EVENT PROGRAM - Giant Screen Cinema Association

Page created by Dennis Adkins
EVENT PROGRAM - Giant Screen Cinema Association

                Program sponsored by
EVENT PROGRAM - Giant Screen Cinema Association
Table of Contents                                                         GSCA Contacts
                                                                          Giant Screen Cinema
 2      Schedule                                                          Association
 5      Map                                                               624 Holly Springs Road, Suite 243
 6      Sponsors                                                          Holly Springs, NC  27540  U.S.

        New Films                                                        facebook.com/giantscreencinema
18       Films in Production                                              twitter.com/gsca
24        Projects in Development

30       Trailers                                                        Tammy Seldon
                                                                          Executive Director
Advertiser Index                                                          Office: 1-919-346-1123
Aeos                        32, inside back cover                         Mobile: 1-703-855-3699
Cosmic Picture                                     3                      tammy@giantscreencinema.com
December Media Distribution            back cover                         Kelly Germain
GSCA                                              31                      Director of Membership and
Giant Screen Films                                 7                      Communications
Harkness Screens                                   11                     Office: 1-651-917-1080
ImagesInSound                                      6                      Mobile: 1-651-270-4915
IMAX Corporation                inside front cover                        kelly@giantscreencinema.com
K2 Communications                                27                       Eileen Pheiffer
MacGillivray Freeman Films                    16, 17                      Accounting
nWave Pictures Distribution                       13                      Office: 1-314-725-7020
SK Films                                    22, 23                        Mobile: 1-314-708-0448
Visceral Image Productions                       25                       eileen@giantscreencinema.com

Recording and Media Policies                                              Photography
GSCA sessions may be recorded. Audience members are advised that          Photos of attendees will be taken throughout
attendance at these sessions gives GSCA their implicit permission to      the event. These photos may be used in any
be recorded. Private video or audio recording during film presentations   manner or media, including but not limited to
or professional development sessions is prohibited without prior          the GSCA website, publications, advertisements,
authorization from GSCA. Industry press has access to all sessions and    and social media outlets. If you would prefer
events. GSCA will not be held responsible for any delegate commentary     that your photo not be used for these
made in the presence of press/media.                                      purposes, please contact Kelly Germain at

EVENT PROGRAM - Giant Screen Cinema Association
    Saturday, March 10: Pre-Expo Day
    TIME                       EVENT                                     LOCATION
                                                                         Westin: Westlake
     3:00 pm - 9:00 pm         Registration and Information

    Sunday, March 11: Pre-Expo Day
    TIME                       EVENT                                     LOCATION
                               Rehearsals (see GSCA registration desk
     All Day                                                             Pacific Science Center
                               for detailed schedule)
     8:00 am                   24-hour rule begins
                                                                         Westin: Cascade
     8:00 am - 6:00 pm         Registration and Information
                                                                         Foyer North
     9:00 am - 11:30 am        GSCA Board Meeting (breakfast served)     Westin: Pine
                               Committee Meetings (snacks served):       Westin:
     12:00 pm - 1:30 pm           - Technical                            Pike
                                  - Industry Development                 Pine
                               Committee Meetings:                       Westin:
     2:00 pm - 3:30 pm            - Event Planning                       Pine
                                  - Member Services                      Pike
     4:00 pm - 5:00 pm         Distributors Interest Group Meeting*      Westin: Pike
                               Opening Reception sponsored by            Westin: Fifth Avenue
     5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
                               SK Films (all attendees are welcome)      Room
                               Dinner on your own

    Monday, March 12: Film Expo Day 1
    TIME                       EVENT                                     LOCATION

                               Breakfast on your own
     8:00 am                   Walk or take Monorail to theater
     8:30 am - 5:00 pm         Registration and Information              Pacific Science Center
     8:30 am - 8:45 am         Welcome                                   Pacific Science Center
     8:45 am - 9:30 am         Film 1: We, The Marines (2D)              Pacific Science Center
     9:30 am - 10:15 am        Film 2: Pandas (3D)                       Pacific Science Center
     10:15 am - 10:30 am       Break                                     Pacific Science Center
     10:30 am - 11:15 am       Film 3: America’s Musical Journey (3D)    Pacific Science Center
     11:15 am - 11:50 am       Projects in Development                   Pacific Science Center
     11:50 am - 12:00 pm       Trailers                                  Pacific Science Center
     12:00 pm - 1:15 pm        Lunch on your own

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EVENT PROGRAM - Giant Screen Cinema Association
    Monday, March 12: Film Expo Day 1 (cont.)                                                                                                          Seattle
     TIME                         EVENT                                                LOCATION                                                        Center                                             4t

     1:15 pm - 3:15 pm            Films in Production Session                          Pacific Science Center                                                                          EMP/SFM



     3:15 pm - 3:30 pm            Break                                                Pacific Science Center                            Science

                                                                                                                                         Center                               MONO


     3:30 pm - 4:15 pm            Film 4: Planet Power (3D)                            Pacific Science Center                                                   Needle

     4:15 pm - 5:00 pm            Film 5: Amazon Adventure (3D)                        Pacific Science Center                                                           Broad St.

     5:00 pm - 5:45 pm            Film 6: Oceans: Our Blue Planet (3D)                 Pacific Science Center                                                                                                                 6th

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 p ub
                                  Oceans: Our Blue Planet Reception,                   Pacific Science Center                                                                                     .

     5:45 pm - 7:15 pm            sponsored by Giant Screen Films and                  Ackerley Family Exhibit                                                                                rA


                                  BBC Earth (all attendees are welcome)                Gallery                                                                                         yl


                                  Dinner on your own





    Tuesday, March 13: Film Expo Day 2

     TIME                         EVENT                                                 LOCATION

                                                                                        Westin: Westlake
     7:30 am - 9:00 am            Registration and Information
                                                                                        Foyer                                                                                                                    N                         Pacific Science Center
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           200 2nd Ave N
     8:00 am - 9:15 am            GSCA Member Meeting and Breakfast                     Westin: Pine
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Seattle, WA 98109
     9:15 am                      Walk or take Monorail to theater                                                                                                                                                                         (206) 443-2001

                                                                                                                              3rd Ave.

                                                                                                                                                4th Ave.

                                                                                                                                                                                   6th Ave.
     10:00 am - 4:45 pm           Registration and Information                          Pacific Science Center
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Westin Hotel
     10:00 am - 10:45 am          Film 7: Backyard Wilderness (3D)                      Pacific Science Center
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Walk Route
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           1900 5th Ave
     10:45 am - 11:30 am          Film 8: The Story of Earth (3D)                       Pacific Science Center                                                                                               1.1 Miles                     Seattle, WA 98101

     11:30 am - 12:15 pm          Film 9: Conquest of the Skies 3D                      Pacific Science Center                                                                                                                             (206) 728-1000

     12:15 pm - 2:00 pm           Lunch on your own
     2:00 pm - 2:45 pm            Film 10: In Saturn’s Rings (2D)                       Pacific Science Center

     2:45 pm - 3:30 pm            Film 11: Australia: Life in the Wild (2D)             Pacific Science Center

     3:30 pm - 3:45 pm            Break                                                 Pacific Science Center

     3:45 pm - 4:30 pm            Film 12: Mountain Quest (2D)                          Pacific Science Center


     4:30 pm - 5:15 pm            Film 13: Volcanoes (2D)                               Pacific Science Center
                                                                                                                                                Cen lake

     5:15 pm                      Walk or take Monorail to Westin




                                                                                                                                                                              Pla ific
     5:45 pm - 6:45 pm            GSCA Board Meeting                                    Westin: Pine

                                                                                                                                                            RAIL     No
                                  Dinner on your own
     12:00 am                     24-Hour Rule Ends

                                                                                                                              t.                                                ter n

    *These special interest groups are privately held meetings and are by invitation only. Special interest groups are
    run and managed by GSCA members; however, they are not official GSCA groups.

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EVENT PROGRAM - Giant Screen Cinema Association



                          BRONZE LEVEL

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EVENT PROGRAM - Giant Screen Cinema Association
    New Films
                     Amazon                                           America’s                                         Australia: Life                 DCI-compliant Laser, Dome-customized
                     Adventure                                        Musical Journey                                   in the Wild                     15/70, Fulldome Digital
                     Presented in 3D                                  Presented in 3D                                   Rough/Fine Cut                  LENGTH: 42:59
                     RELEASE DATE: April 14, 2017                     RELEASE DATE:   February 16,                      Presented in 2D                 PRODUCER: Arise Media and Archipelago Films
                     FORMATS: 2D and 3D,                              2018                                              RELEASE DATE: 2018              DISTRIBUTOR: SK Films
                      15/70, IMAX Digital, IMAX                       FORMATS:   2D and 3D, 15/70,                      FORMATS: 2D and 3D,             CONTACT: Amber Hawtin, ahawtin@skfilms.ca
                      Laser, DCI-compliant                              IMAX Digital, IMAX Laser,                       15/70, IMAX Digital, IMAX       WEBSITE: backyardwildernessfilm.com
                      Digital, DCI-compliant                            DCI-compliant Digital,                          Laser, DCI-compliant            Backyard Wilderness will surprise and
                      Laser, Dome-customized                            DCI-compliant Laser,                            Digital, DCI-compliant Laser,   entertain viewers with the unexpected
    15/70, Fulldome Digital                         Dome-customized 15/70, Fulldome Digital          Dome-customized 15/70, Fulldome Digital            wonders of nature that are right under our
    LENGTH: 45:29 and 25:00 (45:29 at Film Expo)    LENGTH: 40:00                                    LENGTH: 40:00                                      noses—in our own backyards. Spanning a
    PRODUCER/DISTRIBUTOR: SK Films                  PRODUCER/DISTRIBUTOR: MacGillivray Freeman       PRODUCER: Wild Pacific Media & Definition Films    seasonal year around a suburban home, the
    CONTACT: Amber Hawtin, ahawtin@skfilms.ca       Films                                            DISTRIBUTOR: Distributed by K2                     film displays a stunning array of unique
    WEBSITE: amazonadventurefilm.com                CONTACT: Patty Collins,                          Communications and Distributed in Australia        wildlife images and behavior—all captured
    Amazon Adventure tells the epic, true           pcollins@macfreefilms.com                        and New Zealand by Madman Entertainment            by cameras mounted inside dens and nests,
    story of explorer Henry Bates’ 11-year          WEBSITE: americasmusicaljourney.com              CONTACT: Mark Kresser,                             and moving along the forest floor and pond
    journey through the visually stunning and       Narrated by Academy Award winner                 mark_kresser@k2communications.com;                 bottom, to reveal its inhabitants in rare and
    bio-diverse Amazon rainforest as a young        Morgan Freeman, America’s Musical Journey        Ed Capelle, edwardcapelle@comcast.net              breathtaking intimacy. We follow Katie, a
    man who risks his life for science.             celebrates the unique diversity of cultures      Crocodiles are the ultimate predators. They        young girl, and her modern family living next
    Experience the compelling clues Bates           and creative risk-taking that characterize       attack with stealth, are extremely aggressive      to the woods who are blind to the real-life
    unearths in his major science discovery         America, as told through the story of its        and can grow up to 7 meters in length. Up          spectacle around them, absorbed by an array of
    of the rare phenomenon of mimicry,              music. Follow Grammy Award®-nominated            here, they have even been known to attack          electronic devices in their busy lives. Katie
    whereby certain animals adopt the look          singer/songwriter Aloe Blacc as he traces        and pull fisherman out of boats. This film will    gradually discovers the intricate secrets that
    of others which helps them deceive              the roots of America’s music and follows the     carry the viewers across the whole Top End         nature has hidden so close to her front door
    predators and gain an advantage to              footsteps of Louis Armstrong through the         of Australia, from the wild Kimberly coast         and we experience the joy she finds in her
    survive. Bates, the scientific hero you’ve      colorful locales where American music was        through mysterious and rarely seen Arnhem          interactions with this new world. The film
    likely never heard of, made other crucial       born. Visiting cities such as New Orleans,       Land and then deep into the world’s oldest         reminds us that Wi-Fi is not the only
    contributions: identifying 8,000 species        Chicago, New York, Nashville, Memphis,           rainforest in Cape York. Come with us on an        connection that matters and that sometimes
    new to science, most importantly, putting       Miami, and more, audiences will experience       epic journey through some of the wildest           in ordinary places, you can uncover
    forward the first ever case for the             paddle-wheeling up the Mississippi Delta,        landscapes on Earth as we take you deep            extraordinary things that could transform you
    creation of a new species which Charles         flash mob dancing in Chicago, and skydiving      into crocodile’s world. Australia: Life in the     forever—you just need to step outside.
    Darwin called the “beautiful proof” for his     with Elvis impersonators in scenes shot          Wild will be shot in magnificent 8K for IMAX
                                                    exclusively for the giant screen. Along the      and other giant screen theaters. Specialized                                                                                                                                                                           Conquest of
    theory of Natural Selection. Viewers will
                                                    way, they’ll discover the unique collision of    underwater camera rigs have been designed                                                                                                                                                                              the Skies 3D
    be wowed by over 80 different animals,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Presented in 3D
                                                    cultures that gave birth to America’s music,     to get the audience closer than ever before
    mind-boggling examples of camouflage                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    RELEASE DATE: Spring   2017
                                                    culminating in a one-of-a-kind blend of          to the most powerful jaws on Earth.                                                                                               A story 320 million

    and mimicry and inspired by Bates’                                                                                                                                                                                                 years in the making

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            FORMATS: 2D and 3D,
                                                    sound, culture and innovation unlike
    endless curiosity and determination to
                                                    anywhere else in the world. A MacGillivray                           Backyard                                          15/70, IMAX Digital, IMAX
    explore and understand the natural world
                                                    Freeman film produced in association with                            Wilderness                                        Laser, DCI-compliant
    around him.                                                                                                          Presented in 3D                                   Digital, DCI-compliant
                                                    Brand USA and presented by Expedia.                                                                                             SERENGETI ENTERTAINMENT PRESENTS A COLOSSUS PRODUCTIONS FILM IN ASSOCIATION WITH SKY 3D “CONQUEST OF THE SKIES 3D”
                                                                                                                                                                                       NARRATOR MARK BONNAR VFX SUPERVISOR JAMES PROSSER CINEMATOGRAPHER PAUL WILLIAMS COMPOSER GRAHAM HADFIELD

                                                                                                                         RELEASE DATE: March   21,                         Laser, Dome-customized
                                                                                                                                                                                                 EDITOR PETER MILLER DIRECTOR DAVID LEE SUPERVISING PRODUCER MIKE DAVIS PRODUCER ANTHONY GEFFEN


                                                                                                                                                        COTSkies_1Sheet_AW.indd 1                                                                                                                        22/11/2016 13:42

                                                                                                                         2018                           15/70, Fulldome Digital
                                                                                                                         FORMATS: 2D and 3D,            LENGTH: 39:43 and 20:00 (39:43 at Film Expo)
                                                                                                                         IMAX Digital, IMAX Laser,      PRODUCER: Colossus Productions
                                                                                                                         DCI-compliant Digital,         DISTRIBUTOR: Serengeti Entertainment

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EVENT PROGRAM - Giant Screen Cinema Association
     New Films
     CONTACT: Melissa    Williams,                    from the Cassini-Huygens Mission to Saturn,
     melissaw@serengetientertainment.co.uk            Sloan Digital Sky Survey, Hubble Telescope
     WEBSITE: serengetientertainment.com/             and Milky Way time lapses are brought to
     screeners/conquest_of_the_skies.html#            life in a ground-breaking epic immersive
     The ability to fly is one of the greatest        journey across space and time. From the
     wonders in the natural world. Millions of        earliest images after the Big Bang to the
     creatures soar above our heads today. But        final photographs Cassini took before
     how did animals make the incredible              plunging to die in Saturn’s clouds, In Saturn’s
     transition from land to air? Conquest of the     Rings is, like space exploration itself, a
     Skies uses the very latest science and           journey of the heart, mind and spirit that
     stunning special effects to uncover the          moves audiences with awe-inspiring images
     320-million-year story of flight—and it’s not    and powerful music. In Saturn’s Rings
     simply about birds. Using advanced 3D            contains some of the most amazing space
     filming technology, we capture the beauty        footage ever, including a 10-day and night
     and excitement of the whole world of flying      5-camera Milky Way timelapse, a stunning
     creatures, from the fastest predatory falcons    view of millions of individual galaxies in a
     to the most acrobatic of insects, night flyers   single frame, and a jaw-dropping flyover
     like owls and bats, and the soaring and          over Saturn’s moon Titan connected with
     gliding specialists capable of traveling huge    locations on Earth with never-before-seen
     distances. Audiences will enter the truly        imagery. DCI-Compliant Digital and Laser
     amazing world of these animal aviators and       available May 4th, IMAX Digital & Laser
     leave the theater both stunned by the            shortly after, and 15/70mm later in summer.
     spectacle and thrilled by the story of how       Native fulldome digital Q3 2018.
     animals rose up and conquered the skies.
                                                                         Mountain Quest
                        In Saturn’s                                      Rough/Fine Cut
                        Rings                                            Presented in 2D
                        Rough/Fine Cut                                   RELEASE DATE: 2018
                        Presented in 2D                                  FORMATS: 2D and 3D,
                        RELEASE DATE: May 4, 2018                        IMAX Digital, IMAX Laser,
                        FORMATS: 2D, 15/70, IMAX                         DCI-compliant Digital,
                         Digital, IMAX Laser,                            DCI-compliant Laser,
                         DCI-compliant Digital,                          Dome-customized 15/70,
                         DCI-compliant Laser,         Fulldome Digital
     Dome-customized 15/70, Fulldome Digital          LENGTH: 37:07
     LENGTH: 40:00 and 22:00 (40:00 at Film Expo)     PRODUCER: Stranger Than Fiction Films
     PRODUCER: SV2 Studios                            DISTRIBUTOR: K2 Communications
     DISTRIBUTOR: Big & Digital                       CONTACT: Mark Kresser,
     CONTACT: Tina Ratterman,                         mark_kresser@k2communications.com;
     tratterman@biganddigital.com                     Ed Capelle, edwardcapelle@comcast.net
     WEBSITE: insaturnsrings.com                      A lone climber, suspended hundreds of feet
     Narrated by LeVar Burton, In Saturn’s Rings      in the air, struggles to find the next finger
     is a grand tour of the universe starring         hold, defining progress in inches. The dramatic
     Saturn. 7.5 million mostly unseen images         visuals immerse us in a gripping contest of

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EVENT PROGRAM - Giant Screen Cinema Association
     New Films
     human determination versus the reality of          the Arctic to the balmy waters of the tropics
     gravity’s potent grip. Mountain Quest              and the ocean depths, we share these
     explores the precarious relationship of            extraordinary new discoveries. Using
     humanity’s quest to scale some of the              revolutionary underwater and on-board
     world’s highest places, while also revealing       filming technology, we’ll dive into the giant
     the scientific and technological advances          void of the big blue, to explore the most
     that have enabled us to conquer these peaks,       spectacular locations, dramatic events and
     exposing the heartbeat of the human soul. A        the intimate lives of the ocean’s most
     tapestry of jaw-dropping action, combined with     extraordinary creatures. Through these
     rich STEM content—how climbing is a tug-of-war     encounters we’ll also discover how we all
     between friction and gravity, while skiing         depend on the health of this, the largest
     involves the same battle of forces in reverse.     environment on earth.
     Educational insights about the engineering of
     climbing gear and skis, and the aeronautical                          Pandas
     effects of a wingsuit, are seamlessly integrated                      Presented in 3D
     with dramatic visuals and action. The film will                       RELEASE DATE:   April 6,
     be narrated by Willem Dafoe and release                               2018
     early 2018.                                                             FORMATS: 2D and 3D,
                                                                             15/70, IMAX Digital, IMAX
                        Oceans: Our                                          Laser, Dome-customized
                        Blue Planet                                          15/70
                        Presented in 3D                                      LENGTH: 41:41
                        RELEASE DATE:   March 16,       PRODUCER/DISTRIBUTOR: IMAX Corporation
                        2018                            CONTACT: Gina Glen, gglen@imax.com
                        FORMATS: 2D    and 3D,          Pandas, an IMAX® original film for the whole
                         15/70, IMAX Digital, IMAX      family, is a story of hope, friendship and
                         Laser, DCI-compliant           survival. At China’s Chengdu Panda Base, the
                         Digital, DCI-compliant         scientist leading a successful captive
     Laser, Dome-customized 15/70                       breeding program is ready to take a bold
     LENGTH: 40:00 and 20:00 (40:00 at Film Expo)       new step. Inspired by the work of a black
     PRODUCER: BBC Earth and Alucia Productions         bear rehabilitator in New Hampshire, a team
     DISTRIBUTOR: Giant Screen Films and BBC Earth      of U.S. and Chinese scientists collaborate on
     CONTACT: Mark Katz, mkatz@gsfilms.com              an innovative project to release captive-born
     WEBSITE: bbcearth.com/oceans                       pandas into the wild—using methods never
     Oceans: Our Blue Planet is an extraordinary        previously tried with pandas.Captured with
     journey of discovery and wonder, transporting      IMAX® Cameras, the film follows the journey
     the audience to the deep, mysterious worlds        of a young cub named Qian Qian as she
     of our oceans. Packed with drama, awe, and         leaves the comfort of the panda base behind
     spectacle, we reveal untold stories of the         and prepares for a life-changing journey into
     ocean’s most astonishing creatures. The            the misty mountains of Sichuan. Pandas is
     oceans are the only place on earth where the       directed by David Douglas and Drew
     rate of new scientific discovery is increasing,    Fellman, the filmmakers behind Born To Be
     expanding our frontiers of knowledge and           Wild and Island Of Lemurs: Madagascar.
     revealing richer diversity than we could ever      Fellman wrote and produced, with Douglas
     have imagined. From the freezing shores of         serving as director of photography.

12                                                                                                       13
EVENT PROGRAM - Giant Screen Cinema Association
     New Films
                        Planet Power                                      The Story                                         Volcanoes                                       We, The
                        Presented in 3D                                   of Earth                                          Rough/Fine Cut                                  Marines
                        RELEASE DATE: March 2018                          Presented in 3D                                   Presented in 2D                                 Presented in 2D
                        FORMATS: 2D and 3D,                               RELEASE DATE:   In digital                        RELEASE DATE: Fall 2018                         RELEASE DATE:   November
                           DCI-compliant Digital,                          March 2018 and 15/70 in                          FORMATS: 2D and 3D,                             2017
                           IMAX Digital, IMAX Laser,                       April 2018                                       IMAX Digital, IMAX Laser,                         FORMATS: 2D, 15/70, IMAX
                           Dome-customized 15/70,                          FORMATS: 2D and 3D,                              DCI-compliant Digital,                            Digital, IMAX Laser,
                           Fulldome digital                                15/70, IMAX Digital, IMAX                        DCI-Compliant Laser,                              DCI-compliant Digital,
                           LENGTH: 38:21 and 20:00                         Laser, DCI-compliant                             Dome-customized 15/70,                            DCI-compliant Laser,
     (38:21 at Film Expo)                              Digital, DCI-Compliant Laser, Dome-               Fulldome Digital                                  Dome-customized 15/70, Fulldome Digital
     PRODUCER: N3D Land Films                          customized 15/70, Fulldome Digital                LENGTH: 42:00                                     LENGTH: 38:00
     DISTRIBUTOR: nWave Pictures Distribution          LENGTH: 40:03                                     PRODUCER: Digital Crossing Films                  PRODUCER/DISTRIBUTOR: MacGillivray Freeman
     CONTACT: Alexandre Milazzo,                       PRODUCER: December Media                          DISTRIBUTOR: SK Films                             Films
     amilazzo@nwave.com; Janine Baker,                 DISTRIBUTOR: December Media Distribution          CONTACT: Amber Hawtin, ahawtin@skfilms.ca         CONTACT: Patty Collins,
     jbaker@nwave.com; Goedele Gillis,                 CONTACT: Mark Bretherton, mark@                   WEBSITE: volcanoesthemovie.com                    pcollins@macfreefilms.com
     ggillis@nwave.com; Jennifer Lee Hackett,          decembermedia.com.au; Shaun McAlpine,             Volcanoes — The Fires of Creation is a tale       WEBSITE: wethemarinesfilm.com
     jleehackett@nwave.com                             shaun@decembermedia.com.au; Matt                  of science, culture, and thrilling adventure.     We, The Marines is an action-packed, giant
     WEBSITE: planetpower-thefilm.com/#slide           Downey, matt@decembermedia.com.au                 Earth is a planet born of fire. For billions of   screen film that immerses audiences in the
     Planet Power tells the story of electricity,      WEBSITE: thestoryofearth.film                     years volcanoes have helped create the            unparalleled experience of becoming and
     from the first spark created by man’s hand        This is the story of a remarkable planet,         world we know. From the continents, to the        serving as a member of the U.S. Marine
     to the largest power plants, the age of           unlike any other yet found across deep            air we breathe, and even life itself, all have    Corps. Narrated by Academy Award-
     miracles to that of industry, from Benjamin       space. Born from dying stars, it was              their origins in fire. These processes have       winning actor and former marine, Gene
     Franklin’s kite to Solar Impulse, the first       sculpted by violent collisions in space. Yet,     created extraordinary ecosystems and              Hackman, the film uses the giant screen to
     solar-powered plane capable of perpetual          in an epic journey, this hostile ball of molten   wildlife habitats, from the home of mountain      honor the dedication, the service and the
     flight. Thus, it is also a story of pioneers,     rock transformed itself into a nurturing          gorillas in Central Africa, to the shores of      first-hand experiences that create the
     scientists and inventors, one that began          environment. From it emerged forms of life,       Hawaii, to the Serengeti and beyond—and           undeniable bonds among America’s “first
     200 years ago, driven by innovation. Today,       none of which have been found anywhere            continue to do so to this day. With over          responders.” The result is an inspirational
     electricity is indispensable to mankind.          else in the universe. That planet is not          500 active volcanoes, our Earth is bursting       and moving tribute to the lives and legacy
     Energy of choice for innovation and               millions of light years away either. You are      at the seams with these forces of mass            of the men and women who honor and
     development, electricity is also the energy       standing on it right now. It is Earth.            construction. The story of volcanoes is the       defend our country. Produced in association
     of our future, as long as it is produced in a     Stunning and complex visualizations based         story of Earth’s creation, and the story of us.   with the Marine Corps Heritage Foundation
     cleaner and more sustainable way. By              on the latest scientific modeling will take       With explorer Carsten Peter, dodge                and the National Museum of the Marine
     mixing traditional animation and CGI to           audiences back in time to the origins of our      boulders at the edge of an active volcano in      Corps.
     spectacular aerial shots, Planet Power            planet as we explore the extraordinary            Indonesia, descend to a lava lake in
     shows how renewable energy can help us            chain of events that made life not only           Vanuatu, visit a ghost town following an
     fight climate change while improving our          possible but sustainable. Journey forward to      eruption, and look on in awe and wonder at
     quality of life and protecting the                today, to meet a team of geologists               volcanic mineral deposit fields in Ethiopia.
     environment. Now, thanks to clean                 traveling the globe looking for clues that        Audiences will be on the edge of their seats
     technologies, the greatest forces of nature       help us piece together what is, as far as we      as they discover molten worlds and
     can help make our planet cooler and our           know, a unique story in our universe. From        exploding craters in this adrenaline-filled,
     future better.                                    the producers of Hidden Universe and The          immersive experience that only IMAX®/giant
                                                       Search of Life in Space. The film will be         screen films can provide.
                                                       available in 2D and 3D, 15/70 and digital full
                                                       dome, IMAX digital and IMAX laser and DCI
                                                       compliant digital.

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EVENT PROGRAM - Giant Screen Cinema Association

                           Narrated  byMorgan
                            Narratedby MorganFreeman


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                                                                949494        macgillivrayfreemanfilms.com Chip
                                                                        1055 macgillivrayfreemanfilms.com
                                                                    4941055                                 ChipBartlett,
     Films in Production
     Cuba                                                Great Barrier Reef                                   one of the rarest animals on Earth-the fabled           building whose scale and ambition rivals the
     Presented in 2D                                     Presented in 2D                                      all-white Spirit Bear. These remarkable creatures       pyramids of Egypt, Angkor is the scene of one
     RELEASE DATE: January 2019                          RELEASE DATE: June 1, 2018                           live in the lush temperate rainforests of British       of the greatest vanishing acts of all time. Many
     FORMATS: 2D and 3D, 15/70, IMAX Digital, IMAX       FORMATS:  2D and 3D, 15/70,        IMAX Digital,     Columbia on Canada’s West Coast, where they             experts have attempted to provide answers, and
     Laser, DCI-compliant Digital, DCI-compliant         IMAX Laser, DCI-compliant Digital, DCI-              hold almost mythic status among the region’s            theories abound. 1300 carved inscriptions survive
     Laser, Dome-customized 15/70                        compliant Laser, Dome-customized 15/70,              indigenous people. Shot exclusively for the             on temple doorjambs, but the Khmer people of
     LENGTH: 40:00 and 20:00                             Fulldome Digital                                     giant screen, Great Bear Rainforest (working            Angkor left not a single word explaining their
     PRODUCER: Golden Gate 3D in association with        LENGTH: 42:00   PRODUCER: December Media             title) will offer a remarkable journey into one of      kingdom’s collapse. This will be a visually
     BBC Earth and Giant Screen Films                    DISTRIBUTOR: MacGillivray Freeman Films              the planet’s most spectacular wildernesses—a            stunning film ... an epic adventure where science,
     DISTRIBUTOR: Giant Screen Films and BBC Earth       CONTACT: Patty Collins, pcollins@macfreefilms.com    land of wolves, grizzly bears, humpback whales,         mystery and ancient civilization intersect.
     CONTACT: Yasmine Garcia, ygarcia@gsfilms.com        WEBSITE: greatbarrierreeffilm.com                    sea lions, sea otters and others—as it explores
                                                                                                              the secret world of the Spirit Bear.
                                                                                                                                                                      Out of Bounds
     Cuba tells the powerful story of a land             Every year millions of visitors travel by way                                                                Presented in 3D
     preserved in time yet poised today on the cusp      of fins, flippers and feet to see one of the         Hidden Pacific                                          RELEASE DATE: Fall 2019
     of dramatic change. Through the eyes of Cuban       seven wonders of the natural world: the              Presented in 2D                                         FORMATS: 2D and 3D, 15/70, IMAX Digital, IMAX
     artists, historians, and marine biologists,         Great Barrier Reef—a living treasure trove of        RELEASE DATE: Summer 2018                               Laser, DCI-compliant Digital, DCI-compliant
     audiences will have a rare opportunity to           biodiversity. There is still so much to learn,       FORMATS: 2D and 3D, 15/70, IMAX Digital, IMAX           Laser, Dome-customized 15/70, Fulldome Digital
     explore this amazing country at a pivotal           and knowledge is the key to understanding            Laser, DCI-compliant Digital, DCI-compliant             LENGTH: 40:00
     moment in its history. Produced in association      more about this living Eden. A thriving              Laser, Dome-customized 15/70                            PRODUCER: K2 Communications with
     with BBC Earth and the Giant Dome Theater           metropolis populated by a cast of characters         LENGTH: 40:00 and 20:00                                 Wild Pacific Media
     Consortium.                                         straight out of an adventure novel—heroes,           PRODUCER: Tandem Stills + Motion and Giant              DISTRIBUTOR: K2 Communications
                                                         bad guys, sidekicks, lovers and clowns—
     First Steps                                         they’re all players in this vast underwater drama.
                                                                                                              Screen Films   DISTRIBUTOR: Giant Screen Films          CONTACT: Mark Kresser,
     Presented in 2D                                                                                          CONTACT: Yasmine Garcia, ygarcia@gsfilms.com            mark_kresser@k2communications.com;
                                                         Today, a new generation of reef guardians are                                                                Ed Capelle, edwardcapelle@comcast.net
     RELEASE DATE: 2019                                                                                       Hidden Pacific will bring the Pacific Ocean’s
                                                         committed to protecting this marine reserve,
     FORMATS: 2D, 15/70, IMAX Digital, IMAX Laser,                                                            protected and remote national wildlife refuge           Follow Australian Olympic snowboarder Torah
                                                         making a difference and sharing their
     DCI-compliant Digital, DCI-compliant Laser,                                                              islands and marine national monuments to                Bright as she heads from her home in the
                                                         knowledge of this extraordinary ecosystem,
     Dome-customized 15/70                                                                                    giant screen cinemas. The film captures the             foothills of the Australian Alps, deep into
                                                         the beating heart of the reef. In Great Barrier
     LENGTH: 40:00                                                                                            beauty of these emerald islets, the conservation        Alaska’s glaciated Chugach mountain range.
                                                         Reef, learn how this amazing sanctuary has
     PRODUCER: Statement Pictures/CNN Films                                                                   efforts to restore their ecosystems, and the            Torah dedicated her life to conquering the
                                                         endured for thousands of years and will
     DISTRIBUTOR: To be determined                                                                            diversity of life on both land and reef. Produced       mountain, and now she’s working with her
                                                         continue to do so far into the future.
     CONTACT: Christian Fry, cvfproductions@me.com                                                            in partnership with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.   team to understand and protect these epic
     WEBSITE: firststepsmovie.com                        Great Bear Rainforest                                Lost Empire of Angkor
                                                                                                                                                                      ecosystems from an ever-changing world.
     Timed for release on the 50th anniversary of        Presented in 2D                                                                                              Standing over the ledge of a 2000-foot vertical
                                                                                                              Presented in 2D
     the first lunar landing, First Steps is a direct-   RELEASE DATE: February 2019                                                                                  drop, we unravel the science behind the earth’s
                                                                                                              RELEASE DATE: October 2018
     cinema historical experience of the dramatic        FORMATS: 2D and 3D, 15/70, IMAX Digital, IMAX                                                                most incredible mountain environments and
                                                                                                              FORMATS: 2D and 3D, IMAX Digital, IMAX Laser,
     Apollo 11 mission. With the assistance of NASA      Laser, DCI-compliant Digital, DCI-compliant                                                                  ride these untamed peaks.
                                                                                                              DCI-compliant Digital, DCI-compliant Laser,
                                                         Laser, Dome-customized 15/70, Fulldome Digital
     and the National Archives, and a global team of                                                          Dome-customized 15/70, Fulldome Digital                 Secrets of the Sands
     researchers and archivists, the film uses           LENGTH: 40:00
                                                                                                              LENGTH: 42:00   PRODUCER: Helio Projects Asia           Presented in 2D
     never-before-seen footage from 1969 and tells       PRODUCER: Spirit Bear Entertainment Inc.
                                                                                                              DISTRIBUTOR: K2 Communications                          RELEASE DATE: Autumn 2018
     the story entirely through archival materials;      DISTRIBUTOR: MacGillivray Freeman Films
                                                                                                              CONTACT: Mark Kresser,                                  FORMATS: 2D, IMAX Digital, IMAX Laser,
     giving audiences a thrilling firsthand experience   CONTACT: Patty Collins, pcollins@macfreefilms.com
                                                                                                              mark_kresser@k2communications.com;                      DCI-compliant Digital, DCI-compliant Laser
     of humanity’s first trip to another world. From     Filmmakers Ian McAllister and Jeff Turner and        Ed Capelle, edwardcapelle@comcast.net                   LENGTH: 40:00
     the Emmy© Award-winning filmmakers of               Executive Producers Kyle Washington and                                                                      PRODUCER: Atlantic Productions
                                                                                                              A civilization that rose to become the envy of
     Dinosaur 13 and CNN Films, First Steps will be      Byron Horner of Spirit Bear Entertainment are                                                                DISTRIBUTOR: Serengeti Entertainment
                                                                                                              the world, only to disappear—a mystery waiting
     available Summer 2019.                              partnering with MacGillivray Freeman Films to                                                                CONTACT: Melissa Williams,
                                                                                                              to be unlocked by modern archaeologists, scientists
                                                         distribute a beautiful giant screen film about                                                               melissaw@serengetientertainment.co.uk
                                                                                                              and explorers. Following an epic spree of religious

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                         19
     Films in Production
     Secrets of the Sands tells the tale of how an        to be solved. Little did he know that he and his   CONTACT: Alexandre Milazzo,                          world away, migrate, with mysterious precision,
     ancient people gained a remarkable mastery           team’s discoveries would not only reveal the       amilazzo@nwave.com; Janine Baker,                    back to the very beach where they were born—
     over one of the most inhospitable landscapes         laws of nature governing the complex               jbaker@nwave,com; Goedele Gillis,                    to lay eggs that are the foundation of the next
     on the planet. This is a captivating human story     Serengeti, but rules that affect all ecosystems.   ggillis@nwave.com; Jennifer Lee Hackett,             generation. With the turtles guiding us, our crews
     that stretches back over 125,000 years. A                                                               jleehackett@nwave.com                                voyaged the same thousands of kilometers to
     story of ingenuity, survival, and triumph over
                                                          Secrets of the Universe                                                                                 capture the wonders of their habitats. Encountering
                                                          Presented in 3D                                    The Northern hemisphere is preparing for winter
     adversity—centuries-old achievements that                                                               and its customary blanket of snow. Late at night,    many kinds of strange and compelling creatures,
                                                          RELEASE DATE: April 2019
     underpin the extraordinary success of the                                                               Sigurd Haraldson crisscrosses the mountains of       from enormous breaching whales to the coral
                                                          FORMATS: 2D and 3D, 15/70, IMAX Digital, IMAX
     United Arab Emirates today. From the coastal                                                            his Alpine home at the controls of his snowplough.   wonderland of the Great Barrier Reef—all have
                                                          Laser, DCI-compliant Digital, DCI-compliant
     people of the Stone Age who retrieved                                                                   On his radar screens, he tracks a snowstorm          been filmed in stunning 3D so that playful sea
                                                          Laser, Dome-customized 15/70, Fulldome
     precious pearls deep beneath the waters of                                                              that is gaining ground in Northern Canada and        lions, tiny sea horses and vibrant clown fish
     the Gulf, to the ancient oasis engineers who                                                            about to make its way East. He hopes it’s going      will float right out into the theater. Sea turtles
                                                          LENGTH: 40:00
     tapped into hidden reservoirs of rainwater                                                              to head his way. All over the world, people are      remind us just how interconnected we all are
                                                          PRODUCER: The Stephen Low Company
     deep underground, and the pioneering                                                                    waiting for the arrival of snow and everything       in this amazing world and audiences will be
                                                          DISTRIBUTOR: K2 Communications
     navigators who first tamed wild camels to trek                                                          it will bring. In Canada, the first flakes are       moved to cherish them even more.
                                                          CONTACT: Mark Kresser,
     across the largest sand desert in the world. Epic
     cinematography, stunning CGI and vibrant
                                                          mark_kresser@k2communications.com                  already falling on the great pine forests. In        Yellowstone: Life in Extremes
                                                          Ed Capelle, edwardcapelle@comcast.net              Poland, animals are picking at the last blades       Presented in 2D
     animations shed new light on one of the most                                                            of grass before the snow sets in. In France’s
                                                          WEBSITE: secretsoftheuniversefilm.com                                                                   RELEASE DATE: To be determined
     extraordinary chapters in human history.                                                                low-lying ski resorts, hoteliers are impatient.
                                                          Breakthrough advancements in technology are                                                             FORMATS: 2D and 3D, IMAX Digital, IMAX Laser,
     Secrets of the Serengeti                             enabling never-before-possible scientific
                                                                                                             Beneath the stars in his snow plough in the          DCI-compliant Digital, DCI-compliant Laser
     Presented in 2D                                                                                         Alps, Sigurd wonders about snow, its structure       LENGTH: 45:00  PRODUCER: Grizzly Creek Films
                                                          experimentation. These fascinating machines,
     RELEASE DATE: 2019                                                                                      and what happens to it when it reaches the           DISTRIBUTOR: To be determined
                                                          such as the $13 billion Large Hadron Collider in
     FORMATS: 2D and 3D, IMAX Digital, IMAX Laser,                                                           ground. But he also wonders how much                 CONTACT: Thomas Winston,
                                                          Geneva, Switzerland, provide an unprecedented
     DCI-compliant Digital, DCI-compliant Laser,                                                             longer the magical snow spectacle will last.         tom@grizzlycreekfilms.com
                                                          pathway to answers surrounding the nature of
     Dome-customized 15/70, Fulldome Digital              our universe. Thousands of scientists, with a      Turtle Odyssey                                       For centuries, a single place in North America
     LENGTH: 42:00                                        diversity of backgrounds and expertise, journey    Presented in 2D                                      has captured the world’s imagination:
     PRODUCER: SK Films and Digital Crossing Films        from all over the world to labs like CERN (the     RELEASE DATE: Summer 2018                            Yellowstone. But the world’s first National Park
     DISTRIBUTOR: SK Films                                host of the LHC) and Fermilab (new host of         FORMATS: 2D and 3D, IMAX Digital, IMAX Laser,        has never before been experienced like this.
     CONTACT: Amber Hawtin, ahawtin@skfilms.ca            ICARUS and the highly anticipated DUNE             DCI-compliant Digital, DCI-compliant Laser,          Follow nature’s epic drama as a struggle for
     Secrets of the Serengeti is the epic, true story     project)—now with a real hope of unlocking the     Dome-customized 15/70, Fulldome Digital              survival unfolds over a year in the life of the
     of a major scientific discovery, set against the     secrets that have long eluded us. Dark matter,     LENGTH: 42:00                                        iconic resident grizzly bears, wolves and bison.
     greatest mammal migration on the planet, in          antimatter, extra dimensions, and more. Join       PRODUCER: Definition Films  DISTRIBUTOR: SK Films    The stage is set in a place like no other: a place
     one of its most iconic and astounding places—        them as they push the boundaries of the            CONTACT: Amber Hawtin, ahawtin@skfilms.ca            where the world’s largest active supervolcano
     the massive and mainly untouched Serengeti           possible, on the cusp of turning science fiction   WEBSITE: turtleodysseyfilm.com                       fuels the biggest collection of geothermal
     of Eastern Africa. What exactly triggers this        into science fact.                                 Sea turtles are some of Earth’s most ancient         features anywhere on earth, a place where
     ancient cycle remains unclear, but it begins with                                                                                                            subzero temperatures and record snowfall
     the action of just a few wildebeest, soon followed
                                                          Snow                                               and majestic creatures. For over 100 million
                                                                                                                                                                  dictate harsh trials in a stunning, frozen
                                                          Presented in 3D                                    years, they have traversed the seas, surviving
     by over 1.5 million more, as well as thousands                                                          multiple mass extinctions and playing critical       wonderland, a place where North America’s
                                                          RELEASE DATE: Summer 2019
     of others, including zebras and elands, with                                                            roles in maintaining healthy marine food webs.       richest ecosystem offers a rare glimpse into the
                                                          FORMATS: 2D and 3D, IMAX Digital, IMAX Laser,
     hungry predators always lurking nearby. All                                                             Not only do these friendly animals captivate us      continent’s wild past. Filmed for two straight
                                                          DCI-compliant Digital
     this grandeur would become part of the                                                                  as they peacefully glide through the ocean, but      years, Yellowstone: Life in Extremes is the
                                                          LENGTH: 40:00 and 20:00
     unstoppable quest of a young man named Tony                                                             their personal journeys of survival are equally      most ambitious giant screen production ever
                                                          PRODUCER: Saint Thomas Production/nWave
     Sinclair to understand how it all works. It was                                                         fascinating. These remarkable reptiles will          attempted in the iconic national park. And,
     one of the greatest puzzles of nature, waiting                                                          traverse thousands of kilometers of open ocean       once again, the whole world will be watching.
                                                          DISTRIBUTOR: nWave Pictures Distribution
                                                                                                             for as long as 50 years and then, from half a

20                                                                                                                                                                                                                      21
     New Films


                             WINNER                 WINNER                WINNER                WINNER                WINNER                  WINNER                  WINNER
                           BEST FILM
                            SHORT SUBJECT
                                                  BEST FILM
                                                  LIFELONG LEARNING
                                                                                               ORIGINAL SCORE
                                                                                                                     SOUND DESIGN
                                                                                                                                           BEST 3D BEST 3D
                                                                                                                                           LARGE FORMAT DOCUMENTARY
                                                                                                                                                 LUMIERE AWARD
                                                                                                                                                                        MOTION PICTURE
                                ASSOCIATION            ASSOCIATION           ASSOCIATION           ASSOCIATION           ASSOCIATION
                                                                                                                                               BRUSSELS, BELGIUM      HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA

                                                          SECRETS OF THE SERENGETI

22                                                                                                                                                                                            23
     Projects in Development
     Dinosaurs of Antarctica                             the cosmos. Meet two dynamic female
     RELEASE DATE: Summer 2019                           astrophysicists who were inspired by Einstein’s
     FORMATS: 2D and 3D, 15/70, IMAX        Digital,     ideas in their youth and are now pushing the
     IMAX Laser, DCI-compliant Digital, DCI-             boundaries of scientific innovation to make their
     compliant Laser, Dome-customized 15/70              own groundbreaking discoveries.
     LENGTH: 40:00 and 20:00
     PRODUCER/DISTRIBUTOR: Giant Screen Films            Expedition Chesapeake,
     CONTACT: Yasmine Garcia, ygarcia@gsfilms.com        A Journey of Discovery
                                                         RELEASE DATE: February 2019
     Journey to the south polar landscapes of Earth
                                                         FORMATS: 2D, DCI-compliant Digital
     100 million years ago, a world of primitive
                                                         LENGTH: 44:00
     forests and thick swamps—populated by bizarre
                                                         PRODUCER: Via Studios Global
     dinosaurs and colossal amphibians. Enter a
                                                         DISTRIBUTOR: To be determined
     surreal world of Permian and Triassic bug-eyed
                                                         CONTACT: Michael Hanes,
     giants and egg-laying mammals—where survival
     meant enduring the sunless, six-month polar         mhanes@expeditionchesapeake.com
                                                         WEBSITE: expeditionchesapeake.org
     winter surrounded by meat-eaters with night
     vision. Join Antarctic scientists on a quest to     Imagine a 64,000 square mile expanse
     understand Earth at a time of great climatic and    encompassing portions of six states and filled
     geologic upheaval—and to unravel the mystery        with the stunning natural beauty of the largest
     behind the largest extinction in the history of     estuary in North America. This is Expedition
     our planet. Made possible with support by the       Chesapeake, A Journey of Discovery, presented
     National Science Foundation.                        for the first time on the giant screen. The film
                                                         tells the story of the Chesapeake Bay through
     Einstein’s Incredible                               the lives of our ancestors and our neighbors.
     Universe                                            Our expedition leader, celebrity naturalist Jeff
     RELEASE DATE: Fall 2020                             Corwin, introduces us to people from all walks
     FORMATS: 2D and 3D, 15/70,      IMAX Digital,       of life who are doing their part to protect and
     IMAX Laser, DCI-compliant Digital, DCI-             preserve this national treasure. Our journey
     compliant Laser, Dome-customized 15/70              through the Chesapeake watershed explores
     LENGTH: 40:00                                       the intricate web of relationships among
     PRODUCER/DISTRIBUTOR: Cosmic Picture                people, plants, animals, land and the most
     CONTACT: Taran Davies, taran@cosmicpicture.com      critical natural resource, water. We discover
     WEBSITE: cosmicpicture.com                          how seemingly small efforts to improve the
     Albert Einstein is regarded as one of the most      natural environment where we live also
     famous scientists of all time, his name shorthand   improve the health of the entire Bay. These
     for genius, yet few of us fully understand his      lessons can be equally applied to watersheds
     discoveries and their impact on our lives. Now      across the nation and around the world.
     through a combination of stunning live-action
     cinematography and immersive CGI, audiences         Fire Fighters
                                                         RELEASE DATE: Fall 2019
     will experience the puzzles that inspired him as
                                                         FORMATS: 2D and 3D, 15/70,IMAX Digital,
     a child and the visceral “thought experiments”
     at the heart of his creative process. Travel        IMAX Laser, DCI-compliant Digital, DCI-
     through space and time, race a beam of light,       compliant Laser, Dome-customized 15/70,
     plunge into colliding black holes and experience    Fulldome Digital
                                                         LENGTH: 40:00
     gravitational waves—ripples in the very fabric of

24                                                                                                           25
     Projects in Development
     PRODUCER: Sean Casey Productions                       genetics and epidemiology, Gorilla Girl is an         of the Louvre. Crucially, he showed them what        Laser, Dome-customized 15/70, Fulldome
     DISTRIBUTOR: To be determined                          inspiring story of our interdependence with           nobody would ever see again in its entirety: his     Digital, 15/70 if appropriate
     CONTACT: Sean Casey, seancasey747@gmail.com            nature, and how saving one of the Earth’s             boxes of drawings and sketch books, containing       LENGTH: 45:00 and 20:00
     After years of drought, 120 million trees stand        most majestic species can lift the fortunes of        his entire researches on human and comparative       PRODUCER: Principal Large Format and Vulcan
     dead in California. That fuel, coupled with an         an entire human population.                           anatomy, his engineering projects, the plans         Productions
     ever-increasing urban sprawl, has set the stage                                                              for his civil engineering and military machines,     DISTRIBUTOR: To be announced
     for “Super Fire Sieges.” A new term, for a new         Gravity 3D                                            his flying machines, his theatre sets, his “useful   CONTACT: Phil Streater, phil@plf.cc
                                                            RELEASE DATE: 2020                                    inventions.” Celebrating the 500th anniversary
     age. But, if there is any profession that invokes                                                                                                                 Earth is not covered by “Seven Seas,” as we
                                                            FORMATS: 2D and 3D,      15/70, IMAX Digital,         of his death, the film will immerse us into a
     heroism, it is that of the firefighter. In this new                                                                                                               once learned in school, but one single
     large-format film we enter the lives of these          IMAX Laser, DCI-compliant Digital                     unique creative universe. A great moment of          interconnected ocean. In Ocean 3D we will
                                                            LENGTH: 45:00                                         revelations around his painting, his studies.
     first responders, their training, their brotherhood,                                                                                                              experience this world of water as if for the
                                                            PRODUCER: December Media/Boston Films                 More than 13,000 pages in all of sketches,
     and their work, fighting a new breed of fire.                                                                                                                     first time, through stunning giant-screen 3D
                                                            DISTRIBUTOR: December Media Distribution              drawings and research.
     Three firefighters with different disciplines will                                                                                                                imagery and a unique perspective—a
                                                            CONTACT: Mark Bretherton,
     converge on the largest fire in California’s                                                                                                                      breathtaking rollercoaster ride through the
     recorded history, the 2017 Thomas Fire.                mark@decembermedia.com.au; Shaun                      Ocean 3D                                             ever-streaming currents and upwellings from
                                                            McAlpine, shaun@decembermedia.com.au;                 RELEASE DATE: 2020/2021
                                                                                                                                                                       the abyss to the surface. A water molecule
     Gorilla Girl                                           Matt Downey, matt@decembermedia.com.au                FORMATS: 2D and 3D, IMAX   Digital, IMAX             riding this vast ocean conveyor belt takes a
     RELEASE DATE: To be determined                         Gravity does much more than just connect us           Laser, DCI-compliant Digital, DCI-compliant
     FORMATS: 2D and 3D, 15/70, IMAX     Digital,           to our planet. Through the world of extreme
     IMAX Laser, DCI-compliant Digital, DCI-                sports we’re going to place our trust in this, a
     compliant Laser, Dome-customized 15/70,                fundamental law of science. As we leap off
     Fulldome Digital                                       waterfalls, free fall from space and jump over
     LENGTH: 40:00                                          the Arc de Triomphe, we reveal how gravity
     PRODUCER: Arise Media/Archipelago Films                drives the creation, structure and movement of
     DISTRIBUTOR: To be determined                          the entire universe. Strap yourself into your seat,
     CONTACT: Susan Todd,                                   you’re about to experience some major Gs.
     Gorilla Girl interweaves the intimate story of a       Leondardo Da Vinci,
     mountain gorilla family in breathtaking                The Last Interview
     Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda, with one of           RELEASE DATE: January 2019
     their devoted caretakers—a young Rwandan               FORMATS: 2D and 3D, DCI-compliant      Digital,
     forest ranger named Josie. Innovative                  DCI-compliant Laser, Fulldome Digital, VR
     conservation science has led mountain gorillas         LENGTH: 43:00
     to become the only great ape species with an           PRODUCER: Camera Lucida Productions
     increasing population, and gorilla tourism has         DISTRIBUTOR: MacGillivray Freeman Films
     brought schools and clinics to the surrounding         CONTACT: Bob Harman,
     Rwandan communities. Josie brings visitors             bharman@macfreefilms.com
     up the volcano to meet the gorillas face to            During his visit to France in October 1517, the
     face. She also helps the group Gorilla Doctors         Cardinal of Aragon asked to meet Leonardo da
     vaccinate the apes against human disease. It’s         Vinci. The interview, as reported by the
     a delicate undertaking, but with gorillas              cardinal’s secretary, took place in Amboise. On
     sharing 98.4 percent of their DNA with                 the day of the visit, Leonardo displayed to his
     humans, conservationists now promote the               visitors three paintings he had brought with
     interconnected health of both species.                 him to France in his luggage—the Mona Lisa,
     Featuring cutting-edge science in ecology,             the Saint John the Baptist, and the Saint Anne

26                                                                                                                                                                                                                    27
     Projects in Development
     thousand years to travel the entire world           Scale the poisonous volcanoes of Venus and        Superpower Dogs                                    country early explorers called Shangri-La.
     ocean and back. Along the way, we’ll                the ancient red dunes of Mars. Bore through       RELEASE DATE: Spring 2019                          Along the way, we discover a critically
     encounter spectacular wildlife and meet the         the icy crust of Europa to imagine life in        FORMATS: 2D and 3D, 15/70,    IMAX Digital,        endangered Bengal tiger and her cubs in the
     heroes who fight for ocean health with              hidden seas. Fly through Saturn’s dreamy rings    IMAX Laser, DCI-compliant Digital, DCI-            foothills of Everest. We journey through virgin
     creative scientific solutions. Ocean 3D will be     and the alien clouds of Jupiter. The Planets is   compliant Laser, Dome-customized 15/70             forests, along sparkling rivers, and soar past
     a cinematic thrill ride but will also show how      a journey from science fiction to “science        LENGTH: 40:00                                      gravity-defying temples where nature is being
     our one ocean is crucial for our planet’s           vision,” an aspirational vision of the next       PRODUCER: Cosmic Picture                           celebrated in vibrant ceremonial festivals that
     health—a vast circulatory system and climate        century in human space-faring achievement,        DISTRIBUTOR: IMAX Corporation and Cosmic           date back to the 12th century. We discover
     engine that supports all life on Earth, including   profiling the technological and pioneering        Picture                                            Bhutan’s delicate balance between
     our own—leaving audiences both enlightened          stepping stones thought necessary for             CONTACT: Antonietta Monteleone,                    urbanization and tradition, in a land where
     and inspired.                                       humankind to become a truly interplanetary        antonietta@cosmicpicture.com                       Gross National Happiness reigns over Gross
                                                         species. Produced in association with NASA’s      WEBSITES: superpowerdogs.com                       National Product. Tiger Trek: Bhutan 3D will
     Ocean Giants: A Prehistory                          Advanced Innovative Concepts program.             The true story of a rookie puppy who               inspire a sense of awe for the harmony that
     of Whales                                                                                             discovers her superpowers with the help of         can be created between people and their
     RELEASE DATE: 2020                                  Secrets of Antarctica                             the world’s most extraordinary search and          environments everywhere.
     FORMATS: 2D and 3D,    15/70, IMAX Digital,         RELEASE DATE: To be confirmed
     IMAX Laser, DCI-compliant Digital, DCI-             FORMATS: 2D and 3D, 15/70, IMAX       Digital,
                                                                                                           rescue dogs. From the Canadian Rockies to          Venom 3D: The Bite
     compliant Laser, Dome-customized 15/70              IMAX Laser, DCI-compliant Digital, DCI-
                                                                                                           the Italian Riviera to Northern Kenya, join        That Cures
                                                                                                           these heroic canines and their human partners      RELEASE DATE: 2020
     LENGTH: 40:00 and 20:00                             compliant Laser, Dome-customized 15/70
                                                                                                           as they brave earthquakes and avalanches,          FORMATS: 2D and 3D,    15/70, IMAX Digital,
     PRODUCER/DISTRIBUTOR: Giant Screen Films            LENGTH: 40:00 and 20:00
                                                                                                           bring criminals to justice and lift our spirits.   IMAX Laser, DCI-compliant Digital
     CONTACT: Yasmine Garcia, ygarcia@gsfilms.com        PRODUCER/DISTRIBUTOR: BBC Earth
                                                                                                           Audiences will experience how dogs see, hear       LENGTH: 45:00
     Blue whales are the largest animal ever to live     CONTACT: Rob Grzymala, rgrzymala@gsfilms.com
                                                                                                           and smell the world and discover how we are        PRODUCER: December Media/Biopixel
     on planet Earth, including the dinosaurs. The       Exactly 200 years ago, man first set eyes on      harnessing their remarkable superpowers to         DISTRIBUTOR: December Media Distribution
     transition over millions of years from fish to      Antarctica, the most remote, hostile and          heal, inspire and save lives. We will never look   CONTACT: Mark Bretherton,
     land mammal is one of life’s most astounding        other-worldly continent on Earth. Now, in the     at our best friends the same way again!            mark@decembermedia.com.au; Shaun
     transformations. The return of mammalian life       harshest conditions on our planet, scientists                                                        McAlpine, shaun@decembermedia.com.au;
     from land to sea—a 40-million year epic—is          and filmmakers are discovering just how           Tiger Trek: Bhutan 3D                              Matt Downey, matt@decembermedia.com.au
     equally profound. Join intrepid paleontologist      important this icy wilderness is to the future    RELEASE DATE: To be determined
                                                                                                                                                              The animal kingdom uses venom to hunt and
     adventurers on a giant screen journey to            of all life on Earth. From the remote sub-        FORMATS: 2D and 3D, 15/70, IMAX      Digital,
                                                                                                                                                              defend itself. These deadly cocktails of toxins
     otherworldly ancient seas. Discover one of the      Antarctic islands to the continent’s frozen       IMAX Laser, DCI-compliant Digital, DCI-
                                                                                                                                                              unleash multifaceted attacks on their victims,
     most illustrative evolution stories—through         white heart, audiences will meet the              compliant Laser, Dome-customized 15/70,
                                                                                                                                                              targeting the nervous system, paralyzing
     the extraordinary Age of Mammals—tracing            exceptional wildlife that calls this home—from    Fulldome Digital
                                                                                                                                                              muscles, clotting blood and breaking down
     the early land-dwelling, wolf-like cetaceans to     the tips of ice-covered mountains where snow      LENGTH: 40:00
                                                                                                                                                              cells to name a few effects. But that is only
     the ocean giants of today.                          petrels nest, to the cold Southern Ocean          PRODUCER: Arise Media/Archipelago Films
                                                                                                                                                              part of the story, medical science is
                                                         where hundreds of Humpback and Fin whales         DISTRIBUTOR: To be determined
     The Planets                                         feed together in one of the rarest wildlife       CONTACT: Katherine van Hengel,
                                                                                                                                                              discovering that the very same deadly toxins
     RELEASE DATE: Late 2019/Early 2020                                                                                                                       can be used to attack a myriad of debilitating
                                                         spectacles on Earth. We join researchers          katherine@archipelagofilms.com
     FORMATS: 2D and 3D, 15/70, IMAX Digital,                                                                                                                 and fatal diseases in humans. From the thrill
                                                         braving blizzards to reveal how the hardiest      Tiger Trek: Bhutan 3D takes viewers on an
     IMAX Laser, DCI-compliant Digital, DCI-                                                                                                                  of the chase to the world of advanced
                                                         animals on earth survive, and divers venturing    immersive 3D giant screen journey into the
     compliant Laser, Dome-customized 15/70                                                                                                                   medical science, follow our team of
                                                         under the ice, on the hunt for new species in     remote Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan. It tells
     LENGTH: 40:00 and 20:00                                                                                                                                  venomologists as they risk their lives to save
                                                         an unexplored world. Join us on this giant        a lyrical conservation story that follows the
     PRODUCER/DISTRIBUTOR: Giant Screen Films                                                                                                                 the lives of others.
                                                         screen adventure and witness the rarely seen      coming of age of a young monk, Tshering, as
     CONTACT: Yasmine Garcia, ygarcia@gsfilms.com        natural wonders of a continent only now           he grows to understand the people, plants
                                                         revealing its secrets.                            and animals he encounters on a trek across a

28                                                                                                                                                                                                              29
     GSCA 2018 FILM EXPO

     Amazing Mighty Micro                                 kill, instead the audience will be emotionally
     Monsters 3D                                          engaged with the key characters, learning how
     Presented in 3D                                      these supreme species must be at the very peak
     RELEASE DATE: January 2016                           of performance to have any chance of success.
     AVAILABLE FORMATS: 2D and 3D, 15/70, IMAX            Their backstory will be a key part of the
     Digital, IMAX Laser, DCI-compliant Digital,          narrative; to understand a cheetah’s dilemma
     DCI-compliant Laser, Dome-customized 15/70,          you must meet her hungry cubs. Top predators
     Fulldome Digital                                     occupy an apex position within the habitats they
     LENGTH: 40:04 and 20:00                              dominate and, alongside dramatic animal
     PRODUCER: Colossus Productions                       behaviour, Incredible Predators reveals the
     DISTRIBUTOR: Serengeti Entertainment                 unique relationship between predators and prey
     CONTACT: Melissa Williams,                           as a fundamental building block of ecology.
     melissaw@serengetientertainment.co.uk                Museum Alive 3D
     FILM WEBSITE: serengetientertainment.com/            Presented in 3D
     screeners/amazing_mighty_micro_monsters_             RELEASE DATE: January 2016
     3d.html#                                             AVAILABLE FORMATS: 2D and 3D, 15/70, IMAX
     Super powers exist. Right here on Earth. And they    Digital, IMAX Laser, DCI-compliant Digital,
     are beneath our feet. They include beetles that      DCI-compliant Laser, Dome-customized 15/70,
     shoot chemical fire and lift enormous weights;       Fulldome Digital
     scorpions that glow in the dark with astonishing     LENGTH: 40:04 and 20:00
     crushing powers; spiders that can make               PRODUCER: Colossus Productions
     themselves virtually invisible and hypnotise their   DISTRIBUTOR: Serengeti Entertainment
     prey; even a bug that can transform itself into      CONTACT: Melissa Williams,
     another creature entirely. Prepare to be amazed
     in this 3D giant screen adventure exploring the
                                                          FILM WEBSITE: serengetientertainment.com/
                                                                                                                          S AV E T H E D A T E S !
     hidden world of the super-powered bugs.              screeners/museum_alive_3d.html#                                    SEPTEMBER 21–24, 2018
     Incredible Predators                                 The fantasy that drives sleepovers and fires the
     Presented in 3D                                      imagination of every museum visitor is at the
     RELEASE DATE: January 27, 2017                       very heart of Museum Alive 3D: what if the
     AVAILABLE FORMATS: 2D and 3D, 15/70, IMAX            exhibits could come to life? In this magical and
     Digital, IMAX Laser, DCI-compliant Digital,          engaging film, audiences get to follow one lucky
     DCI-compliant Laser, Dome-customized 15/70           visitor who stays in the museum after dark, when     SEPTEMBER 21-23
     LENGTH: 40:00 and 20:00                              the most fascinating extinct prehistoric creatures   Tennessee Aquarium
     PRODUCER: Silverback Films and BBC Earth in          rise again. Dinosaurs, a sabre-tooth tiger, giant    Chattanooga, Tennessee
     association with Giant Screen Films                  birds and monster reptiles escape their display
     DISTRIBUTOR: Giant Screen Films and BBC Earth        cases, shake off the dust and explore the
     CONTACT: Yasmine Garcia, ygarcia@gsfilms.com         museum, by means of stunning special effects.        SEPTEMBER 24
     Incredible Predators deconstructs the world of       And far from being just fantasy, everything in       Dome Day
     major predators as never before, taking an           Museum Alive 3D is firmly rooted in the latest
                                                          science, through a unique collaboration between
                                                                                                               McWane Science Center
     intimate look at the remarkable strategies they
                                                          leading paleontologists and award-winning CGI        Birmingham, Alabama
     use to succeed. Advanced filming techniques
     expose the planet’s top predators in                 artists. Audiences will be treated to a thrilling,
     extraordinary footage, putting the audience          spectacular film that both educates and
     right beside them as they hunt—on land, under        entertains—because as the lights go down, the
     the sea or in the air. Far from a film about the     past comes roaring back to life!

30                                                                                                             REGISTRATION OPENS IN APRIL AT GIANTSCREENCINEMA.COM
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