Fauci Discusses Public Misperceptions About Viruses

Page created by Debra Jenkins
Fauci Discusses Public Misperceptions About Viruses
April 19, 2019
                            Vol. LXXI, No. 8

                                                                                                                                               (URI)— they sneeze, they cough—sometimes
                                                                                                                                               they get sinusitis; sometimes they go on to
                                                                                                                                               get a complication like pneumonia. Some
                                                                                                                                               of the viruses that cause URIs are very mild
Fauci Discusses Public                                                                                                                         inherently, with very little chance of there
Misperceptions About Viruses                                                                                                                   being severity.”
BY DANA TALESNIK                                                                                                                                   Rhinoviruses, which are responsible for at
                                                                                                                                               least one-third of adult colds, are an example.
Emerging from the height of cold and flu                                                                                                       They generally cause a mild URI. Other URIs
season, it may seem as though there are                                                                                                        can be mild or more serious when caused by
dozens of new, increasingly stubborn viruses                                                                                                   such viruses as influenza.
out there. This, in fact, is not the case.                                                                                                         “Some URIs are always mild and rarely
   “There is not this whole hoard of                                                                                                           get serious,” said Fauci. “Some are mild and
unnamed viruses that we do not know                                                                                                            not infrequently get serious. And some can
                                                                                       NIAID director Dr. Anthony Fauci
about,” said NIAID director Dr. Anthony                                                                                                        be very serious.”
Fauci, in a recent conversation with the NIH                                                                                                       If symptoms do not go away, that is the
Record. “Everything that really is out there,                                         than the predominant flu strain (H1N1)                   time to seek help. Then it is possible that a
we know about.”                                                                       this past winter.                                        secondary, bacterial infection has developed
   Viruses tend not to become more severe,                                                “I guess that is one of the interesting              such as sinusitis or pneumonia, which in that
though certain viruses can vary in their                                              aspects, but one of the confounding aspects              case would require antibiotics.
virulence. The influenza strain H3N2 a                                                of colds, particularly in the winter,” said                  Fauci also discussed two viruses that have
year ago, for example, was quite virulent                                             Fauci. “When people get a sore throat,                   made headlines in recent months.
and more likely to cause complications                                                they get an upper respiratory infection                                                   SEE FAUCI, PAGE 4

                                                                                      MEDICINE ON SCREEN                                       NEEDLESS SUFFERING
                                                                                      NLM Relaunches Vintage       Access to Palliative Care,
                                                                                      Movies with Overview Lecture Pain Relief Out of Reach for
                                                                                      BY CARLA GARNETT
                                                                                                                   World’s Poor
                                                                                      From virtual                                             BY ERIC BOCK

                                                                                      travel and art                                           The world’s poor-
                                                                                      imagery to                                               est citizens have
                                                                                      family planning                                          almost no access
                                                                                      and the sexual                                           to the palliative
                                                                                      revolution, you                                          care and pain
 Campus attraction. Another giant magnet
 arrives for MRI research. See story, p. 12.                                          can find films                                           relief that provide
                                                                                      featuring nearly                                         respite from
  ALSO THIS ISSUE                                                                     any theme imag-                                          serious health-re-
                                                                                      inable among the                                         lated suffering,
  Briefs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  2
                                                                                      almost 40,000                                            said Dr. Felicia
  NIH Exceeds $2.2 Million CFC Goal . . . . . . . . . .  3                            titles in the                                            Knaul at a recent
  IT Service Desk Marks 25 Years. . . . . . . . . . . . . .5                          National Library                                         Center for Cancer
                                                                                      of Medicine’s                                            Research Grand
  NINDS Hosts Summit on ADRD. . . . . . . . . . . . .  7                                                   Dr. Oliver Gaycken
                                                                                      storehouse of                                            Rounds in Lipsett Dr. Felicia Knaul
  Digest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9     audiovisual                                              Amphitheater.
  Milestones. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10         materials. Recently, NLM relaunched its                  Palliative care is one of the most neglected
                                                                                      website dedicated to such resources with                 areas in global health today, she said.
  51-Ton MRI Magnet Arrives at NIH. . . . . . . . . . . 12
                                                                                                                          SEE MOVIES, PAGE 6                               SEE PAIN RELIEF, PAGE 8
Fauci Discusses Public Misperceptions About Viruses

12th Annual NIH Career Symposium, May
10 at Natcher Bldg.
The NIH Office of Intramural Training & Education
invites all NIH graduate students and postdoctoral
trainees, both basic scientists and clinicians, to par-
ticipate in the 12th annual NIH Career Symposium
on Friday, May 10 at Natcher Conference Center
from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. The symposium provides
an opportunity for fellows and graduate students
to learn about scientific career options and to
explore factors that lead to career success. The
all-day program will include more than 20 breakout
sessions highlighting career opportunities.

Panel sessions cover academic, government,
industry and non-profit career paths. More
than 80 speakers will provide insights into their
careers—what their current job entails, its pluses
and minuses and how they got there. For more
information and registration visit https://www.
training.nih.gov/.                                         Pianist Entertains at CRC
                                                           Danila Tomassetti, an Italian native and concert pianist who is pursuing her doctorate under a full
                                                           scholarship at Catholic University, performed on Mar. 28 as part of the Music in the Atrium series at
Postbaccalaureate Poster Day, May 2                        the Clinical Research Center. She played Ten Pieces from Romeo and Juliet op. 75 by Sergei Prokofiev.
Postbac Poster Day is scheduled for Thursday,              To see the calendar of upcoming concerts in the Clinical Center Atrium, go to https://clinicalcenter.nih.
May 2. It will be held at Natcher Conference Center        gov/ocmr/music.html.
from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The keynote address will         PHOTOS: DEBBIE ACCAME
begin at noon, followed by presentation of Postbac
Distinguished Mentoring Awards to NIH investiga-
                                                          Daum@nih.gov, (301) 594-7559 or the Federal             and treatment, as well as other areas in the
tors selected by the postbacs. Poster session I will
                                                          Relay at 1-800-877-8339. Requests should be             behavioral sciences.
take place from 10 a.m. to noon and session II is
                                                          made at least 5 days before the event.
from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.                                                                                            Register at https://prevention.nih.gov/
                                                          More information can be found at www.nidcr.             education-training/methods-mind-gap/
Poster Day provides an opportunity for postbacs
                                                          nih.gov/news-events/nidcr-host-craniofacial-re-         optimization-prevention-interventions-us-
to share the research they have been conducting at
                                                          search-symposium-may-6-2019.                            ing-most-state-science-and-future-directions.
NIH and also develop their scientific communica-
tion and networking skills. Posters will be reviewed
by teams composed of graduate students, post-             Webinar on Prevention                    Apr. 23        Belkaid Wins
docs and staff scientists/clinicians. The authors of      Interventions Features                                  FNIH’s Lurie
the top 20 percent will receive a letter acknowledg-      Collins                                                 Prize
ing their accomplishments. For more information,          The Office of Disease Prevention will host a            The Foundation for
visit www.training.nih.gov/postbac_poster_day.            Methods: Mind the Gap webinar with Dr. Linda M.         the NIH has named
                                                          Collins on optimization of prevention interventions     NIAID’s Dr. Yasmine
NIDCR To Host Craniofacial Research                       using MOST. The event will take place on Tuesday,       Belkaid the winner
Symposium, May 6                                          Apr. 23 at 3 p.m.                                       of the $100,000
                                                                                                                  Lurie Prize in
NIDCR will host a symposium, “Looking Back                                              Collins will briefly      Biomedical Sciences
and Facing the Future: From NIDR to NIDCR,” on                                          describe the multi-       for outstanding
Monday, May 6, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in                                           phase optimization        achievement by a
Lipsett Amphitheater, Bldg. 10.                                                         strategy (MOST), an       promising young
The event will commemorate the founding of the                                                                    scientist in bio-
institute in 1948 and the addition of “Craniofacial”                                                              medical research.
                                                                                        framework for opti-
to the institute name in 1998, and will showcase                                                                  Belkaid, the award’s
                                                                                        mizing and evaluating
research accomplishments in craniofacial biology,                                                                 seventh honoree, is        Dr. Yasmine Belkaid
                                                                                        behavioral, biobehav-
from basic science to clinical applications. The                                                                  being recognized
                                                                                        ioral and biomedical
symposium will also include presentations on                                                                      for blazing a trail in
craniofacial development and regeneration, wound                                                                  understanding the microbiome’s significant role
healing, salivary gland development and regenera-                                        Collins is distin-       in immune regulation. FNIH awards the Lurie Prize
tion and bone loss.                                                                      guished professor of     annually to recognize pioneering work by scientists
                                                                                         human development        early in their careers. Belkaid, who is director of the
Two former directors, Dr. Lawrence Tabak and Dr.
                                                                                         and family studies       Microbiome Program and chief of the metaorgan-
Harold Slavkin, will deliver talks at the event.            Dr. Linda M. Collins         at Pennsylvania          ism immunity section in the Laboratory of Immune
The symposium is free and open to the public; no                                         State University.        System Biology and an adjunct professor at the
registration is required. The event will be videocast     She is also director of the Methodology Center, an      University of Pennsylvania, will be presented with
live and archived. Individuals who need sign              interdisciplinary research center devoted to the        the prize at the FNIH Award Ceremony on May 22 in
language interpreting and/or other reasonable             advancement and dissemination of quantitative           Washington, D.C.
accommodation to participate should contact Mary.         methods for applications in drug abuse prevention

2 • NIH RECORD • APRIL 19, 2019
Fauci Discusses Public Misperceptions About Viruses
many smaller events held at individual ICs,
NIH Exceeds $2.2 Million Goal                                                                                                 NIH employees had plentiful opportunities
in 2018 CFC Program                                                                                                           to learn about the charities that are part of
                                                                                                                              the CFC and build enthusiasm for giving.
                                                                                                                                  The NIH’s Got Talent event was a
NIH has done it again. That was the main                                                                                      particular hit in this year’s campaign. NIH
message of the appreciation and awards                                                                                        staff showed off skills in everything from
ceremony that wrapped up NIH’s 2018                                                                                           hula-hooping to harp playing. Collins noted
Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). The                                                                                          with amusement that the competition’s
ceremony, which recognized each institute                                                                                     winner was also a co-chair: Austin, who
and center based on participation, amount                                                                                     amazed the crowd with his opera skills,
of money raised and overall campaign                                                                                          singing an aria from Carmen.
achievements, was held Mar. 6 at Lister Hill                                                                                      At the end of the ceremony, the CFC
Auditorium, Bldg. 38A.                                                                                                        banner and a cardboard torch were passed
    NIH exceeded its goal for the CFC, raising                                                                                to NEI, which will be the lead for the 2019
more than $2.2 million for charities in the U.S.                                                                              campaign.
and abroad. The CFC is the federal govern-
ment’s largest workplace giving campaign.
This year, some 8,000 charities participated in
the National Capital Area CFC.
    “At a time of seemingly endless frac-
tiousness, it was a pure delight to see the
NIH community do what it does best—truly
caring for others,” said campaign co-chair
                                                        NCATS’s Bekah Geiger (r) passes the torch and
and NCATS director Dr. Christopher Austin.              the CFC banner to NEI’s Jessica Ryan.
NCATS served as the lead NIH agency for the
2018 campaign. The theme, for the third year
in a row, was “Show Some Love.”                        be paid for the unexpected time off made
    This year’s partial government shutdown            committing to charitable donations difficult.
presented a unique challenge. “We at                       “Even in the face of those challenges, we                             ON THE COVER: Humans typically have two sex
                                                                                                                                 chromosomes­—X (larger pair) and Y. Scientists have
NIH only had a very small segment of the               did it,” Collins said. “This speaks to NIH’s                              evidence that millions of years ago, X and Y were the
employee base furloughed, but the furlough             commitment to this important endeavor.” In                                same size and contained essentially the same genes.

still affected us,” said NIH director Dr.              addition, he noted, colleagues in other parts                             Now, virtually the only DNA they still have in common
                                                                                                                                 is at the very tips (blue).
Francis Collins. Many NIH employees have               of the federal government were receiving
                                                                                                                                 IMAGE: MELISSA WILSON, ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY
spouses and other family members who                   benefits from some of the same charitable
were furloughed during the shutdown. The               organizations that the CFC supports.                                      The NIH Record
uncertainty about whether they would ever                  From the kickoff event in October to the                              Since 1949, the NIH Record has been published
                                                                                                                                 biweekly by the Editorial Operations Branch,
                                                                                                                                 Office of Communications and Public Liaison,
                                                                                                                                 National Institutes of Health, Department of Health
                                                                                                                                 and Human Services. For editorial policies, email
                                                                                                                                 editor or phone (301) 496-2125.
                                                                                                                                 Editor: Rich McManus
                                                                                                                                 Associate Editor: Carla Garnett
                                                                                                                                 Staff Writers:
                                                                                                                                 Eric Bock • Eric.Bock@nih.gov
                                                                                                                                 Dana Talesnik • Dana.Talesnik@nih.gov
                                                                                                                                 Subscribe via email:                                     Follow:
                                                                                                                                 listserv@list.nih.gov                                    http://nihrecord.nih.gov/
                                                                                                         Facebook “f ” Logo           CMYK / .eps   Facebook “f ” Logo      CMYK / .eps

                                                                                                                                                                                                   The NIH Record
                                                                                                                                                                                                   is recyclable as
                                                                                                                                                                                                   mixed paper.

 From left: NCATS director Dr. Christopher Austin, Debra Gale, Monica Hanson, NIH director Dr. Francis
 Collins and Geiger pose with NIH’s award from the CFC National Capital Area.

                                                                                                                                                                         NIH RECORD • APRIL 19, 2019 • 3
Fauci Discusses Public Misperceptions About Viruses
science. And the evidence tells us that the
                                                                                                    vaccines—particularly for measles—are very
                                                                                                    safe and highly effective.”
    In November 2018, a 19-year-old                                                                    NIAID continues to underscore the
University of Maryland student died after                                                           importance of getting vaccinated to protect
contracting adenovirus, one of dozens of                                                            everyone from disease.
cases of the highly contagious virus reported                                                          “Herd immunity means that when a
on the campus around that time.                                                                     certain percentage of the population is
    “Adenoviruses are very common,” said                                                            protected by vaccination, it boxes the virus
Fauci. “They tend to occur in outbreaks in                                                          in and does not allow the virus to freely
close quarters. It is a big problem in boot                                                         circulate in society,” Fauci explained. “For
camp in the military and that is why the                                                            measles, you need somewhere between
military vaccinates their recruits against a                                                        92-95 percent of the population to be vac-
couple of the adenoviruses.”                                                                        cinated to get full community protection.”
    Adenovirus is generally not deadly, said        Image of an enterovirus, a common bug           Once we fall below this percentage, “then the
Fauci. The student who died had a compro-                                                           herd immunity shield is dampened a bit and
mised immune system from an underlying             when you were a child and now you are an         that is how people in the community start
illness.                                           adult,” he said. “Meanwhile, the children are    getting infected.”
    “She was not a normal host,” he said.          getting infected for the first time and you         So stay current on vaccines, avoid or limit
“Very, very rarely do you get an otherwise         do not know if their predisposition—geneti-      close contact with contagious people and
normal, healthy person get so sick that [he or     cally or otherwise—is going to allow them to     frequently wash your hands. The old adage
she dies] from an adenovirus.”                     get AFM.”                                        remains: when it comes to viruses, preven-
    Another viral condition making news               Enteroviruses are generally treated symp-     tion is the best medicine.
in recent months is acute flaccid myelitis         tomatically and there is no cure for AFM.
(AFM), which affects the nervous system               “If someone gets the rare complication         NIGMS, Scholastic Team Up for
and, in serious cases, can cause paralysis.        of AFM,” said Fauci, “then very aggressive        ‘Pathways’
    Proving what triggers AFM has been             physical therapy has been shown to be             The National Institute of General Medical
tough because the virus is difficult to isolate,   beneficial in preventing the advancement of       Sciences recently announced the debut of
                                                                                                     Pathways, a collaboration between NIGMS and
said Fauci, but circumstantial evidence            the physical disability.”
                                                                                                     Scholastic, Inc.,
points to a specific enterovirus as the cause.        There is also no vaccine for AFM because       that provides
    “It is one of those hit-and-run viruses,”      “you would not know whom to vaccinate,”           a collection of
said Fauci. “You get infected, then you            said Fauci. There are many kinds of enterovi-     free educa-
cannot isolate it, but you get a post-infection    ruses, most of which cause mild infections.       tional resources
                                                                                                     about basic
syndrome—in this case paralysis.”                     The topic of vaccinations has also hit
    AFM is rare, contracted by less than one       the news in recent months, as outbreaks of        science and
in a million people. An entire family might        measles have been reported in Washington          research
get infected with the same enterovirus but         state, New York and elsewhere.                    careers.
only one member might get AFM due to                  “First of all, it is important to establish    Designed
environmental, genetic or other predis-            that these measles outbreaks are all associ-      for grades 6
positions that led to the otherwise rare           ated with lack of vaccinating children,” said     through 12,
complication.                                      Fauci. “So the anti-vax movement is at the        Pathways includes a student magazine, teacher
                                                                                                     lesson plans, activities and videos, all available at
    “Remember, enteroviruses are all over          root cause of the outbreaks that you have
the place,” said Fauci. “They are very             read about.”
common viruses. Virtually everyone, at                Misinformation about vaccines lingers on       The Pathways student magazine is also being
                                                                                                     distributed to subscribers of Scholastic’s Science
one time in their lives, was infected by an        the internet and gets propagated on social
                                                                                                     World magazine, reaching nearly 500,000
enterovirus, including you and me. Only            media. Addressing the anti-vaccination            students in all 50 states. The magazine and
rarely do enteroviruses cause acute flaccid        community can be complicated though.              accompanying resources feature NIGMS
myelitis. The complication is rare, but the           “Some people are inveterate anti-vax’ers       scientists such as “Beetle Guy” Ryan Bracewell,
virus is not rare.”                                and no matter what you say or do, they are        a postdoctoral fellow at the University of
                                                                                                     California, Berkeley; “Viral Star” Mavis Agbandje-
    Most incidents of AFM in recent years          not going to change their minds,” said Fauci.
                                                                                                     McKenna, a professor at the University of
have been reported among children. That            “But there are some people who are prevent-       Florida; and “Gene Detective” Melissa Wilson, an
is because most adults already contracted          ing their children from getting vaccinated        assistant professor at Arizona State University.
an enterovirus when they were younger,             and can be convinced otherwise. The way
                                                                                                     NIGMS encourages teachers to use
explained Fauci, and built immunity from           you approach them is not to criticize or          #NIGMSPathways on social media to share how
previous exposure.                                 denigrate them, but to try to get them to         they’re using Pathways in their classrooms.
    “You escaped getting flaccid paralysis         appreciate what we call evidence-based

4 • NIH RECORD • APRIL 19, 2019
Fauci Discusses Public Misperceptions About Viruses
Hill Lecture on Controlling HIV Pandemic
Set for Apr. 30                                                                                                                           25 YEARS
                                                          IT Service Desk Marks Milestone
HIV physician-scientist Dr. Diane Havlir will give the
2019 James C. Hill Memorial Lecture on Tuesday,           When the NIH IT Service Desk recently celebrated its 25th
Apr. 30 at 3 p.m. in Lipsett Amphitheater, Bldg.          anniversary, veterans of the desk noted the great strides the team had made since its early days in
10. Her talk,                                             1994, when team members distributed yellow Rolodex cards containing phone numbers for technical
“Ending                                                   support. No one could have anticipated that, 25 years later, the service desk would operate as a central
AIDS: The                                                 hub for IT services and support at participating NIH institutes and centers and certain operating
Wild West,”                                               divisions of the Department of Health and Human Services.
will examine                                              The NIH IT environment now
strategies used                                           supports more than 19,000
to control the                                            mobile devices and 50,000
HIV epidemic                                              computers in facilities around
in San                                                    the country. Last year alone,
Francisco and                                             the service desk team (along
rural western                                             with IC help desks) handled
Uganda                                                    more than 279,000 calls.
and Kenya,
highlighting                                              The team has managed to
insights from                                             handle that deluge of tickets
each approach.                                            by adopting IT best practices
                                                          and tools that improve the
Havlir is                                                 customer experience.
chief of HIV,                                                                               Tony Roberts (l) and John Buglio at the service desk’s 25th
                    Dr. Diane Havlir                                                        anniversary celebration
infectious                                                One such tool is remote
disease and                                               assistance, which allows
global medicine at Zuckerberg San Francisco               technicians to access a user’s machine (with his or her permission) to resolve a technical issue remotely.
General Hospital and Trauma Center, where she             On average, the tool was used more than 1,000 times per month in 2018.
directs the renowned HIV clinic Ward 86. She also
                                                          Another such tool is VoIP (voice over internet protocol), a cloud-based phone service that provides
is professor and associate chair of clinical research
                                                          customers the convenience of voice interaction and caller ID. It also offers better geolocation services
in the department of medicine at the University
                                                          for emergency personnel and saves money by lowering the cost per call.
of California, San Francisco. In addition, she chairs
the United Nations AIDS scientific and technical          These tools are supported by a team of technicians who provide help to the NIH and HHS communities
advisory committee, which provides guidance for           365 days a year.
global action on HIV/AIDS.
                                                          “Since its inception 25 years ago, the team has pushed itself each and every day to provide better
In 2014, Havlir co-founded San Francisco: Getting         support to the NIH community,” said Tony Roberts, the IT support service division chief. “And we’re
to Zero, a city-wide initiative to eliminate new HIV      also proud to offer a range of services that make the service desk more accessible, including bilingual
infections and HIV-related deaths. She also leads         and TTY services.”
a large clinical trial called SEARCH in Uganda
and Kenya in which everyone in participating              In the future, says Roberts, “we’re going to continue developing processes that improve the speed and
communities was tested for HIV—primarily at               quality with which participating NIH staff engage with the service desk team. Even with a 97.5 percent
multi-disease health fairs—and those who tested           customer satisfaction rating, it’s always our goal to provide faster and better service.”—John Hotka
positive were offered immediate access to HIV care
and treatment. The study found that this approach
helped communities surpass UNAIDS targets for            La Spada To Give Sayer Lecture, May 7                  Spinocerebellar ataxia type 7 (SCA7) is an
HIV diagnosis, treatment and viral suppression and                                                              inherited neurological disorder characterized by
                                                         Dr. Albert La Spada, professor of neurology,
improved overall population health.                                                                             cerebellar and retinal degeneration. People with
                                                         neurobiology and cell biology at Duke University
                                                                                                                SCA7 develop atrophy of the cerebellar cortex and
                                                         School of Medicine
In her lecture, Havlir will discuss how the Getting to                                                          the brainstem and they exhibit extensive loss of
                                                         and director of the
Zero program has helped cut San Francisco’s HIV                                                                 cerebellar Purkinje cells. Physiological assessments
                                                         Duke Center for
incidence in half over 5 years and the need for new                                                             by electroretinogram show cone photoreceptor
strategies to boost population-level viral suppres-                                                             dysfunction prior to rod photoreceptor abnormali-
                                                         & Neurotherapeutics,
sion further. She also will describe the effect in                                                              ties, leading to complete blindness.
                                                         will give the 11th
the SEARCH study of integrating HIV testing with
                                                         Sayer Vision Research                                  La Spada will discuss progress in identifying the
screening for other diseases and the lessons this
                                                         Lecture on Tuesday,                                    molecular and mechanistic bases of SCA7. His team
offers for San Francisco and beyond.
                                                         May 7, at 11 a.m. in                                   recently demonstrated that silencing the ataxin-7
The Hill Lecture series is dedicated to the memory       Lipsett Amphitheater,                                  gene is an effective treatment for SCA7 retinal
of former NIAID deputy director Dr. James C. Hill,       Bldg. 10.                                              degeneration.
who played a critical role in shaping NIAID’s HIV/
                                                         His presentation                                       The Sayer Vision Research Lecture Series features
AIDS research agenda during the early years of
                                                         is titled “Clinical                                    prominent scientists conducting vision-related
the epidemic.
                                                         Features and                                           research. It is co-hosted by NEI and the Foundation
                                                         Molecular Basis                                        for the National Institutes of Health.
                                                                                 Dr. Albert La Spada
                                                         of the Cerebellar-
                                                         Retinal Degenerative                                   For assistance, including the need for sign language
                                                         Disorder Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 7: From           interpretation or other reasonable accommodation
                                                         Mechanism to Therapy.”                                 to participate in this event, call (301) 451-6763.

                                                                                                                                   NIH RECORD • APRIL 19, 2019 • 5
Fauci Discusses Public Misperceptions About Viruses
Movies                                                                                                 different from the current moment,” he
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1                                                                                  explained. “But I tend to see them as films we
                                                                                                       are in dialogue with right now, with elements
a lecture, “Fantastic Voyages Through the                                                              that have become troubling with time [but
Historical Audiovisual Collections at the                                                              also with] elements that have remained
National Library of Medicine,” by Dr. Oliver                                                           enduringly helpful.”
Gaycken, a historian of cinema and media                                                                   The films helped serve the social
with an emphasis on the intersection of                                                                progress and public health goals of northern
science and medicine at the University of                                                              Virginia’s Airlie Center, a farm retreat/con-
Maryland.                                                                                              ference center that “Life magazine called ‘an
    “The NLM’s extraordinary collection                                                                island of thought,’” Gaycken noted. “[Many
of AV materials attests to the presence                                                                of these movies] allowed for the inclusion
of a largely unknown history of the 20th                                                               of otherwise excluded perspectives, notably
century where medical media educated                                                                   those of women.”
and persuaded untold millions of patients                                                                  The 1960s-era center established its
and doctors, and documented diseases,                                                                  own documentary filmmaking division.
innovations and procedures,” said Gaycken,                                                             Screenwriter-director Miriam Bucher of
describing the movie trove’s range. “Together                                                          the center is credited on several of the films,
these films demonstrate the variety of                                                                 including Speak.
approaches to communicating medical                                                                        “Her example demonstrates how medical
knowledge and the enduring value of the                                                                films provided a venue for a woman’s voice to
medical profession’s AV records.”                  Gaycken’s look at medical movies in the NLM         be heard on the critical issue of reproductive
                                                   collection included a group of training films for
    For sheer art appreciation alone, for          physicians and psychologists.                       health,” said Gaycken. “You can hear it pretty
example, consider A Voyage Through the                                                                 clearly in the conclusion to Speak.”
                                                   PHOTO: MARLEEN VAN DEN NESTE
History of Anatomy with Frank Armitage,                                                                    “A young wife need not die worn out by
the longtime Disney animator and medical          Communicating Family Planning: Speak.                childbirth,” the narrator says in the final
illustrator.                                      They Are Listening (1974) was part of a              clip. “…A child can grow up in a household in
    “I like to feel that there can be great       global communication strategy to address             which there is room for love…A woman can
beauty in medical art, a beauty that really       issues such as overpopulation, family                come to know more of life than childbearing,
goes hand in hand with science as we              planning, nutrition, sanitation, poverty and         drudgery, the threat of early death…”
explore the infinite inner spaces of the          the environment in developing nations.                   Concluding his look at medical movies
human body,” intones narrator Armitage in             “These films are part of the story of            in the NLM collection, Gaycken focused
the opening sequence of the late 1960s/early      how globalization and public health media            on a group of training films for physicians
1970s film presentation to the Association of     developed in tandem over the course of the           and psychologists providing counseling for
Medical Illustrators. “Here we move deeper        latter half of the 20th century,” Gaycken            sexual dysfunction.
through spectacular caverns of the heart          explained. “They show a dynamic I see                    The movies were made to teach interview
and we feel like explorers in this fantastic      throughout this collection: On the one hand          and observation techniques, he pointed out,
anatomical world.”                                [there’s] a heavy-handed Western inter-              but also “register the aftermath and ongoing
    The movie lets viewers catch a ride           vention in the lives of people from different        repercussions of what has come to be called
around the animated, colorful corridors of        cultural backgrounds, but on the other hand,         the ‘sexual revolution’ in the U.S.” In the final
the organ, guided by the unseen artist’s voice.   a global feminist intervention to provide            clip, both therapists-acting-as-patients are
    “Armitage’s evocative commentary helps        women with control over a central feature of         smiling, having agreed that knowing each
to make a general point about medical             their lives—their reproductive health. Taken         other’s perspective cleared up the problems
media’s ability to provide virtual expe-          together these films illustrate the shrinking        they were experiencing.
riences and how the medium of film can            world of globalism with the U.S. a hegemonic             Regardless of what sparks your mov-
multiply the experiences to which individ-        source for knowledge.”                               ie-watching fancy, Gaycken urges you to
uals can be exposed,” said Gaycken, whose             In answer to a question about some of            check out NLM’s array of AV materials.
lecture title also revisits another Armitage      the movies’ male American narration for              “Here’s hoping we can all take a lesson on the
product, the 1966 Oscar-winning sci-fi            an arguably largely female audience in a             importance of mutual acknowledgment and
thriller Fantastic Voyage.                        developing country, Gaycken said, “There is a        apply it to taking a two-way street between
    Items in NLM’s AV collection offer            kind of uneasy quality to some of the films, at      archives and their patrons.”
historical context as well as commentary on       least to how some of the dynamics are being              Gaycken’s full lecture is archived online
the times, Gaycken points out.                    stated and that’s one of the dimensions that’s       at https://videocast.nih.gov/summary.
    In Technique of Laparoscopy (1979),           crucial to acknowledge.                              asp?Live=28986&bhcp=1. Visit NLM’s
an all-female surgical team taught                    “Part of the tendency might be to see            audiovisual collection at https://medici-
practitioners how to do a technique.              them as helplessly stuck in a mode that is           neonscreen.nlm.nih.gov/.

6 • NIH RECORD • APRIL 19, 2019
Fauci Discusses Public Misperceptions About Viruses
ADRD summit scientific chair Dr. Julie Schneider (l) presents cross-cutting themes during final session. NINDS director Dr. Walter Koroshetz (c) gives closing
 remarks. At right, the heavily attended summit offers opportunities for public comment.

                                                       Dr. Laura Gitlin, dean of the College of Nursing and     Trainee Travel Scholarship Program, which was
NINDS Hosts Summit on ADRD                             Health Professions at Drexel University and chair of     designed to increase training and contact among
Research Priorities                                    the Advisory Council on Alzheimer’s Research, Care       peers regarding the complex realities of the basic
                                                       and Services for the National Alzheimer’s Project        and clinical science of AD/ADRD. The 21 recipients
                                                       Act (NAPA), gave an overview of the NAPA plan,           included graduate, postdoctoral and medical
Alzheimer’s disease-related dementias (ADRD)           which aims to overcome Alzheimer’s disease and           students, residents and other health professionals
are debilitating conditions that impair memory,        related dementias by 2025.                               from all parts of the country who are pursing
thought processes and functioning. These                                                                        advanced degrees and training in areas relevant
                                                       To help carry out the plan, both NIA and NINDS
disorders—which include Lewy body dementia,                                                                     to dementia research.
                                                       hold triennial summits to develop a multidisci-
frontotemporal degeneration, vascular contribu-        plinary AD research agenda and priorities. This          At the summit, the scholars had the opportu-
tions to cognitive impairment and dementia (VCID)      year’s summit was intended to build on progress          nity to meet with leading scientists during a
and multiple etiology dementias—affect millions of     made since 2016 and to hone those priorities.            welcome reception and attend the meeting. Later,
Americans and take a tremendous toll on individu-                                                               they will participate in a follow-up debriefing
als, families, caregivers and society.                 “These summits are really important because they         teleconference.
                                                       provide input from a broad base of participants
NINDS recently sponsored a 2-day ADRD Summit           and really inform the direction of how we are            “The idea of this program is to find a way to help
at Natcher Conference Center to bring together         going to change dementia in the United States,”          train the next generation on what real, everyday
internationally recognized experts, researchers,       Gitlin said. “From the last couple of summits,           common dementia is about—the scientific, the
physicians, non-profit groups, patients and care-      what’s been emerging is that we as a research            clinical and other realities of dementia,” said Dr.
givers to discuss scientific advances and research     community have to do research differently. That          Roderick Corriveau, a program director in the
priorities.                                            means involving stakeholders, people living              Neurodegeneration Cluster of the Division of
The goals of the meeting were to assess progress       with dementia and caregivers, not only as study          Neuroscience, NINDS.
on research recommendations developed at two           participants, but as members of our research team.
                                                                                                                At the end of the meeting, Dr. Julie Schneider,
earlier summits held in 2013 and 2016, add new         We’ve learned from our summits that, by involving
                                                                                                                summit scientific chair, presented highlights and
recommendations based on recent scientific dis-        our stakeholders, our questions change and our
                                                                                                                cross-cutting themes. Schneider—who is also
coveries, receive input from stakeholders including    outcome measures change.”
                                                                                                                associate director at the Rush Alzheimer’s Disease
the public and update priorities and timelines for       The sessions featured overarching topics—those         Center at Rush University Medical Center—then
tackling ADRD under the National Plan to Address         relevant for disorders across the AD/ADRD              joined the session chairs as they fielded final com-
Alzheimer’s Disease.                                     spectrum—such as multiple etiology dementias,          ments from the audience regarding ADRD research
                                                                                    dementia nomenclature       priorities and the way forward.
                                                                                    and health disparities as
                                                                                                                Recommendations from this meeting will be
                                                                                    well as disease-specific
                                                                                                                presented to the National Advisory Neurological
                                                                                    topics including Lewy
                                                                                                                Disorders and Stroke Council in September and
                                                                                    body dementias and
                                                                                                                then delivered to the NAPA council in November.
                                                                                    VCID. One new session,
                                                                                    Emerging Scientific         “This was a really high-quality summit,” said NINDS
                                                                                    Topics in AD/ADRD,          director Dr. Walter Koroshetz in closing remarks.
                                                                                    covered traumatic           “I think the one take-home point is that our brains
                                                                                    brain injury and TDP-43     are so vulnerable and they become more and more
                                                                                    proteinopathy in common     vulnerable to many different pathologies as we get
                                                                                    dementias. Each session     older. So, this battle to try and understand what’s
                                                                                    was followed by open        going on and how to make a difference for people
 At left, session panelists field questions from attendees. At right, Dr.           discussion and questions    is a real challenge. A summit like this allows us to
 Jonathan Rohrer, a consultant neurologist at UCL Queen Square Institute of         from the audience.          see the gaps so then we can digest this kind of
 Neurology in London, presents on biomarkers in frontotemporal dementia.                                        information and try and address the gaps. That’s
                                                                                    This year’s meeting
 PHOTOS: CHIA-CHI CHARLIE CHANG                                                                                 what it’s really all about.”
                                                                                    debuted the ADRD

                                                                                                                                   NIH RECORD • APRIL 19, 2019 • 7
Fauci Discusses Public Misperceptions About Viruses
                                                   “We saw that, shockingly,
                                                  palliative care and pain relief
                                                  was just being ignored, it was                   Cancer Institute and Human Rights Watch
                                                                                                   to advocate for palliative care. That advocacy
                                                           cast aside.”                            drove explicit policy changes including finan-
                                                                  ~DR. FELICIA KNAUL               cial protection of the entitlement to palliative
                                                                      www                          care and a switch from paper to electronic
                                                                                                   prescribing for opioid medications.
                                                                                                       In many parts of the world, palliative care
                                                  include countries with large populations         isn’t a priority. Knaul thinks this is because
                                                  such as India and Russia. The U.S., Canada       we lack metrics and indicators measuring
                                                  and Australia have especially large              illness-related suffering.
Knaul thinks “any country at any level of
income” should be able to provide the most        amounts of these medications compared to             “We saw that, shockingly, palliative care
basic palliative care services by 2030.           patient need.                                    and pain relief was just being ignored, it was
PHOTOS: CHIA-CHI CHARLIE CHANG                        To prevent an opioid crisis similar to       cast aside,” she noted. “Most health minis-
                                                  the one in the United States, she suggests       ters don’t even realize that the issue is there.”
                                                  countries regulate the supply and marketing          The commission is beginning to develop a
Pain Relief
                                                  of opioids for medical use, especially by        comprehensive metric to quantify suffering,
                                                  avoiding direct marketing to health care         building on the concept of serious health-re-
    “The poorest 50 percent of people that        providers. Knaul also recommends that            lated suffering “to measure how much
inhabit our world have access to 1 percent        health practitioners receive mandatory           patients value the alleviation of suffering
of distributed opioid morphine equivalent.        training for the safe management of opioid       independent of whether or not it makes
The wealthiest 10 percent have access to          prescriptions and that these prescriptions       them live longer.”
90 percent,” explained Knaul, a professor         follow evidence-based practice.                      If they are successful, Knaul believes
in the University of Miami’s department               An essential package for palliative care     that ending serious illness-related suffering
of public health sciences at the Leonard          services was developed by the commission         could become a priority for countries around
M. Miller School of Medicine and director         to address the global burden of serious          the world. Such a metric would provide an
of the University of Miami Institute for          health-related suffering. It includes low-cost   opportunity to track the performance of
Advanced Study of the Americas.                   pain relief medicines such as off-patent         countries that provide palliative care and
    From 2014-2017, she served as chair of        morphine as well as equipment and health         pain relief.
the Lancet Commission on Global Access            professionals who can administer care                “We’re actually just starting to scratch the
to Palliative Care and Pain Relief. The           at the primary level. Knaul thinks “any          surface of understanding about suffering-in-
commission found that, in 2015, more than         country at any level of income” should be        tensity-adjusted life years and how patients
61 million people worldwide experienced           able to provide the most basic palliative care   and families value the alleviation of pain and
serious health-related suffering, including       services by 2030.                                other symptoms,” Knaul said.
5.3 million children. These individuals               Closing the pain divide—the disparities
experienced physical and psychological            in access to pain relief, which serve as a
symptoms, including pain, for at least 6          marker for tracing inequities in palliative                VOLUNTEERS
billion days of suffering and up to 21 billion    care­—is relatively inexpensive compared
days of suffering.                                to many other global health priorities and
    Cancer is one of the biggest causes of suf-   health needs, she said. Providing morphine        Vaccine Study Needs Volunteers
fering—16 million cancer patients worldwide       to children who experience pain associated        NIAID researchers seek healthy volunteers, 18
in 2015 experienced serious health-related        with serious health-related problems in           to 70 years old, to participate in an influenza
suffering. In addition, in low-income             low-income countries, for example, would          (flu) vaccine study. Scientists are testing an
countries, other causes, such as infectious       cost only $1,034,000 per year. That price,        investigational vaccine to determine if it is
                                                                                                    safe and if there are any side effects. There is
diseases, HIV and malnutrition, also account      however, covers only the medication and
                                                                                                    no risk of infection since the investigational
for massive suffering, yet are preventable. A     doesn’t include the cost of getting the           vaccine product does not contain any virus.
large part of the burden of suffering among       medications to the patients.                      Compensation is provided. For more information,
the poor “happens because of a lack of access         Beyond the medicines, it will take            call 1-866-833-5433 or email vaccines@nih.gov.
to appropriate and necessary health care.”        political will to close the global divides in
                                                                                                    Healthy Volunteers Wanted
    European countries are considered the         access to pain relief and palliative care. In
“gold standard” or benchmark for access to        Mexico, for example, Knaul said a group of        Partner with NIAID researchers to investigate
                                                                                                    how antibiotics affect the trillions of good
pain relief medications—a core component          non-governmental organizations led by the
                                                                                                    microbes that live on or in our bodies, also
of palliative care, Knaul said. By contrast,      Mexican Health Foundation and Tómatelo a          known as our microbiome. If you are 21-39 years
opioid medications are largely unavailable        Pecho, AC worked with one of the country’s        old and healthy, contact the CC Office of Patient
in low- and middle-income countries,              Supreme Court justices, the minister of           Recruitment, 1-800-411-1222, or prpl@cc.nih.gov.
which cover much of Asia, Africa and Latin        health, leading clinicians from a number of       Refer to study 16-I-0078. Read more online at
America and the Caribbean, and notably            hospitals including the Mexican National

8 • NIH RECORD • APRIL 19, 2019
Fauci Discusses Public Misperceptions About Viruses

First-in-Human Trial of a Universal Influenza                                      HES is caused by high-
                                                                                   er-than-normal numbers
Vaccine Candidate Begins                                                           of white blood cells
                                                                                   called eosinophils in the
The first clinical trial of an innovative universal influenza vaccine candidate
                                                                                   blood, tissues or both.
is examining the vaccine’s safety and tolerability as well as its ability to
                                                                                   While most people have
induce an immune response in healthy volunteers. Scientists at NIAID
                                                                                   0 to 500 eosinophils per
developed the experimental vaccine.
                                                                                   microliter (ųL) of blood,
Known as H1ssF_3928, the vaccine is designed to teach the body to make             people with HES typically
protective immune responses against diverse influenza subtypes by                  have more than 1,500
focusing the immune system on a portion of the virus that varies relatively        eosinophils/ųL. The
little from strain to strain. The vaccine candidate was developed as part of a     symptoms of HES vary
broader research agenda to create a so-called “universal” influenza vaccine        widely from one patient
that can provide long-lasting protection for all age groups from multiple          to the next and can
influenza subtypes, including those that might cause a pandemic.                   affect the heart, lungs,
                                                                                   skin, gastrointestinal        Activated eosinophils in the peripheral
“Seasonal influenza                                                                tract, central nervous        blood of a patient with idiopathic
is a perpetual public                                                              system and other organ        hypereosinophilic syndrome
health challenge, and                                                              systems.
we continually face                                                                                              PHOTO: NIAID

the possibility of an                                                              Nearly all existing ther-
influenza pandemic                                                                 apies for HES involve drugs that are not specifically approved for treating
resulting from the                                                                 the syndromes, have significant side effects and sometimes become less
emergence and                                                                      effective over time. This study was only the second randomized, place-
spread of novel                                                                    bo-controlled trial—the gold standard of medical research—to test the
influenza viruses,”                                                                effectiveness of a drug specifically for treating HES. The trial was led by Dr.
said NIAID director Dr.                                                            Amy Klion, chief of the human eosinophil section in NIAID’s Laboratory of
Anthony Fauci. “This                                                               Parasitic Diseases.
phase 1 clinical trial is
a step forward in our                                                              Harnessing T-Cell ‘Stemness’ Could Enhance
                            A healthy volunteer receives an experimental
efforts to develop a
durable and broadly         universal influenza vaccine known as                   Cancer Immunotherapy
                            H1ssF_3928 as part of a phase 1 clinical trial at
protective universal                                                               A new study led by scientists at NCI sheds light on one way tumors may
                            the Clinical Center.
influenza vaccine.”                                                                continue to grow despite the presence of cancer-killing immune cells.
                            PHOTO: NIAID                                           The findings, published Mar. 29 in Science, suggest a way to enhance the
The trial, conducted                                                               effectiveness of immunotherapies for cancer treatment.
at the Clinical Center,
is being led by Dr. Grace Chen of NIAID’s Vaccine Research Center Clinical         Dying cancer cells release the chemical potassium, which can reach high
Trials Program. The trial will gradually enroll at least 53 healthy adults ages    levels in some tumors. The research team reported that elevated potassium
18 to 70 years.                                                                    causes T cells to maintain a stem-cell-like quality, or “stemness,” that is
                                                                                   closely tied to their ability to eliminate cancer during immunotherapy. The
The first 5 participants will be ages 18 to 40 and will receive a single           findings suggest that increasing T cells’ exposure to potassium—or mim-
20-microgram (mcg) intramuscular injection of the experimental vaccine.            icking the effects of high potassium—could make cancer immunotherapies
The remaining 48 participants will receive two 60-mcg vaccinations spaced          more effective.
16 weeks apart. They will be stratified by age into 4 groups of 12 people
each: 18 to 40 years, 41 to 49 years, 50 to 59 years and 60 to 70 years.           “This study helps us better understand why cancer immunotherapy works
Investigators hope to understand how participants’ immune responses to             the way it does,” said Dr. Nicholas Restifo, who led the research team. “It
the experimental vaccine may vary based on age and the likelihood of their         could also point the way toward generating better and more long-lasting
previous exposure to different influenza variants.                                 responses to these treatments.”

FDA-Approved Drug Effectively Treats Rare                                          Immunotherapy has led to remarkable results for some patients’ cancers,
                                                                                   eradicating difficult-to-treat tumors and, in some cases, causing complete
Chronic Immune Disorder                                                            remission of disease. But many patients’ tumors do not respond to immuno-
                                                                                   therapy treatments and researchers are working to determine why this is.
A drug approved to treat a severe form of asthma dramatically improved
the health of people with rare chronic immune disorders called hypereo-            In addition, some immunotherapy treatments, such as CAR T cells and
sinophilic syndromes (HES) in whom other treatments were ineffective or            immune checkpoint inhibitors, are limited by the lifespan of T cells. Cancer-
intolerable. This finding comes from a small clinical trial led by scientists at   fighting T cells inside the tumor can get “exhausted” and die. Therefore,
NIAID and conducted through a partnership with the global biopharma-               researchers are exploring ways to help T cells used for immunotherapy not
ceutical company AstraZeneca. The results were published online Apr. 3 in          only last longer but also replicate and grow.
the New England Journal of Medicine.

“People living with a rare disease often have few, if any, effective treatment
options,” said NIAID director Dr. Anthony Fauci. “This promising treatment
advance for people with hypereosinophilic syndromes is just one example
of how NIH research responds to the unique medical needs of individuals
with rare diseases.”

                                                                                                                                   NIH RECORD • APRIL 19, 2019 • 9
Fauci Discusses Public Misperceptions About Viruses

Role Named NINDS Scientific                              behavior at SBU and, in 2016, she was named          Corsaro Retires from CSR
                                                         a SUNY distinguished professor.
Director                                                     The focus of Role’s research has been            BY PAULA T. WHITACRE

Dr. Lorna Role was recently named scientific             on the brain’s cholinergic system over the
                                                                                                              Dr. Cheryl Corsaro, a scientific review officer
director at NINDS. She officially joined                 lifespan. Cholinergic signaling is essential for
                                                                                                              who retired in February, found her passion
the institute in                                         attention, cognitive processing and memory
                                                                                                              for puzzle-solving beneficial as she managed
February. She will                                       and is compromised in neurological disor-
oversee NINDS’s                                          ders including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s
                                                                                                                                           study sections
Intramural                                               disease. She has been the principal inves-
                                                                                                                                           during her 34 years
Research                                                 tigator on numerous NIH-funded grants,
                                                                                                                                           with the Center
Program, which                                           supported continuously since 1982, and the
                                                                                                                                           for Scientific
consists of 1,015                                        recipient of an NINDS Javits award. She has
                                                                                                                                           Review, formerly
employees                                                published more than 100 scientific articles.
                                                                                                                                           the Division of
working in 48                                            Throughout her career at both Columbia
                                                                                                                                           Research Grants.
labs on the NIH                                          University and SBU, Role has mentored
                                                                                                                                              “Finding the
campus.                                                  more than 50 postdoctoral fellows, graduate
                                                                                                                                           right person with
    Before coming                                        and medical students and nearly 20 under-
                                                                                                                                           the right expertise
to NINDS, she                                            graduate students.
                                                                                                                                           to complement the
was a SUNY                                                   Role has also earned numerous awards
                        Dr. Lorna Role                                                                                                     rest of the study
distinguished                                            and honors, including being named a
                                                                                                                Dr. Cheryl Corsaro         section was like
professor and                                            fellow of the American Association for
                                                                                                                                           finding the piece
chair of the department of neurobiology                  the Advancement of Science in 2011
                                                                                                              with just the right shape to solve a jigsaw
and behavior at the State University of New              and a fellow in the American College of
                                                                                                              puzzle,” she said.
York at Stony Brook (SBU).                               Neuropsychopharmacology in 2009. She
                                                                                                                  The results were study sections known for
    Role received a B.A. in applied mathemat-            received three separate awards from the
                                                                                                              their expertise and camaraderie.
ics and earned a Ph.D. in physiology from                McKnight Foundation at different stages
                                                                                                                  “Cheryl was a wonderful colleague, the
Harvard University.                                      of her career and was twice named a dis-
                                                                                                              work she did was so comprehensive, so well-
    After completing her postdoctoral                    tinguished investigator by the National
                                                                                                              done,” said Dr. Richard Panniers, former
training with Dr. Gerald Fischbach, who                  Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and
                                                                                                              chief of the genes, genomes and genetics
served as NINDS director from 1998-2001,                 Depression, now the Brain and Behavior
                                                                                                              integrated review group.
she became an assistant professor in the                 Research Foundation.
                                                                                                                  Dr. Elena Smirnova, current GGG chief,
department of anatomy and cell biology in                    In 2010, she received the NIH Director’s
                                                                                                              lauded her “tremendous track record in the
the Center for Neurobiology and Behavior at              Pioneer Award, which is granted to
                                                                                                              genetics community.” She said members
Columbia University College of Physicians                extremely creative researchers propos-
                                                                                                              valued the poems Corsaro wrote about them
and Surgeons in 1985. She was promoted to                ing innovative strategies for solving big
                                                                                                              when they rotated off the study section.
associate professor with tenure in 1992 and              problems in medical research.
                                                                                                                  Corsaro grew up in Cleveland, the middle
full professor in 1996.                                      Role replaces Dr. Alan Koretsky, who had
                                                                                                              of three sisters. She loved math’s prob-
    In 2008, Role became professor and                   served as NINDS scientific director since
                                                                                                              lem-solving aspects and originally planned
chair of the department of neurobiology and              2006.
                                                                                                              to major in math at St. Mary’s College,
                                                                                                              Notre Dame, Ind. But a biology professor
 Biassou Honored by Amherst College                                                                           introduced her to genetics and sparked her
 Dr. Nadia Biassou, a staff clinician in the Clinical Center radiology                                        lifelong interest in the field. She graduated as
 and imaging sciences department, has been named a Wade                                                       a biology major and moved to Johns Hopkins
 Fellow at Amherst College for the 2019–2021 academic years. The                                              for a Ph.D. in human genetics.
 appointment will bring her to campus during the academic year,                                                   Corsaro’s dissertation focused on the
 with the goal of sharing her extensive experiences with students                                             use of mammalian cell genetics to isolate
 to help them learn how identity informs career exploration and to
 collaborate on programming that teaches them skills for navigating                                           mutants in cell culture and the impact of cell
 a complex professional world before and after graduation. Biassou                                            communication through gap junctions on the
 is the lead physician for the Clinical Image Processing Service.                                             isolation of such mutants. She had postdoc-
 Previously she served as acting chief/lead interpreting physician of                                         toral fellowships at several places, including
 the mammography division from 2007 to 2009, and general body                                                 the University of Toronto and Caltech.
 imaging radiologist from 2006 to 2009. She has lectured at con-
 tinuing medical education conferences throughout the Caribbean                                                   After a number of years at the bench,
 and Central America, where she has taught community physicians                                               Corsaro took a career exploration workshop
 cutting-edge radiologic interpretation in various clinical settings. Her interdisciplinary training places   to help focus her next step. One assignment
 her at the intersection of applied linguistics and cognitive science, imaging and medicine.                  required her to interview someone with

10 • NIH RECORD • APRIL 19, 2019
similar training but doing something differ-                                                              NIH Alumnus Rinzel Honored
ent professionally. “I interviewed my grad
school roommate, who was a program officer                                                                Former NIH senior investigator Dr. John
at NIH,” she said. From her, Corsaro learned                                                              Rinzel was awarded the Israel Brain
about and was accepted into NIH’s Grants                                                                  Technologies
Associate Program, a program for people                                                                   Mathematical
switching from research to administration.                                                                Neuroscience
    After rotating through 12 assignments in                                                              Award recently
a year, Corsaro found herself most drawn to                                                               for his “pioneer-
peer review positions.                                                                                    ing role in the
    “I liked how review was explicit, with                                                                application of
clearly defined tasks,” she said, “and I loved                                                            mathematical
interactions with some of the smartest                                                                    systems to neural
scientists in the country.” She joined the                                                                systems” (https://
DRG/CSR staff.                                                                                            braintech.
                                                  OD Alumnus Coppola Retires                              kenes.com/ibt-
    Among other assignments as an SRO,
she managed the genome study section and          Paul Coppola (r) is retiring on May 31 after 29 years   awards/). Rinzel
                                                  of federal service. He spent 17 years at NIH in the
another on the ethical, legal and social impli-                                                           helped establish
                                                  Office of the Director’s Office of Management
cations of human genetics. More recently,         Assessment, conducting management analysis              the field of
she ran the genetics of health and disease        studies and supporting the NIH Management               mathematical and Dr. John Rinzel
study section.                                    Control Program. In 2007, he joined the Office of       computational
    In March, the remaining original extra-       the Secretary’s Division of Acquisition and later       neuroscience during his career as a research
                                                  moved on to the Office of Recipient Integrity
mural staff of the NIH genome center/                                                                     mathematician and member of the Public
                                                  Coordination, the department’s Suspension
institute held a luncheon to honor Corsaro.       and Debarment Program. Coppola will start his           Health Service in NIDDK from 1975 to
They recognized her as the SRO who                retirement working as an adjunct professor at           1997. He was chief of NIDDK’s Mathematical
introduced CSR reviewers to non-hypothesis        Washington Adventist University, teaching chem-         Research Branch (now called the Laboratory
driven research, so critical to the Human         istry and biochemistry to pre-nursing students.         of Biological Modeling) from 1981 until he
                                                  In the photo above, Coppola is shown with HHS
Genome Project. Her study section also                                                                    left to become a professor in the Center for
                                                  Secretary Alex Azar, one of four secretaries under
suggested that the genome center/institute        whom he served.                                         Neural Science and the Courant Institute
consider the R21 program to help PIs who                                                                  of Mathematical Sciences at New York
had great ideas about genomic technologies,       PHOTO: CHRISTOPHER SMITH                                University in 1997.
but no funds to generate preliminary data.
    Corsaro also served on the trans-NIH bio-      NHLBI’s Fakunding Mourned
ethics committee and NIH ethics advisory           Dr. John Fakunding, 73, former director of the Heart Research
committee. Among many awards, she is               Program in the Division of Heart and Vascular Diseases at
proudest of a CSR Director’s Award for her         NHLBI, died Feb. 21 in Beaufort, S.C.
ethics-related contributions to NIH.               A native of California, he received a Ph.D. in biochemistry and
    On the lighter side, Corsaro initially         biophysics from the University of California, Davis. He went
spearheaded and then participated in the           on to conduct postdoctoral training in endocrine research at
Rockledgers, a popular group that created          Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. His first NIH position
                                                   was in the intramural program lab of Dr. Kevin Catt at NICHD.
and sang parodies for CSR social events
for more than 20 years. Fittingly, several         After leaving NICHD, Fakunding went to the Extramural
Rockledgers composed two parodies for her          Review Branch of NHLBI, where he was responsible for review-
                                                   ing training and career development grant applications.
retirement party.
    Corsaro plans to stay in Maryland. She         After joining the Division of Heart and Vascular Diseases
will hone her puzzle skills by playing bridge      as a program officer, he eventually was appointed chief of
                                                   the DHVD Training and Career Development Branch. In that
and tackling the jigsaw and crossword puzzle
                                                   position, he was charged with identifying training and career
gifts she received from family in anticipation     development needs, providing new opportunities to enhance
of her retirement.                                 the cardiovascular biomedical workforce and support new            Dr.
                                                                                                                      Dr. John
                                                                                                                          John Fakunding
                                                   biomedical training programs for underrepresented minority
                                                   scientists. He developed such programs as the Clinical Scientist Development Award, Short-Term
                                                   Training for Minority Students and the Research Scientist Award for Minority Faculty.

                                                   Fakunding retired in 2005, at age 60. In retirement he taught physiology and chemistry at the
                                                   University of South Carolina, Beaufort and at the Technical College of the Lowcountry, Beaufort.

                                                   He is survived by his wife Patti and his two beloved dogs.

                                                                                                                          NIH RECORD • APRIL 19, 2019 • 11
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