Page created by Maria Lawrence

Office Hours
                       Mon – Wed – Fri
                        8 am – Noon

                     Phone: 239-463-4251
              WEBSITE: www.stpeterfmb.com
                Email: Stpeterfmb@gmail.com
  Facebook – St. Peter Lutheran ELCA, Ft. Myers Beach
  YouTube – Livestreaming for 10:30 am. Service and Daily
  Devotions “St Peter Lutheran Church Ft Myers Beach FL”


                Pastor – Rev. Sharon Taylor
           Office Administrator – Trudy Archer
          Organist/Choir Director – Jim Kreger
        Artist in Residence/Pianist – Shirley Roe
    Digital Ministry Coordinator – Deacon Lisa Miller

MAILING COSTS, please submit your check either in the mail or your
envelope with “Fisherman” as the subject line. The cost to print and
mail is $65 -75 per month.

        Thank You to Maggie Keith and
            Willis & Dorothee Young
   for sponsoring the Fisherman this month!

                  LISTENING FOR GOD
Since November 1, 2020 we have been intentionally praying for
St Peter and for wisdom and discernment about our future
ministry and mission. Hopefully, you have been praying with
us at 12:30pm each day. I hope that this time has been
meaningful and has given you a way to remember our
congregation each day.
I hope that you will continue this practice as we move into the
next phase of our discernment. As the Apostle Paul
encourages us; Pray unceasingly…..

As we begin this next phase in our discernment process, we will
begin to share our insights from this time of prayer and
entertain questions like:

Who are we now?
What is God calling us to be?
What needs of our community (Fort Myers Beach and area) are
we called to address?
How can we strengthen our bond within our community of
During Lent, we will be exploring the theme “Listening for
God”. Using the above questions and more, we will begin to
think and talk about where God is leading us in 2021 and
beyond. We will be holding in-person Wednesday Lenten
services at 9:30am in the sanctuary. These will also be live-
streamed and available on YouTube for those of you who
cannot attend in person. I would encourage everyone to view
these five Wednesdays and participate along with us. You can
reflect upon the same questions and send your thoughts and
insights to me at rev_st@yahoo.com. This way we will all have
an opportunity to participate in this exciting time of
discernment for clarity of vision and mission. God has been
faithful to this congregation for over 50 years and will continue
to guide and equip Christ’s church into the future. We have
much for which to be grateful. Our hope and our vision is
secure in God’s promised love and grace. God is good! All the

Peace to you,
Pastor Sharon


"Everything that is done in this world is done by hope."

"The Christian shoemaker does his duty, not by putting
little crosses on the shoes, but by making good shoes,
because God is interested in in good craftmanship."

      Bruce & Diane Allen – In memory of
                  Keith Allen
Trudy Archer & Lew Worrall– In memory of our

       Jay & Lois Brown – In memory of
                Dick Lockwood

   Arlene Burm – In memory of Robert Burm

      Jana Clevenger – In celebration of
               family & friends

      Annette Dwyer - In celebration of
          Bill Palmer’s 80th Birthday

        Ernie Garbade – In memory of
      Dee Garbade and in celebration of
               Selma Grotheer

  Paul & Debbie Gresham – In memory of our
parents and brothers and in honor of Ben, Luke,
          Charlotte, Madeline & Julia

      Helmbrecht Family – In memory of
               Cathy Figgins

       Rita Hofmeister – In memory of
               Jack Hofmeister

Cherie Kullberg – In memory of our parents, the
          Shepherds and the Kullbergs

        Barbara Larson – In memory of
               Ronald J. Larson
Jim & Donna Markusen - In memory of loved ones

        Bob & Brenda Miller – In memory of
                   our parents

 Sharon Newsome – In honor of Mary, in memory
       of Sharon and in celebration of Lily

Mike Schultz & family, Sheri Hustad & family and
Susan Philippo & family – In memory of Richard
   Schultz and in honor of Sharlene Schultz

             John & Marilyn Torstveit –
           In celebration of Christ’s birth

         Norma & Jim Wall – In memory of
                our dear parents

     Jean Ziemann – In memory of loved ones
Thanks to Robert and Bev Larson Dean for sponsoring a
    Sunday Livestream in memory of their mothers,
             Viginia Hamilton and Ruth Dyer

 December, 2020 Altar Flowers were donated

Dec. 6 – Diane & Bruce Allen, in memory of parents

Dec. 24/25 – Donna & George Albert, in celebration
         of our 27th wedding anniversary
Dec. 27 – Paul & Deb Gresham, in celebration of
           our 47th wedding anniversary
   January, 2021 Altar Flowers were donated by:
       Jan. 31 – Trudy Archer, in memory of
               my mother’s birthday

              Broadcast Sponsorship
If you would like to support our online ministry by
sponsoring a broadcast, the cost is $50. You can
 send your donation to the church with a line item
note in memory of or in honor of and “broadcast” .

                                Soul Tending on the Beach
                   Thursdays 8:30 -9:30 am

     Join Pastor Sharon at Beach Access # 22 (Connecticut St.
across from Beach Baptist)
     Park at the access with your Passport App or for free at the
St. Peter parking lot and walk to the access.
     Call Pastor Sharon if you have any questions.
St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church Council Updates
             from Friday, January 15, 2021
• The 2020 St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church Financial
  Statements are being prepared to send by mail to our
  members. Thanks to them for supporting St. Peter.
• Church Council members agreed in a motion to accept a
  proposal for an outreach program where a bag be put
  together to help with the needs of folks here on Fort Myers
  Beach who are currently struggling to make ends meet.
  Trudy has offered to lead the program so if someone
  wishing to help, please seek out Trudy in the office.
• The St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church Annual Meeting
  is scheduled to be help after both services on Sunday,
  March 14, 2021. All reports have been submitted and
  Trudy has them to put together the Annual Report for
  2020. The 2019 Annual Reports are also going to be made
  available prior to the meeting. We will need a quorum.
  There will be no meal due to Covid19 restrictions.
• Ash Wednesday is Wednesday, February 17, 2021 and the
  service will be at 9:30 am inside the sanctuary and
  livestreamed. All Wednesday services at 9:30 am will be
  held inside and livestreamed.
• On Sunday, January 3, 2021 Pastor Sharon Taylor
  welcomed six new members to St. Peter. They are as
  follows; Charlene Grabow, Scott Grabow, Lynn Larson, Rev.
  Tim Taylor, Les Groetten, and Sharon Turner. Please make
  them feel welcome.
  We were saddened to learn of the passing of two
          people from the congregation.
   Sharlene Schultz passed away in Minnesota on
                 January 13, 2021.
 Steve Repetto passed away here in Fort Myers on
 January 10. His memorial service was held at the
   church and he is buried in our Peace Garden.

     We have received several thank you notes from the
  organizations who received checks from the Enduring Gift
  Fund. The Salvation Army, Harry Chapin Food Bank, Pace
 Center for Girls,Salus Care,Renee’s Closet,Chapel by the Sea
 (God’s Table), Harvest Time Ministries and the Café of Life.
These organizations serve our community in a variety of ways
 and the $1000.00 grants that they receive from us go a long
              way in keeping their work going.
 You can continue to support the Enduring Gift Fund through
  your weekly offerings by designating it in the memo line of
your check or sending a special gift in memory of a loved one.

“No one has ever become poor by giving.” ―Anne Frank
Our Prayer List
           Kim Kreger Bryant                    Chris Magley
                 Adler Biddle            Denise Mays
                Gretna Bohl                   April Meyer
             Laura Bond               Dave & Sue Mickley
               Joy Booth                     Larry Nelson
             Sally Malcom-Bethea              Martha Krejci
        Karen Carpenter                 Shirley & Sheldon Roe
              Church in Haiti                  Jim Fogdall
              John Hyssong, Jr.              Miguel Colon
             Barbara Deming                 Scott Seeman
          Ernest H. Garbade (son)             Debbie Smalley
              Jack Gerber                      Ryan Smith
          Jack & Shirley Hyssong             Joyce Timmons
          Arnie & Nancy Johnson              Alexis Tuminello
            Jim Johnson                          Liz Venturin
           Barbara Keene                  Joanie McMeekin
         Jim & Carol Look                        Tiffany Hunter
             Frances                             Tim Taylor
                            Jerry Gustafson
                  Miranda, Madison, Madeline &Meredith

        Our family serving in the Armed Forces
          Col. Kevin Groth (nephew of Bob Stenerson)
                 Marshall (son of Paul & Mark)
              Robert McGuire (grandson of Arlene Burm)

          Our thoughts and prayers are with you all
It is our privilege to lift up your prayer concerns to the Throne Room of our
God! If you have a prayer concern to add or remove from this list, please
e-mail, call the office or send us a note.
Names will be listed for one month, after which they will be removed unless
we hear from you to keep them active. If you want them to be permanently
on the list, please let the office know.
Welcome to our new members!

We are excited to have had six new members join our
congregation on Sunday, January 3. This was our first
regular service held outdoors and it was wonderful to
see so many there to support these folks.

            Charlene & Scott Grabow
                  Les Groettum
                   Lynn Larson
                 Timothy Taylor
                 Sharon Turner

We also installed our 2021 Church Council on January 3:

      President – Donna Albert
      Vice President – Marlene McComas
      Secretary – Jean Ziemann
      Treasurer – John Torstveit

  George Albert, Bill Beaulieu, Marilyn Housemeyer
    On January 15, a proposal for an outreach project
was presented by Trudy Archer. This basis for the
project is the idea that there are many places that folks
can go to receive food and food stamps are available to
many, but none places supply paper goods,cleaning
supplies or personal items.
    It was proposed that we as a congregation put
together bags of those items (list below) and hand
them out once a month in a reusable tote bag, offering
approximately 50 bags per month. These would be
handed out through the side door of Lau Hall on a first
come, first served basis until they were gone.
     As is done at several of the food banks, no forms or
special requirements would be asked for.
    Trudy brought an example with her, all items being
purchased at Dollar Tree. Total cost for the bag was
$12.75. Of course, items might be purchased at a
lower price, but as an example, this seems a reasonable
Council approved the project, but there is no budget
line item to cover it.
    Donations of items to fit in the bags or money to
purchase these items would be necessary to make this
project work.
    There is another benefit for us to do this. We do a
lot here at St. Peter, but the community doesn’t really
know about it. We are hoping that this will let folks
know that St. Peter is a church full of caring, giving and
loving people.
Items in the tote bag:

            4 pk Toilet Paper            2 pk Soap
            Shampoo                  Paper Towels
            Deodorant               Dish detergent
            Toothpaste                       Comb
             Mask                   Hand Sanitizer

                        Optional –
               Feminine products if requested
                    Laundry detergent

You can either see Trudy or Rhona Diamond about
donating products or money to fund this project or
call the office for more information.


   Is   “Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire?”
                       —Corrie ten Boom
New Beginnings: Stepping Up and Stepping Out

    With new leadership comes uplifting energy, new
ideas, a renewed spirit, and a brand-new sense of
purpose. What a privilege it is to be part of the body of
Christ known as St. Peter Lutheran Church! What a team
of servant leaders God has gathered for our life-giving
    Part of our stewardship focus is that we are all called
to strengthen and enhance our welcome. With new energy
and new ideas, staff and leaders will be taking on new
challenges looking forward to increased visibility for St
Peter in our community. So far, we have seen our
members step up in amazing ways to help this ministry
thrive. We have seen people step up and offer their gifts
and talents to the ministry and THAT is what stewardship
is about.
    The Stewardship team is very excited to begin our
work in helping St Peter see the possibilities that our new
beginnings and new energy present.
     Look for the letter that will come to you soon and
prayerfully consider how you will respond to the invitation
to increase your offering of your TIME, your TALENT and
your TREASURE. May God continue to bless our
offerings as they are used to advance the work of the
Church, as we are drawn to an expansive, open hearted
new beginning!

The Stewardship team
Donna Albert, Jim Fogdall, Marilyn Housemeyer,
Tim Taylor
Prayer Shawl Ministries
                   St. Peter has had a Prayer Shawl
               Ministry led by Joyce Burr for many years.
               We have been so blessed with the way
               Joyce has led this ministry giving out more
than 300 shawls but she has now passed the baton to
Carol Look. If you know someone who has taken ill,
going into a nursing home/ hospital, or in need of
comforting please inform Reverend Sharon, Trudy or
Carol Look.
   Many prayers are said for healing of the recipients as
the ladies knit/crochet these shawls. Getting a shawl can
be so uplifting for the recipient as well.

          Just a Reminder about your address

Please try to make sure you keep us updated for all your
addresses and phone numbers. We feel it is important to
keep your info up to date so that you are connected with
your church family here. We like to let you know what’s
going on!

So, send us a note, leave us a message on the answering
machine (slowly), e-mail us or tell a friend! We’ll take care
of the changes as soon as we get them so you are never left
out of the loop.

Here is our e-mail address:
                 Anne Myrtle Circle will meet
                    Feb. 10, 2021 at 9:30.
                           Moving On
The Lord says, "Do not remember the former things, nor
consider the things of old.
Behold, I will do a new thing, now shall it spring forth; shall
you not know it?"
  Wishing everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR!
There wasn't a Fisherman in January so we will wish it now and
move on to a better 2021.
   The Allen's delivered Peanut Butter and Jelly to Harvest
Time in mid Dec. We collected $449.00 plus shopping cart full
of PB and J.
    Christmas Angel Project donations were very low, but every
bit helps and we thank you. We gave $250 to the Senior
Friendship Center in the form of Walmart Gift Cards. Our
Grocery cart in Narthex is full and will be delivered soon by
Carol Look.
    The “Thank” offering collected at our Women's Service
Sunday January 31st will go to "CALM" (Crisis Aid for Littles
and Moms) in Niceville, FL. Next year we hope to support
ECHO in Ft. Myers.
We thank Pastor Sharon for leading our service and all that
helped ushering, greeting, reading and the beautiful music.
     We appreciate everyone donating towards Poinsettias for
Christmas. The Sanctuary looked beautiful.
     Carol Look indicated we have many Prayer
Shawls. Please contact Carol if there is someone you would
want to have receive one.
     Happy Valentine’s Day!
                                  -Blessings, Diane Allen
Notes on the live streaming

We hope that you have been watching our
weekly worship services and our daily
devotions on YouTube.
If you haven’t seen it, either go to YouTube and
enter “St Peter Lutheran Church Ft. Myers Beach
FL” or go to our website and click on the link.

We are also working on offering to make them
available on the television here in Lau Hall. As
 soon as we have it finalized, we will let you
  know so that you can set up a time to come
  here and watch a series of the services and
2/6   Diane Phillips         2/21 Phil Magley
                                Jana Clevenger
2/7   Monna Weiler
      Bob Baldridge          2/25 Elaine Kurtz

2/8   Bruce Allen            2/26 Lydia Frantz
                                  Tony Frantz
2/13 Charlotte Simonis

2/19 Richard Hagstrom

         2/14        Paul & Beth Johnson
        2/15        Bill & Marcene Arendt
          2/16        Larry & Linda Beck
Lenten Worship Schedule
We will continue with two Sunday Services through Easter –
                    8:30 and 10:30 am
There will be a service beginning on Ash Wednesday, Feb.
        17 at 9:30 am, running through March 31
             Maundy Thursday, April 1, at 9:30
   Good Friday, April 2 is being discussed by the Beach
      Ministerial Association – more info to follow

                 Fasting from criticalness
Most fasting involves temporarily giving up something you
enjoy. When you long for a cookie or a favorite show, you
instead turn your attention to God, reorienting yourself to
his best.
Catherine Marshall, in A Closer Walk, presents a different
approach she calls fasting from “criticalness.” God dealt with
her judgmental spirit by prompting her to spend 24 hours
without criticizing “anyone about anything.” At first,
Marshall felt rather empty when she didn’t engage in a
heated political debate. But friends and family didn’t seem
to miss her comments. Plus, God replaced the energy she’d
spent attempting to correct others with energy and
creativity to positively influence them.
A critical spirit can make us lose perspective, joy and even
relationships. It also can prevent the good work God wants
to achieve through us. Consider what could happen as a
result of your own “criticalness fast.” Pray for God to do the
correcting while you focus on building up others.
                                            —Janna Firestone
“Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.”
                                      —Dale Carnegie

      PRESIDENT........................... Donna Albert (239) 961-3875 (c)
     VICE PRESIDENT................... Marlene McComas 515-570-0031 (c)

      SECRETARY.......................... Jean Ziemann (708) 269-5151 (c)
      TREASURER ......................... John Torstveit (608) 774-7805 (c)

George Albert (239) 961-3875         Bill Beaulieu………….(239) 560-5525
                    Marilyn Housemeyer(239) 322-2754

Please note that the office is currently being staffed on Monday,
Wednesday and Friday, from 8am – noon. If you leave a message,
we will get back to you the next work day.

Christ distributes courage through community; he dissipates
doubts through fellowship. He never deposits all knowledge
in one person but distributes pieces of the jigsaw puzzle to
many. When you interlock your understanding with mine,
and we share our discoveries, when we mix, mingle, confess
and pray, Christ speaks.
                                                 —Max Lucado, Fearless
The history of Valentine’s Day–and the story of its
patron saint–is shrouded in mystery. We do know that
February has long been celebrated as a month of romance,
and that St. Valentine’s Day, as we know it today, contains
vestiges of both Christian and ancient Roman tradition. But
who was Saint Valentine, and how did he become
associated with this ancient rite?
     The Catholic Church recognizes at least three different
saints named Valentine or Valentinus, all of whom were
martyred. One legend contends that Valentine was a priest
who served during the third century in Rome. When
Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better
soldiers than those with wives and families, he outlawed
marriage for young men. Valentine, realizing the injustice of
the decree, defied Claudius and continued to perform
marriages for young lovers in secret. When Valentine’s
actions were discovered, Claudius ordered that he be put to
death. Still others insist that it was Saint Valentine of Terni,
a bishop, who was the true namesake of the holiday. He,
too, was beheaded by Claudius II outside Rome.
Other stories suggest that Valentine may have been killed
for attempting to help Christians escape harsh Roman
prisons, where they were often beaten and tortured.
     According to one legend, an imprisoned Valentine
actually sent the first “valentine” greeting himself after he
fell in love with a young girl–possibly his jailor’s daughter–
who visited him during his confinement. Before his death, it
is alleged that he wrote her a letter signed “From your
Valentine,” an expression that is still in use today.
A Little Valentine Humor

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Pastor Sharon shares the Word with us!
You can also read