Endowed Faculty Chairs at CTSFW - Rev. Mark H. Steiner, Advancement Officer

Page created by Michelle Hawkins
Endowed Faculty Chairs at CTSFW - Rev. Mark H. Steiner, Advancement Officer
Concordia Theological Seminary Guild
               Fort Wayne, Indiana - Newsletter
                                     January 2021

Endowed Faculty Chairs at CTSFW - Rev. Mark H. Steiner, Advancement

At the start of its 175th Academic Year 2020-2021, CTSFW inaugurated The Dean O.
Wenthe Chair in Old Testament Theology. The inauguration on September 11 was a time
of celebration.

This Faculty Chair is named in honor of Rev. Dr. Dean Wenthe, president emeritus of
CTSFW. Dr. Wenthe’s faithfulness to the Holy Scriptures and his abiding commitment to
the Lutheran Confessions have made him a beloved colleague, a respected teacher of the
Church, and a cherished friend to many.

What is a Faculty Chair?
The concept of a Faculty Chair originated in the medieval church. The bishop was said to
teach God’s people ex cathedra (from the chair) because the bishop had an ornate seat
(cathedra) in his church. A Faculty Chair recognizes the importance of a theological area of
study, the great interest that the donor has in that discipline, and the high quality of the
teaching by a professor in that discipline. It is important for CTSFW to ensure that we will
have outstanding faculty members to teach our students now and in the future.

How is a Faculty Chair funded?
It is most common for a single donor to fund a Faculty Chair. In the case of the Wenthe
Chair, a group of donors contributed the funds. Today, the amount needed to fund an
endowed Faculty Chair is $2 million or more. The endowment is invested, the principal is
preserved, and the income earned is used to pay the salary and benefits of a faculty
member. A rule of thumb is that an endowment will provide annual income of 5% of the

What are some areas that would benefit from the support of Faculty Chairs?
Today CTSFW seeks donors to endow Faculty Chairs in several areas of our curriculum.
These include Homiletics, Pastoral Ministry and Missions, and New Testament studies.

How is the Faculty Chair administered?
The President and the Academic Dean of the Seminary select the holder of the Faculty
Chair. They follow the provisions of a written document governing the qualifications and
duties of the Faculty Chair holder. The donor receives a copy of this document.

Who occupies The Dean O. Wenthe Chair for Old Testament Studies?
The Seminary named Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Pulse to serve as the Dean O. Wenthe Professor of
Old Testament Theology. In addition to teaching, Dr. Pulse is Director of Certification and
Placement, Director of Continuing Education, and Pastor of Shepherd of the City Lutheran
Church in Fort Wayne, IN.

We strive to be good stewards of all that is entrusted to us. Many people do not realize
that the Seminary operates with minimal direct support from our Synod. Cash received
from the Synod totals less than 2% of our annual budget. All our operating costs must be
covered by earned or donated revenue, so every single gift – large or small – is essential
for CTSFW to fulfill its mission.

If you would like more information to endow a Faculty Chair or to establish another type of
endowment, such as one for student aid, please contact us at advancement@ctsfw.edu or
877-287-4338 (x2277). Thank you for your prayers and gifts. Every gift is greatly

Welcoming New Babies – Reta Borchelt
T shirts and booties were mailed to 2 new sets of parents in December, 2020.
Deaconess student Joanna and Chun Lu Lee---baby girl Janna Rujyuan born 11/20/20.
Deaconess Intern Bethany and Caleb Stoever---baby girl Margaret Vera born 12/07/20

A total of 23 newborns received a T-shirt and booties in 2020 - 14 boys and 9 girls.

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly
lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. James 1:17

Financial Report – Diane Hartmann
Dues and donations fund the various projects by the Guild. The fund balances as of
January 4 are as follows: General Fund - $2,570.46; Skillet Cookie Fund - $129.24;
Project 2020 - $300; and the Legacy Project - $ 5,873.29.

Birthday Celebrations – Ruth Hartmann
To celebrate each dorm students’ birthday, a skillet cookie is prepared by the dining hall
and a birthday greeting by the Guild. One is given to each student in the month of their

Happy Birthday and God’s blessings to the following students who celebrate a birthday in
January: Christian Mundorf, Aaron Ferguson, Thomas Chamberlain, and Jackson Scofield.
They should be receiving their skillet cookie on January 14th or 15th.

Project 2020 –there still is a need!
A second water bottle filling stations was installed in mid-
December! Thank you for your generosity for making this
possible. The station was placed in the lower level of Loehe Hall.
The Seminary has a 3rd on order; there are no plans to acquire a 4th.

The initial project goal was $2,500 which was approved at the November 5, 2019 Seminary
Guild meeting. Who could envision such a project would turn out to be so vital -- to
provide safe drinking water in a hands-free manner to the students, faculty and staff on
the campus of Concordia Theological Seminary. A water bottle filling station (not just one
but three!) became a significant need on campus because water fountains or bubblers are
off limits to restrict the spread of COVID-19.

You are invited to make a donation to help fund the third water bottle filling station. If you
have not yet taken the opportunity to donate or wish to make an additional donation,
please complete the form at the bottom on this Newsletter and send in your gift. Your
support is so appreciated.

What is happening on campus (and what is not)....

January 11, 2021 – Winter Quarter classes resume

January 17, 2021 at 2:30 pm - 175 Anniversary Lecture Series
   “1969-1985 Years of Change at the Seminary – Dr. David P. Scaer

January 17, 2021 at 4:00 pm - 175 Anniversary Music Series
   Choral Vespers

January 18, 2021 - Lenten Preaching Workshop
   Dr. Adam Koontz will present “The Priesthood of Jesus in Hebrews and Beyond”

January 19-22, 2021 - 36th Annual Symposium

Livestreaming of the above events @ ctsfw.edu/daily chapel and facebook.com/ctsfw

February 2021 – April 2021 Guild Meetings
   For the foreseeable future, in-person meetings and events are not feasible for the
   Guild in these ‘COVID times” so the monthly Newsletter will be the next best thing.

Thank you notes from students…..
Thank you for the card and the cookie in celebration of my birthday this month (11/20).
May God richly bless you for all you do for the seminary and those of us who are preparing
to serve the people of God as pastors and deaconesses. J. A.
Thank you so much for your gift for our newborn girl. The booties are precious and
Margaret will wear the CTSFW shirt with pride when she is a little older! Thank you for
your thoughtfulness – we are truly blessed to have you care as we study to become church
workers. C. S.

Snail mail, E-mail or Online
You can enjoy the beautiful voices of the Kantorei on facebook.com/ctsfw. They share the
following hymns in song - Joy to the World, Silent Night, O Come O Come Emmanuel, and
Of the Father’s Love.

Please share the newsletter with the women’s groups in your church.

The mission of the Guild is to serve God by communicating the needs and encouraging the
support of Concordia Theological Seminary and its students. Our vision, by God’s grace,
enables us to pray, encourage men and women in our congregation to prepare for the
pastoral and deaconess ministry, support the seminary, and help provide for the spiritual
and physical needs of the seminary and for the students and their families.
Email – semguild@ctsfw.edu
Website: www.ctsfw.edu/Guild
Mailing address: 10805 Keelboat Cove, New Haven, IN 46774

Thank you and an invitation to you…

Thanks to the 52 individuals and 9 groups who have joined in the support of Concordia
Theological Seminary and its students and their families. In addition, a thank you to the
members and the friends of the Guild who have donated to support the various projects.

Many of the current members of the Guild are from the immediate area; however, the
Guild membership is open to women and to any organization belonging to a congregation
in fellowship with the LCMS. Your membership dues, donations and prayers are a blessing
to the men and women who will be our future pastors and deaconesses.

  ** Executive Board: Reta Borchelt, Diane Hartmann, Ruth Hartmann, Ella Jackson, Louise Showalter,
            Deborah Steiner, Phyllis Thieme, Joyce West, Rita Wissman, and Helen Witte **

                      Concordia Theological Seminary Guild - Fort Wayne, IN
                            Annual Membership Dues and/or Donation
                An individual membership is $10 and an organization membership (ie LWML, Altar Guild
                or other LCMS congregation group) is $25.

        Name/Organization                                                     Individual Dues          $

        Address                                                               Organization Dues        $

        City, State & Zip                                                     Donation-general         $

        Phone                                                                 Donation-Project 2020 $

        E-Mail                                                                Total Enclosed           $

        Please send your check payable to Concordia Theological Seminary Guild together with this completed form to:
                Diane Hartmann, Guild Treasurer, 10805 Keelboat Cove, New Haven, IN 46774

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