Response of Controlled Atmosphere (CA) stored "Golden Delicious" Apples to the Treatments with Alcohols and Aldehydes as Aroma Precursors

Page created by Terry Owens
Gartenbauwissenschaft, 65 (4). S. 154–161, 2000, ISSN 0016–478X. © Verlag Eugen Ulmer GmbH & Co., Stuttgart

Response of Controlled Atmosphere (CA) stored
“Golden Delicious” Apples to the Treatments with Alcohols and
Aldehydes as Aroma Precursors

Reaktion von CA-gelagerten „Golden Delicious” Äpfeln auf die Behandlung mit Alkoholen und
Aldehyden als Aromavorstufen

J. Harb, J. Streif and F. Bangerth
(Institut für Obst-, Gemüse- und Weinbau, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany)

Summary                                                     Aromastoffe. Sowohl nach ULO-Lagerung wie auch
„Golden Delicious” apples were stored under ultra low       nach AVG-Behandlung war durch die Behandlung mit
oxygen (ULO-storage) and treated both at harvest            Aromavorstufen nur eine vorübergehende Wirkung,
time and after 5 months of storage with several aroma       im allgemeinen von nicht mehr als 2 Tagen, zu beob-
precursors. Another plot of fruits was sprayed on the       achten.
tree with an ethylene inhibitor (AVG) to study the ef-
fect of ethylene biosynthesis on volatile production.       Introduction
ULO-storage caused a marked reduction on the ability
of fruit to produce volatiles. Feeding these fruits with    Controlled atmosphere (CA) stored apples, especially
several alcohols and aldehydes as aroma precursors, sti-    those stored under ultra low oxygen (ULO), exhibit a
mulated the biosynthesis of volatiles. Each alcohol and     diminished capacity to synthesize aroma volatiles. Al-
aldehyde led to an enhanced production of the corre-        though such apples remain firmer, juicer and greener,
sponding volatile, mainly esters. Similar to ULO-stor-      the lack of their ability to produce normal rates of vola-
age, AVG reduced the production of volatiles and this       tiles led to critical acceptance by the consumers (BOH-
effect was accentuated during the storage of these fruits   LING 1982, LEHMANN 1993). The reasons for this phe-
in ULO. Treating AVG-fruit with aroma precursors            nomena are still not completely understood. STREIF and
also led to a marked increase in the production of the      BANGERTH (1988) proved that storage of apples at 1%
corresponding volatiles. With ULO stored as well as         O2 reduced the biosynthesis of odor volatiles. YAHIA
with AVG-treated fruits, the effect of precursor treat-     (1991) indicated that a post-storage period of 3 weeks
ment on volatiles was transient lasting, in general, not    at 3.3 °C after a low ethylene CA-storage did not im-
more than 2 days.                                           prove the ability of apples to synthesize volatiles. It is
                                                            supposed that the reduced biosynthesis of fatty acids,
                                                            mainly of the unsaturated linolenic and linolic acids, is
Zusammenfassung                                             the main reason for the diminished odor volatile pro-
„Golden Delicious” Äpfel wurden unter besonders             duction (PAILLARD 1990), and this was confirmed by
niedrigen Sauerstoffkonzentrationen (ULO-Bedin-             reasonable good correlations between the concentra-
gungen) gelagert und sowohl bei der Ernte als auch          tion of these fatty acids and aroma production (BRACK-
nach 5 Monaten Lagerung mit verschiedenen Aroma-            MANN et al. 1993).
vorstufen behandelt. Ein weiterer Teil der Früchte             The aim of this research was to investigate the effect
wurde am Baum mit einem Ethyleninhibitor (AVG)              of ULO-stored fruits on their ability to synthesize vo-
gespritzt, um den Effekt der Ethylenbiosynthese auf         latiles and whether the application of particular fatty
die Aromabildung zu untersuchen. ULO-Lagerung               acid-derived aroma precursors (alcohols, aldehydes,
verursachte eine deutliche Verminderung der Aroma-          esters, and acids) can improve the biosynthesis of odor-
bildung der Früchte. Durch Behandlung solcher               volatiles. On the other hand, the relationship between
Früchte mit verschiedenen Alkoholen und Aldehyden           ethylene biosynthesis and volatile production was
als Aromavorstufen konnte die Biosynthese von               tested throughout storage of “Golden Delicious” fruits
flüchtigen Aromastoffen stimuliert werden. Jeder der        treated with AVG on the tree to retard ethylene bio-
verwendeten Alkohole und Ester verursachte eine ge-         synthesis.
steigerte Bildung von entsprechenden Aromastoffen,
vor allem von Estern. Ähnlich wie die ULO-Lagerung
verminderte die AVG-Behandlung ebenfalls die Bil-           Material and Methods
dung flüchtiger Aromastoffe, wobei diese Wirkung            The experiments were done in two consecutive years.
durch CA-Lagerung noch verstärkt wurde. Auch bei            “Golden Delicious” apple fruits were harvested in the
den mit Aromavorstufen behandelten AVG-Früchten             orchards of the Experimental Station of Hohenheim
erfolgte eine gesteigerte Bildung der entsprechenden        University at Bavendorf, Germany. Fruits were brought

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                                                                                    Fig. 1. The influence of different
                                                                                    storage conditions on total aroma
                                                                                    production of ‘Golden Delicious’
                                                                                    Einfluß der Lagerbedingungen auf
                                                                                    die Gesamtaromabildung von “Gol-
                                                                                    den Delicious” Äpfeln.

at the same day into ULO conditions at 3% CO2 + 1%         spaces of the fruit. After treatment, the fruits were kept
O2; 1 °C and 93% R.H.. Directly after harvest and at       under 20 °C and flushed continually with normal air.
two-months intervals during the subsequent storage           At the first and seventh day after the application of
period, aroma production was determined adopting the       precursors, the volatiles of 50 l of the head-space air
method of volatiles adsorption on small quantities of      were adsorbed by inserting a Tenax AT column (60/80
charcoal as described by STREIF (1981). In an other ex-    mesh) into the outcoming air-stream of the conti-
periment ‘Golden Delicious’ trees were sprayed with        nuously ventilated fruits. 25 ml diethyl ether plus 1 ml
aminoethoxyvinyl glycin (AVG), an inhibitor of ethyle-     of an internal standard solution (500 ppm hexyl methyl-
ne biosynthesis, at a concentration of 200 mg/l. The       keton in pentane) were used to extract the adsorbed
trees were sprayed 4 times at weekly intervals starting    odor volatiles from the Tenax columns. Thereafter the
one month before harvest. These fruits were also stored    final volume of the extract solution was reduced to
under the above conditions and subjected to the same       0.3 ml under N2 gas stream. (A more detailed descrip-
treatments.                                                tion of the method was published previously by SONG
  Directly after harvest and after 6-months of storage,    and BANGERTH 1996). 1 µl from this final extract solu-
several aroma precursors (see Table 2) were applied se-    tion was injected into a capillary GC: Detector: FID;
parately to the fruits. Within each treatment, 10 fruits   column: 25m × 0.32 mm, ID fused silica CW 20M- DF-
were enclosed in 10 l desiccators and evacuated to 50-80   0.25; carrier gas: N2; injector temperature: 240 °C; de-
mbar. Each aroma precursor (0.1–0.15 ml) was injected      tector temperature: 260 °C; temperature program for
into the evacuated desiccator, where it quickly evapo-     the column: 3 min. at 35 °C, 35–100 at 5 °C/min.,
rated. That creates a concentration of 5–7.5 ppm of        100–180 at 6 °C/min., 10 min. at 180 °C.
each precursor. The pressure within the desiccator was       A factor that represents the relative change of each
released to ambient value within 25 min. Release of the    odor-volatile was calculated based on the peak area of
partial vacuum caused a better and more uniform distri-    the standard. This factor was termed “r-factor”. It com-
bution of the precursors within the intercellular air      prises the peak area of a particular odor volatile after the

                                                                                    Fig. 2. Composition of aroma spec-
                                                                                    trum (%) of ‘Golden Delicious’ ap-
                                                                                    ples, directly after harvest (Octo-
                                                                                    ber) and after 7 months storage pe-
                                                                                    riod (April) under different condi-
                                                                                    Prozentuale Zusammensetzung des
                                                                                    Aromas von „Golden Delicious“ un-
                                                                                    mittelbar nach der Ernte (Oktober)
                                                                                    und nach 7-monatiger Lagerung
                                                                                    (April) bei unterschiedlichen Lagerbe-

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Table 1. Composition of aroma spectrum (arbitrary peak area       Table 2. The influence of feeding butanol to “Golden Deli-
units) of AVG-treated and control “Golden Delicious” ap-          cious” apples, either directly after harvest (Oktober) or after
ples, directly after harvest (October) and after 5 months in      5 months under ULO-storage (March), on the synthesis of
ULO-storage (March).                                              particular aroma components. Measurements were done 1 day
Zusammensetzung des Aroma-Spektrums (angegeben als Peak-          after feeding and 7 days after feeding. Explanation for r-fac-
fläche-Einheiten) von „Golden Delicious“ Äpfeln direkt nach       tor: see materials and methods.
der Ernte (Oktober) und nach 5 Monaten ULO-Lagerung               Der Einfluss einer Begasung mit Butanol von “Golden Deli-
(März) mit und ohne AVG-Behandlung.                               cious" Äpfeln sofort nach der Ernte (October) oder nach 5 Mo-
                                                                  naten ULO-Lagerung (März) auf die Bildung einzelner Aro-
                                       Peak Area Units
                                                                  makomponenten. Die Messungen erfolgten einen Tag und sieben
                                October            March          Tage nach der Begasung. Zur Erklärung des r-Faktors siehe Ma-
                                                                  terial und Methoden.
Aroma components             AVG     Control   AVG Control
Ethyl acetate                 260        243     214        253
2-Propyl acetate              520        303     152        186                                   October                March
Propyl acetate                 77      1 647       0        165
                                                                  Aroma components          after 1 day    7 days     1 day    7 days
2-Methylpropyl acetate          0        207       0        245
Butyl acetate                 811     40 219     113      9 218   2-Propyl acetate             1.47         1,55       1,3       1,08
Propyl butyrate               464     12 429     166      9 637   Ethyl propionate             0,32         0,52      0
Butanol                       157      2 882       0        491   Propyl acetate               3,21         1,31      113,48     1,52
Pentyl acetate                207      1 470      23        631   2-Methylpropyl acetate       0,55         0,94       1,01      1,19
3-Methyl 1-butanol              0        638      25        473   Ethyl butyrate              41,77        19,58       2,71      1,47
Butyl butyrate                157      4 775       0      1 192   Ethyl 2-methyl butyrate     24,33         0          1,1       1,45
Butyl 2-methylbutyrate         71      4 216       0      2 290   Butyl acetate                2,32         1,01     13,24       1,29
Hexyl acetate               1 867     47 016     701      8 885   Propyl butyrate              0,61         0,92       1,16      1,33
Pentyl butyrate                 0        531       0        153   Butanol                      3,46         1,15     11,2        1,5
Hexanol                       222      1 561      96        427   Pentyl acetate               0,71         0,64       1,53      0,89
Hexyl2-methyl butyrate      1 529     16 374   1 160      4 596   3-Methyl-1-butanol           0,78         0,99      0,97       1,25
n-Hexyl hexanoate             310      1 327     250        540   Butyl butyrate               3,39         1,33     10,24       1,26
                                                                  Butyl 2-methylbutyrate       2,01         1,23       6,76      1,66
TOTAL                       6 652    135 838   2 900     39 382
                                                                  Hexyl acetate                0,77         1,06       1,23      0,86
                                                                  Pentyl butyrate              0,64         0,71      0,97       1,39
                                                                  Hexanol                      1,11         1,31      1,32       1,02
treatment divided by the peak area of the same odor-vola-         Hexyl 2-methylbutyrate       0,42         1,03       1,2       0,93
tile emitted by the control fruits.                               n-Hexyl hexanoate            1,81         0,51       1,15      0,62

The influence of several storage conditions on the pro-           seen that the synthesis of the quantitatively important
duction of odor volatile is shown in Figure 1. It is noticed      aroma components: butyl acetate, pentyl acetate, hexyl
that reduced O2 combined with increased CO2 highly                acetate, and butyl butyrate was negatively influenced by
suppressed the ability of fruits to emit volatiles. After 7       ULO-storage, particularly at the most severe 3 : 1 con-
months of ULO storage (3 % CO2 + 1 % O2), fruits                  ditions. However, on the other hand, the synthesis of
synthesize only about 20 % volatiles compared to air              the “branched” volatiles, 3-methyl butyl acetate, 3-
stored apples. Figure 2 indicates the specific effect of          methyl-1-butanol, and hexyl-2-methylbutyrate, was
ULO-storage on the particular aroma substances. It is             only slightly affected by this storage procedure.

Fig. 3. Absolute change in the total
aroma production of ULO-stored
‘Golden Delicious’ apples after fee-
ding with different alcohol precur-
sors; storage period was 6 months.
Veränderung (absolut) in der Gesamt-
Aromabildung von „Golden Deli-
cious“ Äpfeln nach 6 Monaten ULO
Lagerung       und        nach       der
Begasung mit verschiedenen Alkoholen.

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                                                                                      Fig. 4. The influence of feeding
                                                                                      with hexanol to ‘Golden Delicious’
                                                                                      apples, either directly after harvest
                                                                                      (October) or after 6 months
                                                                                      (March) ULO-storage on the syn-
                                                                                      thesis of particular aroma compo-
                                                                                      Die Wirkung einer Begasung mit He-
                                                                                      xanol entweder direkt nach der Ernte
                                                                                      (Oktober) oder nach 6-monatiger
                                                                                      ULO-Lagerung (März) auf die Bil-
                                                                                      dung einzelner Aromastoffe bei „Gol-
                                                                                      den Delicious“ Äpfeln.

                                                                                      Fig. 5. The influence of feeding
                                                                                      with pentanol to ‘Golden Delicious’
                                                                                      apples, either directly after harvest
                                                                                      (October) or after 6 months
                                                                                      (March) ULO-storage, on the syn-
                                                                                      thesis of particular aroma compo-
                                                                                      Die Wirkung einer Begasung mit
                                                                                      Pentanol entweder direkt nach der
                                                                                      Ernte (Oktober) oder nach 6-mona-
                                                                                      tiger ULO-Lagerung (März) auf die
                                                                                      Bildung einzelner Aromastoffe bei
                                                                                      ,Golden Delicious‘ Äpfeln.

   Table 1 represents the effect of AVG-treatment on         stimulated. On the other hand, feeding ULO-stored
aroma production. It is noticed, that in contrast to         fruits with butanol leads to a reduced amount of hexyl
ULO-storage the synthesis of the main volatiles,             acetate (20–30%). Hexyl acetate represents the second
whether straight or branched chain volatiles, was highly     major odor volatile, which makes its reduction highly
diminished upon AVG-treatment. This AVG-effect               significant. It seems obvious that the increase in the
persisted even after 5 months under ULO-storage con-         biosynthesis of butyl acetate (130%) may have con-
ditions. It is also seen from the same table that both       sumed to a significant extent the acetate, a common
ULO-storage and AVG-treatment have had cumulative            precursor for both hexyl- and butyl acetate. The feed-
effects; in the sense that volatile production was almost    ing of freshly harvested or ULO-stored fruits with he-
eliminated when the AVG treated fruits were stored for       xanol (Fig. 4) stimulated the biosynthesis of hexyl ace-
5 months in ULO-storage.                                     tate, hexyl propionate, butyl butyrate, and butyl acetate
   Results from Fig. 3 indicate the effect of feeding        to a greater extent for ULO-stored than for fruits just
several alcohol precursors to fruits, that were stored for   harvested. This is well documented, when the amount
5 months under ULO-conditions. The alcohols: pro-            of hexyl acetate that is synthesized after treatment is
panol, butanol, pentanol, hexanol, isobutanol, and iso-      compared for both dates.
pentanol considerably stimulated the synthesis of 'total       The effect of a pentanol treatment, as the main odd
odor' volatiles, measured 1 and 7 days after their appli-    numbered alcohol, was also investigated (Fig. 5). The
cations. Table 2 shows the effect of feeding butanol on      feeding of apples with pentanol stimulated at both dates
each particular odor volatile. Upon this treatment the       the biosynthesis of pentyl acetate, and pentyl butyrate.
synthesis of butyl acetate (the main odor volatile emit-     That leads, at the first date, to a slightly reduced bio-
ted by ‘Golden Delicious’ apple), butyl butyrate, butyl-     synthesis of some other odor volatiles such as butyl
2-methyl butyrate, and propyl acetate is considerably        acetate and butyl butyrate. The effect of the pentanol

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Fig. 6. The influence of feeding
with butanol to ‘Golden Delicious’
apples, either directly after harvest
(October) or after 6 months
(March) ULO-storage on the syn-
thesis of particular aroma compo-
Die Wirkung einer Begasung mit
Butanol entweder direkt nach der
Ernte (Oktober) oder nach 6-mona-
tiger ULO-Lagerung (März) auf
die Bildung einzelner Aromastoffe
bei „Golden Delicious“ Äpfeln.

Fig. 7. The influence of feeding
with butanol to AVG-treated ‘Gol-
den Delicious’ apples, either direc-
tly after harvest (October) or after
6 months (March) ULO-storage
on the synthesis of particular aro-
ma components.
Die Wirkung einer Begasung mit
Butanol entweder direkt nach der
Ernte (Oktober) oder nach 6-mona-
tiger ULO-Lagerung (März) auf
die Bildung einzelner Aromastoffe
bei „Golden Delicious“ Äpfeln, die
mit AVG behandelt waren.

treatment persist longer and stronger than that of other       acetate and pentyl butyrate (Fig. 8). The effect of penta-
alcohols.                                                      nol persisted even for more than 7 days.
  Concerning the effect of feeding the “branched”
alcohol, isopentanol (3-methyl-l-butanol), table 3
shows that the biosynthesis of 3-methyl butyl acetate is       Discussion
strongly stimulated, an effect that still persists for more    ULO-storage results in a reduced biosynthesis of odor
than 7 days.                                                   volatiles by ‘Golden Delicious’ apple fruit, where it af-
  The effect of feeding either freshly harvested or            fects mainly the biosynthesis of straight-chain volatiles,
ULO-stored apples with aldehydes (e.g. butanal) is             like butyl and hexyl acetate, while the biosynthesis of
shown in Fig. 6. It is obvious that the stimulated bio-        “branched” volatiles, mainly 3-methylbutyl acetate, was
synthesis of butyl acetate, butanol, butyl butyrate,           only slightly affected. On the other hand, it is well
butyl-2-methyl butyrate, hexyl acetate, and n-hexyl            established that a pretreatment with the ethylene bio-
hexanoate was found in ULO stored fruits to last only          synthesis inhibitor AVG also reduced volatile produc-
for one day after feeding.                                     tion considerably, which confirms earlier results by
  Fig. 7 shows the effect of feeding the alcohol precursor     HALDER-DOLL and BANGERTH (1987). In contrast to
butanol to AVG-treated and ULO-stored fruits. It is            ULO-storage, however, AVG reduced stright- as well
clear from this treatment that feeding of these fruits with    as branched-chain odor volatiles. This suggests that the
butanol caused an enhanced production of butyl acetate         “mode of action” of both treatments may not be iden-
and butyl butyrate. However this enhanced effect persisted     tical.
only for a short transient period. On the other hand, the         The inhibitory effect of ULO-storage on volatile
feeding of these fruits with pentanol caused a marked in-      production could possibly be attributed to both lack of
crease in the production of several volatiles like pentyl      precursors for straight-chain volatile and ethylene bio-

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                                                                                      Fig. 8. The influence of feeding with
                                                                                      pentanol to AVG-treated ‘Golden
                                                                                      Delicious’ apples, either directly af-
                                                                                      ter harvest (October) or after 6
                                                                                      months (March) ULO-storage on
                                                                                      the synthesis of particular aroma
                                                                                      Die Wirkung einer Begasung mit
                                                                                      Pentanol entweder direkt nach der
                                                                                      Ernte (Oktober) oder nach 6-mona-
                                                                                      tiger ULO-Lagerung (März) auf die
                                                                                      Bildung einzelner Aromastoffe bei
                                                                                      „Golden Delicious“ Äpfeln, die mit
                                                                                      AVG behandelt waren

synthesis and/or action. Both effects may be closely in-      and pears, that CA storage as well as AVG treatment
terrelated. Fatty acids, mainly the unsaturated ones, are     can reduce protein synthesis as well as the activity of se-
precursors for these straight-chain volatiles (PAILLARD       veral ripening enzymes (SINGH et al. 1972, MEL-
1990) and one of their main oxidative metabolites, alco-      LENTHIN et al. 1980, HALDER-DOLL 1982). Depending
hols, are considered to be most important in volatile         on these facts, it seems possible that fatty acid biosyn-
biosynthesis (DRAWERT et al. 1966 ). It is obvious from       thesis is reduced due to a lack of adequate amounts of
the results above, that feeding of fruits with alcohols       ACP, since the fatty acid biosynthesis is directly corre-
highly stimulated the production of volatiles. The re-        lated with the content of ACP (OHLROGGE and KUO
sults indicate that a deficiency of alcohols, as precursors   1984). An additional point, where the biosynthesis of
for volatiles, is one of the main reasons for the reduced     fatty acids could be affected is the process of fatty acid
biosynthesis of volatiles under ULO conditions as well        desaturation. This process is considered to be absolute-
as after AVG treatment. Alcohols react with organic           ly dependent on the partial pressure of O2. (HARWOOD
acids, in an esterification process to produce esters         1988) and requires considerable amounts of NADPH.
(DRAWERT 1974, YAMASHITA et al. 1977). In agreement           Since the O2 concentration under ULO-conditions is
with the fact that alcohol precursors are oxidative meta-     very low (1–2 %) it seems possible that the desaturati-
bolites of unsaturated fatty acids (STONE et al. 1975,        on process will be partially inhibited by the lack of O2
GAILLARD et al. 1977), BRACKMANN et al. (1993) found,         as well as by the low respiration of these fruit (STREIF
that the biosynthesis of these fatty acids was considera-     and BANGERTH 1988) which will possibly not produce
bly reduced upon ULO-storage of “Golden Delicious”            sufficient NADPH.
fruit. Similar and more detailed results will be presented       Another point that should receive more attention is
by SONG and BANGERTH (in prep.). That lends support           the influence of the ripening hormone ethylene. It is
to the conclusion, that ULO-storage could affect vola-        obvious from our results, that AVG-treatment signifi-
tile production via the biosynthesis of fatty acids, rather   cantly reduced the production of volatiles, even more
than being directly effective. Such an effect on fatty        so than ULO-storage. From results shown above it is
acid biosynthesis could occur at various stages in the        obvious that retarding ethylene biosynthesis will not
fatty acids biosynthesis chain. The synthesis of acetyl       reduce the activity of the esterification enzymes, since
CoA, the starter compound, could e.g. be inhibited            feeding of AVG-treated fruits with alcohol precursors,
through ULO-storage. The biosynthesis of acetyl CoA           like pentanol, leds to an enhanced production of the
is localized in plastids (LIEDVOGEL 1985) and according       corresponding volatile esters. The responsible esterases
to SLABAS et al. (1993) acetyl CoA should be firstly          are, therefore, constitutively present and obviously in-
converted in the mitochondria to acetylcarnitine and          dependent of ethylene. Depending on these facts, it is
than transported in this form to chloroplasts to be con-      probable that ethylene affects enzymes other than este-
verted again to acetyl CoA. However, carnitine is syn-        rification enzymes, possibly those directly needed for
thesized through a methylation process, in which S-           fatty acids biosynthesis.
adenosyl-methionine (SAM) is essential (BENDER                   As another possibility ULO-storage as well as AVG
1985). In this sense, it is possible that ULO-storage         treatment may reduce the sensitivity of the fruit for
could create a deficiency in carnitine, since both respi-     ethylene. BANGERTH (1984) claims that there is a reduc-
ration and ethylene biosynthesis are inhibited by ULO         tion in tissue sensitivity possibly due to receptor altera-
(STREIF and BANGERTH 1988).                                   tions. Reasons for that could be the long and conti-
   Beyond that ULO-storage could affect fatty acid bio-       nuous absence of physiological ethylene concentrations
synthesis further through its effect on the acyl carrier      (after AVG treatment) or the inability of the hormone
protein (ACP), which represents the central enzyme in         to bind to its receptor due to the low O2 concentration
a multienzyme complex (OVERATH and STUMPF 1964,               which finally leds to reduced synthesis. BLANKENSHIP
OHLROGGE et al. 1979). It was found before with apples        and SISLER (1993) found that the number of binding

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 Table 3. The influence of feeding with 3-methyl-1-butanol to           BENDER, D. 1985: Carnitine. p. 159–162. In: Amino
“Golden Delicious” apples, either directly after harvest (Oc-             acid metabolism. 2nd ed. John Wiley and Sons. New
tober) and after 5 months under ULO-storage (March), on                   York and London
the synthesis of particular aroma components. Measurements              BLANKENSHIP, S. and E. SISLER 1993: Ethylene
were done 1 day after feeding and 7 days after feeding. Expla-            binding site affinity in ripening apples. J. Amer. Soc.
nation for r-factor: see materials and methods.                           Hort. Sci. 118, 609–612.
Der Einfluss einer Begasung mit 3-Methyl-1-Butanol von „Gol-            BOHLING, H. 1983: Verbraucherkritik an unserm Apfel-
den Delicious“ Äpfeln sofort nach der Ernte (Oktober) oder
                                                                          angebot – ist sie gerechtfertigt? Erwerbsobstbau 25,
nach 5 Monaten ULO-Lagerung (März) auf die Bildung ein-
zelner Aromakomponenten. Die Messungen erfolgten einen Tag
und sieben Tage nach der Begasung. Zur Erklärung des r-Faktors          BRACKMANN, A., J. STREIF and F. BANGERTH 1993: Re-
siehe Material und Methoden.                                              lationship between a reduced aroma production
                                                                          and lipid metabolism of apples after long-term con-
                                              r-Factor                    trolled atmosphere storage. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci.
                                   October               March            118, 243–247.
                                                                        DRAWERT, F. 1974: Formation des aromes a differents
Aroma components             after 1 day 7 days     1 day     7 days      stades de l’evolution du fruit; enzymes intervenant
Ethyl acetate                  0,5         0,95      0,95      1,11       dans cette formation. Colloques Internationaux du
2-Propyl acetate               0,78        1,34      1,04      1,31       Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Nr.
2-Propanol+Ethanol             0,81        0         0,96      0,97       238, Paris, 309– 319.
Ethyl propionate               0,66        2,14      0         0        DRAWERT, F., W. HEIMANN, R. EMBERGER and R. TRESSL
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