The digital dilemma: Telecoms firms prepare for the future - An Economist Intelligence Unit report - Wipro

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The digital dilemma: Telecoms firms prepare for the future - An Economist Intelligence Unit report - Wipro
The digital dilemma:
          Telecoms firms prepare for the future
          An Economist Intelligence Unit report

Commissioned by
The digital dilemma: Telecoms firms prepare for the future - An Economist Intelligence Unit report - Wipro
The digital dilemma:
                                                                                         Telecoms firms prepare for the future

About the report                                                                                                            2

Executive summary                                                                                                           3

Introduction                                                                                                                6

1. Digital transformation needs bold helmsmen                                                                               8
   Case study: The confident CTO                                                                                           10
   Case study: TU Go: Telefonica’s global communications app with a local twist                                            12

2. Making customers pay                                                                                                   14
   Case study: Helpful regulatory environment?                                                                            17

3. Smart telcos build digital ecosystems                                                                                  19
   Case study: Smart pricing gives Bangladesh a mobile data boost                                                         22

4. Untapped opportunities: from big data to M2M and IoT                                                                   23
   Case study: Shopping in South Korea transformed by mobile and big data                                                 26

5. The promise of network virtualisation                                                                                  28

6. Beware of digital transformation banana skins                                                                          31

7. The road ahead                                                                                                         34

                                                        © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2015                           1
The digital dilemma:
    Telecoms firms prepare for the future

                                                        About the

    The digital dilemma: Telecoms firms prepare for                              Neal Milsom, CFO, EE
    the future is an Economist Intelligence Unit
                                                                                 Ulf Ewaldsson , CTO, Ericsson
    (EIU) report commissioned by WIPRO. The report
    strives to identify the key issues that companies                            Chakrapani Perangur, CIO, Indus Towers
    within the telecoms sector are facing as they                                Riku Salminen, CEO, Jongla
    attempt to reshape their businesses to compete
    in a more digitised world.                                                   Eddie Moyce, Chief Customer Experience
                                                                                Management Officer, MTN
    This report draws on two main sources for its
                                                                                 Peter Glock, Director of Enterprise Solutions,
    research findings.
                                                                                Orange Business Services
    In 2014 the EIU undertook a global survey of                                 Sebastian Schumann, Senior Designer, Slovak
    more than 200 C-level and senior executives from                            Telecom
    telecoms firms, including 48 CEOs and 43 CIO/
    CTOs. More than half of the companies involved                               Eduardo Navarro, Chief Commercial Digital
    in the survey reported annual revenues of more                              Officer, Telefonica
    than US$500 million.                                                         Frode Stoldal, CTO, Telenor

    Alongside the survey, the EIU conducted a series                             Mikhail Gerchuk, Chief Commercial Officer,
    of in-depth interviews with the following senior                            CEO (CIS Business areas), VimpelCom
    executives and experts (listed alphabetically by                             Tom Mockridge, CEO, Virgin Media
                                                                                 Marten Pieters, CEO, Vodafone India
     Mobeen Khan, VP/ Enterprise IoT, AT&T
                                                                                The report was written by Ken Wieland and
     Marcus Weldon, CTO/President, Alcatel-
                                                                                edited by Charles Ross. We would like to thank all
    Lucent, Bell Labs
                                                                                interviewees and survey respondents for their
     Bruce Churchill, CEO (LatAM), DirecTV                                     time and insight.

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The digital dilemma:
                                                                                       Telecoms firms prepare for the future


Battered by increased competition, technological          Digital growing pains: Survey respondents
disruption and regulatory constraints, the               are confident digital technologies can create
telecoms industry is at a crossroads. One road           new products and services, but they are less
leads to reinvention as a diversified telco with         convinced about overall revenue growth. As a
multiple offerings and new revenue streams; the          CEO of one major operator puts it, “There are
other descends into a valley of falling revenues,        new opportunities in digital, but it’s extremely
thinner margins and commoditisation. Our                 difficult to compensate for losses that result from
research indicates that telcos are approaching           those opportunities.” He draws a parallel with
this challenge in varying ways, with varying levels      the challenges faced by traditional newspaper
of success and confidence. Anxiety exists at the         print publishers in adjusting to online news and
top of the organisation with CEOs in particular          social media. Digital transformation, for most
uncertain about the right strategy to take, while        established telcos, will not be painless.
CTOs are generally more confident about having
the skills and resources to reinvent themselves.          Internet players are not going away, so it’s
                                                         better to work with them: Network operators
This report is based on extensive desk research, a       have little to gain by complaining about so-called
survey of 209 senior executives from the telecoms        ‘over-the-top’ (OTT) players, such as WhatsApp
sector and interviews with 15 senior industry            and Skype, ‘stealing’ core revenue. A more
executives. Among the key findings:                      constructive approach is to take advantage of
                                                         OTT innovation. By making it easier for internet
 The telecoms industry at a crossroads: EIU
                                                         players to access their network and IT assets,
survey respondents expect dramatic falls in voice
                                                         operators can develop a broader (and more
revenue over the next five years. Only a small
                                                         attractive) service portfolio which they can then
minority representing fixed-line and mobile
                                                         package and promote. Operator interviewees for
operators think voice calls—once the business
                                                         this report happily concede that internet firms
mainstay of these firms—will generate more
                                                         are much better at designing digital consumer
than half of their organisation’s turnover by the
                                                         products than they are.
close of the decade. Operators wishing to remain
service providers (and be relevant to customers)          More spadework needed on OTT
will need new revenue streams if they are to             collaboration and partnerships: Survey
secure a long-term future.                               responses reveal an industry in the early stages
                                                      © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2015                           3
The digital dilemma:
    Telecoms firms prepare for the future

    of putting structures in place that will make                               their enterprise customers are better placed
    collaboration with others easier. Less than a fifth                         for growth. They become less reliant on basic
    of survey respondents views greater cooperation                             connectivity services which are under constant
    with app developers and content providers as                                price pressure. An M2M solution, for example,
    a big transformative industry initiative today.                             could transform the business model of a copier
    Look to the future, however, and more than 85%                              manufacturer from products (one-off charges
    of C-level executives think most new digital                                for equipment) to services (charging per page
    products and services will either originate from                            copied, better customer support) by remotely
    external parties or be developed in partnership                             monitoring usage. While there’s little survey
    with them. Realising this vision will require laying                        optimism that value-added and managed services
    the groundwork for better collaboration.                                    will drive much revenue growth in the near
                                                                                term, views will no doubt change if more digital
     Smart telcos build digital ecosystems:                                    success stories emerge. This may happen soon.
    Operators can play a central role in building                               Among the survey group which think it vital to
    platforms for innovation, bringing together                                 be technology first movers, more than 40% see
    the likes of application developers, device                                 M2M (and Internet of Things) as being critical
    manufacturers, distributors and systems                                     initiatives over the next five years.
    integrators to develop digital solutions. “By
    developing digital ecosystems we’re in a better                              Network virtualisation promises much, but
    position to collaborate on innovation and get                               operator chief executives wary: SDN (software-
    products to market quicker,” says one operator                              defined networking) and NFV (network functions
    CTO. Laying claim to a central role is easier if                            virtualisation) promise a new era of quicker
    operators have large network footprints and                                 service provisioning, easier collaboration with
    plenty of customers. Digital partners can be lured                          application developers, new revenue streams
    by the carrot of scale.                                                     and greater cost efficiencies. CTOs canvassed
                                                                                in the survey are brimming with enthusiasm.
     CMOs, CTOs and CIOs need to talk more:                                    More than 70% see SDN and NFV as being critical
    Survey respondents see the importance of                                    over the next five years, but only a third of CEO
    superfast broadband and speedier mobile                                     respondents agree. One explanation is CTOs are
    networks (it makes digital services easier to                               too focused on cost efficiencies when telling the
    use) but they fret about getting a return on their                          SDN/NFV story. “It’s incredibly rare you get a
    investment. One way to alleviate that concern                               CEO excited without the promise of both revenue
    is to direct network investment firmly towards                              growth and cost savings,” says the president of
    commercial opportunities (rather than simply                                Bell Laboratories, the world-renowned industrial
    achieving wider coverage, which has long been the                           research specialist, insisting operator CEOs do
    industry habit). While CMO and CTO interviewees                             become enthusiastic once the ‘full’ story on
    acknowledge a need for closer collaboration to                              network virtualisation is told. Suppliers and CTOs
    make this happen, a worrying survey finding is                              need to present a more rounded business case on
    that only 8% of CEOs canvassed think the way                                emerging technologies if they are to quicken the
    their organisations are structured might seriously                          pulse of chief executives.
    inhibit internal (and external) cooperation.
                                                                                 Anxiety at the top: Chief executives are not as
     Unlock enterprise growth with value-
                                                                                confident about digital change as more technical-
    added digital services: Operators armed with
                                                                                minded colleagues. While over half of CTO survey
    solutions to improve the business prospects of

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The digital dilemma:
                                                                                   Telecoms firms prepare for the future

respondents say management awareness about           revenue can stifle innovation. Remaining
digital transformation is much stronger than         relevant to customers, he argues, might mean
their closest competitors, only a quarter of         investing in areas where revenue generation
CEOs feel the same. Feelings of insecurity are       is not immediately obvious. Many C-level
perhaps understandable as innovation tends to        executives canvassed in the survey appear to be
be technology-led. A surprise survey finding is      wrestling with the same dilemma. Nearly 60%
how widespread those feelings of inadequacy          see a financial return as a significant influence
are. Nearly 40% of CEOs think they are the same      when evaluating which emerging technologies
or weaker on digital management awareness            to invest in, but as many as 45% say consumer
compared to their rivals. This report argues         desires are an equally important consideration.
that digital transformation requires bold and        The two goals may not always be compatible.
confident leadership. Anxiety at the top should      Launching new services without a clear idea
worry shareholders.                                  where revenue might come from may well be
                                                     necessary to build up consumer interest and
 Beware of chasing revenue: A chief digital         develop a brand associated with innovation. The
officer at a major operator warns chasing            bold CEO will recognise that.

                                                  © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2015                           5
The digital dilemma:
    Telecoms firms prepare for the future


    Stéphane Richard, in a glitzy presentation held                             heavyweight, is prepared to splash out US$48.5
    in Paris, early October, showed off a range of                              billion to buy DirecTV, a US satellite TV provider,
    new services his company was about to launch.                               to deepen its involvement in media services.
    One was giving smartphone users the ability to                              Millicom, a Luxemburg-headquartered telecoms
    remotely adjust lighting and heating in their                               group with operations in Africa and Latin America,
    homes. If sensors pick up movement or smoke,                                wants to transform into a ‘digital lifestyle
    they’ll get alerts. A unified screen interface is                           company’ by focusing on mobile data, broadband,
    another innovation. Family members accessing                                pay TV and mobile banking. There are many other
    favourite videos, games and music—stored in                                 operators with digital aspirations.
    a multimedia hub—can see the same screen
    layout, no matter whether they are using                                    A decline in core revenue, hastened by the
    the TV, smartphone or tablet. Throughout                                    growing popularity of so-called OTT providers,
    his presentation Mr Richard talked about the                                has increased the urgency to diversify. Using
    importance of partnerships in driving innovation                            voice over IP (VoIP) technology, OTT players like
    and that consumer services—above all—should                                 Skype and Lync (both owned by software giant
    be fun.                                                                     Microsoft) can offer customers a way to sidestep
                                                                                voice call charges. VoIP makes voice calling look
    Mr Richard does not belong to a high-flying start-                          like any other type of data spraying across an
    up or a well-known technology outfit. He is chief                           IP network (which is a relatively small amount
    executive of France’s Orange Group, a telecoms                              when people are chatting) so operators miss out
    firm with fixed-line and mobile operations across                           on substantial revenue from more expensive
    Europe and parts of Africa. He’s not alone in                               international calls and mobile roaming. Ovum, a
    trying to revamp an established telecoms brand.                             consultancy, believes traditional telecom firms
                                                                                will lose out on US$386 billion between 2012 and
    Spanish giant Telefonica, which has an extensive                            2018 because of OTT VoIP. Popular OTT messaging
    presence in Europe and Latin America, wants to                              apps, such as WhatsApp, WeChat and Facebook
    be defined as a ‘digital telco’ and is pushing in                           Messenger, also diminish the need for customers
    different directions, including mobile money                                to make calls and spend money on texts. And it’s
    transfer and machine-to-machine (M2M)                                       to these internet brands which customers feel
    solutions for the enterprise. AT&T, a US telecoms                           increasingly loyal, not the telco.

6                              © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2015
The digital dilemma:
                                                                                      Telecoms firms prepare for the future

The pace of digital transformation—to                   decrease. Emerging technologies, such as network
compensate for core revenue declines—is far             virtualisation, also hold out considerable promise
from uniform. Ulf Ewaldsson, CTO at Ericsson,           in driving new revenue streams and generating
the world’s largest supplier of mobile network          greater cost efficiencies. Going down the network
equipment, says he’s never seen the operator            virtualisation route, however, will mean a radical
customer base so diverse in terms of their              change in network design and increase the need
strategies and willingness in where to invest.          for people with both IT and network skills.
Some operators in North America, he says, are
much more advanced. “They know they have to             Digital transformation, then, involves risk. How to
spend lots of money to transform their networks         grow profitable revenue from network investment
and develop new revenue streams, and they are           may not be immediately clear, and chief
ready to do so,” says Mr Ewaldsson.                     executives might have to weather a storm of lower
                                                        margins until greater operational efficiencies
An EIU survey of more than 200 senior executives        from new technologies can be fully enjoyed (less
in the telecoms industry nonetheless reveals            efficient legacy systems can hardly be shut down
widespread uncertainty about payback—at least           immediately during the transformation phase).
in the short term—of taking the digital plunge.
When asked to pick the top three primary business       That’s not to say operators can’t reduce their
benefits of increased use of digital products           risk exposure. Putting structures in place that
and services today, 60% of survey respondents           make collaboration easier with others can help
working in finance agreed that a big advantage          spur innovation and quicken commercialisation
was the substitution of declining core revenue          of new digital products. Ensuring CIOs, CTOs
streams with new ones. More worryingly, only            and CMOs coordinate network rollouts with a
30% could see an increase in revenue as a major         clear commercial objective—rather than simply
benefit, while a mere 15% highlighted a rise in         aiming for wider coverage than rivals—can also
profit margins.                                         help in getting a quicker return on investment.
                                                        Simplifying tariffs and empowering sales staff
The responses reflect a wider concern among             to pitch more sophisticated services could be
canvassed C-level executives that consumers will        another revenue boost.
be either unable or unwilling to dig sufficiently
deep into their pockets to justify huge investment      Steering digital transformation will require
in superfast broadband and high-speed mobile            strong leadership and a willingness to take risks.
networks. But without a network capable of              Mr Richard, and others like him, are on the right
supporting video and their customers’ favourite         track. The alternative is to sit idly by and watch
applications, the chances of future growth              the traditional operator business slowly die.

                                                     © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2015                           7
The digital dilemma:
                               Telecoms firms prepare for the future

                                        1                      Digital transformation needs bold

                               Successful navigators of digital transformation                             considerations. “Smaller companies may find
                               will not be afraid to take risks. As traditional                            it easier to jump generations of technologies,
                               sources of revenue decline, chief executives                                but it’s harder for bigger companies sitting on
                               searching for sustainable long-term growth will                             billions of dollars of investment,” says Marten
                               need to steer operators into the unchartered                                Pieters, CEO of Vodafone India.
                               waters of nascent digital services and emerging
                               technologies.                                                               Another more worrying explanation is network
                                                                                                           operators may have developed a deep-seated
                               But when it comes to technology investment,                                 resistance to vendors touting the next big
                               the EIU survey shows only a minority of top                                 thing, which, in turn, slows down advantageous
                               management is willing to take bold action.                                  change. “Suppliers are always claiming they have
                               Around a third of C-level executives canvassed                              a great technology, which can be implemented
                               think it’s vital—if they are to meet changing                               immediately, but there are always teething
                               consumer behaviour—to be a first-adopter of new                             problems and it always comes slower than
                               technologies. In the fiercely-fought markets of                             expected,” says Mr Pieters, a telecoms veteran
                               Europe, more than 40% think it necessary to be a                            with more than 25 years’ experience in various
                               first mover.                                                                management roles. “And very often ‘new’
                                                                                                           technology is the same as old technology, only
                                      Yet a hope that fortune might favour the                             dressed up differently. Operators have learned
                                                                circumspect more                           the hard way.”
    Figure 1                                                    than the brave
    Fortune favours the circumspect                             nonetheless persists                       Dr Marcus Weldon, CTO of Alcatel-Lucent,
    C-level view on the best time to adopt new                  in the boardroom.                          a supplier of broadband and cloud-based
    (% respondents)
                                                                The majority of                            technologies—and president of Bell Labs,
                                                                C-level executives                         Alcatel-Lucent’s prestigious industrial research
    Time of adoption is not important              First mover
                                                                canvassed prefer not                       division—concedes the vendor community over-
    Late adopter                                                to be pioneers but                         promised in terms of the transformative potential
                                 9%          36%                early adopters of new                      of technologies in the past and that many chief
                                                                technology. (Figure 1)                     executives have become “fatigued” by constant
    Early adopter          48%                                                                             pushes for technology refreshes. This makes
                                                                There are a number of                      the pitch for what Dr Weldon sees as genuinely
                                                                reasons for a wait-                        transformative technologies—such as network
                                                                and-see approach.                          functions virtualisation (NFV) and software-
                                                                Some are practical                         defined networking (SDN)—much more difficult.

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The digital dilemma:
                                                                                       Telecoms firms prepare for the future

 Figure 2
 The technology guys say we are good at technology
 Executives who believe they are stronger than their competitors in management awareness surrounding digital
 (% respondents)

    VP/Director                                       26%
  Other C-level                                                30%
            CIO                                   24%
            CTO                                                                                                   54%
            CFO             11%
            CEO                                     25%
 Board member                                                                       38%

Anxiety at the wheel                                     down their role in steering technological change.
                                                         Only a quarter of CEO survey respondents think
This level of scepticism will not be helped by
                                                         management vision has a significant influence
knowledge gaps at the top of organisations.
                                                         on decision-making when evaluating which
Chief executives do not appear as confident
                                                         emerging technologies to invest in.
about change as more technical-minded
colleagues. Over half of CTO survey respondents          This should worry industry shareholders. While
say management awareness about digital                   it’s wise to consult various experts who are
transformation is much stronger than their               knowledgeable about cutting-edge technologies,
closest competitors (see case study: The                 such as start-ups, innovators, entrepreneurs and
confident CTO). Only a quarter of CEOs canvassed         clever graduates—and of course CTO colleagues—
feel the same. (Figure 2)                                helmsmen still need a vision for the future and a
                                                         good understanding of the technologies that can
Feeling out of their depth is understandable. As
                                                         help them get there.
innovation tends to be led by new technologies,
non-technical chief executives face the challenge        Mr Pieters, for example, says he’s under constant
of getting to grips with them and figuring out           pressure to strike a balance between competing
how they might lead to innovative and attractive         claims on the capital expenditure budget and
products. What might come as a surprise from             that tough decisions need to be made. Marketing
the EIU survey is how strong the feelings of             and commercial directors are more likely to be
inadequacy are. Nearly 40% of those at the               keen on investing in big data analytics, while
industry helm think they’re the same or weaker           CTOs are generally more interested in cloud-
on digital management awareness than rivals.             based technologies. “Different departments
                                                         might not see the bigger picture and are more
An inferiority complex might help explain why
                                                         focused towards specific investments,” he says.
many chief executives appear willing to play
                                                         “That’s when the CEO needs to step in.”

                                                      © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2015                           9
The digital dilemma:
     Telecoms firms prepare for the future

      Case study: The confident CTO
      As the telecoms industry contemplates new                                  The confidence could of course be part bluff.
      technologies that will radically transform                                 CTOs would unsettle colleagues if they admitted
      networks, such as SDN (software-defined                                    too much uncertainty about the worth of latest
      networking) and NFV (network functions                                     technologies. They may also be tempted to say
      virtualisation), CTOs are inevitably thrown                                things are going more smoothly than they are.
      into the spotlight. The EIU survey suggests                                More than 90% of CTO survey respondents, for
      they are unfazed by the leading role. While                                example, think their organisation is effective at
      only a quarter of CEO and CIO respondents                                  replacing legacy systems with new technologies
      believe management awareness about digital                                 and their confidence appears to be rubbing off
      transformation is much stronger than their                                 on senior colleagues. Around three-quarters
      closest competitors, more than half of CTOs                                of CEO and CFO survey respondents agree that
      canvassed say it is.                                                       legacy replacement is indeed running along
      CTO self-confidence is partly explained
      by being more up to speed on the latest                                    Ask the same legacy question to either general
      technologies than their less technically-minded                            management or marketing and sales, however,
      colleagues. Another reason is they seem to                                 and the responses are much more mixed. More
      pay closer attention to market developments                                than 40% of respondents from each group,
      than other boardroom members, which                                        who can arguably see more clearly than top
      gives their voice added authority. More than                               management any service disruption from
      half of CTO respondents place great store in                               technology upgrades, flatly disagree that
      market research when evaluating which new                                  legacy replacement is being done effectively.
      technologies to invest in (compared with only
      a third of CEO respondents). As for competitive                            CEOs and CFOs will no doubt be comforted by a
      analysis, 50% of CTO survey respondents think                              strong and authoritative CTO in the boardroom,
      it has a significant influence on decision-                                but the EIU survey indicates they would be unwise
      making.                                                                    to take everything they hear at face value.

     Margin call                                                                 business benefits of digital transformation are
                                                                                 revenue increases, the ability to create new
     “Revenue growth and cost efficiencies are closely
                                                                                 products and services, and a substitution of
     linked when investing in new technologies,” says
                                                                                 declining core revenue streams with new ones.
     Tom Mockridge, chief executive at Virgin Media,
                                                                                 Only a fifth thinks a rise in profit margins is a big
     a UK cable broadband and pay-TV provider.
                                                                                 advantage (Figure 3). One explanation is that
     “We’re not interested in profitless revenue.” It’s
                                                                                 voice and SMS have been high-margin earners for
     a sentiment no doubt echoed in all boardrooms
                                                                                 the telecoms industry, something which digital
     contemplating new rounds of technology
                                                                                 services may well struggle to match.
     investment, but chief executives steering digital
     transformation will probably need to make                                   Moreover, expectations about operational
     sacrifices on margins and cost efficiencies in their                        efficiencies are low. The need to support legacy
     bid for top-line growth.                                                    systems in parallel with emerging technologies
                                                                                 during the process of digital transformation
     The survey’s first-mover group seems well aware
                                                                                 is no doubt a factor, as is the inevitable lack of
     of bottom-line pressure. For them, the top three
10                              © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2015
The digital dilemma:
                                                                                         Telecoms firms prepare for the future

 Figure 3
  First movers aware of bottom-line pressure
  Expected benefit of business transformation for technology first movers
  (% respondents)

        Ability to create new products and services                                                                 44%
             Substitution of declining core revenue
                             streams with new ones                                                               42%
                              Increase in revenues                                                               42%
       Improved ability to keep existing customers                                                       32%
          Improved ability to reach new customers                                                 30%
                    Enhanced customer experience                                              28%
  Ability to improve existing products and services                                           28%
                             Rise in profit margins                          20%
         Opportunities for cross-sector parterships     10%
       Improved internal organisational efficiency     8%

scale in the early stages of service development.          immediate digital revenue and thinking more
Chief executives will need to endure bottom-               about how to remain relevant to customers. A
line pain if they are to see through the digital           good example is Tuenti. Initially billed as the
transformation process.                                    Facebook of Spain, Tuenti is now transformed
                                                           into a so-called mobile virtual network operator
Beware of chasing revenue                                  (MVNO). As well as running services over
“When you have an idea for a new service, the              Telefoncia’s mobile network in Spain, Tuenti Movil
first question the comptroller always asks is              takes advantage of cloud-based technologies. It
‘Where’s the money?’” says Eduardo Navarro,                means customers can still access the operator’s
Telefonica’s chief commercial digital officer.             aggressively priced voice and data bundles
While the question is understandable, Mr Navarro           wherever they happen to be (provided they have
says too great a focus on top-line growth can be           internet access). Another innovation is the Tuenti
harmful and betray a lack of long-term thinking.           app, which allows free voice calls using VoIP
“Telefonica,” he adds, “was too focused on                 technology.
revenue generation as a sign of success and it
                                                           Although fully-owned by Telefonica, Tuenti
was stifling innovation in services that might not
                                                           competes directly with Movistar, Telefonica’s
have an obvious revenue stream in the very short
                                                           domestic mobile operation. Why take the risk of
term.” He points to ‘smart home’ and ‘smart city’
                                                           unleashing more competition, especially when it
as some areas deserving more R&D attention.
                                                           might harm an established operation? “It’s the
Following a group restructuring in February—               famous innovation dilemma,” says Mr Navarro. “If
which saw the creation of the digital officer role—        it can be done then someone else will do it, but
Mr Navarro can see top management becoming                 it’s better to do it ourselves and learn. Instead of
less obsessed, albeit slowly, about grabbing               Tuenti being disruptive to our core connectivity
                                                        © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2015                           11
The digital dilemma:
     Telecoms firms prepare for the future

     services, perhaps it can build on our core.” Mr                             right between driving sales and satisfying
     Navarro admits a journey of innovation and                                  customers will be a difficult trick to pull off, but
     service development mapped towards attracting                               strong CEOs thinking long term will recognise the
     customers (rather than driving immediate top-                               two goals are not always compatible.
     line growth) can be an uncomfortable one.
                                                                                 Experiment and have fun
     Many C-level executives canvassed in the survey
                                                                                 Sebastian Schumann, a senior network designer
     appear to be wrestling with the same problem of
                                                                                 at Slovak Telekom—who is also tasked with
     how to attract customers and drive revenue at
                                                                                 exploring the potential of new communication
     the same time. Nearly 60% of them see financial
                                                                                 technologies—believes traditional network
     ROI as a significant influence when evaluating
                                                                                 operators should adopt a more experimental
     which emerging technologies to invest in, but as
                                                                                 approach to services in parallel with what they do
     many as 45% say consumer desires are an equally
                                                                                 already. If they continue to be fixated on quality
     important consideration. Getting the balance
                                                                                 of service alone, he says, where everything is

      Case study: TU Go: Telefonica’s global
      communications app with a local twist
      Ask Eduardo Navarro if he thinks Telefonica                                the use of national assets (the mobile phone
      should be a global or local player and he says                             number in this case). “It’s a very local experience
      it should be both. “By bringing our internet                               provided with a global product,” he says.
      and local network assets together we can offer
      a distinctive proposition,” says the operator’s                            Not that TU Go has been without teething
      chief commercial digital officer. He highlights                            problems. An O2 UK spokesperson concedes
      the TU Go app as a prime example of this type of                           the handling of customer feedback on certain
      thinking.                                                                  aspects of the service could have been better
                                                                                 when TU Go was in beta phase, which might
      O2, Telefonica’s UK-owned subsidiary, launched                             have led to a smoother commercial launch and
      TU Go in February 2013. By downloading the                                 more targeted marketing campaigns. Moreover,
      app, freely available to contract customers,                               TU Go’s official feedback thread on O2’s website
      users can make and receive phone calls and text                            shows plenty of early customer disgruntlement,
      messages—on up to ten devices—with their                                   ranging from poor voice call performance,
      mobile number. Customers can enjoy a number                                high battery power usage and the absence of
      of benefits. If the smartphone runs out of                                 text syncing between the mobile phone and
      battery power, the app can be used on a laptop                             other devices. It wasn’t until May 2014 before
      or tablet (a dialer-screen enables calls). When                            TU Go was made available in another country
      beyond the range of a mobile signal, customers                             (Argentina) where Telefonica has a presence,
      can still use the app over Wi-Fi. Those on the                             but Mr Navarro says more launches are now in
      receiving end of TU Go calls and texts don’t                               the pipeline.
      need to have the app installed to answer back.
      All TU Go minutes and texts are deducted from                              O2 UK doesn’t reveal the number of active
      customers’ monthly allowances.                                             TU Go users, but it does say the benefits for
                                                                                 operators go beyond reducing customer churn
      Mr Navarro parades TU Go as an example of how                              (the original intention of the app). TU Go users
      operators can exploit the advantages of digital                            communicate more, have longer calls, and send
      scale—TU Go runs on a global platform—but still                            more texts than those who don’t use the app.
      differentiates from internet players through

12                              © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2015
The digital dilemma:
                                                                                      Telecoms firms prepare for the future

engineered to 99.999% reliability—the exacting          In summer 2013 Telenor quietly launched
‘five-nines’ industry standard—telecom firms  , a video chat room service allowing
will be too slow to adapt in a fast-moving digital      users to launch video conversations with up
world.                                                  to eight people with just a click on compatible
                                                        browsers. No money was spent on marketing,
“You have to try new things,” says Mr Schumann.         relying instead on early adopters and influential
“You may not want to dabble with web-based              bloggers to spread the word on social media. The
services for big B2B partners or mission-critical       Telenor Digital team answered questions quickly,
applications, but if you approach it in the right       listened to feedback and made modifications. The
way, perhaps by targeting not-so-sensitive and          service is now used in 175 countries.
open customer segments first, you can launch fun
things. Some might take off, some won’t, but you        Launching ‘fun things’ without a clear idea
can always bring them down again if they don’t.         of where revenue is coming from may not
They can have a positive impact for the brand           sit comfortably with traditional-thinking
even if they don’t make money initially.”               top management, but building up customer
                                                        interest and developing a brand associated with
It’s a philosophy shared by Telenor Digital,            innovation are valid business goals as well. The
the Nordic operator’s standalone digital unit.          bold helmsman will recognise that.

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The digital dilemma:
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               2                           Making customers pay

     Many senior executives in the telecoms industry,                                  fourth-generation (4G) mobile technology:
     on survey evidence, appear to be in a quandary.                                   faster speeds and greater network capacity
     On the one hand they see the importance of                                        should make digital services more attractive
     investing in superfast broadband and LTE, a                                       (Figure 4). On the other hand they fret about

       Figure 4
       The need for speed
       Broadband and 4G/LTE are critical over the next 5 years
       (% respondents)
                             Broadband       4G/LTE

      Europe                                                                                                                      67%
      North America                                                                                                        59%
      Rest of world                                                                                                       57%

       Figure 5
       Europe most worried about affordability
       What’s stopping customers from benefiting from digital transformation initiatives?
       (% respondents)

               Rest of world             North America                 Europe

                         Income and affordability                                            Experience of sales force


                                 Lack of ICT skills                                          Insufficient network speed

                                                         Demonstrable business benefits

14                                    © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2015
The digital dilemma:
                                                                                            Telecoms firms prepare for the future

customers’ ability to pay extra and so justify the            only been made recently. “How we sell and where
enormous outlays in capital required (Figure 5).              we market is jointly discussed by the CMO, CIO,
                                                              CTO and me,” continues Mr Moyce, “but these
“The challenge in the media and communications                types of conversations were unheard of 18-24
market is to get customers buying more existing               month ago”.
services and more new services,” says Mr
Mockridge, chief executive at Virgin Media.                   A more collaborative approach also requires a
                                                              redefining of C-level responsibilities. “The role
The ‘smart home’, the ‘connected car’, and M2M                of the CMO and CTO is in many ways converging,”
services are some of the promising new growth                 says Frode Stoldal, CTO at Telenor Group, a Nordic
areas explored in this report (see Chapter 4).                operator with a presence in numerous emerging
But offering these additional services—not                    markets in Asia. “The CMO has to understand
necessarily charged by the amount of data they                what technology means for my value proposition,
consume but by how much value customers and                   while the CTO also has to understand how to
enterprises attach to them—are arguably longer-               bring value to the top line. This will be extremely
term prospects.                                               important going forward.”

In the shorter term, C-level executives can do a              There’s little survey evidence, however, that top
number of things to extract greater returns from              management is giving the issue of boardroom
network investment and encourage customers to                 collaboration much thought. Only 8% of CEOs
spend more on existing digital services.                      canvassed think the way their organisations are
                                                              structured might seriously inhibit internal (and
CTOs, CMOs and CIOs need to                                   external) cooperation; a meagre 7% of CTOs
talk more                                                     surveyed reckoned it was a major problem.
Operators have tended to build network capacity
                                                              A third of CFO survey respondents nonetheless
first and think about ways to fill it later. A ‘build it
                                                              do see organisational flaws as a pressing issue.
and they will come’ attitude has long prevailed,
                                                              It may fall on finance executives, perhaps more
although this is beginning to change.
                                                              aware than senior colleagues about revenue
                                                              opportunities slipping through their fingers, to
Eddie Moyce, chief customer experience
                                                              push for organisational change if CEOs don’t take
management officer at MTN, a mobile operator
                                                              the lead.
in South Africa, says “huge investment” in
LTE—and the pressing need to get a return on
it—has focused minds. “There needs to be closer               Network performance
collaboration between engineers and commercial                There’s an opportunity for operators to
managers and marketing,” he says. “We need                    differentiate on a well-designed network that
to make sure that the marketing plan is tightly               can handle booming volumes of data (and a
integrated with the network investment plan.”                 threat for those who don’t). Customers are more
                                                              likely to stick with operators who make sure their
Some ideas seem obvious. Roll out the 4G                      favorite apps work well and deliver video without
network where customers have access to                        annoying interruptions.
compatible devices, for example, or target more
lucrative commercial areas first to get a quicker             “When video quality goes down customers stop
return on investment. But changes in the way                  watching it,” says Ericsson’s Mr Ewaldsson. “If
MTN makes decisions on capital allocation have                you’re charging per packet of data, that’s clearly
                                                           © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2015                           15
The digital dilemma:
                             Telecoms firms prepare for the future

                             lost revenue, but even if you’re delivering data                            broadband to access more content,” affirms Mr
                             as part of a flat package, and don’t lose revenue                           Mockridge.
                             directly, you still get angry subscribers. That
                             could start a downward spiral.”                                             Fears about shallow pockets might well be
                                                                                                         assuaged, then, provided there’s no skimping
                             And video traffic looks set to boom. According to                           on targeted network investment. It helps too if
                             Ericsson, video accounted for 40% of all mobile                             you have scale—to better accommodate modest
                             data traffic worldwide in 2013 but spurred on by                            premiums—and a well thought-out data pricing
                             bigger screen sizes with higher resolutions, the                            strategy.
                             Swedish network supplier reckons video will chew
                             up more than half of a much bigger global mobile                            Monetising data
                             data traffic pie by 2019.                                                   As customer habits move from calls to consuming
                                                                                                         video, operators are wising up to the implications
                             But operator enthusiasm to pay extra for
                                                                                                         of this shift. If generous data offers are scatter-
                             improved network performance, as the Ericsson
                                                                                                         gunned across an entire subscriber base,
                             CTO acknowledges, is far from universal. And
                                                                                                         customers might not attach much value to the
                             when there is a reluctance to invest, he says, it
                                                                                                         extra they’re getting. Consequently, revenue
                             usually stems from uncertainty about customers’
                                                                                                         growth lags well behind data consumption. This
                             willingness to pay more.
                                                                                                         puts a strain on the business case.
                             There are some encouraging signs from North
                                                                                                         “Our traffic volumes are growing 50-80% a year
                             America where investment in LTE does appear to
                                                                                                         while revenue is stable,” says Mr Stoldal, Telenor
                             be paying off. A report published in September
                                                                                                         CTO. “In a couple of years we will have to produce
                             2014 by GSMA, a mobile industry lobby group,
                                                                                                         one gigabyte (GB) of data 10-20 times more
                             found that mobile revenue in North America
                                                                                                         efficiently than what we are doing today.”
                             grew by 4.7% a year on average between 2008
                             and 2013, but declined in Europe at an annual                               It is important, therefore, to have a well-thought
                             average of 3% over the same period.                                         out data pricing strategy—although roll-out can
                                                                                                         be tricky. When Vodafone launched its ‘Vodafone
                             Stiffer competition in Europe, and greater
                                                                                                         Red’ pricing plans in the UK in September 2012,
                             regulatory pressure on voice and texting revenue,
                                                                                                         it mapped out a strategy for long-term revenue
                             no doubt play a part in explaining the difference,
                                                                                                         growth based on data usage. Vodafone Red
 Cisco Visual Networking
                             but not entirely (See case study: Helpful
                                                                                                         subscribers get unlimited voice and SMS for ‘free’,
Index: Global Mobile Data    regulatory environment?). Data from Cisco1
                                                                                                         while only data is charged for—the higher the
Traffic Forecast Update      indicates that North America in 2013 accounted
                                                                                                         data allowance, the more expensive the tariff.
(February 2014)              for over a quarter of global mobile data volumes,
                             despite the region having just over 5% of total                             Although Vodafone saw some downturn in ARPU
  European Commission
                             mobile connections. Relatively low prices2—                                 (average revenue per user) with the introduction
report, ‘Implementation
of the EU regulatory         combined with the likes of tiered pricing, shared                           of Red, the simplified tariff structure has led
framework for electronic     family data plans, broad device portfolios and                              to numerous benefits, including higher net
communications—2014’,        faster networks—are helping to stimulate usage                              promoter scores (a key metric for measuring
(July 2014) says mobile      and revenue.                                                                customer satisfaction), lower churn and greater
voice call and data prices
are higher in EU than US,                                                                                data usage. Among Vodafone Red smartphone
                             “Customers are willing to pay more for better
but usage is greater in US                                                                               customers, monthly average date usage per
                             quality and enhanced products, such as faster
leading to higher ARPU                                                                                   user is 800 megabytes (MB), nearly double
16                                                      © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2015
The digital dilemma:
                                                                                     Telecoms firms prepare for the future

Case study: Helpful regulatory environment?
By the end of 2015, the EU plans to abolish             service, giving the content provider an assured
roaming fees for European mobile users. This is         performance level (so not scaring potential
welcome news for customers. European telcos,            Netflix subscribers away). “We work with Netflix
however, see the end of a highly profitable             so they pay their fair share of connectivity and
revenue stream.                                         can’t ride on top of infrastructure for free,”
                                                        says Frode Stoldal, CTO of Telenor.
These operators, particularly the larger ones,
have grown weary about what they see as                 It is unclear what the official regulatory position
unhelpful meddling in wholesale and retail              is on paid peering arrangements, both in Europe
prices. Only 21% of respondents from Europe             and elsewhere, and whether or not authorities
agree that the regulatory environment is good           will clamp down on them. A two-tier internet,
for network investment and innovation, yet              in which operators are free to charge extra for
nearly a third of executives based in North             better quality of service, is nonetheless vital for
America take the positive view (Figure 6).              Mr Stoldal. “If telcos are to exist long term, net

  Figure 6
  Mixed views on helpfulness of regulators
  Operators who agree the regulatory environment encourages network investment and innovation
  (% respondents)

 Africa, Middle East                                                                                          40%
         Asia-Pacific                                                                                33%
      Latin America                                                                      30%
      North America                                                                            32%
              Europe                                        21%

“I’m wary when regulators take the consumer             neutrality has to go away,” he says.
perspective that voice and data prices should
always be lowered, as this can lead to network          Despite grumblings about an unfriendly
underinvestment,” says Ulf Ewaldsson ,                  investment environment, Europe’s network
Ericsson CTO. “That should worry regulators             operators keep digging deeper to pay for
and society at large. There’s a link between            the likes of 4G and superfast broadband. A
broadband development and GDP growth.”                  report from the European Commission said
                                                        EU telecoms revenue declined in 2013 yet
The next area of concern for European and               investment grew.3 Even arch-critics of Europe’s
global telecoms executives is that regulators           regulators—Cesar Alierta and Vittorio Colao,
stamp down on paid peering arrangements                 the chief executives of Telefonica and Vodafone
between content providers and network                   Group respectively—have sanctioned enormous
operators on the grounds of net neutrality (the         increases in network spending.
principle by which all web-based traffic should
be treated equally by networks), even though            The need to ‘stay in the game’, either through                       3
                                                                                                                               European Commission
such arrangements involve direct links that             network differentiation or developing new                            report, ‘Implementation
bypass traditional internet traffic.                    digital services to offset core revenue declines,                    of the EU regulatory
                                                        is clearly a strong investment driver. Digital                       framework for electronic
Telenor, for instance, has struck a commercial          transformation is not for the faint-hearted.
deal with Netflix, a popular video streaming                                                                                 communications—2014’,
                                                                                                                             (July 2014)

                                                    © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2015                                                      17
The digital dilemma:
                             Telecoms firms prepare for the future

                             the average consumed by non-Red customers                                   C. Bernstein, a brokerage, calculated in 2013
                             (430MB).                                                                    that mobile contract churn among established
                                                                                                         European operators was averaging out at about
                             Vodafone Red customers also talk more than                                  16% a year. The quad-play churn levels of Virgin
                             those on different plans. Although there’s no                               Media in the UK, however, were under 8%.
                             direct revenue uplift, free voice and texting gives
                             Vodafone some protection against the likes of                               However, bundling is not only about connectivity
                             Skype and WhatsApp. The appeal of OTT players                               and content. Operators can be aggregators and
                             diminishes if customers can already get free voice                          distributors, cleverly packaging digital services
                             and SMS from their mobile operator. Vittorio                                that have been created by others, as well as
                             Colao, Vodafone’s chief executive, says the more                            adding their own products—such as cloud-based
                             successful he is with Red, the more relaxed he is                           storage and back-up—on top of core connectivity.
                             about discussions with OTT players.4                                        This type of bundling extends to both the
                                                                                                         consumer and enterprise segments.
                             Going for a bundle
                                                                                                         Mobeen Khan, responsible for bringing AT&Ts
                             Increased pressure to offer bundled services—a
                                                                                                         M2M and internet of things (IoT) products
                             mixture of broadband access, TV, fixed-line voice
                                                                                                         to market—targeted at the enterprise—says
                             calls and mobile—is forcing an industry re-think.
                                                                                                         building on core connectivity with valued-added
                             In recent months, this has been manifested
                                                                                                         services takes customer discussions away from
                             in a frenzy of M&A activity: AT&T has agreed a
                                                                                                         the cost of data—which, in competitive markets,
                             US$48.5 billion deal to buy DirecTV, a satellite
                                                                                                         is likely to fall—and onto talks about products
                             provider; Telefonica has snapped up GVT, a fixed-
                                                                                                         and solutions that add value and which have
                             line broadband player in Brazil, to complement
                                                                                                         greater resilience to price erosion.
                             its Vivo subsidiary (Brazil’s largest mobile
                             operator); Orange has launched a US$4.4 billion                             “We offer best in class M2M solutions that
                             bid for Jazztel, a Spanish fixed-line operator,                             go beyond global connectivity,” asserts Mr
                             while Nordic operator TDC has splashed out                                  Khan. “Yes, there’s value in transport and
                             US$2.2 billion to buy Get, a cable-TV provider in                           communications, but there’s lots of additional
                             Norway.                                                                     value in other infrastructure elements, such as
                                                                                                         cloud and security platforms, which we provide
                             Underpinning these deals is a desire to get bigger
                                                                                                         already to our enterprise customers. We want to
                             shares of customers’ wallets, boost economies
                                                                                                         extend those services to M2M customers, which
                             of scale and reduce churn—it’s trickier for
                                                                                                         increases value.”
                             customers to leave operators if they’re signed
                             up to multiple services. Analysts at Sanford

 Speaking at Vodafone
Group Q4 earnings call, 20
May 2014

18                                                      © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2015
The digital dilemma:
                                                                                       Telecoms firms prepare for the future

        3                  Smart telcos build digital ecosystems

César Alierta, Telefonica’s chief executive,             Laying claim to a central role is easier if
outlined four ‘growth pillars’ after a group             operators have large network footprints and
restructuring in February. One was increased             plenty of customers—digital partners can be
revenue through new services, another was                lured by the carrot of scale. It helps explain why
network and system modernisation by deploying            Telefonica’s M2M global partner programme
fibre and LTE, and a third was increased efficiency      managed to attract as many as 250 partners in
through cost cutting and simplified structures.          Europe and the US little more than a year after
The fourth was strengthening the company’s               it was launched in June 2013. Partners include
position in the digital ecosystem.                       device manufacturers, solution providers and
Mr Alierta is not alone in seeing the benefits
of a more central digital role. “Through                 Running fixed and mobile networks, which
partnerships we can acquire skills sets that             collect and analyse data, can give operators
would take too long to build up ourselves,” says         a head start in ‘smart cities’ too. By bringing
Mr Stoldal, Telenor CTO. “And by developing              together what can often be a fragmented
digital ecosystems, we’re in a better position to        ecosystem, operators are in a strong position
collaborate on innovation and get products to            to become the single point of contact for
market quicker.”                                         local authorities, especially if they already
                                                         have strong links with them. Orange is
Mr Khan enthuses about the operator’s ‘foundry’          aiming to do just that in France. Armed with
innovation centres. Funded to the tune of                numerous partnerships to beef up its smart city
US$100 million from AT&T and a range of big-             proposition, the country’s biggest operator
name technology sponsors (including Microsoft            has launched a five-point plan targeted at
and Intel) there are five centres (four in the           local government. The programme includes
US, one in Israel) where AT&T innovators can             giving car drivers real-time information on
work with outside experts to develop consumer            traffic jams and suggesting alternate routes to
and business solutions. One based in Plano,              avoid congestions. The use of public transport
Texas, is focused on M2M solutions for different         is encouraged through mobile payments for
industry sectors. “Engineers, customers and              tickets and on-board Wi-Fi. Smart grids (helping
ecosystem partners can collaborate and jointly           distributors to manage energy more efficiently)
innovate using our tools and resources,” says Mr         and smart buildings (monitoring energy
Khan. “The foundry is a very important growth            consumption) are also included in the scheme.
platform for us.”

                                                      © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2015                           19
The digital dilemma:
     Telecoms firms prepare for the future

     For all the growing industry recognition about                              more incentive to work closer with OTT players
     the importance of partnerships and ecosystems,                              knowing they can’t easily elbow them out the
     the EIU survey suggests there’s still some work                             digital game.
     to do. Under a fifth of respondents, for example,
     view greater cooperation with app developers                                Another explanation is operators increasingly
     and content providers as a big transformative                               recognise OTT players as being more innovative
     industry initiative today. And only 13% of C-level                          in consumer services. It’s a view held by
     respondents think opportunities for cross-                                  VimpelCom, which has mobile operations
     sector partnerships is currently one of the main                            in Russia, Italy and various CIS markets. It
     benefits of digital transformation—a meagre 2%                              has partnerships with more than 40 global
     of C-level executives based North America think                             OTT players, including Google, Facebook and
     this is the case.                                                           WhatsApp. Mikhail Gerchuk, VimpelCom’s chief
                                                                                 commercial officer (and chief executive of CIS
     The survey reveals an industry in the formative                             operations) happily admits that internet players
     stages of digital transformation. Look to the                               are more skilled at designing digital services.
     future and more than 85% of C-level executives
     think most new digital products and services will                           A study from Northstream, a telecoms
     either originate from external parties or done in                           consultancy, nonetheless shows operators—on
     partnership with them (Figure 7).                                           the whole—are not doing a very good job at
                                                                                 working with internet firms. By not having
       Figure 7                                                                  platforms in place that would make collaboration
                                                                                 easier, the consultancy calculates operators in
       Innovating together                                                       Western Europe are in danger of missing out on
       Where C-level executives believe future products and
       services will originate from in the next 5 years                          €2 billion gross profit over the next three years.
       (% respondents)
                                                                                 A platform allowing OTT players to access the
           Internally    11%                                                     operator’s network and IT assets can have
                                                                                 a number of mutual advantages. A music
      Collaboratively                                       56%
                                                                                 streaming provider, for example, wishing to
           Externally              29%                                           create a free day pass by ‘zero-rating’ data (so
                                                                                 customers don’t pay for the service), could
                                                                                 set that up quickly if it had easy access to the
     More spadework needed on                                                    operator’s billing systems. And if the operator
     OTT collaboration                                                           made an SMS application programming interface
                                                                                 (API) available, the music company could launch
     Riku Salminen, chief executive of Jongla, a
                                                                                 its offer via text (to which customers reply to
     start-up with an app for instant messaging,
                                                                                 access). The OTT firm, not the operator, is doing
     believes operator attitudes towards OTT players
                                                                                 most of the work in setting up the service,
     have “totally changed” over the last two
                                                                                 which reduces cost. There are various revenue-
     years. “They’ve moved from competition to
                                                                                 generating business models as well. OTT players
     collaboration,” he says. One reason, he argues,
                                                                                 could pay operators wholesale data rates when
     is regulators have taken a tough stance on
                                                                                 data is fully sponsored—as in the free day
     net neutrality—the principle that all digital
                                                                                 pass example—or revenue could be split when
     traffic should be treated equally by internet
                                                                                 customers pay for services or goods. Operators
     service providers. Operators, he says, now have
                                                                                 can also charge for API usage.
20                              © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2015
The digital dilemma:
                                                                                      Telecoms firms prepare for the future

It’s also easier to scale up the number of OTT          has various mobile operator subsidiaries in Asia)
partners and services if the IT department              and XL Axiata, a mobile operator in Indonesia.
doesn’t need to be involved each time something         Jongla can then take advantage of operator
new is offered. “There’s a vibrant start-up             partners’ greater marketing muscle. But Jongla’s
community in Scandinavia but they’ve been put           partners, maintains Mr Salminen, can also take
off from dealing with operators because it’s too        advantage of start-up innovation. Jongla’s
difficult to work with them from a technological        lightest instant messaging app, for example,
point of view,” says Bengt Nordstrom,                   takes up only 0.7MB of data—the lightest IM
Northstream’s chief executive.                          app ever created, claims Mr Salminen—making
                                                        it ideal for low-budget smartphone users: it
Seeing the benefits for both internet and               doesn’t hog limited memory space on the device
telecom firms to collaborate, VimpelCom                 and money-conscious customers don’t make big
invested in a ‘global hub’ that makes working           dents in their data allowances by downloading
together easier. By using an API, OTT players           the app. By packaging the IM app into their
can plug into the hub and make their services           service portfolios, argues the Jongla CEO,
accessible in each of the 14 markets where              mobile operators in emerging markets can offer
VimpelCom has operations. Paid-for applications         more attractive services to budget-conscious
and services are billed to the user’s mobile            smartphone users.
account; any revenue-sharing agreements
between VimpelCom and OTT partners can be               If OTT players and operators are to strike up
settled (see case study: Smart pricing gives            partnerships, however, Mr Salminen says it helps
Bangladesh a mobile data boost). “The hub is our        if the operator has a clearly-defined digital
big achievement and a point of differentiation          strategy. “It’s better to talk with people who see
for potential partners,” says Mr Gerchuk. “Many         the value of the digital world and how digital
OTT players are very lean start-ups, so they can’t      content can be consumed.”
afford to integrate and launch services in each of
our country operations. The global hub makes it         Softening operator attitudes towards OTT players
much easier.”                                           doesn’t mean industry resentment for ‘stealing’
                                                        revenue has gone away. The EIU survey finds
Mr Salminen at Jongla agrees there are mutual           OTT players much more optimistic they will be
benefits for OTT players and network operators          comfortable partners with traditional telecom
to work together. To create a stronger local            operators than the other way round. A sizeable
presence in Asia’s emerging markets, Jongla has         minority of operators still envisage OTT players
partnered with Nordic operator Telenor (which           as being outright competitors in the future.

                                                     © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2015                           21
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