Early Nutrition for Later Health: Time to Act Earlier - A report from the Infant and Toddler Forum

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Early Nutrition for Later Health: Time to Act Earlier - A report from the Infant and Toddler Forum
Early Nutrition for
                                                                                              Later Health:
                                                                                           Time to Act Earlier

A report from the Infant and Toddler Forum

Supported by an unrestricted educational grant from Danone Nutricia Early Life Nutrition
Early Nutrition for Later Health: Time to Act Earlier - A report from the Infant and Toddler Forum
2     Early Nutrition for Later Health: Time to Act Earlier

    The UK is facing a health crisis related to poor diet.
    One third of our children, two thirds of adult men and
    just over half of adult women are overweight or obese1.

    Diabetes levels have doubled in the past            Previously, the ITF has focussed chiefly        Women are more likely to adopt
    two decades2,3 and more than a quarter              on the nutrition of children aged one           healthier behaviours if they receive
    of five year-olds have tooth decay from             to three: the forgotten years between           advice from HCPs, particularly before
    eating sweets, sugary foods and drinks4.            weaning and school15. However by the            conception20. Unfortunately current
    For around half of us, diets are too high           time children start school, poor diet and       provision of support during this critical
    in saturated fats and sugar, and for                sedentary lifestyle may have already laid       period is insufficient, partly because
    some, low in essential micronutrients               the foundation for later ill health16.          frontline healthcare practitioners
    such as iron, folate and iodine5. In                                                                are struggling to cope with growing
    addition, our lifestyles have changed,              We know that what happens to children           numbers of complex births21, many of
    with less physical exercise and exposure            in their earliest years, and even before        which are related to maternal obesity.
    to sunshine, which contribute to obesity            birth, is critical to health in adult life.     While mothers are happy with the
    and vitamin D deficiency.                           Poorly nourished mothers are more               support they receive from their GPs
                                                        likely to give birth to babies who are          and midwives, most (particularly young
    The health consequences of this poor                more likely to suffer ill health in later       mothers) say they want more nutritional
    diet and lifestyle are both immediate               life17. Deficiencies (of folate for instance)   advice during pregnancy22. Many
    and long-lasting. Type-2 diabetes, once             or excesses (such as of alcohol) in the         HCPs are unable to offer this owing
    considered a disease of middle age,                 maternal diet can have harmful effects          to a lack of training in nutrition during
    is becoming increasingly prevalent6,                on fetal and infant neurodevelopment18,19.      pregnancy22. Over 70% of HCPs think
    fuelled by an epidemic of obesity at                Clearly, if we are to halt this process we      nutrition advice is important prior to
    ever younger ages. Overweight children              need to act earlier.                            and during pregnancy22, but they lack
    are likely to become obese adults7. One                                                             the resources and practical guidance to
    in three adults is pre-diabetic8 and by             This report outlines the growing                help them to deliver it.
    retirement age almost three quarters                evidence that good early nutrition not
    will be overweight or obese9. Over £5bn             only protects against deficiency diseases       This report makes the case for giving
    is spent by the NHS each year dealing               such as rickets, neural tube defects and        greater priority to nutrition guidance in
    with health problems associated with                anaemia, but also against a range of            preconception and pregnancy, during
    excess body weight10, and despite a                 long-term adverse health outcomes such          this critical ‘window of opportunity’
    decline in recent years, cardiovascular             as obesity, cardiovascular disease, atopic      to improve the health of the next
    disease remains the biggest cause of                disease and poor cognitive function.            generation. The ITF has therefore
    death in the UK11.                                  It shows that while healthcare policies         widened its educational mission
                                                        generally support early intervention            to include a mother’s nutrition and
    Public health bodies have taken a                   on issues such as folate, breastfeeding,        health status before, during and after
    number of measures to improve the                   weight management and vitamin and               pregnancy. By taking a life-course
    national diet. Initiatives such as Healthy          mineral supplementation, current                approach to nutrition and health, its aim
    Start, the Change4Life programme,                   nutritional, health and lifestyle advice        is to help HCPs and other early-years
    action on food labelling and the Public             often falls short of these aspirations.         workers support and empower families
    Health Responsibility Deal, have had                                                                to make healthy lifestyle choices that
    limited impact12,13,14. The Infant and              There is an important ‘window of                offer their children the best start in life.
    Toddler Forum (ITF) has contributed                 opportunity’ between preconception
    to these public health initiatives                  and the early postnatal years of life
    by producing a range of evidence-                   during which nutritional advice and
    based resources to help healthcare                  dietary and behavioural change is
    professionals (HCPs) and parents to                 best received and most likely to be
    improve the diets of young children.                effective20.
                                                                                                                                    Atul Singhal
                                                                                                                                Chairman of the
                                                                                                                       Infant and Toddler Forum
Early Nutrition for Later Health: Time to Act Earlier - A report from the Infant and Toddler Forum
Early Nutrition for Later Health: Time to Act Earlier   3

                                             Early nutrition and later health
                                             Optimal nutrition in early life not only gives a
                                             newborn baby the best start in life, but may also
                                             have lifelong positive effects in reducing the risk
                                             of a number of chronic diseases, such as diabetes,
                                             cardiovascular disease and some cancers23.
A newborn baby depends on its           These studies have led to
mother for nutrition. Maternal          the concept of ‘nutritional             Based on current evidence, there are four
health and nutritional status before    programming’ – whereby the              areas in which poor maternal diet and
conception, through pregnancy           supply of nutrients in early            lifestyle can affect the health of offspring
and during lactation, are critical      life (in the womb and during            in early life and have long-term adverse
determinants of the health and          milk feeding) can permanently           health consequences.
development of the unborn baby          affect the structure and function
and growing infant. Some nutrients      of organs and tissues of the
                                                                                1. Specific nutrients
are especially important at             body and thereby nutrition and
particular stages of pregnancy.         metabolism, affecting health            There are a number of specific nutrients
                                        many years later. Support for the       whose deficiency in pregnancy can have
Early life – the period between         concept of programming comes            both immediate and long-term effects on the
conception and weaning – may            from human studies linking low          health of the young. For example:
be seen as a ‘critical period’, when    birth-weight and weight at one
the way a fetus is nourished in         year with adult cardiovascular          Folate and folic acid – babies born of
the womb and how a baby is fed          disease and diabetes27,28, and          mothers who have low folate status at the
after birth, can determine his or       animal studies showing direct           time of conception and in the first weeks of
her immediate health, growth and        relationships between maternal          fetal neurodevelopment are at risk of neural
development, but also ‘programme’       diet and cardiovascular disease and     tube defects such as spina bifida. Low folate
later health and risk of disease.       metabolic disorders29. While these      status in adolescents has also been found
There is emerging evidence of an        diseases are usually considered to      to increase the risk of having a baby that is
‘intergenerational effect’ whereby      be diseases of adulthood due to         small for gestational age (SGA)30
a child born poorly nourished may       poor diet and lifestyle, they have
carry adverse health consequences       their beginning much earlier in life,   Vitamin D – maternal deficiency of this
into adulthood and pass them on         in part as a result of poor maternal    micronutrient increases the risk of rickets,
to the next generation24.               and infant health and nutrition.        hypocalcaemic seizures and cardiomyopathy
                                                                                in a baby31, and lower bone density at nine
The notion that early nutrition                                                 years of age32
affects long-term health is not new.
Animal studies in the 1930s showed                                              Iodine – maternal deficiency of iodine during
a link between postnatal feeding                                                pregnancy can damage a baby’s brain
and lifespan25. The meat industry                                               development leading to permanent mental
alters the growth rate and weight                                               retardation33. Even minor levels of deficiency
of calves and lambs, and the dairy                                              during pregnancy in the UK have been shown
industry the volume and quality                                                 to reduce IQ levels in eight year-old children34
of milk through the manipulation
of the diet of mothers and their                                                Iron – deficiency of this essential mineral can
offspring. Studies of smaller                                                   cause anaemia, tiredness and fatigue in the
animals have shown that the                                                     mother and increase the risk of low birth-
quality and quantity of the nutrition                                           weight in the baby35
that the young receive in the uterus
and after birth in milk, can have                                               Omega-3 fatty acids – these essential fatty
profound long term effects on their                                             acids are critical for brain development and
body size, rate of growth and later                                             vision18, and the fetus is dependent on the
health26.                                                                       mother to supply them in the womb and to
                                                                                the infant in milk19
Early Nutrition for Later Health: Time to Act Earlier - A report from the Infant and Toddler Forum
4   Early Nutrition for Later Health: Time to Act Earlier

    2. Energy/calories                                      Early life – a window
    The rising rate of maternal obesity in the
    UK36,37 is of particular concern because of
                                                            of opportunity
    the associated risk of pregnancy-related
    complications such as pre-eclampsia,                    Early life is therefore an important ‘window
    gestational diabetes, thromboembolism,                  of opportunity’, when the potential health
    stillbirth, neonatal death, overweight babies
    and preterm birth that it presents38. Maternal
                                                            and life chances of infants and children can
    obesity is linked to an increased risk of the           be maximised, and the risks of poor health,
    child becoming obese later in life39 and
    suffering from cardiovascular disease40. It has
                                                            growth and development can be minimised.
    also been shown that underweight babies
    (with intrauterine growth restriction from
    poor maternal diet or placental function)
    whose ‘catch-up’ growth progresses too
    quickly are more likely to develop insulin
    resistance, dyslipidaemia, high blood
    pressure and obesity in later life41.

    3. Alcohol, smoking and drugs
    Two units of alcohol per week during the
    first trimester of pregnancy increases the risk
    of premature birth, and pregnant women
    drinking two or more units also have an
    increased risk of a lower birth weight infant42.
    Excess alcohol consumption during pregnancy
    (>10 units per day) leads to diminished fetal
    growth, with intrauterine growth restriction
    and low birth-weight babies who are often
    born with morphological abnormalities and
    impairment of the central nervous system
    leading to delayed neurodevelopment42.                  The first 1,000 days of life, the      and associations, of diabetes and
    Maternal smoking during pregnancy increases             period between conception and          cardiovascular disease and some
    the risk of miscarriage, stillbirth, premature          second birthday, are the focus of      cancers, which have their genesis,
    birth, and sudden infant death syndrome43,44,45.        this report, which aims to present a   in part, in early life.
    Drug-taking in pregnancy is associated with             life-course approach to optimising
    damage to the fetus and neonatal abstinence             health49. It focuses particularly      There is insufficient emphasis on
    syndrome (NAS)46.                                       on maternal health and nutrition       the importance of early health
                                                            during pregnancy, in-line with         interventions, ideally starting
                                                            the UK cross-party 1001 Critical       before mothers conceive, during
    4. M
        ode and quality of
                                                            Days Manifesto, which calls for a      pregnancy, and through childbirth
       infant feeding                                       holistic approach to antenatal and     and infancy, which requires a
    Some of the strongest evidence for a link               postnatal health services from         continuity of healthcare provision
    between early nutrition and long-term health            conception to the toddler years50.     to mothers, babies, toddlers
    derives from research into the benefits of                                                     and children. Such a life-course
    breastfeeding. Human milk feeding has been              A large and growing body of            approach is vital. The gaps between
    shown to improve cognitive function47, reduce           clinical, epidemiological and          health policy and implementation
    the risk of some infections and atopic disease          experimental research has              are addressed next in this report,
    in children with a family history of allergy. The       informed and underpinned many          followed by a review of the
    growth rates of breast-fed babies, which differ         maternal and child health services,    obstacles to achieving effective
    from those that are formula-fed, appear likely          programmes, interventions and          pre-, peri- and postnatal nutritional
    to protect them against respiratory disease,            initiatives. However there are         recommendations, concluding with
    diabetes and obesity in childhood and its               inconsistencies and gaps, made         a life-course approach to delivering
    later consequences including cardiovascular             all the more worrying because of       comprehensive joined-up health
    disease in adult life48.                                the inexorable rise in obesity and     care during this early years ‘window
                                                            its serious medical consequences       of opportunity’.
Early Nutrition for Later Health: Time to Act Earlier - A report from the Infant and Toddler Forum
Early Nutrition for Later Health: Time to Act Earlier   5

Health policy versus effective implementation

There are gaps between health policy and effective implementation
of nutritional advice and nutritional supplementation; compliance with
guidance is fragmented, often inconsistent and ineffective.
For example:

                 Policy                                                   Implementation

 Folic Acid      The Department of Health recommends a daily              Although folic acid supplements have been promoted since the
                 supplement of 400µg of folic acid to women pre-          mid-1990s, only around one third of women take them before
                 conceptually and until the 12th week of pregnancy51.     conception and only 46% during pregnancy22.
                 A higher dose (5mg) is prescribed for women
                 at higher risk52. Healthy Start supplements are
                 recommended throughout pregnancy53.

 Breastfeeding   Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended from birth        Over three-quarters of mothers breastfeed their babies at birth,
                 until around six months of infant life, with continued   but only 46%, 23% and 1% are still exclusively doing so at one
                 breastfeeding alongside complementary feeding            week, six weeks and six months respectively54.
                 thereafter for as long as the mother and child wish23.

 Vitamin D       The Department of Health recommends all pregnant         Many women begin pregnancy with low vitamin D status
                 and breastfeeding women take a 10µg supplement           and use of supplements is low32. Of 39% of women who were
                 of vitamin D every day.                                  not taking supplements, 46% did not see the need for extra
                                                                          supplementation when pregnant22. Non-caucasian pregnant
                 Infants and young children aged six months to five       women with darker skin are particularly likely to have low levels
                 years should also take daily vitamin D drops51.          of vitamin D55. 77% of parents are unaware of their child’s daily
                                                                          dietary requirement of vitamin D and over 30% have never had
                                                                          information about the need for vitamin D56.

 Iodine          The WHO recommends pregnant women have                   10 – 22% of girls and young women in the UK have daily iodine
                 250µg of iodine per day57.                               intakes below both these figures and many meet the WHO
                                                                          definition of ‘mild iodine deficiency’58,59. Over 30% of mothers
                 The UK RNI for pregnant women of 140µg/day of
                                                                          and mothers-to-be lack information on iodine22.
                 iodine has not been reviewed for many years and is
                 now considered to be too low.

 Iron            NICE recommends iron supplements for women               10% of women of childbearing age have low haemoglobin levels,
                 with haemoglobins 20% of 4-5 year olds are overweight or obese64 and these rates
                                                                          are not decreasing.
                                                                          Many interventions to tackle childhood obesity exist but there
                                                                          remains a lack of high-quality evidence with effective outcomes.
                                                                          Programmes are still not widely available for all families65.
Early Nutrition for Later Health: Time to Act Earlier - A report from the Infant and Toddler Forum
6     Early Nutrition for Later Health: Time to Act Earlier

     A UK picture of pregnancy health
    Data from a survey of 1,000 mothers or mothers-to-be, and 150 healthcare professionals, including midwives, health visitors, GPs,
    lactation consultants and nursery nurses22.

                                                                                        Physical activity and
                 Taking dietary supplements                                             weight gain

                                                                             68 per cent of mums

                                                                             Said their midwife or GP did not give them any advice about
                                                                              weight gain before, during or after their pregnancy

       61%                44%                56%              46%
                                                                             Almost half (46%)

                                                                             Said their midwife or GP didn’t weigh or measure them to
                                                                              calculate their body mass index (BMI)
    •	61 per cent of pregnant mums are currently taking
                                                                           •	More than a quarter of
                                                                              mums (27%) admitted
    •	44 per cent started taking supplements before they got                 they had nutritional/
       pregnant, however, more than half (56%) didn’t start taking            weight concerns
       any until after they discovered they were pregnant                     throughout their
    • O
       f the mums not taking supplements, 46 per cent say it’s
      because they don’t see the need for extra supplementation
      during pregnancy, while more than a third (36%) said
      supplements have made them ill in the past
                                                                                        More advice and support
                                                                           •	64 per cent of mums said they would welcome more advice
                                                                              or support relating to their pregnancy
                                                                           •	Three in ten mums (30%) felt that they did NOT receive
                                                                              enough dietary information to make informed decisions about
                 Lifestyle changes                                            calcium in their diet or from supplements, while 35 per cent
                                                                              felt they didn’t know enough about iodine in their diet or from
                                                                           •	One in four (27%) felt they could have been given more
                                                                              information on the effects of alcohol on their pregnancy, while
                                            While more than half of           another three in ten (30%) felt they had little information on
                                            mums (54%) said they have         caffeine
                                            made other dietary changes
                                            relating to their pregnancy,

        54% 46%
                                            just under half made no
                                            dietary changes (46%)           64% 30% 35% 27% 30%
        ?        Seeking advice
    •	More than half of the respondents (52%) said that apart from
       healthcare professionals, they go to family for advice on
       nutrition and lifestyle in pregnancy
                                                                                        Lifestyle and its influence
    •	44 per cent said they get their advice on nutrition and lifestyle
                                                                                        on long term health
       from books, while just 16 per cent get their advice on nutrition
                                                                           •	64 per cent believe the nutritional status
       and lifestyle from antenatal classes
                                                                              of a woman before and during pregnancy
                                                                              influences conception, growth and

                                                                              development of a baby and forms the
                                                                              foundations of her child’s later health

          52%                       44%                       16%             at birth
                                                                           •	More than half (59%) of mums believe
                                                                              being physically active throughout their
                                                                              pregnancy will benefit their baby and child later in life

                 Biggest misconception...                                                   •	41 per cent of mums think it is true that
                                                                                               ‘pregnant women should eat for two’
Early Nutrition for Later Health: Time to Act Earlier   7

                     A healthy conversation
           Advice on nutrition and                                              Confidence in ability to
           exercise is not routine                                              give advice
  Although 72 per cent of healthcare                              •	
                                                                    24 per cent of HCPs have little or no confidence in giving
  professionals (HCPs) consider nutrition                           out advice on vitamin supplements for babies and toddlers,
  important in preconception and pregnancy,                         23 per cent about vitamin supplements for pregnant
  only four in ten always give advice on                            women and 22 per cent about vitamin supplements for
  nutrition and exercise to pregnant women                          women trying to conceive

                                                      72%                24%                     23%                       22%
           Advice on supplementation
•	Almost one in five (19%) HCPs never give advice to pregnant
   women about vitamin and nutrient supplementation
                                                                                Biggest challenges
                                                                  •	36 per cent of HCPs said the biggest
                                                                     challenge they face is lack of time to talk
                                                                     to mums, while 35 per cent feel it’s
                                                                     encouraging mums to adopt healthy

           Advice on weight
                                                                    Other challenges include explaining the
                                                                    associated risks of obesity (33%) and
           management                                               clinical priority (21%)

                                                                          33%                                                    21%

•	Just one in ten (11%) HCPs always offer advice on weight
   management during pregnancy, with more than one in four                      Training and education
   (27%) never doing this

                                                                  •	One in three HCPs have had no training on
                                                                     nutrition in pregnancy or infant breastfeeding

                                                                     and 43% have had no training on obesity in

           Confidence in knowledge                                                 •	Half of respondents would
                                                                                      welcome more training on
               •	While 73 per cent of HCPs said they feel                            nutrition in pregnancy
                  either very or quite confident in their
                  knowledge of nutrition for preconception,       •	45 per cent of respondents said they would welcome training
                  more than one in five (23%) admitted they          in behavioural change specific to nutrition and lifestyle in
                  have little or no confidence in the subject        pregnancy

                                                                                Lifestyle and its influence
                                                                                on long-term health
                 HCPs feel least confident                        •	Only half of the respondents (51%)
                 in the subject of obesity                           agreed that a pregnant woman’s diet
                 in pregnancy with one in

                                                                     and lifestyle can impact the health
                 four saying they are not                            of the unborn child positively or
                 very, or not at all confident                       negatively and, in fact, the health of
                                                                     generations to come

           Common                                 •	43 per cent of HCPs said the most common
                                                     misconception women have about pregnancy is that
           misconception                             pregnant women should eat for two
8     Early Nutrition for Later Health: Time to Act Earlier

    "Dietary changes should be individualised, tailored
      to food preference and allow for flexible approaches
      to reducing calorie intake"

      Table 1: US Institute of Medicine: Recommendations for total and
      rate of weight gain during pregnancy, by pre-pregnancy BMI62

      Pre-pregnancy             Total weight             Rates of weight gain*
      BMI                           gain                 2nd and 3rd trimester

                             Range       Range       Mean (range)       Mean (range)
                              in kg      in lbs       in kg/week         in lbs/week

      Underweight                                         0.51
                             12.5-18      28-40                            1 (1-1.3)
Early Nutrition for Later Health: Time to Act Earlier   9

Obstacles to effective implementation of pre,
peri and postnatal nutritional recommendations
The peri-conceptual period presents a useful window for nutrition
education and policy implementation when women come into greater
contact with health professionals.

New mothers are generally open and           Too late conversations – between                Inconsistent guidelines – UK guidelines
more readily motivated to make lifestyle     midwives and parents – 39% of                   on iodine intake differ from those of
changes that could benefit the health of     mothers had their first doctor or               the World Health Organisation. The UK
themselves and their baby67,68. However,     midwife visit when they were already            currently has no guidelines on weight
there is a gap between healthcare policy     five to ten weeks pregnant22 and 50%            gain during pregnancy; so many HCPs
and effective implementation which           were not aware of the appropriate               use US guidelines62.
may be due to many obstacles in the          diet and supplementation to support
path of healthcare practitioners seeking     breastfeeding22. In addition, Healthy           Fragmented preconception care –
to offer dietary and lifestyle advice        Start vitamins are not widely used              Quality and Outcomes Framework
and nutritional support to parents and       because of poor access issues72.                indicators (QOF) currently offer GPs
parents-to-be and the public. These          Services to support mothers who are             financial incentives for carrying out
barriers include:                            breastfeeding in hospital and seek              preconception counselling for women
                                             advice after discharge are patchy73.            with pre-existing medical conditions
Overstretched frontline staff – despite                                                      such as epilepsy and diabetes. No
the success of recent recruitment            Inadequate training of healthcare               such incentives are offered for general
drives there remains a shortfall of 2,300    practitioners – on nutritional advice           preconception dietary advice or for
midwives in England and Wales21,69.          in pregnancy. More than one third of            advice targeted at obese women of
Only around one-third of the extra           HCPs do not receive training on lifestyle       childbearing age.
4,200 health visitors recommended            advice during pregnancy, over half
between 2010 and 2015 have so far            are unaware of NICE guidelines on               Difficulty engaging with those most
been recruited70. At a time when the         nutrition in pregnancy22, and many lack         in need of dietary advice – people
proportion of complex births is rising21     confidence in giving specific nutritional       from low income households tend to
and the rate of maternal obesity is          advice to parents – 69% do not discuss          eat less healthily and be less physically
increasing71; over a third of HCPs say       supplements with pregnant women22.              active than those with higher incomes75.
they have insufficient time to offer                                                         Health inequalities result from social
                                             Weight management can be particularly
effective nutritional support to                                                             inequalities, and require action directed
                                             troublesome as some midwives and
pregnant women22.                                                                            at all the social determinants of
                                             health visitors do not want to ‘get off on
                                                                                             health76. There are a number of reasons
                                             the wrong foot’ with parents they have
Insufficient and/or inadequate                                                               for this, including less disposable
                                             only just met. Routine weighing is not
resources – while parents-to-be are                                                          income for healthy food and leisure
                                             mandatory, and only 18% of HCPs feel
seen as a receptive audience to dietary                                                      activities, lower educational attainment
                                             very confident in raising the topic of
and lifestyle advice, HCPs feel they need                                                    and cultural dietary preferences of
                                             weight management during pregnancy22.
better information and resources to help                                                     different ethnic groups. There are also
advise them. Factsheets, apps, quick         Frontline maternity staff would also            gender divides – in women, the risk
reference cards and videos are regarded      benefit from a better understanding             of obesity rises steadily with falling
as helpful ways of delivering dietary        of the Healthy Start scheme, knowledge          household income. The trend is less
advice22.                                    of updates about it, and information            straightforward in men77. These social
                                             on the best use of vouchers to improve          factors pose a significant challenge for
Lack of continuity and consistency           diet74.                                         HCPs as people most in need of dietary
– in dialogues between midwives and                                                          guidance and support may be the most
pregnant women about nutrition and           Reactive, negative advice – too often           disenfranchised and difficult to reach.
healthy eating there can be insufficient     dietary advice from HCPs takes the form
repetition of this advice. Whilst a          of “don’t do this, avoid that”, rather than
conversation about nutrition takes place     a proactive evidence-based approach
in the first meeting with a midwife, it is   to the promotion of the benefits of
not reinforced in the subsequent eight       healthy eating.
to nine meetings.
10     Early Nutrition for Later Health: Time to Act Earlier

     "As a nation we consume too much energy from
       refined carbohydrates and saturated fats and eat
       too few vegetables, fruit and oily fish”

                                                Table 2: Some common myths about nutrition, diet and lifestyle in pregnancy

     Myths surrounding diet in
     pregnancy – there are a                    Myth                                   Fact

     number of unhelpful myths
     surrounding the role of diet               Pregnant women should eat for two.     No extra calories are needed until the third trimester of
                                                                                       pregnancy when the Department of Health recommends that
     and lifestyle in pregnancy
                                                                                       energy intake should increase by only 200kcal per day78.
     (table 2). Many indicate a
     poor understanding of the
                                                Avoid salt. It will make pregnant      Salt does not cause swelling or oedema, although excess
     nutritional inter-connection               mothers swell up.                      consumption should be avoided because it can increase blood
     between and mother and                                                            pressure79. Healthy eating advice is to consume less than 6g
                                                                                       per day.

                                                Peanuts will cause allergy in the      There is no need for pregnant mothers to avoid peanuts
     Poor National Diet –                       unborn child.                          unless they are allergic to them80.
     particularly among young
     women – many adults and                    Avoid coffee and tea during            Excess caffeine can cause low birth weight, but moderate
     children in the UK eat a poor              pregnancy.                             consumption (200mg/day, the amount in two cups of instant
     quality diet. As a nation we                                                      coffee) is safe81.

     consume too much energy
     from refined carbohydrates                 Avoid eating fish during pregnancy.    Two servings of cooked fish a week (one of which should
                                                                                       be oily) is a healthy way of consuming vital omega-3 fatty
     and saturated fats and eat                                                        acids. Fish to avoid are swordfish, shark, and marlin due
     too few vegetables, fruit                                                         to high mercury levels, and raw fish due to the risk of food
     and oily fish. Women aged
     between 19 and 24 are
                                                A big baby is a healthy baby.          The average newborn baby weighs around 3.5kg (7.5 lb). Very
     particularly likely to be eating                                                  heavy babies (those over 4kg82) and those that cross upwards
     diets that are high in energy                                                     on weight-for-age centiles during infancy are more likely to
     and low in micronutrients5,23.                                                    suffer from birth difficulties and longer-term conditions such
                                                                                       as diabetes and obesity in later life83.
     Mandatory fortification of
     food with folic acid has
                                                A small baby means an easier birth.    The birth of a small baby will not necessarily be easier, as
     been debated, but not yet                                                         the pelvis expands to allow the delivery of babies of all
     implemented in the UK.                                                            sizes. Underweight infants (those weighing less than 2.5kg)
                                                                                       are more prone to infection and poor growth during early

                                                Eating spicy food can induce labour.   There is no evidence for this common pregnancy myth.

                                                Avoid exercise while pregnant.         Moderate exercise helps keep pregnant women fit, reduces
                                                                                       complications of pregnancy and labour, and helps restore
                                                                                       body shape after birth85. Women are advised to be active for
                                                                                       at least four 30-minute sessions per week85.

                                                Smoking and drinking during            Smoking can reduce placental function and cause intrauterine
                                                pregnancy will not harm the baby.      growth restriction. It is the biggest risk-factor for sudden infant
                                                                                       death45, and increases the risk of stillbirth, premature birth,
                                                                                       miscarriage and low birth weight babies86. Even small amounts
                                                                                       of alcohol consumption (1-2 units/week) during the first
                                                                                       trimester increases risk of premature birth. Larger amounts can
                                                                                       lead to preterm delivery and low birth weight. Excess intake
                                                                                       (>10 units per day) is associated with ‘fetal alcohol syndrome’
                                                                                       – a child with stunted growth and mental retardation.
Early Nutrition for Later Health: Time to Act Earlier   11

Life-course approach
The longstanding and widespread impact of poor nutrition on the health
of the UK population can best be addressed by a life-course approach
which, ideally, begins before conception, carries on through pregnancy
and is maintained throughout the early years.

The period of preconception and                 Optimise iron status – dietary sources
                                              •	                                              • A void supplements that may contain
pregnancy is a window of opportunity            during pregnancy include meat,                    vitamin A in the retinol form
to reach mothers and their immediate            oily fish, eggs, beans and nuts. The           • Take folic acid supplements –
family, to help ensure a commitment             vitamin C in vegetables and fruit                 400µg per day or: 5mg per day on
to positive eating habits and healthy           increases iron absorption from eggs,              prescription for those women with
lifestyles throughout the course of life.       beans and nuts                                    spina bifida, a history of a previous
                                                Ensure adequate iodine intake –
                                              •	                                                 child with a neural tube defect,
There is a clear demand for more                dietary sources include dairy produce             pre-existing diabetes, epilepsy and
nutritional guidance during pregnancy           and fish                                          obesity
– three quarters of young pregnant              Lose excess body weight – try to
                                              •	                                              • Take vitamin D supplements
women (aged 18 to 24) feel they need            achieve a healthy body mass index                 providing 10µg per day throughout
more support and there is widespread            (BMI) of between 18.5 – 24.9kg/m2                 pregnancy
confusion about how much weight to            •	Take regular exercise – 30 minutes            • P lan to continue healthy eating
gain during pregnancy, what to eat and           at least five days a week of moderate            habits and vitamin D supplements
what supplements to take22. Healthcare           intensity exercise87                             during breastfeeding
practitioners are well placed to guide        •	Moderate alcohol and caffeine                 • Avoid alcohol89
women through their pregnancies. GPs             consumption                                   • Stop smoking and avoid drug misuse
and midwives are currently the biggest        • Stop smoking                                   •	Maintain activity as long as
providers of advice during pregnancy,         • Discuss current treatments and                   comfortable and if not active before
and their guidance is well respected22.          medications for existing long-term               pregnancy gradually increase to
                                                 conditions such as diabetes, mental              30 minutes of moderate intensity
Nutritional recommendations can be               illness etc.                                     exercise per day at least four days a
divided into the four phases of early life:                                                       week85
                                              A woman’s wider family can be involved
                                                                                               • Discuss any concerns about feelings
                                              in lifestyle change, as well as midwives
Preconception                                 and other HCPs.
                                                                                                  or persistent symptoms such as low
Advice for women who are planning a                                                               mood, extreme tiredness or excessive
baby should include:                                                                              energy, irritability, changes in sleep,
                                              Pregnancy                                           changes in appetite
  Healthy eating – eat a varied diet based
•	                                           Pregnant women should be advised and
                                              encouraged to:                                   For more information on healthy
  on the five food groups in the Eatwell
                                                                                               eating in pregnancy, please
  Plate limiting intake of foods high in      • E  at a balanced nutritious diet and
  sugar and saturated fats, and including                                                       see ITF Factsheet 5.1 .
                                                  receive advice on weight gain
  1 – 2 servings of oily fish per week        • Maintain a healthy body weight –
  Folic acid supplements – 400µg per
•	                                               there is no need to eat for two              Infancy (birth to one year)
  day or: 5mg per day on prescription                                                          HCPs can offer guidance and support
                                              • Eat iodine-rich foods such as milk,
  for those women with spina bifida,                                                           that includes:
                                                  yogurt, cheese and fish
  a history of a previous child with          •	 Eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty              • Continuing advice to the mother on
  a neural tube defect, pre-existing              acids, especially docosahexaenoic               eating healthily
  diabetes, epilepsy and obesity                  acid (DHA) and eicosopentanoic acid          • Advice and support on best practice
  Improve vitamin D status – safe
•	                                               (EPA), found particularly in oily fish,         for breastfeeding, and for those
  exposure to the sunlight and 1 – 2              or take a supplement                            choosing not to breastfeed, preparing
  servings of oily fish per week,             • Avoid raw eggs (unpasteurised dairy             formula milk feeds safely
  and a daily vitamin D supplement                products, raw or undercooked meat,           • Advice on responsive feeding
   see ITF Factsheet 4.7 . Eat eggs and           paté, soft cheeses and liver) and               allowing the baby to finish milk feeds
  choose foods fortified with vitamin D           take care in preparing food to avoid            and meals when s/he signals s/he has
  such as certain breakfast cereals and           the risk of a number of food-borne              had enough
  yogurts                                         enteric infections
12     Early Nutrition for Later Health: Time to Act Earlier

                                                               Conclusions and

     •	Advice on the introduction of                          Preconception and pregnancy offer            Healthcare professionals:
        complementary food (weaning).                          a window of opportunity to deliver
        Parents should begin when their                        dietary and lifestyle advice that will
                                                                                                            Every contact should be
        infant is ready, by six months, but not                be well received and likely to have a        made to count
        before four months, using a variety                    lasting impact. There is a strong case       The Department of Health states:
        of energy-dense, iron-rich foods that                  that advice on ‘early’ nutrition should      “Every healthcare professional
        provide a wide range of tastes and                     be given earlier than in pregnancy,          should ‘make every contact count’,
        textures89,90,91                                       ideally before conception. This early        with every individual, to maintain or
     •	The growth of the newborn infant                       life focus should be the beginning of        improve their mental and physical
        should be monitored using UK-WHO                       a life-course approach to optimising         health and wellbeing wherever
        growth charts see ITF Factsheet 3.1                    nutrition and lifestyle.                     possible, whatever the specialty
     •	Advice to ensure a mother’s mental                                                                  of the HCP or the purpose of their
        health needs are addressed and advice                  There are a number of ways in which          contact.”
        about how a routine of eating well can                 this approach could be improved,             •	Dietary assessment, advice and
        promote positive mental health                         which include:                                  body weight measurement should
                                                                                                               be integral parts of the first
     Pre-school Years                                          Nutrition guidance in                           midwifery visit with regular follow-
                                                                                                               up reviews throughout the planned
     (1 – 4 years)                                             preconception and                               visits
     Throughout the toddler years parents                      pregnancy should be a                        •	Greater emphasis within primary
     often seek guidance from HCPs. The
                                                               public health priority                          care of preconception clinics to
     ITF has produced a range of materials
                                                               This could be achieved by:                      guide all parents-to-be on nutrition
     to equip HCPs when guiding parents on
                                                                                                               and lifestyle
     how to feed their young children92,                       •	Public health awareness campaigns
                                                                                                            •	Action to increase uptake of
     which include:                                               communicating the importance of
                                                                                                               recommended vitamins and
                                                                  diet and lifestyle in early life as key
     •	How to combine food for a balanced                                                                     nutritional supplements during
                                                                  to improving the health of the next
        diet see ITF Factsheet 1.2                                                                             preconception, pregnancy and
     •	How to maintain a positive                                                                             breastfeeding, including improving
                                                               •	Production and dissemination
        relationship with food and                                                                             access to Healthy Start vitamins
                                                                  of evidence-based guidelines
       encourage healthy eating habits,                                                                        and vouchers by those eligible93
                                                                  on weight management during
       such as avoiding comfort eating
         see ITF Factsheet 1.1
     •	Guidance on portion sizes
                                                               •	Redoubling of efforts to improve          Education and training
                                                                  both numbers of midwives and              •	Provision of better education,
         see ITF Factsheet 1.3
                                                                  health visitors and their knowledge          training and resources to achieve
     •	Understanding food labels
                                                                  of the importance of early life to           these ends, including instruction
         see ITF Factsheet 1.9i
                                                                  lifelong health                              on how to effectively communicate
     •	Managing childhood obesity
                                                               •	Training in nutrition for HCPs               messages about healthy nutrition
         see ITF Factsheet 3.3
                                                                  working with women throughout                and lifestyle to women planning to
     •	Dealing with faddy and fussy eating
                                                                  pregnancy                                    conceive or who are pregnant, and
         see ITF Factsheet 2.2
                                                               •	All stakeholders working in                  training on active listening and how
     •	Advice on dental health
                                                                  partnership                                  best to inspire behavioural change
         see ITF Factsheet 4.5
                                                                                                               in parents and parents-to-be
     •	Preventing deficiency disorders
                                                                                                            •	Greater use of the internet-based
        see ITF Factsheet 4.1
                                                                                                               resources, including apps,
                                                                                                               designed to promote the messages
                                                                                                               outlined above
Early Nutrition for Later Health: Time to Act Earlier   13

The report is based on a review of existing guidance and interviews
with specialists in nutrition, obstetrics and child health. It has
undergone consultation with key experts and professional bodies,
and is supported by a survey of 1,000 mothers and mothers-to-be,
and 150 frontline healthcare professionals.

We would like to thank the following experts for their contribution to this report:

 • Mary Barker                             • Dr Wendy Lawrence                            • Atul Singhal
   Associate Professor in Psychology,         Senior Research Fellow in Health                 Professor of Paediatric Nutrition,
   MRC Lifecourse Epidemiology Unit,          Psychology, MRC Lifecourse                       Institute of Child Health, UCL and
   University of Southampton                  Epidemiology Unit, University of                 Chair of the Infant & Toddler Forum
 • Robert Coombs                                                                           • Sara Stanner
   Consultant Neonatologist, Sheffield      • Judy More                                       Science Programme Manager, British
   Teaching Hospitals, Sheffield              Registered Nutritionist, London, and             Nutrition Foundation
                                              Honorary Lecturer, School of Health
   Cyrus Cooper, MA DM FRCP
 •	                                          Professions, Plymouth University              • Carolyn Taylor
   FFPH FMedSc                                                                                 Specialist Practice Teacher Health
   Director & Professor of                  • Enitan Ogundipe                                 Visiting, Chair, CPHVA Executive
   Rheumatology, MRC Lifecourse               Consultant Neonatologist,
   Epidemiology Unit; Vice Dean,              Chelsea and Westminster NHS                   • Sukrutha Veerareddy
                                              Foundation Trust                                 Consultant Obstetrician and
   Faculty of Medicine, University of
                                                                                               Gynaecologist, Queen Elizabeth
   Southampton; and Professor of
   Musculoskeletal Science, University
                                            • Gill Perks                                      Hospital, Lewisham and Greenwich
                                              Midwifery Matron, Antenatal and                  NHS Trust
   of Oxford
                                              Postnatal services, NHS
 • Nicholas Embleton                                                                       • Carina Venter
   Consultant in Neonatal Medicine,
                                            • Melanie Pilcher                                 Senior Allergy Dietitian, The David
                                              Policy and Standards Manager, the                Hide Asthma and Allergy Research
   Associate Clinical Lecturer, Newcastle
                                              Pre-School Learning Alliance                     Centre

 • Beckie Lang                             • Rebecca Reynolds                             • Lawrence Weaver
                                              Professor of Metabolic Medicine,                 Emeritus Professor of Child Health,
   Health Campaigns Manager, Tommy’s
                                              Centre for Cardiovascular Science,               University of Glasgow
 • Simon Langley-Evans                       University of Edinburgh
   Deputy Head of School of
   Biosciences & Professor of Human
   Nutrition, Faculty of Science,
   University of Nottingham

The following organisations have pledged their support:
14     Early Nutrition for Later Health: Time to Act Earlier


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