February 5 & 6, 2022 - St. Agnes Catholic Church

February 5 & 6, 2022 - St. Agnes Catholic Church
Serving the Haight for 128 years

                                 1025 Masonic Avenue | San Francisco | CA | 94117-2010 | www.SaintAgnesSF.org | 415.487.8560

                                                February 5 & 6, 2022

Dear Parishioners,

Thanks again to all who participated in our Parish Town               on the Black History Month tab. It will take you to a
Hall meeting on January 27th. I hope to do these once a               meditation on the contributions of many holy men and
month. Over 50 parishioners joined us for the zoom                    women whose lives bore witness to God’s love and mercy
meeting. It was so good to see everyone together – and                and to the overcoming of the oppression caused by
we are hopeful as we move into this month that we’ll be               racism.
able to see more of one another in person soon. Let’s
continue to pray for an end to this wretched pandemic!                The slide show takes about 10 minutes. Once you click
                                                                      the arrow, be patient, the first slide is about 20 seconds.
The Gospel passage for this weekend isn’t just a fish
story! Jesus invites his first disciples AND US to “go out            Let’s pray together, along with all of these holy men and
into the deep water” – to go deep and to take the risk to             women who have gone before us, that we as individuals
trust him and one another. To go deep and trust that the              and as the community of St. Agnes can truly be
Spirit is going to lead us into a future that God wants for           empowered by the Spirit to be a beacon of love and
us. Our faith and the experience of countless Christians              healing in our world.
before us tells us that when we truly are able to trust
God, we are freed from unnecessary fears.                             Here is a very thoughtful article from America magazine
                                                                      that is timely for our reflections during Black History
One example of concrete fear in our society is racism.                Month:
Racism is built on fear and ignorance. It is responsible              https://www.americamagazine.org/faith/2022/02/01/interr
for so much suffering, especially for people of color in              acial-marriage-black-catholic-242311
our history. Perhaps one way the Spirit invites us as a
parish is to go deeper – to seek ways for personal and
communal healing from the effects of racism in our lives.

I encourage you to visit the St. Agnes website and click

Mission Statement                                                      Liturgy Schedule
We the people of Saint Agnes are:                                      Sundays:
an inclusive, urban community, rich in diversity of age, ethnicity,    8:30am | 10:30am | 1:30pm (Español) |
gender, orientation, culture, talent, & treasure; a faith community
enlivened and empowered through Baptism to celebrate and               5:00pm Holy Hour, 6:00pm Mass
proclaim the presence of Christ among us.
                                                                       Saturdays: 4:00pm
We commit ourselves to grow spiritually as disciples of Christ;
to become people for others; build community though
hospitality, ecumenism, and social & cultural events; understand       Weekdays: 12:00pm – Monday - Thursday
cultural differences and accept them as sources of enrichment;                           Fridays @ Noon, Lay-led
give loving service & outreach to those in need; promote social
justice issues in our neighborhood and in the larger community                           Communion Service
of city, nation, and world.

We pledge to be lights in the darkness through the love that we
                                                                       Live-stream Schedule
share in the name of Christ and through the power and guidance         https://www.saintagnessf.org/st-agnes-
of the Holy Spirit.                                                    livestream.html
                                                                       Sundays: 10:30am | 1:30pm (Español)
February 5 & 6, 2022 - St. Agnes Catholic Church
Parish Information

          Parish Staff & Ministries                                    February 5 & 6 | 5th Sunday in Ord. Time
                                                                                   For your prayerful consideration,
Pastor                               Fr. George Williams, S.J.                          readings for next week:
Associate Pastor                     Fr. Alejandro Báez, S.J.                              Jeremiah 17:5-8 •
Priest in Residence                  Fr. Joe Spieler S.J.,                    1 Corinthians 15:12, 16-20 • Luke 6:17, 20-26
                                     Brent Otto S.J.
Director of Liturgy & Music          Frank Uranich                    Date                  Intention                   Presider
Director of Operations & Finance     Maureen Beckman                     Feb. 5
Co-Directors, Spiritual Ministries   Srs. Julia Prinz, Ellen Hess,      4:00 PM         Sr. Betty Marie Kunkle (L)     Fr. George Williams
                                     Sara Postlethwaite, VDMF            Feb. 6
Coordinator of Children’s                                               8:30 AM          Patricia Kelly McHale (D)        Fr. Joe Spieler
         Faith Formation             Sr. Teresa Malave, VDMF           10:30 AM          Fr. John Endres, S.J. (D)     Fr. George Williams
                                                                        1:30 PM          Parishioners of St. Agnes        Fr. Joe Spieler
Office Manager                       Franca Gargiulo
                                                                        6:00 PM              Rita Sabatelli (D)        Fr. George Williams
Bookkeeper/Accountant                Dorenda Haynes
                                                                         Feb. 7
Sexton                               Mario Hernandez                   12:00 PM            Robert Pacheco (D)          Fr. Alejandro Báez
Cantor                               Scott Grinthal
                                                                         Feb. 8
Sacristans                           Frank Mitchell, Stacey Shaffer    12:00 PM             Joan Beckman (D)          Fr. Patric Razafimahafaly
                                     Terry Bradshaw
                                                                         Feb. 9
Art & Environment                    Tuty Lockhart                     12:00 PM            Carol Patchman (D)          Fr. George Williams
Finance Committee Chair              Chris Roman
                                                                        Feb. 10
Outreach to Homebound/Sick           TBA                               12:00 PM            Genaro Tongson (D)            Fr. Joe Spieler
St. Agnes & St. Ignatius
                                                                        Feb. 11
 Comm. Food Pantry Director          Kathleen Devine                   12:00 PM            Communion Service            Various Presiders
Wedding Coordinator                  TBA
                                                                        Feb. 12
Marriage Prep Classes                Regina Lathrop & Bob Boguski       4:00 PM              Lynn Noonan (D)           Fr. Alejandro Báez
Parish Council Chair                 Karen Xavier
                                                                        Feb. 13
Director R.C.I.A.                    Cathy Collins                      8:30 AM             Lynn Noonan (D)            Fr. Alejandro Báez
LGBTQ Ministry                       Andrea Wise                       10:30 AM         Loyola Guild Members (L)       Fr. Alejandro Báez
Hospitality Coordinator              Karen Kelly                        1:30 PM             Aileen Scully (D)         Fr. E. Martinez- Callejas
                                                                        6:00 PM         Parishioners of St. Agnes      Fr. Alejandro Báez
                                                                                         D = Deceased; L = Living
Reconciliation Schedule
Saturdays, 3pm – 4pm or by appointment, please call
the Parish Office.

                                                                      New Parishioners
Parish Office Hours                                                   Welcome to our parish community! If you would like to
Monday – Friday: 9am – 4:30pm                                         become a part of St. Agnes Parish, please fill out a registration
Fr. George’s Office Hours by appointment, please email at             form online at our web site, www.SaintAgnesSF.org. You may
George@SaintAgnesSF.org or call.                                      also fill out an orange registration form located at the entrances
Fr. Alejandro’s Office Hours by appointment, please email at          of the church. All are welcome here!
Alejandro@SaintAgnesSF.org or call.
Office Phone: 415-487-8560

                                                                      Please contact the Parish Office - Franca@SaintAgnesSF.org
                                                                      for information about the following: Anointing of the Sick *
                                                                      Baptism * Children’s Faith Formation & Liturgy of the Word *
                                                                      Communion for the Homebound * Marriage * Rite of Christian
             St. Agnes Stewardship                                    Initiation for Adults.

               Collection Last week: $2,637                           Archdiocesan Victim’s Assistance
                       Last Year: $15,140.47
                                                                      If you or someone you know has been a victim of sexual
       4:00pm:$686; 8:30am:$260; 10:30am:$911;                        abuse; or you suspect sexual abuse, please call (415) 614-5506
    1:30pm:$133; 6:00pm:$112; Other Donations:$535                    for help.
       Please consider a donation through our website at
February 5 & 6, 2022 - St. Agnes Catholic Church
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                                                              Life Center
                                                                             1611 Oak Street

                                                                         Upcoming Events
                                                            The ISLC together with the University of San Francisco
                                                            is involved in two major projects this winter and during
                                                            the coming spring. One is oriented towards memory of
                                                            the spiritual and religious imagination these times have
                                                            brought forward. The other is oriented towards the
                                                            future of the Church that cannot be thought of apart
                                                            from a memory that challenges the status quo of how
                                                            things seem to always have to be.
                                                            It is time during this COVID to see how we discovered
                                                            resilience and how we began to bring the vision of
                                                            Pope Francis with his dream for a different Church and
                                                            a healing of the world.

                                                            Please, click further down for the link to the first part
                                                            of the research and in what way COVID has challenged
                                                                                  and perhaps changed our own
           Pope Francis’                                                          religious and spiritual imagination.
                                                                                  As we receive more responses on
      February Prayer Intention                                                   this survey, we will be aware of
    Religious Sisters and Consecrated Women
                                                            what is evolving into other ways of belonging and of
 We pray for religious sisters and consecrated women;
thanking them for their mission and their courage; may      imagination of the Christian Mystery as more, we will
 they continue to find new responses to the challenges      be able to respond to it. Please, click HERE to take the
                      of our times.                         survey. If you are available for an interview, please
                                                            email ISLC@saintagnessf.org.
            Restorative Justice
                                                            Every third Thursday of the month via Zoom there will
            Monthly Breakfast                               be a continuation of the
         February 12 @ 8 - 9:30 am,                         discussion regarding the
              in the church                                 synodal process Pope
You are invited to the monthly Excell restorative justice   Francis is inviting us to!
breakfast on Saturday, February 12 to                       Please, look at the ISLC
help support scholarships, meet                             website and the bulletin to
students and build community. The                           receive more information
cost is $20 to attend, please reserve                       about how and where this
your tickets at
                                                            synodal process is going to
                                                            take place at Saint Agnes and especially at ISLC in
     Free At-Home Covid 19 Tests                            collaboration with the other two Jesuit works - the SI
The government is offering up to 4 free home Covid          Highschool and the University of San Francisco. Click
19 test. To get the tests, sign up here:                    HERE for the Zoom link for the 3rd Thurs. Meetings.
Link: https://special.usps.com/testkits
February 5 & 6, 2022 - St. Agnes Catholic Church
Training for Lay Reflection Team                                              Verbum Dei Sisters
                    February 12                               Institute for Catholic Spirituality and
Are you called to join the lay reflection team? Come                     Spiritual Direction
explore your call to this ministry. Join us for three   The Institute presents a 3-year training program in
training sessions with Cathy Murray, OP. Please         Spirituality and Spiritual Direction (Bilingual)
contact Rosemary Robinson                               directed by the Verbum Dei Sisters with the
(rosemaryellisrobinson@gmail.com) if you are            assistance of faculty from the Jesuit School of
interested. All are welcome. We will meet in the        Theology of Santa Clara University (Berkeley). This
ISLC (Covid Permitting).                                program is designed for those who desire to deepen
                                                        their relationship with God and are interested in the
            Fr. John Endres, S.J.                       ministry of Spiritual Direction. Those seeking
                                                        spiritual growth for themselves or as an aid in their
 Funeral Information- Feb. 19 at 10:00am                ministry are welcome to participate in the 1st year.
                                                        Those interested in training and formation as
                                                        spiritual directors will participate 2nd and 3rd years.
                                                        Admission to the 2nd year requires a process of
                                                        discernment, successful completion of the 1st year
Mass of Christian Burial will be held on Saturday,      and approval of the core team. Classes will be held
Feb. 19 at 10:00am, St. Mary Magdalen Church,           at Seeds of Life Spirituality Center at 31448 HWY
2005 Berryman St., Berkeley, CA 94709. There will       33, Tracy, CA 95304. The cost is $1500. For more
be a simple reception to follow on the terrace at       information please contact: Sr. Ellen Hess or Sr.
Chardin House (Jesuit Community) 2621 Ridge Rd,         Pilar Fandos at info.icssd@gmai.com or visit them
Berkeley, CA 94709.                                     at www.ICSSD.org
            Fr. Russ Roide, S.J.                                                          Spiritual
        Memorial Mass – February 20
        At 10:30am, St. Agnes Church                                                     Life Center
                                                                                1611 Oak Street
                                                        The Spiritual Life Center (1611 Oak Street) provides programs
                                                        and services to the parish and larger faith community through
                                                        educational programs, opportunities for prayer, and community
Please join us on Sunday, February 20 at 10:30am        events. Visit www.IgnatianSpiritualLifeCenter.org.

for a Memorial Mass for our first Jesuit pastor of
St. Agnes, Fr. Russ Roide, S.J. We will host                                  Continuing Events:
hospitality afterwards in the ISLC.
                                                                Centering Prayer - Mondays @ 7pm
            St. Agnes Book Club                          Mondays, 7pm. Contact Mary English at:
  At the Ignatian Spiritual Life Center                  thecentering@comcast.net .
Friday, February 25th at 7:00 PM                                                   Silence of the Heart
The Book Club will meet to discuss
THE LINCOLN HIGHWAY                                            Tuesdays @ 9am (Silent prayer & sharing)
by Amor Towles                                          Music, poetry, scripture, and spiritual reading, followed
All must be vaccinated to attend.                       by sharing and prayers for our community. Please
                                                        contact: Leonor Barnett: SilenceTuesday@gmail.com.
Friday, March 25th at 7:00 PM
The Book Club will meet to discuss                                  Thursday Morning Faith-Sharing
OLIVE AGAIN by Elizabeth Strout                                               @ 9:30am – 10:30am, Via Zoom
All must be vaccinated to attend.                       Gathers for word, silence, and sharing of our lives and
                                                        faith journeys. We give all the opportunity to share
Please contact Sr. Laetitia at Laetitiabordes@att.net   without interruption, advice, or cross talk. These
with any questions.
                                                        reflections are held in confidence. Please contact: Patti
                                                        May for information: californiamandolin@gmail.com.
Apostles Creed
I believe in God, the Father almighty,
Creator of heaven and earth;
And in Jesus Christ, his only Son, Our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried.
He descended into hell;
on the third day he rose again from the dead;
and ascended into heaven,
and is seated at the right hand of God,
the Father almighty;
from there he will come to judge the
living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy catholic Church;
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and life everlasting.

         Stewardship Prayer
Lord and source of all gifts, I rejoice in the
fullness of your generosity. I thank you for those
whose lives are visible signs of your love and
blessing to others. Give me the courage to do the
same. Make me a good steward of all I have
received, generously sharing my time, abilities,
and material resources to build up your kingdom
of love and justice. We ask this through Jesus
Christ, in whom we begin and end all things.

         Prayer of St. Francis
                   (Prayer for Peace)
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace;
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much
seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love; for it is in giving that we
receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.
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