High School Program Planning Guide 2018-19

Page created by Craig Gibbs
High School Program Planning Guide 2018-19
High School
High School Program Planning Guide 2018-19
Using Your Program Planning Guide
Singapore American School is committed to assisting students in developing a program of study that
meets their academic and college goals, offers instruction that will lead to a healthy life–style, and
affords ample opportunity for participation in meaningful activities. This guide provides information
about the courses typically offered along with information on how to select and complete the online
registration process. We believe that every student is unique. With access to over 180 college–
preparatory, support, and college–level courses, SAS students have the opportunity to pursue pathways
that meet their unique needs and interests.

This guide also contains information about the minimum SAS graduation requirements, the credits
recommended by colleges, and the wide range of academic opportunities available at our school. As
students begin choosing courses for next year and beyond, keep in mind that students will perform
best when a program is selected that includes courses that are personally interesting and at an
appropriate level of challenge.

Current SAS students are asked to choose courses each spring for both semesters of the following school
year. Students new to SAS will meet with a counselor to select courses prior to enrollment. All students
are responsible for taking the time to fully understand what a course will cover, the prerequisites, and
whether or not there are any expectations beyond what might be considered “normal” for a course,
such as additional labs, rehearsals, research, or readings. Not all courses are available to all grades.

All members of the SAS faculty are available to assist students and parents as courses are selected for
the next academic year. Feel free to contact us.

Administration                    Departmental Contacts for spring 2018
Darin Fahrney, Principal          English                            Visual Arts
Email: dfahrney@sas.edu.sg        Brenda Baisley                     Barbara Harvey
                                  Email: bbaisley@sas.edu.sg         Email: bharvey@sas.edu.sg
Stephen Ly, Deputy
                                  Social Studies                     Physical/Health Education
Email: sly@sas.edu.sg                                                Charles Shriner
                                  Cassandra Summerton
                                  Email: csummerton@sas.edu.sg       Email: cshriner@sas.edu.sg
Amy Zuber Meehan, Deputy
Email: azubermeehan@sas.edu.sg    Mathematics                        Educational Technology
                                  Lance Murgatroyd                   Patrick Green
                                  Email: lmurgatroyd@sas.edu.sg      Email: pgreen@sas.edu.sg

                                  Science                            Learning Support
                                  Kevin Piers                        Laura Mohl
                                  Email: kpiers@sas.edu.sg           Email: lmohl@sas.edu.sg

                                  World Languages                    College Counseling
                                  French, Spanish, and Chinese       Tina Forbush, Director of College
                                  Jean Rueckert                      Counseling
                                  Email: jrueckert@sas.edu.sg        Email: tforbush@sas.edu.sg

                                  TEC/Innovation                     Personal Academic Counseling
                                  Jason Adkison                      Sue Nesbitt, Dean of Student Life
                                  Email: jadkison@sas.edu.sg         Email: snesbitt@sas.edu.sg

                                  Performing Arts
                                  Stephen Bonnette
                                  Email: sbonnette@sas.edu.sg
High School Program Planning Guide 2018-19
Table of Contents

           Noteworthy in 2018–19 .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 1
           General Information.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  4
           English .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  9
           Social Studies.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 15
           Mathematics.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  21
           Science.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  26
           World Languages.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  33
           Technology, Electives, and Capstone .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 37
                        Computer Science and Emerging Tech .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 37
                        Engineering and Robotics .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 39
                        AP Capstone, Online, Independent, and Catalyst .   .   .   .   .  41
           Visual and Performing Arts .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 46
           Physical Education .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 54
           Health/Wellness .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 58
           Quest .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 59
           Advanced Studies.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  63
           Other Courses.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 69
                        Learning Support.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  69
                        Supervised Study Program .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  70
                        Interim Semester.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  70
           Flexible Learning Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
                        Summer Semester .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 71
                        School Year Abroad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
           College Preparation .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  72
           Appendix I: Course Selection Instructions .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 75
           Appendix II: Course List .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 76
           Appendix III: Overview of Advanced Studies Offerings .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 77
           Appendix IV: Four–Year Planning Chart .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 80
High School Program Planning Guide 2018-19
Singapore American School

    Noteworthy in 2018–19                               class of 2021, students may earn up to seven
                                                        year–long–equivalent AP credits during their SAS
                                                        careers. This limit was first announced during the
                                                        2014–15 school year.
    The 2018–19 school year will bring several
    changes to Singapore American School. We             For students and families who would like to learn
    are excited to offer new courses, new programs,      more about the advanced studies program and
    and additional learning options to students.         the Advanced Placement credit limit, we offer
    While details regarding many of these changes        the answers to frequently asked questions on our
    are included in other sections of this guide, the    school portal (http://www.sas.edu.sg/hs–ap–and–
    following are some of the highlights.                at–faqs). We also encourage you to bring your
                                                         questions to your high school counselors. They
                                                         will gladly help clarify and are eager to support
    ADVANCED STUDIES                                     families and students to plan a course of study.

    Advanced Topic (AT) courses and Advanced
    Placement (AP) courses together form our             Co-Crediting with SUPA
    advanced studies offerings at SAS. These are
    college level courses that have been vetted and We are pleased to announce a newly established
    approved by the College Board or through a co–crediting partnership with Syracuse University
    rigorous process at SAS to ensure rigor, quality, through their Project Advance program that may
    and relevance to our desired student learning be applied to select Advanced Topic courses.
    outcomes (DSLOs). We now proudly offer over The Syracuse University Project Advance (SUPA)
    40 of these courses. These exceptional learning program is a concurrent enrollment program
    opportunities are detailed in the new Advanced linking the university with secondary schools.
    Studies section of this guide.                    Through this partnership, we are able to offer
                                                      qualified students the opportunity to concurrently
    The 2016–17 Program Planning Guide introduced     enroll in Syracuse University courses for university
    five new Advanced Topic courses for students,     credit.  During the 2018–19 school year, AT
    and in 2017–18, five more AT courses were         Computational      Physics and AT Economics:
    introduced. For 2018–19, we are pleased           Globalization     are   eligible for concurrent
    to introduce two additional AT courses: AT        enrollment     in SUPA    courses. Please see the
    Multivariable Calculus and Linear Algebra, and    course  descriptions  for these two AT offerings for
    AT Economics: Globalization. As a complement      more   detail.
    to our Advanced Topic offerings, we continue
    to offer students access to a selection of over For more information regarding the SUPA program,
    20 Advanced Placement courses and 25 AP please see the Advanced Studies section of this
    examinations.                                     guide. To determine whether participation in this
                                                      program is a fit for your long–term goals, please
                                                      speak with your counselor.
    Maximum Number of AP Credits
                                                         Additional Self-Paced Courses Offered
    Singapore American School’s vision is to be a
    world leader in education, cultivating exceptional
    thinkers who are prepared for the future. Our AT Sections of AP Economics have been operating
    courses are directly aligned to this vision and in a self–paced format for three years at SAS. In
    foster the skills students need to develop into these sections, students may move faster than the
    exceptional thinkers. These courses are designed usual pace of the class. While this format will not
    to (1) prepare students for the demands of the 21st– be a fit for every student, one of its benefits is
    century and (2) provide students with additional giving students additional flexibility to manage
    opportunities to differentiate themselves in the their own time. As we continue to personalize
    college application process.                         learning in meaningful ways at SAS, we are
                                                         pleased to announce that we are expanding
    To ensure students have a balanced selection of      self–paced   options. Beginning in 2018–19, some
    courses, the school has capped the total number      sections  of Geometry and AP Chemistry will be
    of Advanced Placement credits that a student         designated    as self–paced. Regular sections of
    may earn at SAS. Starting with the graduating        Geometry    and  AP Chemistry will continue to be

2018 Program Planning Guide

RECOGNITION OPPORTUNITIES AT GRADUATION                Please see the Quest section of this guide for
                                                       more information.
As a school committed to standards–based
grading, we believe that learning every student
can reach high levels of learning. Our systems for
                                                       Seal of Biliteracy will be offered
recognizing students’ hard work and achievement
                                                       We are proud to announce that students in the
must reflect that belief.
                                                       SAS graduating classes of 2019 and beyond will
                                                       be eligible to earn the Seal of Biliteracy. The Seal
We have transitioned to a cum laude system based
                                                       of Biliteracy serves to formally certify attainment
on the model utilized by many universities. The
                                                       of biliteracy for students and is recognized
new system recognizes outstanding achievement
                                                       on high school diplomas. It is a statement of
in three categories based on students’ grade
                                                       accomplishment that helps to signal a student’s
point averages. Only letter grades earned at SAS
                                                       linguistic and cultural readiness not only for
through the end of the fall semester of senior year
                                                       career and college, but also for engagement as
will be taken into consideration.
                                                       a global citizen. The Seal of Biliteracy is already
                                                       awarded by schools located in the 31 US states
This system will award three levels of distinction:
                                                       that had approved Seal of Biliteracy legislation as
                                                       of February 1, 2018.
•   Summa Cum Laude
    (highest distinction, 4.4 GPA or higher)
                                                       In order to earn a Seal of Biliteracy at SAS, students
                                                       must demonstrate via school–designated external
•   Magna Cum Laude
                                                       assessments that they have attained a minimum
    (higher distinction; 4.2 to 4.399 GPA)
                                                       of Intermediate High proficiency in all four skills
                                                       (i.e., reading, writing, listening, and speaking).
•   Cum Laude (distinction; 4.0 to 4.199 GPA)
                                                       For more information, please see the World
                                                       Languages section in this guide.
                                                       new courses for 2018–19
We are thrilled that the Quest program will be
graduating its second cohort of students as part •         AT Multivariable Calculus and Linear Algebra
of the Class of 2018!
                                                  •        AT Economics: Globalization
Previously, Quest was only available to students
during their senior years at SAS. Beginning in •           Geometry Math Lab
2018–19, students may apply to participate in
Quest during either their junior or senior years. •        Engineering and Space Technology
Students enrolled in the innovative year–long •            Theater: Sketch Comedy
program can expect to:

•   embrace unique experiences and challenges
    not available in existing course offerings;
                                                       changed courses for 2018–19
•   accelerate learning through interdisciplinary •        Several of our current courses will be offered
    and real world applications;                           under new titles. Molecular Biology will now
                                                           be offered as Accelerated Biology. Functions,
•   deep dive into a particular area of interest or        Statistics, and Trigonometry will now be
    passion;                                               offered as Introduction to Statistics and Pre–
                                                           Calculus. Printmaking and Mixed Media will
•   learn essential skills to prepare them for their       now be offered as Mixed Media and Digital
    future; and                                            Processes. Advanced Composition will now
                                                           be offered as Creative Writing. AT Writing
•   distinguish themselves when applying to                Seminar will now be offered as AT Writing
    college.                                               Workshop and Publication. For more details
                                                           regarding these courses, please refer to their
                                                           full entries in this guide.

Singapore American School

    •   During the 2017–18 school year, we
        introduced Algebra 1 Math Lab to students
        who required intensive support with Algebra
        1. Due to the success of Algebra 1 Math Lab
        in providing benefits to our students, we will
        offer Geometry Math Lab during the 2018–19
        school year. These two Math Lab courses are
        designed to be taken concurrently with the
        associated college–preparatory math class
        and are available by teacher recommendation
        only. The purpose of these courses is to assist
        identified students with the development
        of mathematical skills, knowledge, and

    •   Functions, Statistics, and Trigonometry (FST)
        has undergone a curriculum review this year
        and is the last course in our math sequence
        to be brought into full alignment with the
        Common Core State Standards. In 2018–
        19, FST has been renamed Introduction to
        Statistics and Pre–Calculus. The curriculum
        adjustments that have been made allow
        students who do well in the course to elect
        to take AP Calculus AB. Access to the course
        remains the same as it has in years past, and
        we are proud to provide more of our students
        with a pathway to calculus.

    •   The current AP Calculus BC/Multivariable
        Calculus course will be offered for the last time
        in 2018–19. (The stand–alone AP Calculus
        BC course will continue to be offered.) We
        are developing semester–long AP Calculus
        BC, AT Multivariable Calculus and AT Linear
        Algebra courses that will be available for the
        first time in 2019–20.

    •   As announced last year, several Advanced
        Placement (AP) courses will be offered for the
        final time in 2018–19. These courses include
        AP Literature, AP Human Geography, AP
        Psychology, and AP World History. Advanced
        Topic (AT) courses in these subject areas
        are currently being developed to provide
        learning options that are more relevant, better
        support students to acquire 21st–century
        skills, and provide students with additional
        opportunities to differentiate themselves in
        the college application process.

2018 Program Planning Guide

General Information                                                Schedule Changes
                                                                   Please select courses carefully! Since returning
High School Daily Schedule                                         students have opportunities in the spring to
                                                                   select and adjust their course requests, in August
                                                                   students must remain in their assigned courses
Time                          Class/Activity                       for the first two days of the school year. This
                                                                   allows counselors to focus on assisting students
8:00 – 8:30 a.m.              See table below
                                                                   who are new to SAS. Following this two–day
8:35 – 9:55 a.m.              Block 1                              moratorium, students who have a schedule
                                                                   problem are allowed to meet with a counselor
9:55 – 10:15 a.m.             Break
                                                                   and request changes. The add/drop period ends
10:15 – 11:35 a.m.            Block 2                              after the eighth school day. All requests must be
                                                                   for educationally sound reasons and approved
11:35 AM – 12:10 p.m. Lunch
                                                                   by a counselor. Requests for changes must move
12:10 – 1:30 p.m.             Block 3                              a student from a larger section of a course to a
                                                                   smaller one. Students are also required to speak
1:30 – 1:40 p.m.              Break
                                                                   with their parents about proposed changes. At
1:40 – 3:00 p.m.              Block 4                              the beginning of the second semester, except
                                                                   for newly arriving students, no schedule changes
                                                                   can be made on the first day back in January. The
What happens from 8:00 to 8:30                                     add/drop period for second semester courses
                                                                   concludes on the fifth day of the semester.
Day    Teachers              Students
Mon    Advisory Plans        Flex: Clubs, Tutoring, etc.           Seniors must list their courses for the entire
                                                                   senior year when they apply to colleges. Should
Tues   Advisory Meets        Advisory                              a change in a second semester course be made,
Wed    PLC                   Flex and Assemblies                   colleges must be notified of the change. Should
                                                                   it appear that a student is choosing an easier load
Thur   Advisory Meets        Advisory
                                                                   in the final semester, it can reduce the chances
Fri    PLC                   Flex: Clubs, Tutoring, etc.           of admission. Seniors are advised to select their
                                                                   courses carefully for the entire school year and
                                                                   plan to remain in them. The Student Handbook
GRADUATION Requirements                                            has a full explanation of SAS drop/add policies.

       Required Courses in                                          Minimum                       Recommended
       Specific Academic Areas                                      Credits                        for College
       English                                                          4.0                             4
       Mathematics*                                                     2.0                             4
       Science                                                          2.0                            3–4
       Social Studies**                                                 2.0                            3–4
       Language (level requirement)***                               Intermediate**                    3–4
       Visual/Performing Arts                                           1.0                             1
       Physical Education                                               1.5
       Health Education                                                 0.5
       Catalyst Project (Begins with Class of 2018)                     0.5
       Minimum Total Credits****                                      24.0

       Clarifying Details
       *Math: All students must earn two Math credits, one of which must be at the level of Geometry or higher.
       **Social Studies: US citizens (not dual citizens) are required to earn one credit in US History.
       ***Language: Two years of study of the same foreign language (e.g., Chinese, French, or Spanish at the Novice,
       Intermediate level) or an equivalent proficiency in another language is required.
       ****Minimum credits: The minimum credits listed above are the absolute minimum number required to earn an
       SAS diploma. Completing the minimum credits may not be sufficient for admission to university. Focus should be
       on the “Recommended for College” column.
       Interim: Students must participate in an Interim Semester course each year they are at SAS—one of which must be
       a service course.
       One Interim service course (0.25 credit) is required.

Singapore American School

    Advisory and House system                               courses at SAS. Catalyst is deliberately designed
                                                            for students of all abilities and interests, and it
                                                            is customized for all students to experience a
    Our advisory program was established in 2015,           successful project process. Further, grading is
    and in 2016, we rolled out our three advisory           based on process and not product, so what they
    houses: Andor, Aquila, and Ethon.                       choose for their project is less important than how
                                                            they conduct their work. Beginning with the Class
    Advisory and house seek to ensure that every            of 2018, the successful completion of the Catalyst
    student is known, cared for and guided; make            Project is a graduation requirement. It ensures
    our big school feel small; support students with        that every SAS graduate will leave our school
    solving real–world problems; strengthen students’       having immersed themselves in a personalized,
    sense of identity and belonging; and recognize          experiential, educational experience that is
    students’ individual learning experiences and           essential for the their future.

    Each advisory is composed of 10 to 12 students
                                                            frequently asked questions
    in the same grade who are assigned to a faculty
    advisor during their first year at SAS. In most         What is the AP Capstone Diploma?
    cases, students will stay with the same advisor
    until they leave SAS. Advisory groups meet every        To receive the AP Capstone Diploma, students
    Tuesday and Thursday morning from 8:00 a.m.             must successfully complete both AT Seminar
    to 8:30 a.m. Each advisory is also assigned to a        and AT Research and Catalyst. In addition, they
    house that includes approximately ten advisories        must earn a score of 3 or higher on both the AP
    per grade level. Houses are student–led and             Seminar and AP Research exam, and earn a score
    house representatives from each grade level form        of 3 or higher on four additional AP exams of their
    the student government. These students serve as         choosing. Students typically take AT Seminar in
    an important voice of the student body, and their       their sophomore or junior year, followed by AT
    duties include but are not limited to organizing        Research and Catalyst.
    house assemblies, all–school pep rallies, spirit
    activities, and student forums with faculty and         Where can I find an overview of which AP
    administration.                                         courses are being phased out and which AT
                                                            courses are being added to the program
    Advisory and house focus on improving students’         offerings?
    interpersonal and intrapersonal skills, their
    cultural competence and their character. These          Please see the Appendix of this guide for an
    meetings are structured around the content and          overview of our projected AP and AT course
    behaviors needed to: 1) best ensure the social/         offerings through 2021.
    emotional health of all students; 2) improve
    academic success; and 3) prepare students for the       Where can I learn more about the rationale
    inevitability of change in their lives, including the   behind the Advanced Studies program?
    transitions to high school, college, and adulthood.
                                                            We offer on our school portal our frequently asked
    The advisory program strives to create an               questions (http://www.sas.edu.sg/hs–ap–and–at–
    atmosphere of trust where students feel safe to         faqs) to help guide you through any questions you
    discuss a wide range of academic and personal           may have about our advanced studies offerings.
    matters in a setting that helps to balance              We also encourage students to bring questions to
    the rigorous academic demands of the SAS                their high school counselors. They will gladly help
    experience.                                             provide clarity and are eager to help any family as
                                                            they plan a course of study with their child.
    The SAS Catalyst Project                                To whom does the Advanced Placement credit
                                                            limit apply?
    Catalyst is a culminating experience where
    students apply their academic knowledge to              Starting with the Class of 2021 (this year’s ninth
    real situations that are personally applicable          grade students), there is a limit on the number
    to them. This entails using different skills than       of AP course credits a student may earn at SAS.
    are sometimes required in regular academic              These students may earn up to seven year–long–
                                                            equivalent AP credits during their SAS careers.

2018 Program Planning Guide

How many AP courses will my child be able to            How can I fulfill my Catalyst Project graduation
take? What does the AP credit limit mean for            requirement?
access to AP exams?
                                                        There are three ways that students can fulfill their
The Class of 2021 will be able to take a maximum        Catalyst graduation requirement. These paths are
of seven total year–long–equivalent credits in AP       described below and summarized in the table
courses (14 total semesters of AP). This credit limit   that follows. Regardless of the path chosen in
will allow our students to choose from nearly 40        completing their requirement, students will:
of our Advanced Studies offerings. We currently
offer and will continue to offer 20+ AP courses, an     •   receive explicit instruction and feedback
additional 19 Advanced Topic courses, plus our              on our desired student learning outcomes
Catalyst course, independent study, and other               (DSLOs);
personalized options.
                                                        •   explore, innovate, encounter real–life
Up to 7 year–long–equivalent AP credits may be              challenges, learn from occasional failures or
earned by students in the graduating classes of             setback, devise solutions, and reflect deeply
2021 and beyond. However, students will still be            on who they are as learners;
able to access up to 14 AP examinations during
their SAS career.                                       •   learn valuable skills on how to build
                                                            professional networks and collaborate with
There are currently four AT courses after which             mentors;
students may elect to sit the related AP exam.
There is close alignment of the content covered         •   manage time to see a project through from
in these courses and our DSLOs:                             start to finish;

•   AT Environmental Science and Fieldwork (AP          •   feel better prepared to be successful in
    Environmental Science exam)                             college, career, and civic life.

•   AT Computational Physics (AP Physics 1 exam)        AP Capstone, Quest and the SAS Catalyst
                                                        program. How are these different?
•   AT Seminar (AP Seminar exam)
                                                        Although all three fulfill the Catalyst graduation
•   AT Research and Catalyst (AP Research exam)         requirement, there are some significant
An additional AT course in this category will be
offered beginning in the 2019–20 school year.                 The SAS Catalyst Project
Though the AT Literature course is not aligned to
AP English Literature curriculum, the skill–based             The Catalyst Project is a personalized
nature of the exam does not require much (if                  course where students work with teachers
any) content knowledge, and students may draw                 who act as guides as students design,
from a wide body of literary works in answering               plan, and complete interest–based
questions on the exam.                                        projects. Students focus on producing a
                                                              meaningful outcome and are encouraged
•   AT Literature (AP English Literature exam)                to dive deep into relevant content and
                                                              knowledge. This course is for everyone –
Furthermore, there are currently four half–                   the program is built to inspire and assist
credit AP courses. Often, students will take two              students whether they already have a
semesters of AP Government and Politics or two                project idea or not. Optionally, the Catalyst
semesters of AP Economics. These students may                 Project can be extended into a second
sit two exams:                                                semester, or become a “hyper–Catalyst,”
                                                              because the student’s project requires
•   AP Macroeconomics                                         greater resources and time.

•   AP Microeconomics

•   AP Government and Politics: Comparative

•   AP Government and Politics: US

Singapore American School

          AT Seminar and AT Research and Catalyst
          (AP Capstone)
          AT Seminar and AT Research and Catalyst
          are both required to complete the AP
          Capstone. AT Seminar is a year–long,
          inquiry–driven course that engages
          students in cross–curricular conversations
          that explore real–world topics and
          issues from multiple perspectives. After
          successfully completing AT Seminar, most
          of our students enroll in the year–long AT
          Research and Catalyst. AT Research and
          Catalyst asks students to deeply explore
          an academic topic, problem, or issue of
          individual interest with the expectation of
          producing both a university level research
          paper and a meaningful Catalyst Project.
          As these courses have fully adopted the
          AP Capstone curriculum, students will be
          eligible to take the AP Seminar and AP
          Research exams. (Note: Students who
          do not wish to enroll in AT Research and
          Catalyst after AT Seminar would enroll in
          the SAS Catalyst Project semester–length
          course to fulfill their Catalyst graduation
          requirement. In these instances, students
          would not be eligible for the AP Capstone
          Quest is a full–year, all–day, immersive
          program that supports students in pursuing
          their curiosity and passion. Instead of
          taking traditional courses, students
          earn six credits through interdisciplinary
          projects that are personalized to their
          interests. The year culminates with a junior
          or senior project thesis paper, thesis talk,
          and thesis defense; successful completion
          of which fulfills the Catalyst graduation

2018 Program Planning Guide

      three ways to fulfill the catalyst graduation requirement

SAS Catalyst Project           AT Research and Catalyst      Quest

  •   Students earn              •   Students earn their       •     Students earn their
      their graduation               Catalyst graduation             Catalyst graduation
      requirement through            requirement through             requirement
      this personalized              this year–long AT               through their fully
      course (one semester           course.                         personalized,
      is the minimum                                                 all–day, year–long
      requirement).                                                  participation in the
                                 •   Prerequisite:
                                                                     Quest program.
                                     Students need
  •   Prerequisite:                  to successfully
      None. This course              complete AT Seminar       •     Prerequisite:
      is accessible to               to complete their               Enrollment to the
      everyone in their              Catalyst requirement            Quest program via
      junior or senior year.         through AT Research             application.
                                     and Catalyst.
  •   Note: Optionally,                                        •     Note: Quest is an
      students may               •   Note: In addition               immersive program;
      extend their Catalyst          to fulfilling their             students earn
      experience by taking           Catalyst requirement,           credits by pursuing
      the course for a               students who                    interdisciplinary
      second semester                successfully complete           projects that are
      or by enrolling in             AT Seminar and                  personalized to their
      a hyper–Catalyst               AT Research and                 interests.
      (hyper–Catalyst is by          Catalyst are eligible
      application).                  to earn the AP
                                     Capstone Diploma .

Singapore American School

    English                                              will prove beneficial when students are asked
                                                         to choose and develop an interdisciplinary SAS
                                                         Catalyst Project. Similarly, both choices will
                                                         adequately prepare students for higher level
    The English curriculum focuses on reading, social studies and English courses (AP and AT).
    writing, speaking and listening, research, and
    language. Each area will be assessed in every World Studies (English 9/World History)
    English course in various ways, and skills will
                                                         ID: 41005       Grade: 9        Length: Year
    be revisited and refined over the course of the
                                                         Credit: English/Soc Studies (2)
    four–year program. Students must enroll in
                                                         Note: Double block/credit in English and History.
    an English class every semester they attend
    SAS. All freshmen must take English 9 or World This course is a thematic study of the human
    Studies, while sophomores must take English 10 experience through the lenses of history,
    or American Studies. Upperclassmen may opt for sociology, economics, civics, and literature, with a
    any of the following courses during the junior and focus on skills development. Students will explore
    senior years: AP English Language, AP English critical issues, ideologies, individuals, texts
    Literature, AT Writing Workshop and Publication and turning points in the histories of the world,
    (all year long), or a combination of the semester– considering how these developed and shaped
    length junior/senior option courses.                 both past and contemporary issues. Students
                                                         will be challenged to think critically and to make
    While all of the courses can be used to fulfill the thoughtful connections as they draw on a variety
    four-credit SAS English graduation requirement, of resources to understand the human experience.
    please note that there are some that do not meet Students will be challenged to demonstrate the
    the English requirements set by some outside development of their skills and understandings
    organizations. The US National Collegiate Athletic in final culminating projects. This interdisciplinary
    Association (NCAA) reviews all core courses course will meet every day, and students will earn
    at all high schools and makes an independent both an English and a Social Studies credit for
    assessment on whether they are considered completing the course.
    substantially comparable to a traditional core
    course. If you are a talented athlete who could Reading and Viewing—Students will critically
    potentially play a sport in a US college, be aware read a variety of nonfiction (e.g. textbooks,
    of the non–traditional SAS English courses that academic articles, primary source documents),
    are not certified by the NCAA.                       fiction (e.g. novels, short stories), drama, and
                                                         poetry reflecting the human experience. They
    FAQ: Should a ninth grader choose English 9 will be challenged to read closely and critically, to
    and World History or the combined double understand literary structure and technique, and
    block World Studies course?                          to read like a historian. They will be encouraged
                                                         to read widely outside of class in order make
    English 9, World History, and World Studies connections. Core texts include a memoir, The
    each challenge students to dive more deeply Ramayana, The Merchant of Venice, and Lord of
    into content knowledge covered, and empower the Flies.
    students to make meaningful connections across
    disciplines through an inquiry lens. For the World Writing—Students will develop their writing in a
    Studies course, which meets every day with the variety of genres (e.g. argumentative, informative,
    same teacher, school transcripts will not reflect narrative, reflective/blog), responding to both
    independent grades for English 9 and World literature and social studies concepts. Language
    History, but instead will note one grade for usage and mechanics instruction will focus on
    World Studies. Whether choosing the combined the problems evident in the students’ writing.
    double block option or the discrete courses, to Students will also develop their vocabulary using
    be successful, a student will need to thoughtfully the individually levelled program, Membean.
    understand the content introduced and master
    the skills of speaking persuasively, writing Speaking and Listening—Students are expected
    effectively, and reading analytically. Students will to participate fully in class discussions (shared
    be expected to consistently research and share inquiry, fishbowl, Socratic seminars etc.), work
    their perspectives in collaborative environments. in small groups, and make formal presentations,
    The skills, methods, and thinking emphasized with a focus on persuasive speaking skills.
    in English 9, World History and World Studies

2018 Program Planning Guide

English 9                                             experience. This interdisciplinary course will meet
ID: 41012       Grade: 9      Length: Year            every day, and students will earn both an English
Credit: English                                       10 and a US History and Government credit for
                                                      completing the course.
English 9 focuses on writing, reading, speaking/
listening, and language skills in addition to a year– Reading and Viewing—Students will critically
long vocabulary study of Greek and Latin prefixes, read a variety of nonfiction (e.g. academic
roots, and suffixes. The course is organized into articles, primary source documents), fiction
four quarter–long thematic studies which are (e.g. novels, short stories), drama and poetry
linked to the student’s World History course. Each reflecting the American Experience; the history
quarter concludes with inquiry–based projects.        text will be The Americans. Students will continue
                                                      to develop skills in visual literacy by critically
Reading and Viewing—Students will focus on viewing documentaries and films. Students will
the skill of inferring meaning from text. Students be encouraged to read widely outside of class in
will read within the genres of narrative, nonfiction, order make connections.
novel, poetry, drama, and short story. Additionally,
a common expectation in English 9 is for students Writing—Students will develop their writing in
to read at least two personal books each month, a variety of genres (e.g. persuasion, narration,
contributing to a goal of 20 personal books per analysis, synthesis), responding insightfully to
student per year.                                     both literature and history and they will pursue
                                                      class–related areas of interest for their research
Writing—Students will learn how to manage and projects. Language usage and mechanics
organize primary and secondary source material, instruction will focus on the problems evident in
using each in increasingly sophisticated writing the students’ writing.
tasks. Students will learn to produce writing
in analytical, informative, reflective, narrative, Speaking and Listening—Students are expected
and creative forms. Students will refine their to participate fully in class discussions, work in
knowledge and application of syntactical patterns. small groups, and conduct oral presentations,
                                                      with a focus on persuasive speaking skills.
Speaking and Listening—Students will learn how
to participate in shared inquiry discussions by English 10: American Literature
supporting their thinking with textual evidence
from their readings. Students will also prepare for ID: 41013         Grade: 10    Length: Year
and present their quarterly projects.                 Credit: English

                                                      English 10 is a survey of American Literature.
American Studies (English 10/US History               Throughout the course, students are asked to
and Government)                                       think critically and reflect on two key questions:
                                                      Who or what is an American? Is the American
ID: 41014       Grade: 10      Length: Year
                                                      Dream a myth or reality?
Credit: English/US History (2)
Note: Double block/credit in English and US History
                                                     Reading and Viewing—Students will read a
and Government.
                                                     variety of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry reflecting
 This course is a thematic study of the American the various literary periods in American Literature.
 experience through the lenses of history and Students will study classic texts chosen from titles
 literature, with a focus on skills development. such as The Catcher in the Rye, The Adventures of
 Through the thematic units “American Values,” Huckleberry Finn, The Great Gatsby, Outliers, The
“All Men are Created Equal?,” “The American Crucible, and A Raisin in the Sun. Students may
 Dream,” and “Conflicts and Resolutions,” also participate in literature circles using texts that
 students will explore critical issues, individuals, examine current issues in America. Additionally,
 and turning points in the history of the United students will continue to develop skills in critical
 States of America. Students will analyze the observation and creative representation by
 extent to which ideologies, people, literature, and viewing videos of films and short subjects.
 events developed and shaped both American
 history and its contemporary issues. Students Writing—The form and structure of the short essay
 will be challenged to think critically and to are stressed, and the quality of writing is enhanced
 make thoughtful connections as they draw on a through the application of the writing process.
 variety of resources to understand the American

Singapore American School

     Students will write in a variety of modes and styles   Semester I Options
     (e.g. argumentative, narrative, informational,
     synthesis), with a focus on persuasive writing
     and research. Language usage and mechanics
                                                            Creative Writing
     instruction focuses on the problems evident in         ID: 41042       Grade: 11–12 Length: Semester I
     the students’ writing and in their application of      Credit: English
     previously acquired skills.                            Note: This course was previously named Advanced
                                                            Composition. If a credit was earned in that course, you
     Speaking and Listening—The course emphasizes           cannot retake it under this new name.
     the discussion of literary selections and oral         Offered in 2018–19; may be offered in 2019–20. English
     reports to emphasize the skill of persuasive           courses are undergoing a curriculum review and this
     speaking.                                              may mean a change in junior and senior courses for
                                                            2019–20 or beyond.

     Junior/Senior Semester Options                    This semester course is designed for students
                                                       who wish to explore creative writing, to develop
                                                       an individual writing voice, and to learn first–hand
     The junior and senior options continue the how creative writers work. Using a workshop
     development of skills and intensive study of format, both in class and online, students will
     literature of a college preparatory English hone their collaboration skills as they survey
     sequence. These semester–long courses cover specific forms of creative writing, develop a peer
     diverse bodies of literature from various periods community of writers to critique and support
     and cultures. All of the courses develop writing, each other, and create an individual portfolio of
     reading, viewing, speaking, listening and creative work. Students will have opportunities
     technology skills. Please note that some options to submit their works to outside publications
     are offered on a two–year, rotating basis; see and select and perform their own works for a
     course descriptions for details.                  student–developed public reading at the end of
                                                       the semester. While this course is not required
     Writing—Students will compose a variety of for AT Writing Workshop and Publication, it does
     writing assignments, such as personal essays, serve as an excellent foundation and introduction
     literary analysis, compare and contrast essays, to the creative writing process.
     reviews, journal entries, and character sketches.
     They will be encouraged to develop an authentic
     voice and sense of audience. Students will revise
                                                       British     Literature:       The     World        of
     pieces of writing, concentrating on content and   Shakespeare
     organization, and edit to improve diction and ID: 41006          Grade: 11–12 Length: Semester I
     mechanics. Students will participate in peer Credit: English
     critiquing and editing.                           Note: Offered in 2018–19; predicted to not be offered
                                                            in 2019–20. English courses are undergoing a curriculum
     Speaking and Listening—Students will speak             review and this may mean a change in junior and senior
     in a variety of contexts: speeches and oral            courses for 2019–20 or beyond.
     presentations, large and small group discussions,
     dramatic readings, and/or readers’ theater             In this course, students will study Shakespeare’s
     activities.                                            works in depth, critically reading at least one play
                                                            from each of his four genres (history, comedy,
     Reading and Viewing—Students will read a               tragedy, and romance), along with sonnets and
     significant body of literature appropriate to the      other poetry. Supplementary readings will include
     focus of the course.                                   recent articles and scholarship about Shakespeare
                                                            and Elizabethan England and the development of
                                                            Shakespeare’s language; in addition, students will
                                                            critically view films and performances (if possible)
                                                            of the plays. In response to the readings, students
                                                            will write in a variety of genres (e.g. persuasion,
                                                            narration, critical responses) and participate in
                                                            shared inquiry discussions and presentations.

2018 Program Planning Guide

Literature and the Imagination (Science                   Semester II Options
ID: 41011       Grade: 11–12 Length: Semester I           Contemporary American Literature
Credit: English
                                                          ID: 41008       Grade: 11–12 Length: Semester II
Note: Offered in 2018–19; may be offered in 2019–20.
                                                          Credit: English
English courses are undergoing a curriculum review and
                                                          Note: Offered in 2018–19; may be offered in 2019–20.
this may mean a change in junior and senior courses for
                                                          English courses are undergoing a curriculum review and
2019–2020 or beyond.
                                                          this may mean a change in junior and senior courses for
Students in this course will study the three              2019–20 or beyond.
stages of Science Fiction: Gothic/classic science
                                                    Contemporary American Literature focuses
fiction period (1818-1926); the modern period
                                                    on reading text from multiple genres (e.g.,
(1926-1960s); and the contemporary period
                                                    nonfiction, poetry, imaginative literature, film,
(1960s-present). Through the study of the
                                                    etc.) to explore the values, voices and attitudes
literature of these three periods students will
                                                    in present–day American society. These myriad
examine the philosophical (ethical), scientific,
                                                    texts will be applied to wider contexts including
and political ideas developed in science fiction
                                                    gender, cultural, historical, psychological and
literature. Key ideas include: the ethics of
                                                    political issues. For instance, what impact has
science and the responsibility of the scientist,
                                                    the social construction of gender had on our
the conflict between man and technology, man’s
                                                    contemporary understanding of masculinity and
relationship to nature, the individual against
                                                    femininity or how is language used in political and
society, mankind meeting alien species, social
                                                    social discourse to convey meaning? Students
problems highlighted in science fiction literature
                                                    will analyze such issues through writing, speaking,
and film, and how science fiction questions what
                                                    and collaborative tasks that require them to
it means to be human. Students will also explore
                                                    consider the multiple perspectives involved.
the relationship of science fiction literature to
                                                    They will also practice their research skills by
the novel and film. Consequently students will
                                                    developing guiding questions and identifying
analyze both written text and film. The variety of
                                                    academic sources to support their thinking.
science fiction writers includes Ray Bradbury, P.D.
James, Mary Shelley, and H.G. Wells.
                                                          Genres of 21st Century Literature (Film as
Reading, Writing and Publishing in a                      Literature)
Digital World                                             ID: 41010        Grade: 11–12 Length: Semester II
                                                          Credit: English
ID: 41024       Grade: 11–12 Length: Semester I
                                                          Note: This course does not meet the NCAA Division I
Credit: English
                                                          core course requirement for English. See counselor for
Note: Offered in 2018–19; may be offered in 2019–20.
                                                          details. Offered in 2018–19; predicted to not be offered
English courses are undergoing a curriculum review and
                                                          in 2019–20. English courses are undergoing a curriculum
this may mean a change in junior and senior courses for
                                                          review and this may mean a change in junior and senior
2019–20 or beyond.
                                                          courses for 2019–20 or beyond.
This project–based course examines the textual
                                                     Film is a dominant storytelling medium in the 21st
relationship between literary style and content,
                                                     century. The best films can be “read” like books
examining how it has evolved over time. We
                                                     or poems as they contain rich characters, deep
examine how the tools of expression—the spoken
                                                     symbolism, and complex themes just like the best
word, the pen, the printing press, the radio, the
                                                     literature. This course will examine films as texts,
television and the internet—have changed
                                                     and teach students how to interpret what they see
the ways we describe, explain, persuade, and
                                                     on the screen, how to use the technical vocabulary
narrate in the world. By reading and writing many
                                                     of films and images, and how to write about film in
different forms, students will better understand
                                                     a critical way. Students will annotate informational
how to interpret the written world and publish
                                                     text, analyze differences and similarities between
work with a greater awareness of the effects
                                                     film and literature, read literature, participate in
on different audiences. This course is designed
                                                     collaborative discussions, write analytical essays,
to help students think critically about and
                                                     and practice their independent research skills.
responsibly within the digital age. Students will
                                                     Films included in this course may include The
plan, write, revise, produce, record, film, publish,
                                                     Godfather, Citizen Kane, Rear Window, The Seven
and evaluate their own work, creating a body
                                                     Samurai and other important works. Students will
of writing to take with them in their personal
                                                     also have the opportunity to choose their own
                                                     films for independent study.
Singapore American School

     Studies in Satire                                         Junior/Senior full–year Options
     ID: 41022       Grade: 11–12 Length: Semester II
     Credit: English                                           AP English Language and Composition
     Note: Offered in 2018–19; may be offered in 2019–20.
     English courses are undergoing a curriculum review and    ID: 41028        Grade: 11–12 Length: Year
     this may mean a change in junior and senior courses for   Credit: English
     2019–20 or beyond.                                        Prerequisite: No prerequisite for students to select
                                                               this course in twelfth grade. Semester I grade of B+ or
     This course will provide students with a broad            higher in English 10/American Studies is required to
     sense of satire in terms of how it has been defined       select this course in eleventh grade. Students with a
     and practiced. Thus, students will begin by briefly       Semester I grade of B in English 10/American Studies or
     discussing several approaches to explaining               a Semester I grade of A+ in English 9/World Studies may
     the basic concepts of satire. These efforts seek          select this course if they also obtain a current teacher
     to explain satire’s long and successful run as a          recommendation.
     literary genre and to clarify just how satire works.
     After establishing a critical lens through which to The AP Language and Composition course is
     view satire, students will study classical examples primarily a course in both effective writing and
     of satire primarily from the eighteenth through critical reading. This course engages students
     the twentieth centuries using texts such as Being in becoming skilled readers of prose written in
     There, Brave New World, The Handmaid’s Tale, a variety of periods, disciplines, and rhetorical
     The Malcontents, and Cat’s Cradle. All the while, contexts and in becoming skilled writers who
     each week students will also be keeping tabs on compose for a variety of purposes. Readings
     twenty–first century satire. Overall, the course will draw from a variety of topics, depending on
     seeks to enhance students’ critical thinking skills relevance and student interests. These topics may
     by closely analyzing the criticisms inherent in include politics, technology, gender, education,
     works of satire.                                     the environment, or community. Students
                                                          planning to take AP Language and Composition
                                                          as a junior are cautioned: successful completion
     World Literature: Myths and Monsters
                                                          of the course requires a much greater effort and
     ID: 41017       Grade: 11–12 Length: Semester II     is significantly more demanding than English
     Credit: English                                      10. Students will be prepared for and strongly
     Note: Offered in 2018–19; may be offered in 2019–20. encouraged to sit for the AP exam in May.
     English courses are undergoing a curriculum review and
     this may mean a change in junior and senior courses for   AP English Literature and Composition
     2019–20 or beyond.
                                                               ID: 41029       Grade: 11–12 Length: Year
     The monster is a figure as old as literature itself. Credit: English
     From the myths of the Greeks to the Biblical Prerequisite: Any English AP/AT course; or Semester I
     Leviathan, monsters of various kinds have roamed grade of B or higher in an eleventh grade English course;
     the landscapes of our imaginations. This course or current teacher recommendation.
     asks, what is a monster? Why do people seem Note: This course will be offered for the final time in
     fascinated with the grotesque, the outcast, and 2018–19. Beginning in 2019–20, the course will be
     the evil? How are monsters portrayed in literature replaced with an Advanced Topic offering in literature.
     and other art forms? We will examine novels and
     stories that feature classic and contemporary This course is designed for upperclassmen who
     visions of vampires, demons, ogres and perhaps have demonstrated a commitment to the critical
     the most frightening monster of all: mankind.        study of literature and the study and practice of
                                                          writing. Through speaking, listening, and reading,
                                                          but chiefly through the experience of their own
                                                          writing, students will become more aware of the
                                                          resources of language and more adept at formal
                                                          analysis of literature in terms of both form and
                                                          content. The focus of this course is the in–depth
                                                          analysis of literature in a variety of modes: Greek
                                                          drama, Shakespearean drama, the novel, satire,
                                                          the essay, and poetry. The AP curriculum is not
                                                          specifically prescribed and may vary in content
                                                          and emphasis from year to year. Works selected

2018 Program Planning Guide

for study will represent a variety of modes and               practices. This course was collaboratively
periods and are generally recognized as literary              developed and endorsed by a professor at Yale–
classics. Students will be prepared for and strongly          NUS. The Advanced Topic designation indicates a
encouraged to sit for the AP exam in May.                     course is at university level, putting it at or above
                                                              the level of a traditional Advanced Placement (AP)
AT English: Writing Workshop and                              course. This course has a grade point weighting
Publication                                                   of 0.5.

ID: 41046        Grade: 11–12 Length: Year
Credit: English
Prerequisite: Semester I grade of B or higher in an AP
English course; or Semester I grade of B+ or higher in
English 10/American Studies or in an eleventh grade
English offering. Students with a Semester I grade of B
in English 10/American Studies or in an eleventh grade
English offering may select this course if they also obtain
a current teacher recommendation. Students who
have signed up will be required to submit a portfolio
of creative writing pieces prior to the fall semester in
order to remain in the course. See your English teacher
for details.

Note: This course was previously named AT English:
Writing Seminar. If a credit was earned in that course,
you cannot retake it under this new title.

This course offers an intensive, year–long
inquiry into the creative writing and publication
process. The course will operate in a small
writers’ community to be structured on the
Iowa Writers’ Workshop model used in creative
writing departments across the world, but
scaled for a high school student. The course is
designed for students who already have a regular
writing process in any creative genre and can
demonstrate a passion for creative writing with a
portfolio of work. The course will feature a variety
of units to develop insight and skills centered
on creativity and producing a collaborative
professional publication. These units include:
idea generation through journaling and writing
exercises, designing and refining sentences and
forms, producing and iterating drafts of fiction,
nonfiction, and poetry, demonstrating courage
to explore different approaches through radical
revision, creating with others through writing
workshop, and reflecting on the creative process
in a journal and portfolio. The course will feature
regular workshops to improve drafting and
editing skills, study and analysis of works and
writers (based on student voice and choice)
that examines process and audience as well as
key ideas and craft, structured encounters with
visiting local and international authors, a writer’s
retreat to encourage growth of relationships and
community, and production of a publication of
student work (print, digital, and/or performance)
based on inquiry into contemporary publishing

Singapore American School

     Social Studies                                        World Studies (English 9/World History)
                                                           ID: 41005       Grade: 9         Length: Year
                                                           Credit: English/Social Studies (2)
                                                           Note: World Studies is a combined double–block
     Social Studies offerings are consistent with the      English 9 and World History course. The course meets
     school’s DSLOs, and are designed to allow             daily with the same teacher. Students can choose the
     students to develop and demonstrate character,        double–block World Studies or separate English 9 and
     collaboration, communication, creativity, critical    World History.
     thinking, cultural competence, and content
     knowledge. Toward this end, courses are built         Please refer to the full course description in the
     around the College, Career, and Civic Life            English section.
     (C3) framework, a set of standards from the US
     National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS).       World History
     Students will develop questions, apply disciplinary   ID: 42022        Grade: 9     Length: Year
     tools, evaluate evidence, and communicate             Credit: Social Studies
     conclusions. Ninth grade students will take one
     of the two world history courses outlined below.      World History will provide students with the
     Tenth through twelfth grade students have a wide      opportunity to explore critical issues, individuals
     variety of choices in the disciplines of history,     and turning points in the histories of the world.
     government, economics, business, geography,           Students will analyze the extent to which
     and psychology, as well as the opportunity to take    ideologies, societies, and events developed and
     AT and AP courses in those disciplines.               shaped both our history and contemporary issues.
                                                           Using an inquiry framework, students will develop
                                                           questions, read and think like a historian, evaluate
     Required ninth Grade World History Options            sources, and communicate ideas. Through the
                                                           thematic lenses of power, belief, conflict, and
     All SAS ninth grade students must be enrolled in      change, students will be challenged to think
     either World History or World Studies, which is       critically and to make thoughtful connections
     the combined English 9/World History course.          as they draw on a variety of resources to
                                                           understand the human experience. By the end
     English 9, World History, and World Studies           of the course, students should be able to discuss
     each challenge students to dive more deeply           their understanding of these themes, supported
     into content knowledge covered, and empower           by historical evidence. The course themes are
     students to make meaningful connections across        linked to the English 9 course and students will
     disciplines through an inquiry lens. For the World    be encouraged throughout the year to make
     Studies course, which meets every day with the        connections between these courses. All ninth
     same teacher, school transcripts will not reflect     graders must enroll in either this course or World
     independent grades for English 9 and World            Studies.
     History, but instead will note one grade for
     World Studies. Whether choosing the combined          US History Options
     double block option or the discrete courses, to
     be successful, a student will need to thoughtfully
     understand the content introduced and master          US citizens (not dual citizens) are required to earn
     the skills of speaking persuasively, writing          a credit in US History and Government, American
     effectively and reading analytically. Students will   Studies, or AP US History. Since some US public
     be expected to consistently research and share        universities (e.g., University of California) require
     their perspectives in collaborative environments.     US History as an admission requirement, students
     The skills, methods and thinking emphasized           who might be applying to a US public university
     in English 9, World History and World Studies         should complete a year of US History and
     will prove beneficial when students are asked         Government, American Studies, or AP US History.
     to choose and develop an interdisciplinary SAS
     Catalyst Project. Similarly, both choices will
     adequately prepare students for higher level
     social studies and English courses (AP and AT).

You can also read