Español 3 Syllabus Legacy High School - School Year 2020-2021 - Hope Charter School

Page created by Ralph Swanson
Español 3 Syllabus Legacy High School - School Year 2020-2021 - Hope Charter School
Español 3 Syllabus
                     Legacy High School
                      School Year 2020-2021

                                          ¡Hola! Yo soy la
                                           Señora Tirado

Spanish 3 advances the
Spanish language cultural
skills that you learned in
                                     I am very excited to be your Spanish
Spanish 2. These language
skills are developed through        Teacher this year. Let me tell you a
more advanced reading,              little about myself. I was born in
writing, and listening              Puerto Rico and lived there most of
activities, as well as
                                    my life. I finished my Bachelors at
opportunities to practice
speaking. Students will             the University of Puerto Rico and my
participate in conversations on     Masters at the University of Phoenix,
several familiar topics using       both in Business Administration
simple sentences and will
                                    with a Major in Office Management
handle social interactions in
everyday situations by asking       and Marketing respectively. I’ve
and answering simple                traveled to different Hispanic
questions. Students will            countries like Spain, Mexico, Costa
present information on most
                                    Rica, Dominican Republic and
familiar topics using a series of
simple sentences, and will talk     Venezuela, among others. In my
about people, activities, events,   spare time, I like to get in connection
and experiences. Also,              with nature visiting parks, beaches,
students will write briefly
about most familiar topics and      and springs, also working in the
present information using           garden, and teaching others about
simple sentences. Some of the       the Bible; this is what I like to do.
topics that we will present in
this course are: One day at
School, A Special Event, You
and your Community,
Remembering Old Days.
Español 3 Syllabus Legacy High School - School Year 2020-2021 - Hope Charter School
         At the end of this course, I will be able to…

                 Communicate using learned               Interpret and understand verbs in
                  vocabulary and objectives                the past, present, & future
Speak            Engage in meaningful
                 Understand and respond to               Comprehend native speakers
                  classroom commands
Listen           Understand key phrases
                                                          Comprehend heard texts

                 Read articles and identify              Read and explain short stories
                  grammatical structures                   written in Spanish
Read             Interpret and understand verbs in
                  the past & present
                 Produce short stories using the         Summarize stories & respond to
                  past and future tenses                   comprehension questions
Write            Explain cultural topics                 Use prepositions, transitions, &

         Grading, Assignments, and Participation
                               Grading Scale
100% – 90%           A                         69% – 50%                D
89% – 80%            B                         49% - 0%                 F
79% – 70%            C
Español 3 Syllabus Legacy High School - School Year 2020-2021 - Hope Charter School

          Grading cont…                                    All in-class assignments and
                                                           homework will be calculated into
                                                           this grade. These practice
          Any announced or unannounced                     exercises are to reinforce what has
          quizzes will be included in this                 been covered in class. These will
          section as will be oral                          include, written activities,
                                                           workbook activities, homework,
          presentations, writings, and
                                                           and projects.
                                                           Final Exam:
          Through this category, appropriate               The final quarter exam is the
          use of vocabulary, comprehension,                summarized evaluation of the
          writing in complete sentences and                content learned for the quarter.
                                                           Students will be expected to read,
          comprehensibility will be
                                                           write, listen, and speak.
          emphasized. If you are absent for
          any of the aforementioned, it is                 Participation:
                                                           This grade is given for your overall
          your responsibility to:
                                                           effort to promote a healthy
          1) Have the absence excused
                                                           learning environment. This grade
          2) Make it up the day you return                 directly deals with how much you
                                                           use Spanish in the class and are
                                                           active in class and group activities.

                                         Grading Policy
                                      Grades are averaged as follows:
                            Assessments 25% - (Quizzes, presentations)
                                  Classroom Participation 10%
                                        Homework 10%
                                         Classwork 15%
                                           Tests 40%
Español 3 Syllabus Legacy High School - School Year 2020-2021 - Hope Charter School
Missed Work                                    Late Work Policy
          If you are absent, it is your                  Late work will be accepted in person
          responsibility to make up any                  and electronically for three days after
          work that you miss. For each                   the due date. * The grade will be
          day that you are absent, you will              adjusted accordingly:
          have one day to make up the
                                                         On time: full credit
          assignment. For example, if you
                                                         1 day late: -10%
          miss two days of class, you have
                                                         2 days late: -15%
          two days to work on missed
                                                         3 days late: -20%
          assignments and turn them in
                                                         *After the 3rd day – No credit (0%)
          for credit. If you miss notes, you
          will need to get them from a
                                                            The teacher is not responsible for
          classmate. We can review
                                                         tracking down the missing
          missed instruction together.
                                                         assignments; rather, the student is
          Remember, I will always be
                                                         responsible for their missing work
          available to help!
                                                         and turning it in. Classwork or
                                                         homework will not be given in
                                                         advance for planned absences for
                                                         family vacations or activities.

Classroom Expectations                                   *After the third day, late work will
                                                         only be accepted under extreme
Respect yourself, others, and other’s property. You must, always, treat everyone and everything in
this room with respect. I expect you to respect students, guests, books, with
                                                                         your an excuse.
                                                                              teachers, and any other
materials in the classroom. In return, you should expect to be treated with respect as well. We might have
discussions where people have different opinions. It will be one of your challenges this year to learn to
respect others for their beliefs and values, although you may not agree with them.

Do not disturb the learning/teaching process of any person. When someone is talking, you can
show respect listening attentively and quietly. There will be times when you will make a presentation in
front of the class, and others will be expected to listen to you as well. In addition, when it is time to work in
class, I expect that you will be working on the assignment for this class and not for other classes. This also
means no distractions for yourself or others: cell phones or any other electronics are not allowed in the
classroom while class is in session, unless other specified. This kind of distractions will be subject for a
referral and removal of electronics.
Classroom expectations cont…

You are responsible for your own actions. You are expected to turn in your homework
and come to class on time. Be prepared and ready to learn. Also, you are expected to complete
your own work, meaning that there will be no tolerance for copying, cheating or plagiarizing
work. If these actions become an issue, you will be referred to the Dean’s office.


                                             Spanish 3
• Student’s Name ______________________________________________________

• Parent/Guardian’s Name _______________________________________________

• Relationship to Student ________________________________________________

• Home Phone Number ______________________□
• Parent Cell Number: _______________________□
• Work Number ____________________________□
Please check the number(s) where I can most easily reach you during the day.

• Parents’ Email(s):

• Does your son/daughter have regular access to:
□ a computer? □ Internet? □ a printer?

Is there any important information that you would like me to know about your child?
___________________________ .
Success requires support from all stakeholders: students, parents, teachers, administrators, and
counselors. By signing below, you are indicating that you have read all the information in this Syllabus
and are completely aware and understand the procedures in Mrs. Tirado’s Spanish 3 class.


I have read the syllabus and understand all that is expected from me. I agree to organize my time and
work diligently and give extra effort to successfully complete the Spanish 3 course. I agree to seek help
from Mrs. Tirado as soon as possible if there is something that I do not understand, or I am struggling

_________________________________                ________________________
(Print)                                          (Date)


I have read the syllabus and understand all that is expected from my child. I agree to be familiar with
the Spanish 3 course requirements and to help my son/daughter organize study time in support of class
assignments. I will notify the teacher immediately of any concerns that I have relating to the class or
my child’s progress. I also agree to all the requirements of the class.

_________________________________                _________________________
(Print)                                          (Date)

Supply List for Spanish Class
Legacy High School
School Year 2020-2021

This is a list of the supplies you will need for your Spanish Class. Note that you will find the
name of each item in Spanish too. These will be your first vocabulary words. Try to memorize
 1 1” Binder (Carpeta de 1”)
 1 Spiral Notebook for Vocabulary (libreta de espiral para vocabulario)
 Filler paper (papel de argollas)
 1 package five Tab dividers (1 paquete de cinco divisores)
 Glue (pega, pegamento, cola)
 #2 Pencils and Eraser (lápices #2, lapicero, lápices de grafito y borrador)
 Black and blue pens (bolígrafos negros y azules; pluma, birome, esfero, lapicero, lápiz tinto)
 Highlighters (resaltador)
 1 box of colored pencils (1 caja de lápices de colores)
 Pencil box/bag (storage box) (caja/bolsa para lápices, cartuchera)
 Scissors (tijeras)
 Sticky Durable Tabs 1 ½” x 1” (for your vocabulary notebook)
 Optional: Spanish – English Dictionary (highly recommended; to be used for reference)
(Opcional: Diccionario de Español – Inglés; altamente recomendado para usarse como

More supplies could be needed during school year and will be assigned to students if the need arises.
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