Exchange Student Handbook 2021/22 - Pre-departure and arrival information for incoming Semester 2 exchange students - Loughborough ...

Page created by Rafael Becker
Exchange Student Handbook 2021/22 - Pre-departure and arrival information for incoming Semester 2 exchange students - Loughborough ...

Exchange Student
Handbook 2021/22
Pre-departure and arrival information for incoming Semester 2 exchange students
Exchange Student Handbook 2021/22 - Pre-departure and arrival information for incoming Semester 2 exchange students - Loughborough ...
Table of Contents

WELCOME TO LOUGHBOROUGH!                                       3

  1.     Calendar for the Academic Year 2020/21               4
  2.     Entry and Visa Information                           4
  3.     Travel and Medical Insurance                         5
  4.     Accommodation                                        5
  5.     English Language                                     6

  6.     Immigration and Customs                              7
  7.     Travelling to Loughborough                           7
  8.     Documentation on Arrival at Loughborough             8
  9.     Induction                                            9

  10.    Studying at Loughborough                              9
  11.    Support Services                                     10
  12.    Loughborough Students’ Union                         11
  13.    Sport and Recreational Facilities                    12

  14.    Living in the UK                                     12
  15.    Contact Details                                      13

Exchange Student Handbook 2021/22 – Semester 2 students   2
Exchange Student Handbook 2021/22 - Pre-departure and arrival information for incoming Semester 2 exchange students - Loughborough ...
Welcome to Loughborough!
We are delighted that you have chosen Loughborough for your study exchange. We
strongly believe in the benefits of international education and hope that your experience
at Loughborough is both enjoyable and rewarding.

Loughborough is one of the leading universities in the United Kingdom (UK), with an
international reputation for excellence in research, teaching, enterprise and sport. In
2017, Loughborough achieved a five star plus rating in the QS Stars scheme, putting it
among the best in the world. In 2020, for the fourth year running, it was awarded the
title of Best University in the World for Sports-Related Subjects in the QS World
University Ranking by Subject and, in the same year, it was named University of the
Year at the Whatuni? Student Choice Awards.

The University has the largest single-site green campus in the country, covering more
than 438 acres and providing a home to academic buildings, student accommodation
and outstanding sporting facilities. During your time at Loughborough, we would
encourage you to take full advantage of the many opportunities available. The
Loughborough Students’ Union (LSU) has more than 80 clubs and societies for
different hobbies and interests, nationalities and faith groups. You can also get involved
in a wide range of other activities organised by groups, such as Rag (the biggest
student fundraising organisation in the country) and Action (the volunteering section of
the LSU).

The town of Loughborough is located at the heart of England in the county of
Leicestershire. Main line road and rail networks link Loughborough directly with the rest
of the country and the town itself is served by excellent bus services. London is one-
and-a-half hours away by train, Birmingham one hour, and Manchester and Leeds
around two hours. There are regular scheduled flights from UK, European and
international destinations to East Midlands Airport, which is approximately seven miles

Studying abroad can be one of the most rewarding elements of a degree programme,
and we sincerely hope that you have a fulfilling exchange here at Loughborough.

On behalf of the staff and students of the University, we would like to offer you a very
warm welcome.

The Exchanges Team

Exchange Student Handbook 2021/22 – Semester 2 students                                      3
Exchange Student Handbook 2021/22 - Pre-departure and arrival information for incoming Semester 2 exchange students - Loughborough ...

  Calendar for the Academic Year 2020/21
   The academic year runs from the start of session in August to the end of session in the following July.
   It is made up of three terms (Autumn, Spring and Summer) or two semesters (from October to
   February and February to June). Exchange students normally attend for either Semester One or
   Semester Two, but some spend a full year at Loughborough University.

   Semester One: 4 October 2021 - 4 February 2022

   Semester Two: 7 February 2022 - 22 June 2022

   Semester One examinations take place in January/February, and Semester Two examinations take
   place in May/June. Examination dates and times are dependent on the School/Department in which
   you are registered. See for further

  Entry and Visa Information
                                                             the UK for less than six months can apply for
   EU, EEA and Swiss nationals                               immigration permission as a Visitor. Visa
                                                             nationals should apply for permission before
   EU, EEA and Swiss nationals, who have                     travel, non-visa nationals can apply for visitor
   already established a right of residence in the           permission on arrival in the UK. Visitor
   UK prior to 31 December 2020, may rely on                 permission cannot be extended in the UK and
   this to return to the UK. Similarly, Irish                cannot be switched to another kind of visa
   citizens continue to hold rights to enter and             (including a Student visa). For the purposes of
   live in the UK under Common Travel Area                   obtaining visitor permission for study, the
   arrangements.                                             University will provide a letter confirming study

   EU, EEA and Swiss nationals in the UK for
   less than six months                                      Academic Technology Approval Scheme
   EU, EEA and Swiss nationals coming to study
   in the UK for less than six months can do this            In order to take postgraduate study in some
   as a Visitor. As a non-visa national you do               technology subjects, you may require ATAS
   not need prior entry clearance and can                    clearance. Your offer letter and CAS will
   currently enter the UK with your passport or              confirm whether ATAS clearance is required.
   national ID card. Please note that, from 1                If so, you must apply and include a copy of
   October 2021 onwards, national ID cards will              your ATAS certificate in your visa application.
   generally no longer be accepted, and you                  For further information see:
   should ensure you have a valid passport.        
   Visitor permission cannot be extended in the
   UK and cannot be switched to another kind of              It can sometimes take up to a month or longer
   visa (including a Student visa). For the                  for an initial decision, therefore you should
   purposes of obtaining visitor permission for              apply in good time before your visa
   study, the University will provide a letter               application. For additional information see the
   confirming study details.                                 Foreign and Commonwealth Office website at
   International students (i.e. non-EU, non-
   EEA and non-Swiss nationals) in the UK
   for less than six months

   International students (i.e. non-EU, non-EEA
   and non-Swiss nationals) coming to study in

   Exchange Student Handbook 2021/22 – Semester 2 students                                          4
Exchange Student Handbook 2021/22 - Pre-departure and arrival information for incoming Semester 2 exchange students - Loughborough ...
Travel and Medical Insurance
Travel insurance                                          Coronavirus (COVID-19)
You are strongly advised to take out adequate             Please ensure that you have read and
travel insurance to cover your journey,                   understood the latest advice for students on
including cover for personal possessions,                 turn-around COVID-19 testing on campus and
medical expenses and repatriation.                        other precautionary measures. See:
National Health Service

The National Health Service (NHS) is the                  Meningitis ACWY Vaccination
UK’s health service. It is funded by the state
and provides the majority of healthcare to UK             As a precautionary measure, all students
residents. If you are an exchange student                 between 17-25 years of age are advised to
studying in the UK, you will be able to have              have the Meningitis ACWY vaccination
access to NHS healthcare in accordance with               BEFORE coming to Loughborough.
the guidelines below.
EU, EEA and Swiss nationals in the UK for                 Pages/men-acwy-vaccine.aspx for further
less than six months                                      details.

EU, EEA and Swiss nationals coming to study               Disabled students
in the UK for less than six months are not
eligible for free healthcare under the NHS and            Loughborough University is committed to the
will have to pay the full cost of medical                 promotion of equal opportunities and
treatment. However, if you are an EU, EEA or              welcomes applications from students with
Swiss national with a European Health                     disabilities, including long-term health
Insurance Card (EHIC), you will be exempt                 conditions, mental health difficulties, autistic
from some medical costs, therefore it is                  spectrum conditions and dyslexia. On the
important that you apply for an EHIC in your              incoming application form for exchange
own country and bring it with you.                        students, you are asked to disclose whether
                                                          you have a disability and to give your consent
                                                          to your personal details being shared with the
International students (i.e. non-EU, non-                 Counselling and Disability Service. You are
EEA and non-Swiss nationals in the UK for                 also encouraged to make direct contact with
less than six months                                      either the Disability Support Team (email
                                                 or the Mental Health
                                                          Support Team (email if
International students (i.e. non-EU, non-EEA              you have any queries or concerns prior to
and non-Swiss nationals) coming to study in               your arrival.
the UK for less than six months as a Visitor
cannot receive treatment on the National
                                                          For further information about the University’s
Health Service (unless it is an emergency).
                                                          Counselling and Disability Service, see

Booking accommodation                                     spective-students/erasmusandstudyabroad/.
All applications for accommodation in
                                                          For Semester 2 exchanges commencing in
University Halls of Residence are submitted
                                                          February 2022, applications for
online. Once your application to study has
                                                          accommodation can be made from November
been approved, you will receive an email from
                                                          2021 onwards. Accommodation offers will be
the Student Accommodation Centre
                                                          sent out by email in December 2021/January
explaining how to apply for your
accommodation. Please refer to the website
for further information:

Exchange Student Handbook 2021/22 – Semester 2 students                                          5
Please note that on-campus                                For up-to-date information about applying for
accommodation is limited. The Student                     accommodation see
Accommodation Centre allocates rooms on a       
first-come, first-served basis until the                  announcements/.
maximum capacity has been reached. This
means that there is no guarantee that you will
be allocated a room in University Halls of                Accommodation licence agreement
Residence, however we do promise to help
you secure University allocated                           Your accommodation licence agreement is
accommodation either on campus or by                      legally binding. If you are late arriving at your
referral to an off campus approved provider.              accommodation or wish to move out early,
                                                          you will still be required to pay for your room
The staff in the Student Accommodation                    for the full period of your licence. Further
Centre will be able to provide you with advice            information is in the Licence Terms and
and guidance on securing accommodation in                 Conditions 2020/21 document available at
either private halls or houses. You can view    
the wide range of private accommodation off-              forms/.
campus, but conveniently located in
Loughborough, at                                          Living costs
                                                          Loughborough is not an expensive town to
                                                          live in by UK standards, but students MUST
If you have any enquiries about                           consider the cost of accommodation, food,
accommodation either on or off-campus, you                study materials, local travel and other living
should contact the Student Accommodation                  expenses. It is estimated that, when students
Centre directly by e-mail or              budget for the duration of their studies, they
by telephone +44 (0)1509 274488.                          should allow approximately £850 - £1,100 per
                                                          month, but personal expenditure will vary from
                                                          student to student depending on lifestyle.

English Language
English language requirements                             language-requirements/.
It is important that you have a good level of
English so that you are able to understand                Pre-sessional English language courses
and participate in your studies without
difficulty.                                               The Academic Language Support Service
                                                          offers a range of high-quality support to
If you are an EU/EEA/Swiss national, it is                students wishing to study at Loughborough.
advised that your proficiency in English                  This includes pre-sessional courses for
language should be at least at the level of
CEFR Level B2 (independent user).                         international students who have not yet
                                                          reached the required level of English for their
If you are a non-EU/non-EEA/non-Swiss                     chosen studies. For further details, see
national requiring a Student visa to study in   
the UK, you will need to provide certified                courses/.
evidence that your English language
competency meets the University’s

For an approved list of English language
qualifications, which are acceptable for
admission purposes, please see

Exchange Student Handbook 2021/22 – Semester 2 students                                           6

   Immigration and Customs
   Immigration                                               Customs

   When you arrive at an airport in the UK, you              After immigration, you will pass through
   will have to go through immigration control               customs control and, at UK airports, there are
   where a Border Force Officer will check your              three exits: a green channel if you are
   passport or identity card, scan your                      travelling from outside the EEA and have
   fingerprints and date-stamp your visa. The                nothing to declare; a red channel if you are
   Border Force Officer may ask your purpose                 travelling from outside the EEA and have
   for coming to the UK and try to determine if              goods to declare; and a blue channel if you
   you can speak English without the aid of an               have arrived from another airport within the
   interpreter. It is recommended that you have              EEA.
   the following documents available in your
   hand luggage in case they are needed:                     There are restrictions on the amount of
                                                             tobacco, alcohol and gifts you can bring to the
       ▪    valid passport or identity card (with            UK, therefore it is important that you are
            visa or entry certificate if                     aware of the duty free limit. Never bring in
            appropriate);                                    counterfeit goods, illegal drugs, weapons on
       ▪    proof of a negative Coronavirus                  obscene material.
            (COVID-19) test;
       ▪    proof that you have completed a                  If you have to bring any medication, which has
            passenger locator form;                          been prescribed by a doctor for your personal
       ▪    correspondence confirming                        use, you are advised to bring documentary
            acceptance onto your Loughborough                proof from your doctor of the nature of the
            University degree programme;                     medication.
       ▪    health certificate (if appropriate).
                                                             Further information about customs control is
   The UK Government has introduced border                   available at
   controls to prevent the spread of Coronavirus             control.
   (COVID-19) and the import of new variants of
   the virus to the UK. You are advised to read
   the information on the UK Government’s
   website carefully and to check at regular
   intervals BEFORE you travel to the UK. See
   you-leave-for-the-uk for further information.

   Travelling to Loughborough
                                                             Birmingham Airport
   Arrival airports                                       
   Most students tend to fly to the UK into one of
                                                             London Heathrow Airport
   the major London airports, normally
   Heathrow, as flights available from almost
   anywhere in the world. There are, however,
   some direct flights to Birmingham                         London Gatwick Airport
   International and East Midlands (Nottingham-          
   Leicester-Derby) from some countries. These
   airports are closer to Loughborough than the              London Luton Airport
   London airports.                                      

   East Midlands Airport                                     Please remember when you are packing a                         suitcase that you will have to carry your bags
                                                             around the airport and to your accommodation
                                                             building. A key rule is, if you cannot carry it,

   Exchange Student Handbook 2021/22 – Semester 2 students                                         7
do not pack it! You will be able to buy most              Temporary accommodation in London
things that you will need in Loughborough
when you arrive.                                          If you are due to arrive in London too late for a
                                                          coach or train service, it may be less
                                                          expensive to spend the night in London and
Travelling from the airport to                            travel to Loughborough the following day
Loughborough                                              (rather than take a taxi). The airport’s
                                                          Information Desk should be able to provide
There are a number of ways to get to                      guidance on bed and breakfast
Loughborough from each airport, with widely               accommodation.
varying times and costs, however it is
recommended that you look at the options for              You can also book accommodation (four to six
travelling either by coach or rail.                       weeks in advance) by contacting the following
East Midlands Trains                        International Students' House
                                                          London Tourist Board
National Express                                      
National Rail                              University campus bus service

Trainline                                                 There is a regular bus service (Sprint) which                            operates between Loughborough railway
                                                          station, the town centre and the University
Travelling by taxi from international airports to
                                                          campus. The prices of tickets are subject to
Loughborough can be extremely expensive,
                                                          change, therefore it is recommended that you
therefore it is not an option that we
                                                          check the most up-to-date information at
recommend. If, however, you would prefer to
travel by taxi, it is possible to pre-book with
several taxi firms who operate out of
Loughborough. For further details see

Documentation on Arrival at Loughborough
Registering with the University                           Learning agreements

Approximately six weeks prior to the start of             At Loughborough, the timetable is released
your programme of study, you will be sent an              near to the start of the semester, so it is
email inviting you to complete online                     possible that we shall not be able to confirm if
registration. It is important that you complete           there is a ‘fit’ for all the modules you chose
this process BEFORE your arrival in order                 until the first week of your studies. We do,
that the University can produce your student              however, allow all students a period of two
ID card and have it ready for you to collect.             weeks after the start of the semester in order
Your student ID card will provide access to               to finalise their module choices BEFORE the
University buildings, including the library, halls        Student Office confirms the final details.
of residence and the LSU. You will also need
it to prove your student status, so it is                 If you are required to change your module
important that you look after it! Details about           choices due to timetable clashes, you will
online registration and collecting your student           need to make the appropriate changes on
ID card are at                   your learning agreement and seek the
                                                          approval of your home University and your
Registration within your respective                       respective School/Departmental Exchange
School/Department typically takes place as                Co-ordinator at Loughborough. You must also
part of the induction event. This is an                   ensure that the Exchanges Office has been
important part of your programme which will               provided with a copy of your revised Learning
provide you with relevant materials including             Agreement.
your timetable, programme structure and
regulations. It is also your first opportunity to
meet fellow students.

Exchange Student Handbook 2021/22 – Semester 2 students                                          8
Attendance certificates                                   Registering with the Police

   Some partner institutions require evidence                Some students have to register with the local
   from the host University (i.e. Loughborough)              Police Force within 7 days of their arrival in
   that their students have arrived and are in               the UK, or if their circumstances have
   attendance. There is no need to bring any                 changed at all, e.g. change of address,
   such documentation to the Exchanges Office,               change of course, new visa, etc. The visa
   as it will be quicker and more convenient for             sticker in your passport or UKVI decision letter
   you to get the documentation signed by your               should confirm if you need to register. At busy
   respective School/Departmental Exchange                   times of the year, the University arranges for
   Co-ordinator (see                  the Police to come onto campus and register
   overseas-exchange/incoming/applying/                      students here, however, if this does not
   exchange-coordinators/).                                  coincide with your arrival at Loughborough,
                                                             you will need to visit the office in Leicester.
                                                             advice/policeregistration/ for further

   University induction and welcome event                    School/Department induction

   All new exchange students arriving for a                  In addition to the above, Schools/Departments
   Semester Two study exchange will be invited               normally run separate induction programmes,
   to attend an induction and welcome event,                 and it is important that you attend in order to
   which will be held soon after your arrival in the         learn more about studying your chosen
   week commencing 8 February 2021. Please                   discipline at Loughborough.
   note, however, the event will be held virtually
   if COVID-19 restrictions prohibit large
   gatherings at the time.


  Studying at Loughborough
                                                             you should re-register via your host
   Examinations and assessments                              School/Department as a fee-paying temporary
                                                             student. You will, however, be required to pay
   Whatever your programme of study, it will                 a re-assessment fee, as a second attempt
   involve some form of assessment. For most                 registration period does not form part of the
   programmes, assessment is conducted                       ERASMUS+ study exchange programme.
   through a mixture of exams, coursework and
   assessed tutorials/ tests. Being prepared for
   assessment is vital to success. Effective
                                                             reassessment/Fees/ for further information
   learning and revision are important, but it is
                                                             about re-assessment fees.
   equally as important to be aware of what is
   expected of you during assessment. It is
   recommended, therefore, that you read the                 European Credit Transfer System
   section on examinations and assessments in
   the Student Handbook (see below).                         The European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)
                                                             provides 60 credits per full year of study or 30
   If you complete your course at Loughborough               credits per semester. Credits are only
   but fail to gain the necessary credits/grades             awarded when the programme, ie all required
   required by your home institution, you might              examinations and/or assessments has been
   be required to re-sit any modules (or any                 completed. At the end of the study period, you
   components of modules). If this is the case,              will receive from your School/Department an

   Exchange Student Handbook 2021/22 – Semester 2 students                                         9
official transcript listing all modules taken and
credits/grades achieved.                                  ningsupport/adviceandplanningsheets/.

Independent study                                         Student Handbook

You will be expected to do some independent               The Student Handbook is a guide to the
study, which is an integral part of UK                    fundamentals of studying at Loughborough
academic culture. Independent study is                    University. It is not intended to be a
intended to help you to develop your critical             comprehensive guide to everything you need
analysis and problem-solving skills and your              to know, but, rather, to summarise important
research skills. It also allows you to                    information, eg the rules that you will need to
investigate a topic in more detail and develop            follow whilst registered as a student. These
your own ideas.                                           include academic conduct in respect of
                                                          exams, assessment and administrative
                                                          processes and also your behaviour and
Learning environments                                     conduct whether on campus or off campus.
The University Library (see below) offers
students a range of learning environments,
group study rooms and bookable booths, but                Teaching methods
it can be busy during the 24/7 opening period.
There are, therefore, a number of alternative             These vary depending on the subject you
spaces on the campus, which can be used for               study, but most will include teaching methods
informal study. For further details see                   such as lectures, seminars and tutorials.                Some courses may also have practical
environments/learning/.                                   classes and workshops, and some may have
                                                          training in a working environment.

Learning support                                          Please note that, as a result of the
                                                          Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the
The University Library (see below) offers a               University was required to change from face-
range of ‘Get the Know-How’ courses and                   to-face teaching to online learning. It is,
online resources which are designed to help               therefore, important that you check the
students enhance their academic and                       website for the most up-to-date information at
information literacy skills, eg essay writing,  
report writing, reading efficiently, taking               test-updates/.
effective notes, presentation skills, working in
groups, etc. For further details see            University Library
                                                          The Library covers 9,161 square metres over
There is also a range of study advice and                 four floors with 1,375 study places, including
planning sheets which are aimed at improving              200 workstations. It has over 500,000 books,
specific study skills and helping students to             90,000 bound serials and access to
keep on top of things, e. g. critical thinking,           approximately 30,000 e- journals. The Library
citing and referencing Harvard style,                     provides students with a range of services
developing mathematical skills, revision and              and resources which aid them with their
exam skills, task sheets, weekly planners, etc.           studies. For further information, see
For further details see                         

Support Services
                                                          information about the Centre’s facilities and
Centre for Faith and Spirituality                         event see
The University’s Centre for Faith and
Spirituality provides a place where students              Medical Centre
and staff are welcome to reflect, explore and
express faith and spirituality. It is a place to          The Medical Centre is a regular GP surgery
pray, to meditate and to meet others. It also             which is located centrally on campus,
offers help with spiritual, ethical and moral             providing NHS services to registered patients
concerns. Chaplains of various faiths are                 (both students and staff). It offers a variety of
available to anyone irrespective of their                 clinics and services, including several online
religious or spiritual beliefs. For further               functions, however you can only register as a

Exchange Student Handbook 2021/22 – Semester 2 students                                           10
patient if you are studying in the UK for a full          matters such as visas and living in the UK.
academic year. If you are studying at                     The Student Advice and Support Service is
Loughborough for one semester only and you                located in the Bridgeman Building at the
become unwell, it is recommended that, in the             centre of the campus and is open from 09:00 -
first instance, you seek the advice of the                17:00 hours, Monday to Friday. Email any
University’s pharmacist, who has premises                 queries to or telephone
located outside the Students’ Union. If the               +44 (0)1509 222058.
pharmacist assesses your symptoms as
urgent and/or requiring immediate treatment,
you will be able to book an emergency                     Student Wellbeing and Inclusivity
appointment at the Medical Centre.
Alternatively, you could visit the NHS Urgent             Student Wellbeing and Inclusivity (SWAI)
Care Centre in Loughborough Hospital which                provides a range of support, advice and
is situated on Epinal Way (very close to the              guidance to students in order to help them
University campus). Please be advised,                    build on their strengths and achieve their
however, that there is often a substantial                potential. Services include disability support,
waiting time.                                             mental health support, counselling (see
                                                          below), wellbeing and inclusivity. SWAI is
                                                          located in the Bridgeman Building at the
Nightline                                                 centre of the campus and is open from 09:00 -
                                                          17:00 hours, Monday to Friday. Email any
A confidential and anonymous listening                    queries to or
service providing support for students, by                telephone +44 (0)1509 228338.
students, via phone and email. Open term-
time between 20:00 and 08:00 hours on
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.                          University Counselling Service
Telephone +44 (0)1509 227650 or email                   This service is available and free to the whole
                                                          University community. The counsellors are all
                                                          professionally trained and experienced in
Student Advice and Support Service                        dealing with issues such as anxiety,
                                                          depression, bereavement, family concerns,
The Student Advice and Support Service                    study-related problems and adjusting to a new
provides students with guidance on a range of             way of life. It is quite normal for someone who
issues relating to finance (e.g. loans, grants,           moves from a familiar culture to one which is
welfare benefits and debts) and housing (e.g.             unfamiliar to experience ‘culture shock’. You
contracts, deposits and the rights of tenants).           can contact the Counselling Service on email
There is also a dedicated website which          or telephone +44 (0)1509
provides advice to international students on              222148.

Loughborough Students’ Union
Loughborough Students’ Union (LSU) was                    Once you become a student on any
awarded the Best Students’ Union at the 2016              programme at Loughborough, you
What Uni Student Choice Awards. It is an                  automatically become a member of the
organisation which is run to ensure that                  Students’ Union, which offers a diverse
students have the best experience possible                programme of entertainment and activities as
whilst studying at Loughborough, and it is                well as providing you with practical and peer
unique amongst British universities in that its           support. For example, Student Voice (email
premises are owned by the students               is a confidential and
themselves. It is managed on a day-to-day                 non-judgmental service which can help you
basis by the LSU Executive, with scrutiny from            with a range of issues, including academic
the Union Council. You can find further details           misconduct, appealing results and impaired
about the Students’ Union at               performance claims.

The Students’ Union Building is located on the
north-eastern corner of the campus and                    International Students’ Network
consists of two floors. You will find a selection
of shops, food outlets and other services,                The Students’ Union has a strong belief in
such as a dental practice, pharmacy, optician,            supporting ERASMUS+ and international
hairdressing, beauty salon, cash points and               students and, as such, has its own dedicated
banking facilities. At night, the Students’               International Development Officer, who chairs
Union provides a range of entertainment                   the International Committee. Together, they
which includes club nights, live events,                  will encourage you to get involved in, and
quizzes, bingo, sports and fitness.                       engage with, a variety of activities and social
                                                          events which are organised during the course

Exchange Student Handbook 2021/22 – Semester 2 students                                         11
of the academic year. You can find further                As part of this scheme, there is an ‘Ask a
   information about International Committee at              Student Service’ (                   which allows current, prospective and pre-
   committee/.                                               arrival students to ask a peer mentor a
                                                             question about anything related to
                                                             Loughborough, e.g. societies, international
   Peer mentoring scheme                                     integration or where to buy a warm coat!

   The Students’ Union manages a peer                        As the Students’ Union is a separate
   mentoring scheme for all incoming exchange                organisation to the University, we require your
   students. The scheme operates on an opt-out               permission to pass on your contact details so
   basis, and those of you who opt-in (i.e.                  that you can participate in the peer mentoring
   mentees) will be allocated mentors who will               scheme. Please ensure, therefore, that you
   be there to provide advice and guidance with              complete the relevant section of the Incoming
   a view to helping you adjust to studying and              Exchange Student Application Form.
   living in the UK.

  Sport and Recreational Facilities
   Loughborough University is internationally                football stadium, artificial and grass pitches,
   renowned for excellence in sport and has the              tennis courts, a beach park, a ball park and a
   best sporting facilities in the UK which are              games park.
   used by elite athletes, students, staff and the
   general public alike.                                     There is more information about the sport and
                                                             recreational facilities, including membership,
   Indoor facilities include a 50m swimming pool,            booking details and prices at
   an athletics centre, a cricket performance      
   centre, netball and badminton courts, a
   gymnastics centre, a martial arts studio and
   several multi-purpose sports halls. Outdoor
   facilities include an athletics stadium, a


  Living in the UK
                                                             across the University campus, but there is
   Bank accounts                                             only one bank (Santander), which is located
                                                             near the Students’ Union.
   It can take up to 5 working days to open a
   bank account, therefore it is advisable to bring
   some cash so that you can meet any                        Cash
   immediate expenses during your first couple
   of weeks. To open a bank account, you will                The pound sterling is the official currency of
   need to provide documents showing proof of                the UK. Notes are in denominations of £50,
   identification, your UK and home addresses                £20, £10 and £5, and coins are available in
   and your student status. You can obtain a                 £2, £1, 50p, 20p, 10p, 5p, 2p and 1p. Please
   letter confirming your student status by                  note however, that many retail outlets have
   contacting Student Enquiries via email                    stopped cash transactions since the COVID- or telephone                 19 pandemic, therefore you will need a debit
   +44 (0)1509 222491.                                       or credit card.

   Most banks are normally open daily between
   09:30 – 17:30 hours, Monday to Friday                     Climate
   inclusive, although some may open later on
   one day each week and/or on Saturday                      The UK climate is temperate with warm, damp
   mornings. You will find several cashpoints                Summers and cool, wet Winters, however it is

   Exchange Student Handbook 2021/22 – Semester 2 students                                         12
also unpredictable and the temperature can                . Mobile phones
vary considerably within one day. In Summer,
temperatures vary between 19-23 degrees                   There are many specialist mobile phone
centigrade, with daylight of around 16 hours              shops in Loughborough where you are able to
per day. The warmest months are usually July              purchase a ‘pay as you go’ or contract phone.
and August. In Winter, temperatures vary                  Depending on the length of your stay, a ‘pay
between 0-10 degrees centigrade, with the                 as you go’ phone may be a better purchase,
daylight hours shortening to around 8 hours               but please note that the price of international
per day. The shortest day of the year is 21               calls will vary significantly depending on your
December. January and February tend to be                 network provider. If you plan to bring your
the coldest months.                                       mobile phone with you, check PRIOR to
                                                          leaving your home country that you will be
                                                          able to use it in the UK. Your network provider
Clothing                                                  might also be able to provide you with the
                                                          best options regarding the cost of making and
Styles of dress vary in the UK, but you can               receiving international calls.
wear informal clothes on the campus during
the day. For formal occasions, you might be
expected to dress more formally – usually                 Personal safety
dresses for women and suits for men. You
might wish to bring your national dress, as               Although Loughborough is a relatively safe
there are international events which will                 town, you should still take all the necessary
provide you with an opportunity to wear it.               steps to ensure your own personal safety. The
Taking into consideration the UK’s climate, it            University’s Security Office has produced an
is recommended that you bring appropriate                 online presentation on personal safety which
clothing, such as waterproof coats, sweaters              includes a section specifically for international
and socks. Some items might be cheaper to                 students. It can be found on the website at
buy when you arrive in the UK, but it depends   
on where you are travelling from and the                  presentation/.
exchange rate at the time.

Electrical equipment
                                                          Loughborough is an attractive and safe
The standard electricity supply in the UK is              market town with a street market on
220/240 volts, 50 cycles AC, and the standard             Thursdays and Saturdays. It has several large
socket is designed to take a 13-amp square                supermarkets, such as Aldi, Lidl, Morrisons,
three-pin plug. If you are bringing your own              Sainsbury’s and Tesco, a number of
electrical equipment, which requires a two-pin            international supermarkets and a variety of
socket or plug, you will need to buy an                   smaller food shops. Items for sale are marked
international voltage or plug adaptor.                    with a price, and you will be expected to pay
                                                          that – it is not possible to bargain over prices
                                                          in UK shops.
                                                          As Loughborough is at the heart of England in
There are a number of laws in the UK which
                                                          the East Midlands, it is well serviced by road,
might be different from your home country, for
                                                          rail and air if you feel like shopping elsewhere.
example, with regard to the use of alcohol and
                                                          There are three large cities in close proximity
tobacco. It is, therefore, recommended that
                                                          (Leicester, Nottingham and Derby), and there
you take a look at the section entitled ‘Crime,
                                                          are regular trains operating between
Justice and the Law’ on the UK Government’s
                                                          Loughborough and London, with the journey
                                                          taking approximately 90 minutes.

Contact Details
Emergencies                                               Exchange Co-ordinators

If an emergency needing the police, fire or               Each School/Department has an Exchange
ambulance should arise outside the                        Co-ordinator, who has academic expertise in
University, you should dial 999 on the nearest            your chosen subject and will be able to offer
phone. If you are on University premises, you             you advice on what you can study and which
should dial 888. The University’s Security                modules you can take. You are advised to
Officers are on duty 24 hours per day.                    contact your respective Exchange Co-
                                                          ordinator directly if you have any queries
                                                          regarding your application form and learning

Exchange Student Handbook 2021/22 – Semester 2 students                                          13
agreement. Contact details are at                         activities across the University, working                           closely with the Exchange Co-ordinators. You
exchange/exchange-coordinators/.                          will find the team in the Programme Quality
                                                          and Teaching Partnerships Office in the
                                                          Academic Registry, which is located in the
Exchanges Team                                            Rutland Building (near to the Students’ Union
                                                          Building). However, it is recommended that
The Exchanges Team is responsible for                     before visiting, you make an appointment by
managing and co-ordinating exchange                       emailing

Exchange Student Handbook 2021/22 – Semester 2 students                                       14
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