Door Closer Damage Control - Teaching Guide For Illinois Transportation, Distribution and Logistics

Page created by Marion Wagner
Door Closer Damage Control - Teaching Guide For Illinois Transportation, Distribution and Logistics
Teaching Guide


                Door Closer Damage Control

       Illinois Transportation, Distribution and Logistics
                    Math and Science Project


Door Closer Damage Control Module                            1
IL Career & Technical Ed Math & Science Project 2008
Door Closer Damage Control - Teaching Guide For Illinois Transportation, Distribution and Logistics
Table of Contents
   Jed A. Miller, structural designer, Smurfit-Stone Container Corporation
   Amanda Nixon, Galesburg High School, Galesburg, IL

Problem Solving Activity
   Overview of Module
       Scenario Focus (Pathway, Job Titles, Related Subject Matter)
       Description of the Problem to be solved
       TDL Cluster Knowledge and Skills and Performance Elements Addressed
       Illinois Learning Standards Addressed
       Measurement Criteria
       Teacher Notes
       Time Required to Complete Problem
       Support Materials and Resources Necessary for Completion of Scenario

   Lesson   1 with Handout 1 and 2
   Lesson   2 with Handout 3 and 4
   Lesson   3 with Handout 5
   Lesson   4 with Handout 6
   Lesson   5 with Handout 7
   Lesson   6 with Handout 8
   Lesson   7

Teacher Assessment Materials
   •   Final Evaluation
   •   Rubric
   •   Sample Student Work

   •   Glossary of Terms
   •   Toolbox Bibliography
   •   Pre/Post Test and Answers

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Door Closer Damage Control - Teaching Guide For Illinois Transportation, Distribution and Logistics
Scenario Focus
   Primary Career Pathway: Logistics Planning and Management
   Occupation/Job Titles Related to this Scenario: structural designer and quality
   control engineer
   Recommended Teaching Subject Areas: math, industrial technology

Teacher/Writer Information
   Amanda Nixon,, (309) 343- 4146

Business/Industry/Government Partner
   Smurfit-Stone Container Corporation, 1-800-331-7838

Scenario Problem Statement and Performance Elements
You are a structural designer for Smurfit-Stone Container Corporation. LCN, the maker of door
closers, has had problems with damage occurring to the cover box of the door closer during
shipping. LCN’s quality control engineer has determined the damage can be reduced by a
different corrugated cardboard insert. You need to design a new insert that will reduce damage
without increasing costs. You have 2 weeks to develop a new insert and present the model to
LCN’s representative.

Cluster Knowledge and Skills and Performance Elements
   •   Determine packaging, transporting, storage, and handling requirements
   •   Identify and evaluate alternative solutions
   •   Present and explain information on packaging and material handling solutions

Illinois Learning Standards:
   •   Calculate by an appropriate method the length, width, height, perimeter, area, volume,
       surface area… of common geometric figures or combinations of geometric figures. (I-
   •   Construct, read, interpret, infer, predict, draw conclusion, and evaluate data from various
       displays, including histograms and scatter plots. (H-10A.1)
   •   Justify the results of symbol manipulations, including those carried out by technology. (I-

Door Closer Damage Control Module                                                          3
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Door Closer Damage Control - Teaching Guide For Illinois Transportation, Distribution and Logistics
     •   Create and conduct technological design testing objectively, sketching schematic of
         design or predictions, or incorporating the appropriate safety, available technology, and
         equipment (H-11B.2)
     •   Represent results of analysis to produce findings comparing data sets according to the
         design criteria, evaluating multiple prototype solutions to the overall design success
         criteria, or proposing explanations for sources of error in the data set with regards to
         product design flaws, or model limitations (H-11B.4)

         What I want students to Know            What I want student to be Able to Do
         • Corrugated cardboard vocabulary          •   Calculate failure rate of a corrugated
         • LCN’s door closer vocabulary                 cardboard box
         • Definition of logistics and              •   Calculate scoring allowances for
             transportation                             dimensions of box
         •   Career opportunities in                •   Interpret schematic drawing to find
             logistics/manufacturing                    dimensions of box
                                                    •   Make a model of recommended insert
                                                    •   Present recommendations in
                                                        professional manner

     •   Use McKee formula to determine failure rate of a corrugated cardboard box
     •   Write and solve polynomial equations involving volume of rectangular prisms.
     •   Present recommended insert
     •   Make a model of recommended insert
     •   Learn about role of logistics and distribution within manufacturing/retail industry

Measurement Criteria of an acceptable solution
1. Developed a schematic drawing of a model in proper dimension.
2. Developed a model of the recommended insert.
3. All calculations were correct and utilized McKee formula calculations.
4. Presented solutions in oral presentation that
       • Was interesting
       • Covered topic in depth with details and examples
5. Workload was divided and shared equally by all team members.
6. Product showed original thought and creativity.

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Door Closer Damage Control - Teaching Guide For Illinois Transportation, Distribution and Logistics
Teacher Notes:
Students should have a good working knowledge of math and formulas. If you would like to give a
pre and post test on the math skills taught in this problem solving activity, there is a test in the
appendix with answers.

Please review the materials needed prior to starting the problem solving activity. These can be
found in the Overview section and in the Toolbox Bibliography in the Appendix. You will need to
make copies of some of the handouts for students to use.

Time Required to Complete Problem:                 approximately 12 hours if include pre and post
test administration

Types of Materials included in this Module:
1.   Lesson plans for each topic with student activities
2.   A copy of student handouts for duplication.
3.   Problem Statement and Helpful Website Handouts
4.   Static compression Packet
5.   Door Closer Rubric for Assessment

Support Materials and Resources Necessary for Completion of Scenario:
     •   Fibre Box Handbook, Great Northern Packaging Corporation
     •   Computer lab with internet access
     •   Distribution DVD—What in the World is the Global Supply Chain? (Available from
         CSCMP, Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals, 2805 Butterfield Rd., #200,
         Oak Brook, IL 60523 or
     •   Calculators are required for the Algebra II course where I implemented the module.
         (I recommend a TI-30X IIS or B – solar or battery)
     •   Larson et al, Algebra II (2004), McDougal Littell, - incorporated into Ch.6 on Polynomials
     •   Tinker Toys
     •   Florist foam
     •   Graph Paper

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Door Closer Damage Control - Teaching Guide For Illinois Transportation, Distribution and Logistics
Lesson 1
TOPIC            Problem Introduction                             TIME ESTIMATE              85 minutes

    •       Students will be able underatand problem statement and develop list of questions needed to
            solve the problem.
    •       Students will discover the products made by Smurfit-Stone and LCN and how the
            companies need each other.

                                          MATERIALS & RESOURCES
    •       Handout 1 – The Problem Statement
    •       Handout 2 – Information about Smurfit-Stone and LCN
    •       Websites:

                                    Lesson Description & Activities
    Steps        No. of                                     ACTIVITIES

        1          15         -   Introduce Problem Based Scenario
                              -   View DVD on Logistics/Transportation

        2          20         -   Distribute Handout 1, Problem Statement and brainstorm questions.

        3       25 – 40       -   Go to computer lab to explore the websites and answer KWHL
                                  questions using Handout 2, Information About Smurfit-Stone and
                              -   If needed, add more questions to research as a result of
        4          25         - Return to the classroom and discuss answers to KWHL questions on
                                Handout 2.
                              (I used these to jumpstart our intro into McKee formula)

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Door Closer Damage Control - Teaching Guide For Illinois Transportation, Distribution and Logistics
Lesson 1, Handout 1
                                                                    Door Closer Module

Problem Statement:

You are the structural designer for Smurfit-Stone Container Corporation. LCN, the
maker of door closers, has had problems with damage occurring to the cover box of the
door closer during shipping. LCN’s quality control engineer has determined the damage
can be reduced by a different corrugated cardboard insert. You need to design a new
insert that will reduce damage and reduce costs.

          K                       W                     H                      L
What do I KNOW?         What do I WANT to         HOW do I learn?   What did I LEARN?

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Door Closer Damage Control - Teaching Guide For Illinois Transportation, Distribution and Logistics
Lesson 1, Handout 2
                                                                  Door Closer Module

                     Information about Smurfit-Stone and LCN

1. What does Smurfit-Stone company produce? (List at least 4 different PRODUCTS,
not model types).

2. What product/division does our problem involve?

3. What does LCN door closer company produce? (List at least 4 different PRODUCTS,
not model types).

4. How can Smurfit-Stone meet the needs of the LCN’s problem?

5. Other websites to share?

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Door Closer Damage Control - Teaching Guide For Illinois Transportation, Distribution and Logistics
Lesson 2

TOPIC         Examine Insert/Intro to McKee Formula             TIME ESTIMATE           85 minutes

 •       Students will examine current insert to develop ideas about possible modifications.
 •       Students will use McKee Formulas and compression Strength to verify LCN findings that
         the damage is occurring based on the insert not the outside container.
 •       Students will compute the compression strength of a box made by Serv-A-Lite.
 •       Students will be able to write and solve polynomial equations involving volume of rectangular
         prisms (boxes).

                                     MATERIALS & RESOURCES
 •       Handout 3, Static Compression Load (provided by Smurfit Stone from their publication,
             Corrugated Solutions: Warehousing Stacking Performance Evaluation)
 •       Handout 4, Solving Polynomial Equations
 •       Sample of current insert

                               Lesson Description & Activities
Steps         No. of                                     ACTIVITIES

     1          10       -   Distribute to class current insert for examination to determine what
                             changes can be made.
                         -   Discuss as a class or in group, changes that could be made.
     2        15 – 20    -   Distribute McKee formula packet and work through example together
                             on Handout 4, Solving Polynomial Worksheet

     3          55       -   Present lesson from text Larson et al, Algebra II, McDougal Littell,
                             2004 on §6.1 Exponents.
                         -   Assign homework: p. 326 ( 2 – 14 all, 16 – 46 even, 48 – 51 all)

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Door Closer Damage Control - Teaching Guide For Illinois Transportation, Distribution and Logistics
Lesson 2, Handout 3
                                                       Door Closer Module

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Door Closer Damage Control Module                      13
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Lesson 2, Handout 3 Answers
                                                       Door Closer Module

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Lesson 2, Handout 4
                                                                                   Door Closer Module

                                Solving Polynomial Equations

Review: Find all real solutions to the polynomial equation.
1. x ( x + 4 )( 3x − 8 ) = 0                        2. x3 + 8 x 2 − 3 x − 24 = 0

3. x 4 + 2 x3 − 125 x = 250

Example 1: Write an equation to find the volume of the figure and solve for x.
1. Volume of the box = 440 in3
(Choices for x = 8, 5, 3)



                                                                               2x +1
2. The length of a box is 4 more than the width. The height is 2 more than three times the width. If
the volume is 96 m3, solve for the width. (Choices for width: 7, 3, 2)

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Lesson 3
TOPIC         McKee Formula II                                   TIME ESTIMATE           85 minutes

 •       Students will use the McKee formula to analyze the insert.

                                       MATERIALS & RESOURCES
 •       Handout 3, McKee packet handouts from Lesson 2
 •       Handout 5, Polynomial Word Problems—Static Compression Load
 •       Original insert

                                 Lesson Description & Activities
Steps         No. of                                      ACTIVITIES

     1          25         -   Discuss results of McKee formula from yesterday.
                           -   Redo formula for insert conditions (see Handout 5 for conditions).
                               Even though our inserts are B flute, we only have data for C flutes, so
                               we can determine the type of fibreboard to use in C flute.
     2          15         -   Discuss vocabulary, especially the difference between score lines and
                               actual cuts through the fibreboard.
                           -   Pass around original insert and let students touch it and play with.
                           -   Then, demonstrate how it folds around the “model closer pieces”
     3          55         -   Present lesson on §6.2 Evaluating Polynomials from Larson et al,
                               Algebra II, McDougal Littell, 2004
                           -   Assign for Homework: p.333 ( 15 – 36, 90 -110)

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Lesson 3, Handout 5
                                                                              Door Closer Module

                    Polynomial Word Problems – Static Compression Load

LCN Door Closer Insert:
   A = weight of box and contents
    B = layers per unit
Let C = units per stack            . If the weights of each box is 8 lbs and there are 6 boxes
     D = weight of pallet
     E = boxes per layer
per layer and 4 layers per unit. Each pallet weighs 5lbs and the forklift can stack 2 units per
See picture to the right.
                                                                                       
                                                                       layers per unit 
                                                                                       
                                                                                         units per stack

Complete the McKee Formula to determine if the box will crush.
Step A:1. Determine the pallet factor (PF): PF = D ÷ E
       2. Determine the static weight (SW): SW = A ( B C − 1)
        3. Determine the static compression load: SL = PF (C − 1) + SW
        4. Based on other factors that have been determined, the safety factor (SF) is 6.0.
        Find the dynamic strength requirement (DSR): DSR = SL + SF
Step B: 1. Determine the size adjustment factor (SAF): SAF = L / W factor • Depth factor (see
               The L/W ratio is 2.3 to 1and the box depth is 5.5 inches .
Step C: 1. Determine the perimeter factor (PERI): See table.
               The perimeter is 43 inches
Step D: 1. Determine the board compression factor (BCF): BCF =
                                                                      SAF • PERI
Determine the type of corrugated cardboard to use:                               Lesson 3, Handout 5
                                                                                  Door Closer Module
1. Use the BCF to determine the type of cardboard to use.

                      C Flute ECT Grade                      Combination

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Lesson 3, Handout 5
                                                       Door Closer e

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Lesson 4
TOPIC         Make Model Inserts                              TIME ESTIMATE            85 minutes

       •   Students will make a model of the improved insert.

                                     MATERIALS & RESOURCES
       •   Graph paper
       •   Rulers (inches)
       •   Tinker toy models of door closer arms and green rectangular florist foam to model
           size/shape of door closer cover
       •   Handout 6, Sketch Layout

                               Lesson Description & Activities
Steps        No. of                                     ACTIVITIES

   1           10        -   Distribute Handout 6, Sketch layout of original insert.
                         -   Have students analyze score lines, flute, wall size to find improvement
  2          25 – 40     -   Assuming the same overall length and width, make a new layout for
                             your insert, include flute size, score lines, and wall size

  3            25        -   Present lesson from text, Larson et al, Algebra II, McDougal Littell,
                             2004 on §6.3 Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying Polynomials.
                         -   Assign homework: p. 341 (12 – 63)

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Lesson 4, Handout 6
                                                       Door Closer Module

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Lesson 5
TOPIC         Examine reject model                           TIME ESTIMATE           85 minutes

 •       Students will sketch on graph paper revised model showing adjustments made.

                                    MATERIALS & RESOURCES
 •        Graph paper
 •        Rulers (inches)
 •        Tinker toy models of door closer arms and green rectangular florist foam to model
          size/shape of door closer cover
 •        Handout 7, LCN Door Closer Insert Layout Version II
 •        pieces of cardboard to cut inserts from

                              Lesson Description & Activities
Steps         No. of                                   ACTIVITIES

     1          10      -   Distribute Handout 7, Layout of Insert Version II and discuss
                            differences and changes. Since this was rejected, brainstorm what
                            worked and what didn’t work to make changes to group’s initial sketch.
     2       25 – 40    -   Allow groups time to change sketch and make final changes to insert

     3         25       -   Using text, Larson et al, Algebra II, McDougal Littell, 2004 , present
                              lesson on §6.4 Factoring & Solving Polynomial Equations.
                        -   Assign Homework: p. 348 (19 - 67odd, 88,89)

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Lesson 5, Handout 7
                                                       Door Closer Module

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Lesson 6

TOPIC       Make final changes for presentations          TIME ESTIMATE          85 minutes

   •    Students will prepare report on new/revised insert.

                                  MATERIALS & RESOURCES
   •    Pieces of cardboard
   •    Access to computers
   •    Handout 8, Rubric for Presentation

                              Lesson Description & Activities
Steps      No. of                                   ACTIVITIES

   1         20      -   Distribute Handout 8, Rubric, and discuss grading scale and
                         presentation expectations: dress up, be respectful, etc.

  2          45      -   Allow time for students to use computer lab and library tables to
                         prepare and finalize their reports for presentation.

  3          20      -   Review as a class, Chapter 6 of Larson et al, Algebra II, McDougal
                         Littell, 2004 p. 947 ( 1 – 28, 35 – 59)

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Lesson 6, Handout 8
                                                                                      Door Closer Module

RUBRIC FORMAT – Door Closer Presentation
  CATEGORY       4                       3                        2                       1
Oral             Interesting, well-      Relatively               Delivery not smooth, Delivery not smooth
Presentation     rehearsed with          interesting,             but able to hold     and audience
                 smooth delivery that    rehearsed with a         audience attention   attention lost.
                 holds audience          fairly smooth delivery   most of the time.
                 attention.              that usually holds
                                         audience attention.

Content          Covers topic in-depth   Includes essential       Includes essential     Content is minimal
                 with details and        knowledge about the      information about the OR there are several
                 examples. Subject       topic. Subject           topic but there are 1- factual errors.
                 knowledge is            knowledge appears        2 factual errors.
                 excellent.              to be good.

Workload         The workload is         The workload is          The workload was        The workload was
                 divided and shared      divided and shared       divided, but one        not divided OR
                 equally by all team     fairly by all team       person in the group     several people in the
                 members.                members, though          is viewed as not        group are viewed as
                                         workloads may vary       doing his/her fair      not doing their fair
                                         from person to           share of the work.      share of the work.

Originality      Product shows a         Product shows some       Uses other people's     Uses other people's
                 large amount of         original thought.        ideas (giving them      ideas, but does not
                 original thought.       Work shows new           credit), but there is   give them credit.
                 Ideas are creative      ideas and insights.      little evidence of
                 and inventive.                                   original thinking.

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Lesson 7
TOPIC         Present Sample                                 TIME ESTIMATE           85 minutes

 •       Students will make presentation to class concerning cardboard insert.

                                    MATERIALS & RESOURCES
 •       Grading Rubric – see attached in Final Evaluation

                               Lesson Description & Activities
Steps         No. of                                   ACTIVITIES
     1          85      -   Have each group present their solutions.
                        -   Discuss pros and cons.
                        -   May choose to have classmates grade as well. (I did this but didn’t
                            use them in their final grade. )

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                     Assessment Materials

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Problem Statement to be Solved:
You are a structural designer for Smurfit-Stone Container Corporation. LCN, the maker of door
closers, has had problems with damage occurring to the cover box of the door closer during
shipping. LCN’s quality control engineer has determined the damage can be reduced by a different
corrugated cardboard insert. You need to design a new insert that will reduce damage without
increasing costs. You have 2 weeks to develop a new insert and present the model to LCN’s

Performance element and academic learning standards being assessed.
Career Clusters
     •   Determine packaging, transporting, storage, and handling requirements
     •   Identify and evaluate alternative solutions
     •   Present and explain information on packaging and material handling solutions

     •   Calculate by an appropriate method the length, width, height, perimeter, area, volume,
         surface area… of common geometric figures or combinations of geometric figures. (I-
     •   Construct, read, interpret, infer, predict, draw conclusion, and evaluate data from various
         displays, including histograms and scatter plots. (H-10A.1)
     •   Justify the results of symbol manipulations, including those carried out by technology. (I-

     •   Create and conduct technological design testing objectively, sketching schematic of
         design or predictions, or incorporating the appropriate safety, available technology, and
         equipment (H-11B.2)
     •   Represent results of analysis to produce findings comparing data sets according to the
         design criteria, evaluating multiple prototype solutions to the overall design success
         criteria, or proposing explanations for sources of error in the data set with regards to
         product design flaws, or model limitations (H-11B.4)

Measurement Criteria of an acceptable solution
1.   Developed a schematic drawing of a model in proper dimension.
2.   Developed a model of the recommended insert.
3.   All calculations were correct and utilized McKee formula calculations.
4.   Presented solutions in oral presentation that
      Was interesting

Door Closer Damage Control Module                                                          27
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 Covered topic in depth with details and examples
5. Workload was divided and shared equally by all team members.
6. Product showed original thought and creativity.

RUBRIC FORMAT – Door Closer Presentation
  CATEGORY       4                     3                       2                       1
Oral             Interesting, well-    Relatively              Delivery not            Delivery not
                 rehearsed with        interesting,            smooth, but able to     smooth and
                 smooth delivery       rehearsed with a        hold audience           audience attention
                 that holds audience   fairly smooth           attention most of       lost.
                 attention.            delivery that usually   the time.
                                       holds audience

Content          Covers topic in-      Includes essential      Includes essential      Content is minimal
                 depth with details    knowledge about         information about       OR there are
                 and examples.         the topic. Subject      the topic but there     several factual
                 Subject knowledge     knowledge appears       are 1-2 factual         errors.
                 is excellent.         to be good.             errors.

Workload         The workload is       The workload is         The workload was        The workload was
                 divided and shared    divided and shared      divided, but one        not divided OR
                 equally by all team   fairly by all team      person in the group     several people in
                 members.              members, though         is viewed as not        the group are
                                       workloads may vary      doing his/her fair      viewed as not doing
                                       from person to          share of the work.      their fair share of
                                       person.                                         the work.

Originality      Product shows a       Product shows some      Uses other people's     Uses other
                 large amount of       original thought.       ideas (giving them      people's ideas, but
                 original thought.     Work shows new          credit), but there is   does not give them
                 Ideas are creative    ideas and insights.     little evidence of      credit.
                 and inventive.                                original thinking.

Sample Student Solution:
On the following pages are examples of one groups solution to the problem. There could
be multiple answers but this is just one example of an acceptable product.

Door Closer Damage Control Module                                                                            28
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Student Sample
                                                        Door Closer Module

12" by 16"
scale:   " = 1 inch
B flute, single walled
dashed lines = score lines
solid lines = cut lines

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Photos of Student Sample 1:

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For all cardboard related vocabulary, see Fibre Box Handbook. (This book was
indispensible and worth the $20 on

   a. Box dimensions: always stated in order length, width, depth, determined by
      inside dimensions of the box;

   b. Compression strength is the weight limits of a fibreboard box.

   c.   Depth is the distance between the innermost surfaces of the box measured
        perpendicular to the length and width

   d. Flute: One of the waves shapes in the inner portion of combined corrugated
      fibreboard. The most common flutes are shown below:

                                            Flutes per                 Approx.
                                            linear foot                height
                      A-                                                3
                                            33 ± 3                          inch
                      flute                                            18
                      B-                                                3
                                            47 ± 3                          inch
                      flute                                            32
                      C-                                                9
                                            39 ± 3                          inch
                      flute                                            64
                      D-                                                3
                                            90 ± 4                          inch
                      flute                                            64

   e. Length is the larger of the 2 open face measures

   f. McKee formula: The formula used to determine the compression strength of a
      fibreboard box.

   g. Pallet layers: Number of rows able to be stacked on a safely stacked on a pallet

   h. Score line: An impression or crease in corrugated fibreboard to locate and
      facilitate folding

   i. Stack units: Numbers of pallets that can be stacked safely on a forklift

   j. Wall type (Single, Double, Triple): The number of layers of corrugation in a box.

   k. Width is the smaller of the 2 open face measures

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Toolbox Bibliography

      • Internet Websites:
              Business Partners:

                 TDL Research:


      • Books:
          Fibre Box Handbook (1984) Grand Rapids, MI: Great Northern Packaging

          Larson, Boswell, Kanold, Stiff, Algebra II (Illinois Teacher’s Edition), 2004,
          McDougal Littell

      • DVDs:
          Council of Supply Chain (2005) What is World is the Global Supply Chain?
          Oakbrook, IL: A Madtown Media Production

         ITMS Pre/Post Test on following pages

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Pre/Post Test
                                                                                            Door Closer Module
                                           IMSP Pre/Post Test
                                      Directions for Taking the Test

Write your name on the top of the test sheet. The test contains 20 multiple choice items.
Each item has only one correct or best answer. Do not mark more than one response. If some items
seem difficult to answer, it may be wise to skip them until you have attempted all the items on the test,
and then return to the skipped items. When you are finished check your work. There is no time limit.

Reference Sheet for Mathematics Test
A reference sheet of formulas has been printed on the last page of the test. You may use the reference
sheet while taking the test.

Sample Test Item
Try the sample test item written below.

                                    Sample Multiple Choice Test Item

                                 The same rule is applied to each number in
                                 the pattern below.

                                          1, 9, 25, 49, 81, …
                                 What is the 6 number in the pattern?

                                 A.     40
                                 B.    100
                                 C.    121
                                 D.    144
                                 E.    169

Door Closer Damage Control Module                                                                           34
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For 1 – 20, circle the letter of the best answer.
                                                           3. The diagram is part of a scale drawing of
1. Which of the following could NOT be folded into         a house.
a cube?




D)                                                          What is the length, in feet, of the side whose
                                                            dimension is not given in the diagram?

                                                            A) 12

                                                            B) 24

                                                            C) 30
Alan says that if a figure has four sides, it must be a rectangle.
                                                              D) 36
Gina does not agree. Which of the following figures shows
that Gina is correct?                                         E) 40

A)                                                         4. When the rectangle above is folded along the
                                                           dotted line, point P will touch which of the lettered



                                                           A)   A
                                                           B) B

                                                           C) C

                                                           D) D

                                                           E) E

Door Closer Damage Control Module                                                                         35
IL Career & Technical Ed Math & Science Project 2008
8. If a measurement of a rectangular box is given as
5.                                                      48 cubic inches, then the measurement represents the

                                                        A)   distance around the top of the box
                                                        B)   length of an edge of the box
                                                        C)    surface area of the box
                                                        D)    volume of the box
                                                        E)   diagonal of the box

The squares in the figure above represent the faces
of a cube which has been cut along some edges and
flattened. When the original cube was resting on
face X, which face was on top?
                                                        9. The farm where you just started working has
A) A                                                    a vertical cylindrical oil tank that is 2.5 feet across
B) B                                                     on the inside. The depth of the oil in the tank is
C) C                                                    2 feet. If 1 cubic foot of space holds 7.48 gallons,
D) D                                                    about how many gallons of oil are left in the tank?
E) blank                                                A) 37
                                                        B) 59
                                                        C) 73
                                                        D) 230
                                                        E) 294
6. It takes 64 identical cubes to half fill a
rectangular box. If each cube has a volume of
8 cubic centimeters, what is the volume of the box
in cubic centimeters?
                                                                                                     It takes 64 identical
                                                        10. You are preparing to tile the floor of a centimeters, what is
A) 1,024                                                rectangular room that is 15½ feet by 18½ 1,024
                                                                                                     feet in
B) 512                                                  size. The tiles you plan to use are square, 512
C) 128                                                  measuring 12 inches on each side, and are128  sold in
D) 16                                                   boxes that contain enough tile to cover 25 square
E)   8                                                  feet. How many boxes of tiles must you order to
                                                        complete the job?
                                                         A) 11

                                                         B) 12
7. A rectangular pool 24 feet long, 8 feet wide, and
   4 feet deep is filled with water. Water is leaking    C) 34
   from the pool at the rate of 0.40 cubic foot per
   minute. At this rate, how many hours will it take
   for the water level to drop 1 foot?

     A) 4                                                E) 287
     B) 8
     C) 12
     D) 16
     E) 32

Door Closer Damage Control Module                                                                      36
IL Career & Technical Ed Math & Science Project 2008
11.                                                    13.

                                                        The graph shows the percentage of hemoglobin that
                                                        combines with carbon monoxide (CO) at various
                                                        concentrations. Exposure to 400 parts per million of
The graph shows mercury levels found in sediments,      CO in air can cause people to experience nausea and a
prey animals, and adult shorebirds in a bay along the   throbbing headache. According to the graph, about
Gulf Coast. What inference can best be drawn from       what percentage of hemoglobin is bound to CO at a
these data?                                             concentration of 400 parts per million?
A) Mercury levels are elevated by the presence of       A) 25%
shorebirds                                              B) 35%
B) Mercury concentrations are highest in shorebirds     C) 40%
C) Mercury is produced by sediments                     D) 55%
D) Mercury assures the survival of prey animals


This statement is a poor hypothesis because it is NOT
A) a question                                           Male sea lions can be twice the size of female sea
B) testable                                             lions. Which best explains the difference in size
C) observable                                           between the male and the female sea lion?
D) a comparison
                                                        A) Orcas and sharks prey on sea lions
                                                        B) Male and female sea lions hunt on land and at sea
                                                        C) Sea lions hold their breath while diving
                                                        D) Males compete with one another for females

Door Closer Damage Control Module                                                                        37
IL Career & Technical Ed Math & Science Project 2008
15.                                                        17.

                                                           The graph shows the distance traveled by a vehicle
                                                           over a certain period of time. Which segment of the
                                                           graph shows the vehicle moving with the greatest
                                                           A) L
                                                           B) M
In what part of the process should safety                  C) N
precautions be planned?                                    D) O
A) Q                                                       18.
B) R                                                       The table below gives additional information about
C) S                                                       the planets: their periods of revolution about the
D) T                                                       Sun and rotation about their axes.

                                                                       Distance          Period of      Period of
                                                                       from the Sun      Revolution     Rotation
16. An unusual type of fossil clam is found in rock
                                                                       (million          (Earth         (Earth
layers high in the Swiss Alps. The same type of fossil
                                                            Planet     kilometers)       time)          time)
 clam is also found in the Rocky Mountains of North
America. From this, scientists conclude that                Mercury    58                88 days        59 days
A) glaciers carried the fossils up the mountains            Venus      108               225 days       243 days
B) the Rocky Mountains and the Swiss Alps are both volcanic   in
                                                          Earth        150               365 days       23.9 hours
                                                          Mars         228               687 days       24.6 hours
C) clams once lived in mountains, but have since evolved into
   sea-dwelling creatures
                                                             Which planet has the longest year in Earth time?
D) the layers of rocks in which the fossils were found are from
   the same geologic age
                                                             A) Mercury

                                                           B) Venus

                                                           C) Earth

                                                           D) Mars

Door Closer Damage Control Module                                                                         38
IL Career & Technical Ed Math & Science Project 2008
The following question refers to the topographic
map below, which shows Willow Hill (elevation
312 feet) and Hobbes Creek. On the map, each
contour line represents 20 feet of elevation.

What is the elevation at point X ?

A) 240 feet                                        The diagram above shows a food web in a large
                                                   park. Each circle represents a different species in
B) 250 feet                                        the food web. Which of the organisms in the food
                                                    web could be referred to as primary consumers?
C) 280 feet
                                                   A) 7 only
D) 300 feet
                                                   B) 5 and 6 only

                                                   C) 2, 3, and 4 only

                                                   D) 2, 5, and 7 only

                                                       End of Test
Door Closer Damage Control Module                                                               39
IL Career & Technical Ed Math & Science Project 2008
Pre/Post Test Answer Sheet
                                     School Year 2007 – 2008

                      Question                    Source      Answers
                         1.                        NAEP          B
                         2.                        NAEP          D
                         3.                        NAEP          D
                         4.                        NAEP          D
                         5.                        NAEP          A
                         6.                        NAEP          A
                         7.                        NAEP          B
                         8.                        NAEP          D
                         9.                      WorkKeys        C
                        10.                      WorkKeys        B
                        11.                       Texas          B
                        12.                       Texas          B
                        13.                       Texas          B
                        14.                       Texas          D
                        15.                       Texas          C
                        16.                        NAEP          D
                        17.                       Texas          A
                        18.                        NAEP          D
                        19.                        NAEP          C
                        20.                        NAEP          C

                             Grouping of Questions by Math Descriptor

                7C                    8A                      10A
                 3                    10                       1
                 6                                             2
                 7                                             4
                 8                                             5

                            Grouping of Questions by Science Descriptor

     11A              11B                  12D               13A          13B

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IL Career & Technical Ed Math & Science Project 2008
Door Closer Damage Control Module                      41
IL Career & Technical Ed Math & Science Project 2008
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