Page created by Eleanor Palmer
Digital health

Contents                                                                     In the past decade, digital solutions have
                                                                             emerged to help patients manage chronic
                                                                             diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and
                                                                             asthma, which affect 147 million adults in the
                                                                             United States alone.
SLEEP: A PUBLIC HEALTH PRIORITY COSTING BILLIONS                         2   Using cognitive, behavioural and psychological methods, these
Poor sleep is one of the world’s most common health problems             2   solutions have gained momentum in recent years, buoyed by
                                                                             technological advances and compelling medico-economic
Poor sleep costs up to USD700 billion across five OECD countries         2
                                                                             evidence that has driven payers to extend coverage. This trend
Treatments exist, but come with limitations                              4   has led to the emergence of successful companies such as
Hypnotics: purely symptomatic and the de facto first-line treatment      5   Livongo, Omada Health and Big Health.

CBTi: a gold standard, but not yet a first-line treatment                5   Digital adoption has now spread to mental health care,
DIGITAL IS DISRUPTING CARE AND TREATMENT                                 8   especially in relation to sleep. Poor sleep is one of the most
                                                                             common health problems, leading to increased healthcare
Digital therapeutics: a 10-year journey finally bearing fruit            8   costs and lost productivity across the world. Evidence of
A business opportunity mostly driven by US employers for now            10   behavioural solutions for sleep problems indicates that annual
                                                                             savings of up to USD1,000 in healthcare costs per patient are
                                                                             possible, which should lead to strong adoption by payers who
Recent studies have confirmed the medico-economic case for digital      12   are early adopters of innovative solutions for driving healthcare
sleep solutions                                                              costs down.
US employers are now embracing digital solutions for sleep              13
                                                                             Finally, we believe that digital solutions will improve our
THE FUTURE OF SLEEP HEALTH:                                             14   understanding of sleep, which remains one of the “black
                                                                             boxes” of biology. The new generation of accurate and
Outdated technology has limited our understanding of sleep              14   reliable sleep-monitoring wearables will contribute to a better
                                                                             understanding of sleep by enabling big data analysis, and will
Recent advancements in data acquisition opened the door to a big data   15
revolution in sleep                                                          have potential applications in the early diagnosis of cognitive
                                                                             disorders, treatments and remote monitoring at large scale.
Big data in sleep has unlimited potential                               16
Monitoring: from clinical to post-market studies                        16
                                                                             Vincent Meunier              Victor Floc’h
Diagnosis: a tool to diagnose degenerative diseases                     16   Managing Director            Analyst
                                                                             Investment Banking           Equity Research
Treatments: strong potential beyond behavioural therapies               17   Healthcare                   Biotech & Medtech
CONCLUSION                                                              18

Sleep: a public health
priority costing billions

Poor sleep is one of the                     bolsters the immune system and           wellbeing1. Yet, in many countries,    Poor sleep is very common across
world’s most common                          impacts on both brain function           people get one to two hours less       the United States, affecting four out
health problems                              and behaviour.                           of sleep each night than their         of 10 adults and leading the Centers
                                                                                      forebears did 50-100 years ago.        for Disease Control and Prevention
Sleep is a crucial biological process        Getting enough quality sleep at the                                             (CDC) to classify it as a serious
which plays an essential role in             right times contributes to mental and                                           public health concern. But it is not
regulating our emotions, behaviour           physical health, as well as quality of                                          exclusively a US problem. Poor sleep
and physiology. While not all of its         life. Sleep experts agree that most                                             affects people across OECD countries
functions are fully understood, sleep        adults need at least seven hours                  CASE STUDY                    including the United Kingdom, Japan,
restores energy, promotes healing,           of sleep for optimal health and                                                 Germany and Canada.

                                                                                                                             The proportion of people getting
                                                                                                                             less than the recommended hours
                                                                                                                             of sleep is rising. This trend is
                                                                                       A disruptive solution for             associated with lifestyle factors
FIG. 1: PREVALENCE OF SLEEP PROBLEMS IN THE ADULT POPULATION                           sleep apnoea                          relating to the 24/7 society, including                           FIG. 2: POOR SLEEP IS THE CORNERSTONE OF SEVERAL CHRONIC DISORDERS
                                                                                                                             psychosocial stress, an unbalanced
                                POOR SLEEP      CHRONIC             SLEEP              As shown in Fig.1, obstructive        diet, physical inactivity and the
   COUNTRIES                                                                                                                                                                                            Cognitive                       Depression/                      Heart disease
                                SYMPTOMS       INSOMNIA             APNEA              sleep apnoea (OSA) is increasingly    excessive use of electronic media2.                                         decline                          anxiety
                                                                                       prevalent, and is associated                                                                                     Poor sleep is                                                  Poor sleepers have
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Insomnia more than
                                                                                       with a significant social, health     Poor sleep costs up to                                                   associated with a                                                  27% higher risk
          USA                       56%          10%                11%                and economic impact. The              USD700 billion across                                                   23% increased risk
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      doubles the risk
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       of developing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        of cardiovascular
                                                                                                                                                                                                       of Alzheimer’s
                                                                                       gold-standard OSA treatment           five OECD countries                                                                                      depression and
          China                     40%          15%                 4%                is continuous positive airway

                                                                                       pressure (CPAP), however              Insufficient sleep is associated
          Japan                     23%          13%                 3%                compliance rates can be low,          with a range of negative health                                           Chronic pain                                                           Cancer
                                                                                       resulting in a high unmet medical     and social outcomes. It has been                                         Short sleep has                                                    Night shift work
          Germany                   33%           6%                 7%                need for patients not suitable for    linked with seven of the fifteen leading                                  been found to                                                     has been found
                                                                                       this treatment. Nyxoah’s solution     causes of death in the United States,                                    result in chronic                                                 to increase breast
          UK                        36%            7%                3%                uses a device implanted under the     including heart disease, cancer, stroke,
                                                                                                                                                                                                        pain such as
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          cancer risk by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             up to 9%
                                                                                       chin and a disposable patch worn      accidents, diabetes, septicaemia
          France                   34%           13%                 7%                on the chin every night. The patch    and hypertension, contributing
                                                                                       wirelessly stimulates the nerves of   to increase healthcare costs3.                                                                                Obesity
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Diabetes                                                          Alcoholism
          India                    30%           19%                 4%                the tongue to make it contract and
                                                                                                                                                                                                        People with                      Lack of sleep                     & addiction
                                                                                       prevent obstruction of the airway.                                                                            insomnia are 1.5x                 increases levels                Insomnia interferes
          Italy                    30%            7%                 4%                Thanks to its discreet form factor
                                                                                       and easy implantation, Nyxoah’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                       more likely to
                                                                                                                                                                                                     develop diabetes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       of the hormone
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ghrelin, which
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        with ability to quit
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           alcohol and
                                                                                                                                                                                                       over 10 years                    causes hunger                       addictive
          Canada                    40%          13%                 6%                Genio has the potential to disrupt
                                                                                       the way we treat sleep apnoea.
                                                                                                                             1: N
                                                                                                                                 ational Sleep Foundation’s updated sleep duration
                                                                                                                                recommendations: final report. Sleep Health, 1(4), 233-243 |
                                                                                                                                Hirshkowitz, M. et al. (2015)
Source: Company Data; Bryan, Garnier & Co                                                                                    2: T
                                                                                                                                 he Human Sleep Project | Roenneberg, 2013                             Source: Digitally Diagnosing and Treating Sleep: No Longer a Dream | 7 Wire Ventures | February 2020
                                                                                                                             3: M
                                                                                                                                 ortality in the United States | Kochanek, K.D. et al. 2013

2 | Digital health                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        3
Sleep problems have been associated          and in turn, reduce healthcare costs                      Treating sleep problems could                            Digital solutions have the potential to        for sleep problems. Even though they                       are still only symptomatic treatments.
with both higher healthcare utilization      and improve quality of life.                              therefore substantially reduce                           make CBTi widely available, while              are associated with a challenging safety                   The American College of Physicians
and costs. These can include costs                                                                     the associated costs and negative                        driving the costs down.                        profile, hypnotics were used by 6-10%                      guidelines state that they should be
related to direct care, such as              Alongside sleep’s impact on health                        health impacts.                                                                                         of US adults in 20104.                                     used alongside the “gold-standard”
outpatient visits and prescription           and wellbeing, evidence suggests                                                                                   Hypnotics: purely                                                                                         non-pharmacological approach.
medications; and indirect costs, for         that it plays an important part in                        Treatments exist, but                                    symptomatic and the de                         In 2019, the US FDA added a Boxed
example increased use of healthcare          determining cognitive and workplace                       come with limitations                                    facto first-line treatment                     Warning to some of the most                                CBTi: a gold standard,
for related problems that are                performance. Poor sleep leads                                                                                                                                     widespread hypnotics for risk of serious                   but not yet a first-line
exacerbated by poor sleep. Research          to traffic and industrial accidents,                      The two most widely accepted                             Drug treatment, with a class of                injuries caused by “complex sleep                          treatment
shows that poor sleep is linked with         medical errors and lower productivity.                    treatments for sleep problems are                        drugs known as “hypnotics”, is only            behaviours” (e.g. sleepwalking).
increased inpatient care, including                                                                    pharmacotherapy and cognitive                            indicated as a short-term solution for         This followed decades of safety warnings                   CBTi is a psychological treatment
the number of days hospitalized and          Taken as a whole, the social burden of                    behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBTi),                 poor sleep and is inappropriate for            related to sleep medications, such                         designed to break patterns of
increased emergency visits. Inpatient        poor sleep is substantial, with direct and                a psychological treatment. Due to its                    the long-term management of chronic            as the risk of abuse or dependence.                        maladaptive thinking and behaviour.
care is the healthcare category most         indirect costs exceeding 1% of GDP                        long-term effects and safety, CBTi                       sleep problems. As a “symptomatic”                                                                        It helps identify and thoughts and
impacted by poor sleep.                      in some of the largest industrialized                     is considered the “gold standard”                        treatment, it addresses only the               New additions to the therapeutic arsenal,                  behaviours that cause or worsen sleep
                                             countries. In the US, costs are thought                   treatment for sleep problems. However,                   symptoms of the problem rather than            such as orexin receptor antagonists,                       problems and replace them with habits
Effective management of poor sleep           to exceed USD400 billion per year,                        its widespread use has been limited                      the underlying cause. However, with            have recently been introduced.                             that promote sound sleep. Unlike
has potential to help decrease the           with employer-based health plans                          due to a shortage of specialists and                     access to CBTi limited, hypnotics are          However, while they address some of                        hypnotics, CBTi helps overcome the
severity of related health problems          shouldering much of the cost burden.                      associated high costs.                                   the most commonly used treatment               the limitations of current hypnotics, they                 underlying causes of sleep problems.

FIG. 3: ECONOMIC COSTS OF INSUFFICIENT SLEEP ACROSS FIVE OECD COUNTRIES                                                                                         FIG. 4: THE VICIOUS CYCLE OF POOR SLEEP
                                                                                                                                                                AND HOW CBTI FOR SLEEP CAN HELP OVERCOME IT


                                                            UNITED KINGDON
                                                              $50 BILLION                                                                                                                            Negative
                                                                1.86%                   GERMANY
                                                                                       $60 BILLION
              CANADA        1.35%                                              1.56%
            $21.4 BILLION
                                            UNITED STATES
                                    2.28%    $411 BILLION                                                                            JAPAN
                                                                                                                                  $138 BILLION                                                    The vicious cycle
                                                                                                                                                                                                    of poor sleep

                                                                                                                                                                                  Negative                                  Negative
                                                                                                                                                                                  thoughts                                  behaviour

                                                                                                                                                                            Cognitives techniques                 Behavioural techniques

                                                              Source: Why Sleep Matters—The Economic Costs of Insufficient Sleep | Rand Health | January 2017                                        Source: CBT for insomnia – the science behind Sleepio | Big Health   4: Kripke DF, Langer RD, Kline LE. Hypnotics’ association with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              mortality or cancer: a matched cohort study. BMJ Open | 2012

4 | Digital health                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     5

                      COMPONENT               DESCRIPTION
                                              This aims to identify, challenge, and replace dysfunctional beliefs and attitudes about sleep and insomnia.
                      Cognitive therapy       Such misconceptions may include unrealistic expectations of sleep, fear of missing out on sleep, and
                                              overestimation of the consequences of poor sleep.
                                              Behavioral instructions aimed at strengthening the association between bed and sleep and preventing
                                              conditioning of the patient to associate bed with other stimulating activities. Such instructions include
                      Stimulus control
                                              avoiding nonsleep activities in the bedroom; going to bed only when sleepy; and leaving the bedroom
                                              when unable to sleep for 15–20 min, returning to bed only when sleepy.
                                              Behavioral instructions to limit time in bed to match perceived sleep duration in order to increase sleep
                      Sleep restriction       drive and further reduce time awake in bed. Time allowed in bed is initially restricted to the average time
                                              perceived as sleep per night and then adjusted to ensure sleep efficiency remains >85%.
                                              General recommendations relating to environmental factors, physiologic factors, behavior, and habits
                                              that promote sound sleep. Specific instructions include advice on control of the bedroom environment,
                      Sleep hygiene
                                              including avoiding visual access to a clock; regular sleep scheduling and avoiding long daytime naps;
                                              and limiting alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine intake, especially before bed.
                                              Any relaxation technique that the patient finds effective can be used to limit cognitive arousal and
                      Relaxation              reduce muscular tension to facilitate sleep. Specific techniques that may be used include meditation,
                                              mindfulness, progressive muscle relaxation, guided imagery, and breathing techniques.

                                                                                         Source: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Chronic Insomnia | Trauer et al. | August 2015

                     CBTi trains people to use techniques         However, CBTi’s biggest challenge
                     that address the mental factors              is its inherent lack of scalability.
                     associated with insomnia, such               Traditionally delivered face-to-face
                     as a “racing mind”, and to overcome          by a specialist psychological therapist,
                     the negative emotions that                   it is dependent on a rare and expensive
                     accompany the experience of being            resource. It seems inconceivable
                     unable to sleep. It comprises five           that any face-to-face therapy could
                     components, which are outlined               replace, for example, the 80 million
                     in Fig. 5.                                   prescriptions for hypnotics that are
                                                                  written each year in the US5.
                     CBTi has achieved gold-standard
                     status as an insomnia treatment.             This is why digital solutions represent
                     And because of the limited                   an unprecedented opportunity to
                     likelihood of side effects, it has been      widen access to CBT for sleep to
                     recommended by American College              as many people as possible. They
                     of Physicians as the first line-treatment    have the potential to make this gold                  5: Brain-Disabling Treatments in Psychiatry: Drugs, Electro-
                                                                                                                            shock and the Psychopharmaceutical Complex, Edition 2
                     for adults with sleep problems.              standard a first-line treatment.                          | Peter R. Breggin, MD | 2007

6 | Digital health                                                                                                                                                                 7
Digital is disrupting
care and treatment

Digital therapeutics:                                  As shown in Fig.6, DTx make                     so, to make it infinitely scalable and
a 10-year journey finally                              particular use of cognitive,                    accessible to millions of people.                                  CASE STUDY                                                  CASE STUDY
bearing fruit                                          behavioural and psychological
                                                       therapies, reflecting their intent to           Omada Health’s success paved the
Advances in digital technology have                    effect behaviour change at scale.               way for digital delivery of behavioural
converged with medical science,                                                                        therapy for conditions beyond
allowing digital health to become                      In 2002, a study6 showed the potential          diabetes. Since then, multiple
a critical part of routine clinical                    of intensive behavioural intervention           digital therapeutics companies have
                                                                                                                                                                  Omada Health, one of the first companies to                  Hinge Health extended the reach of digital
care. This has led to the launch                       to reduce people’s risk of developing           emerged in various therapeutic areas,
                                                                                                                                                                  demonstrate clear ROI from a digital solution                solutions to musculoskeletal conditions
of a new category of therapeutics                      type 2 diabetes by targeting diet and           supported by a clearer business
that integrate digital technology:                     exercise in a face-to-face setting.             model that relies on US private
                                                                                                                                                                  Omada’s programme consists of a year-long                    With nearly 40,000 cumulative participants since
digital therapeutics (DTx).                            This led companies including Omada              payers. For example, Hinge Health
                                                                                                                                                                  educational curriculum and personalized health               inception, more than 100 employer customers and
                                                       Health to attempt to deliver the                followed Omada’s path, but focusing
                                                                                                                                                                  coaching, using devices to track people’s nutrition,         up to USD4,000 of savings in healthcare costs at
DTx deliver evidence-based                             intervention digitally, and in doing            on musculoskeletal issues.
                                                                                                                                                                  activity and weight. A peer-reviewed study has               one year per patient from its digital programme,
interventions to prevent, manage                                                                                                                                  reported strong clinical outcomes in more than 200           Hinge Health proved that the Omada business
or treat medical disorders and                                                                                                                                    participants, confirming the effectiveness of digital-       model was scalable beyond metabolic conditions.
diseases. They are driven by high-                                                                                                                                based behavioural therapy. Omada proved that its             Hinge’s massive USD90 million raise of the beginning
quality software programs and                          FIG. 6: CONCEPTUAL POSITION OF DTX IN RELATION
                                                       TO EXISTING THERAPEUTIC OPTIONS                                                                            solution led to a significant reduction in risk for Type 2   of 2020 is further confirmation of strong investor
operate as a standalone therapy                                                                                                                                   diabetes, stroke and heart disease, resulting in a ROI       appetite for the digital health space.
or to optimize current medication                                                                                                                                 of over USD1,300 per person per year for the payer.
and treatments.

The emergence of this new class of
therapeutics has been driven by the                                                                               Surgery
need to care for an ageing global                                   Pharmaco-therapy                             Radiation
population using fewer resources.                                                                             Physical therapy
DTx could extend physicians’ reach
by overcoming the constraints of
time, place and personnel to build
a “one-to-many” model of care.

                                                                                   Psychological therapy

6: Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group | New                                Source: Digital therapeutics and clinical pharmacology | Chung | March 2019
    England Journal of Medicine | 2002

8 | Digital health                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    9
FIG. 7: EXAMPLES OF DIGITAL THERAPEUTICS UNDER DEVELOPMENT OR ON THE MARKET                                                                                   FIG. 8: MOST AMERICANS ARE INSURED BY THEIR EMPLOYERS

 COMPANY NAME             PRODUCT NAME     DESCRIPTION                                                                     THERAPEUTIC AREA
                                                                                                                                                                                            US US POPULATION
                          reSET®           An adjunct therapy to standard, outpatient treatment for                                                                                                 323Mn
Pear Therapeutics                                                                                                          CNS
                          reSET-OTM        Substance Use Disorder (SUD)
                                                                                                                                                                                                     91%                                                          9%
Propeller Health                           Combined software and hardware program to improve
                          RESPIMAT®                                                                                        Respiratory
& Boehringer Ingelheim                     asthma and COPD control and optimize healthcare utilization                                                                                  HEALTH INSURANCE                                                           NO
                                           Utilizing adaptive sensory stimulus software for the treatment of ADHD                                                                             295Mn                                                               29Mn
Akili Interactive         AKL-T01                                                                                          CNS
                                           delivered through an engaging video game experience
                                                                                                                                                                                      67%                                                   33%
                                           Delivering reminiscence therapy to Alzheimer’s sufferers in
Dthera Sciences           DTHR-ALZ                                                                                         CNS
                                           a scalable and personalized manner.                                                                                               PRIVATE COVERAGE                                 PUBLIC COVERAGE
                                           Sleep improvement program featuring Cognitive Behavioral Therapy                                                                        217Mn                                           122Mn
Big Health                SpleepioTM                                                                                       CNS
                                           (CBT) techniques.
                                                                                                                                                                 16%                        56%                                 19%         17%       5%
                                           AI-based digital diagnostics and personalized therapeutics
Cognoa                    Various                                                                                          CNS Pediatrics
                                           for pediatric behavioral healthcare.                                                                                DIRECT     EMPLOYER – FULLY & SELF-INSURED                     MEDICAID   MEDICARE   MILITARY

                                           Delivery of physical exercises, behavioral therapy, and                                                              52Mn                   181Mn                                    62Mn       56Mn       16Mn

KAIA                      Motion coach                                                                                     Musculo-skeletal
                                           education for chronic back pain patients.
Glooko                    MIDS             Insulin mobile dose calculator for adults with Type 2 diabetes.                 Metabolism                                                             Source: Prescription Digital Therapeutics | Mark Goad | February 2019
                                           Engaging individuals with Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and obesity,
WellDoc                   BlueStar   ®
                                           and their providers, to improve self-management and outcomes.
                                           Personalized digital program to help people prevent the onset of diabe-
Omada Health, Noom, Etc
                                           tes and other chronic diseases.
                                                                                                                           Metabolism                         Employers are doubly concerned

                                           Neurologic music therapy to address motor, speech, and
                                                                                                                                                              with maintaining employee health,                             CASE STUDY
                                           cognitive dysfunction caused by neurologic disease or injury.                                                      both to improve productivity and
                                                                             Source: Digital therapeutics and clinical pharmacology | Chung | March 2019      retention and to avoid high healthcare                                                                       around USD2.5bn. Since then,
                                                                                                                                                              costs, especially in the US. They                                                                            flawless operational execution
                                                                                                                                                              have a strong motivation to support                                                                          contributed to drive the stock
                                                                                                                                                              improvements in healthcare that push                                                                         price to an all-time high, making
More recently, the US FDA gave             aligning its solutions with traditional              as there is with traditional
                                                                                                                                                              the boundaries of innovation.                       Livongo’s success confirms                               Livongo currently worth USD6.0bn.
the green light to Akili Therapeutics’     pharmacotherapies that are usually                   pharmacological interventions.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  the appeal of an employer-based
game-based therapy for children with       only available on prescription.                                                                                                                                                                                                 Livongo has pioneered a new
                                                                                                                                                              The outstanding success of digital                  business model
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder   However, the recent ending of                        Juniper Research expects that in the                                                                                                                                       business model, convincing
                                                                                                                                                              health group Livongo, a US-listed                   Livongo is best known for its                            multinationals, government bodies
(ADHD). This move is a landmark            collaboration between Sandoz                         medium term, most revenue will come
                                                                                                                                                              company with a market cap of                        diabetes management application,                         and pharmacy benefit managers
decision in several respects: it is        and Pear has been a major blow                       from direct payments from employers,
                                                                                                                                                              USD6bn, suggests that a go-to-market                which helps patients manage                              to pay for its technology, which
the first game to be marketed as           for the prescription-based approach.                 with public health interest confined
                                                                                                                                                              strategy focusing on big US employers               their blood sugar levels using                           enables users to manage chronic
a therapy for any type of condition;                                                            to a handful of markets7. This makes
                                                                                                                                                              can deliver fast, strong growth if                  a Bluetooth-enabled blood                                conditions while contributing
and it is the first digital therapeutic    A business opportunity                               sense, given that most Americans are                                                                              glucose meter and associated                             to drive down healthcare costs.
                                                                                                                                                              the technology is backed by a solid
intended to improve symptoms               mostly driven by US                                  insured by their employers, who are                                                                               app that provides personalized
                                                                                                                                                              medico-economic case.                                                                                        This stands out from companies
associated with ADHD.                      employers for now                                    early adopters of innovative solutions                                                                            recommendations for diet, exercise,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           such as Pear Therapeutics or
                                                                                                for driving healthcare costs down.                                                                                and related behavioural changes.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Click Therapeutics, which focus
As a prescription-based therapy, and       Commercialized digital therapeutics
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  In July 2019, Livongo delivered one                      on prescription-based business
in contrast with Omada and Hinge’s         are new, so there is no well-                                                                                                                                                                                                   models. We believe Livongo’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  of the most high-profile digital health
employer-based business model, Akili       established framework for the pricing                                                                                                                                  IPOs ever. Following successive                          outstanding success compared to
has followed the approach of Pear          and reimbursement of new products.                                                                                                                                     price raises, the company raised                         others makes a strong case for the
                                                                                                7: D
                                                                                                    igital Therapeutics & Wellness: Disruption, Innovation
Therapeutics, which specializes in         It is unlikely that there will be a singular            Opportunities & Forecasts 2019-2024 | Juniper Research |                                                       USD355m, claiming a market value                         employer-based business model.
prescription digital therapeutics, by      approach to securing reimbursement,                     May 2019

10 | Digital health                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             11
Sleep care is digital health’s
next big opportunity

Recent studies have                      Big Health, a digital health company            More specifically, Big Health showed
confirmed the medico-                    focused on sleep, has conducted                 that its digital sleep improvement
economic case for digital                a study evaluating the impact of                programme based on cognitive and
sleep solutions                          poor sleep and mental health on                 behavioural techniques (Sleepio)
                                         medical and pharmacy claims                     led to an average USD1,068 adjusted
On top of the economic costs of          for employee populations across                 savings in health costs per person
sleep problems, recent research has      multiple industries. While it confirmed         per year, corresponding to 18%
also looked at the individual cost       bad sleep’s impact on productivity              adjusted savings in total healthcare
impact. Those studies are all the more   (poor sleepers were found 3.5x less             costs at the 18-month follow-up.
important as they raise awareness        productive at work) and mental health           While this result did not reach
of the financial burden for payers and   (3.7x more likely to be stressed),              statistical significance, it contributes
help them to make informed decisions     the most important takeaway                     to the argument that digital
about the allocation of resources.       relates to the total annual healthcare          administration of behavioural therapy
                                         claims spending for employees                   for sleep disorders can help reduce
                                         with sleep problems. On average,                healthcare costs, while paving the
                                         these employees cost over 2.4 times             way for more innovative solutions
          CASE STUDY                     as much as those without insomnia,              in this area.
                                         representing a difference of
                                         USD 7,600 per employee. (Fig. 9).

 Big Health: one of the very
 first DTx solution dedicated
 to poor sleep

                                         FIG. 9: INDIVIDUALS WITH INSOMNIA COST 2.4X MORE
 Big Health has developed Sleepio,                                                                                                                   US employers are                               With a clearer view of clinical         The majority said they would be
 a digital sleep improvement                                                                                                                         now embracing digital                          outcomes and achievable savings,        willing to change their behaviours —
 program comprising cognitive and                              +$7.6k more costly on average                                                         solutions for sleep                            employers are taking a closer look      exercise more, for example —
 behavioural techniques. Available                                                                                                                                                                  at digital solutions for sleep.         to reduce their insurance premiums.
 via web and mobile applications,                                                                                                                    Historically, sleep has been at the            According to the 24th Willis Towers
 it has the potential to scale to            +$9k             +$7.7k             +$7.6k                  +$7.4k                  +$6.7k              top of employees’ considerations but           Watson report Best Practices in         Overall, we are witnessing an
 large populations. Several studies                                                                                                                  employers have been reluctant to               Health Care Employer Survey, 56%        alignment between different
 have shown that it was able to                    $13,442
                                                                                                                $14,729                              cover it as the economics are not clear.       of US employers are now planning        stakeholders — employers,
 help people make significant                                         $11,428            $11,688
                                                                                                                                                     Castlight’s 2018 The State of Digital          to implement a sleep plan by 2021.      vendors, employees —contributing
 improvements in their sleep,                                                                          $7,329                                        Health report highlighted that good            McKinsey’s 2018 Consumer Health         to the adoption of digital solutions
 confirming that poor sleep should                           $3,765             $4,036                                                               sleep is one of the top three health           Insights Survey found that the          to reduce sleep problems.
 be the next condition to benefit                                                                                                                    goals for employees and that 70% of            innovative feature of insurance plans   We expect multiple players to
                                           Professional      Manufacturing        Technology           Pharmaceutical               Energy
 from advances in digital solutions.         services                                                                                                employees are likely to use a sleep            most appreciated by consumers           emerge to replicate Livongo’s
                                                                                         Source: The State of Sleep and Mental Health | Big Health
                                                                                                                                                     solution if it is offered by their employer.   was an incentive to change behaviour.   success in metabolic diseases.

12 | Digital health                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            13
The future of sleep health:
a big-data revolution in the making

Outdated technology has                 One reason for this lack of               sleep monitoring or for measuring                     Overall, PSG is expensive, costing         While options such as actigraphy            less burdensome, designed to be
limited our understanding               understanding is that most of what        sleep outside laboratory conditions.                  1,500-$2,000 per night in the US.          and heart rate sensing are available        worn for multiple nights at home to
of sleep                                we know comes from laboratory                                                                   It is also time and resource-intensive,    to monitor sleep outside of a laboratory,   enable longitudinal data collection,
                                        studies, with people instructed to        A PSG sleep study is typically                        with an expert needing one to two          none have demonstrated comparable           and require minimal or no expert
Great advances have been made in        sleep in controlled conditions with       a single overnight assessment                         hours to score a night of clinical         results to PSG, because a single            supervision. However, most have
understanding sleep. We now know        electrodes fastened to their heads.       that usually takes place in a sleep                   PSG recordings. Yet the cumbersome         metric such as heart rate alone is          reported mediocre accuracy and
which brain regions are involved in     Since the 1960s, polysomnography          centre. It records physiological signals              nature of the PSG process means            not enough to provide sophisticated         reliability compared to PSG.
sleep and how the internal circadian    (PSG) has been the standard               including electroencephalographic                     it does not reliably capture a patient’s   sleep stage classification.
clock works. However, there remain      technique for sleep measurement           (EEG), electromyographic (EMG),                       typical sleep.                                                                         The Dreem Headband is establishing
many unknowns, for example around       in clinical and laboratory settings,      and electrooculographic (EOG)                                                                    More recently, a new group of               itself as an affordable, comfortable,
the role of genetic and environmental   as well as to diagnose sleep disorders.   activity, as well as breathing                        In response, industry and academia         devices has emerged for home                and user-friendly alternative to
factors in sleeping patterns and the    However, its use is limited as it         effort, airflow, pulse, and blood                     have invested heavily in the development   sleep monitoring that uses EEG              PSG. Illustrated in Fig.11, it features
quantity of sleep needed.               remains impractical for long-term         oxygen saturation.                                    of smaller, less obstructive and more      electrodes to measure brain activity.       physiological signal acquisition and
                                                                                                                                        portable devices for the continuous        These include headbands and                 automatic sleep analysis using a deep
                                                                                                                                        monitoring of sleep.                       devices placed around the ear.              learning algorithm along with five dry
FIG. 10: POLYSOMNOGRAPHY (PSG)                                                                                                                                                     Unlike traditional PSG, these more          EEG electrodes, a 3-D accelerometer
                                                                                                                                        This is motivated by a desire to           compact devices are usually cheaper,        and a pulse oximeter.
                                                                                                                                        enable data acquisition in larger
                                                                                                                                        participant groups, over more
                                                                                                                                        extended periods and in a more             FIG. 11: ILLUSTRATION OF THE DREEM HEADBAND
                                                                                                                                        natural setting, by reducing both
                                                                                                                                        the cost of monitoring and the
                                                                                                                                        burden to participants.

                                                                                                                                        Recent advancements in
                                                                                                                                        data acquisition opened
                                                                                                                                        the door to a big data
                                                                                                                                        revolution in sleep

                                                                                                                                        To understand the role of sleep
                                                                                                                                        in health and disease, sleep
                                                                                                                                        must be monitored in a natural
                                                                                                                                        environment and in a non-obstructive
                                                                                                                                        way to ensure that data is as
                                                                                                                                        representative of typical sleep
                                                                                                                                        as possible. This needs low-cost,
                                                                                                                                        wearable sleep detection systems
                                                                                                                                        that give reliable sleep architectures
                                                                                                                                        in real-life settings.
                                                                                           Sleep test – PSG | Image courtesy of Dreem                                                                                                  Dreem Headband | Image courtesy of Dreem

14 | Digital health                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        15
Through a direct comparison              FIG. 12: OVERVIEW OF THE ROLE OF BIG DATA IN SLEEP RESEARCH                                   Treatments: strong                     apnoea (OSA), a potentially serious
to PSG in 25 subjects over one                                                                                                         potential beyond                       sleep disorder causing breathing
night, the Dreem Headband showed         Potential role of big data   Definition                   Examples                            behavioural therapies                  to repeatedly stop and start during
reliable recording of high-quality                                    Explaining the               Emergence of new digital                                                   sleep, recent studies have suggested
sleep EEG, heart rate, and breathing                                  mechanisms of sleep          biomarkers                          Sleep-related technologies are not     that kinaesthetic stimulation could
data while being considerably more                                    Using new technologies                                           only useful for monitoring but may     reduce apnoea duration during sleep.
                                                                                                   Remote monitoring for
                                         Monitoring                   for non-intrusive sleep
comfortable and easier to install                                                                  clinical trials                     also be used to aid interventions      While technical limitations remain,
than PSG. It was able to acquire                                                                                                       such as sleep advice for behavioural   we believe that advancements in
                                                                                                   Alzheimer's disease
EEG during sleep with sufficient                                      Predicting an individual’s                                       change, sleep tracking and optimized   hardware and algorithms could allow
                                                                                                   Parkinson’s disease
                                         Diagnosis                    risk of developing
signal quality; reliably measure                                                                   Obstructive Sleep Apnoea,           alarms based on sleep stage.           this treatment to become a reality
breathing and heart rate during                                                                    Narcolepsy                          For example, in obstructive sleep      in the mid-term.
sleep; and perform automatic                                          Personalizing treatment      Moderate Sleep Apnoea,
                                         Treatment                    and clinical decision-       Adherence CPAP therapy
sleep staging classification with
                                                                      making                       Depression
performance similar to that of
a consensus of five scorers using                                                                        Source: Bryan, Garnier & Co

medical-grade PSG data.

These results make the Dreem
Headband an ideal candidate for
high-quality large-scale longitudinal
sleep studies in the home or             Monitoring: from clinical                   Diagnosis: a tool to
laboratory environment. Along with       to post-market studies                      diagnose degenerative
other new technologies, it should                                                    diseases
contribute to leveraging the big         Advancements in sleep measurement
data potential for sleep.                wearables make it possible to deploy        Several studies have linked sleep
                                         remote sleep monitoring at scale,           with conditions including Alzheimer’s
Big data in sleep has                    in the large populations that are           Disease (AD) and Parkinson’s Disease
unlimited potential                      required for late-phase clinical trials.    (PD). Research has shown that the
                                         Monitoring can be also be used              primary pathological features of AD
Recent advances in sensing               to provide better and earlier evidence      were associated with both objective
technology, big data analytics,          of treatment efficacy, facilitating         and subjective changes in sleep,
and artificial intelligence will allow   drug development. On top of that,           suggesting that sleep monitoring
continuous sleep monitoring,             we expect low-burden monitoring             could help diagnose AD, while
which is going to impact a wide          to facilitate sleep data collections        treatment for sleep deficiencies
and growing range of key areas.          in trials, and to potentially increase      could delay the progression of AD.
We expect technologies that              trial participation and reduce attrition.   Recent work on PD identified REM
digitalize sleep will disrupt the way    Finally, it could be particularly           sleep behaviour disorder as an early
we understand, monitor, diagnose         interesting for big pharmaceutical          biomarker for PD, suggesting that
and treat a vast list of medical         companies looking to gather data            better sleep screening could result
conditions far beyond sleep itself.      for post-market surveillance studies.       in earlier treatment.

16 | Digital health                                                                                                                                                                                                  17
                      We believe that digitalization of sleep and ubiquitous sleep
                      monitoring will have important implications for the characterization
                      of sleep, diagnostics and therapeutics. Large epidemiological studies
                      exploring the impact of sleep will be possible thanks to large-scale
                      collection of longitudinal sleep data with “lab-level” wearables.

                      We expect digital solutions for sleep to thrive, supported by
                      additional medico-economic evidence that drives adoption from
                      private and then public payers. Beyond sleep, those solutions
                      should expand their footprint into brain health. In the medium-term,
                      sleep-based diagnosis of medical conditions should become
                      a reality and facilitate better and earlier diagnosis and decision-
                      making for patients.

                      Finally, Big Health’s recent USD39m Series B funding round
                      highlighted the strong appetite from investors for digital solutions
                      dedicated to poor sleep. We believe that several other companies
                      will emerge in the near future with innovative digital solutions for
                      sleep, driven in particular by employers, who are more willing than
                      ever to tackle this costly public health priority.

18 | Digital health                                                                           19
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