Page created by Ida Barnes
Ken Richardson, Superintendent   Candy Wallace, Assistant Superintendent   Andy Long, Director of Education
Your School                         Registration Procedure                Parents/Guardians or the
                                    Families will need to register        emergency person will be
Your school is a part of David
                                    their new student online at           contacted if a child is ill or
Douglas School District No. 40,
                                    https://www.ddouglas.k12.or.us/.      injured. If the school is
located within the city of
                                                                          unable to reach anyone,
Portland. While located in the
                                    Go to “Parents,” then “Registra-      the emergency procedure
city boundaries, David Douglas
                                    tion and Enrollment,” then “          described on the
is a separate district from
                                    Register Your Child (K-12).”          registration form will be
Portland Public Schools.
                                    All new students must register        followed.
David Douglas School                before beginning classes.             Legal Names
District covers 12 square miles                                           Student registration forms
of homes, apartments, shopping      Children are required to be five
                                                                          must be made out with the
centers, and small businesses.      years of age on or before
                                                                          legal name given at birth.
                                    September 1st in order to enroll
                                                                          However, students may use
The David Douglas School            in kindergarten. State law
                                                                          a different name if parents
District was formed in 1959 from    requires children to be six years
                                                                          request it. If a student is to
three elementary districts—         of age on or before September
                                                                          be called by a nickname”
Gilbert, Powellhurst, and           1st in order to enter first grade.
                                                                          such as Junior, Lulu, etc.,
Russellville and the David                                                please note this above the
Douglas Union High School           Proof of birth date and residency
                                                                          given name on the
District.                           must be presented at the time of
                                                                          registration form.
                                    registration for kindergarten or
The district now includes nine      first grade if this is the first      Student Health
elementary schools for grades       time a student has attended
                                    school.                               Services
kindergarten through five; three
middle schools for grades six                                             To support student health,
through eight, one high school      Students entering school for the      safety, and academic
for grades 9-12, and one            first time should have a physical     success, our district
alternative school for grades       examination and the law               provides school health
9-12. The District also has         requires immunization. Please         services in partnership with
preschool programs at               see section titled, “Immuniza-        the Multnomah Education
designated elementary schools.      tions and Oregon Law.”                Service District
A community aquatics center         Every school, and most doctors
and community performing arts       offices,have the necessary form.      To plan and provide for your
center are located on the high                                            child’s medical or mental
school site.                        Registration Form                     health needs (for exam-
                                    It is essential that schools have     ple, diabetes, seizures, or
We hope that you will be an         current phone numbers so that         school anxiety) it is import-
active member of our school         families can be contacted in          ant to promptly inform
community and a participant in      case of an emergency. An              school staff and the school
the activities available to David   emergency number for a nearby         nurse:
Douglas residents.                  neighbor, friend, or relative is        • about new and changing
                                    also necessary.                           health problems that can
                                                                              cause learning or safety
                                    Please note on the form if the            problems at school.
                                    child is allergic to bee stings,        • if your child is
                                    insect bites, specific foods, or is       undergoing treatments
                                    required to take special                  that affect their immune
                                    medication.                               system.
• when your child has or               or at least 48 hours without       focusing and participating in
   develops a health condition          diarrhea or vomiting. Stu-         class. Lice treatment
   that requires specialized care       dents with undiagnosed rash        information will be sent home
   at school.                           should not return until the        with those who have either nits
                                        rash is gone, or they have         or lice. All students may return
Before and After                        written clearance to return        to school after treatment has
School Programs                         from a licensed medical pro-       begun. Current evidence and
If your child is enrolled in a be-      vider.                             national recommendations do
fore or after school program and      • Students with undiagnosed          not support classroom or
needs medication                        rash should not return             school-wide screenings as a
assistance during these times,          until the rash is gone, or they    measure for decreasing the
a separate supply of medication         have written clearance to re-      incidence of head lice among
and a separate permission form          turn from a licensed medical       school age children. Such
from parent/guardian and/or             provider.                          practices can deny students
healthcare provider is needed.        • Inform the school office           their right to privacy and to
See district policy for medication      staff and the school nurse if      educational time.
administration. Consult with the        your child has a contagious
program director regarding              disease such as chicken            Health Information
specific health and safety needs        pox or pertussis (whoop-            • Health information may be
for your child in these programs.       ing cough); provide a note            shared with school personnel
                                        with the diagnosis from               on a “need to know” basis
Contagious Conditions                   your provider if available.           when information about your
To decrease the spread of               Students or staff diagnosed           child’s health is necessary for
contagious conditions in                with pertussis must be ex-            school personnel to care for
schools, students and school            cluded from school until              and respond to your child’s
staff who are diagnosed with a          completion of their five-day          needs. Additionally, this
school restrictable disease must        course of prescribed antibiot-        information may be needed
be excluded from                        ics, or until cleared for return      by the school team to devel-
attendance. Susceptible                 by MCHD.                              op plans that appropriately
students and school staff may         • To protect the health of              consider the health needs of
also be excluded following              students or other persons,            your child.
exposure to selected diseases,          certain diseases are report-        • If you do not authorize re-
per instructions to the school          able to the health depart-            lease of health information,
administrator from the Mult-            ment per Oregon law (OAR              it may limit the type of care
nomah County Health Depart-             333-18-0000). At such times,          your child is able to receive.
ment (MCHD) or per Oregon               records and information may
Health Authority (OHA) state-           be disclosed to public health      Health Screenings
wide notices. In addition:              officials.                        Parents are now required to
  • Do not send your child                                                submit two certifications within
    to school if they have           Head Lice                            120 days of enrollment when
    symptoms of illness.             The most effective prevention        their student is 7 years of age
    Students will be sent home if    against the spread of head lice      or younger and beginning in a
    they are experiencing symp-      is for families to check their chil- public school.
    toms of illness such as but      dren regularly for lice and nits
    not limited to: rash, cough,     (eggs). Students with nits only      These certifications are from
    fever, diarrhea, or vomiting.    may remain at school. Students your healthcare providers and
    Students must be kept home       with live lice may be allowed to state that the student has had
    until they have gone at least    remain for the rest of the day, or a vision screening and a dental
    72 hours without persistent      be excluded from school if their screening within the previous 12
    cough or fever over 100.4F,      symptoms prevent them from           months.
months. Additionally, Oregon law   of their clients.These efforts      healthy eating, good hand wash-
states that vision and hearing     increase protection of children     ing, and social skills. You may
screenings shall be done to help   against vaccine-preventable         call the school if you would like
remove these potential barri-      diseases and promote efforts by     to meet with the nurse.
ers to a child’s education. The    families and schools to comply
school nurse oversees these        with state mandated immuniza-       School Health Assistants
screenings.                        tion requirements.                  In addition to the school nurse,
                                                                       some schools have a School
The usual screening schedule       School Nurses                       Health Assistant (SHA) on site
is: Hearing: Grades                The school nurse is a registered to assist students. The SHA is
Kindergarten and 1 Vision:         nurse (RN) who specializes in       not a nurse, but works under the
Grades Kindergarten, 1 and 3.      keeping students safe and well. direction of the
                                   No appointments or special          registered nurse. SHAs provide
In addition to the vision          permission are needed for           basic first aid, administer
screening, screenings for color    students to see the nurse.          medication, process
deficiency and vision alignment Students must follow the               immunization records, assist
concerns are available.            school’s rules about having         with health screenings, and
Contact your school nurse for      passes to go to the nurse. The      perform nursing care as
these screenings. If you do not    hours of the school’s nurse may delegated by the nurse.
want your child included in these vary. If the nurse is not available, The SHA cannot assess or
screenings, you must submit        school staff trained in first aid   recommend care beyond the
a written request to the school    can help children who become        protocols in the first aid manual.
each school year. Screening        sick or injured at school.
results for hearing and vision are                                     Medication Administration
all sent home to families.         The nurse will need information at School
                                   (for example, a health history,     The school’s nurse provides
Immunizations and                  medical diagnosis, and treat-       consultation about medication
Oregon Law:                        ment procedures) to assist stu-     administration that must occur
  • To protect all children, every dents with special medical and      at school. Only medication
    student must have a current mental health needs at school.         that is necessary to be given
    school immunization record     The nurse may use this infor-       during the school day will be
    or a medical or non-medical mation to create a health care         kept at school. Discuss with
    exemption on file at school.   plan and train school staff how     your healthcare provider about
    Students not in compliance     to help your child at school. In    the time(s) of day that the medi-
    with immunization require-     order to obtain this information, cine is needed. If possible, try to
    ments will be excluded         the nurse may:                      arrange to administer at home;
    on the state mandated            • Talk with the student or        this may be safer for your child.
    exclusion day (3rd Wednes-         parents/guardian.               By Oregon law, if medication
    day in February).                • Request that you sign a         must be given at school, you
  • It is important to keep your       release of information form     must:
    child’s school immunization        to discuss your child’s health    • Provide written
    record up-to-date. Check           needs with school staff and         permission (forms are
    with your school’s office if       health care professionals.          available at school). Any
    you need forms.                  • Look at current or past health      change to the medication
  • Upon written request from          records.                            dose or schedule will require
    parents/guardians for release • Assess a body area (exam-              the parent to update the
    of information, the MESD           ples: listen to the heart, feel     medication form and provide
    Immunization Program will          the skin, look in the ears).        a current prescription from
    provide vaccination dates      The nurse may teach about               the prescriber.
    to clinics as needed to        good health practices, such as
• Make sure all medication       2. Pre-Arranged Absences              their student’s attendance
   (prescription and over the     Prearranged absences require          habits. When a student has
   counter) is in its original    advance notice in writing. Each       been absent five days, school
   container and marked with      teacher and the school                personnel may contact the par-
   the student’s name. (Ask       administrator must give prior         ent or guardian, check excuses,
   the pharmacist for an extra    approval in order for a student to    begin to keep written records
   bottle for school when getting receive a prearranged absence.        of the inquiry, etc. The purpose
   prescriptions.)                Students may receive no more          of this is to further support the
 • All medication must be         than five days of prearranged         student and family in attending
   delivered to school by the     absence during one school year.       school more frequently.
   caregiver or responsible       3. Unexcused Absences                 7. Other Regulations
   adult designated by the        Any absences which do not fall          • Students leaving school for
   caregiver. Students may not    into the excused or prearranged           any reason must sign out in
   keep medications with them     categories qualify as unexcused           the school office.
   unless they have written       absences.This category includes         • Only caregivers, legal guard-
   caregiver permission, written  skipping, suspension, failure to          ians or their authorized rep-
   prescriber permission for      bring proper excuse, caring for           resentatives are permitted to
   prescription medications, and  younger siblings, etc.                    pick up a student at school.
   are cleared by the Admin-      4. Tardiness                            • Unauthorized visiting
   istrator to do so. Make sure   Tardiness interrupts the learning         younger siblings not enrolled
   the school has an adequate     process in the classroom.                 in the school is not permitted.
   supply of all medications         • Students arriving at school        • Students are expected to go
   required by your child.             late should have a note of           directly home after school
 • Pick up the medication when         explanation from their parent/       unless they participate in
   it is no longer needed at           guardian.                            a scheduled activity or are
   school. All medication not        • Disciplinary action may result       asked by a teacher to re-
   picked up at the end of the         from excessive tardiness             main. If a student is asked to
   school year will be                 to school and/or individual          remain after school to finish
   destroyed.                          classes.                             work, help a teacher, etc.,
                                  5. Makeup Work                            families will be contacted
                                  It is the student’s responsibility        prior to students staying after
Attendance                        to contact the teacher when the           school.
A student’s achievement in        student returns to school and         8. Perfect Attendance Award
school is directly related to     make arrangements to make up          Some schools offer a Perfect
attendance. Regular attendance work missed. The teacher may             Attendance Award. Students
is required by Oregon law for all ask that work missed due to           are considered to have perfect
children ages 5 to 18.            excused or unexcused                  attendance and be eligible for
                                  absences is made up within a          the Perfect Attendance Award
1. Excused absences               prescribed period of time given       when they have been present,
An absence may be excused by in order for the                           on time, and have not left early
the administration for:           student to receive credit.            every day school is in session.
  • student illness;              6. Excessive Absences                 There are no exceptions for the
  • a serious family emergency; Students who have chronic               Perfect Attendance Award.
  • a medical appointment which absenteeism in school tend to           9. Exemplary Attendance
    cannot be scheduled after     continue this pattern which may           Award
    school;                       affect their academic                 Some schools offer an
  • an authorized religious holi- performance and work habits           Exemplary Attendance Award.
    day, or                       when employed. The school will        Students are eligible for the
  • a prearranged absence.        make an effort to keep families       Exemplary Attendance Award if
                                  informed about                        they have five or less absences
they have five or less absences   Parent/Guardian Expectations         Bicycles
(including tardies) for the school  • Keep contact information         Students who ride bicycles to
year.                                 updated                          school must obey traffic signs.
                                    • Call the school every day        They should have their bicycles
Attendance Call Back System:          their child is absent by         registered with the Police
Guidelines and Expectations           9:15 a.m.                        Department and lock them while
                                    • Let the school know in ad-       they are at school. Helmets are
School Staff Expectations:            vance if their child has a       required by state law.
 • Classroom teachers should          scheduled appointment or
   make every effort to report        if the child will be out for a
   attendance by 9:35 a.m.            significant amount of time.
                                                                       School Information
                                                                       Student Progress Reports
 • Ask parents/guardians to                                            The school year is divided into
   update their contact informa- Open Enrollment                       two eighteen-week periods.
   tion at every conference AND Open enrollment will allow any         Progress reports for grades K-5
   when changes occur.            David Douglas elementary or          are provided at the end of each
 • Print these guidelines in      middle school student to apply       grading period. Parent-teacher
   school communication.          to attend any school in the          conferences are held twice a
                                  district where space is available.   year. Teachers may also contact
Office Staff Expectations:        Although all David Douglas           parents/guardians for additional
 • Begin calling the parents/     schools meet high                    conferences whenever they feel
   guardians of every child       educational standards and offer      it is necessary.
   who is absent by 9:45 a.m.,    similar programs, some students
   unless the parent/guard-       may find that their educational      Parents/guardians are
   ian has already notified the   needs would be better served         encouraged to communicate
   school of the absence.         in a school other that the one in    with the school at any time if
 • Calls should be made in        their neighborhood. Applications     they have questions.
   the following order, unless    will be considered for academic
   directed otherwise by individ- or child care reasons and only if    Parents/guardians are
   ual parents/guardians:         the new school is not                welcomed and encouraged to
    1. Home (this number ap-      overcrowded. Parents/guardians       visit classes. These visits should
    pears on the absent list in   will be responsible for              be prescheduled either with the
    Synergy)                      transportation to and from the       teacher and/or the front office.
    2. Caregiver cell phone       requested school.
    (often, this doubles as the                                        If a personal discussion with a
    home phone)                   Walkers
                                                                       teacher is needed, it should be
    3. Caregiver place of         Students walking to school           scheduled in advance to avoid
    employment                    should observe all safety rules.     conflicts with the teacher’s other
 • Leave a message whenever Student conduct to and from                duties.
   possible and make note of      school is subject to district and
   the time.                      school disciplinary procedures.
                                                                       Student records and
 • Make a reasonable effort to    Students must show proper
   speak to a live body to verify respect for property. For            withdrawal
                                                                       Parents/guardians and eligible
   attendance.                    student’s safety, families are
                                                                       students have the right to:
                                  urged to have children walk to
                                                                         • inspect and review the
                                  and from school with another
                                                                           student’s education records;
                                  child or other children. All
                                                                         • request the amendment
                                  children should also receive
                                                                           of the student’s education
                                  careful instruction about not
                                                                           records if it is believed they
                                  approaching strangers.
                                                                           are inaccurate, misleading,
or otherwise in violation of      the school administrator is sure      or the district office 503-252-
   the student’s privacy or other     the release of such information       2900.
   rights;                            is in the best interest of students
 • Consent to disclosures of          and if the parent/guardian has        Teacher/Para Professional
   personally identifiable in-        no objection. Parents/guardians       Qualifications
   formation contained in the         or eligible students can refuse       As a parent/guardian of a
   student’s education record,        to let any of this information be     student in a David Douglas
   unless disclosure can be           designated as directory               Public School supported with
   authorized without parent          information.                          federal Title 1 funds, a new
   consent (e.g., to law enforce-                                           federal law allows you to ask for
   ment agencies, child protec-       Directory Information                 certain information about your
   tive services, or health care      Includes:                             child’s classroom teachers, and
   professionals, if the disclo-         • the student’s name;              requires the district to give you
   sure would protect the health         • participation in officially rec- this information in a timely
   and safety of the student or            ognized activities and sports; manner, if you ask for it.
   other individuals);                   • dates of school attendance;
 • pursuant to OAR 581-                  • awards received, and             Parents/guardians may request
   021-0410, file with the               • the most recent previous         information about the
   United States Department of             educational agency or            professional qualifications of
   Education a complaint under             institution the student has      classroom teachers. This could
   34 CFR§ 99.64 concerning                attended.                        include information about the
   alleged failures by the district                                         teacher’s licensing for grade
   to comply with the require-        If you object to the release of       levels taught and whether the
   ments of federal law, and          any or all of the items listed        teacher is teaching under an
 • obtain a copy of District          under directory information,          emergency or provisional status.
   Policy regarding student           please notify the school admin- Parents/guardians may request
   records.                           istrator in writing. Your letter will what baccalaureate degree and
                                      be attached to your student’s         other graduate certification is
Copies of District Student            records and will prevent any          held by the teacher and the
Records Policy are located in         release of information about          subject area, if any, of the
all schools. Please contact the       your child. This must be done         certification or degree. Parents/
school office staff or                within one week following             guardians can also learn wheth-
adminstrator.                         enrollment of the student and         er their child is being provided
                                      annually thereafter.                  service by a paraprofessional
The District forwards education                                             (assistant) and if so, their
records requested under OAR           NOTE: District policy                 qualifications. This information
581-021- 0250(1)(m) and (p)           prohibits schools from releasing will be provided in a timely
within 10 days of receiving the       the names of students to any          manner.
request.                              individual, business, or agency
                                      for solicitation purposes. How-       Student insurance
Directory Information                 ever, federal law requires that       DDSD does not carry insurance
Information about students            military recruiters can access        to cover students. For the bene-
cannot be released unless             the names, addresses, and             fit of district families with school
schools have parents/guardian         telephone listings for secondary age children, low cost student
consent. However, information         students. District policy also pro- accident and dental insurance
defined as directory information      hibits school or district endorse- programs are made available.
may be given to a media               ment of products or services.         The insurance is optional and
member covering a school              Anyone who has questions              is offered only as a service. In
event, the school PTA/Booster         about the student record policy instances where families have
Club, or some other agency if         may call the school principal,        other insurance, the school plan

     is secondary. All transactions      Field Trips                     Check Acceptance Policy
     regarding school insurance are      Classes may go on field trips   Our school district has
     handled by the insurance            which are planned for an        established the following policy
     company—not the school office.      educational purpose. Trips takenfor accepting checks and
     However, claim forms may be         within district boundary do not collecting bad checks: For a
     obtained at the school office.      require parent permission,      check to be an acceptable form
                                         however, families will be       of payment it must include your
     School breakfast and lunch          informed of the trip. A letter  current, full and accurate name,
     program                             requesting permission for       address, and telephone
     The school lunch program            students to take a field trip   number. In the event your check
     serves several roles in the ed-     outside of the district boundaryis returned for non-payment,
     ucational program. As a source      area, as well as information    the face value may be
     of adequate lunch time meals,                                       recovered electronically along
                                         about the trip, will be sent home
     it contributes to the physical      prior to each field trip.       with a state allowed recovery
     well-being of students. It also                                     fee. In the event your check is
     presents an opportunity for         Use of telephones               returned for non-payment, the
     children to eat a wide              Students must have a teacher’s/ check may no longer be
     variety of foods. Breakfast is      staff member’s permission to    acceptable form of payment
     also available at each school at    use the school phone.           for the remainder of the school
     no charge. Each school has an       Telephones are limited and are year. Alternative forms of
     excellent school lunch staff        provided for business purposes payment may be used instead of
     which serves the best in            only. Students should not bring a check payment (cash, credit/
     nutritional foods.                  cell phones to school.          debit card, online payment).

     School closure                      Animals at school                   Student Services
     In the event the weather            Animals may not be brought to     Music
     prevents children from being        school without prior approval     All students, grades K-5,
     transported to or attending         from the teacher and may not be   participate in a general music
     school safely, the district will    transported by school bus.        program. Beginning in grade
     close school for the day. School                                      five, students can elect to
     closures are announced              Lost and found                    participate in band, orchestra,
     between 6:00 a.m. and 7:30          To ensure found items can be      or choir at their feeder middle
     a.m. on our district website, all   returned to the owner, your       school. Band, orchestra, or choir
     major Portland area radio           student’s name should be on       will be offered to fifth grade
     stations, and television. Please    all articles of clothing or other students prior to the start of the
     do not call the school. Please      possessions brought from home. elementary school day.
     do not confuse David Douglas        The school assumes no
     with Portland Public. David         responsibility for a child’s      Library
     Douglas Schools may also delay      personal belongings beyond        Each of the district’s
     school opening for one or two       teaching personal responsibility elementary schools has a
     hours when weather conditions       and honesty.                      well-equipped library and quali-
     are uncertain. A delayed open-                                        fied staff. A planned library
     ing will be announced similar to    Students are urged to check in    program is offered to all
     school closures. Delayed            the office for lost and found     students. Reference skills,
     opening means school buses          articles. Any items found by      consistent with the maturity of
     will run one or two hours later     students should be turned in to the students, are taught by the
     than their normal schedules.        the office. Clothing items left   library staff.
                                         unclaimed at the end of the
                                         school year will be sent to a
                                         local clothing donation center.

     Computer lab                         Students with severe physical or       Volunteers in the schools
     Each elementary school has           mental disabilities may receive        Many parents/guardians and
     mobile labs. It is hoped that stu-   services from the Multnomah            others interested in supporting
     dents will gain the skills neces-    County Education Service               classrooms, the library,
     sary to use                          District or other county or state      cafeteria, playground, or
     technology to support their          agencies. The district’s special       wherever assistance is needed
     learning. An acceptable use          education program allows               are encouraged to sign up as
     policy and internet permission       specialized instruction to be          volunteers. There people
     form will be sent home at the        provided by special and general        provide a valuable service to the
     beginning of the school year.        education teachers in the              school and the students.
                                          regular classroom. When                Information about the
     Physical education                   appropriate for a student’s            volunteer program is available in
     A physical education specialist      needs, special assistance can          the school office.
     is assigned to the building to       be provided whether the student
     instruct students in a well-         has an identified disability or not.   Alternative Education
     balanced program of physical                                                Program
     development. Special clothing        If a parent/guardian feels their       The David Douglas School
     may be required for physical         child may have a disability, the       District offers alternative
     education activities. Please be      caregiver can initiate a referral      education and other educational
     sure your student’s name is          and pursue it through proper           services to students who are
     marked on these items.               channels: teacher, counselor,          being considered for expulsion,
                                          administrator, or District Director    have severe discipline or
     Counseling and guidance              of Student Services.                   attendance problems, or
     Students have counseling and                                                withdraw from school. Whenever
     guidance services available to       All required special education         one of these conditions exists,
     them at all grade levels.            services including testing and         the district will notify families of
     Emphasis is on the development       transportation, where                  the availability of these
     of problem-solving skills,           appropriate, are provided              alternative programs and the
     interpersonal skills, strong         without charge to families.            procedure for enrolling
     mental health, and                                                          students in any one of them.
     self-awareness. Counselors           For further information about          (ORS 339.250) Alternative
     specialize in early awareness of     special education programs,            education programs are avail-
     potential school problems.           talk with your administrator or        able to students under the fol-
     Parents, teachers, or                the District Director of Student       lowing conditions:
     administrators may refer a           Services at 503-252-2900.              1. Upon the occurrence of a
     student to the school counselor.                                                second or any subsequent
     Social and emotional                 Due to recent legal changes, the           occurrence of a severe
     development is a part of the         many health related                        disciplinary problem within a
     regular school program.              services provided to our                   three-year period;
                                          students who have disabilities         2. When the district finds a stu-
     Special Education Services           may now be partially funded                dent’s attendance pattern to
     The district has services for        by Medicaid when appropriate.              be so erratic that the student
     students with disabilities           Providing help to our students             is not benefiting from the
     including learning disabilities,     through Medicaid has no effect             education program;
     physical disabilities, cognitive     on families’ ability to receive        3. When the district is consid-
     disabilities, and emotional          Medicaid benefits.                         ering expulsion as a disci-
     disturbance. Home tutoring is                                                   plinary alternative;
     also available if physical
     disability prevents the student’s
     school attendance.
4. When a student is expelled       Prohibited activities on             month, When in-person, the
   pursuant to subsection three     school-owned property                meetings are held at 7 p.m. in
   of ORS 339.250, and/or           The following activities are not     the High School South Campus,
5. When the student or the          permitted on any school district     1500 SE 130th Ave. Citizens of
   student’s parent or legal        owned property:                      the community are encouraged
   guardian notifies the district    • racing of automobiles, mo-        to attend.
   or intent to withdraw from the      torcycles, and other vehicles
   program as provided under           including the operation and/      Our Board highly values public
   ORS 339.250 (7).                    or racing of go-carts or other    input and wants to ensure that
                                       small powered riding vehicle;     every voice in our District is
In any of the above situations,      • power airplanes or hobby          welcomed. The School Board
the administrator or designee          cars;                             hears or accepts public com-
will notify the student, family, or  • dogs, horses or other pets;       ment toward the beginning of
guardians of the availability of     • golf and archery;                 every regular School Board
alternative programs and the         • possession and/or use of          meeting.
program that suits the                 alcohol or drugs;
student’s learning style and         • use of tobacco products, and      You are welcome to attend any
needs shall be recommended.          • possession of weapons and         and all Board meetings and to
If families refuse the district        fireworks.                        bring your concerns or com-
recommended alternative, they                                            ments to be heard.
are free to use other alternatives Voter registration
but not at district expense.        There are several good reasons       Whether a meeting is held in
                                    why parents/guardians should         person or virtually, there are
                                    be registered voters. One is         multiple ways for your voice to
Community                           that families who participate in     be heard. Please visit our district
Information                         the democratic process set a         website for more information.
Community use of school             good example for their children.
facilities                          Another reason is that parents/      Budget Committee
School buildings and facilities     guardians can help determine         The Budget Committee,
are available for community         the kind of education their chil-    consisting of the Board
use (noncommercial purpos-          dren receive by voting on school     members and seven citizen
es) whenever such use does          bond issues and school board         members appointed by the
not interfere with the education    members. Applications for voter      Board, reviews the
program for students. Groups in- registration are available in the       administration’s recommended
terested in using school facilities school office.                       budget each year. The
need to obtain a facilities use                                          committee makes allocations
permit from the school office.      Once you are registered, you         and approves the amount of the
A fee is charged for use of the     are qualified to vote in school,     total budget.
facility. Individuals are expected county, state, and national
to be safe and considerate          elections.                           Budget committee meetings are
while using school facilities.                                           held during the spring. When
The grounds of the school           School Board                         in-person, sessions are held at
are closed for use from dusk        The David Douglas School             the High School South Campus,
to dawn.                            Board, made up of seven              1500 SE 130th Avenue. Citizens
                                    elected representatives from         are welcome to attend. The
                                    throughout the district,             committee also offers citizens
                                    establishes district policies and    the opportunity to comment on
                                    hires staff to carry them out. The   the proposed budget. Call the
                                    Board usually meets the second       District Office, 503-252-2900, for
                                    and fourth Thursdays of each         meeting dates.
The district must locate and           School communications
identify students who have             Each school building
disabilities. If you, or someone       communicates with families
you know, has a child with a           regularly with newsletters, using
disability who may be in need          ParentSquare, emails, phone
of special education or related        and text messages, and other
services, you can initiate a           information sent home with
referral through your local            students. The district mails
school or contact the district         information to residents and
compliance coordinator                 parents/guardians during the
(Student Services Director)            school year. Information is also
at 503-261-8209.                       available at the district website:
Equal Education
No person shall, on the basis
of age, disability, marital status,
national origin, race, or sex,
be subjected to discrimination
under an education program or
activity administered or
authorized by the Board of
Directors. David Douglas Pub-
lic Schools will ensure that all
students with disabilities ages
5 through 21 residing within its
attendance area have available
to them a free and appropriate
public education in the least
restrictive environment. The
rights of children with disabilities
and their families will be
protected in accordance with
state and federal laws.

The district provides specially
designed instruction for students
with special education needs.
Support services in speech
correction, reading, and home
tutoring are also available.
Students with greater academic
or therapy needs may receive
services from the Multnomah
Education Service District or
other county or state agencies.
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