Early Intervention Clearinghouse

Page created by Eugene Riley
Early Intervention Clearinghouse
http://eiclearinghouse.org                                                         Spring 2021 • Volume 34, Issue 1

EI Provides Critical Supports
for Children with
Lead Exposure                  1
                                      EI Provides Critical Supports
                                    for Children with Lead Exposure
Family Update from the EI
Clearinghouse                  2   By Nicole Hamp and Amy Zimmerman
                                         Lead poisoning is one of the greatest environmental health hazards facing
                                    young children. Each year in Illinois, thousands of children are poisoned by lead,
Great eBooks for Family Fun    3   often through exposure in their homes. Young children are more vulnerable to the
                                    effects of lead poisoning because their brains are still developing. They are also more
Addressing Lead Poisoning           likely to ingest lead from the environment because of their interactions with their
Prompts Paradigm Shift in EI   4   surroundings (e.g., crawling, putting their hands in their mouth, biting/chewing toys).
                                         When a child has low levels of lead, there are usually no outward symptoms.
                                    You cannot look at a child and know they have lead poisoning. They likely won’t
State Systemic Improvement          complain of anything out of the ordinary. That said, children with low levels of lead
Plan (SSIP) Update             4   can still suffer negative health outcomes. Such outcomes may include: problems in
                                    school, lower IQ, impaired reading readiness, reading disability, attention deficit/
                                    hyperactivity disorder, and behavioral disorders. All of these things can be incredibly
                                    difficult for the family of a child with lead poisoning. All of these things can result in
                                    increased use of special education resources and increased health care costs.
                                                                                                       Please see LEAD, Page 2

                                    Funded by the Illinois Department of Human Services, Bureau of Early Intervention
Early Intervention Clearinghouse
LEAD                                                                                                Family Update from
Continued from Page One                              Many children who receive these                the EI Clearinghouse
                                               tests on or near their first and second             March 25, 2021
Supporting Children With Lead                  birthdays have not received them because                  We hope you and your family are
Poisoning                                      they haven’t visited the doctor’s office.           doing well. This is an update from
      Until recently, in Illinois there was    Because many zip codes in Illinois are              the Early Intervention Clearinghouse
little offered to families of children         high risk for lead exposure, including              about relevant resources for the Ear-
with lead poisoning. Lead in the home          all Chicago zip codes, it is important to           ly Intervention (EI) Program during
(e.g., lead paint, lead dust, lead in water,   reach out to your primary care provider             COVID-19.
children’s imported toys, and imported         about having your child tested.                           • You have three ways to receive
cookware) can be mitigated or removed.               If your child has an elevated blood           EI services: in-person, live video
In contrast, services to protect children      lead level, you should be notified by your          visits (LVV), and phone consultation.
from the negative developmental impacts        primary care physician as well as the local         Recently, Illinois has started allowing
of lead exposure were unavailable to chil-     department of public health or the Illi-            EI providers to have in-person visits
dren who were not exhibiting delays.           nois Department of Public Health.                   with 20 families, instead of 10 fami-
      This is true even though many of               The best way for early intervention           lies. For more information on what
the deficits caused by lower-level lead        to process referrals for services is by hav-        to consider when deciding how to
poisoning are unlikely to be apparent          ing your child’s primary care provider fax          receive EI services, check out our lat-
until a child is school-age, when they are     an early intervention referral form with            est tip sheet: Live Video Visits, Phone Con-
expected to do and understand more. By         information that indicates the elevated             sultations, and In-Person Early Intervention
then, it can be too late to intervene mean-    blood lead level to your local Child and            (EI) Services: What’s Right for My Family?
ingfully. Early childhood experiences can      Family Connections office.                                • The EI Training Program
greatly impact brain development, posi-              Local or state departments of public          compiled a list of relevant resources
tively and negatively.                         health are also capable of referring your           about LVV. The list includes an over-
      As a result of effective stakeholder     child and family for early intervention             view of LVV, resources for service
advocacy, Illinois has become a national       services. For families already in early in-         coordinators, technology checklists,
leader in supporting families of children      tervention, it is important to let your case        resources for EI direct service pro-
with lead poisoning. The General As-           manager and therapists know if you have             viders, and resources for families/
sembly passed legislation that provides        received a positive lead test. It will help         caregivers.
automatic early intervention eligibility and   them to think about additional ways to                    • If you need technology (e.g.,
services for children with elevated blood      support your child and family.                      devices, Internet access) to par-
lead levels greater or equal to 5 micro-             For more information about lead               ticipate in live video visits, you may
grams per deciliter, effective July 2020.      poisoning, visit http://www.dph.illinois.           consider:
      Now, Illinois children with lead         gov/topics-services/environmental-                    — Technology for LVV
exposure are able to access early inter-       health-protection/lead-poisoning-preven-                  This tip sheet provides resources
vention services with or without signs         tion/families-of-lead-exposed-children                    for accessing technology and
of delay. Early intervention services and            For more information about the                      Internet access for LVV.
supports will help a child with lead poi-      benefits of early intervention for children           — EIC Technology Loan Program
soning to learn and hopefully overcome         with lead exposure watch these videos:                    The EI Clearinghouse is loaning
any damage from their exposure during a              • Understanding the Neurocognitive Ef-              technology (i.e., iPads with data
critical period of brain development.          fects of Low-Level Lead Poisoning, June 2019              plans, iPads with WiFi, and WiFi
                                                     • The Benefits of Early Intervention for            hotspots) to families/caregivers
How Do You Identify Lead                       Children Who Have Been Lead Exposed, April                for free.
Poisoning?                                     2019 (Spanish)                                            There is a workgroup composed
     COVID-19 has made it harder to                  Dr. Nicole Hamp, M.D., is a developmen-       of relevant stakeholders (including
identify children with lead poisoning          tal behavioral pediatric fellow at the University   families and providers) addressing EI
because many families have been unable         of Michigan. She also serves as an Early Child-     needs during COVID-19. For weekly
or unwilling to bring their child into doc-    hood Champion to the state of Michigan for the      updates about the workgroup, see
tor’s offices for visits. Simultaneously,      American Academy of Pediatrics.                     COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Information and
increased time indoors because of the                Amy Zimmerman, J.D., is a member of           Resources.
pandemic may lead to increased lead ex-        the Illinois Interagency Council on Early Inter-          We will continue to update you
posure.                                        vention, a board member at the National Center      about changes to the EI program.
     The only way to determine if your         for Healthy Housing and the assistant vice presi-   If you have questions, comments, or
child has lead poisoning is to have a          dent for state government affairs at the Jewish     concerns, please reach out to Meghan
blood lead test.                               United Fund.                                        Burke (meghanbm@illinois.edu).

Everyday Early Intervention: Outdoor Fun
Outdoor play can be great for working on early intervention outcomes. Positive interactions
between you and your child are key to supporting your child’s development. Here are some fun
ideas to do with your child, using only materials you might find around your house.

Notice the                                Practice Walking on                        Say Hello!                                Have a Snack Picnic
Outdoors                                  Different Surfaces                         If you see a neighbor on                  When you go to the
Go on a walk with your                    Try going up and down                      your walk outside, show                   park, you can stop for
infant or toddler. Talk                   stairs. Hold on to the                     your child how to say                     a snack break! Toddlers
about what you see                        railing! Try walking                       “hello.” There are many                   love finger food like
and hear outside. What                    up and down ramps,                         ways to connect with                      Cheerios and cheese
do you notice – bugs,                     balancing, and working                     others, such as waving,                   cubes. While your child
leaves, clouds, trees?                    on gross motor skills.                     saying hi or hello, and                   uses their fingers to pick
Your child is developing                  What about on snow,                        even using your AAC                       up their snack, they are
their vocabulary and                      grass, leaves, or gravel?                  device. All of these                      working on improving
language skills!                          Cheer your child on!                       are ways to practice                      fine motor control.
                                                                                     social skills in your

        For more information, visit the Illinois Early Intervention Clearinghouse at https://eiclearinghouse.org
               Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily
                                     reflect the views of the Illinois Department of Human Services, Bureau of Early Intervention.

                                                                                                               Illinois Early Intervention Clearinghouse
                                                               Illinois                                        Early Childhood Collective
Funded by the Illinois                                         Early                                           University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Department of Human Services                                                                                   Children’s Research Center
Bureau of Early Intervention                                   Intervention                                    51 Gerty Dr. • Champaign, IL 61820-7469

3/21                                                           Clearinghouse                                   Telephone: (217) 333-1386 • Toll-free: (877) 275-3227
                                                                                                               E-mail: Illinois-eic@illinois.edu
Great eBooks for Family Fun
Screen-Free Fun: 400                       Kitchen Science Lab for
Activities for the Whole                   Kids: 52 Family Friendly
Family                                     Experiments from the
Shannon Philpott-Sanders                   Pantry
Adams Media, 2018                          Liz Lee Heinecke
                                           Quarry Books, 2014
The Book of Gardening
Projects for Kids: 101                     The Grandparents Handbook
Ways to Get Kids Outside,                  Elizabeth Laban
Dirty, and Having Fun                      Quirk Books, 2010
Whitney Cohen and John
Fisher                                     Everyday Play: Fun Games
Timber Press, 2012                         to Develop the Fine Motor
                                           Skills Your Child Needs for
Game On! Screen-Free Fun                   School
for Children Two and Up                    Christy Isbell
Linda Armstrong                            Gryphon House, 2010
Redleaf Press, 2018
                                           The Toddler Bistro: Toddler-Approved Recipes
The 52 New Foods Challenge:                and Expert Nutrition Advice
A Family Cooking Adventure                 Christina Schmidt
for Each Week of the Year,                 Bull, 2009
with 150 Recipes
Jennifer Tyler Lee                         365 Toddler Activities
Penguin, 2014                              That Inspire Creativity:
                                           Games, Projects, and
Project Kid: 100 Ingenious                 Pastimes That Encourage
Crafts for Family Fun                      a Child’s Learning and
Amanda Kingloff                            Imagination
Artisan, 2014                              Joni Levine
                                           F+W Media, 2012
Teach Your Child Meditation:
70 Fun & Easy Ways to Help
Kids De-Stress and Chill Out
Lisa Roberts                                 eBooks Are Here!
Sterling, 2018                               You can now check out and
                                             download eBooks instantly, using
Talking with Your Toddler:                   the cloudLibrary or Overdrive app
75 Fun Activities and                        on most devices. For more
                                             detailed instructions, visit
Interactive Games that                       eiclearinghouse.org/resources/
Teach Your Child to Talk                     library/ebooks/ or click on one
Teresa and Laura Laikko                      of the icons on the right.
Ulysses Press, 2016

Addressing Lead Poisoning Prompts Paradigm Shift in EI
By Pamela Epley                                year pilot program. We continue to assess     clude working memory, flexible thinking
     Until recently, strategies to address     children’s development annually after         and problem solving, and self-control.
childhood lead poisoning have focused          they have turned 3. We’ve already learned           When EI providers work with fami-
on prevention and a “wait and see” ap-         from the experiences of children and          lies on how these skills can be intention-
proach to services. Prevention initiatives     families as well as their EI providers and    ally supported through daily activities,
include eliminating sources of lead ex-        service coordinators. We hope to learn        we take advantage of the explosive brain
posure and decreasing the lead level in        more about longer-term benefits of EI         development during the first three years
children’s blood.                              services for children with lead poisoning.    to eliminate or minimize effects of lead
     The “wait and see” approach refers             Perhaps the most important thing         poisoning.
to special education services provided af-     we’ve learned is that serving children with         This three-prong approach to lead
ter a child demonstrates challenges or dif-    lead poisoning requires a paradigm shift      poisoning—preventing exposure to lead,
ficulties in school and receives a diagnosis   in how we think about EI. Before the          proactively supporting the skills and abili-
of development delay or disability. While      General Assembly passed legislation pro-      ties often impacted by lead exposure dur-
prevention and special education are im-       viding automatic eligibility to receive EI    ing children’s earliest years, and providing
portant in addressing this environmental       services for all children with lead poison-   special education supports to school-age
health hazard, they are not sufficient.        ing, services had been limited to children    children as needed—provides our best
     During the summer of 2019, the            with a 30% or greater developmental           chance of helping every child reach their
state Bureau of Early Intervention part-       delay or established medical condition        fullest potential..
nered with Erikson Institute and Legal         that put them at substantive risk for later          For more information on best prac-
Council for Health Justice on a pilot          delay.                                        tices for working with children with el-
program that made children with elevated            For children demonstrating a delay,      evated blood lead levels, visit Best Practices
blood lead levels automatically eligible for   EI providers focus on supporting those        for Working with Young Children with Elevated
early intervention (EI) services in three      area(s) of development and reducing or        Blood Lead Levels.
areas (Rockford, Cicero-Berwyn, and part       eliminating the delay. For children with            Pamela Epley, Ph.D., is a clinical professor
of Chicago). The pilot program included        an established medical condition, EI          and director of special education at the Erikson
     • training service coordinators and       providers monitor their development and       Institute.
EI providers on the common sources             implement direct services when a delay
and effects of lead poisoning,                 becomes apparent.
     • sharing information and resources            This approach is insufficient to sup-       Illinois Early Intervention
regarding lead poisoning with families,        port children with lead poisoning. We            Clearinghouse
and                                            must do more than respond to children’s
     • providing appropriate services          developmental challenges after they arise.       Early Childhood Collective
when children are demonstrating little to      We must proactively support areas of             College of Education
no developmental delay.                        development we know will likely be im-           University of Illinois at Urbana-
     We are halfway through the three-         pacted by lead poisoning. Such areas in-         Champaign
                                                                                                Children’s Research Center
                                                                                                51 Gerty Drive
  State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP) Update                                                 Champaign, IL 61820-7469
     We are preparing the report on our activities for the federal Office of Special            Phone: 877-275-3227 (in Illinois)
Education Programs. It will be submitted no later than April 1.
     We are sharing information about our efforts to improve family engagement.                 Principal investigator: Meghan
Information about the impact of professional development and local support on prac-             Burke
tices is also included.                                                                         Contributors: Sarah Isaacs,
     Leadership teams continue to support providers’ shift in service delivery. These           Natalie Danner, Jill Tompkins,
teams also have begun piloting a tool to help us understand how families are being              & Meghan Burke
supported. We remain hopeful that the strategies being used are helping families during
                                                                                                Opinions expressed in Early
these challenging times!
                                                                                                Intervention are the responsibility of
                                                                                                the author and are not necessarily
         Follow Us on Facebook and Twitter!                                                     those of the Illinois Department of
                                                                                                Human Services or the University
             Receive regular updates on library news, resources                                 of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
                  on the Web, and materials at our library.
                                                                                                Early Intervention Clearinghouse
                                                                                                (ISSN 1058-8396) is published
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