Epsiode 19: An Ode to Nicolas Cage's Mullet in Con Air - Pop ...

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Epsiode 19: An Ode to Nicolas
Cage’s Mullet in Con Air
I think over time this podcast is slowly       The answer I think is ‘No’, objectively, but
morphing into a meditation on various          lockdown has been long and the nights
types of guy – action guys, renaissance        have been cold. The second outcome, is
men, guys who love their wives even            that I’ve now watched just an obscene
though they’re divorced, guys bonded           amount of Nicolas Cage movies in rapid
by the light homoeroticism of male strip       succession and I think I know what I want
tease, guys trying to move on from             to talk about.
their careers as boy band guys, big
strong guys who I would like to lift me        I’m Alex – this is Pop Culture Boner, the
in their powerful arms, and perhaps            podcast edition, and today I’m thinking
most importantly, weird guys. I love to        about Nicolas Cage in Con Air.
read a Wikipedia page on a guy and go
“Jesus… is this allowed?”                      So, unlike Steven Seagal, whose film
                                               history can really be held up against
I did an episode on Steven Seagal earlier      the continued Western appropriation of
this year and I learned a lot about            Eastern genre cinema into things that are
Japanese martial arts and the rise of          barely recognisable, there’s no coherent
Kung Fu cinema. To be clear – I learned a      starting point for Nic Cage. He’s done
lot about each of these things separately.     everything from Oscar-winners, to totally
I know they’re different – it’s unclear        forgettable action cinema, to iconic camp
if Steven Seagal does. Anyway, that            action cinema, to rom coms, to children’s
episode was prompted by a conversation         films, to unhinged indie cinema. Where
with notable friend of the pod, Jamie          the question “What’s Steven Seagal
Preisz. At this point, he’s essentially co-    up to?” has a fairly definitive answer
producing with Wesley, and I’m paying          of “something offensive probably,
neither of them. And now that Sydney is        just based on his personal brand”, the
in lockdown, he’s done it again by being       question “What’s Nicolas Cage up to?”
like “You should watch the film Next           has a variety of responses which include
starring Nicolas Cage. What’s he up to?”       large goth sons, films about truffle pigs,
Which is a great question that prompted        crow domes and tax debt. There’s a lot on
me to do a deep dive on Nic Cage’s             his plate.
chequered film history, strange personal
life and the invention of the crow dome.       Hollywood has always loved an eccentric
This journey has had two major outcomes        – or maybe it just consistently produces
– the first is that at various points I have   them and so they just have to turn it into
said to myself out loud “Is Nic Cage hot?”     a charm point. It’s unclear. Either way,
I’ve fully bought into the narrative – I       But then I was forced to say the plot of
have an entire shelf of books dedicated        Con Air out loud to my dad, to remind him
to the various scandals, murders,              of the fact that we’d watched it together.
affairs, addictions and eccentricities of      And as I said the words “but then Steve
Hollywood’s Golden Age and beyond.             Buscemi doesn’t dismember the child
And look, 90% of it is probably made up,       who sings ‘He’s Got the Whole World In
but I think the number of rumours flying       His Hands’ and disappears into the Las
around often drives further oddball            Vegas night, which we are happy about”,
behaviour. Like, do I think Joaquin            I thought “I should probably actually just
Phoenix is a bit of a weirdo? Yes. Do          write about Con Air.” So here we are –
I think that he deliberately inflates          we’re going to use this episode to look
his own eccentricities to allow him to         at Nick Cage’s Hollywood reputation at
maintain an air of mystery? Also yes. Do       the time of Con Air’s release, his bizarre
I think Ben Affleck is a grubby little ass-    performance in the film and unpick the
man who loves ice coffee? Yes. Do I think      completely unhinged plotline. Let’s get
his relationship with Jennifer Lopez is        into it, shall we?
real? Yes. Do I think the recently staged
paparazzi photos where he is touching          If you have not seen Con Air before
her butt in direct imitation of photos taken   and now think that it might be about a
of the couple circa 2003 are the most          murderous Steve Buscemi finding Jesus
genuinely unhinged and beautiful thing         through the power of not murdering
in the world? Absolutely. Everything is a      children, allow me to elaborate. That is
circle. Weird begets further weird.            only a small portion of the plot. Nicolas
                                               Cage plays Cameron Poe, an army ranger
Cage is a good candidate for this angle.       in prison for manslaughter after he breaks
He comes from storied Hollywood                a dude’s neck in a bar far fight. He’s
family, famously changing his name             ostensibly defending his wife’s honour,
from Coppola to Cage in an attempt to          but the guy also said “Pussies like you
prove he could make it on his own as an        are why we lost Vietnam”. Which I think
actor. (Of course, that’s definitely how       is maybe the only time I’ve seen this
that works. No one’s ever seen of heard        specific approach to the Vietnam War on
of you before, wink wink.) But like… I         film? Not to get too side-tracked but like,
think growing up in any family that’s the      I realise that it was an unpopular war
equivalent of American royalty makes           and that negative public opinion resulted
you a little weird to begin with, and then     in some pretty difficult circumstances for
rumours of your eccentricities begin to        some veterans... but I don’t think it was
make the news and then that’s how you          cos anyone thought the Army Rangers
end up with a stolen Mongolian dinosaur        were pussies? I thought it was cos people
skull and a geodesic crow dome. And            kept seeing children – Vietnamese and
initially, this episode was going to be        American – blown up on TV in a war effort
about the idea of a Weird Guy Spectrum         that was getting nowhere and doing
in Hollywood, and Nic Cage’s place in the      nothing? Am I wrong? Americans… if I’m
canon of Weird Guys.                           incorrect, please let me know on Twitter
                                               or something. Explain to me this can of
worms.                                       It’s a lot of trouble because one man
                                             wants to save a diabetic, and he doesn’t
Anyway, they give Nicolas Cage 10 years      care how many casino-goers he takes
because his Army Ranger training makes       down in the process.
him a deadly weapon – again, this is a
direct quote. But he’s well behaved in       If that all sounds completely batshit, it’s
prison because he’s actually a nice man      because it is. When I started watching Con
at heart, and he writes to his wife and      Air, one of the notes that I wrote down
daughter every day. He’s finally paroled,    was “who would put every single bad
but first him and his buddy Baby-O           guy in the world on one plane?” (and
have to take a flight to a new supermax      then in brackets I wrote “John Cusack”)
prison, from which he will be released.      – the script even acknowledges it too,
Unfortunately for Nicolas Cage, he’s         when Cage says to Baby-O that the guards
about to be put on a plane with the so-      had somehow managed to get “every
called worst of the worst, a plane full of   creep and freak in the universe on one
predators. Again, these are lines taken      plane”. This is explained away through a
directly from the script. These predators    new supermax facility that conveniently
include Oscar nominee John Malkovich,        needs to be populated. Now, I didn’t
national treasures Danny Trejo, Dave         know much about supermax facilities,
Chapelle and Steve Buscemi, and              aside from hearing them as a buzz word
Marsellus Wallas himself, Ving Rhames.       on crime procedurals. The Wikipedia
The unfortunate thing about putting          definition of a supermax prison facility
every criminal mastermind in the world       is as a “control-unit” prison, or a unit
on one plane is that they’re probably        within prisons, which represents the
gonna mastermind some stuff. Which           most secure levels of custody in the
they do, and lo and behold they hijack       prison systems of certain countries with
the plane. Nicolas Cage has a chance         the objective of providing long-term,
to escape but decides not to because         segregated housing for inmates classified
Baby-O is diabetic and needs his insulin     as the highest security risks in the prison
shot, which has been destroyed during        system and those who pose an extremely
the hijacking. Nic Cage spends the rest of   serious threat to both national and global
the movie being thwarted in his attempts     security. In movies, that usually means
to find a needle so Baby-O can have his      serial killers (Hannibal Lecter types) or
insulin. Meanwhile, John Cusack is on        criminal masterminds (guys who pull off
the ground trying to work out what’s         big heists). In reality, the majority of
happening. He gets the hot tip when Nic      people who sit in supermax prisons in
Cage attaches a note to Dave Chapelle’s      our current climate are people being held
corpse and drops it on an elderly couple.    on terrorism charges – in the US federal
Eventually, John Cusack and Nicolas Cage     system this includes the Unabomber, the
manage to take down the criminals but        Oklahoma City bombers and the Boston
not before crashing a plane into the Las     Marathon bomber. Same deal here,
Vegas Strip, presumably killing hundreds     except no one has actually committed
of people. Also, at some point in there,     any acts of terrorism, they’ve just been
Steve Buscemi finds Jesus. Or something.     convicted of planning them. Supermax
prisons also house people considered to       to country, and even from state to
be too high profile to be in the general      state in the US, but Leena Kurki and
population – like El Chapo in the States,     Norval Morris identified four general
or Ivan Milat in Australia.                   characteristics in a 2001 paper called
                                              The Purposes, Practices and Problems of
I am getting lightly side-tracked by          Supermax Prisons. They are: long term
history here, but the blueprint for           incarceration; extended powers of prison
supermax prisons is considered to be          administration without outside review
Alcatraz, which was constructed in 1934       or usual prisoner grievance systems;
and designed to be inescapable. This is       intensive and long solitary confinement
the set-up for a theme, because Alcatraz      designed to isolate prisoners from each
was so notoriously inhumane and brutal        other and the outside world; and few, if
that Hollywood made several prisoner-         any, opportunities to access rehabilitative
sympathetic films about it. But there was     programs generally seen in other prisons
big push for supermax prisons in the 80s      (for example, substance abuse programs
following the killing of two prison guards.   or formal education). Essentially,
So, by the time Con Air rolls around in       regardless of whether or not you think the
1997, it’s interesting to see what types      carceral system is something that should
of prisoners they’re interested in putting    exist, supermax prisons are pretty much
in there – most of them are the kinds         designed to isolate and break down the
of dangerous types Hollywood loves            humanity of the people in them. So, it’s
as criminals because they make us feel        not like… entirely surprising to me that
alright about prison – a serial killer who    the people on John Cusack’s crime plane
describes wearing a little girl’s head as a   saw an out and took it.
hat, and a serial rapist whose nickname of
‘Johnny 23’ reflects the number of sexual     Con Air has a weirdly dual approach to
offences he was convicted for. Theatrical,    crime and punishment, where it revels
but also the types of people we hope that     in the view of prisons as necessary and
prison keeps away from us. The one that       vital, and the notion that good men
I found really interesting was Diamond        can be redeemed through staying true
Dog, played by Ving Rhames, who is a          to their goodness, while also showing
black power activist who blew up an NRA       redemption as somehow able to be
meeting and wrote a New York Times            obtained through personal revelation –
best seller in prison. It’s interesting to    see Steve “I wore a girl’s head as a hat”
see that even prior to supermax prisons       Buscemi wandering free into the Las
being filled with (largely white) domestic    Vegas night after realising that perhaps
terrorists, Hollywood was still so scared     he needn’t kill (maybe because Jesus
of radical black activists and prison         has the whole world in his hands? It’s
philosophers that they would cast them        unclear). And I know I said this podcast
as primary villains next to blood soaked      was actually about Nicolas Cage in this
serial kilers.                                film, but I’m giving you all this so you
                                              have the fully muddled backdrop against
Anyway, the features of supermax              which truly bizarre performance takes
prisons vary significantly from country       place.
Now that you have that – let’s talk about       Nicholas Cage was when making Con Air.
Nicolas Cage in this movie. He is Southern,     By 1997, Cage was about 2 dozen films
he has a mullet, he doesn’t walk                deep, with several of them going on to be
anywhere, he swaggers like he’s Naomi           either cult classics, like Raising Arizona,
Campbell hitting a Mugler catwalk circa         or Oscar favourites, like Moonstruck.
’92. He answers everything with the calm        His performances in every film were
confidence of a man who believes in his         the notable kind of eccentric, garnering
core that his is the most practical, powerful   reviews that hinted at Cage’s talent even
and honourable man in the room. He              where the films themselves weren’t
says “please don’t do that”, giving his         good. In 1995 he won an Academy Award
opponent the opportunity to walk away           for Best Actor for his role as a suicidal
before inevitably gutting them like a           alcoholic in Leaving Las Vegas. People
fish. It is, as with all Cage performances,     tend to view an Oscars win as a launch
totally unhinged, especially when placed        pad for serious actors who are looking to
in contrast with the screaming camp that        make more serious films. Cage did the
is John Malkovich playing prison genius.        opposite. Rather than meaty dramas,
Nicolas Cage was on Saturday Night Live         Cage films a three large budget action
in 2012, side by side with Andy Sandberg        films back-to-back – The Rock, Con Air
who was doing an impersonation of               and Face/Off – all of which are very silly
him – the point of the bit is irrelevant,       He received a weird amount of criticism
but at one point Andy Sandberg-as-Cage          from colleagues and film writers, who
and Cage-as-Cage say that the primary           viewed the move as a cynical cash grab.
qualities of a Nicolas Cage action film are     And I think this is partially where public
that “all the dialogue is either whispered      perception of Cage started to change.
or screamed” and that “everything
in the movie is on fire”. Everything in         If you were on the internet circa 2006, you
Con Air is on fire, and while everyone          likely saw the evolution of Nicolas Cage
else is screaming throughout the film,          into a meme. It started with a YouTube
Cage barely makes it above a Southern           video called Nicolas Cage Losing His Shit,
whisper. Despite being shot, stabbed,           which was a super cut of every time a Cage
punched and blown up, Cage literally            character had a screaming breakdown – I
never loses his cool. Like… never. At           still sometimes mutter “I’m a vampire,
one point he kills a guy who threatens          I’m a vampire!” from early Cage film
to expose him as working with the police        Vampire’s Kiss in the which features
after finding a rabbit toy he bought for his    in the clip. Out of context and hacked
daughter, looks at his bleeding corpse,         together, these screaming breakdowns
drawls “why’d you have to touch the             seem as though the sum of Cage’s craft
rabbit?”, sits back down in his seat and        is just that he is a man who yells on
stares forlornly at his hands, as though        film. This was combined with some very
he simply cannot believe that God would         publicly odd goings on in his personal life
curse him with the fighting skills of an        – like the purchase of several castles, a
ancient warrior.                                public feud with his tax accountant, and
                                                the return of Mongolian dinosaur bones.
It’s odd to think about where in his career     Rather than being rewarded for daring
performances, Cage was lampooned for            GQ, Cage says “Cameron Poe was really
obvious acting.                                 a fantasy… growing up as a skinny kid
                                                who wanted to not be bullied… it was a
Now, like I said before – Con Air feels         version of myself, of who I wanted to be
deeply strange to watch. I think part           at that age.” And if you think about the
of this is because of the strangeness of        performance as this totally unflappable
Nic Cage’s performance, but I think at          man who is honourable, gets the girl,
least part of it is because I know Nicolas      protects his friends and wins every fight,
Cage is a little eccentric. I’ve seen his       then actually Nicolas Cage has created
fancy jacket collection and read about          the perfect vision of a shy 12 year old’s
the meaningful conversations he has             version of cool cinematic tough guy.
with his pet crow, and I’m projecting a
little bit. I’ve decided that the person        The point of this podcast was initially
and the acting are the same thing. I was        going to be what a weirdo I think Nicolas
reading a piece by David Goodman while          Cage is, but actually I’ve really discovered
researching this pod, I was struck by the       that I kind of love him? He talks about
phrase “audiences have been trained to          acting as a craft without making it sound
believe that visible acting is bad acting”.     like wank and by referencing his sources
I’d never really thought about it before        the same as any other artist. And if he
– I think because I once had an actor tell      wants to use his post-Oscar clout to jump
me that I would never understand how            on a fully unhinged crime heist movie,
Heath Ledger died for his craft because         then more power to him. Let that mullet
I wasn’t an actor, and decided to write         float gently in the breeze.
the entire profession off – but there is
nothing about visible performing that           Well, that was my Con Air podcast. I
necessarily renders a performance bad.          really watched a lot of Nicolas Cage films
What’s interesting is that Nick Cage thinks     for this and one of the things that I don’t
the same thing. There are hundreds of           think we talk about enough is the fact
interviews with him name checking early         that in the 2004 film National Treasure,
German cinema as references for his             there is a full 45 seconds where the full
turns of phrase or use of body language.        message of the film is “the real national
He says:                                        treasure is the friends we made along the
                                                way”. And then they find the Scrolls of
“I feel that it’s just stylistic choices, and   Alexandria and everyone is like “NEVER
this was obviously a choice to use grand        MIND!” If you have a particular favourite
gesture and go bigger. […] I’ve always          Cage performance – or just want to talk
thought that acting is […] an art form,         about Nicolas Cage’s geodesic dome he
therefore if you look at other art forms        built for his crow – talk to me about it
like painting, you have photo-realism,          next time you see me at the pub! Peace.
and you have surrealism, you have
abstract … Why can’t you do the same
with film acting?”

When he was breaking the role down for
This episode premiered on 11th August

Episode written by Alex Johnson and
produced by Wes Fahey.

Theme tune by Wes Fahey. (Soundcloud:
lee snipes)

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