Enterprise Report How entrepreneurs grow from managers to leaders of globally competitive businesses - assets.kpmg

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Enterprise Report How entrepreneurs grow from managers to leaders of globally competitive businesses - assets.kpmg
How entrepreneurs grow from managers
to leaders of globally competitive businesses

 KPMG New Zealand

Enterprise Report How entrepreneurs grow from managers to leaders of globally competitive businesses - assets.kpmg
Enterprise Report How entrepreneurs grow from managers to leaders of globally competitive businesses - assets.kpmg
03   Foreword

04   Why it matters – Bernard Hickey

10   Understanding the DNA of business – Simon Hunter

14   Small versus medium – The key differences

20   Start-up

26   Case study – Booktrack

28   Case study – SleepDrops

30   Case study – Avertana

32   Growth

40   Case study – Plus Group

42   Case study – East Day Spa

44   Letting go

52   Case study – Greg Dickson

54   Case study – Sir William Gallagher

56   From ideas to action

58   Contributors

                                                 Enterprise Report / KPMG / 1
Enterprise Report How entrepreneurs grow from managers to leaders of globally competitive businesses - assets.kpmg
2 / KPMG / Enterprise Report
Enterprise Report How entrepreneurs grow from managers to leaders of globally competitive businesses - assets.kpmg
                                             business; essentially recognising his or
                                             her deficiencies and actively looking to
New Zealand’s many                           bring the right people on board.
private businesses drive
                                             The third stage we’ve called ‘Letting go’,
growth and are the                           although a more correct way to put it
foundation of the country’s                  might be ‘Learning when to let go’,
                                             as the person who has nurtured and
long-term success.                           grown the business steps aside, having
                                             first – ideally – established a future-
                                             proof company culture and a viable
                                             succession plan.
New Zealand is a nation of private
business owners, large and small.            We’ve also talked to business owners
                                             and leaders, both in roundtable
Whilst NZX-listed companies and              discussions and in in-depth, one-on-one
large corporations receive most of the       conversations, about the challenges
attention, it’s worth noting that nearly     at each stage of the entrepreneurial
two-thirds of our economic output            lifecycle. Their amazing stories will
comes from private businesses and they       illustrate what it takes to establish a truly
are the cornerstone of employment in         successful business.
New Zealand.
                                             One thing is clear: New Zealand’s many
New Zealand is also a great place to         private businesses drive economic
do business. That rare combination of a      growth and are the foundation of the
true entrepreneurial spirit, a free market   country’s long-term success.
economy and a country that embraces
innovation, provides many of our private     Nurturing and helping grow our private
businesses with a great environment          businesses into the ‘next big things’ is
to prosper.                                  something that excites us.

But, for some reason, many of our            We hope that this report helps to
privately-owned businesses get to            start a conversation about how great
a certain stage and fail to push on          we can make New Zealand businesses.
and reach their potential. The end           As we all know, from little seeds, great
result is we lack enough businesses          things grow.
that have sufficient scale to grow
their sights beyond New Zealand,
becoming genuinely competitive on
the world stage.

At KPMG, we have engaged in research
to understand why this is the case. Our
Enterprise DNA research has analysed
the best companies in the country to
understand what has allowed them
to grow from clever ideas to global
exporting super-stars.

Our Enterprise Report takes an in-
depth look at three specific stages in
an entrepreneur’s journey. First, the
start-up phase, when a good idea is
commercialised and the search for
capital and customers begins in earnest
– an exciting stage, but one that all-too-
often burns people out.
                                             Paul McPadden
The second phase is growth, where            KPMG
the entrepreneur must grapple with           National Managing Partner
how to incorporate new talent into the       Private Enterprise

                                                                   Enterprise Report / KPMG / 3
Enterprise Report How entrepreneurs grow from managers to leaders of globally competitive businesses - assets.kpmg
Why it matters:
Small business means
a small economy
By Bernard Hickey
                                            less expansive, less profitable, more
                                            vulnerable to failure, and far less likely to
As New Zealanders, we see                   export than mid-sized businesses; if we
                                            can improve these data in the coming
ourselves as an innovative                  years, we’ll have a better economy.
bunch, punching above our                   It’s as simple as that.
weight on the world stage.                  The Statistics
We see our generalist ability,              The fact that small business is unable,
                                            or unwilling, to make the jump into
our flexibility, our drive and              becoming higher-growth and more
our ‘number eight wire’                     internationally-exposed can be blamed
approach as a unique part                   for the country’s poor productivity,
                                            according to the New Zealand
of our culture, helping us                  Productivity Commission.
win against bigger and
                                            There are just so many small
wealthier competitors.                      businesses remaining small – seemingly
                                            purposefully – that the question has to
                                            be asked just what it will take to get
                                                                                            Bernard Hickey
                                            more of them smashing through that
                                                                                            Publisher and journalist
If only that were true.                     $5-10 million mark and into the big time.
                                            The Ministry of Business, Innovation
It turns out we are a nation of             and Employment (MBIE) reports that 90           ‘key goal’, while 17 percent said doing
surprisingly small businesses that are      percent of all local businesses employ          something he or she was passionate
almost wholly focused on the domestic       fewer than five people, with a whopping         about was the main aim of the business.
market, and are quite happy to muddle       69 percent having no employees. It also
along without much competition in           found most of small businesses either           Perhaps this is why such large numbers
a way that allows us a great lifestyle      fail in the first five years, or stall at a     of small businesses don’t survive
without too many growing pains.             small size, with very few going on to           the mediocrity of little growth; doing
                                            become growth engines. (Fg.1)                   something you love without any real
That’s a pity. New Zealand needs more                                                       return may well wear after a while.
small companies to grow into medium-        The MYOB survey of 2015 gave more
sized companies that are in a position to   context around the lack of growth, and          Most fail in fact, with few reaching
take on the world.                          put starkly, it suggested small business        bigger and better things.
                                            owners are choosing lifestyle rather
Our productivity – and therefore income     than growth.                                    The Productivity Commission studied
– performance over the past 30 years                                                        this rather gloomy lifecycle, looking
has been weaker than most in the            “New Zealand business owners’ long-             at how companies born in 2001 lived,
OECD and has contributed to the 30          term goals for the business focused on          stalled or died. It found that within 10
percent wage gap that’s opened up with      flexibility rather than growth,” it noted.      years only a third had survived, but
Australia in the past 30 years.             “In terms of the long-term goals for            the average survivor only increased its
                                            their business, almost one third of             employee numbers from 0.5 to two.
Which sounds like the perfect incentive     business owners nominated flexibility,          The real growth in employment
for New Zealand to lift its game.           allowing them to make money but also            happened when a very few were able
                                            spend time with the families and                to make the leap into becoming
I’m going to lay out the official           take holidays.”                                 businesses with more than 10
statistics here, showing conclusively                                                       employees – or had more than 10 to
that small business is less productive,     Only one in five said growth was a              start with. (Fg.2)

4 / KPMG / Enterprise Report
Enterprise Report How entrepreneurs grow from managers to leaders of globally competitive businesses - assets.kpmg
Fg 1: A NATION OF SMEs                                                      Fg 2: SMALL FIRMS FAIL MORE
                                                                          Average enterprise survival rates by firm size

 THERE ARE                                                     100%

 473,846                           Average percent of cohort
                                                                                                                                                   Small – medium

                                        year surviving

                                                                                                                                                   Small (10-19)

ENTERPRISES                                                                                                                                        Small (6-9)

IN NEW ZEALAND                                                  25%                                                                                Micro (1-5)

                                                                            1      2         3     4    5       6       7         8   9      10

                                                               Source: Business Demography Statistics. Statistics New Zealand, 2013. Access via Statistics
                                                               New Zealand website.
                                                               Note: All numbers are provisional. Survival rate is defined as the percentage of enterprise births
                                                               in each reference period that survive into future reference periods in the business demography

                                                               population. For full notes consult source data.

                                                                      Fg 3: SMALL FIRMS INVEST IN LESS
                                                                      Percent of firms increasing their focus/investment
20 EMPLOYEES                                                                        Sole               Micro             Small            Medium
                                                                                  operators            (1-5)             (6-49)           (50-99)
                                                                                                                          44%               39%

                                  Customer retention                                                                                                        Average
                                          strategies                                                                                                          34%

                                                                                       21%              31%                                54%


                                    Prices/margin on                                                                                                        Average
                                   products/services                                                                                                          35%

                                                                                       22%               26%
                                                                                                                            42%            45%

                                                       Investment in
                                                         IT systems/                                                                                        Average
                                                           processes                                                                                         33.5%

                                                                                       22%              25%

                                                        Amount                                                                                              Average
OF SMEs ARE LESS                                   employees are                                                                                              39%
THAN SIX YEARS OLD                                         paid
(COMPARED TO 16%                                                                       11%
FOR LARGER FIRMS)                                                                                       34%
Source: Business Operation
Survey 2007-2013, Statistics NZ                                             Source: MYOB Business Monitor, 2015

                                                                                                                                           Enterprise Report / KPMG / 5
Enterprise Report How entrepreneurs grow from managers to leaders of globally competitive businesses - assets.kpmg
Fg 4: SMALLER FIRMS HAVE LOWER EXPECTATIONS                                                           They more than contribute to the
                                                                                                      country’s GDP, churning out almost 40
                                                                                                      percent of it in any given year. (Fg.5)
Percent of business that invested in expansion in 2013
                                                                                                      We often hear just how important
                                                                                                      exporting is for a country like New
                                                                                                      Zealand – a trading nation. But the
                                                                                                      fact is that our small businesses just
                                                                                         No           haven’t got the ability to look beyond
                                                                                                      the domestic scene. But our mid-sized
        No                          No                           No                                   concerns do. (Fg.6)

                                                                                                      More than a quarter export, and a
                                                                                                      further 11 percent are investigating the
                                                                                        Yes           possibility. Australia, Asia and the US
                                                                                                      are the most common markets. Even
       Yes                         Yes                          Yes                                   those that don’t export are more likely to
                                                                                                      be involved in the export supply chain,
     Small                      Small –                      Medium                    Large          which might explain why they are much
     (6-19)                     medium                       (50-99)                   (100)          more concerned about things like the
                                (20-49)                                                               high New Zealand dollar.
Source: Business operations survey, 2010 - 2013, Statistics New Zealand
                                                                                                      These businesses are involved with
                                                                                                      exciting ventures that play perfectly
                                                                                                      to New Zealand’s strengths, and help
                                                                                                      build around them a business ‘hub’.
                                                                                                      Wellington is a prime example of this.

Fg 5: MID-SIZED                                        Mid-market pre-eminence
                                                       Firms that started bigger were more
                                                       robust; firms that became mid-sized
                                                                                                      While Auckland is home to most mid-
                                                                                                      sized business, Wellington’s mid-market
                                                                                                      enterprises enjoy a sales growth which
BUSINESSES                                             were also more robust. MYOB’s
                                                       research backed that up, saying
                                                                                                      is double that of most companies
                                                                                                      around the capital. The really stand-out

DOMINATE GDP                                           medium-sized businesses were more
                                                       likely to be planning to invest in retaining
                                                       and growing customers and profit
                                                                                                      ones here are largely in IT and digital
                                                                                                      entertainment fields, and have proved a
                                                                                                      catalyst for associated services to give
Estimated contribution to GDP
                                                       margins, increasing wages and bonuses          the city a real vibrancy and wealth by
by employee size group
                                                       for staff, and selling and marketing           attracting young, talented workers. So
                                                       more products and services online – all        much so that there is a skills shortage in
                                                       the touchstone factors for successful          Wellington, and 40 percent of the mid-
                                                       modern business. (Fg.3 and 4)                  sized businesses canvassed in the GE
                                                                                                      survey were looking to recruit.
                                                       It probably goes without saying that
                                                       mid-market businesses contribute more          The South Island’s mid-market,
                                                       to the economy, but let’s bring in the         conversely, is concentrated in the rural
                  TOTAL                                stats again to paint the picture properly.
                                                       GE Capital conducted a mid-market
                                                                                                      industries, engineering and construction:
                                                                                                      areas where again, New Zealand has
                 $210,299                              survey in 2015 which showed business           found a point of difference, and can
                                                       in this bracket comprised 36 percent           sell the services, products and the
                                                       of national sales and 55 percent of the        intellectual property offshore.
                                                       growth in sales, despite the fact they
                                                       were only 6.5 percent of all business.         In total, the country’s 33,210 medium-
                                                                                                      sized businesses generated sales of
                                                       Tellingly, 60 percent of mid-sized             over $159 billion in the last survey,
                                                       business say the goal of operation is          outpacing the $97 billion generated by
■ 0-19 employees 56,785m                               ‘growth’ – a growth powered by an              almost 500,000 small companies.
                                                       average of 23 employees and annual             Of course, ‘big’ business outstrips both
■ 20-49 employees 13,791m                             sales of almost $5 million.                    of these categories, generating almost
                                                                                                      50 percent of sales, or $239 billion,
■ 50 or more employees                                With a healthy turnover – assuming             in that same time. And there’s only
   94,506m                                             profitability is also healthy – these          1,190 of them.
                                                       businesses have the means to invest
■ Excluded industries/other                           in the types of things they need to do         But there was one area that mid-sized
   items 45,217m                                       to perpetuate still more growth. For           businesses triumphed over both small
                                                       example, they spend an average of              and big categories – and that was in
Source Statistics New Zealand,                         $220,000 a year on R&D and an average          increasing their ‘value-add’ – a measure
National Accounts Mar 2012                             of $440,000 on product development.            of wages, profits, capital investment

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EXPORT LESS                            Percent of companies reporting increase in profitability

Percent of firms that generated
overseas income                                             50%

                                    Percent of businesses

                                                            40%                                                             Medium

                                                                                                                            Small – medium
                                                            30%                                                             (20-49)


                                                                  2009   2010        2011            2012      2013
           Small (6-19)
                                       Source: Business Operations Survey, 2009-2013, Statistics New Zealand

                                       and taxes. GE estimates that mid-                    The effect is also felt in companies that

                                       market firms increased their value-add               are foreign owned. Companies with
                                       by almost 10 percent in 2013. (Fg.7)                 more foreign connections – whether in
                                       They’re also the stars of the fastest                part or in full owners or as customers –
                                       growing parts of the economy, which                  inevitably improves productivity.
                                       are, according to the statistics, areas
                                       like manufacturing and construction.                 Why it matters
                                                                                            The reluctance of the smallest
                                       Construction was the stand-out in                    businesses to either relinquish control,
   Small – medium (20-49)              terms of what it made for the country                or their inability to export, keeps the
                                       but also for its mid-market participants,            New Zealand economy hamstrung;
                                       growing sales by almost 40 percent                   we can’t increase our productivity and
                                       year-on-year.                                        subsequently we cannot increase our
                                                                                            GDP per capita.
                                       Innovation gap

                                       With more profitability in the medium                The OECD backed this up in its Future of
                                       and large business sectors, their ability            Productivity report last year, pointing out
                                       to reinvest in the business and pay                  that New Zealand’s small enterprises
                                       more in wages has a direct influence                 were stumbling on with low growth, in
                                       on productivity. Innovation is another               part due to less competition, particularly
                                       natural by-product of the drive to                   from overseas, whereas they should be
                                       grow productivity.                                   growing – or exited.

        Medium (50-99)                 The higher propensity for innovation                 New Zealand, it found, had one of
                                       among larger firms is nothing unique                 the higher start-up rates, but one of
                                       to New Zealand, but our higher                       the slower growth rates once those
                                       proportion of comfortably stagnant                   businesses were up and running.
                                       smaller firms conspires to put us at
                                       the lower end of innovation tables of                “A key message is that creative

             37%                       OECD countries. (Fg.8)

                                       The Productivity Commission’s
                                       work, looking at the country’s poor
                                                                                            destruction and up-or-out dynamics are
                                                                                            central: entry matters but what happens
                                                                                            next is crucial – all else being equal,
                                                                                            young firms should grow rapidly or exit
                                       productivity growth since, 1980 has                  (i.e. ‘up-or-out’) but not linger
                                       identified that too few firms operate in             and become small-old firms,” the
                                       competitive international markets. It is             OECD wrote.
           Large (100)                 these markets that force firms to adopt
                                       the most productive techniques and                   Put simply, we grow our small
Source: Business Operation Survey      technologies; that is, innovation results            businesses at the same rate as the
2009-2013, Statistics New Zealand      from global connectedness.                           sclerotic and stodgy Italian economy,

                                                                                                                 Enterprise Report / KPMG / 7
Enterprise Report How entrepreneurs grow from managers to leaders of globally competitive businesses - assets.kpmg
                         Canada (2007-09)
                               Brazil (2006-08)
                               Israel (2006-08)
                 South Africa (2005-07)
                          Australia (2011)
                        Czech Republic
                New Zealand (2009-10)
                           Japan (2009-11)
                      United Kingdom
South Korea (2005-07, manufacturing)
                       Slovak Republic
                               Chile (2009-10)
      Russian Federation (2009-11)
                                                  0      10%         20%         30%         40%         50%         60%            70%   80%
                                                                   Percent of all SMEs engaging in innovation

      Source: OECD Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard 2013. Access via OECD Library
      Notes: The OECD defines SMEs as firms with fewer than 250 employees. For full notes regarding data, consult source material

8 / KPMG / Enterprise Report
     Growth rate of firms

                           250   Sweden       Finland      New Zealand        Italy
Percent of growth rate





                             0                                                                         A serious conversation has to
                                  3                         5                           7              begin about how we encourage
                                                        Year                                           our business people to have bigger
     Source: OECD, the Future of Productivity, 2015                                                    dreams. We need them, first of all,
                                                                                                       to equate business with ‘growth’.
                                                                                                       Not ‘bach and beamer’ and ‘being
    Fg 10: AND DIE LIKE FINLAND                                                                        my own boss’.
    Survival rate of firms
                                 Sweden       Finland      New Zealand        Italy                    them, first of all, to equate business
                           80                                                                          with ‘growth’. Not ‘bach and beamer’
Percent of survival rate

                                                                                                       and ‘being my own boss’.
                                                                                                       Then, perhaps we need to look at places
                           60                                                                          in the economy where New Zealand has
                                                                                                       a natural advantage and seek to bring
                                                                                                       in businesses that are operating on the
                                                                                                       margins of these sectors. We need to
                                                                                                       invest more in our best and brightest
                                                                                                       business leaders. We need to instil a
                                                                                                       love of success at school. Most of all,
                           30                                                                          we need to be open to our innovators,
                                  3                         5                           7
                                                                                                       our entrepreneurs, and our winners.
     Source: OECD, the Future of Productivity, 2015
                                                                                                       We need to have more ambition and
                                                                                                       then get on with it.

      tracking poorly in the same way                    While you can’t fault people for wanting      Sources: Firm dynamics and job creation in New
      as countries like Finland (Fg.9 and                to enjoy life, the fact is life will not be   Zealand: A perpetual motion machine
      10). Some of that is down to our                   enjoyable for enough of us if all of our      http://www.productivity.govt.nz/sites/default/files/
      geographical remoteness and small                  potential wealth-creators took that           nzpc-research-note-20151-firm-dynamics-job-
      market size, but other factors look                approach. Our lack of ambition and
      likely to be more tied to our nature as            connectedness to the rest of the world        mid-market-report/index.html#title
      a people, who are blessed with plentiful           has consigned us to muddling along at         http://www.mbie.govt.nz/info-services/business/
      and easy-to-harvest food, water                    the level where productivity and real         business-growth-agenda/pdf-and-image-
      and resources.                                     wealth stagnates. Instead, we work            Sector%20Report%202014%20-PDF%208.8%20
                                                         longer hours and employ more people           MB-1.pdf
      What we should do                                  on low wages.                                 http://www.mbie.govt.nz/info-services/business/
      This report you’re about to read gives an                                                        business-growth-agenda/pdf-and-image-
      outline of the key drivers at each stage           For now we’re more than happy, it             Sector%20Report%202014%20-PDF%208.8%20
      of business; the attributes and methods            seems, to leverage our equity in land for     MB-1.pdf
      that successful business leaders have,             capital gains, and pump up the value of       http://www.productivity.govt.nz/sites/default/files/
      or have learnt, to drive them from small-          our commodity exports by adding more          nzpc-working-paper-productivity-convergence-
      scale entrepreneurs to genuine world               people, water and nitrates to our natural
      beaters. These insights are valuable,              environment to enlarge the size – but         nzpc-motu-working-paper-measuring-innovative-
      because these people have done this                unfortunately not the quality – of our        activity.pdf
      despite a laid back business culture.              economy. It's not sustainable.                http://ir.canterbury.ac.nz/bitstream/
      They’ve had to propel themselves,                                                                handle/10092/7659/PhdThesis_
      operating in a culture in which people             A serious conversation has to begin           pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
      love to start business, but then sit back          about how we encourage our business           http://www.oecd.org/eco/growth/OECD-2015-The-
      and enjoy the lifestyle.                           people to have bigger dreams. We need         future-of-productivity-book.pdf

                                                                                                                                  Enterprise Report / KPMG / 9
Understanding the
DNA of business
By Simon Hunter

                                   Studying the DNA of successful               One of the points that has come out of
                                   business is a key to unlocking               extensive research KPMG has done in
                                   the mystery of New Zealand’s                 this area is identify that New Zealand
                                   lagging productivity.                        doesn’t, in truth, have a productivity
                                                                                problem – it has a people problem.
                                   New Zealand needs more businesses            This becomes abundantly clear when
                                   doing more business.                         we study some of the key people who
                                                                                have driven superlative New Zealand
                                   That’s the very simple premise that led      businesses – companies that are
                                   KPMG on a hunt to drill down into the        working well beyond the domestic
                                   country’s most successful businesses,        market, targeting a place in the global
                                   understand the traits they share, analyse    market and driving prosperity for both
                                   and distil those traits, and share them      themselves and the country.
                                   with others to build an even better and
                                   more vibrant economic sector.

                                   At first glance, the reasons that so         New Zealand doesn’t, in truth,
                                   few local businesses excel into bigger,      have a productivity problem
                                   better and more productive concerns          – it has a people problem. This
Simon Hunter                       are hard to find. The evidence suggests      becomes abundantly clear when
KPMG                               New Zealand is an awesome place              we study some of the key people
Partner – Performance Consulting   to do business. Constraints to trade         who have driven superlative
                                   are low, the regulatory and operating        New Zealand businesses.
                                   environments are generally fair and allow
                                   for growth, and we can be competitive
                                   while still attracting a premium price for
                                   our products.                                We thought if we could drill down into
                                                                                these businesses we could understand
                                   On a broader note, we’re in a strong         so much more about the keys to
                                   position economically, having survived       success. In some cases, those that
                                   the Global Financial Crisis relatively       attracted our attention operated in
                                   unscathed. For the last 20-30 years          industries and sectors that were, in
                                   we’ve developed the right products in        general, struggling – but were not just
                                   the right niches; we’re closer than ever     surviving, but thriving. They could even
                                   to our markets, including critical markets   be described as ‘outliers’. What were
                                   in Asia, while at the same time being        these outliers doing so differently to
                                   far enough away from chaos points in         everyone else?
                                   the world.
                                                                                We distilled this knowledge into eight
                                   It’s a sweet spot in many ways. And          traits we’ve named Enterprise DNA.
                                   yet, over that same last 20-30 years, we
                                   haven’t grown as fast as our peers and       The first of these is Pivotal Leaders, the
                                   competitors. We seem to have missed          person who may be an entrepreneur,
                                   the boat on driving productivity. And we     or the person brought into revive a
                                   have failed to increase our margins and      company’s flagging fortunes. This
                                   prices in key markets.                       person seems to both devise and
                                                                                epitomise the values of the business,
                                   There’s huge opportunity if we can           and he or she is also the person who
                                   unlock this mystery.                         assembles the right people around

10 / KPMG / Enterprise Report
SHIFTING THE INDUSTRY'S PERFORMANCE                                                KPMG is determined
                                                                                                           to help New Zealand
                                                                                                           increase the number
                                                                    Future                                 and quality of medium-
                                                                                                           sized enterprises

Percent of enterprise



   themselves – advisors, board members,      the right priorities in terms of investing   Of these eight traits of Enterprise DNA,
   managers – to bring that singular vision   in their people.                             four relate to the leadership and people
   to life.                                                                                within an enterprise (Pivotal Leaders,
                                              The best businesses also all have            Attitude and Ambition, Capable People,
   These excellent businesses also have       Customer Intimacy (DNA trait number          Strategic Anchor).
   the right Ambition and Attitude – DNA      six) – they walk in the customer's
   trait number two. Everyone is invested     shoes, ensuring they’re happy and            The report you are reading singles
   in the vision and wants to be the best –   listened to constantly. They also have       out these four strands of DNA and
   in the world – as soon as possible.        Deployment Discipline (DNA trait             examines how these traits look at the
                                              number seven) – excellence in execution      business lifecycle. It asks pivotal leaders
   This shared vision is underpinned by       and troubleshooting.                         what drives them, and what allows
   a Strategic Anchor – DNA trait number                                                   them to transcend the role of small
   three – a succinct and clear idea of       The final trait is Connection and            business owners and managers and into
   what the business exists for which         Collaboration, and it’s this quality that    becoming entrepreneurial leaders.
   doesn’t essentially change, even while     these outlier businesses naturally
   aspects of the business itself may         excelled at, despite the fact New            In putting these pieces of research
   change and evolve.                         Zealand business as a whole does not.        together, we aim to get to
                                                                                           the crux of what needs to happen to
   It will be no surprise to hear that the    KPMG has looked at studies from              bridge the ‘people gap’ that’s developed
   best businesses place a high premium       around the world and we note that in         in the last few decades that has seen
   on Capable People, trait number four.      other regions, collaboration and working     New Zealand’s growth stagnate.
   But the premium companies seek to          together is very important; it creates a     We’ve got to find people who aren’t
   protect their culture as a first step to   network and ecosystem which helps            satisfied with middling results
   deciding on the people they use, and       ‘raise all boats’. The best businesses       – we want those next ten percent of
   everything flows from there.               reach out to their peers, collaborators      businesses who aim to grow by as
                                              and stakeholders almost instinctively,       much as 40 percent yearly.
   DNA trait five is Investment and
   Resource Allocation. The best              We’ve worked to foster this type of          Because those are the ones that will
   companies understand where to              collaboration in our Te Hono bootcamps       fuel prosperity, unlock opportunity, and
   put their capital in terms of physical     targeting the agricultural sector, and the   inspire the kind of success that will drive
   assets as well as innovation, and have     results are almost immediate.                the country towards more prosperity.

                                                                                                                Enterprise Report / KPMG / 11
High-performing enterprises
grow from a set of
conscious decisions to do
things a particular way.
Embedding excellence
into an organisation is a
cultural issue that cannot be
imposed on people through
meetings or Power Point

Changing culture requires
leaders to work closely with
their teams to demonstrate
the desired behaviour,
celebrate milestones, be
open and honest about
failings, and hold each other
to account.

This takes time and requires
investment to equip people
with the skills and tools they
need to have an impact. Most
critically, any cultural change
requires clear communication,
starting from the top of the

12 / KPMG / Enterprise Report
Four key leadership traits
of Enterprise DNA

Pivotal Leaders                             Capable People
◆ Has driven the business from             ◆ Company culture set from day one,
   inception, or is brought in to get the      and adhered to by all.
   business ‘back on track’. Identifies     ◆ Everyone in the company knows
   closely with the business and is there      where it’s going, and there’s a
   for the long term.                          common purpose.
◆ Has the vision, passion and industry     ◆ People must fit in with the culture,
   experience combined with strong             understand and represent the values,
   commercial focus.                           and if they don’t, hard decisions need
◆ Brings a rhythm to the business, and a      to be made.
   focus on constant improvement. Can       ◆ The culture is always protected,
   bring everyone along for the ride.          and culture protects the business,
◆ Use their boards wisely, and know           throughout change/evolution.
   how to seek help while remaining         ◆ Internal communication is as
   independent.                                important as external communication.
◆ Stable management is a focus,            ◆ The enterprise is developing core
   with the company’s legacy always            capabilities that will be required at
   protected despite change.                   least five years into the future.
◆ Introduction of new people under a
   pivotal leader is done carefully, and
   with a view to not undermining the
   culture of the business.

Strategic Anchor                            Ambition and Attitude
◆ A single idea that’s been there          ◆ A desire to be the best in the world
   from day one, and everything in the         – and be the best in the world quickly.
   company is built around this idea.       ◆ An ambition to be globally relevant,
◆ The anchor is never compromised,            not just a domestic star.
   even as the business evolves and         ◆ Everyone in the company is on board
   changes.                                    with being number one or two in
◆ It’s very distinctive, not a ‘me too’       every market segment.
   position.                                ◆ A relentless desire to be better in
◆ Sees the company constantly look to         every way.
   narrow and define its focus, culling     ◆ Humility about the way the business
   brands and other elements that don’t        conducts itself – confident, not
   fit any more.                               arrogant.
◆ Has the same core purpose now and        ◆ A laser-like focus on the future.
   well into the future.
                                            ◆ A desire to do something extra-
                                               ordinary for future generations.

                                                                 Enterprise Report / KPMG / 13
Small versus
Bigger is better, especially
in terms of outcomes for
mid-sized businesses.
We quantify the difference.

14 / KPMG / Enterprise Report
Small versus mid-market:
The key differences

                                            We also conducted workshops with
We know that New Zealand                    21 entrepreneurial leaders in Auckland,
                                            Tauranga, Hamilton and Wellington to
is a nation of small-to-mid-                test our insights against the experiences
sized enterprises. Some                     of real businesses. The results give us
                                            strong clues as the difference between
97 percent of all business                  these two kinds of firms and suggest
have less than 20 employees.                what needs to be done to nurture more
                                            of them
But not many grow into
mid-sized businesses.                       Small versus medium
                                            Tapping into Colmar Brunton’s annual
Yet we know how important                   survey of small businesses, we
mid-sized and large                         contrasted the attitudes of the leaders of
                                            companies with $2 million turnover with
businesses are for creating                 those below $2 million. The results are
wealth, employment, exports                 summarised as follows:
and IP.                                     ◆ Small business owners have to
                                               stretch themselves over several roles,
                                               i.e. finance, operations, marketing,
                                               whereas medium enterprise
The question that we must answer is            employees are more focused on
‘why?’ Why do so few small businesses          their disciplines.
kick on to become genuine, sustainable
businesses that are independent of their    ◆ Mid-sized enterprises are more likely
founders? No doubt there are a host             to be in agriculture, manufacturing,
of reasons, including access to capital         mining, infrastructure industries and
and markets, training and talent. There         less likely to be in business services.
may be industry-specific reasons. For
example, there’s growing evidence           ◆ Mid-sized enterprises are more
that the technology sector is growing          established – 61 percent of these
companies of genuine scale, but other          companies are older than 10 years,
industries haven’t been able to replicate      compared to 32 percent of small
that model.                                    enterprises; 39 percent are looking
                                               to invest in growth or productivity
To examine further the possible factors        initiatives. One quarter are looking
that stymie growth, we chose to focus          to reinvent themselves as they
on the importance of leadership and            face increased competition or other
ambition, which covers four of the             macro pressures.
Enterprise DNA traits – Pivotal Leaders,
Ambition and Attitude, Strategic Anchor     Mid-sized sentiment
and Capable People, partnering with         In addition, the mid-sized companies:
Colmar Brunton to conduct two pieces
of interlocking research:                   ◆ Feel more in control of their business’
                                               success, with agency to make change.
Quantitative: In which we compared the
attitudes and attributes of those leading   ◆ Are more likely to focus on growth in
‘small’ companies (turnover below               the coming year.
$2 million) with those leading ‘mid’
companies (turnover above $2 million).      ◆Feel more optimistic compared to
                                               12 months ago.
Qualitative: In-depth interviews with the
leaders of 12 medium-sized enterprises      Mid-sized businesses are more likely to
conducted by New Zealand research           have long-term plans – 47 percent have
company Colmar Brunton.                     one-to-five year plans compared to

                                                                 Enterprise Report / KPMG / 15
Running a business is better for medium-sized enterprise
   The middle does more

                                                                                    Small enterprise       Medium
MEDIUM-SIZED                                                                             $2m

                                      Learned a lot, got heaps out of it                    76                89

                                      A personal and lifestyle success                      62                 74

                                      Liberating and exhilarating                           58                 72

   OF ALL NZ FIRMS                    Lots of fun                                           57                67

                                      A financial success                                   52                 75

                                      Much better and easier than I expected                35                 47
                                      Source: Colmar Brunton


23 PEOPLE                             27 percent of small enterprises and
                                      micro-sized enterprises.

                                      The focus on the future is a major feature
                                      of the entrepreneurs we spoke to. This
                                                                                    nd, finally, medium enterprises are
                                                                                   overall more enthusiastic about business
                                                                                   than their small counterparts.

                                                                                   In summary, it appears there are
                                      marked desire to look to the future may      measurable differences in the attitudes
                                      explain why our leaders hewed towards        and leadership styles of small and
                                      optimism, always believing they had the      medium-sized enterprises. If we’re to
                                      agency to make good things happen.           grow our enterprises then cultivating
     AND GENERATE                                                                  those attitudes and styles is critical.

                                      In terms of business operations,
                                      mid-sized enterprises are more likely        So what are those attributes of the
                                      to have the following outsourced:            medium-sized businesses and how did
                                                                                   they develop them?
                                      ◆ Administration
        IN REVENUE                                                                 Consistent themes emerged about
                                      ◆ Marketing, advertising and media           what kind of people lead medium-sized
                                                                                   enterprises, their leadership styles and
                                      ◆ IT/Technology                              ambitions and how these changed as
                                                                                   their businesses evolved over time.
                                      ◆ Legal

                                                                                   We have characterised these people as
                                       edium enterprises are more
                                      M                                            ‘entrepreneurial leaders’ as opposed to
                                      challenged by macro factors such as          mere ‘managers’.
                                      government policies and access to
 OF TOTAL NZ SALES                    labour, but other challenges are felt the    The entrepreneurial leader
                                      same as small enterprise.                    Over the course of many discussions
                                                                                   with successful medium-sized firms, the
                                      In terms of top priorities, medium          character traits of the entrepreneurial
                                       and small enterprises share the same        leader emerged like someone walking
                                       concerns: cutting costs, improving          out of the mist. It’s true that at various
                                       profitability, improving production         times they have been required to micro-
  AND CONTRIBUTE                       and building brand awareness.               manage their businesses, especially in

                                       However medium enterprises also             the start-up phase. And they continue
                                       list ‘launching new products and            to act as managers, although often
                                       services’ and ‘gaining more capital’        reluctantly and sometimes, by their own
                                       in their list of priorities.                admission, not very well.
             OF GDP
Source: GE Mid-Market Monitor, 2015   In hindsight, two-thirds of medium          However they are different from ‘mere’
                                       enterprises would still have set up their   managers in their heads and hearts. At
                                       own business, compared to only half of      their core is the question ‘why not?’ –
                                       small enterprises.                          and different answers characterise each

 16 / KPMG / Enterprise Report
There are measurable
differences in the attitudes
and leadership styles of
small and medium-sized
enterprises. If we’re to
grow our enterprises then
cultivating those attitudes
and styles is critical.        Enterprise Report / KPMG / 17
type. A manager will say “I can’t”, while
                                      an entrepreneur says “If they say it can’t    Whereas many of us wonder where
                                      be done, then I must try and do it!”. The     we fit into the world, entrepreneurs
  GROWING IN THE MIDDLE               ability to tolerate risk separates the two    have an innate need to shape and
                                      groups from each other.                       create the world according to their
 MID-SIZED                            This openness to possibility, call it
                                                                                    own to their views.

ENTERPRISES:                          optimism or even belligerence, seems
                                      to us to be one of the defining
                                      differences between the manager               and professional advisors. They realise
                                      and entrepreneur. From it springs             they cannot do it all.
        GREW THEIR                    other really important attributes
      ‘VALUE-ADD’ BY                  common to leaders:                            “Mark Zuckerburg has arms and legs like

                                                                                    us. It’s how he uses them and who he’s
                                      They create and disrupt                       got with him that makes the difference,”
                                      Entrepreneurs don’t let rules or social       said one of our leaders, echoing a
                                      conventions stop them. They see a             common sentiment from our discussions
                                      way of getting it done and then do it.        with leaders.
  (MORE THAN OTHER                    They look beyond points where a lot
  BUSINESS SECTORS)                   of people would stop and have the             Growing with the business
                                      ability to see different paths and            These attributes separate the mere
                                      different options.                            managers from entrepreneurial leaders.
                                                                                    And they mark the entrepreneur as a
                                      Failure is a precursor to success             rare beast.
       CONTRIBUTED                    Entrepreneurs are not afraid of failure
                                      as they see that it’s part of the learning    But by themselves they are insufficient

                                      curve and inevitable.                         for business growth. At each stage of the
                                                                                    business lifecycle the entrepreneur must
                                      “By failing, especially in the beginning of   bring a distinct set of skills and attitudes
                                      your career, you learn and become better      to the task.
   OF THE GROWTH IN                   at what you do. You understand better
                                      where you sit, where your strengths and       These are often inherent traits, but they
    TOTAL NZ SALES                    weaknesses are and how to deal with           can also be learned, and in being learned,
                                      them,” said one of our discussion group       can be cemented into the company
                                      entrepreneurs.                                culture by entrepreneurial leaders. Both
                                                                                    the learning of the traits, and the process
                                      Shape their own world                         by which they are handed down within a

                                      Whereas many of us wonder where we            business to ensure its survival, are keys
                                      fit into the world, entrepreneurs have        to growing a small business into an entity
                                      an innate need to shape and create the        capable of handing growth.
                                      world according to their own to their
  INCREASED THEIR                     views. This can often be perceived as         Putting together entrepreneurial traits,
                                      arrogance or worse, narcissism, but a         where the business is at the lifecycle,
PROFITABILITY (HIGHEST                more positive interpretation is a need for    and talking to those that show these
OF ANY SIZE BUSINESS)                 self-actualisation: they are determined to    traits at different stages in their own
                                      prove themselves to themselves, rather        journeys has given us a clear picture for
AND THEY HAVE LONGER                  than to society. This could be the reason     the kinds of factors that affect leaders
 LIFE, INNOVATE MORE                  why making money is ranked low in their       and their people at each vital stage.
  AND EXPORT MORE                     measures of success.
                                                                                    We’ve also talked in-depth to people who
                                      Not a job, a journey                          have made the journey and learned from
                                      Entrepreneurs view their task as a            their experiences. Their experiences are
                                      journey, with no set way of getting           weaved into our findings and stand alone
    AND THEY SPEND                    ‘there’. It’s certainly not a job. Which      as case studies; all those interviewed

                                      explains why they are such hard workers       were eager to share their trials and
                                      and also strong networkers. For them          tribulations and this is again a very typical
                                      ‘work’ is a passion that does not end         attribute of an entrepreneurial leader
                                      after 5pm.                                    – the desire to share knowledge and
                                                                                    experience for the greater good.
   PER YEAR ON R&D                    Value people and process
    AND PRODUCT                       Unlike sole-traders, entrepreneurs            Once the early challenges like finding
                                      actively cultivate outside expertise.         capital and the best people with which to
    DEVELOPMENT                       They’ve a great deal of self-knowledge;       build a team are conquered, the journey
Source: GE Mid-Market Monitor, 2015   they know they are not heroes or              has begun. But growth is the next major
                                      Lone Rangers. From the start they             phase, which requires a new set of skills
                                      seek help from staff, boards, mentors         and behaviours.

  18 / KPMG / Enterprise Report
New horizons
    The journey of an entrepreneur                                                                               EXPLORING OTHER
    Commercialising a great idea takes the
    entrepreneur on a unique path                                                                                ◆ Mentoring, public
                                                                                                                    speaking, consultancy
                                                                                                                 ◆ Giving back
                                                                                                                 ◆ Re-inventing self
                                                          Business stage 2
                                                          ◆ Surrounding yourself with good people
                                                          ◆ Looking to advisors and mentors
                                                          ◆ Learning not just management but leadership
                                                          ◆ Trying new paths, but defining core

    Key characteristics
    ◆ Innate drive to find out

    ◆ Innate drive to influence the world

    ◆ Transformers

                                                                                       LET T


                                                                                           Business stage 3

                                                                                           LETTING GO

                                                                                           ◆ Empowering the management team to

                                                                                              make decisions
                                                                                           ◆ Space to focus on new challenges
                                                                                           ◆ Industry leadership and inspiring others
                                                                                           ◆ Succession planning – ensuring the
                                                                                              business can be maintained without you
                                    Business stage 1
                                    SETTING UP
                                    ◆ Turning ideas into action
                                    ◆ Learning curve – failing, and getting up again
                                    ◆ Realising limits to abilities, hiring others
                                    ◆ Enthusing others – staff, customers, funders

                                                                                                                    Enterprise Report / KPMG / 19
All entrepreneurs who bring ideas to
market must navigate the start-up phase,
where ideas are plentiful – unlike capital
– and burn-out is a real risk.
20 / KPMG / Enterprise Report
The entrepreneur’s journey:

                                            They’re more likely to be motivated by

A good place to spot the
                                            achieving a comfortable lifestyle for
                                            themselves and, if they must, hire only      WHAT WORRIES
difference between the small                a few staff.
business manager and the
entrepreneurial leader is in
                                            These small business managers
                                            score lower on many metrics, from

                                            ambition and planning to innovation and
the start-up phase.                         specialisation. Curiously, they also enjoy
                                            their business less than medium-sized
                                            business owners do – a hint, perhaps,
                                            of the underlying motivations of small-
New Zealand is a country of small           business managers: their business is a
business, 70 percent of which have no       means to achieve a lifestyle.                ARE WORRIED ABOUT
employees at all (that is, they’re self-
employed people).                           Entrepreneurial leaders, by contrast,
                                                                                         THE EFFECT OF THE
                                            find pleasure in their business and are      HOUSING MARKET
These figures suggest a country             highly motivated to grow and achieve
of people who enjoy the challenge           longer-term goals for the business, not

of business, who like working for           just themselves.
themselves, and who have an openness
to get on and try new things.               We need more of these types of people
                                            to evolve to be leaders that are able to
They are backed by a stable political and   step away from the daily operational
business environment and a limited but      challenges and think deeply about how
solid number of basic support services      to maintain relevance, and create and        SAY THEIR BIGGEST
provided through government agencies        capture value into the future.               CHALLENGE IS LOW-COST
such as MBIE and for exporters, NZTE.                                                    COMPETITORS
                                            It starts in the start-up
It’s a positive picture in many ways,       A good place to spot the difference
but it is not necessarily a recipe for a    between the manager and the

wealthy New Zealand. For a start, many      entrepreneurial leader is in the start-up
of those businesses fail – almost           phase. On paper, two start-ups may
50 percent in their first nine years. But   appear the same, with one or two
for those that remain, only a handful       employees, bank loans as capital and
will make it to the next stage. That next   zero-to-small spending on premises
stage can be measured many different        or equipment. From a high-level point        THE LEVEL OF GROWTH
ways, but it may be more employees          of view these two businesses will be
(50 or more employees usually denotes       recorded the same by the Companies           THE MID-SIZED SECTOR
a medium enterprise) or more revenue        Office. Banks, investors and future          EXPECTS IN THE COMING
(over $2 million).                          partners may have difficulty identifying     YEAR – DOWN FROM
                                            which one has potential for growth and
It’s not just the figures that mark out     which will eventually plateau.
                                                                                         2.8% IN 2014
a company with potential. They are
characterised by having leaders that take   What attributes does the entrepreneurial

a long-term approach and look beyond        firm demonstrate at this early stage to
the domestic market to global sales.        distinguish it from the manager’s less
                                            ambitious company?
As a country, we need to be able to
grow entrepreneurial leaders, not just      The first four elements of the
small business managers.                    KPMG Enterprise DNA framework                FIND IT HARD TO FILL
                                            provide a helpful guide.                     VACANCIES (WHICH IS
Managers are those who are immersed
in the day-to-day operations of their                                                    BROADLY SIMILAR TO
business. They’re focused on a short        Pivotal Leaders                              LARGE FIRMS)
planning horizon that may just entail one   The first clue is that the start-up with     Sources: GE Capital, Mid-Market Monitor, 2015;
or two seasons or years, and                growth potential will typically have an      Statistics New Zealand, Business Operations
most importantly, they’re not driven        entrepreneur or a group of entrepreneurs     Survey, 2014
by dreams of endless growth.                at its helm. This person or group will

                                                                                                         Enterprise Report / KPMG / 21
be visionary, tireless and brave. They       Said one owner of a highly awarded            While Bruce is a talented and pioneering
will demonstrate the core belief that        Wellington business: “Our ambition was        engineer, the business’ anchor turned
‘anything is possible’ with a belligerence   to do something different. We didn’t          out to be in serving a need in a growing
that can be occasionally affronting.         think we’d get big. We just wanted to         industry, not just charging an hourly rate
                                             get started. Now that we’re getting big,      for its founder.
These leaders will impose the right          we’re asking ourselves, do we want to
disciplines from the start. Sometimes        keep do this? The answer is yes. We           Over and over we found the
it’s as simple as taking control of the      want to keep doing this in 25 years’ time     entrepreneurs we spoke to started their
basics. One entrepreneur that we             and whether it’s big or small we don’t        businesses on the assumption that they
interviewed inherited his share of the       really care.”                                 would not be working one day – and that
business from a very capable tradesman                                                     the business would continue to flourish
father, yet the firm was struggling to       Should our entrepreneurs be more              without them.
scale itself up.                             ambitious than this?
                                                                                           As one software company founder said:
“When we started we had no controls.                                                       “Success for me is happy clients – and
So the first thing I did was buy the         Over and over we found the                    that I don’t have to be here every day to
entire business so I could make proper       entrepreneurs we spoke to started             make that happen.”
decisions. Then I created systems and        their businesses on the assumption
values. I decided that one thing that        that they would not be working one            Capable People
would set us apart from our competitors                                                    In the early stages of an entrepreneur’s
                                             day – and that the business would
was the quality of our service, so we                                                      journey, there’s a heroic quality to their
                                             continue to flourish without them.
made that one of the cornerstone values                                                    task. Often they are the only one that
and build systems to deliver it.”                                                          can see the future. That’s what makes
                                                                                           them visionary. They are cash-strapped,
Without the determination of the             Strategic Anchor                              so have to do everything themselves.
entrepreneurial son, the business would      Whereas small businesses will put a           And they are hard-working, to the point
likely have closed when the father           capable person at the centre of the           of being unbalanced in their lifestyle.
eventually retired.                          business, for example a tradesman, a
                                             scalable company will articulate a strong     There’s not much that can be done to
Ambition and Attitude                        strategic reason for being.                   change this. Needs must!
A key attribute of entrepreneurs in
this early phase is the determination        Typically we found that our                   But an early warning sign for investors
to ‘make a difference in the world’ –        entrepreneurs talked about filling ‘the       and partners is just how long this
not just ‘be your own boss’ as is the        gap in the market’ by solving a problem,      phase lasts. Said one highly successful
motivation for so many, if not too many,     providing something significantly             Hamilton entrepreneur about his early
small business owners.                       different or creating a new product that      days: “I did everything – meeting
                                             no one had yet thought of.                    customers, payroll, creating software
We saw this ambition expressed many                                                        – but for too long. I should’ve replaced
times in the workshops, whether it was       The strategic anchor makes it possible        myself sooner. We would have
the desire to create a new product, solve    for the business to scale beyond the          grown faster.”
a problem or just get started on some        influence of the founder-practitioner. It
kind of big adventure. The ambition          also allows the company to pivot when         The entrepreneurs that progress beyond
was to ‘do something’ that affected the      the market changes.                           one or two-person operations must
world, not just create a job.                                                              attract capable people. In the start-up
                                             Auckland firm, Howick Engineering, is         phase that manifests itself in two ways:
Interestingly, very few of the               a good example of a company with a
entrepreneurial leaders identified money     strategic anchor at its core, as opposed      ◆ Early hires: the quality of the first few
as an ambition. Financial success            to a company based on a talented                 staff says a lot about the company’s
was seen as a by-product of the              individual. Starting out as the general          ability to ‘get beyond’ the founder
original mission. “Success is making a       engineering workshop of founder Bruce            and continue to hire great talent.
difference. It’s never been about making     Coubray, Howick narrowed its focus on            This especially matters as it exits the
money,” said the owner of a North            the steel framing industry, specialising in      start-up phase and enters the growth
Island restaurant chain.                     manufacturing roll forming machines. Its         phase of its lifecyle.
                                             patented machinery is now sold globally
If there was one critical observation,       and has far exceeded in revenues what         ◆ Quality professional advisors: all
few of our interviewees articulated a        Bruce could have achieved as a single            good entrepreneurs will surround
desire to be globally competitive. The       engineer. Bruce is also in the process of        themselves with boards, professionals
measures of success, especially in the       succession planning with his son and a           or mentors. What’s more, they will
start-up phase, was to ‘do something’.       management team.                                 actually listen and take on their advice.

22 / KPMG / Enterprise Report
“Now that we’re
getting big, we’re
asking ourselves,
   do we want to
 keep doing this?
      The answer
           is yes.”

         Enterprise Report / KPMG / 23
In summary:
   Enterprise DNA in the
   start-up phase

◆ They have self-belief – sometimes so strong it seems   ◆ Roadblocks don’t stop them; they ‘work around’
   like belligerence.                                        barriers.
◆ They are tireless and brave.                            ◆ They disrupt.
                                                          ◆ There's sometimes a failure to desire global
  “Entrepreneurs don’t put blinkers on by saying
   ‘I don’t want to be like…’, they create themselves     ◆ They are excellent at spotting opportunities.
   and the world they want.”
    – Anon
                                                           “I can remember we had a very small customer call us
                                                            from Scotland...and they were a two-screen cinema
                                                            or something like that and we flew over...did the
                                                            deal, and they're now, I think, the fifth largest cinema
◆ They work hard and seek to drive and control all         chain in the world. So whenever we see a customer
   aspects of the business.                                 we don’t think ‘oh, that’s really small’. It’s a new
◆ They’re having fun and are driven by passion – their     territory, a new opportunity...”
   main driver is not usually money.                        – Murray Holdaway, Chief Executive, Vista Group

◆ Sheer determination brings others along.

24 / KPMG / Enterprise Report
◆ They are driven by a particular idea or concept and         ◆ Tend to be a ‘one-man band’ at this stage, so has not
   won’t be swayed.                                               yet outsourced certain functions to other experts.
◆ Long-term vision is critical.

                                                                “I used to do everything!”
 “We have a 1000-year legacy, a 1000-year vision…                – Anon
  there was no exit strategy because this was building
  something for the long term...however, we also
  wanted to build one of the great wine estates in the
  world in our life-time.”
                                                               ◆ Advice is sought, usually from entrepreneur’s close
  – Steve Smith, Co-founder, Craggy Range
                                                                  circle of family and friends.
                                                               ◆ Mentors are often those that drive an entrepreneur on,
                                                                  may not be from the same industry but help nurture
                                                                  the seed of ambition.
◆ Business is capable of pivoting in a different direction,
   but remains capable of scaling up.
◆ The anchor here lies with pivotal leader – he or she
   remains the guardian of the idea and the driver of
   any execution, so staying true to the strategic anchor
   is easier.

                                                                                                      Enterprise Report / KPMG / 25
Case study
Paul Cameron – Booktrack:
Revolutionising reading
To be entrepreneurial is to be ahead of the curve…
but what about if you’re so ahead of the curve that the
technology for your idea hasn’t even been invented yet?

                                That was the dilemma facing Paul and
                                Mark Cameron, brothers from Auckland,
                                who had long been pondering the way
                                commuters read their books on trains
                                and buses on their way into work,
                                listening to Sony Walkman or Discman
                                music players while they travelled.

                                “We realised that reading was the only
                                main stream entertainment medium
                                without synchronised sound,” says Paul.

                                It was from that observation that the
                                former aeronautical engineer developed
                                an idea to create soundtracks to books,
                                which would allow people to have a
                                movie-style soundtrack experience
                                while reading. Constant tinkering
                                created a product that put sad, happy or
Paul Cameron                    suspenseful music alongside a tragedy,
Booktrack                       comedy or thriller. It allow the reader to
CEO                             hear ambient audio such as a babbling
                                brook or car crash as he or she reads        would largely be found, and so focused
                                about it.                                    their attentions offshore right from the
                                                                             beginning of their expansion.
                                But of course, as a digital application,
                                the idea had to be put on ice until          With the help of one of the initial
                                smartphones and tablets exploded on          investors, digital entrepreneur Derek
                                the market some five years later. With       Handley, the company opened an office
                                smartphones came eBook adoption, and         in New York and began setting about the
                                the canny entrepreneurs saw a chance to      hard work of making connections.
                                revive their idea.
                                                                             They launched two book titles (with
                                “We really see this as having the same       soundtracks) initially, and those titles
                                transformative effect on reading as          rocketed to the top 10 book apps in
                                sound did when it was put to silent          20 countries shortly thereafter. The
                                movies in the 1920s,” says Paul. “That       company then removed the barriers to
                                is our aspiration, and what drives us on     using the technology, and made the
                                as we navigate the start-up route, which     Booktrack creation and reading tools
                                can be pretty tough at times.”               available in people’s browsers.

                                The brothers were focused from the           Numbers grew from 250,000 to
                                beginning on the global market, where        3 million users in two years – a growth
                                their business partners and customers        that portended great things.

26 / KPMG / Enterprise Report
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