Page created by Gene Patel
2 | University - A guide for parents and guardians


         4        Is university right for them?
      10          Choosing the best university
                  for your child
      18          Fees and finance
      26          Applying to university
                       28        How to apply                  What you
                       32        The offers process            need to know
                       35        Results day
                       35        Clearing                      to prepare
                                                               you and
      38          Is Ulster University the right
                  choice for your child?                       your child for
                       40        Careers                       university
                       42        Teaching and facilities
                       46        International opportunities
                       50        Student support
                       52        Student experience
                       54        Accommodation
      58          Get in touch
4 | University - A guide for parents and guardians

                                                     Is university
                                                     right for them?

                                                     Sitting down with your child
                                                     to discuss their post-school
                                                     plans can be challenging,
                                                     especially if they aren’t
                                                     sure what they want to do
                                                     next. You can help them by
                                                     being a positive sounding
                                                     board and asking questions
                                                     that’ll help them come to
                                                     a decision that is right for
                                                     We have designed this guide so you
                                                     have the information you need to chat
                                                     through the options with your child.
6 | University - A guide for parents and guardians

                                                     sponsorship officer or treasurer for       Although this is a general expectation of    If the following is important
     Is it the best next                             the charity society or a journalist for    students, course programs will include       to your child, then university
                                                     the student radio station. They can        a mix of self-study and collaborative        could be a good fit:
     step for your child?                            also learn and explore within their        working. Personal tutors and support staff
     A good place to start is to                     degree subject by choosing specific        will also be on hand to help and guide        • Studying a subject that really
     consider their career plans,                    modules or projects to discover their      students. When researching universities         interests them
     motivation level and how they                   interests or develop specific skills and   and courses, spend time reviewing the         • Pursuing a specific career
     like to learn. If they answer                   competencies.                              styles of teaching and assessments to           which requires a university
     yes to any of the below, then                                                              choose the structure that is best for your      degree
     university would be a good                      Do they have their heart set on            child, as well as those which have a          • Being able to choose the
     option to research further.                                                                reputation for strong pastoral care.
                                                     a specific career?                                                                         modules and projects that
                                                     It is important to keep in mind that                                                       most appeal to them
                                                                                                At university there are endless               • The option to move away
                                                     for some careers it is essential to go
Does your child want to explore                                                                 opportunities for them to broaden               from home and live
                                                     to university. Your school’s careers
                                                                                                horizons and get work experience                independently
different careers or passions?                       teacher will be able to advise you
                                                                                                and awards outside of their academic          • Meeting new people, making
If they go to university, several                    and your child about these careers,
                                                                                                studies and they must be motivated to           new friends and having new
career options will be open to them                  their degree requirements and if your
                                                                                                make the most of these.                         experiences
regardless of what subject they study.               child needs to study any specific
                                                     subjects required to study the degree.                                                   • Getting involved in activities
                                                                                                Do they want the freedom to                     such as sport, theatre or
If your child is unsure of their career
direction or wants to explore many                   Is your child a self-motivated             choose what to study?                           politics
                                                                                                At university students usually get            • Having time to explore
different potential paths through                    learner and comfortable with
work experience, placements and                                                                 the freedom to choose the course,               interests, values and career
                                                     independent study?                                                                         options before any big
extracurricular activities, a university                                                        modules and projects that best match
                                                     Motivation is very important in            their interests and aspirations.                decisions about jobs must be
degree may be a great option for                     achieving success, and for most
them. They can take advantage of                                                                                                                made
                                                     university courses, being able to
clubs, societies and positions of                    study independently without close
responsibility to get experience that                supervision is essential.
relates to the world of work e.g.
8 | University - A guide for parents and guardians

                                                     Alternative training
     Getting them career                             options to university
     ready                                           There are a range of options
     A university degree improves career             available for your child to further their
     prospects and earning potential.                training. These include employer
     On average, people with higher                  and apprentice programs where
     education qualifications earn more              your child could earn money whilst
     over their working lives than non-              acquiring job skills. Options include:
                                                      • degree apprenticeships
     Going to university can give                     • Higher Level Apprenticeships
     your child a head start as they                    (HLA)
     develop transferable skills valued               • school leaver programmes
     by employers, such as the ability
     to work with others, critical and               You can find out more information
     analytical thinking, research skills,           about these programs including how
     problem-solving and communication               to apply at
     skills. These skills, together with an
     academic qualification, will give them
     an advantage in the ever-competitive
     world of employment.
                                                     Your child may also be interested in
                                                     studying a foundation degree at a
                                                     regional college. You can find out
                                                     more on our website at
10 | University - A guide for parents and guardians

Choosing the best
university for your child

If university is likely to be                         Make sure these criteria reflect the
the next step for your child,                         specific needs of your child and
                                                      family. For example, if your child is
this is when the research                             a practical learner, you might want
phase begins in earnest and                           to consider those courses that are
can be the most daunting.                             highly applied and include hands-on
                                                      assessments and work experience.
The end goal of the research phase is
to agree the five courses that students
will add to their UCAS form. Before                       Top Tip: Make a checklist
deciding on “The Final Five”, they will                   of your negotiables and non-
need to shortlist their potential places.                 negotiables when choosing
                                                          where to go.
This shortlisting phase may include
reviewing the prospectus together,
visiting the universities at Open Days
or attending Applicant Events.

We recommend that together with
your child you agree the criteria you
will use to shortlist the courses and
universities and identify those criteria
which will ultimately decide “The Final
12 | University - A guide for parents and guardians

      Choosing their subject
      Things to consider when
      choosing a degree:
                                                      • Are they interested in exploring
        • Do they have a current subject
                                                        a completely new subject? There
          that they love and do well in?
                                                        are many degree subjects they
          Will they still be interested in it in
          years to come and the potential               won’t have encountered before.
          careers associated with it? Whilst            When choosing, they should
          some subjects lead to very specific           relate it back to what they enjoy
          career options, others can provide            and how they learn best. Some
          varied options or the opportunity             courses have very high contact
          to specialise at postgraduate level.          time i.e. lots of lectures, tutorials,
                                                        workshops etc whilst others have
        • Do they have specific vocational              low contact time and more self-
          aspirations? If so, is a particular           directed study.
          degree subject required or are
          the options flexible? Universities          • Look beyond the course title
          and colleges set their own entry              - remember courses with the
          requirements for higher education             same name can differ greatly
          courses so they may vary widely.              in content between universities.
          You can find the entry requirements           Spend time looking at the course
          for Ulster undergraduate degrees              content and the modules. This
          on the course finder online                   will give you an idea about the
                          areas covered by the course
                                                        and what the university’s specific
                                                        area of expertise is.
14 | University - A guide for parents and guardians

                                                      What to research                             Not all universities and colleges use
                                                                                                   qualifications and grades for entry
                                                      Cost: Tuition fees are not the only
                                                                                                   requirements, some use UCAS Tariff
                                                      university cost. You should also
                                                                                                   points instead. UCAS has an online
                                                      consider accommodation costs and
     Choosing their                                                                                calculator to help you work out how
                                                      cost of living (including any travel
     university                                       required), which vary across the
                                                                                                   many points your qualifications are
     What does a good university                                                                   worth
                                                      UK. Visit
     mean to you and your child?                                                                   calculator
                                                      living to compare cost of living.
     Here are some things to think                                                                 Check with the university for precise
     about when researching                                                                        equivalencies as these may vary.
                                                      Course provision: Which
     where to go.                                     universities offer the subject area or
                                                      specific course they are interested in?
                                                                                                   Other selection criteria: Is entry
     Most information can be found                                                                 dependent on submitting a portfolio
                                                      Do they carry accreditation needed
     in university prospectuses or                                                                 of work? Do they have to attend an
                                                      for jobs in industry?
     online course pages but we                                                                    interview? Do they require a medical
     have included other sources                                                                   or Access NI check?
                                                      Teaching, assessment and
     below where relevant.                            facilities: Does the course involve
                                                      a lot of practical work? Is it 100%
                                                                                                   Duration: How many years will it
                                                                                                   take them to get their degree? Does
                                                      coursework? Is there a lot of group
                                                                                                   this include a work placement?
                                                      work involved? Are there bespoke
                                                      facilities? Is there online or interactive
                                                      learning provision?
                                                                                                   Employment/career prospects:
                                                                                                   Are there opportunities to enhance
                                                                                                   their CV by undertaking a paid work
                                                      Entry requirements: What grades
                                                                                                   placement or studying abroad? Does
                                                      are needed for the course? These
                                                                                                   the university have good connections
                                                      can vary across institutions. Specific
                                                                                                   with industry? Do students get
                                                      subjects and at what level they
                                                                                                   real-world experience on their
                                                      are required e.g. GCSE/A Level/
                                                                                                   course? Are there opportunities to
                                                      BTEC will be listed in course entry
                                                                                                   include a year out in industry as part
                                                                                                   of their degree?
16 | University - A guide for parents and guardians

Research: Does the university have a specialist support? What support
good research focus? Are they linking                 is available? Do they have any
                                                                                               How to research
with industry to solve problems, or                   disabilities or long-term medical
leading innovation in certain areas?                  conditions or specific learning          Get online
This often positively impacts on the                  difficulties they need support with?      •
teaching and what they deliver.                       If so, what support is available from     • University websites
                                                      the university? Will they get guidance    • Online prospectuses
Location: Where do they want                          and advice on academic matters,   
to study and where will they best                     wellbeing issues, money matters?          •
thrive? Home or away? Urban or
rural? A small or large institution?                  Clubs & societies: Opportunities         Get out there
What lifestyle do they want? Campus                   to socialise play a huge factor           • UCAS fairs
based or town/city based? One                         in student satisfaction. Clubs and
campus or multiple? Are there good                    societies are great ways to meet            exhibitions
transport links? All these things will                new people, stay connected and            • University open days - Universities
affect their experience and are                       have fun. Outside of university what        organise their own open days
important to think about.                             social facilities are there, such as        for prospective students to
                                                      live music venues, cinemas or sports        experience university life, speak
Accommodation: Is living in halls of                  facilities?                                 with staff and students, hear
residence or shared accommodation                                                                 course talks and tour facilities
important to them? Is it available                                                      
on campus? What are the
accommodation costs? What are                                                                  Get informed
the private accommodation costs for                                                             • Entry requirements (available
future years? Are there self-catered                                                              from university prospectuses
and catered options available?                                                                    online)
                                                                                                • UCAS deadlines (see page 28)
Support: Does your child need
18 | University - A guide for parents and guardians

                                                      Fees and
                                                      It’s difficult to put an exact   • where and what they study
                                                      figure on the price of going     • whether they live at home,
                                                                                         halls of residence or private
                                                      to university, as everyone’s       accommodation
                                                      expenditure will be different    • their travel arrangements
                                                      depending on:                    • their lifestyle
20 | University - A guide for parents and guardians

                                                                                                              OF THE YEAR
                                                                                                               GOOD UNIVERSITY


Things to consider                                                                                             * Fees correct at time of print.
                                                                         Ulster       English     Scottish     [1] Full-time undergraduate tuition fee
Location                                                                University   University   Univerity        per year.
                                                                                                               [2] Based on a single ensuite room at
Where you study in the UK will have                                                                                Belfast campus.
an impact on how much you pay in                      Tuition Fee [1]   £4,530       £9,250       £9,250       [3] Based on single ensuite
                                                                                                                   accommodation at University of
tuition fees, accommodation and cost
of living per year. The table provides
                                                                                                               [4] Based on single ensuite
a snapshot of what students can                       Monthly rent      £511[2]      £775[3]      £692[4]          accommodation at University of
expect to pay at different universities                                                                            Dundee.
across the UK*.                                                                                                [5] Based on 3 return flights per year to
                                                                                                                   Belfast (at Sept. 2021 value).
                                                      Travel cost/       N/A          £528         £444        [6] Based on university accommodation,
As a guide we estimate you should                       Flights[5]                                                 tuition fees (39 weeks) and flights if
allow for a sum in the region of                                                                                   applicable.
£7,000-£9,000 to cover your
expenses at Ulster University for one                   TOTAL[6]        £9,132       £16,753      £15,924
academic year.
22 | University - A guide for parents and guardians

Loans, Grants and Scholarships                        Maintenance Loans & Grants                  must meet the criteria and the money      • Bursaries – usually awarded to
                                                      Northern Ireland students can apply         does not need to be paid back.              students based on their personal
Students shouldn’t rule out university
                                                      for help with day-to-day costs whilst                                                   circumstances or if they come
study based on finance. There are
                                                      studying.                                    • Scholarships – usually reward            from a low-income family.
loans available to cover tuition fees
                                                                                                     students who are outstanding in          Bursaries can help students
and help towards the cost of living.
                                                       • Maintenance loan – Varying                  their subject, sport or music. They      who may face more barriers to
                                                         maintenance loan amounts                    generally need to be applied for         attending full-time education,
Tuition Fee Loans
                                                         are available dependent on                  and are often competitive.               enabling them to access
Fees do not have to be paid up-front.
                                                         study destination and living                                                         university.
Students can avail of a tuition fee loan
from Student Finance NI which will                       arrangements. You can apply for
                                                         a maintenance loan on its own                                                     Information is normally available via
cover the cost of fees until graduation.
                                                         or alongside any other available                                                  individual university websites. Find out
Students don’t have to start paying
                                                         finance, including a tuition fee                                                  more about what is available
these back until they have graduated
                                                         loan. The maintenance loan must                                                   at Ulster University:
and are earning more than the
salary threshold for repayment (this is                  be paid back.
                                                       • Maintenance grant – Available                                                     Bursaries:
dependent on which type of tuition fee
loan they apply for).                                    for those in households earning                                         
                                                         below a certain income and
NI/ROI/EU:                                               does not need to be paid back if
                                                         terms and conditions are met.                                           
England:                                         Scholarships & Bursaries
Scotland:                                             University scholarships and bursaries                                           are available for both undergraduate
                                                      and postgraduate students as extra
Wales:                                                financial help. Each university has their                             own criteria and awards. Students
24 | University - A guide for parents and guardians

                                                      Support Funds                                undertake additional assessment such
                                                                                                   as interviews. More information on
                                                      All higher education providers
                                                                                                   this can be found at
                                                      offer a hardship fund for students
                                                      experiencing significant financial
                                                      problems and to support those
                                                      coming to university in challenging          NI University Fees
                                                      circumstances. Conditions apply so           Students from NI and the
                                                      you should contact your university           Republic of Ireland
                                                      directly for advice. Ulster University has
                                                                                                   Full-time undergraduate fees for
                                                      a discretionary fund to support both
                                                                                                   Home (NI) and the Republic of
                                                      UK/Home and International students.
                                                                                                   Ireland students are determined by the
                                                      This discretionary fund can provide
                                                                                                   Department of the Economy and are
                                                      financial assistance for priority groups.
                                                                                                   normally increased annually.
                                                      support for more details.
                                                                                                   Universities can charge you up to
                                                                                                   £4,530 a year for tuition (based on
                                                      Department of Health funded                  2021/22 entry fees). Students don’t
                                                      courses                                      have to pay this up front. They can
                                                      Some courses (including Nursing and          apply online to Student Finance NI for
                                                      other Allied Health Profession courses)      a loan of up to £4,530 to help cover
                                                      are funded by the Department of              this fee.
                                                      Health for those who have been
                                                      resident in Northern Ireland for three       Students from England, Scotland
                                                      years prior to the start of the course,      and Wales
                                                      and students from the Republic of
                                                                                                   Tuition fees for students from England,
                                                      Ireland. These are very popular
                                                                                                   Scotland and Wales are £9,250
                                                      courses and students need to
                                                                                                   (based on 2021/22 entry fees).
26 | University - A guide for parents and guardians

                                                      Applying to

                                                      UCAS is the admissions
                                                      body that processes
                                                      all applications to
                                                      full-time courses at UK
28 | University - A guide for parents and guardians

                                                                                                        EARLY SEPT
                                                                                                        UCAS opens                MID/END JAN
                                                                                                       Applications can            UCAS official
                                                                                                       be submitted to          deadline for ‘on time’
                                                                                                       universities and            applications
How to apply                                                                                              colleges

Applying to university can be                                                  END SEPT                                                                     END FEB
                                                                             UCAS cycle ends                                                             UCAS Extra opens
completed in five easy steps:

  1. Create an account at                                                                                                                                                        EARLY MAY

                                                                                                                                                                       Deadline for ‘on time’
  2. Choose up to 5 courses from                                END AUG
                                                                                                                                                                       applications to reply to
     across over 120 UK universities                        Deadline for remaining
                                                             conditions to be met                                                                                      universities if all offers
                                                                                                                                                                         were received by
  3. Write and submit a Personal                                                                                                                                             31 March

  4. Nominate a referee to write a
     character reference.
                                                                                                                                                                            EARLY JUNE
  5. Pay the application fee (£20 for                              MID AUG                             ‘On time’ applications - All applications                        Deadline for ‘on time’
     one course or £26 for multiple)                           A-level results day                         made by UCAS official deadline                               applicants to reply to
                                                                                                                                                                        universities if all offers

                                                                                                     DBD (Decline by Default) - UCAS will decline                         were received by
                                                                                                      all offers universities have made applicants on                           2 May
NB: Normally your child’s school/                                                                                         their behalf
college will oversee the submission of
the application and advise how the
application fee is to be paid.                                                  MID JULY                                                                  MID/END JUNE
                                                                            Deadline to reply to                                                          Deadline to reply to
                                                                            universities if offers                                                       universities if all offers
UCAS will check the application                                              were received by                                                              were received by
                                                                                  11 July                                                                        6 June
and send it to all the universities the
                                                                                                         EARLY JULY

                                                                                                                                     END JUNE
student has applied to. None of the                   Key dates                                      Last chance to apply          Last day to make
universities will know where else                                                                    through UCAS Extra             an application
                                                      For exact dates                                                               before Clearing
they have applied, so they will be                    for each year visit                              Clearing begins
                                                                                                                                                                            UCAS will decline your
considering the application totally                                                                                                                                       offers on your behalf if you
independently.                                                                                                                                              miss these deadlines
30 | University - A guide for parents and guardians

       TOP TIP: Make sure to use a
       personal, rather than school email
       address. A school email address
       may no longer be accessible come
       results day.

The Personal Statement                                Tracking the application                   students, your child may need to       decisions. Some may wait until
                                                                                                 interview.                             all applications have been
The personal statement gives
                                                      • Once the application is submitted,   • If their course does have an             made and not begin decision
students the opportunity to promote
                                                        your child will receive an             extra selection step, they will be       communications until mid-January
themselves by covering their academic
                                                        acknowledgement from UCAS              contacted by the university about        at the earliest.
interests, work experience, relevant
achievements, hobbies and interests                     and often from the university you      what extra steps they will have to   • The status of an application can
which make them suitable for their                      applied to.                            take and how it impacts on the         be checked via the UCAS track
course choices.                                       • Each course will have its own          timing of offer making.                system.
                                                        entry requirements, and some         • Upon receipt of the application,     • Universities are unable to give
Tips on getting started and how to write                may have additional selection          there may be a delay in an offer       applicants updates on their
a personal statement can be found at                    requirements like a portfolio          being made. This may be due to         application directly over the                              review or interview. This will be      specific selection steps required      phone, in person or via email. Any
                                                        outlined in the course prospectus      for the course. Don’t be alarmed.      change in the status of a UCAS
                                                        or can be found online on the                                                 application will only be made
                                                        university course pages.             • Universities will have their own
                                                                                               approach to the timing of              available via UCAS Track.
                                                      • For some Department of Health          making their offer or application
                                                        funded courses for NI domiciled
32 | University - A guide for parents and guardians

The offers process
                                                      • Conditional offer: Students
                                                        are offered a place subject
Receiving offers                                        to certain conditions, normally
                                                        based on exam results.
As universities may send their offers at
different times, students will not be                 • Unconditional offer: Students
able to make their final decision in                    have already met the entrance
UCAS until they have received all                       requirements and the university       Top Tip: Choosing a firm
decisions from the universities they                    would like to accept their            choice can be difficult. Talk
applied to.                                             application.                          to your child about what
                                                      • Decline: There are several            they want to get out of a
Students may receive communication                      reasons why universities may          course and their university
or invitations to visit from universities               decline an applicant, for             experience. If they’ve
that have extended offers. This is                      example if the course is full.        already decided on firm
another great research opportunity.                                                           and insurance choices, ask
                                                      • Withdrawn: Both your family
                                                        member and the university can         them why. Go back to your
Upon receipt of the student’s final                                                           shortlisting criteria, check if
outstanding decision, UCAS will                         withdraw the application either
                                                        because they didn’t respond to        your child seems unclear on
inform them of their decision deadline.                                                       anything and has considered
The response your child will receive                    any correspondence from the
                                                        university or they didn’t attend an   all key factors.
could be one of the following:
                                                        interview etc.
34 | University - A guide for parents and guardians

Responding to offers                                  some students are applying Direct    Results Day
Once students receive their offers,                   to Clearing. You can find out more                                                 What if they get higher grades
they need to respond in the following                 information about this at                                                 than expected?
                                                                                           If your family member has met the
ways:                                                                                      university’s conditions of their firm         If students exceed the conditions for
                                                                                           choice, they will receive confirmation        their firm choice and want to explore
  • Firm acceptance: They can have                                                         that they have been accepted to that          alternative options, they can use
    only one firm acceptance, and                        UCAS Extra                                                                      Clearing Plus to research and apply for
                                                                                           course. They will be asked to confirm
    this is their first preference out of                Competition can be very           that they will proceed with their firm        other options. Visit
    all the offers they have received.                   high for some courses which       choice and they can now begin their           to learn more about Clearing Plus.
  • Insurance acceptance: As well                        can mean that even the best       final university preparations.
    as their first choice, they can also                 performing students don’t                                                       What if they get lower grades
    have a backup, which is called                       always get an offer. If all       If they haven’t met conditions of the         than expected?
    their insurance.                                     five applications have been       firm choice but meet those of their
                                                         rejected or all of the offers                                                   If students receive lower grades than
  • Decline: Once they have                                                                insurance choice, then they will convert
                                                         have been declined, an                                                          expected and they are not accepted to
    selected their firm and insurance                                                      to their insurance offer.
                                                         application to another course                                                   either their firm or insurance choice, they
    choices, they then need to
                                                         or university can be made                                                       may find an alternative course through
    decline all other offers.                                                              The university may, at their discretion,
                                                         through UCAS Extra.                                                             Clearing.
                                                                                           accept students that fall slightly short of
If they change their mind about what                                                       the entry conditions. They will contact       If the decision status in Track appears as
or where they want to study or if they                   UCAS Extra is available from      those students who are eligible.              “pending” on results day this means the
do better than expected, Clearing                        mid-February until the end of                                                   university is yet to make a final decision
may provide them an opportunity to                       June. Further information is      There is plenty of support available          on the application.
explore alternative courses.                             available at             if students need to make a different
                                                                                           decision, or if their circumstances have      They may want to research other
Alternatively, they may decide that                                                        changed between the making of their           options on Clearing Plus whilst they wait
they want to know their results before                                                     firm and insurance choices and results        for the decision from their offer-holding
applying to university. Increasingly                                                       day.                                          university.
36 | University - A guide for parents and guardians

                                                      What if they change their mind              discuss their alternatives with admissions
                                                      about where or what they want to            and academic staff.
                                                                                                  Applicants can receive verbal offers
                                                      If students have a change of heart,
                                                                                                  from universities at these events or call
                                                      they can release themselves from
                                                                                                  centres and will be asked to apply to
                                                      their firm or conditional choice via
                                                                                                  the university via UCAS track. Subject
                                                      Clearing Plus. Clearing Plus will show
                                                                                                  to conditions being met, an offer will
                                                      them what courses or universities are
                                                                                                  be extended to the applicant which is
                                                      available to them.
                                                                                                  then accepted and processed by the
                                                                                                  university once all checks are complete.
                                                      What is Clearing/Clearing Plus?
                                                      Clearing /Clearing Plus is a process
                                                      which allows students to search                What is Direct to Clearing?
                                                      and apply for courses that still have          Your child may decide that
                                                      vacancies.                                     they want to know their results
                                                                                                     before applying to university.
                                                      It is important not to panic but to            Increasingly students are
                                                      carefully research options before              applying Direct to Clearing.
                                                      selecting a course through Clearing.           Through this process they
                                                                                                     will only be able to apply to
                                                      Traditionally universities will advertise      those courses with Clearing
                                                      their Clearing options on their own            Vacancies. You can find out
                                                      websites from July and additional              more information about this at
                                                      courses may be added up to and post
                                                      results day.

                                                      Following the publication of results,
                                                      Ulster University holds an advice day
                                                      and contact centre for applicants to
38 | University - A guide for parents and guardians

Is Ulster University                                                                2,000
                                                                                  STUDENT WORK

the right choice for
                                                                                    EVERY YEAR

your child?                                                                                92%
                                                                               OF ALL LEAVERS
                                                                                IN WORK OR
                                                                               FURTHER STUDY
We place ambition at the                              CONNECTED AND
                                                                             GRADUATE OUTCOMES (2018/19)

heart of everything we do to                          CONNECTING YOU                 STUDENT FOCUSED

ensure our students excel and
unleash their full potential.                                                                     #1
We do this by providing
frst-class resources and                                  OVER                     IRELAND
                                                                                 UNIVERSITY FOR
facilities within a supportive                           215,000              STUDENT SATISFACTION
                                                                               NATIONAL STUDENT SURVEY (2021)
                                                        ALUMNI WORLDWIDE
learning environment. We are
career-focused, connected to
industry and transformational
in our research ensuring your                                                    NORTHERN
child is set up for success.                            WELCOMING                LOWEST STUDENT
                                                                               COST OF LIVING IN UK
                                                          STUDENTS FROM
                                                          100+ COUNTRIES          WHICH? UNIVERSITY (2018)


                                                         OF THE YEAR                     OVER
                                                           GOOD UNIVERSITY
                                                                (2022)       INVESTED IN RESEARCH
                                                                                  EVERY YEAR
40 | University - A guide for parents and guardians

Careers - Setting                                     Industry placements
                                                      Many of our courses offer local,
them up for the                                       national and international placement
future                                                opportunities, getting students ready    Career Planning
                                                      for industry.
                                                                                              Our Employability
Choosing Ulster means choosing a                       • Most students can undertake          and Careers team will:
student experience focused on career                     industry placements between                                               “The first-hand
success. Our graduates leave Ulster                                                            • Offer face-to-face and online
                                                         their second and third year of                                            experience
University with the skills, confidence                                                           help and advice.
and knowledge to be successful in a                                                            • Introduce students to top         gained working
                                                       • They will work with one of our                                            within an
competitive job market.                                                                          employers via recruitment fairs
                                                         industry connections, either
                                                         locally or abroad, for between
                                                                                                 on campus.                        engineering
We work with government agencies,                                                                                                  environment
                                                         six and twelve months.                • Help them create a winning CV
public bodies and the private sector
to design career-focused courses                       • Upon completion, they receive
                                                                                                 and excel in interviews.          alongside
with many providing:                                     a separate qualification to           • Provide a range of work           professional
  • Work-based learning from
                                                         their degree; a Diploma in              experience opportunities.         engineers
                                                         Professional Practice (DPP).          • Help students achieve The EDGE    encouraged and
    placements to real-life case
    studies.                                           • Placements are a great way for          Award - formal recognition        motivated me to
                                                         them to meet and impress future         for extra-curricular activities   strive in my final
  • Professional qualifications or
                                                         potential employers, as well as         recognised by employers.
    accreditation from industry
                                                         gain real-life experience.
                                                                                                                                   year of study.”
    leading bodies.
                                                       • There are also opportunities
  • Employability skills development                                                                 Lauren Doherty
                                                         for shorter internships or work
    embedded in the course.                                                                         CareersAtUlster                Technology with
                                                         experiences and some courses
                                                                                                    @CareersAtUlster               Design
                                                         include rotating placements as
                                                         part of the course e.g. clinical
42 | University - A guide for parents and guardians
                                                                                                “Ulster University
                                                                                                has a real sense
                                                                                                of community
                                                                                                and an inclusive
                                                                                                on site. All the
Studying at Ulster                                                                              staff are really
                                                                                                enthusiastic and
Academic year                                         Engaging and forward-thinking             informed about
                                                      teaching                                  each of their
The academic year is normally divided
into two semesters. Some courses e.g.                 We are renowned for our supportive        subjects and this
Nursing, have a longer academic year.                 learning environment. Our
                                                      teaching staff are passionate and
                                                                                                is reflected in
                                                      approachable, ensuring students get to    their lectures and
                                                      grips with the latest developments and    seminars. I’ve
    Semester One:
    September - mid January
                                                      are taught in ways that are relevant to   certainly felt a
                                                      the working world.                        warm welcome
    Semester Two:
    End January - May                                                                           since I arrived.”
                                                      Teaching is delivered through:
                                                       • Lectures - formal teaching             Anna Stewart
Each semester has 12 weeks of                            sessions, often with a larger group    Consumer
teaching followed by an exam period                      of students                            Management and
(January and May).
                                                       • Seminars - smaller groups used to      Food Innovation
                                                         promote group discussion about a
Full-time students will typically study
                                                         specific topic
three modules in each semester (18
modules of study make up a standard                    • Tutorials - small group
three-year degree).                                      opportunities to meet with a tutor
                                                         to discuss work and to raise points
                                                         of particular interest or difficulty
                                                       • Practicals and fieldwork -
                                                         where applicable to courses
                                                       • Live industry projects
44 | University - A guide for parents and guardians

                                                      • Performance spaces, artist
                                                        studios, fashion, textile and print
State-of-the-art                                        workshops.

facilities                                            • Exciting new art and design shop
                                                        showcasing talent within Belfast
                                                        School of Art
We are constantly updating our
campuses with the latest facilities and               • Onsite engineering labs with the
technologies to aid the student learning                latest technology and software.
experience and provide a platform                     • Pioneering cognitive robotics lab.
for success. In addition to our many
                                                      • NIBEC one of Europe’s leading
purpose-built spaces to encourage
                                                        research centres for medical
collaboration, we have interacitve
lecture theatres and modern, newly
refurbished libraries. Just some of our               • Centre for Sustainable
facilities across our campuses include:                 Technologies - an industry leader
                                                        in sustainable energy research.
  • Onsite clinics to create real-world
    environments.                                     • Modern, well-equipped
                                                        architecture design studios.
  • Sports Institute Northern Ireland,
    delivering expert advice to NI’s                  • Financial Innovation Laboratory
    top athletes.                                       to experience a real-life trading
  • Research equipment to investigate
    diverse environments.                             • Academy restaurant - an
                                                        award-winning licensed training
  • Industry standard television, music
    and radio studios, digital editing
    suites and Apple computer labs.                   • Food and Consumer Testing
                                                        Suite with product development
  • Mock courtroom to simulate real
                                                        kitchens and consumer research
    life scenarios, award-winning
    Law Clinic and Transitional Justice
46 | University - A guide for parents and guardians

International                                         Study Abroad                            Over 300
opportunities                                          • Students can spend either a
                                                         semester or a full academic year     institutions
Go Global
                                                         studying abroad at a partner         available
Whilst Ulster University is based in                   • They can choose to study in          worldwide
Northern Ireland, students will have
the opportunity to get a global
                                                         Europe, or further afield in North   for student
                                                         America, Latin America, Asia or
experience by taking a semester
or year to work, study or volunteer
                                                         Australia.                           exchange
abroad from year one.                                  • Those who study abroad for a
                                                         year will receive a Diploma in
                                                         International Academic Studies
International placement and                              (DIAS).
internship programmes
                                                       • A wide variety of academic
  • Students can choose between                          summer schools at international
    short term opportunities to year                     universities are also available
    long placements.                                     including the USA, China and
  • We can connect them with our                         India.
    international partners offering
    opportunities to work in Asia,
    America, Europe, New Zealand,
    Australia and UAE.
  • Those who complete a
    placement year abroad will
    gain a Diploma in Professional
    Practice - International.
48 | University - A guide for parents and guardians

Volunteering                                          “I can’t believe how
With lots of volunteering                             lucky I was to have had
opportunities in between                              the chance to experience
semesters, students could find                        a different culture, to live
themselves running activities with
children and young people,
                                                      in another country at
helping with social work                              such a young age and to
projects, developing business                         make so many lifelong
and enterprise initiatives, running                   friends. Since I have
climate change campaigns,                             come back to University,
supporting health promotion
and more, anywhere in the                             I have noticed a massive
world.                                                improvement in my
                                                      academic work and
                                                      have become a lot more
                                                      outgoing. From studying
                                                      abroad, I also secured a
                                                      job with a media institute
                                                      who saw my videos I
                                                      took when I was away.”

                                                      Catherine McConkey
                                                      Media Studies and Production.
                                                      International Student
                                                      Exchange Programme (ISEP)
                                                      to Connecticut, USA
50 | University - A guide for parents and guardians
                                                                         “As an autistic
                                                                         person I thought
                                                                         I’d never be able
                                                                         to make it in
                                                                         and while it
Student support                                                          is certainly
Life as a student is exciting, but it can                                everybody is so
also be demanding. Our Student
                                                                         supportive that
Wellbeing team offer professional
services that are free, confidential                                     I am able to rise
and inclusive for all Ulster students to                                 to the challenge
ensure your family member feels safe                  “There’s always    and not only
and supported at Ulster University.                   somebody           cope but thrive.”
                                                      to confide in
They will help with:
                                                      which is very      Ronnie Gomersall
 • free and confidential advice
 • academic concerns
                                                      reassuring.        Accounting with
                                                      Everyone in        Specialisms
 • stress and personal challenges
 • budgeting and money                                student services
    management                                        is very helpful
 • financial support including                        and welcoming
    bursaries and fees
                                                      and all the
Our AccessAbility team can advise                     tutors have been
students on support available if they                 great and very
have a disability or long-term medical                approachable.”

All Ulster students have access to:                   Lucia Worth
 • face-to-face counselling support                   Nursing (Adult)
 • 24/7 confidential counselling
52 | University - A guide for parents and guardians

Student experience                                    “Going to Ulster      Sport for all                              Students’ Union
                                                      University was        Whether they want to play social           Looking after their interests and
With four distinct campuses across                    absolutely life       or competitive sport, they can make        organising social events, trips
Northern Ireland, it is the student                   changing for me.      memories, break records and be part        and activities for an unforgettable
experience we offer which sets                                              of something special during their time     experience, all students automatically
us apart. Life at Ulster is exciting,
                                                      Before university     at Ulster.                                 become members of the Ulster
entertaining and eye-opening, with                    I was a very                                                     University Students’ Union (UUSU).
                                                                             • Excellent sport facilities across all
countless opportunities to jump in                    shy individual           campuses                                 • A great way for them to have fun
and get involved.                                     but over the                                                        and meet new people through
                                                                             • Clubs and classes for all abilities
                                                      past year I have                                                    our 90+ clubs and societies
                                                      come out of my         • 70+ sports clubs to choose from
                                                                                                                        • Ensuring their voice is heard on
                                                      shell, resulting in    • Memberships at affordable                  matters such as teaching and
                                                                               student rates                              facilities
                                                      myself running
One university, four                                  for course rep,        • Entry Scheme opportunities for           • Helping them to influence change
                                                                               supporting talented athletes               by becoming an Academic Rep
unique experiences:                                   being a mind
                                                      your mood                             • Giving confidential and impartial
Jordanstown,                                          ambassador                                                          advice via our UUSU Advice
Magee, Belfast,                                       and being on the
                                                      committee for                                                     • Providing support with their
Coleraine                                             the Photography                                                     business ideas via UUSU
                                                      Caoimhe Clements
                                                      Photography with
54 | University - A guide for parents and guardians

Our accommodation is based on or
near all our campuses, is well-priced,
comfortable, modern and a great way
to help your child settle in and make
the most of university life.

All Ulster University accommodation
  • Self-catering facilities                                                                     “At first, I was
                                                                                                 quite nervous...
  • High speed wi-fi
                                                                                                 but after moving
  • Laundry facilities
                                                                                                 into the halls
  • Access to gym facilities                                                                     on campus and
  • Student hub for socialising                       Accommodation                              meeting new
  • 24/7 resident support                             guarantee                                  people I have
  • ‘ResLife’ calendar of social events               We guarantee all first                     settled in
                                                      year students who have                     really well!”
  • Housekeeping service and utilities                made Ulster their first
    included                                          choice a place in one of
                                                      our halls.*                                Jack Earl
  • Block insurance for contents and
    belongs                                           *Accommodation must be booked by 7 July.
                                                                                                 Travel and Tourism
  • 24/7 security and CCTV                                                                       Management

56 | University - A guide for parents and guardians

                                                                        application timeline
                                                                                                 Accommodation applications
                                                                            May                  open and go live online

Cost and when to apply
We offer several accommodation                        Accommodation open days
options across our campuses                           across all campuses                           June
to cater for every budget and
taste. These range from ensuite to
standard rooms, with costs varying                                                               New students must have
                                                                                                 applied for accommodation by
depending on location and size of                                            July                this date to be eligible for our
                                                                                                 accommodation guarantee
the accommodation.

                                                      After A-level results day, allocation
Browse the range of                                   of rooms to all students who have
                                                      applied starts.*For those students
accommodation available, take a                       entering Clearing, you can still apply
virtual tour and review price lists at                for accommodation
                                                                                                 Allocation of all rooms
                                                                     September                   completed. We look forward
                                                                                                 to welcoming you on campus!

                                                                                                *Those offered an unconditional offer may receive their room
                                                                                                allocation earlier in the summer. See for yourself:
                                                                                                Accommodation open days: June 2022
                                                                                                Explore our halls from home: Virtual 360 tours online

                                                                                                FIND OUT MORE:

                                                      Campus accommodation starts from:

                                                          Belfast              Coleraine       Jordanstown                     Magee

                                                       £120 £115
                                                         per week*              per week*
                                                                                                per week*
                                                                                                                           £96per week*
                                                                                                                   *Correct at time of print
58 | University - A guide for parents and guardians

Get in touch

Families play an invaluable
role in the life of any new
university student as a source
of guidance, support and
encouragement. We hope
this guide has given you
the information you need to
help and advise your family
member during this transition
period, but if you have any
further queries or concerns,
please get in touch with us.

      ‘Study at Ulster’
Correct at time of print (November 2021). The University makes every effort to ensure that the
information contained is accurate but it is possible that some changes will occur. Please note that the
University’s website is the most up-to-date source of information regarding courses and facilities.

Visit for further details.
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