Dream, believe, achieve - A 21st century university - UWS

Dream, believe, achieve - A 21st century university - UWS
                               Prospectus 2020

A 21st century university.
                             Believe in you.
                             We do.

UCAS Institution Code U40    uws.ac.uk
Dream, believe, achieve - A 21st century university - UWS
Paisley Campus

                                         What makes
Scotland, UK
+44 (0)141 848 3000

Lanarkshire Campus
Stephenson Place
Hamilton International Technology Park
South Lanarkshire
G72 0LH
Scotland, UK
+44 (0)1698 283 100

Ayr Campus
University Avenue
South Ayrshire
Scotland, UK
+44 (0)1292 886 000
                                         Is it the inspiring lecturers with
Dumfries Campus                          years of industry experience?
                                         Or is it the career-focused courses
Dudgeon House
Dumfries and Galloway
Scotland, UK
+44 (0)1387 345 800
                                         designed to equip you with the
London Campus
235 Southwark Bridge Road
                                         skills and confidence to succeed?
England, UK
+44 (0)141 848 3047

Applicant Enquiry Team
                                         Or could it be hands-on learning,
0800 027 1000
Outwith UK:
                                         and placements where you put
                                         theory into practice on real projects?
+44 (0)141 849 4101
email: ask@uws.ac.uk

                                         It’s all of these and more.
                                         We’re a modern university for
                                         the twenty-first century.
                                         Join us.

Dream, believe, achieve - A 21st century university - UWS
UWS 2020/21                                                                                                              Contents

You can return to this
page by clicking on this
                              Making our mark

                              At a glance

                                                                                       Open days                    18

icon in the top left corner
                              Our campuses                                         6   Courses 2020                 19
                              Includes info on accommodation and travel
                                                                                       Business                     20
                              Study in the                                             Creative Industries          25
                              west of Scotland                                     8   Education                    29
                              Explore Scotland                                     8   Engineering                  32
                                                                                       Health                       35
                              UWS London                                           8   Life Sciences                39
                                                                                       Physical &
                              Advanced entry                                       9   Chemical Sciences            43
                                                                                       Social Sciences              47
                                                                                       Sport                        50
                              A modern university                              10      Technology & Computing       53
                              Includes info on our facilities and global outlook

                              A supportive university                          12
                              Includes info on how you will become a                   Application &
                              world-ready graduate and learn from the best
                                                                                       entry requirements           57
                              A vibrant community                              14      International applications   58
                              Includes info on the support available to you,
                              sport at UWS and our Students’ Association
                              (SAUWS)                                                  Money, fees & funding        59

                              Real-world experience                            17      Further information          60

Dream, believe, achieve - A 21st century university - UWS
UWS 2020/21                                                                                                                                                 Making our mark

                                                   Officially recognised by
                                                   Times Higher Education
                                                                                                                           Top Young University
                                                   as being in the top 500                                                 in Scotland and
                                                   universities worldwide                                                  4th in the UK

our mark
                                                   and in the top 150 universities
                                                   under 50 years of age

                                                                                                                                            2019 TOP 150
                                                   excellent & world-
                                                   leading research                                                                      2016 Athena Swan Institutional
                                                   Research Excellence Framework 2014
                                                                                                                                         Bronze Award Winner

                                                   2020                                                                    Winner
                                                                                                                           Support Team
                                                                                                                           of the Year

                                                                                                                           & Research
              of UWS graduates are in work                                              Ranked in the                      Project of
              or further study 6 months            Education programmes                 top 3 Scottish                     the Year
                                                                                        universities for
              after graduating                     ranked number 1 in
                                                   the UK in Guardian                   teaching excellence                The Herald Higher
              HESA performance indicator 2016/17   University Guide 2020                Times Good University Guide 2019   Education Awards 2017

Dream, believe, achieve - A 21st century university - UWS
UWS 2020/21                                                                                                                                           At a glance

At a glance
                                                       Inverness                                             Study

                                                          Dundee                                             abroad            Origins
                            PAISLEY          Glasgow

                                                                   Edinburgh           LANARKSHIRE
                                                                                                             opportunities dating
                                                                                                                Professionally back to
                                                                                  Newcastle upon Tyne

5 Campuses                                               Liverpool
                                                                                                                                  Excellent travel links
1 University                                                   Birmingham
                                                                                                                                  from across the UK
Campuses across the west of Scotland                                                                         About                and further afield

                                                                                                             19,900 60+
in Paisley, Lanarkshire, Ayr and Dumfries;
plus a campus in central London.                                                                    LONDON
                                                                        Bristol                                                             undergraduate

Dream, believe, achieve - A 21st century university - UWS
UWS 2020/21                                                                                                                                                                                                           Our campuses


Our Scottish campuses offer
a gateway to the best of what
                                  Our London Campus is located
                                  in a vibrant part of the city       Paisley
Scotland has to offer. They are
based in four central locations
                                  centre, allowing our students
                                  to experience one of the world’s    Campus                                                                  Lanarkshire
in the heart of the west of       most famous cities.
Scotland – Ayr, Dumfries,
Lanarkshire and Paisley.
                                                                     Our Paisley Campus combines
                                                                     heritage and history with all        Our on-campus accommodation         Campus
                                                                     the facilities you’d expect from     in Paisley includes a purpose-
From the hustle and bustle                                           Scotland’s largest town. It’s also   built £13.2m student residence     Our new, ultra-modern                 Accommodation
of Scotland’s energetic cities                                       just 10 minutes by train from        and traditional flats.             Lanarkshire Campus opened in          Our student residences are
to enchanting mountain tops,                                         Glasgow, one of Europe’s most                                           2018 and is located at Hamilton       located in Hamilton town
                                                                                                          In 2019/20 the cost of our         International Technology Park.        centre, with a frequent bus
serene glens, mysterious lochs,                                      exciting and dynamic cities.
                                                                                                          en-suite rooms in the residence    Its interactive and technology-       service operating to the
idyllic white sandy beaches,
                                                                     Campus life                          was £109 per week; and a room      rich learning spaces are some         campus. The purpose-built
turquoise seas and even the
                                                                     Paisley Campus is home to            in our flats ranged from £93 per   of the most innovative in the UK.     flats accommodate 156
odd palm tree, we guarantee
                                                                     around 10,000 students and four      week for a single, non en-suite                                          students in single study
that studying in the west of
                                                                     academic schools. It occupies        room in a two-bedroom flat to      Campus life                           bedrooms with shared facilities.
Scotland will leave you with
                                                                     over 20 acres in the centre of       £157 per week for a single         With its innovative learning
lasting memories.                                                                                                                                                                  In 2019/20, accommodation
                                                                     town with excellent teaching         occupancy one-bedroom flat.        and social spaces, UWS
                                                                     and study facilities including                                          Lanarkshire is at the forefront of    was £85 per week. Price is
                                                                                                          Prices are inclusive of:           modern learning environments          inclusive of:
                                                                     a well-equipped library, state-
                                                                     of-the-art science labs and          •	Utility bills and contents      and significantly enriches
                                                                                                                                                                                   •	Utility bills and contents
                                                                     industry-standard music                 insurance cover                 the educational journey of
                                                                                                                                                                                      insurance cover
                                                                     technology suites.                                                      our students.
                                                                                                          Free wifi is available in our                                            Free wifi is available in our
                                                                     It’s important to keep a healthy     accommodation.                     Our new campus is also a
                                                                     balance between study and                                               sustainable space for
                                                                                                          These prices may be subject to     sustainable minds. With               These prices may be subject to
                                                                     leisure, and there are a wide
                                                                                                          change for 2020/21, check our      state-of-the art gym, health          change for 2020/21, check our
                                                                     range of extra-curricular
                                                                                                          website for further information:   and fitness facilities it is one of   website for further information:
                                                                     activities and entertainment
                                                                                                          uws.ac.uk/accommodation            the UK’s greenest educational         uws.ac.uk/accommodation
                                                                     options on offer at the sports
                                                                     centre and our Students’ Union.                                         environments, powered by
                                                                                                                                             100% renewable energy.
                                                                     Paisley Campus is easily                                                Travel
                                                                     accessible by train, bus and                                            Lanarkshire Campus is located
                                                                     car. The campus is also less                                            two miles from Hamilton town
                                                                     than three miles from Glasgow                                           centre and 30 minutes by train
                                                                     International Airport.                                                  or bus from Glasgow city centre.
                                                                                                                                                                                     Our new
                                                                     Visit our website for more           Well-connected                     Visit our website for more              campus
                                                                     information on travelling
                                                                     to Paisley Campus:
                                                                                                          across the west                    information on travelling to
                                                                                                                                             Lanarkshire Campus:                     Find out more about this
                                                                     uws.ac.uk/paisley                    of Scotland                        uws.ac.uk/lanarkshire                   next generation learning
                                                                                                                                                                                     environment on page 11.

Dream, believe, achieve - A 21st century university - UWS
UWS 2020/21                                                                                                                                                                                          Our campuses

                                                                          Dumfries                            Travel
                                                                                                              Regular bus and rail services
                                                                          Campus                              operate to Dumfries from the
                                                                                                              nearby city of Carlisle, and from
                                                                                                              both Edinburgh and Glasgow.
                                                                         Dumfries is UWS’s smallest
                                                                         campus, but it is a unique           Visit our website for more
                                                                         multi-institution facility located   information on travelling
                                                                         within a historic 85-acre            to Dumfries Campus:
                                                                         parkland estate just two miles       uws.ac.uk/dumfries
                                                                         from the centre of Dumfries.
                                                                         Campus life                          The University does not offer
                                                                         The campus has state-of-the-art      UWS-managed student
                                                                         learning facilities and currently    accommodation in Dumfries,
                                                                         operates across five distinct,       but private rental options
                                                                         historic buildings. Students         through local letting agents
                                                                         have access to excellent             and individual landlords are
                                                                         teaching and study facilities        available.
                                                                         including the library, fully
                                                                                                              The University cannot endorse
                                                                         equipped classrooms and
                                                                                                              private accommodation, or
                                                                         an industry-leading clinical
                                                                                                              private companies providing
                                                                         skills training unit.
                                                                                                              accommodation to students,
                                                                         There are also a range of            but can offer guidance and
    Ayr                                                                  extra-curricular activities
                                                                         and social events on offer
                                                                                                              advice on finding somewhere
                                                                                                              to live – contact
    Campus                                                               to keep you entertained.             accommodation@uws.ac.uk

Our state-of-the-art £81 million      Accommodation                                                                                                London
campus by the River Ayr opened
in 2011 and is a 10-minute
                                      Ayr Campus offers student
                                      accommodation just a few                                                                                     Campus
walk from the town centre.            minutes’ walk from the main
                                      campus building. It houses 200                                                                              Our campus is situated in         Travel
Inspired by the area’s woodland
                                      students and each flat consists                                                                             the heart of London, one of       London’s fantastic transport
surroundings, Ayr Campus is
                                      of 4 to 5 private en-suite                                                                                  the world’s most exciting         system, with its underground,
an exceptional space for study.
                                      bedrooms with a shared open                                                                                 cities. It offers attractive,     red buses and black taxis,
Campus life                           plan kitchen/lounge area.                                                                                   modern facilities in close        means you can get around the
Ayr Campus is one of the UK’s                                                                                                                     proximity to major attractions    city quickly and easily. The city
most modern, environmentally          In 2019/20 costs ranged from                                                                                in Central London.                is in close proximity to five
friendly and sustainable higher       £109 per week for an en-suite                                                                                                                 international airports and there
education learning facilities.        room to £157 per week for                                                                                   Campus life                       are easy rail links from London to
Students have access to our           a one-bed studio flat. Prices                                                                               UWS London Campus is home         France via the Channel Tunnel.
award-winning library and             are inclusive of                                                                                            to nearly 1200 students from
                                                                                                                                                  all over the world. Experienced   Visit our website for more
extensive teaching facilities
                                      •	Utility bills and contents                                                                               teaching staff, many of whom      information on travelling
including studios and labs
                                         insurance cover                                                                                          are drawn from outside of the     to London Campus:
for performance, music,
                                                                                                                                                  UK, add a global perspective      uws.ac.uk/london
broadcasting, education               Free wifi is available in our
and healthcare.                       accommodation.                                                                                              to academic life at UWS.
                                                                                                                                                  Students enjoy innovative         The University does not
From events at the Students’          These prices may be subject to
                                                                                                                                                  teaching facilities as well as    offer UWS-managed student
Union to sessions in the fitness      change for 2021/22, check our
                                                                                                                                                  all of the entertainment and      accommodation in London,
suite, there are also a great range   website for further information:
                                                                                                                                                  leisure activities that London    but there are many private
of opportunities for socialising,     uws.ac.uk/accommodation
                                                                                                                                                  has to offer.                     rental options for students
relaxing and having fun.
                                                                                                                                                                                    seeking accommodation.
                                                                                                                                                                                    For help and advice, please
Ayr Campus is just a 10-minute
                                                                                                                                                                                    contact UWS London Campus:
walk from Ayr town centre and
is well served by public transport
links, cycle paths and walking
routes. It’s also just under an
hour away from Glasgow by
train or car.
Visit our website for more
information on travelling to
Ayr Campus: uws.ac.uk/ayr

Dream, believe, achieve - A 21st century university - UWS
UWS 2020/21                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Study

Study                                                                                                 Explore                                                                                                     UWS
in the                                                                                                Scotland
west of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  London is a capital city
                                                                        Ayr beach
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  full of culture and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  opportunities. It is diverse
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  in nature, with over 230
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  languages spoken and

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  a wealth of different
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  cultures and communities.
                                                                                                                                                                               The Shard                          It is also steeped in history
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  and boasts four World
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Heritage Sites: the Palace
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  of Westminster and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Westminster Abbey, the
Each of our campus locations       Lanarkshire                                                        Scotland is an exciting place      Edinburgh                           You’ll enjoy excellent facilities    Tower of London, Maritime
within the west of Scotland        Lanarkshire offers lots to see                                     to live, work and study. It’s      On the east coast, you’ll find      for sport with some of the world’s   Greenwich and the Royal
has its own individual             and do – including a number                                        rich in tradition yet culturally   Scotland’s capital city, the seat   finest golf courses as well as       Botanic Gardens, Kew.
character, architecture            of country parks and nature                                        diverse and there really is        of the Scottish Parliament and      Olympic-sized swimming pools,
and social-scene.                  reserves such as Strathclyde                                       something for everyone.            government. The ancient city,       outdoor ski slopes and a national    There are an almost
                                   Park. The area has first-class                                                                        known as the ‘Athens of the         network of cycling routes.           endless number of other
Ayr                                sporting and leisure activities,                                   It has more world-class                                                                                     visitor attractions in London
                                                                                                                                         North’, is watched over by          Shopping is an exciting mix
Ayr is a popular seaside resort    including football, rugby, golf,                                   universities per head of                                                                                    including Tate Modern, the
                                                                        Dumfries                                                         the iconic 12th century castle.     of exclusive brands, modern
located 37 miles south-west        tennis, ten-pin bowling,                                           population than anywhere else                                                                               National Gallery and the
                                                                                                                                         It’s a lively, cosmopolitan         malls and historic streets with
of Glasgow. The town is set        swimming and horse riding.                                         in the world and the highest                                                                                Victoria and Albert
                                                                                                                                         and cultured city, with superb      smaller independent retailers.
among some of Scotland’s           Lanarkshire offers plenty                                          rates of student satisfaction in                                                                            Museum. According to the
                                                                                                                                         museums, art galleries, pubs,       Famed for the excellence of our
most impressive scenery and        of shopping options as well                                        quality of teaching in Britain.                                                                             Globe Shopper City Index,
                                                                                                                                         clubs, restaurants and plentiful    local produce, eating out in
looks out on the Firth of Clyde,   as a theatre, cinema and                                           Scotland’s graduates also have                                                                              London is also Europe’s
                                                                                                                                         shopping opportunities.             Scotland is a pleasure from
with the peaks of Arran in         a range of bars, nightclubs                                        the highest rate of employment                                                                              best shopping destination.
                                                                                                                                                                             traditional tea rooms to busy
the foreground and the Mull        and restaurants.                                                   or further study in the whole      Leisure and entertainment
of Kintyre in the background.                                                                         of the UK.                         Scotland’s arts and cultural                                             The city is well connected
Packed with historical sites,      Find out more about Lanarkshire                                                                       scene excels in world-class         For information on life and          to the rest of the world with
Ayrshire’s visitor attractions     at visitlanarkshire.com                                            UWS students at our Scottish       music, visual art, architecture     events in Scotland see               five international airports
include unspoiled beaches                                                                             campuses are perfectly             and literature. And many            visitscotland.com and                and the high speed
                                   Paisley                                                            placed to enjoy everything                                                                                  Eurostar rail link.
and rolling hills, castles,                                                                                                              galleries and museums are           scotland.org/study
                                   Once a quiet market town,                                          that Scotland has to offer.
a racecourse and numerous                                                                                                                free to visit.
                                   Paisley was transformed into
golf courses.                                                                                         Glasgow
                                   an international hub for textile
Find out more about Ayr at         design and production during                                       Glasgow, one of Europe’s most
south-ayrshire.gov.uk/tourism      the Industrial Revolution. In the                                  vibrant, dynamic and stylish
                                   present day, Paisley is a vibrant                                  cities, is just 10 minutes from
Dumfries                           town with a lively music and                                       Paisley Campus, 30 minutes
With a population of 38,000,       entertainment scene alongside
                                                                        Falls of Clyde, Lanarkshire   from Lanarkshire Campus and
Dumfries provides all the          a great selection of shops,                                        40 minutes from Ayr Campus
amenities of a city, but on        museums and attractions                                            by train. Steeped in history,
a smaller scale. Restaurants,      combined with excellent travel                                     yet undeniably modern and
pubs and clubs are plentiful,      connections across Scotland                                        cutting-edge, it’s known for
entertainment options include      and its own international airport.                                 being one of Scotland’s
sports and health clubs and                                                                           friendliest, most welcoming
cinemas, as well as high           Find out more about Paisley at                                     places. Its music scene and
street and independent shops.      paisley.is                                                         pubs, clubs and restaurants
The cost of living is also                                                                            could keep you busy every
relatively low in Dumfries.                                                                           night of the week and Glasgow
                                                                                                      – with its famous Style Mile –
Find out more about Dumfries at
                                                                                                      is the UK’s most successful          River Clyde                         Scottish Parliament
                                                                                                      shopping location outside
                                                                                                      of London’s West End.

                                                                        Paisley Abbey
Dream, believe, achieve - A 21st century university - UWS
UWS 2020/21                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Advanced entry

entry                                                                                                                                            Student profile

                                                                                                                                                 Course                                    Lynn Greenlees
                                                                                                                                                 turned my                                 BA (Hons) Sports Coaching
For students entering direct                                                                                                                     life around
                                                                                                                                                                                           & Development

into 2nd, 3rd or 4th year
                                                                                                                                                 When homecare worker Lynn                 “My classes cater for everyone,
                                                                                                                                                 Greenlees decided to start going          from older ladies to teenage girls.
                                                                                                                                                 to her local gym, she never               Getting fit is really empowering.
                                                                                                                                                 imagined it would reignite her            So many women, especially young
                                                                                                                                                 passion for exercise, and help            girls, see unattainable body images
We’re proud to welcome over
a thousand students from
                                   College to university
                                   If you already have a college
                                                                        To help you get ready for
                                                                        university while you’re at
                                                                                                             Our college partners include:       kickstart a new career.                   on social media. A well-structured
                                                                                                                                                                                           programme of diet and exercise
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Part-time study
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 You can study many of our
colleges in Scotland each year     qualification, or are working        college, you can join our
                                                                                                                                                 After completing an HNC,
                                                                                                                                                 then an HND in Sports Coaching,
                                                                                                                                                                                           can help anyone achieve their
                                                                                                                                                                                           personal goals.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 programmes on a part-time            student
to our programmes and have
excellent support facilities for
                                   towards one, most of our
                                   programmes offer the
                                                                        Associate Student Scheme
                                                                        which gives access to some
                                                                                                                                                 mum-of-two Lynn was able to
                                                                                                                                                 enter the third year of our Sports        “I also love taking the fitness
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 basis during the day, while some
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 are available to study in the        body
those joining us from college.     opportunity to progress (also        of the University’s facilities                                           Coaching & Development course.            message into local schools,           evening, giving you the
                                   known as articulate) with an         (such as the library, the union                                                                                    giving girls the confidence to        opportunity to combine your
                                                                                                                                                 Lynn, who is dyslexic, faced up to        take up and enjoy exercise.
                                   HNC directly into Year 2 and         and sports facilities). You can                                          the challenges of studying with                                                 studies with work or other
                                   with an HND directly into Year 3     also access our dedicated                                                the same determination that she           “Running classes and visiting         commitments. We can also                17%
                                   of a UWS degree programme.           Moodle site for college students.                                        puts into her own training routines       schools also helps with my own        provide advice on the most              part-
                                   For specific grades and subjects     There will be dedicated sessions                                         at the gym.                               studies, allowing me to re-examine    appropriate level of study to suit      time
                                   required see uws.ac.uk/ug            at our Open Days for college                                                                                       and re-evaluate what I have           your qualifications and
                                                                                                                                                 She says: “It was daunting enough         learned in class.”
                                                                        students. By attending one                                                                                                                               experiences. We’ll also consider
                                   UWS has close links with             of our Open Days you will have
                                                                                                                                                 returning to education as a mature
                                                                                                                                                 student, but I thought my dyslexia                                              any prior credit and experience           83%
                                   colleges and has formal                                                                                                                                                                                                               full-time
                                   learner pathway agreements
                                                                        the opportunity to visit your                                            would hold me back. It hasn’t.            “The course has                      you have when discussing your
                                   with eight partner colleges:
                                                                        chosen campus, meet with                                                 The UWS course, and my tutors               changed my life                     options, and funding could be
                                                                        current students and familiarise                                         and lecturers have been brilliantly                                             available through initiatives such
                                   Ayrshire; Dumfries & Galloway;       yourself with where you will be                                          supportive, and now I love studying.
                                                                                                                                                                                             for the better.”                    as the SAAS Part-time Fee
                                   City of Glasgow; Glasgow Clyde;      studying. When you start your                                            “My dyslexia hasn’t held me back;         My end goal                           Grant. For more details visit
                                   Glasgow Kelvin; New College          studies with us, our induction                                           if I need it, I’m allowed extra time to   Lynn also practices what she          uws.ac.uk/pt
                                   Lanarkshire; South Lanarkshire;      programme will introduce you to                                          complete assessments or exams.            preaches at home, where, thanks
                                   and West College Scotland.           university life while our personal                                                                                 to training together, her fiancé
                                                                        tutor scheme and Buddy system                                            “The course offers a unique mix           has managed to shed four and
                                   We also articulate students                                                                                   of practice and theory – looking at
                                   from other institutions such as      provide additional support.                                                                                        a half stone.
                                                                                                                                                 everything from sports psychology,
                                   Forth Valley College, Edinburgh      To find out more detailed                                                to sociology, nutrition and fitness       She says: “Before I started at UWS,
                                   College and Fife College.            information about pathways                                               - and all that helps inform and           I was training for myself. Now I’m
                                                                                                                                                 shape my own training regime.”            training to help others, and that
                                   To accelerate your move from         and entry requirements
                                                                                                                                                                                           is really satisfying. I love seeing
                                   college to university, our College   for specific courses visit                                               Placement led to employment               my students’ ‘before and after’
                                                                        the course pages on our              Further details on entrance         Lynn is also passing on her love of
                                   Engagement Partners work with                                                                                                                           pictures, seeing how I have
                                                                        website at uws.ac.uk/ug              requirements and the suitability    fitness and exercise to others, after
                                   colleges in the west of Scotland                                                                                                                        helped them become fitter,
                                                                                                             of your planned programme of        a part-time university placement
                                   to support your move to UWS.                                                                                                                            healthier and happier.
                                                                                                             study are available from our        at a local gym led to the offer
                                                                                                             Applicant Enquiry Team on           of a full-time position.                  “The course has changed
                                                                                                             0800 027 1000 (44 141 849 4101                                                my life for the better.
                                                                                                                                                 She said: “I love encouraging
                                                                                                             outwith UK) or by email at          women, of all ages and shapes,            “Once I complete my Masters,
                                                                                                             ask@uws.ac.uk                       to get into the gym. I run regular        I want to go into sports education,
                                                                                                                                                 fitness and circuit classes, as           either as a teacher or lecturer,
                                                                                                             Entry requirements are intended     well as advising on training              and help others enjoy the health
                                                                                                             only as a guide and other factors   and nutrition. I love seeing the          benefits that I’ve enjoyed.”
                                                                                                             may also be taken into account      difference I can make to people’s
                                                                                                             when your application is            lives, and their self-confidence.

Dream, believe, achieve - A 21st century university - UWS
UWS 2020/21                                                                                                                                                                                           A modern university

                              modern                                                                                                     Always looking forward
                                                                                                                                         Our courses and facilities are
                                                                                                                                         constantly adapted and fine-tuned,
                                                                                                                                         making you ready for an ever-
                                                                                                                                         changing, internationalised world.

 A global                         Study or work abroad
                                  The EU Erasmus+ programme
                                                                       Language options
                                                                       You can choose to study French,

 outlook                          offers you the opportunity to
                                  study or work with institutional
                                                                       German or Spanish as an option
                                                                       on most of our programmes,
                                                                                                                                                                                              Over 3,500
From Paisley to Pakistan,
                                  partners in 32 countries across
                                  Europe as part of your UWS
                                                                       elevating your career prospects
                                                                       by adding language skills to your
Lanarkshire to Laos, and
beyond. We’re an international
                                  degree. These funded 2-12 month
                                  opportunities are a great way to
                                                                       CV. Learning a language gives
                                                                       you a valuable cultural insight
university with links around      broaden your horizons, live and      and an international perspective.
the globe. We’re committed        study in another country, and        You’ll be encouraged to embrace
to diversity, collaboration,      improve your career prospects.       all the international experiences
and a curriculum that helps
students stand out in the
                                  Don’t worry if you can’t speak
                                  another language – many of
                                                                       available, positioning you well to
                                                                       compete with your European                                                                             140 European
global job market.
Engage in module options
                                  our European partners teach
                                  in English and there are also
                                                                       Our language classes focus
and extra-curricular activities   opportunities for language
                                                                       on practical language skills
designed to help you develop      training as part of your mobility.
                                                                       that you’ll use in social,
as a global citizen; study        Within the Erasmus+ programme,
                                                                       academic and business
a language as part of your        there are also great funded
                                                                       contexts, and many classes
course; and take advantage        opportunities to work elsewhere
of our study abroad options.      in Europe for a period of 2-12
                                                                       are taught by native speakers.                                                                                         Global study and
                                                                       For total language immersion,
                                                                                                                                                                                              exchange options
                                  months. For updates, please
                                                                       classes are conducted in the
                                  see erasmusplus.org.uk
                                                                       instructed language as much                                                                                            through the
                                  We also offer you the opportunity
                                  to study with partners elsewhere
                                                                       as possible and are interactive.
                                                                                                            China                                                                             Association of
                                  in the world, such as the USA, as
                                                                       Benefits of international                                                                                              Commonwealth
                                  part of your student experience.
                                                                       Beyond the amazing experiences       UWS has become the first                                          Our student     Universities
                                                                       you will have, those who study                                                                                         Programmes
                                                                       abroad are more likely to
                                                                                                            official Scottish training
                                                                                                            partner for China after                                           body is drawn
                                                                       obtain first-class honours or
                                                                       an upper second-class degree.
                                                                                                            receiving accreditation
                                                                                                            from China’s State                                                from a third    32 study abroad
                                                                       They also commanded a higher
                                                                       salary (average 5.5% more)
                                                                                                            Administration for Foreign
                                                                                                            Expert Affairs (SAFEA).
                                                                                                                                                                              of the globe    countries within
                                                                       six months after graduating.
                                                                       (Source: universitiesuk.ac.uk/
                                                                                                            This means we will provide                                                        the EU Erasmus+
                                                                                                            expertise and technical
                                                                                                            and managerial training
                                  Student groups have                  2019/Gone-Intl-2019.pdf)             to organisations in China,
                                  recently spent time in                                                    as well as providing
                                  South Korea, the US,                                                      overseas training to
                                                                                                            Chinese professionals.
                                  China and France.

UWS 2020/21                                                                                                                                                A modern university

Equipped for modern learning
Prepare for your future career
with access to state-of-the-art
equipment across our campuses
and opportunities to put your
knowledge into practice in
real-world environments.
Our sector-leading facilities
•	Industry-standard engineering
•	Innovative teaching spaces
•	Nursing simulation wards
•	Specialist computer games,
   animation and music
   technology labs
                                    New Lanarkshire
•	Interdisciplinary science labs
•	Performance studios
   and suites
Each of our campuses has
a well-equipped library suitable
for individual or group study       Students at UWS’s new            Green thinking is at the heart   Delivering the dream                 A learning experience
(and you can have a coffee          £110 million Lanarkshire         of the campus; not only does     It was the job of UWS Senior         “It was a huge challenge,”
while you’re hard at work).         Campus are immersed              the site run on 100% renewable   Social Sciences lecturer             admits Gordon, “trying to
You’ll have access to over half     in the next generation of        power, generated by a nearby     Gordon Heggie and his team           balance the needs and wants
a million items on the shelves,     learning environments.           windfarm, the main building      to help deliver on the campus        of staff and students, and
a wealth of online resources,                                        also has its own rainwater       dream of a new approach to           future-proof the building for
                                    The campus, which has            harvesting system.               learning, and UWS students           technological changes we
free wifi and hundreds of           capacity for 4,000 students,
computer workstations.                                                                                and staff had their say on the       can’t even see.
                                    is set on the 38-acre Hamilton   On-site opportunities            building’s layout design.
Our online learning environment,    International Technology         The campus’s technology park                                          Centred around a unique,
                                    Park and was three-years         location provides a host of                                           street-like atrium, the
Moodle, allows remote access
                                    in the planning.                 collaborative and student
                                                                                                      “My role was to help                campus’s well-designed
to course material and keeps                                                                            deliver a campus fit
you up-to-date with your fellow                                      placement opportunities                                               social spaces provide the
students wherever you are.
                                    Welcome to the future            with neighbouring companies,       for the future.”                   ideal environment for students,
                                    UWS staff looked at new          meaning UWS students will                                             staff and the wider public to
                                    ideas and new thinking around    be able to study, work and       Gordon says: “Before we even         study, relax, meet friends, grab
                                    the world in the delivery of     carry out research projects      started to design the interiors      a coffee or simply ‘hang out’.
                                    teaching, to create flexible     on the wider campus.             we staged workshops and
                                    and adaptable learning                                            focus groups with staff and          “Make no mistake,” says
                                    spaces, ones that can change     The park - considered one        students to hear how they            Gordon. “What we have
                                    and adapt to the needs of        of the UK’s most successful      would like the building to           delivered is game-changing,
                                    students and staff.              Enterprise Zones - is already    work for them.                       both in terms of teaching
                                                                     home to more than 80 local,                                           and learning.”
                                    By embedding the latest          national and international       “Lectures, tutorials and
                                    technology, we have tried        companies - including            personal learning don’t have
                                    to future-proof the building     Scottish Power, Babcock,         to be done in a traditional
                                    for the next generation          HSBC, John Lewis and             classroom or lecture theatre-
                                    of students. In doing so,        Centrica.                        setting. The technologies we’ve
                                    we haven’t forgotten                                              embedded in the new campus,
                                    the environment.                                                  the flexible and adaptable
                                                                                                      spaces we’ve created, should
                                                                                                      help set students and staff free.”

UWS 2020/21                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         A supportive university

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Guest lectures                     Supporting your career
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     We regularly invite experts from   development
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     industry and the professions       Support is available from our
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     to talk about their experiences.   qualified Careers Advisers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     This gives our students unique     throughout your time at UWS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     insights into their chosen         to make sure you’re in great
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     professions through lectures,      shape for your first steps
 With you                         The big picture
                                  Research by Universities UK
                                                                        At UWS this has long been a key
                                                                        part of our teaching. We take
                                                                                                          Practical experience
                                                                                                          It’s no surprise that over one
                                                                                                                                               Other benefits of practical
                                                                                                                                               experience include:
                                                                                                                                                                                     Programmes designed
                                                                                                                                                                                     for industry
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     workshops and project work.        after university.

 every step                       predicts an undersupply of
                                  graduates across the UK by
                                                                        a unique approach to make
                                                                        sure our graduates are ready
                                                                                                          third of jobs for new graduates
                                                                                                          are snapped up by those              •	Increased confidence
                                                                                                                                                                                     We work with leaders from
                                                                                                                                                                                     business, industry and the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Professional recognition
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Many of our degrees are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        We are members of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Association of Graduate Careers
 of the way                       2022. It notes that employers
                                  want graduates with a greater
                                                                        to meet the demands of their
                                                                        chosen professions.
                                                                                                          who have already had work
                                                                                                          experience with that employer.
                                                                                                                                               •	Enhanced commercial
                                                                                                                                                  awareness and business
                                                                                                                                                                                     professions to design our
                                                                                                                                                                                     programmes, ensuring students
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     recognised by professional
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     bodies, demonstrating that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Advisory Services and offer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        guidance on a range of career
                                  mix of job-specific skills, general                                     That’s why we work with a range         acumen                             have the relevant skills and    they meet – and often exceed –     development activities such as
We invest in people’s potential                                         Many of our degrees include
                                  employability related skills                                            of placement employers across                                              knowledge to make an            industry requirements. This will   job searching, CV preparation
to shape their future.                                                  opportunities for practical –                                          •	Improved people skills such
                                  and real work experience.                                               all sectors at home and abroad.                                            immediate impact in the         enhance your job prospects         and interview techniques.
We take a nurturing and                                                 and in many cases paid – work                                             as communication, problem-
                                  The report also highlights                                                                                                                         workplace.                      and give you a competitive
personal approach to produce                                            experience. We bring in experts   Placements give you the chance          solving, team work and                                                                                You will have access to a vast
                                  the need for increased                                                                                                                                                             advantage in the graduate
world-ready graduates,                                                  from industry for insight         to get invaluable experience            self-management                    We listen to employers when                                        range of online resources
                                  communication between                                                                                                                                                              employment market.
ensuring that each of our                                               sessions and workshops and        for your CV, a taste of the career                                         they tell us what type of                                          including a CV builder, interview
                                  universities and employers                                                                                   •	Deeper insight into your skills,
students is ready to meet                                               we provide opportunities for      you’ve chosen and essential                                                graduates they want and         Our course descriptions include    simulator, employer videos
                                  about the skills graduates                                                                                      strengths and abilities
the demands of their                                                    our students to enhance           feedback from your placement                                               shape our programmes            details of individual programme    and much more. We also run
                                  need in their sector.
chosen profession.                                                      their entrepreneurial, language   employer.                            •	Opportunities to network and       around their needs.             accreditations.                    a variety of career development
                                                                        and communication skills.                                                 build industry contacts                                                                               workshops, events and awards
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        including an Employer Mentoring
                                                                                                                                               •	Practical application of                                                                              Programme and Volunteer
                                                                                                                                                  theoretical knowledge                                                                                 Recognition Award.
 Employability                                                                                                         Outstanding                                                                                                                      Our initiatives are designed to
    focus                                                                                                                support                                                                                                                        motivate, inspire and give you
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        an invaluable insight into your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        chosen career path.

                                                  A UWS
                                                                                                                                               Some examples of companies our students have
                                                                                                                                               undertaken placements with, are shown below.

     study and
                                                  degree                                                                  Practical

     Study abroad                                                                                                Professional
     opportunities                                                                                               recognition

UWS 2020/21                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     A supportive university

                                                                                                                                        Our public sector
                                                                                                                                        links include        Facing up
 Learn from                                                                                                                             partnerships with    to the challenge
 the best                                                                                                                               Oxfam Scotland and
                                                                                                                                        Alzheimer Scotland
At UWS, your learning experience
will be shaped by those working
at the forefront of their                                                                                                                                    Dr Margaret Brown, Senior         Margaret says: “Dementia is          Nurses must have the
profession. Our teaching staff                                                                                                                               Lecturer in the Alzheimer         something that will touch            knowledge and skills to
are highly ranked researchers                                                                                                                                Scotland Centre for Policy        almost all of us in our lives,       create care that responds
in their fields, there is extensive                                                                                                                          and Practice at UWS is a          whether it be an older parent,       to the person’s needs.”
input from industry experts and                                                                                                                              woman with a mission; to          a partner, or another relative.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Design and care
placement opportunities are                                                                                                                                  improve the understanding         It’s very important that our
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    “At UWS, we work with people
available with national and                                                                                                                                  and nursing care of people        nurses have the skills, the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    with dementia, their carers
international organisations.                                                                                                                                 living with dementia.             knowledge and compassion to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    and families to help plan
                                                                                                                                                                                               care for people with dementia.
UWS researchers are making            We’re currently working with                                                                                           Woman with a mission                                                   and design our research,
                                                                                                                                                                                               That understanding needs to
a real difference, developing         companies and organisations                                                                                            A qualified mental health                                              teaching and practice.”
innovative technologies and
shaping society. We work
                                      such as Mars, Celestica, the
                                      Scottish Government, Honeywell,
                                                                          UWS joins                                                                          nurse, Margaret has devoted
                                                                                                                                                             her career to dementia care;
                                                                                                                                                                                               be at the centre of any care.”
                                                                                                                                                                                               Changing perceptions
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    “Working in partnership with
with industry, government
and partner organisations to
                                      Diagio, Philips Lighting, DuPont,
                                      Network Rail, and the BBC on
                                                                          the space race                                                                     from inspiring further
                                                                                                                                                             generations through her
                                                                                                                                                                                               “Dementia care has changed
                                                                                                                                                                                               dramatically over the years,”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Alzheimer Scotland and health
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    and social care organisations
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    we research and support
tackle a wide range of exciting       a number of exciting projects.                                                                                         work with student nurses,         says Margaret, “and UWS has
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    evidence-based practice.”
and diverse issues critical                                                                                                                                  right through to improving        been one of the drivers of that
                                      UWS applied research areas                                                                                             best practice with her            change. We want to influence         Dementia Champions
to developing technology,
                                      •	Business & Enterprise                                                                                               research, publications            policy about people living with      UWS is at the forefront of
improving lives and creating                                              A unique collaboration       Out of this world
a more equal society.                 • Computing                         between University of the    UWS academics have applied                            and delivery of learning          dementia but also make sure          developing new ideas and
                                                                          West of Scotland and the     their knowledge from areas,                           and education courses.            that policy is reflected in          approaches to improve quality
Our research activity also            • Creative Industries                                                                                                                                    everyday practice.”                  of care and quality of life for
                                                                          International Space School   including gas sensing                                 That dedication was
informs our teaching and                                                                                                                                                                                                            people with dementia and
                                      • Education                         Educational Trust (ISSET)    technologies, to grow healthy                         recognised in 2016, when          Part of that change is the
learning to enrich our students’                                                                                                                                                                                                    those who care for them.
                                                                          is already opening new       plants on the International                           Margaret was awarded              way in which UWS embeds
experience. In the 2014               • Engineering                       frontiers in science.        Space Station. They will also                         a special Lifetime                dementia knowledge and               Key to that is the education
REF (Research Excellence
                                      • Health, Nursing & Midwifery                                    study the effects of growth                           Achievement Award at              skills in all its nursing courses.   of Scotland’s Dementia
Framework) all of our                                                     The partnership, launched
                                                                                                       hormone on muscle mass                                Scotland’s Dementia Awards.                                            Champions, working to
submissions were ranked               • Physics                           in January 2018, has seen                                                                                            Margaret says: “It’s very
                                                                                                       and cognitive function in                                                                                                    improve the quality of care
as having international or                                                UWS staff and PhD students                                                         Growing problem                   important that our nurses
                                                                                                       space, as well as carry                                                                                                      provided for people with
world-leading status in terms         • Biotechnology & Environment       link-up with the North                                                             Dementia is the biggest health    are at the forefront of
                                                                                                       out experiments in the                                                                                                       dementia in hospitals.
of their originality, significance                                        American Space Agency                                                              and social care challenge         dementia care. We must
                                      • Social Sciences                                                applicability of 5G technology
and rigour.                                                               (NASA) and American                                                                faced by society today.           listen to people with dementia,
                                                                                                       in a non-earth atmosphere.                                                                                                   Margaret says: “So far,
                                      • Sport                             academic institutions                                                              There are around 90,000           and their families and carers.       UWS has trained over 800
                                                                          to carry out experiments     With Scotland now building                            people living with dementia       It’s about enabling the person       Dementia Champions.
REF 2014 highlights                                                       on the International         more space satellites than                            in Scotland and around            with dementia to live well.          They will be change agents,
                                                                          Space Station.               any other country in Europe,                          3,200 are under the age of 65.    Listening to the person              helping us all to better
                                                                                                       employing 7,200 people,

100%                                  88%
                                                                                                                                                             By the year 2020 there will be    allows us to recognise what          understand and care for
                                                                                                       mainly in the Glasgow area,                           more than one million people      works for one person, might          those living with dementia,
                                                                                                       the sector is already worth                           living with dementia in the UK.   not work for another.                their family and friends.”
                                                                                                       over £130million annually
of the Impact Case                    of the Allied Health
                                                                                                       to the Scottish economy.
Studies in Communication,             Professions, Dentistry,
Cultural and Media                    Nursing and Pharmacy
Studies, Library and                  research environment
Information Management                judged as World-Class/
in our submission were                Internationally Excellent
judged to be World-Class/
Internationally Excellent

2nd in Scotland
for Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
Metallurgy and Materials

UWS 2020/21                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                A vibrant community

Ask our students and staff
                                  Student                             The Hub                            Careers & Skills

about what makes us unique                                            The Hub is a social and learning   Our Careers & Skills Team
and they’ll tell you about the
friendly and welcoming feel       support                             student space on Paisley
                                                                      Campus and in our new
                                                                                                         provides support for the
                                                                                                         development of academic,
of the campuses; and the                                              Lanarkshire Campus that            professional and career skills.
approach from our academic
and professional services
                                 Our student services include:
                                 • Funding & Advice
                                                                      offers a route to the student-
                                                                      focused services offered by the
                                                                                                         The support provided by                                                                                       Student Support
staff who do all they can to
make our students feel
                                 • International Student Support      University. Students can come
                                                                      in to speak with The Hub team,
                                                                                                         our qualified Careers Advisers
                                                                                                         includes advice and guidance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Team of the Year
                                                                                                         on career planning, graduate                                                                                  The Herald Higher Education
encouraged and supported.        • Counselling                        who include student assistants,
                                                                                                         recruitment, further study,                                                                                   Awards 2017
                                 • Multifaith Chaplaincy              or use the self-help points in
                                                                                                         placement, part-time work
                                                                      The Hub area. The Virtual Hub
                                 • Disability Support                                                    and volunteering.
                                                                      provides access to The Hub
                                 Supporting your ambitions
                                                                      services online (hub.uws.ac.uk)    Our Academic Skills Advisers         The Library                           Other sources of support           “Student Services have been a fantastic help to
“The campus feels               We want you to get the most out
                                                                      and by telephone (+44 141 848      provide advice, guidance and         UWS Library plays a vital role        Students’ Association (SAUWS)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         me during my time at UWS. They always give the
  very relaxed.                  of your time at university, and to
                                                                      3800) to all UWS students          resources to help develop and        in supporting your academic           SAUWS aims to represent your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         best advice – from financial guidance to putting
  It’s a very dynamic                                                 across the campuses.               enhance your academic skills,        success. There is a library at        needs and provide support,
                                 help you do this we have a range                                                                                                                                                        in place extra time for exams. As a student with
                                                                                                         including referencing, exam          each campus, and you’ll               well-being and social services
 and engaged                     of services that you can access      The Hub aims to put the student
                                                                                                         preparation, essay/report            find that our vibrant learning        for all UWS students.               a disability, Student Services have always been
  environment.”                  if you need support or advice.       experience at the core of all
                                                                                                         writing and critical thinking.       spaces will be at the heart                                                there to help whenever I need it. I don’t think
                                                                      that we do.                                                                                                   See page 16 to find out more.
 Toby Forster                    Our specialist student support                                                                               of your experience at UWS.
 Accounting student                                                                                      Students can access a                                                                                           I would currently be working on my Masters
                                 teams, based on each campus,                                                                                                                       Enterprise & Employer
                                 can offer advice on a range                                             comprehensive range of               Library staff are dedicated
                                                                                                                                                                                    Engagement Team
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         degree if it wasn’t for their help.”
                                                                                                         Careers & Skills resources online,   to providing you with access                                              Stuart McCabe
                                 of matters. We can help with                                                                                                                       We support new business
                                                                                                         and can also attend the many         to the information you’ll need                                            Business and Law student
                                 enquiries about funding,                                                                                                                           ideas and celebrate the growing
                                                                                                         workshops and events delivered       to develop your knowledge of
                                 childcare provision, exams                                                                                                                         pipeline of enterprise talent
                                                                                                         on campus, as well as book           your chosen subject. Visit our
                                 and assessment, wellbeing                                                                                                                          emerging from the University’s
                                                                                                         one-to-one appointments.             ‘Ask a librarian’ sessions and
                                 and health, academic skills,                                                                                                                       student community. You can
                                                                                                                                              book appointments with the
                                 career development and                                                  For more information visit                                                 discuss your business ideas
                                                                                                                                              team. They will also advise you
                                 much more. We also offer                                                uws.ac.uk/careersandskills                                                 with us and we can provide
                                                                                                                                              about the most reliable sources
                                 counselling, a multi-faith                                                                                                                         help and support for enterprise
                                                                                                                                              of information for academic
                                 chaplaincy, disability support                                                                                                                     skills development, funding
                                                                                                                                              assignments, reading lists,
                                 and a dedicated international                                                                                                                      applications, incubation,
                                                                                                                                              search techniques, referencing,
                                 student services team.                                                                                                                             mentoring opportunities,
                                                                                                                                              avoiding plagiarism, and
                                                                                                                                                                                    and much more.
                                                                                                                                              accessing resources from
                                                                                                                                              other libraries.                      We work in partnership with the
                                                                                                                                                                                    start-up ecosystem including
                                                                                                                                              For your convenience, many
                                                                                                                                                                                    organisations such as Converge
                                                                                                                                              library services and resources –
                                                                                                                                                                                    Challenge, Scottish Institute
                                                                                                                                              such as electronic books and
                                                                                                                                                                                    for Enterprise, Scottish Edge,
                                                                                                                                              journal articles – are available
                                                                                                                                                                                    Enterprise Campus and
                                                                                                                                              online 24 hours a day. Use the
                                                                                                                                                                                    Business Gateway to provide
                                                                                                                                              One Search discovery tool to
                                                                                                                                                                                    funding and support on start-up
                                                                                                                                              find all you need for your studies.
                                                                                                                                                                                    toolkits, business model
                                                                                                                                              For more information about            planning, marketing and finance.
                                                                                                                                              UWS Library visit

UWS 2020/21                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           A vibrant community

                                                                                                                                                                                      Team UWS                         Ayr Rugby Club                   conditioning, performance
                                                                                                                                                                                      With over 20 competitive and     UWS and Ayr Rugby Club signed    analysis and marketing and
                                                                                                                                                                                      recreational sports, there has   a unique partnership in 2019     promotion. These unique
                                                                                                                                                                                      never been a better time to      which will see UWS students      internships will form part of the
                                                                                                                                                                                      become part of Team UWS.         benefitting from newly created   students’ degree programmes
                                                                                                                                                                                      It’s never been easier for       undergraduate internships        at UWS and will allow them
                                                                                                                                                                                      students to participate and      giving them the opportunity      to gain experience at all levels
                                                                                                                                                                                      compete for Team UWS as          to work closely with Ayr Rugby   within a competitive club, as
                                                                                                                                                                                      every Wednesday afternoon        across a number of areas         well as supporting Ayr Rugby
                                                                                                                                                                                      has now been allocated as free   including strength and           in key areas.
                                                                                                                                                                                      from classes for the majority
                                                                                                                                                                                      of courses. Whatever your
                                                                                                                                                                                      sporting interest we’ve got
                                                                                                                                                                                      something for you.
 Sport at                                                                                                                                                                             For more information about

 UWS                                                                                                                                                                                  Sport at UWS email

We are passionate about
supporting student
engagement with sport,
whether you are a national
or international performer,
a club level competitor or
a recreational participant.

Performance                         Scholarship success                 Club sport                          Facility provision                   Under a special arrangement

The UWS Sport Scholarship           Callum Hawkins is one of the        UWS works with the Team             UWS Sport operates facilities        UWS students at London
programme offers a range of         recipients of the UWS Sport         UWS Sports Union and                and services for students at our     Campus can use the nearby
financial support, performance      Scholarship programme and           external partners to ensure         Ayr, Paisley and Lanarkshire         London Southbank University
services and academic flexibility   he is continually doing the         that programmes are available       campuses. Ayr boasts a gym           Sports Academy at a discounted
to our highest performing           University proud by competing       across a range of team and          and a sports hall as well as         rate. UWS Sport also works in
students and aspiring senior
performers. We work closely
                                    at the top of his sport. Callum
                                    competed in the Mens’ Marathon
                                                                        individual sports, providing
                                                                        opportunities to compete,
                                                                                                            impressive riverside cycle ways
                                                                                                            and walks. There is also a range
                                                                                                                                                 partnership with sports facility
                                                                                                                                                 providers to arrange student                                                                           European
with organisations like Winning
Students, national governing
                                    at the 2016 Olympic Games in
                                    Rio finishing in an excellent
                                                                        to train and to socialise.
                                                                        Current sports clubs include
                                                                                                            of exercise classes on offer.
                                                                                                            Lanarkshire Campus houses
                                                                                                                                                 access to sports facilities across
                                                                                                                                                 each of our campus locations.                                                                          College of
bodies and other sports partners
to ensure access to a range of
                                    ninth place and even more
                                    recently equalled the best ever
                                                                        archery, American football,
                                                                        badminton, basketball, climbing,
                                                                                                            a gym and has a programme
                                                                                                            of day and evening exercise          Competition                                                                                            Sport Science
facilities, services and targeted
individual support.
                                    performance by a British male
                                    in the 2017 IAAF World
                                                                        cheerleading, football, futsal,
                                                                        hockey, netball, rugby, snow
                                                                                                            classes available. Paisley
                                                                                                            Campus houses a gym on the
                                                                                                                                                 UWS students engage in a range
                                                                                                                                                 of competitions including British                                                                      Congress
                                    Championship Marathon in            sports, swimming, table tennis      third floor of the students’ union   Universities and Colleges Sport
For more info on the Sport                                              and volleyball; with individuals    building and has a programme         (BUCS) and Scottish Student
                                    London, finishing in fourth place
Scholarship programme contact                                           representing UWS in several         of day and evening exercise          Sports (SSS) individual
                                    with a personal best time.
sport.scholarship@uws.ac.uk                                             further sports such as athletics,   classes available. Students at       championships and leagues and
                                    Callum also competed in the
                                    Men’s marathon at the 2018          karate, squash, gymnastics          our Dumfries Campus have             Varsity events which give a wide
                                    Commonwealth Games in the           and curling. We are looking         access to facilities through         range of students an opportunity
                                    Gold Coast, Australia.              to add new sports clubs and         a partnership with Dumfries          to represent the University. Many
                                                                        activities every year and are       & Galloway College.                  students also access external
                                    “Being part of the Sport           developing links with local clubs                                        local clubs and performance
                                                                                                                                                 programmes and compete in
                                      Scholarship programme             to support this process.
                                                                                                                                                 local leagues and competitions.
                                     at UWS has helped me               Student membership
                                      incredibly, not only with         UWS students have free access                                            Our success in BUCS events has
                                                                                                                                                 seen the University climb over
                                      the academic side of              to all UWS campus operated
                                                                                                                                                 40 places in the BUCS league
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        A four day event examining the
                                      things and balancing              gyms in Ayr, Lanarkshire and                                                                                                                                                    topics of health enhancement
                                                                        Paisley.                                                                 over the last few seasons to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        and sport is coming to Glasgow
                                      this with sport, but also                                                                                  be in the top 100 in the UK.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        in 2021, with UWS as the lead
                                      with the financial                                                                                         That’s quite an achievement.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        academic institution.
                                      support provided.”                                                                                                                                                                                                Read more on page 51.
                                     Callum Hawkins

UWS 2020/21                                                                                                                                                                                                                 A vibrant community

 Your                                 Social Spaces
                                      Our social spaces are more than
 Students’                            just a bar. In fact, we like to think
                                      of them as the living rooms on
 Union                                campus. We have dedicated
                                      social spaces in Ayr, Lanarkshire
                                      & Paisley and they are your one
                                                                                Sustainability Hub
Going to University is about          stop spot for all that’s going on
much more than getting                on campus. It’s in these spaces
a qualification, it’s also the        you’ll be able to relax, grab a         Paisley                              Representation, advice
chance to enjoy an exciting           quick bite and a drink. It’s also       Paisley is home to our biggest       and campaigns
new social life and make              where we’ll be hosting day and          social space. In fact, it’s four     SAUWS aims to represent your
the most of all the new               night time events; from Vintage         levels dedicated to students.        needs by providing support and
opportunities available to you.       clothes sales to live music we’ll       We’re currently in the process       wellbeing campaigns for all
                                      be bringing entertainment               of redeveloping the space to         students. We have a dedicated,
Student life at UWS                   every day.                              make it even better.                 independent and confidential
UWS students come from all                                                                                         advice team to support you
over the world and you’ll find        Ayr                                     Level 1 – is the spot if you want    through your degree who provide
a great community feel and            In Ayr you’ll find the best food        to relax and unwind, it’s got        advice on matters such as
real energy on our campuses.          on campus, made fresh daily.            Starbucks, drinks, food, pool,       money, study skills and
There are lots of opportunities       The Ayr Union has a range of            games and loads more.                academic appeals. We also run
to get involved in extra-curricular   hot and cold food that you can          Level 2 – this is your dedicated     a number of campaigns through
activities and build friendships      grab from the bar. We also serve        Societies space, reserved for        the year to help students get the
for life. Your award-winning          Starbucks so be sure to check           when societies and other             best out of their time at UWS.
Students’ Union is run by             out all the latest deals on coffee.                                                                               Sustainability at UWS             The Union welcomes
                                                                              student groups want to meet          Freshers’ Week
students for students.                                                                                                                                  Our Sustainability project has    international students to the
                                      Lanarkshire                             up and do cool stuff.                An unmissable programme              been supporting students,         campuses during the welcome
Your Union organise and deliver       Lanarkshire is our newest Union         Level 3 – has just been              of events and the essential          staff and the wider community     week, with various activities
a wide range of social events all     designed from the ground up             repurposed this year and is          initiation to university social      to reduce their impact on the     to help new international
year round and campaign with          with you in mind. Whatever your         now a gym operated by Team           life. From the official welcome      environment since 2011. You can   students make friends.
you, and on your behalf, on the       needs the Lanarkshire Union is          UWS – the best part? Students        party to the pub quiz, there is      get involved by joining in with
issues that really matter to you.     the place to be, got time to kill                                            something for everyone. The                                            We also welcome new members
                                                                              get to use it for free.                                                   a project, volunteering with
                                      between classes?                                                             yearly Freshers’ Fair will give                                        to the international societies.
The Union’s buildings and                                                                                                                               the Union or starting up your
                                                                              Level 4 – is the head office of      you need-to-know information                                           Regardless of where you are
spaces are the best place to          The Union has free pool tables,                                                                                   own project.
                                                                              the Union. This is where you         along with the chance to get                                           from, the Union will have
meet other students. All the          ping pong, music chosen by              come if you need to meet the                                              Celebrating cultural diversity    something for you. Keep an eye
                                      you and the comfiest sofas on                                                the best deals and opportunities
services and events are run                                                   people who work year-round to                                             The University is highly          on the Union website for more
                                      campus. If your phone is running                                             from local businesses and
there, including our bars                                                     make sure you have a great                                                international and has a           information: sauws.org.uk
                                      low check out the nifty charging                                             organisations. Like the UWS
and cafes.                                                                    student experience!                                                       welcoming atmosphere for
                                      stations we have on the tables!                                              Students Facebook page to
                                                                                                                   keep up-to-date with what’s          students from a diverse range
                                                                                                                   on at Freshers’ this year.           of backgrounds. To celebrate
                                                                              We support all sorts of societies
                                                                                                                   facebook.com/uwsstudents             this diversity, we host a
                                                                              from course related groups
                                                                                                                                                        number of integration and
                                                                              such as Chemical Engineering         Volunteer with SAUWS                 cultural celebration nights.
                                                                              and Nursing to interest societies

                                                                                                                   Whatever you are interested in
                                                                              such as the Debating Society         you’ll be supported by the Union
                                                                              and Anime & Manga Society.           staff along the way to achieve
                                                                              There’s also the LGBT+ liberation    your goals. Getting involved is
                                                           2016               group; the Nigerian Forum;           an excellent way of enhancing
NUS Scotland’s                                2013                            and the Games Development,           your CV and career prospects
                                                                              Film, Table Top Games, and
Higher Education                                                              Pool societies.
                                                                                                                   and you can also receive formal
                                                                                                                   recognition from the University
Students’ Association                                                         Details on the societies or how      and the Union for your activities.
of the Year                                                                   to start your own are available at

UWS 2020/21                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Real-world experience

Employers are looking for more
than just a degree. They need    Staff profile                                                                 Alumni                                                                       Alumni
you to be ready for the real
world. UWS is brimming with
hard-working, honest people
                                 Hands-on                               Annie McGuire
                                                                                                               Unique                                Kirsty McCallum
                                                                                                                                                                                            No bridge                              Katie Duff
                                                                        Lecturer in the School of Media,                                             Programme                                                                     Programme
with real stories, successes,
adversities and big ambitions
                                 training                               Culture & Society                      research                              Biomedical Science                     too far                                BEng (Hons) Civil Engineering
                                                                                                                                                     Current position                                                              Current position
just like you.
                                                                                                                                                     PhD student at UWS                                                            Engineer at AECOM

                                 Journalist Annie McGuire brings
                                 a wealth of industry experience
                                                                        “There are so                         UWS Biomedical Science
                                                                                                               graduate Kirsty McCallum is
                                                                                                                                                     UWS research
                                                                                                                                                     “There are five UWS PhD students
                                                                                                                                                                                            If you find yourself passing an
                                                                                                                                                                                            old railway bridge, on a Sunday
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   “It also included a 5,000-word
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   report that was validated by my
                                 into the classroom. Not only is she      many more new                        carrying out PhD research to          working on the project. Our            morning before the sun comes up,       tutor. I believe this work experience
                                 a time-served print and broadcast       avenues into                          solve a mystery. Along with           research is focused on the             and spot someone with a hard hat       was essential in helping me find
                                 professional, she is also an expert
                                 in new media, handling the social
                                                                          broadcasting                         colleagues in Ireland, and
                                                                                                               Northern Ireland, she is trying to
                                                                                                                                                     musculoskeletal science of COPD.”      and high viz jacket taking some
                                                                                                                                                                                            measurements, it might just be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   a job so quickly.”

                                 media for BBC’s Question Time.           these days.”                         find out why chronic obstructive      As part of Kirsty’s research, she is   Katie Duff.                            Katie actually received two
                                                                                                               pulmonary disease (COPD) –            currently studying tissue samples                                             job offers before graduating.
                                 Opening the door                       UWS uses its close links with          the third biggest cause of death      from COPD sufferers, looking for       A 2014 Honours graduate on our         One came from Amey and
                                 Annie says: “I wanted to get into      Paisley’s St Mirren Football Club      in the world after heart disease      markers of accelerated ageing.         Civil Engineering course, Katie’s      the other from AECOM, a US
                                 journalism because I was a huge        to give students a real insight into   and cancer – is so prevalent in                                              nocturnal outings are essential        construction firm which had
                                 sports fan; I saw it as a way of       the world of broadcasting; from                                              COPD clusters                          to keep an eye on the condition        successfully pitched for the
                                                                                                               three, rural populations.             She adds: “The mystery at the
                                 meeting my heroes. And I did;          working on the club’s TV station,                                                                                   of the country’s railway bridges.      Network Rail infrastructure
                                 I worked in the BBC Sports             St Mirren TV, to reporting on          In 2011 the annual economic           heart of the research is that the      (Trying to measure them through        inspection and assessment
                                 Department for 12 years, on            matches and team press                 burden of COPD across the EU          three areas with the highest           the daytime when services are          project. She chose AECOM.
                                 everything from Match of the Day,      conferences, this goes a               was estimated at approximately        incidence of COPD are semi-rural       running is an unnecessary risk.)
                                 to the Wimbledon coverage.”            long way to preparing industry-        €141.4 billion.                       communities, in Ireland, Northern      Her work as an engineer stretches      Are the things she learned on
                                                                        ready graduates.                                                             Ireland, and south-west Scotland.”     back to her days as a student at       the course relevant to her role?
                                 She now shares that experience                                                Working as part of the BREATH                                                UWS when she spent her summer          Katie reckons they are, especially
                                 with her students.                     New voices                             (Border and Regions Airways           Ayrshire & Arran and Dumfries                                                 the practical modules on
                                                                                                                                                     & Galloway see the highest             placement with Amey, a UK and
                                                                        Thanks to Annie’s ongoing links        Training Hub) project – a €7.7                                               international consulting and           surveying, which is something
                                 “There are so many more new            with the industry, UWS students        million EU-funded initiative run      number of COPD-related                                                        she does every day. She said,
                                 avenues into broadcasting these                                                                                     hospital admissions in the UK.         infrastructure support business,
                                                                        also benefit from masterclasses        between UWS, Queen’s University                                              surveying railway bridges as part      “The course gave me a broad
                                 days,” says Annie, “and our duty       and networking events featuring        Belfast, and the Dundalk Institute                                                                                  base of knowledge which I can
                                 is to prepare UWS students for                                                                                      Kirsty adds: “You would expect         of a pilot project for Network Rail.
                                                                        some of the biggest names in           of Technology – multi-disciplinary    more COPD cases in polluted,                                                  apply in my job and which has
                                 that world.”                           Scottish broadcasting.                 researchers hope to find ways                                                “The sandwich degree course            allowed me to go on to study
                                                                                                                                                     urban areas. Yet the hot-spot
                                 Changing landscape                                                            to better understand and alleviate    areas are rural. The BREATH study      meant I had the opportunity            towards a Masters before I go
                                                                        Annie says: “Those industry links      the impact of lung disease.                                                  to undertake a 36-week                 for Chartership status with the
                                 “When I started in the industry,       pay-off when students go off                                                 hopes to understand why that is.”
                                 there were no computer games                                                                                                                               work placement.”                       Institution of Civil Engineers.”
                                                                        to placements, it means they           Preparing for PhD study               Community education
                                 journalists, there were no bloggers,   know a friendly face, and have         Kirsty says: “I cannot speak highly
                                 no online journalism. While the                                                                                     The UWS team is also conducting
                                                                        someone they can approach              enough of the quality of teaching     public engagement work in the
                                 traditional industry has contracted,   for help or advice.”                   at UWS. My lecturers motivated
                                 new media, and the opportunities                                                                                    affected communities, trying
                                                                                                               me to work hard and become            to give the public a better
                                 it presents to young journalists       Loud and clear                         more confident in my abilities.”
                                 and broadcasters has exploded.”        Currently busy with her own                                                  understanding of COPD and
                                                                        research, into how Twitter             “During my Biomedical Science         lung health.
                                                                        hashtags shape and drive political     degree I undertook a placement        “Together, we hope to develop
                                                                        debate, Annie is also working hard     as a laboratory technician which      new and improved treatments
                                                                        on setting up Paisley FM, a new        developed my independent              for this silent killer, as well as
                                                                        radio station that will give UWS       thinking skills and intuition,        helping to prevent COPD through
                                                                        students the chance to produce         both of which are incredibly          public awareness.”
                                                                        and present their own shows.           important to my current work.

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