COLLEGE GUIDE 2021 - Elizabeth College Department of Education

Page created by Mark Maldonado
COLLEGE GUIDE 2021 - Elizabeth College Department of Education

Elizabeth College
Department of Education
COLLEGE GUIDE 2021 - Elizabeth College Department of Education
Secretary’s Foreword                             4
Principal’s Welcome                              5
'Connected and On Track'                         6
Our Supportive College Environment               8
Personal Fitness                                11
Hobart City Partner Schools                     12
Our International College                       13
Student Exchanges and Study Tours               14
Preparing for Work                              15
College Musical and Ensembles                   16
Resources at College                            18
College Links with the University of Tasmania   19
Qualifications and Certificates                 20
College Timetable 2021                          21
College Map                                     22
My Course                                       23
COLLEGE GUIDE 2021 - Elizabeth College Department of Education
SECRETARY’S                                                                       PRINCIPAL’S
                                                   FOREWORD                                                                          WELCOME
                   Welcome! With COVID-19 causing disruption to the way that we live, study and              This Guide gives you a snapshot of our offerings at Elizabeth College. As you
                   work, 2021 may seem to some to be a challenging time to be commencing Year 11 or          read through the pages, I hope you are inspired to participate in many of the
                   embarking on your final year of school. In a time of uncertainty, however, a meaningful   programs listed.
                   qualification that plays to your strengths and aspirations and sets you up for your
                                                                                                             Our programs at Elizabeth College aim to provide engaging learning experiences
                   future, is more important than ever.
                                                                                                             that will prepare you for future opportunities after Year 12. We also care about
                   This journey you’re on is as unique as you. Some of you may already know what you         your wellbeing and will support you to build resilience when meeting new challenges,
                   want to do when you finish school, and some may not have a plan just yet. That’s ok,      so you can flourish at college and beyond.
                   you can keep your options open and choose a broad range of study options allowing
                                                                                                             At Elizabeth College we provide you with a two-year program that will prepare you
                   you to consider a variety of career paths once you complete school. Or, you can make
                                                                                                             for future pathways. During this period we will support you to achieve the Tasmanian
                   targeted choices to a specific area or type of work that you’re interested in.
                                                                                                             Certificate of Education (TCE), a certificate that shows future employers or education
                   There is no longer a one-size-fits-all approach to study at school, and there are a       providers that you have successfully achieved the standards required for Year 12 and
                   number of different ways to structure your courses to suit your strengths, interests      future employment.
                   and aspirations. Completing Year 12 gives you a meaningful qualification that will
                                                                                                             Each week you will attend a Home Group session with a teacher who will monitor
                   open doors to a variety of options beyond school. Schools and colleges offer a lot
                                                                                                             your progress throughout the year. Your Home Group teacher will help you to keep
                   of flexibility, diverse practical and classroom-based subjects and extra-curricular
                                                                                                             on track with your studies, encouraging you to participate in extra-curricular activities
                   activities, some of which you might not have even considered.
                                                                                                             and deal with any personal issues. They will support you to maintain good attendance
                   If you are not sure what you want to do or what your options are, don’t worry, talk to    and work with you to look at future pathways and provide guidance to achieve these.
                   your career advisors at school, teachers, parents or carers. Look over the information
                                                                                                             Your teachers are keen to assist you if you are unsure about any aspect of their
                   you have gathered through My Education, use this information in the Guide and visit
                                                                                                             course. You can ask them for help in class, or you can arrange a time to meet them
          which shows some of the journey’s others have gone on and
                                                                                                             during a tutorial slot or at a time convenient to both of you. I urge you to ask for help
                   includes information about what choices are available.
                                                                                                             when you first feel that you may not understand something, so that you can move
                   Remember to look after your physical and mental health. Draw on the support of            forward with confidence.
                   those around you – your family, friends and teachers - to seek the help when you
                                                                                                             A further opportunity for students is our extensive Enrichment Program. Each
                   need it.
                                                                                                             year you can sign up for a number of Enrichment offerings including: sports, camps,
                   Most important of all, enjoy this time and use it to set yourself up for the next stage   certificate training and social clubs. This program aims to expand and enrich your
                   of your journey.                                                                          experiences at College. You will learn new skills, visit new places and make new friends.
                   All the best for your studies in 2021 and beyond.                                         We know that every lesson counts at college, and students who regularly attend their
                                                                                                             classes are the students who achieve. That is why attendance and staying ‘Connected
                   Tim Bullard                                                                               and On Track’ is so important to us. Please take the time to visit our website and view
                   Secretary of the Department of Education                                                  our video on the importance of being in every lesson:
                                                                                                             au/elizabeth-college-attendance-video. I look forward to you joining us in 2021.

                                                                                                             Dr Dianne Purnell

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HOME GROUP                                          and we will get in touch with your parents/carers
                                                    to help you stay ‘Connected and On Track’.
                                                                                                        ENRICHMENT PROGRAM                                    WELLBEING EXPO
Academic progress and student wellbeing are         We send an SMS message to your parents/             The activities offered in our Enrichment              Each year Elizabeth College holds a Wellbeing
intrinsically linked. The College runs a formal     carers if you miss a class without a good           Program are a great way to make new friends           Expo, which reflects our focus on resilience.
program called Home Group, which meets              explanation. You and your parents/carers will       and get to know other teachers at Elizabeth           This event provides students with access to
every week. Each Home Group teacher works           also be sent SMS messages and attendance            College who share similar interests to you. They      information about a range of agencies and
with their students to keep them ‘Connected         letters if you continue to have unexplained         can also be an opportunity to try something           organisations that provide support to young
and On Track’ with their learning. Students         absences. It is important that you talk to your     new with friends. Camps and adventures to             people around Hobart. Students are able to
are provided with opportunities to develop          teachers and Home Group teacher about any           spectacular locations; wellbeing activities such      interact with a variety of providers and develop
knowledge so they can make informed decisions       absences that you may have and how you can          as mindfulness and yoga; fitness and sporting         their knowledge and understanding of the wide
about course selection and post school options.     catch up when you do miss classes.                  activities like futsal and basketball; clubs and      range of support that is available to them within
Additionally, there is a focus on developing                                                            societies like the Student Leadership Group;          the local community.
and enhancing skills that are vital for learning
                                                    WHOLE SCHOOL ASSEMBLIES                             and connecting with the wider community
and for building positive relationships. Sharing
extra-curricular experiences is also a key part     Whole school assemblies are student led and
                                                                                                        through charities (such as community cooking
                                                                                                        for Foodbank, or wildlife rescue) are just a
                                                                                                                                                              CAREERS EXPO
                                                    held at the end of each term. They allow the                                                              The Elizabeth College Careers Expo provides
of the Home Group program. Attendance is                                                                few of the enriching activities offered. You can
                                                    Elizabeth College community to come together                                                              students with the opportunity to find out more
compulsory and the groups are comprised of                                                              also gain nationally recognised employment
                                                    to hear inspirational speakers, to celebrate the                                                          about further education and career options after
either Year 11 or Year 12 students. The Home                                                            qualifications in First Aid, Responsible Service of
                                                    term and to recognise student achievements.                                                               college. Students can learn about post college
Group teacher takes a special interest in your                                                          Alcohol, Bronze Medallion, open water scuba or
                                                    Year group assemblies are also held at various                                                            pathways, including UTAS courses, TasTAFE
progress and in most cases, they are the first                                                          a Recreational Boat Licence. Check it out!
                                                    times throughout the year.                                                                                offerings, and apprenticeship and traineeships
point of contact for your parents/carers.
                                                                                                                                                              from a range of industries and providers.
                                                                                                        TUTORIAL SESSIONS
ATTENDANCE: EVERY LESSON                                                                                Tutorial sessions are offered at Elizabeth College.   DRIVER EDUCATION PROGRAM
COUNTS                                                                                                  Our timetable has opportunities during the week
                                                                                                                                                              Elizabeth College has its own Driver Education
                                                                                                        where students are able to access one-on-one
Students who attend college regularly are more                                                                                                                car and a learn-to-drive program to help students
                                                                                                        and group support with subject teachers.
likely to obtain their Tasmanian Certificate of                                                                                                               to obtain their licences. You can obtain your
                                                                                                                                                              L1 through the College and then, with the
Education and find employment or go on to
further study. We realise some absences are
                                                                                                        HARMONY DAY                                           support of mentors, undertake driving practice
unavoidable due to health problems or other                                                             Harmony Day is a highlight of the Elizabeth           using our car.
circumstances, but we also know that when you                                                           College calendar and is celebrated in term 1.
miss too many lessons, regardless of the reason,                                                        Through the sharing of food, music and a range
it can cause you to fall behind. Home Group and                                                         of games and activities, students and staff
class teachers will closely monitor your progress                                                       celebrate the diverse and inclusive nature that
                                                                                                        is unique to our College. This is a great day to
                                                                                                        dress up, have fun and meet new people.
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CAREERS ADVISOR                                       SUPPORT FOR COUNTRY
                                                                                                             All students will have access to ME Online,           STUDENTS
                                                                                                             an online education and career planning system,
                                                                                                                                                                   Students from country and rural areas often face
                                                                                                             and MyEducation learning resources within our
                                                                                                                                                                   particular issues, including longer travel times,
                                                                                                             Home Group Program. Guest speakers from
                                                                                                                                                                   transport options, accommodation, access to
                                                                                                             various training organisations and universities are
                                                                                                                                                                   facilities, and possible feelings of isolation. If you
                                                                                                             available to students throughout the year. To seek
                                                                                                                                                                   are a country student, the Student Services
                                                                                                             advice on employment or further study, please
                                                                                                                                                                   team can support your transition to college and
                                                                                                             contact David Newcombe in the Library Careers
                                                                                                                                                                   will assist you with any issues or difficulties that
                                                                                                             Centre or by email: david.newcombe@education.
                                                                                                                                                                   may arise. Lunchtime meetings and activities are
                                                                                                                                                                   planned to further help you connect and feel
                                                                                                                                                                   comfortable at college.
                                                                                                             REASONABLE ADJUSTMENTS
                                                                                                             FOR EXAMS                                             SUPPORT FOR LGBTiQ
OUR SUPPORTIVE                                                                                               Level 3 and Level 4 students may be eligible for
                                                                                                             Reasonable Adjustments for TASC exams if they
                                                                                                                                                                   Our counsellors facilitate a diversity group for

                                                                                                             have a diagnosed disability, such as a physical,
                                                                                                                                                                   allies and friends of the LGBTiQ community.
                                                                                                             psychological, medical or specific learning
                                                                                                                                                                   This group meets once a week as part of the
                                                                                                             difficulty. Reasonable adjustments may include
                                                                                                                                                                   Enrichment program, and covers a range of
                                                                                                             extra time, use of a laptop, a smaller separate
                                                                                                                                                                   educational topics, as well as offering social
                                                                                                             room or permission to bring food or medication
                                                                                                                                                                   experiences. For further information, please
STUDENT SERVICES TEAM                                   required. For further information,
                                                        please contact Damian Stolp by email:
                                                                                                             into the exam room. Home Group teachers
                                                                                                                                                                   contact Jesse Blackaby by email: jesse.blackaby@
                                                                                                             will discuss reasonable adjustment options in
The Student Services team is made up of                                                                       , or Sandy Verrier by email:
                                                                                                             term 1. If you think you might be eligible, please
counsellors, youth workers, a psychologist, a                                                                                                            
                                                                                                             see one of our Student Services counsellors at
chaplain, a social worker, an Aboriginal Education
Worker, a security officer and a school nurse.
                                                        SECURITY OFFICER                                     your earliest convenience to discuss evidence
                                                                                                                                                                   COLLEGE CANTEEN
                                                        The security officer provides a safe learning        requirements. For further information, please
Our qualified counsellors and youth workers                                                                                                                        Elizabeth College’s canteen offers a range of
                                                        environment for both students and staff at our       contact Sally Westland by email:
are able to offer confidential counselling for a                                                                                                                   cooked and fresh food, prepared and served
                                                        college. They can be seen mixing with students
range of personal issues, such as relationships,                                                                                                                   each day by our friendly and helpful canteen staff.
housing, allowances, finances, health, and future       in a variety of activities, both in and out of the
                                                                                                             SUPPORT FOR ABORIGINAL
pathways. Focusing on your mental health and
wellbeing is a key priority of the college and the
                                                        classroom, giving support and advice.
                                                                                                             OR TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER                             BREAKFAST CLUB
Student Services team can help you, as well as          SCHOOL NURSE                                         STUDENTS                                              The Breakfast Club is run by our chaplain on
                                                                                                                                                                   Wednesday and Friday mornings. It offers a free
organising referrals to outside agencies. Our
                                                        The school nurse works closely with teachers         The Aboriginal Education Worker provides              breakfast in the Student Common Room in
psychologist provides educational assessments
                                                        and students to promote healthy lifestyle            information and support for students with             H Block and provides an opportunity for you
and recommendations for students who may
                                                        choices. They visit classes and offer individual     Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander backgrounds.     to connect with other students and staff.
have specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia.
                                                        appointments for students to discuss any health-     The Aboriginal Education worker is on campus
Please contact Student Services on 6235 6559 to
make an appointment, or one of your teachers            related issues they may have.                        once a week. Students on a university pathway
can complete an online referral form.                                                                        can also receive support from the Aboriginal
                                                        COLLEGE CHAPLAIN                                     Higher Education Officer at the Riawunna Centre
STUDENT SUPPORT                                         Our college chaplain works as a member of
                                                                                                             (UTAS), who can facilitate transition meetings
                                                                                                             and mentoring.
Student support teachers and teacher assistants         the Student Services team and is available to
work with students who require additional               provide support and guidance in relation to
learning support; including the development and         spiritual welfare and other issues which may
management of learning plans, communication             concern you. A Christian group, facilitated by
with teachers about strategies to best support          the chaplain, meets regularly. This service is
the student and providing assistance when               non-denominational.

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ECAAD                                                   Certificate. For more information and to
                                                        obtain an application form, please contact
Do you wish to achieve at the highest level in          Kate Pedersen by email: kate.pedersen@
your pre-tertiary subjects? Do you have a strong
academic and co-curricular background and an
interest in contributing to your community? If so,
you may wish to apply for a place in the Elizabeth
                                                        ELIZABETH COLLEGE
College Advanced Academic Diploma program.              SCHOLARSHIPS
ECAAD provides a supportive environment, a              Elizabeth College offers a number of

                                                                                                              PERSONAL FITNESS
diverse range of extension activities, and study        scholarships, including one to a Year 10 student
skills and wellbeing workshops to help you flourish,    transitioning from each of our feeder high
explore ideas, make friends and achieve your            schools. A further scholarship is offered to
best. Participation in the ECAAD program is by          a Year 12 international student. Scholarship
application at the end of Year 10, and again at the     recipients are high achievers in their studies
end of Year 11 if you would like to continue with       and make meaningful contributions to their            CHUGGY’S GYM                                             and training equipment. The suite of spin cycles
                                                                                                                                                                       is used by staff and students in classes such as
the program in Year 12. For more information            communities. The scholarship holders have             Chuggy’s Gym is a strength and conditioning              Body and Soul, Physical Education, and Athlete
please contact Will Walker by email:                    become high profile members of our college            facility at Elizabeth College open to all students       Development, as well as a variety of Enrichment                        community, inspirational role models for other        and staff. The gym complex focuses on stretching         activities. It also offers a space for recovery
                                                        students and ambassadors for their high schools.      and core, cardiovascular development and                 programs and activities such as yoga.
SCHOOL OF BUSINESS                                      You can find out more information from your           functional strength. Modelled on a commercial
                                                        high school or contact the college on 6235 6555.
The School of Business at Elizabeth College                                                                   gym, this college facility has an excellent range
                                                                                                              of free weights, dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells,
                                                                                                                                                                       ATHLETE DEVELOPMENT
is a unique partnership with the University of
Tasmania, other tertiary providers, local businesses    STUDENT LEADERSHIP GROUP                              medicine balls, benches and fit balls. Our selection     PROGRAM
and industry bodies. It offers you the opportunity                                                            of cardio equipment extends to industry-standard         Elizabeth College provides extensive
                                                        Students interested in developing leadership
to enhance your classroom studies through                                                                     Life Fitness bikes, cross trainers, treadmills, SkiErg   opportunities to develop your chosen sport
                                                        skills and in representing the student body
connecting and interacting with the real world of                                                             and Concept 2 rowers.                                    through our Athlete Development Programs
                                                        can join the Student Leadership Group.
business. The program develops your business            The group meets weekly and you can self-                                                                       (ADP). Sport specific Athlete Development
knowledge and skills and includes opportunities for     nominate if you wish to join. Members of              GYM                                                      Programs include futsal, basketball and AFL
you to participate in business tours, industry leader   the Student Leadership Group contribute to            The College gymnasium is one of the best of its          Women, in addition to our general programs.
networking, creating your own start-up business,        and organise community activities, such as            type in Tasmania. It is used extensively during the      With access to expert coaching and state-of-
workshops and work experience. The University           charity events, student initiatives and activities,   day by a range of subject areas and for popular          the-art facilities, ADP enables you to develop
of Tasmania offers a scholarship for the top EC         and student representative projects, such             lunchtime Enrichment activities.                         your sport specific skills, fitness and sporting
Business School Graduate who will be undertaking        as grounds’ redevelopment. In 2020, the                                                                        knowledge. For further information please
a Business degree at UTAS in the future. If you         Student Leadership Group focused on student           SPIN ROOM                                                contact Rebecca Thomas by email:
participate in the full program offered by the          wellbeing. For more information, please               The Athlete Lab has been developed to improve
School of Business, you will have the opportunity       contact Rebecca Thomas by email:                      physical performance and has high quality testing
to attain the Elizabeth College School of Business

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HOBART CITY                                                                                                   OUR
PARTNER SCHOOLS                                                                                               INTERNATIONAL
Hobart City Partner Schools is a collaborative partnership between Elizabeth College, New Town High
School and Ogilvie High School. The three schools started working together in 2020 to develop and
provide a combined educational delivery model for Years 9–12. Each campus retains its unique identity,
while offering specialised courses of study for some students, allowing them to move across campuses.         There is a strong focus on international education      and a mathematics and science tutor. We also
This partnerships also allows the three schools to share specialised resources and facilities.                at Elizabeth College. We have sister school             organise cultural tours for international students.
                                                                                                              relationships with schools in both China and Japan.     If you are part of the international student body
                            Courses at the New Town High School (NTHS) campus are designed around             Our partnership with Hiroshima Inokuchi Senior          at Elizabeth College, we encourage you to mix as
                            project-based learning methods, meeting the individual needs and interests of     High School is one of the longest active sister         much as possible with local Australian students,
                            students. Year 11 and 12 courses will be delivered in a purpose-built building,   school relationships in Tasmania. In recent years       both inside and outside of class, which will help
                            rich in technology and set up as a MAKER Space. NTHS will offer two               we have had over 50 international and exchange          improve your English conversation skills. The
                            pathways for Year 11 and 12 students.                                             students studying at the college from Brazil,           International Student Common Room is in a large
                            Integrated Skills Pathway (ISP)                                                   China, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Switzerland,       room located in H Block and is a place to relax
                            Students enrolled in this pathway will be full-time at the NTHS campus and        Germany, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Korea, Slovakia,         and mix with other international students and
                            have an Integrated Skills Pathway with engagement, social development,            Sweden and Vietnam. If you are an international         local friends.
NEW TOWN                    literacy and numeracy as their priority. These outcomes will be achieved via      student, you will have four staff supporting your
                                                                                                              studies at Elizabeth College, including a counsellor,
                            the Project Based Learning (PBL) model, whereby students learn about a
HIGH SCHOOL                 subject through the experience of solving an open-ended problem found in
                            stimulus material.
                            Digital STEM Pathway (DSP)
                            New Town High School will offer subjects to students who wish to develop a
                            strong background in STEM and Engineering subjects, as a pathway to further
                            study in these fields beyond Year 12. Students will do one or two subjects at
                            NTHS and the remaining two or three subjects at Elizabeth College as a dual
                            enrolment. For more information please contact NTHS on 6278 0400 or by

                             Big Picture Learning is an innovative alternative to mainstream education.
                             Students are supported to explore their interests and passions, combining
                             academic work with real-world internships, and to plan their own pathway
                             to employment, further study or enterprise opportunities.
                             In Years 11 and 12, Big Picture involves a structured advisory program that
                             incorporates several TASC subjects, while also meeting TCE requirements.
BIG PICTURE AT               Students develop a Graduation Portfolio that can then be used for entry into
                             University, TAFE or employment.
                             Interested students from all schools in the greater Hobart region are
CAMPUS: ‘ONE                 encouraged to apply. For more information and to receive an application
STUDENT AT A                 package, contact Ogilvie High School on 6228 8800 or by email:

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                                  Elizabeth College has international
                                  exchange programs to Japan and China.
                                  These exchange programs provide

                                  students and families in Tasmania and
                                  overseas with unique opportunities
                                  to share cultures and play a role in

                                  community projects. Elizabeth College
                                  also offers a number of sporting and
                                  cultural opportunities throughout the
                                  year, such as visits to the mainland, the

TOURS                             Mt Gambier Generations in Jazz music
                                  tour, the Performing Arts tour, a ski trip to
                                  Mount Hotham and diving on the Great
                                  Barrier Reef. In addition to this, a number
                                  of sporting teams represent the college in
                                  national competitions.

                                                                                  PREPARING FOR WORK
                                                                                  If you are intending to move into the workforce    Sport and Recreation, Community Services
                                                                                  after Year 12, there are a range of vocational     (focus on children) and Retail Cosmetics.
                                                                                  and work preparation programs to help you to       For students interested in exploring different
                                                                                  achieve the Tasmanian Certificate of Education     industry pathways, there is a generic program
                                                                                  and vocational certificates. We offer career       called Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways,
                                                                                  planning, work experience, resumé writing and      as well as Work Readiness. For further
                                                                                  interview techniques for entry to work.            information, please contact Susan Oakden by
                                                                                  VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND
                                                                                  TRAINING PROGRAMS (VET)                            PATHWAYS
                                                                                                                                     Pathways aims to cater for those students
                                                                                  VET programs provide skills and knowledge
                                                                                                                                     requiring extra levels of support. Students
                                                                                  required for today’s workplaces through a
                                                                                                                                     entering Year 11 are eligible to apply and may
                                                                                  national training system. VET qualifications are
                                                                                                                                     be referred on a case-by-case basis. Pathways
                                                                                  recognised nationally and are developed with
                                                                                                                                     operates over a full day each week, which gives
                                                                                  industry consultation and for industry-specific
                                                                                                                                     all participants a full day off class time, so you
                                                                                  skills. In Years 11 and 12, VET subjects offer
                                                                                                                                     can still study a full academic load, but over four
                                                                                  both Certificate I and Certificate II programs,
                                                                                                                                     days. The course is designed to help improve
                                                                                  providing a pathway to further qualifications
                                                                                                                                     career prospects, learning strategies and develop
                                                                                  up to Advanced Diploma level after Year 12.
                                                                                                                                     social skills. All students will have the opportunity
                                                                                  VET qualifications also allow you to progress
                                                                                                                                     to undertake hands-on projects and complete
                                                                                  to university. Most courses also provide the
                                                                                                                                     certificates in First Aid, Responsible Service of
                                                                                  opportunity to undertake work placements,
                                                                                                                                     Alcohol and barista skills. Participants can also
                                                                                  so you can get a real understanding of the
                                                                                                                                     elect to be involved in a variety of activities that
                                                                                  industry and an opportunity to develop links
                                                                                                                                     promote wellbeing and creativity. For further
                                                                                  to employment. Elizabeth College’s offerings
                                                                                                                                     information, please contact Tim Medwin by email:
                                                                                  include: Business, Tourism, Hospitality, Kitchen
                                                                                  Operations, Automotive, Construction,

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COLLEGE MUSICAL                                       MUSIC ENSEMBLES
Our College is widely recognised for producing        Elizabeth College has a strong and diversified
musicals of a high standard with a strong focus       music ensembles program. These include: vocal,
on ensemble. Past shows include Jesus Christ          string, flute, brass, wind quintets, stage band,
Superstar, All Shook Up, Godspell, The Wiz, Our       funk, rock and jazz ensembles. Rehearsals run at
House, Hair, Rent, Chicago and Dusty. You will        convenient times and performances at various
develop skills in all areas of musical theatre such   concerts and events are held throughout the year.
as singing, dancing and acting. All students are      The ensembles are mentored by highly-respected
welcome to be involved, and no experience             instrumentalists and educators whose areas of
is necessary. If you have a background in any         expertise relate directly to the music ensemble.
of these areas, you will find this a challenging      In addition to this, Elizabeth College utilises its
and rewarding course that will enhance and            close affiliation with the Conservatorium of Music
develop your performance skills. There is also        to provide clear study pathways and develop
the opportunity to be part of the band. You will      opportunities for students. As with all music
have the choice of being accredited with either       ensembles at Elizabeth College, you do not need
the TASC Musical Theatre course or UTAS Music         to be enrolled in music subjects to participate.
Project 1 or 2.

                                                                                                            SOUTHERN COLLEGES AND                               STAGE BAND SUMMER SCHOOL
                                                                                                            UTAS WIND ENSEMBLE                                  The Stage Band Summer School is an exciting
                                                                                                                                                                opportunity to develop your skills as a musician.
                                                                                                            This ensemble is a collaboration between
                                                                                                                                                                You will be mentored by an incredible group of
                                                                                                            Elizabeth, Claremont, Hobart and Rosny
                                                                                                                                                                professional musicians and teachers, all leaders in
                                                                                                            Colleges and the Conservatorium of Music.
                                                                                                                                                                their field. During the week long program, you
                                                                                                            You will attend weekly rehearsals at the
                                                                                                                                                                will attend rehearsals, workshops and tutorials,
                                                                                                            Conservatorium of Music, working alongside
                                                                                                                                                                building ensemble skills, improvisation and vocal
                                                                                                            Conservatorium students and presenting a
                                                                                                                                                                technique, concluding with public performances.
                                                                                                            number of performances throughout the year.
                                                                                                                                                                The Stage Band Summer School runs every
                                                                                                            The ensemble is conducted by highly-respected
                                                                                                            educator and musician, Dr Sean Priest. Rehearsals
                                                                                                            and concerts are held within UTAS semesters
                                                                                                            and are scheduled to avoid clashes with college
                                                                                                            exams, musicals and holidays. You will have the
                                                                                                            opportunity to be credited with a UTAS course
                                                                                                            if you desire.

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RESOURCES AT COLLEGE                                                                                   UNIVERSITY OF TASMANIA
COMPUTER RESOURCES                                    LIBRARY                                          Elizabeth College has close links with the
                                                                                                       University of Tasmania (UTAS) across all
                                                                                                                                                       UTAS CONNECTIONS PROGRAM
Elizabeth College has an extensive, well              The Library is the main research and study       our subject areas. Our students have the        Elizabeth College students are able to undertake
maintained computer network available for all         hub for students to work independently or        opportunity to participate in a range of        university subjects whilst studying for their TCE
students of the college. High speed internet,         collaboratively. Opening hours extend before     programs and activities with the University     in areas such as Languages, Creative Arts, SOSE,
personal storage and email are all provided.          and after classes. There is off-campus access    including:                                      Business Studies, Music and more. Eligible Year 11
Students’ email and our virtual learning              to subscription databases, ClickView and                                                         and 12 students will gain university accreditation
                                                                                                       • University Connections Program
environment, Canvas, can be accessed off              recommended websites from the Library                                                            for courses either through extension programs
campus. Access is also provided to high quality       intranet. Students use the Library for:          • UTAS High Achiever Program                    or by undertaking a UTAS unit of study. The
printers, scanners, digital projectors and a                                                                                                           latter can be counted towards your TCE and
                                                      • Study and research                             •	UTAS Conservatorium of Music High
wide range of digital equipment. Information                                                                                                           ATAR and requires regular attendance at
                                                                                                          Achiever Program
Technology is integrated into all learning areas      •	Accessing a wide variety of texts for study                                                   lectures and tutorials. More information can be
via classrooms and computer labs, offering a             and leisure reading                           •	Elizabeth College Business School in         found at:
variety of up-to-date software.                                                                           partnership with UTAS
                                                      •	Understanding academic integrity, copyright
                                                         and referencing                               • Course and scholarship information sessions   UTAS HIGH
BRING YOUR OWN                                        •	Borrowing resources, such as books,           •	Step-Up Program using UTAS library           ACHIEVER PROGRAM
TECHNOLOGY                                               magazines and audio visual items                 resources                                    To be eligible for the UTAS High Achiever
Students who have their own laptops and               •	Accessing career, further study and general   • UTAS Riawunna Centre                          Program, you will need to demonstrate very
tablets are required to bring them for use in            campus information                                                                            high levels of academic performance. You would
class and during private study. Our ICT Services                                                       • UTAS Associate Degree information             usually be expected to be in Year 12, have
staff will assist you to access the college network   • Photocopying, scanning and printing                                                            completed three or more Level 3 subjects in
                                                                                                       More information can be found at the UTAS
through Wi-Fi. Microsoft Office 365 is available                                                       website:                        Year 11 with exemplary achievements, and have
and free for all students. More information can                                                                                                        the maturity to balance university experience
be found at:                                                                                                        with college. More information can be found at:

18 ELIZABETH COLLEGE GUIDE 2021                                                                                                                                             inspired resourceful learners   19
QUALIFICATIONS                                                                                            COLLEGE TIMETABLE 2021
AND CERTIFICATES                                                                                                    MONDAY              TUESDAY        WEDNESDAY    THURSDAY                FRIDAY

OFFICE OF TASMANIAN                                TERTIARY ENTRANCE                                       8.30

ASSESSMENT, STANDARDS                              SCORE (TE)                                              9.00
AND CERTIFICATION (TASC)                           TASC calculates a score for each pre-tertiary                       Line 1             Line 4         Line 3       Line 5                 Line 3
                                                   subject. Your TE score is calculated by
TASC is the qualifications authority for                                                                   9.30
                                                   combining the scores of your best three pre-
Tasmania. It makes decisions about senior
                                                   tertiary subjects (from Years 12 or 13), together
secondary courses, assessment, certificates,
                                                   with the best score(s) of up to two other              10.00
qualifications and the application of national
                                                   pre-tertiary subjects in that year or one other                     Recess             Recess         Recess      Recess                 Recess
and state standards.
                                                   year. The TE score is then used to calculate an        10.30
TASMANIAN CERTIFICATE                              Australian Tertiary Admission Ranking.

OF EDUCATION (TCE)                                 AUSTRALIAN TERTIARY                                    11.00                                        Home Group
The Tasmanian Certificate of Education is a        ADMISSION RANKING (ATAR)                               11.30        Line 2             Line 5                      Line 4                 Line 1
qualification that has five standards:
                                                   The Australian Tertiary Admission Ranking is
•	Everyday adult reading, writing and             used by Australian universities to allocate places     12.00                                          Line 2
   communication in English (literacy skills)      to students. TASC will advise eligible students
• Everyday adult mathematics (numeracy skills)     of their TE score and ATAR in late December.
•	Everyday adult use of computers and the
   internet (ICT skills)
                                                   UNIVERSITY ENTRANCE                                                 Lunch              Lunch          Lunch        Lunch                  Lunch
                                                   If you are interested in a university pathway, it is
•	At least 120 points, with at least 80 at        important to check the requirements of entry
   Level 2 or above by completing a full program   with the university you would like to attend. The       1.30
   as part of your senior secondary education      majority of courses require you to complete a
   and training                                    minimum of four TASC pre-tertiary subjects              2.00                           Line 5         Line 1       Line 4
•	Requirements for planning future education      to attain an ATAR and qualify for university                        Line 3                                                                Line 2
   and training.                                   admission. Most students will study at least five       2.30
                                                   pre-tertiary subjects over the two years to gain                                                                  Tutorial
For more information go to
                                                   a good ATAR. Of these, at least three must be
au/students/courses/mixedfield/tce000113                                                                   3.00
                                                   achieved in Year 12. You also need to complete
                                                   your TCE to obtain an ATAR. For some                               Tutorial         Staff Meeting   Enrichment
                                                                                                                                                                    Leadership         Teacher Assessment
                                                   university courses students may be required to          3.30                                                                           & Preparation
                                                   provide other evidence of attainment, such as a                Teacher Assessment
                                                                                                                     & Preparation
                                                   portfolio or sit the UCAT exam.                         4.00
                                                   There are many pathways to university. You
                                                   may complete a TasTAFE course or an associate
                                                   degree that leads to further study at university.

                                                                                                                                                                         inspired resourceful learners   21
COLLEGE MAP                                                                                                            MY COURSE
                       TASMA STREET                                                                                    FULL-TIME LOAD                                           	I am able to meet deadlines and realise that
                                                                                                                                                                                  TASC deadlines for some assignments and
                                                                                                                       A full-time senior secondary course requires a             folios are not negotiable.
                                                                                                                       minimum of 600 hours.
                  PARK                                                                                                 A full-time load usually equates to four TASC           YOUR PATHWAY
                                                                                                                       subjects, or a VET Certificate Program and two          Tick one of the following and where possible add
                                                               K                                                       or three TASC subjects. It is recommended that          a description or focus area such as industry or
                                                                               N                                       students wishing to go to university consider           university faculty.
                                                                                                                       studying at least two TASC Level 3 subjects in
                                                                           D                                           Year 11 and three or four Level 3 or 4 subjects in         University, including possible faculty/faculties
                                                                                                                       Year 12. Students not planning on going to university

                                                                                                                       will enrol in a vocationally focussed program.

                             M                                                                                                                                                 Pre-requisite subjects:
                       GY                                                                            A                 WHEN ENROLLING AT ELIZABETH

                                                                                                                       COLLEGE, CHECK YOUR UNDERSTANDING

                                                                                                                       OF THE FOLLOWING:

                                                          L                    H                                        	I understand the importance of a regular
                                                                                                                          pattern of attendance, to ensure that I cover
                                                                                                                          course information and topics in depth and            	Vocational Pathway
                                                                                     B                                    have not missed key learning.
                                                                                                                        	I am prepared to do a considerable amount
                                                                                                    ET                    of homework, which may involve a number              Pre-requisite subjects:
                                                                                           T   RE                         of hours of homework each week.
                                                                                   IC   KS
                      RR                          T                          W
                           AY                                              AR                                           	I am comfortable with presentations and
                              S   TR                                      W
                                       EET                                                                                group work.
                                                                                                                        	I understand that many pre-tertiary
                                                                                                                          subjects have substantial reading and writing
KEY TO COLLEGE MAP                                                                                                        requirements, and I am prepared to read a               Undecided
                                                                                                                          range of texts for information.                      In the 2021 Year 11/12 Course Information Book
A 	Administration, Canteen,                      Facilities Office                 Gender Neutral Toilets
    Humanities                                                                                                          	I understand that a reasonable level of accuracy     highlight the subjects you want to know more
                                             GYM Sports                             Female Toilets
                                                                                                                          (spelling, punctuation, grammar) is required in      about and rule out the subjects you are not
    Bicycle Shelter                          H 	International Students             Male Toilets
                                                                                                                          most subjects.                                       interested in taking.
B 	Foods, Maths, Science,                        Program,                          Gender Neutral
    Visual Arts                                   Student Common Room               Accessible Toilets                  	I understand there are rules associated with         WHAT DO I DO IF
 Café TANG                                                                                                               Academic Integrity and referencing, which can
                                                                                                                                                                               I HAVE QUESTIONS?
                                              K                                     Showers
 Canteen                                     L   Library and Careers Centre                                              vary for each subject area.
                                                                                                                                                                                 ontact the Year 10 coordinator in your school
D   Children’s Services, Maths               N    Student Services                  Pedestrian Entry + Exit             	I realise that most pre-tertiary subjects have
    Chuggy's Weights Gym                          Main Office                                                             an exam, which can be 2 or 3 hours long and          • Contact the Elizabeth College office on
                                                                                    Vehicle Entry + Exit
                                                                                                                          mostly handwritten, therefore handwriting               6235 6555
E   Performing Arts                           T 	Automotive, Computing,            Motorcycle/Scooter Parking            needs to be legible.
F 	EAL, English, Health and                      Construction, Graphic                                                                                                        • S ee the Elizabeth College website:
    Wellbeing, Languages,                         Design, Housing &                                                     	I am able to manage my time and workload     
    Spin Room                                     Design, Journalism, Maths,                                              to meet the demands of my college subjects,
                                                  Metalwork, Pathways,                                                                                                         •C
                                                                                                                                                                                 ontact us on Facebook:
    First Aid                                                                                                             part-time work, sport and other interests, as
                                                  Photography, Retail                                                                                                 
                                                                                                                          well as allowing time for a healthy lifestyle,
                                                  Cosmetics, Woodwork                                                     family and friends.
22 ELIZABETH COLLEGE GUIDE 2021                                                                                                                                                                  INSPIRED
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           learners 23
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    23 | (03) 6235 6555 | 
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