Page created by Arthur Lawson

                              TM                ®*

* 510(k) pending device. Not cleared for sale in the U.S.
  Pending device. Not cleared for sale in the U.S.
© 2016 EMD Serono, Inc. US-FTT-0816-0004
Visit us at Booth 607 to meet
the future of fertility innovation
and get a hands-on demo today.

            ®†                ®*
Participate in the ASRM 2016 Twitter Wall!
During the ASRM 2016 Scientific Congress, all participants are invited to post opinions,
reports, and feedback on the Congress's Twitter Wall. The Twitter Wall can be viewed in
the Convention Center’s Main Lobby. All you need is a mobile device with an installed
Twitter app, or a web browser.

Go to www.twitter.com, and sign up. You will need to enter identifying information
and agree to the terms of service. You will need to verify your email address before
continuing. Twitter will walk you through a setup wizard of sorts, and ask you to follow
five or more people. This is optional, though the website doesn’t give you an option to
skip it. Search for “#ASRM2016” if you wish to follow the messages at the conference,
and search for “@ReprodMed” if you also wish to follow ASRM’s Twitter feed.
Otherwise, at this point, if you don’t want to go any further in the setup wizard, go back
to www.twitter.com and independently update your profile page and if desired, add a
photo. Other Twitter users like to see photos of tweeters.

One option for using Twitter is to install a Twitter app on your mobile device. Go to https://twitter.com/download or to the app
store and select your device. If you do not wish to install an app for Twitter, you can still use Twitter within your web browser.

You can do this within the Twitter app on your mobile device, or on the Twitter website. On the website, you can post a tweet
by clicking on Home and then type inside the center box. You are limited to 140 characters in a single tweet. At the end of each
message, in order for your message to appear on the Twitter wall, you must put #ASRM2016 at the end, such as:

 Watching a grt pres. on endometriosis by                                    Plenary Speaker Dr. Smith starting now -
 Dr. Smith. Fantastic new data w/2000 pts!                      or           hall packed, exciting, standing rm only!
 #ASRM2016                                                                   #ASRM2016

All incoming tweets are monitored by ASRM staff, and those tweets that show up with the hashtag #ASRM2016 and that pass
moderation will be posted to the Twitter Wall. In order for a tweet to pass moderation, the following guidelines should be
kept in mind:
• Messages must be about Congress content or activities.
• Messages cannot contain personal information.
• Messages cannot personally attack another person.
• Messages that ASRM considers unprofessional will not be displayed on the Twitter Wall.

            We hope you’ll join us in tweeting the ASRM 2016 Scientific Congress!

         You can use the hashtag #ASRM2016 for Instagram too!
              Use the hashtags #IVF4VETS and #ACCESS2IVF too!
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through Autologous Mitochondrial Transfer

                Mitochondria can have an important impact on egg health, fertilization,
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                 To learn more about the potential of mitochondrial transfer, visit our booth #1807
                 and go to go.ovascience.com/ASRM2016 for your own scientific packet.

                For more information about the AUGMENTSM treatment, visit augmenttreatment.com.
                Follow us on Facebook and Twitter @ovascience.

                 The AUGMENTSM treatment is available in limited jurisdictions globally and is not available in the United States.

                 1. Cagnone, G. L. M. et al. Restoration of normal embryogenesis by mitochondrial supplementation in pig oocytes exhibiting mitochondrial DNA deficiency.
                 Sci. Rep. 6, 23229; doi: 10.1038/ srep23229 (2016).
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©2016 P/N 10662ART REV.0. Vit Kit-Freeze and Vit Kit-Thaw are intended for use with oocytes (MII)
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     Visit the Merck booth to learn more about
FOLLISTIM AQ Cartridge and Ganirelix Acetate Injection

                                    Copyright © 2016 Merck Sharp & Dohme B.V.,
                                    a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc.
                                    All rights reserved. WOMN-1190553-0000 08/16

                  Introducing Pre-IVF Genetic ScreensTM
       One simple test, lets patients know if inherited genetic disorders may be the cause of infertility,
                        and to prepare an action plan for better outcome and results.
                     The most Advanced, Accurate and Comprehensive
                       Genetic Fertility Screen on the Market today.
            Evolve Female Genetic                                                                  Evolve Male Genetic
            Fertility Screen                                                                       Fertility Screen
Comprehensive mutation analysis of 6 genes most                                        Comprehensive mutation analysis of 5 genes most
strongly associated with female infertility                                            strongly associated with male infertility
(FSHR, LHCGR, BMP15, LHB, ZP1, FMR1)                                                   (AR, CATSPER1, FSHR, LHCGR, CFTR)
 *Includes FMR1 (Fragile X) premutation repeat length analysis                           *Includes the 39 most common CFTR (Cystic Fibrosis) mutations

Chromosome Rearrangements                                                              Y Microdeletions
Chromosome Mosaicism                                                                   Chromosome Mosaicism
Sex Chromosome Aneuploidies (e.g. Turner Syndrome)                                     Sex Chromosome Aneuploidies (e.g. Kilnefelter Syndrome)

                                                       Evolve Premature Ovarian
                                                       Failure Screen
                                           Comprehensive mutation analysis of 21 genes
                                           highly associated with POF
                                           Accurate FMR1 CGG Repeat Analysis
                                               *The FMR1 premutation is found in approximately 1 in 150
                                                 women, putting millions of women at risk for infertility.

Professional medical societies including the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), the American Urological Association (AUA), and the
      American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) recommend women or men with infertility have genetic screening under some circumstances.

Salt Lake City
      Salt Lake is a city of unexpected surprises and
      brims with history, art, culture, entertainment, and
      recreation—all in a beautiful location at the foot of
      Utah's Wasatch Mountains. Salt Lake combines the
      amenities of a large metro area with the opportunity
      to take advantage of year-round outdoor recreation
      within minutes in every direction. An attractive, safe,
      and growing city, Salt Lake offers unequaled views,
      a thriving economy, exciting nightlife, remarkable
      history, the warm hospitality of a small western town,
      and "The Greatest Snow on Earth™". Salt Lake is an
      incredible destination for patrons of the performing
      arts with: Ballet West, Utah Opera Company, Ririe-
      Woodbury Dance Company, Repertory Dance Theatre,
      Mormon Tabernacle Choir, and The Utah Symphony.
      Numerous theater groups and over 20 art galleries are
      within minutes of Salt Lake's downtown hotels.
                                                                      Information courtesy of slctravel.com

   72nd ASRM Scientific Congress & Expo   11   Salt Lake City, Utah



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   B St.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 C St.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               A St.

   500 West

                                                          400 West

                                                                                    300 West

                                                                                                                    200 West

                          Salt Lake City Hotel Information
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                4th Ave.
                                                                                                   200 North


                                                                                                                                                     West Temple

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                State St.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Main St.
                         North Temple                                                                                                                                         Center                                                                                                                                                            3rd Ave.
                         TRAX                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  City Creek
                         Station                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Park
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              2nd Ave.
                                                          to airport — 7 miles                   North Temple                                                                                                                                                                                 Brigham Young
                                                                                                                                                                        TEMPLE SQUARE
                                         8                                                                      Museum of Church
                                                                                                                     History & Art                                 Tabernacle                     Joseph Smith Memorial Beehive
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Historic Park
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Building        House
                                                                                                                          Family History                                                                                                                                                  1st Ave.                                                                                       First
                                                                                                                                 Library                                                                                                                 Lion                             Mormon Pioneer                                                                          Presbyterian
                             THE                                                                                                                                                LDS Temple                                                              House                             Memorial                                                                                     Church
                           GATEWAY                                           Arena                                        Temple Square
                                     Union                                TRAX Station           South Temple               TRAX Station       4                                                                                                                                          Monument
                             Olympic Pacific
                             Legacy Depot
                                                                                                                                                                                         1                                                                                            South Temple
                             Plaza                                                                              3                             Utah
                                                                                                                                              Museum of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     of the
                                                                                                                                              Contemporary                                                                                       City Center (100 S)                                                                                                                Madeleine
                                                           EnergySolutions                                           Maurice                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Cathedral
                                                            EnergySolutions                                         Abravanel                 Art                                                                                                TRAX Station

                                                                 Arena                                                   Hall                                                           1
                                                                                                                                                                                CITY CREEK                                                 CITY CREEK                              Harmons Grocery
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Church of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     St. Mark
                                 Gateway                                                                                          Salt Lake To Go
                                                                                                                                                                   1               CENTER                                                  CENTER
                                                                                                   100 South
                                                                                                                               Visitor Information
                                                                                                                                            Center                                       2                                                                                                                                                                                          100 South

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         TRAX / UTA Free Fare Zone
                                                                     TRAX Station                    N                         SALT PALACE
                                                                                                   200 South                                                                             3                                                                                                                                                                                          200 South
                         Old Greektown
                         TRAX Station
                                                                                                                                               9                                      11                                               Gallivan
                          Rio Grande Depot
                               & Utah State
                         Historical Museum
                                                                Pierpont Ave.                                                    Pierpont Ave.                     2     Gallivan Plaza
                                                                                                                                                                          TRAX Station   3                                                           KUTV2 Main Street
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     News Studio

                                                                                                    300 South                                                                          4                                                                                                                                                                                            300 South

                                                                                                                                                                                         TRAX Light Rail — RED, GREEN, & BLUE LINES
                                                                                                                                                     West Temple
                                               400 West

                                                                                    300 West

                                                                                                                    200 West
              500 West

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     200 East

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       State St.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Main St.
                                                                       PARK                                                                                                            4                                                                                                                                                                     to Foothill Cultural District
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                and University of Utah
                                                                                                                                           10                                                                                                                                                                                                      TRAX Station
                                                                                                   400 South                                                                             5                                                          TRAX Light Rail — Red Line                                                                                               400 South

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Salt Lake City &                                                     LIBRARY
                                                                                               7                                                                                                                                                                                      County Building                                                       SQUARE
                              1                                                                                                                                                                                                              Court House

                              2                                                                                                                                                          5                                                   TRAX Station
                                                      TRAX / UTA Free Fare Zone                                                     15                                                                                                                                                     SQUARE
                              1                                                                    500 South                                                                             6                                                                                                                                                                                          500 South
                                                                                                                                                                                  12 10
                              2                                                                                                                                                                                                          14

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         400 East
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       300 East
                              3                                                                                                                                                        6
                           600 South
                              2                                                                                                       13                                               7
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    600 South

                              3                                                                                                                                                       10
                                American Society for Reproductive
                                                                  Medicine                                                                                                             7
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    700 South
                               3                                     10
                                                                     12 Utah | October 15-19, 2016
                                   2016 Annual Meeting | Salt Lake City,
                              42                                                                                                                                                      11
                               51 Salt Lake Marriott Downtown at City Creek
                               3                                                                                                                                                       88 Hyatt Place Salt Lake City Downtown
                              422 Hilton Salt Lake City Center                                                                                                                         99 Holiday Inn Express
                               53 Radisson Hotel Salt Lake City Downtown                                                                                                              10
                                                                                                                                                                                      10 Fairfield Inn Salt Lake City Downtown (formerly Courtyard)
                               64 The Salt Lake Plaza Hotel at Temple Square                                                                                                           9 Hotel Monaco
                               55 Marriott Salt Lake City Center                                                                                                                      12
                                                                                                                                                                                      12 Little America Hotel & Towers
                              466 DoubleTree Suites by Hilton                                                                                                                         11
                                                                                                                                                                                      13 Red Lion Hotel Salt Lake Downtown
                               7                                                                                                                                                      12
                                7 Hampton Inn Salt Lake City Downtown                                                                                                                 14 The Grand America Hotel
                              46                                                                                                                                                      13
                                                                                                                                                                                      15 Sheraton Salt Lake City Hotel
                               7                                                                                                                                                      12
                               8                                                                                                                                                      13
                              7                                                                                                                                                       14
                              8                                                                                                                                                       13
                              9                                                                                                                                                       14
                                                                                               72nd ASRM Scientific Congress & Expo                                         12        Salt Lake City, Utah
                              8                                                                                                                                                       15
                                        practice and laboratory managers, as well as                      scientific abstract presentations, representing
                                        specialists in mental health, law, and ethics,                    cutting-edge research in reproductive
                                        in order to advance the highest standards of                      medicine and biology. Dr. Schattman and
                                        medical care and to disseminate the latest                        the Pre-Congress Program Committee have
                                        developments in clinical and basic research.                      collaborated with our affiliated societies
                                        Dr. Clarisa Gracia, Chair of the Scientific                       and professional and special interest
                                        Congress Committee, Dr. Glenn Schattman,                          groups to present a stimulating array of
                                        Chair of the Pre-Congress Program                                 Pre-Congress courses that will meet the
                                        Committee, and members of their organizing                        needs of our clinicians, scientists, laboratory
It gives me great pleasure to           teams have designed an outstanding and                            technologists, nurses, and other health-care
welcome you to the beautiful            provocative program for all of our members.                       and allied professionals.
setting of Salt Lake City, Utah, for
the 2016 American Society for           The Continuing Medical Education (CME)/                           We welcome our members and trainees
Reproductive Medicine Scientific        Continuing Education (CE) portion of the                          as well as our colleagues from around
Congress & Expo, our 72nd               Scientific Congress will include an exciting                      the world to attend and engage in the
Scientific Congress & Expo. This        array of plenary lectures, symposia, and                          ASRM Scientific Congress & Expo. As
year’s Congress theme is “Scaling       interactive sessions, all interweaving the                        always, we value the participation of
New Heights in Reproductive             theme of the Congress. Topics range from the                      our global community, including the
Medicine,” and will encompass           impact of environmental factors and stress on                     symposia organized and presented by our
all aspects of reproductive             reproductive health, to reproductive genetics                     international sister societies. The meeting
medicine, technology, and               and epigenetics, endocrinology, global access                     will offer extensive opportunities for our
health. The program will be a           to reproductive care, reproductive and fetal                      attendees to network and interact, including
comprehensive and stimulating           surgery, optimization of assisted reproductive                    an enjoyable social program. I look forward
balance between an exploration          technology outcomes, fertility preservation,                      to seeing you in stunning Salt Lake City
of the latest molecular and             and contraceptive technology. The                                 where together we will be “Scaling New
genetic techniques and how              interactive sessions focus on a wide range                        Heights in Reproductive Medicine.”
reproduction affects public             of controversial topics and are designed
health on a global scale. This          to energize and stimulate discussion and
live program is intended to serve       interaction among the participants. The                           Sincerely,
the needs of physicians, nurses,        CME program will be complemented by
andrology and embryology                non-CME activities, including intimate, in-
laboratory personnel, genetic           depth roundtable luncheons with recognized                        Owen K. Davis, M.D.
counselors, social workers,             experts, in addition to oral and poster-format                    ASRM President, 2015-2016

                                       72nd ASRM Scientific Congress & Expo   13   Salt Lake City, Utah

                                                                ASRM Officers and
            INSIDE                                              Board of Directors
                                                                2015­— 2016
           this program
                                                                ASRM OFFICERS
   ASRM WELCOME. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13             Owen K. Davis, M.D.,
   ASRM OFFICERS AND                                            President
   BOARD OF DIRECTORS . . . . . . . . . . . 14                  Richard J. Paulson, M.D.,
   EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT . . . . . . . . . 15                     President -Elect
                                                                Christos Coutifaris, M.D., Ph.D.,
                                                                Vice President
   ASRM 2016 CONGRESS GRID. . . . . . 48                        Rebecca Z. Sokol, M.D., M.P.H.,
   SCIENTIFIC CONGRESS                                          Immediate Past President
   DAILY SCHEDULE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49-57              Catherine Racowsky, Ph.D., H.C.L.D.,
   2016 NICHD-ASRM WORKSHOP . . . 58                            Secretary
                                                                George A. Hill, M.D.,
   TRACKS GRID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59-61
   CONTRACEPTION TRACK . . . . . . . . . 62
   MENOPAUSE TRACK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63                ASRM BOARD OF DIRECTORS
                                                                AND THEIR MEMBER SOCIETIES
   SURGERY TRACK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64, 65
                                                                Robert D. Oates, M.D.
   ART TRACK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66, 67        Julia V. Johnson, M.D.
   FIBROIDS TRACK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68           Mark Sigman, M.D.
   ENDOMETRIOSIS TRACK. . . . . . . . . . 69                    Maria Bustillo, M.D.
                                                                Paula Amato, M.D.
                                                                David A. Grainger, M.D., M.P.H.
   EXPO HOURS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71         Valerie L. Baker, M.D. (SREI)
   EXPO FLOOR PLAN. . . . . . . . . . . . 72, 73                Bradley J. Van Voorhis, M.D. (SART)
                                                                Peter Chan, M.D. (SRS)
                                                                William E. Roudebush, Ph.D. (SRBT)
                                                                Douglas T. Carrell, M.D. (SMRU)

                                                                ASRM CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER
                                                                Richard H. Reindollar, M.D.

                                                                OTHER OFFICIALS                                       EDITORS
                                                                Andrew R. La Barbera, Ph.D., H.C.L.D.                 Craig S. Niederberger, M.D.
                                                                Chief Scientific Officer                              Co-Editor-in-Chief
                                                                                                                      Fertility and Sterility
                                                                Vickie Gamble, M.P.P.M.
                                                                Chief Operations Officer                              Antonio Pellicer, M.D.
                                                                Sean Tipton, M.A.                                     Fertility and Sterility
                                                                Chief Advocacy and Policy Officer
                                                                                                                      David F. Albertini, Ph.D.
                                                                Dan Carre, C.P.A.                                     Editor,
                                                                Chief Financial Officer                               Journal of Assisted
                                                                		                                                    Reproduction and Genetics

                                                   72nd ASRM Scientific Congress & Expo   14   Salt Lake City, Utah
The educational programs of the ASRM 2016 Scientific Congress
    were supported by educational grants by the following:

                Cook Medical
        Ferring Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
                GE Healthcare
The Premier Supporters of the ASRM 2016 Scientific Congress:

                                       Ruby Level
                 Cook Medical
          Ferring Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
                                  Platinum Level
   Gold Level                                                                Silver Level
   Counsyl                                                          Genesis Genetics
EMD Serono                                                                   Bronze Level
   Illumina                                               America Medic & Science
     Merck                                                   GE Healthcare
    Natera                                                 Women's Health USA
VirtaMed, AG

          72nd ASRM Scientific Congress & Expo   15   Salt Lake City, Utah
Reproductive endocrinology,
                                             infertility and sexual health

                                                                                                   Reproductive medicine
                                               BJOG is actively seeking to publish more original
                                                research papers on the topic of reproductive
                                                  endocrinology, infertility and sexual health.

                                                    Submit your paper to BJOG and we will work
                                                       for you to maximise the dissemination
                                                                   of your paper.

                                                               READY TO SUBMIT?
                                              Find our instructions for authors at www.bjog.org

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                                                     29th Annual
                                              Resident Reporter Program
                            ASRM would like to thank the following for their support
                               of the 29th Annual Resident Reporter Program.

                                                           GE Healthcare
Your company is invited
                                     to become a member
                                    of the ASRM Corporate
                                        Member Council
                                 The Mission of the ASRM Corporate Member Council reflects
                                  a partnership between the ASRM Officers and Directors and
                                the Corporate Members and is designed to facilitate open and
                                 ongoing dialogue between the two; to identify and maximize
  2016 ASRM                       common interests related to reproductive medicine; and to
                                 develop collaborative educational initiatives which serve to
  Corporate                             enhance the practice of reproductive medicine.
Member Council
                                 Why become a Corporate Member?
                                           Participation in Collaborative Initiatives
          Allergan                                              •
     Bayer Healthcare
     Pharmaceuticals                                      Networking
        EMD Serono                                              •
                                                Website Link on ASRM Website
          Elsevier                                              •
Ferring Pharmaceuticals, Inc.      Interaction/Collaboration with ASRM Board of Directors
       GE Healthcare                                 Special Recognition
     Golden Surrogacy
                                              Preferred Support Opportunities
   Growing Generataions                                         •
                                                Two (full) ASRM Memberships
     Inception Fertility                   Making a Difference
        Ova Science
                                          One Initiative at a Time
                                   Patient Education Fact Sheets • Patient Education Videos
       Shionogi, Inc.
                                      www.ReproductiveFacts.org • In-Training Awards
      Smith & Nephew                     Webinar Training • Industry-Specific Sessions
     Therapeutics MD                    For more information please contact Keith Ray
       Vivere Health                        at kray@asrm.org or call 205-978-5001

Exhibit Company Listing

AAARTA                                                                          AMERICA MEDIC & SCIENCE
450 S. YELLOWSTONE DR.                                                          15207 NE 92ND STREET
MADISON, WI 53719 USA                                                           STE A
(608) 770-8210                                                                  REDMOND, WA 98052 USA
aaarta.org                                                                      (425) 558-5811
Booth Number: 1525
                                                                                Booth Number: 1601
The American Academy of Assisted Reproductive Technology
Attorneys (AAARTA) is a credentialed, professional organization                 America Medic & Science, AMS located in Redmond, WA.
dedicated to the advancement of best legal practices in the area                Toll Free: 1-855-470-6722 Email: info@Americamedic.com.
of assisted reproduction and to the protection of the interests of
                                                                                AMS is the maker of the Women Fertility Supplements, and
all parties involved in such matters, including the children.
                                                                                Male Fertility Supplements. AMS only uses ingredients from
                                                                                suppliers that meet our stringent Quality Assurance Standards
ABBVIE                                                                          as well as GMP food quality standards.
(847) 935-8658                                                                  AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF BIOANALYSTS
abbvie.com                                                                      906 OLIVE STREET
                                                                                SUITE 1200
Booth Number: 1101, 1709, 1811                                                  ST. LOUIS, MO 63101 USA
                                                                                (314) 241-1445
AbbVie is a global, research-based biopharmaceutical company                    aab.org
which combines the focus of a leading-edge biotech with the
expertise and structure of a long-established pharmaceutical                    Booth Number: 1000
leader. AbbVie is committed to using unique approaches to
innovation to develop and market advanced therapies that                        AAB's College of Reproductive Biology (CRB) represents
address some of the world's most complex and serious diseases.                  embryologists and andrologists. The American Board of
                                                                                Bioanalysis(ABB) is the only CLIA-approved board that certifies
                                                                                embryologists and andrologists. AAB's CLIA-approved
ADVAGENIX                                                                       Proficiency Testing Service surveys Antisperm Antibodies,
9430 KEY WEST AVENUE                                                            Sperm Count/Motility/Morphology/Viability, Fertility
SUITE 130                                                                       Endocrinology and Fetal Fibronection. The AAB Board of
ROCKVILLE, MD 20850 USA                                                         Registry also certifies embryology and andrology technologists.
(301) 358-3564
                                                                                AMERICAN PREGNANCY ASSOCIATION
Booth Number: 329
                                                                                1425 GREENWAY DRIVE
AdvaGenix is a specialized next generation sequencing                           SUITE 440
laboratory that provides testing for preimplantation embryos                    IRVING, TX 75038 USA
(aneuploidy, structural chromosome aberrations, and single                      (972) 550-0140
gene disorders), preconception carrier screening panels (21                     americanpregnancy.org
inherited disease, 12 cancer, 1 inherited cancer predisposition,
and 1 breast and ovarian cancer panel), products of conception                  Booth Number: 2004
testing, and sperm chromosome testing.
                                                                                American Pregnancy Association is a nonprofit promoting
                                                                                reproductive and pregnancy wellness. Please visit the booth
ALPHA ENVIRONMENTAL                                                             to explore signing up for referrals from the 5 million monthly
11 ACKERMAN AVE                                                                 visitors. We provide referrals to reproductive specialists
EMERSON, NJ 07630 USA                                                           through our toll-free helpline and our zip code referral service
(201) 420-0600                                                                  on the APA website.

Booth Number: 220

                                    72nd ASRM Scientific Congress & Expo   18     Salt Lake City, Utah
AMERICAN SURROGACY                                                             APOTHECARY BY DESIGN
9101 WEST 110TH STREET                                                         141 PREBLE STREET
SUITE 250                                                                      PORTLAND, ME 04101 USA
OVERLAND PARK, KS 66210 USA                                                    (877) 814-8447
(800) 875-2229                                                                 apothecarybydesign.com
                                                                               Booth Number: 501
Booth Number: 1320
                                                                               At Apothecary By Design, we are reimagining pharmacy
After 20 years of experience in the adoption world as American                 care. We offer a full range of specialty services, including
Adoptions, American Surrogacy was founded to provide                           authorization and appeals advocacy, copay assistance,
complete surrogacy services. Our child-focused surrogacy                       and expert clinical support. Our team of certified specialty
program includes social workers, ARTA attorneys, media                         pharmacists and patient care coordinators works 24/7 to
specialists, and more who are actively involved in the various                 achieve the best possible outcomes for patients and partners.
steps of the surrogacy process from beginning to end.

                                                                               ARC FERTILITY
ANDROVIA LIFESCIENCES                                                          20665 4TH STREET
187 MILL LANE                                                                  SUITE 201
MOUNTAINSIDE, NJ 07092 USA                                                     SARATOGA, CA 95070 USA
(646) 747-9104                                                                 ArcFertility.com
                                                                               Booth Number: 1822
Booth Number: 323
                                                                               ARC® Fertility is a nationwide network of top fertility clinics
Androvia is developing a biomarker-based assay to assess                       offering discounted treatment packages and financing.
sperm ability to fertilize an egg. While current fertility                     Founded by physicians in 1997, ARC provides evidence-based
evaluations measure sperm concentration, motility, and                         treatment options ensuring the greatest opportunity for
structure, Androvia is the only test capable of determining                    success while increasing affordability and accessibility through
capacitation potential. Information provided by Androvia test                  best-in-class financing options, refund guarantees, pharmacy
will help couples and reproductive specialists make informed                   plans, and the ARC Employer Program.
decisions regarding fertility.

                                                                               ASPIRE FERTILITY
ANSH LABS                                                                      12 GREENWAY PLAZA
445 MEDICAL CENTER BLVD                                                        SUITE 1100
WEBSTER, TX 77598 USA                                                          HOUSTON, TX 77046 USA
(281) 404-0260                                                                 (832) 651-0030
AnshLabs.com                                                                   inceptionfertility.com

Booth Number: 1006                                                             Booth Number: 1322

Ansh Labs develops assays in the TGF-Beta superfamily of                       Inception is an organization whose mission is to shift the
hormones and PAPP-A family of proteases. Our Anti-Mullerian                    paradigm of care for infertile couples. We are raising the
Hormone (AMH), picoAMH, Dried Blood Spot AMH, Inhibin B,                       standards of care by connecting the current fragmented
Inhibin A, Activin A, and PAPP-A immunoassays are used for                     components of care into a streamlined, integrated system,
many biomedical research purposes ranging from preclinical                     and enhancing the patient experience throughout the entire
biomarker studies to translational research to clinical                        process.

                                   72nd ASRM Scientific Congress & Expo   19     Salt Lake City, Utah

Exhibit Company Listing

ASRM                                                                           BABYSENTRY
1209 MONTGOMERY HIGHWAY                                                        1121 S. MEYLER
BIRMINGHAM, AL 35216 USA                                                       SAN PEDRO, CA 90731 USA
(205) 978-5000                                                                 (310) 832-2223

Booth Number: 918                                                              Booth Number: 2009

ASRM is a multidisciplinary organization dedicated to the                      BabySentry: A management system designed for use in the
advancement of the science and practice of reproductive                        Assisted Reproduction Technology workplace since 1996. The
medicine. The Society accomplishes its mission through the                     software is comprised of a central database electronic medical
pursuit of excellence in education and research and through                    record (EMR) with multiple interfaces and connections to
advocacy on behalf of patients, physicians, and affiliated                     hardware or 3rd party software.
health care providers. The Society is committed to facilitating
and sponsoring educational activities for the lay public and
continuing medical education activities for professionals who                  BAYER
are engaged in the practice of and research in reproductive                    100 BAYER BOULEVARD
medicine.                                                                      WHIPPANY, NJ 07981 USA

                                                                               Booth Number: 1906
FUKUOKA, 811-2207 JAPA                                                         BAYLOR GENETICS
+81-92-935-5585                                                                2450 HOLCOMBE BLVD
astec-bo.com/global/                                                           SUITE 0-100
                                                                               HOUSTON, TX 77021 USA
Booth Number: 202                                                              bmgl.com

Astec Co Ltd. is a Japanese manufacturer of laboratory                         Booth Number: 201
equipment for life sciences and IVF. Astec has been in the
market in Japan since 1978 with a strong leadership presence.                  Baylor Miraca Genetics Laboratories offer a broad range of
Astec operates through distributors internationally and the                    diagnostic genetics tests. We provide Prenatal Chromosomal
USA. Best seller products include: EZCulture (EC-6), IVF Cube                  Microarray testing (for amniocentesis and CVS samples), NIPT,
(AD-3600GC), and Penguin incubators.                                           state-of-the-art Carrier Screening plus Cytogenetics, FISH
                                                                               diagnostics, cancer testing, chromosomal microarray analysis,
                                                                               whole exome sequencing, Mitochondrial DNA analysis, and
AYTU BIO SCIENCE                                                               comprehensive molecular diagnosis.
(720) 437-6580                                                                 BIOFILM, INC.
                                                                               3225 EXECUTIVE RIDGE
Booth Number: 2005                                                             VISTA, CA 92081 USA
                                                                               (760) 727-9030
Aytu BioScience, Inc. is a specialty healthcare company                        astroglide.com
concentrating on developing products for redox-modulated
conditions with a focus on urological indications and related                  Booth Number: 216
conditions. Aytu BioScience is initially concentrating on male
sexual dysfunction.                                                            As one of the world's top-selling personal lubricants, Astroglide
                                                                               creates smooth, long-lasting sexual experiences. Astroglide
                                                                               TTC is a sperm-friendly personal lubricant specially formulated
                                                                               for couples who are trying to conceive, it supports fertility with
                                                                               adjusted pH levels, compatible osmolality, and a consistency
                                                                               similar to your body's cervical mucus.

                                   72nd ASRM Scientific Congress & Expo   20     Salt Lake City, Utah
BK ULTRASOUND                                                                   BRED LIFE SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY INC.
8 CENTENNIAL DRIVE                                                              7/F, UNIT C BLOCK 10
PEABODY, MA 01960 USA                                                           HUAFENG SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY PARK
(978) 326-1300                                                                  SHENZHEN, 518103 CHINA
bkultrasound.com                                                                +8675526656878
Booth Number: 1316
                                                                                Booth Number: 303
BK Ultrasound is the leading provider of premium performance
ultrasound for Reproductive Medicine. The Sonix brand                           BRED Life Science Technology Inc. is a high-tech corporation
of ultrasound systems offers features and special options                       that specialized in developing, manufacturing, and marketing
intended to save time and guide patient care at clinics                         products of Lab in the field of reproductive medicine. Following
specializing in Reproductive Medicine. For over 40 years, BK                    the test methods and standards recommended by WHO,
Ultrasound has pioneered innovation in ultrasound.                              combined with innovative technology, we developed a series of
                                                                                experimental diagnostic products.

123 NW STREET                                                                   BROWN & BROWN LONE STAR INSURANCE SERVICE INC.
SUITE 220                                                                       10700 N FREEWAY, STE 300
SEATTLE, WA 98107 USA                                                           HOUSTON, TX 77037 USA
(425) 654-8445                                                                  bbtexas.com
                                                                                Booth Number: 910
Booth Number: 1826
                                                                                Add value to your facility by offering your client's/patient's
Blood Cell Storage, Inc. (BCSI) is an international medical and                 access to affordable protection for Complications of Cycle/
laboratory device company. BCSI offers pH measurement                           Procedure/Transfer for Donor Only or Donor/Recipient
solutions to reduce healthcare costs associated with in                         Coverage exclusively through Brown & Brown Lone Star
vitro fertilization (IVF), personalized medicine, and platelet                  Insurance Service, Inc.'s Fertility Insurance Program.
transfusions. At ASRM, BCSI will showcase its SAFE Sens
products for continuous surrogate monitoring in IVF.
                                                                                CALIFORNIA CRYOBANK
                                                                                11915 LA GRANGE AVENUE
BOSTON SCIENTIFIC                                                               LOS ANGELES, CA 90025 USA
100 BOSTON SCIENTIFIC WAY                                                       (310) 443-5244
MARLBOROUGH, MA 01752 USA                                                       cryobank.com
(508) 683-4312
bostonscientific.com                                                            Booth Number: 1201

Booth Number: 1204                                                              California Cryobank is an internationally recognized leader in
                                                                                the sperm banking industry. CCB also features frozen donor
Boston Scientific is dedicated to transforming lives through                    eggs, private tissue storage, and cord banking via FamilyCord.
innovative medical solutions that improve the health of                         Stringent quality controls and unmatched standards of
patients around the world. Please visit our exhibit to learn                    excellence have earned CCB the confidence of medical
about our newest technology, the Symphion Tissue Removal                        professionals worldwide. Call 866-927-9622 or visit cryobank.
System.                                                                         com for information.

                                    72nd ASRM Scientific Congress & Expo   21     Salt Lake City, Utah

Exhibit Company Listing

CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS                                                     CELLOXESS, LLC
32 AVENUE OF THE AMERICAS                                                      15 ROSZEL ROAD
NEW YORK, NY 10013 USA                                                         PRINCETON, NJ 08540 USA
(212) 924-3900                                                                 (609) 818-9100
Booth Number: 2016
                                                                               Booth Number: 1727
Cambridge's publishing in books and journals combines state-
of-the-art content with the highest standards of scholarship,                  CellOxess biotechnology strives to understand the biomolecular
writing, and production. Visit our stand to browse new titles,                 role of antioxidants and their synergistic actions towards the
available at a 20% discount, and to pick up sample issues of                   resolution of CELLULAR OXIDATIVE STRESS impacting normal
our journals. Visit our website to see everything we do: www.                  tissue function. CellOxess's unique formulation “Fertilix” is
cambridge.org/us/.                                                             designed to provide optimum protection against oxidative stress
                                                                               in the male reproductive tract promoting semen parameters
                                                                               particularly sperm DNA integrity.
FLOWER MOUND, TX 75028 USA                                                     CELMATIX
(214) 893-8214                                                                 14 WALL STREET
http://www.catalysthcm.com/                                                    16D
                                                                               NEW YORK, NY 10005 USA
Booth Number: 222                                                              (646) 389-0245
Catalyst Healthcare Marketing specializes in organic SEO,
customizable marketing planning, and brand strategy that                       Booth Number: 401
stays true to budget and eases administrative burdens. Clients
rely on us for patient retention and acquisition, referral-base                Celmatix is a New York City–based personalized medicine
marketing, PR, websites and social media, and consider                         company that leverages big data and genomics to create
Catalyst a vital part of the team.                                             products that bring greater clarity to the treatment of infertility
                                                                               and pave the way for proactive fertility management.

4770 BUFORD HIGHWAY                                                            CHART MVE
MS K-40                                                                        2200 AIRPORT INDUSTRIAL DRIVE
ATLANTA, GA 30341 USA                                                          SUITE 500
(770) 488-5200                                                                 BALL GROUND, DE 30107 USA
                                                                               (770) 721-7703
Booth Number: 521                                                              chartbiomed.com

CDC's Division of Reproductive Health is the focal point for                   Booth Number: 1726
issues related to reproductive health, maternal health, and
infant health. We are dedicated to improving the lives of                      MVE Chart features a complete line of aluminum vapor shippers
women, children, and families in the United States and around                  and nitrogen handling equipment. We also offer liquid and
the world through research, public health monitoring, scientific               vapor stainless steel freezers with 3,200-94,000 vial capacities.
assistance, and partnerships.                                                  MVE Chart features the energy-efficient MVE Vario Series,
                                                                               the streamlined MVE HEco Series, and the automated MVE
                                                                               Automation Series stainless steel freezers.

                                   72nd ASRM Scientific Congress & Expo   22     Salt Lake City, Utah
COAST SCIENCE                                                                        COOK MEDICAL
4653 CARMEL MOUNTAIN ROAD                                                            750 DANIELS WAY
SUITE 308-123                                                                        P.O. BOX 489
SAN DIEGO, CA 92130 USA                                                              BLOOMINGTON, IN 47404 USA
(858) 259-9803                                                                       (800) 468-1379
Booth Number: 231
                                                                                     Booth Number: 1509

COCHRANE GYNAECOLOGY AND FERTILITY GROUP                                             Cook Medical Reproductive Health provides physicians with a
PRIVATE BAG 92019                                                                    comprehensive offering of medical devices for the reproductive
AUCKLAND, 1142 NEWZ                                                                  system. Cook Medical is committed to education, research,
+64 09 923 9489                                                                      and collaboration with physicians to enhance patient care for
cgf.cochrrane.org                                                                    women and men throughout their reproductive lives, from
                                                                                     diagnosis to post-delivery.
Booth Number: 228

The Cochrane Gynaecology and Fertility Group is one of 53 Cochrane                   COUNSYL
groups developing and publishing systematic reviews of interventions,                2200 BRIDGE PARKWAY
diagnostic test accuracy reviews, and overviews of reviews on specific               SUITE 103
topics. Over half our titles are fertility reviews. We have over 900                 REDWOOD CITY, CA 94065 USA
authors and 27 editors volunteering their time and expertise.                        (650) 802-8922

COLDSTASH                                                                            Booth Number: 1909
WEST GREENWICH, RI 02817 USA                                                         Counsyl is a health technology company that offers DNA
(401) 323-5570                                                                       screening at key times in people's lives. Our philosophy is
coldstash.com                                                                        simple: focus on diseases where advanced knowledge makes
                                                                                     a difference in health outcomes. Physicians offer the Counsyl
Booth Number: 1701                                                                   Family Prep Screen more than any other form of expanded
                                                                                     carrier screening.
ColdStash is an innovation leader in IVF cryopreservation storage
systems. Our new VitroStash system helps labs increase storage
capacities by 100 by doubling the number of canisters in a dewar.                    CRC PRESS/TAYLOR & FRANCIS GROUP
ColdStash also supplies custom racks, frames, cassettes, and                         60 BROKEN SOUND PARKWAY NW, SUITE 300
other innovation and competitive cryogenic storage solutions.                        BOCA RATON, FL 33487 USA
                                                                                     (561) 994-0555
300 GODDARD                                                                          Booth Number: 2019
IRVINE, CA 92618 USA                                                                 CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group is a global publisher
(949) 753-0624                                                                       of print and electronic books for medical, scientific, and
combimatrix.com                                                                      technical communities. Visit our booth to browse our new and
                                                                                     bestselling publications in reproductive medicine and take
Booth Number: 221                                                                    advantage of convention discounts. Register for email alerts at
CombiMatrix is a clinical diagnostic laboratory specializing in
cytogenomic testing for prenatal diagnosis, miscarriage analysis,
and pediatric developmental disorders. As a full-scale cytogenetic
and cytogenomic laboratory, CombiMatrix offers chromosomal
microarray analysis, standard and customized FISH, and high
resolution karyotyping to help clinicians better care for their patients.

                                         72nd ASRM Scientific Congress & Expo   23     Salt Lake City, Utah

Exhibit Company Listing

CRYOPORT, INC.                                                                  DESIGNRX
17305                                                                           920 E. CHAMBERS STREET
IRVINE, CA 92614 USA                                                            SUITE 12
(949) 470-2300                                                                  OGDEN, UT 84403 USA
cryoport.com                                                                    (801) 479-4537
Booth Number: 1922
                                                                                Booth Number: 320
Cryoport is the ideal solution for shipping frozen eggs, embryos,
and sperm. Our experienced team helps navigate shipping                         DesignRx partners with pharmaceutical manufacturers
logistics and paperwork worldwide. Our dry vapor liquid                         through its elite network of specialty pharmacies to offer
nitrogen shipper maintains cryogenic temperatures necessary                     unique programs to help patients with little or no drug
to maintain cell integrity for successful IVF treatment. Call                   coverage. The DesignRx programs are structured to support all
1.949.232.1877 or visit www.cryoport.com to order today.                        stake holders in the healthcare continuum including patients,
                                                                                drug manufacturers, pharmacies, and providers.

2200 NORTH ALAFAYA TRAIL                                                        DRG INTERNATIONAL
SUITE 550                                                                       841 MOUNTAIN AVENUE
ORLANDO, FL 32826 USA                                                           SPRINGFIELD, IL 07081 USA
(407) 203-1175                                                                  (973) 564-7555
                                                                                Booth Number: 1106
Booth Number: 525

Cryos International - USA, LLC (Cryos USA) is part of the world's               DUCHESNAY USA
largest network of sperm banks with facilities in Denmark and                   919 CONESTOGA ROAD
the United States. Serving over 61 countries globally, Cryos USA                BUILDING ONE, SUITE 203
provides the gift of family worldwide.                                          ROSEMONT, PA 19010 USA
                                                                                (484) 380-2641
11005 GARFILD AVENUE                                                            Booth Number: 2024
(626) 316-3509                                                                  Duchesnay USA is a unique healthcare company devoted to
dancingeggs.com                                                                 safeguarding the health and well-being of expectant women and
                                                                                their unborn babies. In 2013, Duchesnay USA received FDA approval
Booth Number: 224                                                               of Diclegis® (doxylamine succinate 10mg, pyridoxine hydrochloride
                                                                                10mg), available in pharmacies nationwide and Puerto Rico.
Dancing Eggs assists Chinese female elites with egg freezing
in the US. We open a unique portal where American fertility
physicians can easily recruit patients and establish their brand                EASTERN VIRGINIA MEDICAL SCHOOL, REPRODUCTIVE
name in China. Cycle and finance management are offered                         CLINICAL SCIENCE PROGRAM
online. In addition, we also provide Chinese egg donors.                        651 COLLEY AVENUE
                                                                                ROOM 320 LESTER HALL
                                                                                NORFOLK, VA 23507

                                                                                Booth Number: 424

                                    72nd ASRM Scientific Congress & Expo   24     Salt Lake City, Utah
ELSEVIER, INC.                                                                 EMD SERONO, INC.
360 PARK AVENUE S                                                              ONE TECHNOLOGY PL
SUITE 1800                                                                     ROCKLAND, MA 02370 USA
NEW YORK, NY 10010 USA                                                         (781) 681-2667
(215) 239-3713                                                                 emdserono.com
                                                                               Booth Number: 607
Booth Number: 822
                                                                               EMD Serono, the biopharmaceutical division of Merck KGaA,
Elsevier is a world-leading provider of information solutions                  Darmstadt, Germany, is a specialized biopharmaceutical company
that enhance the performance of science, health, and                           dedicated to developing therapies with groundbreaking potential.
technology professionals, empowering them to make better                       We focus exclusively on specialty care - integrating cutting-edge
decisions, and deliver better care.                                            science with industry-leading patient support.

EMBRYO DONATION INTERNATIONAL, P.L.                                            ENCI EGGBANK
12611 WORLD PLAZA LANE                                                         5400 BALBOA BLVD.
BLDG. 53                                                                       SUITE 312
FT. MYERS, FL 33907 USA                                                        ENCINO, CA 91316 USA
(239) 275-5728                                                                 (805) 358-2186
                                                                               Booth Number: 301
Booth Number: 1424

Embryo Donation International's mission is to reduce the                       ENDOMETRIOSIS ASSOCIATION
number of cryopreserved embryos discarded or abandoned                         8585 N. 76TH PLACE
while helping to match donated embryos to patients wanting                     MILWAUKEE, WI 53223 USA
to build families. We are a full-service facility serving embryo               (414) 355-2200
donors/recipients with care and compassion regardless of race,                 EndometriosisAssn.org
religion, ancestry, sexual orientation, or marital status.
                                                                               Booth Number: 2001

EMBRYO OPTIONS                                                                 The Endometriosis Association is an international nonprofit, founded
5623 ROSINWEED LANE                                                            in 1980, providing support, education, and research for patients,
NAPERVILLE, IL 60564 USA                                                       professionals, the public. The Association conducts and sponsors
(217) 836-9549                                                                 wide-ranging research, including its flagship program at Vanderbilt,
                                                                               and was instrumental in delineating endometriosis as a painful
Booth Number: 725                                                              immune system disease.

EMBRYOTECH LABORATORIES, INC.                                                  ENGAGEDMD
140 HALE STREET                                                                2610 TUNLAW ROAD, NW
HAVERHILL, MA 01830 USA                                                        APT 204
(978) 373-7300                                                                 WASHINGTON, DC 20007 USA
embryotech.com                                                                 2482256016
Booth Number: 1108
                                                                               Booth Number: 309
Embryotech providing all stages of fresh and cryopreserved
mouse embryos, hamster ova to Clinics and Universities                         EngagedMD enables health care providers to introduce important
around the world aiding in technician training and proficiency                 information to their patients at home via educational modules, verify
testing. ISO-17025 Contract Test Laboratory catering to human                  their understanding, and electronically sign their consent forms. The
reproductive industry providing QC Assay including MEA,                        result is an efficient and standardized consent process, better educated
Endotoxin (LAL), and an array of Sperm Assays.                                 patients, and an effective tool to manage your medico-legal vulnerability.

                                   72nd ASRM Scientific Congress & Expo   25     Salt Lake City, Utah

Exhibit Company Listing

EPISONA, INC.                                                                  EUROPEAN SOCIETY OF HUMAN REPRODUCTION AND
69 N CATALINA AVENUE                                                           EMBRYOLOGY
PASADENA, CA 91106 USA                                                         MEERSTRAAT 60
(844) 373-7662                                                                 GRIMBERGEN, 1852 BELG
episona.com                                                                    (322) 269-0969
Booth Number: 2003
                                                                               Booth Number: 1223
Episona is a molecular information company that has
developed an innovative diagnostic for male infertility. The                   The European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology
test, Seed, analyzes the sperm epigenetic profile to predict                   is an international non-profit organization whose main
both Fertility Potential and Embryo Quality, providing the                     objective is promoting the study of reproductive science and
information you need to make even better treatment decisions.                  medicine. ESHRE, a society of around 7000 members, organises
                                                                               the world's major event in reproduction each year, monitors
                                                                               European IVF data, and publishes three leading journals.
HAUPPAUGE, NY 11788 USA                                                        EUROPEAN SPERM BANK
(516) 515-2381                                                                 DK- STRUENSEGADE 9,2
eppendorf.com                                                                  COPENHAGAN, DK 2200 DENM
                                                                               +45 28550592
Booth Number: 1208                                                             europeanspermbank.com

Eppendorf expands its product offering in IVF with the                         Booth Number: 2021
launch of the new TransferMan 4m. It is classified in the
United States as an assisted reproduction micromanipulator                     At European Sperm Bank we work with you in order to make it
and microinjector medical device under 21 CFR 884.6150.                        possible for you to concentrate in full on the women seeking
Additional products featured: micromanipulation solutions                      help in your clinic. We offer you a seamless and professionally
for research, premium centrifuges, pipettes, freezers,                         enriching collaboration through high quality, easy logistics,
consumables, and CO2 incubators.                                               efficient administration, and excellent service.

ESCO TECHNOLOGIES, INC.                                                        EVOLVEGENE
903 SHEEHY DRIVE                                                               393 SOUNDVIEW ROAD
SUITE F                                                                        GUILFORD, CT 06437 USA
HERSHAM, PA 19044 USA                                                          (800) 963-3203
(215) 441-9661                                                                 EvolveGene.com
                                                                               Booth Number: 425
Booth Number: 1731
                                                                               EvolveGene™ offers the most Advanced & Accurate:
Esco Medical is the IVF Medtech business unit of the Esco Group.               PreConception Genetic Fertility Screens for Male and
Esco Medical is the leading manufacturer and innovator of high-                Female; FamilyReady™ Carrier Screen covering in-depth the
quality equipment such as long-term embryo incubators, ART                     most Relevant Genetic Disorders for all Ethnic Groups plus
workstations, anti-vibration tables, Time-Lapse incubators and                 Deletion/ Duplication testing; EarlyPregnancy™ NIPT Screen.
is continuously developing advanced technologies to meet the                   Certified CLIA laboratories in USA using the latest cutting edge
increasing demand of the IVF industry.                                         technologies. Screen Today. Protect Tomorrow.

                                   72nd ASRM Scientific Congress & Expo   26     Salt Lake City, Utah
FAIRFAX CRYOBANK                                                               FERRING PHARMACEUTICALS INC.
3015 WILLIAMS DRIVE                                                            100 INTERPACE PARKWAY
110                                                                            PARSIPPANY, NJ 07054 USA
FAIRFAX, VA 22031 USA                                                          (973) 442-0266
(800) 338-5407                                                                 FerringUSA.com
                                                                               Booth Number: 407, 410
Booth Number: 1517
                                                                               Ferring Pharmaceuticals is a research-driven
Fairfax Cryobank, Fairfax EggBank and Cryogenic Laboratories                   biopharmaceutical company devoted to identifying,
are affiliated donor gamete banks with over 70 years of                        developing, and marketing innovative products in the
combined experience. No sperm or egg bank does more                            fields of reproductive health, obstetrics, osteoarthritis,
testing. We offer a diverse selection of donors including                      gastroenterology, and urology. To view all of our US
anonymous and ID donor sperm; as well as embryo and client                     offerings, please visit www.FerringUSA.com. FERRING
sperm storage.                                                                 PHARMACEUTICALS INC. 100 Interpace Parkway, Parsippany,
                                                                               NJ 07054 www.ferringusa.com P: 973.796.1600 F:
1410 11TH STREET
BELLINGHAM, WA 98225 USA                                                       FERTILITY DRUG CALCULATOR
(206) 543-7888                                                                 212 RIO GRANDE DRIVE
fairhavenhealth.com                                                            IRVING, TX 75039 USA
                                                                               (214) 316-5933
Booth Number: 625                                                              fertilitydrugcalculator.com

Our mission at Fairhaven Health is to develop products                         Booth Number: 620
designed to safely and naturally promote fertility, pregnancy
wellness, and breastfeeding success. Our line of fertility                     For the first time ever, you are able to compare the cost of
supplements and ovulation prediction tools have been                           fertility drugs and IVF protocols from pharmacies across the
formulated with a team of highly-esteemed fertility experts to                 country using an app. Download Fertility Drug Calculator
ensure product safety and maximum efficacy.                                    today to start saving yourself time and your patients money.
                                                                               Available on Apple and Android devices.

3950 JOHNS CREEK COURT                                                         FERTILITY PHARMACY OF AMERICA
SUITE 100                                                                      1911 CHURCH STREET
SUWANEE, GA 30024 USA                                                          NASHVILLE, TN 37203
(770) 500-3910                                                                 615-301-5971
Booth Number: 214
                                                                               BoothNumber: 331

                                                                               Fertility Pharmacy of America (FPA) is a Reproductive
                                                                               Endocrinologist owned boutique fertility pharmacy. This
                                                                               unique model allows the physicians an opportunity to own
                                                                               their own fertility pharmacy. Because of our true partnership,
                                                                               FPA caters to the clinic and patient needs as decided by the
                                                                               physicians themselves.

                                   72nd ASRM Scientific Congress & Expo   27     Salt Lake City, Utah

Exhibit Company Listing

FERTILITY SOURCE COMPANIES                                                     FINOX BIOTECH AG
24012 CALLE DE LA PLATA                                                        INDUSTRIE NEUHOF 23
SUITE 370                                                                      CH-3422 KIRCHBERG
IRVINE, CA 92653 USA                                                           SWITZERLAND
(949) 872-2800                                                                 +41 344261111
fertilitySOURCEcompanies.com                                                   finoxbiotech.com

Booth Number: 1324                                                             Booth Number: 300

Fertility SOURCE Companies (The Donor SOURCE & The                             Finox Biotech is a Swiss boutique biotechnology company founded
Surrogacy SOURCE) is one of the largest national egg donor &                   in 2007. Since then the company has been working on implementing
surrogacy agencies, with the most comprehensive egg donor                      its vision to offer high-quality, cost-effective, and patient-friendly
and surrogacy databases in the country. Our egg donors                         fertility products and solutions. We are unique in being the only
and surrogates are personally met, carefully screened, and                     biotech company to focus solely on the fertility therapeutic area.
counseled on their responsibilities.

                                                                               FREEDOM FERTILITY PHARMACY
FERTILITY TECHNOLOGY RESOURCES, INC.                                           12 KENT AVENUE
4278 East US Hwy 64 Alt                                                        BYFIELD, MA 01922 USA
MURPHY, NC 28906 USA                                                           freedomfertility.com
                                                                               Booth Number: 617
Booth Number: 900
                                                                               We believe that patients should have easy access to the
Fertility Technology Resources: providing products for the                     medications they need to fulfill their dreams of having a child. Our
fertility market since 1987. Our premiere line includes: Sperm                 compassionate and dedicated team works to ensure your patients
Class Analyzer , Tucker Embryo Transfer Catheter, Morton IUI                   receive the medications they need, when and where they need
and CCD IVF and IUI Catheters, GoldCyto Counting Chambers,                     them. We are Freedom Fertility Pharmacy.
BioScreen andrology tests and disposables for the fertility
office and lab including Falcon and Nunc.
                                                                               FUJIREBIO US INC.
                                                                               205 GREAT VALLEY PARKWAY
FERTILITYEHR A DIVISION OF MEDITAB SOFTWARE                                    MALVERN, PA 19355 USA
2233 WATT AVE., STE 360                                                        (610) 240-3951
SACRAMENTO, CA 95825 USA                                                       fujirebio.us
(510) 201-0130
                                                                               Booth Number: 328
Booth Number: 1831
                                                                               Fujirebio is a world leader in the production of in vitro
FertilityEHR software provides a focused interface designed                    diagnostics with a focus in oncology, infectious disease, and
to document and assist with every step of the process as you                   fertility. With over 30 years of expertise and supplying the IVD
guide your patients and their partners through their therapy                   industry with relevant biomarkers, Fujirebio is expanding its
cycles, including Embryology, Andrology, and Lab, while at the                 offering to include automated immunoassay systems.
same time managing a cryo-storage facility.

                                   72nd ASRM Scientific Congress & Expo   28     Salt Lake City, Utah
GALEN US INC                                                                       GENEPEEKS, INC.
2661 AUDUBON ROAD                                                                  175 VARICK STREET
AUDUBON, PA 19403 USA                                                              6TH FLOOR
synera.com                                                                         NEW YORK, NY 10014 USA
Booth Number: 1004
                                                                                   Booth Number: 1717
Galen US is based in Audubon, PA, and markets SYNERA a topical
anesthetic patch that is a technology advancement, for preventing                  GenePeeks is a genetic information company with a mission
needle-stick pain in patients. Galen works with healthcare professionals           to help patients protect a future child from serious genetic
and patients to create real long-term value. www.synera.com                        diseases. Our breakthrough technology digitally combines the
                                                                                   genomes of two prospective parents, simulating what happens
GE HEALTHCARE                                                                      naturally during reproduction. This innovative approach allows
9900 W. INNOVATION DRIVE                                                           GenePeeks to set a new standard of preconception care.
(414) 721-2722                                                                     GOOD START GENETICS
                                                                                   237 PUTNAM AVENUE
Booth Number: 1801                                                                 CAMBRIDGE, MA 02139 USA
                                                                                   (617) 714-0814
GE Healthcare provides transformational medical technologies                       goodstartgenetics.com
that will shape a new age of patient care. GE Healthcare offers
a broad range of services to improve productivity in healthcare                    Booth Number: 1207
and enable healthcare providers to better diagnose, treat, and
manage patients. For more information about GE Healthcare,                         Good Start Genetics is a molecular genetics information
visit www.gehealthcare.com.                                                        company transforming the standard of care in reproductive
                                                                                   medicine. Its GeneVu carrier screening and EmbryVu
                                                                                   preimplanation genetic screening tests provide clinicians and
GENEA BIOMEDX                                                                      patients with insightful and actionable information in order to
LEVEL 3 321 KENT STREET                                                            promote successful pregnancies and healthy families.
+1 61284846576
geneabiomedx.com                                                                   HAMILTON THORNE, INC.
                                                                                   100 CUMMINGS CENTER
Booth Number: 701                                                                  465E
                                                                                   BEVERLY, MA 01915 USA
Genea Biomedx creates and manufactures practical and                               hamiltonthorne.com
precise fertility technologies that aim to significantly improve
lab outcomes and ultimately patient outcomes. Genea                                Booth Number: 1407
Consult offers the most comprehensive consulting service
backed by over 30 years experience in fertility clinic set-up and                  Hamilton Thorne offers the Oosight product line for non-
management.                                                                        invasive imaging of spindle and zona pellucida integrity.
                                                                                   We also introduce new HT Morph multispecies morphology
                                                                                   software for our IVOS II and CEROS II systems. Our LYKOS
                                                                                   clinical laser with multi-pulse firing and RED-i target provides
                                                                                   precise laser application for embryo biopsy.

                                       72nd ASRM Scientific Congress & Expo   29     Salt Lake City, Utah

Exhibit Company Listing

HANGZHOU OYA BIO-TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD.                                            HEALTHTEC INDUSTRIES
NEW CITY PLAZA NO. 93                                                           7260 W. AZURE DR.
ROOM 1219, 12F, BUILDING B                                                      140, SUITE 1068
HANGZHAU, 310020 CHIN                                                           LAS VEGAS, NV 89130 USA
+86 13928283600                                                                 (702) 983-8723
                                                                                Booth Number: 1627
Booth Number: 1725

Our company was established in 2007. We have ten thousand                       IGENOMIX
grade and one hundred thousand grade purification rooms                         PARC CIENTIFIC UNIVERSITAT DE VALENCIA
located at our production site. We can design, develop, and                     C\ CATEDRATICO AGUSTIN ESCARDINO N 9
produce ART and genetic laboratory supplies. Our company is                     PATERNA (VALENCIA), 46980 SPAI
the distributor in China for IrvineScientific and also sells our                +34 963905310
self-produced laboratory supplies.                                              igenomix.com

                                                                                Booth Number: 1100
321 SOUTH MISSOURI AVE                                                          IGENOMIX provides advanced services in reproductive
CLEARWATER, FL 33756 USA                                                        genetics. Our efforts in R&D enable us to develop specific
(727) 709-1484                                                                  tools to support professionals in this field. We offer PGS, PGD,
                                                                                Endometrial Receptivity Array, Products of Conception, Carrier
Booth Number: 1327                                                              Genetic Test, and NIPT. We are present in Los Angeles, Miami,
                                                                                Sao Paulo, Valencia, Dubai, Delhi.
Say Goodbye to Dry Skin with Hawaiian Moon Organic Aloe
                                                                                ILLUMINA, INC.
                                                                                5200 ILLUMINA WAY
HEALTHCARE SUCCESS                                                              SAN DIEGO, CA 92122 USA
2860 MICHELLE DRIVE                                                             (650) 503-5200
SUITE 230                                                                       illumina.com
(800) 656-0907                                                                  Booth Number: 601
                                                                                Illumina is a leading provider of next-generation sequencing and
Booth Number: 1926                                                              microarray technologies that empower informed reproductive
                                                                                choices and improve the detection of genetic diseases. Our integrated
At Healthcare Success, our mission is to deliver patients to your               portfolio includes Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS), for
reproductive medicine practice. We are a full-service healthcare                increased in vitro fertilization (IVF) success rates, and Preimplantation
marketing agency, with clients nationwide. Our services                         Genetic Diagnosis (PGD), to screen embryos for inherited disorders.
include internet marketing, staff training, branding, advertising,
marketing planning, and more. We also lead marketing seminars
nationally, and publish a 19,000 subscriber blog.                               IMAGEN FERTILITY
                                                                                18756 STONE OAK PKWY
                                                                                SUITE 211
                                                                                SAN ANTONIO, TX 78258 USA
                                                                                (210) 878-0039

                                                                                Booth Number: 217

                                    72nd ASRM Scientific Congress & Expo   30     Salt Lake City, Utah
IMT INTERNATIONAL LIMITED                                                         IRVINE SCIENTIFIC
UNIT 1C CANALSIDE BUSINESS PARK                                                   1830 EAST WARNER AVENUE
TATTENHALL                                                                        SANTA ANA, CA 92705 USA
CHESTER, CH3 9BD UK                                                               (949) 261-7800
+44 1829 771327                                                                   irvinesci.com
                                                                                  Booth Number: 1617
Booth Number: 1624
                                                                                  Irvine Scientific, a member of JX group, specializes in the design,
IMT International provides IVF management technologies to                         manufacture, and distribution of medical devices, including
fertility centres worldwide. Our innovative systems include                       Industrial Cell Culture, Cytogenetic, Assisted Reproductive
Matcher® electronic witnessing, specifically designed for IVF                 Technology (ART) and Cell Therapy products. Irvine Scientific
clinics and donor banks to prevent error through misidentification                adheres to ISO and FDA regulations with manufacturing facilities
of patients and their gametes and embryos. Visit us for a demo.                   in California and Japan. Please visit us at www.irvinesci.com.

INTEGRAMED FERTILITY                                                              IVF DEVICES APS
2 MANHATTANVILLE ROAD                                                             GI STRANDVEJ 196
PURCHASE, NY 10577 USA                                                            HUMLEBAEK, 3050 DENM
(914) 253-8000                                                                    +45 21 44 5919
integramedfertility.com                                                           ivfdevices.com

Booth Number: 1817                                                                Booth Number: 226

IntegraMed Fertility strives to provide excellence in patient care                We are a Danish company, specialized in the R&D of innovative
across our network as we help couples fulfill their dreams of                     products for IVF industrial.
family. We support participating partner practices with a range of
services across marketing, sales, operations, finance, HR, IT, legal,
risk management, and fertility treatment financing programs.                      IVI LEARNING CENTER
                                                                                  GUILLEM DE CASTRO 9-1
                                                                                  VALENCIA, 46007 SPAI
INVO BIOSCIENCE                                                                   +963050978
407R MYSTIC AVENUE                                                                http://ivi-co.com/
MEDFORD, MA 02155 USA                                                             Booth Number: 2022
(978) 878-9505
invobio.com                                                                       IVICO in collaboration with the IVI Learning Center provides a
                                                                                  number of services to assisted reproduction units worldwide
Booth Number: 2000                                                                on theoretical knowledge, training, and business/lab
                                                                                  consultancy. We work to give answer to all your needs in IVF
INVO Bioscience is focused on creating simplified, lower cost                     and for share all our know-how to achieve all your goals.
treatment options for patients diagnosed with infertility.
Our patented product, INVOcell, FDA cleared, enables egg
fertilization and early embryo development in the woman's
vaginal cavity. This in vivo method of vaginal incubation offers
patients a more natural and intimate experience.

(801) 604-2418

Booth Number: 1902

                                      72nd ASRM Scientific Congress & Expo   31     Salt Lake City, Utah
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