Entering into Branch Partnership

Page created by Gene Patel
Entering into Branch Partnership
into Branch
Entering into Branch Partnership
If it wasn’t for
Branch Partnership,
                           The key to running your own
                           practice; branch partnership.
I would have
never owned my             At Medivet, our mission is clear: to deliver truly exceptional care to our clients and their
                           pets, and to always be there when they need us. Simply put, it’s exceptional care that’s
own practice.”             always there.

Tine Van Egdom,            Our unique hub and spoke model, consisting of over 331 practices and 24 state‑of‑the‑art
Branch Partner, Portland   24-hour centres, champions collaborative working and clinical excellence. It’s home to a
                           community of 150 Branch Partners and over 800 vets. Here, you’ll have access to a wealth
                           of knowledge, skills, the latest treatments and diagnostic equipment, enabling you to deliver
                           the highest level of clinical care.

                           Many vets think about the next step in their career. We call this next step Branch Partnership,
                           and we’ve helped Branch Partners – at various stages of their careers – to realise their
                           ambition of owning a practice. Our Branch Partners join us as a true equity partner, which
                           at Medivet means owning and growing their own practice, their way. We’re right there with
                           them; helping them find the right location, offering unrivalled support, sharing in the costs
                           and profit from our success.
Entering into Branch Partnership
Invest in yourself and                                                Your personality as a Branch Partner is what shines through to
                                                                      our clients, reassuring them and solidifying your reputation in the
                                                                      community. We value your insight and expertise, so there’s nothing

impact the future of the                                              to hold you back from being a successful veterinary surgeon and
                                                                      a business owner.

veterinary profession.                                                “
                                                                      Medivet’s expertise in the background and the support
                                                                      they provide gives me the freedom to just be a vet and
Becoming a Branch Partner is an affordable and accessible way         develop my clinic.”
for ambitious vets to buy a share of and shape a Medivet practice.
We don’t call it a return on investment, rather a return on success   Tine Van Egdom MRCVS,
and a way to acknowledge the value you bring to the industry.         Branch Partner, Portland

You receive the rewards of the work that you put
into Branch Partnership. Whatever equity
                                                                      Medivet branches have their own individual style, not
                                                                      all branches are the same, But you’re part of something
percentage you own, you get that percentage                           bigger, too. I’m able to have my own way of working
back out. I’m doing the veterinary side of work for                   with support and help in the decision-making process.
my percentage and Medivet are doing everything                        I’ve built bonds with clients, a lot of them have been
else for their percentage. It feels very equal.”                      around for years.”
Emma Evans,                                                           Simon Pudsey,
Branch Partner, Sutton Farm                                           Branch Partner, Coventry
Entering into Branch Partnership
Grow professionally,
clinically and
Becoming a Branch Partner isn’t about how commercially‑minded
or clinically experienced you are – it’s about the difference you’re
ready to make to a practice, as the support and development
you’ll receive are second to none.

My branch very much feels like we are part of our
community. We know a lot of our clients on a first
name basis – we’ve got a really big client base that
are very, very loyal.”
Emma Evans,
                                                                       I have no regrets about becoming a Branch Partner,
                                                                       because there’s enough scope in the Medivet model
Branch Partner, Sutton Farm
                                                                       to be able to have your practice as you want it.”
                                                                       Oliver Duprey,
                                                                       Branch Partner, Southend 24-Hour Centre
Entering into Branch Partnership
Since becoming a Branch Partner, I’ve been
able to develop my clinical work and progress as
                                                         As a Branch Partner, you can lead your team to become the best
                                                         veterinary practice in your area, operating with complete clinical
                                                         freedom, all while benefiting from additional guidance and support.
                                                         This comes from our Clinical Operations and Support Centre
a vet. I’ve completed another certificate and been       teams so you can focus on your practice’s success and your
supported by many people that are available to           own clinical progression.
help with leadership and management.”
Emma Evans,
Branch Partner, Sutton Farm
                                                         If you want to progress and continue to improve in
                                                         yourself at every level, then becoming a Branch Partner is

                                                         a brilliant thing to do. You’re protected – this is as low risk
                                                         as you can get going into business ownership because
Medivet provide the tools you need to develop the        you are supported by a massive wealth of experience
practice as a Branch Partner. You can get on with        in terms of business ownership, and clinical support.”
running the branch. The clinical work drives our
business, and without the clinical work, we have         Oliver Duprey,
no business. They support in all the other activities,   Branch Partner, Southend 24-Hour Centre
things like wages, finance, health and safety
and marketing.”                                          Unlike joint venture partnerships and franchises, we help you secure
                                                         finance for up to 50% equity, so there’s no fixed approach to how
Simon Pudsey,                                            much of a branch you own or a pre-determined time you have to sell
Branch Partner, Coventry                                 your shares. There’s no limit to what you can achieve both in terms
                                                         of your improved income or the prospects of your clinic.
Entering into Branch Partnership
Finding the right                                                       “
                                                                        The relationship I have with Medivet has helped
                                                                        me unlock the potential of this practice.”

practice for you.                                                       Simon Cook,
                                                                        Branch Partner, Shrewsbury 24-Hour Centre

With over 331 practices and 24 24-hour centres across the UK, we
have partnership opportunities in various locations. As a Medivet
Branch Partner, you’re not assigned a practice; we take on board
the sort of area you are looking for – from large towns and cities
to something more rural or even beside the sea. Together, we’ll
explore our portfolio that’s been built around our communities and
our vets, so we can help you achieve your goal of running your
own practice, in a setting that’s right for you.

You won’t be deciding on your own. We’ll provide you with
information on the practice and the wider location, population
demographics, and competitor analysis.

In addition to our existing network, we are currently looking to open
several new state-of-the-art practices in the following locations:

•   Dereham, Norfolk                •   Whitsable, Kent
•   Hempstead Valley, Kent          •   West Bridgeford,
•   Letchworth, Hertfordshire
                                    •   Northallerton,
•   Basingstoke, Hampshire
                                        North Yorkshire
Entering into Branch Partnership
                                                   Branch Partnership allows me to retain a degree of
                                                   agency and allows me to develop my branch, bond
                                                   to it and be rewarded. And it’s not simply financial.
                                                   It’s how I see myself within the branch, being able
                                                   to develop it, being able to work with a team and
                                                   look at that for the longer term.”
                                                   Simon Pudsey,
                                                   Branch Partner, Coventry

                                                   The most positive things about being a
                                                   Branch Partner? The difference I have made to
                                                   the clinic. I took over a practice and I worked really
                                                   hard to build it up and now we are doing very well.

Becoming a Branch Partner was a no-brainer
really – buying into a practice that was already
                                                   As for the extra income, it’s beyond what you
                                                   would earn being just a normal employee. Plus, the
                                                   flexibility to be my own boss without having the
established which I could then grow, and that I    responsibility of the non clinical aspects suits me,
have grown, with the support of a wider team.”     I don’t have to do at all.”
Reena Patel,                                       Tine Van Egdom,
Branch Partner, Pinner and Stanmore                Branch Partner, Portland
Entering into Branch Partnership
Partnership                                        •   Our Clinical Operations team provide
                                                       you with all the support and guidance to
                                                       enable you to develop your practice.
                                                                                                      We both share in the
benefits.                                          •   You will have freedom to practise in the
                                                       way we were taught at university; our
                                                                                                      practice – we share in
                                                                                                      the costs, we share in the
                                                       community is built on trust.                   profit, we share in the
We’re redefining what it means to work
together – as we and our Branch Partners                                                              decision making.”
                                                   •   You’ll be part of an 800 strong vet
both share in the costs and profit, we’re true         community, unlike independent
equity partners rather than a joint venture                                                           Peter Arbeid,
                                                       practice owners.                               Branch Partner, Kensington
partnership or franchise. You’re able to
have real input and impact on the practice         •   Your efforts will be rewarded financially in   24-Hour Centre
                                                       line with your practice’s success, meaning

you run.
                                                       your income could vastly exceed your
                                                       current salary expectations.
•   In addition to helping you to find the                                                            I’m able to have my own
    right clinic, we will help you to decide the   •   You’ll benefit from true work/life balance     way of working with
    best equity model and provide you with             working four-day weeks, enjoying six
    financial support.                                 weeks’ holiday and excellent maternity
                                                                                                      support and help in the
                                                       and paternity benefits.                        decision‑making process.”
•   Our Hub and Spoke model gives you
    access to state-of-the-art equipment and       •   You can sell your equity at any time,          Simon Pudsey,
    specialists in our group, enabling you to          retaining complete control of your career.     Branch Partner, Coventry
    remain invested in cases.
                                                   •   You have a hand in building the best
•   Our Support Centre team help you look              place to work in the veterinary industry,
    after the non-clinical aspects of running          experiencing genuine job satisfaction
    a practice – giving you the opportunity            thanks to the value you bring and the
    to gain experience from them.                      influence you have.
Entering into Branch Partnership
I think the
partnership model is
probably Medivet’s
best kept secret.
The partnership
model is the best of
both worlds. For me,
it’s without question
the best thing I’ve
ever done.”
Andrew McVey MRCVS,
Branch Partner, Orrell Park,
Anfield and Mossley Hill
Entering into Branch Partnership
Frequently asked questions
Is this a franchise or Joint                       Will I need to understand the commercial
Venture Partnership?                               aspects of running a practice?

No, unlike other models this is a true equity      Not at all – our partnership focuses on
partnership which means we share in the            the difference you can make, not how
costs and profit together.                         commercially-minded or clinically experienced
                                                   you are. We offer support, guidance and
Am I tied into a specific amount of equity         training to help you develop both clinically
for a particular amount of time?                   and commercially.

Your equity is at a level you can afford and       How many years’ experience will I
that is tailored to you. You can sell your share   need before I am eligible to become a
at any time.                                       Branch Partner?

Do I really get to shape and grow                  Our Branch Partners come from all
the business?                                      backgrounds, with varying years’ clinical
                                                   experience. Our Hub and Spoke model and
Yes! You have complete clinical freedom and        community of 800 professionals means
the responsibility to instil the ethos you want    you’re always learning – becoming a Branch
for your practice and your team, and to reach      Partner expands your career prospects, it
targets you set for yourself.                      doesn’t limit them.
As long as you have a good
grounding for your clinical
work and you are building
relationships with clients,
you really are doing the
vast majority of what
a Branch Partner does.
Grab hold of this chance
with both hands, because it
is an amazing opportunity.
Without Medivet, I wouldn’t
have ever been able to
experience owning my
own practice.”
Emma Evans,
Branch Partner, Sutton Farm
It’s time to make a difference

Medivet want to see each practice and the individuals
within them succeed. Success for you is success for them –
you’re heading in the same direction.”
Oliver Duprey,
Branch Partner, Southend 24-Hour Centre

For more information or a confidential chat, please contact
Dr Ciara McCormack, Director of Clinical Operations on

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