Dugongs CREATURE FEATURE - Australian Marine Conservation Society

Page created by Samuel Palmer
Dugongs CREATURE FEATURE - Australian Marine Conservation Society
Spring 2019          VOLUME 20/3

                                      Supporter Newsletter

                     CREATURE FEATURE

                                            Page 2

                               MARINE SANCTUARIES

                          East Antarctic
                            Marine Park
                                              Page 3

                       Whales v Japan
                                              Page 4

                                Blue Carbon
                                              Page 8

                                Citizen Reef
                                              Page 10

With Thanks to YOU
Dugongs CREATURE FEATURE - Australian Marine Conservation Society
Jawbone Beach (Victoria) Clean-Up Volunteers. © Alison Schlitz
On the cover and this page: Mother Dugong and calf, WA © Ocean Collective Media (@oceancollectivemedia)

                                                                                                              Creature Feature                                             Protecting amazing sea life thanks to you...   Plastic Pollution                                 Turning the tide on plastic pollution with thanks to you...

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Australia is
                                                                                                                                                                                                 globally the
                                                                                                                                                                                              largest and most
                                                                                                                                                                                              important refuge
                                                                                                               Lady Of The Sea                                                                   for dugong.               Plastic Free Seas
                                                                                                               The word dugong means ‘lady of the sea’.                                                                    Australians deserve clean, healthy oceans              We’re calling on the Australian Government
                                                                                                               Some believe these elusive animals were               Facts & Figures                                       full of life. Our oceans contain the richest, most     to ban single use plastics by 2023. We need a
                                                                                                               the inspiration for ancient seafaring tales of        COMMON NAME:       Dugong                             diverse life on Earth. Such global significance        legislative ban to deal with our plastic crisis.
                                                                                                               mermaids and sirens.                                  SCIENTIFIC NAME: Dugong dugon                         brings a global responsibility. At AMCS we
                                                                                                               These shy marine mammals live in warm tropical        TYPE: Mammals
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           believe that we have a duty to manage our
                                                                                                               coastal waters from East Africa to Australia. They                                                          oceans wisely on behalf of future generations.             Beach Clean Up
                                                                                                                                                                     DIET: Herbivore
                                                                                                               prefer wide shallow bays and areas protected by                                                             But plastic is polluting our oceans and choking            Thank you to all the wonderful volunteers,
                                                                                                                                                                     COLLECTIVE NOUN: Herd
                                                                                                               large inshore islands. Australians are privileged                                                           our sea life like whales, dolphins and turtles.            pictured above, who joined us in July to
                                                                                                               to have most of the world’s dugong population         AVERAGE LIFESPAN IN THE WILD: 70 years                                                                           remove plastics from the beaches at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Around the world countries are acting to reduce
                                                                                                               living in our tropical waters.                        SIZE (ADULT): 2.5 to 3 metres                         plastic pollution by setting targets and banning           Victoria’s Jawbone Marine Sanctuary.
                                                                                                               Dugongs are the only marine mammals in                HEIGHT: 230 to 500 kg                                 plastics – but Australia is falling behind instead         Over 80% of the plastic we collected was
                                                                                                               Australia that live mainly on plants. These           CONSERVATION STATUS: Vunerable                        of leading the charge.                                     single-use plastic pollution - unnecessary
                                                                                                               enormous vegetarians are often fondly called          CURRENT POPULATION TREND: Decreasing                  Our main focus is stopping destructive single-             items which have biodegradable, non-
                                                                                                               ‘sea cows’, as they graze on seagrass beds                                                                  use plastics - disposable stuff that’s used once           plastic alternatives.
                                                                                                               which they need to survive.                          Our dugong populations are in trouble,                 and pollutes forever, such as plastic bags,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Together we’re turning the tide on plastic
                                                                                                               They can stay underwater for six minutes before      which is bad news for them and bad news                bottles, microbeads, straws and take away
                                                                                                               surfacing and sometimes breathe by ‘standing’        for us. Threats to dugongs include boat strike,        cutlery. We must stop plastic pollution entering
                                                                                                               on their tail with their heads above water.          entanglement and drowning in nets and                  our oceans by stopping it at the source.
                                                                                                               Dugongs play an important ecological role in         debris, and habitat degradation due to coastal
                                                                                                               our coastal marine ecosystems.                       development and declining water quality.
                                                                                                                                                                    Dugongs are long-lived and slow to breed, so              Plastic Free July
                                                                                                                                                                    we need to turn things around or we could lose            Huge thanks to our dedicated community
                                                                                                                         Did You Know?
                                                                                                                                                                    this wonderful species.                                   who are turning the tide on plastic pollution.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          © Alison Schlitz
                                                                                                                  Spring is a special season to see mum and         Worldwide, the dugong is listed as being                  Over 6,000 supporters signed up to go
                                                                                                                  bub dugongs in our warm tropical waters.          vulnerable to extinction. Australia is the largest,       plastic free during the month of July this year!
                                                                                                                  Female dugongs have one calf after a              and most important refuge for dugongs on our              Help spread the word to save our turtles,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Take Action!
                                                                                                                  year-long pregnancy.                              blue planet. This means that what we do here              dolphins, whales and sea life from being                Plastic pollution is flowing into our oceans
                                                                                                                  A young dugong remains close to its               matters at a global level.                                drowned in plastic. Recruit your friends and
                                                                                                                  mother for about 18 months, sometimes                                                                                                                               at an alarming rate, entangling and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              family to pledge to tackle single-use plastics!         suffocating our marine life. Urge your
                                                                                                                  catching a ride on her broad back. They
                                                                                                                  can stay with their mother for many years,          Fun Fact:                                               Take the pledge at amcs.org.au/                         government representative to commit to
                                                                                                                  as she may not calve again for another              Dugongs are related to                                  PlasticPledge today and ‘Choose to Refuse’              banning harmful single-use plastics by
                                                                                                                  seven years.                                        manatees and elephants!                                 single-use plastic.                                     2023 at amcs.org.au/BanPlastic

                                                                                                          2                                             Turning The Tide                                                                                         With Thanks to YOU                                                          3
Dugongs CREATURE FEATURE - Australian Marine Conservation Society
Penguin in Antarctic Landscape © Mike Matas
Breaching Humpback Whale

                               Marine Parks										````Protecting precious places with your support...

                                                                                                                                                                                                           A natural reserve,
                                                                                                                                                                                                           devoted to peace
                               Saving                                                 Japan v                                                                                                                 and science.
                               Sanctuaries                                            Whales                                           East Antarctic Marine Park
                               Marine sanctuaries are one of the best ways to         In July, Japanese whalers resumed their          The eastern region of Antarctica is one of
                               manage and protect wildlife and their habitats.        commercial whaling program for the first         the wildest, most untouched parts of our           Fun Fact
                               With thanks to your support, AMCS is working           time in 30 years.                                beautiful blue planet.
                                                                                                                                                                                          Australia is responsible for over 42%
                               around our coastlines:                                 With thanks to our supporters, we worked         East Antarctica is almost entirely covered by
                                                                                                                                                                                          of the Antarctic continent – called the
                                  In Queensland the Great Sandy Marine                with the International Fund for Animal           thick ice. Its coasts and surrounding ocean
                                                                                                                                                                                          Australian Antarctic Territory.
                                  Park is up for review. We are working with          Welfare (IFAW) to commission advice from         are home to seabirds, penguins and seals.
                                  tourism, recreational fishers and locals            international law experts.                          Seabirds include emperor and Adelie
                                  to increase sanctuary zones and remove              The landmark legal opinion finds that even          penguins, wandering albatross, southern      With your support, AMCS is working to
                                  damaging gillnet fishing from sensitive             though Japan has withdrawn from the                 giant petrel and Antarctic terns.            create a crucial marine park to protect
                                  seagrass meadows and dugong habitats.               International Whaling Commission (IWC),                                                          this extraordinary area and its wildlife, like
                                                                                                                                          Seals of the Antarctic Ocean include
                                                                                      the country is exposing itself to potential                                                      penguins, seals and whales.
                                  In the Northern Territory we are helping to                                                             leopard seals, Weddell seals, (enormous)
                                  better protect Limmen Bight Marine Park,            international legal action now that it has          southern elephant seals, crabeater seals     Australia has been leading the charge for the
                                  working with locals to protect its precious sea     started commercial whaling in its own waters.       and Ross seals. These wonderful creatures    creation of a marine park for the East Antarctic,
                                  life like sea turtles, sawfish and sea birds.       The report outlines how Japan still has clear       can be found breeding on the surrounding     but not all the 25 nations have yet agreed.
                                                                                      obligations under international law. It spells      pack ice in summer.                          These nations will meet in Hobart, Australia in
                                  In Western Australia Ningaloo Marine
                                                                                      out a clear path for legal challenge against                                                     October 2019 to make their decision.
                                  Park’s nursery at Exmouth Gulf is under                                                                 Migrating whales, including humpbacks,
                                  threat. We are working with alliance                Japan and shines the spotlight on their cruel       orcas and the largest animal on Earth,       The East Antarctic Marine Park will either
                                  partners to protect and preserve the region         and outdated whaling.                               the blue whale, visit during the summer      succeed or fail over the next few months.
                                  from industrialisation.                             Japan has turned their back on the IWC but it       searching for fish, squid, penguins and      Australia’s stance will be critical to ensure its
                                                                                      can’t escape the reach of international law.        plankton to eat.                             success.
                                  The Antarctic is under threat from global
                                  warming and industrial fishing by distant                                                            But this incredible natural wonder is under     Antarctica and its incredible marine life need
                                  nations. Australia, France and the EU are             Thank you!                                     threat from industrial fishing and the          and deserve Australia’s leadership.
                                  leading the charge for a marine park in the           AMCS funded this landmark legal                escalating menace of climate change.
                                  East Antarctic.                                       analysis thanks to supporters who
                                                                                        donated to our Whaling Legal Fighting                 Take Action!                                Did you know?
                                         Did You Know?                                  Fund Appeal late last year. Thank You!                                                            Thirty years ago, Australia and France
                                                                                                                                         Right now, we have a rare opportunity            led the world to ban mining in the
                                The Turnbull and Morrison Governments                                                                    to give our Antarctic marine life the
                                                                                             Take Action!                                                                                 Antarctic. This was a monumental
                                made massive cutbacks to our marine
                                                                                                                                         protection it urgently needs.                    achievement! Our nation changed the
                                park sanctuaries around Australia. The
                                science shows that our current marine                  Urge Japan to abandon its whaling.                Please sign the petition to support the          fate of the Antarctic – from potential
                                sanctuaries are inadequate - leaving our               Send an email to Japan’s Prime Minister           East Antarctic Marine Park today. Visit          mega mine to a ‘natural reserve,
                                ocean wildlife exposed.                                amcs.org.au/StopWhaling                           amcs.org.au/SaveTheAntarctic                     devoted to peace and science.’

                           4                                              Turning The Tide                                                                              With Thanks to YOU                                                 5
Dugongs CREATURE FEATURE - Australian Marine Conservation Society
Freshwater sawfish (Pristis pristis), Townsville region, Queensland © Simon Fraser

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Jacqui Challinor
                                                                                         Fisheries								                                                                                                                                                            		           Helping Australians make sustainable choices...

                                                                                                                                                                                                         Great White Shark
                                                                                          The Gulf of Carpentaria is one
                                                                                         of the last global strongholds for
                                                                                              the survival of sawfish.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Shark Finning                                          Good Fish Chef:
                                                                                          Threatened Species: Sawfish                                                                                                        Loopholes                                              Jacqui Challinor

                                                                                          Sawfish are named for their most obvious                                                                                           Shark finning is illegal in Australia. So why do       Jacqui Challinor, head chef at Sydney’s
                                                                                          feature - their ‘saw’ (called a rostrum or snout).    Facts & Figures                                                              we still fin sharks?                                   acclaimed sustainable restaurant NOMAD,
                                                                                          These fascinating fish are rare and unique. The       COMMON NAME:     Sawfish                                                     Live shark finning is the process when a fisher        diver and shark lover has a special love for
                                                                                          ‘teeth’ on their snout are in fact modified scales    SCIENTIFIC NAME: Pristidae                                                   catches a shark, slices off and keeps its fins,        our oceans.
                                                                                          and not real teeth.                                   TYPE: Cartilaginous fishes                                                   and then dumps the body. This barbaric                 NOMAD has recently signed up to our Good
                                                                                          They rely on their highly sensitive ‘saws’ for        DIET: Small fishes, prawns, and other
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             practice is banned throughout Australia thanks         Fish Project, and sources a number of green-
                                                                                          detecting the heartbeat and movement of                                                                                            to AMCS and ocean lovers like you. Despite this,       listed species from Australia’s Sustainable
                                                                                          buried prey, such as fish, molluscs and crabs.                                                                                     sharks are still targeted for their highly prized      Seafood Guide.
                                                                                                                                                AVERAGE LIFESPAN IN THE WILD: 18 to 80 years                                 fins, and flesh.
                                                                                          Although they are generally docile animals, when                                                                                                                                          Jacqui’s passion for our oceans and
                                                                                          threatened by predators the saw also serves as a      SIZE (ADULT): 6 metres                                                       To stop live shark finning happening at sea,           sustainable seafood comes from growing up
                                                                                          weapon!                                               CONSERVATION STATUS: Endangered to                                           most Australian states require that sharks are         at the beach and on boats.
                                                                                          Sawfish are found in estuaries and freshwater         Critically Endangered                                                        brought back to port whole with their fins still       “The ocean is my happy place and stress
                                                                                          rivers and creeks in Queensland, the Northern         CURRENT POPULATION TREND: Decreasing                                         attached. This fishing policy is called ‘Fins          reliever. About five years ago, I started scuba
                                                                                          Territory and Western Australia. They move                                                                                         Naturally Attached’.                                   diving and that pretty much cemented my
                                                                                          between fresh and saltwater easily, and are          All five species are listed as Critically                                     But there are loopholes in Western Australia,          commitment to protect this really fragile and
                                                                                          quite happy to sit on the bottom of shallow          Endangered or Endangered by the International                                 Queensland and the Northern Territory. Fishers         already compromised ecosystem”.
                                                                                          muddy rivers.                                        Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).                                      can slice off shark fins at sea, as long as they       NOMAD is one of over 60 restaurants around
                                                                                          Sawfishes are a family of rays, and are among the                                                                                  can show that they have the right weight ratio of      Australia that have pledged to only serve
                                                                                                                                               Globally, sawfish are hunted for their fins which
                                                                                          world’s most endangered fish.                                                                                                      fins to flesh This means that we can’t be certain      sustainably-sourced seafood on their menus!
                                                                                                                                               can sell for thousands of dollars per set, and their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             that live shark finning isn’t occurring out at sea.
                                                                                                                                               saws which are sold as souvenirs. All sawfish are
                                                                                                  Save Our Sawfish
                                                                                                                                               protected in Australia, where it is illegal to trade in                       With your support, AMCS is encouraging                   Good Fish Guide
                                                                                                                                               their fins, saws, and flesh.                                                  Western Australia, Queensland and the
                                                                                          Sawfish are already extinct from half their                                                                                        Northern Territory to introduce a policy to keep         Stay up to date and follow Good Fish
                                                                                          global range. Australia’s oceans are the             One of the greatest threats to sawfish in Australia is                                                                                 Project on Facebook and Instagram.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ‘Fins Naturally Attached’ to sharks.
                                                                                          global ‘life-boat’ that could save them              accidental entanglement and drowning in fishing
                                                                                          from extinction.                                     nets as their snouts are easily caught up.                                                                                                   goodfishproject
                                                                                          Earlier this year thousands of you called                                                                                                    Take Action!
                                                                                          on the government to protect sawfish in
                                                                                          the Gulf.                                               Did you know?                                                                Australia’s shark finning laws are                          Sustainable Cooking at Home?
                                                                                          We recently met with the Environment                                                                                                 inadequate. Loopholes still exist in
                                                                                          Minister to stress the plight of these                  Other than reef corals, sharks and rays                                      WA, NT and QLD.                                       We’ve added new species to Australia’s
                                                                                          animals. She will be making a decision on               are the world’s most threatened marine                                       You can help take action visit                        Sustainable Seafood Guide to help you
                                                                                          a Queensland net fishery that entangles                 animals with one third of all species at                                     amcs.org.au/StopSharkFinning                          make informed seafood choices.
                                                                                          sawfish in the coming weeks.                            risk of extinction.                                                                                                                Visit sustainableseafood.org.au

                                                                                     6                                             Turning The Tide                                                                                                                With Thanks to YOU                                                 7
Dugongs CREATURE FEATURE - Australian Marine Conservation Society
Mangroves, Tropical Queensland

                                     Climate Change											                                                                                                                             Together we’re fighting for a cleaner future…

                                                                                                        We must
                                                                                                   protect and restore
                                                                                                    our blue carbon

                                     Blue Carbon                                                                                   What’s Next For Australia?
                                     Our mangroves, seagrass meadows and                                                           The future is renewable.                            renewable energy powerhouse with a
                                     tidal marshes are our unsung heroes.              What is Blue Carbon?                        Climate change is already hurting                   thriving economy and international tourism
                                                                                                                                   communities around Australia. Our                   industry based around our incredible
                                     They protect our coastline from storms            Blue carbon is the carbon stored in
                                                                                                                                   warming climate is exacerbating droughts,           natural environment.
                                     and erosion, provide habitat and nursery          coastal and marine ecosystems -
                                     grounds for fish and threatened marine            mangroves, tidal marshes and seagrass       fires and cyclones. Our corals are bleaching,       We need to protect and restore our blue
                                     species, and provide food security for            meadows.                                    our kelp and mangrove forests are dying             carbon superpowers – our mangrove forests,
                                     millions of people around the world.                                                          back and our oceans are acidifying.                 saltmarshes and seagrass meadows.
                                                                                       These coastal ecosystems sequester and
                                     But did you know that our coastal and             store large quantities of carbon in both    Climate change is being driven primarily            We need ambitious renewable energy
                                     marine ecosystems also have carbon                the plants and sediment below.              by the release of carbon dioxide from the           targets, exporting surplus solar energy and
                                     storage superpowers?                                                                          burning of fossil fuels such as coal and gas.       clean hydrogen fuel to the world.
                                                                                       Coastal ecosystems sequester and store
                                     Our ‘blue carbon’ marine communities              more carbon than terrestrial forests and    Despite the community’s growing alarm               As we transform our economy, we must
                                                                                       are being increasingly recognised for       about global warming, our taxes subsidise           protect our jobs in the regions, transitioning
                                     contain rich carbon reservoirs that draw
                                                                                       their role in mitigating climate change.    fossil fuels by an incredible $29 billion a year.   boom-bust coal towns into future-proof
                                     carbon from our air and oceans and
                                                                                                                                   But it doesn’t need to be this way. Coal is         sustainable economies. Let’s make this our
                                     capture it in their leaves and soils. We’ve
                                                                                                                                   not the future.                                     future.
                                     long recognised the need to preserve our
                                                                                     When degraded or destroyed, our coastal
                                     forests on land for their ability to store                                                    The world has started the transition to a
                                     carbon. Increasingly we’re recognising          ecosystems release their stored carbon into                                                              Climate Change: Carbon Budget
                                                                                                                                   low carbon economy. And here in Australia,
                                     the need to protect coastal ecosystems to       our atmosphere and oceans, exacerbating       despite regressive federal government
                                     combat climate change.                          global warming. Experts estimate that         policies, our communities and businesses            Thanks to your tireless support, we’re
                                                                                     as much as 1.02 billion tonnes of carbon      are hungry for climate action. All of our           actioning a long term plan to make an
                                     Unlike land-based vegetation, blue carbon                                                                                                         energy transition tangible and clear for
                                     ecosystems can accumulate carbon                dioxide are being released annually from      states and territories, with the exception of
                                                                                                                                                                                       decision makers.
                                                                                     degraded coastal ecosystems.                  Western Australia, have strong renewable
                                     without reaching saturation. They can store                                                                                                       AMCS is about to release a carbon
                                                                                                                                   energy targets in place.
                                     carbon for thousands of years!                  In order to combat climate change, we                                                             budget for Queensland to protect the
                                                                                                                                   Australia is blessed with abundant                  Reef’s future. This is a huge step. It
                                     Blue carbon ecosystems are one of the           must preserve and restore our mangroves,                                                          illustrates what needs to be done at the
                                                                                                                                   sunshine and wind. We have record uptake
                                     most efficient bio-sequestration systems        tidal marshes and seagrasses.                                                                     state level to do ‘our bit’ to limit global
                                                                                                                                   of solar technology. Households across
                                     on Earth.                                                                                     the land are embracing rooftop solar                temperature rise to 1.5 degrees.
                                                                                              Did You Know?                                                                            It is based on the best scientific research
                                     Despite this incredible value, our coastal                                                    and storage, with Queensland and South
                                                                                                                                   Australia, leading the charge.                      to ensure our Reef - and all marine
                                     ecosystems are also some of the most              A whopping 83% of the global carbon                                                             ecosystems - have the best chance of
                                     threatened on the planet.                         cycle is circulated through our oceans.     We should be a 21st Century global                  survival in the coming decades.

                                 8                                         Turning The Tide                                                                            With Thanks to YOU                                                  9
Dugongs CREATURE FEATURE - Australian Marine Conservation Society
AMCS Mobile Billboard at Parliament House, Canberra.
Heart Reef, Great Barrier Reef, Whitsundays Queensland

                                                              Fight For Our Reef											                                                                                                                              You’re standing up for our precious reefs…

                                                              Cut Fossil Fuels                                   Citizen                                           Canberra Billboard                                Your Messages
                                                              To Save Iconic Sites                               Reef                                              On The Road                                       In The Hand

                                                              Your support has turbocharged hands on             The Great Barrier Reef is one of Australia’s      On the first day of our newly elected federal     Your message to Australia’s Prime Minister
                                                              action, at the highest levels.                     most valued living treasures.                     Parliament – your voice was heard!                has been delivered by our CEO!
                                                              AMCS Director of Strategy Imogen                   Our Reef contributes $6.4 billion to the          We sent a giant mobile billboard to               In the lead up to the Federal Election you sent
                                                              Zethoven recently attended the World               Australian economy every year, supports           Canberra to shadow ministers from the             a clear message that Australia must move
                                                              Heritage Committee (WHC) meeting in                64,000 jobs and has a net worth of $56 billion.   airport to Parliament House on their first day    beyond dirty fossil fuel projects to protect our
                                                              Baku, Azerbaijan, on your behalf.                  We’re partnering with LADBible Australia in       - proudly broadcasting your messages! Your        Great Barrier Reef, including stopping Adani
                                                                                                                 a gutsy plan to make our living, breathing        billboard continued to spread the message         and any new thermal coal mines.
                                                              Climate change is the fastest growing                                                                circling Parliament House and Canberra city.
                                                              threat to natural World Heritage sites.            Great Barrier Reef an Aussie citizen - with                                                         We believe strongly as the custodian of the
                                                              The world’s 29 World Heritage coral reefs          the full rights that every living being on this   Thank you to all of you who sent in               Great Barrier Reef, the government needs to
                                                              are especially vulnerable to the impacts of        planet deserves.                                  messages and chipped in to fund our               lead by example and do everything it can to
                                                              increased ocean temperatures and ocean             Can the Reef be a citizen?                        powerful and moving mobile billboard.             keep warming below 1.5 degrees. This is still
                                                              acidification. Four of these are in Australia -    To become an Australian Citizen, you need         Your personal messages were hard to miss          possible - we simply need the political will.
                                                              the Great Barrier Reef, the Ningaloo Coast,        to tick the following boxes:                      when our Prime Minister, new Environment          As well as delivering your messages, we
                                                              Shark Bay and the Lord Howe Island Group.              Be a permanent resident;                      Minister and new Special Envoy for the            met with Australia’s new Environment
                                                              At next year’s World Heritage Committee                Be in Australia when a decision is made;      Great Barrier Reef arrived in Canberra.           and Fisheries Ministers and urged the
                                                              Australia will be under the international              Have spent time in Australia and know         Thank you for speaking up! Your words             government to take swift, practical action to
                                                              spotlight for how well we’re protecting our            about the country;                            were a powerful reminder to the new               protect our oceans.
                                                              Great Barrier Reef. As climate change is the                                                         government of their responsibility to protect     Heartfelt thanks to all who returned
                                                                                                                     Intend to stay in Australia or maintain a     Australia’s oceans and climate.
                                                              biggest threat to the Reef, the Committee              lasting link.                                                                                   messages of passion, hope and action for
                                                              has a responsibility to assess not only local                                                                                                          our Prime Minister to read to let him know
                                                              management measures but also our record            If we make the Reef an Aussie citizen, then the
                                                                                                                 Australian government is obliged to ensure our             There’s More…                            what you think about protecting our Great
                                                              in reducing our greenhouse gas emissions.                                                                                                              Barrier Reef!
                                                              For the last four years, our emissions have        Reef can live in good health and safety. Which
                                                                                                                 means they’ll need to act urgently to stop the      It doesn’t stop there. Whenever we
                                                              been going up and the condition of the                                                                 meet with politicians, we will deliver
                                                              Reef has been going down.                          rising ocean temperatures to protect our Reef.
                                                                                                                                                                     the powerful messages you wrote,                         Message Delivered
                                                                                                                                                                     demanding better protection for our
                                                                       Thank You                                         Demand Citizenship For Our Reef!            oceans. We                                        Darren Kindleysides,
                                                                                                                                                                     will take your                                    AMCS CEO pictured,
                                                                Thank you to our supporters who funded             Tell our leaders that Australians want            voice directly to                                 delivering your
                                                                AMCS’ presence at the UN’s World                   our Great Barrier Reef protected like             those who need                                    messages. Visit
                                                                Heritage Committee. Our world heritage             any other citizen. Add your name to               to hear it most                                   amcs.org.au/CanberraVisit
                                                                work brings crucial global pressure to the         support Citizenship!                              – our elected                                     to see Darren’s message
                                                                Fight For Our Reef and its future.                 Visit amcs.org.au/CitizenReef                     representatives.                                  to you from Canberra.

                                                         10                                           Turning The Tide                                                                                 With Thanks to YOU                                               11
Dugongs CREATURE FEATURE - Australian Marine Conservation Society
Volunteer, Kristy Lee O’Neil

                                                                                                                                           Helen Kocis Edwards’ Swallowed
                                    Supporter Spotlight                              People like you standing up for our precious reefs…                                    Ocean Legacy Circle                                              Leaving an Legacy for the future…

                                    Local                                                 Global                                                                            Ocean Legacy                                        Keith’s
                                    Actions                                               Oceans                                                                            Circle                                              Legacy

                                    Kirsty Lee O’Neil,                                    Julia Wakefield,                                                                  We’ve created a dedicated group for                 Meet Keith Little.
                                    pictured, is one                                      pictured, hosted                                                                  treasured ocean lovers like you, who are            At the age of 89,
                                    of our Cairns                                         a ‘Global Oceans’                                                                 leaving (or considering) a gift in Will to AMCS.    Keith says he’s ‘no
                                    volunteer team                                        fundraiser to                                                                     We’re calling your group the Ocean Legacy           youngster’. A self-
                                    stepped up for our                                    support our                                                                       Circle. We want to acknowledge your                 described ‘nomad’,
                                    Fight For Our Reef                                    Fight for the                                                                     enduring support and celebrate the lasting          Keith travelled the
                                    #ClimateElection                                      Reef campaign                                                                     impact on Australia’s unique ocean wildlife         world extensively throughout his ‘very
                                    door knocking team                                    by inviting 40                                                                    that your incredibly special legacy provides.       varied life’. Keith’s ‘itchy feet’ saw him
                                    this year.                                            printmakers from                                                                                                                      working his way across New Zealand, Fiji,
                                                                                          around the world                                                                  Members of the Ocean Legacy Circle will             the Americas and the United Kingdom,
                                    “I’m doorknocking                                                                                                                       be invited to attend our special briefings
                                    because my job,                                       to participate in                                                                                                                     ‘all via boat, because that is how you
                                                                                          a global print exchange.                                                          and VIP events and meet with guest                  travelled in those days’.
                                    and so many other people’s jobs in Cairns                                                                                               speakers and AMCS campaigners.
                                    rely on the Great Barrier Reef.”                      Julia was inspired because “71% of the Earth                                                                                          In between trips Keith bought four acres
                                                                                          is ocean… They are a hugely important                                             Leaving a legacy is the ultimate gift to            outside of Melbourne where he planted
                                    Kristy, a Scuba Instructor, has been working                                                                                            ensure clean and healthy seas for the future.
                                    on the Great Barrier Reef for the last three          means of communication: they both unite                                                                                               680 trees. Keith found his calling through
                                    years and knows first-hand the importance             and divide our cultures… At the same                                                                                                  Australian Volunteers Abroad (AVA),
                                    of protecting our Reef.                               time, the depths of the ocean remain as                                              What’s Your Legacy?                              volunteering in Tonga and Botswana,
                                                                                          mysterious to us as outer space.”                                                                                                     before finishing his career at AVA’s
                                    “When I was doing my Divemaster Training,                                                                                                  How would you like to be                         headquarters in Melbourne.
                                    we came across this massive area of                   So far the collective has raised over $1,000                                         remembered? For your sense of
                                    bleached white coral. And it turns out that it        for our oceans. Julia plans to hold a future                                         adventure? Your love of the ocean?               Through all that travel and hard work,
                                    was global warming.”                                  exhibition to sell the remaining prints. Julia                                       Your determination to make a                     Keith says that ecology is really the ‘biggest
                                                                                          said that she hoped her work would be                                                difference? What would be the one                interest’ in his life. Keith is leaving a bequest
                                    Kristy is one of 64,000 Australians whose             “an example of how the public can raise                                                                                               to AMCS because he thinks it is ‘a very
                                    livelihood relies on a healthy Great Barrier                                                                                               thing you would like to pass onto the
                                                                                          funds in an imaginative, entertaining and                                            next generation?                                 worthy organisation, working in a direction I
                                    Reef - and she’s doing everything she can to          community-focused way.”                                                                                                               think is incredibly important’.
                                    Fight For Our Reef.                                                                                                                        By giving a gift in your Will, you will hand
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Keith holds a special place in his heart for
                                                                                                                                                                               on a wilder, more diverse and beautiful
                                                                                             We      Community Support                                                                                                          the Pacific Islands, so it’s no surprise that his
                                        We      Volunteers                                                                                                                     ocean planet to future generations.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                biggest concern for our ocean is rising sea
                                                                                           AMCS is reliant on our ocean loving                                                 Visit amcs.org.au/OceanLegacy                    levels from climate change.
                                       Thank you for being a part of the                   community. Our work is made possible
                                       community working to save the ocean                 because of you.                                                                     Contact Emma Morgan on                           Thank you Keith, for your treasured and
                                       and all those who call it home.                     If you’re inspired to start your own                                                07 3846 6777 or email                            powerful legacy to our oceans through a
                                       Visit amcs.org.au/volunteer                         fundraiser visit amcs.org.au/fundraise                                              emmamorgan@amcs.org.au                           bequest in your will.

                               12                                           Turning The Tide                                                                                                                      With Thanks to YOU                                                13
Dugongs CREATURE FEATURE - Australian Marine Conservation Society
Penguin in Antarctic Landscape © Mike Matas
Paul and Green See Turtle, Lady Elliot Island © Paul Fairweather

                                                                        Sea Guardians														                                                                                                                                                          You’re making waves…

                                                                                                                                         I’m really pleased to be
                                                                                                                                           a Sea Guardian and
                                                                                                                                           help in my own way.

                                                                        Sea Guardians Family
                                                                        Trip Of A Lifetime                                                                                    Are You The Next Winner?
                                                                        2018 Sea Guardian Competition Winner, Paul         “Whilst we were there                              As a thank you for your amazing support, we
                                                                        Fairweather won a family trip of a lifetime to     snorkelling around                                 have launched an exclusive competition for            For Our Sea Guardians A
                                                                        Lady Elliot Island.                                I was struck more                                  AMCS Sea Guardians.                                   Special Thank You!
                                                                        Paul took his wife Emma and their two young        than once about                                    Thanks to our generous business supporters,           Congratulations to all of our Sea
                                                                        children, pictured, in mid-March this year.        how incredibly lucky                               we have great prizes to give away in our              Guardians, as a thank you for your
                                                                                                                           we are to have such                                AMCS Sea Guardian competition:                        amazing support - you are already in the
                                                                        Paul recently wrote to us and said, “It is no      wonderful natural
                                                                        exaggeration to describe our holiday as a                                                                First Prize: : 4-night luxury experience for two   running with an entry each!
                                                                                                                           resources here in
                                                                        trip of a lifetime and we are so grateful to                                                             at Lizard Island Resort, Great Barrier Reef with   All our wonderful existing Sea Guardians
                                                                                                                           our Australian seas
                                                                        the Australian Marine Conservation Society                                                               return scenic air transfers from Cairns valued     will automatically be entered into the draw,
                                                                                                                           and how important
                                                                        and Diveplanit for arranging it all. I think                                                             at $11,600 thanks to Lizard Island Resort;         as a special thank you for their powerful
                                                                                                                           it is to protect our environment for future
                                                                        it’s wonderful that you have a prize draw                                                                Second Prize: A set of Spark Eco Spinner           contribution to protect our oceans.
                                                                        for your donors to say thank you for their         generations to experience.”
                                                                                                                                                                                 Suitcases valued at over $1,300 courtesy of        Want even more entries? Any Sea
                                                                        support. We genuinely felt like we had won         Since becoming a father, Paul has really felt         Samsonite;                                         Guardian who increases their donation
                                                                        the lottery to win the first prize and to have     the need to preserve and protect special                                                                 amount by at least $10 or refers a friend
                                                                                                                                                                                 Third Prize: A $500 voucher courtesy of
                                                                        such an amazing holiday.”                          places like our Great Barrier Reef. The family                                                           to our program before November 30th
                                                                                                                                                                                 Assembly Label;
                                                                        The family’s highlights of the trip were the       trip to Lady Elliot Island, with the opportunity                                                         2019 will receive an additional entry and
                                                                                                                           to swim around healthy coral, fish and                Runner Up Prizes:
                                                                        turtles. Their three -year-old daughter is still                                                                                                            another chance for these wonderful prizes.
                                                                        talking about seeing “the biggest turtle in the    turtles, has cemented his decision to support         • Two surf lesson vouchers each valued at
                                                                        world” through the glass bottomed tour boat.       the AMCS so every parent and their children              $119 courtesy of Let’s Go Surfing;
                                                                                                                           can have the same chance to enjoy our                 • Three beautiful ceramic coffee cups valued             Enter Today!
                                                                        “My favourite moment was swimming with two
                                                                                                                           precious oceans.                                         at $105 courtesy of Pottery for the Planet;
                                                                        green turtles because it was a perfect picture
                                                                        postcard scene. The turtles were swimming          Paul said “I’m really pleased to be a Sea             • Ten bamboo straw packs with cleaning brush
                                                                        among the coral and had little fish swimming       Guardian and help in my own little way.                  and carry pouch courtesy of RAW STRAW;
                                                                        around them and the sun sparkled off them          It’s rewarding to know the work you do is          Sign up as a Sea Guardian now to be in the
                                                                        through the water. It was beautiful and a truly    helping to preserve areas of outstanding           running.
                                                                        magical moment that I will never forget.”          beauty that we should all cherish.”                This exciting opportunity is open to all              To enter, sign up
                                                                                                                                                                              new Sea Guardians who sign up before                  today to become a
                                                                                                                                                                              November 30th 2019 with a generous                    Sea Guardian, visit
                                                                          This once in a lifetime holiday was                      Join Sea Guardians Today!
                                                                                                                                                                              donation of $20 or more per month.                    amcs.org.au/SeaGuardian
                                                                          donated to AMCS by DivePlanit,
                                                                          a passionate and active business                   Become an AMCS Sea Guardian today                If you’ve been thinking about becoming a              Please visit amcs.org.au/
                                                                          supporter. Check out their eco-friendly            with an affordable monthly gift.                 regular monthly donor, now is the perfect             seaguardiancompetition
                                                                          holidays at diveplanit.com                         Visit amcs.org.au/SeaGuardian                    opportunity to sign up.                               for full terms and conditions.

                                                                   14                                           Turning The Tide                                                                                   With Thanks to YOU                                              15
Dugongs CREATURE FEATURE - Australian Marine Conservation Society
Thank you for
your support

                                                                                                               Isobel the Manta Ray, Coral Bay, WA © Ocean Collective Media (@oceancollectivemedia)
The Australian Marine Conservation Society
is the voice for Australia’s ocean wildlife.
We have defended Australia’s oceans for over
50 years. Thank you for your help to ensure
Australia’s coasts and oceans remain healthy
and free for tomorrow’s generations.

Stay in touch                  @australianmarine                 @AustMarConsSoc      @marineconservation.au
Contact Us                     07 3846 6777                      marineconservation.org.au
                               amcs@amcs.org.au                  PO Box 5815 West End QLD 4101

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Dugongs CREATURE FEATURE - Australian Marine Conservation Society
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