EU Directive fails to harmonize takeovers

Page created by Jaime Alexander
European overview

    EU Directive fails to                                                                     decision during an offer period that does
                                                                                              not form part of the normal course of the
                                                                                              target’s business and the implementation

    harmonize takeovers                                                                       of which might result in the frustration
                                                                                              of a bid (Article 9(3)). These rules, for
                                                                                              example, limit a target’s ability to adopt
                                                                                              or implement a shareholder rights plan
                                                                                              (that is, a poison pill) or otherwise issue
                                                                                              shares to dilute a bidder’s stake in the
    Scott V Simpson and Lorenzo Corte of Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher &                      target, without prior shareholder
    Flom ponder the future direction of takeover regulation in Europe                         approval.
                                                                                                 Article 11 of the Takeover Directive

               ross-border and national takeover  and national protectionism could            contains breakthrough provisions
               legislation in the EU is likely to continue to be a characteristic of cross-   designed to render unenforceable clauses
               change dramatically in the coming border takeovers in Europe in the            in the articles of association of target
    years. Germany adopted a new takeover         post-Takeover Directive environment.        companies and agreements between the
    code in 2002 and France is in the midst of                                                target and target shareholders or among
    amending its securities and takeover laws.    The Portuguese compromise                   target shareholders that could have the
    In the Netherlands, court decisions have      In its 2002 Takeover Directive proposal,    effect of limiting the ability of target
    shaped the outcome of high-profile            the Commission introduced two rules         shareholders to tender into a bid. The
    European cross-border takeover battles.       aimed at creating a level playing field     breakthrough rules provide that:
    Continental Europe has been the venue of      among EU companies and removing             • share transfer restrictions in the target’s
    large and prominent cross-border hostile      barriers to takeovers. One rule prevents       articles of association, and in
    takeover battles in the last few years,       boards from adopting takeover defences         agreements between the target and
    including, LVMH’s attempt to acquire          without first obtaining shareholder            target shareholders or among target
    Gucci, Vodafone’s takeover of Mannesmann approval (Article 9). The other rule                shareholders (such as irrevocable
    and Sanofi-Synthéélabo’s acquisition of       mandates the unenforceability of special       undertakings, assuming the bidder is a
    Aventis. Nevertheless, on more than one       voting rights, voting restrictions and         shareholder, and shareholders’
    occasion the cultural and political aversion  limitations on share transfers after a bid     agreements contemplating lock-ups or
    of continental EU member states to cross-     has been made public (Article 11). Debate      rights of first refusal), are
    border hostile takeovers has manifested       over these rules threatened to cause the       unenforceable vis-à-vis a bidder during
    itself strongly, in some cases heavily        failure of this new Commission proposal        the tender offer acceptance period;
    influencing the outcome of bids.              in 2003. The Portuguese compromise          • restrictions on voting rights (except
       The debates on the EU Directive on         reached by member states in the fourth         where they are compensated by
    Takeover Bids and the compromises             quarter of 2003, which gives member            specific pecuniary advantages, as with,
    reached to adopt the Takeover Directive       states the ability to opt out of the           for example, preference shares), in the
    on April 21 2004, after 15 years of failed    adoption of one or both of these rules, led    target’s articles of association or in
    attempts, stand as clear evidence of this     to the enactment of                                                   agreements
    continuing cultural and political             the Takeover                                                          between the target
    sentiment in continental Europe.              Directive. However,                                                   and target
    Initially, the objective of the Takeover      the price paid as a
                                                                           Regulatory arbitrage and                     shareholders or
    Directive was to harmonize EU takeover        result of this           national protectionism could                 among target
    law through the adoption of a pan-
    European takeover code (along the lines
                                                  compromise will
                                                                           continue to be a characteristic of shareholders,
                                                                                                                        at a general

    of the UK Takeover Code) that would           likely be the lack of cross-border takeovers in Europe meeting called to
    foster consolidation in Europe by             EU-wide                                                               decide upon the
    creating a level playing field for            harmonization of
                                                                           in the post-Takeover Directive               adoption of
    companies across the EU. While                rules relating to        environment                                  defensive measures
    regulators and companies anxiously await takeover defences.                                                         during the period
    the implementation of the Takeover               The Takeover                                                       when a bid has
    Directive by individual member states,        Directive provides that from the time the      been made public;
    there are already strong indications that     target board is informed of a bid until     • multiple voting securities carry one
    the Takeover Directive will not align         the end of the offer period, the target        vote only at any general meeting called
    takeover rules throughout Europe as           board may not take any frustrating action      to decide on the adoption of defensive
    originally expected. The Takeover             that might cause the offer to fail, other      measures during the period when a
    Directive’s harmonizing effect has been       than seeking alternative bids, without         bid has been made public; and
    substantially curtailed by political          obtaining prior shareholder approval        • following a bid, if the bidder has
    concessions known as the Portuguese           (Article 9(2)). As regards decisions taken     acquired at least 75% of the capital
    compromise, which made the adoption           before the beginning of the offer period       carrying voting rights, any restrictions
    of rules limiting the use of takeover         and not yet fully implemented, the             on transfer of securities or the exercise
    defence mechanisms optional. As a result Takeover Directive provides that a general          of voting rights (except where voting
    of this compromise, regulatory arbitrage      shareholders’ meeting must approve any         right restrictions are compensated by                                                                                              A special IFLR supplement 15
European overview

Author biography
                                                                                                  application. For example, are member
                           Scott V Simpson                                                        states authorized to opt out selectively,
                           Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom (UK) LLP                             only with respect to certain industries, or
                                                                                                  adopt the rules only in part, by
                           Scott Simpson has been based in London since 1990 after                incorporating a list of exceptions to the
                           practising law in Skadden’s New York office during the 1980s.          rules? By way of further example, with
                           Simpson concentrates on cross-border merger and acquisition            respect to Article 11, it is unclear how a
                           transactions, including contested takeovers.                           company could voluntarily opt into rules
                               Simpson’s European merger and acquisition assignments              providing for the neutralization of
                           include his 1999/2000 representation of Mannesmann in the              agreements it is not a party to, such as
                           $199 billion acquisition of Mannesmann by Vodafone AirTouch (the       shareholders’ agreements.
largest corporate acquisition ever completed). He has advised the Gucci Group since 1997,            A further element of the Portuguese
representing Gucci in its successful defence in 1999 against a hostile takeover attempt by        compromise is the reciprocity rule, set
LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton, and in the acquisition of Gucci in 2004 by Pinault-             out in Article 12(3). It provides that
Printemps-Redoute.                                                                                where targets apply Articles 9(2) and (3)
    Simpson was involved in Sanofi’s 2004 $60 billion takeover of Aventis (representing           and/or Article 11, member states may
Aventis’ financial advisors). He also represented Westfield in its 2001/2002 $5 billion hostile   exempt targets (under conditions
takeover of Rodamco North America, and in its 2004 £2 billion acquisition of Duelguide.           determined by national law) from the
    Simpson lectures and participates in seminars on topics related to his practice, including    application of those articles in situations
those sponsored by the Practical Law Institute and the American Bar Association. He has also      where the bidder (or the entity
written and co-authored articles for, among other publications, Business Lawyer. American         controlling the bidder) has not adopted
Lawyer featured Simpson in 2000 as one of 12 notable American transaction lawyers, The            the same rules. This provision of Article
Daily Deal ranked Simpson among the top 10 European transaction lawyers in each of 2002,          12 is especially unsophisticated. It does
2003 and 2004, and Mergermarket ranked Simpson first in the 2004 European M&A league              not state what regime would apply in the
tables, both in terms of number of completed transactions and size of transactions.               event of competing offers: would a
                                                                                                  member state be permitted to exempt
   specific pecuniary advantages) or any         nullify contractual provisions providing         targets from applying Article 9 and/or 11
   special rights of shareholders regarding      for joint voting agreements, lock-up and         vis-à-vis all bidders, or only those that do
   the appointment or removal of board           exit arrangements, irrespective of the law       not apply Article 9 and/or 11?
   members will cease to have effect and         governing the agreement, the place of            Furthermore, if for example, a target
   multiple voting securities will carry         incorporation of the contracting parties         applied only Article 9 and of two bidders
   one vote only, at the first shareholders’     and the size of their combined share             one applied only Article 9, while the
   meeting after the bid called by the           ownership. As such, these rules might            other applied only Article 11, would the
   bidder in order to amend the articles         conflict with constitutional, property and       target be permitted to raise takeover
   of association or to remove or appoint        contractual principles both in EU and            defences against both bidders?
   board members.                                non-EU countries. The jurisdictional                The reciprocity rule also provides that
   The breakthrough provisions will only         basis for neutralizing clauses of an             member state legislation may exempt
apply to agreements between shareholders         agreement governed by New York law, for          targets from applying Articles 9 and 11,
entered into after the adoption of the           example, and entered into by two non-            even if the bidder applies those rules, if
Takeover Directive. Where rights are             EU shareholders – even when the                  the bidder is controlled by an entity that
being removed, equitable compensation            agreement relates to an EU company – is          does not apply Articles 9 and 11 (such as
must be provided for any loss incurred by        an issue that is likely to be contentious        a US or a private parent). The purpose of
the holders of these rights. The rules for       and will need to be addressed.                   this is to prevent bidders from
determining this compensation are to be             As part of a political compromise (the        circumventing the rule by incorporating
determined by member states, and the             Portuguese compromise) intended to               special takeover vehicles. But in practice
terms of this compensation are required          garner support for the adoption of the           this could mean that any European
to be disclosed in the bidder’s offer            Takeover Directive notwithstanding               public company controlled by a private
document. Commentators and                       opposition to Articles 9 and 11, Article         person or by a non-EU entity could be at
practitioners have questioned the                12 of the Takeover Directive allows              a disadvantage in a takeover battle. Much
practical ability of member states to            member states to opt out of the rules            will depend on how loosely the term
implement rules that will set the                restricting defensive measures (Article          control is defined by each member state,
parameters for valuing special rights. It is     9(2) and (3)) and/or the breakthrough            and which definition of control will
likely that for those member states that         provisions (Article 11). Member states           apply – the one adopted by the bidder’s
decide to adopt the Takeover Directive’s         may in fact reserve the right not to             jurisdiction, or that adopted by the
breakthrough rules, the determination of         require companies to apply these                 target’s jurisdiction.
what is equitable compensation will              provisions. However, in such case,                  Member states are required by the
become a serious contentious issue, with         member states have to give companies the         Takeover Directive to implement its
potential effects on the use or substance        right to opt in by voluntarily adopting          provisions by May 20 2006. Let’s look
of irrevocable undertakings and                  Article 9 and/or Article 11. The rule is         briefly at the direction that takeover law
shareholders’ agreements.                        drafted loosely, and leaves many                 is likely to take in four of the principal
   The breakthrough provisions would             questions unanswered as to its practical         takeover jurisdictions in Europe (the UK,

16 A special IFLR supplement                                                                                            
European overview

    France, Germany and the Netherlands),        rendered ineffective. Furthermore, Article      • in contested takeover situations,
    focusing on the future availability of       11 potentially prevents offeree                     defences that confer an advantage to a
    defensive mechanisms.                        shareholders coming together to form a              bidder, determining the success of that
                                                 consortium to make a joint bid for an               bidder’s offer, are prohibited.
    Developments in the UK                       offeree company by cutting across the              Based on these restrictions, French
    The UK is, from a cultural and a             share transfer restrictions that would          corporations have so far not used many
    regulatory standpoint, more open to cross-   typically be contained in their                 US-type defence mechanisms, most
    border takeovers than any other              consortium agreement. Moreover, dual-           notably shareholder rights plans. There
    jurisdiction in Europe. As such, the         listed company transactions involving           are instances, however, in which takeover
    impact of the Takeover Directive on rules    voting structures (where the votes of one       defences could be implemented during
    governing takeover defences will be          company are replicated at meetings of the       an offer period by a target board without
    minimal, given that the ideas and            corresponding entity in that structure)         the approval of a shareholders meeting
    concepts for the Takeover Directive – in     could not, on the face of it, be sustained.     (for example, crown-jewel lock-ups or
    particular Article 9 – were largely drawn                                                    strategic acquisitions) —and in fact the
    from the UK model and rules. Indeed, as      Developments in France                          bidder is entitled, subject to the approval
    a minimum standards directive, the           French securities laws and regulations,         of the relevant regulatory authority (the
    Takeover Directive provides a relatively     including takeover laws and regulations,        AMF), to withdraw its offer if the target
    compatible underlay for the UK takeover      have been amended considerably over the         adopts concrete and immediate actions
    regime.                                      past three years, a process that has resulted   modifying the target’s consistency
       In January 2005, the UK government’s      in far-reaching institutional reforms.          (mesures d’application certaines et
    Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)       Nonetheless, French takeover law will have      imméédiates modifiant sa consistance).
    issued a consultation document, and the      to be further amended in connection with        These takeover defences would no longer
    UK Takeover Panel (the Panel) published      the implementation of the Takeover              be available if Article 9(2) of the Takeover
    an explanatory paper, on the                 Directive. At this stage, it is generally       Directive were implemented.
    implementation of the Takeover               assumed that France will implement Article         It is not clear whether France will
    Directive. The DTI and the Panel largely     9(2) and (3) of the Takeover Directive.         adopt Article 11, but the consequences
    confirmed that it would be business as          If Article 9 of the Takeover Directive       would be dramatic from the perspective
    usual in the UK once the Takeover            was adopted, the target board’s                 of target companies if France were to do
    Directive has been implemented.              obligations with respect to the use of          so. Given that French companies might
    However, fine-tuning will be required.       defensive measures during offer periods         not easily adopt takeover defences during
       The Panel confirmed that the UK           would be more stringent than those              the offer period (without shareholder
    would adopt Article 9, which broadly         currently applicable under French               approval), preventive takeover defence
    reflects the concept already contained in    takeover law.                                                            mechanisms,
    General Principle 7 and Rule 21 of the       Generally, neither                                                       including in
    UK Takeover Code prohibiting                 French corporate                                                         particular share
    frustrating action being taken by a target   law nor securities       The price paid as a result of this              transfer restrictions
    during a bid or when a bid is imminent,      regulations                                                              and restrictions on
    without approval by shareholders in          expressly prohibit       political compromise will likely voting rights, play a
    general meeting. To align the provisions     target companies         be the lack of EU-wide                          key role in the
    of the Takeover Code to those of the         from adopting                                                            French context.
    Takeover Directive, the Panel intends to     measures designed harmonization of rules relating                        According to a
    broaden the definition of frustrating        to fend off hostile      to takeover defences                            recent study, more
    action in the Takeover Code (although        takeovers.                                                               than half of the
    this will probably have a minor impact       However, this                                                            French CAC 40
    on how the rule is applied in practice).     general principle                                                        companies have
    The Panel also intends to eliminate the      is tempered by several rules that tend to       adopted these types of defences or
    added flexibility under Rule 21, which       reduce the scope of a target board’s            shareholder arrangements. For example,
    allowed the Panel to permit pre-existing     discretion in responding to hostile             these defence mechanisms include voting
    contractual arrangements (the completion     takeover threats:                               right limitations set out in a company’s
    of which would otherwise be frustrating)     • although not expressly set out in             articles of association that prevent
    to be completed.                                 applicable laws and regulations,            shareholders from voting shares in excess
       Given the disparity of conceptual             absolute defences (défenses absolues) –     of a certain threshold. Neutralizing such
    approach between Article 11 and UK               that is, defences precluding the success restrictions in connection with takeover
    general market practice, it appears likely       of any tender offer – are prohibited        bids would render French companies very
    that the UK will opt out of Article 11.          (this prohibition being qualified as a      vulnerable to hostile takeover attempts.
    Otherwise – and ostensibly                       general principle of French securities
    unintentionally – the ordinary market            laws by numerous scholars);                 Developments in Germany
    practice in the UK of gathering              • any defence must comply with the              Hostile takeover attempts have been rare
    irrevocable undertakings from offeree            requirements set out by the fuzzy           in Germany so far. Vodafone’s takeover of
    shareholders (not to accept a rival offer        notion of social interest (intérêt social); Mannesmann in 2000 was one of the few
    and not to transfer their shares) would be       and                                         exceptions, and it provided some                                                                                                A special IFLR supplement 17
European overview

momentum for the enactment of German             and restrictions on share transfers in        parties). While the use of anti-takeover
takeover legislation in 2002. The low            public companies are generally restricted     devices has in recent years become the
number of hostile takeover attempts is due       to a limited number of industries. The        subject of increased criticism in the
to the German economy being                      breakthrough rules, however, would be         Dutch market and scrutiny by the courts
characterized by a strong base of owner-         more relevant with regards to contractual     (particularly the use of devices that were
managed (often family owned) businesses,         arrangements among shareholders, which        put in place by target companies before
cultural and political aversion to               commonly include provisions for pooling       an actual threat actually materialized),
confrontational resolution of conflicts and      voting rights and provide for rights of       they have been consistently upheld in the
the lesser importance of the capital             first refusal and lock-ups.                   Dutch courts.
markets in Germany as a source of                                                                 The Takeover Directive is likely to have
financing compared to other countries.           Developments in the                           a limited impact on the range of anti-
The German Takeover Act                          Netherlands                                   takeover devices currently available under
(Wertpapierwerbs-und Übernahmegesetz),           Dutch takeover law has so far been            Dutch law. The Dutch government
adopted in January 2002, did not                 characterized by the absence of a takeover    intends to opt out of Article 9. In
contemplate measures designed to open            code similar to that in force in the UK,      particular, the DoJ believes that target
Germany to hostile takeovers. On the             France and Germany. In European               companies should have the option to
contrary, the German Takeover Act                jurisdictions where a takeover code is in     trigger a pre-existing anti-takeover device
provides management with considerable            place, a shareholder is usually required to   (previously approved by the general
flexibility (compared, for example, to the       make a mandatory offer for all of a target    meeting) or to leave in place such a
UK) to take frustrating actions against          company’s shares as soon as the               device for a limited amount of time, for
unsolicited takeovers.                           shareholder’s stake in the company exceeds    instance following a successful offer.
   It appears that the Takeover Directive        a given threshold. Dutch takeover law         According to the DoJ, this would allow
will not do much to change this state of         does not contemplate this principle.          the target’s board time to negotiate with
affairs in Germany. Historically, Germany        Accordingly, Dutch takeover law stands to     the bidder about the merits of the offer,
has been one of the principal opposers of        be deeply affected by the adoption of the     for instance resulting in an increased
the Takeover Directive, and voted in             Takeover Directive’s mandatory bid rules.     takeover premium or continued
favour of its rejection by the European          However, it appears at this stage that the    employment commitments for the
parliament in 2001. When the                     Dutch government intends to opt out of        benefit of the target’s employees. The
Commission proposed a new draft of the           Article 9 and adopt Article 11 only in        DoJ also points out that the (temporary)
Takeover Directive in 2002, Germany              part, which should soften the impact of       use of an anti-takeover device could allow
continued to oppose it on the same or            the Takeover Directive with respect to the    the target company time to enter into
similar grounds until member states              availability of takeover defences in the      discussions with a white knight, with the
reached the Portuguese compromise. It            Netherlands.                                  aim of obtaining a competing offer.
appears now that Germany intends to                 On September 7 2004, the Dutch                At the time of going to press, the
avail itself of all the flexibility resulting    Minister of Justice issued a policy           Netherlands is considering a partial
from the compromise.                             document on the modernization of              adoption of Article 11. Although share
   There is greater tolerance for defence        Dutch company law, where reference was        transfer restrictions and restrictions on
mechanisms under the German Takeover             made to the general aspects of the            voting rights would not be neutralized by
Code than under the Takeover Directive           implementation of the Takeover                law during the offer period, the
or the takeover codes of the UK and              Directive. The Dutch government’s             Netherlands is considering the adoption
France. It is likely that, consistent with its   Department of Justice (the DoJ) is            of the post-bid 75% rules contemplated
historical stance against flat prohibitions      currently preparing a proposal of law,        by Article 11. The DoJ has indicated that
of defence mechanisms, Germany will              intending to follow as much as possible       it believes that, notwithstanding
opt out of the requirement to implement          the guidelines laid down in the policy        companies’ freedom to determine the
the provisions of Article 9 and retain the       document.                                     level of anti-takeover devices they desire
status quo. Germany will have to give               In the Netherlands there is no set rule    to adopt, it would be undesirable for
companies the option to opt into the             for or against takeover defences. Rather      target companies’ to ignore (new) realities
provisions of the Takeover Directive, and        than following the takeover code              within their shareholder base indefinitely.
specify the statutory provisions that will       approach, Dutch law relies on essential       Consistent with intentions voiced by the
apply to such companies as a result of           principles of good business judgment          Dutch government in recent years, the
their opting-in. It is expected, however,        (elementaire beginselen van behoorlijk        DoJ states that it is desirable that a
that only few (if any) German                    ondernemerschap), as interpreted by the       successful bidder can break through the
corporations will make use of this option.       Dutch courts. Historically, Dutch courts      target company’s anti-takeover defences
   As many other jurisdictions in Europe,        have been relatively inclined to accept the   following a reasonable period of time.
Germany is likely to opt-out of Article          use of anti-takeover devices by target
11. On the other hand, the relevance of          companies if such companies could make        Takeover Directive fails
this rule with respect to provisions of          a good faith argument that the takeover       It would appear that the Takeover
German statutory law is not extensive.           threat was against the best interest of the   Directive has failed to harmonize the
German law does not permit shares with           target and all its constituents (which        approach to takeover defences in Europe.
multiple voting rights (which is more            includes its shareholders, but also its       The range of positions taken by the
common in Scandinavian jurisdictions),           employees, creditors and other relevant       governments of the four member states

18 A special IFLR supplement                                                                                        
European overview

    considered in this article is telling. The     Indeed, targets could use this mechanism         concurrently in The M&A Journal. This
    UK will probably adopt Article 9 and opt       to defend selectively against cross-border       article was prepared with the assistance of
    out of Article 11. France will also adopt      takeover attempts by attempting to raise         Piers Johansen, corporate associate in
    Article 9, but its position as to Article 11   barriers against takeover bids from any          Skadden Arps London; Armand W
    is still unclear. Germany will opt out of      EU bidder that has not adopted Articles          Grumberg, corporate associate in Skadden
    both provisions and maintain the status        9 and/or 11, and virtually any non-EU or         Arps Paris; Matthias Horbach, corporate
    quo. The Netherlands will opt out of           private bidder.                                  partner in Skadden Arps Frankfurt; and
    Article 9 and potentially adopt part of the       As a general matter – and with the            Alexander J Kaarls, corporate partner, and
    provisions Article 11.                         exception of the Netherlands – courts            Evelien WI Visser, corporate associate, in the
       What remains unclear is whether             have not so far factored in any major way        London office of Houthoff Buruma.
    member states that adopt Article 9             in many cross-border European takeover           Elements of this article were drawn from
    and/or Article 11 will do so subject to        situations. Given the differences that are       the M&A roundtable discussion hosted by
    reciprocity. While member states appear        likely to develop between European               Skadden in May 2004 entitled Cross-
    to be reluctant to take an early position      jurisdictions as a result of the Takeover        Border and Transatlantic Perspectives on the
    on this aspect of the Portuguese               Directive, European courts might have a          Future Direction of European Takeovers.
    compromise (although the recently              much more prominent role in the future.
    published UK government consultation
    paper proposes to reject the reciprocity          Scott Simpson (
    principle), it seems unlikely that all         is a corporate partner, and Lorenzo Corte
    member states will decide against the          ( is a corporate
    adoption of this rule, because it was an       associate in the London office of Skadden,       Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom
    integral part of the Portuguese                Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom (UK) LLP.            40 Bank Street
    compromise. It is at least conceivable,        The views, opinions and positions in this        Canary Wharf
    therefore, that some member states will        article are those of the authors and not of      London, E14 5DS
    adopt this reciprocity-based approach to       Skadden Arps or its clients. All rights
    counterbalance the introduction of rules       reserved. The authors may use significant        Tel: +44 20 7519 7000
    that open up the defences of companies         portions, or the entirety, or adaptations, of    Fax: +44 20 7519 7070
    incorporated under their jurisdiction. A       this article in client mailings, publications,   Web:
    new and important element of hostile           speeches and similar communications.
    takeover bids could develop as a result.          This article is being published                                                                                                  A special IFLR supplement 19
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