EC OPENING SESSION 2018-2019 - Cabarrus County Schools

Page created by Clinton Lopez
EC OPENING SESSION 2018-2019 - Cabarrus County Schools
EC OPENING SESSION 2018-2019 - Cabarrus County Schools
         August 2018
EC OPENING SESSION 2018-2019 - Cabarrus County Schools
What’s Up with ECATS?
EC OPENING SESSION 2018-2019 - Cabarrus County Schools
EC OPENING SESSION 2018-2019 - Cabarrus County Schools
EC Organizational Chart
EC OPENING SESSION 2018-2019 - Cabarrus County Schools
School Contact List
EC OPENING SESSION 2018-2019 - Cabarrus County Schools
Roles and Responsibilities: Case Manager
EC OPENING SESSION 2018-2019 - Cabarrus County Schools
Roles and Responsibilities: Department Chair
EC OPENING SESSION 2018-2019 - Cabarrus County Schools
Roles and Responsibilities: EC Coach

  • Collaborate with administrators to improve scheduling and service delivery for SWD
  • Coach targeted co-teaching teams to develop/refine co-teaching approaches and best practices for
    diverse learners
  • Assist case managers to create case management procedures
  • Conduct classroom visits, provide feedback and coaching
  • Conduct Student Support Visits to identify strategies to improve learning, behavior, teaching, etc.
  • Remain current on instructional best practices (curriculum, strategies, assessments, data, etc.)
  • Assist with fidelity of program implementation
  • Complete data collection tasks as assigned
  • Facilitate and monitor headcount
  • Develop and provide Professional Development
  • Provide support regarding sound instructional practice in legal situations
  • Collaborate with assigned Coordinator with Requests for Support
EC OPENING SESSION 2018-2019 - Cabarrus County Schools
Confidentiality Matters

■ There is nothing “illegal” about using text messaging, email, voice
  mail, or “snail mail” to communicate with parents. In fact, the modern
  way to communicate with just about anyone is through electronic
  means. However, using texts and email to communicate with parents
  often leads teachers and other school district staff into dangerous
  waters because most people use language in an informal, incomplete,
  and often inappropriate way in electronic communication. Many
  teachers do not realize that parents and their lawyers can often obtain
  copies of ALL electronic communication (excluding communication
  between the school district attorneys and client) that either indirectly
  or directly references them or their child.
Examples of Emails in CCS

■ Administrator who emailed, “This should keep her off our backs for awhile…”
■ Psychologist who emailed, “What do you want me to say in my report …”
■   Teacher who emailed the IEP team, “We will be moving this student to BFSC at this
■ Teacher who emailed IEP team members “The student cannot stay at this school!”
Emails/texting sabotage-examples from
attorney (not CCS)
■ Parent who emailed her friend, “I just want to rip the principal’s wig off her head!”
  and “Why doesn’t that teacher shave her beard?”
■ Parent who texted her friend, “The principal just needs to get laid! ☺”
■ The teacher who wrote to her principal, “Since you won’t give me another para-pro in
■   Teacher who texted her colleagues, “The witch is on her broom …”
Request for EC Support
• Ensure prompt/ appropriate response
  to requests
• Track request data to ensure
  appropriate distribution of resources
    CCS Transition PLC
Why do we go to school?
Why do we go to school?
National Stats

                           Less than   High school   Some         Bachelor’s
                           high        graduates,    college or   degree and
                           school      no college    associates   higher
                           diploma                   degree

            Student        10%         28.6%         26.8%        34.6%

            Student        21.3%       36.8%         25.5%        16.4%
National Stats

                            Less than   High school   Some         Bachelor’s
                            high        graduates,    college or   degree and
                            school      no college    associates   higher
                            diploma                   degree

             Student        51.5%       62.5%         69.5%        75.9%

             Student        7.9%        14.3%         21.3%        26.1%
What do you think of when you hear the
What do Transition Services look like in CCS?
What SHOULD Transition Services look like in CCS?
 Jane Reeside     LeAnn Hsiang     Jennifer Overcash

 Erika Allred     Margaret Miles     Kristal Dellinger

Staci Vredeveld   Tammy Gamble     Lenny Westmoreland

                   Melissa Tapp    Sharon Antoszyk
■ Created a PLC
■ Completed a District Self-Assessment (NTACT)
■ Developed Surveys for Stakeholders
   – Student
   – Parent
   – District Employee
   – Community Agency
■ Surveyed Stakeholders
   – Student: 394 responses
   – Parent: 117 responses
   – District Employee: 153 responses
   – Community Agency: 6 responses
■ Assessed the Current Measurement Tools
■ Developed a Rubric for a File Audit on Transition
■ Conducted a File Audit on Transition
■ Analyzed Self-Assessment Input
■ Analyzed Stakeholder Survey Results
■ Reviewed the Age Appropriate Transition Toolkit (NTACT)
■ Narrowed Measurement Tools
■ Analyzed Audit Results
Analysis of Stakeholder Survey Results
■ Overall view
   – They felt less knowledgeable at the lower level
   – Need a transition fair
   – Disconnect about knowing what the pathways are at the high school level
■ Trends
    – More info at the various levels about levels to come
    – Community resources information needed
■ Questions:
   – When do they decide about OCS
       ■ Need info on OCS earlier in middle school
Analysis of Stakeholder Survey Results
■ Overall View
   – Majority of the students noted that they participated in the development of
      their IEP
   – Were aware of their goals
■ Trends
    – They attended and participated but the IEP was not aligned to the
    – Post-graduate activities- researching jobs, time management
       and organization, math money and paying bills
    – UNRUSHED 1-on-1 meeting
    – Real life experience
Analysis of Stakeholder Survey Results
■ Overall View
   – Need training
   – Know about transition plans but are not confident and competent
   – Level to level training is needed
■ Trends
    – Middle to high needs to be more realistic
    – Start talking with parents about community supports
    – Teachers need more training on community supports
    – Need consistent transition assessments
Analysis of District Audit
■ Team Findings:
   – Data is not accurate because there are students who are in middle school and not
      required by the state but required by the county
   – Cabarrus implemented an age 14 component to complete A,B AND C that does not
      match the state requirements (Should only be A and B)
   – Lack of evidence for assessments
■ Strengths:
   – Signed student invitations and parent invitation indicated student was being invited
   – Goals were measurable
■ Needs:
   – Some of the goals said “plans to”
   – Rubric for assessments at each grade level to make sure that true assessments are
      being completed
Analysis of District Audit
■ Next Steps:
   – Consider sticking to the state guidelines and do not do part C when
      a student is 14
   – Develop county wide assessments per grade level
   – Area of related services need to be addressed
   – Invite Voc Rehab to come talk to PLC about services that they
   – Cheat sheet for transition
   – Reorder Audit sheet to align with the IEP order

■ Appropriate Student Assessments for CCS
■ Transition Timeline
■ Student Involvement in the IEP Process STARTING with PRE-K
■ Guardianship Rights
■ Self-Reflection
■ Post-Secondary Goals
■ IEP Content Support
■ Progress Monitoring (still waiting on ECATS)

■ CCS Exceptional Children Transition Manual
■ Live Binder-Electronic Access
■ Training
CCS Exceptional Children Transition

                The contents of the CCS Exceptional Children Transition
                Manual begins its’ focus at the Pre-K level and guides teams
                through the student’s educational career, with a continuous
                focus on secondary and post-secondary transition.
EC Transition Page
Training Plan

■ Need Pilot Schools to “Jump in”
   – If you are interested in being a pilot let us know
   – At least one at each level
■ Come to building level PLCs
■ Regional meetings for training?
Live Binder-new forms

■ Live Binder was cleaned up this summer
■ Many forms have been updated
■ Please recycle any forms that you may have printed off and
  print the forms from Live Binder so that you are using the
  most up to date form
Transfer Procedure Reminders

1. When a parent checks ‘yes’ on enrollment papers, that does not trigger services.
School staff must verify whether or not the student received EC Services from their
sending district. Schools should be documenting their attempts to verify student’s EC
status. Physical paperwork is required to complete CSP or IEP.

2. If school team has made multiple requests for records utilizing a variety of methods
(i.e. records request, phone calls, email) please send documentation of attempts to
your EC Data Manager who will attempt to facilitate the transfer of records.

3. In order to create a CECAS IEP (In State Transfer Only), you will need to obtain the
following dates: DEC 6 and most recent DEC 3 and populate these dates on the Special
Ed Screen in CECAS. Only fill in these two dates.

4. Provide a copy of accommodations to your testing coordinator.
Modified Day Reminders

 Modified day is not a placement on the continuum and cannot be a full time
  placement for a student. It is temporary and a short time frame.
 If a student is on modified day, there has to be a reentry plan with set dates that the
  student’s day will increase documented in the LRE and PWN.
 IEP teams do not need to convene for every increase in time. They should only
  reconvene if the reentry plan requires revisions.
 Per our DPI consultant, “Modified day is a very serious decision and as such should
  only be considered as a last resort”
 IEP teams will get assistance from their assigned Coordinator and Coach
Example Reentry Documentation

Due to documented increase in behaviors after 10:00, the student will attend for first
block (9:15-11:15). On October 1, 2018, the student will attend for first and second
block (9:15-12:30). On November 1, 2018 the student will attend for first, second and
third block (9:15-2:15). On December 1, the student will be returned to a full day of
Day Treatment

■ Elementary and Middle School both provide services for non-disabled and disabled
■ All referral to Elementary day treatment go to Debbie Buie, EC Social Worker
■ Day treatment is a parent/mental health decision
   – It is NOT an IEP team decision or discussion
   – It should NOT be documented on EC paperwork as an option that the team
       considered because it is not a part of the EC continuum of supports. If teams
       want to document that they provided information regarding day treatment to
       the parent, that is acceptable to document.

    Code: 7894615
Transportation as a Related Service
   Student requires modifications/accommodations that cannot be
    delivered on a regular bus (wheelchair hook-up, equipment
    requiring adult assistance, monitor, door-to-door, etc.)

   DEC 7 (re-eval) is required to add or remove transportation as a
    related service

   IEP should have transportation listed as a related service; LRE
    should address why the student is unable to participate on a
    regular bus. Modifications should be listed on the General
    Education Participation chart in detail

   Parents complete emergency contact form & EC Case manager
    completes transportation request form and sends to Leonard
    Campbell/Nona Barrier
Centralized Placement Transportation
■ Student does not require special transportation as a
  related service (is able to access a regular bus)

■ DEC 7 (re-eval) is NOT required because special
  transportation is not needed as a related service

■ If accommodations are needed on the regular bus
  then list on general education participation chart of

■ Parents complete emergency contact form & EC Case
  manager completes transportation request form and
  sends to Leonard Campbell/Nona Barrier
                  Angela Fitzwater
 Centralized Programs Coordinator
Communication Team

■ The EC Department Communication Team will continue for the 2018-2019 school

■ Coordinators and/or EC Coaches work with school teams and review “Requests for
  Support” on a weekly basis
If an IEP team may discuss a Centralized
■ The “Request for Support” will need to be submitted to request a district LEA rep

■ An EC Department assigned LEA will need to attend any IEP meeting where a
  student may be considered for centralized placement.

■ During the meeting, the assigned LEA will be responsible for communicating
  specifics regarding the centralized program being considered.
If an IEP team may discuss a Centralized
Program (cont.)…
■ If the IEP team determines centralized placement, the LEA will be responsible for
  communicating further information to the parent/guardian during that meeting such
    – Next steps of communication regarding school assignment
    – The district practice of allowing siblings to attend the same school as their
        centrally placed sibling, if there is a need to attend a school other than their
        home school.
    – Transportation options (i.e. Courtesy Rider Agreement, emergency contact
    – Intake conference process
■ The LEA will email Angela Fitzwater, following the IEP meeting, to share the
  placement decision.
Centralized Program Intake Process
■ Angela will determine school assignment and communicate detailed next steps
  regarding the intake process in email to the LEA rep, current principal, receiving
  principal, current EC case manager, receiving EC case manager, current school data
  manager, & receiving case manager.

■ Scheduling of the Intake Conference
   – After receiving Angela’s email, the receiving EC case manager will contact the
      sending case manager to determine date/time to hold intake conference at the
      receiving school
   – It is best practice for the intake conference to be held prior to the
      implementation date of the placement decision. If this cannot happen, the
      student will still need to start the new placement on the implementation date
      in their IEP and an intake conference will still need to be held.
   – Sending case manager contacts the parent with the date/time/location of
      intake conference
Centralized Program Intake Conference
■ The intake conference is a conference, NOT an IEP meeting

■ The parent/guardian and student should be part of the intake conference (to help
  support the transition)

■ The receiving EC case manager is expected to facilitate the intake conference to
  learn more about the student and prepare for the transition

■ The sending EC case manager is expected to attend and share pertinent information
  to help with the transition (ex: data, work samples, journals, strategies,
  preferred/non-preferred tasks or reinforcers, how to use accommodations, etc.)

■ Other participants can/should be invited to the intake conference depending on the
  individual student need/support (ex: related service providers that will train or
  support staff in the use of equipment or accommodations)
Centralized Program Exit Process

■ The “Request for Support” will need to be submitted to request a district LEA rep

■ An EC Department assigned LEA will need to attend any IEP meeting where a
  student may be considered for exit from a centralized placement to help facilitate
  this process.

        You can find the Centralized Program Intake & Exit Process
        (outlining all details) in LiveBinder

Considering Homebound for an EC Student?

              Contact your Exceptional Children’s Department
              School Contact (Cozetta Ellis, Carrie Overcash,
              Kristin Sinclair or Angela Fitzwater).

              LEA from the EC Department is a required
                         ELLIS, CARRIE OVERCASH,
              member of the IEP team
                           KRISTIN SINCLAIR OR
                           ANGELA FITZWATER).
EC students receiving homebound
services must have access to the General
Education curriculum provided by a
General Education certified teacher.

                            EC students receiving homebound
                            services must have instruction on
                            their IEP goals provided by a Special
                            Education certified teacher.
Nancy Jones
Ext. 75764
  Professional Development Opportunity
■ Hybrid model
■ Seven self-paced interactive computer-based modules
   – One module completed monthly (October 2018-April 2018)
■ One face-to-face coaching/training/discussion meeting monthly
■ Assignments due for each module (Application of material in module)
■ Roll-out sessions:
   – 9/25 - 3:45-4:45
   – 9/26 - 4:30-5:30
   – 9/27 – 2:45- 3:45
■ Required for:
   – All self-contained teachers in centralized classrooms
   – One other EC teacher from each school
Module 1: Defining and Understanding
■ Focuses on basic behavioral concepts and lays the
  foundation for understanding the functional nature
  of behavior.
      1. Define observable behaviors (the what of an FBA)
      2. Identify events that predict when and where the specific
      behavior occurs
      3. Identify why a student engages in the specific behavior (the
      function of behavior)
      4. Construct hypothesis statements that summarize the what,
      when, where, and why of a students behavior
Module 2: Conducting Interviews
■ Focuses on teaching participants how to conduct
  FBA interviews.
Use the FACTS interviews with staff and students to specify:
       1. Problem behaviors
       2. Routines in which problem behaviors occur
       3. Triggers or predictors of the problem behavior
       4. Pay-off (function) the behaviors have for the student
       5. Possible setting events
       6. Summary of behavior
Module 3: FBA Observation and Summary
■ Focuses on directly observing student behavior in
  problem contexts in order to verify the information
  gathered through the interview process and develop
  a hypothesis statement to use in developing
  function-based interventions.
      1. Learn the features of the ABC recording form
      2. Set up the ABC recording form for the observation using
      information from the FBA interview
      3. Observe to test summary of behavior
      4. Conduct observations of students using the ABC recording
Module 4: Function-Based Interventions
■ Focuses on providing instruction for participants to
  help individual student support teams in designing
  function-based positive behavior supports.
Use a competing behavior pathway to identify function-based behavior
supports that:
       1. Teach positive behaviors to preplace problem behavior
       2. Use strategies to prevent problem behavior and prompt
       positive behaviors
       3. Reinforce replacement and desired behaviors
       4. Effectively redirect problem behavior and minimize the pay-off
       for problem behavior
Module 5: Behavior Intervention Strategies
■ Focuses on selecting function-based behavior
  support strategies
      1. Explain and generate prompts as an antecedent intervention
      2. Explain and generate setting event interventions
      3. Develop successive approximations and strategies to
      encourage the student toward the desired behavior
      4. Develop a point card to monitor and reinforce behavior
      5. Identify and differentiate function-based interventions for
      escape and attention maintained behavior.
Module 6: Implementation Plan and
Leading a BIP Team
■ Focuses on the importance of implementation and
  evaluation planning as part of the BIP development
      1. Describe the essential components of implementation plans
      2. Explain the meaning and importance of “contextual fit”
      3. Explain the role of the BIP team leader and the team members
      in plan development
      4. Identify the specific activities that the team leader will engage
      in before, during, and after the process
      5. Identify strategies for supporting implementation of BIPs
Module 7: Evaluation Planning & BIP
Review Meeting
■ Focuses on the team leader and team members
  throughout the BIP development process
      1. Use the competing behavior pathway to develop short-term
      and long-term behavioral goals for the BIP
      2. Develop a daily point cart to monitor student progress on the
      short-term behavioral goal
      3. Enter daily point card data into a graphic template
      4. Learn to facilitate a BIP review meeting
      5. Use graphed BIP data to guide decision making related to plan
      implementation and the effectiveness of the BIP
Purpose of Manifestation
Determination Review (MDR)
■ Students with disabilities may not be discriminated against for their actions that are
  caused by, or directly or substantially related to their disability.
   – Example: Student with Tourette’s Syndrome blurts out a profanity during class
      (assuming that this is one of the symptoms of the disorder).

■ Exclusionary discipline (suspension, expulsion) may not, with a few exceptions, be
  used for incidents that are the result of the disability as this could equate to
  discriminatory practice.

■ Manifestation review process aids school teams in determining if the conduct in
  question is caused by or is substantially related the student’s disability
When to conduct a MDR

■ If a student with a disability has been suspended from school for 10 days in a
  school year, and is being recommended for additional suspension, an MDR must
  be conducted.
    – Every time suspension is being recommended for a student who has
        more than 10 cumulative days of suspension in a school year another MDR
        must be conducted.
I have a student who needs a MDR…
now what?
■ On the date school personnel make the decision that a suspension is going to take
  place, the LEA must notify the parent of the decision and provide the parent of with
  the parent handbook/Parent's Rights (Procedural Safeguards). Send home parent
  invitation ( DEC 5a) to MDR meeting.
■ An MDR meeting must occur within 10 school days of any decision to change
  placement of a child with a disability due to a violation of a code of student conduct.
■ •Best practice- meeting held within 2 days of the violation of the code of conduct.
■ Multi-disciplinary team (at a minimum: one teacher of the child, LEA/ school
  administrator, EC County Representative assemble to conduct the MDR.
■ Call Ed. Center to schedule Special Projects Coordinator (Cozetta Ellis)- will facilitate
  the meeting and aid in the process of preparing for the meeting.
Preparing for a MDR meeting
■ Conduct a file review- template available in EC Livebinder

    – Review discipline records for current and past school years- develop a timeline
         ■   What types of behaviors are seen with the student in question?
         ■   Has there been a change in the frequency or intensity of behaviors over time?
         ■   Review the write up of the current incident
         ■   Examine patterns of behavior/ Examine patterns of disciplinary removal
    – Review attendance data.
    – Review entire EC folder.
    – Review the data that you gathered
Was the suspension for an incident involving:
         ■   Weapon(s)
         ■   Illegal Drugs
         ■   Serious Bodily Injury
Special Circumstances

■ When weapons, illegal drugs or serious bodily injury are involved, different
  considerations may be made– contact Ed. Center for guidance.
■ Definitions:
     –   Weapon- a dangerous weapon, device, instrument, material or substance that is used
         for, or is readily capable of causing death or serious bodily injury, except that such term
         does not include a pocket knife with a blade of less than 2.5 inches.
     –   Illegal Drug- a controlled substance; bud does not include controlled substance that is
         legally possessed or used under the supervision of a licensed health-care professional
         or that is legally possessed or used under any other authority under the Controlled
         Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 812(C)) or under any other provision of the Federal law.
     –   Serious Bodily Injury- Injury that involves a substantial risk of death, extreme physical
         pain, protracted or obvious disfigurement, or protracted loss or impairment of a function
         of a bodily member, organ or faculty.
At the meeting, consider these factors:
■ Does the student have a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) based on a functional
  behavior assessment (FBA)
■ BIP Focus
■ Explain how and when (list dates) interventions and/or plans were revised if they
  were not effective:
■ List Behavior characteristics of the student’s disability:
■ Has student’s behavior patterns changed over time? (Consider frequency, intensity
  and duration) explain:
■ Describe any relevant information provided by the parent(s):
Decisions to be made:
•   Assessment of Manifestation Determination:
1. Based on the above factors, was the conduct in question caused by the
   child’s disability?
2. Based on the above factors, did the conduct in question have a direct
   and substantial relationship to the child’s disability?
3. Was the conduct in question the direct result of the school district’s failure
   to implement the IEP.
If any of these answers is ‘yes’- the behavior in question is a manifestation of
the student’s disability.
What happens next?
■ If ALL the questions have an answer of “No,” the discipline procedures for students
  that do not have a disability can be used. If the student is removed from the school
  placement, the student must continue to receive education services to enable the
  student to continue to participate in the general education curriculum and to
  progress toward meeting the goals set out in the student’s IEP/504 Plan. The IEP
  team determines the interim alternative education setting for services. Parents shall
  be informed of their procedural safeguards.
■ If ANY of the questions has an answer of “YES”, the manifestation team has decided
  that the behavior is a manifestation of the student’s disability and the behavior did
  not have to do with weapons, drugs or serious bodily injury. The student must
  remain in the educational placement indicated on the IEP unless the parent and the
  LEA agree to a change of placement at an IEP meeting. The student may NOT be
  disciplined using procedures applicable to non-disabled students. The
  manifestation team should review the student’s IEP for implementation, including
  the current placement and review the functional behavioral assessment and
  behavioral intervention/support plan. If no behavior intervention plan exists, the IEP
  team should be convened to conduct a functional behavioral assessment and create
  behavior intervention plan. (Student returns to school- if he/she has been out)
■ If student is suspended > 10 total days in school year, and every suspension
  afterward-- MDR meeting needed
■ Send in Request for Support
■ Call/ email Cozetta Ellis
■ Administrator must send Invitation to MDR (DEC 5a)
■ Prepare for meeting
EC Process Training

■ Required for all new and new to CCS EC Teachers and Related Services personnel.
  Open to anyone interested in attending
■ Location: Room 305 at the Glenn Center, 120 Marsh Ave. NW, Concord, NC 28025.
■ Two options for each session are available: 7:30 - 8:30 am or 3:30 – 4:30 pm
  (personnel should attend one, not both).
■   CARE credit is available.
    – September 13—7:30-8:30 and 3:30-4:30--Annual Reviews and Prior Written
    – September 27—7:30-8:30 and 3:30-4:30—Referral Process
    – October 4—7:30-8:30 and 3:30-4:30—Reevaluation Process
    – October 18—7:30-8:30 and 3:30-4:30—Eligibility

■ Required for all new and new to CCS EC Teachers and Related Services personnel.
■ August 29, 2018 at either 7:30-8:30 am or 3:00-4:00 pm
■ Location: EC Department at the Education Center (ECHO)
Math Foundations
■ FALL                     ■ SPRING

  –   Sept 13th              –   Jan 31st
  –   Sept 25th              –   Feb 13th
  –   Oct 18th               –   Feb 28th
  –   Nov 1st                –   Mar 20th
  –   Nov 29th               –   Apr 11th
Reading Foundations
■ FALL                       ■ SPRING

  –   Sept 19th                –   Feb 13th
  –   Oct 3rd                  –   Feb 27th
  –   Oct 17th                 –   Mar 13th
  –   Oct 31st                 –   Mar 27th
  –   Nov 14th                 –   Apr 10th
■ November 6 , 2 0 1 8
■ 8:00 am- 3:00 pm
■ Concord High School
■ Presenter: Dr. Brad Stevenson

■ Provided by CCS Autism Problem Solving Team
You can also read