GUIDE 2018 POSTGRADUATE - King's College London

Page created by Angela Griffith
GUIDE 2018 POSTGRADUATE - King's College London
GUIDE 2018 POSTGRADUATE - King's College London
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CHOOSE                     SUBJECT           OUR                    WHAT YOU                 FULL COURSE                                                                                                                                                 1
KING’S                     AREAS             COURSES                NEED TO KNOW             INDEX A–Z

                                                                                                                                                                                                    One of the world’s

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Welcome to King’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Top 25

Contents                                                                         INTERNATIONAL
                                                                       If you are considering coming to the UK
                                                                       to study at King’s from another country,
                                                                          look out for this symbol highlighting    King’s is one of the world’s great universities, balancing an
                                                                             useful information specifically       outstanding reputation for world-class research and teaching
                                                                              for international applicants.        with a community of staff and students from across the globe.

1 Choose King’s                                    2     Mathematics                                          42   For almost 200 years King’s research       Our founding principles of diversity,
  London locations                                 2     Modern language centre                               43   has been, and continues to be, world-      respect, tolerance and contribution
                                                                                                                   leading and our graduates are some         have never been more pertinent than
  Be part of London                                4     Pharmacy, pharmacology & forensic science            45   of the most employable in the world.       now. But as we look back at the values
  Academic excellence                              6     Physics                                              47                                              that underpin our university and guide
                                                                                                                   As a postgraduate student at King’s
  Enhance your career                              8     Policy & society                                     48                                              all that have studied here, we must also
                                                                                                                   you’ll join one of the world’s top 25
                                                                                                                                                              look forward to what it means to be
  Join a vibrant community                        10     Politics & economics                                 49   universities and become part of a
                                                                                                                                                              a part of King’s as we approach our
                                                         Nursing & midwifery                                  44   diverse, international student body.
  Connect to arts & sciences                      12                                                                                                          200th anniversary in 2029.
  Connect to the best health opportunities        14     Philosophy & religion                                46   Our distinguished teaching staff will
                                                                                                                                                              The King’s strategic vision looks
                                                                                                                   help you harness your curiosity and
  Connect to the world                            16     Psychiatry, psychology & neuroscience                50                                              forward and shows how we will make
                                                                                                                   aspiration and turn it into a lasting
                                                         Public health                                        51                                              the world a better place by focusing
  Build skills & networks                         18                                                               basis for success, social impact and
                                                                                                                                                              on five strategic priorities: educate
  Discover our faculties                          20     Specialist training for health professionals         52   continuous learning. The transformative,
                                                                                                                                                              to inspire and improve; research to
                                                         Summer programmes                                    54   research-led education that you receive                                                 President & Principal,
2 Subject areas                                   24
                                                                                                                                                              inform and innovate; serve to shape
                                                                                                                   will inspire and empower you to follow                                                  Professor Edward Byrne AC
                                                         Teaching                                             55                                              and transform: a civic university at the
  Academic preparation courses                    25                                                               in the footsteps of our esteemed alumni,
                                                                                                                                                              heart of London; and an international
                                                       3 Our courses                                          56   including pioneers such as James Clerk
  Arts, culture & media                           26                                                                                                          community that serves the world. These
                                                                                                                   Maxwell, Joseph Lister and Rosalind
  Biomedical & chemical sciences                  27   4 What you need to know                                80
                                                                                                                                                              key priorities will be entwined through
                                                                                                                   Franklin and Nobel Prize winners
                                                                                                                                                              everything the university is involved
  Computer science                                28     Steps to King’s                                      80   including Peter Higgs and Archbishop
                                                                                                                                                              in moving forward. I hope you will
                                                                                                                   Desmond Tutu who helped transform
  Conflict & security                             29     Entry requirements                                   82                                              join us as we pledge to work together
                                                                                                                   the modern world with his staunched
  Dental training & science                       30     Fees & living costs                                  84                                              to make the world a better place.
                                                                                                                   opposition to the polices of apartheid.
  Education management & child studies            31     Funding                                              86
  Engineering                                     32     International applicants                             88
  Geography & the environment                     33     Your accommodation                                   92
  History & classics                              34     King’s Residences                                    94
  Imaging sciences                                35     Support & wellbeing                                  96
  International affairs & development             36   5 Full course index A-Z                               100
  Languages & literature                          38     General index                                       104
  Law                                             39
                                                         Important information & policy                      106
  Management, business,
  finance & entrepreneurship                      40     Next steps?                                         108                                                                                           *QS World University Rankings 2017/18
GUIDE 2018 POSTGRADUATE - King's College London
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2   CHOOSE             SUBJECT             OUR                   WHAT YOU       FULL COURSE                                                                                                                                                  3
    KING’S             AREAS               COURSES               NEED TO KNOW   INDEX A–Z

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Choose King’s for its central London locations
    King’s is home to one of the most exciting and highly respected research                              1   King’s Strand Campus                        11 Shakespeare’s Globe                 KEY
    communities in the world. With King’s connections in London, this                                                                                                                                  King’s locations
                                                                                                          2 King’s Bush House                         12 Waterloo Station
    international city will become an extension of your campus and home.
                                                                                                          3 Royal Courts of Justice                   13 St Thomas’ Hospital                           London landmarks
                                                                                                          4 Maughan Library                           14 City of London financial district

    Choose King’s
    for its central
                                                                                                          5 Palace of Westminster                     15 King’s St Thomas’ Campus
                                                                                                          6 London Eye                                16 King’s Guy’s Campus
                                                                                                          7   Southbank arts complex                      17 The Shard

    London locations
                                                                                                          8 Tate Modern                               18 Guy’s Hospital
                                                                                                          9 St Paul’s Cathedral                       19 Virginia Woolf Building
                                                                                                          10 King’s Waterloo Campus


                                                             4                                                                                  8    11
                                      19                                                                                                                                                                          16      18
                                                                                              7    10


                                                                       5                                                       13
                                                                                                                                                                                     King’s Denmark
                                                                                                                                                                                   Hill Campus, King’s
                                                                                                                                                                                   College Hospital and
                                                                                                                                                                                    South London and
                                                                                                                                                                                    Maudsley Hospital
                                                                                                                                                                                   Approximately 3 miles
                                                                                                                                                                                     (5km) south-east

                                                                                                  Postgraduate Guide 2018 •
GUIDE 2018 POSTGRADUATE - King's College London
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4   CHOOSE                 SUBJECT                OUR                      WHAT YOU             FULL COURSE                                                                 5
    KING’S                 AREAS                  COURSES                  NEED TO KNOW         INDEX A–Z

                                                                                                                                                                 Choose King’s to be part of London
    Choose King’s
    to be part of London

    With central London as your       BUSH HOUSE: NEW BEGINNINGS           EXPERIENCE LONDON AWARD

    campus, you’ll have access        Formerly the headquarters            The King’s Experience London
    to world-class resources;         of the BBC World Service,            Award recognises engagement
    libraries, galleries, museums     this striking London landmark        with the community through
    and top research hospitals,       has continued its legacy of          activities such as voluntary
    as well as exclusive music,       global innovation as part of         work, or working with local

                                                                                                                           nationalities in
    theatre, the arts, sporting       King’s since autumn 2017.            schools in order to encourage
    facilities and events.            King’s Business School has           widening participation in
    With more than 29,600             state-of-the-art facilities.         higher education.
                                                                                                                        King’s vibrant student
    students from 150 countries       Bush House, along with               The award aims to encourage
    worldwide, King’s mirrors         two of its sister buildings,         and reward local community
    London in diversity, offering a   offers outstanding space             engagement, bringing King’s
    truly cosmopolitan experience     for world-leading research,          expertise and commitment
    that connects you to the world.   teaching and collaboration.          to London in ways that
                                                                           benefit both students
                                             and the community.

                                      SPECIAL EVENTS               
                                      King’s has powerful,
                                      unique links to institutions,
                                      organisations and individuals
                                      across London and beyond –
                                      it is never short of influential
                                      speakers for packed programmes
                                                                                                              ‘ I enjoy everything about London.
                                      of talks and events. From live                                           There’s such a rich culture and
                                      screenings and exhibitions at
                                      the Cultural Institute at King’s                                          environment. There are plays,
                                      to political debates or scientific
                                      documentaries, there is always
                                                                                                                movies, music… there’s far
                                      something to inspire you and                                              too much, but it’s wonderful!’
                                      help you raise your game.

                                                                                                               History of War MA

                                                                                                              Postgraduate Guide 2018 •
GUIDE 2018 POSTGRADUATE - King's College London
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6   CHOOSE                SUBJECT                OUR                    WHAT YOU                 FULL COURSE                                                                                       7
    KING’S                AREAS                  COURSES                NEED TO KNOW             INDEX A–Z

                                                                                                                                                                                     Choose King’s to achieve academic excellence
                                                                                                                                                                  Amongst the top

    Choose King’s
    to achieve
                                                                                                                                                                   universities in
                                                                                                                                                                    the world*

    academic excellence
    King’s academics                  PERSONAL TUTORS                   EXPERT ADVICE
    challenge boundaries,             As a postgraduate taught          King’s provides a Student
    develop pioneering solutions      student at King’s, you will       Advice service for all students
    and bring about positive change   be allocated a personal tutor     through KCLSU. This service
    in the world. At King’s, you      from within your department       will be there to offer help and
    will be supported to achieve      or faculty. Postgraduate          support should you face any
    your maximum potential.           research students will            difficulties, or should you want
                                      have a research supervisor.       help with King’s College London
                                                                        regulations and procedures.
                                      ACADEMIC SKILLS SUPPORT
                                      King’s provides dedicated  
                                      support to help you develop
                                      your academic potential,          CONSULTANCY, PROFESSIONAL
                                      from free online (master’s) or    & EXECUTIVE EDUCATION
                                      face-to-face (PhD) development    King’s academics serve on
                                      opportunities offered by the      influential committees and in
                                      Graduate School’s Researcher      government advisory bodies
                                      Development programme to          across all sectors and around
                                      the wide range of academic        the globe. King’s works with
                                      skills workshops provided by      private and public sector
                                      King’s English Language Centre.   organisations to develop and
                                                                        deliver tailor-made training,
                                                                        from one-day workshops
                                                                        to master’s-level courses
                                                 for professionals.


                                                                                                               *QS World University Rankings 2017/18

                                                                                                               Postgraduate Guide 2018 •
GUIDE 2018 POSTGRADUATE - King's College London
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8   CHOOSE                 SUBJECT                 OUR                      WHAT YOU                 FULL COURSE                                                                       9
    KING’S                 AREAS                   COURSES                  NEED TO KNOW             INDEX A–Z

                                                                                                                                                                            Choose King’s to enhance your career
                                                                                                                              unique employers hosted on
    Choose King’s                                                                                                               campus and nine major

    to enhance                                                                                                                     careers fairs held
                                                                                                                                      in 2016/17

    your career
    Listing a postgraduate             INTERNSHIPS                          BE YOUR OWN BOSS
    qualification from a top           Through dedicated King’s             If you have a great business idea,
    25 university in the world on      internships provision, you           the King’s Entrepreneurship
    your CV is just the beginning.     can choose to do one of              Institute can help. Meet
    At King’s, you’ll also be able     the following:                       inspiring people, develop
    to develop professional skills                                          your entrepreneurial skills
    and experience to help you         • Undertake an accredited
                                                                            and gain expert advice for
                                         module that counts
    stand out from the crowd.                                               your start-up journey. You
                                         towards your degree.
    In partnership with the Graduate                                        can also apply for initiatives
                                       • Secure a paid                      like the King’s20 accelerator,
    School, King’s expert Careers        internshipin London.
    & Employability team offers                                             a one-year programme offering
                                       • Spread your wings in one of        office space and guidance
    an outstanding range of              10 locations with the Global
    professional development                                                (worth an estimated £30,000)
                                         Internships Programme              to early-stage ventures.
    support, enhanced by strong          and immerse yourself
    links with alumni and other          in a new culture.           
    professionals in London and                                                entrepreneurship-institute
    around the world. Whether   
    you’re looking for networking
    opportunities or advice on
    launching your own business,       THINK LIKE YOUR
    King’s can work with you           FUTURE EMPLOYERS                                                            ‘King’s Careers & Employability helped me
    to make it happen.                 Employers love King’s
                                       postgraduates for their passion
                                                                                                                    get an internship at a London-based firm where               and knowledge in their field.                                                I could network with professionals in my field.
                                       However, to land your dream
                                       job you need to go further.
                                                                                                                    As a King’s graduate you’re more competitive
                                       Explore careers fairs, skills                                                compared with students from different
                                       workshops, networking
                                       nights and the hundreds of                                                   universities, and King’s helped me to do better
                                       annual events listed on King’s
                                       CareerConnect portal to
                                                                                                                    in my job applications and future career plan.’
                                       discover what employers really
                                       look for and gain lifelong skills.                                           Dan
                                                                                                                    Accounting, Accountability & Financial Management MSc

                                                                                                                   Postgraduate Guide 2018 •
GUIDE 2018 POSTGRADUATE - King's College London
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10   CHOOSE                    SUBJECT              OUR                    WHAT YOU                FULL COURSE                                                                                                           11
     KING’S                    AREAS                COURSES                NEED TO KNOW            INDEX A–Z

                                                                                                                                                                                                               Choose King’s to join a vibrant community
     Choose King’s
                                                                                                                                                                           societies, activity groups

     to join a vibrant
                                                                                                                                                                               and sports clubs

     At King’s, you’ll become            KING’S SPORT #TEAMKINGS           GET INVOLVED, GET PAID
     part of a diverse and active        Whether you’re a first-time       Whether it’s helping at
     student community. There            participant, an elite performer   an open evening or providing
     are countless ways to get           or something in between,          support at one of many live
     involved in various activities,     King’s Sport and KCLSU            screenings, exhibitions
     meet like-minded people             have something on offer           or talks, there are regular
     and develop new skills to           for everyone:                     opportunities to get involved
     enhance your future.                                                  at King’s and earn money.
                                         • Join one of over
                                                                           Find a short-term contract or a
                                           75 sports clubs.
     KCLSU (KING’S COLLEGE                                                 part-time job with your faculty
     LONDON STUDENTS’ UNION)             • Enjoy 27 recreational           or central services and get paid
     Every student at King’s               sports with the
                                                                           the London Living Wage.
     is automatically a member             BeActive programme.
     of KCLSU. Together                  • Keep fit with one of     
     with its members, it is a             King’s Sport’s Health
     union of students where               & Fitness gyms located
                                                                           ASSOCIATESHIP OF
     individuals connect, have             around London.
                                                                           KING’S COLLEGE
     fun, build communities,             Check to see if you               The Associateship of
     share experiences, and              qualify for a Performance         King’s College (AKC)
     make change.                        Scholarship if you are            offers an inclusive, research-
     KCLSU is run by students,           a high-level athlete.             led programme of lectures                                                                ‘While at King’s, I got involved in
     for students. Decisions,
                                                                           that gives King’s students
                                                                           an opportunity to engage
                                                                                                                                                                     King’s Think Tank – a student-led
     policies and what the union
     does is decided by over                /              with current issues alongside                                                             society. I’m interested in working with
     29,000 student members.
     As a democratic charity and
                                                                           their main programmes
                                                                           of study.
                                                                                                                                                                     public policy and this helped me to get
     membership organisation,               _KingsSport
                                                                           Lectures will broaden your                                                                involved with students from different
     students lead King’s at every
     level to achieve our priorities.
                                                                           perspective and tackle life’s                                                             backgrounds and was really enriching
                                                                           big questions, reflecting on
                                                                           theology, philosophy and                                                                  for my academic experience.’
                                                                           ethics in relation to today.
                                                                                                                                                                     International Tax LLM

                                                                                                                 Postgraduate Guide 2018 •
GUIDE 2018 POSTGRADUATE - King's College London
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12   CHOOSE                SUBJECT               OUR                    WHAT YOU                FULL COURSE                                                              13
     KING’S                AREAS                 COURSES                NEED TO KNOW            INDEX A–Z

                                                                                                                                                                 Choose King’s to connect to arts & sciences
     Choose King’s
                                                                                                                            organisations work

     to connect to
                                                                                                                               with King’s

     arts & sciences
     King’s is connected with         CULTURE AT KING’S                 SCIENCE GALLERY LONDON
     leading cultural, arts and       Across King’s College             Opening in 2018 on Guy’s
     science organisations that       London, arts and culture          Campus, Science Gallery
     inspire new approaches           offer distinctive opportunities   London is a flagship project
     to teaching, research and        to students and academics,        where art and science collide,
     learning via internships,        helping to deliver world-class    bringing together researchers,
     research funding opportunities   education and research that       students, local communities
     and competitions, as well        drives innovation, creates        and artists in surprising and
     as events and seminars.          impact and engages beyond         innovative ways through
                                      the university.                   themed exhibitions, events
                                                                        and experiences.
                                      From uniquely tailored
     ‘Having the                      teaching, training and     
      Cultural Institute              internship programmes,
                                      through collaborative research
      based at King’s is              projects and enquiries, to        PARTNERSHIPS
      fantastic because               exhibitions and public events,
                                      arts and culture are helping to
                                                                        As a postgraduate student at
                                                                        King’s, you will benefit from
      it’s an opportunity             generate new approaches, new      outstanding connections with
                                      insights and new networks.        organisations and institutions in
      to get a sense of what                                            London and across the world.
      arts organisations                     Cultural partnerships:                ‘Our students on the Shakespeare Studies
                                                                        National Gallery, Royal Opera
      do, how they run                POLICY INSTITUTE AT KING’S        House, Southbank Centre,               MA love working at King’s and the Globe,
      and how to apply                The Policy Institute links        Shakespeare’s Globe.                   enjoying the benefit of studying with scholars,
                                      insightful research with rapid,
      the knowledge                   relevant policy analysis to
                                                                        Business links:
                                                                        Credit Suisse the Shadow Robot
                                                                                                               practitioners, educators and actors. They can
      you’re learning                 stimulate debate and shape        Company, Fios Genomics.                use the Globe and Sam Wanamaker Playhouse
                                      future policy agendas.
      in your degree.ʼ                This enables the translation
                                                                        Governance and legal London:
                                                                        the National Audit Office, 10
                                                                                                               as teaching resources for their study.’
                                      of academic research into         Downing Street, PwC Legal.
                                      policy and practice through
      Lauren                          engagement between                Science partnerships:                  Dr Will Tosh
      Arts & Cultural                 academic, business and policy     Transport for London (TfL),            Lecturer and Research
      Management MA                   communities around policy         Ericsson, Bloomberg.                   Fellow at Globe Education
                                      needs in the UK and globally.
                                                                                                              Postgraduate Guide 2018 •
GUIDE 2018 POSTGRADUATE - King's College London
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14   CHOOSE                 SUBJECT                OUR                    WHAT YOU               FULL COURSE                                                                 15
     KING’S                 AREAS                  COURSES                NEED TO KNOW           INDEX A–Z

                                                                                                                                                                  Choose King’s to connect to the best health opportunities
     Choose King’s
                                                                                                                                  partner NHS

     to connect to the best
                                                                                                                                foundation trusts

     health opportunities
     Interdisciplinary research,        • Tropical Health & Education     KING’S HEALTH PARTNERS
     collaborations with other            Trust in Somaliland.            & HEALTH ORGANISATIONS
     institutions and links with        • Ndola Central Hospital          KING’S HEALTH PARTNERS
     major funding organisations          and the Arthur Davison
                                                                          Bringing together King’s College
     provide you with world-class         Children’s Hospital
                                                                          London, a world-leading,
     health sponsorship, guest            in Zambia.
                                                                          research-led university,
     lecturers, leadership              • Ongoing projects cover          and three successful NHS
     programmes, internship               maternity, paediatrics,         Foundation Trusts:
     opportunities and more.              biomedical engineering,
                                          patient safety and more.        • Guy’s and St Thomas’
     KING’S CENTRE FOR                                                      NHS Foundation Trust
     GLOBAL HEALTH                        • King’s College Hospital
     The Kings’s Centre for                                                 NHS Foundation Trust
     Global Health is a joint                                             • South London and Maudsley
                                        FRANCIS CRICK INSTITUTE
     centre for King’s College                                              NHS Foundation Trust.
                                        The Francis Crick Institute
     London and King’s Health
                                        is a unique partnership           HEALTH ORGANISATIONS
     Partners, bringing together
                                        between King’s College            King’s has outstanding
     people working and studying
                                        London, Cancer Research           partnerships in the health
     at King’s and the Guy’s and
                                        UK, the Medical Research          sector, including:
     St Thomas’, King’s College
                                        Council, Wellcome Trust,
     Hospital and South London                                            • British Heart Foundation
                                        UCL and Imperial College
     and Maudsley NHS                                                     • British Psychological Society
                                        London. This collaborative
     Foundation Trusts.
                                        and cross-disciplinary            • Cancer Research UK
     KING’S PARTNERS INCLUDE:           research is helping us to         • Medical Research Council
     • Connaught Hospital,              understand why disease            • National Institute
       Ministry of Health and           develops and to find new ways       for Health Research
       Sanitation, and the College of   to treat, diagnose and prevent    • GlaxoSmithKline (GSK)
       Medicine and Allied Health       illnesses like cancer, heart
                                                                          • Health Education England
       Sciences in Sierra Leone.        disease, stroke, infections and
                                        neurodegenerative diseases.       • International Association
                                                                            for Dental Research
                                                 • Public Health England
                                                                          • Royal College of Psychiatrists
                                                                          • Royal College of
                                                                            Surgeons of Edinburgh
                                                                          • World Health
                                                                            Organization (WHO).
                                                                                                               Postgraduate Guide 2018 •
GUIDE 2018 POSTGRADUATE - King's College London
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16   CHOOSE                 SUBJECT                OUR                   WHAT YOU               FULL COURSE                                                             17
     KING’S                 AREAS                  COURSES               NEED TO KNOW           INDEX A–Z

                                                                                                                                                                 Choose King’s to connect to the world
     Choose King’s
     to connect to
     the world
     From the official links            INTERNATIONAL PARTNERS FOR

     created through King’s             PHD AND MASTER’S COURSES:
     partner universities,              • University of                  LEARN A LANGUAGE
     international internships            Hong Kong (HKU)                The Modern Language Centre
     and exchanges to the informal      • National University            offers free language modules for
     natural friendships that grow        of Singapore (NUS)             postgraduate students. There
     out of King’s diverse student                                       are 26 languages available to
                                        • Humboldt University
                                                                                                                                   master’s and PhDs with
     community, you’ll have               of Berlin, Germany             learn through our evening
     many opportunities to gain                                          courses, which cater to all
                                                                                                                                    international partners
                                        • Sciences Po, Paris, France
     international experience                                            levels and take place across
     during your time at King’s.        • University of
                                                                         four central London campuses.
                                          Stuttgart, Germany
     EXPAND YOUR HORIZONS               • University of           
     King’s offers a number of            São Paulo, Brazil
     courses that allow you to          • University of Malta
     study both at King’s and           • Virginia Commonwealth
     at a renowned international          University, USA                INTERCULTURAL EXPERIENCE
     partner university, where you                                       International work experience
                                        • University of
     will be supervised by academics                                     and multicultural awareness
                                          Adelaide, Australia.
     in both institutions throughout                                     are invaluable assets in today’s
     your studies, receiving two         globalised world. King’s
     sets of complementary                                               Global Internships Programme
     academic expertise.                                                 gives postgraduate students
                                                                         the opportunity to apply for
     Spending up to half of your        INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGES          a variety of international
     course in another university       The Study Abroad office          internships in a range of
     gives you unrivalled access to     can facilitate international     locations around the world.
     new cultures, perspectives and     exchanges that enable:
     resources, as well as a distinct                             
     advantage in an increasingly       • Master’s students to
                                          spend part of their            For further information
     globalised labour market.
                                          dissertation semester          about studying as an
                                          at a partner institution.      international student
                                        • Research students to visit     at King’s, head to page 88.
                                          a partner institution to
                                          undertake doctoral research.


                                                                                                              Postgraduate Guide 2018 •
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18   CHOOSE                SUBJECT                OUR                     WHAT YOU              FULL COURSE                                                                                      19
     KING’S                AREAS                  COURSES                 NEED TO KNOW          INDEX A–Z

                                                                                                                                                                                       Choose King’s to build skills & networks
                                                                                                                                                                    alumni events
     Choose King’s                                                                                                                                               held in the UK with

     to build skills
                                                                                                                                                                   1,500 attendees

     & networks
     Whether you’re attending a       STRONG RESEARCH NETWORKS            ONLINE DEVELOPMENT
     skills development workshop,     If you are applying to King’s       For those looking for a taste
     or networking with current       as a research student, you’ll       of the great variety of online
     students and staff or the        also have access to many skills     and in-person King’s’ courses,
     thriving alumni network,         development opportunities           or for those without the time
     you’ll find many opportunities   through the Graduate School,        or inclination to study for
     to enhance your professional     as well as social events and        a full degree, King’s offers
     or academic profile and build    facilities to allow postgraduates   a wide-ranging selection of
     valuable contacts for your       from different disciplines and      Massive Open Online Courses
     future career.                   faculties to meet each other        (MOOCs). These short
                                      and collaborate.                    courses – many of which are
     JOIN KING’S GLOBAL COMMUNITY                                         available free of charge – are
     Once you become a graduate of                 hosted on FutureLearn and
     King’s, you will automatically      graduate-school                  enable the expertise of King’s
     become a member of a 210,500-                                        renowned academics to be
     strong global alumni network.    ENTREPRENEURIAL SKILLS              shared with the wider world.
     Membership is free and lasts     King’s provides a wide range
     a lifetime.                      of training and support to   
     You’ll have many opportunities   entrepreneurs to help develop
     to network with King’s alumni    their business vision. You will
     during your time at King’s,      have access to a specialist
     through careers mentoring,       business and innovation team
                                      that fosters commercialisation
                                                                                                              ‘I’ve made great friends from
     insider tips and professional
     development events.              and enterprise activities and                                            all over the world. We get to try
                                      looks at ways to best use              intellectual property.                                                   out ideas, compare experiences,
                                                                                                               and understand mindsets which
                                                                                           are so different from our own.
                                                                                                              That’s another part of education.’
                                                                                                              Chemistry PhD

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20   CHOOSE                  SUBJECT                 OUR                    WHAT YOU               FULL COURSE                                                                                                                                                         21
     KING’S                  AREAS                   COURSES                NEED TO KNOW           INDEX A–Z

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Choose King’s to discover our faculties
     With world-leading academics from across the spectrum of disciplines, our academic faculties

     bring together experts in their fields. With nine faculties, institutes and schools of study and five
     Medical Research Council centres, research-enriched teaching is at the heart of our courses.

     Choose King’s
     to discover
                                                                                                                                     faculties, institutes
                                                                                                                                    and schools of study

     our faculties
                                                                                                                       Maughan Library

     FACULTY OF ARTS & HUMANITIES                              DENTAL INSTITUTE                                      THE DICKSON POON SCHOOL OF LAW                     FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE FACULTY OF            INSTITUTE OF PSYCHIATRY,
     One of the top 15 faculties in the world                  1st in Europe and 4th globally for dentistry          One of the top 20 law schools                      NURSING, MIDWIFERY & PALLIATIVE CARE       PSYCHOLOGY & NEUROSCIENCE
     Times Higher Education World University                   QS World University Rankings 2017                     in the world                                       1st nursing school in the UK               Ranked 2nd in the world for
     Rankings 2016                                             The Dental Institute is one of the top five centres   QS World University Rankings 2017                  and 3rd in the world                       psychology and psychiatry
     King’s is one of the world’s leading centres of           of excellence for dental education, scientific        Established in 1831, The Dickson                   QS World University Rankings 2017          US News Best Global Universities
     research in arts and humanities, with strengths           research and oral healthcare provision in the         Poon School of Law at King’s College               Developing the leading-edge nurses,        The Institute of Psychiatry,
     across all disciplines, including new fields such         world. Our international reputation attracts          London is one of the oldest law schools            midwives and palliative care specialists   Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN)
     as culture, media and creative industries, and            students and renowned academic staff from             in England and is recognised as one                of tomorrow – practitioners, partners,     is Europe’s largest centre for research
     digital humanities. 99 per cent of the research           across the globe.                                     of the best law schools in the world.              and leaders in their field. The faculty    and education in these subject areas.
     conducted in the faculty has been judged as                                                                     With a dedicated team of legal                     provides world-class teaching, clinical    Whether through conducting
                                                               In collaboration with associate London teaching
     having an outstanding or very significant                                                                       academics and professionals with                   practice and research all under one        groundbreaking research, enhancing
                                                               hospitals – Guy’s, King’s College and St Thomas’ –
     impact in the wider world (Research                                                                             diverse backgrounds, and many                      roof, achieving high scores in research    patient care, influencing policy change
                                                               we train dental professionals at all levels, and
     Excellence Framework 2014).                                                                                     international partnerships, King’s                 and teaching quality assessments.          or raising awareness of conditions
                                                               undertake and actively promote world-class
                                                                                                                     brings a global perspective to law.                It is also home to the Cicely Saunders     affecting the brain, the principal aim is
     Home to one of the largest populations of                 basic, clinical and translational research within
                                                                                                                     Located in the heart of legal London               Institute which contributes to             to understand how the mind and brain
     postgraduate research students in the country,            30+ research-active laboratories and areas over
                                                                                                                     and surrounded by major law firms,                 world-leading research, education          work and how to help prevent and treat
     this diverse faculty gives students a rich and            four divisions:
                                                                                                                     the School offers a suite of innovative            and multiprofessional palliative care.     mental and neurological disorders.
     stimulating environment for study and research,
                                                               •   Craniofacial Development & Stem Cell Biology      courses and exciting opportunities
     engaging with questions of fundamental importance                                                                                                                  King’s College London collaborates         Students benefit from working
     to understanding the past, present and future.            •   Mucosal & Salivary Biology                        to establish links with peers and
                                                                                                                                                                        with three of the UK’s leading             alongside world-leading scientists and
                                                               •   Tissue Engineering & Biophotonics                 researchers, and build a wider
                                                                                                                                                                        NHS trusts forming the King’s              clinicians and have unrivalled access                                     •   Population & Patient Health.                      network of professional colleagues.
                                                                                                                                                                        Health Partners Academic                   to outstanding placement, career
                                                                                                                                                                        Health Science Centre.                     and networking opportunities.

                                                                                                                     Postgraduate Guide 2018 •
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22   CHOOSE                 SUBJECT                OUR                  WHAT YOU                FULL COURSE                                                                                                                                             23
     KING’S                 AREAS                  COURSES              NEED TO KNOW            INDEX A–Z

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Choose King’s to discover our faculties
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Find out more about
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      what you can study across
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      all of our subject areas
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      on pages 24 to 55.

     FACULTY OF LIFE SCIENCES & MEDICINE                     KING’S BUSINESS SCHOOL                                  FACULTY OF NATURAL &                               FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCE & PUBLIC POLICY
     16th in the world for medicine                          Top 10 for business and management studies              MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES                              21st in the world for social science
     QS World University Rankings 2017                       The Complete University Guide 2018                      6 Nobel Prize winners have worked                  Times Higher Education World
     The Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine is              King’s Business School continues to shape               and studied in this faculty – including            University Rankings 2017
     one of the largest and most successful centres          an innovative model of business education,              Professors Maurice Wilkins, Peter Higgs            The Faculty of Social Science & Public
     for research and education in the UK. We bring          developing leaders equipped to tackle the               and Michael Levitt                                 Policy is committed to advancing social
     together academics and clinicians who are               business and societal challenges of the future.         This innovative, vibrant faculty has a             science scholarship to help tackle some
     committed to ensuring faster translation and                                                                    long tradition of world-leading research           of the most important social, political
                                                             Located in the iconic Bush House building,
     adoption of research innovation into clinical                                                                   and teaching in physics, mathematics,              and ethical issues of our time.
                                                             the School is a hub for engagement with business,
     practice. Our research is organised across seven                                                                chemistry, computer science and
                                                             the city, government and NGOs. With London’s                                                               World societies and economies are
     schools, bringing an integrated and cohesive                                                                    engineering. Studying at King’s enables
                                                             Square Mile – a global centre for commerce and                                                             transforming. The faculty seeks to
     approach to education in the life sciences.                                                                     students to work with, and learn from,
                                                             finance – on their doorstep, students will find                                                            understand that change, and make a
     91.8 per cent of the faculty’s REF 2014                                                                         world-leading academics who are
                                                             networking and employment opportunities plentiful.                                                         positive contribution to human welfare,
     submission was rated four star or three star.                                                                   tackling global challenges and answering
                                                             With students from over 80 countries, the School’s                                                         security and sustainability. King’s
                                                                                                                     fundamental questions about the universe.
                                                             international student population brings diverse ideas                                                      position at the heart of one of the world’s
                                                             and perspectives to an exciting learning environment.   The faculty’s ambition is to inspire,              truly global cities, combined with the
                                                                                                                     educate and innovate, fostering the                faculty’s interdisciplinary approach,
                                                                                         next generation of scientists and future           provides a unique perspective on issues
                                                                                                                     leaders, and it is committed to supporting         like the changing nature of war, climate
                                                                                                                     women working in science, technology,              change, ageing, the ethics of biomedical
                                                                                                                     engineering and mathematics.                       innovation and social cohesion.


                                                                                                                     Postgraduate Guide 2018 •
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24   CHOOSE   SUBJECT   OUR       WHAT YOU       FULL COURSE                                                                                                                                                                         25


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Academic preparation courses
     Your guide to                                                         Academic
     subject areas
                                                                                                                                                                                      different nationalities in
                                                                                                                                                                                      the 2016 student cohort

                                                                                                                                                                                        of the Pre-sessional
                                                                                                                                                                                         and International
                                                                                                                                                                                        Pre-master’s courses

                                                                           At King’s, we understand the challenges students may face when moving to another
                                                                           country for their postgraduate studies. That’s why we have a range of academic
                                                                           preparation courses designed and delivered by the King’s English Language Centre,
                                                                           to help ambitious international students get ready for their postgraduate course.

                                                                           OVERVIEW OF COURSES                                                 �I feel I have improved                             The King’s English
                                                                           Our Pre-sessional course aims to help                                tremendously; I feel                               Language Centre is
                                                                           students reach the required language                                 very confident about                               accredited by the British
                                                                           and academic skill level for entry onto
                                                                           their chosen postgraduate course.
                                                                                                                                                my academic English,                               Council and named as a
                                                                                                                                                especially my writing.                             Centre of Excellence by
                                                                           Our International Pre-master’s course                                                                                   the EL Gazette in 2014.
                                                                           aims to help students improve their
                                                                                                                                                I’m ready to apply for
                                                                           academic English and knowledge                                       my master’s.’
                                                                           of their chosen academic subject.
                                                                           King’s students benefit from
                                                                           being part of a vibrant, multicultural
                                                                           student community located in
                                                                           the heart of London. Students will
                                                                           have full access to all of the university’s
                                                                           state-of-the-art facilities and support
                                                                           services from their very first day.
                                                                                                                                               See page 57 for courses.                           Find out more online
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Join the conversation

                                                                           ENGLISH LANGUAGE ENTRY REQUIREMENTS FOR ACADEMIC PREPARATION COURSES
                                                                             Course                                       Start date       IELTS 2018 entry*                                                   Other tests

                                                                                                                                           Overall       Reading        Writing       Listening     Speaking

                                                                             International Pre-master’s                   Sept             5.5           5              5             5             5          Visit
                                                                             International Pre-master’s                   Jan              6             5.5            5.5           5.5           5.5

                                                                             Pre-sessional                                                 Varies depending on your main King’s postgraduate course offer.
                                                                                                                                           Entry requirements available at

                                                                           *2018 entry requirements are shown as guidance and could be subject to change. Please check our website for up-to-date details.

                                                               Postgraduate Guide 2018 •
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  26                    CHOOSE                SUBJECT               OUR                   WHAT YOU                FULL COURSE                                                                                                                                      27
                        KING’S                AREAS                 COURSES               NEED TO KNOW            INDEX A–Z

Arts, culture & media

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Biomedical & chemical sciences
                        Arts, culture                                                                                                         Biomedical                                                                       in the world
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             for life sciences

                        & media                                                                        85%
                                                                                                      of graduates in
                                                                                                                                              & chemical
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              and medicine
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             QS World University
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Rankings 2017

                                                                                                    graduate-level work
                        From classical art, film and music to digital
                        culture and big data, the subjects covered
                        in arts, culture and media at King’s College
                                                                                                      or further study
                                                                                                      DLHE Survey 2016
                        London span centuries of global culture.                                                                              Biomedical and chemical sciences operate at the frontier
                                                                                                                                              of human knowledge, pioneering new technologies or new
                                                                                                                                              applications of existing technologies to understand, model,
                                                                                                                                              treat or prevent conditions that limit or inhibit life.

                        OVERVIEW OF COURSES                         ‘I loved the wide range                                                   OVERVIEW OF COURSES                           ‘Studying a PhD in
                        Where better to study arts, culture          of topics on offer, which                                                King’s offers students with a background       Chemistry at King’s is a
                        and media than in London? It is home         meant that I learnt about                                                in science the opportunity to study at the     great experience, as you
                        to the UK’s major arts and cultural                                                                                   very cutting edge of biomedical science.
                        organisations – from the Royal Opera
                                                                     everything from classical                                                From our unique courses in Aerospace
                                                                                                                                                                                             get to work with some of the
                        House, the English National Opera            Hollywood to experimental                                                Medicine and Space Physiology &                world’s leading researchers,
                        and Southbank Centre, to the British         film. From my learning                                                   Health to our advanced expertise               as well as being in London –
                        Museum, Shakespeare’s Globe and              experience on the MA,                                                    in Medical Imaging, Chemistry and              one of the most vibrant and
                        the British Film Institute.                  I now feel ready to begin                                                Molecular Science few areas of science         diverse cities in the world.’
                                                                                                                                              are as rewarding or as immediately
                        The location of King’s in the heart          seriously thinking                                                       relevant to the societies in which we live.
                        of one of the world’s cultural capitals,     about PhD study.’                                                                                                       Laura
                        and its connections with industry                                                                                     Our courses often include an extended          Chemistry
                        leaders, is reflected in the range of                                                                                 research project, which enables you            PhD
                        courses on offer. The courses available                                                                               to gain in-depth practical experience
                                                                    Film Studies
                        cover everything from film, visual arts,                                                                              within one or more of King’s world-class
                        theatre and performance, to musicology,                                                                               research laboratories.
                        ethnomusicology and music composition.
                        Not to mention the groundbreaking courses
                        in digital humanities and culture, media,

                        and creative industries.
                                                                    Find out more online               See page 58 for courses.                                                                                                             GRADUATE
                        RECENT GRADUATES
                                                                    English language requirements
                                                                                                                                                                                                     work and/
                        ARE NOW WORKING IN:                                                                                                   Find out more online
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  59% WORK
                        • communications and marketing                                                                              

                                                                                                                                                                                                      or study
                                                                    Join the conversation                                                                                                                                                   30% STUDY
                        • digital marketing                                                                                                   English language requirements                                                                 11% OTHER
                        • teaching
                                                                         @KingsArtsHums                                                       Join the conversation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            DLHE Survey 2016
                        • publishing and journalism
                        • research and events.                                                                                                     /KingsCollegeLondon

                                                                                                                                              See page 58 for courses.

                                                                                                                                  Postgraduate Guide 2018 •
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  28               CHOOSE                SUBJECT                OUR                   WHAT YOU               FULL COURSE                                                                                                                                  29
                   KING’S                AREAS                  COURSES               NEED TO KNOW           INDEX A–Z

Computer science

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Conflict & security
                   Computer                                                                                                                   Conflict                                                                   in the UK for the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      power of our research

                   science                                                                                                                    & security                                                                   in politics and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       international studies
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              REF 2014

                   Be a part of a global university and study right                                                                           King’s is home to the brightest minds in security
                   in the heart of one of the world’s most innovative                                                                         and conflict studies. As a postgraduate student here,
                   cities, surrounded by breakthrough technology.                                                                             you will engage with the largest multidisciplinary
                                                                                                                                              group of experts in the world dedicated to the study
                                                                                                                                              of security, past and present.

                   OVERVIEW OF COURSES                          ‘There’s always a                                                              OVERVIEW OF COURSES
                   The computer science programmes               networking event to                                                           King’s is world-recognised as a
                   offered by the Department of Informatics      make connections in the                                                       centre of excellence and innovation
                   are diverse and range from theoretical                                                                                      in armed conflict, security and
                   computer science and artificial intelligence  industry,  a workshop to                                                      international relations in all its
                   to computational finance and data science. attend to gain new skills,                                                       dimensions. King’s see war as a human
                   Studying in central London means you          or a group of students set                                                    phenomenon. This approach means
                   are only minutes away from the worlds         to make King’s a better place.                                                that a remarkable diversity of research
                   of technology and finance, alongside          Studying here has opened                                                      interests, disciplinary approaches,
                   London Tech City, the City of London                                                                                        opinion and background exists among
                   and global players such as Facebook           many doors for me.’                                                           both staff and students. These master’s       Find out more online                        See page 60
                   and Google.                                                                                                                 courses will give you all the skills you                      for courses.
                                                                 Fares                                                                         need to support your career ambitions.
                   Informatics is a department that is truly     Artificial                                                                                                                  English language requirements
                                                                                                                                               You will be taught by people who are
                   connected to industry. You may even           Intelligence                                                                  passionate pioneers at the forefront
                   have the chance to take part in joint         PhD                                                                                                                         Join the conversation
                                                                                                                                               of world events as they happen.
                   projects with industrial partners, helping                                                                                                                                     /WarStudies
                   to improve employability after university.                                                                                  King’s academic team brings together
                                                                 RECENT GRADUATES                                                                                                                 @WarStudies
                   King’s also has one of the most active tech                                                                                 a wealth of knowledge, as well as a
                   societies in the UK, with events such as      ARE NOW WORKING IN:                                                           growing network of links with other
                   hackathons to help build students’            • design engineering             Find out more online                         departments, think tanks, organisations,      ‘War Studies offers a unique
                   skills and professional profiles.             • project management                          policy-making bodies and institutes.           interdisciplinary approach, uniting
                                                                 • security and                   English language requirements                King’s experts in defence studies and          different areas of international affairs
                                                                   communications                                    war studies provide professional military
                                                                                                                                               education and training support to the
                                                                                                                                                                                              to give students a holistic analysis
                                                                   consultancy                    Join the conversation
                                                                                                                                               British military and international visitors    of world issues.’
                                                                 • data analytics                      /KingsNMS
                                                                                                                                               at the UK Joint Services Command and
                                                                 • software development                @KingsNMS
                                                                                                                                               Staff College in Shrivenham, and               Ramona
                                                                 • cyber security                                                              research courses for civilians that offer      War Studies
                                                                 • web design.                                                                 unparalleled access to archive materials.      MA
                                                                                                  See page 59 for courses.

                                                                                                                                  Postgraduate Guide 2018 •
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   30                       CHOOSE                  SUBJECT                OUR                    WHAT YOU                 FULL COURSE                                                                                                                                   31
                            KING’S                  AREAS                  COURSES                NEED TO KNOW             INDEX A–Z
Dental training & science

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Education management & child studies
                            Dental training                                                                                                           Education                                                             in London for the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          quality of our research

                            & science                                                                               1st
                                                                                                            in Europe and 4th
                                                                                                                                                      management                                                                 REF 2014

                                                                                                                                                      & child studies
                            The Dental Institute at King’s offers high-intensity                           globally for dentistry
                            postgraduate programmes designed to take students                                    QS World University
                                                                                                                   Rankings 2017
                            to the forefront of their chosen field, whether they are
                            undertaking specialist training, enhancing skills or                                                                      Whether it’s your ambition to inspire sixth formers in
                            pursuing research interests.                                                                                              North London, work to improve the lives of children in refugee
                                                                                                                                                      camps, or help shape public education policy in Westminster
                                                                                                                                                      or New Delhi, King’s is the start of your journey.

                            OVERVIEW OF COURSES                                                                                                      OVERVIEW OF COURSES
                            With the largest range of postgraduate                                                                                   We provide high-quality, career-long
                            dentistry programmes in Europe, students       Find out more online                                                      training for those working in education
                            benefit from a breadth of expertise, skills                                             and the cultural sector, and those
                            and personalities of staff and peers, as       English language requirements                                             working with and on behalf of
                            well as experiencing a variety of oral                                                          children and young people.
                            health conditions in patients.                 Join the conversation                                                     Our courses benefit from links
                            The university is part of King’s Health             /KingsDentistry                                                      with policy-makers and cultural
                            Partners Academic Health Science                    @KingsDentistry                                                      organisations across London, including
                            Centre, which provides students with                                                                                     Southbank Centre, International House,
                            unrivalled clinical experience through                                                                                   and hundreds of schools. Some of our
                            access to the vast and diverse patient                                                                                   courses offer internships with a range
                            populations of Guy’s, St Thomas’               See page 61 for courses.                                                  of prominent institutions.
                            and King’s College hospitals.
                                                                                                                                                     Our teacher training courses, rated
                            In addition to on-campus study,                ‘After working with vulnerable                                            outstanding by Ofsted, offer a tried-and-
                            we deliver dental education and                 populations in Brazil, I was                                             tested foundation to those who wish to      ‘Having just finished the
                            training to students from over 50               encouraged to pursue the MSc                                             enter the teaching profession. For those     first year of my MA, I
                            countries via six distance learning                                                                                      who are already qualified teachers or who    realise that the options        Find out more online
                            master’s programmes. These are                  in Dental Public Health. The high                                        wish to work with children, young people                           
                                                                            level of teaching, involvement with                                                                                   for my career ahead are
                            designed to meet the professional                                                                                        or in the education sector more broadly,                                     English language requirements
                            development needs of practitioners              quality research and connection with                                     we have a range of innovative MA courses
                                                                                                                                                                                                  multiplied. Studying in
                            with minimal disruption to family               people from different backgrounds                                        to further your learning. Our reputation     one of the most culturally      Join the conversation
                            and work commitments.                           opened my eyes to new opportunities                                      for combining theory with the relevant       diverse cities in the world,         /KingsECS
                            Our world-class teachers, clinicians            in my career and new perspectives
                                                                                                                                                     practice you need gives students an edge     King’s has broadened my              @KingsECS
                                                                                                                                                     in the job market and enables them to        horizons and encouraged
                            and researchers will give you the support       in my life.’                                                             make a real impact on policy.
                            and skills you need to go on and develop                                                                                                                              me to always aim higher.’
                            your career in specialist clinical practice,
                            research or academia.                          Joao
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Lydia                            See page 62 for courses.
                                                                           Dental Public Health
                                                                           MSc                                                                                                                   Education in Arts
                                                                                                                                                                                                 & Cultural Settings

                                                                                                                                         Postgraduate Guide 2018 •
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 32           CHOOSE                  SUBJECT               OUR                   WHAT YOU             FULL COURSE                                                                                                                                                 33
              KING’S                  AREAS                 COURSES               NEED TO KNOW         INDEX A–Z

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Geography & the environment
              Engineering                                                                                                               Geography
              What does it really mean to be a part of a global
              university in the heart of one of the world’s most                                                                        & the                                                                    Top 20
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Our geography
              innovative cities? It means being at the core of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 department is ranked
              new technology and surrounded by breakthrough
              businesses changing the world.                                                                                            environment                                                               in the global top 20
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      QS World University
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Rankings 2017
                                                                                                                                        Studying at King’s is your chance to work with
                                                                                                                                        world-leading experts on some of humanity’s
                                                                                                                                        biggest challenges for this generation and the next.

              OVERVIEW OF COURSES                           ‘I had a great time at King’s, and I benefited a lot from the               OVERVIEW OF COURSES
              The engineering courses offered by             Engineering with Management programme. The programme                       Geography at King’s unites science,
              the Department of Informatics are              provides a high-quality education from renowned teachers.                  society and the environment, allowing         Find out more online
              diverse and cover a range of topics,                                                                                      you to learn more about key issues the
              from 5G telecommunications to devices
                                                             It also introduced me to cutting-edge technology and                       world is facing today, including climate      English language requirements
              for surgical robotics. It is a department      broadened my horizons.’                                                    change, how development affects     
              that has strong partnerships in place with                                                                                the environment, risk and disasters,          Join the conversation
              London Tech City, the City of London           Zhuoling                                                                   sustainability, and territorial security.
              and global players such as Facebook            Engineering with
                                                                                                                                        At King’s, you will explore                        @KCLGeography
              and Google.                                    Management MSc
                                                                                                                                        groundbreaking approaches to
              Informatics is a department that is truly                                                                                 environmental, urban and social
              connected to industry, with opportunities                                     RECENT GRADUATES                            issues and you will engage with policy
              for students to take part in joint projects                                   ARE NOW WORKING IN:                         development on global, national and           See page 63 for courses.                              Image taken
              with industrial partners. Students are                                                                                    local scales. The diverse suite of
                                                                                            •• design engineering                                                                                                                           by Geography
              encouraged to think creatively in                                                                                         postgraduate courses offered by the           ‘Having such a supportive community                   student Catherine
              relation to engineering design, while                                         •• project management                       Department of Geography is one of the
              gaining insight into how electronic                                           •• security and                            largest in the UK. Benefiting from our         of staff and students has made the
              engineering translates into everyday                                              communications                          multidisciplinary expertise, you can           course so enjoyable and helped me
              life through mobile and personal                                                  consultancy                             select from social and natural science         to achieve my best. A fantastic
              communication, as well as the                                                 •• data analytics                           modules that provide complementary             internship opportunity at Greater
              importance of security.                                                       •• software development                     perspectives on a wide range of topics         London Authority has provided
                                                                                            •• cyber security                           and offer you the opportunity to
                                                                                                                                        specialise in areas of particular interest.    me with transferable skills and the
                                                                                            •• web design.
                                                                                                                                                                                       experience I needed for a career
                                                                                                                                        Our teaching is international in
                Find out more online                                                                                                    its outlook, and with wide-reaching            in the environment industry.’
                                                                                                        external partnerships and one of
                English language requirements                                                                                           the most extensive internship                  Hannah
                                                                                                              programmes in the country, you will            Climate Change
                Join the conversation                                                                                                   gain a qualification that will be valued       MSc
                     /KingsNMS                                                                                                          across a broad spectrum of employers.

                See page 62 for courses.

                                                                                                                            Postgraduate Guide 2018 •
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  34                    CHOOSE                  SUBJECT                 OUR                   WHAT YOU              FULL COURSE                                                                                                                                    35
                        KING’S                  AREAS                   COURSES               NEED TO KNOW          INDEX A–Z
History & classics

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Imaging sciences
                     History                                                                                                                         Imaging
                     & classics                                                                          3rd                                         sciences                                                                         1st
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     in the UK for
                                                                                                   in the UK for the power
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 general engineering,
                                                                                                    of our classics research
                     It’s hard to think of many places where                                                                                         Medical imaging is transforming the diagnosis and                          with 99% of submission
                     the past feels more alive and more relevant                                             REF 2014                                delivery of clinical care across a spectrum of medical                          rated 3* or 4*
                     than right here in central London.                                                                                              fields – from trauma to cancer and degenerative                                   REF 2014
                                                                                                                                                     diseases, the field is constantly evolving.

                     OVERVIEW OF COURSES                                                                                                              OVERVIEW OF COURSES                              ‘Learning from the top
                     At King’s Department of History, you                                                                                             These courses offer advanced training             leaders in the field and
                     will find an incredible range of people with                                                                                     and research opportunities to develop             working along with
                     knowledge that spans centuries. King’s covers                                                                                    your ability to harness technological
                     British and European history from the early                                                                                      advances for the benefit of patients
                                                                                                                                                                                                        them and with enthusiastic
                     medieval period onwards, and the modern                                                                                          and wider scientific understanding.               people interested in this
                     history of all regions of the world. So,
                                                                                                                                                      We are one of only four Wellcome Trust
                                                                                                                                                                                                        line of knowledge has
                     whatever your passion – whether it’s the                                                                                                                                           encouraged me to learn
                                                                                                                                                      and EPSRC Centres of Excellence in
                     Vikings, medieval agriculture or the Magna                                                                                                                                         more and be better.’
                                                                                                                                                      Medical Engineering with a focus on
                     Carta; Britain under Margaret Thatcher;
                                                                                                                                                      the development of medical imaging
                     or the recent history of China, Nigeria
                                                                                                                                                      technology such as ultrasound.                   Leyla
                     or Iran – you will discover experts
                                                                                                                                                      Much of our research work has been               Radiopharmaceutics
                     who share your enthusiasm.
                                                                                                                                                      translated into clinical best practice in real   & PET
                     Studying classics at King’s includes
                                                                                                                                                      clinical settings thanks to our relationships    Radiochemistry
                     the study of ancient literature, history,
                                                                                                                                                      with our King’s Health Partners: the Guy’s       MSc
                     philosophy, art and archaeology, as well
                                                                                                                                                      and St Thomas’, King’s College Hospital,
                     as Byzantine culture, neo-Latin and modern
                                                                                                                                                      and South London and Maudsley NHS
                     Greek literature, and the reception of classical
                                                                                                                                                      Foundation Trusts.
                     antiquity. Classics at King’s has a fantastic
                     global reputation – King’s partnership with        ‘There is a huge variety

                     the Institute of Classical Studies gives you
                     access to the best classics research library
                                                                         of modules available –                                                                                                                                               GRADUATE
                                                                         you do not feel confined        Find out more online
                     and the richest programme of seminars                                                                                                                                                                                    DESTINATIONS:
                                                                         by your degree title in any
                                                                                                                                                                                                              work and/
                     and conferences in the UK.                                                                                                      Find out more online
                                                                                                         English language requirements
                                                                         way. In fact, it persuades                                                                                                           66% WORK

                                                                                                                                                                                                               or study
                                                                         you to delve into other         Join the conversation
                                                                                                                                                     English language requirements                                                            29% STUDY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    5% OTHER
                                                                         unfamiliar and exciting              /KingsArtsHums                         Join the conversation
                                                                         areas of research.’                  @KingsArtsHums
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              DLHE Survey 2016
                                                                        Elizabeth                                                                         @KingsMedicine
                                                                        The Classical World
                                                                        & its Reception MA               See page 64 for courses.
                                                                                                                                                     See page 64 for courses.

                                                                                                                                         Postgraduate Guide 2018 •
1:                     2:                  3:                   4:                    5:
    36                                CHOOSE                 SUBJECT             OUR                  WHAT YOU              FULL COURSE                                                                 37
                                      KING’S                 AREAS               COURSES              NEED TO KNOW          INDEX A–Z
International affairs & development

                                                                                                                                                                                                    International affairs & development
                                      International affairs
                                      & development
                                      How has globalisation affected different parts of the world?
                                      What are the successes and development challenges for emerging
                                      economies? How are health and social problems in one country
                                      tackled in another?

                                      OVERVIEW OF COURSES                        RECENT GRADUATES
                                      These courses explore the multipolar       ARE NOW WORKING IN:
                                      world and the dynamics of the most         • civil service                 Find out more online
                                      important phenomena shaping today’s        • journalism          
                                      societies and economies, such as           • consultancy                   English language requirements
                                      urbanisation, industrialisation,                                 
                                                                                 • think tanks
                                      poverty and inequality. The broad                                          Join the conversation
                                      range of options allows you to focus       • research
                                                                                 • project management                 /KingsCollegeLondon
                                      on countries with growing influence
                                      such as China and India, key regions       • NGOs                               @KingsCollegeLon
                                      such as Latin America, or important        • teaching.
                                      themes such as inclusive development
                                      in the new emerging economies.             ‘My course provided me
                                                                                                                 See page 65 for courses.
                                      Teaching is by experts across               with important tools and
                                      politics, history, sociology, economics,    knowledge to understand the
                                      anthropology, management and                complexity and challenges of
                                      geography. Many courses offer options
                                                                                  international development,
                                      for practitioner-led modules and skills
                                      for networking and employability.           as well as a fantastic
                                                                                  multicultural network
                                      PARTNERSHIPS                                of colleagues and friends.’
                                      King’s collaborates with researchers
                                      and think tanks in the emerging            Maren
                                      economies, UN Women, the UNDP,             Emerging Economies
                                      the World Bank, Ashoka, the UK             & International
                                      Government’s Department for                Development
                                      International Development (DFID)           MSc
                                      and more.

                                                                                                                                                 Image taken by
                                                                                                                                                 Geography student Fahmina

                                                                                                                                                 Postgraduate Guide 2018 •
1:                      2:                     3:                    4:                        5:
    38                                CHOOSE                  SUBJECT                OUR                   WHAT YOU                  FULL COURSE                                                                                                                            39
                                      KING’S                  AREAS                  COURSES               NEED TO KNOW              INDEX A–Z
International affairs & development

                                      Languages                                                                                                                      Law
                                      & literature                                                                   Top 10                                          Located in the heart of legal London,
                                                                                                                                                                     The Dickson Poon School of Law is
                                                                                                               in the UK for English                                 recognised globally as one of the premier
                                                                                                               and modern languages                                  law schools in the world. It ranks first in
                                      With over 250 languages spoken every
                                                                                                                   research power                                    the UK for research (REF 2014) and is
                                      day in London, it’s the cultural diversity
                                      of this wonderful city and its world-class                                          REF 2014                                   in the top 20 law schools worldwide
                                      libraries, museums, archives, theatres and                                                                                     (QS World University Rankings 2017).
                                      cultural institutions that help to make
                                      studying a course in languages and literature
                                      with King’s such a rewarding experience.

                                      OVERVIEW OF COURSES                                                                                                           OVERVIEW OF COURSES                         ‘What distinguishes The
                                      If your passion is for English literature                                                                                     Whether you study on campus, online or       Dickson Poon School of Law
                                      then there really is no better place to find
                                      people who share it – some of our MAs
                                      are taught together with experts from
                                                                                                                      Find out more online
                                                                                                                      English language requirements
                                                                                                                                                                    via distance learning, by studying law at
                                                                                                                                                                    King’s you will benefit from world-class
                                                                                                                                                                    teaching, strong global partnerships,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 and King’s College London
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 from other universities is          91%
                                      the British Museum, the British Library                                                             and an extensive alumni network.             its people. Being taught by
                                      and Shakespeare’s Globe.                                                                                                                                                   world-leading scholars             satisfaction rate
                                                                                                                      Join the conversation                         King’s legal careers consultants provide                                         Postgraduate Taught
                                      Our comparative literature courses                                                   /KingsArtsHums                           support, guidance and internship             and brilliant practitioners,         Experience Survey
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         (PTES) 2017
                                      help you to explore literature and culture                                           @KingsArtsHums                           opportunities during your studies, while     who share their broad
                                      spanning a variety of languages, from six                                                                                     involvement in the Pro Bono, Bar and         experience with students,
                                      different continents, over 2,500 years.                                                                                       Mooting societies will further boost your    enhanced my theoretical
                                                                                                                                                                    skills and provide you with a competitive
                                      With one of the broadest-ranging               ‘Studying the Shakespeare                                                      edge in the legal job market.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 and practical skills. The
                                      and most highly-rated modern language                                           See page 66 for courses.
                                                                                      Studies MA has been                                                                                                        international and open
                                      departments in the country, you will
                                      have the chance to study everything             a dream come true for           Find out about learning another                                                            vibe of the School will make

                                                                                                                      language alongside your degree                                                             everyone feel welcome
                                      from portuguese and french to german            me. It’s not just about
                                                                                                                      on page 43.                                   Find out more online
                                      and spanish, and immerse yourself in the        Shakespeare, but the world                                                                                                 and at home in London.’
                                      francophone, lusophone and hispanic             of performance he and                                                                                                                                      median graduate salary
                                      cultures of Africa and Latin America.                                                                                         English language requirements                Simon
                                                                                      his contemporaries lived                                                                                                             DLHE Survey 2016
                                      Our English language teacher training                                                                                                                                      International
                                      is delivered with leading experts               in. Plus, working so closely                                                  Join the conversation                        Dispute Resolution
                                      at International House.                         with Shakespeare’s Globe                                                           /TheDicksonPoonSchoolOfLaw              LLM
                                                                                      makes it feel like it’s                                                            @KCL_Law
                                      RECENT GRADUATES
                                                                                      my second home!’
                                      ARE NOW WORKING IN:
                                      •• communications and public relations
                                      •• marketing and sales                                                                                                        See page 67 for courses.

                                      •• editorial                                    Studies MA
                                      •• teaching.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                in graduate work or study
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     DLHE Survey 2016

                                                                                                                                                        Postgraduate Guide 2018 •
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