Errata to the Draft South Dublin County Development Plan 2022-2028 August 2021

Errata to the
Draft South Dublin County Development
            Plan 2022-2028

            August 2021
Errata Document                 Draft South Dublin County Development Plan 2022-2028   August 2021

                  Errata to the Draft South Dublin County Development Plan 2022-2028

The errata outlined below to the Draft South Dublin County Development Plan 2022-2028 (Draft
Development Plan) is being published during the public consultation period to the Draft Development
Plan. Following special Development Plan Council Meetings which took place on the 17th, 18th, 21st,
23rd and 24th June 2021, and having reviewed the meeting recordings and finalised the minutes,
amendments have had to be made to the Draft Development Plan on display to accurately reflect the
decisions taken at the meetings.

The Errata to the Draft Development Plan are detailed in Table 1.1 below and are structured to
follow the sequence of the Draft Development Plan. This document should therefore be read in
conjunction with the Draft South Dublin County Development Plan 2022-2028.

The amended and new objectives set out in the errata have been assessed against the Strategic
Environmental Objectives (SEOs) as set out in Chapter 6 of the Draft Environmental Report issued
with the Draft South Dublin County Development Plan 2022-2028 and against criteria set out in
section 7.1 of the Natura Impact Report (NIR) prepared by Scott Cawley and issued with the Draft
South Dublin County Development Plan 2022-2028. A copy of these assessments is available for
public inspection with this Errata Document.

Prescribed bodies will be notified, and a public notice will be inserted in national and local
newspapers. This list of errata is available on the Development Plan
website - and on South Dublin’s consultation
portal -

The nature and extent of each of the amendments are identified as follows:

•      Amendments involving additional text insertion are shown in bold.
•      Amendments involving deletion of text are shown in strikethrough and indicate that the
       objective is to be read without them.

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Table 1.1: Errata to the Draft Development 2022-2028

 Chapter 2: Core Strategy and Settlement Strategy

 Section                   Type of Amendment                 Amendment
 Section 2.6.7             Include New Objective             Include New CS4 Objective 5:
 Monitoring of Growth /                                      CS4 Objective 5: To ensure that the long-term vacant houses in St Maelruan’s Park will no longer
 Active Land                                                 be left vacant and allowed to go into a state of disrepair.
 2.6.8 Employment          Include New Objective             Include New CS5 Objective 5:
 Lands                                                       CS5 Objective 5: To ensure that a section of any lands zoned EE or REGEN are set aside for local
                                                             enterprise hubs for developing businesses or for shared workspaces serving people who are
                                                             unable to work from home but who want to carry out their work close to where they live.

 2.7 Settlement Strategy   Amend Existing Objective          Amend CS6 Objective 5 to read:
                                                             To design future development in a manner that facilitates sustainable travel patterns, with a
                                                             particular focus on increasing the share of active modes (walking and cycling) and public transport
                                                             use and creating a safe attractive street environment for pedestrians and cyclists, where adequate
                                                             transport links are in place, or will be situated, close to new developments and, insofar as possible,
                                                             to existing developments which need them.

 Chapter 3 Natural, Cultural and Built Heritage

 Section                   Type of Amendment                 Amendment
 3.2 Heritage and          Amend Existing Objective          Amend NCBH1 Objective 3 to read:
 Climate Action                                              To carry out an audit and assessment, based on an initial pilot study pilot an assessment of the
                                                             County’s natural and built heritage assets including Council owned protected structures and
                                                             archaeological features; to identify and safeguard these assets from the potential impacts of climate
                                                             change; and to explore possible uses as part of climate change mitigation.

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 3.3.4 Areas of           Amend Existing Objective         Amend NCBH8 Objective 4 to read:
 Significant Amenity                                       “Within areas designated 'High Amenity - Dodder Valley', non-residential development will only be
 Value                                                     permitted where it;
                                                           - relates to the area's amenity potential or to its use for agriculture or recreational purposes,
                                                           including recreational buildings and accessibility; or
                                                           - comprises the redevelopment of or extensions to existing commercial or civic uses or development
                                                           of new commercial or civic uses within an existing established area of commercial or civic activity;
                                                           - preserves or improves the amenity value of the river valley including its landscape value, views or
                                                           vistas of the river valley and its biodiversity value”

 3.5.4                    Include New SLO                  Include a New NCBH21 SLO 1:
 Vernacular/Traditional                                    NCBH21 SLO 1: To protect and maintain the remaining old stone walls of Clondalkin
 and Older Buildings,
 Estates and
 3.6.3 Climate Change     Amend Existing Objective         Amend NCBH26 Objective 2 to read:
 Adaptation and Energy                                     To protect, preserve and maintain industrial heritage features including weirs, millraces and mills
 Efficiency in Historic                                    along the River Dodder, River Camac and River Liffey.

 Chapter 5 Quality Design and Healthy Placemaking

 Section                  Type of Amendment                Amendment
 5.2.2 Context            Amend Existing Objective         Amend QDP3 Objective 8 to read:
                                                           To include only consider buildings of a reasonable/appropriate height in our heritage villages and
                                                           that this is in line with current buildings and is sympathetic to the makeup of these heritage villages.

 5.2.5 Public Realm       Include New Objective            Include a New QDP 6 Objective 8:
                                                           QDP 6 Objective 8: To continue to improve the environment and public realm of Palmerstown
                                                           village in terms of environmental quality, urban design, safety, identity and image.

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 5.4.1 Local Area Plans   Include New SLO                  Include a New QDP14 SLO 3:
                                                           QDP14 SLO 3: That the provisions of the Ballycullen - Oldcourt Local Area Plan (2014) as extended,
                                                           in respect of the steep topography in the lands zoned RES-N between Stocking Lane, Ballycullen
                                                           Rd and the M50 (Map 10) remain in force during the lifetime of this Plan having regard to
                                                           ministerial guidelines.

 Chapter 6 Housing

 Section                  Type of Amendment                Amendment
 6.1 Housing Strategy     Amend Existing Objective         Amend H1 Objective 4 to read:
 and Interim Housing                                       To recognise the urgent need for the increased provision of social and affordable housing to ensure
 Needs Demand                                              that all residents in South Dublin County have access to a home. Such provision shall be made
 Assessment                                                through working with approved housing bodies and co-operatives to provide for social and
                                                           genuinely affordable housing accommodation to meet housing needs. This shall be carried out
                                                           through a range of delivery mechanisms including new builds, acquisitions, renovations and
                                                           acquisitions of vacant homes, cost rental leasing, and housing supports including RAS and HAP or
                                                           any other mechanism promoted under Government Housing Policy, with priority given to new builds
                                                           and renovations whenever available.

 6.1 Housing Strategy     Amend Existing Objective         Amend H1 Objective 15 to read:
 and Interim Housing                                       Facilitate, as far as possible, the development of homes for owner-occupiers over institutional
 Needs Demand                                              investors. through the implementation of relevant government circulars, guidelines and supporting
 Assessment                                                legislation

 6.2 Supply of Housing    Amend Existing Objective         Amend H2 Objective 3 to read:
                                                           To promote and facilitate the development of infill schemes throughout the County where it has
                                                           been identified that such schemes will contribute towards the enhancement of communities within
                                                           the County, working towards an even spread of such schemes across all LEAs, whilst ensuring that
                                                           sufficient and appropriate public spaces and amenities are preserved in our residential estates,
                                                           subject to the protection of residential amenity.

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 Chapter 7 Transport

 Section                    Type of Amendment                Amendment
 7.9.1 Integrated           Amend Existing Objective         Amend SM6 Objective 7 to read:
 Transport Studies                                           To carry out a review of Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGV) restrictions in the County and consult with An
                                                             Garda Síochána in relation to the implementation of restrictions on the movement of HGVs within
                                                             residential areas and around schools and where particular issues are identified, to implement
                                                             appropriate control measures in consultation with the relevant stakeholders.

 Chapter 8 Community Infrastructure and Open Space

 Section                    Type of Amendment                Amendment
 8.4.3 Universally          Amend Existing Objective         Amend COS2 Objective 7:
 Accessible                                                  To support and facilitate access to public toilet facilities including wheelchair accessible toilet
 Social/Community                                            facilities in community related buildings in Council ownership, in all towns and villages in the
 Facilities                                                  County.

 Chapter 9 Economic Development and Employment

 Section                    Type of Amendment
 9.0.4 Overarching Policy   Amend Existing Objective         Amend EDE1 Objective 6 to read:
                                                             To ensure that economic and enterprise related development is provided in a manner which
                                                             facilitates a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by supporting and promoting the following
                                                             • An increase in employment densities within walkable distances of communities and on public
                                                                    transport routes;

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                                                             •     Promotion of walking and cycling and use of public transport through increased permeability
                                                                   and mobility management measures within and outside employment areas;
                                                             •     The sourcing of power from district heating and renewables including wind, hydro and solar.
                                                             •     Additional native tree planting and landscaping on existing and proposed enterprise zones and
                                                                   development sites to aid with carbon sequestration, contribute to the green infrastructure
                                                                   network of the County and promote quality placemaking.

 9.4.4 Additional Retail   Amend Existing Objective         Amend EDE8 Objective 10 to read:
 Floorspace and                                             To ensure that all new large retail developments provide public bring banks, unless there are
 Sequential Growth                                          existing facilities within a 1km radius. To promote the circular economy by ensuring that all
                                                            large retail developments provide space for reverse vending machines.

 9.9 Tourism and Leisure   Amend Existing Objective         Amend EDE20 Objective 2 to read:
                                                            To support the development of local tourist and heritage trails at suitable locations including across
                                                            the Dublin Mountains, and between and within Brittas-Saggart-Rathcoole; Clondalkin; Lucan;
                                                            Newcastle-Lyons; Rathfarnham; and Tallaght and seek to make such trails interactive through the
                                                            use of sensitive signage and the further development of mobile application software ensuring in HA
                                                            DM that all such trails are sensitively landscaped and designed to ensure positive impact on
                                                            biodiversity and visual amenity.

 9.9 Tourism and Leisure   Amend Existing Objective         Amend EDE22 Objective 4 to read:
                                                            To support concerts or events at suitable locations within the County, such as parks, stadia
                                                            (including Tallaght Stadium), auditoriums, conference centres, subject to the protection of
                                                            residential amenity and appropriate licensing arrangements.

 Chapter 10 Energy

 Section                   Type of Amendment
 10.1.1 South Dublin       Amend Existing Objective         Amend E2 Objective 4 to read:
 County Baseline                                            To support new and existing Sustainable Energy Communities and actively encourage and support
 Emissions                                                  new SECs (SEC) in line with sustainable development and proper planning.

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 10.2.7 Large Scale Wind   Amend Existing Objective         Amend E8 Objective 1 to read:
 Energy Projects                                            To review the current wind energy strategy for the County during the lifetime of the Plan having
                                                            regard to any updated wind energy guidelines. and the current South Dublin Wind Energy Strategy.

 10.2.7 Large Scale Wind   Include New Objective            Include a New E8 Objective 3:
 Energy Projects                                            E8 Objective 3: To encourage and support the provision of wind farms as part of an agricultural
                                                            mix in suitable viable land areas zoned RU within the county in accordance with South Dublin
                                                            County Council Wind Energy Strategy.

 Chapter 11 Infrastructure and Environmental Services

 Section                   Type of Amendment
 11.4 Information and      Amend Existing Objective         Amend IE5 Objective 5 to read
 Communications                                             To ensure that above ground utility boxes are sensitively located and finished to reduce their visual
 Technology                                                 impact, designing out anti-social behaviour, and promoting soft planting around existing and new
                                                            ones where feasible.

 11.7.3 Weston Airport     Amend Existing Objective         Amend IE9 Objective 5 to read:
                                                            The Planning Authority will engage with Kildare County Council, to guide the consideration of
                                                            applications for development at Weston Airport having regard to proper planning and sustainable
                                                            development national, regional, and local climate action plans.

 Chapter 13 Implementation and Monitoring

 Section                   Type of Amendment
 13.4.2 Design             Amend Existing Objective         Amend Section 13.4.2 Design Considerations and Statements to read:
 Considerations and                                         Design Statements:
 Statements                                                 In line with the provisions of Policy QDP7 Objective 1, all medium to-large scale and complex
                                                            planning applications (30 + residential units, commercial development over 1,000 sq.m. or as

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                                                 otherwise required by the Planning Authority) shall be accompanied by a Design Statement. The
                                                 Design Statement should address contextual and urban design issues and clearly explain the design
                                                 process, the design options considered and the rationale behind the adopted design development
                                                 strategy. A Design Statement should consist of:
                                                     • A detailed analysis of the proposal and statement based on the 12 design criteria set out in
                                                         the ‘Urban Design Manual’ (2009) and reflected in the South Dublin County Council’s
                                                         Building Height and Design Guide [as follows:]
                                                     • Detailed design including materials and external finishes should have regard to the policy,
                                                         objectives and provisions of the South Dublin County Development Plan 2022-2028. In
                                                         particular the guidance, and performance-based design criteria set out in the South Dublin
                                                         County Height and Density Guide must be incorporated with due regard being had to
                                                         relevant Ministerial Guidelines including the ‘Urban Design Manual’ (2009); ‘Sustainable
                                                         Residential Development in Urban Areas’ (2009); ‘Urban Development and Building Height –
                                                         Guidelines for Planning Authorities’ (2018); and ‘Design Standards for New Apartments –
                                                         Guidelines for Planning Authorities’ (2018).
                                                     • A statement or Quality Audit addressing street design as outlined within the Design Manual
                                                         for Urban Roads and Streets.
                                                     • Any departures within the proposed development from the guidance set out in the
                                                         Building Height and Density Guide for South Dublin County (Appendix 10) shall be clearly
                                                         highlighted in the Design Statement.

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Errata SEA Assessment
Draft South Dublin County Development Plan 2022-2028 – Errata

Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)

The amended and new objectives set out in the errata have been assessed against the Strategic
Environmental Objectives (SEOs) as set out in Chapter 6 of the Draft Environmental Report issued with
the CE’s Draft South Dublin County Development Plan 2022-2028. The results of this assessment is
presented in the following addendum to Tables 8.1 and 9.1 of the Environmental Report.

In summary the errata, comprising amendments to 19 existing proposed objectives and inclusion of 6
new proposed objectives have been assessed for environmental effects. These result in no change to
the assessment presented in the Environmental Report in all but one new objective. While new
objective E 8 Objective 3 is considered to have potential for uncertain environmental effects, the Draft
Plan contains appropriate protective policies and objectives to ensure that adverse effects will not

Addendum to Table 8.1: SEA Assessment of Policies and Objectives
 No.               SEA Assessment (against SEOs)            Mitigation                Protective
 Chapter 2 Core Strategy and Settlement Strategy
 New CS 4          Positive Environmental Effects                  No
 Objective 5
 New CS 5          Neutral / Positive Environmental Effects        No
 Objective 5
 Amend CS 6        Uncertain Environmental Effects (All            Yes
 Objective 5       SEOs))
                   (No Change)                                (No Change)
 Chapter 3 Natural, Cultural and Built Heritage
 Amend NCBH 1 Positive Environmental Effects                       No                       Yes
 Objective 3       (No Change)                                (No Change)               (No Change)
 Amend NCBH 8 Positive Environmental Effects                       No                       Yes
 Objective 4       (No Change)                                (No Change)               (No Change)
 New NCBH 21       Positive Environmental Effects                  No                       Yes
 SLO 1
 Amend NCBH        Positive Environmental Effects                  No                       Yes
 26 Objective 2    (No Change)                                (No Change)               (No Change)

 Chapter 5 Quality Design and Healthy Placemaking
 New QDP 6         Positive Environmental Effects                       No
 Objective 8
 New QDP 14        Neutral / Positive Environmental Effects             No
 SLO 3
 Amend QDP 3       Uncertain Environment Effects (CH)                  Yes
 Objective 8       (No Change)                                     (No Change)
 Chapter 6 Housing
 Amend H 1         Positive Environmental Effects                      No
 Objective 4       (No Change)                                     (No Change)
 Amend H 1         Neutral / Positive Environment Effects              No
 Objective 15      (No Change)                                     (No Change)
 Amend H 2         Neutral / Positive Environment Effects              No
 Objective 3       (No Change)                                     (No Change)
No.                SEA Assessment (against SEOs)               Mitigation            Protective
 Chapter 7 Transport
 Amend SM 6         Neutral / Positive Environment Effects             No
 Objective 7        (No Change)                                    (No Change)
 Chapter 8 Community Infrastructure and Open Space
 Amend COS 2        Neutral / Positive Environment Effects             No
 Objective 7        (No Change)                                    (No Change)
 Chapter 9 Economic Development and Employment
 Amend EDE 1        Positive Environmental Effects                     No
 Objective 6        (No Change)                                    (No Change)
 Amend EDE 8        Positive Environmental Effects                     No
 Objective 10       (No Change)                                    (No Change)
 Amend EDE 20       Uncertain Environment Effects (B, LSG,             Yes
 Objective 2        W, CH, LV, MA)
                    (No Change)                                    (No Change)
 Amend EDE 22       Neutral / Positive Environment Effects             No
 Objective 4        (No Change)                                    (No Change)
 Chapter 10 Energy
 Amend E 2          Positive Environmental Effects                     No
 Objective 4        (No Change)                                    (No Change)
 Amend E 8          Positive Environmental Effects                     No
 Objective 1        (No Change)                                    (No Change)
 New E 8            Uncertain Environment Effects (B, LSG,             Yes
 Objective 3        W, AN, CH, LV, MA)
 Chapter 11 Infrastructure and Environmental Services
 Amend IE 5         Neutral / Positive Environment Effects             No
 Objective 5        (No Change)                                    (No Change)
 Amend IE 9         Neutral / Positive Environment Effects             No
 Objective 5        (No Change)                                    (No Change)

With the exception of new objective E 8 Objective 3, the errata result in either no change to the
existing assessments as presented in the Environmental Report, or have a neutral or positive effect
and therefore do not require mitigation.

It is assessed that new objective E 8 Objective 3 has potential for uncertain effects in relation
biodiversity; land, soils and geology; water; air and noise; cultural heritage; landscape and visual
aspects; and material assets. However, the Draft Plan contains a significant range of appropriate
protective policies and objectives (refer to Table 9.1 of the Environmental Report), which will ensure
that any uncertain effects are adequately avoided and mitigated. The protective policies and
objectives include:

        Policy 2 Biodiversity; NCBH 2 Objective 4; NCBH 4 Objectives 1 & 2; Policy 5: Protection of
        Habitats and Species Outside of Designated Areas; NCBH 5 Objectives 1 & 2; NCHB 11
        Objectives 3 & 4; GI Vision; Policy 3 Biodiversity; GI 2 Objective 2; GI 3 Objective 2; and GI 5
        Objective 1.

        Land, Soils and Geology
Policy 12: Steep or Varying Topography Sites; GI 5 Objective 5; NCBH 1 Objective 2; Policy 6:
       Dublin Mountains; NCBH 6 Objectives 1 & 3; Policy 12: Geological Sites; and NCBH 12
       Objective 1.

       GI 2 Objective 2; Policy 3 - Sustainable Water Management; Policy 3: Surface Water and
       Groundwater; GI 3 Objectives 1, 2, 3 & 4; GI 4 Objective 6; GI 5 Objective 1; IE 3 Objectives 1,
       3, 4, 5, & 6; Policy 4: Flood Risk; IE 4 Objectives 1, 2, 3 and 4.

       Air and Noise
       GI 6 Objective 9; Policy 7 Environmental Quality; and IE 7 Objectives 1, 2, 3 and 4.

       Cultural Heritage
       Policies and objectives in relation to heritage as set out under Chapter 3 Natural, Cultural and
       Built Heritage, in particular Policy 6: Dublin Mountains; Policy 13: Archaeological Heritage;
       Policy 19: Protected Structures; Policy 20: Architectural Conservation Areas; Policy 26:
       Features of Interest; and associated objectives.

       Landscape and Visual
       Policies and objectives in relation to landscape and visual aspects as set out under Chapter 3
       Natural, Cultural and Built Heritage, in particular Policy 1: Overarching; Policy 6: Dublin
       Mountains; Policy 11: Tree Preservation Orders and other Tree Protections; Policy 14:
       Landscapes; Policy 15: Views and Prospects; and associated objectives.

       Material Assets
       GI 1 Objective 4; GI 7 Objective 1; Policy 2 - Green Economy; and POLICY 6: Waste

       Being a new Protective Objective, NCBH 21 SLO 1 is also added as an Addendum to Table 9.1
       of the Environmental Report.

Addendum to Table 9.1 Mitigation Measures- List of Protective Policies and Objectives in the Draft
 No.             Policy / Objective
 New NCBH 21     To protect and maintain the remaining old stone walls of Clondalkin.
 Objective 1
Errata AA Assessment
Draft South Dublin County Development Plan 2022-2028

Appropriate Assessment (AA)
The new and amended objectives set out in the Draft South Dublin County Development Plan 2022-2028
Errata have been assessed against criteria set out in section 7.1 of the Natura Impact Report (NIR) prepared
by Scott Cawley and issued with the CE’s Draft South Dublin County Development Plan 2022-2028. The
results of this assessment are presented in the following Addendum to Table A (see below) of Appendix I
of the NIR.
In summary the Errata, comprising amendments to 19 existing proposed objectives and inclusion of 6 new
proposed objectives have been assessed for potential effects on European sites.
It is assessed that new objective E 8 Objective 3 has potential for adverse effects in relation to the qualifying
interests/ special conservation interests of European sites both found within South Dublin County (i.e.
Glenasmole Valley candidate SAC and Wicklow Mountains candidate SAC/SPA) and those European sites
found downstream of the county in Dublin Bay which could be impacted by changes in water quality from
such renewable energy developments. However, the Draft Plan contains a significant range of appropriate
protective policies and objectives which will ensure that any adverse effects are adequately avoided and

Addendum to Table A Potential effects of the new and amended policies and objectives on the
Qualifying Interests, Special Conservation Interests and Conservation Objectives of European Sites and
    No.          Policy/Objective                  Any adverse affects on    European Site        Mitigation
                                                   European site integrity   [Qualifying
                                                   as    a    result    of   Interests/Special
                                                   implementing       the    Conservation
    Chapter 2 Core Strategy and Settlement Strategy
    CS4          To ensure that the long-term      No.                       N/A                  N/A
    Objective    vacant houses in St Maelruins     Absence of cause-effect
    5            Park are will no longer be left   linkage between
    (new)        vacant and allowed to go into     implications of
                 a state of disrepair.             objective and the
                                                   integrity of European

1The four-digit code that precedes the Annex I habitat, Annex II species or special conservation interest bird name is the
habitat/species’ Natura 2000 code; this is given in the Natura 2000 standard data-entry form for SAC and SPA sites. Priority
Annex I habitat types are denoted using an asterisk (*)

Draft South Dublin County Development Plan 2022-2028         1                                          Natura Impact Report
No.            Policy/Objective                   Any adverse affects on      European Site         Mitigation
                                                   European site integrity     [Qualifying
                                                   as    a    result    of     Interests/Special
                                                   implementing       the      Conservation
 CS5            To ensure that a section of any    No.                         N/A                   N/A
 Objective      lands zoned EE or REGEN are        Absence of cause-effect
 5              set aside for local enterprise     linkage between
 (new)          hubs for developing                implications of
                businesses or for shared           objective and the
                workspaces serving people          integrity of European
                who are unable to work from        sites.
                home but who want to carry
                out their work close to where
                they live.
 CS6            To design future development       While some measures         All QIs/SCIs in the   The following
 Objective      in a manner that facilitates       under this policy are       following             policies/objectives
 5              sustainable travel patterns,       likely to have a positive   European sites:       from the draft plan will
 (amended)      with a particular focus on         or protective effect on     Glenasmole            mitigate against those
                increasing the share of active     European sites, some        Valley candidate      provisions within
                modes (walking and cycling)        measures may in             SAC                   Chapter 2 that may
                and public transport use and       themselves have                                   potentially lead to
                creating a safe attractive         potential for significant                         adverse impacts on
                street environment for             effects on European                               European sites:
                                                                               candidate SAC
                pedestrians and cyclists,          sites, under the
                where adequate transport           following categories:       Wicklow
                links are in place, or will be                                 Mountains SPA         Chapter 3 Policies: 2, 3,
                                                   •     Habitat loss
                situated, close to new                                         Rockabill to          5
                developments and to existing       •     Disturbance to Key
                                                                               Dalkey Island SAC     Chapter 3 Objectives:
                developments which need                  Species
                                                                               North Bull Island     NCBH 2 Objective 2,
                them.                              •     Habitat/Species       SPA                   NCBH 2 Objective 3,
                                                         fragmentation                               NCBH 2 Objective 4,
                                                                               South Dublin Bay
                                                   •     Changes in key        and River Tolka
                                                                                                     NCBH 3 Objective 1,
                                                         indicators of                               NCBH 3 Objective 2,
                                                                               Estuary SPA
                                                         conservation value                          NCBH 3 Objective 3,
                                                                               Dalkey Islands        NCBH 5 Objective 1

                                                                                                     Chapter 2 Objectives:
                                                                               The QIs in the        CS6 Objective 6
                                                                               European sites
                                                                               associated with
                                                                               water quality:
                                                                               North Dublin Bay
                                                                               SAC [1140; 1210;
                                                                               1310; 1330; 1410;
                                                                               South Dublin Bay
                                                                               [1140; 1210;
 Chapter 3 Natural, Cultural and Built Heritage
 NCBH      1    To carry out an audit and          This policy for             N/A                   N/A
 Objective      assessment, based on an initial    protecting and
 3              pilot study pilot an assessment    enhancing the natural,
                of the County’s natural and        cultural and built

Draft South Dublin County Development Plan 2022-2028           2                                           Natura Impact Report
No.            Policy/Objective                    Any adverse affects on      European Site         Mitigation
                                                    European site integrity     [Qualifying
                                                    as    a    result    of     Interests/Special
                                                    implementing       the      Conservation
 (amended)      built heritage assets including     heritage does not in
                Council owned protected             itself have potential for
                structures and archaeological       any significant negative
                features; to identify and           effects on European
                safeguard these assets from         sites and will have a
                the potential impacts of            positive or protective
                climate change; and to explore      effect on European
                possible uses as part of            sites.
                climate change mitigation.
 NCBH      8    “Within areas designated 'High      While some measures         All QIs/SCIs in the   The following
 Objective      Amenity - Dodder Valley', non-      under this objective are    following             policies/objectives
 4              residential development will        likely to have a positive   European sites:       from the draft plan will
 (amended)      only be permitted where it;         or protective effect on     Glenasmole            mitigate against those
                - relates to the area's amenity     European sites, some        Valley candidate      provisions within
                potential or to its use for         measures may in             SAC                   Chapter 3 that may
                agriculture or recreational         themselves have                                   potentially lead to
                purposes, including                 potential for significant                         adverse impacts on
                recreational buildings and          effects on European                               European sites:
                                                                                candidate SAC
                accessibility; or                   sites, under the
                                                    following categories:       Wicklow
                - comprises the                                                 Mountains SPA         Chapter 3 Policies: 1, 2,
                redevelopment of or                 •     Habitat loss
                                                                                Rockabill to          3, 5, 10
                extensions to existing              •     Disturbance to Key
                                                                                Dalkey Island SAC     Chapter 3 Objectives:
                commercial or civic uses or               Species
                                                                                North Bull Island     NCBH 1 Objective 1,
                development of new                  •     Habitat/Species
                                                                                SPA                   NCBH 1 Objective 2,
                commercial or civic uses                  fragmentation                               NCBH 2 Objective 2,
                within an existing established                                  South Dublin Bay
                area of commercial or civic         •     Changes in key        and River Tolka
                                                                                                      NCBH 2 Objective 3,
                                                          indicators of                               NCBH 2 Objective 4,
                activity; and                                                   Estuary SPA
                                                          conservation value                          NCBH 3 Objective 1,
                - preserves or improves the                                     Dalkey Islands        NCBH 3 Objective 2,
                amenity value of the river                                      SPA                   NCBH 3 Objective 3,
                valley including its landscape                                                        NCBH 5 Objective 1,
                value, views or vistas of the                                                         NCBH 5 Objective 2,
                river valley and its biodiversity                               The QIs in the
                                                                                following             NCBH 5 Objective 3,
                value                                                                                 NCBH 5 Objective 4
                                                                                European sites
                                                                                associated with
                                                                                water quality:        Chapter 4 Policies: 2, 3,
                                                                                North Dublin Bay      7
                                                                                SAC [1140; 1210;      Chapter 4 Objectives:
                                                                                1310; 1330; 1410;     GI 2 Objective 1, GI 2
                                                                                2120]                 Objective 3, GI 3
                                                                                South Dublin Bay      Objective 3, GI 3
                                                                                SAC                   Objective 4, GI 5
                                                                                [1140; 1210;          Objective 1, GI 5
                                                                                1310]                 Objective 2, GI 5
                                                                                                      Objective 5, GI 7
                                                                                                      Objective 1
 NCBH     21    To protect and maintain the         No.                         N/A                   N/A
 SLO 1          remaining old stone walls of        Absence of cause-effect
 (new)          Clondalkin.                         linkage between
                                                    implications of
                                                    objective and the

Draft South Dublin County Development Plan 2022-2028            3                                           Natura Impact Report
No.            Policy/Objective                   Any adverse affects on     European Site       Mitigation
                                                   European site integrity    [Qualifying
                                                   as    a    result    of    Interests/Special
                                                   implementing       the     Conservation
                                                   integrity of European
 NCBH 26        To protect, preserve and           Yes, potential for         Wicklow             The following
 Objective      maintain industrial heritage       significant effects on     Mountains           policies/objectives
 2              features      including weirs,     European sites, under      candidate SAC       from the draft plan will
 (amended)      millraces and mills along the      the following              [1355]              mitigate against those
                River Dodder, River Camac and      categories:                                    provisions within
                River Liffey.                      •     Disturbance to Key                       Chapter 3 that may
                                                         Species                                  potentially lead to
                                                   •     Habitat/Species                          adverse impacts on
                                                         fragmentation                            European sites:

                                                                                                  Chapter 3 Policies: 1, 2,
                                                                                                  3, 5, 10
                                                                                                  Chapter 3 Objectives:
                                                                                                  NCBH 1 Objective 1,
                                                                                                  NCBH 1 Objective 2,
                                                                                                  NCBH 2 Objective 2,
                                                                                                  NCBH 2 Objective 3,
                                                                                                  NCBH 2 Objective 4,
                                                                                                  NCBH 3 Objective 1,
                                                                                                  NCBH 3 Objective 2,
                                                                                                  NCBH 3 Objective 3,
                                                                                                  NCBH 5 Objective 1,
                                                                                                  NCBH 5 Objective 2,
                                                                                                  NCBH 5 Objective 3,
                                                                                                  NCBH 5 Objective 4

                                                                                                  Chapter 4 Policies: 2, 3,
                                                                                                  Chapter 4 Objectives:
                                                                                                  GI 2 Objective 1, GI 2
                                                                                                  Objective 3, GI 3
                                                                                                  Objective 3, GI 3
                                                                                                  Objective 4, GI 5
                                                                                                  Objective 1, GI 5
                                                                                                  Objective 2, GI 5
                                                                                                  Objective 5, GI 7
                                                                                                  Objective 1
 Chapter 5 Quality Design and Healthy Placemaking
 QDP       6    To continue to improve the         No.                        N/A                 N/A
 Objective      environment and public realm       Absence of cause-effect
 8              of Palmerstown village in terms    linkage between
 (new)          of environmental quality,          implications of
                urban design, safety, identity     objective and the
                and image.                         integrity of European
 QDP      14    That the provisions of the         No.                        N/A                 N/A
 SLO 3          Oldcourt Area Plan in respect      Absence of cause-effect
                of the steep topography in         linkage between
Draft South Dublin County Development Plan 2022-2028           4                                        Natura Impact Report
No.            Policy/Objective                    Any adverse affects on     European Site         Mitigation
                                                    European site integrity    [Qualifying
                                                    as    a    result    of    Interests/Special
                                                    implementing       the     Conservation
 (new)          those lands zones yellow RES        implications of
                between Stocking Lane,              objective and the
                Ballycullen Rd and the M50          integrity of European
                (Map 10) remain in force            sites.
                during the lifetime of this Plan
                having regard to ministerial
                guidelines at the end.
 QDP       3    To only consider buildings of a     No.                        N/A                   N/A
 Objective      reasonable/appropriate height       Absence of cause-effect
 8              in our heritage villages and        linkage between
 (amended)      that this is in line with current   implications of
                buildings and is sympathetic to     objective and the
                the makeup of these heritage        integrity of European
                villages.                           sites.
 Chapter 6 Housing
 H1             To recognise the urgent need        Yes, potential for         All QIs/SCIs in the   The following
 Objective      for the increased provision of      significant effects on     following             policies/objectives
 4              social and affordable housing       European sites, under      European sites:       from the draft plan will
 (amended)      to ensure that all residents in     the following              Glenasmole            mitigate against those
                South Dublin County have            categories:                Valley candidate      provisions within
                access to a home. Such              •     Habitat loss         SAC                   Chapter 6 that may
                provision shall be made                                                              potentially lead to
                through working with                •     Disturbance to Key   Wicklow
                                                          Species              Mountains             adverse impacts on
                approved housing bodies and                                                          European sites:
                                                    •     Changes in key       candidate SAC
                co-operatives to provide for
                social and genuinely                      indicators of        Wicklow
                affordable housing                        conservation value   Mountains SPA         Chapter 3 Policies: 2, 3,
                accommodation to meet                                          Rockabill to          5
                housing needs. This shall be                                   Dalkey Island SAC     Chapter 3 Objectives:
                carried out through a range of                                 North Bull Island     NCBH 2 Objective 2,
                delivery mechanisms including                                  SPA                   NCBH 2 Objective 3,
                new builds, acquisitions,                                                            NCBH 2 Objective 4,
                renovations and acquisitions                                   South Dublin Bay
                                                                                                     NCBH 3 Objective 1,
                of vacant homes, cost rental                                   and River Tolka
                                                                                                     NCBH 3 Objective 2,
                leasing, and housing supports                                  Estuary SPA
                                                                                                     NCBH 3 Objective 3,
                including RAS and HAP or any                                   Dalkey Islands        NCBH 5 Objective 1
                other mechanism promoted                                       SPA
                under Government Housing
                Policy, with priority given to                                                       Chapter 6 Policy: 16
                                                                               The QIs in the
                new builds and renovations
                whenever available.
                                                                               European sites
                                                                               associated with
                                                                               water quality:
                                                                               North Dublin Bay
                                                                               SAC [1140; 1210;
                                                                               1310; 1330; 1410;
                                                                               South Dublin Bay
                                                                               [1140; 1210;

Draft South Dublin County Development Plan 2022-2028            5                                          Natura Impact Report
No.            Policy/Objective                   Any adverse affects on     European Site         Mitigation
                                                   European site integrity    [Qualifying
                                                   as    a    result    of    Interests/Special
                                                   implementing       the     Conservation
 H1             Facilitate, as far as possible,    No.                        N/A                   N/A
 Objective      the development of homes for       Absence of cause-effect
 15             owner-occupiers over               linkage between
 (amended)      institutional investors.           implications of
                                                   objective and the
                                                   integrity of European
 H2             To promote and facilitate the      Yes, potential for         All QIs/SCIs in the   The following
 Objective      development of infill schemes      significant effects on     following             policies/objectives
 3              throughout the County where        European sites, under      European sites:       from the draft plan will
 (amended)      it has been identified that such   the following              Glenasmole            mitigate against those
                schemes will contribute            categories:                Valley candidate      provisions within
                towards the enhancement of         •     Habitat loss         SAC                   Chapter 6 that may
                communities within the                                                              potentially lead to
                County, working towards an         •     Disturbance to Key   Wicklow
                                                         Species              Mountains             adverse impacts on
                even spread of such schemes                                                         European sites:
                                                   Changes in key             candidate SAC
                across all LEAs, whilst ensuring
                that sufficient and appropriate    indicators of              Wicklow
                public spaces and amenities        conservation value         Mountains SPA         Chapter 3 Policies: 2, 3,
                are preserved in our                                          Rockabill to          5
                residential estates, subject to                               Dalkey Island SAC     Chapter 3 Objectives:
                the protection of residential                                 North Bull Island     NCBH 2 Objective 2,
                amenity.                                                      SPA                   NCBH 2 Objective 3,
                                                                                                    NCBH 2 Objective 4,
                                                                              South Dublin Bay
                                                                                                    NCBH 3 Objective 1,
                                                                              and River Tolka
                                                                                                    NCBH 3 Objective 2,
                                                                              Estuary SPA
                                                                                                    NCBH 3 Objective 3,
                                                                              Dalkey Islands        NCBH 5 Objective 1

                                                                                                    Chapter 6 Policy: 16
                                                                              The QIs in the
                                                                              European sites
                                                                              associated with
                                                                              water quality:
                                                                              North Dublin Bay
                                                                              SAC [1140; 1210;
                                                                              1310; 1330; 1410;
                                                                              South Dublin Bay
                                                                              [1140; 1210;
 Chapter 7 Transport
 SM6            To carry out a review of Heavy     No.                        N/A                   N/A
 Objective      Goods Vehicles (HGV)               Absence of cause-effect
 7              restrictions in the County and     linkage between
 (amended)      consult with An Garda              implications of
                Síochána in relation to the        objective and the
                implementation of restrictions
                on the movement of HGVs
Draft South Dublin County Development Plan 2022-2028           6                                          Natura Impact Report
No.            Policy/Objective                     Any adverse affects on     European Site         Mitigation
                                                     European site integrity    [Qualifying
                                                     as    a    result    of    Interests/Special
                                                     implementing       the     Conservation
                within residential areas and         integrity of European
                around schools and where             sites.
                particular issues are identified,
                to implement appropriate
                control measures in
                consultation with the relevant
 Chapter 8 Community Infrastructure and Open Space
 COS       2    To support and facilitate            No.                        N/A                   N/A
 Objective      access to public toilet facilities   Absence of cause-effect
 7              including wheelchair                 linkage between
 (amended)      accessible toilet facilities in      implications of
                community related buildings in       objective and the
                Council ownership, in all towns      integrity of European
                and villages in the County.          sites.
 COS       4    To support the provision of a        Yes, potential for         All QIs/SCIs in the   The following
 Objective      swimming pool with leisure           significant effects on     following             policies/objectives
 15             facilities in the Rathfarnham/       European sites, under      European sites:       from the draft plan will
 (amended)      Knocklyon/Firhouse areas.            the following              Rockabill to          mitigate against those
                                                     categories:                Dalkey Island SAC     provisions within
                                                     •     Changes in key                             Chapter 7 that may
                                                                                North Bull Island
                                                           indicators of        SPA                   potentially lead to
                                                           conservation value                         adverse impacts on
                                                                                South Dublin Bay
                                                                                                      European sites:
                                                                                and River Tolka
                                                                                Estuary SPA
                                                                                Dalkey Islands        Chapter 3 Policies: 2, 3,
                                                                                SPA                   5
                                                                                                      Chapter 3 Objectives:
                                                                                                      NCBH 2 Objective 2,
                                                                                The QIs in the
                                                                                                      NCBH 2 Objective 3,
                                                                                                      NCBH 2 Objective 4,
                                                                                European sites
                                                                                                      NCBH 3 Objective 1,
                                                                                associated with
                                                                                                      NCBH 3 Objective 2,
                                                                                water quality:
                                                                                                      NCBH 3 Objective 3,
                                                                                North Dublin Bay      NCBH 5 Objective 1
                                                                                SAC [1140; 1210;
                                                                                1310; 1330; 1410;
                                                                                2120]                 Chapter 7 Objectives:
                                                                                                      SM2 Objective 14, SM3
                                                                                South Dublin Bay
                                                                                                      Objective 10, SM4
                                                                                                      Objective 8
                                                                                [1140; 1210;
 Chapter 9 Economic Development and Employment
 EDE1           To ensure that economic and          Yes, potential for         All QIs/SCIs in the   The following
 Objective      enterprise           related         significant effects on     following             policies/objectives
 6              development is provided in a         European sites, under      European sites:       from the draft plan will
 (amended)      manner which facilitates a           the following              Glenasmole            mitigate against those
                reduction in greenhouse gas          categories:                Valley candidate      provisions within
                emissions by supporting and          •     Habitat loss         SAC                   Chapter 9 that may

Draft South Dublin County Development Plan 2022-2028             7                                          Natura Impact Report
No.            Policy/Objective                    Any adverse affects on     European Site         Mitigation
                                                    European site integrity    [Qualifying
                                                    as    a    result    of    Interests/Special
                                                    implementing       the     Conservation
                promoting      the     following    •     Disturbance to Key   Wicklow               potentially lead to
                measures:                                 Species              Mountains             adverse impacts on
                •    An        increase       in    •     Habitat/Species      candidate SAC         European sites:
                     employment        densities          fragmentation        Wicklow
                     within walkable distances      •     Changes in key       Mountains SPA         Chapter 3 Policies: 2, 3,
                     of communities and on                indicators of        Rockabill to          4, 5
                     public transport routes;             conservation value   Dalkey Island SAC     Chapter 3 Objectives:
                •    Promotion of walking and                                  North Bull Island     NCBH 2 Objective 2,
                     cycling and use of public                                 SPA                   NCBH 2 Objective 3,
                     transport        through                                                        NCBH 2 Objective 4,
                                                                               South Dublin Bay
                     increased    permeability                                                       NCBH 3 Objective 1,
                                                                               and River Tolka
                     and mobility management                                                         NCBH 3 Objective 2,
                                                                               Estuary SPA
                     measures within and                                                             NCBH 3 Objective 3,
                     outside      employment                                   Dalkey Islands
                                                                                                     NCBH 4 Objective 1,
                     areas;                                                    SPA
                                                                                                     NCBH 4 Objective 2,
                •    The sourcing of power                                                           NCBH 4 Objective 3,
                     from district heating and                                 The QIs in the        NCBH 5 Objective 1,
                     renewables       including                                following             NCBH 5 Objective 2,
                     wind, hydro and solar.                                    European sites        NCBH 6 Objective 3,
                                                                               associated with       NCBH 6 Objective 4
                •    Additional native tree
                     planting and landscaping                                  water quality:
                     on existing and proposed                                  North Dublin Bay
                     enterprise zones and                                      SAC [1140; 1210;
                     development sites to aid                                  1310; 1330; 1410;
                     with               carbon                                 2120]
                     sequestration, contribute                                 South Dublin Bay
                     to        the       green                                 SAC
                     infrastructure network of
                                                                               [1140; 1210;
                     the County and promote
                     quality placemaking.
 EDE8           To ensure that all new large        No.                        N/A                   N/A
 Objective      retail developments provide         Absence of cause-effect
 10             public bring banks, unless          linkage between
 (amended)      there are existing facilities       implications of
                within a 1km radius. To             objective and the
                promote the circular economy        integrity of European
                by ensuring that all large retail   sites.
                developments provide space
                for reverse vending machines.
 EDE20          To support the development of       Yes, potential for         All QIs/SCIs in the   The following
 Objective      local tourist and heritage trails   significant effects on     following             policies/objectives
 2              at suitable locations including     European sites, under      European sites:       from the draft plan will
 (amended)      across the Dublin Mountains,        the following              Glenasmole            mitigate against those
                and between and within              categories:                Valley candidate      provisions within
                Brittas-Saggart-Rathcoole;          •     Habitat loss         SAC                   Chapter 9 that may
                Clondalkin; Lucan; Newcastle-                                                        potentially lead to
                Lyons;      Rathfarnham; and        •     Disturbance to Key   Wicklow
                                                          Species              Mountains             adverse impacts on
                Tallaght and seek to make such                                                       European sites:
                                                    •     Habitat/Species      candidate SAC
                trails interactive through the
                use of sensitive signage and the          fragmentation        Wicklow
                further     development       of                               Mountains SPA         Chapter 3 Policies: 2, 3,
                application software ensuring                                                        4, 5

Draft South Dublin County Development Plan 2022-2028            8                                          Natura Impact Report
No.            Policy/Objective                    Any adverse affects on    European Site         Mitigation
                                                    European site integrity   [Qualifying
                                                    as    a    result    of   Interests/Special
                                                    implementing       the    Conservation
                in HA DM that all such trails are   •   Changes in key        Rockabill to          Chapter 3 Objectives:
                sensitively landscaped and              indicators of         Dalkey Island SAC     NCBH 2 Objective 2,
                designed to ensure positive             conservation value    North Bull Island     NCBH 2 Objective 3,
                impact on biodiversity and                                    SPA                   NCBH 2 Objective 4,
                visual amenity.                                                                     NCBH 3 Objective 1,
                                                                              South Dublin Bay
                                                                                                    NCBH 3 Objective 2,
                                                                              and River Tolka
                                                                                                    NCBH 3 Objective 3,
                                                                              Estuary SPA
                                                                                                    NCBH 4 Objective 1,
                                                                              Dalkey Islands        NCBH 4 Objective 2,
                                                                              SPA                   NCBH 4 Objective 3,
                                                                                                    NCBH 5 Objective 1,
                                                                              The QIs in the        NCBH 5 Objective 2,
                                                                              following             NCBH 6 Objective 3,
                                                                              European sites        NCBH 6 Objective 4
                                                                              associated with
                                                                              water quality:
                                                                              North Dublin Bay
                                                                              SAC [1140; 1210;
                                                                              1310; 1330; 1410;
                                                                              South Dublin Bay
                                                                              [1140; 1210;
 EDE22          To support concerts or events       Yes, potential for        All QIs/SCIs in the   The following
 Objective      at suitable locations within the    significant effects on    following             policies/objectives
 4              County, such as parks, stadia       European sites, under     European sites:       from the draft plan will
 (amended)      (including Tallaght Stadium),       the following             Glenasmole            mitigate against those
                auditoriums,         conference     categories:               Valley candidate      provisions within
                centres, subject to the             •   Habitat loss          SAC                   Chapter 9 that may
                protection     of     residential                                                   potentially lead to
                amenity and appropriate             •   Disturbance to Key    Wicklow
                                                        Species               Mountains             adverse impacts on
                licensing arrangements.                                                             European sites:
                                                                              candidate SAC
                                                    •   Habitat/Species
                                                        fragmentation         Wicklow
                                                                              Mountains SPA         Chapter 3 Policies: 2, 3,
                                                    •   Changes in key
                                                                              Rockabill to          4, 5
                                                        indicators of
                                                        conservation value    Dalkey Island SAC     Chapter 3 Objectives:
                                                                              North Bull Island     NCBH 2 Objective 2,
                                                                              SPA                   NCBH 2 Objective 3,
                                                                                                    NCBH 2 Objective 4,
                                                                              South Dublin Bay
                                                                                                    NCBH 3 Objective 1,
                                                                              and River Tolka
                                                                                                    NCBH 3 Objective 2,
                                                                              Estuary SPA
                                                                                                    NCBH 3 Objective 3,
                                                                              Dalkey Islands        NCBH 4 Objective 1,
                                                                              SPA                   NCBH 4 Objective 2,
                                                                                                    NCBH 4 Objective 3,
                                                                              The QIs in the        NCBH 5 Objective 1,
                                                                              following             NCBH 5 Objective 2,
                                                                              European sites        NCBH 6 Objective 3,
                                                                              associated with       NCBH 6 Objective 4
                                                                              water quality:

Draft South Dublin County Development Plan 2022-2028           9                                         Natura Impact Report
No.            Policy/Objective                   Any adverse affects on     European Site         Mitigation
                                                   European site integrity    [Qualifying
                                                   as    a    result    of    Interests/Special
                                                   implementing       the     Conservation
                                                                              North Dublin Bay
                                                                              SAC [1140; 1210;
                                                                              1310; 1330; 1410;
                                                                              South Dublin Bay
                                                                              [1140; 1210;
 Chapter 10 Energy
 E2           To support existing and new
                                                   No.                        N/A                   N/A
 Objective    Sustainable              Energy
              Communities    (SEC)  in             Absence of cause-effect
 4                                                 linkage between
              line      with       sustainable
 (amended)                                         implications of
              development and          proper      objective and the
              planning.                            integrity of European
 E8             To review the current wind         No.                        N/A                   N/A
 Objective      energy strategy for the County     Absence of cause-effect
 1              during the lifetime of the Plan    linkage between
 (amended)      having regard to any updated       implications of
                wind energy guidelines.            objective and the
                                                   integrity of European
 E8             To encourage and support the       Yes, potential for         All QIs/SCIs in the   The following
 Objective      provision of wind farms as part    significant effects on     following             policies/objectives
 3              of an agricultural mix in          European sites, under      European sites:       from the draft plan will
 (new)          suitable viable land areas         the following              Glenasmole            mitigate against those
                zoned RU within the county in      categories:                Valley candidate      provisions within
                accordance with South Dublin       •     Habitat loss         SAC                   Chapter 10 that may
                County Council Wind Energy                                                          potentially lead to
                Strategy.                          •     Disturbance to Key   Wicklow
                                                         Species              Mountains             adverse impacts on
                                                                              candidate SAC         European sites:
                                                   •     Habitat/Species
                                                         fragmentation        Wicklow
                                                                              Mountains SPA         Chapter 3 Policies: 2, 3,
                                                   •     Changes in key
                                                                              Rockabill to          4, 5
                                                         indicators of
                                                         conservation value   Dalkey Island SAC     Chapter 3 Objectives:
                                                                              North Bull Island     NCBH 2 Objective 2,
                                                                              SPA                   NCBH 2 Objective 3,
                                                                                                    NCBH 2 Objective 4,
                                                                              South Dublin Bay
                                                                                                    NCBH 3 Objective 1,
                                                                              and River Tolka
                                                                                                    NCBH 3 Objective 2,
                                                                              Estuary SPA
                                                                                                    NCBH 3 Objective 3,
                                                                              Dalkey Islands        NCBH 4 Objective 1,
                                                                              SPA                   NCBH 4 Objective 2,
                                                                                                    NCBH 4 Objective 3,
                                                                              The QIs in the        NCBH 5 Objective 1,
                                                                              following             NCBH 5 Objective 2,
                                                                              European sites        NCBH 6 Objective 3,
                                                                                                    NCBH 6 Objective 4

Draft South Dublin County Development Plan 2022-2028          10                                          Natura Impact Report
No.            Policy/Objective                   Any adverse affects on    European Site       Mitigation
                                                   European site integrity   [Qualifying
                                                   as    a    result    of   Interests/Special
                                                   implementing       the    Conservation
                                                                             associated with
                                                                             water quality:
                                                                             North Dublin Bay
                                                                             SAC [1140; 1210;
                                                                             1310; 1330; 1410;
                                                                             South Dublin Bay
                                                                             [1140; 1210;
 Chapter 11 Infrastructure and Environmental Services
 IE5            To ensure that above ground        No.                       N/A                 N/A
 Objective      utility boxes are sensitively      Absence of cause-effect
 5              located and finished to reduce     linkage between
 (amended)      their visual impact, designing     implications of
                out anti-social behaviour, and     objective and the
                promoting soft planting around     integrity of European
                existing and new ones where        sites.
 IE        9    The Planning Authority will        No.                       N/A                 N/A
 Objective      engage with Kildare County         Absence of cause-effect
 5              Council,    to    guide   the      linkage between
 (amended)      consideration of applications      implications of
                for development at Weston          objective and the
                Airport having regard to           integrity of European
                national, regional, and local      sites.
                climate action plans.

Draft South Dublin County Development Plan 2022-2028         11                                        Natura Impact Report
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