DOLGEVILLE CENTRAL SCHOOL - 2021 22 District Calendar and Guide - The Dolgeville Central School District is a community minded learning ins tu on ...

Page created by Renee Herrera
DOLGEVILLE CENTRAL SCHOOL - 2021 22 District Calendar and Guide - The Dolgeville Central School District is a community minded learning ins tu on ...
The Dolgeville Central School District is a community‐minded learning ins tu on that is
           commi ed to sending all students into the world well prepared.

   2021‐22 District Calendar and Guide
DOLGEVILLE CENTRAL SCHOOL - 2021 22 District Calendar and Guide - The Dolgeville Central School District is a community minded learning ins tu on ...
Administration & Board of Education
BOE Members                           Term Expires                             Dear Parents, Students and Community Members –

Sco Hongo II, President                2026                                    Welcome to the 2021‐22 school year! I hope everyone enjoyed their summer and is ready
Jennifer Williams, V. President        2023                                    for another exci ng year of learning here at DCS. We are heading into the new year re‐
Robert Maxwell                         2022                                    energized, renewed, and focused on all the great opportuni es available to our students.
Julie Izzo                             2023
James (Bob) Schmid                     2024                                    To start, I hope you enjoy our calendar that is filled with informa on and important dates.
Craig Spofford                          2025                                    This year’s calendar not only features a collec on of useful informa on, but inspira onal
Carolyn Williams                       2026                                    messages from some of our graduates.

BOE Mee ngs/Important Dates‐ 6 PM High School Cafeteria                        During the summer months, our teachers and staff have worked hard to ensure that all of
                                                                               the posi ve momentum from last year con nues throughout the 2021‐22 school year.
 September 21                              April 20 (Top Senior Dinner,
                                                                               We’ve faced some great challenges during the past year and a half, but they have made us
 October 19                                BOCES Budget Vote)
                                                                               a stronger learning community. We have so many points of pride here at Dolgeville, and
 November 16                               May 10 (Budget Hearing)
 December 21                                                                   our students con nue to thrive because of our wonderful programs and talented and ded‐
                                           Auditorium                          icated staff. Let’s have a great school year!
 January 18
                                           May 17 (Budget Vote) 2‐8 p.m.
 February 15
                                           May 18                              Joseph Gilfus
 March 15                                                                      Superintendent
                                           June 21
 April 19 (Tenure Celebra on)

                                                     Administra on
Main Phone Number ……………………………………………315‐429‐3155                                            Email
                                                                                                                                D              C         S
Joseph Gilfus, Superintendent ............................ ………….Ext. 3500                             38 Slawson Street
Ruth Leavi , High School Principal ..................... ………….Ext. 2701            rleavi                         Dolgeville, New York 13329
Crystal Chrisman, Elementary Principal ……………………....Ext. 1701                                       Phone: 315.429.3155
Jessica Radley, Business Manager           ………………………. .Ext. 3002                                      Fax: 315.429.8473
Michelle Primeau, Supervisor of Special Educa on ……..Ext. 2803                                   E‐mail:

                                  Please note: dates are subject to change. Please visit for the most up‐to‐date events.
DOLGEVILLE CENTRAL SCHOOL - 2021 22 District Calendar and Guide - The Dolgeville Central School District is a community minded learning ins tu on ...
September 2021
        ‐ Honestly do what you have to do and put in the work, because in the long run, it will be worth it and help you a lot. Don’t give up even though mes can be hard and stressful. You got this. ‐ Jadon Price

     Sunday                      Monday                             Tuesday                         Wednesday                           Thursday                             Friday                           Saturday
                                                                                             1   ‐ Superintendent’s             2                                 3                                  4
                                                                                                   Conference Day               ‐ Superintendent’s
                                                                                             ‐ Kindergarten Orienta on,         Conference Day
                                                                                             5 PM                               ‐ STPA mee ng, 4 PM
                                                                                             ‐ Grade 7 Parent and Student
                                                                                             Orienta on, 6 PM

5                       6                                  7                                 8                                  9                                 10                                 11
                        Labor Day                          First Day of School                                                                                    ‐

                        (NO SCHOOL)

12                      13                                 14                                15                                 16                                17                                 18
                                                                                                                                ‐ Open House for Grades 7‐12,
                                                                                                                                   6‐7 PM
                                                                                                                                ‐ Freshman Parent and
                                                                                                                                Student Orienta on, 6:45 PM

19                      20                                 21                                22                                 23                                24                                 25
                        ‐ DES Book Fair, Elementary        ‐ Board of Educa on mee ng,       ‐ DES Book Fair, Elementary        ‐ Open House for Grades
                        Library                            6 PM, HS cafeteria                Library                            Pre‐K‐6, 6‐7 PM
                                                           ‐ DES Book Fair, Elementary                                          ‐ DES Book Fair, Elementary
                                                           Library                                                              Library

26                      27                                 28                                29                                 30
                                                                                             ‐ School Pictures for
                                                                                             Grades Pre‐K‐12
DOLGEVILLE CENTRAL SCHOOL - 2021 22 District Calendar and Guide - The Dolgeville Central School District is a community minded learning ins tu on ...
October 2021
‐Always work on yourself. These people you call best friends could be nothing more but a memory in a few years. People will not always be there, but you always will. So always choose what is best for you, for your future, and what you
 could do to be er yourself. Never allow another person to affect your academics, your ac vi es, or your life in a nega ve way. Stay true to yourself and be the best person you can be. There is no be er me to start than when you are
                                                                                           finding your way into adulthood. – Charlie Benoit

        Sunday                           Monday                            Tuesday                         Wednesday                            Thursday                             Friday                         Saturday
                                                                                                                                                                          1                                 2
                                                                                                                                                                          ‐ End 5‐Week Progress Period

3                               4                                 5                                 6                                  7                                  8                                 9
                                ‐ DESPTO, 4 PM, Community                                                                              ‐ STPA mee ng, 4 PM                ‐ 5 Week Progress Period for
                                Schools Room                                                                                                                              Q1 distributed

10                              11                                12                                13                                 14                                 15                                16
                                Columbus Day                                                        ‐ PSAT’s at Dolgeville
                                (NO SCHOOL)

17                              18                                19                                20                                 21                                 22                                23
                                                                  ‐ Board of Educa on mee ng,                                          ‐                                  Superintendent’s
                                                                  6 PM, HS cafeteria
                                                                                                                                                                          Conference Day
                                                                                                                                                                          (No School for

24                              25                                26                                27                                 28                                 29                                30
                                                                                                                                       ‐ SAT’s at Dolgeville

31 Halloween
DOLGEVILLE CENTRAL SCHOOL - 2021 22 District Calendar and Guide - The Dolgeville Central School District is a community minded learning ins tu on ...
November 2021
              ‐Never take things for granted and work hard, whether it be in school, sports or drama club. Also, treat people with respect. You never know what is happening in someone else's life, so be kind.
                                                                                       Make sure to trust the process.— Brady Wilcox

     Sunday                        Monday                            Tuesday                         Wednesday                           Thursday                             Friday                           Saturday
                         1                                  2                                 3                                  4                                 5                                  6
                         ‐ DESPTO, 4 PM, Community          ‐ Grade 7‐12 picture make ups                                        ‐ STPA mee ng, 4 PM               ‐ End of First Quarter
                         Schools Room                                                                                            ‐ Fall Picture Retakes, Grades

7                        8                                  9                                 10                          11                                       12                                 13
                                                                                                                                                                   ‐ Q1 Report Cards distributed
                                                                                              ‐ DES Veterans Day Assembly Veterans Day
                                                                                                                                 (NO SCHOOL)

14                       15                                 16                                17                                 18                                19                                 20
                                                            ‐ Board of Educa on mee ng,                                          ‐ Parent‐Teacher                  ‐ Parent‐Teacher
                                                            6 PM, HS cafeteria                                                                                     Conferences (half‐day for
                                                                                                                                 Conferences (half‐day for
                                                                                                                                 students)                         students)

21                       22                                 23                                24                                 25                                26                                 27
                                                                                              Thanksgiving Recess
                                                                                              (NO SCHOOL)


28                       29                                 30
DOLGEVILLE CENTRAL SCHOOL - 2021 22 District Calendar and Guide - The Dolgeville Central School District is a community minded learning ins tu on ...
December 2021
     ‐ Take ownership of yourself and your ac ons. Remember that it is up to you to decide what type of person you are and who you will become. – Kyle Paracka

                 Monday                       Tuesday                     Wednesday                       Thursday                         Friday                       Saturday
                                                                    1                             2                              3                               4
                                                                                                  ‐ STPA mee ng, 4 PM

5        6                            7                             8                             9                              10                              11
         ‐ DESPTO, 4 PM, Community                                                                                               ‐ End 5‐Week Progress Period    ‐ Semi‐Formal, 6‐9 PM
         Schools Room                                                                                                            for Q2

12       13‐                          14                            15                            16                             17                              18
         ‐ DESPTO Christmas Shoppe    ‐ DESPTO Christmas Shoppe     ‐ DESPTO Christmas Shoppe     ‐ Grades 7‐12 Winter Chorale   ‐ 5‐Week Progress Reports for
                                                                                                  Concert, 6:30 PM               Q2 Distributed
                                                                                                  ‐ DESPTO Christmas Shoppe

19       20                           21                            22                            23                             24                              25
                                      ‐ Board of Educa on mee ng,                                 Winter Recess
                                      6 PM, HS cafeteria
                                                                                                  (NO SCHOOL)


26       27                           28                            29                            30                             31
         Winter Recess
         (NO SCHOOL)
                                                                                                                                 New Year’s Eve
DOLGEVILLE CENTRAL SCHOOL - 2021 22 District Calendar and Guide - The Dolgeville Central School District is a community minded learning ins tu on ...
January 2022
     ‐ It’s okay to take a break and enjoy your high school experience, because it will be over in a blink of an eye. The key to working hard is passion. Be passionate about learning and proud about that assignments you turn over.
                                                                                                                –Audrey Williams

       Sunday                            Monday                            Tuesday                         Wednesday                            Thursday                             Friday                          Saturday

                                                                                                                                                                                                            New Year’s Day

2                              3                                  4                                  5                                 6                                  7                                 8
                               ‐ DESPTO, 4 PM, Community                                                                               ‐ STPA mee ng, 4 PM
                               Schools Room

9                              10                                 11                                 12                                13                                 14                                15
                                                                                                                                       ‐ Grades 7‐12 Winter Band
                                                                                                                                       Concert, 6:30 PM

16                             17                                 18                                 19                                20                                 21                                22
                               Mar n Luther King Day              ‐ Board of Educa on mee ng,                                          ‐ Grades 5‐6 Winter Concert,
                                                                  6 PM, HS cafeteria                                                   6:30 PM
                               (NO SCHOOL)

23                             24                                 25                                 26                                27                                 28                                29
                                                                                                     Regents/Midterms—NO CLASSES FOR GRADES 9‐12
                                                                                                                                                                          ‐ End of Second Quarter
30                             31
February 2022
     ‐ Ge ng a bad grade is not the end of the world. You should care about your grades, but experience and friendships are also very important. Not everything in life is measured in a number grade.
                                                                                           – Megan Hartman

       Sunday                       Monday                       Tuesday                    Wednesday                     Thursday                        Friday                     Saturday
                                                         1                             2                           3                            4                             5
                                                                                                                   ‐ STPA mee ng, 4 PM          ‐ Report Cards for Q2

6                           7                            8                             9                           10                           11                            12
                            ‐ DESPTO, 4 PM, Community
                            Schools Room

13                          14                           15                            16                          17                           18                            19
                                                         ‐ Board of Educa on mee ng,
                                                         6 PM, HS cafeteria

                            Valen ne’s Day

20                          21                           22                            23                          24                           25                            26
                            Mid‐winter Recess
                            (NO SCHOOL)

                            President’s Day

27                          28
March 2022
                                                    ‐ Be posi ve, have fun, and cherish every moment. – Maighen Ehrle

                                               ‐ Make the most of high school days. Don’t wish your me away. – Kyle Jaquay

     Sunday          Monday                       Tuesday                     Wednesday                   Thursday                      Friday                       Saturday
                                          1                              2                         3                         4                               5
                                                                                                   ‐ STPA mee ng, 4 PM       ‐ End 5‐Week Progress Period
                                                                                                                             for Q3

5             7                           8                              9                         10                        11                              12
              ‐ DESPTO, 4 PM, Community                                                                                      ‐ 5‐Week Progress Reports for
              Schools Room                                                                                                   Q3 Distributed

13            14                          15                             16                        17                        18 ‐ Parent‐Teacher             19
                                          ‐ Board of Educa on mee ng,                                                        Conferences (half‐day for       ‐ All‐County II at DCS: Concert
                                           6 PM, HS cafeteria                                                                students)                       at 3 PM
                                                                                                                             ‐ All‐County II at DCS
                                                                                                   St. Patrick’s Day         ‐ Pre‐K/Kindergarten
                                                                                                                             Registra on

20            21                          22                             23                        24                        25                              26

27            28                          29                             30                        31

                                                                        Grades 3‐8 ELA Assessments
April 2022
     ‐Don’t wait un l the last second to do your homework. Don’t be afraid to try new things. Never let fear decide your future. If you work hard and stay mo vated, you can accomplish anything you put your mind to. – Haylie Lyon

         Sunday                          Monday                            Tuesday                        Wednesday                           Thursday                            Friday                         Saturday
                                                                                                                                                                       1                                 2
                                                                                                                                                                       ‐ Spring Musical                  ‐ Spring Musical

3                               4                                 5                                 6                                 7                                8                                 9
                                ‐ DESPTO, 4 PM, Community                                                                             ‐ STPA mee ng, 4 PM              ‐ End of Third Quarter
                                Schools Room                                                                                          ‐ Grades 7‐12 Spring Band

10                              11                                12                                13                                14                               15                                16
                                Spring Recess
                                (NO SCHOOL)

17                              18                                19                                20                                21                               22                                23
Easter                          Spring Recess                     ‐ Board of Educa on mee ng,       ‐ BOE Top Senior Recep on and     ‐ Report Cards for Q3
                                                                  6 PM, HS cafeteria                BOCES Budget Vote, 6 PM           Distributed
                                (NO SCHOOL)

                                                                                                                                                                       Earth Day

24                              25                                26                                27                                28                               29                                30

                                                                                                Grades 3‐8 Math Assessments
May 2022
               ‐ You should learn how to be you first—you are not your 100m me or your test score. Be your own person first, because that is what ma ers in the long run, and is what people will remember about you
                                                           Enjoy this me and don’t waste your moments looking only toward what will happen next.— Annaliese Davies

      Sunday                     Monday                           Tuesday                       Wednesday                          Thursday                            Friday                        Saturday
1                       2                                3                                4                                5                                6                                7
                        ‐ DESPTO, 4 PM, Community
                        Schools Room

8                       9                                10                               11                               12                               13                               14
                                                         ‐ Budget Hearing, 6 PM, HS                                                                                                          – Jr./Sr. Prom
                                                                                                                                                            ‐ Teacher PD (half‐day for
Mother’s Day                                                                                                                                                – End of 5 Week Progress
                                                                                                                                                            Reports for Q4

15                      16                               17                               18                               19                               20                               21
                                                         SCHOOL BUDGET VOTE,              ‐ Board of Educa on mee ng,      ‐ Grades 7‐12 Spring Chorale     – 5‐Week Progress Reports for
                                                                                           6 PM, HS cafeteria              Concert, 6:30 PM                 Q4 Distributed
                                                         HS cafeteria, 2‐8 p.m.           ‐ Kindergarten Screening         ‐ Kindergarten Screening         ‐ Kindergarten Screening

22                      23                               24                               25                               26                               27                               28

29                      30                               31
                        Memorial Day
                        (NO SCHOOL)
                        ‐ Memorial Day Parade
June 2022
                                               ‐ Ask for help when needed. It’s okay if you don’t know what you’re going to do in life yet. You will figure it out. – Brianna Bruce

         Sunday                     Monday                            Tuesday                         Wednesday                            Thursday                              Friday                     Saturday
                                                                                               1                                   2                                  3                              4
                                                                                                                                   ‐ Piano Recital, 3 PM, HS          ‐ Sherburne Pageant of Bands   ‐ Sherburne Pageant of Bands

5                           6                               7                                  8                                   9                                  10                             11
                            ‐ Grade 4 and 8 NYS Science                                                                            ‐ HS Jazz Concert, 6:30 PM         ‐ Violet Fes val Art Show      ‐ Violet Fes val Art Show
                            Wri en Test
                            ‐ DESPTO, 4 PM, Community
                            Schools Room

12                          13                              14                                 15                                  16                                 17                             18
‐ Violet Fes val Art Show                                    ‐ Last Day of Classes for
                                                            Grades 7‐12
                                                            ‐ Senior Class Banquet

                                                                                                                                         Regents Exams

19                          20                              21                                 22                                  23                                 24 ‐ Superintendent’s          25
                            Juneteenth                      ‐ Board of Educa on mee ng,                                                                               Conference Day                 ‐ Gradua on, 10 AM
                                                            6 PM, HS cafeteria                                                                                        ‐ Report Cards for Q4 Mailed
                            (observed)                                                                                                                                Home Grades 7‐12
                                                                                                                                                                      ‐ Mandatory Gradua on
                                                                                                                                                                      Rehearsal, 9 AM
                                                                                                      Regents Exams

26                          27                              28                                 29                                  30
July 2022

     Sunday        Monday        Tuesday         Wednesday        Thursday        Friday        Saturday
                                                                             1             2

3             4             5               6                7               8             9

10            11            12              13               14              15            16

17            18            19              20               21              22            23

24            25            26              27               28              29            30

August 2022

     Sunday        Monday        Tuesday        Wednesday        Thursday        Friday        Saturday

              1             2              3                4               5             6

7             8             9              10               11              12            13

14            15            16             17               18              19            20

21            22            23             24               25              26            27

28            29            30             31
Notes and Reminders
Notes and Reminders
General Informa on
District Code of Conduct                                                          Please note that all skirts need to be at least as long as mid‐thigh and shorts
          Annually the Dolgeville Central School District must, by law, adopt a   must have inseams no shorter than 5.” Those who want to view the Dress
District Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct includes the following              Code in its en rety may do so by going to the District website at
sec ons: an introduc on; defini ons; student rights and responsibili es; an
explana on of the responsibili es of essen al partners in educa on; the
student dress code; prohibited student conduct; responsibili es for               District Website
repor ng Code viola ons; disciplinary consequences, procedures, and               The 2021‐22 school year features a new district website (h ps://
referrals; alterna ve instruc on; disciplining students with disabili es; focused on accessibility and ease of naviga on. The
corporal punishment; prohibited staff conduct; visitors to school; public          website will also highlight district news and show pictures of student life. For
conduct on school property; and Board of Educa on Policies related to the         updated calendar informa on, please see the new site. You can also find
Code of Conduct. Those who want to view the District Code of Conduct in its       other important documents and no ces on the site.
en rety may do so by going to the District website at
Hard copies of the Code may also be obtained from the high school office,           Public Records Access
elementary school office, or district office.                                         The Freedom of Informa on Law (FOIL) provides any ci zen the right of ac‐
                                                                                  cess to many public records. Dolgeville Central School has adopted the
The DCS Creed                                                                     regula ons when, where, and how you may view the public records that we
All Dolgeville Central School teachers, staff, and students have the right to:     maintain. The regula ons may be viewed at all places where records are
 Teach, work, and learn in an environment free from distrac on and dis‐         kept.
     turbance                                                                     According to these regula ons, public records may be viewed and
 Feel and be safe and healthy.                                                  copied at:
 Be respected for who they are and what they believe.                           Dolgeville Central School
                                                                                  District Office
Dress Code                                                                        38 Slawson Street
         When selec ng clothing and footwear for your children to wear to         Dolgeville, NY 13329.
school, remember to select items that are appropriate in accordance to the
guidelines in our District’s Dress Code. All students are expected to give
proper a en on to personal cleanliness and to dress appropriately for
school and school func ons. The school cannot and does not dictate styles.
However, a student’s dress, grooming, and appearance, including jewelry,
must be safe and not disrupt or interfere with the educa onal process.
General Informa on Con nued
Safe Prom, Tes ng and Gradua on Season                                         Highly Qualified Teachers
Prom/Tes ng/Gradua on season brings excitement and dangers. Please             In accordance with the Every Student Succeeds Act, parents have the
keep these two important reminders with you during this me:                    right to request informa on about the professional qualifica ons of their
 Safety ‐ Adults that serve alcohol to minors are legally liable. Please     children’s teachers. You have the right to know:
    do not put our students at risk. Please talk to your child about the        Whether the teacher is “highly qualified,” having met New York State
    dangers of driving recklessly, drinking and other behaviors. We all            cer fica on and/or licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject
    want to have happy memories of this school year.                               areas the teacher teaches.
 Academics ‐ Students need to be in school and rested. Ask how they           Whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or other
    are doing. If you have any doubts, call the guidance office at 429‐              provisional status under which state qualifica on or licensing criteria
    3155, ext. 2800. Seniors cannot walk the stage unless they have all of         have been waived.
    their requirements met!                                                     The teacher’s college major, whether the teacher has any advanced
                                                                                   degrees, and, if so, the subject of those degrees.
Dance Guest Policy                                                              If your child receives services from any instruc onal assistants or
It is the general policy of Dolgeville Central School to keep our dances           similar paraprofessionals, the qualifica ons of those individuals.
closed to ensure student and chaperone safety, and provide an atmos‐
phere conducive to good clean fun for our students. However, in an             Civil Rights Statement
effort to give our students the opportunity and privilege of invi ng            The Dolgeville Central School hereby advises students, parents,
friends to Dolgeville dances from outside the district, the Board of           employees, and the general public that it offers employment and educa‐
Educa on has decided to allow students to bring a guest to the Home‐            onal opportuni es, including voca onal educa on, without regard to
coming Dance, Winter Semi‐Formal, Valen ne’s Day Dance, and Prom               actual or perceived race, color, religion, religious prac ces, creed,
under the following condi ons:                                                 na onal origin, disability, gender, weight, sexual orienta on, gene cs,
 Student guests from outside the district must be under the age of 21.       and/or veteran’s status. Inquiries regarding this non‐discrimina on policy
 Each Dolgeville student who wishes to invite a guest must complete          may be directed to the District Title IX Compliance Officer,
      the district dance guest request form and submit it to the high school   Michelle Primeau, at 429‐3155, ext. 2803.
      office by the Monday prior to the dance along with a copy of the
      guest’s drivers license or birth cer ficate.
 The DCS student is responsible for his/her guest’s conduct.
State‐Mandated No ces
Policy for Acceptable Use of District Technology                                                FERPA Con nued...
Students of Dolgeville Central School District have access at school to electronic telecom‐     In compliance with the Elementary and Secondary Educa on Act (ESEA) of 1965, as
munica ons and District owned/provided hardware and so ware. The primary educa on‐              amended by the No Child Le Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB), and the Na onal Defense
al goals of this access are increasing the accessibility of informa on, improving communi‐      Authoriza on Act, the School District by law rou nely releases this student directory
ca on, increasing the integra on of technology into teaching and learning, and preparing        informa on to Military Recruiters. Any parent/eligible student wan ng to opt out of
students for full par cipa on and ci zenship in a technology‐dependent world.                   the public, nonconsensual disclosure of directory informa on to Military Recruiters
                                                                                                should no fy the district in wri ng by Sept. 10 of each school year. Le ers should be
Network and internet access are provided as educa onal tools. Dolgeville Central School         sent to Daniel Guenthner, High School Guidance Counselor at Dolgeville Central
District reserves the right to monitor, inspect, copy, review and store all usage of the        School, 38 Slawson Street, Dolgeville, NY, 13329, or e‐mailed to dguenth‐
computer network, internet, and data/informa on created, transmi ed, or received
during usage. All such files, data, and informa on shall be and remain the property of the
Dolgeville Central School District and no user shall have any expecta on of privacy regard‐
                                                                                                Dignity for All Students Act (DASA)
ing such materials.
                                                                                                The Dignity for All Students Act (DASA) was signed into law by Governor David A. Pat‐
Dolgeville Central School District uses internet filtering so ware in compliance with the        erson in 2010 and became effec ve on July 1, 2012. The intent of DASA is to provide
Federal Children’s Internet Protec on Act and it is the District’s belief that we must do our   all public school students with an environment free from discrimina on and harass‐
best to support our students’ learning in a manner that supports the District’s mission         ment and to foster civility in public schools.
while providing a safe learning environment. Use of filtering so ware cannot guarantee
that all inappropriate sites can never be accessed. However, it dras cally reduces that         As a result of DASA, students will receive instruc on that supports the development of
possibility. Any a empt to bypass school filtering or security will result in disciplinary       a school environment free of discrimina on and harassment, including, but not limited
ac on. The complete Policy for Acceptable Use of District Technology can be found on the        to, instruc on that raises awareness and sensi vity to discrimina on and harassment
District website.                                                                               based on a person’s actual or perceived race, color, weight, na onal origin, ethnic
                                                                                                group, religion, religious prac ce, disability, sexual orienta on, gender (including
FERPA                                                                                           gender iden ty or expression), and sex. Also required by DASA, the District Code of
Under the Family Educa onal Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the Dolgeville Central School       Conduct reflects language that complies with DASA. A complete copy of the Code of
District may release the following defined directory informa on: student name, age,              Conduct is available on the district website.
major field of study, grade level, par cipa on in sports and ac vi es, weight and height
(for members of athle c teams), dates of a endance, honors/degrees/awards, and                  Under DASA, all school employees will undergo mandatory training regarding DASA
photographs. Allowing directory informa on permits the District to use student directory        and its implementa on on the first superintendent’s conference day annually. The
informa on for such limited purposes as school yearbooks and newsle ers, honor roll             District also has appointed one DASA coordinator. School staff, parents, students, and
lists, gradua on programs, musical theater programs, sports programs, and other similar         others may reports incidents of discrimina on and harassment to the following DASA
uses without obtaining individual consent. A parent or eligible student (a student 18 years     coordinator:
of age or older who is a ending an ins tu on of post‐secondary educa on) has the right
to request that “directory informa on” not be disclosed without prior wri en consent of
                                                                                                   Mirella Pazzaglia, Guidance Counselor – 429.3155, ext. 2804,
the parent or eligible student. Directory informa on does not include a student’s social
security number.
Academic Informa on
Dismissal Procedures                                  Honor rolls are     Gradua on Requirements
                                                                                                          Regents          Advanced Regents
Grades K–2           2:55 PM                          determined at
                                                                          Courses                         Diploma              Diploma
Grades 3‐4           2:52 PM                          the end of each     English                         4 Credits            4 credits
Grades 5 and 6       2:50 PM                          marking period.     Social Studies                  4 credits            4 credits
Grades 7‐12          2:55 PM                                              Math                            3 credits            3 credits
                                                      Principal’s List    Science                         3 credits            3 credits
Middle‐Senior High School Period Schedule                                 Art/Music                        1 credit             1 credit
Breakfast        7:45 AM ‐ 8:04 AM                                        Health                         1/2 credit           1/2 credit
                                                      High Honor Roll     Physical Educa on               2 credits            2 credits
Warning Bell     8:02 AM
                                                      90‐94.9             Spanish                          1 credit            3 credits
Tardy Bell       8:05 AM                                                  Elec ves                      3 1/2 credits        3 1/2 credits
                                                      Honor Roll
Block One        8:05 AM ‐ 9:24 AM                                        Total                          22 credits           24 credits
Block Two        9:27 AM ‐ 10:46 AM
Block Three A    10:49 AM ‐ 11:29 AM                                      Regents Diploma                               Advanced Regents
                                                      Regents             Test Requirements                             Diploma Requirements
Block Three B    11:31 AM ‐ 12:11 PM
                                                      Diploma with        English Regents                               English Regents
Block Three C    12:13 PM ‐ 12:53 PM                                      Global Studies Regents                        Global Studies Regents
                                                      Honors =
Block Four       12:56 PM ‐ 2:15 PM                                       U.S. History and Government                   U.S. History and Government
                                                      Average of 90       Math Regents                                  3 Math Regents
Block Five       2:18 PM ‐ 2:55 PM
                                                      on all Required     Science Regents                               2 Science Regents
                                                      Regents Exams
                                                                          4 + 1 Op on‐ (requires English Regents, a Math Regents, one Science and one
2021‐2022 SAT and SAT Subject Dates
                                                                          History Regents PLUS an addi onal Math or Science Regents)
  See Mr. Guenthner in Guidance for Registra on and
                     Informa on

Test Dates:           Register By:                    Progress Reports and Report Cards
October 2             September 21
November 6            October 26
                                                                  5‐week Marking       5‐week Reports            Quarter Ends           Report Cards
December 4            November 23                                   Period Ends          Distributed                                     Distributed
March 12              March 1                         Quarter 1      10/1/21              10/8/21                   11/5/21               11/12/21
May 7                 April 26                        Quarter 2      12/10/21             12/17/21                  1/28/22                2/4/22
June 4                May 25                          Quarter 3       3/4/22              3/11/22                    4/8/22               4/21/22
                                                      Quarter 4      5/13/22              5/20/22                   6/23/22               6/24/22
Calling All Parents...
It is cri cal that parents partner with our school district to ensure that their    Parent Square: Receive news and
children are receiving the highest quality educa on possible. The following are     updates via Parent Square at
several ways that we encourage parent involvement:                                  Dolgeville

Parent/Teacher Conferences                                                          The Dolgeville Central School District
Because parental involvement is so important, our district sets aside mul ple       launched a ParentSquare account last
days for parents to conference with their children’s teachers. This is an oppor‐    fall to communicate with parents. Go
tunity for parents to discover how their children are doing in school, what their   to h ps:// to
children’s strengths and/or needs are, how parents can assist their children at     sign up.
home to be more successful in school, and what services the school can provide
to further assist their children in school.                                         Communica ons sent via
                                                                                    ParentSquare may include:
Contac ng Teachers                                                                   news and reminders from the
In addi on to these regularly scheduled conference days, parents are                    district or school
encouraged to contact their children’s teachers at any me with ques ons or           urgent alerts such as school
concerns. Parents are encouraged to contact teachers via phone, voice mail, or          cancella ons, early dismissal or delayed start
e‐mail (all of our teachers’ e‐mail addresses may be found on the District           messages from your child’s teacher
website), or to set up a me to meet with teachers in person.
                                                                                    Parents can also register for ParentSquare through the ParentSquare app which
Parents as Reading Partners (PARP)                                                  is available for Apple and Android devices.
PARP is a collabora ve effort among students, parents, staff, and the community
to build a partnership between home and school. Reading is the single most          The ParentSquare app allows parents to:
important ac vity in a child’s educa on. Students who read at home become            control how and when they receive no fica ons from the district/school;
be er readers and have higher success rates in school. As part of PARP, parents      update contact informa on, such as email addresses or phone numbers;
set aside just 15 minutes three days per week to read with their children (Of        send and receive messages from teachers and other staff;
course, reading more than that is just fine with us).                                 review and comment on informa on shared by the school or district; and
                                                                                     translate communica ons into a preferred language.
Health & Safety Informa on
Visitors to the School                                                             Emergency Closings
During the school day there are only two doors where visitors may enter the        Dolgeville Central School uses the Parent Square messaging system to deliver
building: the front door to the high school building and the front door to the     important messages to parents of our students. The message system may
elementary building. When entering these doors, all visitors are asked to sign     deliver rou ne reminders, important informa on, or emergency
in at the security office windows. Visitors will be issued badges, which they        announcements such as school closings or delays. In order to insure that you
are required to wear throughout their stay in the building. A er signing in        receive our Parent Square messages, the school must have updated and
and being issued a badge, visitors will be admi ed to the school through the       accurate informa on on file. Go to h ps:// to sign up.
security doors and be directed to their des na on. We appreciate your
                                                                                   In the event of an emergency closing or delay, informa on will also be
coopera on with this process which protects the safety and security of our
                                                                                   available at:
students, and also minimizes any disrup ons to the educa onal process.
                                                                                   Television Sta ons:
Security Camera Privacy Statement                                                  WKTV (News Channel 2), News 10 Now, WNYT, WRGB, WTEN, WXXA, WYNN
Dolgeville Central School District u lizes exterior and interior security camer‐
as on and in of all district buildings as well as on its school buses. Security    Radio Sta ons:
cameras are used to discourage and iden fy viola ons of the District Code of       BUG Country (FM 99.7, FM 101.1, AM 1570), WIBX Big Frog 104 (FM 104.3, FM
Conduct; protect persons and property; and, when necessary, provide law            98.7, FM 96.1, AM 950), WGY (AM 810), SYJB (FM 95.5), WRVE – The River (FM
enforcement assistance in the prosecu on of criminal ac vity. Cameras are          99.5)
installed in public loca ons where students, staff, and visitors would not have
an expecta on of privacy, such as hallways, cafeterias, and entrances/exits.       Newspaper Website:
Cameras are not and will not be installed in areas where staff, students, and       U ca Observer Dispatch at www.u
visitors have a reasonable expecta on of privacy, such as restrooms and
locker rooms.                                                                      District Facebook Page:
                                                                                   Go to and click on the Facebook link.
Asbestos Awareness
In accordance with the repor ng requirements of the Asbestos Hazard Emer‐          Integrated Pest Management
gency Response Act (AHERA), Dolgeville Central School has undergone a              In accordance with District Policy and State Educa on Law, DCS will give prior
Surveillance Report. No changes in asbestos condi ons in the school were           wri en no ce of all pes cide applica ons to anyone who has asked to receive
                                                                                   such no ce. Request forms may be accessed on the district website or in any
noted since the previous inspec on. For more informa on, contact David
                                                                                   district office. For more informa on, contact David Redmond, the District’s
Redmond, the District’s Asbestos Management Coordinator, at 429‐3155.
                                                                                   Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Coordinator, at 429.3155, ext. 1752,
ext. 1752, or
School Nutri on Services
We are pleased to announce a new service that will be available to students and staff that will include an a er school healthy snack bar. This program will be piloted
through September and will con nue throughout the school year if it shows a benefit to our students and staff. There will be a variety of healthy snacks offered and
cost will be determined based on distributor pricing.

The following items will be made available.

●       Juice

●       Water

●       Assorted low fat chips

●       Granola bars

●       Pop tarts

●       Nutrigrain bars

●       Fresh fruit

●       Yogurt

●       String cheese

●       Co age cheese

●       Pudding

●       Uncrustables

This service will be available from 2:55‐3:15 p.m. daily at the secondary cafeteria (High School). The snack bar will be cash or available student’s accounts funds only.
No charging will be allowed. Again, the a ernoon snack bar will be evaluated through the month of September, and will be evaluated based on ac vity and benefits to
our students and staff a er school.
School Nutri on & Transporta on
Balancing Calories:                                                          Our transporta on staff works during July and August se ng up bus routes for
 Enjoy your food, but eat                                                  the next school year and would be glad to assist in arranging your student bus
    less.                                                                    schedule. New bus route informa on is available star ng 10 days prior to the first
 Avoid oversized por ons.                                                  day of school each year. The Transporta on Supervisor, Joseph Stack, may be
                                                                             reached at (315) 429‐9388, Fax (315) 429‐8791, or via email at
Foods to Increase:                                                  In the event a change needs to occur on a par cular day for
 Make half your plate fruits                                               a student in grades K‐6, please contact Paula Mosher in the Elementary office at
    and vegetables.                                                          429.3155 x1701. Wri en requests from parent (subject to approval of the princi‐
 Make at least half your                                                   pal’s office staff) to go home on an alternate route must be sent in to the school
    grains whole grains.                                                     with the child. Telephone request will be at the discre on of the principal.
 Switch to fat‐free or low‐fat
    (1%) milk.                                                               Transporta on Rules and Guidelines: (Complete list is available in the District
                                                                             Code of Conduct)
Foods to Reduce:                                                              Students must pass in front of the school bus far enough to be seen by the
 Compare sodium in foods like soup, bread, and frozen meals – and choose       driver. Students must wait at the right side of the highway, 10 feet ahead of
    the foods with lower numbers.                                                the bus, for the school bus driver to mo on them to cross. This is the most
 Drink water instead of sugary drinks.                                         dangerous ac vity of transpor ng students because the student is not inside
                                                                                 the bus.
                                                                              The school bus is an extension of the school grounds. Behavior not
Important Dates
                                                                                 acceptable in school is not acceptable on the school bus.
                                                                              Students must cooperate in the maintenance of clean, sanitary, and
   Na onal School Lunch week: Oct. 11‐15, 2021
                                                                                 comfortable transporta on. Public Health regula ons prohibit ea ng and
   School Lunch hero day: May 6, 2022
                                                                                 chewing gum on a school bus.
   Na onal School Breakfast week; March 7‐11. 2022
                                                                              In no phase of the school program is “horseplay” or “fooling around” more
                                                                                 dangerous, than on a bus.
The School Nutri on Director, Anthony Dupuis, can be reached at:
                                                                              The school bus driver is designated as the authority on the bus. Repeated
(315) 429‐3155 Ext 2951
                                                                                 infrac on of the rules is to be reported to the building principals or
                                                                                 superintendent of schools. Incorrect behavior may lead to the suspension of
                                                                                 riding privileges.
                                                                              Students should be ready for the bus 10 minutes before the scheduled pick
                                                                                 up me. Parents must make visual eye contact with the bus driver for any
                                                                                 child under fourth grade at the a er school bus stop. If there is no visual eye
                                                                                 contact the bus driver will return your child back to the school.
Blue Devil Athle cs
           Athle c Director Dan Zilkowski| Phone: 315‐429‐3155, Ext. 2900 | Email:

Football                                 Modified Football                       Varsity Cross Country for            Boys Varsity Soccer (merged with
9/4 @ Canajoharie 10 AM                  9/16 vs. Mount Markham 4:30 PM          both Boys and Girls                  Little Falls
9/10 @ Sauquoit 6 PM                     9/21 @ Westmoreland 4:30 PM             9/15 @ Little Falls 4:30 PM          8/31 @ OESJ 4 PM
9/18 vs. Notre Dame 1:30 PM              9/30 vs. West Canada Valley 4:30 PM     9/22 @ Oriskany 4:30 PM              9/7 @ Waterville 6 PM
9/24 @ Frankfort-Schyuler 7 PM           10/7 @ Little Falls 4:30 PM                                                  9/8 @ TBA (Tournament)
                                                                                 9/29 vs. Canasto-
10/2 vs. Waterville 1:30 PM              10/14 @ Herkimer 4:30 PM                                                     9/11@ TBA (Tournament)
10/9 vs. Sandy Creek 1:30 PM             10/21 vs. Frankfort-Schyuler 4:30 PM    ta,Westmoreland, Little              9/13 vs. Sherburne-Earlville 6 PM
10/15 @ Herkimer 7 PM                                                            Falls,Waterville 4:30 PM             9/15 @ Holland Patent 4:30 PM
10/23 vs. Onondaga Central 1:30 PM                                               10/6 @ NY Mills 4:30 PM              9/18 @ Clinton 3 PM
                                         Girls Varsity Soccer                                                         9/21 @ Westmoreland 4:30 PM
Girls JV Soccer                          8/31 @ OESJ 5 PM`                                                            9/23 vs. Canastota 6 PM
9/7 @ Clinton 4:30 PM                    9/2 vs. Sauquoit Valley 4:30 PM        Girls Modified Soccer                 9/25 vs. Waterville 11 AM
9/13 @ Little Falls 4:30 PM              9/9 @ Cooperstown 4:30 PM              9/16 vs. UAS 4:30 PM                  9/28 @ Frankfort-Schyuler 6:30 PM
9/15 vs. Holland Patent 4:30 PM          9/14 @ Herkimer 7 PM                   9/20 vs. Adirondack 4:30 PM           10/2 @ Sherburne-Earlville 11 AM
9/18 vs. Frankfort-Schyuler 11 AM        9/16 vs. UAS 4:30 PM                   9/22 @ WCV 4:30 PM                    10/4 vs. Holland Patent 6 PM
9/21 vs. Poland 4:30 PM                  9/20 vs. Adirondack 4:30 PM            9/24 vs. Frankfort-Schyuler 4:30 PM   10/6 vs. Clinton 6 PM
9/23 vs. Adirondack 4:30 PM              9/22 @ WCV 4:30 PM                     10/1 @ Herkimer 4:30 PM               10/8 vs. Westmoreland 6 PM
9/27 vs. Clinton 4:30 PM                 9/24 vs. Frankfort-Schyuler 4:30 PM    10/5 @ UAS 4:30 PM                    10/12 vs. Frankfort-Schyuler 6 PM
9/29 vs. Canajoharie 4:30 PM             9/27 vs. Cooperstown 4:30 PM           10/7 @ Adirondack 4:30 PM             10/14 @ Canastota 7 PM
10/1 vs. Little Falls 4:30 PM            9/29 @ Mount Markham 4:30 PM           10/13 vs. WCV 4:30 PM
10/5 @ Holland Patent 4:30 PM            10/1 vs. Herkimer 4:30 PM              10/16 @ Frankfort-Schyuler 11 AM
10/7 @ Frankfort-Schyuler 4:30 PM        10/5 @ UAS 4:30 PM                     10/19 vs. Herkimer 4:30 PM
10/13 @ Canajoharie 4:15 PM              10/7 @ Adirondack 4:30 PM
10/15 @ Adirondack 4:30 PM               10/9 @ Sauquoit Valley 11 AM
10/18 @ Poland 4:30 PM                   10/11 vs Mount Markham 11 AM
                                         10/13 vs WCV 4 PM
                                         10/16 @ Frankfort-Schyuler 11 AM

  Please note: SCHEDULES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. For up‐to‐date schedules, visit Schedule Galaxy: h ps://
Blue Devil Athle cs Con nued
Parent and Spectator Behavior, Ethics, and Consequences                           Consequences for Unacceptable Parent/Spectator Behavior
“Student-athletes compete with honor and integrity, and play for the love         Parents or spectators who engage in unacceptable behaviors before,
of the game, so let’s all cheer for our team, have fun and support the            during, or after athletic contests – regardless of the venue – will be
spirit of Section III Athletics.”                                                 warned and requested by school staff (principals, superintendent,
                 ~ New York State Public High School Athletic Association         athletic director, coaches, chaperones) or of icials to stop the said
                                                                                  behaviors. Parents or spectators who do not comply with said requests
General Guidelines: The following are guidelines for parent and                   will be directed to leave school premises. Parents or spectators who
spectator behavior and ethics which are promoted by the New York State            refuse to leave shall be subject to ejection and/or arrest. Depending on
Public High School Athletic Association.                                          the severity of the behavior or repeated violations over time, the parent/
 Direct all energies to encouraging your team.                                 spectator may be immediately ejected and/or banned from attending
 Avoid actions which offend visiting teams or individual players.              athletic events in the future.
 Show appreciation of good play by both teams.
 Learn the rules of the game in order to be a more intelligent                 Athletic Code Of Conduct
    spectator.                                                                    In order for a student-athlete to participate in the school’s Interscholas-
 Treat all visiting teams in a manner in which you would expect to be          tic Athletic Program, the student-athlete and his/her parent or guardian
    treated.                                                                      must meet eligibility requirements for the sport as well as complete the
 Accept the judgment of coaches and of icials.                                 Athletic Code Of Conduct.
 Encourage other spectators to participate in the spirit of good
    sportsmanship.                                                                A complete version can be found on the District website:
 Be positive.                                                        

Parent Con licts with Coaches or Of icials: From time to time,
con licts arise between parents and their children’s coaches or the of i-
cials. At no time is it appropriate to go onto a ield or court of play to ap-
proach a coach or of icial whether before, during, or after an athletic con-
test, regardless of the venue. Additionally, it is inappropriate for a parent
to verbally confront a coach or of icial at any time before, during, or after
an athletic contest. If a parent has a con lict with a coach or of icial, it is
expected that the parent will contact the coach or the athletic director via
phone the day after the athletic contest to discuss the con lict or ask to
set up a meeting to address the con lict in person. The athletic director,
building principal, and/or superintendent will be in attendance at the
The Arts at DCS
There are plenty of ar s c events planned for the upcoming school
year. Please check Parent Square and the district website for dates
and updates. Below is a one‐page guide to arts events for the
2021‐22 school year.

All‐County and Area All‐State Music Fes vals
All‐County Music Fes vals feature choirs and bands of select music
students from Herkimer County schools. The Area‐All State concert      Concerts
features student musicians from three coun es who are selected         All concerts are free. Please visit the website and Parent Square for
by solo audi on. All fes vals culminate in Saturday a ernoon           any changes/updates to the schedule.
concerts that are open to the public. For more informa on, go to                                                            Winter Choral Concert
                                                                          Winter Band Concert
Dolgeville Violet Fes val Art Exhibit                                     Grades 5‐6 Winter Concert
Artwork created by DCS students in grades K‐12 is exhibited               Spring Band Concert
annually during Dolgeville’s Violet Fes val. This year, it runs from      Grades 5‐6 Spring Concert
June 10‐12 in Gym 1 at DCS. The exhibit is free and open to the           Jazz Band Concert
public.                                                                   Spring Choral Concert
                                                                          Piano Recital featuring DCS piano class students
Musical Theater
DCS is well known for its outstanding annual musical theater
produc ons. Last year, students performed the Li le Mermaid Jr.
                                                                       The award‐winning DCS marching band, percussion ensemble, and
to an exuberant audience. The 2022 produc on takes place from
                                                                       color guard perform annually in three parades:
April 1‐2. Though ckets are available at the door, these produc‐
                                                                        Dolgeville Memorial Day Parade
 ons are usually extremely well a ended, so it is best to buy ck‐
                                                                        Sherburne Pageant of Bands
ets in advance if possible. All proceeds support the Theater Club
                                                                        Dolgeville Violet Fes val Parade
and future produc ons.
Non Pro it Organization
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