Februar y 22 to March 14, 2020 - a program of the stanford alumni association

Page created by Casey Paul
Februar y 22 to March 14, 2020 - a program of the stanford alumni association

                                                   Febr ua r y 22 to M a rch 14, 2020

a p rogra m of the sta nford alum ni association
Februar y 22 to March 14, 2020 - a program of the stanford alumni association

In a country as vast as India,
no single visit can possibly capture the
diversity of its myriad cultures, ethnicities and
religions. Despite this challenge, our grand
tour aims to offer a uniquely comprehensive
look at the Subcontinent, giving travelers a
chance to see a kaleidoscope of its cultural,
historical, religious and natural riches all within
one trip. Join long-time faculty favorite Scott
Pearson on this deep dive into Hindu culture,
Muslim monuments, Buddhist temples and
colonial architecture—the long and vibrant
history that defines India today. Don’t miss
this opportunity to embark on an exceptional
journey that is grand in every sense of the


B E H O L D the dazzling             E X P L O R E the rock-hewn     D E L I G H T in a thrilling   M A R V E L at the intricately
Palace of Mirrors in Jaipur’s        monasteries and temple          rickshaw ride and observe      carved temples of Madurai,
Amber Fort, once the royal           caves of Ellora and Ajanta      elaborate prayer rituals in    covered in vividly painted
residence of the Rajput              featuring masterpieces of       Varanasi, Hinduism’s holiest   figures of deities, mythical
maharajas and their families.        religious art.                  and India’s oldest city.       creatures and monsters.

Februar y 22 to March 14, 2020 - a program of the stanford alumni association
Stanford Faculty Leader
                                       S C O T T P E A R S O N , who has studied economic change in developing countries for

                                       five decades, taught economic development and international trade at the Food Research
                                       Institute at Stanford for 34 years. He’s coauthored a dozen books, won several awards for his
                                       research and teaching, and advised governments on food and agricultural policy. Scott has
                                       worked and traveled abroad extensively in Asia, Africa and Europe.

“Scott’s lectures                      On of our most versatile faculty leaders, Scott has accompanied more than 60 Travel/
 are insightful,                       Study trips on all seven continents, including seven trips to India. Scott’s lectures during
 organized, and                        this program will cover early Indian cultures, South and North Indian kingdoms, the Mughal
 extremely well-                       Empire, the English East India Company, British crown rule in India and independent India.
 prepared and
                                             — Professor, agricultural economics, Stanford University, 1968–2002
-delivered. He
                                             — Director, Food Research Institute, Stanford University, 1991–1996
 is one Stanford
                                             — Dean’s Award for Teaching, Stanford’s School of Humanities and Sciences, 1978
 faculty leader we                           — MA, international relations, Johns Hopkins University
 always look for.”                           — PhD, economics, Harvard University
        ACTCE OA, I R
                    20, 1280 11

SIGN UP ONLINE:           alumni.stanford.edu/trip?india2020
OR BY PHONE:           (650) 725-1093

Februar y 22 to March 14, 2020 - a program of the stanford alumni association
Delhi                    NEPAL
                                       Jaipur             Agra

                                      Ajanta                                                                       BURMA
                         Mumbai      Aurangabad

        Arabian                                                                          Bay of
          Sea                                                                            Bengal
Indi                                                           Thanjavur
         an Ocean

                                        at the National Art Gallery and        the local Raja’s home. Finally, visit   S U N DAY, M A R C H 1
                                        Museum and the San Thome               Pudukkotai to view the vibrantly        MUMBAI
                                        Cathedral. After lunch, transfer       painted clay horses and riders          Start today with a bus tour
                                        to the airport for our flight to       of the Aiyanyar grove, built in the     through Kala Ghoda, Mumbai’s
 S AT U R DAY & S U N DAY,              Tiruchirappalli (Trichy), from         18th century. Arriving in Madurai,      beautiful art district, and view
 F E B R UA RY 2 2 & 23                 where we drive on to Thanjavur.        check in to our hotel. THE              Mumbai University and its famous
 U.S. / CHENNAI, INDIA                  HOTEL SAVTMA (B,L,D)                   GATEWAY HOTEL PASUMALAI (B,L,D)         19th-century clock tower. Next,
 Depart the U.S. on overnight                                                                                          stop at the Chhatrapati Shivaji
 flights, arriving in Chennai in the    W E D N ES DAY, F E B R UA RY 26       F R I DAY, F E B R UA RY 28             Terminus (Victoria Terminus) and
 late afternoon or evening on           THANJAVUR                              MADURAI                                 admire its Indo-Saracenic
 Sunday, and check in to our            Spend a full day exploring             Today we partake in a full-day          architecture (emblematic of British
 hotel. TAJ COROMANDEL                  Thanjavur, stopping first at the       exploration of fascinating Madurai,     rule in the late 19th century)
                                        Brihadishwara Temple, one of           which was built around the              before we visit Crawford
 M O N DAY, F E B R UA RY 24            India’s largest temples. Built by      enormous temple complex of              Market. Enjoy lunch at a local
 CHENNAI /                              the emperor Raja Raja Chola I          Meenakshi Amman. The temple’s           restaurant before touring the
                                        in the 11th century, the temple        soaring towers are covered in           striking Siddhivinayak Ganpati
 After a welcome orientation and        stands amid fortified walls likely     elaborate stucco figures of deities,    Temple, built to honor the god,
 breakfast at our hotel, depart         added in the 16th century. Its         mythical creatures and monsters,        Ganesha. TAJ MAHAL PALACE
 Chennai for Mamallapuram               central tower stands more than         all painted in vividly bright colors.   HOTEL (B,L,D)
 (Mahabalipuram), an important          200 feet high and is among the         In the afternoon visit the grand
 port town in ancient times and the     tallest of its kind in the world.      17th-century Thirumalai Nayak           M O N DAY, M A R C H 2
 site of an impressive collection       After lunch, visit a bronze factory    Palace. This evening optionally         MUMBAI / AURANGABAD
 of rock-hewn sanctuaries dating        and the Saraswati Mahal Library,       return to the Meenakshi Amman           This morning, visit Mahalaxmi
 from the 7th and 8th centuries.        containing rare manuscripts made       to observe a ritual particular to       Dhobi Ghat, one of the world’s
 Continue to the Kapaleeshwarar         of palm leaves. HOTEL SVATMA           the temple. THE GATEWAY HOTEL           largest open-air laundromats.
 Temple where we admire the             (B,L,D)                                PASUMALAI (B,L,D)                       Witness and learn about
 Dravidian architecture. Back                                                                                          Mumbai’s world-renowned door-
 at our hotel, enjoy a welcome          T H U R S DAY, F E B R UA RY 27        S AT U R DAY, F E B R UA RY 2 9         to-door lunch delivery system
 cocktail reception before dinner.      THANJAVUR /                            MADURAI / MUMBAI                        through which thousands of
 TAJ COROMANDEL (B,L,D)                 KADIAPATTI /                           Take a cycle rickshaw to the            dabbawalas (delivery personnel)
                                        PUDUKKOTAI / MADURAI
                                                                               Madurai Flower Market, where            deliver homemade lunches to
 T U ES DAY, F E B R UA RY 25           Today travel from Thanjavur to         approximately ten tons of flowers       more than 160,000 Mumbai
 CHENNAI /                              Madurai, first passing through         are bought and sold each day.
                                                                                                                       residents daily. After lunch,
                                        the “land of the Chettiars” and        After an early lunch, transfer to
 THANJAVUR                                                                                                             stop at Mani Bhavan, the
                                        learning about the merchant            the airport and board our flight
 Our exploration of Chennai                                                                                            building in which Mahatma
                                        caste’s trading throughout             to Mumbai. TAJ MAHAL PALACE
 introduces us to its colonial                                                                                         Gandhi lived from 1917 to 1934.
                                        the region and into Southeast
 history and reveals to us the                                                 HOTEL (B,L,D)                           Departing Mumbai, take a short
                                        Asia. Next, stop in the village
 dynamic energy of modern life                                                                                         flight to Aurangabad. VIVANTA
                                        of Kadiapatti and admire the                                                   AURANGABAD (B,L,D)
 here. Visit the bronze collection      famous carved wooden doors of
Februar y 22 to March 14, 2020 - a program of the stanford alumni association
JAMA MASJID, DELHI                                                                     BRIHADISHWARA TEMPLE, THANJAVUR

T U ES DAY, M A R C H 3                 situated on the banks of the           India Gate, built as a memorial to      T U ES DAY, M A R C H 10
AURANGABAD / AJANTA                     Ganges River. After lunch, drive       the Indian soldiers killed in World     JAIPUR
On our first full day in Aurangabad,    to nearby Sarnath, where we            War I. THE OBEROI DELHI (B,L,D)         Today we celebrate the most
visit the World Heritage site of        explore the ruins of the Dhamek                                                jubilant festival in the Hindu
Ajanta, its 24 cave monasteries         Stupa, part of a monastery             S U N DAY, M A R C H 8                  calendar, Holi. This vibrant festival
and five temples located on the         complex built more than 2,000          DELHI                                   celebrates the end of winter and
side of a cliff overlooking the         years ago. Also view the famous        Embark on a tour of Old Delhi, the      the arrival of spring, and involves
Wagura River and carved out of          Ashoka Pillar of polished              seat of power for Mughal India          playfully throwing pigment powder
solid rock. Ajanta was a key            sandstone, whose lion capital          in the 12th century. After driving      at one another, resulting in head-
northsouth trade route in India, and    makes up the Republic of India’s       past the Red Fort, stop at Jama         to-toe color. Our specially arranged
merchants and local kings donated       state emblem. TAJ GANGES               Masjid, India’s largest mosque,         guides will help us get into the
funds to sponsor Ajanta’s artists.      VARANASI (B,L,D)                       and the bustling business center        spirit of the custom. After washing
Today the site forms the largest                                               of Chandni Chowk with its colorful      up, take an optional walking tour
body of early Indian wall painting in   F R I DAY, M A R C H 6                 bazaars and narrow lanes. After         of the local bazaar. THE OBEROI
the country and also includes very      VARANASI                               lunch, visit the palatial Humayun’s     RAJVILAS (B,L,D)
rare, elaborate carvings. VIVANTA       This morning take a sunrise boat       Tomb and Gandhi Smriti, the
AURANGABAD (B,L,D)                      ride. Witness sadhus (Hindu holy       sacred site where Mahatma               W E D N ES DAY, M A R C H 11
                                        men) and pilgrims making offerings     Gandhi died in 1948 and is today        JAIPUR / FATEHPUR
                                                                                                                       SIKRI / AGRA
W E D N ES DAY, M A R C H 4             and cleansing themselves in the        a national memorial and museum
AURANGABAD / ELLORA /                                                          commemorating his legacy. THE           En route to Agra, visit the fabled
                                        sacred waters of the Ganges, on
MUMBAI                                                                                                                 deserted Mughal city of Fatehpur
                                        the banks of which bodies are          OBEROI DELHI (B,L,D)
This morning visit Ellora with                                                                                         Sikri, a World Heritage site. Built
                                        cremated at the base of the ghats
its caves housing temples and                                                  M O N DAY, M A R C H 9                  by Emperor Akbar as his capital in
                                        (steps). After breakfast back at our
monasteries that commemorate                                                   DELHI / JAIPUR                          the late 16th century, the complex
                                        hotel, continue our day of touring
three Indian religions: Buddhism,                                              After an early breakfast, take a        displays a perfect blend of Hindu
                                        at the Sankat Mochan Temple,
Hinduism and Jainism. The caves,                                               short flight to Jaipur where we visit   and Muslim architectural styles.
                                        famous for its resident monkeys.
filled with sculptures and frescoes                                            Amber Fort, a fortified palace of       Check in to our hotel in Agra this
                                        This evening return to the Ganges
that are over 2,000 years old, have                                            massive ramparts and elaborate          evening. THE OBEROI AMARVILAS
                                        to witness the aarit ceremony (fire
been compared to the pyramids                                                  living quarters, including the          (B,L,D)
                                        ritual). TAJ GANGES VARANASI (B,L,D)
for their amazing construction                                                 dazzling Sheesh Mahal (Palace
and wealth of artifacts. Our visit                                             of Mirrors). After lunch, explore       T H U R S DAY, M A R C H 12
                                        S AT U R DAY, M A R C H 7                                                      AGRA
includes the most marvelous of          VARANASI / DELHI                       the courtyards, gardens and
all the rock temples, the temple of                                            palatial structures of Jaipur’s City    Rise early for a pre-dawn visit
                                        After a flight to Delhi, spend the
Kailasa. Fly back to Mumbai this                                               Palace. Also spend time at Jantar       to the Taj Mahal, one of India’s
                                        day exploring this British colonial
afternoon, and check in to our                                                 Mantar, a 19th-century, open-air        most enduring symbols. Built by
                                        city of wide boulevards and formal
hotel. LEELA PALACE HOTEL (B,L,D)                                              astronomical observatory with a         Emperor Shah Jahan in memory
                                        parks. Stop at the Rashtrapati
                                                                               90-foot-high sundial built by Jai       of his third wife, Mumtaz Mahal,
                                        Bhawan, once the awe-inspiring
T H U R S DAY, M A R C H 5                                                     Singh in the 18th century and           this pure-white marble mausoleum
                                        residence of the British viceroys
                                                                               today a World Heritage site. THE        is arguably the finest example of
                                        and now the Presidential Palace;
                                                                               OBEROI RAJVILAS (B,L,D)
                                                                                                                       Mughal architecture, which
After breakfast fly to Varanasi,        the Parliament Building; and the
Februar y 22 to March 14, 2020 - a program of the stanford alumni association
HOLI FESTIVAL, JAIPUR                                                        BACKWATERS, KERALA

                                                                              Kochi Pre-trip
combines elements of Islamic,        F R I DAY & S AT U R DAY,
Persian, Ottoman and Indian          M A R C H 13 & 14
                                     AGRA / DELHI / U.S.
styles. After breakfast, explore

Agra Fort, a Mughal-era military     After breakfast, drive to Delhi
complex. Return to the Taj Mahal     and settle in to our hotel. Depart
this evening as the sun sets         on late-night or early-morning
                                     flights back to the U.S., arriving on    F E B R UA RY 19 TO 2 2 (4 DAYS)
over one of the world’s great
architectural triumphs. Return to    Saturday. THE OBEROI GURGAON
                                     (3/13: B, 3/14: B)                       W E D N ES DAY & T H U R S DAY, F E B R UA RY 19 & 20
our hotel for a farewell reception                                            U.S. / KOCHI, INDIA
and dinner as our grand tour
                                                                              Board overnight flights from the U.S., arriving in Kochi (Cochin),
comes to a close. THE OBEROI
                                                                              located in the state of Kerala, on Thursday. Check in to our
                                                                              hotel upon arrival. TAJ MALABAR RESORT

                                                                              F R I DAY, F E B R UA RY 21
                                                                              KOCHI / ALAPPUZHA
                                                                              After breakfast, drive to the coastal town of Alappuzha
                                                                              (Alleppey), where we board local houseboats for a relaxing
                                                                              cruise through a maze of backwaters and small lakes.
                                                                              Watch as locals bring their laundry to the water’s edge and
                                                                              farmers tend to their fields. After lunch at a nearby resort,
                                                                              return to Kochi for dinner and a traditional Kathakali dance
                                                                              performance. TAJ MALABAR RESORT (B,L,D)

                                                                              S AT U R DAY, F E B R UA RY 2 2
                                                                              KOCHI / CHENNAI
                                                                              Begin this morning at Fort Cochin, where cantilevered
                                                                              Chinese fishing nets grace the beaches. Explore the city’s
                                                                              religious diversity, stopping first at the Anglican St. Francis
                                                                              Church, India’s oldest European-built church. Enjoy lunch at
                                                                              a local restaurant before heading to the Pardesi Synagogue,
                                                                              built in 1568 and the oldest synagogue in the commonwealth.
                                                                              Spend time walking through the Jewish quarter of Kochi
                                                                              before making our way to the airport for our flight to Chennai,
                                                                              where we join the main group the following day. TAJ
                                                                              COROMANDEL (B,L)

                                                                              Details and pricing will be provided to confirmed participants.
Februar y 22 to March 14, 2020 - a program of the stanford alumni association
Information                                                          Terms & Conditions
DATES                                                                Deposit & Final Payment                        operators act only as agents
February 22 to March 14, 2020 (22 days)                              A $1,000-per-person deposit is                 for the passenger with respect
                                                                     required to reserve space for this             to transportation and exercise every
SIZE                                                                 program. Sign up online at alumni.             care possible in doing so. However,
This program can accommodate 35 participants. Single accom-          stanford.edu/trip?india2020 or call            we can assume no liability for
                                                                     Travel/Study at (650) 725-1093.                injury, damage, loss, accident,
modations are extremely limited; please call for availability.
                                                                     Optional pre-trip extension details            delay or irregularity in connection
COST*                                                                will go out to confirmed participants.         with the service of any automobile,
                                                                     At that time, an additional extension          motor coach, launch or any other
$16,595 per person, double occupancy
                                                                     deposit is required. Final payment             conveyance used in carrying
$20,995 per person, single occupancy                                 is due 120 days prior to departure.            out this program or for the acts
*Stanford Alumni Association nonmembers add $300 per person          As a condition of participation, all           or defaults of any company or
                                                                     confirmed participants are required            person engaged in conveying the
INCLUDED                                                             to sign a Release of Liability.                passenger or in carrying out the
20 nights of deluxe hotel accommodations 20 breakfasts,                                                             arrangements of the program. We
18 lunches and 18 dinners Welcome and farewell cocktail              Cancellations & Refunds
                                                                                                                    cannot accept any responsibility for
                                                                     Deposits and any payments are
receptions Gratuities to guides and drivers for all group                                                           losses or additional expenses due
                                                                     refundable, less a $500-per-
activities All tours as described in the itineray Transfers and                                                     to delay or changes in air or other
                                                                     person cancellation fee, until 120
baggage handling Following flights: Chennai to Tiruchirappalli                                                      services, sickness, weather, strike,
                                                                     days prior to departure. After that
                                                                                                                    war, quarantine, force majeure or
on 2/25, Madurai to Mumbai on 2/29, Mumbai to Aurangabad             date, refunds can be made only
                                                                                                                    other causes beyond our control.
on 3/2, Aurangabad to Mumbai on 3/4, Mumbai to Varanasi on           if the program is sold out and
                                                                                                                    All such losses or expenses will
3/5, Varanasi to Delhi on 3/7, Delhi to Jaipur on 3/9 Minimal        your place(s) can be resold, in
                                                                                                                    have to be borne by the passenger
medical, accident and evacuation insurance Educational pro-          which case a $1,000-per-person
                                                                                                                    as tour rates provide arrangements
                                                                     cancellation fee will apply.
gram with lecture series and pre-departure materials, including                                                     only for the time stated. We reserve
recommended reading list, a selected book, map and travel in-        Insurance                                      the right to make such alterations
formation Services of our professional tour manager to assist        Stanford Travel/Study provides                 to this published itinerary as may
                                                                     all travelers who are U.S. or                  be deemed necessary. The right
you throughout the program
                                                                     Canadian citizens with minimal                 is reserved to cancel any program
                                                                     medical, accident and evacuation               prior to departure in which case
                                                                     coverage under our group-travel                the entire payment will be refunded
International and U.S. domestic airfare Passport and visa fees                                                      without further obligation on our
                                                                     insurance policy. Our group policy
  Immunization costs Meals and beverages other than those                                                           part. The right is also reserved
                                                                     is intended to provide minimal
specified as included Trip-cancellation/interruption and bag-        levels of protection while you are             to decline to accept or retain
gage insurance Excess-baggage charges Personal items                 traveling on this program. You may             any person as a member of the
such as internet access, telephone and fax calls, laundry and        choose to subscribe to optional                program. No refund will be made
gratuities for nongroup services                                     trip-cancellation and baggage                  for an unused portion of any tour
                                                                     insurance. Information will be                 unless arrangements are made in
AIR ARRANGEMENTS                                                     provided to travelers with their               sufficient time to avoid penalties.
You are responsible for booking and purchasing airfare to the        welcome materials. The product                 Baggage is carried at the owner’s
                                                                     offered includes special benefits              risk entirely. The airlines concerned
start location and from the end location of the program. These
                                                                     if you purchase your policy within             are not to be held responsible for
air purchases are NOT included in the program cost. To assist                                                       any act, omission or event during
                                                                     14 days of written confirmation of
you in making these independent arrangements, we will send           your participation on the trip.                the time that passengers are not
you details with your confirmation materials on when to arrive                                                      on board their plane or conveyance.
and depart.                                                          Eligibility                                    Neither the Stanford Alumni
                                                                     We encourage membership in the                 Association, Stanford University
WH AT TO E XPECT                                                     Stanford Alumni Association as                 nor our operators accept liability for
We consider this program to be a moderately strenuous program        the program cost for nonmembers                any carrier’s cancellation penalty
                                                                     is $300 more than the members’                 incurred by the purchase of a
that is at times physically demanding and busy. There are seven
                                                                     price. A person traveling as a paid            nonrefundable ticket in connection
on-tour flights, some of which require extremely early morning       guest of a current member will                 with the tour. Program price is
departures. Participants should be able to walk unassisted on        not be charged the nonmember                   based on rates in effect in May
extended excursions (typically two to three hours) over uneven,      fee. To purchase a membership,                 2019 and is subject to change
unpaved surfaces during periods of high heat and humidity.           visit alumni.stanford.edu/goto/                without notice to reflect fluctuations
When visiting archaeological ruins, forts and palaces, you must      membership or call (650) 725-0692.             in exchange rates, tariffs or fuel
be able to walk up and down dark, steep and narrow staircases        Responsibility                                 charges.
without handrails. Drive times range from one to seven hours over    The Stanford Alumni Association,
bumpy, though paved, roads. Although all of the hotels and motor     Stanford University and our
coaches included in this program are air-conditioned, other tradi-
tional means of conveyance and most of the museums, temples
and ruins we visit are not air-conditioned. Participants must be
                                                                     TELEPHONE   (650) 725-1093
physically fit, active and in good health. We welcome travelers
                                                                     EMAIL   travelstudy@alumni.stanford.edu
15 years of age and older on this program.
                                                                     California Seller of Travel Program Registration #2048 523-50

                                                                              © COPYRIGHT 2019 STANFORD ALUMNI ASSOCIATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
                                                                              PRINTED ON RECYCLED, FSC-CERTIFIED PAPER IN THE U.S.
Februar y 22 to March 14, 2020 - a program of the stanford alumni association
Stanford Travel/Study                 Nonprofit Org.
                                                         Frances C. Arrillaga Alumni Center    U.S. Postage
                                                         326 Galvez Street                        PAID
                                                         Stanford, CA 94305-6105              Stanford Alumni
                                                         (650) 725-1093                         Association


F e br u a r y 22 to M a rch 14, 2020


“A fascinating tour, wonderfully organized and led,
 that attracted a delightful group of travelers.”
A LL A N FO R SY TH , N O R TH E R N I N D I A BY R A I L , 2015

Februar y 22 to March 14, 2020 - a program of the stanford alumni association Februar y 22 to March 14, 2020 - a program of the stanford alumni association
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