European Federation of Animal Science -

Page created by Chris Martinez
European Federation of Animal Science -
N° 195 - Feb 2021
                    European Federation of Animal Science

European Federation of Animal Science -
Main Topics
l News from EAAP
  pag. 1 - 3
l EAAP People Portrait
  pag. 3 - 4
l Science and Innovation
  pag. 4
l News from EU
  pag. 4
l Industry and Organizations
  pag. 5
l Job Offers
  pag. 5
l Conferences, Workshops
  pag. 6

                                           EDITORIAL BY THE SECRETARY GENERAL
                                         It’s time to update scientific conferences with the new available tools

                               The pandemic has pushed scientific organizations to invest in what they had always had
                               on hand, but never fully used: the online vision of research dissemination. Most scientific
                               organizations will continue to use it in the future, perhaps alternating with hybrid meetings.
                               Unfortunately, those who organize virtual scientific conferences have so far used the old-
                               fashion structure without adapting it to the new available media. This has happened
                               despite the fact that people have shifted their attention, in other sectors of life, towards
                               more dynamic and, in some ways, more “spectacular” perceptual situations: video
                               installation, mapping, live video, interactivity.For example, a scientific conference program
                               could be skillfully organized by identifying very clear sections within which individual video
                               presentations are accompanied by previews or explanatory images: in short, the visual
                               interface of the conference can become the index of the congress, thus becoming a real
                               multimedia program. Another example is not to bind individual contents to a particular
                               day of the program but leave them available for the entire duration of the conference
                               and beyond, leaving much more freedom of use to the public. Furthermore, everything
                               can be found on the web but an index is missing. If I know a researcher, I search for them
                               on Google; if I don’t know them I will never know they exist, if I haven’t found them in
                               a situation I trust. Virtual conferences can be a guide that a single site or video portal
                               cannot guarantee because of the amount of messy material present on the Internet. This
                               whole process could take conferences back to the role that they should have; i.e. global
                               content dissemination. It takes a certain amount of planning and creative ability to think
                               about future scientific conferences in this new format.)

                                                                                                          Andrea Rosati
European Federation of Animal Science -
N°195 -Feb 2021                                                                    

               News from EAAP                             as a presentation or poster by March 1st! Please
                                                          consult the website for up-to-date information.
                                                          Looking forward to see you in Davos!
2021 EAAP ANNUAL MEETING                IN   DAVOS
(SWITZERLAND): Don’t hesitate!                            EAAP – The European Federation of Animal Science
EAAP and the Swiss Local Organizing Committee             Davos 2021 Local Organizers (
for the 2021 EAAP Annual Meeting wish to inform
you that, despite the troubles caused by the
Covid-19 pandemic, the 2021 Annual Meeting will
be held from 30th of August to 3rd of September,
predominantly as originally planned. The option
we are currently considering is to hold a hybrid
meeting, that is to have an on-site meeting in Davos
with selected sessions offered virtually. We want, in
fact, to meet face to face in Davos and at the same
time offer an inspiring virtual scientific program for
those who can’t join us there. So, we are looking
for interesting presentations! The EAAP Scientific
Committee is already elaborating the draft scientific
program and the local organizers are taking care of
all the necessary arrangements. Therefore, we can
confirm that the abstract submission system is open
with a deadline of midnight (CET) on March 1st. The       EAAP-ATF meeting
registration process will be delayed since we wish
to be sure about the organizational structure of the      On February 16th there was a virtual meeting
meeting and is planned to start on March 1st also.        between EAAP and Animal Task Force to reinforce
We will take all necessary measurements to avoid          the cooperation between the two organizations.
any health or financial risks for participants and        Cooperation is evident mainly for the joint session
to allow an inspiring scientific meeting. So, don’t       organized since 2013 at every EAAP annual meeting.
hesitate and submit your exciting scientific findings     Part of the discussion during the meeting was to
                                                          talk about the feedbacks of the last joint session

                                                     Page 1
European Federation of Animal Science -
N°195 -Feb 2021                                                                                 

“What livestock has to offer to biodiversity & healthy               EAAP First Webinar on March 9th!
soils” and part to plan the 2021 joint session to be
organized for Davos (Switzerland) Annual Meeting.                    We are pleased to inform you that EAAP organizes
Also, EAAP is supporting with comments and                           a Webinar titled “COVID-19 impact on livestock
suggestions the important paper prepared by ATF                      farming” that will be held on March 9th (14:00-17:00
(“Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda”) that                    CET). With this initiative EAAP intends to inaugurate
is almost ready to be delivered. Proposals about how                 a series of webinar for our 4000 members open also
to develop further ATF-EAAP collaboration in general                 to non-members, to combine in a single experience
were discussed.                                                      the convenience of home or office use with the
                                                                     effectiveness and interactivity typical of an event
                                                                     in attendance. Just like in a real classroom, we will
                                                                     make possible to all speakers and participants to
                                                                     have the opportunity to actively intervene during
                                                                     the event to share ideas and ask questions.
                                                                     EAAP first Webinar is about the most important
                                                                     present-day topic: “COVID-19 impact on livestock
                                                                     farming”, with Laura Boyle (Teagasc, Ireland),
                                                                     Christian Gortazar (Univ. Castilla – La Mancha,
                                                                     Spain), Martin Scholten (WUR, the Netherlands)
                                                                     and Michael Lee (Harper Adams University, UK).
                                                                     The Webinar will be chaired by the EAAP President,
First column: Florence Macherez (ATF Secretary General); Frank       Isabel Casasús. Free registrations will be open soon.
O’Mara (ATF President);                                              Please, stay tuned! For more information read the
Second column: Isabel Casasus (EAAP President); Susana De            attached flyer.
Magalhaes (ATF Assistant to Secretary General);
Third column: Ana-Sofia Santos (ATF Vice-President); Ana Granados    Jean-François     Hocquette   elected    new
Chapatte (ATF Vice-President); Mia Eeckhout (ATF Vice-President);    president of the French Association of Animal
Andrea Rosati (EAAP Secretary General)                               Science

                                                                     Jean-François Hocquette, the current President
                                                                     of the EAAP Cattle Study Commission, is the new
                                                                     president of the French Association of Animal

                                                                Page 2
European Federation of Animal Science -
N°195 -Feb 2021                                                                                                                             

  Accelerating animal genomic breakthroughs together.
  A history of progress. A future of promise.
  We are dedicated to advancing the future of agrigenomics. Our microarray and next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies are helping researchers
  and breeders develop healthier and more productive livestock to address the mounting challenges of feeding the global population.
  © 2020 Illumina, Inc. All rights reserved.

Science (AFZ). He is known for his high-quality                                           and animal production. He joined the French
researches at INRAE in the field of animal production,                                    National Institute of Agricultural Research (INRA)
quality product and genomics. Read the full article                                       more than 20 years ago as zootechnics engineer.
in the attached document (in French).                                                     The constant focus of its activities has always been
                                                                                          the study of changes in farmers’ practices. Vincent
Abstracts Submission deadline March 1st                                                   spent 5 years at an experimental unit, in northeast
                                                                                          of France, where he designed experiments on
Please remember to submit your abstract by March                                          grassland systems for cattle and dairy cow feeding.
1st to participate to the 2021 EAAP Annual Meeting                                        Settled in Toulouse in 2002, he then developed,
that will be held in Davos (Switzerland). We are                                          with agricultural development partners in mountain
planning to have a hybrid meeting, depending                                              areas, work based on surveys of farmers and farm
on the pandemic situation. Having your abstract                                           monitoring to study the transformation of the
accepted to EAAP meeting is a sign of excellence                                          practices of farmers involved in PDO specifications.
and you will benefit from a unique exposure                                               His concern about the impacts of livestock farming
because nowhere else your innovative abstract will                                        on the environment led him to take an interest in
reach as many people or have such a significant                                           agroecology from 2010. Initially, Vincent devoted
impact. For info about abstracts submission please                                        himself to laying down the framework of agro-
visit the meeting website.                                                                ecology to analyse livestock systems through the

                                EAAP People Portrait
                                                                                          feed self-sufficiency in livestock farming system.
                                                                                          These works focus on the agro-ecological transition
                                                                                          of dairy sheep farms. For several years now, it has
                                               Vincent Thénard                            been devoting its activities to agro-ecological
                                                                                          transition by relying on the research system that it
                                                                                          has built in partnership with different actors through
                                                                                          various research projects (from local to European
                                                                                          scale).    Vincent has enriched his approaches
                                                                                          through collaborations with researchers from
                                                                                          other disciplines: with the social sciences to study,
                                                                                          sociotechnical systems built around autonomy in
                                                                                          animal husbandry; with agronomy to integrate his
                                                                                          activities with research on mixed crops-livestock
                                                                                          farming. Convinced that innovation is present in the
                                                                                          “field”, he explores the evolution of the practices
                                                                                          of breeders engaged in the transformation of
Vincent Thénard is an Engineer in agroecology                                             their farms towards sustainability.       Not only a

                                                                                 Page 3
European Federation of Animal Science -
N°195 -Feb 2021                                                                        
field researcher, he shares his knowledge and             abroad will present their vision on different aspects
experience with students as a lecturer in higher          of energy metabolism in dairy cattle. Each talk will
education in agronomy. Eager to share his work            be followed by a discussion with the audience, led
at the international level, he has long contributed       by the webinar host Dr Han Swinkels. The symposium
to the FAO-CIHEAM network and to the EAAP, of             is organized by the Centre for Animal Nutrition, in
which he is now secretary of the LFS commission. His      cooperation with Elanco Animal Health, Diamond
research collaborations are not only European, but        V, Zinpro and the Wageningen Institute of Animal
also with colleagues from INIA in Uruguay and the         Sciences.
University of Porto Alegre in Brazil (UFRGS). Vincent     Participation fee 40€. For registration and
is married and has three children (14 to 22 years         programme visit the website.
old). Moreover, when he is not at work, he loves to
travel around the world. An opportunity to meet           Study finds high rate of resistant Campylobacter
cultures, agricultures and to link new horizons with      in Brazil
his two passions that he shares with his friends: wine
and cooking. Finally, to recharge his batteries, there    Researchers from the Pelotas University, in Rio
is nothing better than a bowl of sea spray and a          Grande do Sul state, Brazil, have found that 82.2% of
cruise at sea, as skipper or crew member, on board        Campylobacter jejuni (C. jejuni) shows an increased
a sailboat.                                               resistance against at least one antimicrobial agent.
                                                          Read the full article on PoultryWorld.

        From Science and Innovation
Wageningen University: Online summer school
insects as food and feed

21st June – 2nd July 2021

The aim of this online Summer School is to learn
the basic principles behind the factors that
affect all processes in the insect production and
consumption chain. Rearing, handling, processing
and consumption of insects as food and feed are
discussed. The school will be held from 21st June to
                                                                From EU (policies and projects)
2nd July 2021. This online programme is designed for
everybody with an interest in insects as food and         The 4th SMARTER newsletter is now available!
feed. Professional from both the private sector and
the public sector are welcome as well as academics.       Enjoy your reading here! For receiving the future issues,
Deadline for registration: 10th June 2021. For more       please sign up here.
details and registration visit the website.
                                                          GenTORE animation movie!
International Symposium on Dairy Cattle Nutrition
                                                          We are happy to announce that, the GenTORE
2021: Energy metabolism in dairy cows
                                                          animation movie is now available online and published
                                                          on the YouTube channel and also on GenTORE’s
Interactive webinar: 25th March 2021, 13:30 -
                                                          website. GenTORE project develops innovative
                                                          genome-enabled selection and management tools
                                                          to empower farmers to optimize cattle resilience and
The International Dairy Nutrition Symposium 2021 will
                                                          efficiency (R&E) in different and changing environments.
be held online as an interactive webinar on Thursday
25 March 2021. Experts from the Netherlands and

                                                     Page 4
European Federation of Animal Science -
N°195 -Feb 2021                                                                             

   From Industry, Governments and                         consumables will be available for students to assist

      International Organizations
                                                          in research projects in the fields of human nutrition,
                                                          animal nutrition and crop husbandry. This scheme
                                                          aims to provide undergraduate students nearing the
Brexit: Chance for England to produce food via            end of their study with direct experience of working
gene editing                                              in a research laboratory to stimulate students to
                                                          pursue a career in scientific research. The closing
                                                          date for applications is 15th March 2021. For more
                                                          information and application visit the website.

                                                          Research Physiologist position at USDA ARS, at
                                                          Stoneville, USA

Using gene editing to produce crops and livestock         The USDA, Agricultural Research Service is hiring a
in England could get the thumbs up depending on           full-time Research Physiologist at the Warmwater
the outcome of a consultation just launched by            Aquaculture Research Unit (WARU) in Stoneville, MS.
Defra. Read the full article on DairyGlobal.              The incumbent will work with a team of scientists who
                                                          develop technologies that improve the efficiency,
Joint Research by Animine France and University           profitability, and sustainability of fish farming in the United
of Pau on the use of Sulphur                              States. This is a unique opportunity for a motivated
                                                          scientist to perform applied research that can be
Animine France and the University of Pau (France)         directly translated to industry. Deadline: 17th March
conducted a research on the role of Sulphur on            2021. More information is available at the website
the microbiota, intestinal inflammation and gut           USAJOBS - Job Announcement.
health of farmed animals, both ruminants and
monogastric. Following the proposed study, using          PhD student position on Early Life Programming
the right dietary allowance of sulphur helps to           Effects, at FBN, Dummerstorf, Germany
maintain the structure of the gut ecosystem and
the epithelial barrier function. Read the full article    FBN is looking for a highly motivated doctoral student
on PoultryWorld.                                          with previous experience and interest in behavioral
                                                          physiology. The ideal candidate will have a Master’s

                     Job offers
                                                          degree or equivalent in a life science-related
                                                          discipline, previous laboratory experience and strong
                                                          communicative skills. For more details and application
INRAE is recruiting 60 research scientists                read the job vacancy.

INRAE is recruiting 60 research scientists of all
nationalities and in a wide range of disciplines.
A PhD or equivalent is required. Applications are
open to researchers of all nationalities. Deadline
for application: 4 March 2021. For more information
and applications visit the website
Rank Prize Funds vacation studentships 2021

The Rank Prize Funds offers vacation studentships
commencing in the summer of 2021. A total grant
of £ 3000 per student together with up to £ 500 for

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European Federation of Animal Science -
N°195 -Feb 2021                                                                         

         Conferences and workshops
                                                          August 16th – 19th 2021, Virtual conference

                                                          8th International Conference on the assessment
EAAP invites you to check the validity of the dates       of Animal Welfare at farm and Group Level
for every single event published below and in the         (WAFL 2021)
Calendar of the website, due to the state of sanitary
emergency that World is currently dealing with.           The WAFL conference is an international scientific
                                                          conference on the assessment of animal welfare at
Online meeting, June 1-2, 2021                            farm and group level, held once every three years. It
                                                          will be held virtually in August (16-19 August 2021) to
Spanish Animal Production Conference (19th                share and learn about advances in this field of study,
Edition)                                                  and help to strengthen connections between animal
                                                          welfare scientists around the world. Abstract Submission
This conference is organized every two years              deadline is 1st March 2021. For more information visit the
by AIDA (Asociación Interprofesional para el              website and read the attached document.
Desarrollo Agrario, Spain), and usually attended by
more 300 scientists in its previous on-site editions.     			---
In 2021 it will be held online. The latest advances       August 30th – September 3rd 2021 in Davos,
in Animal Production R&D will be presented in             Switzerland
six parallel scientific sessions: Livestock Farming
Systems, Nutrition and Feeding, Reproduction,             72nd EAAP Annual Meeting
Health and Welfare, Genetics and Product Quality.
Contributions can be in oral or poster form. For          EAAP is delighted to invite you to the 72nd Annual
further information and registration, please visit the    Meeting. It will take place from August 30th to September
event webpage.                                            3rd, 2021 in Davos, the highest town in Europe situated
                                                          in the alpine mountains of Switzerland and home to
			---                                                    the World Economic Forum (WEF). Detailed information
                                                          can be found on EAAP2021 website.
June 7th – 9th 2021 in Bled, Slovenia
1st Joint meeting EAAP Mountain Livestock
Farming & FAO-CIHEAM Mountain Pasture                     October 21st – 22nd 2021, Paris, France

The Joint Meeting of EAAP Mountain Livestock              2nd Amino acid Academy Workshop
Farming     Working    Group      &    FAO-CIHEAM
Mountain Pasture Sub-Network “Mountains are
agroecosystems for people” has been postponed             The 2nd Amino Acid Academy, organized by EAAP
due to the COVID-19 outbreak. The meeting will            and Ajinomoto Animal Nutrition Europe, has been
be held from 7th to 9th June 2021 in Bled, Slovenia.      postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The
The pre-registration and abstract submission are          Academy will take place on the 21st and 22nd October
already open and will close on the 1st March, 2021.       2021 in Paris, France. The location remains the same –
Registration at reduced fees will be possible before      the Grand Amphitheatre of the National Museum of
30th April 2021. For more information read the            Natural History. Stay tuned for more information in the
attached document or visit the website.                   upcoming months and save the date!

                                                          More conferences and workshops are available on
                                                          EAAP website.

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European Federation of Animal Science -
N°195 -Feb 2021                                                                                  

“And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who
                       could not hear the music.”

                                            (Friedrich Nietzsche)

The Flash-e-news is the Official EAAP Newsletter. This interesting update about activities of the European animal
science community, presents information on leading research institutions in Europe and also informs on developments
in the industry sector related to animal science and production. The Newsletter is sent to all EAAP Members and
supporters. You are all invited to submit information for the newsletter. Please send information, news, text, photos and
logo to:

EAAP Secretariat is located at the following address: Via G. Tomassetti 3, A/1 - Rome (Italy). Tel.: +39-06-44 20 26 39;
Fax: +39-06-44 26 67 98; E-mail:

Production staff: Marlène Sciarretta, Federica Motterle, Andrea Rosati, Eleonora Azzaro, Milan Zjalic.

Graphics design and layout: Gianfilippo Ercolani.

Address Corrections: If your email address is going to be changed please send us the new one, so that we can
continue to deliver the Newsletter to you.

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