Page created by Josephine Oconnor

                                                             eye   2021


Mentoring Giant 8     A Saving Grace 22         Children and COVID 18

                                                                             ELCOME TO THE 2021 ISSUE OF EMORY
                                                                             EYE MAGAZINE. We hope you enjoy the
                                                                             latest edition of our magazine, as it is filled
                                                                             with lots of exciting stories and updates on
                                                                             what's happening at the Emory Eye Center.
                                                                               2020 has been an unprecedented year for
                                            all of us. As we reflect on last year, we have endured many abrupt changes
                                            including a large part of the country being forced to shut down due to the                                                                                                                           14
                                            COVID-19 pandemic. The state of Georgia declared a Public Health State
                                            of Emergency and as a result, Emory University / Emory Healthcare made
                                            the tough decision to treat only essential and urgent patients and stop
                                            elective care last spring. This was done to limit the spread of COVID-19
                                            and keep the members of our community—but, most importantly, our
                                            patients as safe as possible. Since then, we have carefully increased our
                                            clinical care to include all prior services with extra precautions (and now
                                            with vaccinations as well) to keep our patients, staff, and providers safe.
                                              Despite the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, Emory Eye Center has
                                            continued to excel in what we do best: education. Although the pandemic                                                                        2                                                               24
                                            caused us to temporarily pause in-person clinical care services, this time
                                            has provided us with the opportunity to shift our approach on how we
                                            educate and train our residents and fellows—tomorrow's ophthalmolo-
                                            gists. We have shifted the way we taught, educated, and trained our fellows
                                                                                                                                                         COVER STORY                         COMMUNITY                           NEWS
                                            and residents including conducting lectures and seminars—to a virtual                                         � LEADING THE WAY                  14 CREATING A NET-                  24 ARTIFICIAL
                                            environment. We used this enhanced virtual approach to compliment                                            		 Faculty continue to educate         WORK OF CARE                     		INTELLIGENCE
                                            our outstanding clinical and research training.                                                                 others during the pandemic           An inside look at the Georgia   		 Research team conducts
                                              Many of our faculty members have continued to serve as mentors and                                                                                 Vision Network                     ground-breaking research
                                            train others, especially in the area of research. One such faculty member is
                                            John M. Nickerson, PhD, research scientist and director of research, who
                                                                                                                                                         PROFILES                            17		 REMOTE AREA                    26 RESEARCH
                                            has been with the Emory Eye Center since 1991. You'll read more about                                         8 MENTORING GIANT:                      MEDICAL                        		HIGHLIGHTS
                                            him on page 8.                                                                                                  JOHN M. NICKER-                  		 Mary S. Carlton, OD, and         		 How does covid affect the
                                              We're also excited to share the story of Tymeisha French, a patient at                                        SON, PHD                            Kristen Thelen, OD, FAAO,           eye, plus other research
                                            Emory Eye Center, who now has a promising future. Since a very young                                         		 Celebrating the career of a         give back                           updates
         2019 (COVID-19) STATEMENT
                                            age, Miss French has lived with keratoconus, a condition in which the                                           mentoring giant
            All work was completed in
                                            cornea of the eye thins and bulges outward into a cone shape. You'll read                                                                        18		 WORKING THROUGH                28 FUNDING NEWS
           accordance with the CDC,
                                            about her journey with corneal cross-linking treatment, a new surgical                                       �� A SAVING GRACE                   		 A NEW NORMAL                     		 Sidra Tree Foundation and
             federal, state, local, and
                                            procedure for individuals with keratoconus. It is stories like these that                                    		 A young patient gets a new           Caring for children during         NIH grants support faculty
          healthcare facility guidelines
                                            make us most proud of what we do.                                                                               look on life                         COVID                              research
            for practicing preventive
                                              We thank you for supporting the Emory Eye Center and for trusting us
          actions to reduce the risk of
                                            to be your primary eye care and vision provider.                                                                                                                                     30		 CENTER NEWS
          virus transmission, including
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 		 Conferences, top docs, and
           daily health screenings and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    celebrating EEC’s 150th
            temperature checks, and                                                                                                                      EMORY EYE MAGAZINE
                                            Allen D. Beck, MD                                                                                                                                                                    		anniversary
            proper social distancing.                                                                                                                    Director Allen D. Beck, MD
                                            Chair and Director, Emory Eye Center
            Portions of this magazine
                                            F. Phinizy Calhoun Sr. Chair of Ophthalmology                                                                Director of Development Karla Ruggiero Writer/Editor Tiana Conner       35		 FACULTY NEWS
            contain images that were
                                                                                                                                                         Design Susan Siracusa Photographers Soroosh Behshad, Donna Price,           Awards, recognitions and
          taken prior to the COVID-19
                                                                                                                                                         Lisa Tierra, Natalie Weil                                                   EEC welcomes a new faculty
                    pandemic.              The Emory Eye Center is part of Emory University School of Medicine and Emory Healthcare, both of which are
                                           components of Emory's Woodruff Health Sciences Center.                                                        Website eyecenter.emory.edu Email eyecenter@emory.edu                       member

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                2021 | EMORY EYE | 1

                                                                                                                                Emory Eye Center residents and fellows
                                                                                                                                adjusted to the way they worked and
                                                                                                                                learned. This included wearing surgical face
                                                                                                                                masks during wet labs and social distancing

                                                                                                                                when possible.


                                                                                                                                department’s education program for
                                                                                                                                an opportunity to learn and train
                                                                                                                                under the leadership of EEC faculty.
                                                                                                                                  However, in March 2020, the corona-

                                                                                                                                virus pandemic halted the way ophthal-
                                                                                                                                mic education had been previously
                                                                      hen the novel      The COVID-19 pandemic also             taught. Prior to the pandemic, medical
                                                                      coronavirus      changed ophthalmic education, in         students were given the opportunity to
                                                                      (SARS-CO-V2),    efforts to keep faculty, staff and       learn about the field of ophthalmology
                                                                      the virus that   medical students safe. Despite this,     by studying under Emory Eye Center
                                                                      causes the       the faculty of Emory Eye Center          faculty, participating in seminars and
                                           disease COVID-19, caused a nationwide       (EEC) continued to teach and educate     conferences, and gaining exposure to
                                           and worldwide pandemic in March             others in a safe way through virtual     the field by being in hospitals and
                                           2020, much of the world stopped. Due        education and learning–which is in       interacting with patients.
                                           to the virus’s high level of transmis-      line with the Emory Eye Center             One prime example of the faculty’s
                                           sion and severity of the disease, many      mission–proves that education is at      commitment to education was the
                                           countries around the world tried to stop    the forefront of what we do.             shift to online ophthalmic education
                                           the spread of the virus with unprec-                                                 for medical students in the early part
                 EDUCATING OTHERS DURING   edented responses such as travel
                                           restrictions, limited in-person interac-    Preparing for the
                                                                                                                                of the COVID-19 pandemic.
                                                                                                                                  Emily Graubart, MD, director of
                 THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC     tions and social distancing measures,
                                           curfews and quarantines, and forced
                                           many schools and other educational
                                                                                       Each year, Emory University School of
                                                                                       Medicine students, residents, fellows,
                                                                                                                                comprehensive ophthalmology and
                                                                                                                                director of medical student education,
                                                                                                                                Yousuf Khalifa, MD, chief of service of
                                           institutions to shift to remote learning.   and doctoral candidates enroll in the    ophthalmology at Grady Memorial

       2 | EMORY EYE | 2021                                                                                                                           2021 | EMORY EYE | 3

       Hospital, and the help of two             learn about the field of Ophthalmol-
       fourth-year medical students, Sarah       ogy and become familiar with major
       DeVaro and Ogul Uner developed a          eye conditions and diseases, partici-
       four-week, teleophthalmology              pate in our weekly Grand Rounds
       elective for medical students to          sessions, and attend lectures dedi-
       continue their education remotely         cated to them that would help them
       to reduce the spread and risk of          confirm that ophthalmology was a
       contracting the coronavirus.              field they were interested in and
         “The teleophthalmology elective         passionate about,” Graubart says.
       was created as a novel elective for all      The course was especially valuable
       of our medical students so they could     for third- and fourth-year medical            The residency program’s success is attrib-
                                                                                               uted to Terri Trotter, residency program
       continue to be engaged in the field       students. Because these medical               coordinator, who deeply cared about the
       of ophthalmology, since we were           students are nearing the end of their         career of every student that enrolled the
                                                                                               program and alumni. She retired from her
       unable to involve them in traditional     program, they traditionally gain              role as coordinator after 31 years of ser-
       pre­clinical and clinical activities,”    valuable, hands-on experience by              vice to Emory Eye Center in January 2021.
       Graubart says.                            being in hospitals and interacting
         The course consisted of online          with patients. For example, prior to
       self-study materials, student presen-     the COVID-19 pandemic, students               appointments. Using technology such
       tations, chart review assignments,        participated in clinical activities such      as Zoom—a video communications
       case-based discussions with faculty,      as conducting eye exams for patients          tool used for video and audio confer-
       and a telehealth experience with a        while being observed by a faculty             encing—medical students can collab-
       patient, which was a valuable part of     member and observing during                   orate with Emory Eye Center faculty
       the core curriculum.                      surgical procedures.                          during remote appointments with
         “We wanted to make sure the                However, EEC faculty found an              the patients and conduct screening
       elective was structured so our            alternative way for this to be possi-
       medical students could continue to        ble: through telehealth patient               Continued

       EMORY EYE
       Emory Eye Center held its first
       ever virtual scientific session
       in June 2020. The session was
       conducted virtually. Residents
       and fellows presented their final
       projects to participants while
       faculty served as preceptors.
         Valerie Biousse, MD, vice chair
       of faculty development, diver-
       sity, and inclusion delivered the           The class of 2020 residents celebrate their gradua-                                      Face-to-face interactions with patients as shown here were
       Henry F. Edelhauser Translational           tion (l-r): John Paul Gorham, MD; Robert Bjerregaard,                                    limited during the coronavirus pandemic; however the quality
                                                   MD; David Levine, MD; Sara Branson, MD; Julia Kang,                                      level of care stayed the same. Emory Eye Center faculty resorted to
       Research Lectureship entitled,              MD; Alexandria Li, MD; and (center) Jeremy Jones,                                        creative ways to interact with and treat patients, including virtual
       “Don’t miss opportunities!”                 MD, residency program director.                                                          and telehealth appointments.

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      eye exams, and even diagnose some                                                                                                     virus and implications with personal      duty to care for the patient without        will help our systems evolve from a
      eye conditions without being in the                                                         Before the pandemic, many residents       protective equipment, understanding       that patient feeling stigmatized. This      big-picture, vision-health system
                                                                                                   benefited from the hands-on training
      same room as the patient.                                                                   from faculty like comprehensive oph-      telemedicine cases, learning how to       took up much of the discussion. By          standpoint,” Yeh says.
        Tanya O’Donnell, training specialist                                                       thalmologist Maria Aaron, MD, (right)    treat patients with COVID-19 cases        having these conversations, it allowed        “Understanding the virus is highly
                                                                                                       and glaucoma specialist Jeremy
      and telehealth/telemedicine facilitator                                                             Jones, MD, (second from left).    and/or persons under investigation        us to really frame the issue with what      transmissible and the potential for viral
      for the Emory Eye Center, is one of the                                                                                               and understanding surgical consider-      was to come up next.”                       residence in the tear film are key factors
      staff members who helped to start up                                                                                                  ations that are related to COVID-19 as                                                that emphasize the importance of
      the telehealth elective with the team.                                                                                                well as learning how to correctly wear                                                rigorous protocols that include PPE
        “Dr. Soroosh Behshad and I worked                                                                                                   PPE during patient interactions.          Learning From                               management. These are considerations
      together to try out the different plat-                                                                                                 Besides the didactic and practical      the Past                                    Dr. Shantha and I have worked on in
      forms to see which one worked best                                                                                                    discussion of the COVID-19 town           Yeh and Shantha also have consider-         detail from 2015 because of Ebola virus.”
      and created a presentation for the                                                                                                    hall, Jessica Shantha, MD, Rachel         able experience treating patients with        “Even through the pandemic, we have
      physicians to help better understand                                                                                                  Shah, MD, and Yeh developed proto-        highly transmissive viruses. Both           to learn how to have our health systems
      telemedicine’s place in ophthalmol-                                                                                                   cols and guidance for ophthalmolo-        doctors treated patients during the         continue to function. We want to be
      ogy and working within EMA to meet                                                                                                    gists and staff to follow when            Ebola virus crisis in 2014 and treated      mindful of safety but as healthcare
      all of the rapidly changing telemedi-                                                                                                 interacting with adult and children       Ebola virus disease patients during         providers, we all have a role to play in
      cine requirements,” she explains. “I                                                                                                  patients with COVID-19 and Persons        the Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone,         managing infectious disease threats,
      provided one-on-one training to most                                                                                                  Under Investigation.                      Liberia, and more recently in the           overcrowding and important lessons we
      of the physicians to set up their virtual                                                                                               “The feedback from the retina           Democratic Republic of the Congo.           all must think about. We don’t want to
      rooms and had a practice visit with                                                                                                   community was very positive,” Yeh says.     “There’s a number of important            stigmatize patients and we still want
      almost each one. I did a lot of trouble-                                                                                              “There was so much uncertainty at         lessons learned. Unless a health system     to provide a high level of care—and
      shooting with the physicians in the                                                                                                   the time. Together we learned how to      has been prepared for a wide-scale          keep the patient comfortable.”
      early days while we were working out          students the triumphs and challenges       uveitis service team organized a             navigate patient care, which is impor-    infectious disease threat it is difficult     “We have a responsibility to utilize
      the kinks and created the workflow to         of telemedicine in ophthalmology.”         virtual EEC COVID-19 town hall to            tant to think about since there are so    to fully understand the issues.”            our expertise to inform our colleagues
      get the physicians started and trained          “This may be something we can do         connect with other providers in the          many issues to be concerned about.”         “Understanding emerging infectious        and the community about best practices
      with telemedicine.”                           in the future or at least portion in the   region. Many of the participants               “A patient may have an emergency        diseases, patient and provider needs        and continue the discussion about how
        “I also worked with Dr. Graubart to         future by offering them a virtual          included retina and uveitis providers        or pre-operative concern and it is our    and learning these lessons on the fly       to lead these efforts,” Yeh says.
      raise awareness with the faculty of           elective they can complete on their own    from around the world.
      the need for inclusion of the medical         time as well as see patients in clinic       “One thing that I thought was unique
      students to observe telemedicine              or virtually when care continues.”         about a virtual COVID-19 town hall for
      visits in the department,” O’Donnell            When asked about some of the             the community, was that it was a good
      says. “I worked with elective coordi-         lessons learned, Graubart says,            way for us to communicate about the
                                                                                                                                                                                                            of Harvard’s PhD program in virology and an
      nator Rose Smith, patient access              “There are certain parts of online         science, cases and lessons learned for                       COLLABORATING WITH                              expert in cornea and external disease at
      operations manager Leanne Roberts,            learning resources that allowed us,        all of us while caring for patients during
      and medical student clerkship teach-          as faculty, to interact in a more          the pandemic and throughout,” Steven
                                                                                                                                                            THE AMERICAN ACADEMY                            Massachusetts Eye and Ear, to develop clinical
                                                                                                                                                                                                            and scientific communications to roll out to oph-
      ing assistant Ogul Uner, to keep              in-depth manner than we normally           Yeh, MD, uveitis and retina specialist,                      OF OPHTHALMOLOGY                                thalmologists all over the world on how to keep
      everyone apprised of which physi-             do with our students. There are parts      says. “In addition, the town hall was a
      cians had telemedicine visits they            of the curriculum we can incorporate       great opportunity for the retina and              Emory Eye Center ophthalmologists Steven Yeh,              their practices, patients and staff safe during
      could attend.”                                into our overall ophthalmic educa-         uveitis service team to connect with              MD, and Purnima Patel, MD, served on committees            the pandemic.
        The telehealth educational program          tional program in the future.”             other retina providers in the region and          for the American Academy of Ophthalmology                    During the pandemic, AAO has shared important
      was the first of its kind in the nation and                                              give a situation report on COVID-19.”             (AAO). Both Yeh and Patel were involved in devel-          ophthalmology-specific information related to
      was rated very highly by the 18 students                                                   The EEC COVID-19 town hall was                  oping communications around COVID-19 safety                COVID-19. Many of these communications were
      who were enrolled in the course.              Leading By Example                         organized by Yeh with Allen Beck,                 protocols and reviewed scientific and clinical             referred to as guidelines on resuming ophthalmic
                                                                                                                                                                                                            care and ophthalmic preparedness protocols for
        “Although there were other programs         In addition to educating medical           MD, director and chair of the Eye                 content on COVID-19 that was published on
      that offered exposure to medical                                                         Center, and several members of the                AAO’s website.                                             COVID-19.
                                                    students, residents and fellows, and
      ophthalmology, we were the only                                                                                                              They also collaborated with AAO leadership,                To date, there have been more than 1 million
                                                    doctoral students, EEC faculty are often   retina team including G. Baker
                                                                                                                                                 James Chodosh, MD, MPH, the Edith Ives Cogan               views worldwide by ophthalmologists on the
      program in the country that added the         sought out by other experts in the field   Hubbard, III, MD, Ghazala O’Keefe,
                                                                                                                                                 Professor of Ophthalmology at Harvard Medical              AAO website (www.aao.org/covid-19) which has
      component for our students to see             due to their experience and expertise.     MD, and Purnima Patel, MD.
                                                                                                                                                 School’s Department of Ophthalmology, a member             continued to increase during the pandemic.
      patients in a virtual platform,” Graubart       In March 2020, several members of          During the town hall, some of the
      says. “It was important to show our           the Emory Eye Center’s retina and          topics included: understanding the

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                                                 John M. Nickerson, PhD, is director of
                                         research for Emory Eye Center. His interests
                                          are in retinal degenerative diseases and the
                                                                genetics behind them.

                           ON THE
                        SHOULDERS OF A


       8 | EMORY EYE | 2021                                         2021 | EMORY EYE | 9

        This image was taken prior to the
                                                                                                                                              PARTNERING FOR SUCCESS
        COVID-19 pandemic.                                                                                                                    From its inception in 1964, Emory Eye
                                                                                                                                              Center’s scientific research laboratory has
                                                                                                                                              been home to award-winning scientists who
                                                                                                                                              dedicate their lives to understanding cata-
                                                                                                                                              strophic eye diseases that affect people
                                                                                                                                              worldwide. Their scientific discoveries have
                                                                                                                                              significantly contributed to treatments for
                                                                                                                                              patients with conditions such as eye cancer,
                                                                                                                                              hereditary cataracts, diabetic retinopathy,
                                                                                                                                              age-related macular degeneration, idiopathic
                                                                                                                                              intracranial hypertension, and more. To
                                                                                                                                              support this ongoing work, visit eyecenter.

                                                                                                                                           focus area is to study pharmacological and gene therapy
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Dr. Nickerson thrived on working
                                                                                                                                           approaches to slowing or preventing these degenerations.         with students and explaining the
                                                                                                                                           As of late, Nickerson’s research interest areas are under-       complexities of vision research.
                                                                                                                                           standing retinal proteins and their expression in normal
                                                                                                                                           animals and in animal models exhibiting characteristics
                                                                                                                                           of human eye diseases.
                                                                                                                                              In 2013, the Association for Research in Vision and
                                                                                                                                           Ophthalmology (ARVO) awarded Nickerson, PhD, the               Training Future Research

                                                                                                                                           prestigious Gold Fellow status and served as the ARVO
                                                                                                                                           Awards Committee chair later that year. In 2009, he was        However, despite all of his training, awards and accolades, it
                                                                                                                                           tapped as an ARVO Silver Fellow, having served on several      all comes back to what he enjoys doing most: mentoring junior
                                                                                                                                           ARVO committees and in leadership roles over the years.        and senior research scientists. For many research scientists,
                                          ost know the value of a      post-doctoral fellowship with Dr. Piatigorsky studying the             Nickerson is a founding and current editor-in-chief of      a part of their job is to transition from obtaining a degree to
                                          great mentor. When it        biology of the lens. I examined all the various sorts of ways       Molecular Vision, a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the     learning the skills necessary to manage a lab and becoming
                                          comes to Emory Eye           lenses of the human eye turned cloudy. From there, I started        dissemination of research results in molecular biology, cell   a member of faculty, either as an assistant and associate
                                          Center (EEC) faculty         working on my dissertation and looking at how plotting              biology and the genetics of the visual system. The journal     professor. Nickerson is right there to help them along the way.
                                          mentoring others, one        proteins were being synthesized and how lens crystallin             is rated in the top five of a field of 32 competing journals     “The most satisfying thing to me is when the mentee
                                          name stands out: John        proteins were being synthetized for one system to another.”         and is routinely used as an open access exemplar by the        manages me better than I manage them. Then, I know they
                                          M. Nickerson, PhD.              Nickerson attributes much of his training to Piatigorsky,        National Library of Medicine and The National Institutes       are truly ready,” Nickerson says.
                                          Nickerson, professor and     who was a highly regarded scientist in the field of research at     of Health Library.                                               Throughout the span of 30 years, he has mentored more
      director of research and vice director of the Atlanta Vision     the time. “Dr. Piatigorsky was a brilliant and creative scientist      He also currently serves on the editorial boards of The     than 20 pre- and post-doctoral students while at NIH and,
      Research Community, has mentored a number of students            and that was my other real attraction to the program; he was        Journal of Ocular Biology, Diseases, and Informatics and       today, he continues to mentor students at EEC. In fact, one
      who seek a career in the field of vision research.               thinking in ways that was different from other people in the        Clinical Optometry. He is active on numerous national          of his first mentees was current EEC faculty member and
                                                                       field. It struck me as an opportunity to go to NIH and change       and international committees and has served institution-       researcher, Jeffrey Boatright, PhD. “Dr. Boatright—right
                                                                       from studying the liver to the lens.”                               ally as well as at Emory on the University’s Library Policy    from the get-go—has always been a valued colleague. It was
      Setting the Foundation                                              He received his bachelor’s degree at Massachusetts Insti-        Committee. He is a prolific manuscript reviewer for numer-     obvious immediately that he was a rising star. All I had to
      But, before he knew he’d become a mentoring giant at EEC,        tute of Technology, his master’s degree from Michigan State         ous scientific publications.                                   do was to get out of the way,” Nickerson says.
      Nickerson got his start in 1981 by serving as a senior fellow    Uni­versity, his PhD from the University of Texas Medical              A sought-after lecturer and visiting professor, Nickerson     “I always look forward to the opportunity to mentor, grow
      and biologist at the National Institutes of Health (NIH).        Branch and completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the NIH.          has been an invited speaker to universities across the         and develop the careers of junior and senior researchers, all
        “I got my start in vision research at NIH as a senior fellow      He joined Emory Eye Center in 1991.                              United States as well as to international conferences. He      while helping to reinvigorate the research program,” Nicker-
      under the leadership of Joram Piatigorsky, PhD, who                 Nickerson’s core research area focuses on retinal                has published more than 80 research articles, and numer-       son says. “We have great opportunities to not only grow
      suggested I study DNA technologies. I, then, completed my        degenerative diseases and the genetics behind them. His             ous book chapters and abstracts.                               the department, but to grow the area of vision research.”

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                                                                                                                 This image was taken prior to
                                                                                                                      the COVID-19 pandemic.
                                                                                                                                                   Expanding Vision Research                                               “I am excited that we are spiffing up this new space
                                                                                                                                                   With so many exciting changes happening in the future for             that hasn’t been renovated since the building was built
                                                                                                                                                   vision research, Nickerson thinks it is a great time for others       40 years ago. As for progress on the renovation, we
                                                                                                                                                   to get involved in the field. As the current director of              completely gutted our existing area and created some-
                                                                                                                                                   research at EEC, Nickerson plays a role in not only                   thing completely from scratch for a better, more collab-
                                                                                                                                                   mentoring pre- and post-doctoral students, but he also                orative work and research space. We are encouraging
                                                                                                                                                   oversees growing the research department, which is                    researchers to not only work by themselves, but to work
                                                                                                                                                   housed on the second floor of clinic building B on the                in groups and teams. Over the next few years, we also
                                                                                                                                                   Emory University’s main campus.                                       want to highlight the work that we are doing in several
                                                                                                                                                     The area has been renovated to welcome future                       key areas: Age-related macular degeneration (AMD),
                                                                                                                                                   researchers and ultimately grow the department’s                      diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, ocular oncology, uveal
                                                                                                                                                   research program (see page 33). Over the next 5 years,                melanoma. It is my hope that we can build upon what we
                                                                                                                                                   he has plans to grow the department to include six new                have and create teams for each of these great projects,”
                                                                                                                                                   junior and senior faculty members.                                    Nickerson says.

       Allen D. Beck                               "Dr. Nickerson came from the National           "Dr. Nickerson has been an amazing men-         based on who you want to be because            “John was my lab supervisor and men-          “John was tenured at the National Eye
       MD, director of Emory Eye Center            Institutes of Health (NIH) to the Emory         tor and my success as a PhD student is          1) they reflect the things you value in your   tor during my stay at the NEI from 1990       Institute (NEI) in the mid-1980s when
       and chair of ophthalmology                  Eye Center several years after I arrived.       really the product of his mentorship. He        science and 2) they will help guide your       until he moved to Emory. I was sorry to       I was a young post-doctoral student
       “John has been a vital and productive       He had already established himself as           is an incredible scientist who is invested      professional development’. Under Dr.           see him go. His calm, common sense,           there, at the dawn of ocular molecular
       member of the Emory Eye Center research     the world’s expert on interphotoreceptor        in the lives and careers of his personnel       Nickerson's mentorship and leadership,         dry good humor, and excellent research        biology. He had been recruited from
       team for many years. Dr. Nickerson is now   retinoid binding protein (IRBP).                and is flexible with his time and expecta-      I've learned the things that he values, both   vision helped me along my own path to         the NEI laboratory of Joram Piatigor-
       our director of research, having served        John has accomplished many things            tions. This flexibility has allowed me to       in his research and in the members of his      becoming an independent researcher.           sky, a true pioneer of ocular molecular
       for ten years as our vice director in his   during his career, including establish-         grow independently as a vision scientist,       lab. His brand of leadership puts emphasis     His overall understanding of the eye          biology, and his project was to clone
       very capable way.                           ing—with Drs. Jeffrey Boatright and             while still being able to go to him anytime I   on the power of listening and reflection,      research field has never failed to impress    interphotoreceptor retinoid binding
          He has made innumerable contribu-        Bob Church—the first all-digital medical        need help. Under his guidance, I have been      the importance of elegant but simple           me, and during my earlier years, I never      protein (IRBP), an important protein of
       tions to our knowledge of the basic         journal, Molecular Vision, leading a weekly     able to obtain independent grant funding,       experiments in the discovery of complex        talked with John without learning some-       the retina. I was a protein biochemist
       mechanisms of ocular disease states         meeting on data session for all labs at the     contribute to several publications, develop     interactions and learning from those who       thing relevant about how to navigate the      working on the biochemistry of IRBP
       and has come up with innovative strate-     Eye Center, leading the Biology of the Eye      skills both inside and outside of the lab and   may have a different perspective on a          world of Academic research.                   in another group, but I wanted to learn
       gies for effective interventions.           Course, training numerous PhD students          ultimately fall in love with vision science.”   concept than you do.                              We have remained friends, and I            molecular biology to expand my skill-
          But, Dr. Nickerson’s most obvious        and fellows, including Dr. Boatright, obtain-                                                      As a mentor, Dr. Nickerson recognizes       treasure his friendship. John is never        set. John and his group were welcom-
       accomplishment is founding Molecular        ing virtually continuous NIH funding, estab-                                                    my accomplishments, encourages me              impressed with power, only with the wis-      ing and, most importantly, fun to work
       Vision, an electronic journal that ranks    lishing a Southeastern Vision Research                                                          to challenge my comfort zone, gives me         dom of the person who wields it, and is       with! So, for my part, I determined IRBP
       among the top vision research journals.     Seminar and now leading our departmental                                                        room to make mistakes, gives me the            himself an excellent researcher, lab chief,   protein sequences to guide and validate
       However, I think the training and mentor-   Core Grant and Training Grant.                                                                  freedom to follow my ideas, and con-           and director of students. As a lab chief      his group’s IRBP gene sequencing, and
       ship of many pre-doctoral candidates and       John’s research is insightful and impec-                                                     structive criticism when I need it. All        myself, I often try to use his approach in    in return John trained me in the tech-
       post-doctoral fellows is what stands out    cable; he freely shares his time and exper-                                                     these things have enhanced my experi-          dealing with students and in the lab, and     niques of molecular biology.
       in my mind. Our own Dr. Jeffrey Boatright   tise; and he is a wonderful colleague.                                                          ence as a researcher in visual sciences,       I am amazed that what seems so easy for          At the time, IRBP was the largest
       is a prime example of his wonderful men-       He has greatly helped me with research                                                       and I'm sure will propel me forward in my      him, is actually a delicate dance of un-      protein ever whose gene was cloned.
       torship abilities.”                         and professional advice, including critiqu-                                                     career ambitions.”                             derstanding people’s personalities and        As a testament to John’s well-known
                                                   ing grants, and ensuring scientific rigor. I                                                                                                   sensitivity to their needs. Emory is lucky    generosity in training/mentorship, this
                                                   thank John for all he has done for me and                                                                                                      to have him.”                                 training has stood me in good stead in
       Hans E. Grossniklaus                        the Emory Eye Center.”                                                                          Steven L. Bernstein                                                                          my career. These early interactions cer-
       MD, MBA, vice chair of translational res­                                                                                                   MD, PhD, professor and vice chair of                                                         tainly have extended into a fruitful col-
       earch, director of the L.F. Montgomery                                                      Bre Shelton                                     research, department of Ophthalmol­            T. Michael Redmond                            laboration and friendship: over the past
       Pathology Laboratory, and founding          Salma Ferdous                                   MA, pre-doctoral research scientist,            ogy and Visual Sciences, Anatomy and           PhD, senior investigator and chief,           30 years we have shared co-authorship
       director of ocular oncology and path­       PHD Candidate, laboratory of Dr.                laboratory of Dr. Nickerson                     Neurobiology, University of Maryland           Laboratory of Retinal Cell & Molecular        on 15 papers, and many, many good
       ology service at Emory Eye Center           Nickerson                                       “I've always been told to, ‘choose a mentor     School of Medicine                             Biology, National Eye Institute               times in science!”

       12 | EMORY EYE | 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         2021 | EMORY EYE | 13

      CREATING A NETWORK OF   Emory Eye Center partners with vari-
                                                                                                                   IT IS ESTIMATED
                                                                                                                   THAT …
                              ous eye care organizations to establish                                              13%      OF PATIENTS
                                                                                                                   CURRENTLY LACK ACCESS TO
                              an eye care network to prevent blind-                                                AFFORDABLE VISION CARE

                              ness for those who need it most.

                                                                                                                          GA COUNTIES CUR-
                                         magine needing vision care        “Everyone deserves access to            RENTLY LACK AN EYE HEALTH
                                         but not being able to get the   quality vision care. The state of         PROVIDER

                                         care you need because you       Georgia is very spread out and has a
                                         don't know where to find an     very poor public transportation
                                         ophthalmologist or struggle     system. Just because someone lives in                OF GEORGIAN COUN-
                                         to find reliable transporta-    a rural area shouldn’t mean they can’t    TIES LACK EYE CARE SERVICES

                              tion to get to an eye care center.         be provided with a basic level of care
                                Additionally, many healthcare            from an eye professional,” O’Banion
                              organizations conduct vision screen-       says. “Another issue we’ve noticed is     THERE WILL BE A
                              ings but oftentimes lack the resources     that many patients can’t drive to the     INCREASE IN VISION IMPAIRMENT
                              to get their patient to a provider for     eye doctor especially if they have a      IN GEORGIA BY 2050

                              follow-up treatment. The patient is        debilitating condition such as diabetes
                              left with a known vision condition         or age-related macular degeneration.
                              that needs to be diagnosed, cared for,     This places a limit on how they can                 INCREASE IN
                              and treated but has no method of           receive the care they need.”              CONDITIONS SUCH AS DIABETIC
                              finding that care.                           Two graduate students began laying      RETINOPATHY
                                Unfortunately, these are some of         the groundwork for the program with
                              the common challenges many rural
                              Georgians or low-income, at-risk
                              individuals experience.
                                                                         projection studies. In 2016, Laney
                                                                         Williams, then a medical student at the
                                                                         Donald and Barbara Zucker School
                                                                                                                   IN 2018,   13.7%
                                                                                                                   GEORGIANS WERE UNINSURED

                                Emory Eye Center (EEC), in part-         of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell,         (3RD HIGHEST IN THE U.S.)
                              nership with Georgia Vision 2020,          completed a projection study that
                              aims to bridge these gaps and help         examined how many Georgians will
                              Georgians get the vision care and          be visually impaired or blind and         IN APRIL 2020, THE UNEMPLOY-
                                                                                                                   MENT RATE REACHED AS HIGH AS

                              treatment they need—through a              determined the leading causes of these
                              network-based, telehealth program          conditions through the year 2050.
                              called the Georgia Vision Network.           Using those projections, in 2018,
                                Developed by Jacquelyn O'Banion,         Alexandrea Williams, Rollins
                              MD, MSc., a comprehensive ophthal-         School of Public Health Class of          SOURCES: 1. Kelly E, Wen Q, Haddad D, O'Banion
                              mologist at EEC and director of Global     2019, and a graduate assistant            J. Effects of an Aging Population and Racial Demo-
                                                                                                                   graphics on Eye Disease Prevalence: Projections
                              Ophthalmology Emory, the Georgia           development coordinator, collected
                                                                                                                   for Georgia Through 2050. American Journal of
                              Vision Network seeks to create a web       available eye care services (in both      Ophthalmology. 2020;210:35-40. 2. Williams A,
                              of care—connecting patients in need        ophthalmology and optometry) and          O’Banion J. Through the Lens of Spatial Access
                              of eye care services with eye care         coupled the results with access to        to Care: The State of Georgia’s Vision. Submitted.
                                                                                                                   3. Lynch MG, Maa AY. The Use of Telemedicine to
                              professionals and organizations                                                      Extend Ophthalmology Care. JAMA ophthalmol-
                              equipped to provide those services.        Continued                                 ogy. 2016;134(5):543-544.

      14 | EMORY EYE | 2021                                                                                                             2021 | EMORY EYE | 15

     public transportation by county–and
                                                                                                         This image was taken prior to
     cross-mapped that information with                                                                       the COVID-19 pandemic.
     Laney’s projections to create a “Map
     of Need” by county.
        “My project examined the county-
     level availability of eye health profes-
     sionals—ophthalmologists and
                                                                                                                                         Emory Eye Center Faculty Give Back at Community
     optom­etrists—and public transporta-
     tion in Georgia in relation to projected
     increase in the prevalence of blindness
                                                                                                                                         Health Clinic With Remote Area Medical

     and visual impairment in Georgia
     residents, aged 40 years and older,”                                                                                                               mory Eye Center optom-
     says Alexandrea Williams.                                                                                                                          etrists Mary Carlton, OD,
        “I spent a couple of months identify-                                                                                                           and Kristen Thelen, OD,
     ing certified ophthalmologists and               PREVENTING VISION LOSS FOR ALL GEORGIANS                                                          FAAO, are dedicated to
     licensed optometrists in Georgia and             Georgia Vision 2020 is a network of vision service providers collabo-              ensuring their patients have healthy
     conducted extensive Google searches              rating to prevent visual impairment and helping Georgians achieve                  vision. Outside of their work at Emory,
     to locate each practitioner's office, as         their full visual potential through health promotions and education,               they provide eye care to underserved
     well as counties with public transporta-         service delivery, and advocacy.                                                    and uninsured men, women and
     tion. This project highlighted that there          The organization’s vision is to create a world in which no Georgian is           children at nationwide healthcare
     may be reduced availability of both              needlessly blind or visually impaired and where those with unavoidable             clinics sponsored by Remote Area
     resources in Georgia's rural counties,           vision loss can achieve their full potential through universal access to           Medical (RAM).                               Mary S. Carlton, OD                          Kristen Thelen, OD, FAAO
     which may impact Georgia's rural resi-           comprehensive eye care services.                                                      RAM is a Knoxville, Tennessee-
     dents' ability to access timely eye care.”         The Georgia 2020 Network is made up of the following organizations:              based nonprofit provider of free mobile      in Virginia. I was hesitant at first, but    Thelen or another optometrist, at a
        Through the Georgia Vision                    • Atlanta Lions Club                                                               medical clinics. Their mission is to         once there, I was amazed at the num-         designated station. A thorough eye
     Network, patients will go through a              • Center for the Visually Impaired                                                 prevent pain and alleviate suffering by      ber of volunteers at the clinic, both pro-   examination is performed to deter-
     vision screening offered by certified            • Emory Eye Center                                                                 providing free, quality healthcare to        fessionals and members from the              mine the presence of vision-related
     vision screening organizations like              • The Georgia Lions Lighthouse Foundation                                          those in need.                               community,” Carlton says.                    problems. For simple cases, patients
     Prevent Blindness Georgia, Georgia               • Georgia Eye Bank                                                                    Many volunteer professionals provide        “The clinics were extremely well           are given medicine or an eyeglasses
     Lions Lighthouse Foundation, and                 • Georgia Optometric Association                                                   free dental, vision and medical services     organized. All the necessary equip-          prescription and can pick up a free
     others. The screening will also include          • Georgia Society of Ophthalmology                                                 to underserved and uninsured men,            ment was set up and optometrists,            pair of eyeglasses the same day.
     a needs assessment to determine if               • Prevent Blindness Georgia                                                        women and children. The RAM website          ophthalmologists and optometry                 “After the patients receive the
     they qualify for any existing patient            • Savannah Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired                              mentions 155,000 volunteers—licensed         students participated in patient care,”      exams, they are sent to a full-service
     assistance programs. The information             For more information about Georgia Vision 2020, visit:                             dental, vision and medical profession-       Carlton says.                                on-site optical lab to have their
     is stored in a HIPAA-secured portal              www.gavision2020.org.                                                              als—have treated more than 800,000             The day begins with the clinic parking     eyeglasses made,” Carlton explains.
     and database which will be used to                                                                                                  individuals and delivered more than          lot opening to the public no later than      “For continued care, we were provid-
     connect the patient with a network of                                                                                               $150 million worth of free care.             midnight on the first night of the event.    ed a list of community eye doctors
     local eye care providers who can             EEC partnering with Georgia Light-        are visually impaired and another               “Volunteering with RAM brings a           Each incoming patient is assigned a          who would follow up with the patients
     perform routine eye services or more         house, who developed a fully outfitted    100,000 that are blind,” O’Banion says.      special level of fun and fulfillment to my   ticket and served by their ticket            at no additional cost.”
     complex eye care if necessary.               van to perform comprehensive exami-         “This is a 220% increase in visual         life,” Thelen says. “The highly-supported    number when clinic doors open. Doors           “I enjoyed the experience so much, I
        “Through this program, we eventu-         nations but lacks the professional and    impairment which significantly outpaces      clinics are organized and efficient. We      usually open for patients at 6 a.m.          signed up for my second trip to Tennes-
     ally can treat our patients in one place     technological help to enhance capacity    the anticipated U.S. increase of 150%.”      can provide high-quality eye care while        Dental, vision and medical services        see,” Carlton says. "I love to give back
     instead of having to send them to five       ophthalmic care. Partnerships like this   “Georgia also ranks third in the U.S. for    getting to know an entirely new commu-       are provided to patients on a first-         to patients that are in need."
     different places to get the care they        would allow the program to function as    those without health insurance, which        nity. It’s always fun connecting with new    come, first-serve basis. Due to time           Mission trips are made possible by
     need," O’Banion says.                        a mobile eye clinic and bring services    can only be expected to increase due to      people and lending a helping hand.”          constraints, patients may opt to             Emory through the Shared Operating
        Although in its development stage,        ranging from routine vision screenings    the impact of COVID. It will take a             Thelen began volunteering with            choose between dental and vision             and Unit Performance (SOUP) pro-
     O’Banion anticipates the program will        to comprehensive eye care directly to     concerted and collaborative effort to        RAM as an optometry student in 2011.         services, although med­ical services         gram. Each year, Emory University and
     eventually incorporate a mobile              the patient.                              bring services to those in need and          She later invited Carlton to join.           are offered to all patients.                 Emory Healthcare support additional
     ophthalmology service.                         “Without intervention, Georgia is       prevent Georgia residents from                  “Dr. Thelen approached me in 2018           When a patient chooses the vision          individual and programmatic clinical
        One such opportunity would involve        expected to have 226,000 people who       becoming visually impaired.”                 to volunteer with her for a RAM clinic       option, they are seen by Carlton,            and academic initiatives.

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      A NEW
      Providing vision care,
      treating children
      during COVID

                          mory Eye Center pediatric ophthal-           for Emory Eye Center and Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta
                          mologists are expertly trained to work       (CHOA) at Egleston. “In the beginning, we didn’t know
                          with children. Working with young            how extensive the impact from COVID-19 would be, so
                          patients can bring its own set of            we restricted visits to patients that needed emergency or
                          challenges on a normal day as children       urgent care.”
                          require an extra level of care, but when       The pediatric ophthalmology service at Emory Eye
      the coronavirus pandemic—a novel coronavirus (SARS-              Center provides comprehensive, compassionate care for
      CO-V2), the virus that causes the disease COVID-19—              children and their vision ranging from general eye exams
      swept the country in March 2020 eye and vision care for          to treatment of the most complex childhood eye diseases
      young patients added a new level of complexity.
        “For the first time ever, we essentially closed our clinic,”
      says Amy K. Hutchinson, MD, a pediatric ophthalmologist          Continued

      18 | EMORY EYE | 2021                                                                                                        2021 | EMORY EYE | 19

                                                                                                                                                                                                           The Emory Eye Center's Pedi-
                                                                                                                                                                                                           atric Ophthalmology service
                                                                                                                                                                                                           provides comprehensive,
      and disorders. They are uniquely situated to collaborate         She continues, “Working with the pediatric ophthal-                                                                                 compassionate care of chil-
      with other Center specialists on the diagnosis and treat-      mology team has been great as everyone has been helpful                                                                               dren's vision, from birth-17
      ment of children's visual problems.                            and worked as a team to get these children the best care                                                                              years of age, that range from
                                                                                                                                                                                                           general eye exams to treat-
        Hutchinson provides outpatient (office visits, short         possible and point me in the right direction of where to send                                                                         ment of the most complex
      clinical visits) vision care at the Center and inpatient       the children. I don’t have any experience working at Emory                                                                            childhood eye diseases and
                                                                                                                                                                                                           disorders.Our pediatric oph-
      consultations (medical eye exams and treatment admin-          that hasn’t included COVID-19, so this is my normal.”                                                                                 thalmologists are uniquely
      istered to patients who are currently hospitalized) at           A few months later the clinic began to reopen, Hutchin-                                                                             situated for collaboration
                                                                                                                                                                                                           with other Eye Center spe-
      CHOA. In addition, Dr. Hutchinson performs weekly              son and her team began to see patients that required                                                                                  cialists on the diagnosis and
      and time sensitive retinopathy of prematurity screening        more routine care. However, because of the coronavirus                                                                                treatment of children's visual
      exams in the neonatal ICU, which continued uninter-            pandemic, the team raised a new level of caution for
      rupted during the pandemic.                                    themselves and for their patients.                                                                                                    (left) Physician Phoebe Len-
                                                                                                                                                                                                           hart, MD, shares a smile with
        Retina specialist Baker Hubbard III, MD, provides care         “We understood the major decisions we had to make                                                                                   a young patient adjusting to
      for young patients with retinoblastoma (RB), a kind of eye     as our clinic reopened for business. If we thought it was                                                                             his new corrective lenses.

      cancer. “RB patients must have regular laser treatments, or    safe for a patient to postpone a routine exam, we did.”
      they risk progression of tumors that may threaten their        Hutchinson says.                                                                                                                      All images were taken before
                                                                                                                                                                                                           the COVID-19 pandemic.

            The pediatric ophthalmology service at Emory Eye
            Center provides comprehensive, compassionate care
            of children's vision ranging from general eye exams
            to treatment of the most complex childhood eye dis-
            eases and disorders.

      vision or even their lives,” he says. “With that in mind, we     “The waiting room looked different—with seats blocked
      carefully continued care for patients with active RB even      off and spaced at least 6 feet apart. We had to be mindful
      during the weeks when most things were completely shut         of how we kept the exam rooms occupied—this meant
      down. We would examine them under anesthesia in the            keeping the patients isolated in exam rooms or spaced out
      operating room and then they would go to the oncology          as much as possible in the main waiting room to allow for         cleaned and sanitized, and our exam instruments are wiped
      unit for chemotherapy. This was our usual routine and          social distancing measures.”                                      down,” Hutchinson explains.
      we never stopped.”                                               Due to the new patient and visitor guidelines put in place         “It is still is very strange to not be able to give high fives
        Pediatric specialist Sarah Dille Lee, OD, MSPH, FAAO,        by Emory, one adult could accompany a child patient during        or hugs to my patients, but that will probably be the norm
      joined the Eye Center’s faculty in April 2020. Due to her      an office visit. “During a slit lamp exam, we required the        for a while now,” Lee says.
      expertise managing complex eye conditions in children,         doctor, patient and their visitor to wear a mask to reduce the       Despite the changes that took place during the corona-
      she began to see patients whose appointments were              chances of spreading the virus,” Hutchinson says. “Most           virus pandemic, EEC doctors continued to adapt and care
      canceled early on during the pandemic.                         adult patients will wear a mask to their visit—for children,      for those who need it most, oftentimes putting their own
        “As a new provider without an established patient base, my   however—it is difficult for them to keep their mask on            health on the line.
      role was to see the children that needed to be seen sooner.    because they don’t fully understand what’s going on.”                “The CHOA nursing staff is amazingly effective at making
      However, the hardest part has been figuring out all the          “If the waiting room got too crowded, we were prepared          children and families comfortable and at reducing stress,”
      appropriate referrals and how a new clinic operates while      to ask patients to wait in their cars, but, luckily, we did not   Hubbard says. “We owe these nurses a huge debt of grati-
      the operation seems to be changing weekly for everyone         have to resort to those measures,” Hutchinson says. “Just         tude for their work under normal circumstances and that
      based on the changing health recommendations,” Lee says.       before the patient enters the exam room, each room is             is even more true during COVID.”

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                                                   s a young girl,                                                                                                  (left) During the CXL procedure, vitamin b2 drops

      A SAVING
                                                                                                                                                                    are applied and a controlled ultraviolet-A light
                                                   Tymeisha French                                                                                                  shines directly onto Tymeisha's eye. (below)
                                                   and her mother,                                                                                                  Cornea specialist Soroosh Behshad, MD, MPH,
                                                                                                                                                                    performs the corneal collagen cross-linking
                                                   Emmalee Cooper,                                                                                                  procedure on one of Tymeisha’s eyes.
                                                   noticed her eyes
                               looked different and she struggled
                               with poor vision. “I couldn’t see
                               anything—a person’s eyes, nose,
                               mouth or ears. I could only see the
                               outline of a person standing there
                               and the rest of it was blurry,” French
                               says. “I was bullied at school because
                               of the shape of my eye.”
                                  The 16-year-old high school student
                               also works as a cashier at a local restau-
                               rant to help pay for her family’s bills.
                               Though French now confidently uses           CXL procedure strengthens and                family to share news that her CXL             The recovery phase usually takes
                               the small computer screen to complete        stabilizes the cornea by creating new        procedure was paid for in full by a        about one week for the eye to heal.
                               orders and check out customers just          collagen fibers within the cornea.”          generous donation to the Emory Eye         “Patients commonly experience ocular
                               last year these tasks were impossible           During the CXL procedure, liquid          Center. “The room filled with screams      discomfort and potentially light
                               due to her worsening vision.                 riboflavin (vitamin b2) drops are            of joy, mixed with tears of happiness      sensitivity for the first one to three
                                  After several visits to multiple eye      applied and a controlled ultraviolet-A       and relief. This was truly a moving        days,” Behshad says. “To help reduce
                               doctors and no formal diagnosis, a           light shines directly on to the patient’s    and memorable experience for our           this discomfort, a bandage contact lens
                               friend referred French and her mother        eye. This causes new corneal collagen        entire team,” Smith says.                  is placed on the eye after the proce-
                               to the Emory Eye Center to meet with         cross-links to develop. Those cross-                                                    dure, which stays in place for the first
                               cornea specialist Soroosh Behshad, MD,       links cause collagen rod-like struc-                                                    two to four days and is removed at the
                               MPH, who also serves as the Center           tures, or fibrils, to shorten and thicken,                                              first post-operative visit. Their vision
                               Chief at Emory St. Joseph’s. French was      leading to a stiffer, stronger cornea.                                                  continues to improve each day and
                               diagnosed with a progressive eye             “The procedure takes about one hour,                                                    typically stabilizes around one week.”
                               disease called keratoconus—a condition       and we numb the patient’s eye ahead of         “The room filled                            “Tymeisha was seen four days
                               in which the clear tissue on the front of    time so there is no pain or discomfort,”                                                following the procedure, a second time
                               the eye (also known as the cornea) thins     Behshad says.
                                                                                                                          with screams of joy,                      the following week, and every month
                               and bulges outward into a cone shape.           All potential candidates with corneal      mixed with tears of                       since her first procedure,” Behshad
                                  Treatment for keratoconus involves
                               placing a specialty contact lens on the
                                                                            conditions are thoroughly evaluated
                                                                            by a cornea specialist. This evaluation
                                                                                                                             happiness and                          says. “Her vision has continued to
                                                                                                                                                                    improve every visit. In addition, we
                               eye while a corneal specialist moni-         includes a routine eye exam; a detailed         relief. This was                        hoped the outcome of Tymeisha’s
                               tors the condition of the cornea.            corneal mapping of the cornea; and            truly a moving and                        procedure would stabilize her cornea
                               However, the disease later advances          measurement of corneal thickness,                                                       and keep her keratoconus from getting
                               to a stage where specialty contact           which determines if they’re a candi-          memorable experi-                         worse, but—the great news is—since
                               lenses are ineffective, and the patient      date for the CXL procedure.                   ence for our entire                       the procedure, her cornea and vision
                               must undergo a corneal transplant.              As for the cost, the CXL procedure                                                   have both improved.”
                                  In 2016, the Food and Drug                is not covered by insurance compa-
                                                                                                                            team.” –Melanie Smith                      French is now enjoying life with her
                               Administration approved a new                nies. Patients must often pay the full                                                  improved vision.
                               treatment technique called corneal           cost—about $5,000-$10,000 per eye—              If a patient requires surgery on both      “It’s been great to hear about her new
      A NEW TECHNIQUE          collagen cross-linking (CXL). “CXL
                               is a minimally invasive outpatient
                                                                            out of pocket.
                                                                               French required CXL treatment in
                                                                                                                         eyes, a cornea specialist recommends
                                                                                                                         treating one eye at a time. This gives
                                                                                                                                                                    successes, both in school and at work,"
                                                                                                                                                                    Behshad says. "Since the procedure on

      HELPS RESTORE A YOUNG    procedure designed to treat progres-
                               sive keratoconus and other similar
                                                                            both eyes.
                                                                               In late 2019, Melanie Smith, the
                                                                                                                         the eye time to stabilize and minimize
                                                                                                                         risk of infection during the healing
                                                                                                                                                                    her first eye, she has become so much
                                                                                                                                                                    more confident. I’m looking forward to

      PATIENT’S VISION         conditions causing weakness of the
                               cornea,” Behshad explains. “The
                                                                            Center’s CXL coordinator, set up a
                                                                            conference call with French and her
                                                                                                                         process. French’s first procedure was
                                                                                                                         completed in January 2020.
                                                                                                                                                                    proceeding with her second eye, thanks
                                                                                                                                                                    to the support from our donors.”

       22 | EMORY EYE | 2021                                                                                                                                                              2021 | EMORY EYE | 23

      USE OF

                                                                             ew findings published by Emory          employ,” Newman explains. “However, just taking these
                                                                             Eye Center neuro-ophthalmolo-           photographs is not enough. Currently, someone must inter-
                                                                             gists, Nancy J. Newman, MD              pret the optic nerve appearance either on-site or via telemedi-
                                                                             and Valérie Biousse, MD, along with     cine, potentially delaying correct diagnosis and management.
                                                                             an international consortium of          This artificial intelligence deep-learning system automati-
                                                                             researchers from the Brain and          cally and immediately correctly classifies the appearance of
                                                                             Optic Nerve Study with Artificial       the optic disc without any additional clinical information.”
                                                  Intelligence (BONSAI) group and Singapore National Eye               The research used 15,846 photographs from individuals
                                                  Centre show that an artificial intelligence deep-learning system   of multiple ethnicities. The study showed that a deep-learn-
                                                  can accurately detect papilledema and other non-papilledema        ing system can accurately differentiate between abnormal
                                                  optic disc abnormalities from ocular fundus photographs.           optic discs and normal optic discs 99% of the time, and
                                                    Their research, “Artificial intelligence to detect papill-       between papilledema and normal optic discs 98% of the
                                                  edema from ocular fundus photographs” was published in             time. Further studies will investigate the use of this system
                                                  the New England Journal of Medicine in April 2020. The             in a web-based application that can be used for immediate
                                                  work was a collaborative effort between Emory Eye Center           interpretation of photographs obtained in real-life settings.
                                                  neuro-ophthal­mologists and a group of researchers repre-            “With more testing, our hope is that the Singapore
                                                  senting 24 centers in 15 countries around the world, led by        engineers will eventually create a simple screening tool
                                                  Singapore Professor Dan Milea, MD, PhD, and Singapore              that is low-cost, easy to use and only requires photographs
                                                  engineers under the direction of Professor Tien Yin Wong,          of a person’s eyes in a clinic or emergency department,”
                                                  MD, PhD.                                                           says Biousse. “This screening could allow serious neuro-
                                                    The study examines the use of a deep-learning system, or         logic problems to be quickly identified and treated, and
                                                  a special computer algorithm, to detect the optic disc, the        potentially save a patient’s vision or life. Such a tool would
                                                  visible portion of the optic nerve, and classify it as normal,     help diagnose patients without having them travel to an
                                                  papilledema (swelling of the optic disc specifically due to        eye clinic – a particularly important concern now, consid-
                                                  increased pressure in and around the brain) or another optic       ering the COVID-19 pandemic.”
                                                  disc abnormality, using photographs of the back of the eye           Newman currently serves as director of the Neuro-
                                                  (ocular fundus).                                                   Ophthalmology service at the Emory Eye Center, where
       Emory Eye Center neuro-                      “Examining the ocular fundus is an integral part of the          she maintains the LeoDelle Jolley Chair of Ophthalmology.
       ophthalmologists Valérie                   physical examination that should be performed in many              She also holds the positions of professor of Ophthalmology
       Biousse, MD, and Nancy
       Newman, MD, were part                      clinical settings where expert eye-care specialists are            and Neurology and instructor in Neurological Surgery at
       of the research team that                  frequently not immediately available,” says Newman.                the Emory University School of Medicine.
       led the groundbreaking
       research.                                  “Recognizing abnormalities of the optic nerve is particularly        Biousse is a professor in the Neuro-Ophthalmology
       This image was taken prior
                                                  important in emergency departments and neurologic and              service at the Emory Eye Center. She is the Cyrus H. Stoner
       to the COVID-19 pandemic.                  primary care clinics, where detection of papilledema can           professor of Ophthalmology, and she also holds the position
                                                  reveal vision- and life-threatening conditions of elevated         of professor in the department of Neurology. She serves as
                                                  intracranial pressure such as brain tumors and clots in the        the department of Ophthalmology’s vice-chair for Faculty
                                                  veins of the brain.”                                               Development, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

     Research team uses artificial intelligence     “Ocular fundus photographs can remove the need for direct
                                                  examination of the eye using an ophthalmoscope—an instru-
                                                                                                                       The research was funded by the Singapore National Medi-
                                                                                                                     cal Research Council and the SingHealth Duke-NUS Ophthal-

     to detect abnormalities in the optic nerve
                                                  ment non-ophthalmologists find difficult to use and rarely         mology and Visual Sciences Academic Clinical Program.

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