Partnership, Sponsorship and Exhibition Opportunities - Platinum Sponsors - CORE2021

Page created by Fernando Haynes
Partnership, Sponsorship and Exhibition Opportunities - Platinum Sponsors - CORE2021
Platinum Sponsors   and Exhibition
Partnership, Sponsorship and Exhibition Opportunities - Platinum Sponsors - CORE2021
    The RTSA’s biennial Conference on Railway Excellence (CORE) has firmly established
    itself in recent years as the premier technical event in the Australasian rail conference
    market, with a reputation for high quality papers covering a wide range of rail
    engineering, operations, planning and management topics.
    The RTSA is proud of CORE’s reputation for high quality objective papers and presentations
    which advance the body of knowledge on rail technologies and the sharing of the best
    practise in planning, implementation, operations and management of rail systems.
    We look forward to partnering with you.

    Graham Holden
    CORE 2021 Conference Chair

Partnership, Sponsorship and Exhibition Opportunities - Platinum Sponsors - CORE2021
The Conference on Railway Excellence (CORE) is hosted
by the Railway Technical Society of Australasia (RTSA).
The RTSA is a joint Technical Society of Engineers Australia
and IPENZ New Zealand, formed to further the interests of
                                                                 Aims of RTSA
the railway industry at large and its individual participants.   > Promote technological and management
The RTSA is a non-profit organisation which was established        excellence in the railway industry;
in 1997 for the purpose of promoting the co-operation
                                                                 > Represent the considered opinions of its
of academic, industrial, commercial and governmental
organisations in relation to the practice and advancement
of railway technology and management in Australasia.             > Stimulate the active contribution and
                                                                   participation of its members in the development
The activities of the RTSA are directed towards
                                                                   and dissemination of railway technology
providing leadership in the facilitation and coordination
                                                                   and management knowledge, so to support
of professionalism in the railway industry, and the
                                                                   the business of the railway industry;
encouragement of member contributions to the application
of railway technology and good management practices.             > Provide for the continuing professional
The objectives of the RTSA are to stimulate the active             development of its members;
contribution and participation of its members in the             > Strengthen and enhance the competence of
development and dissemination of railway technology and            its members;
management knowledge; to support the business of the
                                                                 > Promote close working relationships
railway industry; to provide for the continuing professional
                                                                   amongst participants in the railway industry;
development of its members; and to promote close working
relationships amongst participants in the railway industry.      > Establish linkages at an international
                                                                   level to enable members to benefit from
Currently there are six Chapters across Australia and
                                                                   international exchanges;
New Zealand established under the RTSA umbrella.
All chapters run programs that not only address topical          > Promote education, research, development
railway issues but provide the opportunity for joint               and information dissemination within the
meetings with other similar groups in the industry.                railway industry.

Partnership, Sponsorship and Exhibition Opportunities - Platinum Sponsors - CORE2021
CORE 2021
    CORE 2021 will be held in Perth from
    21-23 June, 2021. CORE 2021 will build
                                                                       Why Sponsor?
                                                                       > Unprecedented cross-market branding opportunities
    on the success of previous conferences,
                                                                       > Reach the maximum target audience
    with national and international speakers
                                                                       > Strengthen your market position
    providing their views on ‘Collaborating to
                                                                       > Platform to build strong business relationships
    Master Excellence’. A challenging technical
                                                                       > Increase your profile in the market
    program is being developed, with tours
                                                                       > Be recognised as a leader in the industry with
    that will focus on leading-edge technology                           significant branding opportunities
    and techniques that position rail at the                           > Support professional development and networking
    forefront of the transport industry.                                 opportunities as a means to further develop networks
                                                                       > CORE 2021 provides great value for money
    There are a number of sponsorship opportunities available
    in a variety of categories and commensurate exposure.
    Previous supporters of CORE are provided with first right
    of refusal on their category sponsorship, therefore limiting

                                                                          Audience Profile
    the number of Major partnerships available upon release
    of the prospectus to the market. However in addition to
    the chief sponsorship categories, there are a number of
    specific individual sponsorships available, including the             CORE conferences in recent times have attracted more
    Networking session, Lanyards and Delegate Bags.                       than 600 delegates and exhibitors from across the
                                                                          globe, covering a spectrum of railway professionals
    The committee also welcomes sponsorship suggestions                   from all areas of modern rail. These include:
    from you and invites you to contact the conference
    managers, Encanta, to discuss your organisation’s desired             • Operators                 • Designers
    sponsorship and marketing objectives.                                 • Manufacturers             • Researchers
                                                                          • Contractors               • Academics
                                                                          • Service Organisations     • Media
                                                                          • Planners                  • Policy Makers

    Tailored Packages to suit your marketing objectives
    For further information on packages available or to discuss     Encanta Event Management
    a tailor made package to suit your organisational objectives,   T: (08) 9389 1488
    please contact the CORE 2021 Event Managers:                    E:

Partnership, Sponsorship and Exhibition Opportunities - Platinum Sponsors - CORE2021
       Perth will host CORE 2021 and if you
       haven’t visited the west in a while, now
       is the time! With endless sunshine you’ll
       experience amazing sunsets, pristine

CITY   beaches and a thriving cosmopolitan city.
       Why not rediscover Perth for yourself
       and see how the city has developed.

Partnership, Sponsorship and Exhibition Opportunities - Platinum Sponsors - CORE2021
    Please note all prices are exclusive of GST, which will be applied at 10%
                                                                                Page   Number Available   Price (ex. GST)
                                       Platinum Partner                          7      Three available      $40,000
      Package                          Gala Dinner                               8          SOLD             $25,000
                                       Young Professional Scholarship Award      8         One only          $25,000
                                       Gold Sponsor                              9        Unlimited          $20,000
                                       Networking and Espresso Lounge            9          SOLD             $15,000
                                       Welcome Reception                         10        One only          $10,000
                                       Networking Session                        10        One only          $10,000
                                       Delegate Satchel                          10         SOLD             $10,000
                                       CORE 2021 Conference App                  11        One only           $8,000
                                       Lanyard and Name Badge                    11         SOLD              $5,000
                                       Concurrent Session                        11       Unlimited           $3,000

                                       Satchel Insert                            12                           $1,500
      Opportunities                    Full Page Advertisement                   12                           $2,000
                                       Half Page Advertisement                   12                           $1,500
                                       Quarter Page Advertisement                12                           $1,000

      Exhibition                       Shell Scheme Booth (3m x 3m)              13                           $4,000

Partnership, Sponsorship and Exhibition Opportunities - Platinum Sponsors - CORE2021
Host/Platinum Partner
    $40,000 + GST                                                              THREE OPPORTUNITIES LEFT!

Acknowledgement                                                14   ONE Satchel insert up to A4 in size
1    Verbal acknowledgement at the opening session as          15   ONE Promotional Item (provided by organisation)
     Platinum Partner                                               included in delegate bag
2    Acknowledgement in Email Marketing Campaigns              16   QUARTER PAGE advertisement in Registration Brochure
     as Platinum Partner (from time of sponsorship                  (from time of sponsorship confirmation)
     confirmation)                                             17   FULL PAGE advertisement in Conference Program
3    Acknowledgement on Delegate Confirmation letters
4    Acknowledgement on Registration Brochure and
                                                               Delegate List
     Conference App                                            18   Delegate List provided in excel format (name, organisation,
                                                                    state and email only) and subject to Australian Privacy
5    Acknowledgement on Conference Program
                                                                    Laws. List to be provided 2 weeks prior to Conference
6    Acknowledgement on Sponsor Signage during Conference           and final list provided post Conference
7    Logo on looped power-point slide prior to and
     between sessions                                          Attendance
8    Single slide acknowledgement by way of advertisement      19   SIX Complimentary Registrations including attendance
     placed on looped power point                                   at the Welcome Reception, Networking Session and
                                                                    Gala Dinner
9    Acknowledgement on all pages of Conference web site
     with hyperlink
                                                               Additional Opportunity
Display                                                        20   In recognition of your status as a Platinum Partner, the
                                                                    opportunity to also sponsor one of the following items
10   TWO Complimentary 3m x 3m Exhibition Booths including
                                                                    (at no extra cost) committee reserves the right to alter
     two exhibitor registrations (no access to sessions)
                                                                    these additional opportunities as circumstances dictate
Promotional                                                    21   Delegate Note Pads
11   Opportunity to sponsor a specific concurrent session at   22   Delegate Pens
     the Conference and in conjunction a representative from   23   Plenary Session
     your organisation has the ability to chair the session
                                                               24   Naming rights to a catering break for example
12   Opportunity to send an email to Conference Delegates           ‘Sponsor Name’ Coffee Break, ‘Sponsor Name’ Lunch
     prior to CORE 2021 promoting your involvement in
     the Conference
13   Opportunity to place pdf version of advertisement or
     satchel insert onto the Conference Proceedings CD/USB

Partnership, Sponsorship and Exhibition Opportunities - Platinum Sponsors - CORE2021
Gala                                                              Young Professional
    Dinner                                                            Scholarship Award
        $25,000 + GST                                      SOLD           $25,000 + GST                                ONE only

    The Gala Dinner is the closing social event for CORE 2021 and     Acknowledgement
    is the highlight networking event for the Conference. Delegates
                                                                           Acknowledgement in Registration Brochure

    will enjoy a three course dinner with quality entertainment

                                                                      2    Acknowledgement in Conference Program

    and includes the presentation of the RTSA Awards.
                                                                      3    Acknowledgement on Sponsor Signage during Conference
    Naming Rights                                                     4    Logo on looped power-point slide prior to and
    1    Exclusive sponsorship of this event and naming rights             between sessions
         to be recognised as the ‘Gala Dinner sponsored by
                                                                      5    Acknowledgement on Conference web site with hyperlink
         SPONSOR NAME’. Your name will be repeated time and
         again when reference is made to the event through            6    Acknowledgement on Conference App
         marketing plans and delegate communications.
         All costs are covered by the Conference including food,      Naming Rights
         beverage, audio visual, entertainment and theming            7    Naming rights to the Young Professional Scholarship
                                                                           e.g. ‘Sponsor Name’ Young Professional Scholarship
    2    Logo recognition on Dinner tickets and Menus                 Display
    3    Acknowledgement in Registration Brochure                     8    ONE Complimentary 3m x 3m Exhibition Booth including
                                                                           one exhibitor registration (no access to sessions)
    4    Acknowledgement in Conference Program
    5    Acknowledgement on Sponsor Signage during Conference         Promotional
    6    Acknowledgement on Conference web site                       9    ONE Satchel insert up to A4 in sizes
    7    Acknowledgement on Conference App                            10   HALF PAGE advertisement in Conference Program
    8    ONE Complimentary Registration including Welcome             Delegate List
         Reception, Networking Session and Gala Dinner                11   Delegate List provided in excel format (name, organisation,
    9    NINE complimentary tickets to the Gala Dinner                     state and email only) and subject to Australian Privacy
                                                                           Laws post Conference
    10   VIP Table Placement prime positioning of your
         organisations table at the Gala Dinner
    Additional Opportunity                                            12   TWO Complimentary Registrations including attendance
                                                                           at the Welcome Reception, Networking Session and
    11   Opportunity to place a gift for guests on table
                                                                           Gala Dinner
         (at organisations own expense)

                                                                      Additional Opportunity
                                                                      13   Opportunity for sponsored organisation to host a
                                                                           meet and greet with Youth Scholarship recipients
                                                                           (at organisations own expense)

Partnership, Sponsorship and Exhibition Opportunities - Platinum Sponsors - CORE2021
Gold                                                            Networking and
Sponsor                                                         Espresso Lounge
    $20,000 + GST                            UNLIMITED              $15,000 + GST                                         SOLD

Acknowledgement                                                 Have your brand in delegates’ hands by becoming a sponsor
                                                                of the Espresso Café. We anticipate more than 350 barista
     Acknowledgement in Registration Brochure

                                                                made coffees a day being served from these coffee stations,

2    Acknowledgement in Conference Program

                                                                with café style tables being provided for delegates to sit and
3    Acknowledgement on Sponsor Signage during Conference       relax. This area will attract high foot traffic during the exhibition
                                                                opening hours and provides an area where delegates can
4    Logo on looped power-point slide prior to and
                                                                have meetings, network and access the internet.
     between sessions
                                                                This sponsorship package offers high-level exposure during
5    Acknowledgement on Conference web site with hyperlink
                                                                the exhibition hours of the conference.

Display                                                         Acknowledgement
6    ONE Complimentary 3m x 3m Exhibition Booth                 1    Organisation logo/name to be placed on all lounge signage
     including one exhibitor registration (not including
     access to sessions)                                        2    Acknowledgement in Registration Brochure
                                                                3    Acknowledgement in Conference Program
Promotional                                                     4    Acknowledgement on Sponsor Signage during Conference
7    ONE Satchel insert up to A4 in sizes
                                                                5    Acknowledgement on Conference web site Naming Rights
8    HALF PAGE advertisement in Conference Program
                                                                6    Naming rights to the Networking and Espresso Café
                                                                     Networking Lounge Promotional

Delegate List                                                   7    Opportunity to place branded accessories such as
                                                                     coffee cups, aprons, t-shirts and hats within the
9    Delegate List provided in excel format (name,
                                                                     Espresso Café (subject to venue approval, materials
     organisation, state and email only) and subject to
                                                                     to be provided by sponsor)
     Australian Privacy Laws post Conference.
                                                                8    The opportunity to place sponsors material within
Attendance                                                           networking lounge for the duration of the event
10   THREE Complimentary Registrations including                9    QUARTER PAGE advertisement in Program Handbook
     attendance at the Welcome Reception, Networking            10   Acknowledgement in Program Handbook specifically
     Session and Gala Dinner                                         advertising the Networking Lounge

Additional Opportunity                                          Attendance
11   Opportunity to sponsor a concurrent session as nominated   11   TWO Complimentary Registrations including attendance
     by your organisation, incl. recognition in program of           at the Welcome Reception, Networking Session and
     sponsored session and placement of organisation                 Gala Dinner
     banner in session room (provided by organisation)
                                                                Delegate List
                                                                12   Delegate List provided in excel format (name, organisation,
                                                                     state and email only) and subject to Australian Privacy
                                                                     Laws post Conference.

                                                                     This package also includes furniture
                                                                     for the space up to $1,500 value.

Partnership, Sponsorship and Exhibition Opportunities - Platinum Sponsors - CORE2021
Welcome                                                     Networking
     Reception                                                   Session
         $10,000 + GST                             ONE only          $10,000 + GST                                  ONE only

     Acknowledgement                                             Acknowledgement
     1    Logo recognition on tickets                            1    Logo recognition on tickets
     2    Acknowledgement in Registration Brochure               2    Acknowledgement in Registration Brochure
     3    Acknowledgement in Conference Program                  3    Acknowledgement in Conference Program
     4    Acknowledgement on Sponsor Signage during Conference   4    Acknowledgement on Sponsor Signage during Conference
     5    Acknowledgement on Conference web site                 5    Acknowledgement on Conference web site

     Naming Rights                                               Naming Rights
     6    Exclusive naming rights of sponsored social event      6    Exclusive naming rights of sponsored social event
          eg ‘Sponsor Name’ Welcome Reception                         eg ‘Sponsor Name’ Networking Session

     Attendance                                                  Attendance
     7    ONE Complimentary Registration including Welcome       7    ONE Complimentary Registration including Welcome
          Reception, Networking Session and Gala Dinner               Reception, Networking Session and Gala Dinner

                                                                 Delegate Satchel
                                                                     $10,000 + GST                                        SOLD


                                                                      Logo displayed on Delegate bag (The Organising


                                                                      Committee reserve the right to select the bag)
                                                                 2    Acknowledgement in Registration Brochure
                                                                 3    Acknowledgement in Conference Program
                                                                 4    Acknowledgement on Sponsor Signage during Conference
                                                                 5    Acknowledgement on Conference web site

                                                                 6    ONE satchel insert up to A4 in size (provided by organisation)

CORE 2021                                                         Lanyard and
Conference App                                                    Name Badge
                                                                                                                    Monash Institute of
                                                                                                                    Railway Technology

    $8,000 + GST                                ONE only              $5,000 + GST                                     SOLD

As we move towards a paperless society, the Conference            Acknowledgement
App will become increasingly popular amongst delegates
                                                                       Logo displayed on Delegate Lanyard and Name Badge

and we will once again be offering an App. The App allows

                                                                       (The Organising Committee reserve the right to select

delegates to personalise their program, exhibitor listing,
                                                                       the style of lanyard)
view floor plans, read abstracts and papers and a number
of other interactive opportunities to better engage delegates     2    Acknowledgement in Registration Brochure
through the use of technology.                                    3    Acknowledgement in Conference proceedings
                                                                  4    Acknowledgement on Conference web site
1    Organisation logo along with the event logo on the

                                                                  Concurrent Session
     App header and on the e-guide that will be viewed by
     all delegates
2    Organisation logo pinned to the top of the newsfeed for
     life of the App                                                  $3,000 + GST                            UNLIMITED
3    Recognition as App sponsor upon release of the App
     to delegates                                                 Organisations have the opportunity to sponsor a concurrent
                                                                  session aligned with your organisations product or service
4    Dedicated menu item and icon on the main section of
                                                                  based on program
     the App. From this page you have the opportunity to load
     numerous pdf information leaflets and links to appropriate
     websites and images of key personnel and contact details.
                                                                  1    Acknowledgement in program handbook and conference
5    Acknowledgement in Registration Brochure
                                                                       app of sponsored session
     (from time of sponsorship confirmation)
                                                                  2    Acknowledgement on the holding slide for the session
6    Acknowledgement in Conference Program
                                                                  3    Acknowledgement in Conference Program
7    Acknowledgement on Sponsor Signage during Conference
                                                                  4    Acknowledgement on Sponsor Signage during Conference
8    Acknowledgement on Conference web site
                                                                  5    Acknowledgement on Conference web site
Promotional                                                       6    Placement of organisation banner in session room
9    ONE satchel insert up to A4 in size (provided by                  (provided by organisation)
     organisation) inserted into the delegate bag
10   ONE promotional PDF flyer (provided by organisation, file
     size limits will apply) included on the Conference App in    7    Organisation information flyer placed in concurrent
     addition to other sponsors from the Host, Platinum, Gold,         session room for the sponsored session
     Young Professional Scholarship and Gala Dinner Category

     Satchel                                                     Program Handbook
     Insert                                                      Advertising
      $1,500 + GST                             UNLIMITED         Quarter Page: $1,000 + GST
     Up to 8 pages A4 satchel insert placed into delegate bags
                                                                 Half Page: $1,500 + GST

                                                                 Full Page: $2,000 + GST

To complement the technical program at
CORE 2021 an industry exhibition will be
                                                                   Exhibition Booth
held in conjunction with the conference.                            $4,000 + GST
The Welcome Reception, Networking Session,
                                                                   As an Exhibitor you will receive the following benefits:
tea breaks and lunches will be served
                                                                          3m wide x 3m deep x 2.4m high booth
amongst the exhibition. These meals will be
“stand-up” to allow delegates to move freely                              TWO Full Exhibitor Registrations per booth
                                                                          purchased. Includes session access, tea breaks and
through the exhibition space at all times.                                lunches, Welcome Reception, Networking Session,
                                                                          Gala Dinner, Delegate Bag and Program Handbook
  CORE 2021 will include a dynamic exhibition and we                      A Delegate Contact Details list (subject to privacy laws)
  are challenging exhibitors to be creative and think                     emailed within one month of the conclusion of the
  outside the square in how you promote your products                     conference
  and services. The CORE 2021 will include an Interactive
  Zone that provides exhibitors the opportunity to conduct                Company Name on fascia board
  presentations and demonstrations as well as creating
  a real hub of activity for those operating or have an                   ONE Power Point
  interest in the rail industry.
                                                                          TWO Spot Lights

                                       11 12 13 14 15               16 17 18 19 20

                                  10                                                       21
                                  9                           45 47        Posters         22
                                                              44 46                        23
                                                  43                           55
                                  7                                                        24
                                             41        42                 53        54
                                  6                                                        25
                                                                                                               View Live
                                                  40                           52
                                  5                                                        26
                                                                                                               Floor Plan
                                  4                          and Coffee                    27

                                  3               39                           51          28
                                  2          37        38                 50        49     29
                                                  36                           48
                                  1                                                        30

                                                35 34 33 32

Application Form
     Contact Details
     (Please print clearly in block capitals)

     Contact Name:


     Company Name:


     State:                                                            Post Code:

     Telephone:                                                        Mobile:



     Sponsorship Packages                                       Payment Details
     (All prices listed below are in Australian Dollars         Please note that 50% part payment of sponsorship total is required
     and inclusive of 10% Goods and Services Tax)
                                                                Sponsorship Package (50% of Total Cost)           A$
         Platinum Partner                           $44,000
                                                                Exhibition Package (50% of Total Cost)            A$
         Gala Dinner SOLD                           $27,500
                                                                TOTAL COST:                                       A$
         Scholarship Award Sponsor                  $27,500
         Gold Sponsor                               $22,000        Please send me a tax invoice to make payment
         Networking and Coffee Lounge SOLD $16,500
                                                                   Please charge my credit card:             A$
         Welcome Reception                          $11,000
                                                                Cardholder Name:
         Networking Session                         $11,000
         Delegate Satchel SOLD                      $11,000
         Conference App                                $8,800   Card Number:

         Lanyard and Name Badge SOLD                   $5,500
         Concurrent Session                            $3,300   Signature:
         Satchel Insert                                $1,650
         Other (please specify):                                Expiry Date:

                                                                                            VISA         MasterCard

     Exhibition Booth                                           I have read the cancellation policy and accept all of its conditions.
         Exhibition Booth                       $4,400            Name (print):

     A$             x $4,400 =      A$                            Organisation:

     Location                                                     Signature:                                           Date:
      1st Choice:       2nd Choice:      3rd Choice:

         Please         Encanta Event Management                Please note this is an application for Sponsorship and Exhibition
     >   email this
         form to:
                        47 Hampden Road, Nedlands WA 6009
                                                                at CORE 2021. All applications are subject to Committee approval
                                                                and acceptance will be notified in writing to the applicant.
Terms and Conditions                                                      Postponement and Cancellation Policy
By returning an application form via online or printed copy confirms      We (Encanta and CORE) may, in its absolute discretion, nominate
your acceptance of these terms and conditions                             to either postpone or cancel the event by providing the sponsor/
                                                                          exhibitor with notice in writing. Cancellation or postponement may
• All bookings are subject to approval by the CORE 2021 Organisers
                                                                          be necessary due to acts, events or causes beyond our reasonable
  and we reserve the right to refuse an application
                                                                          control, including, but not limited to, acts of God, industrial disputes,
• We (Encanta and CORE) as the Conference Organisers reserve the          failure in electricity supply or gas supply, war, civil strife, flood,
  right to alter any aspect of the program and floor plan without         storm, fire, accident, unavailability of raw materials or supplies,
  prior notice. Please refer to the Conference website for the latest     explosion, global or national health emergency (including without
  information on the event.                                               limitation coronavirus COVID-19), epidemic, breakdown of plant,
• We will take all diligent care to fulfil the above sponsorship and      machinery or equipment or shortages of labour, transportation, fuel,
  exhibition commitments. Sponsors and exhibitors are responsible         power, plant, machinery, equipment or material.
  for providing all their requirements                                    If the event is postponed to a later date (as nominated by CORE and
  i.e. banners, promotional material and any other material by the        notified to the sponsor), the terms and conditions of this agreement
  due dates requested by the Organisers.                                  will continue to apply. Any sponsorship contribution paid up to
• We reserve the right to introduce new packages and additional           the postponement will be applied to the new event date with any
  exhibition space should the opportunity arise.                          outstanding sponsorship contribution balance due thirty (30) days’
                                                                          prior to the new event date.
• Sponsors and Exhibitors are required to make the necessary
  payments as per the payment schedule below (unless otherwise            Cancellation Policy
                                                                          • The submission of an application by a representative from your
   -   50% due within one month of invoice date.                            organisation is regarded as a firm booking.
   -   Remaining 50% is due by no later than Tuesday 21 January 2021.     • All cancellations must be made in writing to the Organisers and
• Sponsors and Exhibitors are responsible for the security of their         notice acknowledged in writing by the Organisers.
  own equipment and materials during the event and in transit to          • Any reduction in a Sponsorship and/or Exhibition allocation (once
  the event venue.                                                          accepted by the Organisers) will be considered a cancellation and
• The Sponsor/Exhibitor understand that all attendees must                  the cancellation policy will apply.
  register officially and entry to the exhibition will not occur unless   • Should the balance payment be outstanding at time of
  the attendee is wearing the appropriate identification. Visitor           cancellation, the Sponsor/Exhibitor is liable for the balance as per
  badges are provided as a gesture of goodwill and not for use by           the cancellation policy.
  the organisation’s representatives.
                                                                          • There is no opportunity to transfer your Sponsorship/Exhibition
• The Exhibitor shall take all reasonable care when installing/             booking to another CORE event.
  dismantling their equipment and stand as not to cause damage
                                                                          • If the event is cancelled, it is CORE’s hope that the sponsor/ exhibitor
  to the venue carpet, walls, ceilings, fixtures and floors and the
                                                                            will continue to support the event and have the sponsorship rolled
  shell scheme booths supplied by the appointed stand contractor
                                                                            over to the Event to be held on a date to be fixed.
  including panels, fascia, spotlights and furniture. The Exhibitor is
  deemed liable for repairs if the structures are damaged.                • If the sponsor/exhibitor agrees to have the sponsorship/exhibition
                                                                            booth rolled over, the terms and conditions of this agreement will
• The Organisers reserve the right to request removal of any items
                                                                            continue to apply and all sponsorship/exhibition contributions already
  that may be deemed unacceptable and impacts fellow Exhibitors.
                                                                            paid will be applied to the next CORE event date and any outstanding
• All promotion must be conducted from your booth.                          balance will be due thirty (30) days’ prior to the event date.
• All Organisations are expected to conduct their business in                If the sponsor/exhibitor does not agree to have the sponsorship/
  a professional, ethical manner and any breach will result in               exhibition roll over to the next CORE event and the current CORE
  immediate cancellation of the Sponsorship/Exhibition package.              Event is cancelled, then the below cancellation dates will apply.
• If an Organisation is found to not align their values with that of
  the CORE, this may result in cancellation of your Sponsorship/          Cancellation Dates
  Exhibition package.                                                     • More than 180 days: prior to the Event Bump-In,
                                                                            a cancellation fee of AUD$300 will apply;
                                                                          • Between 91 – 180 days: prior to the Event Bump-In,
                                                                            10 per cent of the Sponsorship Contribution will apply;
                                                                          • Between 45 – 90 days: prior to the Event Bump-In,
                                                                            50 per cent of the Sponsorship Contribution will apply; and
                                                                          • Less than 45 days: prior to the Event Bump-In,
                                                                            100 per cent of the Sponsorship Contribution will apply.

I acknowledge that                  Name:
I have read and
understand the terms                Position:
and conditions and
cancellation policy in              Organisation:
relation to our support
of the CORE 2021.                   Signed:


CORE 2021        Encanta Event Management       T: (08) 9389 1488
Event Managers   47 Hampden Road, Nedlands WA   E:
You can also read