Innovate.Collaborate.Elevate - Paynext 2018 June 2018 For private circulation only - Deloitte

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Innovate.Collaborate.Elevate - Paynext 2018 June 2018 For private circulation only - Deloitte
Paynext 2018
June 2018
For private circulation only
Innovate.Collaborate.Elevate - Paynext 2018 June 2018 For private circulation only - Deloitte
Innovate.Collaborate.Elevate | Paynext 2018


Foreword                                                                04
Message from Deloitte                                                   05
Introduction                                                            06
Emerging Payment Technologies                                           10
Driving Digital Payments among Rural Customers                          16
Market Entry by Global Technology Giants                                22
Increasing Merchant Payments Acceptance-
the Journey from 3 million to 30 million                                30
Moving Beyond: Capturing Value from
Payments Data                                                           42
Abbreviations                                                           54
About Banking Frontiers                                                 55
About Deloitte                                                          56
Acknowledgements                                                        58

Innovate.Collaborate.Elevate - Paynext 2018 June 2018 For private circulation only - Deloitte
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Foreword                                                                                                                                    Message from Deloitte

Dear Payment Mavens,                           several trending technologies and there        imperative that it gets a strong market       Digital payments in India has evolved        further to drive simplicity, convenience      Through this report, we have attempted
                                               clearly has been an upsurge in fintech         offtake. I am often reminded of a quote       into a multi-modal experience. In 2017,      and mass adoption in order to penetrate       to critically analyze various innovative
We have come a long way to PayNext             excavation and engagements. Banks are          by Dr. Sam Pitroda during the launch          we had foreseen that there will be a shift   the last mile. For instance, two key          means of payments and their potential
2018 starting from Mpay insights in            now working towards leveraging more            of IMPS by NPCI a few years ago where         of digital payments from physical cards      opportunities are finding solutions that      to see mass adoption. Further, this
2014 where we intended to map the              value from the existing payments data.         he said that “For any technology to be        and wallets to newer forms of payments       can truly compete with the speed of cash      report examines the problems plaguing
leapfrogging payment revolutions that          All this essentially proves that there is no   successfully adopted, it has to be simple,    such as Unified Payment Interface (UPI),     in micro-payment situations (particularly     widespread merchant acceptance
catapult the banking and payments              dearth when it comes to INNOVATE.              scalable and secure”. This, even today        Bharat QR, Aadhaar Enabled Payment           in queuing situations), and developing        and suggests solutions for the same,
business to inspiring heights. This, we                                                       remains the necessity to ELEVATE any          System among others. Payments through        voice-driven mobile apps that can bring       enabling the next wave of digital payment
believe, is one of the most happening          The recent past has seen some payment          innovation                                    cards saw significant growth post            in the next wave in adoption.                 adopters in this country. The effect of
times for the payment industry to strive,      banks and wallets surrendering their                                                         demonetization, but growth since then                                                      entry of technology giants has been
thrive and prosper with innumerable            licenses, while some others merging            We, sincerely hope, this report comes         has sobered down. The new regulations        In all this effort, payments businesses       examined and finally the potential of
options pampering the customers with           or redefining themselves to make their         quite handy to you in future, crafting your   for prepaid payment instruments pose         also have to find a path to viability. For    capturing value from payments data
the most delightful experience as ever.        business models work and explore newer         strategies and driving your payments          serious questions around their future;       this, they could possibly look at more        has been explored. We have also looked
                                               possibilities. The entry of social payments    business decisions. Do share your             data for last few months show consistent     collaboration - to provide value added        at the continued search for more
This year, the theme for PayNext Insights      giants like Whatsapp, Google, Facebook,        valuable feedback with us on my id            decline in their usage. UPI, on the other    services, to have a holistic bouquet          effective micro-payment solutions, and
2018 is INNOVATE, COLLABORATE,                 Amazon etc. have given jitters to some of      below.                                        hand, has seen a dramatic rise as both       of financial offerings, and to unlock         the promise of voice-driven payments
ELEVATE. This wonderful report is              the new generation players as well as the                                                    new entrants (including technology           monetization opportunities. Such              apps. We believe these are the critical
put together by our Research partner           legacy players and banks, which are now                                                      giants) and incumbents alike have            collaboration may need to look beyond         elements, which will shape the evolution
Deloitte, as a result of several months        working more closely with fintech’s as                                                       brought UPI offerings to the market.         financial services as well. To enable         of this dynamic industry.
of hard work and conversations with            well as other members of the ecosystem                                                       Trends notwithstanding, the current          such collaboration with rapid velocity,
industry leaders, bankers, technologists,      than ever before. Merchant acceptance                                                        payment landscape is still evolving in       payments businesses could consider            We hope that you find the analysis and
regulators and industry observers.             in India is still far from that in the                                                       the sense that there are multiple ways       implementing application programming          insights in this paper relevant and useful.
                                               matured markets. Unwavering focus of                                                         of payments, all seeking large-scale         interface (API) based architectures
The advent of UPI, BHIM and several            the government, the creation of national                                                     adoption.                                    and possibly even micro-services
revolutionary technologies have made           platforms and the thriving innovation                                                                                                     architectures.
many of the business models redundant          ecosystem proves the market is in a                                                          As with internet and commerce, India is
and given rise to a lot more of new            strong mood to COLLABORATE.                                                                  ‘mobile-first’ when it comes to payments,    As these new paradigms take shape, it
business models. The market is now                                                                                                          and we believe mobile as a form factor       would be crucial to test the scalability of
eagerly waiting for UPI 2.0 to experience      Ultimately, for all the above                  Babu Nair                                     will play a significant role in payments     solutions for mass adoption in a country
newer revolutions. This report discusses       transformation to be successful, it is                going forward – both on issuance side        as diverse as India. Financial inclusion,
                                                                                                                                            and acceptance side. Innovation in use       and digital payments (and even other
                                                                                                                                            cases on mobile is likely to help India      non-financial services) would need to go
                                                                                                                                            leapfrog other standard means of             hand in hand to transform lives and lift
                                                                                                                                            payments. India has been at the forefront    households across country into economic       Vijay Mani
                                                                                                                                            of introducing novel payment modes,          well-being.                                   Partner
                                                                                                                                            but players would have to innovate                                                         Deloitte Touché Tohmatsu India LLP

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Innovate.Collaborate.Elevate - Paynext 2018 June 2018 For private circulation only - Deloitte
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Innovate. Collaborate. Elevate

Payments industry in India has                        those of debit cards at PoS. However, the
experienced a paradigm shift in the                   new regulations around mandatory know
last few years. Its rapid rise has been               your customer (KYC) pose a question
fueled by innovation in service models                on their sustained growth. The newest
and customer experience as well as by                 entrant in the arena – Unified Payment
macro-events such as demonetization.                  Interface (UPI) has grown exponentially,
As a result of demonetization, usage of               driven by technology giants entering the
cards at point of sale saw a steep jump               fray. UPI disintermediates the transaction
and has stabilized to a new normal. The               provider from the account provider
growth ever since has been gradual.                   and allows any company to craft use
Mobile wallets, driven by their hassle-free           cases and user journeys with a focus on
onboarding and transacting experience                 superior use experience.
saw the transaction numbers surpass

Exhibit: Digital Payments in India

Retail digital payments volume in India (in billions)

                                                                                    20 *
                                                                                                   Digital payments have grown at a
                                                12                                                 CAGR of 53% over the last 5 years
                                9                                                                  and is expected to reach USD 1
                                                                                                   trillion in value by 2023

       FY14                    FY15            FY16               FY17              FY18*
            Volume (includes card usage at ATM & PoS, m-wallets, UPI, PPI, PPI Cards,
            IMPS, AEPS)

*Note: FY18 data till Feb’18

Debit Card usage volume at PoS (in millions)

                                                            852                            842
                                                792                  787      786
                                                                                                   While debit cards are still
                                                                                                   primarily used for ATM
                                                                                                   transactions, volumes at PoS
                               370    384                                                          have shown a significant uptick
      308         328
                                                          Demonetization                           post demonetization

     Q3FY16 Q4FY16 Q1FY17 Q2FY17 Q3FY17 Q4FY17 Q1FY18 Q2FY18 Q3FY18
                  Actual Volume                 Projected Volume w/o Demonetization

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M-wallet transactions volume (in millions)
                                                                                                                                                    Unwavering              The Indian Government is undoubtedly focused on driving digital payments in the country. Promotion of
                                                                                                                                                    focus by the            digital payments has been accorded the highest priority by the Government to bring each and every segment
                                                           816      784                                                                             Government              of the country under the formal fold of digital payment services. The Finance Ministry of India announced
                                                                              660      676                                                                                  a target of 25 billion digital payment transactions in FY 2017-183. The Ministry of Electronics & Information
                                                                                                        M-wallets grew significantly                                        Technology (MeitY) is working with multiple stakeholders including Banks, Central Ministries/Departments and
                                                 451                                                    (growth rate > Debit and Credit                                     States, to create an ecosystem to enable digital payments across the country.
                                                                                                        cards), but the recent change in
                                                                                                                                                                            The Government has also rationalized the Merchant Discount Rates (MDR), making them lesser for smaller
                                      205                                                               guidelines may dampen their
        153       151        158                                                                                                                                            merchants with the clear aim of encouraging digital payments at such merchants. The Government went one
                                                                                                                                                                            step further, and announced that they would bear the MDR for transactions less than INR 2,000 for two years
                                                                                                                                                                            with effect from 1 January 2018 by reimbursing the same to the banks.

      Q3FY16 Q4FY16 Q1FY17 Q2FY17 Q3FY17 Q4FY17 Q1FY18 Q2FY18 Q3FY18                                                                                Creation                The Government and its various bodies have built national platforms, which have the potential of providing
                                                                                                                                                    of national             ubiquity and ease of making payments. Two such notable platforms are Unified Payment Interface (UPI)
                  Actual Volume                   Projected Volume w/o Demonetization                                                               platforms               and Aadhaar. The UPI platform allows for the construct of Payment Service Providers (PSPs). These are
                                                                                                                                                                            independent service providers with a focus on providing services and superior payments experience by
UPI transactions volume (in millions)                                                                                                                                       connecting with banks to enable information flow and interoperable transactions. This architecture seems to
                                                                                                                                                                            have fostered innovation and has resulted in exponential uptake of UPI.
                                                                                                                                                                            Aadhaar is a unique identity number that can be obtained by any resident of India. Additionally, Aadhaar
                                                                                                                                                                            allows biometric authentication of the resident with a valid Aadhaar number. About 1.2 billion people in India
                                                                                                        UPI has demonstrated the fastest                                    have an Aadhaar number, as of May 2018 4. Further, the National Payment Corporation of India (NPCI) has
                                                                                                        and the most consistent growth                                      created an Aadhaar Enabled Payment System (AePS), which uses Aadhaar for authentication and allows peer
                                                                                                        rate and is poised to become a                                      to peer and merchant payments.
                                                                                                        key retail payment platform
                                                                                                                                                    Thriving and            One of the barometers for impending and sustained growth in any sector is the activity in the startup
                                                 15        27                                                                                       innovative              landscape in that sector.
         -         -         0        2
                                                                                                                                                                            According to Inc42 DataLabs, the Indian fintech sector reported 102 funding deals worth USD 2.59 billion until
      Q4FY16   Q1FY17     Q2FY17   Q3FY17      Q4FY17   Q1FY18   Q2FY18   Q3FY18    Q4FY18                                                          ecosystem
                                                                                                                                                                            November 2017. Fintech startups grew by 31 percent year-on-year (YoY) to almost reach 360 in 2017. Some
                                                 Volume                                                                                                                     of the key investments include Paytm securing USD 1.4 billion funding from SoftBank in May 20175, followed
                                                                                                                                                                            by Flipkart-owned PhonePe, securing USD 500 million from its parent entity. The thriving landscape is an
Source: RBI and NPCI statistics                                                                                                                                             indicator that this segment is bound to flourish.
                                                                                                                                                Source: Deloitte analysis

                                                                                                                                                As the industry expands further, it is                Cards: This section examines upcoming                possibility of mass adoption from the
We believe that the growth in digital                 supportive regulatory policies, new
                                                                                                                                                expected to see more collaboration and                payment technologies, their potential                acceptance side of the equation.
payments is likely to continue its upward             platforms enabling proliferation of
                                                                                                                                                partnerships amongst various players                  use cases, and their prospect for mass
trajectory, driven by key catalysts such              such transactions, and a thriving and                                                                                                                                                             •• Moving Beyond – Capturing Value
                                                                                                                                                across the value chain, aimed at providing            adoption.
as increase in smartphone penetration,                innovative fintech ecosystem.                                                                                                                                                                        from Payments Data: This section
                                                                                                                                                holistic services with faster go-to-market.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    •• Driving Digital Payments among                      looks at enhancing sustainability
                                                                                                                                                Innovation and collaboration are crucial
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Rural Customers: This section                       for payments players by examining
Table: Catalysts for further Growth of Digital Payments                                                                                         to elevate the reach of digital payments
                                                                                                                                                                                                       hypothesizes on ways to achieve the                 potential value added services.
                                                                                                                                                and financial services.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       next set of users beyond the early
                                                                                                                                                                                                       adopters.                                        These are exciting times for the payments
    Rising                India is witnessing significant growth in smartphone ownership and data usage. Increasingly, more people are          However, while the digital payments are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        sector. As it accelerates forward aided
    smartphone and        becoming comfortable using smartphones for various purposes. This marked shift in behavior can only prove             expected to grow by leaps and bounds,               •• Market Entry by Global Technology
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        by innovation, collaboration, enabling
    data penetration      to be encouraging for digital payment use cases through the smartphones.                                              there is still a significant proportion of             Giants – This section highlights the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        policies, and focus on customer
                                                                                                                                                the population which is yet to jump on                 implications of the entry of technology
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        experience, creation of all-inclusive
                          India is expected to have ~500 million smartphone users by end of 20181. This is the second largest                   the bandwagon. This report examines                    giants into payments, their advantages,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ecosystems and deeper penetration into
                          smartphone base in the world and still has significant potential to grow, given the falling prices of such devices.   the future of payments through the                     and potential areas of play for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        the hinterlands of the country is likely to
                          Further, the total wireless data usage in the country has grown ~5 times from December 2016 to December               lens of making it more pervasive. More                 incumbents.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        create an unparalleled success story.
                          2017. The average data usage per active data user per month has grown from 1.16 GB in 2016 to 4.13 GB in              specifically, it covers the following topics:
                                                                                                                                                                                                    •• Increasing Payment Acceptance at
                          2017. On the other hand, average tariff per GB of wireless data has fallen from ~INR 75 in 2016 to ~INR 19 in
                                                                                                                                                •• Emerging Payment Technologies                       Merchants– Journey from 3 million to
                          2017.2 All these factors augur well for growing smartphone and data usage.
                                                                                                                                                   – Going beyond Smartphones and                      30 million: This section examines the
                                                                                                                                                  Website of Minsitry of Electronics and Information Technology
  Economic Times                                                                                                                                4
                                                                                                                                                  Aadhaar Dashboard, UIDAI
(                                 5
                                                                                                                                                  Economic Times (
  TRAI, Yearly Performance Indicator Report, 2017                                                                                               articleshow/58733667.cms)
08                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    09
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Emerging Payment
Going Beyond Smartphones and Cards

Evolution of Payments in India                 While the payment needs of the urban
The Indian economy has traditionally           and affluent population have been
been dominated by cash. However, the           somewhat met, the rest of the population
increased smartphone adoption, and             presents a large opportunity to include
favorable regulatory policies have created     the masses in this digital revolution.
the baseline infrastructure required for       However, this widespread adoption of
a leapfrog growth in digital payments.         digital payments will require the payment
Further, relentless innovation, easy to        products to be as convenient as cash.
use payment products, interoperable            While innovations such as mobile wallets
payment platforms and customer                 have been successfully replicated in India,
awareness are expected to continue to          there have been other examples such
drive the shift to digital payments from       as the Near-Field-Communication (NFC),
cash.                                          which have seen very limited adoption.
                                               In light of this need, we have identified a
Emerging Payment Technologies                  few payment innovations that have seen
In this era of ‘Digital Darwinism’, an         adoption in other geographies and could
era where technology and society are           be relevant in the Indian context.
evolving faster than businesses can
naturally adapt, India has displayed a
significant growth in adoption of digital      Exhibit: Payment Innovations
payments. India now represents one
of the largest market opportunities                            Invisible / Contactless
for payments for global technology                             payments
companies and home grown Fintechs                              •• Amazon Go
alike. Further, the emergence of the                           •• Disney Magic Bands
digital five forces – Social, Mobile,                          •• PaidEasy
Analytics, Cloud (SMAC) and Internet of
Things (IoT) – is helping these technology
                                                               Voice Based                   Biometric payments
companies to reimagine the customer
                                                               payments                      •• Mastercard
and come up with innovative and easy-to-
                                                               •• Amazon Alexa               •• Barclays
use payments products.
                                                                                             •• Samsung

                                                               Social Media                  Audio QR / Sound
                                                               payments                      based payments
                                                               •• Facebook                   •• Google Tez
                                                               •• WhatsApp                   •• ToneTag
                                                               •• Twitter
                                                               •• Snapchat

                                               Source: Deloitte analysis
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1. Invisible / Contactless Payments                example, Amazon has made payments                                                         3. Social Media Payments                          day today activities. The latest evolution     be traced back to 2015, when e-wallet
While NFC, owing to lesser number of               at its convenience store – Amazon Go –                                                    Social media has come a long way since            involves enabling payments through             providers such as Venmo let users sync
NFC enabled terminals and high cost                completely ‘invisible’ where customers                                                    being introduced as an innovative                 these social media platforms, especially       their wallets with Facebook and convert
of upgrading PoS infrastructure, has               scan their phones at the entrance, grab                                                   method of communication. What started             peer-to-peer (P2P) payments.                   transactions done within the app into a
not seen much adoption in India, other             the desired products (which automatically                                                 as a medium for connecting with peers                                                            Facebook status. Today, most of the social
forms of contactless payments have                 get charged to their accounts) and just                                                   across the globe has morphed into a               The first few use cases of social media        media giants such as WhatsApp, Twitter,
seen adoption in the United States. For            walk out of the store.                                                                    platform for conducting a lot of day-to-          being used as a payments platform can          Snapchat, etc. have joined the foray.

Table: Key Examples of ‘Invisible’ Payments                                                                                                  Table: Key Social Media Payment Giants

Payment Technology                      Description / Payments Use Case                                                                      Social Media Platform           Description / Payment Use Case
Amazon Go                               •• Amazon Go is a convenience store in Seattle, United States, where customers use an app to         Facebook                        •• With 2.2 billion users, Facebook is the largest social media player in the world. Facebook launched its
                                           enter the store and enter the turnstiles by scanning a QR code                                                                       P2P payments functionality in its Messenger app in the United States and the United Kingdom and is
                                                                                                                                                                                planning to replicate the same globally.
                                        •• Any product that a customer picks up is added to the virtual cart and the customer can simply
                                           walk out without the need for cashiers                                                            Snapchat                        •• Snapchat’s payment feature, called Snapcash works similar to most peer-to-peer payment features.
                                                                                                                                                                                When the user types the dollar symbol and enters an amount the send buttons morphs into a green
                                        •• Payment source is linked to the Amazon account in the app and the same is charged for
                                                                                                                                                                                Snapcash button.
                                           payment of the bill
                                                                                                                                             WhatsApp                        •• WhatsApp in India, has launched its P2P payments feature riding on the Unified Payment Interface
Disney Magic Bands                      •• Disney launched Magic Bands in 2013 to offer friction-free experience to its guests
                                                                                                                                                                                (UPI) platform.
                                        •• Instead of park entry tickets, FastPasses, hotel room keys and credit cards, Disney guests wear   Twitter                         •• ICICI Bank has collaborated with Twitter and has enabled banking via Twitter. ICICI customers can
                                           these wrist bands, scanning them against a touch point to complete transactions                                                      make P2P payments, recharge prepaid mobile, check account balance and view last three transactions
PaidEasy                                •• Integrated with iBeacons, the app opens a “check” as diners enter a restaurant or bar and is                                         using Tweets.
                                           synced with the retailer’s PoS
                                                                                                                                             Source: Respective websites and press releases
                                        •• The server adds items to the bill that are paid out in-app

                                        •• Customers can view their tab at any point and split, tip and pay the bill without waiting
                                                                                                                                             While WhatsApp and Twitter have already           4. Biometric Payments                          Iris, that are available in the market and
Source: Respective websites and press releases                                                                                               made their foray into the Indian market,          With increasing adoption of Aadhaar            can be tapped using mobile devices.
                                                                                                                                             there is significant headroom for other           and launch of payment platforms such           This kind of authentication has an
                                                                                                                                             large social media players to create a            as Aadhaar Enabled Payment System              advantage over traditional passwords or
                                                                                                                                             ‘big bang’ in the Indian digital payments         (AEPS) and UPI, fingerprints have started      secret questions, which are insufficient
Similar models could be considered for             placing a call, or reading a text. Now,         To use this service, United States        space. Banks may also leverage social             gaining traction as a means for payment        for personal identity simply because
suitable replication in the organized retail       voice services such as Amazon Alexa             Bank customers must have an Alexa         media platforms to enable non-financial           authentication. To make customer               they provide evidence of ownership of
space and hospitality industry in India,           are making it easy to check an account          device such as Amazon Echo, Echo          banking transactions, which can be done           experience even simpler, there are             knowledge whereas biometrics provide
wherein payments can be made invisible             balance or hear a payment due date              Dot or Tap, plus the Alexa App on         easily while checking the daily feed.             alternative biometric modalities, such         information regarding who the user is
and customers can enjoy a frictionless             without picking up a phone or logging in        their smartphone and an Amazon                                                              as Face Recognition, Voice Biometric,          rather than what he / she knows.
shopping experience. This may require              to internet banking.                            account. These customers will be
the Payment providers to tie-up with                                                               able to complete banking tasks such
such chains and deploy the acceptance              In such an example, United States Bank          as checking an account balance or         Table: Key Examples of Adoption of these Technologies
infrastructure.                                    has tied up with Amazon to extend voice         making a payment to a United States
                                                   based banking to its customers.                 Bank credit card, simply by speaking      Platform                      Description / Payment Use Case
2. Voice-based Payments                                                                            a command to an Amazon Alexa
                                                                                                                                             MasterCard                    •• MasterCard launched payment solution ‘Identity Check Mobile’ in 12 markets in Europe in 2016, which
The introduction of new voice-driven                                                               device.
                                                                                                                                                                              allows mobile payment verification using ‘selfies’.
digital assistants (e.g. Apple Siri, Amazon
Alexa, Microsoft Cortana, Google                                                                   With the recent launch of smart           Barclays                      •• Barclays rolled out voice biometric-based authentication for customers calling their call-centers wherein
Assistant) is providing the springboard                                                            speakers, banks can explore                                                the customer’s voice is compared to the voiceprint on file.
for enabling voice- based payments and                                                             partnerships to enable voice based                                      •• Like a fingerprint, a voice print is individual to each person and is made up of over 100 unique
banking transactions. Customers are                                                                banking transactions. Payment                                              characteristics, which are based on the physical configuration of a speaker's mouth and throat.
already getting accustomed to speaking                                                             providers can also enable P2P
                                                                                                                                             Samsung                       •• Samsung launched a Galaxy tablet with built-in Iris capability that is ready for Aadhaar authentication
to their devices for simple tasks such                                                             payments and bill payments using
                                                                                                                                                                              and can be used for payments and banking.
as getting directions to a restaurant,                                                             such voice driven digital assistants.
                                                                                                                                             Source: Respective Websites and press releases

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With increasing smartphone penetration            digital payments as it is simple to use and
in India, face recognition and Iris based         doesn’t require a more-expensive NFC
authentication can be explored to                 chip or a camera for scanning QR code in
conduct day-to-day banking transactions           the device.
and bill payments. Voice biometric-based
payments can also see a wide adoption,            Google launched its payments app ‘Tez’
especially with people using feature              in India, which, using the “cash mode”
phones provided banks / payments                  option, negotiates a connection using
providers can support local / vernacular          ultrasonic sounds to identify the payer
language capability.                              and the payee. This doesn’t require any
                                                  exchange of personal details such as
5. Audio QR / Sound-Based Payments                bank account number or phone number.
Audio QR allows customers to make                 It works with any phone with a mic and
payments over connected devices within            speaker and the Tez app installed.
a suitable diameter range. The speaker at
one end throws ultrasound frequencies             Similarly, ToneTag allows for secure
in form of pulses. The receiver at the            proximity (offline) payments using sound
other end captures the pulses and                 (Tone) or NFC (Tag). Depending upon
converts the frequencies back in the              user device and retail PoS hardware, the
original data. Audio QR is considered             mobile application can toggle to initiate
to be an astute mechanism for making              in-store purchases using sound or NFC

Table: Propensity of Adoption of Payment Technologies in India

Payment                 Potential Use Cases in India              Key Implications                                      Propensity for
Technology                                                                                                              Adoption in India
Invisible /             •• Payments in organized retail           •• Partnerships with such merchants and
Contactless                                                          deployment of acceptance infrastructure
                        •• Payments in hospitality and
                           entertainment chains                   •• High cost of setup of infrastructure
Voice-Based             •• All banking transactions               •• Integration of voice-based assistants in
Payments                                                             smartphones
                        •• P2P payments
                                                                  •• Local / vernacular language capability
                        •• Bill payments
Social Media            •• Non-financial banking transactions     •• Smartphone requirement and risk of fraud
                        •• P2P payments

                        •• Micropayments
Biometric               •• Banking transactions                   •• Smartphones built in with biometric readers /
Payments                                                             Iris capability
                        •• Bill payments
                                                                  •• Local / vernacular language capability for voice
Audio QR /              •• P2P payments                           •• Limitation on range / requirement of devices to
Sound-Based                                                          be in close proximity
                        •• Merchant payments

Source: Deloitte Analysis

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Driving Digital Payments
among Rural Customers
Digital Payments Largely Driven by Urban Customer

Limited Last Mile Infrastructure                            focused on urban areas and introduction
Traditionally, almost all the initiatives                   of these innovations in rural customers
taken by banks to provide banking                           is majorly an afterthought rather than
services and innovative products have                       being a primary objective. The same is
followed the “urban-first” approach                         confirmed by the low level of penetration
wherein the intensity of investments is                     of banking infrastructure in rural areas.

Exhibit: Rural Banking Infrastructure6

                                       Branch Infrastructure
                                       ATM Infrastructure
                                       POS Infrastructure*




Source: RBI statisitics, SBI press release
    The POS infrastructure penetration is only for that of SBI PoS, but is indicative of the overall penetration

Main reasons for such disparity between                     •• High cost in reaching out to the last mile
urban and rural banking infrastructure is                      rural customers
due to the following reasons:
                                                            Due to the above factors, acquisition
•• Lower spending capacity and business
                                                            and servicing of rural customers is
   potential among rural customers
                                                            perceived to cost higher, and low revenue
   vis-à-vis urban customers and lower
                                                            proposition for banks which leads to lower
   merchant and customer density
                                                            returns on incremental investments and
•• High cost of maintenance and                             thus dis-incentivizing banks from making
   sustainability of rural infrastructure                   significant investments in rural areas.

  RBI Payment Systems Indicator; SBI
16                                                                                                                                                                                            17
Innovate.Collaborate.Elevate - Paynext 2018 June 2018 For private circulation only - Deloitte
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Digital Payments also an “Urban First”               smartphone, knowledge / awareness                     investments on the supply side.               1. Raise Awareness among Rural                    staff, who in turn can act as influencers            Raj14 to develop training modules
Phenomenon                                           among customers about various digital                 Additionally,the availability of low cost     Banking Staffc                                    for driving adoption of digital payments             for raising awareness about various
Similar to the urban-first push approach             payments products etc.                                affordable data which is expected to drive    With the objective of driving financial           among customers.                                     digital products like UPI, AEPS, USSD,
followed by banks, even digital payments                                                                   the demand among both the urban and           inclusion in rural areas along with the                                                                mPoS etc.
adoption has seen a similar pattern of               Low Cost Data to Drive Adoption                       rural customers.                              push by the Government (introduction of           These communication and awareness
urban adoption, where in 44 percent                  among Rural Customers                                                                               Jan Dhan Aadhaar Mobile trinity), banks           campaigns can be in the form of                  In order to drive employee engagement
of urban customers have taken up                     While traditionally, all initiatives                  To drive adoption among rural                 have started opening branches in the              mandatory internal training for bank             and motivation in these rural branches,
using these digital payment channels                 undertaken by banks have followed the                 customers, it is imperative that banks        rural areas at a faster pace (CAGR 7.2            employees, and/or financial inclusion            banks need to look at incentivizing
vis-à-vis rural customers being a                    urban-first philosophy, there seems to                do not replicate the approach taken for       percent) than the overall bank branch             campaigns/melas targeted towards                 the employees by considering softer
distant second, at only 16 percent7. This            be a potential for adoption of digital                acquiring urban customers. Banks would        network growth (CAGR 6.5 percent)9.               customers. Internationally, banks are            alternatives such as:
difference in adoption and usage can be              payments among rural customers in                     have to introduce certain tweaks to their                                                       investing in training their employees on         a. Introduce gamification techniques,
primarily attributed to lower internet               parallel with urban customers. This                   digital product offerings to promote          However, driven by the limited business           digital banking, wherein digital banking             which drive engagement and
penetration among rural customers                    can be largely attributed to the dis-                 awareness and adoption among rural            potential in rural areas and unviable             related courses have been made part of               content retention, rather than static
(15 percent) vis-à-vis urban customers               intermediation caused by technology                   customers, aimed at addressing the key        economics, these rural branches are               the mandatory training. For example,                 slides based training, incorporating
(77 percent)8, lower penetration and                 which enables banks to reach out to rural             challenges faced by rural customers.          typically manned by 1-2 bank employees.           a. Maybank in Malaysia has introduced                compliance to training as part of
comfort of rural customer in using a                 customers with minimal incremental                                                                  As per a joint study conducted by NPCI                a mandatory digital upskilling                   annual appraisal etc.
                                                                                                                                                         and Microsave10, bank employees in rural              programme for its bank employees,            b. Providing enabling influencers to
                                                                                                                                                         branches don’t have adequate training                 which focusses on enhancing                      employees, such as identifying and
Exhibit: Key Steps to Drive Adoption among Rural Customers
                                                                                                                                                         about digital payments products like                  employee digital literacy.11                     posting local employees (at entry
                                                                                                                                                         AEPS, BHIM, UPI etc. and knowledge                b. DBS Singapore is planning to invest               level) near their rural areas, so they
                                                                                                                                                         of use cases, or even the bandwidth to                SGD 20 million for training its                  are motivated in driving business
                                                                                                                                                         educate customers.                                    employees on digital banking and                 locally.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               emerging technologies.12
                                                                                                                                                         Driven by the lack of awareness and                                                                2. Provide Vernacular Language
                                                                                                                                                         motivation among the banking staff, even          Similar initiatives have also been taken         Support
                                                                                                  Provide Vernacular                                     the rural customer remains unaware                by Indian ministries and regulators              India’s internet using population is
                                                                                                  Language Support                                       about the digital payments products,              to focus on raising awareness among              estimated at approximately 400 million,
                                                                                                                                                         their applicability, and their advantages         stakeholders related to digital payments,        among which English speaking population
                                                                                                                                                         which in-turn limits the adoption at the          and banks have taken up initiatives              is estimated to be approximately 175
                                                                                                                                                         last mile.                                        in driving digital transactions across           Million (~44 percent of user base) i.e.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           villages. Some of these initiatives include:     majority of the user base is not proficient
                                                                                                                                                         Possible Steps to Increase Awareness              a. NPCI has formed partnerships with             in English. However, the content accessed
                                                                                                                                                         among Branch Staff                                     fintech (Payso)13 to raise awareness        by Indian users on the internet is almost
                                                                                                                                                         In order to raise awareness among all the              among youth who in turn are                 99.9 percent in English with Hindi based
                                                                                                                                                         stakeholders about the various payment                 expected to drive adoption of BHIM          content being 0.05 percent, Bengali 0.018
                                                                                                                                                         modes, appropriate and applicable use                  UPI Merchant payment solutions.             percent and Tamil being less than 0.007
                                                                                                                                                         cases, various entities (banks, NPCI, RBI,        b. The Ministry of Rural Development             percent15.
                                                                                                                                                         GoI) could consider conducting local level             has tied-up with the National Institute
                                                                                                                                                         programs, and training for the banking                 of Rural Development and Panchayati

                               Raise                                                              Develop
                               Awareness among                                                    Easy to use interface
                               Rural Bank Staff
                                                                                                  •• Voice based authentication

                                                                                                  •• Reduce system friction

                                                                                                                                                           RBI branch statistics
  “Internet in India 2017” study by IAMAI - IMRB;   13
digital-payments.html                                                                                                                                    14
8                                                                                      15
18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        19
Innovate.Collaborate.Elevate | Paynext 2018                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Innovate.Collaborate.Elevate | Paynext 2018

As per Google’s estimates, 70 percent                Possible Steps to Increase Adoption                                                                 While banks are yet to fully adopt this            In order to drive the adoption of digital
of users consider digital content                    among Rural Customers                                                                               approach in providing digital services,            payments, among other things, banks
in vernacular language to be more                    As more and more consumers in                                                                       fintechs/startups have already started             need to introduce frictionless payments,
trustworthy than the content presented               India who might not be fluent in                                                                    working on providing vernacular                    that can improve customer experience
in English16. This discomfort increases              English language come online, having                                                                language support and are seeing market             which in turn could result in increase
even further if the digital media is                 applications which support vernacular                                                               traction. Some of these players (as per            adoption. Some of the examples for
being used for performing financial                  languages are likely to play a key role                                                             their respective websites / mobile apps)           these are discussed below:
transactions as customer’s money is                  in driving customer adoption, comfort                                                               include:                                           a. Voice-based authentication for
at risk, which is also supported by the              and trust in using these applications. As                                                           a. PhonePe currently supports 10                       non-financial transactions – ICICI
IAMAI-IMRB study tracking usage of                   per the IMRB’s estimates, by 2021, six                                                                  vernacular languages (top six along                Bank has collaborated with Nuance
online channel for financial transactions.17         vernacular languages (Hindi, Marathi,                                                                   with Malayalam, Kannada, Assamese,                 Communication to make their
                                                     Bengali, Tamil, Telugu and Gujarati) are                                                                and Odia)                                          systems intelligent enough to identify
                                                     expected to comprise almost 75 percent                                                              b. Paytm currently supports 10                         and authenticate the customer, based
                                                     of the vernacular language internet users.                                                              vernacular languages (top six along                on their voice20. A similar system has
                                                                                                                                                             with Malayalam, Kannada, Punjabi,                  been developed by Barclays wherein
                                                                                                                                                             and Odia)                                          the customer’s voice is used for
                                                                                                                                                         c. Sharechat supports 10 languages,                    passive customer authentication21.
Exhibit: Vernacular Language Internet Users, 2021                                                                                                            27 dialects, currently caters to an            b. Voice enabled transactions – HDFC
                                                                                                                                                             approximate 3.5 Million active users               Bank has developed a voice activated
                                                                                                                                                             daily18                                            banking services platform, by
                                                                                                                                                         d. DailyHunt supports 14 vernacular                    integrating its systems with Amazon
                                                                                                                                                             languages and has more than 150                    Alexa22, wherein the customer can
                             28%                                                                                                                             Million application installations                  check balances, get bill due dates
                           Others                                                                                                                                                                               and plans to enable bill payment,
                                                                                                                   38%                                   3. Develop Easy to Use Interfaces                      similar to United States-based Bank’s
                                                                                                                   Hindi                                 Current application usage interfaces                   integration with Amazon Alexa.
                                                                                                                                                         provided by banks involve a lot of                 c. Alternate authentication
                                                                                                                                                         manual intervention. A card-based                      mechanisms – DBS’s Digibank
                                                                                                                                                         payment involves up to 17 clicks/input                 application has reduced the
                                                                                                                                                         provided by the customer which jumps                   dependence on OTPs, by taking
                              5%                                                                                                                         to 39 clicks in case of a netbanking                   device binding as one of the payment
                          Gujarati                                                                                                                       transfer19. These steps include customer               authentication factors. Some of the
                                                                                                                                                         authentication, selecting the beneficiary,             alternate authentication mechanisms
                               6%                                                                                                                        entering transaction details, providing                that can be considered include
                            Telugu                                                                                                                       transaction authorization etc. As there                combining device binding as first
                                                                                                                                                         are multiple steps involved in performing              factor, and customer biometrics, or
                                       6%                                                                   9%
                                                                                                                                                         a transaction, it leads to multiple system             voice acting, as the second factor,
                                     Tamil                                                                  Marathi
                                                                                                                                                         hops, leading to payments friction during              that can migrate the customer
                                                                                                                                                         a transaction potentially leading to                   authentication at the bank side to the
                                                                       8%                                                                                transaction failures as well.                          customer side.
Source: IMRB

16                                   21
  “Internet in India 2017” study by IAMAI - IMRB;   22
digital-payments.html                                                                                                                                    alexa/61033641
20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            21
Innovate.Collaborate.Elevate | Paynext 2018                                                          Innovate.Collaborate.Elevate | Paynext 2018

Market Entry by Global
Technology Giants
Entry by Global Technology Giants and its Impact on the Incumbents

The payments landscape in India is                        In India, the launch of Unified Payments
undergoing a digital transformation with                  Interface (UPI) has disintermediated the
the advent of instantaneous, cashless,                    payments value chain away from banks,
paperless, financial transactions, and                    and has given the ability for any payment
digital payments in India are expected                    system provider to own the customer.
to reach USD 1 trillion by 2023 from the                  Since the launch of UPI, the interest in
current value of less than USD 200 billion                the payments market in India has seen a
in 2017-1823.                                             spurt from the likes of Google, Facebook,
                                                          and Samsung among others.
The burgeoning digital payments
landscape in the country has compelled                    Entry of Technology Giants in the
the global technology and social media                    Digital Payments Space in India
majors to take notice and enter the fray.                 The digital payments opportunity
Globally too, technology and social media                 seems to have certainly caught the
players have been striving to increase                    eye of global technology giants,
customer engagement on their platforms                    who are creating platforms for all-
by providing a plethora of services which                 encompassing engagement of end
keeps customers on their platforms.                       customers. Commerce is a big use-case,
Payments and commerce are such                            and payments is an essential part of
enablers, which are being assimilated into                commerce. Further, payment behavior
the platforms themselves. China’s Wechat                  is seen to generate data sets, which lets
is a prime example that hosts a range of                  such platforms enrich their customer
functionalities through mini-programs                     profile that can be consolidated and
and enables payments through WeChat                       monetized. This seems to have galvanized
Pay. Facebook enabled card linked peer-                   the interest of such large platforms.
to-peer payments through its messenger
app, and has recently opened it up for                    Key foreign players who have already
Paypal too.24                                             entered the Digital Pament landscape
                                                          in India include Google Tez, WhatsApp,
                                                          Facebook, Samsung Pay, Paypal, and
                                                          Stripe among others.

     Credit Suisses Report, Digital Payments Statistics, 2018
     Respective websites and press releases
22                                                                                                                                             23
Innovate.Collaborate.Elevate | Paynext 2018                                                                                                                                                                                                              Innovate.Collaborate.Elevate | Paynext 2018

Table: Key Global Players in Digital Payments in India
                                                                                                                                                 S.No Entrant                     Details

 S.No Entrant                Details                                                                                                                                              •• Investment to allow Amazon Pay to develop more local innovations for Indian customers

 1      Google Tez           •• A payment-focused B2C product with multi-lingual capabilities                                                                                     •• Amazon Pay has started tying up with other online merchants to be available as a payment option. For
        (Launched in                                                                                                                                                                 first time users, it creates an Amazon account itself and thus, uses it as a hook to create users for the
                             •• Allows users to pay bills, make peer to peer and merchant payments through the use of UPI and Bharat
        September                                                                                                                                                                    larger Amazon platform
                                Bill Payment System (BBPS)
        2017)                                                                                                                                    5          Stripe/Stripe   •• Stripe is one of the largest online payment processor in the world
                             •• Offers rewards in the form of cashbacks for doing payments on the app
                                                                                                                                                            Atlas (Launched
                                                                                                                                                                            •• Currently offers services in invite-only beta mode with a small group of companies in India
                             •• Has 16 million users by May 201825, which includes half-a-million small merchants; these merchants use                      in December
                                Google Tez in P2P mode                                                                                                      2017)           •• Users can now link their Indian bank accounts
                             •• Has ~80 billers26 on the platform                                                                                                                 •• Expected to bring in more beta users on the platform to improve the functionality of specific features
 2      WhatsApp             •• Whatsapp launched beta version of its P2P payment service based on Unified Payments Interface (UPI)                                               •• Plans to build new products specific for India users and hire an engineering team
                             •• Allows users to transfer money to WhatsApp contacts within a chat itself
                                                                                                                                                                                  •• Stripe Atlas is a tool that helps Indian entrepreneurs/Internet companies in India expand their business
        (Launched in         •• WhatsApp Payments launched a new Request Money feature on the app in April 2018; The Request                                                         operations abroad30
        February 2018)          money option is live on Android beta of WhatsApp; allows users to scan a QR code or enter a UPI ID in
                                                                                                                                                Source: Respective websites, mobile apps, press releases, news articles
                                order to demand a payment
                             •• Recently, rolled out the “enter UPI ID, scan QR code” feature for payments on the platform; available on
                                                                                                                                                Other Key Players Considering Foraying in Digital Payments in India
                                Android and iOS
                                                                                                                                                Apart from those who have already launched operations in India, there are other noticeable companies with plans to enter the
 3      Samsung Pay          •• Samsung Pay is a mobile payments platform                                                                       country soon.
        (Launched in
                             •• Allows customer to use his/her phone in place of a debit or credit card when paying at merchants
        March 2017)                                                                                                                             Table: Key Global Players Considering Foraying in India
                             •• User can also make payments via UPI or Paytm
                             •• Leverages the NFC technology to enable contactless payments at compatible PoS machines                           S.No Entrant                     Details
                             •• Also allows for contactless card payments using magnetic secure transmission (MST) technology,                   1          Facebook              •• Facebook is ready to enter payments in India; currently beta testing with recharges for mobile phone on
                                which mimics the card swipe on any point of sale (PoS) terminal. This allows it to work with existing PoS                   Payments                 Messenger
                                machines which do not have NFC, without any upgrades to the machine
                                                                                                                                                                                  •• Messenger P2P payments are only available in the United States, United Kingdom and France
                             •• Service is available on the Galaxy Note 8, Galaxy S8, Galaxy S8 plus, Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge,
                                                                                                                                                                                  •• Facebook has sought an Indian patent for its electronic payment system enabled through messaging
                                Galaxy J7 Max and Galaxy J7 Pro
                                                                                                                                                 2          Apple Pay             •• Apple has already begun testing their Apple Pay service in India; however, yet to be formally launched
                             •• Plans to bring its payment service to non-Samsung smartphones
                             •• In November 2017, India became the third-largest market for Samsung Pay, behind South Korea and                                                   •• Apple Pay securely stores credit cards, debit cards, or other sensitive payment information from the
                                Russia with 25 lakh account users/owners in October 201727                                                                                           wallet app and lets the user pay for goods directly from their mobile device

                             •• Till date, Samsung has 17 partners on board, including 10 banks and digital wallet providers Paytm and                                            •• Has a second factor of PIN or fingerprint
                                MobiKwik, and is in talks with a few more banks                                                                                                   •• For Apple Pay to work, the merchant needs to have a contactless machine, which is compatible with
                             •• Has recently started loyalty program for making payments through Samsung Pay                                                                         Apple Pay

 4      AmazonPay      •• Amazon Pay is a payment option similar to how mobile wallets work but limited to transactions within                                                    •• During the transaction, TouchID or FaceID is required to authenticate the payment and a subtle vibration
        (Launched in      the platform                                                                                                                                               confirms that the transaction was successful
        December 2016)
                       •• Amazon Pay balance (stored value account/wallet) grew Y-o-Y by 409% in 201728                                                                           •• Apple is already in talks with Starbucks and Croma stores, and banks like HDFC Bank, Standard
                             •• Secured a licence from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to operate a prepaid payment instrument (PPI) in                                              Chartered and Citibank to make their hardware compatible with the contact-less payments service of
                                March 2017                                                                                                                                           Apple Pay

                             •• In March 2018, Amazon Pay raised USD 30 million (INR 195 crores) from its parent entity and from                Source: Respective websites, mobile apps, and press releases, Deloitte Analysis

                                Singapore-based Amazon Corporate Holdings Private Limited; just over five months after Amazon Pay
                                India received a capital infusion of USD 40 million (INR 260 crores)29
                                                                                                                                                Differentiators and Advantages of                          could potentially be a captive base to
                                                                                                                                                Global Players                                             provide payments capability. In addition,
                                                                                                                                                The Global players have some unique                        they also have a large investment
   NDTV Gadgets (                                            advantages which play in their favor.                      appetite and an upper hand as far as
   Google Tez (
                                                                                                                                                Some of these players already have a                       cross-border use cases are concerned.
   Times of India (
   Inc42 (                                                         well-entrenched user base in India that
   Economic Times (
articleshow/64083599.cms)                                                                                                                       30
                                                                                                                                                     Stripe (
24                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 25
Innovate.Collaborate.Elevate | Paynext 2018                                                                                                                                                                                                             Innovate.Collaborate.Elevate | Paynext 2018

Table: Key Advantages                                                                                                                               How do Incumbents React?                             scale-up and where the incumbent could
                                                                                                                                                    What does the entry of such players                  gain the first mover advantage. Some
 Incumbent Base                                  Investment Appetite                                    Cross Border Use Cases                      mean for incumbents?                                 of these opportunities also require an
                                                                                                                                                    Payments players in the country can                  existing channel of distribution that the
 •• Some players such as Whatsapp and         •• Widespread Digital payments in India require •• Owing to their international
                                                                                                                                                    still leverage certain opportunities and             incumbents can leverage better. The
    Facebook have large incumbent bases,         a behavioral shift                              presence, a few of these entrants
                                                                                                                                                    abilities to thwart the threat posed by              incumbents would have to identify these
    which are already highly engaged on the                                                      can consider enabling services
                                              •• While superior customer experience                                                                 new entrants. There are niche segments               niches and focus on quick execution to
    respective platforms                                                                         beyond India for any cross-border
                                                 definitely plays a role, a discerning Indian                                                       and use cases which have potential to                gain dominance.
 •• Whatsapp has over 200 million monthly        customer is always looking for value
    active users in India31 while Facebook                                                    •• While this might be beneficial for
                                              •• Digital payments players have been                                                                 Table: Key Proposed Opportunity Areas
    has 241 million users in India as of July                                                    only a certain section of users, it still
                                                 showering consumers with offers, cashbacks,
    201732                                                                                       provides a differential advantage to
                                                 and promotions in order to change their                                                            Parameter                  Current Scenario                                                                            Potential
                                                                                                 certain players
 •• Indians spend approximately an average       behavior in favor of digital payments                                                                                                                                                                                     Opportunity
    of three hours a day on smartphones
                                              •• These require investments and foreign                                                              Rural Payments             •• P2P and P2M payments in rural India is largely done in cash and presents a
    and a substantial chunk of this time
                                                 entrants are committing to it through their                                                                                      significant headroom for growth
    is spent on social and communication
                                                 large war chests; For example, Amazon
    apps 33
                                                                                                                                                                               •• Incumbent could explore Aadhaar Enabled Payment System (AEPS) payments or
                                                 infused INR 195 Crores in Amazon Pay in
                                                                                                                                                                                  payments through IVR, which can be relatively easier to use and hence easier to
 •• Given the higher engagement, such            March 2018, in succession to its investment
                                                                                                                                                                                  adopt in rural areas
    platforms have significant potential to      of INR 260 Crores in September 201734
    have customer stickiness since they can                                                                                                                                    •• Foreign entrants are largely providing services which are focused towards the urban
                                              •• For example, cashback offers/discounts by
    become a one-stop shop for multiple                                                                                                                                           population
                                                 Amazon Pay and Google
    activities including payments
                                                                                                                                                    Mass Transit               •• Mass transit payments in India are quite fragmented but present a huge
                                                                                                                                                    Payments                      opportunity
Future Outlook – Hypothesis/Case                  socialize, make payments, online gaming,           businesses, especially the ones that                                      •• Fragmentation implies on-ground acquisition and activation
Study                                             buying grocery, hailing cabs, ordering             may have subscription based recurring
                                                                                                                                                                               •• Incumbents could use their existing sales and distribution structures to do this
Some of these technology platforms                online food and even offline payments at           payment model. For instance, online
                                                                                                                                                                                  acquisition faster
are likely to play a key role in shaping          restaurants – all this without having to go        media streaming service providers could
both P2P and P2M payments, given                  to another app. These services not only            contact the customer through this chat         Deeper Multi-point         •• Interoperable payments are multi-hop in nature, and can hence, have multiple
their ubiquitous use and expanding use            provide the company improved customer              app (using chatbots) for subscription          Integration                   breakage points; resulting in a poor success rate and hence a poor customer
cases for customer engagement. WeChat             stickiness, but also create a additional           upgrade/renewal, and the user can                                            experience
in China is a prime example. Mobile               revenue streams.                                   complete the payment through UPI
                                                                                                                                                                               •• One way to address this problem is to have direct integration with multiple banks,
payments have boomed in China, totaling                                                              functionality within the chat app. On
                                                                                                                                                                                  for e.g. A prominent payment gateway is integrated with all major issuers and
over USD 13 trillion in 2017. The stores          Hypothetical use cases for a chat                  the same lines, while booking a ticket,
                                                                                                                                                                                  acquirers to reduce number of breakage points
and services are increasingly centered            service – Making Payments Seamless                 an online travel agent can send a collect
on mobile pay apps like WeChat Pay and            for multiple scenarios                             payment request at the payment stage,                                     •• However, players like Google Tez have already started integrating with individual
Alipay. Both these companies accounted            A well penetrated chat service could               followed by sending the tickets (PDF                                         banks
for 93 percent of China’s mobile payment          enable P2P, bill payments and C2B                  version) through the chat app. Further,        Focused Payments           •• Payments solutions so far have been trying to solve payments needs. However,
segment (according to data from                   payments if it is successful in providing          a utility biller (e.g. electricity) can send   Solutions along               there is significant innovation, that can be done in terms of building specific
Analysys). Alipay is the market leader            a platform to businesses for easier                bills through this chat app to users, and      with Value Added              experience and value added services for defined segments. For instance, different
in mobile payments, accounting for a              customer outreach and interaction, and             collect payments through the chat app          Services                      experience for elderly, a single app for doing inventory, billing and multi-modal
market share of 54 percent and WeChat             also enable payments by becoming a                 itself. It could send payment reminders,                                     payments for merchants etc.
accounting for 39 percent (according to           payment service provider under UPI.                or provide advance payment discounts.
data through September 2017).35 With                                                                 The combination of messaging and                                          •• Incumbents, being closer to the ecosystem can aim at developing such vertical
over 900 million monthly active users,            Through this service it could allow                seamless payment within the same app,                                        focused solutions and gaining a foothold in such segments
WeChat is now a fully-fledged ecosystem           small as well as large businesses to               can allow businesses to interact and           Source: Respective websites, mobile apps, and press releases
that offers users a range of functions.           have a presence on the platform and                receive payments from customers, all as
It helps users to do everything from              interact directly with the customers.              part of a single chat window.
messaging, group chats, file transfer,            The chat service could become the de
video conferencing, business discussions,         facto payment gateway for all such C2B

   Whatsapp co-founder’s tweet, 2017
   Livemint (
   Economic Times (
   Economic Times (
   South China Morning Post (
26                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                27
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