EASTER RISING 1916 Bolton Street Technical School in the Firing Line - DIGITAL STRATEGY FOR SCHOOLS - ETBI

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EASTER RISING 1916 Bolton Street Technical School in the Firing Line - DIGITAL STRATEGY FOR SCHOOLS - ETBI
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           Bolton Street Technical
           School in the Firing Line
           EASTER RISING 1916

           FOR SCHOOLS
           Enhancing Teaching,
           Learning and Assessment

           ESRI REPORT ON
           School Completion Project

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EASTER RISING 1916 Bolton Street Technical School in the Firing Line - DIGITAL STRATEGY FOR SCHOOLS - ETBI
ETBI  issue 1 – 2016


     Athbhliain faoi mhaise dhaoibh                                                         Happy New Year

Section 1 – National and European events                                   Section 2 – News

02       Editorial                                                         42         Donegal ETB’s Coláiste na Carraige win European
                                                                                      Youth Start Entrepreneurship Award in Budapest
03       Reflections on ESRI Report on School
         Completion Project                                                44         Student from CMETB’s Largy College Named
                                                                                      Overall Winner of SciFest 2015
09       Annual Conference 2015
                                                                           45         Further Education Teachers and Management,
12       Iarbhunscoil ar Oileán – Dúshlán ar Leith/ 		                                North and South, Jointly Lead the Way in
         Offshore Island post-primary school –                                        International Peer Learning and Sharing Initiative
         a unique challenge
                                                                           48         Standing Ovation for CMETB Musical Extravaganza
14       Recollections and Reflections on the 2015
         John Marcus O'Sullivan Conference                                 49         GRETB at Launch of National Youth Strategy

20       Bolton Street Technical School in the Firing Line                 50         School Profile – Scoil Chonglais Post-Primary
         – Easter Rising 1916                                                         School, Baltinglass, Co. Wicklow

24       Minister English hosts North Kildare Chamber                      52         Killarney Community College House System –
         Breakfast Briefing at ETBI                                                   A systemic Approach to Prevent Bullying

25       Interview with Philip Gurnett, Head of Sourcing                   53         Scoil Aonghusa CNS Students Make Silicon
         Education, Education Procurement Service                                     Valley Connections!

27       CSL – The Centre for School Leadership                            54         Borris Vocational School, 1916 Film Project –
                                                                                      Til Death Do Us Part
28       Healthy People in Healthy Workplaces
                                                                           56         Official Opening of the LCETB Further Education and
29       The QQI Award Brand. Know It When You See It                                 Training Centre, Kilmallock Road, and Launch of the
                                                                                      new Further Education and Training Strategic Framework
31       Case Study: FET Teachers Develop Shared
         Resource Lists to Support Delivery of FET                         57         Louth and Meath ETB Top Scholars Honoured in
         Programmes Nationally                                                        Prestigious Ceremony

33       Tourism Insight                                                   58         Nenagh College Students Travel to China for
                                                                                      Cultural Exchange Programme
35       EFEE visit to the Europe
                                                                           59         Enniscorthy Youthreach Winners of the X-Hale
36       Edison – An Update                                                           Youth Awards Film Competition 2015

37       Digital Strategy for Schools Enhancing                            59         Kerry ETB Head Office Opening at Centrepoint
         Teaching, Learning and Assessment                                            by Minister Jan O’Sullivan

41       Book Review of "Transition Year in Action"                        60         Minister “turns the sod” for major new education
         by Gerry Jeffers                                                             and training campus in Carlow

 The information contained in ETBI Magazine is, to the best of our knowledge, accurate at the time of publication. The views expressed in this
 magazine do not necessarily reflect those of ETBI. Design by: Design Farm www.designfarm.ie. Printed by: Doyle Print, Church Lane, Baltinglass,
 Co. Wicklow.
EASTER RISING 1916 Bolton Street Technical School in the Firing Line - DIGITAL STRATEGY FOR SCHOOLS - ETBI

      he ETBI FET Conference on            education equally…. In this respect, it     "ETBs and their schools,
      November 26th was attended by        is worth noting the skills and training
      280 practitioners from the Further   sector has traditionally provided the       colleges, and education
Education and Training (FET) sector        entrepreneurs and wealth creators that
across all member ETBs. This event         our country so badly needs.”                and training centres, have a
was both successful and significant                                                    unique role to play in skills
as it brought together every element       The challenges are great and the
of further education and training to       targets are being set higher and            enhancement as they are
address common issues of concern           higher. The education and training
and to bring greater coherence to          sector needs to have the flexibility        closest to the world of business.
diverse and different FET programmes.      to respond to the real needs of
Building mutual understanding builds       employers and employers must give           Education is about developing
coherence, and this was a key objective    realistic commitments to engage with        the whole person to lead a
of the conference, which will now          the further education and training
become an annual feature on the ETBI       providers. The development of Regional      fulfilled life."
calendar.                                  Skills Fora has been devised as a
                                           platform through which FET providers
The complexity of the FET sector           and the business community can
reflects the complexity and variety        engage and liaise in respect of skills      piloting the new Edison Entrepreneurial
of need in our society. It is very         training.                                   Programme in schools and colleges in
evident over the past few years that                                                   2016, as this programme is all about
the spotlight has focussed on FET          ETBs and their schools, colleges,           cultural change and self-realisation.
as a means of addressing national          and education and training centres,
community needs, especially skills         have a unique role to play in skills        As we reach the centenary of the
needs. Government sees skills              enhancement as they are closest to          1916 Rising, it is worth noting that the
enhancement as necessary to                the world of business. Education is         sector predates the 1916 Rising. As
maintain inward investment. Various        about developing the whole person to        they evolved the Technical Instruction
communiqués from the European              lead a fulfilled life. To really achieve    Committees (to 1930), the Vocational
Commission highlight the importance        that fulfilment, many adults will need      Education Committees (to 2013) and
of Vocational Education and Training       to have gainful employment. Our FET         the Education and Training Boards
(VET). In Ireland and throughout the       colleges and training centres need          (from 2013) have delivered education
European Union, the need to increase       to maintain their focus of equipping        and training programmes to their local
the attractiveness of FET (or VET) has     people with real and tangible skills, and   communities over the generations,
been identified as a key priority.         with the capacity to meet the challenge     when part of the British Empire and the
                                           of evolving societal pressures.             Irish Free State, and since Ireland was
The re-evaluation of FET as a learning                                                 declared a republic. As we recall the
pathway of equal value with higher         When ETBs are so much engaged in the        seismic events in 2016, we should also
education has been highlighted by          change process, it is not easy to see       remember the generations of teachers,
Senator Jim D’Arcy in recent Seanad        where the sector will be in five or ten     trainers and public servants who
debates on the Education (Welfare)         years. But committed leadership laced       served in the TICs, VECs and ETBs over
(Amendment) Bill 2015. Senator D’Arcy      with passion and foresight can ensure       many decades past.
noted: “In Ireland, everyone aspires to    that the sector will continue to provide
third level as the summit of educational   the entrepreneurs and wealth creators       Michael Moriarty,
achievement. We need a change of           that Senator D’Arcy mentions above. In      General Secretary.
attitude which values all forms of         this context, ETBI is looking forward to

"Building mutual understanding builds coherence, and this was
a key objective of the conference, which will now become an
annual feature on the ETBI calendar."

2    ETBI  issue 1 – 2016  Section 1 | National and European Events
EASTER RISING 1916 Bolton Street Technical School in the Firing Line - DIGITAL STRATEGY FOR SCHOOLS - ETBI
Reflections on ESRI
Report on School
Completion Project
By Mary Kenny, Youth in Education and Research Officer, Kildare and Wicklow ETB

Introduction                              supports to approximately 36,000          which is education disadvantage at
ETBI welcomes the publication of the      students within the school system, and    its most manifest, is a major problem
ESRI Report on the Review of the          to almost 800 young people who are        in Europe and across the developed
School Completion Programme (SCP).        out of school, throughout the academic    world. Ireland’s rates of school
The report, which is the first external   year and during holiday time.             completion are comparable to the
review of the programme since its                                                   educationally high-performing countries
inception in 2002, provides a unique      The position of SCP as an integral        such as Austria and Finland. An ESRI
insight into the operation of SCP         part of the DEIS strategy, which is       report commissioned by the DES
across the 124 clusters and in the 694    the government’s policy framework         and published in April 2014, entitled
schools, both primary and post-primary.   to tackle education disadvantage,         Learning from the Evaluation of DEIS,
SCP Annual Reports estimate that          is demarcated from the outset.            highlights the increase in DEIS schools’
the programme delivers educational        Addressing Early School leaving, (ESL),   retention rates, which in recent years,

                                           Section 1 | National and European Events  issue 1 – 2016  ETBI                3
EASTER RISING 1916 Bolton Street Technical School in the Firing Line - DIGITAL STRATEGY FOR SCHOOLS - ETBI
has been significantly higher than the   "SCP is a targeted resource. The review captures the
overall improvement nationally. The
improvement trend in student retention   commonalities in approaches to targeting across the SCP clusters
rates in DEIS schools is also captured
in the DES report entitled Retention     and highlights the universal emphasis on poor attendance as a
Rates of Pupils in Second Level          criterion, followed by family history of ESL, lack of family support,
Schools, January 2014. The report
tracks the 2007 entry cohort and         lack of engagement by student and poor behaviour."
concludes that the average retention
rate for DEIS second level schools       premise that school policy and practice     a stronger focus on social and
continues to increase and is at a rate   are found to have a significant influence   emotional supports while attendance
of 80.4%, which is up from 68.2% for     on student drop-out. Retention rates        and retention were emphasised at
the 2001 intake.                         are found to be higher where there          post-primary. SCP has evolved to
                                         is a positive school climate with           become a multifaceted operation,
The improvements in student retention    good relations between teachers             reflecting the shaping influences of the
rates in Ireland, particularly since     and students and a greater sense of         stakeholders, particularly at school
2000, are worthy of exploration and      ownership on the part of students over      level where interventions have been
this review makes a very valuable        school life.                                developed which are student-driven
contribution to a deeper understanding                                               and very often individually tailored. The
of what is effective in terms of         The review is comprehensive in              review does not explore the reasons
tackling ESL. By examining what is       scope and examines all aspects of           for such variations in the perceptions
being done at school level to counter    the programme thus adding to the            of the aims of the programme but it
disengagement, which is the prelude      validity of the findings. The authors       is possible that the broad scope and
to ESL, a deeper understanding of        acknowledge the difficulties in             the flexibility of the programme may be
the more effective strategies should     assessing the impact of SCP in a            contributory factors. SCP is essentially
emerge.                                  narrow way and to counteract these          a local stakeholder’s response to
                                         challenges an approach which focusses       early school leaving. There is flexibility
Messages from the                        on documenting the processes through        to devise a local response to ESL
Literature                               which SCP operates was adopted.             as part of the SCP retention plan
The literature accessed in the review    The study builds on the extensive           and this process has contributed to
explores the matrix of interrelated      research which ESRI has conducted           variations in the perceptions of and
influences that combine to create        on education disadvantage in Ireland        the design of the programme. Another
barriers to educational success.         which is referenced throughout the          possible explanation for variations in
The theoretical underpinnings of         Growing Up in Ireland survey. The           the understandings of the aims of the
programmes such as SCP are               review was constructed on nine key          programme is the multiple moves of
mirrored in the recent work of Downes    questions which covered every facet of      SCP across Departments and agencies.
(2011). Downes is an exponent            the programmes and facilitated a broad      There is an obvious need for a broadly-
of a preventative strategy which         and deep enquiry into the functions,        accepted understanding of the aims of
draws on international evidence to       the effectiveness and the outcomes          SCP which informs the delivery of the
outline a range of components on         of SCP. The questions related to the        programme in a more consistent way at
which initiatives aimed at raising       aims of SCP from the perspectives of        cluster and at school level.
school retention rates should be         the stakeholders. The stakeholders
based. The theoretical underpinnings     are the source of the data for the
of programmes such as SCP are            nine questions which drive this study
                                                                                     SCP is a targeted resource. The
mirrored in the recent work of Downes    and relate to aims, the targeting of
                                                                                     review captures the commonalities in
(2011). Downes is an exponent of         resources, the interventions delivered,
                                                                                     approaches to targeting across the SCP
a preventative strategy which draws      the cluster size and variations, the
                                                                                     clusters and highlights the universal
on international evidence to outline     relation between SCP and other
                                                                                     emphasis on poor attendance as a
a range of components on which           elements of DEIS, governance and the
                                                                                     criterion, followed by family history
initiatives aimed at raising school      role of the Local Coordinator and LMC.
                                                                                     of ESL, lack of family support, lack
retention rates should be based.         Resource application along with the
                                                                                     of engagement by student and poor
Programmes which address a number        associated student outcomes and the
                                                                                     behaviour. Other factors considered
of dimensions of student’s lives,        strengths and the weaknesses of the
                                                                                     include socio-emotional well- being
including attendance, behaviour,         programme were also scrutinised.
                                                                                     (e.g. trauma) and being in care, low
socio-emotional wellbeing, cognitive                                                 academic attainment, being a member
development, host language               Aims of SCP                                 of the Travelling community, immigrant
acquisition, motivation, social          Not surprisingly, the findings indicate     students and students with Special
development, family engagement, and      wide variations in the perceived aims       Education Needs. At cluster level the
transitions, are demonstrably more       of SCP among the respondents. The           Local Management Committees (LMCs)
successful in relation to retention.     variation in how SCP is conceptualised      are charged with devising criteria to
The messages from the literature also    between primary and post-primary            target students who are in need of
reiterate an established educational     is noted. Primary schools indicated         additional supports to enable them

4    ETBI  issue 1 – 2016  Section 1 | National and European Events
EASTER RISING 1916 Bolton Street Technical School in the Firing Line - DIGITAL STRATEGY FOR SCHOOLS - ETBI
to attend, participate and remain in
the school system right up to Leaving
Cert level. The national perspective
on targeting criteria emerging from
this review will be helpful towards
building consistency of practice in the

The various models of targeting
adapted and refined by schools and
clusters are described in the review.
The models guiding the delivery of
educational supports range from
universal provision to preventative
interventions and intensive assistance,
reflecting the theoretical tenets of
the Hardiker (1991) model which
delineates thresholds of need. There
is a worthwhile exposé of the tensions
in trying to balance need against the
constraints of provision. These tensions      Monopoly at the Games Club in Piper's Hill College.
are evident where the reduction in
funding has forced projects to make
budgetary adjustments resulting in the     sectors, a complex picture emerges.            tasks and activities yielded the very
curtailment of educational supports.       There is universal consensus among             encouraging finding that the greatest
The four pillars of SCP, which are:        the respondents that the cluster               amount of the local coordinator’s time
in-school, out-of-school, after-school     arrangements operates most effectively         was spent in face-to-face contact with
and holiday provision, are based on a      where there is a high level of student         students. This approach mirrors the
comprehensive approach to addressing       transfer between the participating             assertion by a number of the principals
ESL which is rooted in empirical studies   primary and post-primary schools,              interviewed as part of the review that
and research, some of which are            thus enabling early and sustained              skilled personnel working with at-risk
referenced in the available literature     intervention, which is strongly indicated      students secures the best outcomes
accessed in this review. At its out-       in the literature referenced to be the         for the young person. The findings
set, SCP aimed to have balanced and        most effective approach in tackling            also indicate that the coordinator is
proportionate provision of educational     educational disadvantage. However,             perceived differently to the teachers
interventions under the four pillars.      the cluster arrangements reach their           by the students and this is based
The budgetary cutbacks have disturbed      optimal limits where the boundaries do         on their personal relationship with
the equilibrium with greater priority      not reflect student transfer patterns          the target children. The breath and
currently being given to in-school and     between primary and post-primary               scope of the coordinator’s role is
after-school supports, while holiday and   schools, which is more likely to occur         captured in the review. Concerns were
out-of-school provision have diminished.   in rural areas. The boundaries that            expressed by a variety of stakeholders
For the child who is marginalised,         oriented this enquiry may not have             regarding the ever-burgeoning burden
who is at risk of disengagement and        extended to the exploration of how             of administration work which curtails
where there are difficulties at family     to devise structures which enable              the amount of the coordinator’s time
level in terms of the ability to support   the resources to follow the child as           which is available to work directly with
the child’s schooling, the reduction in    opposed to the child following the             target students. The focus of the local
holiday programmes and out-of-school       resources in order to access DEIS              coordinator’s work has become more
supports impairs the effectiveness of      provision. These findings will give            “paper tracking” than “pupil tracking”.
the initiative.                            impetus to the professional dialogue           While it fell outside of the parameters
                                           about how strategies can be formulated         of this review to proffer solutions to
Clustering and DEIS                        and refined to facilitate the alignment        the expanding administrative demands
                                           of resources with needs of the child.          that prevent local coordinators from
Provision                                                                                 engaging in the more productive
This review provides a very helpful
                                           The Role of the SCP Coordinator                face-to-face work with students, this
examination of the clusters, and
                                           Each of the 124 clusters has a local           key finding should add urgency to the
gives a very useful national overview
                                           coordinator. The coordinator has               need to create a more centralised and
of their size and composition. With
                                           an overarching managerial role in              harmonised management system to
clusters varying in size from two to
                                           the project. This review conducts a            support SCP nationwide.
twelve schools, comprising mainly
                                           systematic analysis of the work of
DEIS but some Non-DEIS schools, both
                                           the coordinator. For the first time, a
primary and post-primary, and schools
                                           composite picture of the SCP local             Governance
in the ETB, Voluntary secondary                                                           The legal status of SCP projects,
                                           coordinator’s role emerges. The data
and Community and Comprehensive                                                           the complex HR issues and the
                                           on time spent per week on a range of

                                            Section 1 | National and European Events  issue 1 – 2016  ETBI                     5
EASTER RISING 1916 Bolton Street Technical School in the Firing Line - DIGITAL STRATEGY FOR SCHOOLS - ETBI
requirements for appropriate financial
oversight appear to cascade into one
central issue, namely governance,
which has been identified in this study
and elsewhere as one of the biggest
weaknesses of the programme. It is
along this major governance fault-line
that many SCP projects are precariously
operating. The review contains searing
criticism from stakeholders in relation
to the dysphoric situation that pertains
to SCP projects whose LMCs are
attempting to exemplify corporate
governance functions without any
legitimate underpinning. The lineage of
the difficulty is traced to the multiple
moves that the programme has
endured since its removal from what
many stakeholders aver is the rightful
mothership, namely the DES.

The palpable disquiet about SCP             A game of Connect 4 at the Games Club in Piper's Hill College.
being placed outside of the DES is
encapsulated by one stakeholder who
contends that the programme …has           infrastructure, the programme could           workforce alone would indicate the
become completely derailed with the        become fully embedded on a stable             critical need for governance solutions to
establishment of Tusla…moved further       footing in the education system. The          be formulated for the SCP programme.
from the centre…it is not a priority       ETB option would offer resolution to          In a lengthy chapter on resources which
with Tusla…an urgent need to look and      the issues pertaining to all matters          sets out what funding SCP projects are
see where it should be housed…its          of governance and it would support            granted and how the allocations are
natural home is Education. The report      the more central positioning of SCP in        deployed, the impact of the ongoing
concludes that the transfer of SCP to      DEIS and in schools. Furthermore, this        cuts to SCP since 2008 when the
different government departments over      option would get governance off the           budget went from €32.9 million to
time appears to have caused much           backs of the LMCs and allow them to           €24.7 million in 2015, – a substantial
confusion and uncertainty.                 focus on developing the best possible         decline in the programme’s finances –
                                           local responses to early school leaving       is explicated.
With almost half of the SCP projects       by utilising the resources to the
under the remit of ETBs, the benefits      maximum benefit of the target group           The profound impact that the
accruing from the excellent support in     and by building synergies with the            major budgetary cuts in SCP is
relation to employment and finance as      relevant agencies to enrich and extend        evidenced throughout the narrative
well as recruitment and contracts were     educational supports for the relevant         of the stakeholder interviews. We
acknowledged by the local coordinators.    students.                                     are reminded of the impact that
This review documents in a detailed                                                      the recession had on lower income
way the difficulties and concerns that     The belief that the SCP is                    families. We are also reminded that
beset SCP projects particularly the        disadvantaged by being under the remit        adverse material conditions impoverish
LMCs and chairpersons who endeavour        of an agency which is outside of the          children’s educational outcomes and
to oversee, guide and direct projects      DES is a recurring assertion throughout       their socio-emotional development.
without an overall governance strategy.    the report. While it is an integral part      Children attending DEIS schools who
These key findings should incite urgent    of the DEIS strategy, it is the only          live in disadvantaged communities
action with regard to addressing           government programme with a singular          have experienced deteriorating socio-
the major governance deficiencies          and sole focus on addressing early            economic circumstances as a result
which are so cogently portrayed in         school leaving. However, the positioning      of the recession and present with
this research. The recommendations         of SCP outside of the DES places it at        a greater need for support from
include possible options particularly      a distance from its strategic siblings,       programmes such as SCP which has
in relation to employment. One of          namely HSCL, NBSS and JCSP, and               suffered serious funding cutbacks. One
the recommendations is to place            creates a fractured policy framework for      principal pointed out that 12% of the
the projects under the ETBs. This          combating educational disadvantage            families in the school are homeless.
recommendation has eminent merit                                                         Rising unemployment plunged more
and an exploration of the benefits         Funding and Resources                         families into poverty and put more
of this option would be worthwhile.        The review alludes to the Pobal               students on target lists needing SCP
Not only would SCP projects                Governance Survey, 2013, which                supports such as Breakfast and
derive the benefits of the existing        indicated that over 2,000 people were         Afterschool supports, which have to
ETBs’ comprehensive governance             employed through SCP. The size of the         be provided for from reduced budgets.

6    ETBI  issue 1 – 2016  Section 1 | National and European Events
EASTER RISING 1916 Bolton Street Technical School in the Firing Line - DIGITAL STRATEGY FOR SCHOOLS - ETBI
Commentary on the pressures that            "With greater concentrations of immigrant and Traveller students in
schools are under to meet the most
fundamental needs of children from          DEIS schools, the withdrawal of dedicated supports for these groups
disadvantaged families converges
                                            results in greater demands being placed on the SCP resources to
with the views emanating from the
Ombudsman for Children. In his              meet the shortfall in provision."
address to the Psychological Society
of Ireland (PSI) Annual Conference                                                     indicates that programmes designed
                                            acknowledging the improvements in
of 2015, Dr Niall Muldoon exhorted                                                     to ameliorate student drop-out must
                                            student retention and attendance
the government to act on the issue                                                     devise strategies to enhance student
                                            rates since the inception of DEIS, the
of child poverty. The Children’s                                                       engagement which go beyond a narrow
                                            multifaceted nature of SCP means
Ombudsman declared that the impact                                                     focus on attendance. Engagement is
                                            that it is difficult to disentangle
of the recession on children has been                                                  intertwined with student well-being
                                            which elements of the programme
“enormous” and that the “impact on                                                     which is not amenable to simple
                                            are the most effective. The improved
the poorest and most disadvantaged                                                     assessment techniques and is
                                            educational outcomes in DEIS schools
children had been disproportionate to                                                  connected to what are termed “softer
                                            may reflect the comprehensive package
all others”                                                                            measures” which this review notes are
                                            of supports put in place (Smyth et
                                            al, 2015). It is conceded in this          more difficult to gauge than attendance
The report catalogues the changes                                                      and retention but are key drivers of
                                            research and elsewhere that SCP has
in educational policy which impacted                                                   these behaviours.
                                            contributed to the overall enhanced
on disadvantaged schools such as
                                            retention and attendance levels in the
the removal of the ex-quota guidance
                                            relevant schools. The focus on student     Strengths and Weaknesses
counsellors and the disbandment
                                            outcomes constitutes a penetrating         The strengths and weaknesses of SCP,
of the Visiting Teacher Service for
                                            analysis of the SCP processes that         unearthed in the course of this research,
Travellers. With greater concentrations
                                            combine to make schools a more             creates a useful lens for a school
of immigrant and Traveller students
                                            attractive option for children who were    or cluster to assess the programme
in DEIS schools, the withdrawal of
                                            otherwise disengaged, thus fostering       and for policy makers to take a more
dedicated supports for these groups
                                            higher attendance levels. A clear set of   overarching view of the initiative. The
results in greater demands being
                                            messages emerge from the analysis of       exercise illuminated the positives of
placed on the SCP resources to meet
                                            how SCP resources are used at school       SCP that schools believe that they could
the shortfall in provision.
                                            level to support the attendance, the       not do without, such as the access to
                                            participation and the retention and in     skilled personnel, the instant responses
The report draws on the contributions
                                            many cases the progression to Further      which are needed in crisis situations, the
from the stakeholders and particularly
                                            or Higher Education.                       counselling services and the provision
the principals in DEIS schools to
elucidate the impact of the cuts. The                                                  of basic requirements such as food,
                                            There is an abundance of evidence here     clothes, books and uniforms. The
critical need for the additional supports
                                            to show that systematic monitoring,        flexibility of SCP to respond to local and
from SCP is expounded and the anxiety
                                            supporting, rewarding and pro-actively     emergent needs and to crises was highly
in relation to the future funding of SCP
                                            following up on attendance at an           valued by principals. The scope to tailor
receives considerable comment
                                            individual and family level reduces        individualised interventions where and
                                            student absenteeism.                       when needed was another noteworthy
With no guarantee of the continuation
of SCP funding and without any policy                                                  strength.
                                            The principals interviewed highlighted
or strategic roadmap for initiatives
                                            the contribution that SCP interventions    A number of the principals recognised
to address early school leaving or
                                            are making to student well-being, to       the critical importance of the additional
to offer the level of support that
                                            confidence-building, to morale-boosting    supports that SCP provided for
SCP provides, the findings in this
                                            and to overall enhanced student            management and for teachers which
section should motivate the education
                                            engagement in education.                   expanded the school’s capacity to deal
partners to proactively engage with the
policy makers. Strategies need to be                                                   with severe behavioural issues.
                                            A chairperson captured the interrelated
developed that will ensure that the level
                                            nature of the impact of the SCP            The positive effects that SCP had on
of educational interventions required in
                                            interventions by referring to the higher   the day-to-day life of the school was
our schools to service disadvantaged
                                            CAO output in terms of the average         reflected in a number of principal and
communities, is secure and supported
                                            points gained. Other chairpersons          LMC member responses. It appears
by robust programme management and
                                            and coordinators commented on the          that the programme has infected
                                            reduction in the difficult behaviour       school cultures in a favourable way
                                            of students and a decrease in the          around relationships and collaboration
Student Outcomes                            number of expulsions was observed.         between principals in clusters, and
By examining the student outcomes           The provision of counselling was highly    with cooperation between teachers and
the review drills down to a more fine-      valued by principals, particularly the     SCP personnel. The move to greater
grained level of the SCP operations         immediacy of access to the service.        integration of supports in schools was
within schools and clusters. While          The salient message from this chapter      viewed as a welcome development.

                                             Section 1 | National and European Events  issue 1 – 2016  ETBI                   7
EASTER RISING 1916 Bolton Street Technical School in the Firing Line - DIGITAL STRATEGY FOR SCHOOLS - ETBI
"The most lauded strength of the SCP by the principals was the                           from this review. Three models for
scope and flexibility to respond immediately."                                           these structures are set out. Each
                                                                                         model would need to be assessed
                                                                                         in terms of capability to provide
The most lauded strength of the SCP          preventative approaches are more cost-      governance structures that cover HR
by the principals was the scope and          effective and produce better education      expertise, financial management and
flexibility to respond immediately. The      and social outcomes. This conclusion        oversight, legal expertise and CPD.
immediacy of response was signalled,         should add weight to the argument           The capacity to support the continued
particularly in relation to counselling,     that SCP should continue to focus           embedding of SCP in the school and
which as one coordinator reported            on educational supports which are           community so as to deliver maximum
could be made available “within the          preventative in nature while dealing with   educational supports for at-risk young
hour.” A similar viewpoint was echoed        crisis situations on a needs basis.         people should also be an important
by a principal who described the                                                         consideration.
counselling as “fantastic” as it was         The emphasis that principals place on
very difficult to access elsewhere.          the importance of access to skilled         Cluster boundaries which take account
and it’s fantastic to be able to get         personnel who can work with students        of student transfer patterns and the
that person counselling within a short       in crisis and challenging situations        matching of resource allocation to need
time…we’ve had several self-harming,         points to the need for ongoing high         are challenges set out in the review.
tried suicide etc…they’ve pretty much        quality CPD for SCP personnel. The
all been resolved. In a related vein,        inadequacy of the current CPD provision     With the impending DEIS review
a principal admitted that he relied on       has been documented in the review.          announced by the DES, this report will
SCP to provide instant supports when         The need for greater role definition for    prove to be an invaluable source of
child protection issues arose as the         local coordinators and chairpersons of      information on how one of the central
response from external agencies was          LMCs is highlighted.                        DEIS initiatives perform in relation to
too slow and “so all over the place.”                                                    addressing educational disadvantage.
                                             The issue of an integrated approach         The up-to-date and comprehensive data
Identifying the weaknesses of the            to supporting the target group is           which is collated on targeting criteria,
SCP initiative is hugely instructive for     alluded to frequently in the research.      the activities and their effectiveness,
future planning and development. The         It is clearly evident that an integrated    the size and composition of clusters,
most frequently-raised concern by all        approach has evolved at school and          the relationship between SCP and
stakeholders was the damaging effect         project level and has enabled schools       other DEIS provision, the governance
of funding cuts to the programme.            to address the socio-emotional              issues, the resources, the impact of
The relentless funding cuts have led         difficulties which are a barrier to         the budgetary cutbacks, the impact of
to a lack of long-term planning and          engaging in education and learning.         SCP on student educational outcomes
uncertainty about the future and the         What is less clear is the status of         and the overview of the strengths and
associated undermining of staff morale       an integrated approach to managing          weaknesses, provide ample scope
was viewed as extremely problematic.         the educational welfare services. The       for a robust professional dialogue on
The misalignment between the cluster         Integrated model known as OCOTOP            how we support marginalised students
boundaries and the school transfer           (One Child, One Team, One Plan)             in our schools. The key messages
patterns was highlighted.                    receives scant mention. OCOTOP or           particularly in relation to the strengths
                                             the One Child Model was the subject         and weaknesses of SCP merit scrutiny
Reflecting on the shortcomings of            of a very substantial human and             by the educational partners and policy-
SCP, the stakeholders asserted               monetary investment and seems to            makers so that the future development
their dissatisfaction both here and          have disappeared from the policy radar.     of the programme is informed by the
throughout the review process with           There would appear to be a compelling       successful elements of the initiative and
the governance arrangements and              argument in favour of an integrated         that the weaknesses are addressed.
lamented the lack of national vision and     approach to the management and              The imperative for the provision of high
the inadequacy of back-up from Tusla.        to the delivery of the educational          quality educational support programmes
                                             welfare services as the evidence in         for young people who struggle in schools
                                             this review suggests that it secures        is firmly established in this report. These
Conclusions and                              better outcomes for children. Greater       programmes need to be supported
Recommendations                              consistency regarding the way SCP           by appropriate governance, guided by
The conclusion that the early                is embedded in all DEIS activities,         highly evolved policies, informed by
identification of need coupled with          including in the planning processes, is     research and delivered by high-calibre
the flexibility to respond at local level,   strongly advocated.                         personnel who receive ongoing training
pinpoints one of the most valued                                                         and development. To derive real benefits
features of SCP. The programme               The case for urgent action on the           from this ESRI review, the ensuing
adopts an approach which is primarily        governance structures of SCP                debate will need to be situated in the
preventative and differs from crisis         is overwhelming. That one clear             wider context of how we formulate policy
intervention and the compensatory            and consistent governance and               and implement and resource strategies
models used across Europe in                 employment structure be applied             that continue to address education
response to ESL. The review notes that       across all clusters is a key message        disadvantage in this country.

8     ETBI  issue 1 – 2016  Section 1 | National and European Events
EASTER RISING 1916 Bolton Street Technical School in the Firing Line - DIGITAL STRATEGY FOR SCHOOLS - ETBI
Annual Conference 2015

      he revised programme for the
      2015 ETBI Annual Conference,
      held in the Radisson Blu Hotel
in Galway, reflected the diversity of
provision by ETBs. The Conference
theme – Leading the Transformation
of Education and Training – certainly
reflected the reality of the current
transformation process ongoing in
member ETBs.

The plenar y session on day one,
Wednesday 23rd September, focussed
on the past strengths and future
potential of the sector.

On day two, Thursday 24th September,
Conference explored the characteristic
spirit of publicly-managed schools.
The focus then moved to the unique
situation of offshore island post-
primar y schools, all of which are          ETBI President, Pat Gilmore, addresses the Conference.
managed by ETBs.

Delegates next availed of one of two        "Strategies, plans and policies...will fail at implementation stage
parallel sessions – Schools of the
Future/The Digital Classroom, and           if resources at delivery stage are inadequate and insufficient to
Governance and ETBs.
                                            deliver practically on the promise of policy.”
As the ETB sector has a unique
relationship with the business sector,
the case for business-education links       if ETBs were to lead and transform            systems while a shared ser vice model
was presented by Danny McCoy,               education and training, the economic          of deliver y is also in development.
CEO of IBEC, while Professor Tom            recover y currently under way must be         The widespread reform agenda
Cooney presented on developing an           accompanied by a systemic and orderly         comprehended the transfer of
entrepreneurial culture in education.       rolling back of education cutbacks.           (former FÁS) training centres to
                                                                                          ETBs, the building of a quality
The current controversy about Junior        Mr Gilmore highlighted the impact of          assurance framework, the publication
Cycle reforms ensured there was keen        the moratorium on ETB staffing and            of new operational guidelines and
interest in this final session before the   called for a fit-for-purpose management       codes of governance for Boards of
Presidential and Ministerial addresses.     team in each ETB. He expressed                Management.
                                            concern about the inadequacy of
                                            resourcing of ETBs and stated that            Reforming middle management in
President’s Address to                      “strategies, plans and policies...            schools was also highlighted as a
Conference                                  will fail at implementation stage             priority issue for the education sector.
The keynote address by President Pat        if resources at deliver y stage are           The President argued vehemently
Gilmore was presented to a packed           inadequate and insufficient to deliver        that the leadership of schools,
conference of 300 delegates and             practically on the promise of policy.”        educational reform, and teaching
guests. While acknowledging the                                                           and learning, were being undermined
context of a near-collapsed economy,        The President then focussed on                through inadequate staffing at school
the cutbacks and moratorium on              the legislative reforms since 2014,           management level. He referred to the
appointments, Mr Gilmore argued that        which established new governance              submission by ETBI and other school

                                             Section 1 | National and European Events  issue 1 – 2016  ETBI                    9
management bodies which realistically
addressed this lacuna.

He noted that the need for
management supports to coordinate
the revised Junior Cycle at whole-
school level. The President argued that
the implementation of the Junior Cycle
framework would entail extra demands
on school management and leadership
which need to be addressed.

Noting that Ireland was now the
fastest-growing economy in Europe,
the President called for the restoration
of the pupil-teacher ratio in schools
and colleges to their pre-cutbacks

The Presidential address further
focussed on the reform of Further
Education and Training (FET).
Mr Gilmore obser ved that skills
                                           Minister for Education and Skills, Jan O'Sullivan T.D., addresses the ETBI Conference
development would be supported
by ETBI’s project on Entrepreneurial
Education, to be rolled out in 2016. He
noted the current vacancies in central     "While identifying a bright future for ETBs in the primary sector ...
posts in the training centres and          'It will require parents to be better informed of the existence of an
highlighted the significant decrease in
the number of Senior Training Advisors     alternative multi-denominational model.'"The Minister highlighted
at a time when apprenticeship
registrations nationally were projected    her intention to reinvigorate the divestment process and develop
to increase by 95%.
                                           a roadmap for advancing the divestment agenda.
The President argued the case for
significantly extending the Community
National School (CNS) model, with
                                           the previous 85 years. Referencing              co-patronage model at school level.
ETBs as patrons, which he said was
                                           recent ETB responses to the                     She addressed the Junior Cycle reform
essential if communities were to
                                           resettlement of refugees in Ireland, the        process and stated that students’
have real choice in terms of primar y
                                           Minister stated, “This is just another          interests would “be to the forefront
                                           example of how your organisations step          of my thinking on the way for ward in
                                           up when our nation needs you.”                  implementing Junior Cycle reform in
Mr Gilmore also made a case for
                                                                                           the coming weeks.”
additional supports for ETB island
                                           In the context of the patronage of
                                           primary schools, the Minister referred          She referred to the review of PLC
                                           to the development of the Community             provision and the ETBs’ involvement
In conclusion, the President stated
                                           National School (CNS) model as a                in submissions to the Apprenticeship
that ETBs, as local education
                                           further example of how ETBs have                Council regarding new apprenticeship
authorities, were at the heart of local
                                           responded to national needs. She                proposals. She highlighted the
communities. In this context, he said
                                           characterised this as a “quiet and              proposed establishment of Regional
that, if adequately resourced, ETBs
                                           gentle revolution” which needed to find         Skills Fora. The impact of the current
would continue to improve individual
                                           a louder voice. While identifying a bright      reform process on ETB staff was
empowerment, social inclusion,
                                           future for ETBs in the primary sector,          acknowledged by Minister O’Sullivan.
and economic prosperity in their
                                           she noted, “It will require parents to
                                           be better informed of the existence             The Minister did review the
                                           of an alternative multi-denominational          government’s investment in education
Minister Jan O’Sullivan’s                  model.” The Minister highlighted her            and expressed satisfaction that there
Address to Conference                      intention to reinvigorate the divestment        was growing consensus emerging
In her address to Conference, Minister     process and develop a roadmap for               around education as a priority area for
O’Sullivan lauded the ETBs and their       advancing the divestment agenda.                investment. She committed to invest
predecessors, the VECs, as the                                                             in education “to build better, brighter
bedrock of the education system over       Minister O’Sullivan also praised the            futures for all of our people.”

10     ETBI  issue 1 – 2016  Section 1 | National and European Events
Section 1 | National and European Events  issue 1 – 2016  ETBI   11
Iarbhunscoil ar Oileán - Dúshlán ar Leith
Offshore Island Post-primary School -
A Unique Challenge
By Bríd Ní Dhonnacha, Príomhoide, Coláiste Ghobnait, Inis Oírr, Oileáin Árann, Co. na Gaillimhe

      here are currently five offshore
      island post-primary schools in
      Ireland, Coláiste Naomh Éinne
(Inis Mór), Coláiste Ghobnait (Inis Oírr),
Coláiste Naomh Eoin (Inis Meáin),
Gairmscoil Mhic Diarmada (Oileán
Árainn Mhór), Coláiste Pobail Cholmcille
(Oileán Thoraí).

Tagann 3 cinn de na scoileanna seo
faoi chúram Bhord Oideachais & Oiliúna
na Gaillimhe agus Roscomáin agus
iad lonnaithe ar chaon cheann de thrí
oileáin Árann, tagann an péire eile
faoi chúram Bhord Oideachais agus
Oiliúna Dhún na nGall agus tá siad san
lonnaithe ar Oileán Árainn Mhór agus ar
Oileán Thoraí.

These five schools are unique, with
the Atlantic Ocean separating them
from the mainland. The schools on
                                                 ensure that when principal is away      ag freastal ar riachtanais
                                                 at meetings, or absent through          Oideachais na n-Oileán
these islands are the heart and spirit
                                                 illness, an appropriate person is       Mar gheall ar an mbagairt a bhí
of their respective communities and for
                                                 designated in charge.                   faoin tseirbhís aeir agus atá fós mar
these schools to survive, the following
proposals need to be implemented as a                                                    gheall ar an gconradh bliantúil, beidh
                                             These are not wants, they are needs for     bunshraitheanna inmheánacha ár
matter of urgency:
                                             Island schools to survive.                  n-Oileáin i gcontúirt agus riachtanais
+    Ensure Air Service, including                                                       Oideachais na n-Oileáin go háirithe.
                                             All small schools on the island of          Aithnítear tábhacht na seirbhíse aeir
     transport links, is compatible with
                                             Ireland face challenges but our five        dár gcuid scoileanna agus do phobal na
     education requirements
                                             tiny island schools with between 5          hOileáin. Táthar ag brath ar an tseirbhís
+    Increase ex quota Island Teacher
                                             and 65 pupils, face additional unique       aeir chun riachtanais Oideachais a
+    Allocation per school from 1.0
                                             challenges that come with the beauty of     chomhlíondh. Braitheann gach rud ar an
     to 2.5 (WTE) to allow curricular
                                             island life.                                tseirbhís aeir – múinteoirí a mhealladh
+    Reinstate Island allowance (€1,658)                                                 chuig an oileán, soláthar seirbhisí,
                                             Tá na scoileanna an-tábhachtach le          obair chothabhála 7rl.
     for offshore Island Teachers
                                             pobal a choinneáil beo ar Oileáin. Tá sé
+    Appropriate Increase in Schools’
                                             fíor-thábhachtach go mbeadh oideachas
     ONP Budget by a minimum of
                                             caighdeánach Iarbhunscoile atá dlite
                                                                                         Ardú ar dháileadh múinteoirí ex-
     €10,000 each per annum to offset                                                    quota gach scoil oileanda ó 1.0
                                             do scoláirí, á thairiscint do na scoláirí
     additional transport and servicing                                                  go 2.5 WTE
                                             ar an hOileáin seo. Níor cheart go
     costs.                                                                              Tá an leithroinnt múinteoirí ina chnámh
                                             ndéanfadh an tAigéan Atlantach aon
+    Increase the national number of the                                                 spáirne lá i ndiaidh lae, bliain i ndiaidh
                                             idirdhealú nó tanú ar oideachas scoláirí
     one year residential Scholarships                                                   bliana do phríomhoidí scoileanna dara
                                             ar Oileán.
     from 30 to 60 students                                                              leibhéal ar Oileán. Tá fhios againn ar
+    Ensure that at least two persons                                                    fád go bhfuil an dáileadh seo bunaithe
     have management responsibility (ie      Dearbhú go bhfuil an tseirbhís              ar líon na scoláirí atá ar an rolla. Is
     Principal and at least one other), to   afarantóireachta agus aeir                  dushlán dúinne uimhreacha arda a

12     ETBI  issue 1 – 2016  Section 1 | National and European Events
bheith ag scoileanna Oileánda agus ní
bheidh uimhreacha arda go deo, mar
sin teastaíonn go dtuigfear é seo agus
an leithroinnt mhúinteoirí á dháileadh
ar scoileanna Oileánda. Tá achainní
úr againne, scoileanna dara leibhéal
Oileánda – ag lorg leithroinnt, sé sin go
nardofaí é ó 1.0 go 2.5 WTE.

Reinstate Island allowance
(€1,658) for offshore Island
Teachers to compensate for
transport costs.
It is not attractive for teachers to apply
for a job on an island school. With
it comes leaving your family on the
mainland and relocating to the island.
It would not be feasible to commute on
a daily basis to the islands and often
there are not full teaching hours with
the vacancy. For teaching on an island
to be enticing, we need to have the
Island allowance (€1,658) reinstated
for offshore Island Teachers with a
matter of urgency.

Appropriate Increase in Schools’              Clockwise from top left: Christmas Eve 2013 at Inis Oírr. The U2 Wall. Coláiste Naomh
ONP Budget by a minimum of                    Eoin, Inis Meáin taking first prize at ECO UNESCO. BT Young Scientist of the Year. Young
                                              Environmentalist awards 2015 with Minister Sean Sherlock TD.
€10,000 each per annum.
An appropriate proportion of the budget       tobar í an Ghaeltacht do na foghlaimeoirí       +    Ardú ar dháileadh múinteoirí ex-
should be devoted for the provision of        Gaeilge. De réir An tAcht Oideachais                 quota gach scoil oileanda ó 1.0 go
education for offshore island post-           1998 tá sé mar dualgas ar an Stat agus               2.5 WTE
primary schools. The budget allocation        ar an bpobal “Cuidiú leis an nGaeilge           +    An Liúntas Teagaisc ar oileán de
                                              a choinneáil mar phríomhtheanga an                   €1658 a ath-thosú
needs to reflect the extra costs that are
                                              phobail i limistéir Ghaeltachta”.               +    An dáileadh airgid neamh-phá
involved when it comes to the provision                                                            a ardú ar a laghad €10,000 sa
of education on offshore island post-         Is scéim uaillmhianach í seo agus tá                 mbliain do gach scoil
primary schools. The cost of goods and        sé de chumas ag an scéim seo fíor               +    Líon na scoláireachtaí
services can be up to 30% to 40% extra        dhifríocht a dhéanamh i leith scoileanna             cónaitheacha a mheadú ó 30 go
for a school on an island.                    Oileánda. Is comhartha láidir                        60
                                              féinaitheantais í an Ghaeilge.                  +    Cinntiú go bhfuil beirt ar a laghad
                                              Impimíd ar an Roinn Ealaíon,                         ainmnithe le cúram bainistíochta i
Ensure that a minimum of two                  Oidhreachta agus Gaeltachta cluas                    ngach scoil.
persons have management                       éisteachta a thabhairt dár nachainní,
responsibility.                               sé sin an líon scoláireachtaí a mheadú          Is tráth cinniúnach é seo do scoileanna
If the principal of an Island school          ó 30 go 60 agus go gceadófaí é don              Oileánda. Anois an t-am ag an Roinn
attends an ETB management meeting,            scoilbhliain 2016/2017.                         Oideachais agus Scileanna agus ag
CPD, or is absent sick, the duty of                                                           an Roinn Ealaíne, Oidhreachta agus
care to pupils remains and cannot be          Ag an bpointe seo, ní mór a lua agus            Gaeltachta gnímh a dhéanamh lena
discharged on a grace and favour basis.       aitheantas a thabhairt do shárobair Bord        chinntiú go ndéanfar freastal go
An appropriately qualified designated         Oideachais & Oiliúna na Gaillimhe agus          cothrom ar Oideachas gach scoláire atá
person must assume responsibility.            Roscomáin, chun cás na nOileán a chur           sa chóras oideachais ar na hOileáin.
Consequently, a second person on each         ar bhord na gcinntí ag na húdaráis chuí,        Iarraimíd na cuinsí atá pléite thuas a
school’s staff must have management           d’fhonn iad a chur san áireamh nuair atá        chur san áireamh agus leasaithe chun
responsibility.                               cinneadh á dhéanamh.                            feabhais á bheartú do na chúig scoil
                                              Impimíd riachtanais na noileán maidir le:
Líon na scoláireachtaí                                                                        De réir a chéile a thógtar na caisleáin
cónaitheacha a mheadú ó                       +   Dearbhú go bhfuil an tseirbhís aeir         ach mura dtógfar na caisleáin ar na
30 go 60                                          agus farantóireachta freastal ar            hoileáin go luath ní bheidh scoil ná
Is cuid dár gcultúr í an teanga Gaeilge. Is       riachtanais oideachais na n-Oileáin         pobal fágtha ann.

                                              Section 1 | National and European Events  issue 1 – 2016  ETBI                           13
Recollections and Reflections
on the 2015 John Marcus
O'Sullivan Conference
At Piper's Hill, Naas12-13 Nov 2015
Theme: Religion, Diversity & Publicly-Managed Schools
By Barney O'Reilly, Tralee. 30 November, 2015

      he 2015 John Marcus O'Sullivan            circular letter was issued on foot of an   �   Non-sectarian
      Conference held at ETBI                   agreement between the Department,          �   Accommodating and supportive of
      Headquarters on the 12th and              IVEA, the CEO's association, the               difference and diversity
13th of November proved to be a lively,         teachers' union and church authorities.    �   Concerned for the individual
illuminating and socially enjoyable             This circular provided, among other            welfare and development of
event. It was clear that the theme was          things, for:                                   learners and staff
of importance to the large attendance –                                                    �   Committed to excellence in lifelong
a full house of seventy-plus for the main       �   A recommendation for two hours             and life-wide learning
lecture theatre in ETBI headquarters.               per week religious instruction on      �   Flexible in delivery
                                                    the VEC school timetable
ETBI President, Pat Gilmore, opened             �   Representation for the appropriate     And she identified their values as:
proceedings with a reminder that the                religious authority on the selection
school tradition inherited by ETBs from             boards for the appointment of          �   Brave
VECs was primarily characterised by:                teachers of religion.                  �   Committed
                                                �   The approval of the appropriate        �   Positive
�    Openness to all, regardless of                 religious authority regarding the      �   Leaders
     social class, gender or religious              “acceptability” of a candidate for     �   Inclusive
     affiliation.                                   appointment as a religion teacher      �   Innovative
�    The responsiveness and flexibility         �   The inspection of the teaching of      �   Caring
     of the system that arises from the             religion in Vocational schools –
     representative and democratic                  this to be the responsibility of the   Ms Gorman concluded by pointing
     governing structure of VECs.                   catechetical inspectorate.             to continued responsiveness and
                                                                                           adaptability as the key to the future,
The relevance of these traditions in the        The guidance provided in these             quoting Andreas Schelicher, special
new context of ETBs and the current             circulars has not been updated and it      adviser on Educational Policy to the
cultural and religious diversity of Irish       was presented to the conference as         OECD:
society was the focus of the conference         context for the treatment of religion in
and an area in which ETBI was keen              ETB schools currently and for the ideas    "Success will go to those individuals
to provide assistance and support to            presented in the subsequent papers         and nations which are swift to adapt,
schools and to ETBs.                            delivered to the conference.               slow to complain and open to change.
                                                                                           The task for educators and policy-
In the regrettable but unavoidable              Speaking at the next session, Margaret     makers is to ensure that countries rise
absence of DES Assistant Secretary,             Gorman, Head of Education Practice         to this challenge."
Gary O'Donnachadha, Pat O'Mahony                in the law firm Eversheds, returned
of ETBI set the scene for discussions           to themes articulated in the opening       Dr Eoin Daly, Law Lecturer at NUIG,
on Religious Education in ETB schools           address by the President. Under the        centred his lecture on the inherent
by drawing attention to the content of          heading of Inherited Ethos she referred    difficulties he perceives in the laudable
the Circular Letters currently in place         to the “responsiveness” of ETB schools     and understandable aspiration to
on the subject. CL 73/74 was issued             to the needs of their students and         provide religious instruction and
in 1974 and expanded upon in 1979               pointed to the following characteristics   formation to all students in publicly-
by CL 7/79. These circular letters              of ETB schools: In her view, ETBs are:     managed schools, as is offered in
were published following a decision to                                                     Community National Schools. Because
establish boards of management for              �   Public and democratic                  of the nature of religions and their
VEC schools in 1974, and the 1979               �   Non-political                          inherent diversity – diversity between

14     ETBI  issue 1 – 2016  Section 1 | National and European Events
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