EuropEan hEalthy stadia -

Page created by Theresa Fields
EuropEan hEalthy stadia -
healthy stadia

       The Healthy Stadia Programme
            is funded by the European
        Union in the framework of the
            Public Health Programme
EuropEan hEalthy stadia -
What is the European                                             European
                                                             healthy stadia
Healthy Stadia Programme?                                     MAKING IT HAPPEN

We aim to actively work with stadia and other agencies
across Europe to support and promote the health of those
who work and visit sports stadia, and those who live in        Who supports the
surrounding communities. The Healthy Stadia Programme          Healthy Stadia
provides the framework to support this aim. We recognise       programme?
that sports stadia, and people like you, are in a powerful     In addition to the nine Associate
position to influence healthier lifestyles.                    Partner agencies that coordinate the
                                                               Healthy Stadia Programme, the project
                                                               has over 125 ‘collaborative partners’
                                                               who advise, facilitate and promote the
                                                               Healthy Stadia concept across Europe.
What is a Healthy Stadium?
“A healthy stadium is one which                                Partners include representatives from
promotes the health of visitors, fans,                         many national leagues and governing
players, employees and the surrounding                         bodies of sport (including UEFA),
community….                                                    government departments, academic
… it is a place where people can go to have                    institutions, and many national and
a positive, healthy experience playing                         pan-European public health agencies.
or watching sport and which promotes
positive healthy living opportunities in its
surrounding community”

Who is involved in the
Healthy Stadia Programme?
There are many stadia across Europe
involved including Liverpool FC Anfield, San
Siro in Italy, Helsinki FC, Finland, Galway
United FC, Ireland, Riga Olympic Stadium,
Latvia and many more….
EuropEan hEalthy stadia -
Why should you get involved?                               European
                                                       healthy stadia
                                                         MAKING IT HAPPEN

There are many benefits for your stadium,
your partners, your community and for you as
an agency or individual. The Healthy Stadia
Programme will help you and your stadium to:

- Support and promote the health of your players,
   members, employees and surrounding community

- Develop good relations with your
   surrounding community

- Develop links across Europe through your
   involvement in a European Healthy Stadia Network

- Learn and share experience with stadia
   across Europe

- Access potential national and European funding

- Receive endorsements from key sporting bodies
  and groups
                                                      What does it involve?
                                                      Your stadia needs to
                                                      (a) identify what work and initiatives
                                                           you are currently undertaking to
                                                           promote health

                        (b) develop an action plan to develop
                                                           and progress lifestyle, social
                                                           and environmental projects that
                                                           promote health.
EuropEan hEalthy stadia -
Case Studies                                                                                               Case Studies
LIFESTYLE                                              LIFESTYLE                                           LIFESTYLE                                          SOCIAL

 ACTION                                                 ACTION                                              ACTION                                             ACTION
 Promotion of sports                                    Liverpool FC Employee                               Support smokers to quit                            Liverpool Football Club
 and healthy lifestyle                                  Health Checks                                                                                          Sweeper zone

 AIM                                                    AIM                                                 AIM                                                AIM
 To develop and diffuse a set of Radio and TV           To improve staff health and wellbeing, increase     To use players to promote Ireland’s National       To help clear litter on match days from the
 spots based on the promotion of sports and             their awareness of a healthier lifestyle and        Smokers’ Quitline through a permanent              residential area surrounding the stadia.
 healthy lifestyle.                                     signpost to local support services if required.     information sign at stadium and local promotion
                                                                                                            for National Quit-Smoking Day.                     The Sweeper Zone is in its sixth year of
 Sevilla FC manages a Radio and TV channel. A           The health check provided by Healthworks                                                               operation with young people from the
 set of messages (15) for the radio and spots for       included tests for blood glucose, blood                                                                surrounding community involved. In return
 the TV have been developed in association with         pressure, cholesterol, body composition, COPD                                                          for young people helping to pick up litter, they
 CAMD.                                                  and general lifestyle advice relating to diet,                                                         receive a certificate and free match tickets.
                                                        smoking, alcohol, physical activity. Funding
 A special TV show is also being produced to            was from Liverpool Primary Care Trust.
 discuss healthy lifestyles and the sport practices.

EVALUATION                                             EVALUATION                                          EVALUATION                                         EVALUATION
- Number of messages and                               - Number of staff who uptake                       - Number of newspaper articles                     - Number of young people in community taking part
  spots produced                                          the health check                                 - Increase in number of calls from Galway to      - Amount of litter picked up
- Number of brochures printed and distributed          - Feedback from staff                                 Quitline number                                  - Number of free tickets distributed
- Feedback from public
                                                                                                                                                              HOW DID IT MAKE A DIFFERENCE
HOW DID IT MAKE A DIFFERENCE                           HOW DID IT MAKE A DIFFERENCE                        HOW DID IT MAKE A DIFFERENCE                       The surrounding community is cleaned up on match
Health promoting messages are fully integrated         Motivated employees to adopt healthier lifestyle.   Promotion of National Smoking Quitline service     days. It also involves the young people in the local area
in the programme of the Sevilla FC media and           Club intranet carries health information.           in local and regional newspapers through local     to keep their community litter free and gives them an
supported by the Sevilla FC foundation.                                                                    sports players.                                    opportunity to support Liverpool Football Club.

Further information:                                   Further information:                                Further information:                               Further information:                                   Mark Haig, Manager LFC ‘Action for Health’                         Mark Haig, Manager LFC ‘Action for Health’
                                                       Programme :                                                               Programme :
EuropEan hEalthy stadia -
Case Studies                                                                                              Case Studies
SOCIAL                                             SOCIAL                                                 ENVIRONMENTAL                                     ENVIRONMENTAL

 ACTION                                             ACTION                                                 ACTION                                            ACTION
 Two week rehabilitation in Latvia                  Development League to promote                          Promotion of car pooling                          Environmental seminar
 for children from Georgia                          and increase participation                             among team players                                “Do sports, save nature”

 AIM                                                AIM                                                    AIM                                               AIM
 To provide activities and information to           To attract new members to join the club and            To reduce the number of cars used to travel to    To show that sports and nature can go hand
 children from Georgia to contribute to their       also to encourage existing members in the              training                                          in hand and to promote cooperation between
 rehabilitation                                     development and recreational groups to remain                                                            the sports, environmental, educational and
                                                    active and enthusiastic.                               All teams that train at the Botnia Hallen         health organizations and institutions.
 In September 2008, 30 children from Georgia                                                               are encouraged to car pool to training and
                                                    A development league was set up to encourage
 were invited to Olympic Sports Centre to take                                                             matches. This is done through promotion and       Over 100 students and their teachers had
                                                    new members and existing members to
 part in exercises with Sydney Gold Medallist in                                                           communicating with key people in each team.       theoretical and practical lessons, and
                                                    participate in a format with no substitution and no
 Gymnastics Igors Vihrovs, and play basketball                                                                                                               workshops regarding environmental issues.
                                                    coaching. A total of eighteen games were run over
 with VEF Riga players. They had swimming                                                                                                                    At the end of the day participants, together
                                                    a seven week period with 80 children between the
 lesson with trainers and healthy lunch at the                                                                                                               with Latvian Olympic Champions, planted
                                                    ages of eleven and thirteen. Players in the elite
 end of their day at Olympic sports centre.                                                                                                                  trees in “Olympians Avenue”.
                                                    stream were excluded from the league.

EVALUATION                                         EVALUATION                                             EVALUATION                                        EVALUATION
- Feedback from the children                       - Number of participants                               - Number of people car pooling                    - Number of students
                                                   - Feedback from participants                           - Reduction in the number of cars                 - Questionnaires/tests filled by participants

                                                                                                          HOW DID IT MAKE A DIFFERENCE                      HOW DID IT MAKE A DIFFERENCE
Children were given the opportunity to play        Participation was the focal point with all
                                                                                                          Increased awareness of travel patterns and        Participants made “Green guidelines” for
                                                   players being awarded equally. The players
and learn in a fun and safe environment.                                                                                                                    their schools which outlined the way they
                                                   visibly grew in confidence as they played              reduction in car use.
                                                                                                                                                            would like to improve surrounding area.
                                                   every minute of every game.

Further information:                               Further information:                                   Further information:                              Further information:                                                                           
EuropEan hEalthy stadia -
Our stadium is interested…                                                                                                  European
                                                                                                                        healthy stadia
How do we make it happen?..                                                                                               MAKING IT HAPPEN

         Step 1:
         Register your stadium’s interest at      Step 4:                                  Step 6:
         to receive additional support and advice from the Healthy Stadia
                                                                               To acknowledge and recognise             Now that you are doing this, why
         Programme Team.
                                                                               your commitment to promoting             not share your work and projects
                                                                               the health of your visitors, fans,       with other stadia throughout
                                                                               players, employees and the               Europe?
         Step 2:                                                               surrounding community, the               Send details of your project to the
         - Identify what’s going on already in your stadium                    Healthy Stadia Programme Team            European Healthy Stadia Network:
         - Find out what is going on already in your community or country     will send you official confirmation
            and link in with these                                             of your involvement in the Healthy
                                                                               Stadia Programme and you will
         Potential partners or ‘supporters’ to link with include the health
         service, police, local government, community groups, sports groups,
                                                                               receive the healthy stadia logo.         Step 7:
         road safety organisations, business groups and many others                                                     Include Healthy Stadia Programme
                                                                                                                        as a constant agenda item on club
                                                                               Step 5:
                                                                                                                        or stadium committee meetings.
                                                                               Monitor, evaluate and review. This
         Step 3:                                                               involves telling ‘your story’. You can
                                                                                                                        Continuously strive to develop
                                                                                                                        new health initiatives to promote
         Write up your stadium action plan based on                            do this by keeping a record of the       the health of your fans, players,
         (a) what you are currently doing                                      numbers attending, feedback from         supporters, employees and
         (b) a
              nd what you want to progress to promote health.                 players or supporters, increased         surrounding community… and
                                                                               revenue from initiatives etc.            remember to keep us updated!!!
         Consider at least one initiative under each of the following –
         environmental, social and lifestyle.                                                                           Your information is key to the
                                                                                                                        success of the European Healthy
                                                                                                                        Stadia Programme.

      healthy stadia
            MAKING IT HAPPEN

            For more information:

            T: +44 (0) 151 928 7820
            F: +44 (0) 151 949 0799

European Healthy Stadia Programme
               c/o Heart of Mersey
                  Burlington House
                Crosby Road North
                 Liverpool L22 0QB
                                              designed & produced by

             The Healthy Stadia Programme
                  is funded by the European
              Union in the framework of the
                  Public Health Programme
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