Embedded world Conference 21 - 23 June 2022 l Trade Fair Nuremberg, Germany - WEKA FACHMEDIEN

Page created by Craig Miles
Embedded world Conference 21 - 23 June 2022 l Trade Fair Nuremberg, Germany - WEKA FACHMEDIEN
embedded world Conference
21 - 23 June 2022 l Trade Fair Nuremberg, Germany
Embedded world Conference 21 - 23 June 2022 l Trade Fair Nuremberg, Germany - WEKA FACHMEDIEN
embedded world Conference
                            21 - 23 June 2022
                            Nuremberg Convention Center

                            intelligent.connected.embedded                                                              Conference Booklet - Your Benefits at a Glance:

                            Happy Birthday: embedded world Conference 2022                                              n     250,000 COPIES: The beooklet will give the conference attendees –
                                                                                                                               your customers – an extensive overview of the embedded world Conference 2022.
                            Established in Nuremberg back in March 2003, the embedded world Conference                  n      LEADING SPECIALIST JOURNALS: Exclusively for the embedded world
                            is celebrating the 20th anniversary in 2022. The original concept of a unique                       Conference the conference booklet will be enclosed with the specialist
                            combination of an exhibition for engineers and technical management on one hand                     journals COMPUTER&AUTOMATION, DESIGN&ELEKTRONIK, Elektronik,
                            and a world-leading conference at the intersection of applied research and industrial               Elektronik automotive and Markt&Technik in the months January and
                            applications on the other hand has proven extremely successful. embedded world                      February 2022.
                            Exhibition & Conference is driven by technology as well as applications with a              n       UNIQUE: With only one official conference booklet we only have limited
                            strong focus on system and cross domain aspects.                                                     advertisement slots available.
Corina Laux                                                                                                             n        INTERNATIONAL: To suit our international audience the conference booklet
                            We see three ongoing trends that are defining the slogan of this year’s
Sales Manager Events                                                                                                              will appear in English.
Telefon +49 89 25556-1393   anniversary edition:
Fax     +49 89 25556-0393
claux@weka-fachmedien.de    n     intelligent: One of the predecessor events of the embedded world was                 Secure your exclusive positioning in the Conference Booklet until 15th February
                                   dedicated to “Embedded Intelligence”. What was more of a dream at the time,          2022 and attract the attention of your customers to your company or your paper
                                   has become reality – a cutting edge past and a long promising road ahead!            at the embedded world Conference.
                                   And of course, embedded systems also play a major role in the AI technology
                                   ecosystem. Along with the increasing autonomy of devices, the consideration          Further you will find a wide selection of exclusive sponsorship and promotional
                                   of ethical and social aspects will be an important challenge.                        opportunities.
                            n     c onnected: Embedded systems are becoming more and more connected.                   You can find further information at www.embedded-world.eu or get in touch
                                   On the one hand, connectivity is bare necessity for the Internet of Things. On       with us directly.
                                   the other hand, it is especially this connectivity, which drives the technological
                                   advances.                                                                            I would be very pleased to welcome you to the
                            n      mbedded: Finally, we see a steadily growing use of embedded systems.
                                  e                                                                                     embedded world Conference 2022.
                                  Embedded vision and embedded radar are just two prominent examples. At
                                  the same time, system complexity increases and additional aspects must be             Please feel free to contact me for further details!
                                  considered, ranging from embedded software architectures to hardware-soft-
                                  ware-co-design, safety and security aspects, RTOS integration and virtualization,     Best regards,
                                  value, production and supply chains, and many more.
                                                                                                                        Corina Laux
                                                                                                                        Sales Manager Events

Embedded world Conference 21 - 23 June 2022 l Trade Fair Nuremberg, Germany - WEKA FACHMEDIEN
embedded world Conference
                               21 - 23 June 2022
                               Nuremberg Convention Center

Impressions 2020

embedded world –
the leading international fair
for embedded systems

n       1,800	Speakers and participants of the
               conferences „embedded world“
               and „electronic displays“

Be it security for electronic systems, distributed intelligence,
the Internet of Things or e-mobility and energy efficiency – the
embedded world trade fair in Nuremberg enables you to experi-
ence the whole world of embedded systems.

Now in its 20th year, embedded world has once again impressive-
ly demonstrated that there is a good reason why it is known as
the leading exhibition for the international embedded community.

Embedded world Conference 21 - 23 June 2022 l Trade Fair Nuremberg, Germany - WEKA FACHMEDIEN
embedded world Conference
                 21 - 23 June 2022
                 Nuremberg Convention Center

Conference Booklet - Specifications
                                               TECHNICAL DETAILS                               PUBLICATION IN

                                               Content:            Program of embedded world   n    S upplement in mailings to all earlier and potential visitors
                                               		                  Conference 2020                   from NürnbergMesse for embedded world Exhibition

                                               Booklet language:   English                       Supplement to all earlier, potential attendees and
                                                                                                 speakers at embedded world Conference
                                               Publisher:          WEKA FACHMEDIEN GmbH
                                                                                               n    Supplement in our trade journals, e.g.:
                                               Editorial:          DESIGN&ELEKTRONIK                • 1 x Computer&AUTOMATION
                                                                                                    • 1 x DESIGN&ELEKTRONIK
                                               Circulation:        250,000 copies
                                                                                                    • 1 x Elektronik
                                               Number of pages:    16-24 pages                      • 1 x Elektronik automotive
                                                                                                    • 1 x Markt&Technik
                                               Format:             200 mm wide x 280 mm high
                                                                                                 Distribution of the conference booklet during the
                                               Ad format:          4 x 1/1 page inside,
                                                                                                 embedded world Exhibition & Conference
                                               		                  2nd and 4th cover page

                                                                                               n    Supplement in customer mailings
                                               Ad closing date:    15th February 2022

                                                                                                                                                                     subject to change
Embedded world Conference 21 - 23 June 2022 l Trade Fair Nuremberg, Germany - WEKA FACHMEDIEN
embedded world Conference
                             21 - 23 June 2022
                             Nuremberg Convention Center

Conference Booklet -
Range of services

CONFERENCE SPONSOR                                         1/2 AD                                                        1/1 AD IN 4C ON COVER PAGE U2 OR U4

  Your corporate logo in the printed conference booklet
n	                                                          Your 1/2 ad (portrait format) in 4c in the printed confe-
                                                           n	                                                             Your exclusive 4c ad on the cover page U2 or U4 in the
  of the embedded world Conference 2022 with the title       rence booklet of the embedded world Conference 2022           printed conference booklet of the embedded world
  "Conference Sponsors"                                      (circulation: 250,000 copies)*                                Conference 2022
  (circulation: 250,000 copies)*                                                                                           (circulation: 250,000 copies)*
                                                             2-day ticket to the embedded world Conference 2022
  1-day ticket to the embedded world Conference 2022
n	                                                          (exclusive classes)                                           A 3-day ticket to the embedded world Conference 2022
  (exclusive classes)                                                                                                      (exclusive classes)
                                                             Your logo on the embedded world Conference 2022
  Your logo on the embedded world Conference 2022
n	                                                          website including crosslink to your home page                 Your logo on the embedded world Conference 2022
  website including crosslink to your home page
                                                             Your corporate profile on our embedded world
                                                           n	                                                             website including crosslink to your home page
  Your corporate profile on our embedded world
n	                                                          Conference 2022 home page
  Conference 2022 home page                                                                                                Your corporate profile on our embedded world
                                                             Your logo in the embedded world Conference 2022
                                                           n	                                                             Conference 2022 home page
  Your logo in the embedded world Conference 2022
                                                                newsletters including crosslink to your home page
     newsletters including crosslink to your home page                                                                     Your logo in the embedded world Conference 2022
                                                                                                                           newsletters including crosslink to your home page

3,190 Euro                                                 4,950 Euro                                                    11,950 Euro

                                                                                                                         Advertising space is reserved on a first-come, first-served basis.
                                                                                                                         Print is reserved. All prices excl. VAT.

                                                                                                                         *Supplement in our trade journals, e.g.: Computer&AUTOMATION,
                                                                                                                         DESIGN&ELEKTRONIK, Elektronik, Elektronik automotive, Markt&Technik;
                                                                                                                         Supplement in mailings to all earlier and potential visitors from
                                                                                                                         NürnbergMesse for embedded world Exhibition; Supplement to all earlier,
                                                                                                                         potential attendees and speakers at embedded world
                                                                                                                         Conference; Distribution of the conference booklet at the embedded
                                                                                                                         world Exhibition & Conference; Supplement in customer mailings.

Embedded world Conference 21 - 23 June 2022 l Trade Fair Nuremberg, Germany - WEKA FACHMEDIEN
embedded world Conference
                                21 - 23 June 2022
                                Nuremberg Convention Center

Sponsorship Information                                       Opportunities
                                                                                                                               Individual Sponsorship
Sponsorship means investing in your corporate image.          n        Conference shoulder bags — exclusive
Make use of the embedded world Conference 2022                n        Brochure or Give-aways in conference shoulder bags     Each participant, speaker and press representative receives your
for a customized marketing launch and present yourself                                                                         individual sponsorship. Place your company name,
as a sponsor.                                                 n        Power Bar, Gingerbread, Brezel, ...                     logo or web link on each sponsorship and you will leave
                                                              n        Coffee cups — exclusive                                a unique impression during and after the event. Sponsoring
                                                              n        Online banner                                           includes printing of the company name, logo or web link (4c).
Your benefits
                                                              n        and much more …
As a sponsor your company is:                                                                                                  Drinking Bottle*1,4			4,490 Euro
                                                              Examples                                                         Power Bar with slipcase		       2,390 Euro
n published in our printed event program
    (approx. 250,000 copies) if you register before                                                                            Gingerbread Heart* 			2,990 Euro

  15th February 2022                                                                                                           Gingerbread with slipcase*3,4		 5,390 Euro
    (Sponsorships from 3,190 Euro net only – please see
                                                                                                                              Brezel					2,690 Euro
    sponsorship descriptions below)
n   named with corporate logo and company profile on the                                                                       Coffee To Go Mug*4			on request
    event home page before and during our event
n	 mentioned in our event newsletters e event home page                                                                       *1 incl. engraving of company name
    including a link to your home page                                                                                         *2 incl. mounting of card (designed by you) on the ribbon
n	 and your company receives printed advertising flyers      Drinking Bottle                      Gingerbread Heart           *3 For Gingerbread with slipcase we consequently request booking at the
                                                                                                                                   latest by 5 November 2021
    to send to customers and partners
                                                                                                                               *4 In addition to this sponsorhip, your company logo will be published
                                                                                                                                   in the embedded world conference booklet (circulation: 250,000
                                                                                                                                   copies) - registration until 15th February 2022 is necessary.
Further benefits you enjoy
as a sponsor
  d irect contact and access to your branch community
  placement of your company in a circle of front-ranking
n	                                                           Brezel                               Gingerbread with slipcase
  increased awareness of your company
  greater attention before, during and after the event

                                                              Coffee To Go Mug                     Power Bar with slipcase

Embedded world Conference 21 - 23 June 2022 l Trade Fair Nuremberg, Germany - WEKA FACHMEDIEN
embedded world Conference
                21 - 23 June 2022
                Nuremberg Convention Center

Sponsorship opportunities
                                              CONGRESS SHOULDER BAGS — EXCLUSIVE                                  PENS OR NOTEPADS — EXCLUSIVE

                                              The conference bag sponsor will have the opportunity to             All attendees, speakers and press will receive our conference bag
                                              provide bags with company logo for all attendees, speakers and      including your pen or writing pad (not smaller than DIN A5).
                                              press. This promotional item will be used during the
                                              three-day event and ensures maximum visibility and brand aware-     Pens			             1,590 Euro
                                              ness also after the event.                                          Notepads            1,590 Euro
                                              This exclusive sponsorship is limited to one company.               This exclusive sponsoring opportunity is limited to one
                                              on request
                                                                                                                  Note: This sponsorship does not include the production of pens
                                                                                                                  or note pads. The products must be sent (shipping free house, tax
                                                                                                                  and duty paid) to the organizer by 15th May 2022 at the latest.

                                              BROCHURE OR GIVE-AWAY IN CONFERENCE                                 LANYARDS — EXCLUSIVE
                                              SHOULDER BAGS
                                                                                                                  The lanyard sponsor will have their company name,
                                              Companies who wish distribution of promotional merchandise          logo or URL (print in 1c) on the lanyard worn by all
                                              have the opportunity to include promotional items (e.g. give        attendees, speakers and press. As sponsor of the
                                              aways, brochures) in the conference bags for all attendees, spea-   lanyards you can be sure of leaving a lasting impression on the
                                              kers and press.                                                     audience, during and after the event.
                                                                                                                  This exclusive sponsorship is limited to one company.
                                              This sponsorship is limited to seven companies.
                                              Note: The promotional items must be sent (shipping free house,
                                              tax and duty paid) to the organizer by 15th May 2022 at the

                                              1,990 Euro each

Embedded world Conference 21 - 23 June 2022 l Trade Fair Nuremberg, Germany - WEKA FACHMEDIEN
embedded world Conference
                             21 - 23 June 2022
                             Nuremberg Convention Center

Sponsorship opportunities                                  ROLL-UP BANNER ON SITE                                              ONLINE BANNER

                                                           Present your company, products or individual ad-                    Place your banner advertisement on the embedded world
                                                           vertisement to all attendees, speakers and press                    Conference website www.embedded-world.eu. Due to the
                                                           representative during the event. Roll-up banners                    coordinated promotional activities of the organizers a large
                                                           will be stationed in the catering or near to the                    number of visitors is assured also by the market-leading media
     All exclusive sponsoring works on                     lecture rooms.                                                      partners DESIGN&ELEKTRONIK, Markt&Technik, Elektronik,
     a first-come first-served basis.                                                                                          Elektronik automotive, Computer&AUTOMATION and others
     All prices plus VAT.                                  Roll-up banner 			                                 1,490 Euro       in Germany and abroad.
                                                           Roll-up banner including production                1,690 Euro
     We will gladly discuss your individual                                                                                    Leaderboard        728 x 90 pixels		             3,490 Euro
     sponsoring ideas and wishes                           Note: The offer includes production of roll-up banner Up. For
                                                           technical reasons we consequently request booking of this spon-     In addition to this sponsorship, your company logo will be
     — just call us!
                                                           soring, at the latest, by by 15th May 2022.                         published in the embedded world conference booklet
                                                                                                                               (circulation: 250,000 copies)
                                                           from 1,490 Euro                                                     registration by 15th February 2022 is necessary.

                                                                                                                               Note: The banner runs from date of delivery through end of
                                                                                                                               July 2022.
                                                           NETWORKING BREAKS - SPONSORSHIP PACKAGE

                                                           With this exklusive package, sponsors are entitled to distribute    3,490 Euro
                                                           branding material (place cards and two roll-up banners) in the
                                                           networking/catering area, where all participants will meet during
                                                           coffee and lunch breaks.

                                                           6x Sponsoring of coffee breaks +
                                                           3x Sponsoring of lunch

                                                           In addition to this sponsorship, your company logo will be
                                                           published in the embedded world conference booklet –
                                                           (circulation: 250,000 copies) – registration by 1st May 2022
                                                           is necessary.

                                                           9,900 Euro

embedded world Conference
                                        21 - 23 June 2022
                                        Nuremberg Convention Center

Reservation Form – Sponsorship                                             SPONSORING                                                CONFERENCE BOOKLET
Please return to:                                                               Notepads                               1,590 Euro         Conference Sponsor*                    3,190 Euro
Corina Laux l Fax: +49 (0) 89/255 56-0393                                       Pens                                   1,590 Euro         1/1 ad in 4c on cover page U4*        11.950 Euro
claux@weka-fachmedien.de                                                        Conference shoulder bags*              on request         1/2 ad in 4c                           4,950 Euro
                                                                                Brochure or Give-aways in
                                                                                                                                     ROLL-UP BANNER ON SITE
 es, we are interested in sponsorship
Y                                                                               Conference shoulder bags               1,990 Euro
                                                                                                                                          Roll-up banner                         1,490 Euro
and would like to make a booking:                                               Lanyards                                     sold
                                                                                                                                          Roll-up banner including production    1,690 Euro
                                                                                Power Bar with slipcase                2,390 Euro
                                                                                Coffee Cups*                           on request    ONLINE BANNER
                                                                                Brezel                                 2,690 Euro         Leaderboard 728 x 90 Pixel             3,490 Euro

                                                                                                                                                                                              All prices plus VAT
                                                                                Gingerbread with slipcase*             5,390 Euro
                                                                                Gingerbread Heart*                     2,990 Euro
                                                                                Drinking Bottle*                       4,490 Euro         Break out sponsoring                   9,900 Euro

   We present your company in our targeted                                 Billing Address:
   advertising. Send us your corporate
   logo in at least 300 dpi resolution to                                  Company:			_______________________________________________________________________
                                                                           First Name, Last Name:		          _______________________________________________________________________
   (at latest 1 week after booking).
                                                                           Phone:				_______________________________________________________________________
Please note: Invoice will be issued approx. 6 weeks before
date of event.                                                             Email:				_______________________________________________________________________

                                                                           Street, No:			_______________________________________________________________________

                                                                           Post Code, City, Country:		       _______________________________________________________________________

                                                                           PO Number:			_______________________________________________________________________

                                                                           VAT Number:       		_______________________________________________________________________

                                                                           _____________________		           _______________________________________________________________________
*In addition to this sponsorship, your company logo will be published in
the embedded world conference booklet (circulation 250,000 copies) –
                                                                           Place, Date			                    Company stamp and signature
registration by 5 November 2021 is necessary.

embedded world Conference
                                            21 - 23 June 2022
                                            Nuremberg Convention Center

GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF BUSINESS                                                         fee for exhibiting, sponsorship or advertising will be refunded, that is unless the organizer      press releases without requiring the approval of an exhibitor/sponsor. This also applies to
                                                                                                 has already rendered advance performance for exhibiting, sponsorship or advertising.               recordings produced by the press or television direct with the approval of the organizer.
of WEKA FACHMEDIEN GmbH                                                                          Further claims, e.g. for the reimbursement of traveling expenses, cost of overnight ac-            Photography, film and sound recordings require the express approval of the organizer.
for booking exhibition space, sponsorship and                                                    commodation and non-productive time, are excluded, that is unless they stem from willful
                                                                                                 or grossly negligent actions on the part of employees of the organizer or other persons            § 9 Liability
advertising at seminars, workshops, congresses,                                                  assisting in the performance of their obligations.                                                 The exhibitor/sponsor occupies and uses the exhibition space at their own risk. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                    organizer accepts no liability for damage, loss, accidents, costs or expenses caused by the
conventions, conferences and other such events                                                   Travel to and from an event and overnight accommodations are to be organized, booked               representatives of the exhibitor, by exhibition objects or by event participants, or caused
                                                                                                 and paid for by the exhibitor/sponsor.                                                             the exhibitor.

1 Scope of application                                                                           § 4 Exhibition space, exhibits, advertising                                                        The exhibitor/sponsor is responsible for supervision and security of their exhibition booth.
The following general terms and conditions of business regulate the booking of exhibition        The organizer puts exhibition or advertising space at the disposal of the exhibitor/sponsor;       This also applies during the times of erection and dismantling, pauses and interruptions in
space, sponsorship or advertising by exhibitors and sponsors [hereinafter referred to as         further services are regulated from event to event. The exhibition floor plan is created ac-       an event.
„exhibitor/sponsor“] at trade shows, seminars, workshops, congresses, conventions,               cording to given technical and space factors, otherwise placement is in the order in which
conferences and other events [hereinafter referred to as „event“] of WEKA FACHMEDIEN             bookings are received. The registration of co-exhibitors is possible in exceptional cases and      The exhibitor/sponsor is responsible to the organizer for any damage to rental furniture or
GmbH [hereinafter referred to as „organizer“]. Participation in events as an exhibitor/spon-     only with the written approval of the organizer.                                                   loaned items (exhibition booth walls, etc).
sor is ruled solely by the following terms and conditions of business. Terms and conditions
proposed by the customer, other than these, will not be recognized by the organizer, which       Exhibitors/sponsors may only set up, show and use their exhibits, advertising material and         § 10 Limitations of liability
is unless the latter has expressly confirmed their application in writing.                       printed matter in or on the exhibition or advertising space allocated them by the organizer.       In as much as events take place in the rooms and on the premises of third parties, the
                                                                                                 All exhibits and advertising material must clearly relate in subject to the particular event.      organizer cannot be held liable by the exhibitor/sponsor for accidents, loss of or damage
In addition to the general terms and conditions of business (including stipulations specific     Exhibits violating German regulations on protection of industrial property (unlicensed             to property, that is unless the claim results from willful or grossly negligent actions on the
to a particular event) for exhibitors/sponsors, the contractual framework for participation      copies) are prohibited. All exhibits shown must satisfy technical, in particular fire protection   part of employees of the organizer or other persons assisting in the performance of their
in events as an exhibitor/sponsor includes the house rules of the operator of the locality of    requirements, and accident prevention regulations.                                                 obligations.
an event, the organizational (e.g. exhibitor information), technical and other stipulations
received by an exhibitor/sponsor before the commencement of an event.                            § 5 Time to erect and dismantle                                                                    § 11 Data protection
                                                                                                 The times to erect and dismantle for exhibitors are binding, and are indicated for the             The organizer will protect the personal data of exhibitors/sponsors and undertake all
§ 2 Registration, confirmation of registration                                                   particular event in the exhibitor information. Costs incurred through non-adherence to the         necessary measures for their security. Data will be collected by the organizer in observance
Registration for events as an exhibitor/sponsor is possible by letter, fax or e-mail. A          times to erect and dismantle will be charged to the exhibitor.                                     of the regulations of the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG), the Federal Broadcast Media
registration becomes legally binding through a written online or offline confirmation of                                                                                                            Act (TMG) and other applicable data protection regulations and used to manage, support,
registration on the part of the organizer. A registration becomes binding for an exhibitor/      § 6 Due date and payment, default, compensation                                                    assess and optimize the events that are offered, but not made known to third parties. Ex-
sponsor upon its receipt by the organizer. Should events have limited exhibiting/sponsor-        The fee for exhibiting, sponsorship, advertising is due for payment, in full and with no           hibitors, sponsors and joint organizers do not rate as third parties but are nevertheless also
ship capacity, registrations will be ordered by their date of receipt.                           deductions, within ten (10) days of the date of the invoice. If the customer is in default of      subject to the above regulations. An exhibitor/sponsor can revoke the use of their data for
                                                                                                 payment, the organizer is entitled to demand a late fee per annum of                               purposes of information at any time in writing with WEKA FACHMEDIEN GmbH, depart-
§ 3 Services rendered                                                                            5% above the prime lending rate issued by the European Central Bank. Should the organi-            ment Events, Richard-Reitzner-Allee 2, 85540 Haar, Germany, events@weka-fachmedien.
The terms and conditions for exhibiting, sponsorship and advertising at a particular event       zer verifiably suffer higher damages through late payment, they are entitled to claim them         de, or require changes of address to be made.
and the services included are regulated in the conditions specific to the event. The fees are    for them. Payment is made on account. The invoice must be paid before the commence-
in euros per event plus value-added tax.                                                         ment of an event. No claim may be made to allocated space until an invoice is paid in full.        § 12 Court of jurisdiction
                                                                                                 It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to produce evidence of payment.                          The court of jurisdiction is the place of business of the organizer if the customer is a
The exhibitor/sponsor is responsible for the punctual delivery of correct copy, enclosures                                                                                                          merchant in the sense of the German Commercial Code, a legal person under public law
or for the punctual delivery of materials required for exhibiting, sponsorship or advertising.   § 7 Cancellation                                                                                   or a special fund under public law. The same applies in as much as the customer, upon
In the case of digital copy the exhibitor/sponsor undertakes to deliver orderly copy, corres-    In as much as the exhibitor/sponsor is not entitled to a mandatory legal right of withdrawal       taking legal action, has a place of business or habitual residence in the Federal Republic of
ponding in particular to the format or technical requirements of the organizer, in due time      or right of termination, cancellation of participation free of charge is possible up to ten (10)   Germany.
before the closing deadline for copy. All services on the part of the organizer are rendered     days after receipt of confirmation of registration. The entire fee for exhibiting, sponsorship
subject to due fulfillment and performance of obligations and assistance on the part of the      or advertising is due upon later cancellation or non-appearance. Should the organizer              § 13 Severability clause
exhibitor/sponsor.                                                                               succeed in otherwise renting a cancelled exhibition, sponsorship or advertising space, the         Should the provisions for exhibitors/sponsors be or become unenforceable, in whole or in
                                                                                                 exhibitor/sponsor will be invoiced 50% of the fee. Cancellation is to be in writing, and is        part, the validity of the remaining provisions as well as the contract shall remain unaffec-
The organizer reserves the right to substitute other speakers for those announced, and to        not valid unless confirmed in writing by the organizer.                                            ted. In such a case the parties to the agreement shall endeavor to replace the unenforcea-
make necessary amendments to the program while maintaining the overall character of an                                                                                                              ble or inadequate provision by one that best reflects the economic purpose of the parties
event. The organizer reserves the right to alter the date, scale and location of an event for    § 8 Copyright                                                                                      to the agreement.
due cause.                                                                                       The printed and electronic material of an event is protected by copyright. Said material
                                                                                                 may not be reproduced, passed on to others or used in any other way without the express
Should it not be possible to conduct an event for reasons of force majeure (strike, lockout,     written approval of the organizer and the particular author. The organizer assumes no
business disruptions, etc), because of the cancellation of an important part of an event,        responsibility or liability of any kind for any incorrectness in the content of papers, presen-
because of disturbance at the location of an event or because of an inadequate number of         tations and documentation.
participants, exhibitors/sponsors will be informed immediately. In such cases the ready paid     The organizer is entitled to have photographs, film and sound recordings produced of
                                                                                                 an event, of exhibition booths and the exhibits, and to use them as advertising or for

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