Introduction to the Custom Element for Account Setup Version 2

Page created by Laura Buchanan
Introduction to the Custom Element for Account Setup Version 2
Introduction to the Custom
Element for Account Setup

Version 2

©2021 Morningstar. All Rights Reserved.

AccountView Version:       2.10
Custom Element Version:    2.10
Document Version:          CEASdoc-2.10-20210923
Document Issue Date:       September 23, 2021

Technical Support:   (866) 856-4951
Telephone:           (781) 376-0801
Fax:                 (781) 376-8040
Table of Contents

About this document................................................................................................... 1
   Changes in this version ........................................................................................... 1
Custom Element for Account Setup............................................................................... 1
Known limitations ....................................................................................................... 1
   User types ............................................................................................................. 1
   Browser support ..................................................................................................... 1
Authentication ........................................................................................................... 2
Download and install the custom element ...................................................................... 2
Incorporate the custom element into your parent page ................................................... 2
   Minimum example .................................................................................................. 3
   Example setting common attributes .......................................................................... 3
   Example for MaaS .................................................................................................. 4
   Attributes .............................................................................................................. 5
   Events .................................................................................................................. 8
       Monitoring for events ........................................................................................ 11
       Managing critical events in the workflow ............................................................. 11
         badAuthentication .......................................................................................... 11
         badConfiguration ............................................................................................ 11
         internalError .................................................................................................. 11
         userExit ........................................................................................................ 12
       Managing informational events in the workflow .................................................... 12
         dataChanged ................................................................................................. 12
         dataChangedAsync ......................................................................................... 12
         dataChangedAsyncAuthenticate ....................................................................... 12
         userDeclinedAgreement .................................................................................. 12
Customizations to the user interface ........................................................................... 12
   Applying the customizations .................................................................................. 13

Appendix A.       Cumulative changes to the Custom Element .......................................... A-1

Introduction to the Custom Element for Account Setup

About this document
This document provides a preliminary overview of the custom element for Account Setup
which is currently under development for Morningstar® ByAllAccountsSM (BAA) aggregation
Changes in this version
This document is evolving along with the Custom Element Version 2 (CEV2) which is
currently at version 2.9. The changes in this are described in Appendix A Cumulative
changes to the Custom Element along with important information about other recent

Custom Element for Account Setup
Morningstar® ByAllAccountsSM aggregation service provides a W3C custom HTML element
that implements the ByAllAccounts Consumer User Interface (CUI) account setup
functionality for aggregation within another application without the use of iframes or
browser tabs.
The custom element (mstar-aggregation-consumer-accountsetup) enables account setup. The
main features are selecting financial institutions (FI), entering FI credentials, discovering
accounts, and aggregating the account data. The aggregated account data, which can
include balance, holding, and transaction information from the FI, are available via other
Morningstar ByAllAccounts applications and APIs.
The custom element can be fully customized to integrate into your parent page, with
customizations to terminology, styles, and features.
This document describes the custom element, steps for embedding it in a web application,
methods of authentication, and ways to customize it.

Known limitations
The capabilities, interfaces, and behaviors of the Account Setup custom element are subject
to change as we make refinements based on customer feedback. This section describes the
known limitations for the Account Setup custom element.
User types
The Account Setup custom element can only be used with BAA Investor users and those
users must:
▪ have full Read-Write permission to their own data
▪ be Single Sign On (SSO) users
▪ be in a BAA Firm configured to use ConsumerUI V2.0. Note that a BAA Firm can be
  configured to use only one version of ConsumerUI.
Browser support
▪ Chrome (including incognito mode), Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Safari, and Safari, Microsoft
  Edge, and Internet Explorer (IE) 11 are fully supported

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Introduction to the Custom Element for Account Setup

Authentication is handled by the parent page before it invokes the custom element;
authentication can be accomplished via SSO (via DataConnect) or UIM JWT SSO. By default,
the custom element makes service calls to For MaaS, it makes
service calls to To allow these calls within
the user’s browser, the parent page’s domain(s) must be configured in the custom
element’s CORS whitelist within the ByAllAccounts service. Your Morningstar
Implementation Manager will assist you with getting this configuration established.
▪ SSO – The parent page acquires values for jsessionid and csrftoken and must pass them
  to the custom element using the auth-context attribute.
▪ UIM JWT SSO – The parent page acquires the UIM JWT token and passes it to the custom
  element using the auth-context attribute.
Although it provides many details not relevant to the custom element, the guide for
AccountView SSO may provide some helpful information about SSO.

Download and install the custom element
Note: Ultimately the custom element will be distributed via the npm repository as a
versioned npm package named mstar-aggregation-consumer-accountsetup. However, for
now it is available as a packaged file (with a .tgz extension) from Morningstar
ByAllAccounts. In the installation instructions below, use the name of the .tgz file you
receive from ByAllAccounts.
The mstar-aggregation-consumer-accountsetup custom element is built with Angular and
can be used in frameworks such as React, and Vue, or in vanilla JS applications.
Install the package by running the following command in your development environment:
   npm install .tgz
After the npm package is installed, there is a mstar-aggregation-consumer-accountsetup
folder under the node_modules directory. The folder contains:
▪ mstar-aggregation-consumer-accountsetup.js – Main JavaScript bundle for the Account
  Setup custom element.
▪ assets – Folder containing various configuration files and images for the custom element.
▪ package.json – File that describes the npm package.
Depending on your build system/framework, there may be different steps to take to get
Web Components loaded. In any case, the build system should ensure that the assets folder
and the main JS file (mstar-aggregation-consumer-accountsetup.js) of the custom element
are placed under the application’s distribution (/dist) folder from where it is being served.

Incorporate the custom element into your parent page
Import the necessary JavaScript files into your HTML page and create an instance of the
mstar-aggregation-consumer-accountsetup tag element. Then add code to:
▪ Load the custom element.
▪ Instantiate the element in the page.
▪ Set attributes. Minimally set auth-context, which is required.
  If the route attribute is used, set it after the auth-context. That is, the user
  authentication must be set before the element can attempt the operation.

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Introduction to the Custom Element for Account Setup

▪ Make the custom element visible in the page.

The following sections include:
▪ A simple code example showing the minimum requirements
▪ A more detailed example showing all the attributes
Additionally, consider how to handle the events described in Events on page 8.
Minimum example
At a minimum you must define the auth-context attribute for authentication, as shown here.
By default, the custom element starts with add accounts. To begin with editing credentials,
use the route attribute as shown in the next section.
        mstarWebComp = document.createElement(“mstar-aggregation-consumer-accountsetup”);
        mstarWebComp.setAttribute(“auth-context”, JSON.stringify(
          { jsessionId: “212764322EB9DBEBED880425DE3216EB.s1a”,
           csrfToken: “DBC63BDE361C192B3CEF641B4C551DD8AC27B4A0276E91”
Example setting common attributes
This example uses most available attributes for the custom element. It does not include the
URL attributes; those are shown in Example for MaaS, page 4.
Because the attributes that customize the user interface (ui-config-file, translate-file-path,
override-css-file, and custom-fonts) typically do not change during the lifetime of a parent
page, for simplicity they are defined first.
The other attributes (auth-context, route) may be reset any number of times during the life
of the parent page. In this example, should be replaced with your host name
for those files.
For more information about the attributes, refer to Attributes, below.
        mstarWebComp = document.createElement(“mstar-aggregation-consumer-accountsetup”);
         mstarWebComp.setAttribute(“ui-config-file”, “
        mstarWebComp.setAttribute(“translate-file-path”, “”);
        mstarWebComp.setAttribute(“custom-fonts'”, “”);
        mstarWebComp.setAttribute(“auth-context”, JSON.stringify(

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Introduction to the Custom Element for Account Setup

             { jsessionId: “212764322EB9DBEBED880425DE3216EB.s1a”,
              csrfToken: “DBC63BDE361C192B3CEF641B4C551DD8AC27B4A0276E91”
        mstarWebComp.setAttribute(“route”, “/edit-credential;credentialId=21911”);
Example for MaaS
This example is based on the code in Example setting common attributes page 3, but
additionally shows the URL attributes for MaaS.
To use Morningstar as a Service (MaaS) with Custom Element you must set the rest-url
attribute. For non-production environments you must also set the corece-base-url attribute.
Consult with your BAA contact for non-production settings. Set those attributes near the
beginning because they do not change during the lifetime of a parent page.
This example assumes UIM JWT authentication, which is required for MaaS, so the auth-
context section shows a JWT token.
In this example, should be replaced with your host name for those files.
        mstarWebComp = document.createElement(“mstar-aggregation-consumer-accountsetup”);
        mstarWebComp.setAttribute(“rest-url”, "");
        mstarWebComp.setAttribute(“corece-base-url”, “");
         mstarWebComp.setAttribute(“ui-config-file”, “
        mstarWebComp.setAttribute(“translate-file-path”, “”);
        mstarWebComp.setAttribute(“custom-fonts'”, “”);
    mstarWebComp.setAttribute(“auth-context”, JSON.stringify(
          { jwt:
        mstarWebComp.setAttribute(“route”, “/edit-credential;credentialId=21911”);
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Introduction to the Custom Element for Account Setup

The following table describes the attributes for the custom element. The only required
attribute is auth-context. The only requirement for order of attributes is that if you use
route, you must set it after setting auth-context. Refer to the table below for details.
Any of these attributes can be set (and reset) at any time but ui-config-file, translate-file-
path, and override-css-file typically do not change during the lifetime of a parent page. An
example of when auth-context and route might be reset during the lifetime of a parent
would be handling of an error event. For information about events, see
Events page 8.
Attribute Req’d? Parameters and Description
         Yes      Possible Parameters
                  Must contain one of:
                  ▪ {jwt: }
                  ▪ { jsessionId: , csrfToken:  }
                  ▪ {}
                  The auth-context attribute is used for user authentication. It is required and
                  may be reset any number of times during the lifetime of the parent page.
                  For example, it would need to be reset after a timeout.
                  It must contain one of the possible parameters: UIM JWT token, the
                  jsessionId/csrfToken pair, or an empty object.
                  If the user was authenticated via UIM SSO, then the parent page acquires
                  the UIM JWT token and passes it to the custom element using the attribute.
                      {jwt: }
                  If the user was authenticated via SSO then the jsessionId and csrfToken
                  pair must be included, using the form:
                      { jsessionId: , csrfToken: }
                  To prevent further use of the element by the user, use the empty value to
                  clear the authentication data from the element:
                  Note that if more than one field contains a value, an auth-context will be
                  evaluated based on the precedence order 1) UIM JWT, 2)

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Introduction to the Custom Element for Account Setup

Attribute Req’d? Parameters and Description
           No*    Possible Parameters
                  A full URL that to the REST backend. For MaaS, using the production

                  * Only required if using MaaS or non-production environments
                  Used for MaaS implementations, this attribute provides the full base URL to
                  REST back end.
                  If it is not defined, it defaults to (production):
         No**     Possible Parameters
                  The attribute has the form protocol/server/port, though port is typically not
                  used. For example:

                  **Only required to be set if using MaaS in a non-production environment.
                  This attribute identifies the base URL from where the core custom element
                  content is served and is currently only used for MaaS implementations.
                  This attribute only needs to be set for MaaS when used in an environment
                  other than production. When not set, it defaults to
           No     Possible Parameters
                  ▪ /add-account
                  ▪ /edit-credential;credentialId=
                  ▪ /discover-accounts;credentialId=
                  To allow the user to select which discovered accounts to save, set the
                  optional discoveredAccountSelect parameter to true, as shown:
                  ▪ /add-account;discoveredAccountSelect=true
                  ▪ /edit-credential;credentialId=;discoveredAccountSelect=true
                  ▪ /discover-accounts;credentialId=;discoveredAccountSelect=true
                  To suppress the progress step, set the optional showProgressStep
                  parameter to false, as shown:
                  ▪ /add-account;showProgressStep=false
                  ▪ /edit-credential;credentialId=;showProgressStep=false
                  ▪ /discover-accounts;credentialId=;showProgressStep=false
                  To launch the custom element directly into the FI Login page, use the fiId
                  parameter, as shown:
                  ▪ /add-account;fiId=

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Attribute Req’d? Parameters and Description
                  The route attribute specifies the operation to be initiated, so:
                  ▪ /add-account
                    will cause the first step (FI selection) to be displayed. This value is the
                  ▪ /edit-credential;credentialId=
                    where  is the ByAllAccounts unique internal identifier for the
                    Account Credential to be edited. This route will display the form
                    containing the current login and password.
                  ▪ /discover-accounts;credentialId=
                    where  is the ByAllAccounts unique internal identifier for the
                    Account Credential for which accounts are to be discovered. This route
                    will display the account discovery step.
                  Use the optional parameter
                  with each route for which you want to allow the user to select which
                  discovered accounts to save.
                  Use the optional parameter
                  with each route for which you want to suppress the final progress step that
                  appears after a successful account add, edit, or discover.
                  Use the optional parameter
                     fiId=< BAA internal ID for the institution>
                  with /add-account to launch the custom element directly into the FI Login
                  page. This route will skip the FI selection step.
                  You can set any number of the optional parameters for each route. The
                  order is irrelevant.
                  The custom element defaults to the Add account page when it is first made
                  visible in the parent page. If you want to suppress the progress step for
                  that, you must explicitly set route and set showProgressStep=false.
                  The route attribute may be set any number of times during the life of the
                  parent page. For example, you would set a route to add an account then
                  could have another route to edit the account.
                  Note: If you set the route attribute, you must set it after the auth-context
                  attribute because user authentication must be set before the element can
                  attempt the operation. Otherwise, a badAuthentication event will occur.
           No     Possible Parameters
                  The path to the custom en.json file.

                  The translate-file-path attribute identifies the URL that is the path to the
                  en.json file that you created to provide custom terminology for certain text
                  and labels displayed by the custom element. The path is relative to the
                  base href of the deployed application.

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Introduction to the Custom Element for Account Setup

Attribute Req’d? Parameters and Description
           No     Possible Parameters
                  Path and file name to your custom user interface (UI) configuration file.
                  The ui-config-file attribute identifies the URL that is the path to and the
                  name of the file that contains options for turning on/off UI sections in the
                  custom element. The path is relative to the base href of the deployed
          No      Possible Parameters
                  The path and file name for your custom cascading style sheet (CSS) file.

                  The override-css-file attribute identifies the URL that is the path to and file
                  name of a custom CSS file containing overrides to the default Morningstar
                  Design System (MDS) styles.
          No      Possible Parameters
                  The path and name for your font definitions.
                  The custom-fonts attribute identifies the URL that is the path to and file
                  name of a custom font definition file that will override to the default
                  Morningstar Design System (MDS) fonts.

The mstar-aggregation-consumer-accountsetup custom element communicates with the
parent page using events caused by a trigger action. Some of these events are resolved by
the custom element but others must be managed by the parent page.
Critical events that must be monitored and managed by the parent page. These events
signal that the user has completed their work with the custom element or there is an error
that the custom element cannot resolve.
Other events that occur within the custom element are resolved by the custom element
itself. For example, the custom element handles any problems that occur when the
credentials entered by a user for a Financial Institution cannot be used to successfully
authenticate to that institution.
Monitoring for events on page 11 provides a code sample for monitoring or a specific event.
Managing critical events in the workflow on page 11 describes ways in which the parent
page may need to handle the critical events. Managing informational events in the workflow
on page 12 describes managing the informational events.

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Introduction to the Custom Element for Account Setup

Trigger           Name                         Event Detail    Description
Critical Events
A request to      badAuthentication            “Unauthorized   User’s authentication context is
server finds                                   access”         either not valid, the session
user’s                                                         timed out, or their
authentication                                                 authentication expired. The
context is not                                                 user will no longer be able to
valid (resulted                                                interact with the element after
in a 401                                                       a badAuthentication (401) event
Unauthorized)                                                  until the element receives
                                                               changes to the auth-context
                                                               attribute that provide valid
                                                               authentication data.
                                                               The user’s authentication could
                                                               end at any time. Whenever the
                                                               parent page receives a
                                                               badAuthentication event it must
                                                               re-authenticate and invoke a
                                                               setAttribute auth-context with
                                                               the refreshed header
                                                               information before the user can
                                                               proceed with the operation
                                                               they had started.
Custom            badConfiguration             “User not       If the custom element is not
element is not                                 licensed”       licensed at initiation, there will
licensed                                                       be a blank area in the parent
                                                               page where the custom element
                                                               is expected. If the configuration
                                                               changes while the custom
                                                               element is in use the custom
                                                               element will be in a blocked
                                                               state and greyed out.

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Introduction to the Custom Element for Account Setup

Trigger          Name                               Event Detail    Description
A request to     internalError                      One of:         An unexpected error occurred
the server                                          “Forbidden      during user’s interaction with
resulted in an                                      access”         the element. The parent page
error other                                         “Service        must remedy the problem and
than 401 or an                                      unavailable”    possibly display a message to
internal code                                       “Unknown        the user.
error occurred                                      server error”   Some causes include:
                                                    “Unknown        Forbidden access: User does not
                                                    error”          have the necessary permissions;
                                                    “Resource not   user may have read only
                                                    found”          permissions.
                                                                    Service unavailable: Possibly an
                                                                    intermittent service
                                                                    Resource not found: Could be a
                                                                    misnamed path or file.
User completes userExit                             “User exit”     User has 1) completed the
action and/or                                                       account add,
exits the                                                           2) completed the account edit,
operation                                                           3) canceled out of the workflow,
                                                                    or 4) declined user agreement
Standard Events
User makes a    dataChanged                         “Data changed” The user made a change to a
change to                                                          credential or account that may
credential or                                                      have resulted in synchronous
account                                                            changes to any or all of the
                                                                   following: authentication status,
                                                                   accounts linked to the
                                                                   credential, financial data for
                                                                   those accounts.
User initiates   dataChangedAsync                   “Async Data    The user initiates the service to
an aggregation                                      change”        run the asynchronous process
operation                                                          of composite “aggregate” which
                                                                   can be discover/add/aggregate,
                                                                   add/aggregate, or just
User initiates  dataChangedAsyncAuthenticate        “Async         The user initiates an
an authenticate                                     Authenticate   authentication operation, which
operation                                           Data change”   causes the service to run the
                                                                   asynchronous process of
                                                                   attempting to authenticate.
User declines  userDeclinedAgreement                “User declined User did not accept the terms of
user agreement                                      user           the latest user agreement when
                                                    agreement”     prompted.

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Introduction to the Custom Element for Account Setup

Monitoring for events
This code sample shows how to listen for a specific event.
   mstarWebcomp.addEventListener('userExit', function (event) {
         console.log(' @@@@ userExit event is called. detail: ' + event.detail);

Managing critical events in the workflow
This section describes managing the critical trigger events listed in Events on page 8. These
critical events must be monitored and managed by the parent page.

A badAuthentication event can be caused by:
▪ timeout: the user stops interacting with the custom element for a period of time and the
  session for the auth-context times out.
▪ authentication ended: the authorized connection ended. For UIM SSO, it could mean the
  JWT token is not valid or has expired.
For badAuthentication events, the parent page must reauthenticate the user and set a new
auth-context. Until the reauthentication happens, the custom element is in a blocked state
and is greyed out.

When the authentication is reestablished, the user may proceed from where they left off.
A badConfiguration event is caused by an unlicensed the custom element.
If the custom element is not licensed at initiation, there will be a blank area in the parent
page where the custom element is expected. If the configuration changes while the custom
element is in use the custom element will be in a blocked state and greyed out as it is for a
badAuthentication event. The parent page needs to recognize that error and remedy the
The internalError event can happen for several reasons. For example, a “Resource not
found” error would occur if the parent page provided an invalid credential identifier when
requesting a route to edit-credential.
When an internalError occurs, the user interface for the custom element remains static. The
parent page needs to recognize that error and remedy the problem. The parent page can
pass a message to the user, describing the type of error.

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The custom element sends the userExit event when the user exits the custom element, such
as by completing adding an account, completing editing an account, cancelling out of the
workflow, or declining the user agreement. The userExit event can also occur when an
account add or edit credential successfully completes and the progress step is suppressed.
Upon userExit, the parent page could hide the custom element or activate it again. To
activate it again, if the authorization context is still valid, the parent page can set the route
attribute to reopen the custom element at set point in the workflow.

Managing informational events in the workflow
This section describes managing the informational trigger events listed in Events on page 8.
These events that may be monitored by the parent page but are handled by the custom
The dataChanged event lets the parent page know something has changed and they should
refresh any display of account, credential, position, and transaction data. The event is
emitted each time one of these data changes occurs, so the parent page could receive this
event multiple times during a single session of the custom element.
The dataChangedAsync event lets the parent page know the user submitted a composite
“aggregate” that triggered the service to run the complex and long-running process
asynchronously. The composite "aggregate" can be discover/add/aggregate or just
aggregate. When the parent page receives this event it can poll for asynchronous activity
completion and then query the API to obtain the changed data.
The dataChangedAsyncAuthenticate event lets the parent page know that an authentication
was initiated. The asynchronous process can be complex and long-running. When the parent
page receives this event, it can poll for asynchronous activity completion and then query the
API to obtain the authentication status.
A userDeclinedAgreement event occurs when a user does not accept the terms of a user
agreement when it is presented.

Customizations to the user interface
There are multiple types of customization you can optionally provide for the custom
element. You apply these customizations using the files provided in the assets folder.
▪ Terminology – the i18n/en.json translation file contains all the static text displayed on
  pages, dialogs, and buttons within the interface. Edit this file to customize text and
  terminology. Configure the element to user your custom terminology file by setting the
  translate-file-path attribute.
▪ Styles – define an optional CSS file to override the default Morningstar Design System
  (MDS) styles and adjust fonts, colors, and backgrounds for elements in the display.
  Configure the element to use your custom CSS file by setting the override-css-file
   To use fonts other than the MDS Univers font, you can add a global entry like this to
   your CSS file:
        font-family: YourFont, Verdana, sans-serif !important;

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▪ Fonts – define an optional fonts file to override the default Morningstar Design System
  (MDS) fonts for elements in the display. Configure the element to use your custom fonts
  by setting the custom-fonts attribute. These new fonts are then available to be set using
  the CSS file specified using the override-css-file attribute.
▪ Optional features – the config/ui-config.json contains options that enable you to turn
  on/off UI features in the custom element. Configure the element to user your custom
  configuration file by setting the ui-config-file attribute. Only a subset of the options
  currently applies to the custom element. These options are:
         "cui-fi-select": {
             "fiLogosVisible": false,
             "includeURLinSearch": false
  Note that:
    ▪ "fiLogosVisible” - controls whether the popular institution logos are available in the FI
        selection step
    ▪ "includeURLinSearch" - controls whether the FI URLs are included in the search criteria
        when the user is searching for an institution
Applying the customizations
Use these instructions to customize terminology, styles, fonts, and optional features. If you
are using MaaS, use the MaaS domain
instead of
1. Edit the files provided in the assets folder. These files and edits are described in
   Customizations to the user interface on page 12.
2. Modify your web server to allow our origin ( for production) to
   access those files. We suggest the following:

   ▪ Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin “”
   ▪ Header set Access-Control-Allow-Headers "Cache-Control,Content-
   ▪ Header set Access-Control-Allow-Methods "GET,OPTIONS"
  If this access is not allowed, then the custom element will not be able to access the
  customization files and will have to use its own version of those files.

3. Set the appropriate attribute for each custom file. For attribute information see
   Attributes, page 5.

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Introduction to the Custom Element for Account Setup

Appendix A.           Cumulative changes to the Custom Element
This appendix keeps a running list of released versions and a summary of the changes in
each version starting with version 1.11.
 WARNING: When a release is required, you must use the latest version of the custom
 element. If you do not, any project you have that uses the custom element will fail
 because the new version has changes to the underlying API.
 Date                 Version   Required?     Summary of Changes
 December 5, 2019     1.11      No            ▪ The custom element now supports
                                                financial institution (FI) requests.
                                              ▪ The dataChangedAsync event is now
                                                issued after credential authentication is
                                                initiated. This response is in addition to
                                                other situations, such as initiated
                                                aggregation, that also cause
                                                dataChangedAsync to be issued.
                                              ▪ Refinements were made so that
                                                unanswered security questions are
                                                handled more efficiently.
                                              ▪ The custom element is now built with
                                                Morningstar Design System MDS 2.31.
                                              ▪ Document change December 9, 2019 to
                                                add name of SAML cookie.
 December 19,         1.12      No            ▪ When authentication is initiated, the new
 2019                                           event dataChangedAsyncAuthenticate is
                                                initiated instead of dataChangedAsync
                                              ▪ When adding accounts for a financial
                                                institution (FI) that does not support
                                                account discovery, both account number
                                                fields how have a “?” icon for the
                                                account number instructions (BAPP-
                                              ▪ Users can now tab to the “?” info icon on
                                                the FI Request page (BAPP-2230)
                                              ▪ A spacing issue was fixed on the
                                                Financial Institution (FI) request form
                                              ▪ When a user clicks Exit during
                                                aggregation with Security Questions and
                                                Answers (SQAs), the Polling for status
                                                now stops as expected (BAPP-1785)
                                              ▪ Document change January 9, 2020 to
                                                add the cookie named amlbcookie

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Introduction to the Custom Element for Account Setup

 Date                 Version   Required?   Summary of Changes
 February 20, 2020    1.13      No          ▪ The website URL is now searched in
                                              addition to the user login URL (BAPP-
                                            ▪ Documentation change: the s1a suffix
                                              was added to the jsessionid values in the
                                              code examples
 March 13, 2020       1.14      No          To better help users identify the correct
                                            financial institution during a financial
                                            institution (FI) search, the home website
                                            URL is now shown instead of the user
                                            login URL if it is available. When
                                            submitting credentials, both the website
                                            URL and the user login URL are shown if
                                            both are available (BAPP-2502)
 May 14, 2020         2.1       No          This release introduces Custom Element
                                            Version 2 (CEV2) which replaces the
                                            original Custom Element. In addition to
                                            new underlying technology, changes
                                            ▪ A new attribute for setting custom fonts.
                                            ▪ No longer set the required font faces
                                              using a stylesheet reference.
                                            ▪ Now provide the hostname (URL) for the
                                              customization files when setting the
                                              attributes that customize the user
                                            ▪ To enable authentication service calls to
                                    , the parent
                                              page’s domain(s) must be configured in
                                              the custom element’s CORS whitelist
                                              within the ByAllAccounts service.
                                            ▪ The whitelist requirement now applies to
                                              non-SAML SSO in addition to SAML SSO.
 June 5, 2020         2.2       No *        As of this release, by default new users
                                            are presented with a user agreement. A
                                            new userDeclinedAgreement event occurs
                                            if the user does not accept the terms of
                                            the user agreement and the userExit
                                            event is triggered. The user agreement
                                            feature can be disabled at the Firm level.
                                            Disabling it at the Firm level disables it
                                            globally for all ByAllAccounts services
                                            including AccountView.
                                            * Although this release is not required,
                                            the userDeclinedAgreement event will not
                                            be available unless you pick up the new
 June 25, 2020        2.3       No          The changes in this release are internal
                                            only and do not affect the user

ByAllAccounts, Inc.                       A-2                CEASdoc-2.10-20210923
Introduction to the Custom Element for Account Setup

 Date                 Version   Required?   Summary of Changes
 July 17, 2020        2.4       No          ▪ Safari, Microsoft Edge, and Internet
                                              Explorer (IE) 11 are now fully supported
                                            ▪ When searching for a Financial
                                              Institution, a “Cannot find institution…”
                                              message no longer appears before the
                                              results are displayed.
                                            ▪ The custom element is now built with
                                              Angular 9.
                                            ▪ UIM SSO authentication is now
                                            ▪ Changes to support Morningstar as a
                                              Service (MaaS), including the rest-url
                                              and corece-base-url attributes.
 August 14, 2020      2.5       No          An error has been fixed that occurred
                                            when the user selected a radio button
                                            item while validating their identity at an
                                            institution that requires In Session
                                            Activation Codes (ISAC) (BAPP-3073)
 October 29, 2020     2.6       No          ▪ The browser web component registry is
                                              now checked prior to registering the BAA
                                              Custom Element component to avoid
                                              duplicate registration requests.
                                            ▪ The zone.js dependency has been
                                              removed for the BAA Web Component. It
                                              was no longer needed and in some cases
                                              was causing conflicts with parent pages.
                                            ▪ Web components polyfills were added to
                                              support legacy Edge browsers.
                                            ▪ More checks were added to the route
                                              attribute resolution logic and auth-
                                              context to protect against invalid values.
 November 19,         2.7       No          A new badConfiguration event was added.
 2020                                       It indicates that the custom element
                                            license is not enabled for the firm.
 December 10,         2.7       No          Accessibility support changes were made,
 2020                                       including placing focus on the first
                                            interactable element when the custom
                                            element launches or the page changes.
 January 14, 2021     2.7       No          Customer notifications for known
                                            connectivity issues at financial institutions
                                            are now displayed.
 February 4, 2021     2.8       No          ▪ Chrome Incognito mode is now
                                            ▪ Institution logo buttons now have
                                              descriptive alt tags to support
                                              accessibility according to Web Content
                                              Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).
                                            ▪ A loading issue when embedded for
                                              Angular 10 was resolved.

ByAllAccounts, Inc.                       A-3                 CEASdoc-2.10-20210923
Introduction to the Custom Element for Account Setup

 Date                 Version   Required?   Summary of Changes
 February 25, 2021    2.8       No          ▪ When creating an account, the account
                                              authorization window for some financial
                                              institutions would not open in a new tab
                                              due to the browser's pop up blocker.
                                              This issue has been fixed.
                                            ▪ Improvements have been made to
                                              handling of error cases for editing
                                              accounts, adding accounts, and editing
                                              credentials at institutions that use OAuth
                                            ▪ When connecting an account, the
                                              progress bar now provides audible
                                              indication of work in progress to
                                              assistive technology users according to
                                              Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
                                              (WCAG) standards.
                                            ▪ In some cases, new users adding an
                                              account would encounter an erroneous
                                              invalid input error. This issue has been
 March 18, 2021       2.8       No          When a user clicks the Done button while
                                            in the progress page, the userExit event is
                                            now sent for the parent page to manage
                                            the workflow, rather than returning to the
                                            FI selection page.
 April 8, 2021        2.8       No          Now when a user selects Cancel while in
                                            the process of logging into a Financial
                                            Institution, aggregating, etc. the progress
                                            page or main view will no longer continue
                                            to show the 'Connecting..." status.
 April 29, 2021       2.9       No          New parameter fiId for the add-account
                                            route, enables a direct route to the
                                            financial institution (FI) login page,
                                            bypassing the FI selection page.
 June 10, 2021        2.9       No          ▪ Users who do not have an email address
                                              now do not see the option to request an
                                            ▪ The styling of the text when requesting a
                                              new financial institution (FI) is now
                                              consistent with the rest of the interface.
                                            ▪ Documentation change: a code sample
                                              for event listener was added on page 11.

ByAllAccounts, Inc.                       A-4                 CEASdoc-2.10-20210923
Introduction to the Custom Element for Account Setup

 Date                 Version   Required?   Summary of Changes
 July 2, 2021         2.10      No          ▪ SAML is no longer supported, so
                                              references to SAML SSO have been
                                            ▪ The custom element is now built with
                                              Angular 12.
                                            ▪ There are several new error messages
                                              for OAuth authorization cases.
                                            ▪ The message type
                                              with the message “Cannot connect.
                                              Account is not authorized.” appears
                                              when an account is missing data needed
                                              to identify it, such as AccountNumber2.
                                            ▪ The icon for Fidelity Investments seen
                                              when adding an account now directs to
                                     – Quicken.
 July 22, 2021        2.10      No          Two of the popular institution icons seen when
                                            adding an account have been swapped for
                                            other financial institutions. Chase and Wells
                                            Fargo have been removed and replaced by
                                            E*TRADE (Investment) and T. Rowe Price
 September 23, 2021   2.10      No          ▪ A new /discover-
                                              accounts;credentialId= parameter
                                              was added to the route attribute. The
                                              description for the dataChangedAsync trigger
                                              was updated.
                                            ▪ When entering the financial institution
                                              password, the last typed character of the
                                              password is visible for a brief time, and there
                                              is a show/hide option for a newly entered
                                            ▪ In some cases, authentication during account
                                              setup was taking extra time. This condition
                                              has been improved.

ByAllAccounts, Inc.                       A-5                   CEASdoc-2.10-20210923
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