EY Tax Covid-19 Response Tracker - As of 23 March 2020

Page created by Leonard Greene
EY Tax Covid-19 Response Tracker - As of 23 March 2020
EY Tax Covid-19
Response Tracker
As of 23 March 2020
Important notes

  •      This document provides a snapshot of the policy changes that have been announced in jurisdictions around the
         world in response to the Covid-19 crisis. It is designed to support conversations about policies that have been
         proposed or implemented in key jurisdictions
  •      Policy changes across the globe are being proposed and implemented on a daily basis. This document is updated on
         an ongoing basis but not all entries will be up to date as the process moves forward. In addition, not all jurisdictions
         are reflected in this document
  •      You should consult with your EY engagement team to check for new developments

Page 2               EY Tax COVID-19 Response Tracker
Jurisdictions covered
•       Argentina                         •      Ecuador (Updated 23 March      •   Ireland (updated 22 March       •   Nigeria                    •   Switzerland (updated 23
                                                 2020)                              2020)                                                              March 2020)
•       Australia (updated 22 March                                                                                 •   Norway
        2020)                             •      Egypt                          •   Israel (updated 23 March                                       •   Taiwan
                                                                                                                    •   Paraguay (updated 23
•       Belgium                           •      European Union                                                         March 2020)                •   Thailand
                                                 (updated 20 March 2020)        •   Italy (updated 22 March 2020)
•       Brazil (updated 23 March                                                                                    •   Peru (updated 23 March     •   Turkey (updated 22 March
        2020)                             •      Finland (updated 23 March      •   Japan                               2020)                          2020)
•       Canada (updated 21 March                                                •   Kenya                           •   Philippines (updated 23    •   Ukraine (last updated 20
        2020)                             •      France     (updated 23 March                                           March)                         March 2020)
                                                                                •   Lithuania
•       Chile (updated 23 March                                                                                     •   Poland                     •   United Arab Emirates
        2020)                             •      Germany (updated 22 March      •   Luxembourg (updated 23
                                                                                    March 2020)                     •   Portugal                   •   United Kingdom
•       Mainland China (updated                                                                                                                        (updated 22 March 2020)
        22 March 2020)                    •      Ghana                          •   Malaysia (updated 23 March      •   Qatar
                                                                                    2020)                                                          •   United States (updated 23
•       Colombia (updated 21              •      Gibraltar (updated 20 March                                        •   Russia (updated 20 March       March 2020)
        March 2020)                              2020)
                                                                                •   Mexico                              2020)
                                                                                                                                                   •   Venezuela (updated 19
•       Cyprus (updated 20 March          •      Greece (updated 22 March       •   Moldova (updated 20 March)      •   Singapore                      March 2020)
        2020)                                    2020)

                                                                                •   Netherlands (updated 18         •   South Korea                •   Vietnam (updated 17 March
•       Czech Republic (updated           •      Hong Kong                                                                                             2020)
                                                                                    March 2020)
        23 March 2020)
                                          •      Hungary                                                            •   Spain
•       Denmark                                                                 •   New Zealand (updated 22
                                                                                    March 2020)
                                          •      Indonesia                                                          •   Sweden
    Page 3                   EY Tax COVID-19 Response Tracker
• Contact: Ariel Becher – Tax Policy
Argentina                                                                                                                                               • Contact: Juan I. Pernin – Tax Desk
                                                                                                                                                        • Last updated: 18 March 2020

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Back to top

 Overview                                 Personal Tax                                Value Added Tax (VAT), Goods         Business tax                                    Links and resources
                                                                                      and Services Tax (GST) and

 ►   Argentina has issued                 ►   Suspension by the Federal tax           ►   Exemption of import duties for   ►    Exemption of Social Security taxes     Government materials
     emergency measures to                    authority between 18 March and 31           medical supplies and vaccines         for certain companies engaged in
     address economic impact                  March 2020 of procedural time                                                     activities particularly affected by    ►   https://www.argentina.gob.ar/n
     of Covid-19 pandemic.                    limits related to federal tax, social   ►   Expedition on export drawbacks        the Covid-19 pandemic (e.g.                oticias/los-ministros-de-
                                              security and customs obligations.                                                 tourism, entertainment industries,         economia-y-de-desarrollo-
                                              This measure does not include the                                                 restaurants, hotels and passenger          productivo-anunciaron-un-
                                              extension on regular deadlines                                                    transport activities). This                paquete-de-medidas-para
                                              previously established for tax                                                    exemption could potentially be         ►   http://servicios.infoleg.gob.ar/i
                                              returns filings and payments.                                                     extended to companies dealing              nfolegInternet/verNorma.do?id
                                                                                                                                with logistic or supply chain issues       =335646
                                          ►   Federal tax authority agencies will                                               due to the pandemic.
                                              limit on-site attention to taxpayers                                                                                     ►   http://servicios.infoleg.gob.ar/i
                                              until 31 March 2020, rescheduling                                            ►   Suspension by the Federal tax               nfolegInternet/verNorma.do?id
                                              the appointments already planned.                                                authority between 18 and 31                 =335423
                                              Other Government agencies (e.g.                                                  March 2020 of procedural time
                                              Inspection Board of Legal entities)                                              limits related to federal tax, social
                                              are limiting/restricting on-site                                                 security and customs obligations.
                                              attention.                                                                       This measure does not include the
                                                                                                                               extension on regular deadlines
                                                                                                                               previously established for tax
                                                                                                                               returns filings and payments.
                                                                                                                           ►   Federal tax authority agencies will
                                                                                                                               limit on-site attention to taxpayers
                                                                                                                               until 31 March, 2020, rescheduling
                                                                                                                               the appointments already planned.
                                                                                                                               Other Government agencies (e.g.
                                                                                                                               Inspection Board of Legal entities)
                                                                                                                               are limiting/restricting on-site

Page 4                         EY Tax COVID-19 Response Tracker
• Contact: Alf Capito – Tax Policy
Australia                                                                                                                                        • Contact: David Burns – Australia Tax Desk
                                                                                                                                                 • Last updated: 22 March 2020

                                                                                                                                                                                                   Back to top

    Overview                                                          Personal tax                VAT, GST and             Business tax

Federal Government                                                ►    Temporary early        Assistance for severely       Federal Government incentives include:
                                                                       release of             impacted regions and          Tax incentives for businesses with aggregated annual turnover below $500m
►    On 12 March 2020, the Federal Government announced an             superannuation -       industry sectors include:
     economic package of A$17.6b, including A$11b in planned           enable individuals                                   ►   Instant asset write-off (IAWO) increased to A$150,000: For new or
     expenditures by 30 June 2020. This response adds to a             and sole traders       ►    Federal Government           second-hand assets first used or installed ready for use from 12 March
     previously-announced A$2.4bn health package.                      directly impacted by        has allocated A$1b to        until 30 June 2020, the IAWO threshold is increased from A$30k to
                                                                       Covid-19 to access          communities most             A$150k for businesses with aggregated annual turnover of less than
►    On 22 March 2020, the Government announced a second                                                                        A$500m (up from the current A$50 million threshold). The threshold
                                                                       up to A$10k of their        heavily reliant on
     A$66b economic stimulus package, including measures                                                                        applies on a per asset basis, so eligible businesses can immediately write-
                                                                       superannuation,             tourism, agriculture
     planned to stimulate multiple aspects of the Australian                                                                    off multiple assets. The IAWO will revert to A$1,000 for small businesses
                                                                       tax-free, in 2019-          and education sectors
     economy including tax.                                                                                                     (turnover less than A$10 million) from 1 July 2020.
                                                                       20, and up to a             on a case-by-case
States and Territories Governments                                     further A$10k in            basis.                   ►   Accelerated tax deprecation until 30 June 2012: A 15-month
                                                                       2020-21 with no                                          investment incentive, by accelerating depreciation deductions for
►    Australian Capital Territory – announced a A$137m                                        ►    Tasmanian                    businesses with aggregated annual turnover of less than A$500m. The
                                                                       tax imposed on              Government                   measure allows deduction of 50% of the cost of a new asset (which is
     economic survival package.                                        withdrawals.                announced a A$420m           depreciable under Division 40 of the ITAA 1997) on installation, acquired
►    New South Wales – announced a healthcare support and a       ►    Temporary                   stimulus package             after announcement and first used or installed by 30 June 2021. Existing
     A$1.6b stimulus package.                                                                      targeted at the              depreciation rules apply to the balance of the asset’s cost.
                                                                       reduction in
►    Northern Territory – announced a A$65m Jobs Rescue and            superannuation              hospitality, tourism,    Other tax measures for small-and-medium-sized businesses
     Recovery Plan.                                                    minimum drawdown            seafood and export
                                                                                                   sectors.                 ►   Cash flow support for employers: Tax-free payment of up to a
                                                                       rates by 50% for the                                     A$25,000 for small-and-medium-sized businesses with a turnover of less
►    Queensland – announced an extension of COVID-19 payroll           2019-20 and 2020-                                        than A$50 million that employ workers. These eligible businesses will
     tax deferral offer to eligible QLD businesses.                                           ►    Aviation rescue
                                                                       21 income years.            package - the Federal        receive a payment equal to 50% of their pay-as-you-go (PAYG)
                                                                                                   Government has               instalments withheld, delivered as a credit in their business activity
►    South Australia - announced an immediate economic stimulus                                                                 statements from March to June 2020, with a minimum A$2,000
     package worth A$350m with further details to be announced.                                    announced a A$715m           payment and a cap of A$25,000.
                                                                                                   aviation package for
►    Tasmania - announced a A$420m stimulus package targeted                                       Australian airlines.     ►   Supporting apprentices and trainees: Eligible small business employers
     at the hospitality, tourism, seafood and export sectors.                                                                   with fewer than 20 employees can apply for a wage subsidy of 50% of the
                                                                                                                                apprentice’s or trainee’s (in training as at 1 March 2020) wage for up to
►    Victoria – announced a A$1.7b economic survival and jobs                                                                   9 months from 1 January to 30 September 2020, up to A$21,000 per
     package.                                                                                                                   apprentice. Employers can register for the subsidy from early April 2020
                                                                                                                                with final claims for payment due by 31 December 2020.
►    Western Australia - announced a A$607m stimulus package.

Page 5                       EY Tax COVID-19 Response Tracker
Australia (cont).
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Back to top

 Business tax (cont.)                                                                     Business tax                                                                           Links and resources

 Australian Taxation Office administrative concessions for businesses affected by         Northern Territory                                                                   EY Materials
 COVID-19 – not automatic (businesses must contact the ATO)
 ►    Payment deferrals - Up to four months deferral of tax obligations through
                                                                                          ►   Extension to payroll tax exemption for hiring Territory employees to 30          https://asia-pac.ey-vx.com/287/14380/landing-pages/ey-tax-
      Business Activity Statements (BAS), income tax assessments, fringe benefits tax         June 2021.                                                                       alert---australian-government-12-march-economic-package-
      (FBT) and excise tax.                                                                                                                                                    including-tax-and-investment-incentives---analysis.pdf
                                                                                          ►   Grant of A$10k to businesses for new permanent physical improvements.
 ►    Changes of business reporting cycle to monthly where GST refunds are available.
                                                                                          Queensland                                                                           Federal Government materials
 ►    PAYG instalments support - Allowing businesses to vary such instalment amounts
      (tax withheld from employee remuneration) to zero for the March 2020 quarter.       ►   Payroll tax support – extension of its COVID-19 payroll tax deferral offer to    https://treasury.gov.au/sites/default/files/2020-03/Overview-
      Businesses that vary PAYG instalments to zero can also claim a refund for any           eligible businesses in Queensland until 31 July 2020.                            Economic_Response_to_the_Coronavirus.pdf
      instalments made for the September and December 2019 quarters.
                                                                                          South Australia                                                                      https://treasury.gov.au/sites/default/files/2020-03/Overview-
 ►    Remission of interest and penalties on tax liabilities incurred on or after
      23 January 2020 for COVID-19 affected businesses.                                   ►   Announced an immediate economic stimulus package worth A$350m with               Economic_Response_to_the_Coronavirus_0.pdf
 ►    Low interest payment plans on ongoing tax liabilities for affected businesses.
                                                                                              further details to be announced.

 ►    Access to relief options are based on discussions with the ATO and will vary on a   Tasmania
      case-by-case basis.
                                                                                          ►   Payroll tax liabilities waived for last four months of this financial year for
 ►    International tax – central management and control may not be in Australia if a         businesses in the hospitality, tourism, seafood and export sectors.
      nonresident company holds board meetings in Australia due to travel restrictions.
      Similarly, unplanned employee presence of a foreign company in Australia may        ►   Other businesses with payrolls of less than A$5m can apply based on
      not lead to a permanent establishment in Australia.                                     COVID-19 impact for a payroll tax waiver for the April to June 2020 period.
 Australian Capital Territory (ACT)                                                       ►   One year payroll tax rebate from April 2020 for businesses employing
 ►    Payroll tax deferral (interest free) for FY20/21 for businesses paying
• Contact: Steve Claes – Tax Policy
Belgium                                                                                                                               • Contact: Jean-Charles van Heurck – Tax Desk
                                                                                                                                      • Last updated: 18 March 2020

                                                                                                                                                                                                Back to top

Overview                              Personal Tax               VAT, GST and Trade                                        Business tax                             Links and resources

►    Support for temporary                                       ►   Upon request, payment plan, waiver of late            ►   Upon request, payment plan,          Government materials
     unemployment benefits                                           payment interest and waiver of penalties for non-         waiver of late payment interest,
     due to Covid-19 (under                                          payment is available (conditions need to be met)          and waiver of penalties for non-     ►     https://finances.belgium
     conditions)                                                                                                               payment is available (conditions           .be/fr/entreprises/mesu
                                                                 ►   Periodic VAT returns                                      need to be met)                            res-de-soutien-dans-le-
                                                                 Return for February 2020, normal deadline being 20        ►   Increased tolerance for home               covid-19
                                                                 March 2020: deadline extended until 6 April 2020.             office workers to not constitute a
                                                                                                                               PE in view of the Belgium-           ►     https://finances.belgium
                                                                 Return for March 2020, normal deadline being 20 April                                                    .be/fr/Actualites/conven
                                                                 2020: deadline extended until 7 May 2020.                     Luxembourg tax treaty
                                                                 Return for the first quarter of 2020, normal deadline     ►   Increased tolerance for home               luxembourgeoise-
                                                                 being 20 April 2020: deadline extended until 7 May            office workers to not constitute a         préventive-de-la-double-
                                                                 2020.                                                         PE in view of the Belgium-France           imposition-mesure-
                                                                                                                               tax treaty                                 exceptionnelle
                                                                 Payment of VAT
                                                                                                                           ►   Furthermore, there are measures      ►     https://finances.belgium
                                                                 An automatic deferral of payment of 2 months for VAT          in place for companies that suffer         .be/fr/Actualites/%ef%8
                                                                 without having to pay fines or interest applies. This         from financial trouble caused by           3%98belgique-france-
                                                                 deferral will apply to:                                       the COVID-19 situation. They can           régime-travailleurs-
                                                                                                                               complete an application form.              frontaliers-–-
                                                                 VAT payment for monthly return - February 2020,               This application allows additional
                                                                 normal deadline being 20 March 2020: deadline                                                            coronavirus-covid-19
                                                                                                                               payment periods, an exemption
                                                                 extended until 20 May 2020                                    from default interest and/or         ►     https://www.onem.be/fr
                                                                 VAT payment for monthly return - March 2020, normal           remission of fines for late                /nouveau/chomage-
                                                                 deadline 20 being April 2020: deadline extended until         payment                                    temporaire-la-suite-de-
                                                                 20 June 2020                                                                                             lepidemie-de-
                                                                 VAT payment for monthly return - first quarter of 2020,                                                  en-chine-et-dans-
                                                                 normal deadline being20 April 2020: deadline extended                                                    dautres-pays-ou-la-
                                                                 until 20 June 2020                                                                                       maladie-sest-propagee-
                                                                 In addition to this automatic deferral of payment,
                                                                 taxpayers can also apply for instalment payments of the
                                                                 debts relating to VAT

    Page 7                    EY Tax COVID-19 Response Tracker
• Contact: Washington Coehlo – Tax Policy
Brazil                                                                                                                                      • Contact: Gustavo Carmona – Brazil Tax Desk
                                                                                                                                            • Last updated: 23 March 2020

                                                                                                                                                                                             Back to top

Overview                                                                          Personal Tax               VAT, GST and                     Business            Links and resources
                                                                                                             Trade                            tax

►     The Brazilian Minister of Economy on 16 March presented proposals
      to counter the economic slowdown deriving from the coronavirus          ►      The Government is       ►   Reduction to 0% of the                       Government materials
      spread. The proposals will need to be analyzed and debated by                  evaluating the              Import Duty due on
      Congress. The tax related items are mainly focused on making                   extension of the            import of products
      medical related items cheaper, as well as to help small businesses.            deadline for the            necessary to counter                         •    Imported products subject to
                                                                                     submission of               covid-19 until                                    Import Duty Reduction:
►     Extended term for payment of the Federal taxes under the “Simple”              Individual Income Tax       September 2020.                                   http://www.in.gov.br/en/web
      system: simplified taxation applicable to small companies.                     returns for 2020,           Products are listed on                            /dou/-/resolucao-n-17-de-17-
►     Postponement of deadlines related to collection assessments and                base year 2019.             Annex I of CAMEX                                  de-marco-de-2020-
      facilitation to join debts program.                                            Currently the period        Resolution #17/20.                                248564246
                                                                                     for submitting the IR
►     There are also proposals that lead to reduction in the cost of labor:          is from March 2 to      ►   Simplification and
      (a) extended term for payment of contributions to employees                    April 30.                   acceleration of customs
      Severance Indemnity Fund (FGTS) for 3 months; (b) 50% reduction                                            clearance process for
      on a portion of contributions due on payroll (“Sistema S” for a                                            products related to
      period of 3 months).                                                                                       counter covid-19 (fixed
                                                                                                                 assets and raw
►     Other proposals to allow for better access to financing, or to have                                        materials).
      anticipated cash payments to certain individuals: (a) Proger/FAT
      credit for micro and small businesses; (b) simplification of                                           ►   While the above two
      requirements for contracting credit and exemption of                                                       measures are already
      documentation for credit negotiation; (c) Anticipation of the 1 st                                         enacted, the
      installment payment of the 13 salary for retirees and pensioners for                                       government is also
      April and the 2nd installment payment for May; (d) release of BRL 15                                       proposing exemption of
      billion in benefits of up to R$ 200.00 for informal and self-employed                                      Excise Tax for local and
      workers for the next three months.                                                                         imported products to
                                                                                                                 counter covid-19.
►     The Central Bank reduced the SELIC rate (basic interest rate of the
      Brazilian economy) in 0.5% (from 4.25% to 3.75%).
►     Postponement of loan payments made through Caixa Economica
      (Federal Bank) for at least 2 months (individuals and companies) and
      reduction on interest rates of loans. The bank has also released
      funds to loans for public hospitals (BRL 3 billion).

    Page 8                        EY Tax COVID-19 Response Tracker
                                                                                                                                                                  • Contact: Fred O’Riordan - Tax Policy
                                                                                                                                                                  • Last updated: 21 March 2020

                                                                                                                                                                                                             Back to top

  Overview                                           Personal Tax                                       VAT, GST and             Business tax                                    Links and resources

• On March 18, 2020, Prime Minister Trudeau        • The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) will defer         • See under             • The return filing due date for               Government materials
  announced a new set of economic measures           the filing due date for the 2019 tax returns of      “Business Tax”: The     corporations has not been deferred.
                                                     individuals, including certain trusts.
                                                                                                                                                                               • https://www.canada.ca/en/depar
  to help stabilize the economy to be delivered                                                           CRA will not          • However, the CRA will allow all                tment-
  as part of the Government of Canada’s            • For individuals (other than trusts), the return      contact any small       businesses to defer, until after August
                                                     filing due date will be deferred from April 30                                                                              finance/news/2020/03/canadas-
  COVID-19 Economic Response Plan. The                                                                    or medium (SME)         31, 2020, the payment of any income tax
                                                     until June 1, 2020. Individuals who expect to                                amounts that become owing on or after          covid-19-economic-response-
  Plan will provide up to CAD$27 billion in          receive benefits under the GSTC or the               businesses to                                                          plan-support-for-canadians-and-
                                                                                                                                  today and before September 2020. This
  direct support to Canadian workers and             Canada Child Benefit are encouraged not to           initiate any post       relief would apply to tax balances due, as     businesses.html
  businesses.                                        delay the filing of their return to ensure their     assessment              well as instalments, under Part I of
• These new measures were in addition to a           entitlements for the 2020-21 benefit year are        GST/HST or Income       the Income Tax Act. No interest or
                                                     properly determined.                                 Tax audits for the      penalties will accumulate on these
                                                                                                                                                                               EY materials
  coordinated package of measures to support
  the functioning of markets, the resilience of    • For trusts having a taxation year ending on          next four weeks.        amounts during this period.                  • https://globaltaxnews.ey.com/ne
  the financial sector and continued access to       December 31, 2019, the return filing due date        The Canada            • The CRA will not contact any small or          ws/2020-5405-canada-
  financing for Canadian businesses on March
                                                     will be deferred from March 31 until May 1,          Revenue Agency          medium (SME) businesses to initiate any        announces-certain-tax-measures-
                                                     2020.                                                                        post assessment GST/HST or Income Tax          to-support-canadians-and-
  13, 2020 by the Minister of Finance,                                                                    will temporarily
                                                   • The CRA will allow all taxpayers to defer, until                             audits for the next four weeks. The CRA        businesses
  Governor of the Bank of Canada and                                                                      suspend audit
                                                     after August 31, 2020, the payment of any                                    will temporarily suspend audit interaction
  Superintendent of Financial Institutions.                                                               interaction with        with taxpayers and representatives for
                                                     income tax amounts that become owing on or
• Canadian provincial governments have also          after March 18, 2020 and before September            taxpayers and           most of these businesses.
  announced stimulus measures within their           2020. This relief would apply to tax balances        representatives for   • The CRA’s Liaison Officer service offers
  own jurisdictions.                                 due, as well as instalments, under Part I of         most of these           help to owners of small businesses to
                                                     the Income Tax Act. No interest or penalties         businesses.             understand their tax obligations.
• The Bank of Canada on 4 March cut the key          will accumulate on these amounts during this                                 Traditionally available in-person, this
  interest rate by 0.5% to 1.25% due to              period.                                                                      service is now available over the phone
  Coronavirus concerns. The bank stated that       • To reduce the need for taxpayers and                                         and will be customizing information
  it's becoming clear the country will not grow      preparers to meet in person and reduce                                       during these challenging times by
  as much as its previous forecasts indicated        administrative burden, the CRA will recognize                                ensuring small businesses are aware of
  with rail line blockades, teacher strikes in       electronic signatures as meeting the signature                               any changes such as filing and payment
  Ontario and a harsh winter also impacting on       requirements of the Income Tax Act, as a                                     deadlines, proactive relief measures, etc.
  growth.                                            temporary measure..

   Page 9                        EY Tax COVID-19 Response Tracker
• Contact: Victor Fenner – Tax Policy
Chile                                                                                                                                 • Contact: Mariela Gonzalez – Tax Desk
                                                                                                                                      • Last updated: 23 March 2020

                                                                                                                                                                                    Back to top

Overview                                    Personal Tax               VAT, GST and Trade                  Business tax                                Links and resources

►      The Chilean IRS has                                             ►   The Government is               ►     Postponing tax sworn              Government materials
       launched new online                                                 considering postponing VAT            statements.
                                                                           payment due for March.                                                  ►   http://www.sii.cl/servicios_onli
       tools in its website                                                                                Small / medium companies:                   ne/index.html
       enabling the aquisition of                                      ►   Customs has issued a Circular
       tax ID, and improving                                                                               ►     Deferral of VAT payments
                                                                           waiving penalties for                 for the next 3 months.
       managing of monthly                                                 amendment of documents
       taxes.                                                              needed in the context of        ►     Deferral of Real Estate Tax
►      The Treasury on 10                                                  Covid-19.                             return (to be paid in April)
       March put in place an
                                                                                                           ►     Deferral of income tax return
       incentive economic
                                                                                                                 until July 2020.
       package mainly focused
       on the supply of funds                                                                              ►     Relieve measures for tax
       and to support                                                                                            debt, with the objective of
       small/medium business                                                                                     improving payment
       for an amount of USD                                                                                      agreements.
       $11,750 Million,
       equivalent to 4.7% of
       Chilean GDP. Benefits                                                                               All companies;
       include sanitary
       systems, family                                                                                     ►     Monthly advance payments
       revenues and                                                                                              (in advance of Corporate
       employment protections.                                                                                   Tax) are suspended for the
                                                                                                                 next 3 months.
►      Local banks have
       announced a waiver on                                                                               ►     Exemption of Stamp tax
       the prospective                                                                                           (applicable to credit cash
       deadlines for loans and                                                                                   operations) for the next 6
       interests granted                                                                                         months.
       (benefit for March).
                                                                                                           ►     Deductibility of all expenses
                                                                                                                 incurred by Chilean
                                                                                                                 companies that are COVID-
                                                                                                                 19 related.

    Page 10                         EY Tax COVID-19 Response Tracker
• Contact: Becky Lai – Tax Policy
Mainland China                                                                                                                                                       • Contact: Min Fei - China Tax Desk
                                                                                                                                                                     • Last updated: 22 March 2020

                                                                                                                                                                                                               Back to top

    Overview                                Personal Tax                   VAT, GST and Trade                                                 Business tax                               Links and resources

►   Remove the cap on foreign debt         ►   Individual Income       ►   Enterprises of key medical and daily living supplies           ►   Equipment purchased by the             Government materials
    for enterprises where it is                Tax (IIT) exemption         (KSMEs) may apply to the competent tax authorities for a           manufacturing enterprises of
    necessary                                  on additional               full refund of the incremental input Value Added Tax               KSMEs for expanding production         ►   http://www.chinatax.gov.cn/
                                               allowance and bonus         (VAT) credits incurred after the end of December 2019 on           capacity is allowed to be one-off          eng/n4260854/c5146227/5
►   Pump a total of 1.2 trillion yuan          for medical staffs          a monthly basis                                                    deducted in the same period for            146227/files/2c0c7d469b20
    (USD 172 billion) via reverse              and qualifying                                                                                 CIT purposes                               4eeeaae57d2bf27f5f36.pdf
    repos to inject funds into the             personnel who has       ►   Exempt VAT for small-scale VAT taxpayers in Hubei and
    market to ensure ample liquidity                                       reduce VAT collection rate for those in other regions          ►   Extend the carry-forward period        EY materials
                                               been involved in                                                                               for loss incurred in 2020 from 5 to
    and supply                                 Covid-19                    (effective from 1 March 2020 to 31 May 2020)                                                              ►   https://www.ey.com/Publicat
                                                                                                                                              8 years for qualifying enterprises         ion/vwLUAssets/ey-ctie-
►   Adopt financial measures                   prevention,             ►   Cross-border donations for supporting the epidemic
    covering aspects including                 treatment and or            prevention and control are exempt from import duties and       ►   Qualifying donations are allowed to        2020010-eng/$FILE/ey-ctie-
    liquidity and credit, livelihood           handling related            import-level VAT and Consumption Tax (CT)                          be deducted in full for CIT purposes       2020010-eng.pdf
    finance, financial infrastructure,         emergencies
                                                                           For prescribed imports from USA, the tariff reduction          ►   Better law enforcement: tax            ►   https://www.ey.com/Publicat
    foreign exchange and cross-                IIT exemption on
    border Renminbi business
                                           ►                               obligations suspended will be resumed and the additional           authority should not: carry out tax
                                               medicines, medical          tariffs that have already been levied will be refunded             inspections against taxpayers              2020009-ENG/$FILE/EY-
►   The Ministry of Finance also               supplies and                                                                                   without significant risks; carry out       CTIE-2020009-ENG.pdf
    issued relevant fiscal policies,           protective              ►   Entities and self-employed industrial and commercial               on-site inspections without
                                               equipment provided          households (SICHs) that donate self-produced, contract-                                                   ►   https://www.ey.com/Publicat
    involving loan interest subsidy                                                                                                           approval; stop issuing invoices to         ion/vwLUAssets/ey-ctie-
    and guarantee fee reduction                from enterprises to         processed or purchased are exempt from VAT, CT and                 taxpayers who act in accordance
                                               employees                   local tax/surcharges                                                                                          2020008-eng/$File/ey-ctie-
                                                                                                                                              with laws                                  2020008-eng.pdf
►   Local government departments
    also released a series of              ►   Qualifying donations    ►   Temporarily waive on-site inspection for designated            ►   Take measures to ensure thorough
                                               are allowed to be           taxpayers’ application for VAT invoices                                                                   ►   https://www.ey.com/Publicat
    intellectual property (IP) related                                                                                                        implementation of tax and fee              ion/vwLUAssets/EY-CTIE-
    measures (e.g., IP financing from          deducted in full for                                                                           incentives, including providing
                                               IIT purposes            ►   Provide more convenience for export VAT filing and                                                            2020007-ENG/$FILE/EY-
    financial institution, “green                                          accelerate tax refund process amid the epidemic control            timely public guideline, improving         CTIE-2020007-ENG.pdf
    channel for registration”)                                                                                                                IT system and strengthening
                                           ►   Social securities and                                                                          supervision/ evaluation among tax
                                               housing funds that      ►   Local government introduced Real Estate Tax and Urban                                                     ►   https://www.ey.com/Publicat
►   Local governments also                                                 Land Use Tax relief policies                                       authorities at all levels                  ion/vwLUAssets/EY-CTIE-
    announced other policy measures            are contributed by
                                               enterprises may be                                                                                                                        2020006-ENG/$FILE/EY-
    to support enterprises’                                            ►   Big data analysis (particularly the data on VAT invoices) is   ►   Extend the tax filing deadline for         CTIE-2020006-ENG.pdf
    resumption of operation (e.g.,             reduced and                 leveraged to assist governments in making well-informed            February and March 2020, and
    providing subsidy, online approval         exempted                    decisions                                                          promote non-contact services,
    for investment projects)                   temporarily                                                                                    including online service,
                                                                       ►   The Beijing Tax authority launched the blockchain-based            personalize services and service by
                                                                           general VAT invoice on a pilot basis                               appointment

Page 11                          EY Tax COVID-19 Response Tracker
• Contact: Margarita Salas – Tax Policy
Colombia                                                                                                                             • Contact: Zulay Arevalo – Tax Desk
                                                                                                                                     • Last updated: 21 March 2020

                                                                                                                                                                           Back to top

Overview   Personal tax                              VAT, GST and Trade                                           Business tax                                 Links and

                                      ►       In the case of companies engaged in hoteling    ►   Due dates for filing and paying income tax return for
                                              services, air travel services, Theatrical           companies engaged in hoteling services, air travel
                                              activities and show business activities. Due        services, Theatrical activities, show business activities,
                                              to the impact COVID-19 has had in these             were postponed for the second semester of 2020.
                                              business, the due dates for filing the March-   ►   Colombian Government issued a Decree by means of
                                              April VAT return (for taxpayers which must          which defers the income tax return filing and payment
                                              file VAT returns Bi-monthly) and January –          dates in relation to companies, however such deferral
                                              April VAT return (for taxpayers who must            is just for one week.
                                              file VAT returns quarterly) were postponed
                                              until June 30, 2020 (usually the due dates      ►   In relation to large taxpayers, income tax filing and
                                              are in May).                                        installment payment (this is the second installment
                                                                                                  which is paid on the same date of the filing). Original
                                      ►       customs duties applicable to the importation        dates were between April 14th to April 27th, now due
                                              of certain medicines, medical equipment and         dates are between April 21st to May 5th.
                                              devices as well as non-locally produced
                                              goods for the use of air travel industry were   ►   In regards to financial institutions qualified as large
                                              reduced to 0%.                                      taxpayers, first installment payment. Original dates
                                                                                                  were between April 14th to April 27th, now the due
                                      ►       VAT due dates for taxpayers engaged in the          dates are between April 21st to May 5th.
                                              provision of alcoholic beverage in situ,
                                              restaurants, travel agencies and tour           ►   For regular taxpayers income tax filing and installment
                                              operators were deferred to June 30th. The           payment (this is the first instalment): Original due
                                              payment of the VAT tax return for the period        dates were between April 14th to May 10th, now due
                                              March-April, originally due on the first two        dates are between April 21st to May 19th.
                                              weeks of May.
                                                                                              ►   the Government issued some regulations to allow
                                      ►       Due dates for filing the May-April                  personnel of companies located in Free Trade Zones
                                              consumption tax returns for taxpayers               (FTZ) to work outside the FTZ area by using any
                                              engaged in the provision of alcoholic               telecommunication equipment or technology that
                                              beverage in situ and restaurants were               allows remote connection of the personnel (in normal
                                              deferred to June 30th. The payment of the           circumstances, companies located in free trade zones
                                              consumption tax return for the period               must undertake all its activities within the physical
                                              March-April, originally was due on the              location of the FTZ to access to the tax and customs
                                              two and third week of May.                          benefits granted under the FTZ regime)

Page 12    EY Tax COVID-19 Response Tracker
• Contact: Philippos Raptopoulos – Tax Policy
Cyprus                                                                                                                    • Last updated: 20 March 2020

                                                                                                                                                                        Back to top

                                 Personal tax                        VAT/GST and Trade                          Business measures
 Overview                                                                                                                                         EY/Government

                                 ►   Extension of the time-period                                               ►   Non-payment of the            EY materials
                                     for filing of objections with                                                  additional contributions
                                                                     Temporary two-month deferral of                                              https://emeia.ey-
                                     the Social Insurance            payment of VAT, without the imposition         to the General Healthcare
                                     Department by self-                                                            System (GHS), which was       vx.com/2594/133863/landing-
                                                                     of any penalties applicable to companies                                     pages/public-support-program-
                                     employed individuals by one     with turnover of less than €1 million or       scheduled for 31 March
                                     month to 30 April 2020                                                                                       covid-19-en.pdf
                                                                     where turnover reduced has fallen by           2020, for two months, by
                                     (deadline was originally 31
                                     March 2020).                    more than 25% with reference to the tax        employers, employees
                                                                     returns submitted during 2019.                 and the Government, in
                                 ►   A two-month extension to        Arrangements can be made so that VAT           order to reinforce the
                                     those that are required to      payable due amounts will be settled
                                     submit a tax return by 31                                                      health sector during the
                                                                     gradually by 11 November 2020.
                                     March 2020 (the new                                                            fight against the virus and
                                                                     Temporary reduction of VAT on Goods            not to affect the income
                                                                     and Services from 19% to 17% for a             of employees and
                                                                     period of 2 months and from 9% to 7%           businesses.
                                                                     for a period of 3.5 months, to be          ►   Special arrangements will
                                                                     effective from enactment of the                be made for the ease of
                                                                     relevant VAT law.                              those taxpayers that
                                                                                                                    entered the Overdue
                                                                                                                    Taxes Settlement Scheme
                                                                                                                    for the duration of this
                                                                                                                    emergency situation
                                                                                                                ►   A two-month extension to
                                                                                                                    those that are required to
                                                                                                                    submit a tax return by 31
                                                                                                                    March 2020 (the new
                                                                                                                    deadline is 31 May 2020).

Page 13     EY Tax COVID-19 Response Tracker
• Contact: Lucie Rihova –Tax Policy
 Czech Republic                                                                                                                                                       • Contact: Jakub Majer – Tax Desk
                                                                                                                                                                      • Last updated: 23 March 2020

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Back to top

  Overview                                Personal Tax                                VAT, GST and Trade                     Business tax                                  Links and resources

• Due to the Covid-19                    • The personal income tax return for       • Suspension of obligations from        • The corporate income tax return and            EY materials
  pandemic the Ministry of                 2019 may be filed and related tax paid     electronic records of sales during      annual withholding tax statement for           • https://emeia.ey-
  Finance announced tax                    by 1 July 2020 without a penalty and       the state of emergency and in three     2019 may be filed and related tax                vx.com/2520/139210/lan
  liberation measures such as              related late payment sanctions             subsequent months has been              paid by 1 July 2020 without a                    ding-pages/extraordinary-
  e.g. relief of various                   (standard deadline is 1 April 2020).       announced.                              penalty or related late payment                  tax-news.pdf
  sanctions for late filling of          • Automatic removal of the June            • Automatic removal of the penalty        sanctions (this applies to entities            • https://emeia.ey-
  selected tax returns and                 advance payment on personal income         for late filing of real estate          with a standard deadline of 1 April              vx.com/2520/139210/lan
  related tax payments.                    tax without a need to apply.               acquisition tax return and related      2020).                                           ding-pages/government-
• The state will compensate              • Introduction of Tax Loss Carry-Back        late payment sanctions if the tax     • Automatic removal of the June                    antivirus-employment-
  employers for costs incurred             for 2020 tax losses to be potentially      return is filed before 31 August        advance payment on corporate                     protection.pdf
  for the payment of                       applied in 2019 and 2018 tax returns.      2020.                                   income tax without a need to apply.
  compensatory wages in the                                                                                                 • Introduction of Tax Loss Carry-Back
  event of disability due to                                                                                                  for 2020 tax losses to be potentially
  quarantine or provide partial                                                                                               applied in 2019 and 2018 tax
  compensation in other Covid-                                                                                                returns.
  19 related emergency

   Page 14                        EY Tax COVID-19 Response Tracker
• Contact: Tobias R Steinø – Tax Policy
Denmark                                                                                                                             • Last updated: 18 March 2020

                                                                                                                                                                               Back to top

 Overview                                  Personal Tax            VAT, GST and Trade                 Business tax                               Links and resources

                                                                                                                                                 Government materials:
Government is currently                                            For businesses with VAT liable     The deadlines for the payments of the
trying to prohibit gatherings                                                                         payroll tax and labor market               ► https://www.ft.dk/samling/2
                                                                   deliveries exceeding DKK 50m
of 10 people and more. This                                        on an annual basis, the deadline   contributions are postponed by four          0191/lovforslag/l134/som_f
is, however, subject to some                                       for such VAT payments are          months for the months; April, May            remsat.htm
limitations – e.g. in respect of                                   postponed by a month for the       and June.
demonstrations, access to                                          months; March, April and May                                                  EY materials:
supermarkets, etc. – though                                                                           This means that the payroll tax and        ► Responding to Covid-19
subject to certain restrictions.                                   This only applies for the          labor market contribution payments
The ban is effective as of                                         payment of positive VAT,           for companies with payroll tax of          ►   Denmark changes tax
March 18, 2020.                                                    negative VAT can still be          more than DKK 1m or a total labor              legislation in light of COVID-
                                                                   refunded within three weeks of     market contribution of more than DKK           19
One of the initiatives from                                        receipt of the VAT statement.      250k, both of which must continue
government is to compensate                                                                           over a 12 month period, are as             ►   Covid-19 consequences on
organizers who cancelled or                                        For companies with VAT liable      follows: i) The payment that should            Tax, Social Security and
postponed events with more                                         deliveries between DKK 5-50m n     have been made on April 30th are               Immigration
than 1,000 participants from                                       an annual basis, the payment of    postponed until August 31st, ii) May
6 March to 31 March.                                               VAT is postponed for the first     29th are postponed until September         ►   Corona virus (Covid-19), The
Whether the compensation                                           quarter of 2020 and is now         30th, and iii) June 30th are                   most important labor law
initiative should also apply to                                    together with the payment          postponed until October 30th.                  issues in the Nordic
organizers who have canceled                                       deadline of the second quarter                                                    countries
or postponed events with 100                                       of 2020 on September 1st           For the companies below the
(or less) people or more due                                       2020.                              thresholds the payments are as
to government                                                                                         follows: i) The payment that should
                                                                   For companies with VAT liable      have been made on May 11th are
recommendations has not yet                                        deliveries below DKK 5m on an
been clarified.                                                                                       postponed until September 10th, ii)
                                                                   annual basis, the VAT payment      June 10th are postponed until
Compensation will require an                                       of the first half of 2020 has      October 12th, and iii) July 10th are
audit opinion if the relevant                                      been postponed and is now          postponed until November 10th.
amount is above DKK 500k                                           together with the payment
and the insurance company                                          deadline of the second half of     Please keep in mind that only the
doesn’t cover the loss.                                            2020 on March 1st 2021.            payment has been postponed, the
                                                                                                      reporting deadline is maintained.

Page 15                         EY Tax COVID-19 Response Tracker
• Contact: Fernanda Checa – Tax Policy
Ecuador                                                                                                                                    • Contact: Carlos Cazar – Tax Desk
                                                                                                                                           • Last updated: 20 March 2020

                                                                                                                                                                                           Back to top

 Overview                                                 Personal Tax                VAT, GST and Trade              Business tax                               Links and resources

    ►     The Ecuadorian government has               ►    President announces        ►   Import tariffs on medical   ►   The President has announced           Government materials
          declared a "State of Sanitary                    that the tax obligations       products necessary to           that tax obligations for the
          Emergency" and a " National State of             for the months of April,       attend the emergency were       months of April, May and June         https://minka.presidenci
          Exception" due to the increase in                May and June 2020              eliminated.                     2020 could be differed by 6           a.gob.ec/portal/usuarios
          positive cases of COVID-19 in Ecuador            could be differed by 6                                         months, but has not formalized        _externos.jsf
          in the last 60 days.                             months, but has not                                            with a decree. Therefore, it is
                                                           formalized with a                                              not yet applicable.
    ►     Face-to-face work meetings are                   decree.
          suspended from 17 to 24 March.                                                                              ►   IRS: The deadlines and terms of
                                                                                                                          all the tax administrative
                                                                                                                          processes and the statutes of
                                                                                                                          limitation of the collection action
                                                                                                                          are suspended, from March 16
                                                                                                                          to March 31, 2020. This
                                                                                                                          suspension does not apply for
                                                                                                                          tax returns.
                                                                                                                      ►   Extension for a period of 30 days
                                                                                                                          from the original statutory due
                                                                                                                          date for the presentation of the
                                                                                                                          annual balance sheet, profit and
                                                                                                                          loss statement, directors' report,
                                                                                                                          list of administrators, partners
                                                                                                                          and shareholders and others.

Page 16                        EY Tax COVID-19 Response Tracker
• Contact: Asmaa Ali – Egypt Tax Desk
Egypt                                                                                                  • Last updated: 18 March 2020

                                                                                                                                            Back to top

 Overview                                  Personal Tax            VAT, GST and Trade   Business tax                  Links and resources

►   The Monetary Policy
    Committee of the Central
    Bank of Egypt (CBE)
    decided to cut the credit
    and discount rates from
    12.75 percent to 9.75

Page 17                         EY Tax COVID-19 Response Tracker
• Contact: Klaus von Brocke
European Union                                                                                                                                                     • Last updated: 18 March 2020

                                                                                                                                                                                         Back to top

  Overview                                                  Personal Tax       VAT, GST and Trade                    Business tax                              Links and resources

• On Monday 16 March the European Council                                  ►   See links and resources section      • The European Commission, in a            EU materials
  issued a statement detailing a range of practical                            ► Global Trade/Customs                 press release, notes that it stands      ►   https://eur-
  and financial measures on which it will provide                                measures from the European           ready to work with all Member States         lex.europa.eu/legal-
  support to Member States as part of                                            Union - On the consequences          to ensure that possible national             content/EN/TXT/?uri=uriserv:
  its coordinated responses to protect the EU                                    of the Covid-19 outbreak on          support measures to tackle the               OJ.C_.2020.086.01.0006.01.
  economies, These proposals include, amongst                                                                         outbreak of the Covid-19 virus can           ENG&toc=OJ:C:2020:086:TOC
                                                                                 anti-dumping and anti-subsidy
  other points, using the full flexibility of our                                investigations.                      be put in place in a timely manner, in   ►   https://eur-
  State-aid and fiscal frameworks, mobilizing the                                                                     line with EU rules. To this end, the         lex.europa.eu/legal-
                                                                               ► Global Trade/Customs measure
  EU budget to allow the EIB Group to provide                                                                         Commission has established a                 content/EN/TXT/?uri=uriserv:
                                                                                 from the European Union -                                                         OJ.LI.2020.077.01.0001.01.E
  short-term liquidity to SMEs, and directing €37                                Export licenses are required for     dedicated contact point for Member
  billion to the fight Covid-19 under the                                        certain vital products.              States to provide them with
  Coronavirus Response Investment Initiative.                                                                         guidance on possibilities under EU       ►   https://eur-
                                                                               ► Global Trade/Customs                                                              lex.europa.eu/legal-
                                                                                 measures of the European                                                          content/EN/TXT/?uri=uriserv:
• On 20 March the European Commission                                            Union - On conformity                                                             OJ.LI.2020.079.01.0001.01.E
  proposed the activation of the general escape                                  assessment and market                                                             NG&toc=OJ:L:2020:079I:TOC
  clause of the Stability and Growth Pact (SGP)                                  surveillance procedures within
                                                                                 the context of the Covid-19

Page 18                       EY Tax COVID-19 Response Tracker
• Contact: Jukka Lyijynen – Tax Policy
Finland                                                                                                                             • Last updated: 23 March 2020

                                                                                                                                                                            Back to top

 Overview                                  Personal Tax            VAT, GST and Trade                   Business tax                             Links and resources

 On 16 March 2020, the                                             Finland is expected to provide a     The interest rate for late payment       Government materials
 Government, in cooperation                                        range of VAT easements.              is reduced to 4% (currently 7%) for
 with the president, declared                                                                           taxes due from 1 March 2020.             Responding to Covid-19
 a state of emergency in                                           The Finnish tax authorities          The deadlines for paying taxes are
 Finland.                                                          cannot grant more time for filing    postponed (further details of this       Corona virus (Covid-19), The
                                                                   VAT returns or other tax returns     are not yet known).                      most important labor law
 Relevant measures are                                             for self-assessed taxes.
                                                                                                        Pension funds may grant upon             issues in the Nordic countries
 expected in an                                                    However, tax payers can
                                                                                                        application a postponement up to 3
 extraordinary budget bill                                         request that the late-filing
                                                                                                        months for pension premiums paid         Corona situation: Recent
 scheduled to be presented                                         penalty is removed. If tax payers
                                                                                                        by employers and self-employed           updates (Finnish tax
 to the Parliament on March                                        have a justified reason for filing
                                                                                                        individuals.                             authorities)
 20, 2020.                                                         late, such as illness, you may
                                                                   not have to pay a late-filing        The advance tax payments of
 The Finnish Tax                                                   penalty,                             corporate income tax can be
 Administration will ease the                                                                           lowered upon a request of the
 terms of payment                                                                                       taxpayer without interim financial
 arrangements for the time                                                                              statements, revised budget or
 being. In addition, the                                                                                other documentation.
 Ministry of Finance is
 preparing a legislative
 amendment that will
 temporarily lower late-
 payment interest rates for
 taxes in a payment

Page 19                         EY Tax COVID-19 Response Tracker
•   Contact: Jean-Pierre Lieb – EMEIA Tax Policy & Controversy

France                                                                                                                                                •
                                                                                                                                                          Contact: Charles Menard – Tax Policy
                                                                                                                                                          Contact: Frederic Vallat – France Tax Desk
                                                                                                                                                          Last updated: 23 March 2020

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Back to top

 Overview                                         Personal Tax                         VAT, GST and Trade                            Business tax                                    Links and resources

►   The French President has affirmed         ►   For the self-employed, the rate      ►   The postponement can only             ►   Postponement upon request and without
                                                                                                                                                                                    Government materials
    his support to French companies               and the down payments at source          concern direct taxes and not VAT          penalty of the payment of the upcoming
    with exceptional measures for                 of income tax can be adjusted at         and similar taxes (VAT or excise          direct taxes instalment (for corporate         https://www.impots.gouv.fr/po
    deferring tax and social charges,             any time. It is also possible to         duties are indirect taxes collected       income tax down payment and/or payroll         rtail/node/13465
    supporting the postponement of                defer the payment of the personal        by businesses on behalf of the            tax). If the March payment has already
    bank instalments and State                    income tax down payments from            state, no payment deferrals are           been made, companies still have the
    guarantees up to 300 billion euros            one month to another up to three         expected today).                          option of opposing the SEPA direct debit
    for all bank loans.                           times if monthly installments, or                                                  from their bank or of requesting
                                                  from one quarter to the next if      ►   The government affirmed the               reimbursement to the tax authorities. A
►   For the smallest French companies             quarterly installments. These            objective of a rapid refund of            specific form to benefit from these
    and for as long as the current                adjustments can be made via the          excess input VAT to the                   measures is available on the tax
    situation will last, the payment of           website impots.gouv.fr, under the        companies (i.e., within 1 month in        authorities’ website.
    taxes, social security contributions,         heading "Manage my direct debit"         80% of cases).
    or various invoices (e.g., water, gas         (before the 22nd of a given month,                                             ►   If the deferral of payment is not
    or electricity and rents) may be                                                   ►   The Amending Finance Bill for             sufficient, it is possible to obtain direct
                                                  in order to be taken into account        2020 adopted by the National
    suspended.                                    for the following month).                                                          tax rebates, penalties or interest on
                                                                                           Assembly contains a measure               arrears on outstanding tax debts by
►   The partial unemployment scheme           ►   For employee’s, no deferrals or          allowing exemption from customs           providing information on financial
    will be massively extended for                discounts are contemplated for           and similar duties on the import          difficulties encountered by filling in frame
    employees, and a solidarity fund              the employee’s payments at               and delivery of certain goods             2 of the form.
    will be funded by the State for               source of personal income tax.           needed in the event of a state of
    entrepreneurs, merchants,                                                              health emergency.                     ►   The monthly payment of the corporate
    artisans.                                                                                                                        property tax (“CFE”) or the property tax
                                                                                                                                     (“taxe foncière”), can be suspended
►   The government affirmed the                                                                                                      without penalty.
    objective of quick payment of
    suppliers of public administrations                                                                                          ►   The government affirmed the objective of
    (i.e., on average 20 days).                                                                                                      rapid refund of tax credit for
                                                                                                                                     competitiveness and employment
►   The employee and employer social                                                                                                 ("CICE") (i.e., within 3 months in 75% of
    contributions payments (URSSAF)                                                                                                  cases).
    due on the 15th of March 2020
    may be postponed upon request, in                                                                                            ►   The pending tax audits are continuing but
    whole or in part, for up to 3                                                                                                    "with discernment".

Page 20                         EY Tax COVID-19 Response Tracker
• Contact: Hermann Gauss – Tax Policy
    Germany                                                                                                                                                                       • Contact: Tobias Appl – Tax Desk
                                                                                                                                                                                  • Last updated: 22 March 2020

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Back to top


►    On 13 March 2020, Federal Minister of Finance Olaf Scholz (SPD)              syndicated loans.                                                            part of this, eligibility requirements will be loosened as follows:
     and Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy Peter
     Altmaier (CDU) agreed on a far-reaching package of measures to               For companies with a turnover of more than €5 billion, support will          - Reduction of necessary proportion of affected employees to 10%
     protect jobs and support companies. The government is creating a             continue to be provided on a case-by-case basis.                             (from previously one third).
     protective shield for employees and companies who are affected           ►   For guarantee banks (Bürgschaftsbanken), the guarantee limit will            - In companies where agreements on working time fluctuations are
     by the impact of the coronavirus. It consists of four pillars:               be doubled, to €2.5 million. The Federation will increase its risk           used, no negative working time accounts must be created.
     1. Making the reduced hours compensation benefit                             share in guarantee banks by 10% to make it easier to shoulder
                                                                                  risks, which are difficult to assess in times of crisis. The upper limit     - Availability also to temporary agency workers
        (Kurzarbeitergeld) more flexible                                                                                                                       (Leiharbeitnehmer).
                                                                                  of 35% of operating resources in guarantee banks’ total exposure
     2. Tax-related liquidity assistance for businesses                           will be increased to 50%. To accelerate liquidity provision, the             - Complete reimbursement of social security contributions by the
                                                                                  Federation is giving guarantee banks the freedom to make                     Federal Labour Office.
     3. A protective shield worth billions for businesses                         guarantee decisions up to €250,000 independently and within a
     4. Strengthening European cohesion                                           period of three days.                                                    ►   In view of the corona crisis, the Federal Government is planning a
                                                                                                                                                               supplementary budget of more than 150 billion euros for 2020.
     In a first step, existing liquidity assistance programs will be              The large guarantee program (parallel guarantees from the                    Half of the budget (at least 50 billion euros) shall be used to set up
     expanded to make it easier for companies to access cheap loans.              Federation and the Länder) will be opened up to companies in                 an emergency fund for small businesses and solo self-employed
                                                                                  other regions, as well.                                                      persons (e.g. grants and loans). In addition, the supplementary
►    Conditions for the KfW-Unternehmerkredit (business loan for                                                                                               budget includes significantly more money for hospitals and family
     existing companies) and the ERP-Gründerkredit-Universell (start- ►           For companies that have temporary serious financial difficulties
                                                                                  because of the crisis and therefore do not have easy access to               policy services than the previous budget and ultimately it takes
     up loan for companies that are less than five years old) will be                                                                                          into account an expected decrease of tax revenues. The
     loosened by raising the level of risk assumptions (indemnity) for            existing support programs, additional special KfW programs will be
                                                                                  launched. These special programs are now being submitted to the              supplementary budget is expected to be passed by the Bundestag
     operating loans and extending these instruments to large                                                                                                  already within the upcoming week.
     enterprises with a turnover of up to €2 billion (previously, the limit       European Commission for approval.
     was €500 million). Higher risk assumptions of up to 80% for            ►     On 16 March 2020, the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer          ►    It is expected that, in a meeting on 23 March 2020, the Federal
     operating loans of up to EUR 200 million will increase banks’                Protection has announced that until 30 September 2020 the                    Government will discuss the option to apply an exemption from the
     willingness to extend credit.                                                obligation to file for insolvency for affected companies will be             debt brake (Schuldenbremse) which is stipulated in the federal
                                                                                  suspended. The precondition is that the reason for insolvency is             constitution. An exception from the debt brake must be approved
►    In the case of the “KfW Loan for Growth”, the program aimed at                                                                                            by a majority of the members of the Bundestag.
     larger companies, the current turnover threshold of €2 billion will          based on the effects of the coronavirus and that there are
     be raised to €5 billion. In the future, these loans will take the form       reasonable chances of financial recovery either due to an               ►    Further, the Federal Government also plans to reopen the former
     of syndicated loans and will not be restricted to projects in one            application for a public aid program or due to serious financing or          bank rescue fund “Soffin” and convert it into an "economic
     particular field (in the past, only innovation and digitalization            restructuring negotiations of an applicant.                                  stabilization fund" for all companies. This protective shield may
     projects were eligible). Risk assumption will be increased to up to      ►   Retroactively as of 1 March 2020, the rules on reduced hours                 have a volume of around 500 billion euros and is mainly intended
     70% (from 50%). This will improve larger companies’ access to                compensation benefit (Kurzarbeitergeld) will be adapted and as               to cover the liabilities of companies with state guarantees.

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Germany                             (continued).

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    Business Tax

►      After political announcement and after individual federal states              abstain from enforcement measures until 31 December                  Regarding the wage tax, we expect further guidance to be
       had already published decrees and information on deferral and                 2020. In that case late-payment penalties which would                issued by the tax authorities in the near future. There are
       enforcement relief in connection with the coronavirus, on 20                  otherwise be levied from 20 March 2020 until 31 December             currently no statements regarding comparable liquidity support
       March 2020, the Ministry of Finance now also specified the tax                2020 shall be waived.                                                or aid measures for social security contributions.
       relief measures in two official letters (decree of the Federal
       Ministry of Finance and identical decrees of the federal states        ►   Who can benefit? According to the decree only those taxpayers       ►   What has to be demonstrated? The above mentioned requests
       on trade tax aspects). The basic intention is to avoid liquidity           shall benefit from the tax relief measures who can demonstrate          shall not be rejected because the taxpayers cannot prove the
       bottlenecks for taxpayers due to tax payments. Overall,                    that they are directly and not insignificantly affected by the          value of the damages incurred or expected to incur in detail. The
       businesses shall be able to defer billions of Euros in tax                 economic consequences of the coronavirus. Only indirectly               tax authorities are asked to not apply strict requirements when
       payments.                                                                  and/or insignificantly affected taxpayers shall at least based on       reviewing the conditions for applying the above measures.
                                                                                  the wording of the decrees not benefit. Whereas it is unclear           Hence, it should generally be sufficient to show that a taxpayer
►      The measures outlined in the decree are as follows:                        when a taxpayer is considered to be directly and not                    is directly and not only insignificantly affected.
                                                                                  insignificantly affected, the tax offices are generally asked to
       -   Deferral of tax payments: Taxpayers which can demonstrate              not apply too strict requirements when checking the conditions.
           that they are directly and not insignificantly affected may,           It is in particular not required that the taxpayer can document
           until 31 December 2020, submit applications for the deferral           and prove the specific damages and the corresponding
           of taxes which are already due or are becoming due until that          amounts.
           date. Requests for deferral of taxes which become due after
           31 December 2020 must be specifically justified. Interest on ►         Which taxes are covered? The two decrees in particular cover
           deferred taxes shall generally be waived.                              VAT, personal income tax, corporate income tax and trade tax
                                                                                  (the later is covered by the identical state decrees).
       -   Reduction of tax prepayments: Taxpayers may, until 31
           December 2020, submit applications for the adjustment of               Not covered are for example wage tax and other withholding
           tax prepayments. Requests for adjustment of tax                        taxes (e.g. dividend and royalty withholding tax) payable by a
           prepayments which only concern periods after 31 December               third party. However, the overall context of the decrees should
           2020 must be specifically justified. As soon as it becomes             be understood in a sense that the same liquidity sequence is
           clear that a taxpayer’s income in the current year is expected         achieved through the above-mentioned deferral of enforcement
           to be lower than in the previous year, tax prepayments shall           measures without penalties. The Bavarian tax authority also
           be reduced in a swift and straightforward manner.                      points out on its homepage wage and other withholding taxes
       -   Waiver of enforcement measures and penalties: If the tax               cannot be deferred, but that there is the possibility of
           office becomes aware of the fact that a taxpayer is directly           submitting an application for a waiver of enforcement measures
           and not insignificantly affected, either through notification of       with the competent tax office. Thus, upon filing of the
           the debtor or in some other way, the tax office should                 application, all tax payments covered by the measures could be

     Page 22                        EY Tax COVID-19 Response Tracker
Germany                       (continued).

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Personal Tax                       VAT, GST and Trade                          Links and resources

►       See business tax          ►      For VAT see also business tax         Government materials
        measures                         measures.
                                                                               German version: Ein Schutzschild für Beschäftigte und Unternehmen
                                  ►      With regard to taxes that are
                                         administered by the customs           https://www.bundesfinanzministerium.de/Content/DE/Pressemitteilungen/Finanzpolitik/2020/03/2020-03-13-
                                         administration (e.g. energy duty      download-de.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=2
                                         and aviation tax), the Central
                                         Customs Authority                     English version: A protective shield for employees and companies
                                         (Generalzolldirektion) has been       https://www.bundesfinanzministerium.de/Content/DE/Pressemitteilungen/Finanzpolitik/2020/03/2020-03-13-
                                         instructed to make appropriate
                                         concessions to taxpayers. The         download-en.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=2
                                         Central Customs Authority has
                                         already reacted and provided          German version only: suspension of insolvency filing
                                         further guidance on its homepage.     https://www.bmjv.de/SharedDocs/Zitate/DE/2020/031620_Insolvenzantragspflicht.html
                                  ►      The same applies to the Federal
                                         Central Tax Office
                                         (Bundeszentralamt für Steuern),       German version: KfW-Corona-Hilfe: Kredite für Unternehmen
                                         which will proceed accordingly with   https://www.kfw.de/KfW-Konzern/Newsroom/Aktuelles/KfW-Corona-Hilfe-Unternehmen.html
                                         regard to insurance tax and value
                                         added tax, which fall within its
                                         remit.                                English version: KfW coronavirus aid: loans for companies

                                                                               German version only: Corona-Krise: Bürgschaftsbanken erweitern Unterstützung von KMU

                                                                               German version only: Corona-Virus: Informationen für Unternehmen zum Kurzarbeitergeld

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