Erasmus Darwin Academy Academy Development and Improvement Plan 2021-2022 - Will it give our students the

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Erasmus Darwin Academy Academy Development and Improvement Plan 2021-2022 - Will it give our students the
Erasmus Darwin Academy

 Academy Development and Improvement Plan


             Will it give our students the:

           Education of the highest quality?
      Determination to be the best they can be?
Appreciation of how to be safe, respectful and healthy?
Academy Improvement Plan 2021-22 - Key Academy Objective Summary

  ADIP Section     Academy Values                                                       2020-21 Academy Objectives

   Academic        Inspiration       •   Embed the new curriculum structure and update schemes of work and assessments
    Success                          •   Develop, implement and embed a consistent approach to our wider curriculum particularly oracy, literacy, numeracy and SEND
                   Excellence        •   Have a clear plan for the 2022 GCSE cohort to ensure they are best prepared for their GCSE examinations in May 2022.
                                     •   Improve the progress of students in languages and Mathematics.

  Broadening       Courage           •   Implement work experience programme for Year 10 students.
   Horizons                          •   Increase the percentage of students taking part in extra-curricular activities and educational visits. Increase the percentage of
                   Determination         disadvantaged students accessing these opportunities.
                                     •   To ensure that SMSC provision at Erasmus Darwin Academy can be evidenced as outstanding.
Culture and Ethos Respect            •   To continue to champion the EDA Way and EDA S.T.E.P.S across the Academy.
                                     •   To further develop strategies to manage low-level classroom disruption.
                   Friendship        •   To ensure the recording of Behaviour/pastoral incidents/interactions are accurate and monitored
                                     •   To develop the way Myconcern (electronic recording system) is used so that additional staff can view/record as appropriate.


Developing Staff   Excellence        •   CPD provides varied pathways for all staff with clear links to Appraisal.
and Governance                       •   Establish a clear succession plan for key strategic responsibilities (T&L, Curriculum and Sixth Form).
                   Determination     •   To further improve staff wellbeing and resilience.

  Engaging with    Respect           •   To create more collaborative opportunities with primary schools.
 the Community                       •   Opportunities for the Academy to play a greater role in the local community, following on from the success of 2019.

Facilitating   Excellence      •   To develop a consistent approach to learning environment in lessons.
Learning and                    •   To further develop Teachers’ pedagogical knowledge.
                Determination   •   To introduce and develop the ECT Programme.


 Sixth Form     Inspiration     •   To further develop a high quality work experience programme for students to participate in during their time in the Sixth Form.
                                •   To further develop the Sixth Form scholar award.
                Excellence      •   Further develop the vocational curriculum offer.

Academic Success                             Academy Improvement Plan 2021-22
•   Objective 1. Embed the new curriculum structure and update schemes of work and assessments
Why action is needed: We are changing the curriculum model to a 3 Year KS3 and a 2 Year KS4. Schemes of work are also being updated into a consistent format across the Academy.
Assessment plans need to be re-written to mirror the new curriculum model/assessment calendar and subject specific delivery plans.
What we plan to do                           When we         Resource &        Who will    Monitoring & evaluation              What we aim to achieve
                                             expect things   training needs    take the    arrangements
                                             to be done by   including         lead
Plan and agree the new assessment            July 2021       NA                SEB, RC     •   Feedback from SLs                An agreed assessment calendar for the next academic
calendar which includes assessment                                             (SLs)                                            year following consultation with subject leaders
weeks for all calendared assessments

Subject Leaders to:                          Phase 1         Cover for         SEB (SLs)   •   QA of schemes via line           A consistent approach to writing schemes of work that
                                             September       possible visits                   management (all SLT)             are detailed. Staff are clear about the knowledge and
•   re-write departmental schemes of         2021            to primary                    •   QA via SEB                       skills that need to be delivered and in what order.
                                                             schools                       •   Subject leaders to review        Students can make learning links from lesson to lesson
•   Ensure the KS3 National Curriculum is    Phase 2 and 3                                     delivery and assessment termly
                                                                                                                                and also understand how previously learning links to
    covered in all subjects in KS3 and       (Dec and        Subject CPD
    ensure they have an understanding of                                                                                        current learning
                                             April)          sessions
    expectation and delivery at KS2
Subject Leaders to update the delivery       Phase 1         Subject CPD       SEB (SLs)   •   QA of delivery via line          All staff are clear about the sequencing of lessons. All
plans to mirror the new curriculum model     September       sessions                          management                       staff understand why that sequence is in place. Subject
                                             2021                                          •   QA via SE                        leaders can simply monitor curriculum delivery and
•   KS3 -3 Years (inclusive of a clear                                                     •   Subject leaders to review        support where necessary
    baseline assessment period in Yr. 7)     Phase 2 and 3                                     delivery and assessment termly
•   KS4 – 2 Years                            (Dec and
•   All teachers to have a clear             April)
    understanding of delivery plans
Subject Leaders to ensure there is a clear   September       NA                SEB         •   QA process completed by PW,      For all subject areas to have a clear delivery and
delivery and assessment plan in place for    2021                                              SEB and RC                       assessment plan for the2 year delivery of their GCSE
the 2 year GCSE delivery model
Department meeting times to include a       As per CPD      NA   SEB      •   Subject meeting minutes      For all subject areas to have a focus on the fundamental
continual focus on curriculum planning,     meeting                       •   Line management minutes      aspects of the curriculum with regard to planning,
curriculum delivery and curriculum review   calendar                                                       delivery and review

Introduce Leadership and Management         Term 1 for      NA   PW       •   Review minutes and actions   To support all middle leaders in their professional
meetings which take place twice per year    meeting 1 and                     from the meeting             development next steps. To meet all middle leaders
for all middle leaders                      Term 3 for                                                     individually and discuss their current strategic plans and
                                            meeting 2                                                      priorities. To develop and invest in middle leadership
                                                                                                           with a focus on curriculum, teaching and general
                                                                                                           leadership management

Agree a 2-year plan to increase the         Options         NA   SEB/PW   •   EBACC uptake following the   To increase the number of students who are entered for
number of students entering and             Evening Feb                       options process              the EBACC qualification. To increase the number of
achieving the EBACC qualification. To       2022                                                           students achieving the EBACC qualification in line with
include:                                                                                                   the governments EBACC ambition

•   Specific pathways for bespoke
    students for options cohort 2022
• Objective 2. Develop, implement and embed a consistent approach to our wider curriculum particularly oracy, literacy, numeracy and SEND
Why action is needed: There is no consistent approach to delivering the wider curriculum which includes literacy, oracy, numeracy and support for SEND. A coherent plan is required to
ensure that the wider curriculum is being taught as explicitly as subject specific knowledge and skills.
What we plan to do                              When we         Resource &       Who will take   Monitoring & evaluation              What we aim to achieve
                                                expect things   training needs   the lead        arrangements
                                                to be done by   including
Agree a literacy and oracy plan that            July 2021       Printing costs   ET              •   Review week to monitor           A consistent approach to developing students’ literacy,
outlines our wider curriculum:                                  for literacy                     •   Evaluation following review      oracy and reading across all subject areas within the
                                                                mat                                  week to plan next steps          Academy. The teaching of literacy, knowledge and skills
• Literacy Mat/literacy check                                                                                                         is equal in all subject areas
• Language for Learning
• Oracy (SHAPE)
• Strategies to develop reading
Deliver wider curriculum plan via a CPD         September       CPD session      ET, GB, OW      •   Review week to monitor           To upskill staff so that they have the strategies and
session to staff and upskill them with          2021            for staff.       and RC              the initial input and identify   resources to successfully deliver the literacy strategies.
relevant strategies and outline                                 Delivered                            next steps                       To ensure that students are receiving a consistent diet of
expectations                                                    internally                       •   Student voice to outline         knowledge, skills and literacy in all subject areas across
                                                                                                     levels of consistency
                                                                                                                                      the Academy
• Literacy Mat/literacy check
• Language for Learning
• Oracy (SHAPE)
• Strategies to develop reading
Create a reading intervention programme         September       NA               ET and GB       •   Reading age data analysis        An intervention programme to support students with
for students in Years 7-10 who have a           2021                                             •   Internal data analysis           low reading ages in years 9 and 10
reading age that is 2 years or greater from
their chronological age

Launch a subject specific SEND support          TBC             CPD session      AM              •   AM to QA all subject plans       Subject areas to have specific strategies to support
plan for all subject areas. This will include                   delivered by                     •   Review week                      students with SEND. Consistently use these strategies
how subjects are supporting SEND                                AM to outline                    •   SEND M&E schedule                during teaching to ensure that SEND students maintain
students in their subject areas. Subject                        the SEND                                                              pace with the curriculum
leaders need to:                                                support plan

•   Create their SEND support plan
•   Submit to AM for QA
•   Share with teams
•   QA during M&E and review

Add key literacy initiatives into the criteria   September    Assembly to       ET/BM/DS and   •   Review of House Cup at the   The formulation of the House Cup includes literacy
that goes towards the House Cup. These           2021         outline this to   AF                 end of the academic year     elements
will include:                                                 the students

•   Number of words read tracked by
    accelerated reader
• Number of library books taken out by
Review the wider curriculum termly and           December     NA                ET             •   Review week monitoring       Regular evaluation and review of literacy and SEND
add in actions accordingly                       2021                                          •   Student Voice                initiatives. An opportunity to support subject areas
                                                                                                                                accordingly to achieve consistency
                                                 April 2022

EVT to conduct a review of all                   TBC          NA                ET             •   Review meeting               To ensure the curriculum is resourced with reading
departmental reading material to ensure                                                        •   Line management minutes      material that is age appropriate. To ensure that reading
that this is in line with students                                                                                              is part of all subjects curriculum delivery
chronological age
•  Objective 3. Improve the progress of students in languages and Mathematics.
Why action is needed: 2019 progress measures indicate that progress in languages is -0.4 and progress in Mathematics is 0. Students don’t progress as well in Mathematics and Languages
compared to other areas of the Academy curriculum.
What we plan to do                            When we         Resource &       Who will take   Monitoring & evaluation           What we aim to achieve
                                              expect things   training needs   the lead        arrangements
                                              to be done by   including
Following the Mathematics review, re-         September       NA               NT (DC & EC)    •   QA the KS3 curriculum,        A logically sequenced Mathematics curriculum that
write schemes of learning, delivery plans     2021                                                 delivery plan and             covers the National Curriculum. In addition, the
and assessments in Key Stages 3 and 4                                                              assessments with SLE          Mathematics curriculum offers appropriate challenge for
                                                                                               •   QA the KS4 curriculum,        our KS2 profile.
                                                                                                   delivery plan and
                                                                                                   assessments with SIP
Restructure the timetable and divide the      September       NA               NT              •   Review weeks                  Following the disruption caused by the pandemic,
cohort into two groups to allow staff to      2021                                             •   Maths internal M&E            changing the timetable gives greater freedom for
teach multiple groups for examination                                                          •   Data capture data             teachers teaching multiple classes in examination groups

Devise a system that enables us to gather     September       Curriculum       DS/NT/GB        •   Curriculum plan QA via line   Teacher assessments will be critical in ensuring that
an understanding of Year 6 student            2021            time in                              management                    teachers are aware of what students have mastered in
strengths and areas for development in                        primary                                                            KS2.
the absence of SATs                                           schools for
•    Liaise with key primary feeder schools
     and create a simple QLA that we can
     use (complete the same for English)
NT, EC and DC to review and evaluate the      December        NA               NT (DC & EC)    •   Line management meetings      Periodic reviews to check the curriculum model is being
curriculum model and delivery plans           2021                                             •   Subject leader meetings       implemented consistently in all subject areas.

NT, EC and DC to review and evaluate the      April 2022      NA               NT (DC & EC)    •   Line management meetings      Periodic reviews to check the curriculum model is being
curriculum model and delivery plans                                                            •   Subject leader meetings       implemented consistently in all subject areas.
NT, EC and DC to review and evaluate the   July 2022   NA            NT (DC & EC)   •   Line management meetings   Periodic reviews to check the curriculum model is being
curriculum model and delivery plans                                                 •   Subject leader meetings    implemented consistently in all subject areas.

Locate a high performing languages         September   NA            SK             •   Line management meetings   Subject leader support to gather an understanding of
department and buddy up the subject        2021                                         to ensure meetings take    other curriculum models and delivery plans.
leader for support. Arrange 3 termly                                                    place
meetings throughout the academic year

Source support from a teaching school to   Jan 2022    SLE support   SK             •   Review report              An external review to evaluate teaching, curriculum
review the MFL Department                              £750                                                        planning and lesson resourcing.
•  Objective 4. Have a clear plan for the 2022 GCSE cohort to ensure they are best prepared for their GCSE examinations in May 2022.
Why action is needed: The disruption caused by COVID 19 has have a significant impact on the 2022 cohort. A clear plan needs to be in place to support their GCSE examination preparation.
What we plan to do                          When we          Resource &       Who will take     Monitoring & evaluation           What we aim to achieve
                                            expect things    training needs   the lead          arrangements
                                            to be done by    including
Organise bespoke tutor support in English   June 2021        NA               CD, GB and NT     •   Impact reviewed after the     Bespoke support in English and Mathematics for
and Mathematics during tutor time                                                                   Year 10 assessments           targeted students.

Organise the revision guide distribution    June 2021        PP ring fenced   AF                •   Review uptake when            To offer revision guides for all students to help support
ahead of the normal planned time                             money for                              ordering                      with their end of Year 10 assessments.
(inclusive of purchase for PP students)                      revision

Ensure revision support materials are       June 2021        Revision         CD                •   Form tutors to support the    For Year 10 students to have an understanding of the
shared with students ahead of the end of                     material                               use of the revision           most effective revision strategies ahead of their end of
Year 10 assessments. This will include:                      printing                               materials                     Year 10 assessments.

• Revision timetable
• Hints and tips for revision
Review the June performance of Year 10      July 2021                         PW, CD, SLT       •   Data entry review             Review the performance after the Year 10 PPEs and
assessments and make set changes                                              and SLs                                             identify the students in need of additional support.

Purchase incentives for the students as a   July 2021        £1000            PW                •   Monitor the student           A set of incentives for students which are given out for
reward for improvements in performance                                                              performance in July,          acknowledgement for good performance in July and
after assessment periods                                                                            December and March            improvement in performance in December and March.
                                                                                                    (after assessment periods)
Review the performance of Year 11 after     December                          PW, CD, SLT       •   Data entry review             A comprehensive review of student performance after
each set of PPEs                            2021 and                          and SLs                                             each set of PPEs in December and March.
                                            March 2022
Launch the intervention timetable for        September   £400   CD and SLs   •   Data entry review after   A bespoke intervention programme for students in all
students at the following times:             2021                                each set of PPEs          subjects.

•   September – November (1st set of
• Jan – March (2nd set of PPEs)
• March – examinations
Review the PP strategic plan and spend       Term 1      NA     AF           •   SLT meeting minutes       A frequent review to assess the impact our strategies
plan termly at the SLT strategic meeting                                                                   are having on the progress of disadvantaged students.
                                             Term 2

                                             Term 3

Ensure that governors meetings               Each        NA     HN/PW        •   Governors meeting         A frequent review to assess the impact our strategies
specifically review a section of the spend   Governors                           minutes                   are having on the progress of disadvantaged students.
plan at each governors meeting               Meeting
Broadening Horizons                          Academy Improvement Plan 2021-22
Objective 1. Implement work experience programme for Year 10 students.

Why action is needed: Year 10 Work Experience needs to be implemented to comply with Gatsby benchmark number 6.
What we plan to do                           When we         Resource &       Who will take   Monitoring & evaluation         What we aim to achieve
                                             expect things   training needs   the lead        arrangements
                                             to be done by   including
Y10 students to have assembly to             September       N/A              AH/AF           Parental and Student feedback   Students to be given initial information about Y10 work-
introduce/launch work-experience             2021                                                                             experience programme and what it will involve.
programme.                                                                                    Straw poll findings

Y10 students to take part in straw poll to   September       Printing of      AH                                              Obtain information on likelihood of students obtaining
ascertain interests in type of work          2021            straw poll                                                       placement in chosen field.
experience placement.                                        slips.

AH to attend Entrust w/e portal training     September       Cost of AH       AH                                              AH to receive updated training on Entrust work
course refresher/update                      2021            attending                                                        experience portal and requirements for how students
                                                             training                                                         will use the portal.

Letter to be distributed to parents of Y10   End of          N/A              AH                                              Students and parents to be provided with required
students. Letter to include student login    September                                                                        information in order to start looking for work experience
details for portal.                          2021.                                                                            placement.

Parent information evening to be held to     October 2021    N/A              AH/AF           % attendance at meeting         Parents to receive additional instructions on how to
provide parents with information on how                                                                                       assist their child in finding placement and can ask any
to support their child finding w/e                                                                                            questions they may have.
Deadline for students to have found          31st January    N/A            AH          % of students who have             100% of Y10 students to have signed-up on Entrust
placement and information uploaded onto      2022                                       placement agreed by deadline       portal for work experience placement.
Entrust portal. Outstanding students to be

Students to complete pre work-               End of          Computer       AH          QA of work/tasks completed by      Students to have completed all tasks required prior to
experience tasks on Entrust portal.          February 2022   rooms                      students.                          commencing w/e placement.
                                                             allocated to

Y10 Assembly to discuss logistics for        March 2022      Theatre        AH/AF       Student feedback                   Y10 students to understand final requirements for
students when undertaking w/e                                booking                                                       attending their work experience placement.

Students to undertake w/e placement.         TBC – April     Form tutor     AH/SLT/CA   Monitoring of student              Ensure that all students receive either phone call or visit
Checking via phone call or visit required.   2022?           gain time                  attendance at placements           from EDA staff member to their placement.
                                                             allocation                 (logistics tbc)

Students to complete post work-              April 2022      Computer       AH          QA of work/tasks completed by      Students to have completed w/e placement and
experience evaluation tasks on Entrust                       rooms                      students.                          performed evaluation as required.
portal.                                                      allocated to

Evaluation of work-experience scheme         April/May       N/A            AH/CB/AF    Evaluation of all aspects of Y10   Ascertaining adjustments and changes that need to be
and implementation.                          2022                                       work experience programme          made prior to delivering the programme to the next
                                                                                        and its implementation.            cohort.
Objective 2. Increase the % of students taking part in extra-curricular activities and educational visits. Increase the % of disadvantaged students accessing these opportunities.

Why action is needed: Current data indicates that at the moment 40% of students in the academy take part in extra-curricular activities. We would like to increase this percentage so as
many students as possible, including disadvantaged students, are receiving as broad a range of experiences as possible.
What we plan to do                            When we         Resource &        Who will take    Monitoring & evaluation             What we aim to achieve
                                              expect things   training needs    the lead         arrangements
                                              to be done by   including
Publish directory of extra-curricular clubs   Termly          N/A               AF               Registers of students attending     Ensure that all stakeholders have access to the
and educational visits on academy                                                                                                    information relating to extra-curricular activities and
website                                       September                                                                              educational visits that take place

                                              January 2022

                                              April 2022

Post hard-copy of directory home to           Termly          Printing &        AF               % of disadvantaged students         Ensure all disadvantaged students are aware of
parents of disadvantaged students along                       postage costs                      taking part in activities           opportunities to take part and are encouraged to do so.
with accompanying letter                      September

                                              January 2022

                                              April 2022

Telephone contact with parents/carers of      Throughout      N/A               AF & CA          % of disadvantaged students         Ensure that barriers to attending educational visits are
disadvantaged students where they have        academic year                                      taking part in educational visits   removed and as many disadvantaged students as
not signed-up for educational visits                                                                                                 possible attend visits that are open to them.
relevant to their child.
Objective 3. To ensure that SMSC provision at Erasmus Darwin Academy can be evidenced as outstanding.

Why action is needed: There are many ‘pockets’ of good SMSC practice however the last audit took place nearly three years ago. By completing an audit of SMSC provision both inside
and outside of the classroom, clear foci for improvement will emerge which will allow targeted intervention. By students having outstanding SMSC provision, it broadens their horizons
and prepares them for life in Modern Britain.
What we plan to do                           When we         Resource &       Who will take   Monitoring & evaluation           What we aim to achieve
                                             expect things   training needs   the lead        arrangements
                                             to be done by   including
Completion of SMSC audit that assesses       Autumn Term     n/a              DSS, working    Audit report submitted to SLT     A report to identify strengths of SMSC and areas for
whole school ‘classroom based’ provision,    2021                             alongside       and Governors.                    development.
evidencing where SMSC is taught at the                                        subject
present point.                                                                leaders                                           To identify training needs.

Implementation of an action plan with        Spring Term     Subject          Subject         Student surveys                   Clear action plan for each subject, demonstrating ways
subject leaders that allows them to          2022            leaders time     Leaders                                           (where appropriate) there can be further embedding of
develop SMSC provision in their own                          alongside                        Action plans in place             SMSC in classroom practice.
subject setting, with evidence that it has                   subject CPD
had an impact on students.

Review of action plan to ensure that         Summer Term                      Subject         Review of provision from each     Review of actions implemented as well as ‘next steps’
objectives were met, which will then focus   2022                             leaders         subject area through subject      for the following academic year.
subjects in SMSC provision for 2021/22.                                                       review, including lesson QA.
Section C:
Culture and Ethos                             Academy Improvement Plan 2021-22
Objective 1. To continue to champion the EDA Way and EDA S.T.E.P.S across the Academy

Why action is needed: To ensure students strive towards demonstrating our values in all aspects of school, to ready them to make a valuable contribution to society.
What we plan to do                            When we         Resource &       Who will take     Monitoring & evaluation           What we aim to achieve
                                              expect things   training needs   the lead          arrangements
                                              to be done by   including
Update the EDA Way document and share         Sep 2021        Printing         BM/ SEB           Evaluation via staff voice        Consistent approach to managing behaviour and
with all stakeholders - including staff CPD                                                      Behaviour incident logs           applying sanctions across the academy.
on the application of the document.                           Staff time
                                                                                                 Learning walks

                                                                                                 Lesson observation

Relaunch (Fast Track Friday) and evaluate     Sept 2021       Cost of          SEB               Evaluation via staff voice        Raise the profile of the rewards process. Celebrate
the Olympic Reward system with specific                       rewards                                                              Student successes.
reference to KS4.                                                                                Monitoring of Tutor input

                                                                                                 Weekly communication with
                                                                                                 Tutors/ Students

Plan and launch the House Cup, to include     Sep 2021        Staff time       SEB               Reward entries.                   Students to display our values within their daily actions.
Olympic Rewards, sports house matches,                                                                                             Engagement, pride and healthy competition as part of
academic challenges and charitable                                                               Student voice.                    the House system.

Develop and implement scripted                Nov 2021        Staff time       SEB               CPD schedule                      Staff referencing the EDA STEPS and Academy values
conversations – referencing EDA STEPS -                                                                                            when discussing expectations with students.
to be used when discussing expectations                                                          Behaviour incident logs
with students.
                                                                                                 Lesson observation
Plan, organise and deliver an end-of-year   July 2022   Cost of      SEB   Student voice   Recognition of student achievement and promotion of
reward event for the Champion House.                    activity.                          the academy values.

                                                        Staff time
Objective 2. To further develop strategies to manage low-level classroom disruption.

Why action is needed: Students experience varying strategies in terms of managing behaviour and applying sanctions.
What we plan to do                           When we         Resource &       Who will take    Monitoring & evaluation      What we aim to achieve
                                             expect things   training needs   the lead         arrangements
                                             to be done by   including
Regular culture and Ethos CPD scheduled      Sep 2021        Staff time       SEB              CPD schedule                 Consistent approach to managing low-level behaviour
during academic year, to address low-level                                                                                  and applying sanctions across the academy.
behaviour management strategies.                                                               Evaluation via staff voice

                                                                                               Behaviour incident logs

                                                                                               Lesson observation

SL to interpret and determine actions        Sep 2021        Staff time       SEB              Meeting minutes              Timely intervention for Students not meeting
from the weekly behaviour analysis.                                                                                         expectations.
                                                                              Subject Leads    Behaviour incident logs
                                                                                                                            Support/ CPD for Staff to deal with challenging
                                                                              SLT              Learning walks               behaviour.
                                                                                               Lesson observation

Fortnightly line management meetings to      Sep 2021        Staff time       SEB              Meeting minutes              Subject leaders driving the consistent application of
include agenda item on behaviour                                                                                            academy policy.
management as standing item addressing                                        Subject Leads    Behaviour incident logs
the analysis and challenging the action                                                                                     Patterns of behaviour can be identified.
                                                                              SLT              Learning walks
                                                                                               Lesson observation

Develop and implement scripted               Nov 2021        Staff time       SEB              CPD schedule                 Reduction in Level 1 behaviour incidents.
conversations – referencing Academy
rules - to be used when addressing                                                             Behaviour incident logs
classroom disruption.
                                                                                               Lesson observation
Develop and deliver strategies for high-      Dec 2021     Staff time   SEB    CPD schedule                 Reduction in behaviour incidents for LPA/MPA students.
quality scaffolding of work within lessons,
to ensure all students can access and                                          Behaviour incident logs
                                                                               Lesson observation

Review the implementation of scripted         March 2022   Staff time   BM     Staff voice                  Further develop and refine the scripted conversations.
conversations when addressing classroom
disruption.                                                                    Subject leader feedback

                                                                               Behaviour incident logs

Evaluate the implementation of parental       Dec 2021     Staff time   SEB    Staff voice                  Review the implementation of parental calls for lesson
calls for lesson removals.                                                                                  removals.

Staff CPD on parental contact following       Oct 2021     Staff time   SEB    CPD schedule                 Greater parental awareness of, and engagement in
lesson removals.                                                                                            supporting, student behaviour.
                                                                        HP’s   Evaluation via staff voice

                                                                               Behaviour incident logs
Objective 3. To ensure the recording of Behaviour/pastoral incidents/interactions are accurate and monitored

Why action is needed: Teaching staff record all incidents that occur to allow for timely intervention
What we plan to do                            When we          Resource &        Who will take     Monitoring & evaluation           What we aim to achieve
                                              expect things    training needs    the lead          arrangements
                                              to be done by    including
Provide CPD for Staff to ensure that the      September        Staff time        SEB/ MC           Review of the incidents/          An accurate picture of any challenging behaviours that
system is being used effectively in the       2021                                                 analysis of the behaviour data.   allow for timely interventions where necessary.
Autumn Term.

Review the limitations of the current         October 2021     Staff time        SEB/ MC/ GH       Staff voice (working party)       Evaluation of the systems available along with the
system. Determine what we need from a

Research the various systems available to     December         Staff time        SEB/ MC/ GH       Staff voice                       Identification of a system that will meet the Academy
determine the most appropriate.               2021                                                                                   needs.

Staff CPD provided to allow for launch in     September        Staff time        SEB/ GH/ MC       Staff voice                       Consistent approach to recording of behaviour incidents.
September 2022.                               2022
                                                                                                   Behaviour Data analysis.          Timely interventions for both staff (CPD) and students.
Objective 4. To develop the way Myconcern (electronic recording system) is used so that additional staff can view/record as appropriate

Why action is needed:
What we plan to do                          When we         Resource &       Who will take   Monitoring & evaluation          What we aim to achieve
                                            expect things   training needs   the lead        arrangements
                                            to be done by   including
To train all staff on using myconcern       September       Time – CPD       CB              Evaluate impact of training      All staff able to use myconcern to report safeguarding
                                            2021            time                                                              concerns.

Audit what system would be best placed      September       Time for         CB/SEB          Evaluation to be conducted at    Pastoral/earliest help concerns are flagged with
to log pastoral concerns/contact with       2021            discussions                      pastoral meetings.               appropriate intervention and logged all on one system.
external agencies.                                          and audit

Allow HPs to access, be able to view and    September       Time for         CB/AM           Evaluation to be conducted at    For HPs to have more of an up to date overview of what
log pastoral concerns and external agency   2021            training on                      safeguarding meetings/pastoral   is happening with students in their house.
contact                                                     CPOMS                            meetings and at SLT business

Audit what system would be best placed      December        Time for         CB/AF/AM        Evaluation to be conducted at    For there to be a centralised system that pastoral and
to log SEND interventions/EHC plans.        2021            discussions                      line management meetings.        safeguarding can access to view the SEN provision for
                                                            and audit                                                         vulnerable students.

Allow SEN staff access to log and view      February 2021   Time for         CB/AF/AM        Evaluation to be conducted at    For HPs/DSLs to have more of an up to date overview of
SEND area of students profile.                              training on                      line management meetings.        what is happening with students in their house.
Developing Staff                             Academy Improvement Plan 2021-22
Objective 1. CPD provides varied pathways for all staff with clear links to Appraisal.

Why action is needed: A consistent layered approach to CPD for all staff. Appraisal for Teaching Staff requires further personalisation linked to own areas for improvement.

Appraisal for Associate Staff requires links to the Academy priorities with meaningful/ personal objectives.

What we plan to do                            When we          Resource &        Who will take     Monitoring & evaluation          What we aim to achieve
                                              expect things    training needs    the lead          arrangements
                                              to be done by    including
Update training pathways for Teaching         September        Reprographic      SEB               CPD Evaluations – Google form    CPD allows staff to improve all aspects of their role with
Staff including the following sessions:       2021             costs                               each term                        a clear impact on the quality of teaching/ leadership and
                                                                                                                                    the outcomes achieved.
    •    Career Point CPD
    •    Subject CPD (with clear
         objectives and clear direction)                       Cost of Career                      Feedback/ impact statements
    •    Culture & Ethos CPD – Behaviour                       Point CPD                           following CPD provision
    •    Wider Curriculum CPD
    •    RAP CPD
    •    TLC (Specific focus on Pedagogy)
    •    Personalised CPD (Aimed at
         developing individuals own areas
         of development)

Additional CPD to include:

    •    IRIS training
    •    Appraisal Training for Appraisers
    •    RAP meetings to be in association
         with SLT review of data.
Training pathways for Associate Staff to      September   Cost of CPD    SEB/ FS                                    CPD allows staff to improve all aspects of their role with
include:                                      2021        provision                                                 a clear impact on the effectiveness and efficiency of the
                                                                                                                    Academy systems.
    •     Academy CPD (safeguarding etc)
    •     Role Specific CPD/ Specialist CPD
          (E.g LSA/ Finance/ Kitchen/ Site
     • Personalised CPD (E.g Middle
          Leadership CPD)
Relaunch the Appraisal system to ensure       September   Reprographic   SEB       Review of Objectives set (SEB/   All staff are involved in shaping their own performance
that all teachers identify meaningful         2021        costs                    FS)                              management/ appraisal. They are clear about what they
objectives linked to Monitoring &                                                                                   need to achieve and the actions they need to take to do
Evaluation findings/ Teacher Standards.                                                                             so.

Relaunch the Appraisal system to ensure       September   Professional   SEB/ FS   Mid point review (March)         As a result, the performance of all individuals improves.
that all Staff identify meaningful            2021        portfolios
objectives linked to their role and the
Academy Priorities.                                                                Final review (September 2021)
Objective 2. Establish a clear succession plan for key strategic responsibilities (T&L, Curriculum and Sixth Form)

Why action is needed: The current senior team only have experience of one strategic area. In order to create a healthy succession plan, changes need to be made individual strategic
responsibilities from September 2021.

What we plan to do                            When we          Resource &       Who will take     Monitoring & evaluation          What we aim to achieve
                                              expect things    training needs   the lead          arrangements
                                              to be done by    including
Restructure the strategic responsibilities    June 2021        NA               PW                SLT line management meetings     Members of the senior team have experience and
within the Senior Leadership Team                                                                                                  understanding of more than one strategic responsibility
                                                                                                  Performance management

Arrange external visits to other schools to   June/July        NA               PW, SEB, RC       SLT line management meetings     For those leaders who are leading on new strategic areas
gather information on the leadership and      2021                              and BM                                             to gather an understanding of how this currently works
management from current leaders of                                                                                                 in another setting. To develop their knowledge and
these strategic areas                                                                                                              understanding

Arrange a visit from Holly Hartley to meet    June 16th 2021   £600             PW                Senior Team Meetings             For each Senior Leader to have external support with
with all strategic leads for a coaching                                                                                            Holly whereby they can confidentially discuss leadership
meeting. Discuss plan for academic year                                                                                            and management and the challenges they may face

Re-establish the joint SLT bespoke CPD        July 2021        £1500            PW/SEB            Senior Team Meetings             Create bespoke professional development training for
programme with CTA facilitated by an                                                                                               the Senior Leadership Team which focuses on improving
external Head Heather Phillips                                                                                                     middle leadership

PW to meet with all strategic SLT Leads       Half termly      NA               PW                Meeting Minutes                  PW to have a clear oversight of all strategic areas and to
every half term to review strategic           meetings                                                                             offer challenge and support where appropriate
responsibilities                              throughout
Ensure the SLT receive termly bespoke       29/11/2021   £1000   RC   Session reviews   To continue to invest and develop the SLT with regard to
CPD from Heather Phillips which has a                                                   leadership training and development
clear focus on leadership development       31/1/2022



Ensure there is a clear meeting cycle for   Ongoing      £750    PW   Session Reviews   Clear forums for the different types of school planning.
the senior team which includes:                                                         Termly away days (x3) to allow for long term planning
                                                                                        and evaluative discussion. Weekly strategic and business
•   Termly away days for planning,                                                      meetings to allow for ongoing strategic and operational
    evaluation and long term vision
•   Weekly strategic and business
Objective 3. To further improve staff wellbeing and resilience.

Why Action Is Needed: Staffing is the most important resource in any school. In order to provide the best possible education for our young people we need our staff to feel happy, positive,
cared for, motivated and equipped to do their jobs to the best of their ability. Furthermore, in the current educational climate, retention is just as important as recruitment (if not more

What we plan to do                              When we           Resource & training needs incl.   Who will    Monitoring & evaluation       What we aim to achieve
                                                expect things     costs                             take the    arrangements
                                                to be done by                                       lead

Publish the Staff Wellbeing Directory, which    End of            None                              PW          SLT to discuss and ratify     Raised awareness, transparency and
documents all of our wellbeing initiatives.     November                                                        before it is published to     accountability with regards to the way in which
                                                2021                                                            staff                         we care for and develop and staff.

Publish a timeline of implementation to run     End of            None                              PW/NT       Reviewed at different         Clarity about when certain initiatives/services
alongside the directory to show when and        November                                                        points throughout the         can be accessed
how new initiatives will be implemented         2021                                                            year in SLT meetings

Implement initiatives according to the          June 2022         Some financial costs associated   PW/NT       Reviewed at different         Staff benefit from wellbeing initiatives
timeline                                                          with running some wellbeing                   points throughout the
                                                                  sessions and purchasing key                   year in SLT meetings

                                                                  Training need for new Mental
                                                                  Health Champion

Write a Staff Wellbeing Policy which has        January 2022      None                              PW/NT       Reviewed by SLT and           Raised awareness, transparency, accountability
synergy with the Staff Wellbeing Directory                                                                      governors as part as Policy   and consistency with regards to the way in
                                                                                                                Review cycle                  which we care for and develop staff.

Formally review the timeline of                 July 2022         None                              PW          SLT meeting                   Assessment of which initiatives have been
implementation to assess which initiatives                                                                                                    implemented and which need rolling over to
have been successfully implemented.                                                                                                           next academic year
Engaging with the
Community – 2021/22                             Academy Improvement Plan 2021-22
Objective 1. To create more collaborative opportunities with primary schools.

Why action is needed: Current events mean that SATS are cancelled, withholding key data about students. In addition to this, preparation for EDA to become part of a MAT.
What we plan to do                              When we         Resource &         Who will take   Monitoring & evaluation           What we aim to achieve
                                                expect things   training needs     the lead        arrangements
                                                to be done by   including
Safe transfer of all files from primary to      End of Sep      DSS – Level 2      DSS/CB          Safe transfer of files. Where     Ensuring that we have evidence of students name and
EDA.                                            2021            Safeguarding                       files are online, print outs of   are fully aware of past concerns so we can actively
                                                                trained to                         any relevant information.         support them.
                                                                safely handle
                                                                SG files.

                                                                regarding the
                                                                process to
                                                                Primary staff
                                                                well in

GL Assessments and Accelerated Reader           Sep 2021        Cost of GL         PW/NL           All students complete the test    GL assessments will be our foundation point as to how a
                                                                assessments                                                          student performs and will allow us to correlate the
                                                                                                                                     teacher assessment given in the summer.

Greater ‘cross phase’ teaching, involving       Feb 2022        Timetabling        DSS, with       Teaching takes place, primary     Continued high level of 1st preference choices.
staff from EDA delivering specialist sessions                   capacity,          support from    school feedback.
to primary students in schools that are on                      creation of rota   PW                                                Greater levels of collaboration between EDA and key
the MAT Journey.                                                to ensure that                                                       primary schools.
staff are ‘ring

Embeddding of our Summer School              July 2022 (Sep   Staffing plus     DSS   Event takes place. Feedback via   Ensure as many new starters at EDA are settled and
programme as part of our admissions offer.   2021             potential visit         student and parental              aware of our routines and procedures by September.
25th July – 29th July 2022                   onwards)         costs.                  questionnaire.
Objective 2. Opportunities for the Academy to play a greater role in the local community, following on from the success of 2019.

Why action is needed: We seek to create further opportunities for both visitors coming into the Academy and opportunities for students to directly get involved with the local community.

What we plan to do                             When we         Resource &         Who will take   Monitoring & evaluation          What we aim to achieve
                                               expect things   training needs     the lead        arrangements
                                               to be done by   including
Introduction of a new support group –          October 2021    Launch to          DSS             Uptake from Y7 parents and       A core team of parental and staff volunteers that
‘Friends of EDA events’ – consisting of                        staff/parents                      staff                            promote the Academy with the view to raising awareness
voluntary staff, alumni and parents.                                                                                               of the school in the local area, as well as to fundraise.

Review of Parent Forum model                   March 2022      Survey             DSS             Feedback from current            To ensure that our parental voice model is fit for purpose,
                                                               prepared                           parents                          with changes where appropriate.

EDA Quiz night, organised by Friends of        March 2022      Contract with      DSS             Uptake from community            An opportunity for the community to visit the school. To
EDA. This will be a wider event that will be                   local fish and                                                      allow selected students access to develop their own
publicly advertised.                                           chip shop –                                                         communication skills with members of the public in a safe
                                                               arrangements                                                        environment.
                                                               for site to
                                                               remain open

EDA Christmas Market, organised by Sixth       Dec 2021        Budget for         DSS             Uptake from our own student      An opportunity for the community to visit the school. To
Form students. This will be open to EDA                        stalls – time in                   and community members.           allow selected students access to develop their own
students plus potentially families of local                    tutor/tutorials                                                     communication skills with members of the public in a safe
feeder schools as restrictions permit.                         for our Sixth                                                       environment.
                                                               Form to plan
                                                               for the event.

Year 5 Curriculum offer – increased            September       Commitment         AL/SK/EJC/LW/   Engagement with primary. %       For EDA to be recognised as committed to developing all
opportunities to ensure that all subjects      2021            from EDA and       MF, supported   uptake from Burntwood            students who live in the local area, regardless of chosen
offered in Y7 are working collaboratively                      local primary      by DSS          schools who subsequently         secondary school; taking on our role as a responsible
with local Burntwood students                                  staff                              then choose EDA as a ‘first      stakeholder in the local community.
                                                                                                  choice’ applicant.
The Academy to lead and collaborate with       May 2022   Registration     NMT, supported    Participation from the          For our stakeholders to understand the importance of
other schools as part of the national                                      by DSS            stakeholders at the Academy.    recycling products where possible and to develop our
‘Great Big School Clean’, which will involve                                                                                 students into global citizens, who take responsibility for
community clean up.                                                                                                          their actions.

EDA representation at ‘Birmingham Pride’       May 2022   Collaboration    DSS, LW and       Uptake from student body in     Our school works collaboratively with another local
                                                          with CTA and     ‘Fun Club’        getting involved in community   school in maintaining a unified stance on LGBT issues,
                                                          other students   representatives   initiatives.                    which will improve wellbeing both inside the school and
                                                          / cost of                                                          the wider community.
Facilitating Learning
and Progress                               Academy Improvement Plan 2021-22
Objective 1. To develop a consistent approach to learning environment in lessons.

Why action is needed: A consistent approach to classroom routines is required.

                                                               Resource &
                                              When we
                                                             training needs      Who will take      Monitoring & evaluation
What we plan to do                          expect things                                                                                     What we aim to achieve
                                                                including         the lead              arrangements
                                            to be done by

                                                                                                                              The learning intentions are clear and measurable for all
To ensure all learning environments are                                                                                       lessons.

To further embed the EDA Teaching &
Learning Strategy:                                                                                                            A consistent approach to routines ensures that the
                                                                                                                              learning environment is always calm and orderly
    •   Consistent use of the Academy
    •   Taught language of learning/
        literacy techniques (including                                                                                        Students are able to recall prior knowledge improving
        oracy) literacy marking             September                                                                         their knowledge and understanding
    •   Learning starts in 60 seconds       2021
        (Retrieval practice)
    •   Frequent, meaningful application
        opportunities (red pen response)                                                                                      Students are provided with opportunities to ‘apply’ their
    •   Teach to the top – scaffold down                                                                                      knowledge preparing them for formative and summative
    •   AFL strategies with impact to                        Replace red
                                                                                                 Review Week                  assessments.
        include ‘Live Feedback’                              pens
                                                                                                 ‘On call’ patrol
ML to plan termly quality assurance
activities that review current practice                                                          Student voice                Students are challenged to ‘Think Hard’ every lesson.
within their department based on whole
school and department priorities.
All students are able to access the work regardless of

                                             All students are provided with meaningful feedback.

                                             All students improve their literacy skills in all lessons.
ML time   Line management meetings.

          Standardisation of QA activities
Objective 2. To further develop teachers’ pedagogical knowledge.

Why action is needed: To ensure teaching is evidence informed.
                                             When we expect       Resource &
                                                                               Who will take      Monitoring & evaluation
What we plan to do                           things to be done     training                                                                     What we aim to achieve
                                                                                the lead              arrangements
                                                     by             needs
Introduce T&L Research Group, members
                                                                                               CPD Evaluations                  Teachers pedagogical knowledge for subject content
of which will lead on TLC sessions and                           Subject CPD
                                             September 2021                    RC                                               improves and the consistency in delivery of key
create Inquiry Questions for other                               time                          Review Week findings             concepts is increased.
members of staff to work on.

Further develop TLC sessions so staff                                                          CPD Evaluations
work collaboratively on inquiry
questions. Create a bank of resources        September 2021      Subject CPD   RC              Review Week Findings
and research for all staff to use in order
to work on IQ.                                                                                 Line management minutes

Subject Leaders continue to plan Subject                                                       CPD Evaluations                  Teachers reflect on their own practice and make
CPD to include sessions on Subject           September 2021      Repro costs   RC
                                                                                                                                improvements based on the strategies provided.
specific pedagogy.                                                                             Review Week findings

                                                                                               Scrutiny of the resources
Create a shared bank of resources and                            IRIS costs                    available and the staff access   Staff have access to best practice for various areas of
research to be used to support evidence      September 2022                    RC              to these.
                                                                 Time                                                           pedagogy.
informed teaching.
                                                                                               Review Week findings
Objective 3. To introduce and develop ECT programme.

Why action is needed: To ensure ECT provision links to the Early Career Framework.
                                           When we expect       Resource &
                                                                               Who will take     Monitoring & evaluation
What we plan to do                         things to be done     training                                                                 What we aim to achieve
                                                                                the lead             arrangements
                                                   by             needs

                                                               Timetable                       ECT Evaluations
Establish ECT Professional Tutor role.     September 2021                      OW                                          Greater support for Early Career Teachers.
                                                                                               Review Week findings

                                                                                               ECT Evaluations
Introduce JTTS programme to support                                                                                        Ensure professional development for ECTs is
                                           September 2021      Time - ECTs     RC              Review Week/obs Findings
ECTs’ professional development.                                                                                            appropriate and
                                                                                               Line management minutes

Ensure mentor meetings and completion                                                          ECT Evaluations
                                                               Time – ECTs,
of reviews are manageable and useful for   September 2021                      RC                                          ECTs are not required to do unnecessary extra work.
                                                               ECPT & IT                       Review Week/obs findings
Sixth Form
                                           Academy Improvement Plan 2021-22
Objective 1: Further develop a high quality work experience programme for students to participate in during their time in the Sixth Form

Why action is needed: to fulfil the 16-19 programmes of study requirement
What we plan to do                          When we          Resource &       Who will take    Monitoring & evaluation           What we aim to achieve
                                            expect things    training needs   the lead         arrangements
                                            to be done by    including
Discuss with work-ex providers, when it     September        Time             BM/CB/AH         Evaluate the practicality and     For students to participate in work experience
would be feasible to conduct work           2021                                               timescale

Re-launch Work Experience with students     September        Time             BM/CB/AH         Evaluate student feedback         Students to complete 1 week of work experience

Ensure students have placements secured     December         Time/Work ex     BM/CB/AH/SJS     SJS to complete weekly check-     All students to be placed
                                            2021             provider                          ups to monitor progress of
                                                             platform                          placements being found
Objective 2: Further develop the Sixth Form scholar award

Why action is needed: to combine all the non-qualification activity students complete into one portfolio, where their additional contributions will be validated.
What we plan to do                          When we           Resource &       Who will take    Monitoring & evaluation            What we aim to achieve
                                            expect things     training needs   the lead         arrangements
                                            to be done by     including
Launch the Award to new Year 12             September         NA               BM               SJS and BM will evaluate           To encourage students to demonstrate the academy
students                                    2021                                                participation and follow up with   values, compile evidence for personal statements and to
                                                                                                those that have not signed up      give back to the academy
Review the Award with Year 13 students                                                          to the award.

Monitor and Log all aspects of the award    October 2021      NA               BM/SJS           BM to review suitability of        To encourage students to extend their knowledge by
                                                                                                activities completed               completing wider reading in a related topic to their
                                            February 2022                                                                          studies or in the field for which they have an interest, to
                                                                                                SJS will monitor the regular       give something back to the academy, supporting
                                            May 2022                                            attendance at volunteering         younger students, whilst playing to the Sixth Formers
                                                                                                                                   strengths. In addition to developing their leadership
                                                                                                                                   skills and to demonstrate the academy values, compile
                                                                                                                                   evidence for personal statements and to give back to the

Present successful students with their      June 2022         Certificates/    BM               Monitor the success rates and      Students to have a certificate which demonstrates all
Awards                                                        recognition                       participation rates                non-qualification activity completed during their time in
                                                                                                                                   Sixth Form.
Objective 3: Further develop the vocational curriculum offer

Why action is needed: to combine all the non-qualification activity students complete into one portfolio, where their additional contributions will be validated.
What we plan to do                          When we            Resource &       Who will take   Monitoring & evaluation            What we aim to achieve
                                            expect things      training needs   the lead        arrangements
                                            to be done by      including
Identify and research appropriate           January 2022       N/A              BM              BM to provide list of              Clear understanding of the vocational qualifications that
vocational qualifications that contribute                                                       qualifications to SLT for          we are able to deliver.
towards performance measures from                                                               discussion and decision on
2022.                                                                                           whether to deliver.

Plan for the delivery of relevant           July 2022          Exam board       BM/SL’s         Relevant subject leads to attend   Appropriate courses that can be delivered effectively
qualifications ready for September 2022.                       CPD                              exam board CPD.                    from September 2022.

                                                               Time for SL’s                    Delivery plan and curriculum
                                                                                                overview produced.
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