The University of Edinburgh - Postgraduate Guide 2020

Page created by Neil Gordon
The University of Edinburgh - Postgraduate Guide 2020
Guide 2020     Influencing the world since 1583
The University of Edinburgh - Postgraduate Guide 2020
2                                                              The University of Edinburgh
                                                                Postgraduate Guide 2020 entry                                 01

“Edinburgh isn’t so much a city, more
  a way of life … I doubt I’ll ever tire of    Welcome to                                   03
                                                                                                 About the University
                                                                                                 The Edinburgh experience

                                               the University
  exploring Edinburgh, on foot or in print.”                                                05   Global connections
 Ian Rankin                                                                                 06   Career development
 Best-selling author and alumnus                                                            11   Supporting you and your

                                               of Edinburgh                                 12
                                                                                                 Join a global student
                                                                                            14   Fees, funding and costs
                                                                                            17   City life
                                                                                            21   Visit us
                                                                                            22   Accommodation
                                                                                            25   Choosing your programme
                                                                                            26   Online programmes
                                                                                            28   How to apply
                                                                                            30   Index of masters
                                                                                            37   Our Colleges and
                                                                                                 research areas
                                                                                            40   Contact us
                                                                                            41   Find out more

The University of Edinburgh - Postgraduate Guide 2020
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                                        TOP 50                                                                       Come and join us
                                                                                                                     The University of Edinburgh has been changing
                                                                                                                     the world for more than 400 years.
                                        We are consistently ranked as one
                                        of the top 50 universities in the                                            Our famous alumni include historical greats, such
                                        world. We’re 18th in the 2019                                                as Joseph Black, who discovered carbon dioxide,
                                        QS World University Rankings.                                                and philosopher David Hume, whose ideas laid
                                                                                                                     the foundations of contemporary thought, as well
                                                                                                                     as 21st-century luminaries such as Harry Potter
                                        4 TH                                                                         creator J K Rowling and the UK’s most successful
                                                                                                                     Olympic gold medal winner, Sir Chris Hoy.
                                        We’re ranked fourth in the UK for
                                        research power, based on the 2014                                            The work we do at the University is constantly
                                                                                                                     expanding the depth of human knowledge and
                                        Research Excellence Framework.*                                              improving the lives of ordinary people. Research
                                                                                                                     conducted here led to the discovery of chloroform

                                        24                                                                           anaesthesia, the Higgs boson particle and in-vitro
                                                                                                                     fertilisation. Our academics have advanced the
                                                                                                                     public understanding of how our behaviours affect
                                        We are associated with
                                                                                                                     ageing, protected forest ecosystems, and helped
                                        24 Nobel Prize winners.                                                      bring broadband to remote communities. Our
                                                                                                                     students make a difference while they are

                                        TOP 100                                                                      studying here through their outreach work in local
                                                                                                                     schools and communities. As graduates, our alumni
                                                                                                                     go on to make positive impacts on the world
                                        We are ranked in the top 10 in                                               using the skills, experience and knowledge
                                        the UK and in the top 100 in                                                 they gain at the University.
                                        the world for the employability
                                        of our graduates.§                                                           The University has long enjoyed a spirit of
                                                                                                                     innovation, and continues to do so today. Working

                                                                                                                     with our partners and building on our strengths in
                                                                                                                     data science, we've set out to establish our region
                                                                                                                     as the data capital of Europe. From addressing
                                        We’re ranked 20th in the world’s                                             climate change to seeking cures for cancer, our
                                        most international universities.±                                            researchers are at the forefront of the research
                                        Since 2010, we have taught                                                   that will influence tomorrow’s world.
                                        students from more than                                                      Influencing the world since 1583
                                        160 countries.

                                        ONLINE             LEADER
                                        Edinburgh is one of the largest
                                        providers of online postgraduate
                                        programmes in the UK.

                                        * Times Higher Education, Overall Ranking of Institutions
Old College dome and ‘the golden boy’   § Times Higher Education, Global Employability University Ranking 2018
in the Central Area.                    ± Times Higher Education: The World’s Most International Universities 2018
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The Edinburgh experience                                                                                              Global
The University of Edinburgh is one of the largest and
most diverse universities in the UK. We host more than                                                                Our ambitious global
41,000 students studying across more than 150                                                                         engagement plan aims to
academic disciplines.                                                                                                 provide world-class experiences
                                                                                                                      for our students and ensures
                                                                                                                      that the teaching and research
Whether you choose to study on campus          • the University’s Talbot Rice Gallery and                             we deliver offers global benefits.
or online, your postgraduate experience at       the Tent Gallery at Edinburgh College
Edinburgh will be supported and enhanced         of Art host a range of contemporary
by the wealth of resources and opportunities     art exhibitions throughout the year;                                 Worldwide links
that a university of our size can offer.                                                                              We collaborate with a host of
                                               • the University Collection of Historical
                                                 Musical Instruments, one of the world’s                              world-leading institutions in fields
Quality teaching and research                    most important collections of musical                                as diverse as e-science, engineering,
All our postgraduates benefit from our                                                                                life and medical sciences, and arts
                                                 heritage spanning 500 years and 5,000
inspiring research culture. The academics                                                                             and culture. Our partners include:
                                                 objects; and
involved in your teaching and learning are
leaders in their fields and although the       • the University’s Anatomy Museum,
                                                                                                                      •   California Institute of Technology
emphasis at postgraduate level is very           which first opened in 1884 and hosts
                                                                                                                      •   Fudan University
much on independent study, support               a wealth of unique anatomical objects.
                                                                                                                      •   KU Leuven
from our teaching staff is always on hand.                                                                            •   Leiden University
The University is committed to delivering      Industry links and innovation
                                                                                                                      •   National University of Singapore
high-quality, innovative teaching. The         Edinburgh was one of the first UK
                                                                                                                      •   Peking University
latest report from the Quality Assurance       universities to develop commercial
                                                                                                                      •   Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Agency awarded us the highest rating           links with industry, government and
                                                                                                                      •   University College Dublin
possible for the quality of the student        the professions. Our commercialisation
                                                                                                                      •   University of Amsterdam
learning experience.                           service, Edinburgh Innovations (EI), leads
                                                                                                                      •   University of Copenhagen
                                               our activities in industry engagement,
                                                                                                                      •   University of Delhi
Outstanding facilities                         business development and enterprise
                                                                                                                      •   University of Helsinki
During the past five years we have invested    support. It has helped launch more than
                                                                                                                      •   University of Sydney
£80 million to maintain and enhance our        500 companies since 1967. EI can help
                                                                                                                      •   University of Toronto
teaching and learning spaces and we’re         you take your first step to market,                                    •   Zhejiang University.
investing more than £1 billion in the next     whether through starting a business
few years. You will have access to a wealth    or through collaborative research,                                     We have five Regional Centres in Latin
of study resources:                            licensing your discoveries or providing                                America, Southeast Asia, South Asia, North
• 10 libraries, including the third largest    consultancy services.                                                  America and East Asia, which support
  academic library in Europe, four million                                                                            engagement with students, academics
  printed volumes and an extensive             Social scene                                                           and alumni.
  digital collection;                          We have more than 280 student societies
• state-of-the-art laboratories and            covering sport, music, drama and the                                   We’re also a member of the global
  world-leading analytical facilities,         arts. Several international and multicultural                          research network Universitas 21, and
  including a 1.5km deep subsurface            societies offer support settling in and help                           the European networks COIMBRA group,
  biology laboratory, an Eco Diamond           you meet new friends. You’ll enjoy life in                             as well as UNICA, LERU, and UNA Europe.
  HK36 small aircraft for measuring trace      a vibrant, historic city of world-famous
  gases at 3,000 metres, and the FloWave       cultural festivals, full of great bars, clubs                          Global Academies
  Ocean Energy Research Facility for           and restaurants, all with the mountains                                Our Global Academies in health,
  simulating wave and tidal current            and beaches of Scotland on your doorstep:                              development, environment, food security,
  interactions – the largest of its kind                                            and justice bring together research expertise
  in Europe – to name but a few;                                                                                      from the University community and beyond
                                               Sporting excellence                                                    to tackle global challenges such as climate
• the University’s Centre for Research         In 2017/18 we were ranked third in the                                 change, poverty, the spread of epidemics
  Collections, one of the most important       UK for sport by British Universities and                               and cross-border injustices. Global
  resources of its kind in the world,          Colleges Sport (BUCS). We offer 64 sports                              Academies are a gateway to online and
  encompassing rare books, Shakespeare         clubs, covering everything from fencing                                on-campus interdisciplinary postgraduate
  first editions, oriental manuscripts,        to skydiving, horse riding to ice hockey.                              programmes aimed at anyone interested in
  architectural drawings, paintings,           Our world-class facilities are regularly                               addressing the major global issues of our
  sculpture, photography and, much             used by visiting international teams and                               time:
  more;                                        we host major events such as the Euro
• Europe’s foremost clinical research          Hockey tournament in 2018. We’re proud
  imaging facility alongside the world-        to have produced Olympians including Sir
  leading Scottish Centre for Regenerative     Chris Hoy and Katherine Grainger, who
  Medicine, and one of the UK’s largest        both developed their talents at Edinburgh
  state-of-the-art teaching hospitals;         and continue to support young athletes.
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 Career development                                                                                                                           My experience: using the Careers Service
 Ranked in the top 10 in the UK and in the top 100 in the world
 for the employability of our graduates*, the University is an
 excellent choice for a postgraduate education with prospects.

 We’re committed to helping you to
 develop skills and attributes that will
                                                    Employ.ed for PhDs
                                                    We support the provision of part-time,
                                                                                                 Public engagement opportunities
                                                                                                 Our Institute for Academic Development           Petra Yu
 enhance your ability to compete in the             on-campus internships, which provide         (IAD) houses the University's Public             MSc International Business
 job market, to progress your career, and           project-based, paid employment to our        Engagement team, so if you’re interested
 to achieve your full potential within the          current PhD students. These are advertised   in promoting your research to wider
                                                                                                                                                  & Emerging Markets graduate
 global community. In addition to the               on our careers portal, MyCareerHub:          audiences you will have access to                from Austria
 provision of dedicated support through                   resources, events and funding
 our award-winning Careers Service, we                                                           opportunities to help you develop the            Secured a job before graduation.
 broker strategic partnerships between              Platform One                                 necessary skills and experience to do so:
 academics, industry specialists and other          We provide opportunities for students to
 institutions, to enhance the development           draw on the knowledge and experience of
 of your graduate attributes and to embed           our worldwide alumni network both on         Doctorate Extension Scheme
 employability in our curricula.                    campus, through lectures, workshops and      We sponsor our graduates under the
                                                    panel discussions, and online via Platform   Doctorate Extension Scheme. This means           One of the most valuable things I was able
 Careers Service                                    One. This supportive online environment      international students completing a PhD          to take advantage of was the University’s
 Our Careers Service provides advice                allows students, alumni, staff and           or other doctorate-level qualification on        network of top employers. With its good
 and support whatever your plans for the            volunteers to gather to share their          a Tier 4 visa may be eligible to apply for       reputation and high ranking for the
 future. We run workshops throughout the            knowledge and experiences and discuss        a visa to stay in the UK for an additional       employability of students, world-leading
 year for our postgraduate students and             ideas, plans and possibilities:              12 months after their studies to work or         companies from various industries
 offer tailored sessions for our international                    look for work. The scheme allows you             attended, ranging from Jaguar Land Rover,
 students. We have a team dedicated to                                                           more time to find work with an employer,         to EY, Barclays, Sky and more. The University
 developing our already strong links with           Backing bright ideas                         gain practical experience, work on               offered many opportunities to network
 employers from all industry sectors, from          Edinburgh Innovations, the University’s      postdoctoral projects, or set yourself           with employers to prepare for life after
 the world’s top recruiters to small local          commercialisation service, offers free       up as an entrepreneur:                           graduation. These included presentations
 enterprises. We offer lots of opportunities        support to student entrepreneurs                  and workshops by companies such as
 for students to meet employers on                  including one-to-one business advice                                                          Deloitte, Goldman Sachs, McKinsey and
 campus and online:                                 and a range of workshops, bootcamps,                                                          others that provided an insight into the                      competitions and networking events.                                                           application process and the values
                                                    Successful recent clients include David                                                       recruiters are looking for.
 Work-based projects                                Hunter, inventor of the performance-
 Many of our Schools will offer you                 tracking golf watch Shot Scope; Orfeas                                                        I am aware how valuable a strong network
 support in undertaking a work-based                Boteas, creator of the Dehumaniser sound                                                      is, which I believe the University equipped
 project, in partnership with an employer,          effects software used by Hollywood                                                            me with. Not only does it have strong ties
 as the basis of your masters dissertation:         movies and blockbuster video games;                                                           with notable companies but the alumni                   and Enactus Edinburgh, a team of student                                                      network is also diverse and close-knit.
                                                    social entrepreneurs who represented the                                                      By the time I started to apply for jobs,
 * T imes Higher Education, Global Employability   UK in the Enactus World Cup with their                                                        what I found of most help were the mock
   University Ranking 2018
                                                    local and international projects.                                                             interviews and CV-screenings. The feedback
                                                                                                                                                  I was given enhanced my performance
                                                                                                                                                  and provided me with useful pointers and
                                                                                                                                                  tips. As such, the Careers Service provided
                                                                                                                                                  me with a competitive edge. I am really
                                                                                                                                                  grateful to have had this strong support
                                                                                                                                                  for my career development and have
                                                                                                                                                  taken advantage of it fully.

“Postgraduates come to us with a broader outlook and more
  rounded and developed skills, both in their chosen discipline
  and more generally in terms of their communication skills and
  self-confidence. We value their proven aptitude for self-driven
  learning and further study, important requirements for anyone
  embarking on the demanding actuarial professional exams.”
 HR department, Hymans Robertson LLP, Pensions, benefits and risk consultancy firm
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My experience: skills training

Louise K Gramstrup
PhD Religious Studies, from Denmark
Louise believes support from the
University’s Institute for Academic
Development will help her stand
out in the competitive job market.

My PhD journey has been significantly
enhanced by the IAD’s courses on professional
development. These are useful whether you
are looking to pursue an academic career or
make use of transferable skills. For instance,
time management workshops help you
achieve a work-life balance while courses
on communication skills provide practical
strategies for conference presentations.
Attending courses about academic writing
skills significantly enhanced my thesis.
Other workshops changed my approach
to collaboration and outreach by making
me more assertive, self-aware, and
knowledgeable about alternative mindsets.
Besides supporting me as a researcher, the
IAD has also developed my teaching. I have
completed a professional teaching qualification
recognised by the Higher Education Academy.
I believe that this qualification together with
my CPD training will make me stand out in
a competitive job market because I can
demonstrate skills and a commitment to
professional development as a result.
Finally, getting the chance to network with
other researchers from different disciplines
is a valuable side-benefit of attending
IAD courses, including the Local GRADSchool
that brings together final-year PhD candidates
for three days to engage in professional and
personal development activities. I have made
close friends in this way with whom to share
the ups and downs of PhD life.
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My experience: skills training                                                          Supporting you and your studies
                                                                                        The University provides a wide range of support services
                                                                                        to cater for your academic and personal needs.

Harsh Vaidya                                                                            Institute for Academic Development
                                                                                        All postgraduate students can benefit
                                                                                                                                        Personal and academic support
                                                                                                                                        Every taught postgraduate student has a
                                                                                                                                                                                          The Chaplaincy Centre
                                                                                                                                                                                          Our Chaplaincy is for students of all faiths
PhD Stem Cell Biology, MRC Scottish                                                     from our Institute for Academic                 Personal Tutor and every research student         and of none. We cover a wide variety of
                                                                                        Development (IAD), which provides               has a supervisor – a member of staff who          beliefs, including humanism and all major
Centre for Regenerative Medicine                                                        information, events and courses to              can offer guidance and support.                   world religions. All are welcome:
graduate, from India                                                                    develop the skills you will need throughout                                             
                                                                                        your studies and in the future. IAD events      Health and wellbeing
Skills training offered by the Institute                                                also offer the perfect opportunity to meet      We aim to provide an environment that             Childcare
for Academic Development helped                                                         and network with other postgraduates            enables and supports you to flourish; to          The University’s Arcadia Nursery, which
                                                                                        from across the University.                     promote good mental and physical health           has sites at King's Buildings and Easter
Harsh prepare for a career in business.
                                                                                                                                        among our students; and to ensure you are         Bush, was designed by award-winning
                                                                                        Further information is available online:        well supported if you experience mental           architects around the concept of free play,
                                                                                                health difficulties during your studies.          and is catered to Children’s Food Trust and
                                                                                                                                                                                          Food for the Brain standards.
                                                                                        For taught postgraduates, IAD provides a        Student Counselling Service
There’s a lot of help available at Edinburgh if                                         popular study-related and transferable skills   Our Counselling Service offers you a              Encompassing indoor and outdoor play,
someone wants to pursue a career in industry                                            support programme. It is designed to help       professional and confidential service:            the nursery has places for 0–5-year-olds
or start their own business.                                                            you settle into postgraduate life, succeed                  and is open to students, staff and other
I attended the Institute’s LEADER Summer                                                during your studies and move confidently                                                          local parents:
School in Denmark. It was really helpful                                                to the next stage of your career. We offer      The Advice Place
because there were sessions on                                                          on-campus and online workshops and              Our drop-in advice centre, run by Edinburgh       Global students
entrepreneurship and business, personality                                              one-to-one study skills consultations,          University Students’ Association, offers          Edinburgh University Students’ Association
development, leadership and communication,                                              plus online advice and learning materials.      free, confidential and independent advice         also provides support for our international
and intellectual property and copyright.                                                Workshops and learning resources cover key      on a range of issues:                             community of students, by tapping into
We also learned how to communicate our                                                  topics tailored to different academic stages,                          the wealth of language skills and cultural
research to the public.                                                                 including pre-arrival sessions; getting                                                           knowledge of our vibrant global campus
                                                                                        started with your studies; critical reading,    Student Disability Service                        community, to offer services such as peer
I think it’s always important to have additional                                        writing and thinking; managing your             Students with a disability are encouraged         proofreading, free taster language courses
skills because when you go for a job it’s not                                           exams; and planning for and writing             to discuss any specific support needs with        (more than 70 languages to choose from),
only your theoretical knowledge or how you                                              up your dissertation.                           one of our Disability Advisers as early as        and language networking events:
work in the lab that counts, but how you                                                                                                possible during the application process.
communicate with others, or how you work                                                IAD also provides a comprehensive               Our service works to create an environment
in a team, so all this training really helps.                                           programme of transferable-skills training,      that helps disabled students participate          English Language Education
I think I’m pretty competitive when applying                                            resources and support for researchers           fully in university life:           Our English Language Education service
for jobs because employers also look for what                                           completing a doctorate. The workshop            student-disability-service                        offers free academic English tuition,
you do alongside your qualification, and I can                                          programme is designed to help you                                                                 self-study materials and advice for
demonstrate skills from these workshops and                                             successfully prepare for the various            The University Health Centre                      international students seeking support.
the other things I’ve done here.                                                        milestones of your PhD, from getting            All students should register with a doctor:       You can take extra classes and an exam
                                                                                        started with your research, to writing                       in the summer in Edinburgh before your
                                                                                        up and preparing for the viva, as well                                                            programme starts, or take additional
                                                                                        as developing personal and professional         For further information on UK medical care:       classes after starting your studies:
                                                                                        skills that can be transferred to your future  
                                                                                        employment. Workshops cover topics such         studying--living-in-the-UK/                       education
                                                                                        as writing skills, reference management         health-and-healthcare
                                                                                        tools, statistics, preparing for conferences,                                                     Centre for Open Learning
                                                                                        delivering presentations, time and project                                                        Our Centre for Open Learning offers
                                                                                        management, and personal development.                                                             around 1,000 evening, weekend and
                                                                                        IAD also offers online resources and                                                              part-time courses each year. Full-time
                                                                                        planning tools to help get your research                                                          students at the University are entitled
                                                                                        started, as well as support for tutoring and                                                      to a significant discount on course fees:
                                                                                        demonstrating, and public engagement                                                    
                                                                                        and communication.
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Join a global student community                                                                                                                         My experience: making a global impact
As a welcoming global university, we offer our EU
and international students a range of additional
specialist services designed to make your move
to Edinburgh as smooth and seamless as possible.

Edinburgh Global                              Immigration assistance                         International and Exchange
Edinburgh Global is the central contact       Trained Immigration Advisers are               Student Society (IESS)
point for non-UK students. It can provide     available to assist you with visa advice,      The IESS is a social and support society for
you with the information and support you      from the initial stage of applying to          all our students, particularly those from
may need to settle in, and also runs events   study in the UK, through to graduation.        overseas or on exchange in Edinburgh,
and activities designed to support your       We can help with bringing your family          which offers opportunities to meet and
experiences as a student:                     to Edinburgh or working during or              interact with people from all over the                    after your studies:                            world. Staffed by a volunteer student
                                                           committee, the IESS runs regular activities
Support begins early                                                                         throughout the year designed to help you
You can contact Edinburgh Global for          Your arrival                                   make friends, experience the best of
advice at any time during or after the
application process. We run online advice
                                              We offer an airport welcome service
                                              before the academic year starts and
                                                                                             Scotland and beyond, and ensure your
                                                                                             stay in Edinburgh is memorable:                                   Radu Marian                                                         Soufia Bham
sessions and drop-ins, or you’re equally      arrange activities to help you settle in.
welcome to visit us! Our Regional Managers    Once you have received an offer to
                                                                                                                                                               MSc International Business                                          MSc Global Health & Public Policy
regularly make trips abroad to attend         study at the University you can check          Meet the locals                                                   & Emerging Markets graduate                                         graduate from Mauritius
education exhibitions and to hold a           online for essential information about         Our Go Connect scheme links international                         from Moldova
range of events for prospective applicants    joining us:                                    students with Edinburgh residents to help                                                                                             Soufia developed as a leader
as well as pre-departure briefings for our                      you settle into university life, learn more                       Radu used his time at Edinburgh                                     and activist, helping improve
offer-holders.                                                                               about Scotland and enhance your                                   to further his ambitions to make                                    healthcare access.
                                              Staying connected                              experience of studying abroad. It’s a great
                                              We organise a series of year-round social      opportunity to find out more about                                a global impact.
                                              events and information sessions. We run        Scottish culture:
                                              a week-long programme of orientation 
                                              events for new students at Edinburgh,
         More information on                  including International Day – an               Our community
           upcoming trips:                    orientation event for non-UK students          Our postgraduate community includes                               Understanding the bigger picture of the                             I wanted to focus on improving access to sexual
                                              – and other ongoing induction activities.      more than 9,500 taught students and                               challenges that business and governments face                       and reproductive health services for underserved
                                              You can also attend our study-skills           more than 5,500 research students,                                is my life’s mission and key to having a fulfilling                 communities and decided to pursue an MSc in
                                              event, which introduces and explains           from 169 countries around the world.                              career. It is also the key for me to have an impact                 global health and public policy. The guest lectures
                                              the Scottish academic system to new                                                                              and leave a legacy.                                                 allowed me to engage in discussions on health
                                              international taught masters students:                                                                                                                                               and rights with a wide range of experts and
                                                                                                                                                               I chose to pursue MSc International Business
                                                                                                                                                                                  activists. This was instrumental in allowing me to
                                                                                                                                                               & Emerging Markets because I believe socially
                                                                                                                                                               responsible businesses can play a key role in                       connect theoretical aspects of policymaking to
                                                                                                                                                               solving global challenges such as poverty                           real life efforts.
                                                                                                                                                               eradication and income inequality. The University                   As a MasterCard Foundation scholar, I further
                                                                                                                                                               and the programme helped me understand my                           benefited from the Edinburgh Award in
Where our students are from                                                                                                                                    mission better and act on my philosophy. I met                      transformational leadership, during which we
                                                                                                                                                               outstanding like-minded people from all over the                    reflected what it means to be a leader and put
                                                                                                                                                               world and interacted with their world views, their                  our leadership skills into practice.
Taught students                                               Research students                                                                                culture, their challenges and their dreams.                         My experiences helped me refine my academic
                                                                                                                                                               I learned how they perceive dialogue,                               interests and develop confidence in my leadership
                                                              Rest of
                                Scotland                                                                                                                       communication and success differently. With                         journey and activism. I became aware of the
                                                              the world
                                                                                                       Scotland                                                many of them, I built lasting friendships. Our                      diversity of perspectives and approaches to
                                                                                                                                                               consulting projects with real-life companies                        solving global challenges and was able to focus
                                                                                                                                                               allowed me to help them expand internationally                      my efforts to best impact the communities I serve.
                                                                            1,796         1,481                                                                and understand how such companies build a                           I feel well equipped to deal with the challenges of
      4,686                                                                                                                                                    global outlook.                                                     a career in policy advocacy and grassroots work
                     1,732           Elsewhere                                                                                                                 My experience at the University gave me                             on healthcare access.
                                     in the UK*                                          1,104                                                                everything I wanted from a masters experience
                                                                                1,194                                                                          in the UK – it strengthened my global outlook and
                                                                                                                                                               my understanding of the bigger picture. Now it’s
                                                                                                     Elsewhere                                                 my time to act upon this experience and start
                                                                                                     in the UK*                                               having an impact – local and global.
Rest of
the world              Elsewhere                                  Elsewhere
                        in the EU                                 in the EU                               *And the Channel Islands and Isle of Man.
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Fees, funding and costs
We offer academically outstanding
                                                                                                                                                                                           Living costs
candidates a variety of postgraduate                                                                                                                                                       For information on the day-to-day cost of living in Edinburgh, please check our
scholarships and studentships.                                                                                                                                                             guidance online:

The University offers an extensive range of   Scholarships                                   • Principal’s Career Development PhD           • Student Finance Northern Ireland offers
scholarships and funding opportunities, of    • University of Edinburgh                        Scholarships                                   eligible students a tuition fee loan for
which the following is just a small sample.     Alumni Scholarships
                                                We offer a 10 per cent scholarship
                                                                                               These provide a valuable opportunity for
                                                                                               PhD students to undertake training and
                                                                                                                                              taught and research programmes, at
                                                                                                                                              certificate, diploma, and masters level,
                                                                                                                                                                                            Lisa Wijayani
The University's Scholarships and Student       towards postgraduate fees to all alumni        skills development and offer opportunities     which is paid directly to the University:     MSc Ecological Economics graduate
Funding Services can also provide guidance      who graduated from the University as an        in areas such as teaching, public                        from Indonesia
on sources of scholarships, loans and other     undergraduate, and to all students who         engagement, entrepreneurship, data           We also recommend you review the
funding opportunities. Please email:            spent at least one semester studying at        science, and research. Each award            comprehensive guidance provided at:             Lisa received one of the Chevening                         the University on a visiting programme:        covers the UK tuition fee and a stipend:
                                                                                                                                              scholarships, which recognise future global
                                                alumni-scholarships                            development                                                                                  leaders and bring them to the UK to study
  Funding search                              • Chevening Scholarships                                                                      Erasmus+ Loans                                  and gain multicultural experience.
  You can see our full range                    The Foreign and Commonwealth Office          Research councils (for UK/EU only)             The Erasmus+ Master Loan helps masters
  of scholarships online:                       funds a number of Chevening Scholarships     • Arts and Humanities Research Council         students with their living and tuition costs                 for postgraduate study, for one-year           (AHRC)                  when studying in an Erasmus+ country
  postgraduate                                  taught masters degrees. Full details of      • Economic and Social Research Council         other than where they live or where they
                                                these awards can be obtained from your         (ESRC)         took their first degree:
  To search for funding opportunities,                                                                                                                                                      Before coming to the UK, I worked on economic
                                                local embassy or high commission:            • Biotechnology and Biological Sciences
  visit:                                                                                                                                                      development, emphasising the role of entrepreneurship
                                                                    Research Council (BBSRC)
  search                                                                                                                                                                                    in Southeast Asia. I became interested in climate change
                                              • Commonwealth Scholarships
                                                                                                                   Tuition fees
                                                                                                                                                                                            and sustainability issues then set my goal to be an
                                                                                             • Engineering and Physical Sciences            You will find up-to-date fee levels for your
                                                The Commonwealth Scholarship and                                                                                                            environmental economist. I desire to make a global
                                                                                               Research Council (EPSRC)                     specific programme at:
                                                Fellowship Plan provides opportunities for                                                                                                  impact by rendering policy advocacy and initiatives
                                                students in one Commonwealth country                                                                                                        that can tackle environmental problems through
                                                                                             • Medical Research Council (MRC)
                                                to pursue advanced academic study at                                                                                                        economic policy.
                                                                                                                     Please note: International students
                                                masters or MPhil/PhD level in another
                                                                                             • National Environment Research Council        starting full-time taught programmes of         The University has equipped me with strong knowledge
                                                Commonwealth country. Applications are
                                                                                               (NERC)                        study lasting more than one year will be        and broadened my perspective. I have acquired
                                                made to the Commonwealth Scholarship
                                                                                             • Science and Technology Facilities            charged a fixed annual fee. All other           practical knowledge of implementing economic
                                                Agency (usually the Ministry of Education)
                                                                                               Council (STFC)                students on full- and part-time                 methods to evaluate ecosystem services as well as a
                                                in the applicant’s home country:
                                                                                                                                            programmes of study lasting more than           vigorous understanding of economic theory to attain
                                                                                             UK Government loans (UK/EU only)               one year should be aware that annual            sustainability. I will use this to aid my dissertation
                                              • Edinburgh Global Research                    • The Student Awards Agency Scotland           tuition fees are subject to revision and are    research, in which I aim to discover potential
                                                Scholarships                                   offers eligible students tuition fee loans   typically increased by approximately five       improvements and provide recommendations for policy
                                                To attract high-quality, overseas              for taught and research programmes at        per cent per annum. This annual increase        makers in Indonesia to further enhance entrepreneurship
                                                research students to the University, each      diploma and masters level, which will be     should be taken into account when you           and strengthen the sustainable economy.
                                                award will cover the difference between        paid directly to the University. Eligible    are applying for a programme.                   I am fortunate to have received a prestigious scholarship.
                                                the tuition fee for a UK postgraduate          full-time students can also apply for a                                                      The University has provided me with good opportunities,
                                                and that for an international                  non-income assessed living cost loan:        You will find information on other studying     often bringing external speakers to give lectures
                                                postgraduate. The awards do not cover                              and living costs online:          relevant to their field that help me engage with experts
                                                maintenance expenses:                                                         postgraduate/fees-finance
                                                                                             • Student Finance England offers eligible                                                      beyond the University. The University offers a complete
                                                                                               students postgraduate loans for taught                                                       package of educational and professional improvement
                                              • The Mastercard Foundation                      and research masters programmes and                                                          that I am grateful to be given a chance to seize.
                                                Scholars Program                               also for doctoral degree study:
                                                Up to 30 postgraduate scholarships for
                                                on-campus and online masters study with
                                                                                             • Student Finance Wales offers eligible
                                                transformative leadership training are
                                                                                               students postgraduate finance for
                                                available. Applicants should usually                                                                                                       Funding tips
                                                                                               taught and research masters
           You will find up-to-date             reside in and be citizens of a Sub-Saharan                                                                                                 We know that finding the finances to fund your studies can seem overwhelming.
                                                                                               programmes, and postgraduate loans
                                                African country. Scholarships cover full                                                                                                   We've compiled some top tips for how to make the most of your funding application.
          fee levels for your specific                                                         for doctoral degree study:
                                                tuition fees, accommodation and                                                                                                            These include:
             programme online:                                                       
                                                maintenance. Applicants should apply to                                                                                                    • Be organised. Begin your funding search and apply early. Be aware of deadlines.
                 the scholarship directly:                                                                                                    • Cast your net wide and apply for as many opportunities as possible.
           funding/tuition-fees/                global/mastercard-foundation                                                                                                               • Make sure you are eligible and that your application meets the funding criteria.
                postgraduate                                                                                                                                                               • Tailor your personal statement so each application stands out from the crowd.
                                                                                                                                                                                           You can find out more online:
The University of Edinburgh - Postgraduate Guide 2020
16                                                                                                  The temperature in Edinburgh typically averages up
                                                                                                    to 6°C in the winter and up to 20°C in the summer.

“Edinburgh is one of Europe’s most
  beautiful cities, draped across a series
  of rocky hills overlooking the sea.”
 Lonely Planet

                                                                                                       The University is at the heart of the city
                                                                                                       of Edinburgh. Scotland’s inspiring capital
                                                                                                       is one of Europe’s great cultural hubs
                                                                                                       and a stimulating place to study.
                                                                                                       Regularly voted one of the most desirable places to live in
                                                                                                       the world, Edinburgh has a great social and cultural life, a
                                                                                                       busy sporting calendar and a rich history. Edinburgh is well
                                                                                                       known for its friendly people, its safe, green environment
                                                                                                       and its stunning, historic architecture. Its compact size
                                                                                                       makes it easy to get around and wherever you are in the
                                                                                                       city, you are seldom far from open countryside.

                                                                                                       Edinburgh’s location is perfect for adventurers – there
                                                                                                       are few other places in the world with such diverse and
      Edinburgh was
                                                                                                       readily accessible opportunities, from snowboarding to
    ranked the 'most
livable city in the world'
                                                                                                       surfing. Scotland’s natural beauty, its mountains, lochs
     in Arcadis’ 2018                                                                                  and forests, is just a short trip away and the landscape
        Sustainable                                                                                    offers one of the longest coastlines for a country of our
       Cities Index.                                                                                   size, so a visit to the beach is highly recommended.

                                                                                                       In the summer months the pace of city life accelerates as
                                                                                                       Edinburgh’s world-famous annual festivals get under way.
                                                                                                       The city hosts almost 30 festivals during the year, with
                                                                                                       the most famous taking part on campus or near to the
                                                                                                       University. Highlights include:

                                                                                                       •   Edinburgh International Science Festival (April)
                                                                                                       •   Edinburgh International Film Festival (June)
                                                                                                       •   Edinburgh Jazz and Blues Festival (July)
                                                                                                       •   Edinburgh International Festival (August)
                             The city’s festivals draw almost four      Edinburgh’s population
                                                                                                       •   Edinburgh Festival Fringe (August)
                             million visitors to Edinburgh each year.   is approximately 500,000.
                                                                                                       •   Edinburgh Art Festival (August)
                                                                                                       •   The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo (August)
                                                                                                       •   Edinburgh International Book Festival (August)
                                                                                                       •   Edinburgh Mela (September)
                                                                                                       •   Edinburgh’s Hogmanay (December).
“Edinburgh has that perfect                     Named the 7th best student city in
  balance between the amenities                  Europe, and 16th in the world, in the
  of a capital city and the charm                QS Best Student Cities 2018.
  of a small town.”
 Caroline Stevens, USA
 MA (Hons) Sociology with Quantitative Methods

                                                                                                        Edinburgh is home to more FTSE 100 companies
                                                                                                        than any other UK city outside London.

                                                 Edinburgh is a UNESCO City of Literature and has two
                                                 UNESCO World Heritage sites – one covering the Old
                                                 and New Towns and the other for the Forth Bridge.
The University of Edinburgh
                                                                                                                                   Postgraduate Guide 2020 entry                                               21

                                                    Visit us
                                                    We encourage you to come and discover if Edinburgh is the

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Visit us
                                                    place for you, and we invite anyone interested in postgraduate
                                                    study at Edinburgh to attend one of our events.

                                                     Within reach of the rest of the British Isles and other European

“My horizons have been broadened                                    INVERNESS
  by my experience at Edinburgh.                                                       ABERDEEN

  Classmates come from different
  linguistic and cultural backgrounds,                           GLASGOW
  and I enjoy learning with them.”                                                                                                                             OSLO                     TALLINN
 Jialin Dong, from China, MSc Applied Linguistics              BELFAST

                                                                         MANCHESTER                                                                                                                         MOSCOW

                                                                                                                                                                COPENHAGEN             VILNIUS

                                                                           CARDIFF                 LONDON
                                                                                                                                               AMSTERDAM                  POZNAN

                                                                                                                                               BRUSSELS                 PRAGUE



                                                                                                                                                                      DUBROVNIK                             ISTANBUL
                                                                                                                        MADRID                                     ROME


                                                    Open days                                              Travel                                               Our visits to you
                                                    Our Postgraduate Open Day, on                          Edinburgh is easily accessible from across           If you are unable to visit the University,
                                                    Wednesday 13 November 2019, is a great                 Europe and beyond. The city is served by             we attend events worldwide during the
                                                    way to find out more about the University,             an excellent international airport, and rail         year giving you the opportunity to come
                                                    meet staff and fellow prospective students             and road links across the country.                   and meet us and speak to us in person:
                                                    and ask any questions in person:                                                                  
                                                               Travel information
                                                    If you can’t come to the Open Day, see
                                                    page 41 for other ways you can contact
                                                    us and find out more.
                                                                                                                                  Book a
                                                                                                                            student-led tour at:
22                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              The University of Edinburgh
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Postgraduate Guide 2020 entry                                           23

Our students travel from all over the world to study

here and we aim to provide the best range and                                                                                                                                                                                         TO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    NEW PARK
standard of accommodation possible.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         CALTON HILL

Accommodation for postgraduate students         Accommodation options                            Costs                                                              RG   E ST                                                                                                                                                            This map shows the University-managed
is all self-catered and can be found across a   We offer a wide variety in either traditional    Rents for our accommodation typically                                                                                                                                                                      PALACE OF                    accommodation planned for postgraduate
                                                                                                                                                                                                     NATIONAL                                                                                            HOLYROODHOUSE
range of convenient locations within easy                                                                                                                                                                                WAVERLEY                                                                                                        students in 2020. The circles indicate

                                                                                                                                                                                      T HE
                                                halls of residence or blocks of self-contained   include utility costs, internet, personal                               ST
                                                                                                                                                                                                     GALLERY OF   KET
                                                                                                                                                                    ES                               SCOTLAND MAR                                                                            SCOTTISH

reach of most key University buildings and      flats, the latter typically varying in size      contents insurance and some cleaning.                     P                                                              STATION                                   16                      PARLIAMENT                                   the walking distance between the

                                                                                                                                                                                                     15                                      HOLYROOD
Edinburgh city centre.                          from four to six single study bedrooms.          Rents for single rooms during the 2019/20                         EDINBURGH                               06                                                                                                                            accommodation and the main University

                                                                                                                                                                     CASTLE                                            HIGH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ST              CAMPUS
                                                There is a mix of en suite rooms and those       academic year, based on a typical 51-week                                                                                                            OD RD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     08                                                                  locations and resources.

University accommodation offers:                with shared bathroom facilities.                 lease, are in the range of £5,572–£9,348.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        PLEA SANC
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     CENTRE                       PARK
• comprehensive community and welfare                                                            Further information is available online.                                                     KET

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    FOR SPORT                                                             01 Ascham Court

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    & EXERCISE
  networks from our Residence Life team;        Our new accommodation at Buccleuch                                                                              EDINBURGH
                                                                                                                                                                 COLLEGE R A             SS
                                                                                                                                                                                           M                           OLD                                                                                                                02 Blackwood Crescent/Causewayside
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     COLLEGE                       11

• mixed gender residences, with some            Place/Buccleuch Place Lane, is very close        Sharing rooms                                                    OF ART G                                                        TTE                                                                                                     03 Buccleuch Place/Buccleuch Place Lane

  single sex flats available;                                                                                                                                                   14                                                                                                                                                        04 Deaconess
                                                to George Square and the Main Library            If you are interested in sharing and

                                                                                                                                                                                                            O N PL
                                                                                                                                                                                                L AU R I S T                                                                                                                              05 Morgan Court
• laundry facilities;                           and is built around two courtyards with          express this preference in your application,
• secure cycle storage;                                                                                                                                                                                                                               10                                                                                  06 Mylnes Court
                                                landscaped grounds, a double-height              we will do our very best to satisfy your

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          07 New Park

• personal contents insurance;                  common room and a games room.                    request. There are many advantages to                                                           CENTRAL

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              GE                                                                                                        SEAT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          GEOR RE

                                                                                                                                                                                                   AREA                                                                                                                                   08 O’Shea Hall

• network services in each bedroom                                                                                                                                                                                        SQUA

                                                Buccleuch Place is an extensive and              sharing. We use larger rooms and provide                                                                                                                                         04
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          09 Ratcliffe Terrace


  for access to email and the internet.         sensitive refurbishment of historic houses.      additional storage and study spaces.                                                                                                        03

                                                                                                                                                                                                  THE                                                                                                                                     10 Richmond Place
                                                                                                                                                                                                MEADOWS                 MAIN         01
                                                Retaining original features, the 205 single      With 2019/20 rents starting from £4,587                                                                               LIBRARY                                                                                                            11 Roxburgh Place
Guarantees and deadlines                        and 26 twin study bedrooms are in flats          per 51-week lease, your costs can be                                                                           MEL                                                                                                                       12 West Mains Road
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   V I LL E D
You are guaranteed an offer of University       shared between five to seven students and        significantly reduced.                                                                                                         R

accommodation if:                               have shared facilities with a mix of single,                                                                                 RD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  POLLOCK                13 G
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             eorge Square
                                                                                                                                                                       ER PK                                                                                                                                       HALLS
• you are a new, single postgraduate                                                             Family provision                                                   END                                                                                                                                                                     Many of our Schools are located in the city

                                                                                                                                                                                 MARCHMONT RD
                                                superior single and twin rooms. Buccleuch                                                                         RR                                                          SCIENNES RD                           02
  taught (PGT) student from outside the         Place Lane offers 136 rooms in new-build         For students coming to Edinburgh with                                                                                                                                                                                                      centre, with the Royal Mile and Princes
  UK and EU; or                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Street close by.
                                                flats with en-suite shower rooms.                a partner or a family, we do have limited
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         14 E
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             dinburgh College of Art (ECA)

• you are a single postgraduate research                                                         accommodation suitable for families.

  (typically PhD) student, whether from         Our recently developed, award-winning                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       The ECA main building, where you’ll find

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            studio and exhibition space, is based on

  the UK, EU or international.                  O’Shea Hall postgraduate village complex         Private sector accommodation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 18         Lauriston Place, close to George Square.
                                                at Holyrood provides fantastic and               If you are not guaranteed an offer of                                                                                                                                              09
In such cases, guarantees apply as long as:     convenient options for more than 1,100           University accommodation, or choose not                                                                                                                                                                               TO EDINBURGH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         15 N
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ew College
• your accommodation application is                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     BIOQUARTER          The striking New College – home to the
                                                students. Unique to the UK is the main           to take up such an offer, you will probably
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            School of Divinity – lies close to Edinburgh
   received by 31 July 2020;                    residence hall (O’Shea Central) with 480         need to use the private sector. For more
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Castle and overlooks Princes Street.
• you have accepted an unconditional            en-suite bedrooms incorporating a large          information, please visit: www.accom.
   firm offer to study at the University                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 16 H olyrood
                                                communal kitchen with space for all    

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             The Moray House School of Education is
   by 31 July 2020;                             residents to cook, eat and get together.         or

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             near the Royal Mile, the Scottish Parliament
• you will be studying in Edinburgh for the     Each student has allocated cupboard,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             and the Palace of Holyroodhouse.
   whole of the academic year starting in       fridge and freezer space and access to a

                                                                                                                                          01                                                                                                                                                                                             17	King’s Buildings
   September 2020.                              bookable dining room. The main common                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Science and engineering subjects (other
                                                room on the ground floor can be enjoyed                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      than informatics) are taught at King’s
Online applications for accommodation           by all residents to come together to study                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Buildings, a 10-minute bus ride from the
can typically be made from the beginning        or celebrate. There is a dedicated study                                                                                                                         THE ROYAL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         S T M A I N S RD                                                    Central Area.
of March. Offers of accommodation are           room, a TV room and four bookable music                                                                                                                                                                              12                                                                  18 E
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             dinburgh Bioquarter
then made from the end of May onwards.          rooms equipped with instruments.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            The Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh lies four
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   17                                                       miles from the city centre, next to our
                                                We also offer accommodation for those                                                    05                                                                                                                                                                                                 medical teaching and research facilities.
                                                with disabilities. For details, please contact                                                                                                                                                                  KING’S BUILDINGS                                                         19 E
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             aster Bush/Roslin
                                                our Allocations team.                                                                                                                                                                                               CAMPUS                                                                  Six miles south of the Central Area is the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies,
                                                Residence Life                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              including the prestigious Small and Large
                                                                                                                                                                   University building                                                                                                                                                      Animal Hospitals and the Roslin Institute.
                                                Most of our properties are managed by
                                                                                                                                                                            5-minute walk
                                                professional Wardens, supported by                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       20 W
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             estern General
                                                                                                                                                                           15-minute walk
            To apply, find out                  trained Resident Assistants who are usually                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 The research-intensive facilities of the
           more or take a virtual               students living on site, readily available to                                            07                                                                                                                                                                                                 Western General hospital are a 20-minute
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            19              bus journey from the Central Area.
             tour, please visit:                address welfare or community issues. They                                                                                                                                           View our maps online:
                    also stage social and academic activities.                                                                                                                                                                                                   TO EASTER
24                                                                          The University of Edinburgh
                                                                                                        Postgraduate Guide 2020 entry                                  25

                                  Choosing your programme
                                  We offer a range of options for postgraduate study at Edinburgh. From professional qualifications
                                  to independent research, on-campus taught programmes to online part-time study, you’ll find a mode
                                  of learning that suits your needs.

                                  A full list of our programmes, with further   Research programmes                               Integrated PhDs
                                  information about each and guidance on        Masters by Research (MScR)                        While the normal duration of a PhD
                                  how to apply is available online:             Duration: one year full time.                     is three years, there are some four-year
                                     Programmes offered as MSc by Research             models that incorporate additional
                                                                                are designed to prepare you for advanced          research training and transferable skills
                                  Taught programmes                             research, although they can be taken as           development and, in some cases, industrial
                                  Masters                                       a qualification in their own right. An MSc        collaboration. These programmes often
                                  Duration: typically one year full time but    by Research is assessed by an extended,           take place in Research Council funded
                                  occasionally can be longer if, for example,   independent, written dissertation.                centres, Centres for Doctoral Training
                                  the programme includes a placement.                                                             (CDT) or Doctoral Training Partnerships
                                                                                MPhil                                             (DTP). They may include a masters by
                                  Masters programmes are designed to            Duration: two years full time.                    research (MScR) during the first year of
                                  deepen knowledge in a subject studied         Programmes which are offered as an MPhil          study (1+3 model).
                                  at undergraduate level, although some of      are ideal if you need to develop strong
                                  our postgraduate offerings may be suitable    all-round knowledge of your subject,              Professional doctorates
                                  for students looking to change direction.     in-depth understanding of a specialised           Duration: three to seven years full time.
                                  Students on our taught masters programmes     area, and the research skills to carry out        Professional doctorates are specialist
                                  typically undertake a combination of taught   and present a thesis – a piece of original        qualifications designed for professional
                                  courses, assessment and supervised            research for submission for a higher              development in specific areas, such as
                                  research. Studies culminate in a              degree. You may subsequently extend your          engineering and psychology. Professional
                                  dissertation or equivalent project.           studies to PhD registration subject to            doctorates combine advanced research
                                                                                satisfactory progress.                            training, a substantial contribution
                                  Most of our taught masters programmes,                                                          to knowledge through your own
                                  across all subjects, lead to the award of     PhD                                               research and a rigorous reflection
                                  MSc to distinguish postgraduate masters       Duration: three years full time.                  on professional practice.
                                  from our undergraduate MA. This is with       A PhD is the highest academic research
                                  the exception of awards from Edinburgh        qualification, entailing research training        Postgraduate professional
                                  College of Art, which are normally            and supervised research, either on a              development
                                  postgraduate Master of Art (MA) or            one-to-one basis with a supervisor or as          Duration: varies.
                                  Master of Fine Art (MFA) awards. Other        part of a research team. PhD students gain        Aimed at working professionals,
                                  qualifications we offer include MBA, LLM,     the specialist background knowledge for           postgraduate professional development
                                  MMus, MEd and MTh.                            the projected research, and develop the           (PgProfDev or PPD) allows you to
                                                                                skills appropriate to research in that field.     advance your knowledge without the
                                                                                Their work culminates in a thesis. The            time or financial commitment of a full
                                  Certificate or diploma
                                                                                precise focus of your research will be            study programme. We offer a number
                                  Duration: varies.
                                                                                agreed with your supervisor and is likely to      of courses as credit-bearing PPD. These
                                  If you’re unable to commit to a masters,
                                                                                develop over the course of the PhD. The           courses can be recognised in their own
                                  many of our programmes have shorter
                                                                                PhD is assessed by an oral examination in         right or the credit can be built up over
                                  study options that lead to the award of
                                                                                which you will defend your research thesis.       time towards a PgCert, PgDip or Masters.
                                  a postgraduate certificate (PgCert) or
                                  postgraduate diploma (PgDip).
                                                                                                                                    Part-time study
                                                                                                                                    Please note that although many of our
                                                                                                                                    on-campus programmes offer part-time
                                                                                                                                    options, these are only available to UK
                                                                                                                                    and EU students due to UK visa

                                 “Edinburgh attracts the best and the brightest.
                                  My cohort was an especially strong group of highly
                                  eager learners from all walks of the educational field,
                                  many of whom I still call friends and consult now.”
                                  Michael Sean Gallagher, USA
                                  MSc Digital Education (Online Learning)
26                                                                                                                                                       The University of Edinburgh
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Postgraduate Guide 2020 entry                                  27

Online programmes
Since 2005, the University of Edinburgh has delivered flexible,
online programmes to thousands of postgraduate students around
the world. This allows you to study with us, wherever you live,
alongside your work or other commitments.

Today, we offer an exceptional range of        For those looking for a shorter period            MicroMasters programmes
more than 70 innovative online                 of study, some of our programmes offer            You will soon have the opportunity to
programmes across a wide range of subject      stand-alone courses which provide                 obtain masters-level education, without
areas. We have around 3,500 students           training on specific subjects. These              the time or cost commitment of a full
currently studying online programmes with      are credit-bearing courses (up to 50              masters, through new study credentials
us and we take the delivery of teaching        postgraduate credits) and may contribute          called MicroMasters programmes. These
online just as seriously as we do on-campus.   towards a postgraduate qualification in           online courses will be delivered in
Our online programmes are academically         the future. Use the apply buttons for your        partnership with edX, one of the world's
equivalent to qualifications earned            programme in the online Degree Finder             leading online education platforms, and
on-campus and delivered by dedicated           to see if the Postgraduate Professional           are designed to advance your career by
academics, many of whom are leaders in         Development option is available:                  providing deep learning in specific career

                                                                                                                                                Chris Slocombe                                                          Syeda Ra'ana Hussain
their field. Your experienced programme                 fields. MicroMasters programmes can help
team and personal tutor will ensure you                                                          you develop your skills in a current or
are fully supported in all aspects of your     When you consider all the benefits of             future role or can open the door for further
student experience.                            flexible online study, it’s not surprising that   postgraduate study. You can self-assess
                                                                                                                                                MSc History student from the United States                              MSc Paediatric Emergency Medicine
                                               even locally-based professionals choose           your ability to undertake any course and                                                                               student from Kenya
Flexibility                                    this option.                                      will be able to access free content to ‘try
                                                                                                                                                The prestige of the University and the
Our online, part-time format is particularly                                                     before you buy’. On successful completion      flexibility of the programme attracted                                  Ra'ana is able to transfer the lessons
suited to students already in full- or         A global academic community                       of a MicroMasters programme, you will be       Chris to study MSc History online.                                      learned from her online programme
part-time employment or with other             Distance isn’t a barrier when you choose          awarded 30 postgraduate credits which
professional or personal commitments.          to study online. We offer a highly
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        directly to her medical practice.
                                                                                                 will be recognised when applying for a
It offers a flexible learning environment      participative learning environment, which         related masters degree at the University
that can be adapted to suit your individual    is both supportive and intellectually             of Edinburgh.
needs. You can choose to study at a time       stimulating. Students join us from all over
and in a place that suits you, saving          the world, adding their rich diversity of         Find out more:
relocation costs. Our online learning          professional and academic experience to           online-learning/micromasters
technology is fully interactive and allows     a truly international learning community.                                                        I chose the University of Edinburgh for two reasons.                    I work in a Paediatric Accident & Emergency
you to communicate with your highly            Our students value the different                                                                 Firstly, it’s one of the top universities in the world,                 department in one of the biggest tertiary hospitals
qualified teaching staff from the comfort      perspectives their fellow students bring,                                                        particularly for the humanities. Secondly, one of my                    in Nairobi, and since we receive our fair share of
of your own home or workplace, or on the       and welcome the support provided by                                                              favourite 19th century Americanists, David Silkenat,                    casualties, it was natural to find a course that would
go. You will have access to our excellent      our expert teaching staff.                                                                       is part of the faculty in the School of History, Classics               better equip me with the knowledge and skills
resources and will become part of a                                                                                                             & Archaeology.                                                          required to provide the best care to every patient.
supportive online community, bringing          Career benefits
                                                                                                                                                I was attracted by the flexibility of the study, the                    One of the best parts of the paediatric emergency
together students and tutors from around
the world and enabling you to have the
                                               Many of our students have chosen to
                                               study a postgraduate qualification online
                                                                                                                5,000                           rigour of the coursework and the friendliness of the                    medicine course is that not only do I get to implement
                                                                                                                students have                   faculty and staff. There is a vibrancy to this                          the evidence-based knowledge and skills learnt from
‘Edinburgh experience’ wherever you live.      in order to enhance their existing career
                                                                                                               graduated from                   programme that simply didn’t exist at the other                         the online cases to my everyday practice, but I also
                                               or to enable them to move to a new one.                            our online                    universities I considered.                                              learn about rare cases that we don’t regularly have the
Most of our students opt to study to           Studying online while working means you                          programmes.
                                                                                                                                                Working full time and with two children, I needed a                     opportunity to experience first-hand, enabling me to
masters level on a part-time basis, but        can immediately apply what you learn to
                                                                                                                                                programme that allowed me to balance my history work                    provide optimal care if and when the need arises.
it is also possible to study some              your profession, combine the theoretical
programmes full time or to exit earlier        with the practical, and bring a global                                                           with my other commitments and this has been ideal.                      The course ensures that, every week, we are in
with a postgraduate diploma (PgDip) or         perspective to your role and profession.                                                         Studying on the programme, I have really felt myself                    communication with not only our lecturers, who are
postgraduate certificate (PgCert). Some        The critical and analytical research skills                                                      grow as a historian, both as a thinker and a writer.                    incredibly supportive, but with other students from
programmes can be studied intermittently,      gained during a masters can also be a                                                            I appreciate the wonderfully constructive feedback                      around the globe. This interaction brings up different
allowing you to take up to six years to        platform for advanced research such as                                                           I’ve received – the work is challenging but I’ve enjoyed                challenges and diverse perspectives without having
complete a masters. In addition to             a PhD, and many students go on to have                                                           being pushed to grow!                                                   to leave our respective countries, creating a kind of
compulsory courses, you can choose             their work published in high-impact                                                                                                                                      global village. We have the added advantage of
option courses from a variety of               journals and at conferences.                                                                     I plan to pursue a PhD in history, and I am better                      flexibility which is especially important when you
programmes, allowing you to tailor your                                                                                                         prepared for the rigours of that because of this                        work in a busy hospital setting!
studies to suit your individual interests      Find out more                                                                                    programme. As important has been the encouragement
and requirements, and enhance your             You can find out more at our online                                                              I’ve received to continue developing as a scholar; the
career opportunities in an increasingly        learning open days, which take place in                                                          faculty here really root for you!
competitive marketplace.                       the spring each year:
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