Page created by Ricardo Harris

                                          EU PROGRAMME FOR EMPLOYMENT AND SOCIAL INNOVATION - EaSI (2014 - 2020)
          EaS                                GRANTS AWARDED AS A RESULT OF THE CALL FOR PROPOSALS VP/2019/006
                           Cross-border partnerships and support to cooperation on intra-EU mobility for EEA countries and social partners

                                                                                       Budget line : 04.03 02 02
                                                                                                             Program(s) : EaSI

                           Action title                                 EU grant (€)         Application reference
EURES Cross Border Partnership Ireland - N Ireland 2020                        435 054,92      VP/2019/006/0001

Summary of the action
Never before has it been as important, given the uncertainty for workers, jobseekers and employers in the border region of Ireland, to have strong supports for those who live, work, employ and seek
employment. The mission of the EURES Cross Border Partnership is to support frontier and cross border workers, jobseekers and employers in the Ireland - N Ireland border region by raising and
improving awareness of the cross border labour market, the benefits of mobility in the EU and to help employers, workers, jobseekers and job changers in this border region to capitalise on the
opportunities offered through their access to the labour market in the border region of the island of Ireland and the free recruitment service that the EURES Cross Border Partnership and wider European
network can provide. The Action Plan for the next 24 month period aims to ensure that the Partnership will continue to provide a wide range of services in these uncertain times to our target groups in this
border region, primarily to encourage and facilitate job placement and recruitment opportunities in the region, to try and overcome some of the obstacles that exist currently, to keep cross border workers
informed and encourage cross border labour market movement. In keeping with the EURES regulation and priorities, a strong focus on job matching and placement, employer engagement and support,
evaluation and social media as well as sustainability are central to the action plan. The region has moved on from the violent conflict that has blighted it for many years however the decision of the UK
Referendum on EU membership has emphasised cross border issues in this region particularly in relation to working and living conditions and has created an overwhelming desire for information in this
region from employers, workers and jobseekers regarding the ‘next steps’. This well-functioning EURES Cross Border Partnership has a very important and influential role to play in fostering this
              Beneficiary organisation/Coordinator                                      Address                                  Country
                                                                   - BT2 7EG -                                          UK - United Kingdom

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Action title                                EU grant (€)        Application reference
EaSI-EURES cross-border partnership Scheldemond
                                                                           1338 485,86      VP/2019/006/0003
2020 & 2021
Summary of the action
EURES Scheldemond is a long standing Eures cross border partnership that operates in the Provinces of Zeeland and Noord Brabant in the Netherlands and Antwerp, East- & West Flanders in Belgium.
The mission for Eures Scheldemond is to develop and implement activities in line with the Regulation EU 2016/589 with regard to the free movement of workers in the cross border region. The key
priorities in 2020 and 2021 are:
Information and advice relating to cross border recruitment (matching and placement activities) for jobseekers and employers on an individual basis and during targeted training and customer panels.
Matching and placement activities through the digital matchings app, cross border job hunting, recruitment events and the identification of employment goals of jobseekers.
Keeping in line with the regulation a particular focus will aim to promote fair mobility through the development of a digital tool for jobseekers, employers, trade union and PES staff.
Introduction of cross border re-training pathways for entry into the bottleneck job of process operator and other related job profiles in harbour related industries.
Creation of opportunities for (under)graduate students of technical educational institutions to test the water on the other side of the border through cross border learning opportunities.
Continuation of fostering support for the reduction of real cross border obstacles.
Reducing psychological barriers by improving the knowledge and mind set of jobseekers through customer panels and focused training surrounding the implications of the cross border commute to work.
Improvement of employer engagement via B2B events, seminars, HR platforms focussing on learning on the job.
Organisation of an annual job fair and various speed meets within the work packages aiming to improve the transparency on the cross border labour market and targeted matching activities on the basis
of the available workforce and vacancies.
improvement of monitoring & evaluation.
             Beneficiary organisation/Coordinator                                    Address                                 Country
UITVOERINGSINSTITUUT                                            LA GUARDIA WEG 116-162 AMSG 3 1043
                                                                                                                    NL - Netherlands
WERKNEMERSVERZEKERINGEN                                         DL AMSTERDAM

                          Action title                                EU grant (€)        Application reference
EURES Crossborder Galicia-North Portugal Activity Plan
                                                                            338 187,24      VP/2019/006/0004
Summary of the action
The creation of the EURES Crossborder North Portugal - Galicia service in December 1997 followed the common objective and commitment of the partner bodies towards improving the situation of the
labour market of Galicia and North Portugal, creating a transparent employment market and developing a system of cooperation and collaboration between the public employment services and all other
economic and social agents representing the Euro-region with potential ability to facilitate and boost the crossborder mobility of workers and employers.
EURES Crossborder G-NP has become a reference structure in the Euro-region with respect to knowledge of rights and obligations relative to the crossborder mobility of workers and entrepreneurs.
Moreover, it operates as a meeting point for entities and institutions concerning mobility.
The bodies included in the structure of EURES Crossborder G-NP have undertaken among one another and before the Commission to jointly pursue the following objectives based on EURES Regulation
(EU) 2016/589 and the EU rules on the freedom to work and look for a job in another EU Member State (Regulation EU 492/2011), in conformity with their responsibilities at a crossborder level:
a) implementing the coordinated strategy for employment and for promoting a skilled, trained and adaptable workforce as referred to in Article 145 TFEU;
b) improving the functioning, cohesion and integration of the labour markets in the Union, including at cross-border level;
c) promoting voluntary geographical and occupational mobility in the Union, including in cross-border regions, on a fair basis and in compliance with Union and national law and practice;
e) supporting transitions into the labour market, thereby promoting the social and employment objectives referred to in Article 3 TEU.
For the pursuit of the established general objectives, the bodies integrated in the structure undertake will provide specific Services, according to their competencies.
             Beneficiary organisation/Coordinator                                    Address                                 Country
                                                                RUA DE XABREGAS 52 1949 003 LISBOA                  PT - Portugal

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Action title                               EU grant (€)        Application reference
EURES-TriRegio 2020 -2021                                                  694 428,87      VP/2019/006/0005

Summary of the action
Die Grenzpartnerschaft EURES-TriRegio setzt sich aus Vertretern der Arbeitsverwaltungen, der Gewerkschaften und der Arbeitgeberorganisationen aus Sachsen, Böhmen und Niederschlesien
zusammen. Ihr langfristiges Ziel ist es, unter Einhaltung der bestehenden Arbeits- und Sozialstandards des jeweiligen Landes die Entwicklung eines gemeinsamen Arbeitsmarktes zu fördern.

Sie wurde von den Partnern seit der Integration Polens und Tschechiens in die Europäische Union im Jahre 2004 vorbereitet und hat sich mit der Unterzeichnung der Rahmenvereinbarung im Oktober
2007 konstituiert. Sie betrachtet die Integration der Arbeits- und Ausbildungsmärkte im Dreiländereck als die wesentliche Gestaltungsaufgabe. Zu den Handlungsschwerpunkten gehören: Projekte zur
Vermittlung von Arbeitsstellen in der Region; Information und Beratung durch die EURES-Beraterinnen und –Berater und Initiativen zur Durchsetzung von fairer Mobilität im Dreiländereck.

Die Angebote für Arbeitgeber richten sich insbesondere an kleine und mittlere Unternehmen. Es werden Unterstützungsleistungen zur Rekrutierung angeboten, wie online- und onsite Jobbörsen, Stände
bei Jobbörsen, Informations- und Beratungstage bis hin zu individuellen Vermittlungsprojekten für Unternehmen bei Neuansiedlungen. Die Arbeitgeber profitieren von einem gewachsenen Netzwerk der
EURES-Beraterinnen und -Berater bei der Arbeitsverwaltung, das über eine umfassende Erfahrung bei der Durchführung grenzüberschreitender Vermittlungsprojekte verfügt.

Arbeitssuchende erhalten Hilfe bei der Arbeitssuche im Grenzraum. Es werden Informationen und Beratungen für Grenzgänger zu Fragen des Arbeitsrechts und der sozialen Sicherheit bereitgestellt. Die
Beratung für Arbeitnehmer erfolgt unter Zusammenarbeit mit den Branchengewerkschaften, Sozialversicherungsträgern und anderen Beratungseinrichtungen. Die Anfragen von Grenzgängern beständig
             Beneficiary organisation/Coordinator                                   Address                                 Country
                                                                REGENSBURGERSTRASSE 104 90478
BUNDESAGENTUR FUR ARBEIT                                                                                          DE - Germany

                          Action title                               EU grant (€)        Application reference
EURES in den Grenzregionen Belgien, Deutschland,
                                                                          1359 512,16      VP/2019/006/0007
Niederlande 2020-2021
Summary of the action
Im Rahmen dieser Maßnahme wird eine EU-Finanzierung für die euregionale und bilaterale Zusammenarbeit in den Grenzregionen der Länder Belgien, Deutschland, Niederlande beantragt, die die
bestehenden Dienstleistungen der Partner optimiert und stärkt sowie diese über das bisherige Maß hinaus koordiniert und ausbaut, in dem weitere neue innovative Maßnahmen passgerecht hinzugefügt
werden. EMR, ERW, ermn, EUREGIO: Die Maßnahme beinhaltet alle Aktivitäten der Partner im angegebenen Zeitraum. Ziel ist es, die Transparenz des grenzüberschreitenden Arbeitsmarktes zu
fördern, die Chancen der Arbeitssuchenden auf dem Markt zu erhöhen und die Arbeitgeber bei ihren Einstellungsmaßnahmen zu unterstützen. Gegenstand sind die Serviceangebote der Partner in
Bezug auf das grenzüberschreitende Matching, Information und Beratung der mobilen Arbeitssuchenden, Grenzgänger und Unternehmen im Bezirk der Euregios. Zentrales Ziel der Maßnahme ist es
"Menschen in ein Beschäftigungsverhältnis zu bringen und Arbeitsplätze zu sichern" und so einen Beitrag zu mehr Beschäftigung zu leisten. So sollen die Transparenz des euregionalen Arbeitsmarktes
gefördert werden, die Nachfrage und das Angebot optimal aufeinander abgestimmt werden und Mobilitätshemmnisse durch eine breiter angelegte Zusammenarbeit mit den Institutionen, die für Steuern,
soziale Sicherheit und Arbeitsrecht zuständig sind, gemindert werden. Außerdem geht es darum: - die Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Organisationen in Belangen des Arbeitsmarktes zu optimieren,
insbesondere mit den für Sozialversicherung, Steuern und Arbeitsrecht zuständigen Stellen - die Zielgruppen über die Serviceangebote zu informieren - das Personalwesen und das Netzwerk der
EURES-Partner zu erweitern - die Ergebnisse des Arbeitsplans nachzuhalten, zu evaluieren und zu bewerten.
Die Partnerschaft ist übereingekommen, alle vorgegebenen sieben Arbeitsbereiche bzw. Kategorien zu bedienen und entsprechende Maßnahmen zu planen und umzusetzen (siehe Anhang).
             Beneficiary organisation/Coordinator                                   Address                                 Country
                                                                REGENSBURGERSTRASSE 104 90478
BUNDESAGENTUR FUR ARBEIT                                                                                          DE - Germany

                                                                                             Page 3 of 7
Action title                                 EU grant (€)         Application reference
EURES activity plan 2020-2021                                                 102 709,55       VP/2019/006/0009

Summary of the action
The main objective of our action is to increase the number of placements supported by EURES. In our activities presented in 4 work packages we focus on different ways to increase the number of
advertised vacancies, improve our service delivery to jobseekers, improve the quality of our information material and increase the overall awareness of our services. Increase in number of job vacancies
and high quality information to jobseekers is prerequisite for an increase in placements. Our activities include "speed-dates" with employers, targeted promotional e-mails and visits to employers, review
of standardised answers to e-mails from jobseekers, information seminar on moving to other Nordic countries, development of videos/webinars to both inform our target groups and promote EURES,
EURES day to increase the awareness of EURES internally, market campaign focused on social media etc. In our action we also emphasise training of staff as we believe it is the foundation for
increasing the quality of our services.
Our target groups include domestic small size employers from sectors in need of employees, e.g. tourism, construction and services. Jobseekers are our other target group, especially foreign jobseekers
that want to work in Iceland, but also domestic jobseekers, job changers, graduates and unemployed individuals. Thirdly we target our EURES staff, assistants, that have an important role in the service
delivery of EURES.
Our set targets and results include increased number of advertised positions, 500 in 2020 and 550 in 2021 resulting in higher number of confirmed placements, at least 180 in 2020 and 200 in 2021.
Higher percentage of confirmed placements of the total number of advertised positions as a result of customised service delivery to employers and systematic follow up of vacancies, the target is 36%.
              Beneficiary organisation/Coordinator                                      Address                                  Country

LYDVELDIO ISLAND                                                  - 103 -                                              IS - Iceland

                           Action title                                 EU grant (€)         Application reference
EURADRIA 2020/2021                                                            717 517,59       VP/2019/006/0017

                                                                                                Page 4 of 7
Summary of the action
The action EURADRIA 2020/2021 is divided into five work packages that answer to the Strand 1 “Cross Border Partnership” , covering the following call’s categories: 1 A and B, 2-3-4-5-6.
The proposed actions to reach the categories’ main goal are the following (explained according to the WP):
WP1: project management
- WP 1.1: Setting up of Steering and Technical Committee;
- WP 1.2: Managing administrative and financial activities;
- WP1.3: Mid term and final evaluation of the project
WP2: communication and dissemination (Matched strand Categories:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
- WP2.1.: Setting up of the internal and external communication;
- WP2.2: Information and publication
- WP 2.3: Managing social media
- WP2.4: Maintaining and updating the Online One Stop Shop
- WP 2.5: Events and promotion activities
- WP 2.6: Cross Border Job Mobility Fair
- WP 2.7: Ensuring the ownership of the results
WP 3: Establishing a cross-border permanent observatory and data analysis (Matched categories: 1, 2, 3, 4)
- WP 3.1. – Setting up and Running a cross-border permanent Observatory
- WP3.2 – Setting up a common methodology for assessing leading cross-border labour markets
- WP3.3. – Delivery of questionnaires
- WP3.4. – Recommendations
- WP 3.5: Organisation of round tables
WP 4: A&T Action plan within Euradria region (Matched categories: 2-3-4-5)
- WP 4.1 – Developing the Action Plan
- WP 4.2 –A&T publication
WP 5: Minimizing specific obstacles to cross border employment (Matched categories: 2-3-4-5-6
- WP 5.1. – Developing and implementing an action plan for minimizing specific obstacles to cross border employment in the Euradria region
- WP 5.2. – International advocacy conferences
- WP 5.3 - Setting up and Running the cross-border Joint Helpdesk network

             Beneficiary organisation/Coordinator                                     Address                                     Country

REGIONE AUTONOMA FRIULI-VENEZIA GIULIA                           PIAZZA UNITA D ITALIA 1 34121 TRIESTE               IT - Italy

                          Action title                                EU grant (€)         Application reference
EURES-t Grande Region 2020-2021                                             1452 800,00      VP/2019/006/0019

                                                                                               Page 5 of 7
Summary of the action
L' EURES-t Grande Région avait décidé sur 2018-2020 de réaliser un saut quantitatif et qualitatif et de structurer à cette fin ses actions autour de 4 axes stratégiques :
1. Un diagnostic commun partagé du marché de l’emploi transfrontalier permettant d’identifier collectivement, des secteurs d’activités sur lesquels prioriser ses actions.
2. Une meilleure adéquation entre offre et demande d’emploi en s’appuyant notamment sur la formation transfrontalière, et en poursuivant son ouverture sur le monde de l’entreprise.
3. La promotion, l’information et le conseil sur la mobilité professionnelle transfrontalière.
4. L’articulation du programme EURES-t avec les autres programmes européens ainsi qu’avec les acteurs de la formation et du marché de l’emploi transfrontaliers, permettant ainsi d’assurer une
meilleure visibilité et lisibilité des offres de services.

Fort de son expertise quant à la réalisation du diagnostic commun (à actualiser en 2020) et de son expérience en termes d'ingénierie de formation professionnelle transfrontalière, le partenariat souhaite
investir dans la valorisation des activités et compléter à cette fin sa stratégie par un important volet de communication transverse permettant ainsi, en 2020 et 2021, de poursuivre le saut qualitatif et
quantitatif précédemment engagé et assurer la pérennité de l’action d’intermédiation en contexte transfrontalier et d’intégration des indispensables meures d’adaptation de la main d’œuvre qui y sont

Le partenariat articule en conséquence services nouveaux, actions ciblées et activités déjà intégrées, avec une communication multidimensionnelle. Cette dernière visera à valoriser les activités menées,
le partenariat et la marque « EURES », et la plus-value de l’Union européenne pour les publics cibles. In fine, stratégie arrêtée, actions menées et communication permettront de parvenir à une
intermédiation plus importante en nombre et de meilleure qualité.
              Beneficiary organisation/Coordinator                                       Address                                   Country
                                                                   AVENUE DU DOCTEUR GLEY 1 LE
POLE EMPLOI                                                                                                              FR - France
                                                                   CINETIC 1A5 75020 PARIS

                           Action title                                  EU grant (€)         Application reference
Support to cooperation on intra-EU mobility in the EEA
                                                                                204 981,19       VP/2019/006/0020
Summary of the action
The grant application includes activities under the following categories: 1,4,6,7,8. The overall aim for all activities is to promote geographical and occupational labour mobility in the EEA countries on a
voluntary and fair basis, as well as organise the work of EURES in own country in line with the requirements, standards and procedures established in the EURES legal framework. Thus, the European
added value is distinct in all the activities.

The activities aim to be concrete, action oriented and carry a clear added value in terms of making a difference where rolled out. This entails that the activities are adjusted according to needs in the
labour markets. Thus, the service becomes relevant and innovative. Moreover, the activities will aim to pay attention to vulnerable groups, promote equality between men and women, combat any kind of
discrimination and promote a high-level of quality and sustainable employment. Focus will be to ensure a transparent labour market with exchange of job vacancies, CVs (jobseeker profile's) in
accordance with the uniform system for the EURES portal and any related information, as well as provide free support services for the recruitment and placement of workers in employment. Activities are
linked to the defined indicators described in the EURES Performance Measurement System. Thanks to these, concrete results of implementing the activities will be visible.
              Beneficiary organisation/Coordinator                                       Address                                   Country
                                                                   ST OLAVS PLASS 0130 OSLO                              NO - Norway

                           Action title                                  EU grant (€)         Application reference
EURES-T Oberrhein-Rhin Supérieur 2020-21                                      1272 760,45        VP/2019/006/0022

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Summary of the action
Le Rhin Supérieur présente actuellement des taux de chômage très variables de part et d'autre de la frontière. Les données actuelles illustrent bien la complémentarité des marchés du travail : le Bade-
Wurtemberg et le Nord-Ouest de la Suisse, deux régions économiquement prospères ont des besoins de main d’œuvre très importants dans le secteur de la production et de la fabrication pour le Bade-
Wurtemberg et dans les secteurs des sciences de la vie (Life Sciences), de la santé et de l’artisanat pour le Nord-ouest de la Suisse. La partie alsacienne de la Région Grand-Est détient, quant à elle,
une main d'œuvre jeune et qualifiée. Le marché du travail transfrontalier revêt donc un caractère essentiel permettant d'encourager l'adéquation entre les demandeurs d'emploi et les postes vacants de
part et d'autre de la frontière. À l’avenir, avec la reprise économique actuelle en France, cette complémentarité entre les marchés de l’emploi sera moins évidente, d’autant plus que les besoins de main
d’œuvre seront en partie dans les mêmes secteurs d’activité (hôtellerie/restauration, santé avec notamment les aides à domicile.). Une nouvelle stratégie sera déployée pour 2020-21 afin d’encourager la
mise en place d’actions transfrontalières communes (formations transfrontalières, reconnaissances des diplômes etc.). Afin d'utiliser les forces en présence et de créer une offre de services complète sur
tout le territoire, avec les mêmes standards de qualité, les services du plan d'activités 2020-21 d'EURES-T Rhin Supérieur agissent en complémentarité avec ceux des agences pour l’emploi,
conformément aux axes du catalogue de services EURES suivants : pré-recrutement (section A), recrutement/mise en adéquation/placement (sections A et B), informations et conseils (sections A et B)
et coopération transfrontalière (section E).
L'offre de services d’EURES-T Rhin Supérieur est déclinée selon les 6 catégories d’activités EaSI afin de répondre aux besoins du territoire transfrontalier.
              Beneficiary organisation/Coordinator                                     Address                                  Country
                                                                  AVENUE DU DOCTEUR GLEY 1 LE
POLE EMPLOI                                                                                                           FR - France
                                                                  CINETIC 1A5 75020 PARIS

                          Action title                                 EU grant (€)         Application reference
ETUC Coordination in the EURES Network 2020-21                                153 670,00      VP/2019/006/0023

Summary of the action
The ETUC secretariat is coordinating the participation of the trade union organisations in the EURES network. It is mostly through the Interregional Trade Union Councils (IRTUCs), at regional/
interregional levels, who are participating in the EURES Cross Border Partnerships.

The IRTUCs gather in border regions regional trade union organisations which are part of ETUC member organisations. The main objective of the IRTUCs is to ensure fair and chosen mobility of EU
citizens and workers and to defend the rights of frontier workers and their families.

IRTUCs are partners of the EURES Cross Border Partnerships. Around 60 EURES trade union advisers (who have followed the EURES basic training) are giving advice and councils to cross border and
frontier workers. This is the specific role of trade unions in the EURES Network. Trade unions do not deal with placements and recruitments. Moreover in some Member States this is illegal.

This project will deliver four European events involving participants from all over the EU (two seminars of EURES trade union advisers, a seminar on youth mobility and a seminar on EURES Cross
Border Partnerships) all of which will help strengthening the involvement not only of trade unions but also of employers and public employment services.
              Beneficiary organisation/Coordinator                                     Address                                  Country
                                                                                                                      BE - Belgium
ADF                                                               BRUXELLES

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