Dragonfly - Brooksfield School

Page created by Leslie Hernandez
Dragonfly - Brooksfield School
FALL 2020
                                     Times                 A Biannual Newsletter for Family and Friends

                                FOUNDERS FOOTNOTES
                               By Mary Anne Duffus
                               The positive aspects of teaching during Covid-19 have made our time at
                               Brooksfield with our students so wonderful!
                               Our brave, committed and hardworking staff agreed to end their summer
                               early and return to work so we could provide child care to our parents as
                               soon as we could. It meant COVID-19 training and a commitment to
                               lifestyle changes that would be limited in scope with interaction with
                               outsiders and travel being greatly reduced or eliminated. A reduced
                               lifestyle choice coupled with longer work hours and increased work
                               responsibilities defined a real change for our team. They all agreed with
                               enthusiasm and loyalty to their calling as teachers and support staff.
                               Longer hours at work, washing kids hands at least 8 times a day, setting
                               up their Montessori classrooms with COVID-19 restrictions coupled with
                               increased cleaning procedures became our new normal. Many of our
                               schedules, systems, programs and procedures had to be put aside as
                               we met daily to develop our new way of teaching and existing in a COVID
                               compliant school.
                               The focus became: Health and Safety first, Montessori second. We reduced
                               our class sizes and expanded our classrooms to 7 additional learning
                               stations outside. We have 5 glorious acres and with half of our students
                               outside at any given time, learning became a sensory exploration in the
                               great outdoors. Our kids were learning about nature and the seasons
                               while also bringing Montessori materials to designated workstations.
                               There were pauses for visiting creatures such as deer, snakes and a fox to
                               the mischievous golden retriever who picked up a lunchbox and ran down
                               the street with it clenched in its mouth! Our students are happy and
                               thriving. School has been an oasis for them in the midst of a chaos they
                               could not possibly understand.
                               We feel privileged to be serving our community as it provides us with a
                               sense of purpose and allows us to contribute to the enhancement of the
                               lives of our families. Our families have been very supportive and have had
                               to adjust to all the new rules including taking daily temperatures at
                               carpool, answering COVID questions, and not being able to walk inside our
                               school buildings.
                               Thank you all for making these last several months as positive and loving
                               as humanly possible. It’s been a path of uncertainty and clearly one none
  1830 Kirby Road, McLean VA   of us have traveled before.
         703.356.5437          It has taken tremendous trust, teamwork and courage to forge our way.
                               We feel blessed in this process and look forward to 2021!
Dragonfly - Brooksfield School
PARENTING                             FRIENDSHIP
 With Carlie Cooney
Wow, what a year! We have been
through so many changes and
challenges in 2020. We feel so lucky
to be teaching our kids in-person
this fall and helping them to build
resilience during this difficult time.
This school year we are using the
Peace of Mind curriculum in our
classrooms. This program helps
teach our students the important
principles of social and emotion-
al skills, conflict resolution and
mindfulness. The curriculum helps
our kids to connect to their breath
and utilize their coping skills when
they become triggered. Our staff
has also been working on their own
mindfulness practice and breathing
exercises so that they are able to
model these skills for the students.
We feel so lucky to have such a
mindful community of students,
teachers and parents! Finally, I am
always available to help- I am happy
to meet with parents at any time to
provide resources, brainstorm and
problem solve about any challenges
going on at home or in the class-

                                          AFTERNOON ANTICS
                                          EXTENDED DAY
                                         With Mary Rivera
                                         The Extended Day children have been enjoying playing on the playground,
                                         the top and back fields and in the peace garden with their friends. We
                                         have taken full advantage of the nice weather and being outside as much
                                         as possible. The different pods have been doing art projects, playing bingo,
                                         and making lots of pictures and necklaces.

2                           Dragonfly Times • FALL 2020 • www.brooksfieldschool.org
Dragonfly - Brooksfield School
3 YEAR CYCLES                          in a Montessori program. During          parts which were traced, colored
With Sarah Krawchuk                    the third year everything he/she         and labeled will have functions to
                                       has been doing for the past two          learn about in the third year.
Every year, parents of five-year old   years comes to maturity, resulting
children are faced with the decision                                            If the child goes off to kindergarten,
                                       in exciting leaps in reading, writing
of sending their children to                                                    all the careful building up for the
                                       and math concepts. The child often
kindergarten or to the third year                                               big events of the final year, all the
                                       bursts forth into reading effortlessly
of Montessori education. Many                                                   preparing of many tools and skills
                                       and avidly, writing stories from real
send them back, but a few opt for                                               must be set aside. The kindergarten
                                       life, imagination and dreams.
kindergarten. The latter decision                                               year is spent getting adjusted
                                       He begins to abstract the math
may work out well on the face of                                                socially and getting ready to settle
                                       concepts he has been working with
it for a number of reasons. After                                               down to first grade work. Whereas
                                       sensorially for the last years. In the
two years in a Montessori school                                                this may be necessary for most
                                       third year of Montessori program,
a child is generally well-adjusted,                                             children, for a child from a
                                       the child brings together his
alert, broadly stimulated intellec-                                             Montessori program it is a year of
                                       geography to an intellectual level,
tually, muscularly coordinated and                                              letting time pass and missing out on
                                       a level of conscious understanding
has refined sensory perception.                                                 what could be done in a Montessori
                                       and meaningful relatedness. For
Such a child is adaptable and, thus,                                            school. From another point of view,
                                       example, the wonderful series of
performs well wherever he finds                                                 it seems a shame for the parents’
                                       puzzles that the child enjoyed in the
himself. This is, of course, quite                                              large investment of tuition and time
                                       first two years become continents
pleasing to teachers and parents,                                               to be interrupted just when it is
                                       and countries in the third year. The
and makes the child feel good.                                                  about to yield such a rich reward.
                                       geometric shapes which he/she
                                                                                For more information regarding
What is completely overlooked is       traced, matched and named in his
                                                                                Brooksfield’s Kindergarten program
that the child misses the fulfilling   first years, in the third year have
                                                                                please contact Sarah Krawchuk.
completion of the three-year cycle     parts and definitions. The botanical


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Dragonfly - Brooksfield School
With Pamela Saunders                                                      original art that introduces them to well-
                                                                           known artists such as Vincent van Gogh
Hi Brooksfield Families! I was just
                                                                             and contemporary artists such as Yayoi
reading an article about the science
                                                                             Kusama. My virtual art lessons align with
behind why art is so important for kids.
                                                                             the Brooksfield curriculum and reinforce
As an Art Specialist, now in my 17th
                                                                             ideas and lessons that they are learning
year of teaching art at Brooksfield,
                                                                            in the classroom.
I know firsthand that participating in art
activities has many positive benefits.                                     My student’s parents always ask me how
Parents tell me that their children are                                  to best display and preserve their favorite
happier and calmer after my virtual classes,                          pieces. I found a great company called Artkive
and I know from the smiles on the faces of children          which is a service that takes all of your children’s art to
at Brooksfield that my virtual art lessons are creating      professionally photograph and turns it into a keepsake
some joyful moments and time to explore materials,           book. These are wonderful ways to keep all of the art
learn new techniques and strengthen their fine motor         in a special book and especially around the holidays
skills.                                                      would make a really special personal gift for a
                                                             grandparent or family member. If you do try Artkive,
It didn’t surprise me a bit that one of the first category
                                                             use the code YOUNGATART20 for $20 off the starter
of items to fly off the store shelves back in March was
                                                             kit! I reached out to Artkive and they were kind enough
art supplies. Art is entertaining, therapeutic and an
                                                             to give me a code to share with my student’s families!
activity that people of all ages can do. Despite inventory
challenges, I managed to find amazingly versatile
art supplies to make an individual art kit for each          In the National Geographic article, scroll down and find
Brooksfield student. Each little bag has the paints,         five fun art projects that you and your kids might want
specialty crayons, beautiful mixed media paper and           to try over the winter break!
paint brush to create and learn. Each week, children
engage with my virtual classes and independently
manage and care for their art supplies.
Our weekly projects have included lessons on shapes          GRp17QtYFMS7RJakrU1tb8Kq5IM#close
and color, wax resist methods, watercolor techniques,
the elements of art and color-mixing, all while creating

4                           Dragonfly Times • FALL 2020 • www.brooksfieldschool.org
Dragonfly - Brooksfield School
 KINDERGARTEN CLASS                   We look forward to seeing what is
                                       in store for the Kindergarteners
The Kindergarteners have had           in the Winter and Spring! They will
a busy year so far. They have all      be learning about poetry, parts of
stepped up to their new roles as       speech, solids liquids and gases,
leaders and role models for the        time and measurement just to name
younger students in the classroom      a few of our units.
and they have built strong connec-
tions with one another, forming
a nice group of peers. They have
displayed their leadership skills by
helping out their younger friends
as well as helping to set a good
example for the younger children in
the classroom.
They have also enjoyed listening to
various chapter books with their
peers. The teachers have been
reading, and the children have
been working on their summarizing
skills as well as learning about the
elements of a story. Reading these
books together gives us the chance
to learn about character, plot and
setting — and also to discuss story
development by reviewing what has
already happened and predicting
what may happen next in the book.
We have also had hands-on lessons
in Geometry. We learned about
types of angles, triangles,
quadrilaterals and polygons —
supplementing these lessons with
concrete activities like creating
angles out of wooden sticks and art
projects using construction paper
and pin punching to make triangle
booklets. We also began to explore
the concept of phonograms such as
the “sh” phonogram. The children
have been working on their pho-
nogram lists and they will continue
to do so throughout the year. Each
week we practice creative writing,
either by using guided exercises
in the Handwriting Without Tears,
“Building Writers” journals or
coming up with our own descriptive
sentences in the regular creative
writing journals.

                           Dragonfly Times • FALL 2020 • www.brooksfieldschool.org   5
Dragonfly - Brooksfield School
    PRE-K CLASS                         Students work on writing using
                                         Handwriting Without Tears booklets
Brooksfield Pre-K students have          and other Montessori methods.
been immersed in a supplementary         Dr. Maria Montessori believes, “the
sound of the week program during         hands are the instruments of man’s
the afternoons. While each Pre-K         intelligence.” The Pre-K afternoon
group remains in their classroom         is an enriching program that strives
pods, the Brooksfield teachers           to instill a love for learning along
continue to work and collaborate         with laying a solid foundation for
together to ensure the Pre-K             reading and writing.
curriculum is uniform and engaging.
The sound of the week program
taps into the child’s sensitive period
for learning phonics and writing
and capitalizes on his/her innate
and natural ability to absorb this
knowledge. Providing students with
a sound of the week allows them
to reinforce concepts that are
taught during their morning work
time using additional activities and
Over the course of five weeks
students learn a different sound
each week from a sound box color
coded with five sounds. These
sounds are grouped based on
frequency used in the English
language. Students are introduced
to a new sound using the Montessori
sandpaper letters. These sandpaper
letters are comprised of 26 wooden
squares and each square has a
letter of the alphabet made out of
sandpaper. This tactical experience
helps feed and imprint information
on the brain. Students touch, feel
and repeat the sound to help
reinforce the sound to symbol
Based on the sound of the week,
students engage in different
activities such as an art project,
movement activity, games and
writing lessons. The writing and
art lessons are either sent home
weekly or compiled into a sound
folder that students can take home
and practice with their families.

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Dragonfly - Brooksfield School

          Dragonfly Times • FALL 2020 • www.brooksfieldschool.org   7
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    J                                   mirrors what the children are able
                                        to observe and experience outside
                                        of the classroom. Therefore, some
We’ve had a great start to the          of the work is based on the
school year! The children have all      season as well as holidays that are
adjusted well to the environment.       approaching.
We often emphasize the importance
                                        During the month of October and
of keeping a consistent routine. As a
                                        Halloween, the children absolutely
result, the children come to school
                                        LOVED doing activities and singing
ready for Outdoor Class/Gardening
                                        songs based on witches, ghosts,
or morning circle time. The children
                                        and pumpkins. Our classroom was
have an understanding that they
                                        filled with pumpkins and Halloween
alternate the days for when they
                                        decorations! For the month of
have outdoor classes or morning
                                        November and Thanksgiving, our
circle time. Alternating these days
                                        topic of discussion involved sharing
gives the children the opportunity
                                        and learning about different types
to participate in both the Outdoor
                                        of foods.
Classes as well as circle time and
new lessons for the week.               For December, our focus was on
                                        Christmas and Hanukkah. We
Circle time is an important part of
                                        decorated our classroom with
our morning routine. We discuss the
                                        Christmas lights, a Christmas tree
weather, day of the week, month
                                        and a Letters to Santa mailbox. The
of the year and give new lessons.
                                        activities on the shelves related
During our daily circle time
                                        to both Christmas and Hanukkah.
discussions, we ask the children
                                        There is a sense of appreciation
questions based on the theme of
                                        when the children are able to
the month. For example, for the
                                        bridge what they’re able to learn at
month of October we asked the
                                        school with things they are doing at
children what they were going to be
dressed as on Halloween, and for
the month of November we asked          Lastly, we are personally thankful to
them what they are thankful for         see so much growth and love from
and why. This month, we asked the       each child. Thank you all for your
children what they wanted for the       care and support! We truly look
holidays. Our circle time discussion    forward to the remainder of the
develops language and gives each        school year.
child the opportunity to speak as
well as respecting others by waiting
their turn.
After their morning routine, the
children have their snack and
immediately jump into the
Montessori work period. The
classroom is broken down into
sections that include art, practical
life, math, sensorial, manipulative,
movement, and a peaceful area.
During the work period, the
children are busy doing activities
from each shelf. Our work often

8                           Dragonfly Times • FALL 2020 • www.brooksfieldschool.org
Dragonfly - Brooksfield School
CLASS ACTS                                                                     TODDLER
 C                                       studying the parts of the apple,        WORK TIME
                                         parts of the pumpkin, leaves and
                                         trees. We took many nature walks
Claire, Alejandra and Ella’s class has   to observe the world around us. As
adjusted smoothly to the changes         Thanksgiving approached, we loved
of our daily routines and safety         hearing all the wonderful things the
protocols and are having a great         children are thankful for! The end
year! We hope that during this           of 2020 was filled with joyous
challenging time, Brooksfield has        celebrations as we learned about
provided comfort and normalcy to         the holidays of Diwali, Hanukkah
our families. While our school is a      and Christmas.
bit different this year, the joy of
                                         At Brooksfield, we recognize the
learning and being together brings
                                         important role and the benefits of
smiles and laughter throughout the
                                         the arts in the development of
                                         children. The arts are incorporated
We started the school year with          daily in classroom works and
Grace and Courtesy, where the            activities. Art projects are set out
children were encouraged to use          for the children to choose from
manners to demonstrate respect to        throughout the Montessori work
others, the Montessori materials,        cycle. In our classroom, we
the environment and to themselves.       studied and created artwork like
Grace and courtesy help to make          the famous artist, Henri Matisse.
our classroom and school a better        We also learned about and read
community and helps the children         several books by the author, Oliver
to build their own independence.         Jeffers. The children had so much
The students also started the year       fun learning and performing “Have
studying living and non-living things    You Ever Seen a Pumpkin?”, “We are
and studied the globe as they            Thankful”, and “Jingle Bell Rock”.
learned that the world is composed       The children also enjoy doing our
of three elements: air, land and         mindfulness lessons throughout the
water. We took advantage of the          week. These practices provide the
beautiful fall weather and spent         children with simple, practical tools
much time outside exploring and          to help them regulate emotional
                                         states and focus attention.

                             Dragonfly Times • FALL 2020 • www.brooksfieldschool.org         9
Dragonfly - Brooksfield School
 N                                       In November we dove a little deeper
                                         into our families and learned about
                                         each child’s family tree. This was
It was a wonderful Fall for our class!   an extensive unit the children
We began the school year learning        were very excited to enjoy. Using
about the classroom, working on          pictures, we created each child’s
independence and developing a full       family tree using paper and fall
Montessori work cycle. We explored       colored leaves! Later in November,
science and the world we live in.        the class spent time learning about
We learned about classifying living      gratitude and thankfulness before
vs. nonliving things in the world, as    the Thanksgiving holiday.
well as the three things the world is
                                         We wrapped up 2020 by learning
composed of: air, land and water.
                                         about the holidays, Hanukkah and
Our class studied the parts of an        Christmas! The children enjoyed
apple! We cut an apple in half and       learning about the holidays they
discussed all the different parts        already celebrate at home, as well
that make up an apple (skin, flesh,      as, some they had never heard
stem, leaves, core and seeds).           of. Noelle and Helena are looking
Lastly, we wrapped up our apple          forward to a wonderful Winter and
unit by having an apple tasting. Each    Spring in our classroom! Our class
member of the class brought in one       will enjoy units of study on Antarctica,
red, one green and one yellow            Community Helpers, Weather, Asia
apple and took a vote on which           and butterflies and their life cycle!
apple was the class favorite!            It will be a busy and fun filled 2021
Next, the class studied the parts of     in Noelle and Helena’s Class!
a pumpkin (leaf, vine, stem, seed,
strand, skin). We cut a pumpkin in
half and examined the inside and
found the different parts. The
children had an opportunity to
make a parts-of-the pumpkin
booklet. The children colored and
labeled all parts of the pumpkin in
his or her booklet for repetition
and to deepen their study on the
pumpkin. In preparation for
Halloween, the children also
enjoyed an in-school Halloween
Bash. Although this was not our
usual Halloween celebration the
class still had a blast!
The class completed our first artist
unit of study on Vincent Van Gogh.
The children learned all about his
life and many of the colorful
paintings he painted. Each child
had an opportunity to create his or
her own copy of Van Gogh’s famous
painting, “Starry Night”.

10                          Dragonfly Times • FALL 2020 • www.brooksfieldschool.org
 V                                        stencils on the line, opening their
                                          own lunch containers, zipping up
                                          their own coats are all examples of
The multitude of new protocols            how the work at hand helps build
hasn’t stopped the orange room            on everyday life tasks. These
from exploring their environment. It      seemingly minimal tasks to an adult
is such a gift to see that the joy of     are what our works in the practical
learning continues in the midst of        life area help develop. Academically
this year’s challenges. We began our      speaking, the classroom is full of
year learning about safety and how        opportunities in each subject area
to protect ourselves and others.          that enhance their knowledge and
These lessons went hand in hand           experience of the world around
with our Grace and Courtesy unit.         them.
The social and emotional
                                          Moreover, stimulating each child’s
development of each child is a
                                          curiosity and nurturing their confi-
strong emphasis in our classroom
                                          dence is my ongoing commitment.
culture. Caring for others is
                                          The resilience and adaptability of
constantly practiced and modeled,
                                          each child has left me with a spirit
leaving each child with a plethora
                                          of thankfulness and gratitude and
of opportunities to effectively
                                          very hopeful with anticipation for
communicate with their peers.
                                          what the new year will bring!
We’ve learned what it means to
fill one another’s bucket and how
a kind word or act of service can
make someone feel better. In turn,
this is also a way to fill our own
bucket if we are feeling sad. Our
pod operates as a tight knit family
and it warms my heart to see how
caring the children are towards
each other.
Consistency is key and it’s aiding
in their overall development. Their
daily work is building on their ability
to practice order, coordination,
concentration and independence.
We begin our mornings with a new
lesson that reinforces or builds on
the current topic. Thus far, we have
had so much fun learning about
planet earth, living and non-living
things, vertebrates and inverte-
brates, life cycles and more! The
beauty of a Montessori environment
is that it encourages each child
to discover and engage in work
that they find interesting, which in
turn helps them develop a positive
self-image. I love seeing a child
light up after completing a difficult
task on their own. Carefully cutting

                             Dragonfly Times • FALL 2020 • www.brooksfieldschool.org   11
 E                                     The arts are an important focus at
                                       Brooksfield and are incorporated
                                       daily in classroom works. Various
In the new 2020 school year Ellen      art projects and lessons are set
and Alex’s class adapted and           out for the students to choose
embraced the new normal of what        from throughout the morning work
the Montessori classroom looks like    cycle. These works may enhance
during COVID. Our class community      unit studies that the class is
has come even closer together as       focusing on, along with free art for
we embrace being in our “pod”          the students to explore and express
with one another. In our class pod     their creativity. Students are
the students have built an             enjoying more projects this year
inseparable bond. As we utilize the    with a focus on the seasons,
outdoor space even more this year,     holidays and literacy studies in the
we have developed creative ways to     class. Authors the students have
bring the academics to the outside     studied are Julia Donaldson and
and outdoor studies inside.            Jan Brett.
 As the students continue to be        Mindfulness in the classroom is in
immersed in the Montessori             full swing. The students continue
curriculum receiving individualized    their weekly mindfulness lessons.
lessons, the class has been focusing   These lessons are to help give them
on various studies as a whole. These   the tools to handle their emotions
studies range from science,            in a more effective and positive way
geography, the arts and mindfulness.   amongst their fellow peers, teachers,
Engaging the students in these         family and most importantly them-
important studies is key to laying a   selves. They will continue these
solid foundation for their child de-   weekly mindfulness lessons for the
velopment and educational journey.     second half of the school year.
In science, the students have been     Despite being in our class pods, we
learning how to classify. Through      are still creating virtual assemblies
this process they are being taught     for the students and their parents
the difference between various         and enjoying holiday parties in a
groups of animals such as              safe setting outside. Thank you to
vertebrates and invertebrates, what    all our parent volunteers for helping
makes something living or non-         make this all possible. It has been
living and the differences between     such a pleasure building a strong
plants and animals. Geography is a     classroom community. We are
Montessori staple in the classroom.    looking forward to another
Students have been introduced to       enriching semester ahead.
globes, maps, continents, and their
cosmic address. The Montessori
continent puzzle maps allow the
children to manipulate and get a
deeper understanding of the world
around them. As an extension of
this, students can create their own
continent maps. We have been
delving deeper into the continent
study of North America and coming
up, Antarctica.

12                         Dragonfly Times • FALL 2020 • www.brooksfieldschool.org
CLASS ACTS                                                                 MINDFULNESS
It has been a wonderful Fall for
Elaina, Janee and Phil’s class! We
started the school year learning
about the classroom, working on
independence, and developing a
full Montessori work cycle. We also
started our year learning about
science and the world we live
in. We learned about living and
non-living things in this world, as
well as what the world is made of
air, land and water!
We then spent time learning about
gratitude and thankfulness before
the Thanksgiving holiday. Through-
out the month of December, the
children took time learning about
different holidays that we are
celebrating this time of year
amongst different cultures. The
children enjoyed learning about
the holidays they already celebrate
at home as well as some they had
never heard of.
In the Fall the children also enjoyed
an in-school Halloween Bash!
Although this wasn’t our normal
Halloween celebration, we made
the most of it and the children had
a blast wearing the costumes to
school and celebrating with their
friends. The children have also been
enjoying recording virtual assemblies!
We look forward to a wonderful
winter and spring in the classroom.
We look forward to learning about
subjects such as Antarctica,
Community Helpers, Weather,
Asia, the Olympics, and Butterflies
and their life cycle! It has been a
wonderful year so far, and we look
forward to seeing what is in store of
Elaina, Janee and Phil’s class!

                            Dragonfly Times • FALL 2020 • www.brooksfieldschool.org       13
With Katie Beasley

As we prepared for the return of
students this school year, we found
ourselves most appreciative of the
natural learning environment of the
outdoors. The Brooksfield campus
allows for such a unique opportunity
for our students to learn, explore
and grow in a way that connects
them directly with nature.
Maria Montessori was very clear in
her writings about the relationship
between the natural environment
and the child. “There is no descrip-
tion, no image in any book that
is capable of replacing the sight
of real trees, and all the life to be
found around them, in a real forest.
Something emanates from those
trees which speaks to the soul,
something no book, no museum is
capable of giving,” said Montessori
The Brooksfield students love every
day in the outdoor classroom.
They are often found observing
wildlife, identifying flora and fauna,
and typically all of this while
covered in mud. The true joys of
childhood are deep rooted in our
renown mud kitchen. At any given
moment a fresh soup is simmering,
cupcakes are baking, and eggs are
being scrambled. The children are
so creative and spend most of their
time working together and problem-
solving ideas.
As we continue to navigate this
year, we are continually reminded
that our school outdoors foster an
environment of love, happiness and

14                           Dragonfly Times • FALL 2020 • www.brooksfieldschool.org
 THE SOUND OF MUSIC                                               https://www.facebook.com/kidsconcertsDC

 PRESCHOOL MUSIC                                            “Singing makes us breathe more deeply than many
With John Henry England                                      forms of strenuous exercise, so we take in more
                                                             oxygen, improve aerobic capacity and experience a
As we celebrate the Fall season we are mindful of the        release of muscle tension as well.”
many gifts of mother earth. It is wonderful to spend
our time in nature. We are able to see the seasons               — Professor Graham Welch, Director of Educational
change as we grow each year. Our classes have enjoyed               Research, University of Surrey, Roehampton, UK
singing and dancing outdoors. We’ve loved celebrating        • Sound therapist Jovita Wallace says “Sound vibrations
Halloween and Thanksgiving with our classmates. (Have           massage your aura, going straight to what’s out of
you seen the ghost of John Henry?)                              balance and fixing it.”
At Brooksfield we are now preparing for the Holiday          • Singing the short-a sound, as in ahh, for 2-3 minutes
Performance. We can’t wait to share our seasonal                will help banish the blues. It forces oxygen into the
favorites with you. Singing brings joy to the world and is      blood, which signals the brain to release mood-lifting
good for you too. A nice reminder of the health                 endorphins.
advantages is in the quote below.
                                                             • To boost alertness, make the long-e sound, as in emit.
We look forward to singing Bobby The Brooksfield                It stimulates the pineal gland, which controls the
Dragonfly and to seeing each other again in the spring!         body’s biological clock.
Singing is good for you. Many studies…have focused           • Singing the short-e sound, as in echo stimulates the
on the health benefits of singing, and the evidence is          thyroid gland, which secretes hormones that control
overwhelming.                                                   the speed which digestion and other bodily processes
• Singing releases endorphins into your system and             occur.
   makes you feel energized and uplifted. People who         • Making the long-o sound as in ocean stimulates the
   sing are healthier than people who don’t.                    pancreas, which regulates blood sugar.
• Singing gives the lungs a workout,                         • To strengthen immunity, sing the double-o sound, as
• Singing tones abdominal and intercostal muscles and          in tool. This activates the spleen, which regulates the
   the diaphragm, and stimulates circulation.                   production of infection fighting white blood cells.


                            Dragonfly Times • FALL 2020 • www.brooksfieldschool.org                                  15
ELAINA’S CLASS THANKS…               • Thank you to our class librarian,      ANESSA’S CLASS
                                       Katie Duncan. We are so grateful
• Thank you so much to everyone                                                THANKS….
                                       for you taking time out of your day
for making this year such a success    to pick out books for our class!       • Thank you to our room parent
so far! It has been an exciting year                                          Claire Wright for all her time and
and I have enjoyed working with        • Thank you to Jen and Kevin Lavelle
                                                                              organization. Her help is greatly
your children.                         for hosting our Class Halloween
                                       Party! It was a wonderful Halloween
• Thank you to Nicole Kahle and        celebration and a great opportunity    • Thank you to Jennifer Houthuyzen
Maria Cochrane for being such          for our classroom community to         for her many donations of books,
helpful and supportive Room            come together to safely socialize!     puzzles and more!
Parents for me this year. I couldn’t
have done it without you!              • Thank you to all the parents who     • Thank you to all who have donated
                                       sent in a bouquet of flowers for       flowers and playdough. The children
• Thank you to all of the families     flower arranging!                      love using these works!
who have brought in flowers for
flower arranging! The children love    • Thank you to all the parents who     • Thank you to everyone for being
that work!                             volunteered their time to be our       so flexible as we work together to
                                       Mystery Reader! We love having you     make a safe environment for your
• Thank you to all of the parents      join us outside for a fun story!       child!
who have been Mystery Readers!
The children are loving that weekly    • Thank you to the parents who
                                       helped make his or her child’s          CLAIRE’S CLASS THANKS…
                                       ‘Child of the Week’ a success!         • This year more than ever, we
• Thank you to Mindy Lee for           This is such a special week to         appreciate our wonderful parents!
preparing a Halloween craft for the    celebrate your child’s birthday and
children again this year!                                                     • A huge thank you to our amazing
                                       we couldn’t have done it without
                                                                              room parents, Palak Sampat and
• Thank you to all the families who    your help!
                                                                              Katie Skalka. The support,
helped make your child’s Child of      • We are so grateful for each and      encouragement and help has been
the Week celebration a wonderful       every parent in our classroom          so appreciative.
one. We loved sharing all the          community and we cannot thank
posters, books, and special                                                   • We would also like to thank all
                                       you enough for all that you do!
treasures!                                                                    the other parents who have
                                                                              volunteered so far this year. Thank
• Thank you to Rosie Pandhi for         ELLEN’S CLASS THANKS…                you for volunteering your time to
helping us with our Diwali
                                       • Thank you to our classroom           pick up library books, make play
celebration! The children loved
                                       parents, JoAnn Perry and Geeta         dough, bring in flowers for the
learning about that holiday!
                                       Sen, for volunteering your time and    children to arrange and bring home
• Thank you to Neha Vohra and          helping organize and facilitate so     our Thursday parent folder. We are
Jessica Tischler for filling our       much behind the scenes.                so grateful for such a wonderful
classroom with fun books that the                                             group of children and parents!
                                       • A big thank you to all our parents
children love!
                                       who volunteered their time creating
                                       crafts and activities for holiday       TODDLER CLASS THANKS…
 NOELLE’S CLASS THANKS…               parties                                • Thank you to Jen Lavelle for being
• Thank you to our amazing room        • To all the parents who continue to   our room parent! We appreciate
parents, Jen Lavelle and Katie         support us in the classroom.           your help, and we will miss the
Duncan! We are so grateful for all     We are forever grateful for the        Lavelle family at Brooksfield, all the
the hard work and dedication you       support, even more so this year!       best in Texas!
both show to our classroom!
                                                                              • Thank you to Jennifer Finnegan for

16                          Dragonfly Times • FALL 2020 • www.brooksfieldschool.org
taking on the role to be our room
parent for the remainder of the        SPEAK UP
school year!
• Thank you to the Lavelle, Bluhm,    ESPAÑOL
Tweddle, Treanor, Black, Huey and    With Eleana Velasco
Botting families for signing up to
                                     ¡Hola amigos! We
supply for Thumper’s food and
bedding!                             have been enjoying
                                     our Spanish classes
                                     outdoors this year
                                     and the weather has
                                     been on our side.
                                     We have been talking
                                     about the weather,
                                     the seasons, colors,
                                     shapes, numbers, and
                                     we are now learning
                                     about body parts. We are also counting from 1 to 10 and 1-30 with our
                                     kindergartners. We begin our class with “The Good Morning Song”
                                     (Canción de buenos días). If you would like to sing along, the lyrics are
                                     included below. Amelia, the puppet (who does not know she is a puppet),
                                     always sings with us and asks silly questions. We read Demasiados gatos
                                     (Too Many Cats) by Sindy McKay. Amazingly, the cats came out of the book
                                     and were hiding around the Spanish tent, but luckily, we were able to spot
                                     them all! Keep safe and warm.

                                     ¡Hasta muy pronto!

                                      Canción de buenos días                   The Good Morning Song
                                      (Tune: Frère Jacques/Brother John)

                                      Buenos días, buenos días               Good morning, good morning
                                      ¿Cómo estás? ¿Cómo estás?              How are you? How are you?
                                      Muy bien, gracias. Muy bien, gracias.	Very well, thank you. Very well,
                                                                             thank you
                                      ¿Y tú? ¿Y tú?                          And you? And you?
                                      Buenos días, buenos días               Good morning, good morning
                                      ¿Cómo estás? ¿Cómo estás?              How are you? How are you?
                                      Muy mal, muy mal                       Very bad, very bad
                                      ¿Y tú? ¿Y tú?                          And you? And you?
                                      Buenos días, buenos días               Good morning, good morning
                                      ¿Cómo estás? ¿Cómo estás?              How are you? How are you?
                                      Más o menos, más o menos	So, so, thank you. So, so, thank
                                      ¿Y tú? ¿Y tú?                          And you? And you?
                                      Buenos días, buenos días               Good morning, good morning
                                      ¿Cómo estás? ¿Cómo estás?              How are you? How are you?
                                      ¡Fantástico!                           Fantastic!

                           Dragonfly Times • FALL 2020 • www.brooksfieldschool.org                            17
HELPING HANDS                           MOVEMENT
 COMMUNITY OUTREACH                    With Mary Rivera
With Alexis Adkins                      The children have been enjoying doing movement for the sounds of the
                                        week. They have learned space awareness, teamwork, underhand throwing,
During these difficult times,
                                        chasing, fleeing and catching through games. We used hula hoops for
Brooksfield has been pushing            airplanes to play Airport and Space City to learn space awareness. Balloon
into the community and helping          Madness to teach us hand-eye coordination. The game Oodles of Noodles
those who need it most affected         encourages creative movement and practice various locomotor skills.
by COVID-19. Brooksfield held a         The children played Tick Tock to teach the proper form for a one-handed
                                        underhand throw. Monster Mash taught us chasing, fleeing and dodging
canned food drive to be donated to
                                        skills. The children also played a couple of fun Thanksgiving games called
Share of McLean, an all-volunteer       Turkey Feathers and Stuff theTurkey. These games we used our underhand
organization helping people in need     throw and teamwork skills.
in our local community. Share
provides assistance to its neighbors
in need with food, furniture,
clothing, laptop computers,
back-to-school supplies, holiday
programs, and emergency family

 This winter, Brooksfield will also
hold a Coat Drive where our
community can donate new and             HOLIDAY HAPPENINGS
gently used coats to be donated
to One Warm Coat, a national
non-profit organization that works
to provide a free, warm coat to any
person in need and raises aware-
ness of the vital need for warm
coats. The coats we collect will
be distributed here in our local
community, to any person in need,
without charge, discrimination or

We cannot wait to continue more
community outreach this spring!
Thank you to all the parents,
students, and teachers who took
the time out of their busy schedules
to instill the love of giving back to
our community and those in need.
These are compassionate
leadership skills that Brooksfield
students will carry with them
throughout their lives!

18                         Dragonfly Times • FALL 2020 • www.brooksfieldschool.org
ORGANIC GARDENING                     to focus on composting, soil, and
With Melissa Webster                    preparing the greenhouse for spring
                                        plantings. Taking time to learn
The garden is a space where magic       about the process of growing things
happens; it is a space where a child    sets the students up for success
can watch something grow from           and gives them the confidence to
nothing, and we understand that         enjoy the garden when it warms
moment is priceless. We are so          up again. It is my hope that time
thrilled we are able to provide these   in the Brooksfield garden gives
special moments in the garden           every child a lifelong passion for
for every child at Brooksfield. Even    growing things, and the added love
though the temperatures have            of spending time outside. I can’t
dropped outside, our garden is still    express enough how special it is to
thriving as we enter the winter         watch each child grow confident in
season. It is filled with arugula,      the garden throughout the year. I
chard, cabbage and broccoli. I know     am truly grateful for your support
some of you have received some of       of the garden program, and all that
these goodies in a bag home in the      we grow here.
last few weeks.
When the students came back to
school in September the garden
was lush and filled with tomatoes,
cucumbers, squash, eggplants,
and flowers. We even had tons of
worms, every Brooksfield student’s
favorite! We started the year off
learning about the lifecycle of a
plant. We learned all about seeds
and how to care for them. We
planted hundreds of seeds
ourselves, taking great care in
handling them. Each student was
able to start seeds, and then in a
couple weeks, plant the seedlings
themselves. This gave them the
opportunity to keep track of each
plants growth. Ownership of his or
her own plant made every trip to
the garden exciting, as each
student would run to the garden
gate to check on his or her “leafy”
to its progress. It is warming to
watch each child take extra care
while watering the seedlings or
observing whether a bug has taken
a bite of its leaf that day. As the
school year went on we even got
a visit from a duck and a chicken!
The birds taught us all about farm
animals and how they can help the
As we start to enter the colder
months our lesson plans will start

                           Dragonfly Times • FALL 2020 • www.brooksfieldschool.org   19
     SUNDAY          MONDAY             TUESDAY         WEDNESDAY           THURSDAY        FRIDAY          SATURDAY
                                                                                              January - 1               2

              3                    4               5                    6               7              8                9
                   CLASS RESUMES         VIRTUAL           VIRTUAL           VIRTUAL         VIRTUAL
                     VIRTUALLY          LEARNING          LEARNING          LEARNING        LEARNING

              10                   11              12                13                14              15              16
                   CLASSES RESUME
                     IN PERSON

              17                 18                19                20                21              22              23
                   MARTIN LUTHER                        INAUGURATION
                    KING JR. DAY                             DAY
                    ALL SCHOOL                           ALL SCHOOL
                   CLOSED, NO ED                        CLOSED, NO ED

              24                 25                26                27                28              29              30
                    PLANNING DAY
                    ALL SCHOOL
                   CLOSED, NO ED

              31        February - 1                2                   3              4               5                6

               7                   8               9                 10                11              12              13

              14                 15                16                  17              18              19              20
                   PRESIDENT’S DAY
                    ALL SCHOOL
                   CLOSED, NO ED

20                            Dragonfly Times • FALL 2020 • www.brooksfieldschool.org
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