DOD rethinks how to array forces - Stripes Lite

Page created by Adrian Mckinney

DOD rethinks how to array forces
               Associated Press                      And it is advancing separately from big-dol-          Hints of change were surfacing before Bi-
    WASHINGTON — The Biden administra-               lar questions about modernizing the strate-         den took office.
tion faces a conundrum as it rethinks the po-        gic nuclear force.                                    In December, Gen. Mark Milley, chair-
sitioning of military forces around the world:          Like the Trump administration, Biden’s           man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, spoke of his
How to focus more on China and Russia with-          national security team views China, not mil-        own view that technological and geopolitical
out retreating from longstanding Mideast             itant extremists like al-Qaida or the Islamic       change argue for rethinking old ways of orga-
threats — and to make this shift with poten-         State group, as the No. 1 long-term security        nizing and positioning forces.
tially leaner Pentagon budgets.                      challenge. Unlike his predecessor, Biden              The very survival of U.S. forces will de-
    Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin ordered a         sees great value in U.S. commitments to Eu-         pend on adapting to the rise of China, the
monthslong “global posture” review just              ropean nations in the NATO alliance.                spread of technologies like artificial intelli-
days after taking office. It will assess how the        That could lead to significant shifts in the     gence and robotics, and the emergence of un-
United States can best arrange and support           U.S. military “footprint” in the Middle East,       conventional threats like pandemics and cli-
its far-flung network of troops, weapons,            Europe and the Asia-Pacific, although such          mate change, Milley said.
bases and alliances to buttress President Joe        changes have been tried before with limited           “Smaller will be better in the future. A
Biden’s foreign policy.                              success. The Trump administration, for ex-          small force that is nearly invisible and unde-
    The review is part of the administration’s       ample, felt compelled to send thousands of          tectable, that’s in a constant state of move-
effort to chart a path for a military still caught   extra air and naval forces to the Persian Gulf      ment, and is widely distributed — that would
in decades-old Mideast conflicts, facing flat        area in 2019 in an effort to deter what it called   be a force that is survivable,” he told a Wash-
or declining budgets and grappling with in-          threats to regional stability. Biden has seen       ington conference. “You’re not going to ac-
ternal problems like racism and extremism.           reminders of this problem in recent days            complish any objective if you’re dead.”
    Its outcome could have a long-lasting im-        with violence in Iraq and Afghanistan.                Austin made a similar, narrower point last
pact on the military’s first priority: ensuring         It might also mean a Biden embrace of re-        month about the positioning of U.S. forces in
it is ready for war in an era of uncertain arms      cent efforts by military commanders to seek         Asia and the Pacific.
control. Also at stake are relations with allies     more innovative ways to deploy forces, un-            “There’s no question that we need a more
and partners, weakened in some cases by the          tethered from permanent bases that carry            resilient and distributed force posture in the
Trump administration’s “America first” ap-           political, financial and security costs. A re-      Indo-Pacific in response to China’s counter-
proach to diplomacy.                                 cent example was a U.S. aircraft carrier visit      intervention capabilities and approaches,
    Austin’s review is closely related to a pend-    to a Vietnamese port. Commanders see value          supported by new operational concepts,”
ing administration decision on whether to            in deploying forces in smaller groups on less       Austin wrote in response to Senate questions
fulfill the prior administration’s promise to        predictable cycles in order to keep China off       posed in advance of his confirmation hear-
fully withdraw from Afghanistan this spring.         balance.                                            ing.

Contractors charged in Navy wastewater dumping scheme
         BY CAITLIN DOORNBOS                         counts of submitting false claims, according        ing to the Justice Department.
               Stars and Stripes                     to a Justice Department statement Thurs-               The wastewater was contaminated with
   Three Japanese contractors were indict-           day.                                                oil, firefighting foam, chemicals and other
ed by a federal grand jury on charges they              From 2007-20, Kanto Kosan received               contaminants associated with ship oper-
defrauded the Navy in a 13-year scheme to            about $120 million in Navy contracts, “tens         ations, according to the indictment.
illegally dump untreated ship wastewater             of millions of which related to the removal,           Not only could releasing untreated water
they were hired to decontaminate, accord-            treatment, and disposal of contaminated             cause environmental issues such as pollu-
                                                     oily wastewater generated by U.S. Navy
ing to the U.S. Justice Department.                                                                      tion, but “the appearance of U.S. Navy ships
                                                     ships” at bases in Yokosuka, Sasebo and
   Sojiro Imahashi, president and CEO of                                                                 dumping wastewater into Japanese waters
                                                     Okinawa, according to the statement.
the Yokohama, Japan-based Kanto Kosan                                                                    would have undermined the U.S.-Japan
                                                        But instead of treating the wastewater ac-
Co., and two employees, Tsuyoshi Ifuku and           cording to Japanese environmental stan-             strategic relationship,” according to the in-
Yuki Yamamiya, were charged Tuesday in               dards, the company allegedly dumped it in-          dictment.
Washington, D.C., District Court with one            to the ocean, according to the statement.              If convicted, the defendants will be re-
count of conspiracy to make false claims                The indictment alleges Kanto Kosan               quired to pay back the government for
and commit ocean dumping and major                   would “minimally treat” the oily wastewa-           funds fraudulently taken in addition to any
fraud against the United States; four counts         ter to remove visible contaminants and then         other punishments, according to the indict-
of major fraud against the U.S.; and six             discharge the water into the ocean, accord-         ment.
PAGE 2     • STRIPES LITE •                  Sunday, February 21, 2021

New motto for US Army Europe, Africa
             BY JOHN VANDIVER                             quarters.                                                  command said.
                 Stars and Stripes                          “The consolidation was a historic mo-                      The Army appears to have opted for
  STUTTGART, Germany — U.S. Army                          ment for us, and it’s important to show that               command cohesion over originality, since
Europe and Africa is keeping “strong,” but                we are moving forward as a command,”                       U.S. European Command’s motto also is
adding “together.”                                        U.S. Army Europe and Africa Command                        “Stronger Together.”
  “Stronger Together” is the new com-                     Sgt. Maj. Robert Abernethy said in a state-                  The togetherness theme also gels with
mand slogan, replacing the nearly 7-year-                 ment. “This new slogan says it all: We real-               informal Africa Command slogans. Over
old guiding mantra of “Strong Europe,”                    ly are ‘Stronger Together.’”                               the years, AFRICOM commanders during
the Army announced Friday.                                  The new name came after a contest that                   speeches have liked to reference the Afri-
  The change was needed given the com-                    generated more than 200 submissions.                       can proverb: “If you want to go fast, go
mand’s expanded mission, which now in-                      Entries included “Commitment Across                      alone. If you want to go far, go together.”
cludes Africa after the consolidation that                Continents,”      “Freedom        Forward,”                  “I’m happy with our new slogan, and it’s
elevated USAREUR-AF to a four-star                        “Strength Through Unity” and “Bridging                     been fun seeing how creative people got
command led by Gen. Christopher Cavoli.                   Continents.”                                               with their submissions,” Abernethy said.
In November, U.S. Army Europe merged                        “Stronger Together” was submitted by                     “But, more importantly, I’m glad we were
with U.S. Army Africa, which fall under                   multiple people and was the pick of U.S.                   able to come together as a community in
the command of Cavoli’s Wiesbaden head-                   Army Europe and Africa leadership, the                     making our decision.”

Residents reassured after Air Force base in Japan
deaths at Yokota air base sees a junior golf boom
       BY SETH ROBSON                         On Feb. 9, while the search                      BYSETH ROBSON                       sual rounds.
          Stars and Stripes                for Balint was still underway,                        Stars and Stripes                    When other sports and activ-
   YOKOTA AIR BASE, Japan                  the base announced the death                   YOKOTA AIR BASE, Japan                   ities shut down, and even
— The commander of the                     of a Defense Department de-                 — Junior golf is thriving at                when schools closed last year,
largest U.S. military base in              pendent identified a week later             the home of U.S. Forces Japan               the golf sessions continued,
Tokyo has moved to assure                  as Kayla Ash, wife of a 374th               in western Tokyo, as dozens of              Bowman said.
residents they are safe after              Logistics Readiness Squadron                youngsters seek out alterna-                   “We chose to keep doing
the body of a man who had                  member.                                     tives to team sports and other              this,” he said. “[Air Force
been missing for 16 days was                  Campbell, in his video mess-             activities that were shut down              leadership] didn’t give us a
found in his own apartment                 age Thursday, offered condo-                because of the coronavirus.                 reason to stop it. The rule was,
building on the installation.              lences to the families and                     Dozens of masked kid gol-                just don’t get COVID.”
   “Over the past 12 months our            friends of those who lost loved             fers swarmed Yokota’s Par 3                    Some of the golf kids have
base has experienced the                                                               course and driving range                    been quarantined because of
deaths of six members,” Col.                                                           Thursday for their weekly                   contacts with cases in the
                                              “I also want to reassure our
                                                                                       practice session. Participation             community but no infections
Andrew Campbell, who leads                 community that these deaths,
                                                                                       has grown steadily over the                 have been linked to golf, Bow-
Yokota’s 374th Airlift Wing,               while each tragic, reflect no
                                                                                       past year, from 60 kids to 90,              man said.
said in a video message posted             known danger to our communi-
                                                                                       according to Yokota golf cap-                  “It’s fun but everybody gets
on the base’s official Facebook            ty at large … any danger to the
                                                                                       tain and PGA professional Pa-               to kind of stay away from each
page Thursday evening.                     community that an investiga-                trick Bowman, one of four                   other,” he said. “We’ve never
   The most recent reported                tion might discover would have              coaches working with the                    had a scare.”
death was that of Trevor Ba-               been or will be appropriately               kids.                                          The junior golf sessions,
lint, 34, of Hubbard, Ohio. Ba-            addressed,” he said.                           “COVID-19 has boosted the                which are an official PGA pro-
lint, the spouse of Defense De-               The Air Force is still investi-          numbers,” he said.                          gram, aren’t intended to
partment computer program-                 gating the deaths of both Balint               Ninety Yokota kids are                   groom future professionals.
mer and analyst Britni Balint,             and Ash. In November, a probe               signed up for $75-a-year ju-                They’re supposed to be a fun
disappeared Feb. 1, prompting              was launched into the death of              nior golf memberships in two                social activity, Bowman said.
a search of the base from the              a Security Forces dog handler,              teams — the Tama Hawks                         The kids learn the basics of
ground and the air. His body               Senior Airman Edwin Leyva,                  and the Fuji Flyers. About 25               swinging, chipping and putting
was found Tuesday morning in               who was pronounced dead                     of their moms have formed                   along with golf ethics, such as
the eastside housing tower                 Nov. 1 at Yokota’s Urgent Care              their own group — the Cherry                fixing divots and pitch marks
where the couple lived.                    Center.                                     Blossoms — and meet for ca-                 and raking bunkers.

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Sunday, February 21, 2021 • S T R I P E S L I T E •        PAGE 3

Stars dimmed for 2 Dem governors
                Associated Press                     partisanship, even landing himself in an ad      quite a bit about questions about his lead-
   ALBANY, N.Y. — At the outset of the cor-          for President Donald Trump.                      ership style and the success of his leader-
onavirus pandemic, two Democratic gover-                But ultimately it was their actions, not      ship during COVID,” said Christina Greer,
nors on opposite ends of the country were            their tone or words, that brought them           a political science professor at Fordham
hailed as heroes for their leadership in a           down to earth.                                   University. “The governor wrote a book
crisis. Now they’re leaders on the ropes.               While the coronavirus may have first          touting his accomplishments, and we don’t
   Andrew Cuomo of New York and Gavin                landed on U.S. soil on the West Coast, it ex-    know if we’re halfway out of the pandem-
Newsom of California are embroiled in dis-           ploded into public consciousness in March        ic.”
tinct political woes. For Cuomo, it’s a feder-       as New York City was wracked by a hideous           The meltdown in California has been
al investigation into whether his adminis-           outbreak. As the epidemic spiraled, Cuomo        more gradual. A month after Cuomo re-
tration sought to hide the true toll of the          on March 25 issued a directive barring           leased his coronavirus book, an embar-
pandemic. For Newsom, it’s fending off a             nursing homes from refusing patients             rassed Newsom was apologizing for attend-
recall effort fueled by opposition to his lock-      based solely on a COVID-19 diagnosis. Cuo-       ing a lobbyist’s birthday party at the posh
downs — and his own personal missteps.               mo defended the directive as an effort to        French Laundry restaurant, even as he was
   But for both men the bottom line is clear:        prevent catastrophic hospital overcrowd-         telling Californians to avoid gatherings.
If you’re not careful, the same crisis that          ing and discrimination against virus pa-            Republicans had circulated recall pet-
can raise your stock can just as easily bring        tients.                                          itions against Newsom months before, com-
you down.                                               But the nursing home issue exploded on-       plaining about his handling of homeless-
   Cuomo and Newsom both seized the mo-              to the political scene with two recent reve-     ness and the economy, but they shifted to
ment in their own ways. Cuomo went on tel-           lations. First, the state’s Democratic attor-    include his COVID-19 response in their
evision for daily briefings that were pater-         ney general chastised the Cuomo adminis-         complaints and began racking up signa-
nal, almost philosophical, and also sharply          tration for minimizing the death toll at         tures.
critical of the Trump administration. They           nursing homes by excluding certain fatal-           Stutzman said Newsom is suffering for
became must-see TV across the country,               ities from the count. Cuomo’s administra-        failing to provide the smooth, efficient gov-
aided in part by his CNN news host brother.          tion then revealed at least 15,000 people liv-   ernment he promised when elected. But
Newsom, meanwhile, instituted early lock-            ing in long-term care facilities have died of    part of his fall, and Cuomo’s, was inevitable
downs, and for a time his state avoided the          COVID-19, nearly double the number Cuo-          because they are no longer being compared
worst of the virus. He was a smoother, reas-         mo had initially disclosed.                      to Trump and his often hands-off approach
suring presence. He studiously avoided                  “The nursing homes story really exposed       to the virus response.

Vaccinated people                                                            All UK adults to get 1st
should wear masks                                                            vaccine dose by July 31
                                                                                     Associated Press             adults, have had at least one
         Associated Press                  But the Centers for Disease         LONDON — The British gov-          shot since inoculations began
   You’re fully vaccinated against       Control and Prevention hasn’t yet   ernment declared Sunday that         on Dec. 8.
the coronavirus — now what?              changed its guidelines: At least    every adult in the country             Britain is delaying giving sec-
Don’t expect to shed your mask           for now, people should follow the   should get a first coronavirus       ond vaccine doses until 12
and get back to normal activities        same rules as everybody else        vaccine shot by July 31, at least    weeks after the first, rather
right away.                              about wearing a mask, keeping a     a month earlier than its previ-      than three to four weeks, in or-
   That’s going to be a disappoint-      6-foot distance and avoiding        ous target, as it prepared to set    der to give more people partial
ment, if not a shock, to many peo-       crowds — even after they’ve got-    out a “cautious” plan to ease the    protection quickly. The ap-
ple.                                     ten their second vaccine dose.      U.K.’s lockdown.                     proach has been criticized in
                                           Vaccines in use so far require
   In Miami, Noemi Caraballo, 81,                                              The new target also aims for       some countries — and by Pfiz-
                                         two doses, and experts say espe-
got her second dose on Tuesday                                               everyone 50 and over and those       er, which says it does not have
                                         cially don’t let your guard down
and is looking forward to seeing                                             with an underlying health con-       any data to support the interval
                                         after the first dose.
friends, resuming fitness classes
                                           In a webcast exchange, Dr. An-
                                                                             dition to get their first of two     — but it is backed by the U.K.
and running errands after nearly         thony Fauci only could point to     vaccine shots by April 15, rather    government’s scientific advis-
a year of being extremely cau-           the CDC’s recommendations,          than the previous date of May 1.     ers.
tious, even ordering groceries on-       which so far are mum about ex-        The early success of Britain’s       News of the new vaccine tar-
line.                                    ceptions for vaccinated people      vaccination effort is welcome        gets came as Prime Minister
   “Her line is, ‘I’m tired of talking   getting together. “Hang on,” he     good news for a country that has     Boris Johnson met Sunday with
to the cats and the parrots,’” said      told the woman, saying he expect-   had more than 120,000 corona-        senior ministers to finalize a
her daughter Susan Caraballo.            ed updates to the guidelines as     virus deaths, the highest toll in    “road map” out of the national
“She wants to do things and talk to      more people get the coveted         Europe. More than 17.2 million       lockdown that he plans to an-
people.”                                 shots.                              people, a third of the country’s     nounce on Monday.
PAGE 4   • STRIPES LITE •            Sunday, February 21, 2021

Frozen pipes, electric woes as cold eases
        Associated Press            out, and patches of snow were        mia, including homeless peo-        tions she said would benefit
   DALLAS — Higher temper-          melting. Snowmen slumped.            ple and those inside buildings      from the donations.
atures spread across the south-       Linda Nguyen woke up in a          with no power or heat. Others          The storms left more than
ern United States on Saturday,      Dallas hotel room Saturday           died in car accidents on icy        300,000 still without power
bringing relief to a winter-        morning with an assurance she        roads or from suspected car-        across the country Saturday,
weary region that faces a chal-     hadn’t had in nearly a week:         bon monoxide poisoning.             many of them in Texas, Loui-
lenging clean-up and expen-         She and her cat had some-               Roughly half the deaths re-      siana and Mississippi.
sive repairs from days of ex-       where to sleep with power and        ported so far occurred in Tex-         More than 50,000 Oregon
treme cold and widespread           water.                               as, with multiple fatalities also   electricity customers were
power outages.                        Electricity had been re-           in Tennessee, Kentucky, Ore-        among those without power,
   In hard-hit Texas, where         stored to her apartment on           gon and a few other Southern        more than a week after an ice
millions were warned to boil        Wednesday. But when Nguyen           and Midwestern states.              storm ravaged the electrical
tap water before drinking it,       arrived home from work the              A Tennessee farmer died          grid. Portland General Elec-
the warm-up was expected to         next evening, she found a            trying to save two calves from      tric had hoped to have service
last for several days. The thaw     soaked carpet. A pipe had            a frozen pond.                      back to all but 15,000 custom-
produced burst pipes through-       burst in her bedroom.                   President Joe Biden’s office     ers by Friday night. But the
out the region, adding to the         “It’s essentially unlivable,”      said Saturday he has declared       utility discovered additional
list of woes from severe condi-     said Nguyen, 27, who works in        a major disaster in Texas, di-      damage in previously inacces-
tions that were blamed for          real estate. “Everything is          recting federal agencies to         sible areas.
more than 70 deaths.                completely ruined.”                  help in the recovery.                  Oregon Gov. Kate Brown or-
   By Saturday afternoon, the         Deaths attributed to the              U.S. Rep. Alexandria Oca-        dered the National Guard to go
sun had come out in Dallas and      weather include a man at an          sio-Cortez, a New York Demo-        door-to-door in some areas to
temperatures were nearing           Abilene health care facility         crat, tweeted Saturday that she     check on residents’ welfare. At
the 50s. People emerged to          where the lack of water pres-        helped raise more than $3 mil-      its peak, what was the worst ice
walk and jog in residential         sure made medical treatment          lion toward relief. She was so-     storm in 40 years knocked out
neighborhoods after days in-        impossible. Officials also re-       liciting help for a Houston food    power to more than 350,000
doors. Many roads had dried         ported deaths from hypother-         bank, one of 12 Texas organiza-     customers.

Customers and staff fired back                                                                   Parts fall from sky
                                                                                                 in Colo. plane scare
at shooter; 3 dead after attack                                                                                Associated Press
              Associated Press                   ble condition. He said there were multiple         BROOMFIELD — David Delucia was
   METAIRIE, La. — A person entered a            shooters.                                       settling back into his airplane seat and start-
gun store and shooting range in a New Or-           “We’re trying to put it all together,” the   ing to relax on his way to a long-awaited va-
leans suburb and fatally shot two people         sheriff said during a short briefing.           cation when a huge explosion and flash of
Saturday, prompting customers and staff to          None of the dead or wounded were imme-       light interrupted an in-flight announcement
open fire on the shooter, a sheriff said. The    diately identified and details remained un-     and put him in survival mode.
shooter also died.                               clear.                                             The Boeing 777-200, headed from Denver
   The shooting happened around 2:50 p.m.           Tyrone Russell and Wanetta Joseph were       to Honolulu on Saturday with 231 passen-
at the Jefferson Gun Outlet in the suburb of     both in a conceal-and-carry course at the       gers and 10 crew aboard, suffered a cata-
Metairie, according to a release from the        store when they heard what they both de-        strophic failure in its right engine and
Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office.               scribed as rapid firing. They said the gun-     flames erupted under the wing as the plane
   Sheriff Joseph Lopinto said the shooter       fire sounded much louder than the usual         began to lose altitude.
initially struck two people inside, and then     muffled shooting that they are used to hear-       As Delucia and his wife prepared for the
several other people — whether employees         ing inside the shooting range.                  worst, people in this Denver suburb reacted
or store customers — opened fire on the             “It got extremely loud, like a bomb al-      in horror as huge pieces of the engine casing
shooter, both inside and outside of the build-   most,” said Joseph, who hid with other stu-     and chunks of fiberglass rained down on
ing.                                             dents under a table — not knowing if there      sports fields and streets and lawns, just mis-
   Guns and ammunition are sold in the           were multiple shooters or if one was near       sing one home and crushing a truck. The ex-
front of the outlet that faces a main thor-      the classroom. One instructor stayed with       plosion, visible from the ground, left a trail
oughfare through Jefferson Parish. Cus-          the students while two others left the room     of black smoke in the sky, and tiny pieces of
tomers who want to frequent the gun range        and headed toward the sound of gunfire.         insulation filled the air like ash.
generally go around to the side entrance of         Russell said that when he was led out, he       The plane landed safely at Denver Inter-
the building. Staff who work there often         could see a guy “laid out” in the parking lot   national Airport, and no one on board or on
wear a sidearm.                                  not far from his car, which was struck by       the ground was hurt, authorities said. But
   Lopinto said two other people were also       bullets. He described seeing shattered          both those in the air and on the ground were
hit by gunfire and were hospitalized in sta-     glass, bullet casings strewn about the store.   deeply shaken.
Sunday, February 21, 2021 • S T R I P E S L I T E •      PAGE 5


Man accused of faking               of cyberstalking and one count     equipment to view what was in-       ed covert videos and photo-
                                    of second-degree identity theft    side.                                graphs up the skirts of young
kidnapping to evade work            were filed against Andrew Fin-       The day-old kittens and their      women, prosecutors allege. The
                                    seth.                              mother were found along with a
AZ         CASA GRANDE —
           Arizona police said a
man who claimed he had been
                                      Finseth allegedly sent four
                                    threatening emails to Council-
                                                                       note stating they had been born.
                                                                         “Mom’s name is Sprinkles,”
                                                                                                            Chicago Tribune reported that
                                                                                                            attorney David. A. Axelrod, who
                                                                                                            filed the suit, alleges that 2,000
kidnapped later confessed dur-      member Kshama Sawant from          the note also read. “She began       videos came from a hidden shoe
ing an interview that he made       a fellow firefighter’s email in    giving birth at 2 p.m.”
                                                                                                            web came and others came from
up the story up to avoid work.      December 2020 and January
                                    2021. The email address was il-
                                                                       Police: Mechanic crushed             a camera positioned over a toilet.
  Police said they found Bran-
don Soules near a water tower       legally accessed, the prosecu-     to death by elevator      Nonbiodegradable
with his hands bound behind his     tor’s office said.                          NEW YORK — A 25- balloon releases banned
back and a bandana stuffed in         The emails expressed a           NY         year-old mechanic
his mouth, the Casa Grande Dis-
patch reported.
                                    strong dislike for Sawant and
                                    her performance as a council-
                                    member and warned her to “get
                                                                       was crushed to death when an
                                                                       elevator he was working on fell      VA         RICHMOND — Vir-
                                                                                                                       ginia lawmakers ap-
  Soules told police that two                                          on him in the Bronx, authorities     proved legislation that would
masked men had kidnapped            out of the city or else.”          said.                                ban the intentional release of all
him, knocked him unconscious,       Fire damages 8 boats                 Police said the victim was         nonbiodegradable balloons and
then left him where he was                                             pronounced dead at a local hos-      slap offenders with a civil fine of
found.                              docked at marina                   pital.                               $25 per balloon.
  Coolidge detectives conduct-
ed an investigation that found
no evidence that a kidnapping
                                    CA         DANA POINT — A
                                               25-foot    powerboat
                                    sunk after it exploded and
                                                                         A city Department of Build-
                                                                       ings spokesperson said me-
                                                                       chanics working for Champion
                                                                                                               The legislation was backed by
                                                                                                            environmentalists and resi-
                                                                                                            dents who live along the state’s
or assault had occurred.            sparked a fire, damaging seven     Elevator Corp. were perform-         shoreline and regularly com-
Sewer break discharges              other boats at a Southern Cali-    ing modernization work on the
                                                                                                            plain about litter from foil and
                                    fornia marina, authorities said.   elevator when it fell down the
wastewater into river                 One person was assessed by       shaft and crushed one of the me-
                                                                                                            latex balloons on beaches and
                                    paramedics, but declined to be     chanics.                             the potential harm to marine
DE         DOVER — A force
           main break caused
wastewater to flow into a Dela-
                                    treated or transported to a hos-
                                    pital, Orange County Fire Au-
                                                                       Lawyer: Owner used shoe
                                                                                                            animals by ingesting balloon
ware river, and people in the vi-   thority Captain Thanh Nguyen       camera to film employees Neglected horses up for
cinity were being advised to        told the Orange County Regis-
take precautions, officials said.
  The Delaware Department of
                                      An investigation is underway.
                                                                       IL    FRANKFORT — The adoption after seizure
                                                                                owner of three subur-

Natural Resources and Envi-
ronmental Control said the Kent
                                    Police find kittens in
                                                                       ban Chicago restaurants who is
                                                                       criminally charged with secret-      CT         MONTVILLE
                                                                                                                       Eight malnourished

                                                                       ly filming up the skirts of female   and neglected horses seized by
County Levy Court Public            ‘suspicious package’               employees may have used a            the state last year from a Con-
Works is looking into the break
which allowed the spill into the
St. Jones River.
                                    OH          NEW MIAMI — A
                                                police bomb squad
                                    responding to a suspicious
                                                                       camera in his shoe to make
                                                                       nearly 2,000 videos, attorneys
                                                                                                            necticut farm are available for
                                                                                                            adoption, officials said.
                                                                                                               Attorney General William
Firefighter charged after           package call at an Ohio church        The allegations against Mi-       Tong and Department of Agri-
                                    made an unexpected discovery:      chael Papandrea, 59, of Frank-
threats to Councilmember            six newborn kittens and their      fort, were included in a news re-
                                                                                                            culture Commissioner Bryan
                                                                                                            Hurlburt announced the state
WA          SEATTLE — The
            King County Prose-
cutor’s Office filed criminal
                                    mother inside a duffel bag.
                                       The Butler County Sheriff’s
                                    Office said its bomb squad was
                                                                       lease by attorneys who filed a
                                                                       lawsuit in Cook County Circuit
                                                                       Court on behalf of eight women
                                                                                                            has secured permanent custody
                                                                                                            of the animals, which received
charges against a Seattle fire-     called to a church in New Mia-     and girls who once worked for        extensive medical care and re-
fighter who authorities said sent   mi. When the responding offi-      Papandrea.                           habilitation at the state’s Second
threatening emails to a City        cers heard purring instead of         A hard drive seized by au-        Chance Large Animal Rehabil-
Councilmember.                      ticking coming from the black      thorities last year contained        itation Program in Niantic.
   KOMO reported two counts         bag, they used their X-ray         more than 24,000 recently delet-        — From The Associated Press
PAGE 6   • STRIPES LITE •             Sunday, February 21, 2021

Djokovic wins 9th Australian Open
              Associated Press                    one stretch and beat Medvedev 7-5, 6-2, 6-2       No. 1 in the rankings at least through March
   MELBOURNE, Australia — Maybe, just             for a third consecutive Australian Open tro-      8. That will give him 311 weeks there, break-
maybe, the thinking went, Novak Djokovic          phy.                                              ing another mark held by Federer.
would be just a tad more susceptible to             “Definitely, emotionally, the most chal-           His goals now are squarely on Grand
trouble this time around at the Australian        lenging Grand Slam that I ever had, with ev-      Slams, even more than before.
Open.                                             erything that was happening — injury, off-           Put Djokovic’s nine triumphs in Australia
   After all, he tore an abdominal muscle in      the-court stuff, quarantines,” Djokovic said.     alongside five at Wimbledon, three at the
the third round and wasn't sure he could          “A roller-coaster ride.”                          U.S. Open and one at the French Open. The
continue to compete. Entering Sunday, Djo-          When the match ended after less than two        math looks good for him: He is about a year
kovic ceded five sets in the tournament, the      hours, Djokovic went to the sideline, lifted      younger than Nadal and 6½ years younger
most he ever dropped en route to a major          his white shirt and peeled pieces of beige        than Federer.
final. And to top it all off, he was facing Da-   athletic tape from his stomach.                      “I do enjoy the success every single time
niil Medvedev, owner of a 20-match win-             “I was quite worried," Djokovic said            even more,” Djokovic said, “because I know
ning streak.                                      about the injury. “I did not (think) realisti-    that the longer the time passes, the more dif-
   Yeah, right. We’re talking about Djokovic      cally that I could actually play. I didn’t know   ficult it’s going to become."
at Melbourne Park, where his dominance is         until two hours before the fourth-round              The No. 4-seeded Medvedev was appear-
most certainly intact — nine finals, nine         match."                                           ing in his second Slam final; he was the run-
championships. Plus, he's still gaining on          Dealing with what he called “bearable”          ner-up to Nadal at the 2019 U.S. Open.
Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal in the             pain, Djokovic improved to a combined 18-0           The 25-year-old from Russia had won 12
Grand Slam standings, now up to 18 overall,       in semifinals and finals on Melbourne's           in a row against Top 10 opponents, but try-
two shy of the men’s record those rivals          hard courts.                                      ing to solve Djokovic in Australia is a unique
share.                                              “Probably, it’s not your last one,” Medve-      challenge.
   Djokovic used improved serving, along          dev said. “I have no words to say.”                  “He’s really good (at) reading an oppo-
with his usual relentless returning and             Djokovic, a 33-year-old from Serbia, has        nent’s game,” Medvedev said, “knowing
baseline excellence to grab 11 of 13 games in     won six of the last 10 majors and will stay at    what you will do next, how to beat you.”

Players who opted out of short season eager to be back on field
              Associated Press                    a.m.,” he said. “I had baseball on TV all day     ing back on the field and stuff like that.”
   David Price spent much of 2020 in front        long, East Coast games and West Coast                Teams have concerns about overtaxing
of his television, watching from afar as his      games.”                                           pitchers after last year’s abbreviated
Los Angeles Dodgers chased an elusive               Coming back after all that wasn’t a hard        workloads, and those apprehensions are
World Series championship.                        decision.                                         even stronger for pitchers like Ross who
   Trepidation about playing baseball               “I feel like our team and MLB handled it        didn’t pitch at all. It doesn’t help that the
through a pandemic trumped his urge to            extremely well,” Price said. “I know they         27-year-old has a checkered health history,
play — but that doesn’t mean the 2012 AL          had a lot of protocols they had to go             including Tommy John surgery in 2017.
Cy Young Award winner never thought               through. The training staff were bending             “We have to be very careful,” Washing-
about an early return.                            over backwards to keep guys COVID free.           ton manager Dave Martinez said. “I know
   “It definitely crossed my mind,” Price           “We have a lot more information on it           it’s been (3½) years since he’s had Tommy
said Friday from Dodgers spring training          now,” he added. “All of that played into the      John, but we want to keep him healthy.”
in Glendale, Ariz. “But I didn’t want to just     decision to play this year. I knew I wanted          The Mets have similar concerns for Stro-
come back to be back. I wanted to come            to play this year.”                               man, a 5-foot-7 right-hander who tore a
back to stay.”                                      Nationals right-hander Joe Ross echoed          muscle in his left calf last July and opted
   Sixteen months since his last competi-         that sentiment. He hasn’t pitched since           out a few weeks later. Fiery and confident
tive game, Price is indeed back, just like        starting Game 5 of the 2019 World Series,         as always, Stroman thinks he’s put in the
many of the nearly 20 big leaguers who opt-       passing on a chance to defend the title be-       work necessary to enter the season full
ed out of the coronavirus-shortened 2020          cause of all the uncertainties at the time        bore.
season — a list including All-Stars like San      about the effectiveness of MLB’s protocols.          “I never have to get ready because I stay
Francisco’s Buster Posey, Milwaukee’s Lo-           After early season outbreaks on the Car-        ready,” he said. “I’m ready to rock. I’m
renzo Cain, the New York Mets’ Marcus             dinals and Marlins, MLB adjusted its safe-        ready to go out there and throw 200-plus in-
Stroman and Washington’s Ryan Zimmer-             ty guidelines and successfully played             nings like I do every year. My preparations
man.                                              through the end of the season. The league         are elite.”
   Traded from Boston to the Dodgers last         has enhanced its protocols this spring, in-          An agreement between the league and
February, the 35-year-old Price pitched in        cluding the introduction of electronic con-       union promised that players deemed high-
spring exhibitions for LA before deciding         tact tracing wristbands for players to wear       risk for serious COVID-19 symptoms
to go home. Instead of playing, he did what       around team facilities.                           would still be paid in 2020 if they opted out.
many Americans have done with their un-             “Everything so far has been going               Those who weren’t high-risk were still al-
expected time — he watched a lot of TV.           great,” Ross said. “It’s kind of a normal,        lowed to skip the season, but they had to
   “On the West Coast, baseball starts at 10      quote-unquote, spring training as far as be-      forgo their salaries.
Sunday, February 21, 2021 • S T R I P E S L I T E •         PAGE 7

Hurtful loss: Duke edges No. 7 Virginia
               Associated Press                     third straight.                                   Miller his 300th victory in program history
   DURHAM, N.C. — Freshman Jaemyn                      The Cyclones (2-16, 0-13) trailed by as        while avoiding their first three-game skid of
Brakefield scored the go-ahead basket on a          many as 21 in the first half before rallying to   the season.
reverse layup with 1:58 left and Duke came          a 46-45 lead on Tre Jackson’s three-pointer          Evan Mobley scored 19 of his 23 points in
up with a final-possession stop and upset           with 11:29 remaining. The Sooners respon-         the second half for USC (18-4, 12-3).
No. 7 Virginia 66-65 on Saturday night.             ded with a 16-4 run.                                 Kentucky 70, No. 19 Tennessee 55:
   Matthew Hurt scored 22 points to lead the           No. 10 Villanova 68, Connecticut 60:           Isaiah Jackson scored 16 points and the vis-
Blue Devils (10-8, 8-6 Atlantic Coast Con-          Collin Gillespie scored 20 points and Jere-       iting Wildcats matched a season high with
ference). They claimed a much-needed                miah Robinson-Earl had 17 points and 11 re-       their third straight victory.
third straight win to improve their uncer-          bounds to help the host Wildcats win.                Davion Mintz hit all five of his three-point
tain chances of making the NCAA Tourna-                Justin Moore added 11 points for Villano-      shots in the first half and had 15 points for
ment.                                               va (14-3, 9-2 Big East).                          Kentucky (8-13, 7-7 Southeastern Confer-
   Brakefield’s scoring drive, while drawing           James Bouknight, in his second game            ence). Victor Bailey scored 18 points for the
a foul on Jay Huff, finally got Duke a slim         back after missing eight due to elbow sur-        Volunteers (15-6, 8-6).
lead. Freshman DJ Steward had a chance to           gery, scored 21 points for the Huskies (10-6,        No. 20 Missouri 93, South Carolina 78:
increase the margin, but missed the front           7-6).                                             Dru Smith scored 17 points, Mark Smith
end of a 1-and-1 free-throw opportunity with           No. 13 West Virginia 84, No. 12 Texas          had 13 and the Tigers won on the road to end
9.6 seconds left.                                   82: Sean McNeil and the Mountaineers              a three-game losing streak.
   No. 1 Gonzaga 106, San Diego 69: Drew            erased a 19-point deficit in the second half,        Missouri (14-6, 7-6 Southeastern Confer-
Timme scored 17 of his 21 points in the first       then withstood a flurry of last-second mis-       ence) opened a 19-point lead in the first half
half, Jalen Suggs added 17 points and the           ses to hold off the host Longhorns.               and stayed comfortably in front the rest of
host Bulldogs won their 26th straight game.            McNeil played only two minutes in the          the way.
   Corey Kispert added 16 points to help            first half after picking up two fouls, and           AJ Lawson had 22 points for the Game-
Gonzaga (22-0, 13-0 West Coast) get its 14th        scored all 16 of his points after the break.      cocks (5-11, 3-9).
straight victory against the Toreros and            Miles McBride had 17 for West Virginia               No. 25 San Diego State 75, Fresno
49th consecutive win at home.                       (15-6, 8-4 Big 12).                               State 57: Jordan Schakel scored 14 points
   No. 5 Illinois 94, Minnesota 63: Ayo Do-            Courtney Ramey scored a career-best 28         — 12 on three-pointers in the first half —
sunmu had 19 points, 10 rebounds and 10 as-         points for Texas (13-6, 7-5) , making a ca-       and the visiting Aztecs earned their eighth
sists for his second triple-double of the sea-      reer-high seven three-point baskets in eight      straight victory.
son, Kofi Cockburn scored 22 points in 24           attempts.                                            Matt Mitchell and Terrell Gomez scored
minutes, and the Illini cruised past the host          No. 23 Kansas 67, No. 15 Texas Tech            13 apiece for San Diego State (17-4, 11-3
Gophers for their seventh consecutive vic-          61: Christian Braun hit a corner three with       Mountain West).
tory.                                               24 seconds left, David McCormack scored              Deon Stroud scored 17 points for the Bull-
   Trent Frazier added 15 points and six            17 points and the host Jayhawks beat the          dogs (9-9, 7-9).
steals to help Illinois (16-5, 12-3) stay in sec-   Red Raiders.                                         North Carolina 99, Louisville 54: Day-
ond place in the bruising Big Ten with two             Ochai Agbaji had 14 points, and Jalen          ’Ron Sharpe had 21 points, 11 rebounds and
weeks to go in league play. The Illini had a        Wilson added 11 for Kansas (17-7, 11-5 Big        two blocks to lead five Tar Heels scoring in
31-8 edge in fast-break points, shot 56%            12). Braun and Marcus Garrett each had 10         double figures and host North Carolina
from the floor and forced 18 turnovers by           points.                                           trailed for just 29 seconds.
Minnesota (13-10, 6-10).                               Marcus Santos-Silva and Kevin McCullar            Kerwin Walton had a career-high 19
   Freshman Jamal Mashburn Jr. led Min-             each scored 12 points for Texas Tech (14-7,       points on 7-of-10 shooting, Armando Bacot
nesota with 16 points and six rebounds, with        6-6).                                             scored 14, Garrison Brooks 12 and Walker
his father, former NBA player Jamal Mash-              No. 16 FSU 79, Pittsburgh 72: Raiquan          Kessler added 10 for UNC (14-7, 8-5 ACC).
burn, watching in person for the first time in      Gray had 16 points and eight rebounds and            Army 69, Holy Cross 65: Josh Caldwell
his college career.                                 the Seminoles won on the road for their           had 13 points as the host Black Knights held
   No. 8 Alabama 82, Vanderbilt 78: Jaden           third straight victory.                           on to beat the Crusaders.
Shackelford scored a season-high 27 points             Malik Osborne had 12 points and nine re-          Lonnie Grayson had 12 points and six re-
and the host Crimson Tide beat the Commo-           bounds, and RayQuan Evans also scored 12          bounds for Army (10-6, 6-5 Patriot League).
dores to move within a victory of clinching         points for FSU (13-3, 9-2 Atlantic Coast Con-     Alex King added 11 points. Jalen Rucker
at least a share of their first Southeastern        ference). Justin Champagnie had 21 points         had 10 points.
Conference regular-season title in 19 years.        and 10 rebounds for the Panthers (9-9, 5-8).         Navy 72, American 60: Greg Summers
   Jahvon Quinerly made a late three-point-            Arizona 81, No. 17 Southern California         had 19 points and 10 rebounds to lift the
er and a clinching free throw with 2 seconds        72: James Akinjo scored 20 points and the         Midshipmen to a a road win.
left to help Alabama (18-5, 13-1) turn back         visiting Wildcats ended the Pac-12-leading           Patrick Dorsey had 15 points and six re-
the Commodores (6-12, 2-10).                        Trojans’ seven-game winning streak.               bounds for Navy (12-2, 9-1 Patriot League),
   No. 9 Oklahoma 66, Iowa State 56: Aus-              Jordan Brown had 19 points and 13 re-          which earned its fourth straight road victo-
tin Reaves scored 20 points to lead the Soon-       bounds. Azuolas Tubelis added 16 points           ry. Daniel Deaver added 10 points and sev-
ers to a road win.                                  and a career-high 15 rebounds for Arizona         en rebounds. Cam Davis had 10 points and
   Oklahoma (14-5, 9-4 Big 12) has won three        (15-8, 9-8 Pac-12), which gave coach Sean         eight rebounds.
PAGE 8   • STRIPES LITE •            Sunday, February 21, 2021

Avs down Golden Knights in                                                                        Nunn, Butler
                                                                                                  lead Heat in
delayed game at Lake Tahoe                                                                        defeat of Lakers
                                                                                                                Associated Press
      Associated Press           around freezing led to poor     if you look up at the sun, the      LOS ANGELES — Kendrick Nunn
                                 ice conditions that had play-   cloud cover is everywhere        scored 27 points, Jimmy Butler had 24
  STATELINE, Nev. — The          ers and officials repeatedly    but where the sun is, and it     points and eight rebounds, and the Miami
setting was spectacular but      falling because of holes on     did a number on the ice.”        Heat held off the Los Angeles Lakers 96-94
the ice conditions were far      the ice.                           The game was halted af-       on Saturday night in an NBA Finals re-
from it, leading to a more         The game resumed 8            ter the first period at 12:55    match.
than eight-hour delay be-        hours, 7 minutes with the       p.m. PST. Workers covered           Bam Adebayo had 16 points and 10 re-
tween the first and second       Avalanche leading 1-0. Col-     the ice soon after before re-    bounds for the Heat in the teams’ first
period of the outdoor game       orado won the game 3-2.         moving the cover after the       meeting since the Lakers won their 17th
between the Vegas Golden           “We’ve done over 30 out-      sun went down.                   championship with a six-game victory over
Knights and Colorado Ava-        door games,” Commission-           Bettman said some play-       Miami four months ago.
lanche at Lake Tahoe.            er Gary Bettman told broad-     ers wanted to keep playing          LeBron James had 19 points, nine assists
  The NHL decided to halt        caster NBC. “This has been      while others didn’t, but the     and nine rebounds for Los Angeles. The de-
the game Saturday after-         the most difficult weather      final decision was made in       fending NBA champions lost their second
noon because bright sun          circumstance we’ve had,         consultation with the union      straight game without starters Anthony
and temperatures hovering        and it’s a beautiful day. But   because of safety.               Davis and Dennis Schröder.
                                                                                                     James stole the Heat’s inbounds pass
                                                                                                  with 8.4 seconds left to create one last

Penguins edge Islanders                                                                           chance for the Lakers, but the 17-time All-
                                                                                                  Star passed off to Alex Caruso, who missed
                                                                                                  a three-pointer at the buzzer.

in Crosby’s 1,000th game                                                                             Hornets 102, Warriors 100: Seconds af-
                                                                                                  ter Golden State’s Draymond Green was
                                                                                                  ejected, Terry Rozier hit an off-balance
                                                                                                  jumper from the left corner as time expired
              Associated Press                   scored his second NHL goal, Artemi Pana-
                                                                                                  to give host Charlotte a wild victory.
   PITTSBURGH — Sidney Crosby had two            rin had two assists and New York made the
                                                                                                     Rozier — who had 36 points — made the
assists in his 1,000th NHL game and the          best of a new-look lineup, winning at Wash-
                                                                                                  winner after Green received two technical
Pittsburgh Penguins beat the Islanders 3-2       ington for its second consecutive victory.
                                                                                                  fouls and was ejected with 9.3 seconds for
on Saturday.                                        Wild 5, Ducks 1: Kevin Fiala had two
                                                                                                  arguing the outcome of a jump ball.
   Kris Letang scored twice, including a tie-    goals and an assist, Kaapo Kahkonen made
                                                                                                     The Warriors were leading by two when
breaking goal in the third period, to help       26 saves and Minnesota won at Anaheim to
                                                                                                  officials ruled Hornets coach James Borre-
Pittsburgh win for the fourth time in five       sweep the two-game set.
games. Mike Matheson also scored, and               Hurricanes 4, Lightning 0: Alex Nedelj-       go had called a timeout as Gordon Hayward
Tristan Jarry made 33 saves.                     kovic made 24 saves for first NHL shutout        came down with the jump ball. Green be-
   Jordan Eberle and Brock Nelson scored         and host Carolina beat Tampa Bay.                gan jumping around the court, screaming
for New York. The Islanders have dropped            Sharks 5, Blues 4: Logan Couture scored       at officials that Golden State had tied up
two straight following a season-high eight-      his second goal of the game midway               Hayward and it should have been another
game points streak.                              through the third period and San Jose won        jump ball.
   Crosby became the 25th active skater to       at St. Louis.                                       Suns 128, Grizzlies 97: Devin Booker
play in 1,000 games. He’s also the first play-      Sabres 3, Devils 2: Sam Reinhart scored       scored 23 points, hitting five of Phoenix’s
er in Penguins history to play 1,000 games       two goals and Buffalo won at New Jersey to       franchise-record 24 three-pointers, and
with the team.                                   snap a four-game losing streak.                  Chris Paul passed Oscar Robertson for six
   Oilers 7, Flames 1: Connor McDavid               Kings 4, Coyotes 2: Alex Iafallo scored       place on the NBA’s career assist list in a
scored a natural hat trick and added two as-     two goals, Cal Peterson stopped 22 shots         romp over hist Memphis.
sists, leading host Edmonton in a rout of Cal-   and Los Angeles won at Arizona for its              Paul had 16 points and six assists. He has
gary.                                            fourth straight victory.                         9,891 assists, four more than Robertson had
   Ryan Nugent-Hopkins had two goals and            Red Wings 2, Panthers 1: Mathias              in his Hall of Fame career.
Alex Chiasson and Josh Archibald also            Brome scored his first NHL goal late in the         Wizards 118, Trail Blazers 111: Russell
scored for Edmonton.                             second period and host Detroit held off          Westbrook had 27 points, 13 assists and 11
   Maple Leafs 5, Canadiens 3: Auston            Florida.                                         rebounds, and visiting Washington
Matthews scored twice to increase his               Predators 4, Blue Jackets 2: Calle            snapped Portland’s six-game winning
NHL-leading goals total to 18 and added two      Jarnkrok scored in the first and third peri-     streak.
assists in host Toronto’s victory over Mon-      ods, Pekka Rinne made 21 saves and Nash-            Bulls 122, Kings 114: Zach LaVine
treal.                                           ville won at Columbus to split the two-game      scored 38 points and host Chicago beat Sac-
   .Rangers 4, Capitals 1: Alexis Lafreniere     series.                                          ramento.
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