Digital Leaders in Sweden 2019 - Mynewsdesk

Page created by Tina Miranda
Digital Leaders in Sweden 2019 - Mynewsdesk
Digital Leaders
in Sweden 2019

This study assesses 85 leading Swedish companies’
digital maturity across six dimensions: digital
marketing, digital product experience, e-commerce,
e-CRM, mobile and social media.
Table of contents

Editorial                             3   Digitalization has become an
Research summary                      4
Key findings                          6   integrated part of Swedish
Digital leaders at a glance           8
                                          companies’ businesses, and
Dimensions of digitalization              for most of them, it is a vital
Digital marketing                    12
Digital product experience           14   part of their offerings, their
E-commerce                           16
E-CRM                                18
                                          internal processes and their
Mobile                               20   business models.
Social media                         22

Summary                              26
Telecom B2B                          28
Telecom B2C                          29
Food retail                          30
Retail                               31
Energy                               32
Media                                33
Passenger transportation             34
Bank                                 35
Insurance                            36
Manufacturing                        37
Consumer products (food)             38

Digital leaders in Europe
Summary                              42
Top 10 European companies            44
European Digital Leaders by          46
digital dimension

What Swedish companies could learn   52
from global forerunners
BearingPoint on digitalization       57
Author                               58

Objectives and study sample          60
All rankings                         62
Digital leaders are customer-centric, know how to embrace change, prioritize,
focus and build a culture ready for the future.

Digital transformation is exciting but also    Overall, Swedish companies have increased         finding and developing the right talent is
challenging to leaders in every sector.        their digital maturity compared to last year,     truly difficult. In a continually changing
Organizations that thrive and that are         however they still only get a sufficient grade.   competitive environment, leaders constantly
digitally mature are typically those that      The result is encouraging but should still be     face new challenges and must adapt both
embrace change and that are customer-          seen as a call to action. Changes need to         the organization and their leadership style
centric. They adapt their products, services   happen now and quickly.                           to this new digital environment. To manage
and internal operations to stay ahead                                                            these challenges successfully, leaders require
of the competition. However, it can be         We find it surprising that Swedish                new skills and capabilities that they have not
difficult to determine what to prioritize      companies only receive a sufficient score         needed in the past.
and how to focus your efforts and              in our Digital Leaders Study. A lot of
resources to maximize returns.                 money and resources have been spent               Our experience from working with hundreds
                                               on improvements, but they have not                of organizations during their digital
First of all, it is important to understand    necessarily led to successful transformations     transformation indicates that digital leaders
where the organization’s existing strengths    so far. Some answers can be found in legacy       have the following in common:
lie from a digital perspective and which       technology, which is causing problems. It
capabilities it has to further develop in      is difficult for organizations to adapt to the      • They set a vision and goals, and they
order to truly modernize and transform its     fast pace of technology innovation (such as             align their strategy and governance.
organization for the future.                   artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things
                                               and automation). However, there are ways
                                                                                                   • They know their customer and there is
                                                                                                       customer experience throughout the
The launch of our fourth Digital Leaders       to help businesses capture the possibilities            customer journey.
Study in Sweden comes at a critical time
for businesses, where many do not feel
                                               of emerging technology by creating tailored
                                               solutions for every type of business and            • They have priorities, a focus and
                                                                                                   • Innovation is evident throughout the
they have the right priorities, momentum
and, maybe even more importantly, the
                                                                                                       organization, not just in products.
leadership capabilities needed to make         We do not doubt there is a willingness and
their digital transformation journey a         understanding of the need to change and             • There are no silos, the business side
success.                                       to change quickly. The issue is more around             and the technology side collaborate in
                                               how to prioritize and to understand the                 creating business results.
Speed is critical, due to the fast pace of     strengths and the areas to develop. It is           • They have a culture that includes
development, and companies that have           important to have a focus: no company                   digital talent and leadership.
previously been digital leaders run the        we have studied is transforming in all six
risk of falling behind if they do not keep     dimensions at once. The insights and ability      We believe that with the right customer-
up their momentum. In this year’s study,       to understand strengths and weaknesses            centric mindset, vision, focus and leadership,
we see that some of the digital leaders in     that you find in this report can lay the          Swedish companies have a bright future and
previous years have lost ground and fallen     foundation for future planning and success.       a chance to become global digital leaders.
behind their peers. This is not because
they have done something wrong; it is just     Digital transformation requires strong            Louise von Blixen-Finecke
because they have not been doing things        leadership to drive the change.                   Partner
fast enough or have perhaps been doing         Organizations should not simply ignore            BearingPoint Sweden
things slower than the competition.            the absence of genuine digital leadership,
                                               however; they must recognize that

Research summary
    Swedish companies are embracing digitalization, but even though all industries
    have improved on average, there is still great variation between them.

    Digitalization has become an integrated          The most digitally mature company is
    part of Swedish companies’ businesses,           Tele2 (B2C) (3.4), closely followed by SJ
    and for most of them, it is a vital part of      (3.4) and IKEA (3.4), all of which receive
    their offerings, their internal processes and    a satisfactory grade. Tele2 (B2C) beats
    their business models. Swedish companies         all other companies with a strong score in
    are embracing digitalization, but even           every dimension except social media, and
    though all industries have improved              the highest score of all companies in E-CRM.
    on average, there is still great variation       As with the rest of the top-five companies,
    between them.                                    Tele2 (B2C) has made improvements since
                                                     the 2018 study. Another interesting findings
    Swedish companies receive a sufficient           is that neither SJ, IKEA nor Bonnier were in
    grade (2.8) overall, which is better than        the top 10 list in 2018. The latter two also
    last year’s score (2.6).                         show impressive score improvements of
                                                     more than 0.5. All top-scoring companies
    On an industry level, there are no major         have improved significantly more than the
    movements since last year. As in 2018,           industry averages.
    telecom (B2B), which has a satisfactory
    grade (3.2), beats telecom (B2C) with            Digital product experience (3.4) and
    a similar satisfactory grade (3.1). The          e-commerce (3.1) are the dimensions where
    telecom industries have kept their place at      the companies are performing best, with
    the top of the leaderboard and are again         average grades of good. In digital product
    the most digitally mature. The telecom           experience, the companies generally
    industries are followed by food retail (2.9),    receive high scores in the sub-dimension of
    which has reached the same score as              functionality and design, but lower scores
    retail (2.9) for the first time in the Digital   in product and store information. Product
    Leaders in Sweden study history. We see a        presentation drives the high average score
    trend in the digital maturity of food retail,    in e-commerce, but many companies could
    which has climbed significantly for several      improve their purchasing processes and
    consecutive years.                               sales support.

    Consumer products (food) (2.1) continues         Digital marketing, on the other hand, is a
    to be the least digitally mature industry        dimension where Swedish companies only
    and needs to make significant efforts            receive a poor grade (1.6) on average. There
    in digitalization to increase its digital        is no particular reason for the low scores
    maturity to a level with the other               in digital marketing, but most companies
    industries. Consumer products (food) has         score poorly throughout the whole
    also made little to no improvement, once         dimension. Most of the companies receive
    again receiving a score of 2.1. Retail (2.9)     low scores in the use of display advertising,
    and Telecom (B2B) (3.2) are two other            use of affiliate marketing and use of search
    industries which show no improvement,            engine marketing; own media is the only
    both receiving the same score as in last         category in which the average company
    year’s study.                                    score is good.

Top five companies
      			                                                               2019                2018

      1. Tele2 (B2C)                                                      3.4                3.3
      2. SJ                                                               3.4                2.9
      3. IKEA                                                             3.4                3.0
      4. Telia Company B2B                                                3.4                3.3
      5. Bonnier                                                          3.3                2.6

      Industry ranking

           3.2      3.1
                             2.9      2.9           2.9        2.9        2.8         2.8
                                                                                            2.6    2.6

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Key findings
    Percentages indicate the share of the evaluated companies that are utilizing
    the listed categories as part of their digital customer interface.

    Digital marketing

    Cross-linking                                                          69%
    Pay per click                                            45%
    Display ads in main media                                45%
    Retargeted advertising                      25%
    Affiliate marketing                  9%

    Digital product experience

    Detailed product/services data                                                  98%
    Promotion campaigns on the website                               60%
    Product comparisons                                       48%
    Content sharing via social media            27%
    Product reviews                      12%
    Integration with social media        10%


    Product availability                                                           94%
    Click and collect                                              54%
    Cross-selling                                      38%
    Chat service as sales support                     34%
    Fast-delivery option                  13%

    94% of companies display product availability in their web store

Almost all companies have some degree of e-commerce in their mobile channels


Online customer profiles                                                                   94%
FAQs                                                                               80%
Customer loyalty programs                                                    63%
Customers are able to give feedback online                             55%
Real-time chat service                                           48%
Call-back services                                   14%


Mobile commerce                                                                                96%
Mobile-optimized sites                                                                   89%
iOS applications (iPhone, not iOS in general)                                        86%
Android application                                                                  86%
iPad application                                                 49%

Social media

Facebook                                                                                       100%
YouTube                                                                                        100%
Twitter                                                                                    92%
LinkedIn                                                                                  91%
Instagram                                                                                87%
Snapchat                                                   21%
Pinterest                                       6%

All companies have a Facebook presence but only one in five companies use Sweden’s
second largest social media, Snapchat

Digital leaders at
    a glance

    Digital marketing                            Digital product experience                     E-commerce

    Swedish companies struggle with digital      Swedish companies excel in the digital         A majority of Swedish companies attain
    marketing. On an industry level, grades      product experience dimension, with             a good grade in e-commerce, but several
    range from poor to good. However, only       almost all of them attaining a good            of them could have improved their score.
    seven companies manage to score a good       grade or higher, retaining Swedish firms’      Last year’s dominant industry winner in
    grade.                                       excellent ability to offer customers a well-   e-commerce, telecom (B2B), falls behind,
                                                 developed product experience.                  as retail is best-in-class this year (3.6).

    The leading Swedish company in               The leading Swedish company in                 The leading Swedish companies in
    digital marketing is:                        digital product experience is:                 e-commerce is:

    Tre (B2C) (3.2)                              Telia Company (B2B) (4.3)                      Volvo Cars (4.1) for B2B
                                                                                                Elgiganten (4.0) for B2C

    Last year’s study showed this dimension      Increased functionality, improved              The average Swedish company
    to be the least digitally mature for         design and easily available content            grade in e-commerce is good, which
    Swedish companies, and this year is no       springboard several companies to higher        is an improvement from last year’s
    different. The average score (1.6) and       grades in the digital product experience       sufficient grade. However, more than
    grade (poor) remains the same. Although      dimension in this year’s study. Swedish        30 companies receive a grade below
    Swedish companies score better grades        companies showcase their capacity              good, which indicates that there is room
    in the display advertising and own           to offer a well-refined digital product        for improvement. The best-performing
    media categories, the decline in all other   experience. However, there is still room       category is product presentation followed
    categories sees Swedish companies fail to    for improvement, as only six companies         by purchasing process. On average, both
    seize opportunities for improvement in the   achieve a very good grade. With increased      categories have a good grade. Companies
    digital marketing dimension.                 demand for high-quality customer               could look for inspiration from the energy
                                                 interfaces, Swedish companies are well         industry, which leads the sales support
                                                 positioned, but they will need to stay on      category. Retail (3.6) is the leading
                                                 top of developments to retain high grades      industry in e-commerce overall, and
                                                 in this dimension.                             companies in this industry excel in the
                                                                                                purchasing process.

E-CRM                                         Mobile                                      Social media

Swedish companies have improved their         On average, Swedish companies receive       On average, Swedish companies have
score in the e-CRM dimension in this year’s   a good grade in this digital dimension,     improved in the social media dimension
study. But despite a slight improvement       and all industries other than energy have   in this year’s study. But despite this
in the overall average score, Swedish         performed worse than last year. Only        improvement, scores in this dimension
companies fall short and score just below     Trelleborg achieves a very good grade in    vary greatly, with almost two-thirds of
good (2.9).                                   mobile.                                     Swedish companies scoring below good.

The leading Swedish company in                The leading Swedish company in              The leading Swedish company in
e-CRM is:                                     mobile is:                                  social media is:

Tele2 (B2C) (4.2)                             Trelleborg (4.0)                            TV4 (4.3).

This year’s higher score is a result of       This year’s performance in the mobile       Swedish companies have performed
Swedish companies’ overall increased          dimension shows that several Swedish        better across the board on all social media
efforts to improve their e-CRM. But despite   companies still need to improve. Only       platforms and have also improved their
an increase across the board, where the       Trelleborg receives a very good grade,      website integration scores. With several
grades for two categories have climbed        while almost half of the other companies    verified accounts and companies using
from sufficient to good, no category has a    have a grade below good. Despite this       social media platforms for marketing and
very good score. The best industry in the     disappointment, Swedish companies do        customer contact, Swedish companies
e-CRM dimension this year is passenger        have the capacity to achieve a better       are well positioned to take advantage of
transportation, which receives a good         grade in this dimension, if they sharpen    social media channels. There are, however,
grade (3.4). With improved customer           their focus. Increased efforts to develop   certain areas in which improvement is
service functions, personalization and        proper mobile applications and websites     necessary. The greatest increase in activity
crowdsourcing, Swedish companies              could help Swedish companies attain a       and engagement has been in the use of
showcase some refinement in e-CRM, but        better score. As mobile usage increases,    Instagram, as more companies use this
more than 20 subcategories show either        customer reach via this digital dimension   platform for advertising and customer
no change or have regressed, leaving          will be crucial to Swedish companies’       contact. However, almost two-thirds
opportunities to improve in e-CRM.            success.                                    of all Swedish companies score below
Despite the subpar performance in this                                                    good. Website integration has increased
year’s study for Swedish companies                                                        greatly on average from last year’s study,
overall, there are several high-rising                                                    as companies focus on increasing their
companies that demonstrate several ways                                                   follower bases and expanding outreach.
in which e-CRM practices can be executed

Dimensions of
This study assesses Swedish companies’ digital maturity
across six dimensions: digital marketing, digital product
experience, e-commerce, e-CRM, mobile and social media.
The results show that the digital maturity of Swedish
companies varies widely across these six dimensions and
significant improvements can be made across all dimensions.
Digital marketing
     Digital marketing is the dimension in which Swedish companies struggle
     to perform well. With a poor overall performance in this dimension,
     Swedish companies need to increase their digital marketing initiatives.

     Digital marketing is the worst-performing dimension for Swedish
                                                                             The assessment is based on
     companies. With an average grade of poor, and a score that
                                                                             a company’s ability to reach
     has not changed since last year, Swedish companies struggle to
                                                                             potential customers and to
     improve in this important dimension.
                                                                             lead them to the company
                                                                             websites with the help of display
     Despite improvements in the display advertising and own media           advertising, search engine
     categories, the performance in all other categories has decreased,      marketing, affiliate marketing and
     and 59 companies score poor or worse. Those that scored higher          the use of own media.
     only achieved a good grade at best. Swedish companies need to
     address this alarming development, as opportunities for refined         Categories

                                                                               • Display advertising
     digital marketing initiatives are readily available.

     The top-performing industry in this year’s study is telecom (B2B)         • Search engine marketing
     (2.9). This ranking indicates a shift in the top position in this         • Affiliate marketing
     dimension, as telecom (B2C) (2.6) comes second. However, this is          • Own media
     a trend, as both telecom industries consistently take the top-two
     rankings every year. Insurance (2.0) is not too far behind, but
     companies in this industry should look to the digital leaders in this
     dimension for inspiration.

     The best performance in this year’s study comes from a telecom
     (B2C) company. Tre (B2C) (3.2) is one of seven companies to
     achieve a good grade in this dimension, as it climbs from 29th
     place. Closely following Tre (B2C) are Bonnier (3.2) and Tre (B2B)
     (3.2), both going from a sufficient grade to good in this year’s

Top 10 companies -                                                    Best practices -
Digital marketing                                                     Digital marketing

                                2019        2018                      Tre (B2C)

 1. Tre (B2C)                   3.2          2.1                      The best-performing company in the digital marketing
 2. Bonnier                     3.2          2.3                      dimension is Tre (B2C) (3.2).
 3. Tre (B2B)                   3.2          2.2
                                                                      By climbing 29 places in this year’s ranking, Tre (B2C) (3.2) takes
 4. Scandinavian Airlines       3.1          3.1
                                                                      the top position. Although this upsurge in ranking is positive,
 5. Tele2 (B2B)                 3.1          3.0
                                                                      the unbalanced performance across categories is alarming. As
 6. Tele2 (B2C)                 3.0          3.5                      the performance in the affiliate marketing and search engine
 7. SBAB Bank                   3.0          2.6                      marketing categories has stagnated significantly, the subpar
 8. Telia Company (B2B)         2.8          2.8                      performance is, however, contrasted by a remarkable increased
                                                                      performance in display advertising and own media.
 9. SJ                          2.7          2.7
 10. Folksam                    2.5              -

Leading industries -
Digital marketing

 1. Telecom (B2B)		                                                 2.9 2.6

 2. Telecom (B2C)			                                              2.6 2.8

 3. Insurance		                                          2.0 1.9

 4. Passenger transportation		                          1.9 2.0

 5. Retail		                                         1.7 1.9

 6. Energy		                                         1.7 1.7

 7. Bank		                                           1.6 1.6

 8. Media		                                  1.4 1.6

 9. Food retail		                           1.3 1.3

 10. Consumer products (food)            1.0 1.0

 11. Manufacturing                     0.8 0.8

    Average                                          1.6 1.6

Digital product
     Digital product experience is where Swedish companies perform the
     strongest. They perform particularly well within functionality and design,
     but they could improve within product and store information.

     Swedish companies perform well in digital product experience,
                                                                           Evaluates the company websites’
     with almost all companies attaining a good grade or higher.
                                                                           functionality, design and content,
     The industry average has not changed since last year, but some
                                                                           especially from the aspects of
     industries need to improve their efforts to not fall behind.          product and brand experience.

     Telecom (B2B) (3.9) and telecom (B2C) (3.7) lead the digital          Categories

                                                                             • Functionality and design
     product experience dimension. They receive high grades overall
     and excel in the functionality and design category by having
     good navigation and layouts on their websites. The bank industry        • Content and company
     (3.6) has improved this year and retains third place, followed
     by retail (3.6), which has dropped from its top placement last          • Product and store
     year. Like successful telecom (B2B) companies, firms in the                  information

     bank industry perform well within the functionality and design
     category, but they should focus their efforts on store content
     and company information in order to attain a good grade in this

     The top-performing companies in digital product experience are
     Telia Company (B2B) (4.3), Clas Ohlson (4.0) and Telia Company
     (B2C) (4.0). This year’s rising star is Avanza Bank (3.9), climbing
     almost 50 places to reach the top 10. The company has improved
     within functionality and design, where it is among the top firms.
     However, most of the increase is the result of an improved score
     within product and store information.

     Overall, the functionality and design and product and store
     information categories have improved this year. Content
     and company information has dropped slightly, resulting in a
     lower grade. Swedish companies seem to focus their efforts on
     improving the digital product experience, but there are certain
     areas that they need to focus on. Two things in particular could
     help Swedish companies to further improve their digital product
     experience score: first, increased website integration, and second,
     giving customers the option to score and comment on products
     and services.

Top 10 companies -                      Best practices -
Digital product experience              Digital product experience

                          2019   2018   Telia Company (B2B) (4.3)

 1. Telia Company (B2B)   4.3    3.6    The best-performing company in digital product experience
 2. Clas Ohlson           4.0    4.0    is Telia Company (B2B) (4.3).
 3. Telia Company (B2C)   4.0    3.6
                                        Telia Company (B2B) is best-in-class in digital product experience
 4. Systembolaget         4.0    3.8
                                        with a very good grade. It scores highest of all Swedish
 5. Nordnet               4.0    3.5
                                        companies in the functionality and design and content and
 6. Tele2 (B2B)           4.0    3.8    company information categories. The company’s website provides
 7. H&M                   3.9    3.9    a clear and structured display of products and services. Within
 8. IKEA                  3.9    3.9    product and store information, the company receives a good
                                        grade with room for improvement.
 9. Electrolux            3.9    3.7
 10. Avanza Bank          3.9    3.3

Leading industries -
Digital product experience

 1. Telecom (B2B)					                                 3.9     3.7

 2. Telecom (B2C)				                             3.7        3.8

 3. Bank				                                     3.6     3.5

 4. Retail				                                   3.6     3.8

 5. Energy				                                  3.5 3.8

 6. Food retail				                             3.5 3.5

 7. Passenger transportation				           3.3 3.2

 8. Insurance				                          3.3     3.1

 9. Manufacturing				                     3.2     3.3

 10. Media				                            3.2     3.1

 11. Consumer products (food)				         3.2     3.3

 12. Average				                            3.4        3.4

     Several industries attain a good grade but some struggle in e-commerce.
     With competition from international markets, Swedish companies should
     improve their performance in this dimension to stay competitive.

     Most industries have improved their grades this year, but only three Swedish
                                                                                                                                                      Evaluates the company’s
     companies have a very good grade in the e-commerce dimension; the majority
                                                                                                                                                      ability to sell via digital
     attain a good grade, while more than 30 companies have a grade below good. This
                                                                                                                                                      channels, especially from
     indicates that several Swedish companies have room for improvement to reach
                                                                                                                                                      the aspects of product
     their full potential.
                                                                                                                                                      presentation, purchasing
                                                                                                                                                      process and sales support.
     Having an online presence is becoming increasingly important for Swedish
     companies. In the first quarter of 2018, two-thirds of Swedes purchased online
     every month, and in 2017, the growing domestic e-commerce market for
     consumers reached SEK 67 billion1. Swedish companies face fierce competition                                                                        • Product presentation
     from international firms, but by leveraging their local advantage and having well-                                                                  • Purchasing process
     developed e-commerce options for their customers, they have a chance to fend off
     this global competition.
                                                                                                                                                         • Sales support
     Retail is the leading industry in e-commerce this year with a good (3.6) grade,
     followed by food retail (3.4) and manufacturing (3.3). Retail companies excel in the
     purchasing process with well-functioning shopping carts and ordering processes for
     customers. To further improve, companies can focus their efforts on sales support,
     where the majority have a poor or failed grade. The bank and insurance industries
     have improved this year but still have a long way to go to reach a good grade. They
     could improve in the e-commerce dimension by refining their purchasing processes.

     Swedish companies score lowest in the sales support category in e-commerce,
     as they are struggling to keep up with modern technologies to support potential
     customers throughout the purchasing process. Energy is the best-performing
     industry within sales support. Companies could improve within this category with
     clearly labeled sales support options and functionality such as click-to-call and
     proactive chat services.

     Several industries are represented in the top 10 company ranking, but there
     has been a remarkable shift for some. Telecom (B2B) was the front-runner in
     e-commerce last year, with all of its companies in the top four, but it placed seventh
     in this year’s study (3.0). Insurance (2.9), bank (2.8) and passenger transportation
     (2.7) all improved this year but are far behind the leading industries in e-commerce.
     Most companies perform well in product presentation and purchasing process.
     However, only about 35 percent receive a good grade in sales support, which means
     Swedish companies have an opportunity to improve.

16   1) e-baromentern Q1 2018, PostNord, Svensk Digital Handel och HUI Research, 2018,
Top 10 companies -                                                       Best practices -
E-commerce                                                               E-commerce
                            2019   2018
                                                                         Volvo Cars (B2B) and
 1. Volvo Cars               4.1   2.3
                                                                         Elgiganten (B2C)
 2. Elgiganten               4.0   3.2
                                                                         The best-performing B2B company in
 3. SKF                      4.0   3.2
                                                                         the e-commerce dimension is Volvo Cars
 4. Scania                   4.0   2.2                                   (4.1). In the B2C category, the best-
 5. Electrolux               3.9   3.5                                   performing company is Elgiganten (4.0).
 6. IKEA                     3.9   2.8
                                                                         Due to their nature, B2B and B2C companies
 7. Kronans Apotek           3.9    -
                                                                         have been evaluated with slightly different
 8. Bonnier                  3.9   2.1
                                                                         e-commerce criteria.
 9. Qliro Group              3.8   3.4
 10. Apoteket                3.8   2.9                                   Volvo Cars is the leading Swedish B2B
                                                                         company in e-commerce, receiving an
                                                                         outstanding (5) grade in both product
                                                                         presentation and purchasing process. This
Leading industries -                                                     year, Volvo Cars has made a substantial
E-commerce                                                               improvement within the purchasing process
                                                                         category and is now offering customers an
                                                                         improved purchasing process. However, there
 1. Retail				                                                 3.6 3.1   is still room for improvement. Increased
 2. Food retail				                                          3.4 2.8     functionality and automated sales support
                                                                         could help Volvo Cars improve in this
 3. Manufacturing				                                    3.3 2.4
 4. Media				                                            3.3 2.4

 5. Energy				                                         3.1 2.3           Elgiganten is the leading Swedish B2C
                                                                         company in e-commerce, receiving a very
 6. Telecom (B2C)			                                  3.0 2.7            good (4.0) grade in all three categories;
 7. Telecom (B2B)			                                  3.0 3.9            product presentation, purchasing process
                                                                         and sales support category. Elgiganten has
 8. Insurance			                                     2.9 2.4
                                                                         made substantial improvements since last
 9. Bank			                                         2.8 2.2              year within all three categories, especially
                                                                         the purchasing process, and Elgiganten
 10. Passenger transportation			                   2.7 2.1
                                                                         now offer customers click & collect service.
 11. Consumer products (food)		          1.7 1.3                         To further improve in the e-commerce
                                                                         dimension, Elgiganten could apply a more
     Average 			                                       3.1 2.5
                                                                         visible shopping cart.

     On average, Swedish companies have improved this year (2.9) from last year
     (2.7) in the e-CRM dimension. Although Swedish companies have improved
     substantially, this year’s score still only corresponds to a sufficient grade.
     E-CRM is a dimension in which Swedish companies have performed
     poorly for the past two years. Despite some advances overall, with           Evaluates the company’s
     increased efforts to improve, Swedish companies fall short in reaping        ability to maintain and expand
     the benefits of their work. With increased attention on, and demand          its customer relationships in
     for customer contact and interaction, e-CRM is a crucial dimension for       digital channels including
     success.                                                                     customer service, cross-selling,
                                                                                  customer engagement and
     Increased efforts are a clear trend, but there are several areas where
     Swedish companies miss out or fall short, with more than half of
     them scoring below good. The success of e-CRM is dependent on                Categories
     three categories: in two of these – direct marketing and loyalty, and          • Customer service
     personalization and involvement – Swedish companies receive a good
     grade on average, but they score below good in customer service.
                                                                                    • Direct marketing and
     The marginal improvements in each category have just been enough
     to push the average to a good grade this year. With low scores for             • Personalization and
     live chat functions and transparency of customer service availability,
     several Swedish companies have missed out on opportunities to
     improve in the e-CRM dimension.

     The passenger transportation industry (3.4) tops the table in this year’s
     e-CRM dimension, climbing one place from last year’s study. Telecom
     (B2C) (3.3) climb several steps on the ranking from eigth place to
     second place. However, last year’s leading industry, retail (3.0), drops a
     disappointing seven places to eighth. Consumer products (food) (2.2)
     and manufacturing (2.2) retain positions in the bottom three, where
     they are joined by the insurance industry (2.9) this year.

     The company rankings are slightly different this year, with only three
     of them retaining their places in the top 10 from last year. The best-
     performing company this year is Tele2 (B2C), climbing a remarkable
     45 steps on the ranking from last year’s study. Following Tele2 (B2C),
     SJ climbs a notable 31 steps on the ranking in this year’s study. Both
     companies owe their success to better customer service availability
     and increased personalization and involvement.

     Despite some high-climbing companies and a slight increase in the
     overall average, the customer service score is still below good. With
     customer contact being crucial to the success of businesses, increased
     efforts in this area along with other categories of e-CRM could help
     Swedish companies improve their digital maturity and grow.

Top 10 companies -                                Best practices -
E-CRM                                             E-CRM

                       2019   2018                Tele2 (B2B)

 1. Tele2 (B2C)        4.2    2.6                 The best-performing company in e-CRM is Tele2 (B2C) (4.2).
 2. SJ                 4.1    2.8
 3. E.ON               3.8    3.3                 Tele2 (B2C) makes a remarkable leap from 46th to top position
                                                  in this year’s study. Despite a lower score in the customership
 4. Com Hem            3.8    2.5
                                                  category, Tele2 (B2C)’s increased efforts in customer service as
 5. Handelsbanken      3.7    2.8
                                                  well as in personalization and involvement lift the company’s
 6. Marginalen Bank    3.6    3.0                 overall rank to first place. The company receives a good grade
 7. Clas Ohlson        3.6    3.6                 in customer service and direct marketing and loyalty and a very
 8. Tele2 (B2B)        3.6    2.5                 good grade in personalization and involvement.

 9. IKEA               3.6    3.4
 10. Electrolux        3.6    2.7

Leading industries -

 1. Passenger transportation				                         3.4 3.0

 2. Telecom (B2C)				                                  3.3 2.4

 3. Bank				                                           3.3 2.6

 4. Telecom (B2B)				                                  3.2 2.8

 5. Energy				                                         3.2 2.9

 6. Media				                                      3.1        2.8

 7. Food retail				                                3.1        2.5

 8. Retail				 3.0                                       3.0

 9. Insurance			                                 2.9    2.4

 10. Consumer products (food)			     2.2   1.5

 11. Manufacturing			2.2                   2.0

     Average			                              2.9        2.5

     On average, Swedish companies have a good (3.0) grade in the mobile
     dimension. Top-performing companies perform well in both mobile
     websites and mobile applications, but several companies receive a failed
     grade in the mobile dimension.

     Approximately 85 percent of the Swedish population has access to
     smartphones and almost 70 percent has access to a tablet2, and as these         Evaluates the company’s
     become increasingly popular, companies have to adapt their digital              ability to utilize mobile
     interfaces. Having efficient mobile websites and applications, so consumers     channels to support its
     can access the same functionality and service with their smartphones            business and customers,
     or tablets as their PCs, can be an advantage. Swedish companies must            especially with the help of
     adapt and evolve their digital interfaces to stay competitive and retain        mobile sites and applications.
     Food retail (3.6) is best-in-class in the mobile dimension, followed by           • Mobile websites
     telecom (B2B) and energy. Companies in the food retail industry provide
     good mobile websites with responsive behavior and functionality for
                                                                                       • Mobile applications
     mobile devices, but their mobile applications leave room for improvement.
     Increasing functionality by adding inventory levels in stores, in-store
     information and shipment tracking could help companies realize their
     potential. Telecom (B2B) companies could possibly attain higher grades in
     the mobile dimension by improving their mobile applications to support
     increased functionality.

     Trelleborg (4.0) is the top company in mobile, performing especially well
     in the mobile applications category. It provides several applications to fit
     its customers’ needs. City Gross (3.6) is one of this year’s rising stars, as
     the company has climbed more than 40 steps on the ranking to reach
     the top 10 in the mobile dimension. This can mainly be attributed to
     improvements within the mobile applications category this year. However,
     there is still room for improvement, including adding functionality for
     rating and reviews, tracking shipments and inventory levels in stores to its

     Overall, Swedish companies have work to do to perform better within
     the mobile dimension. Mobile websites receive a good grade in general,
     but mobile applications have room for improvement. Responding
     to feedback on their applications, optimizing them for tablets and
     enhancing functionality could be necessary to stay competitive. Having
     well-performing mobile websites and mobile applications could prove
     important as customers demand more from their smartphones and

20   2) https://www., p10
Top 10 companies -                              Best practices -
Mobile                                          Mobile

                       2019   2018              Trelleborg

 1. Trelleborg         4.0    4.0               The best-performing company in mobile is Trelleborg (4.0).
 2. SJ                 3.8    3.5
 3. Volvo Cars         3.8    3.9               This year, Trelleborg ranks highest in the mobile dimension,
                                                despite having the same grade as last year. Trelleborg’s key
 4. Kronans Apotek     3.8     -
                                                strength is the subdimension of mobile applications, with
 5. ICA Banken         3.7    3.6
                                                a multitude of applications to meet its customers’ needs.
 6. IKEA               3.7    4.2               Improvement areas can mainly be found in the mobile websites
 7. Willys             3.7    3.8               subdimension and include optimization of the website for mobile
 8. Apotek Hjärtat     3.7    3.1               devices and increasing functionality of the search function.

 9. City Gross         3.6    3.0
 10. Systembolaget     3.6    4.0

Leading industries -

 1. Food retail				                                     3.6 3.6

 2. Telecom (B2B)				                             3.3    3.3

 3. Energy				                                   3.2 3.1

 4. Passenger transportation				                3.1 3.4

 5. Telecom (B2C)				                           3.1 3.3

 6. Manufacturing				                           3.1 3.4

 7. Media			                                   3.0 3.4

 8. Bank			                                    3.0 3.1

 9. Retail			                              2.8 2.9

 10. Consumer products (food)			      2.4 2.8

 11. Insurance		                     2.2 2.7

    Average			                                 3.0 3.1

Social media
     With increased activity and a larger outreach, Swedish companies have greatly
     improved in the social media dimension in this year’s study. However, there is still
     room for improvement for both individual companies and industries as a whole.

     On average, Swedish companies have improved in the social
     media dimension. However, activity on social media platforms         Evaluates the company’s
     varies heavily between them. With almost two-thirds of Swedish       activity level and consistency
     companies scoring below good, there is certainly room for            on relevant social media
     improvement across all social media platforms.                       channels and own websites.

     Although Swedish companies have increased their scores on all        Categories
     social media platforms, the greatest advancement has been due          • Facebook
     to an improved presence on Instagram. More companies are now
                                                                            • Twitter
                                                                            • Instagram
     using Instagram for advertising and informing customers. The
     overall presence on Facebook has also increased on average, with
     higher engagement scores and increased customer interaction,           • YouTube
     marketing and crowdsourcing initiatives. The average presence          • Other social media
     on Twitter has not significantly changed, but there is an increase
     in companies using Twitter for marketing.

     Despite the increased presence and engagement on social media
     platforms, there are certain criteria in which Swedish companies
     have performed worse than the previous year, on average. For
     example, fewer companies now have direct purchase availability
     on Facebook, have a Facebook Messenger chatbot, use Twitter
     for customer service or encourage two-way communication on

     The top-performing company this year is TV4 (4.3), followed
     by MTG (4.2) and ABB (4.0). The top-three companies this year
     all have high grades on all social media platforms but perform
     poorly in the website integration criterion.

     This is the second year that website integration has been
     measured for Swedish companies, and it has greatly increased
     in the past year on average. This allows Swedish companies to
     position themselves and reap the benefits of large following
     bases on social media platforms, with Volvo Group scoring
     highest in this criterion.

     Five industries receive a good grade in this year’s study. Media
     (3.8) keeps its lead as the best in the social media dimension.
     Telecom (B2C) (3.1) follows closely behind, as the industry
     improves slightly and retains its position. Insurance (2.4) falls
     behind and drops to last place in this year’s study.

Top 10 companies -                                   Best practices -
Social media                                         Social media

                          2019   2018                TV4

 1. TV4                   4.3    3.7                 The best-performing company in social media is TV4 (4.3).
 2. MTG                   4.2    3.7
 3. ABB                   4.0    2.9                 TV4 takes first place in social media this year. With an
                                                     outstanding improvement from last year’s good grade, the
 4. Sveriges Television   4.0    3.5
                                                     company has managed to develop its social media presence well.
 5. Bonnier               3.9    3.5
                                                     With higher engagement on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and
 6. H&M                   3.9    3.8                 YouTube, accompanied with increased website integration, TV4
 7. Aller media           3.9    3.5                 has positioned itself to increase its follower base even further.
 8. Volvo Group           3.8    3.6
 9. Volvo Cars            3.7    3.3
 10. Viasat               3.7    3.1

Leading industries -
Social media

 1. Media					 3.8                                                    3.3

 2. Telecom (B2C)				 3.1                                       3.1

 3. Food retail				                                  3.1        2.6

 4. Manufacturing				 3.0                                   2.6

 5. Energy				 3.0                                          3.0

 6. Passenger transportation			                 2.9        2.5

 7. Telecom (B2B)			                           2.8        2.4

 8. Consumer products (food)			               2.7     2.8

 9. Retail			                             2.6        2.4

 10. Bank			                             2.5        2.2

 11. Insurance			                       2.4     2.1

     Average			                                2.8        2.5

The 2019 edition of our Digital Leaders in Sweden assesses
85 companies across 11 industries: Bank, Consumer products
(food), Energy, Food retail, Insurance, Manufacturing, Media,
Passenger transportation. Retail, Telecom (B2B), Telecom
(B2C). On an industry level, there are no major movements
since last year. On a company level, however, there have been
some significant developments.
                                With an overall sufficient mark (2.8), the grade for Swedish
                                industries remains the same. This positive, but unbalanced
                                   development comes with trending improvements for
                                   all industries in one dimension, but with a stagnating
                                                    performance in another.

     Swedish industries have performed                   last year’s third-placed retail industry to   This is disappointing, as the industry
     relatively well in this year’s study, with          take third spot. Companies in the food        has declined in performance by almost
     an improved performance across three                retail industry have managed to adapt         an entire grade. If this development
     dimensions, two dimensions with                     to increasing demands for digitalization,     continues, this industry could be overtaken
     unchanged scores and a stagnating                   but they will need to improve their           in this dimension in the future. A less
     performance in one dimension. The best              performance in the mobile dimension           positive trend in this year’s study is most
     industry in this year’s study is telecom            to keep up with the higher demand of          industries' declining performance in the
     (B2B) (3.2). With improvements in four              mobile purchases.                             mobile dimension, where every industry
     dimensions and an overall good score in                                                           except for energy scores a worse grade.
     three, telecom (B2B) takes the top spot             A trend in this year’s study is an
     ahead of its B2C counterpart. Telecom               improvement by the majority of industries     Despite unbalanced developments across
     (B2C)’s (3.1) second place in this year’s           in the e-commerce dimension. Despite          dimensions and industries, one positive
     study is partly due to telecom (B2B)’s              unbalanced grades across industries,          development is that the average Swedish
     performance, but mostly because of a                Swedish companies have, on average,           score has improved from 2.6 to 2.8.
     worse performance in three dimensions.              become better in the e-commerce               Although the grade does not change from
                                                         dimension, ensuring that they keep            the current sufficient, this is positive, and
     Coming in third is the food retail industry         up with the increasingly high demand          with increased efforts from all companies,
     (2.9), jumping two places from last year’s          on e-commerce quality. The only               we could see improvements in next year’s
     ranking. With improved scores within                industry that has failed to improve           study.
     e-commerce, e-CRM and social media,                 on its e-commerce score is this year’s
     food retail climbs high and surpasses               top-ranking industry, telecom (B2B).

     Performance by digital dimension                                             Digital leader - Tele2 (B2C)

     Digital marketing 		                1.6 1.6                                  Digital marketing			                        3.0      3.5

     Digital product experience                           3.4     3.4             Digital product experience		                      3.6      3.9

     E-commerce		                                    3.1        2.5               E-commerce			                                     3.6      3.1

     E-CRM			                                      2.9      2.5                   E-CRM				                                               4.2      2.6

     Mobile			                                      3.0     3.2                   Mobile    			                                  3.4      3.1

     Social media		                                2.8     2.5                    Social media			                          2.7      3.2

Top five best-performing companies
			                             2019   2018

1. Tele2 (B2C)                  3.4    3.3
2. SJ                           3.4    2.9
3. IKEA                         3.4    3.0
4. Telia Company B2B            3.4    3.3
5. Bonnier                      3.3    2.6

Industry ranking
		                              2019   2018

1.   Telecom (B2B)               3.2   3.2
2.   Telecom (B2C)               3.1   3.0
3.   Food retail                 2.9   2.7
4.   Retail                      2.9   2.9
5.   Energy                      2.9   2.7
6.   Media                       2.9   2.7
7.   Passenger transportation    2.8   2.7
8.   Bank                        2.8   2.6
9.   Insurance                   2.6   2.4
10. Manufacturing                2.6   2.4
11. Consumer products (food)     2.1   2.1

Telecom (B2B)
                            Telecom (B2B) ranks highest in this year’s study, with remarkable
                               performances in the digital product experience, e-CRM and
                            mobile dimensions. The industry has a good (3.2) grade overall,
                                but there are still several areas in which it could improve.

     Swedish companies in the telecom (B2B) industry perform very             Telecom (B2B): digital dimensions
     well in this year’s study. This remarkable performance is a result of
     every company in this industry achieving a good grade. However,
     not one single company is close to a very good grade. This follows       Digital marketing			                  2.9 2.6
     a similar performance in last year’s study in which all telecom
                                                                              Digital product experience		                   3.9 3.7
     (B2B) companies received a good grade. Despite increased efforts
     to better performance in all dimensions, not a great deal has            E-commerce 			                         3.0 3.9
     happened. One interesting development, however, is that the gap          E-CRM				                               3.2 2.6
     between the lowest-placed company in this industry and the top
     company is narrowing.                                                    Mobile				                               3.3 3.3

                                                                              Social media			                       2.8 2.4
     Telecom (B2B) falls short in reaching a good grade in two
     dimensions: digital marketing and social media. This leaves great
     room for improvement and, if acted upon, it could send this
     industry to the top of the digital maturity scale and not just in
     the ranking. Despite the industry’s shortcomings, several of its
     companies perform well in these dimensions.
                                                                              Telecom (B2B): digital leaders
     Telia Company (B2B) (3.4) is the best performer in this industry.
                                                                                                             2019      2018
     Coming in a close second is Tele2 (B2B) (3.2), followed by Tre
     (B2B) (3.1). This ranking is identical to the previous year, but the         1. Telia Company (B2B)     3.4       3.3
     gap between the top spot and last place is narrowing.                        2. Tele2 (B2B)             3.2       3.3
                                                                                  3. Tre (B2B)               3.1       3.1
     No industry in Sweden attains a very good grade. However, this
                                                                                  4. Telenor (B2B)           3.1       3.0
     industry is positioned well to do just that. Increased efforts to
     improve a lagging performance in several dimensions could see
     this industry rank highly again next year.

Telecom (B2C)
                         Telecom (B2C) (3.1) comes in second place, as the telecom
                       industries maintain their stronghold on the top-two positions.
                      Despite this high rank, however, the industry fails to score a grade
                                               higher than good.

Telecom (B2C) (3.1) takes second place in this year’s ranking,
                                                                       Telecom (B2C): digital dimensions
falling just behind its B2B counterpart. The industry achieves a
good grade in five dimensions, but the stagnating performance in
three others and a sufficient grade within digital marketing keeps     Digital marketing			             2.6 2.8
it off top place this year. There is room for improvement for this
                                                                       Digital product experience		               3.7 3.8
industry, and companies need to embrace the opportunity if they
desire a top position in the digital maturity scale.                   E-commerce			                         3.0 2.7

                                                                       E-CRM				                               3.3 2.4
Although companies in this industry have become better
                                                                       Mobile				                            3.1 3.3
regarding the e-commerce and e-CRM dimensions, their
performance across all other dimensions has decreased. Last            Social media			                       3.1 3.1
year’s study saw companies in this industry performing relatively
well but unfortunately falling short of reaching a good grade
in the digital marketing, e-commerce and e-CRM dimensions.
Initiatives to improve performance in e-commerce and e-CRM
have reaped benefits, but the focus on the other dimensions
has faltered, seeing a decline in performance across these
dimensions.                                                            Telecom (B2C): digital leaders

The top-performing company in this year’s study is Tele2                                              2019        2018
(B2C) (3.4). Despite achieving a sufficient grade in the social           1. Tele2 (B2C)              3.4         3.3
media dimension, the company gets a good grade in all other
                                                                          2. Tre (B2C)                3.2         2.9
dimensions, retaining its stronghold in the top telecom (B2C)
                                                                          3. Telia Company (B2C)      3.1         3.2
position in this year’s study. With a remarkable performance in
areas in which other companies fail to achieve a good grade,              4. Telenor (B2C)            2.8         2.7
Tele2 (B2C) has positioned itself to keep its place if it manages to
improve in the dimension in which its industry fails to achieve a
good grade, namely digital marketing.

Food retail
                                The high-rising food retail industry (2.9) takes third place in
                               this year’s study with a remarkable climb and improvements
                              in three dimensions. Despite this increase, the industry fails to
                                    break the good barrier and scores a sufficient grade.

     Food retail (2.9) has slowly but steadily climbed the ranks in           Food retail: digital dimensions
     recent years and notches third place in this year’s study. This is a
     remarkable improvement by an industry that placed eighth two
     years ago. However, food retail falls just short of a good grade,        Digital marketing		            1.3 1.3
     but with improvements in three dimensions, it seems well on its
                                                                              Digital product experience		                 3.5 3.5
                                                                              E-commerce			                                3.4 2.8

     Food retail ranks in the top three for the e-commerce, mobile            E-CRM			                                   3.1 2.5
     and social media dimensions, and it achieves a good grade in
                                                                              Mobile				                                    3.6 3.6
     every dimension except digital marketing, in which it scores poor.
     Despite solid efforts to increase the grades for the e-commerce,         Social media		                             3.1 2.6
     e-CRM and social media dimensions from sufficient to good in
     this year’s study, the activity devoted to increasing the grade in
     the digital marketing dimension has been deficient.

     The increased efforts across the industry are evident, as we see
     three companies go from achieving a sufficient grade to good,
     with all remaining companies closing in on a good grade. This
                                                                              Food retail: digital leaders
     year’s highest-performing company in food retail is ICA (3.1),
                                                                                                                  2019       2018
     as it retains its top position from last year’s study and leads the
     industry forward in the digital maturity scale. Systembolaget (3.0)          1. ICA                           3.1        3.0
     comes in second place this year, followed by Willys (3.0), both              2. Systembolaget                 3.0        2.9
     retaining their positions. However, the remaining companies are
                                                                                  3. Willys                        3.0        2.7
     closing in on the top firms in this industry, and the top performers
     will need to increase their efforts in the faltering dimensions to           4. Coop                          3.0        2.7
     retain their positions as digital leaders in food retail.                    5. City Gross                    2.9        2.4
                                                                                  6. Hemköp                        2.7        2.5

                        A slight decline in ranking sees the retail industry (2.9) finish in
                        fourth place in this year’s study. Despite a good grade in three
                      dimensions, a sufficient grade and lower in three others leaves the
                                         industry struggling to improve.

Retail (2.9) takes fourth place in this year’s study, falling from
                                                                         Retail: digital dimensions
third last year. The retail industry achieves a good grade in the
digital product experience, e-commerce and e-CRM dimensions,
but gets a sufficient grade in mobile and social media, and              Digital marketing		            1.7 1.9
a disappointing poor in the digital marketing dimension.
                                                                         Digital product experience		                  3.6 3.8
Despite increased efforts in e-commerce and social media, the
performance in all other dimensions has stagnated, leaving the           E-commerce		                                  3.6 3.1
retail industry failing to reach a good grade.
                                                                         E-CRM			                                  3.0 3.0

                                                                         Mobile			                                2.8 2.9
Despite the stagnating performance in several dimensions and
only reaching a sufficient grade, the retail industry is the leader in   Social media		                      2.6 2.4'
the e-commerce dimension. However, with more than half of the
industries receiving a good grade, retail faces severe competition
in this dimension. With its current advantage combined with
increased efforts to maintain this lead, retail companies should
however be able to uphold the industry’s high performance in this
                                                                         Retail: digital leaders
The best-performing company in this industry is IKEA (3.4), as it
climbs six places and goes from sufficient to good in this year’s                                         2019         2018
ranking. Following closely behind is Clas Ohlson (3.3), retaining its      1. IKEA                         3.4          3.0
second place from last year’s study. The winner of the past two
                                                                           2. Clas Ohlson                  3.3          3.3
years, Qliro Group, drops two places but maintains its position in
                                                                           3. Qliro Group                  3.2          3.3
the top three (3.2). With the sale of a few key subsidiaries, the
company sees its digital maturity drop and will need to focus on           4. Apoteket                     3.1          3.1
improving the digital maturity across all dimensions for its current       5. H&M                          3.1          2.9
operations to try and attain the top position once again.                  6. Elgiganten                   3.0          3.1
                                                                           7. Kronans Apotek               3.0          n/a
                                                                           8. Apotek Hjärtat               2.9          3.0
                                                                           9. Stadium                      2.9          2.6
                                                                           10. NetOnNet                    2.8          3.1
                                                                           11. Axstores                    2.8          3.1
                                                                           12. Kjell & Company             2.7          n/a

                                 An average performance places the energy industry (2.9)
                                in fifth place in this year’s study. The industry has only one
                               company in the overall top 10 this year, and that is also the
                                     only company to score a good grade within energy.

     Energy is the fifth-placed industry in this year’s study (2.9).        Energy: digital dimensions
     Despite an increase in the overall score, and an increase in
     grade from sufficient to good in the e-commerce and e-CRM
     dimensions, the energy industry falls short of reaching a good         Digital marketing		            1.7 1.7
     grade.                                                                 Digital product experience		               3.5 3.8

                                                                            E-commerce			                            3.1 2.3
     Swedish industries have generally struggled with the digital
     marketing dimension and energy is no different. Digital                E-CRM				                                3.2 2.9
     marketing is the only dimension in which the energy industry
                                                                            Mobile				                               3.2 3.1
     achieves a poor grade, just like last year. This disappointment is
     coupled with a stagnating performance within digital product           Social media			                          3.0 3.0
     experience, a dimension in which this industry came third in last
     year’s study but where it now only ranks sixth.

     The best performer in this industry is E.ON (3.3), which is the only
     energy firm in this year’s top 10 among Swedish companies. E.ON
     takes top spot, as it overtakes last year’s leader in this industry,
     Vattenfall (3.0). E.ON and Vattenfall are the only companies to
                                                                            Energy: digital leaders
     achieve a good grade in this industry. Despite performing worse
                                                                                                           2019       2018
     than its peer Vattenfall in the digital product experience and
     e-commerce dimensions, E.ON’s comparatively high performance               1. E.ON                    3.3         2.7
     within social media and digital marketing places it on top. Fortum         2. Vattenfall              3.0         3.0
     (2.4), on the other hand, fails to reach a good grade, and its poor
                                                                                3. Fortum                  2.4         2.5
     performance leaves it with a sufficient grade or lower in every
     dimension except for digital product experience.

                     Despite improving its performance across several dimensions, the
                     media industry (2.9) fails to reach a higher grade. Its companies
                    will need to increase their efforts and performance as media outlets
                                         become increasingly digital.

The media (2.9) industry ranks sixth this year, climbing from
                                                                       Media: digital dimensions
seventh in last year’s study. With a good grade in every dimension
except digital marketing, the industry performs relatively well.
Despite this, its performance in the mobile and digital marketing      Digital marketing		            1.4 1.6
dimensions has stagnated, leaving room for improvement
across all dimensions. This climb in rank is positive, but with the    Digital product experience		              3.2 3.1
passenger transportation industry (2.8) edging closer, media           E-commerce			                             3.3 2.4
companies will need to increase their efforts across all dimensions
                                                                       E-CRM				                                3.1 2.8
to retain this position.
                                                                       Mobile				                               3.0 3.4
The media industry performed exceptionally well in the social
                                                                       Social media				                             3.8 3.3
media dimension, coming first in this and last year’s study. Media
not only retains its position but has increased its stronghold,
considering that the gap to the second-placed industry has
widened. Despite its exceptional performance within social
media, however, it has stagnated in other dimensions, and media
has failed to improve within digital marketing and mobile.
                                                                       Media: digital leaders
The best-performing company in this industry is Bonnier (3.3),
as it climbs four steps to reach the top in this year’s ranking.                                       2019      2018
Bonnier fails to come top in five dimensions in this industry, but a       1. Bonnier                   3.3       2.6
comparatively well-balanced performance with a good grade in
                                                                           2. Com Hem                   3.1       2.9
four dimensions has paid off. Com Hem (3.1) retains its second
                                                                           3. TV4                       2.9       2.6
position, failing to finish first, as its performance has stagnated
in the digital marketing, digital product experience and mobile            4. Spotify                   2.8       3.0
dimensions. One disappointment in this year’s study is the                 5. Aller media               2.8       2.8
performance of Sveriges Television (2.6). Despite placing fourth           6. MTG                       2.8       2.5
in this industry last year, its stagnating performance sees the
                                                                           7. Sveriges Television       2.6       2.6
company fall to second-last position.
                                                                           8. Viasat                    2.6       2.4

As media outlets are becoming increasingly digital, it will be key
for companies in this industry to increase their digital aptitude.
With increased efforts in areas of improvement, the industry is
well positioned to be a digital leader.

                        The passenger transportation industry (2.8) comes in seventh place.
                       Despite coming top within e-CRM, disappointing performances in other
                         dimensions stops the industry from breaking into the good barrier.

     The passenger transportation industry (2.8) comes in seventh.              Passenger transportation:
     The industry takes the lead in e-CRM this year and achieves a
     good grade in three dimensions. However, subpar performances               digital dimensions
     in the digital marketing, e-commerce and social media
     dimensions, with sufficient grades or lower, sees passenger
                                                                                Digital marketing		                1.9 2.0
     transportation dropping one place in this year’s ranking and
     achieving an overall sufficient grade.                                     Digital product experience		                 3.3 3.2

                                                                                E-commerce			                            2.7 2.1
     The industry’s performance in the e-CRM dimension is a result
                                                                                E-CRM				                                     3.4 3.0
     of all of its companies but one achieving a good grade. This is
     trumped by the performance within digital product experience,              Mobile				                                   3.1 3.4
     as all companies attain a good grade despite the average being
                                                                                Social media			                           2.9 2.5
     lower than in the e-CRM dimension. Companies in this industry
     usually have very functional and consumer-oriented websites,
     enabling a smoother digital experience.

     The top-ranking company within passenger transportation is
     SJ (3.4), where it edges out Scandinavian Airlines (3.2) to take
                                                                                Passenger transportation:
     its top place from last year. Apart from the switch in first place,        digital leaders
     the ranking is identical to that of the past two years. What is
     remarkable, however, is the overall increase in score and digital                                            2019        2018
     maturity for companies in this industry. This improvement in the
                                                                                  1. SJ                           3.4          2.9
     industry sees three companies go from a sufficient to a good
     grade.                                                                       2. Scandinavian Airlines        3.2          2.9
                                                                                  3. Stena Line                   3.0          2.9
     Despite an overall improvement, there is a worrying development              4. Skånetrafiken                2.5          2.5
     for the companies that have not achieved a good grade. The gap               5. Storstockholms Lokaltrafik   2.5          2.5
     between the top-performing half and the bottom-performing half
                                                                                  6. Västtrafik                   2.3          2.3
     is increasing, and if this trend continues, it will soon be too late for
     the bottom performers to catch up to the top ones.

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