Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time - Undécimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

Page created by Vincent Rhodes
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time - Undécimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

       St. Andrew Roman Catholic Church, an architectural treasure, nurtures a diverse and
    welcoming community dedicated to connecting faith in Jesus Christ with service to others.
    La Iglesia Católica Romana de San Andrés, un tesoro de arquitectura, nutre una comunidad
       diversa y acogedora dedicada a conectar la fe en Jesucristo con el servicio a los demás.

                                 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
                               Undécimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
                                           June 13, 2021

      140 Chestnut Street, Pasadena, CA 91103 | Phone: (626) 792-4183 | Fax: (626) 792-4456 | www.saintandrewpasadena.org
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time - Undécimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
                                                                                                                                      SAINTS AND
Rev. Marcos J. Gonzalez, Pastor........................................................................... (626) 792-4183
Rev. Martin Rodriguez, Associate Pastor........................................................... (626) 792-4183
Jae Kim, Principal.................................................................................................. (626) 796-7697   / SANTOS Y
Griselda Saucedo, Secretary/Bookkeeper........................................................... (626) 768-2458                      OBSERVANCIAS
Steven Ottományi, Music Director.......................................................................(626) 765-3968                 ESPECIALES:
Isabel Spillane, Director of Faith Formation..................................................... ..(626) 768-9376                    Sunday / Domingo:
Luci Santos, Receptionist.................... ................................................................ ..(626) 768-2455       Eleventh Sunday
Reyna Galvan, Receptionist..............................................,....................................(626) 768-2455           in Ordinary Time /
Natalie Rios, Receptionist.................................................................................... ..(626) 768-2455       Undécimo Domingo
                                                                                                                                      del Tiempo
Virginia Cortez, Bulletin Editor.......................................................................... ..(626) 768-2455
PASTORAL CENTER:                                                                                                                      Monday / Lunes:
Phone (626) 792-4183 / Fax (626) 792-4456                                                                                             Flag Day / Día de la
140 Chestnut Street, Pasadena, CA 91103
                                                                                                                                      Saturday / Sábado:
Office Hours: Monday through Friday – 8:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
                                                                                                                                      St. Romuald; Blessed
Saturdays: 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Sundays: 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
                                                                                                                                      Virgin Mary / San
                                                                                                                                      Romualdo; Santa
MASS SCHEDULE / HORARIO DE MISAS:                                                                                                     María Virgen
In English
Saturday Vigil: 5:00 p.m.
Sundays: 8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m. and 5:00 p.m.
Monday-Saturday: 8:15 a.m.
Sunday Mass: On-line on Facebook: www.facebook.com/standrewpasadena                                                                   Eleventh Sunday in
                                                                                                                                      Ordinary Time
En Español
                                                                                                                                      June 13, 2021
Domingos: 6:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m., and 2:00 p.m.                                                                                        They that are
Lunes-Viernes: 6:30 p.m.                                                                                                              planted
Misa de Domingo: En línea en Facebook: www.facebook.com/standrewpasadena                                                              in the house of the
                                                                                                                                      LORD shall flourish
CONFESSIONS / CONFESIONES:                                                                                                            in the courts of our
Tuesday / Martes: 7:00 p.m. & Saturdays / Sabados: 4:00 p.m. & 7:00 p.m.                                                              God.
                                                                                                                                      —Psalm 92:14
Baptism should normally take place within the first few weeks after the birth of the child.
Arrangements should be made in the latter stages of the pregnancy so that the child can be                                            Undécimo Domingo
baptized soon after birth. Applications are available at the Pastoral Center.                                                         del Tiempo
El bautismo normalmente debe tomar lugar entre las primeras semanas después del                                                       Ordinario
nacimiento de un niño. Los arreglos se deben de hacer durante las últimas etapas del                                                  13 de junio de 2021
embarazo para que el niño se pueda bautizar poco después de nacer. Las aplicaciones están                                             Plantados en la casa
disponibles en el Centro Pastoral.                                                                                                    del Señor, en medio
                                                                                                                                      de sus atrios los
                                                                                                                                      justos darán flores.
                                                                                                                                      — Salmo 92 (91):14
Please call the parish office preferably one year, but at least 6 months prior to proposed date
of marriage. / Favor de llamar a la oficina parroquial preferiblemente un año, pero por lo
menos 6 meses antes de la fecha deseada.
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time - Undécimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
FEAST OF FAITH                         READINGS FOR THE WEEK /                   PLEASE PRAY FOR THE
The Preparation of the Altar           LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA:                    INTENTIONS OF / POR
         The altar is the focal        Monday / Lunes: 2 Cor 6:1-10; Ps          FAVOR ORAR POR LAS
point of our churches. It is a         98:1, 2b, 3-4; Mt 5:38-42                 INTENCIÓNES DE:
sign of Christ in our midst;           Tuesday/ Martes: 2 Cor 8:1-9; Ps 146:2,
indeed, it has been said that “the     5-9a; Mt 5:43-48                          Lolita & Guillermo Corrales
altar is Christ” (Dedication of        Wednesday / Miercoles: 2 Cor 9:6-11;      Ariel Marqueses
an Altar, 4). The altar is a table     Ps 112:1bc-4, 9; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18          Ramon Michel
“on which the sacrifice of the
cross is perpetuated in mystery        Thursday / Jueves: 2 Cor 11:1-11; Ps      Rodolfo Molina
throughout the ages until Christ       111:1b-4, 7-8; Mt 6:7-15
                                       Friday / Viernes: 2 Cor 11:18, 21-30;     PLEASE PRAY FOR THESE
comes”; but it is also the place for
a festive meal: “a table at which      Ps 34:2-7; Mt 6:19-23                     PARISH MEMBERS WHO
the Church’s children assemble         Saturday / Sábado: 2 Cor 12:1-10; Ps      ARE SICK / POR FAVOR
to give thanks to God and receive      34:8-13; Mt 6:24-34                       ORE POR LOS ENFERMOS
the body and blood of Christ”          Sunday / Domingo: Jb 38:1, 8-11; Ps       DE NUESTRA PARROQUIA:
(Dedication of an Altar, 4).           107:23-26, 28-31; 2 Cor 5:14-17; Mk
                                       4:35-41                                   Jesus Hernandez Luna
         Both these functions
of the altar are clear in the                                                    Teresa Palacios Gonzalez
rites for the preparation of the
                                       CENTERING PRAYER                          PLEASE PRAY FOR THE
altar that follow the general
intercessions, which remind us of      MINISTRY:                                 FAITHFUL DEPARTED /
the preparations we make at home       Centering Prayer is a receptive           POR FAVOR ORE POR POR
for a festive meal. The deacon or      method of Christian silent prayer         LOS FIELES DIFUNTOS:
altar servers come forward and,        that prepares us to receive the gift of
bowing, place a cloth known as         contemplative prayer, prayer in which     Jose Angel Barraza
a corporal (from the Latin for         we experience God’s presence within       Jacqueline Burcham
“body”) over the altar cloth. They     us, closer than breathing, closer than    Ricardo Cardoza
place the chalice, the cup to be       thinking, closer than consciousness
                                                                                 Carmen Chan
used in the celebration of the         itself.
                                                                                 Maria Cortez Rojas
Eucharist, and the Sacramentary        This ministry meets on the 2nd & 4th
or Roman Missal, which contains        Tuesday of every month.                   Eliza Escalera
the prayers of the Mass, on the        Pastoral Center from 7 to 8pm             Jose Angel Hernandez
altar. These reverent preparations     Facilitator: Brian O’Neil                 Marcial Hernandez
help us to focus on what is about                                                Julio Loeza
to happen: the sharing of a holy                                                 Sipriana Lopez
meal, a solemn sacrifice.              For more information contact Brian
                                       at 626-482-9239 or ddscls@calinen.        Antonio Luviano
—Corinna Laughlin, Copyright © J. S.
                                       com                                       Salvador Regalado
Paluch Co.
                                                                                 Armando & Ana Ruiz
                                                                                 Virginia Schimmoller
WEEKLY OFFERING /                                                                Godofredo Tolentino
OFRENDA SEMANAL:                                                                 Gilberto Turcios
June 5th and June 6th: $23,163.00
                                                                                 Fernanda Zambrano
Last Year / Hace un año:
Two Years Ago / Hace dos años:

Thank you all for your generosity!
/ ¡Gracias a todos por sus
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time - Undécimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
CHORAL MASS AND                            ST. VINCENT DE PAUL:                      DID YOU KNOW?
CONCERT:                                   In the Gospel, Jesus                      Avoiding
The Jubilate Deo Choir, a Catholic         says: “This is how it is                  sexting and
children’s choir based in the diocese      with the reign of God.                    building
of San Diego, will sing a choral           A man scatters seed on                    healthy
liturgy next Saturday, June 12 at          the ground. He goes                       relationships
the 5:00 pm Mass and will offer a          to bed and gets up day after day.
brief concert of traditional Catholic      Through it all the seed sprouts and       When teens start dating,
choral music after Mass to help            grows without his knowing how it          they often feel pressure to
raise funds for their summer Chant         happens.”                                 keep up with their peers and
Camp.                                      Through your almsgiving you are           to explore new romantic
                                           sowing seeds that grow far greater        feelings. But these feelings,
Please consider attending this Mass        than you know. The coins placed in        combined with teenage
and concert, and bring a friend            the St. Vincent de Paul Poor Box          hormones and decision-
or two. Your prayerful support is          bring Christ love and compassion          making capabilities, can
greatly appreciated!                       to the poor.                              lead to some poor choices,
                                                                                     including sexting. Sending
                                                                                     nude images is dangerous
                                           PROLIFE:                                  and puts the sender and the
                                            Rachel's Vineyard Retreat weekend        receiver at risk. Photos can
ST. ANDREW PARISH                                                                    be shared instantly on cell
E-LIBRARY:                                   for Healing after Abortion
                                                                                     phones and social media, and
We have named it the “St. Junipero         Rachel's Vineyard retreat
                                                                                     once out there, the images
Serra Catholic Library”. Our goal          is for men and women
                                                                                     never go away.
is to build an e-book collection           struggling with the
                                           emotional and spiritual pain of           Talk to your teen about the
of Catholic spiritual classics (and                                                  consequences of sexting and
other works) that is free and easy         abortion. The retreat is designed
                                           to help participants work through         the importance of building
to access. Learning more about our                                                   healthy relationships where
faith is key to a deeper spiritual life.   repressed grief and anger in a safe,
                                           nonjudgmental setting and come            partners respect boundaries
It should be a lifelong process!                                                     and don’t ask for explicit
                                           to acceptance, healing, and hope
                                           for the future. Developed in the          images.
We are getting started in a modest         Roman Catholic Tradition, it utilizes     For more information, visit
way. Over time, as more titles             spiritual exercises and rituals to help   https://www.missingkids.
become available as e-books,               grieve the loss of unborn children        org/content/dam/netsmartz/
the collection will grow. To               and to accept God’s forgiveness.          downloadable/discussion-
check it out, please go to www.            All inquiries and registrations are       guides/your-photo-fate-
StJSerraCatholicLibrary.org and            confidential.                             discussion-guide.pdf.
select the link to access the “Cloud                   July 9-11, 2021
Library”.                                                                            THE CHURCH AND THE
                                             Poverello of Assisi Retreat Center,
                                                     San Fernando, CA                SPIRIT
If you would like to borrow                 Cost: $250.00 per person (financial               Where the Church
an e-book (or if you have any                      assistance is available)          is, there is the Spirit of God;
questions), please feel free to contact                                              and where the Spirit of God
our librarian, Mark Paskewitz at                                                     is, there is the Church and all
mark.paskewitz@gmail.com He will           For confidential registration or more
                                             information please call or email:       grace, and the Spirit is truth.
be happy to issue you an account                                                     —St. Irenaeus
number - and to provide any help              Roseanne Becker 661-510-8258
you may need to get started.                  rachelsvineyardscv@gmail.com
                                                 www.rachelsvineyard.org             HONESTY
                                                                                             The most important
                                                                                     person to be honest with is
                                                                                     myself. —Anonymous
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time - Undécimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
BACK TO THE “GREEN SUNDAYS” – Now that the Easter Season has been completed with the celebration
of Pentecost three weeks ago and having celebrated the beautiful feasts of the Most Holy Trinity and Corpus
Christi, we return to the “green Sundays” of Ordinary Time. As you know, Ordinary Time is divided in two
parts: the first is the portion of the season following the completion of the Christmas season and prior to Lent.
The second, longer period, is that which follows the Easter season and continues throughout the summer and
early Fall and concludes just prior to Advent. We have now entered into that second portion of the season of
Ordinary Time.
The term "Ordinary Time" may be misleading. In the context of the liturgical year the term "ordinary" does not
mean "usual or average." Ordinary here means "not seasonal." Ordinary Time is that part of the Liturgical Year
that lies outside the seasons of Lent-Easter and Advent-Christmas. In Ordinary Time, the Church celebrates the
mystery of Christ not in one specific aspect but in all its aspects. The readings during the liturgies of Ordinary
Time help to instruct us on how to live out our Christian faith in our daily lives. The liturgical color of Ordinary
Time is green which is a symbol of hope.

AN OPPORTUNITY TO PUT OUR FAITH INTO PRACTICE – As you know from past years, the
Archdiocese of Los Angeles has an annual campaign to assist the poorest parishes and schools to keep their
doors open. This campaign entitled “Together in Mission” kicks off this week. Ordinarily it would have started
in February but, with the Covid restrictions, it was postponed until June. Most of you have already participated
in the past and are familiar with it. As such, you will be receiving a letter from the Archbishop about the
campaign this week or may have already received it.

It is very important that our parish meet its complete goal of $82,018.00. This is our portion of the total amount
which needs to be raised to maintain the funding for the needy parishes.

I urge you to prayerfully and carefully consider how much you are able to pledge this year to the Together in
Mission Campaign. All of us have been blessed by the Lord in one way or another and know that we need
to reach out to those who are needy. It is part of our responsibility to answer the Lord’s call to care for our

This Sunday, we will hold our annual pledge drive at all Masses. Those who have participated in the past may
simply bring the pledge card they received in the mail to drop off in the collection basket. You may also return
it via regular mail. May God reward you for your generosity!

OPEN ENROLLMENT – This is also the time of year in which our Parish School holds open enrollment for
new students. St. Andrew School provides the finest Catholic education in our community. If you are interested
in enrolling your child, please stop by the school office as soon as possible as spaces are limited.

END OF COVID PROTOCOLS – On Tuesday, June 15th, the state of California is "reopening" with the end
of most pandemic protocols which were put in place since March of 2020. We will no longer have capacity
restrictions, mask requirements, spacing protocols, etc.
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time - Undécimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
NEW MEN'S FELLOWSHIP – Some men of our parish are forming a new fellowship group for men which
I think is very worthwhile and I fully support it. Their representatives will be speaking briefly each Mass this
weekend. Here is their announcement:

Pope St. John Paul II called St. Joseph the Worker “a just man, a tireless worker, and an upright guardian of
those entrusted to his care.”

St. Joseph The Worker Professional Catholic Men’s Fellowship is a monthly networking group for Catholic
professional men in the Pasadena area who seek to model the manly virtues of St. Joseph the Worker in their
families, workplaces, and in society.

As professional Catholic men, we seek to be salt and light for our local Pasadena community, modeling the
manly virtues of St. Joseph The Worker in our families, our workplaces, and our community. We believe in the
personal call to holiness of every person and that our professional work must be sanctified and offered to God.
We seek to help, strengthen, and encourage other professional men to achieve success in their work and growth
in their spiritual lives. We encourage all professional men to share the fruits of their labor with our Church
community and those in need.


LIVESTREAM MASSES END TODAY – As I have been announcing for a while now, with all restrictions
in the state of California being removed on June 15th, we will no longer need to livestream our Masses any
further. By this time everyone who is able, should be back in church in person. For the homebound and sick,
livestream Masses continue to be available at www.ewtn.com. It is wonderful to see everybody back in church!
And now we will be able to see your faces!

RETURN TO REGULAR OFFICE HOURS – Among the restrictions being lifted on June 15th are the
limitations which had been imposed on us in the parish office. Starting on June 16th we will return to regular
office hours:
Monday through Friday – 8:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Saturdays: 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Sundays: 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
I am truly happy about this as we want to serve our parishioners when it is most convenient for you.

PARISH GROUP MEETINGS – All our parish groups are now authorized to meet in person once again. This
is now facilitated by the staff in the parish office working full time hours. Group leaders should be in touch
with our parish secretary to arrange schedules. Please note that meeting schedules may not be the same as they
were pre-Covid. Additionally, we do have more space available in our school building which may be used by
the various parish groups.
Most of our parish groups do not meet in July or August so you may wish to take advantage of the rest of June
to meet.

FATHERS’ DAY – Fathers’ Day is June 20th so now is the time to enroll all fathers (or grandfather or
Godfather or brother, etc.) in the upcoming Novena of Masses. You may do so using the envelope mailed to
you or stopping by the Pastoral Center or the church gift shop to obtain the cards.

In Christ and St. Andrew,

Father Gonzalez
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time - Undécimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
FROM THE MUSIC DIRECTOR                                      The document Universal Norms on the Liturgical
11th Sunday in Ordinary Time                                 Year and the General Roman Calendar succinctly
June 13, 2021                                                describes this time: “Besides the times of year that
                                                             have their own distinctive character, there remain in
                                                             the yearly cycle thirty-three or thirty-four weeks in
Introit                                                      which no particular aspect of the mystery of Christ
Exaudi Domine vocem meam, qua clamavi ad te: adiutor         is celebrated, but rather the mystery of Christ itself
meus esto, ne derelinquas me neque despicias me, Deus        is honored in its fullness, especially on Sundays. This
salutaris meus.                                              period is known as Ordinary Time.” As we head into
Ps. Dominus illuminatio mea, et salus mea: quem timebo?      these numbered Sundays in Ordinary Time, let us
                                                             rejoice in the great gift that God has given us in the
                                                             Sacrifice of the Mass: Jesus’s own Body, Blood, Soul,
Let the Lord hear my voice, who cries to thee: my Help, do
                                                             and Divinity, a strength in our trials today and a
not abandon me, nor despise me, God, my help.
                                                             foretaste of the heavenly banquet to come.
Psalm verse: The Lord is my light and my help; who
should I fear?
                                                             We will return to the discussion of the role of the
                                                             choir in next week’s bulletin. This week, I want to
At long last, we return to a Sunday in Ordinary              share an important announcement of a visiting
Time! After a trying Lent and the first celebration of       children’s choir next weekend. On Saturday, June
the Paschal Triduum and Easter season since 2019,            19, at the 5:00 p.m. Mass, St. Andrew parish will be
we have finally begun our return to normality as we          graced with a visit of the Jubilate Deo Choir. Based
come back to the sequence of Sunday celebrations             in San Diego and founded in 2018, the Jubilate Deo
of the Resurrection. The eleventh of anything hardly         Choir was formed at the request of San Francisco
seems noteworthy, and yet, there is nothing whatsoever       Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone while he was
“ordinary” about Sunday, the Eighth Day of the Week,         auxiliary bishop of San Diego. This Schola of more
the Day of Resurrection, the Lord’s Day!                     than sixty students has weekly classes throughout
                                                             the school year and trains in Gregorian chant and
After the calendar reforms in the wake of the Second         sacred polyphony, as well as traditional hymnody in
Vatican Council, the calendar of the liturgical year         Spanish and English. From smaller groups to the full
was altered. Before, the Sundays after Pentecost were        choir, they appear at various parishes, civic events
numbered as such—“Fifth Sunday after Pentecost,” for         and outreach to prolife causes throughout California
example. Today, we have a season, split into two parts       by invitation. A select group of these students will
by the Lent-Easter season, called “Ordinary Time.”           sing the 5pm Vigil Mass on Saturday, June 19.
Like many words used in the context of the sacred            Following the Mass, a brief, half-hour concert will be
language of the Church (e.g., “symbol,” “type,” and          offered to raise funds for their annual summer camp.
many others) the use of the term “ordinary” here does        Please consider attending this Mass and concert,
not correspond with the popular understanding. Here,         and bring a friend or two. Your prayerful support is
“ordinary” is used as the adjectival form of “ordinal,”      greatly appreciated!
that is, a number designating position in a sequential
order: first, second, third. (In case you’re wondering,
the regular numbers, that are just numbers, are called
“cardinal numbers.”) But each Sunday, we celebrate the
Lord’s Day, and the Mass celebrated on that day has a
preëminence that outshines weekday Masses.
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time - Undécimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
VOLVER A LOS “DOMINGOS VERDES” – Ahora que el tiempo de Pascua se ha completado con la
celebración de Pentecostés hace tres semanas y habiendo celebrado las hermosas fiestas de la Santísima Trinidad
y Corpus Christi, volvemos a los “domingos verdes” del Tiempo Ordinario. Como saben, el Tiempo Ordinario
se divide en dos partes: la primera es la parte de la temporada que sigue a la finalización de la temporada
Navideña y antes de la Cuaresma. El segundo período, más largo, es el que sigue a la temporada de Pascua
y continúa durante todo el verano y principios del otoño y concluye justo antes del Adviento. Ahora hemos
entrado en esa segunda parte de la temporada del Tiempo Ordinario.
El término "tiempo ordinario" puede inducir a error. En el contexto del año litúrgico, el término "ordinario"
no significa "habitual o promedio". Ordinario aquí significa "no estacional". El Tiempo Ordinario es la parte
del Año Litúrgico que se encuentra fuera de las temporadas de Cuaresma-Pascua y Adviento-Navidad. En
el Tiempo Ordinario, la Iglesia celebra el misterio de Cristo no en un aspecto específico, sino en todos sus
aspectos. Las lecturas durante las liturgias del Tiempo Ordinario ayudan a instruirnos sobre cómo vivir nuestra
fe cristiana en nuestra vida diaria. El color litúrgico del Tiempo Ordinario es el verde, símbolo de esperanza.

Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles tiene una campaña anual para ayudar a las parroquias y escuelas más pobres a
mantener sus puertas abiertas. Esta campaña titulada “Unidos en Misión” comienza esta semana. Normalmente
habría comenzado en febrero pero, con las restricciones de Covid, se pospuso hasta junio. La mayoría de
ustedes ya han participado en el pasado y están familiarizados con él. Como tal, recibirá, una carta del
Arzobispo sobre la campaña esta semana o es posible que ya la hayan recibido.

Es muy importante que nuestra parroquia alcance su meta completa de $82,018.00. Esta es nuestra parte de la
cantidad total que debe recaudarse para mantener los fondos para las parroquias necesitadas.

Les pido que consideren cuidadosamente y en oración cuánto pueden comprometer este año a la Campaña
Unidos en Misión. Todos hemos sido bendecidos por el Señor de una forma u otra y sabemos que debemos
ayudar a los necesitados. Es parte de nuestra responsabilidad responder al llamado del Señor de cuidar a
nuestro prójimo.

Este domingo, realizaremos nuestra campaña anual de donaciones en todas las Misas. Aquellos que han
participado en el pasado pueden simplemente traer la tarjeta de compromiso que recibieron por correo para
dejarla en la canasta de colecta. También puede devolverlo por correo ordinario. ¡Que Dios te recompense por
su generosidad!

INSCRIPCIÓN ABIERTA – Esta es también el tiempo del año en la que nuestra escuela parroquial tiene
inscripción abierta para nuevos estudiantes. La escuela San Andrés ofrece la mejor educación católica en
nuestra comunidad. Si está interesado en inscribir a su hijo, pase por la oficina de la escuela lo antes posible ya
que los espacios son limitados.

FIN DE LOS PROTOCOLOS DE COVID – El martes 15 de junio, el estado de California se "reabrirá" con el
fin de la mayoría de los protocolos pandémicos que se implementaron desde marzo de 2020. Ya no tendremos
restricciones de capacidad, requisitos de máscaras, protocolos de espaciado, etc.
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time - Undécimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
NUEVO GRUPO DE COMPAÑERISMO PARA HOMBRES – Algunos hombres de nuestra parroquia están
formando un nuevo grupo de compañerismo para hombres que creo que vale la pena y lo apoyo plenamente. Sus
representantes hablarán brevemente en cada Misa este fin de semana. Aquí está su anuncio:

El Papa San Juan Pablo II llamó a San José el Obrero "un hombre justo, un trabajador incansable y un honrado
guardián de los que están bajo su cuidado".

St. Joseph The Worker Professional Catholic Men's Fellowship es un grupo mensual de contactos para hombres
profesionales católicos en el área de Pasadena que buscan modelar las virtudes varoniles de San Jose Obrero en sus
familias, lugares de trabajo y en la sociedad.

Como hombres católicos profesionales, buscamos ser sal y luz para nuestra comunidad local de Pasadena,
modelando las virtudes varoniles de San Jose Obrero en nuestras familias, nuestros lugares de trabajo y nuestra
comunidad. Creemos en la llamada personal a la santidad de cada persona y que nuestro trabajo profesional debe
ser santificado y ofrecido a Dios. Buscamos ayudar, fortalecer y alentar a otros hombres profesionales a lograr
el éxito en su trabajo y el crecimiento en sus vidas espirituales. Alentamos a todos los hombres profesionales a
compartir los frutos de su trabajo con nuestra comunidad de la Iglesia y los necesitados.


LAS MISAS POR INTERNET TERMINAN HOY – Como he estado anunciando por un tiempo, con todas las
restricciones en el estado de California eliminadas el 15 de junio, ya no necesitaremos transmitir nuestras Misas en
vivo. Para entonces, todos los que puedan, deben estar de regreso en la iglesia en persona. Para los confinados en
casa y enfermos, las Misas en vivo continúan estando disponibles en www.ewtn.com. ¡Es maravilloso ver a todos
de regreso en la iglesia! ¡Y ahora podremos ver sus caras!

REGRESO AL HORARIO REGULAR DE OFICINA – Entre las restricciones que se levantaran el 15 de junio se
encuentran las limitaciones que nos habían impuesto en la oficina parroquial. A partir del 16 de junio volveremos
al horario habitual de oficina:
Lunes a viernes de 8:30 a.m. a 8:00 p.m.
Sábados: 8:30 a.m. a 6:30 p.m.
Domingos: 7:30 a.m. a 6:30 p.m.
Estoy realmente feliz por esto ya que queremos servir a nuestros feligreses cuando sea más conveniente para

REUNIONES DE GRUPOS PARROQUIALES – Todos nuestros grupos parroquiales ahora están autorizados
a reunirse en persona una vez más. Esto ahora lo facilita el personal de la oficina parroquial que trabaja horas
completas. Los líderes de grupo deben estar en contacto con nuestra secretaria parroquial para organizar los
horarios. Tenga en cuenta que los horarios de las reuniones pueden no ser los mismos que antes de Covid.
Además, tenemos más espacios disponibles en nuestro edificio escolar que puede ser utilizado por varios grupos

La mayoría de nuestros grupos parroquiales no se reúnen en julio o agosto, por lo que es posible que desean
aprovechar el resto de junio para reunirse.

DÍA DE PADRES – El día de padres es el 20 de junio, así que ahora es el momento de inscribir a todos los padres
(o abuelo o padrino o hermano, etc.) en la próxima Novena de Misas. Puede hacerlo usando el sobre que se le
envió por correo o pasando por el Centro Pastoral o la tienda de regalos de la Iglesia para obtener las tarjetas.

En Cristo y San Andrés,

Padre González
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time - Undécimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
DEL DIRECTOR DE MUSICA                                   El documento Normas Universales sobre el Año
Undécimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario                    Litúrgico y el Calendario General Romano describe
13 de junio de 2021                                      sucintamente este tiempo: “Además de las épocas
                                                         del año que tienen su propio carácter distintivo,
                                                         quedan en el ciclo anual treinta y tres o treinta
Exaudi Domine vocem meam, qua clamavi ad te:             y cuatro semanas en las que ningún aspecto
adiutor meus esto, ne derelinquas me neque despicias     particular Se celebra el misterio de Cristo, pero el
me, Deus salutaris meus.                                 misterio de Cristo mismo se honra en su plenitud,
PS. Dominus illuminatio mea, et salus mea: quem          especialmente los domingos. Este período se
timebo?                                                  conoce como tiempo ordinario". Al encaminarnos
                                                         hacia estos domingos numerados del Tiempo
Oiga el Señor mi voz, que te clama: Socorro mío, no      Ordinario, regocijémonos en el gran regalo que Dios
me abandones ni me desprecies, Dios, Socorro mío.        nos ha dado en el sacrificio de la Misa: el cuerpo, la
Versículo del salmo: El Señor es mi luz y mi ayuda;      sangre, el alma y la divinidad de Jesús, una fuerza en
¿A quién debo temer?                                     nuestras pruebas de hoy y un anticipo del banquete
                                                         celestial por venir.
¡Por fin, volvemos a un domingo del tiempo
ordinario! Después de una Cuaresma difícil y la          Regresaremos a la discusión sobre el papel del coro
primera celebración del Triduo Pascual y el tiempo       en el boletín de la próxima semana. Esta semana,
de Pascua desde 2019, finalmente hemos comenzado         quiero compartir un anuncio importante de la visita
nuestro regreso a la normalidad al regresar a la         de un coro de niños el próximo fin de semana.
secuencia de las celebraciones dominicales de la         El sábado 19 de junio, a las 5:00 p.m. Misa, la
Resurrección. El undécimo de cualquier cosa              parroquia de San Andrés será agraciada con la visita
apenas parece digno de mención, y sin embargo, ¡no       del Coro Jubilate Deo. Con sede en San Diego y
hay nada en absoluto "ordinario" en el domingo, el       fundado en 2018, el Jubilate Deo Choir se formó a
octavo día de la semana, el día de la resurrección, el   pedido del arzobispo de San Francisco, Salvatore
día del Señor!                                           Cordileone, mientras era obispo auxiliar de San
                                                         Diego. Esta Schola de más de sesenta alumnos tiene
Después de las reformas del calendario a raíz            clases semanales durante todo el año escolar y se
del Concilio Vaticano II, se alteró el calendario        entrena en canto gregoriano y polifonía sagrada,
del año litúrgico. Antes, los domingos después           así como himnodía tradicional en español e inglés.
de Pentecostés se contaban como tales: "Quinto           Desde grupos más pequeños hasta el coro completo,
domingo después de Pentecostés", por ejemplo. Hoy,       aparecen en varias parroquias, eventos cívicos y
tenemos una temporada, dividida en dos partes            actividades de divulgación para las causas de la
por la temporada de Cuaresma-Pascua, llamada             proliferación en todo California por invitación. Un
"Tiempo Ordinario". Como muchas palabras usadas          grupo selecto de estos estudiantes cantará la Misa de
en el contexto del lenguaje sagrado de la Iglesia        vigilia a las 5:00 pm el sábado 19 de junio. Después
(por ejemplo, "símbolo", "tipo" y muchas otras), el      de la Misa, se ofrecerá un breve concierto de media
uso del término "ordinario" aquí no se corresponde       hora para recaudar fondos para su campamento
con el entendimiento popular. Aquí, "ordinario" se       anual de verano. Considere asistir a esta Misa y
usa como la forma adjetiva de "ordinal", es decir,       concierto, y traiga a uno o dos amigos. ¡Su apoyo
un número que designa la posición en un orden            devoto es muy apreciado!
secuencial: primero, segundo, tercero. (En caso de
que se esté preguntando, los números regulares, que
son solo números, se llaman "números cardinales").
Pero cada domingo, celebramos el Día del Señor, y la
Misa celebrada ese día tiene una preeminencia que
eclipsa a las Misas entre semana.
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