free on all three     Monday through Friday.         possible. This Tampa
                                              system to take students       of these bus lines with a         If a Sarasota student       Bay bus partnership is
Staff                                         from one campus to            valid USF student ID.          wanted to visit the St.        a solution to access our
                                              another.                          Route 100X,                Petersburg campus, they        three USF campuses and
  Editor-in-Chief                                After many                 established between            could travel from the          experience their unique
     Aubrey Carr                              conversations with USF        PSTA and HART,                 USF Sarasota campus            features. I hope you will                        leadership, I’m optimistic    provides express               SCAT bus stop to the           take advantage.
  Managing Editor                             that investments in such      service for riders from        Downtown Bradenton
    Now Hiring                                a transportation service      Downtown St. Petersburg        Station. From there, they      Sean Schrader is a business
                                              may be possible in the        to Downtown Tampa at           could take the bus to the      graduate student at USF St.
  News Editor
                                              coming years.                 different times throughout     Downtown St. Petersburg               Petersburg
    Now Hiring
  Online Editor                                  However, in the            the day, Monday through        bus stop, and then find
    Alisha Durosier                           interim, the challenge        Friday.                        the corresponding bus
 Arts & Life Editor
   Kelah Lehart                                Book review: “The Color Purple” by alice walker
  Op-Ed & Features Editor                     By Sol Casanas                prettier younger sister        characters influences          we learn that we should
    Jeffrey Caicedo                           Crow’s Nest Staff             who flees to safety from       Celie’s life in various        not give up and can

                                                 “                                                     their house. Making Celie      ways, which leads to her       overcome obstacles just
                                                       The Color Purple”
  Staff Reporter                                                            think she is dead because      coming of age.                 like Celie did, that self-
                                                       is a fiction
     Sol Casanas                                                            she promised she would             In the book, we learn      love is important and to                                 novel written by
                                                                            write to her when she left.    about the symbolism            never forget your place
                                              bestselling novelist Alice
  Creative Director                                                         Later finding out that her     of the color purple,           on this earth.
                                              Walker. This book is an
    Gavin Hadro                                                             letters have been hidden       which means power, and            If you’re looking for
                                              epistolary, a story told                                                    by a certain Mr.____, as       royalty, which ends up         a powerful coming-of-
                                              through letters.
  Multimedia Editor                                                         depicted in the book.          being important in Celie’s     age story with lots of ups
                                                  These letters are
    Alfi Storrs                                                                 Mr.____ ends up being      life to overcome the           and downs and full of
                                              written by two sisters                                                       one of the most important      obstacles.                     symbolism, this novel is a
                                              living separate lives in
  Marketing Manager                                                         people in Celie’s life. He         “The Color Purple”         must-read and will impact
                                              the distance. One of the
    Hadley Hiles                                                            marries her, bringing her      has three types of             your life as it did mine.
                                              sisters’ names is Celie.                                                   into a difficult and joyless   love stories: agape,
                                              She is the protagonist of                                                             
  Advisor                                                                   marriage.                      an unconditional type
                                              the book. The 14-year-old
    Chelsea Tatham                                                              In this story, we meet     of love, the highest
                                              girl lives in poverty and
    Zukowski                                                                a lot of characters that are   form, and the most
                                              is uneducated. She writes                                                     introduced into Celie’s        powerful because it is
                                              her letters to God.
                                                                            life, like, Mr.____ (whose     not predicted. It’s not the
                                                  Through these letters,
                                                                            name is revealed later in      type of love that is earned
                                              we learn about Celie’s
                                                                            the story), Shug Avery,        or deserved. Philia, a
                                              life. She writes to God
 Letters to the Editor                                                      who becomes Celie’s            friendship type of love,
                                              about how her father,
                                                                            most constant friend           Storge, is love within
 The Crow’s Nest accepts letters to           Albert, beats and rapes
 the editor. All submissions should                                         throughout the book,           the family. And eros, the
 be no more than 500 words. Writers           her and how she gets
                                                                            Harpo, Sofia, Squeak,          physical type of love
 must include their full name. All            pregnant from her
 letters are subject to editing for clarity                                 Alphonso, Samuel,              and the love of beautiful
 and length. Letters can be sent to           father, who then steals
                                                                            Corrine, Olivia, Adam,         things. with subject title          the children from her
 “Letter to the Editor.”                                                    Tashi, Miss Millie,                We learn about these
 Because of high production costs,            and although he brings
                                                                            Eleanor Jane, Grady and        different types of love
 members of the USFSP community               home a new wife, he still
 are permitted one copy per issue.                                          Kate.                          throughout Celie’s life.
 Newspaper theft is a crime.                  decides to beat her.
                                                                                Each one of those              Through this novel,
                                                  Nettie is Celie’s                                                                        COURTESY OF PENGUIN BOOKS
Digital Commons @ University of South Florida
April 17, 2023                                                                                                                THE CROW ’S NEST

          The super mario bros. movie is a
          fun ride from beginning to end                                                                                       OPINION              5
By Alfi Storrs, Jeffrey          be taken seriously, being      brothers, who run an           powerful Kong army and          music and a surprising
Caicedo and Sol Casanas          targeted towards kids,         independent plumbing           defeat Bowser, rescuing         amount of character from

          hirty years after      but it is overflowing          business, struggle to          Luigi along the way.            its main cast. Mario and
          the release of         with nostalgic references      make ends meet as their        The Mario Kart game             Luigi’s bond as brothers
          the live-action        that will make even the        luck seems to be working       concepts are showcased          was stronger than ever,
flop “Super Mario Bros.”         most die-hard fans of the      against them. Despite          heavily in the movie; the       and Princess Peach
the plumber brothers             gaming franchise jump          being the laughingstock        way they pick their karts       herself was far from a
have returned to theatres        for joy. The plot itself is    of their neighborhood          is exactly like the games,      damsel in distress. Jack
in triumphant style.             rather straightforward         and family, they refuse        and they even feature the       Black’s performance as
Given the rather hit-            in style; Mario saves          to give up. In a desperate     Rainbow Road.                   Bowser undoubtedly stole
or-miss nature of films          the day by defeating           attempt to prove                  “The Super Mario             the show, but the rest
based off of video games,        the villainous Bowser.         themselves, they set out       Bros. Movie” is a great         of the voice cast wasn’t
some trepidation was not         It’s certainly not an          to fix a catastrophic water    starting point for what         slouching off either.
unfounded going into             unfamiliar story to            main break — only to be        could be an amazing film        Given the collective
the release of this year’s       anyone who’s so much           unexpectedly transported       franchise. The movie has        skepticism voiced
adventure. But, as it turns      as heard of the white-         through a mysterious           beautiful visuals and non-      online in the wake of
out, moviegoers needn’t          gloved plumber. But what       green pipe.                    stop fun for those who are      cast announcements in
worry.                           really makes the movie             Immediately, Mario         Mario fans but also a fun       September 2021, those
   As one would think,           shine is its visual style.     and Luigi are separated        experience for the whole        same cynics can breathe a
“The Super Mario Bros.           Illumination (“Despicable      as they flume through          family. Considering that        sigh of relief.
Movie” is not meant to           Me,” “Sing”) brought the       the pipes. Mario               the first Mario series              While not a perfect
                                 world of the Mushroom          finds himself in the           games released in the           film by any stretch, one
                                 Kingdom to vibrant             breathtaking Mushroom          1980s, the inclusion of         can tell that a lot of love
                                 silver screen life with        Kingdom, surrounded            a handful of songs from         and care went into the
                                 a distinctive flair that       by adorable mushroom-          the same decade surely          creation of “The Super
                                 remained a visual treat        headed creatures known         caught the attention of         Mario Bros. Movie.”
                                 throughout the entire hour     as Toads. But Luigi’s fate     parents as well.                For those looking for
                                 and a half runtime.            is less fortunate as he is        This film was                something fun to watch
                                     We follow Mario            taken captive by the evil      undoubtedly full of             without having to think
                                 (Chris Pratt) and Luigi        Bowser (Jack Black),           references and gags             too hard and simply have
                                 (Charlie Day) on an epic       who has his eyes set on        that would make any             a good time, this might
                                 adventure as they embark       marrying Princess Peach        long-time Nintendo fan          just be the one to watch
                                 on a journey from the          (Anya Taylor-Joy) and          grin. What it lacks in a        this weekend.
                                 streets of Brooklyn to         taking over the world.         strong and original plot,
                                 the magical world of the       Mario and Peach team up        it makes up for with     
                                 Mario series. These two        on a quest to gather the       phenomenally-arranged    

            A ghost story: an emotional masterpiece
 By Peyton Mcmanus               love more than anything        make you feel good,            yourself reflected in
 Contributor                     else in the world,             it’s supposed to make          both of them. They are

                                 could slip away from           you feel human. While          never named, just known
       ’m going to be            you. “A Ghost Story”           I love Marvel films and        as C and M, yet their
       honest with you:          expertly plucks at those       other formulaic, feel-         relationship is shown in
       No movie makes            heartstrings, exploiting       good movies as much            a nuanced and complex
me cry quite like “A             that fear that we all carry:   as the next person, the        way, and it leaves the
Ghost Story” by David            what if it ends?               idea that all art has to be    audience grieving
Lowery (The only rival is           The argument against        this way deprives you of       something that never
“Everything Everywhere           “A Ghost Story” is often       experiencing some of the       existed, and the life that
All at Once,” at which I         that it is “too slow.”         most intense artistic films    they never had.
ugly cried so hard I gave        There is, admittedly, a        you will ever watch. In           The scene that many
myself a migraine, but           5-minute scene where           my opinion, it deprives        people refer to as their
that’s beside the point).        one of the characters does     you of an essential            reason for disliking the
    “A Ghost Story”              nothing but sit on the         experience.                    movie––Rooney Mara’s
follows the process of           kitchen floor eating pie           “A Ghost Story” isn’t      character eating pie––is
grief and makes the              and crying. Especially in      supposed to be a movie         actually my favorite. I
audience feel every              our increasingly fast-         musical or a superhero         think it speaks volumes
single moment of it.             paced world, this can          film. It is art through        to Lowery’s genius as
Lowery makes you                 cause a lot of modern          film, and it is the most       a director and Rooney
feel every ounce of              audiences to lose interest.    beautiful representation       Mara’s ability as an actor
sadness, nostalgic joy           My plea is this: stay          of grief, love and loss that   that a scene where a
and bittersweet longing          with it. Turn your phone       I have ever witnessed.         grieving woman eats pie                     COURTESY OF A24
in this movie, and the           off, quiet your mind and       Every time we get that         for five minutes has such
diegetic addition of “I          soak in every moment           glittery, beautiful feeling    a profound impact on
Get Overwhelmed” by                                                                                                            follow us around until
                                 of this movie. Because         of being in love, a ghost      the audience’s emotions.        we’ve somehow made
Dark Rooms adds yet              those scenes you wish          begins to haunt the back       Sitting there, feeling
another layer of beautiful                                                                                                     peace with them. It’s a
                                 you could skip are             corners of our minds,          every emotion that Mara         superb representation of
tragicness to it all.            representative of the stage    saving room for grief,         took me through, was
    But besides the                                                                                                            the baggage our souls
                                 of grief that all of us wish   stockpiling it should we       like I was facing some          carry, and why loving and
cinematography and why           we could skip over. You        need it. It’s a pressing       of my greatest fears, and
it’s an absolute visual                                                                                                        losing might be the worst
                                 can’t escape the emotions      anxiety that many cannot       no matter how much I            thing in the entire world,
work of art (it is), it’s also   of that scene, just like       let go of, and even once       wanted to leave, they
a masterpiece of a script.                                                                                                     but it’s also what makes
                                 you can’t escape your          you do, the fear is always     were inescapable.               us human.
Being in love is one of          emotions when you’re           there.                            “A Ghost Story”
the scariest things in the       grieving somebody.                 The two main               follows the haunting and
world. At any moment,                                                                                                             Peyton Mcmanus is
                                    On a broader note,          characters relate to the       loneliness of the end of a          an English Junior
the thing that takes up          films don’t always have        audience in different          relationship, and the way
most of your waking              to make you feel good.         ways, and throughout           the shells of ourselves left
time, the person that you        Art isn’t supposed to          the film, it’s easy to find    from relationships past
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April 17, 2023                                                                                                            THE CROW ’S NEST

 6         FEATURE               Inside oneblood’s big red bus
Story and Photo                 don’t see the importance        population has O negative
By Courtney Brown               of donating. The 23-year-       blood, yet it’s the highest
Contributor                     old team leader said it’s all   blood type in demand. This

            t the University    about the potential lives       is because O negative is the
            of South            saved.                          universal donor, meaning
            Florida’s Tampa        “I feel like it’s so         it has the ability to save
campus, the Big Red Bus         important to donate             anyone in need of a blood
has stationed itself outside    because it saves lives. A lot   transfusion, unlike other
of the Marshall Student         of people have diseases,        types which have to be a
Center. Inside workers and      and many bodies don’t           specific match.
donors talk about blood         make the cells needed to            Phlebotomist Melissa
shortages, incentives and       survive,” Hopkins said.         Bazqez also shared that
the impact of saving a life.       According to The Red         COVID-19 caused a
   Many people are              Cross, every two seconds        shortage of donors,
familiar with the Big Red       someone in the U.S.                 “From my
Bus. Occasionally they          needs blood or platelets.       understanding, there has
appear all over Central         Approximately 29,000            been less blood doners
Florida, parked at local        units of red blood cells are    since COVID came. So,
grocery stores, malls           needed every day in the         they don’t have that many
and even stopped at high        U.S.                            people come and donate,
schools.                           The issue of shortages is    and we really need them
   Phlebotomist Omar            one of the main discussions     because we do have
Hopkins comes to USF            on the bus.                     patients in need of blood,”
campuses about once every          “There is a shortage         she said.
two weeks. Hopkins has          depending on the blood
                                type. For example, O                Read more online
been working at OneBlood
inside the Big Red Buses        negative. There is always                                      “The more people that donate the greater possibility
                                a shortage of O negative,”          Courtney Brown is a
for five years.                                                   Digital Communications       we have to save someone else’s life.”
   With so many locations       Hopkins said.
                                                                 and Multimedia Journalism
for donors, a lot of people        According to OneBlood.
                                org, only 7% of the

      USF encourages growth and multicultural skills
              with diverse traveling programs
By Peturla Scarlett                On March 12, a group         done to better acquaint        potential locations for next   goal of promoting global
Contributor                     of USF St. Petersburg           everyone with each other       year. Images and more          competency in order to

        oseph Kenny, the        students spent a week           before the trip.               information about the trip     prepare students for the
        Education Abroad        on a community service             Szel said the meetings      can be found on the iam_       ever-changing diversity
        Program Advisor         spring break trip in Atlanta.   created “a big sense of        usfsp student’s Instagram      of the world as well as
at the University of South      There they were able to         camaraderie…where it           account.                       helping them keep up with
Florida (USF), spent a          collaborate with different      feels very sad at the end         For those who’d like to     the different expectations
semester in Shanghai when       organizations centered          of it [because] not only       cross bigger borders, USF      in modern work
he was a student. He said       around providing assistance     have you been spending         World offers various study     environments.
the insightful experience       to people struggling with       the week with everybody,       abroad opportunities.              “A key component that
ultimately helped him           homelessness and food           you’ve been spending              This summer, starting       employers are looking
navigate life outside of        insecurity. For a one-time      the last four months with      June 27, students will         for is someone who can
school.                         payment of $300 students        everybody.”                    embark on a four-week          talk across borders and
    “Personally, I learned a    not only experienced being         Steven Duverge, a           trip to London. The            someone who’s a calculated
lot about myself,” Kenny        in a different state but gave   sophomore majoring in          courses offered range from     risk taker, someone who
said. “That was useful          back to the community as        Political Science, was one     American Sign Language         understands how to make
as I got older and tried        well.                           of the students who went to    (ASL) to psychology. There     those connections with
to navigate post-college           “The students learned        Atlanta.                       are also classes related to    people from a completely
life because…I had to get       a lot of gratitude for their        “This trip was very        film, medicine and ethics.     different background, and
a very clear idea about         own circumstances and           structured and I appreciated      “I personally think that    I think that’s a key element
who am I, what am I             then just service skills in     that…when we finally went      interaction with another       that travel teaches you….
comfortable with, what do       general —how to reach out,      on the trip, we were all       culture or another situation   that’s probably one of the
I do, what do I not want        how to find service that        pretty acquainted with each    is one of the biggest growth   biggest lessons; that it’s
out of the study abroad         they can provide in their       other, we weren’t really       experiences that you can       difficult for us to teach
experience, and I think         own communities,” said          strangers,” he said.           have personally…you            in a classroom, that it’s
that translates later in life   Kasey Szel, the coordinator        As of now, these            begin to challenge your        easier for us to teach when
to having a better sense of     for Leadership and Student      trips —which are called        own preconceptions about       we take that classroom
self.”                          Organizations on the St.        the UnBULLievable              what anything is because       someplace else,” Sanchez
    Kenny’s experience is       Petersburg campus.              Service Break— planned         your entire framework          said.
just one of the outcomes           Months before the            by the Student Life and        is based upon the world
                                trip began, students met        Engagement department at       around you,” said Rene          Peturla Scarlett is a Digital
traveling programs at USF
                                weekly to do team bonding       USF St. Petersburg, only       Sanchez, assistant director        Communications and
hopes students obtain from                                                                                                       Multimedia Journalism
whichever journey they          activities as well as discuss   happen once a year during      of the Education Abroad
choose —a richer outlook        what to expect and why it’s     spring break. Nashville and    office at USF World.
on life that transcends         important. According to         New York are currently            This interaction is a
college.                        Szel, these meetings were       being considered as            part of the program’s
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April 17, 2023                                                                                                                   THE CROW ’S NEST

WAR                             moved to America from           who attacked,” Voloshyn          be in any relationship with

Continued from front page       West Ukraine three months       said. “I know that it wasn’t     these kinds of people. I
will happen to me if I do
                                before he was born. He          like a national vote ‘do         think it’s mostly a positive      FEATURE
                                visited his other family        we attack Ukraine, or do         effect of filtering out
this,” Korostyleva said.
                                members in Ukraine and          we not,’ a lot of the orders     people. At least now I           therefore, with pain.
    This war has
                                lived there for two or three    were given by the higher-        have people I can trust              Victor Peppard is a
undoubtedly “tanked”
                                years until preschool. He       ups in the Kremlin, so I         and who can’t accept             professor of Russian
the reputation of Russia
                                said he “speaks, reads,         know that a lot of people        what’s happening to their        culture and literature
and the Russian people in
                                writes in the language and      don’t even have a voice          neighbors and brothers.”         at USF, teaching at the
general in the eyes of the
                                eats Ukrainian food” every      against what’s going on.             Although Russia and          university since 1975. He
                                day.                            But I have seen a lot of         Ukraine today are two            speaks fluent Russian with
    “Russkiy Mir [Russian
                                   Voloshyn talked about        Russians support the war as      independent countries with       a barely noticeable accent
World/Order] is a cancer
                                the growth of patriotism        well.”                           different languages and          and enjoys classic Russian
which is consuming
                                and Ukrainian President            This split – for and          traditions, they have a lot      literature in its original
not only the majority of
                                Volodymyr Zelensky over         against the war – is             of joint history and culture.    language. Peppard’s wife
Russian society but also
                                the last year. Many people      dividing Russia, breaking        Generations of kids were         has a cousin in Russia,
poses a deadly threat to
                                in Ukraine were either          families, and ruining life-      brought up on the same           whom they visited before.
the whole of Europe,”
                                skeptical of Zelensky’s         long friendships. News           literature and had the same      He also has colleagues
said Mateusz Morawiecki,
                                appointment at first or         reports are a mixture of         heroes. Streets in both          there. With years of
the Polish prime
                                felt neutral about him.         devastating facts and wild       countries were named after       international travel issues
minister, in a statement
                                However, his famous             propaganda. The older            famous historical figures        because of the pandemic
to the participants of the
conference held in the                                                                                                            and now with the war,
Czech capital of Prague in                                                                                                        Peppard isn’t sure when he
November 2022.                                                                                                                    can get back to Russia to
    This understandably                                                                                                           visit friends.
raises a question of how              “I actually want Ukraine to win this                                                            Peppard also shared
                                                                                                                                  his opinion about Russian
Russian students and other
types of Visa and Green               war, but I don’t want my parents and                                                        culture –– a culture he
                                                                                                                                  wasn’t born into, but rather
Card holders are being
treated abroad.                     my friends back home to suffer because                                                        one he chose for himself.
                                                                                                                                  He said that the real
    “Here, very surprisingly,
people are understanding;            I don’t think they’re responsible –– or,                                                     tragedy is, of course, the
                                                                                                                                  war that should never have
they know,and I’m open
about it, that I grew up in         probably half responsible –– but they’re                                                      happened. But the rejection
                                                                                                                                  of Russian culture –– in
                                    definitely not guilty of what’s going on.”
Russia… I have never had
any trouble with this, and I                                                                                                      Ukraine and everywhere
haven’t heard of anybody                                                                                                          else in the world right now
else on campus getting                                                                                                            –– is a tragedy in itself as
into trouble just because                                                                                                         well.
they’re Russian, although                                                                                                             “It’s been pressing
                                response to the proposal of     population who trusts            from both Imperial Russia        in a sense, not just that
I expected the opposite,
                                evacuating him from Kyiv        Russian government TV            and USSR territories and         Russian culture is being
so I’m really happy about
                                at the beginning of the war     channels often fall prey to      statues of famous poets          brushed aside as it is being
that,” said Rauf Verdiev, a
                                –– “I don’t need an airlift;    the latter.                      marked park squares.             denigrated, if you want to
junior at USF majoring in
                                I need guns!” –– earned             “I have friends at home          Due to Russian               use that word. Imagine a
cell and molecular biology.
                                him the respect of his          who are conflicting with         aggression, there is a           U.S. reading club enjoying
    Even before the war,
                                countryman and, perhaps,        their parents because of         significant rejection of         Dostoevsky; well, now
Russia had a permanent
                                of the whole world.             this. That’s actually a pretty   that collective history          they stopped reading him.
spotlight in the world’s
                                    “I feel like that kind of   sad thing, and that’s pretty     and heritage in Ukraine.         Dostoevsky had nothing
arena. However, it is this
                                step forward, that kind of      depressing to see. I know        Streets are being renamed,       to do with war. But he
devastating conflict that
                                momentum people needed          many of my friends started       and statues are being            was Russian; there’s no
put a spotlight on Ukraine,
                                in the entire country, and      to get overall mental            demolished. A lot of older-      question. He is Russian,
its culture and its people.
                                everybody in the world          instabilities because of         generation Russians are          and everything Russian is
Now everywhere in the
                                needed to hear that. You        this,” Korostyleva said.         finding this heartbreaking.      bad now,” Peppard said.
world, people can point
                                know, we weren’t just               She said that “people            “I believe there are             With the war going
to Ukraine on the map
                                going to stand by and           who should be on one             people dying there               on for over a year now,
and want to hear how the
                                let this happen. [It was]       side with you and be             right now, and they’re           Ukraine is holding strong.
country is fending for
                                exactly what anybody            supportive turn on you.          suffering, and they can’t        Nobody knows when the
itself. Many Ukrainians
                                would ask for a great leader    It’s a very heated topic,        live peacefully in their         bombs and the deaths
say the world’s recognition
                                to do,” Voloshyn said.          and it’s definitely a topic      own homes. So, I believe         will stop. But as long as
due to undoubtable respect
                                    The questions of guilt      that decides whether this        they can do anything             Ukrainians are standing
for Ukraine’s bravery
                                and responsibility are on       person is someone you can        they feel like doing at the      proud and strong and there
ignited more patriotism
                                the minds of all Russian        actually trust. It’s a hard-     present moment, even             are some Russians who
in Ukrainians all over the
                                people who are against          yes or a hard-no position.       eliminating everything that      bear the responsibility and
                                the war in Ukraine. Some        When your parents turn out       has something to do with         try to speak up against the
    “Before Ukraine started
                                people feel shame, and          to be on the other side, you     Russia,” Korostyleva said.       war, there still might be
being in the news, I’d
                                some are mad at how             don’t know what to do.”              Korostyleva is fond          some hope for humanity
say, ‘I’m Ukrainian,’ and
                                powerless their voices              “I’ve broken many            of her culture, history          to one day get out of the
people wouldn’t bat an eye.
                                are. Many Russians              connections back in              and Russian traditions.          hatred. Слава Україні!
Now their jaws drop, and
                                apologetically look to          Russia,” Verdiev said.           She hopes that long after
they start asking whether
                                the rest of the world with      “When I hear them                the war ends, the two             Elizaveta Clark is a Digital
I have family over there.
                                a feeble hope for the           supporting the war, after        countries can reconcile              Communications and
I gained a new identity as
                                separation of terms Russia      I’ve given arguments             and bring back some of the          Multimedia Journalism
a Ukrainian in the states                                                                                                                    Junior
                                and Putin. What Putin           against it and them not          history. But, as sad as it
overnight, you know,”
                                wants is different from         being able to hear me or to      is, Ukrainians have all the
Voloshyn said.
                                what all of Russia wants.       check out the information,       right to take away anything
    Voloshyn’s family
                                    “It’s definitely Putin      I just figured that I cannot     associated with Russia and,
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April 17, 2023                                                                                                   THE CROW ’S NEST

           ARTS                    Survivors of sexual violence bravely
 8         & LIFE                    share their stories through art
Story and Photos
                                   The exhibit featured
By Kelah Lehart                multiple mediums
Crow’s Nest Staff              including drawings,

                               paintings, poems and
        n honor of Sexual
                               sculptures done by
        Assault Awareness
                               the survivors, whose
        Month, Suncoast
                               names were kept
Center, Inc. hosted its
                               anonymous. Each piece
annual exhibit, Art Heals,
                               was accompanied by a
which featured powerful
                               label of the artist’s age
pieces of art created
                               and gender, including
by survivors of sexual
                               the work’s title and a
                               description of the art
    The purpose of the
exhibit was to provide a
                                   “It’s very impactful
platform for survivors to
                               and validating for
bravely share their stories
                               survivors when people
and raise awareness about                                Suncoast Center, Inc. hosted its annual exhibit, Art Heals, which featured
                               come to see the exhibit
sexual assault.                                          powerful pieces of art created by survivors of sexual violence.
                               and see their stories that
    “Art is something that                                organization:                   The Art Heals exhibit    your brothers, your
                               they want to share,”
we look at. We see it and                                    “Every 68 seconds        has taken many different     parents, your friends,
                               Kinney said. “It’s just
we perceive it, but we                                    an American is sexually     forms over the years. The    everyone you know,”
                               spreading that awareness
can read their statement                                  assaulted.                  CEO of Suncoast Center,      Daire said. “Be kind,
                               because the pieces really
and know what they’re                                        433,648 Americans        Inc. mentioned that the      considerate and open.
                               speak for themselves.”
trying to say,” said Jillian                              12 years and older are      event was orchestrated       Ask people how they’re
                                   Suncoast Center,
Kinney, an outpatient                                     sexually assaulted or       back in 2001 and has         doing and if they want to
                               Inc. is a non-profit
therapist at Suncoast                                     raped each year.            been hosted annually         share something like this
                               organization that holds
Center, Inc. “The display                                    1 out of every 6         since then at many           with you. Listen to them
                               the certification of
of art brings awareness.                                  American women have         different locations.         and don’t be judgmental.
                               Pinellas County’s Rape
It shows the violence                                     been the victim of an           Suncoast Center, Inc.    Be supportive, when they
                               Crisis Center, accredited
they’ve experienced, and                                  attempted or completed      has initiated their third    don’t want to talk with
                               through the Florida
it shows what’s going                                     rape in her lifetime        year in hosting Art Heals    you and then give them
                               Council Against Sexual
on with them, which                                       (14.8% completed, 2.8%      at the ArtsXchange Tully-    the number where they
                               Violence. They provide
generally society doesn’t                                 attempted).                 Levine gallery in the        can call to get help.”
                               education on prevention
want to face.”                                               About 3% of American     Warehouse Arts District,        Kinney added that
                               as well as a variety of
    As a part of the                                      men—or 1 in 33—have         located at 515 22nd St. S.   believing survivors about
                               services for victims of
healing process,                                          experienced an attempted        Barbra E. Daire, CEO     what happened is an
                               sexual assault and other
survivors can process                                     or completed rape in        of Suncoast Center, Inc.     important step to support
                               traumatic experiences.
their experiences through                                 their lifetime.             expressed the importance     them and help prevent
                               Other services they
creative artwork using                                       From 2009-2013,          of spreading awareness       future instances of sexual
                               provide include mental
a variety of mediums                                      Child Protective Services   and the necessity of         abuse.
                               health, substance abuse,
that can be therapeutic,                                  agencies substantiated,     conversations about             “When someone does
                               family counseling, trauma
instill hope and serve as a                               or found strong evidence    sexual violence -- to        come to you and tells
                               assessment, counseling/
strong reminder of human                                  to indicate that, 63,000    acknowledge that it          you what happened, it’s
                               therapy and suicide
resilience.                                               children per year were      happens to friends           important to believe
    “Creating art allows                                  victims of sexual abuse.    and family and to            them,” Kinney said. “We
                                   The exhibit also
the survivors to express                                     66% of child victims of  respect everyone who         need to always believe
                               included statistics about
their emotions and the                                    sexual assault and rape     comes forth about their      in the survivors of what
                               sexual violence reported
story of their trauma                                     are ages 12-17, and 34%     experiences.                 happened to them.”
                               in America that was
without having to use                                     are under age 12.               “It’s really important      The exhibit will be
                               located at the entrance.
words,” Kinney said. “It’s                                   18,900 members of        for us to get the word       open to the public until
                                   According to RAINN
very therapeutic for them.                                the military reported       out that, if this happens    May 3. The art displayed
                               (Rape, Abuse, and Incest
They’re able to get it out                                experiencing unwanted       to someone, it’s not their   can also be seen virtually
                               National Network), which
and tell their story in a                                 sexual contact each         fault, and that getting      through the Suncoast
                               is the nation’s largest
way that is meaningful to                                 year.”                      help is really important,”   Center, Inc website.
                               anti-sexual violence
them.”                                                                                Daire said. “People keep        For more information
                                                                                      this as a secret for many    go to https://www.
                                                                                      years in their life and we
                                                                                      want them to heal from       sexual-assault-services.
                                                                                      it and have a full and          If you or someone you
                                                                                      happy life. We want them     know needs help, call
                                                                                      to come to us because        727.388.1220.
                                                                                      we can provide them             For the 24hr Sexual
                                                                                      the services, they need      Assault Helpline call
                                                                                      in order to heal through     727.530.7273.
                                                                                      their trauma.”                  For the National
                                                                                          Daire noted that         Suicide Prevention
                                                                                      everyone should educate      Lifeline call
                                                                                      themselves on the            800.273.8255.
                                                                                      services that are available
                                                                                      in the community and
                                                                                      learn as much as they can
Art Heals exhibit is at the ArtsXchange Tully-Levine gallery in the Warehouse         to prevent sexual assault.
Arts District, located at 515 22nd St. S.                                                 “Think of your sisters,
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